1791/02/26 1: John Cartwright Aschom vs. John Cartwright. SM. Estate of Charles Aschom. Accession No.: 17,898-1 MSA S512-1- 1 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/05/11 2: James Anderson, Jr. vs. Richard Tucker. PG. Mortage foreclosure on slave Sarah and children. Accession No.: 17,898-2-1/3 MSA S512-1- 2 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/09/10 3: Jacob Appler vs. George Winter. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Abrahams and Jacobs lot. Accession No.: 17,898-3 MSA S512-1- 3 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/05/15 4: Thomas Armstrong vs. Conrad Miller. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-4 MSA S512-1- 4 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/09/06 5: Robert Amoss vs. Archibald Robinson, Abraham Garrett, and Ralph Bond. HA. Trust estate of Robinson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 406. Accession No.: 17,898-5-1/9 MSA S512-1- 5 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/03/25 6: Thomas Archer vs. Isabell Hall, William W. Hall, Sophia Hall, John T. Hall, Benedict E. Hall, and Elizabeth Hall. HA. Contract to purchase Retreat. Accession No.: 17,898-6 MSA S512-1- 6 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/08/10 7: Andrew Aldridge and Mr. Crow vs. William Myers and Matilda Myers. BA. Estate of Charles Myers - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Papers) 75, p. 94. Accession No.: 17,898-7-1/2 MSA S512-1- 7 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/09/14 8: Benjamin Amoss vs. Jesse Jarrett. HA. Petition to record deed for Abrahams Pleasure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 319. Accession No.: 17,898-8 MSA S512-1- 8 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/08/29 9: Bennett Allen vs. Thomas Patten and David Steuart. BA. Estate of George Patten - Fells Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 695. Accession No.: 17,898-9 MSA S512-1- 9 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/04/05 10: William Akers and Thomas Helshy vs. Nathan Newton. TA. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-10 MSA S512-1- 10 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/09/17 11: Rev. John Armstrong and Ann Armstrong vs. William Livesay. BA. Estate of William Livesay - Deep Point, lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-11 MSA S512-1- 11 Location: 1/35/5/
1775/04/13 12: Attorney General and Josias Bowen vs. Nicholas Norwood and Edward Norwood. AA. Title to Jonas Outlet, Norwoods Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 14, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-12 MSA S512-1- 12 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/12/24 13: John Armstrong, George Bange, James Blair, and Solomon G. Albers vs. Catherine Dewitt, William A. Dewitt, John A. Dewitt, Thomas Bodley, and John Merryman. BA. Estate of Thomas Dewitt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 273. Accession No.: 17,898-13-1/3 MSA S512-1- 13 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/03/06 14: Robert Anderson, John Ainger, Hugh Lennox, and Thomas Ewing vs. John Rasin. KE. Estate of John Rasin - New Scotland, Batchelors Lot, Partnership, Adams Hope, Grange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 371. Accession No.: 17,898-14-1/3 MSA S512-1- 14 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/01/28 15: William Atwell vs. Daniel Atwell. AA. Petition to sell Cumberston Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 300. Accession No.: 17,898-15 MSA S512-1- 15 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/06/21 16: Henry Alexander vs. Frisby Lloyd. CE. Estate of Frisby Lloyd - Frisbys Meadow, McCarys Field, The Rounds, Addition the Rounds. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-16 MSA S512-1- 16 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/12/09 17: James Arthur and Daniel Perkins vs. Attorney General. KE. Estate of William Biggs - Stratford Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 316. Accession No.: 17,898-17 MSA S512-1- 17 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/09/08 18: William Alexander vs. Lawson Alexander, Henry Alexander, and Araminta Betts. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Chases Gift, Cattos Range. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-18-1/4 MSA S512-1- 18 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/07/22 19: Mays Abraham and Hevege Abraham vs. Philip Rogers. BA. Estate of Joseph Calman. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 360. Accession No.: 17,898-19 MSA S512-1- 19 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/11/26 20: Joshua Amos vs. Benjamin Amos. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-20-1/4 MSA S512-1- 20 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/11/23 21: John C. Ashcomb and Joseph Parsons vs. William Combs and Wilfred Manning. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-21 MSA S512-1- 21 Location: 1/35/5/
1784/12/10 22: John Addeson and Overton Carr vs. William Hurley, William Masters, William Jenkins, Leonard Soper, and John Evans. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Gisborough Manor, Brothers Joint Interest, Berwick Upon Tweed, None Such, North Britain.
