Volume 53, Page 363 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 363 Edward Swan Constable and Crowner hew Thomas Peeter Liber B Lipkis Mr William Marshall Mr John Cage John Wal tom Richard Morris Edward Philpot Alexander Smith Nicolaus Gros francis wine francis ferenla and Samuell Dobson Thees Presants Witneseth That whearas William Hatton and [p. 125] Thomas Dent boath of the Prouince of Mariland did ioyntly Pur chas and buy of Mr Nicholaus Guither of the sayd Prouince a parcell of land situate and liing in Auon Als Nangemy Riuer in the aforsaid Prouince Containing nine hundered Acres as by Patten assigned and acknowledged in Court may appear now know yea to whom thees Presants may com that wee william hatton and Thomas Dent hauing ioyntly Requested owr good frinds Mr Zachery Waed Mr Joseph Harrisson Mr Rendall Handson and Mr William Allen to use the best of thear Judgments and knowledg in making a diuident of the sayd Parcell of land into too deuisions haue determined and agreed each of us for owr selues and owr heirs Executors Administrators or As signes to accept of that deuision which by allottment after deuision maed shall fall owr shaer and whearas owr sayd frind haue parted the sayd land according to the best of thear iudgments and sckill as followeth (Viz) from a marked Locus near a branch Commonly Called Queensfield Branch lung upon a Creeke Commonly Called Burdits Creeke by a line drawn from the sayd Locus runing north west westerly as per marked trees will more playnly appear haue Concluded Consulted and determined the sayd line to deuid thear parts or portions of thear sayd Land Now know yea that the sayd deuision beeing maed is by us the sayd William and Thomas ap proued and allowed of each for himself his heirs &c twas by lot then Cast betwixt us determined the sayd william hatton shoold enioy & Poses for his diuident all that Parcell of land lung between the for sayd line and the furthermost bound trees of the sayd Land and the sayd Thomas Dent to enioy and poses for his diuident of the sd land [p. 126] all that Parcell of land lung between the sayd line and the first bounded trees of the sayd land the first bounded tree standing on the side of a branch or Creeke Called St Josephs Creeke which sayd diuidents wee doe hearby ioyntly and seuerally promise Couenant and grant that each one of us for owr selues owr heirs Executors Ad ministrators or Assignes shall and may from hence forward enioy quiatly Poses and Occupy foreuer without any molestation troble or Claime each from other their heirs Executors Administrators or assignes upon any Pretence whatsoeuer to the truth and performance of the forementioned Premisses wee bind owr selues owr heirs Execu tors Administrators or Assignes firmly by thees Presants to allow Ratifie and Confirme as witnes owr hands and seales in the Presence |
Volume 53, Page 363 View pdf image (33K) |
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