340 Journal and Correspondence.
January 8
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 375
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Trueman Greenfield
Twenty seven pounds, five shillings and two pence specie agreeable
to the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State per Account
passed. —
January 8
Liber No. 78
p. 407
[W Paca in Council to Honble Intendant.]
There are five or six Recruits just arrived in Town, in great Want
of Cloathing. The Council request you will furnish each of them a
Suit, out of the Cloathing lately purchased of Mess™ Forrest and Key.
January 9
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 375
Thursday 9th January 1783.
Present His Excellency the Governor.
Benjamin Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall, Jeremiah T. Chase, and James
Brice Esquires. —
January 9
Liber No. 78
p. 407
[W Paca in Council to Mathew Ridley Esqr]
We have been honored with yours of the 14th of October last,
enclosing sundry Papers relative to the Contracts you had entered
into on Behalf of this State. The Letter you refer to, of the 31st
July, we have not yet received, and consequently, we are still in Want
of some material Information respecting your Negotiations. How-
ever, such Papers as we were possessed of, we laid before the General
Assembly, immediately upon the Receipt of your last; and we have
now the Honor to enclose you their Resolutions on the Subject, which
being full and explicit, it is unnecessary for us to subjoin any Obser-
[Wm Paca in Council to John Bullen Esqr]
A Number of Soldiers arrived last Night from the Southward,
and were billeted for that Night only, by Mr Quynn. It will be neces-
sary for you to provide Quarters for them to Day : the Party is com-
manded by Majr Roxburgh.
January 10
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 376
Friday io January 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benjamin Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall & James Brice Esquire. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Bullen
Esquire Twenty pounds to procure forage for 15 Continental Horses
belonging to the Party under the Command of Major Roxburgh on
Account of the United States. —
Commission issued to John Scott, William Bordley, Robert Max-
well, James Claypoole, William Henry, Jonathan Worth, Morgan
Hunt, Samuel Davis, William Stevenson, Richard Graves, Thomas