Accession No.: 17,898-22 MSA S512-1- 22 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/04/01 23: Polly Ackworth and Shady Fitchett vs. Robert Dennis, Thomas Fitchett, and Salathiel Fitchett. DO, SO. Estate of Daniel Fitchett. Accession No.: 17,898-23 MSA S512-1- 23 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/12/03 24: Henry Anderson vs. John Perrie, Susannah Greenfield, Dorothy Wailes, William Estep, Mary Estep, and Charles L. Nevitt. SM. Petition to sell slave Hero and child. Accession No.: 17,898-24 MSA S512-1- 24 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/04/20 25: Rachel Ayers vs. Henry Ayers. WO. Estate of Henry Ayers. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-25 MSA S512-1- 25 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/11/15 26: William Anderson vs. James Bailey, Charlotte Bailey, Charles Bailey, Rachel Hoxworth, Letitia Smith, and Thomas Smith. KE. Estate of Charles Bailey - Deer Park, Canada. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-26-1/2 MSA S512-1- 26 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/05 27: Joseph Allender vs. Nathaniel Thompson and Union Insurance Co. of Maryland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-27-1/2 MSA S512-1- 27 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/06/19 28: James Armstrong vs. William Turner, George Turner, Eleanor Turner, and Martha Turner. KE. Estate of William Turner - London Bridge in Bridgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 442. Accession No.: 17,898-28-1/3 MSA S512-1- 28 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/05 29: Robert Aitken, Edward H. Stall, Martha Stall, George Monk, Ann Monk, Maria Aitken, Eliza Aitken, James Aitken, and Rebecca Aitken vs. Daniel Bruce. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 384. Accession No.: 17,898-29-1/2 MSA S512-1- 29 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/10/31 30: Lewis Atterbury vs. James Mattison. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 54. Accession No.: 17,898-30 MSA S512-1- 30 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/08/25 31: Solomon Allen, Jr. vs. Solomon Allen, James Horton, and Lewis Pascault. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sapling Ridge, New Landing, Watsons Trust, Livewell, Canaan, Caroline Forrest, Mount Pleasant, Eagles Nest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 577. Accession No.: 17,898-31-1/2 MSA S512-1- 31 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/12/08 32: Thomas Allnutt vs. Francis Simmons, Elizabeth Simmons, and John Wright Simmons. CV. Estate of John W. Simmons. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 181.
Accession No.: 17,898-32-1/2 MSA S512-1- 32 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/04/26 33: Thomas Ayers and John Ayers vs. Samuel Moale. HA. Contract to purchase James Forrest, Addition to James Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 761.
Accession No.: 17,898-33 MSA S512-1- 33 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/07/30 34: John Addison, Anthony Addison, and Overton Carr vs. Raphael Boarman. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-34 MSA S512-1- 34 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/12/20 35: Rachel Ayers vs. Sarah Gouldsmith, Thomas Kell, Mary Kell, Joshua R. Foard, Kitty Foard, Thomas Gouldsmith, Elizabeth Gouldsmith, and Sarah Gouldsmith. QA. Estate of William C. Gouldsmith. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 107. Accession No.: 17,898-35 MSA S512-1- 35 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/06/18 37: James Amoss vs. James White Hall. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Aquillas Beginning, Aquillas Inheritance, New Westwood, Willburnes Adventure.
Accession No.: 17,898-37 MSA S512-1- 36 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/12/03 38: Thomas G. Addison vs. Walter Dulany. AA, KE, PG. Estate of Mary Dulany.
Accession No.: 17,898-38 MSA S512-1- 37 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/12/06 39: Samuel Adams vs. Levin Pullet. SO. Injunction against execution of judgement on Colemans Adventure, Beckles, Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-39 MSA S512-1- 38 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/08/08 40: Colin Auld vs. Richard Henderson, Thomas Henderson, Anna Henderson, Janet Lingan, Anna B. Fitzhugh, Janet Anana Fitzhugh, Richard Henderson, Sarah Henderson, Janet Henderson, and John Murdock. PG. Estate of Archibald Henderson - Addition to Little Dean, Silent Grove, Cranfords Adventure, Meadows, Taylors Burgh, Gore, Whim, Hendersons Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 616.
Accession No.: 17,898-40 MSA S512-1- 39 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/09/22 42: Hermonius Alricks and Jane Alricks vs. Thomas Yates, Gabriel Wood, Edward Harris, John Stewart, and Robert Barry. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Halls Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 265.
Accession No.: 17,898-42-1/2 MSA S512-1- 40 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/10/17 43: Thomas M. Allnutt vs. Elizabeth Summers and Walter W. Summers. MO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 214, and 100, p. 155.
Accession No.: 17,898-43 MSA S512-1- 41 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/02/03 44: John Andreas vs. William Patridge, Thomas Pierpoint, Margaret Pierpoint, William Patridge, Ann Patridge, Rachel Wells, Charles Wells, Mary Wells, and Nicholas Wells. BA. Estate of John Wells. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 132.
Accession No.: 17,898-44-1/2 MSA S512-1- 42 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/03/21 45: William Albert vs. Joseph Albert, Sarah Albert, Hannah Albert, and Elizabeth Albert. HA. Petition to record deed for Batchelors Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 235.
Accession No.: 17,898-45 MSA S512-1- 43 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/03/24 47: Alexander Adams. MO. Petition to record deed for Hard To Come To. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 54.
Accession No.: 17,898-47 MSA S512-1- 44 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/03/03 49: Samuel Armiger, Benjamin Armiger, and Thomas Armiger vs. William Armiger, Richard Armiger, Sarah Ann Armiger, Susanna Armiger, John Francis Armiger, Rachel Armiger, James Carr, and Mary Ann Carr. AA. Estate of John Armiger - Addition to St. Jerome. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 383.
Accession No.: 17,898-49 MSA S512-1- 45 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/09/18 50: John Armstrong and Ann Armstrong vs. Heny Fahanestock. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Green Spring Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-50-1/2 MSA S512-1- 46 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/08/21 51: Anthony Addison and Dr. William Baker vs. William Bayly and Walter Mackall. MO, PG, WA. Defraud of creditors of Bayly - Bradfords Rest, Bachelors Forrest in MO. Also Terra Firma, Sugar Botton, Perices Will in WA. Also Scotland, Barbadoes, Weavers Prospect, Discovery, Blue Plains, Addisons Good Will in PG.
Accession No.: 17,898-51 MSA S512-1- 47 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/06/14 52: George Adams, Stephen Adams, Andrew Adams, Charles Nutter, Louisa Nutter, Thomas Hambleton, John Dashiell, Mary Dashiell, William Chaille, Nancy Dashiell, Richard Handy, Sarah Handy, Elizabeth Handy, Amelia Handy, Ebenezer Handy, John Whittington Adams, John Simmons, Christian Simmons, William Jones, and John Jones. AA, SO. Estate of William Adams - Wallis Chance, Windsors Trouble, Cramburn, Ichabod, Denby, Lanes Possession, lot in Princess Anne in SO. Also lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 246.
Accession No.: 17,898-52-1/8 MSA S512-1- 48 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/10/01 53: Hermanis Alricks vs. Jonathan Browning, John L. Browning, and William Shanks. MO. Defraud of creditors of Jonathan Browning - lot in Clarksburg. Accession No.: 17,898-53 MSA S512-1- 49 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/11/04 54: Sally Armstrong vs. John Armstrong. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-54 MSA S512-1- 50 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/08/27 55: John Ayers vs. William Robinson, Anna Robinson, Deborah Jones, Joseph Coulson, Elizabeth Coulson, and George Coulson. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-55 MSA S512-1- 51 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/04 56: Joseph Artice vs. Shadrick Newton, Eleanor Newton, Joseph Newton, and Anastasia Newton. SM. Estate of Ralph Wheatly - Backland Plains, Bobs Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-56 MSA S512-1- 52 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/02/11 57: John B. Aveilhe and Justin Louseer vs. Anna Maria Chew. HA. Contract to purchase Balmors Island. Accession No.: 17,898-57 MSA S512-1- 53 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/02/13 58: Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Council of Annapolis vs. John Shaw. AA. Title to ballroom in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-58 MSA S512-1- 54 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/07/28 59: Elizabeth Alter, Henry Heffley, Susanna Heffley, William Miller, Christian Miller, George Shaum, Sarah Shaum, and Eva Alter. WA. Petition to sell lot in Hagerstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-59 MSA S512-1- 55 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/02 60: John Addison, Sr. CH. Insolvent estate of Addison. Accession No.: 17,898-60 MSA S512-1- 56 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/12/28 61: George Adams. FR. Insolvent estate of Adams. Accession No.: 17,898-61 MSA S512-1- 57 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/12 62: Levi Brown and Nancy Brown. DO. Petition to sell lots in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 467. Accession No.: 17,898-62 MSA S512-1- 58 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/01/05 63: Ann Abbott. TA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 612. Accession No.: 17,898-63 MSA S512-1- 59 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/02/06 64: Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of Annapolis vs. Gabriel DuVall and William Dent Beall. AA. Estate of Alexander Trumain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-64 MSA S512-1- 60 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/22 65: George Aston vs. John Field, John Field, Jr., Samuel Davis, and William Payntell. CE, KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 322. Accession No.: 17,898-65-1/3 MSA S512-1- 61 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/09/07 66: William Ady vs. William Cooley. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Friends Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 415. Accession No.: 17,898-66-1/2 MSA S512-1- 62 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/05/24 67: Richard Austin, Benjamin Benny, and Elizabeth Benny vs. Richard Martindale, William Corkrell, Mary Corkrell, Elizabeth Martindale, John Martindale, and Thomas Martindale. TA. Estate of Price Martindale. Accession No.: 17,898-67 MSA S512-1- 63 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/07/25 68: Thomas G. Addison vs. Gassaway Rawlings. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-68 MSA S512-1- 64 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/12/23 70: Abraham Andrew vs. Thomas Wedderstrand. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Reocord) 82, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-70 MSA S512-1- 65 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/04/05 71: John Ashton vs. Aquilla Brown, George Grundy, James Thornburgh, and Joseph Thornburgh. BA. Insolvent estate of Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-71 MSA S512-1- 66 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/12/08 72: James Anderson. SO. Appointment of trustee for Ralph Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-72-1/2 MSA S512-1- 67 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/07/30 73: John H. Adams and Leah Adams vs. John Wilkins and Isaac Ewing. SO. Estate of James Ewing - Turkey Ridge, Haywards Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 449. Accession No.: 17,898-73-1/2 MSA S512-1- 68 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/12/26 74: Frederick Armington vs. William Irons. KE. Petition to record deed for London Bridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 517. Accession No.: 17,898-74 MSA S512-1- 69 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/07/19 75: William Anderson and Benjamin Anderson vs. Elizabeth Barritt, John Barritt, James Huggins, Sarah Huggins, and Thomas Ayers. HA. Petition to purchase Double Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-75 MSA S512-1- 70 Location: 1/35/5/
1786/01/26 76: William Allender vs. William McCubbin. BA. Petition to discover account of Henry James. Accession No.: 17,898-76-1/5 MSA S512-1- 71 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/01/17 77: Andew Anderson vs. Isaac Brelsford and Levi Terry. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Second Discovery, Howards Resolution. Accession No.: 17,898-77 MSA S512-1- 72 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/08/16 78: Anne Adams vs. William Elgit Hitch. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Come by Change, High Suffolk. Accession No.: 17,898-78 MSA S512-1- 73 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/09/24 80: Thomas Atkinson, John Meredith, B. Wheeler, and Isaac Atkinson vs. Hannah Atkinson. TA. Estate of William Atkinson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 459. Accession No.: 17,898-80-1/4 MSA S512-1- 74 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/04/01 81: Benjamin Amoss vs. Daniel Amoss, Robert Amoss, and Barnett Johnson. HA. Title to Brantons Ridge, Poverty Enlarged, Amoss Case, Amoss Lot, Amoss Pursuit, Saplin Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-81-1/3 MSA S512-1- 75 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/07/23 82: Mark Alexander, William King, Robert Long, and Mark Cox vs. Attorney General. BA. Title to Carrolls Scrutiny. Plat; also shows James Park, Addition to James Park, Danby Hills, Tower Hill, Durbins Venture, Fullers Outlet, Swallow Bill, Range and Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-82-1/3 MSA S512-1- 76 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/02/26 83: William Alexander, Tobias Rudolph, Samuel Briscoe, and James Sewell vs. Joseph Tatnall, Kensey Johns, and William Cooch. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-83 MSA S512-1- 77 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/08 84: James C. Armstrong and Henry Armstrong vs. William Armstrong. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 303. Accession No.: 17,898-84 MSA S512-1- 78 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/04/09 85: Attorney General vs. Thomas Yates, Stephen Stewart, and Charles Myers. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-85-1/2 MSA S512-1- 79 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/04/08 85B: Attorney General vs. Robert Ferguson. CH. Title to Moores Branch, Hawkins Addition, Come by Chance, Bridgetts Delight, Middleton Resurveyed, Christian Milford. Accession No.: 17,898-85B-1/2 MSA S512-1- 80 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/10/25 85C: Abraham Brittain and Thomas Miles vs. Attorney General. BA. Title to Darnalls Camp. Accession No.: 17,898-85C MSA S512-1- 81 Location: 1/35/5/
1786/09/02 85D: Edward Dorsey of John and Rebecca Hammond vs. Attorney General. BA. Estate of Samuel Baker - Ball Hills, East Nothiah. Accession No.: 17,898-85D MSA S512-1- 82 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/07/07 85E: Michael Tom vs. Attorney General, John Buchanan, Gilbert Buchanan, and James Wardrop. WA. Contract to purchase Dear Bought. Accession No.: 17,898-85E MSA S512-1- 83 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/01/10 85F: James Hays vs. Attorney General. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-85F MSA S512-1- 84 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/08/04 85G: William Whetcroft vs. Attorney General. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Smiths Forest, Great Glade. Accession No.: 17,898-85G MSA S512-1- 85 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/04/30 85H: Henry Owings vs. Attorney General, Archibald Moncrief, and Samuel Swearingen. BA. Contract to purchase Freeborns Progress. Accession No.: 17,898-85H MSA S512-1- 86 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/01/02 85I: Thomas Ruston vs. Attorney General. CE. Estate of John Ruston - Talbots Manor, Gee Harrison, Partnership, Addition to Forge Mills, Grindon, Welch Knavery, assets of Principio Co. Accession No.: 17,898-85I-1/3 MSA S512-1- 87 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/03/10 85J: Attorney General vs. Philip Hall. BA. Contract to pay a fine. Accession No.: 17,898-85J MSA S512-1- 88 Location: 1/35/5/
1786/10/18 85K: John Haskins Stone vs. Attorney General, Charles Ridgely, and Robert Morris. BA. Title to lots of Principio Co. lands. Accession No.: 17,898-85K MSA S512-1- 89 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/05/18 85L: Attorney General and Thomas Alexander Thompson vs. John Lee Gibson, David Caldwell, and Charles Taylor. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Charles Neighbor. Accession No.: 17,898-85L MSA S512-1- 90 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/05/17 85M: Attorney General vs. James Franklin. BA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-85M MSA S512-1- 91 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/07/26 85N: Robert Gill vs. Attorney General. CH. Title to Foxes Race. Accession No.: 17,898-85N MSA S512-1- 92 Location: 1/35/5/
1789 85O: John Churchman and Samuel Chase vs. Attorney General. CE. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-85O MSA S512-1- 93 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/08/01 85P: Richard Ridgely vs. Attorney General. FR. Title to lots in Monocacy Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-85P MSA S512-1- 94 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/05/07 85Q: Henry Riston and Lawrence Levin. AA. Estate of Charles Ridgely of John. Accession No.: 17,898-85Q MSA S512-1- 95 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/05/02 86: George Adams vs. William Thomas and Margaret Dyer. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-86 MSA S512-1- 96 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/09/21 87: John Andreas vs. Peter Grubb. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Howards Addition to Baltimore. Accession No.: 17,898-87 MSA S512-1- 97 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/06/24 88: Henry Alexander, Sarah Middleton, and James Roe Middleton vs. Walden G. Middleton. BA, HA. Estate of William Middleton - Pools Islandin HA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 156. Accession No.: 17,898-88-1/2 MSA S512-1- 98 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/09/28 89: Robert L. Annan vs. Joseph Scott. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Carrollsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 300. Accession No.: 17,898-89 MSA S512-1- 99 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/01/19 90: Peter Abrams. CE. Appointment of trustee for Arthur Alexander. Accession No.: 17,898-90 MSA S512-1- 100 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/09/03 91: George Alexander and Jacob Mevey vs. Matthew Alexander and Joseph Alexander. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Lippencut. Accession No.: 17,898-91 MSA S512-1- 101 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/07/14 92: John Cockey vs. Mark Alexander Coxe. BA. Insolvent estate of Coxe. Accession No.: 17,898-92 MSA S512-1- 102 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/20 93: William Alexander vs. Rachel Shipley, Thomas Chew Shipley, and Samuel Welch. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Victory. Accession No.: 17,898-93 MSA S512-1- 103 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/04/07 94: Benjamin Amoss vs. Jesse Jarrett, Dixon Stansburg, and Robert Amoss. HA. Title to Abrahams Pleasure. Plat; also shows Nancys Fancy in Halls Lot, Amos Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-94-1/5 MSA S512-1- 104 Location: 1/35/5/
1822/09/16 94A: James Anderson, Jr. vs. Theodore Williams. AA. Estate of Osborne Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-94A MSA S512-1- 105 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/02/24 95: Anne Adams, Eliza Adams, Josias Adams, Susan Adams, Thomas Jenifer Adams, and Eliza Anne Adams. vs. Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer. AA. Estate of Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer. Accession No.: 17,898-95-1/2 MSA S512-1- 106 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/03/04 96: Peter Abrams, Harman Kerr, Elizabeth Kerr, Joseph Harland, Emily Harland, Nathan Blake, Mary Blake, Thomas Prestman, and Catherine Prestman vs. Samuel Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Daniel Alexander, William Alexander, Rebecca Alexander, Rachel Alexander, James Alexander, James Lastman, Rachel Lastman, Joseph Reynolds, Mary Reynolds, Edward Alexander, Jacob Burfitt, Sarah Burfitt, James Donohue, and Hester J. Donohue. CE. Estates of Edward Justice and William Justice.
Accession No.: 17,898-96-1/2 MSA S512-1- 107 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/10/22 97: James Allston, Charles Allston, William Hawkins, David Warfield, John Wilson, Moses Maccubbin, William Hill, and Richard Hill. PG. Estate of Alexander Contee - lots in Nottingham, Brookfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 303.
Accession No.: 17,898-97-1/7 MSA S512-1- 108 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/08/11 98: George Anderson vs. Thomas Anderson. KE. Estate of George Anderson - lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 105. Accession No.: 17,898-98-1/2 MSA S512-1- 109 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/03/18 99: Henry Allston, Ann Wilson Allston, Rebecca Attaway Jordan, Thomas G. Meade, Benonie Wheat, and Mary Napler Wheat vs. Elizabeth Jordan Neale. SM. Petition to partition Bashford Manor. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-99 MSA S512-1- 110 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/02/17 100: John Arnest and Anne M. Arnest vs. Richard B. Beall and William Penniman. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Howards Addition to Baltimore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-100-1/2 MSA S512-1- 111 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/02/13 101: William Alexander vs. William S. Green. AA. Estate of Nicholas Harwood. Accession No.: 17,898-101 MSA S512-1- 112 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/08/16 102: Samuel Anderson and Hosea Johns vs. Joseph Roche. BA. Defraud of creditors of James Roche. Accession No.: 17,898-102 MSA S512-1- 113 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/12/18 103: William Alexander vs. Samuel Welch, Sr., Samuel Welch, Henry Welch, Henry Welch of Charles, Rachel Shipley, Ephraim O. Shipley, Thomas E. Shipley, John Fisher, William Fisher, Basil Fisher, Henry Knock, James Poole, William Poole, Zachariah Poole, Andrew Mercer, Richard Mercer, George H. Shipley, Peter Orndoff, and William Hinds. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Columbia.
Accession No.: 17,898-103 MSA S512-1- 114 Location: 1/35/5/
1786/07/05 104: Solomon Allen vs. Henry Walker. BA. Injunction against execution on judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-104 MSA S512-1- 115 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/10/31 105: Nathaniel Andrews vs. Humphrey Buckler. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-105 MSA S512-1- 116 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/12/20 106: John Ash vs. Christopher Armat and John Hunter. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-106 MSA S512-1- 117 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/29 107: Benjamin Amos vs. Jacob Forwood, Martha Forwood, and John Stewart. HA. Contract to purchase Nancys Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-107 MSA S512-1- 118 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/06/22 108: Thomas Ayers vs. Morgan Richardson, William Richardson, Vincent Richardson, Harriet Richardson, Mary Richardson, Cinthia Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson, and Matilda Richardson. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harrys Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-108 MSA S512-1- 119 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/03/11 109: Daniel Akers, Harrison Aker, James Saunders, and Sarah Saunders vs. Samuel Abbott, Thomas Abbott, and William Abbott. DO, TA. Estate of William Akers - Bullen, Addition to Bullen in TA and lot in Cambridge in DO. Accession No.: 17,898-109-1/2 MSA S512-1- 120 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/08/25 110: Isabella Jinner vs. Henry Allfather, Mary Allfather, Samuel Allberger, and Rebecca Allberger. BA. Estate of Mary Garrison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 512. Accession No.: 17,898-110 MSA S512-1- 121 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/06/08 111: Thomas Ayers vs. Alexander McComas. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on James and Alexanders Paradise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-111 MSA S512-1- 122 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/03/21 112: Andrew Aitken, and William Whiteman vs. Nathaniel Andrews. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 292. Accession No.: 17,898-112 MSA S512-1- 123 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/04/04 113: Harriett Rebecca Anderson vs. James Hindman. QA. Estates of William Anderson and Rebecca Anderson. Accession No.: 17,898-113 MSA S512-1- 124 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/12/20 114: Robert L. Annon vs. Mary Kephart, David Kephart, Elizabeth Kephart, John Kephart, and Mesulimeth Kephart. FR. Contract to purchase Carrolsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 217. Accession No.: 17,898-114 MSA S512-1- 125 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/01/01 115: Littleton Aires vs. Joshua Hitch and William Hitch. SO. Estate of William Elgate Hitch - Dunbarton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-115-1/3 MSA S512-1- 126 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/10 116: John Ross vs. John Ambrose, Daniel Massey, Susan Massey, Mary Ambrose, and Ann Ambrose. KE. Estate of Malachi Ambrose - London Bridge Renewed, Partnership, Daniel and Josephs Disappointment. Accession No.: 17,898-116 MSA S512-1- 127 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/12/27 117: Solomon G. Albers vs. Frederick M. Amelung, Sophia Amelung, William L. Schmidt, Maria Schmidt, Martha Furnival, and Louisa Furnival. BA. Estate of Alexander Furnival - Scotts Improvement, Range and Forrest, James Forecast, Johns Habitation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 43.
Accession No.: 17,898-117 MSA S512-1- 128 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/06/23 118: Robert Alexander and Adam Clendinen vs. James Wallace. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Belle Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 771. Accession No.: 17,898-118 MSA S512-1- 129 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/07/05 119: Lawson Alexander vs. William McLaughlin. BA. Contract to purchase White Wine and Clarett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 793. Accession No.: 17,898-119 MSA S512-1- 130 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/04/26 120: Joseph Anthony vs. Rebecca Evitts, Woodward Evitts, and Jonathan Evitts. CA. Contract to purchase Anthonys Mill Pond. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Reocrd) 91, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-120 MSA S512-1- 131 Location: 1/35/5/
1798 121: Daniel Amos vs. Robert Amos, Jr. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-121 MSA S512-1- 132 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/04 122: Archibald Arnold vs. David Ross, Horatio Ridout, Samuel Ridout, and William Stewart. AL. Contract to purchase Level Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-122 MSA S512-1- 133 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/08/30 123: Christian Adreon vs. Jacob Farnsworth. BA. Contract to lease store in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-123 MSA S512-1- 134 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/03/02 124: John Allender vs. John Beale Howard. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-124 MSA S512-1- 135 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/05 125: Ebenezer Thomas and Mordica Stewart. AA. Estate of Nathaniel Allwell - Peasleys Lot Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 359. Accession No.: 17,898-125 MSA S512-1- 136 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/06/02 126: John Ankany vs. Gabriel Friend, Benjamin Shipley, Mary Shipley, Charles Friend, and Jacob Friend. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on the Mountain of Wales. Accession No.: 17,898-126 MSA S512-1- 137 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/18 127: Philemon H. Abell. TA. Insolvent estate of Abell. Accession No.: 17,898-127 MSA S512-1- 138 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/03/27 127A: Medford Andrews. DO. Insolvent estate of Andrews. Accession No.: 17,898-127A MSA S512-1- 139 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/01/31 127B: Owen Allen. BA. Insolvent estate of Allen. Accession No.: 17,898-127B MSA S512-1- 140 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/04/20 127C: Seth Andrews. BA. Insolvent estate of Andrews. Accession No.: 17,898-127C MSA S512-1- 141 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/01/14 127D: James Ash. BA. Insolvent estate of Ash. Accession No.: 17,898-127D MSA S512-1- 142 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/03/30 127E: John Arnold. AL. Insolvent estate of Arnold. Accession No.: 17,898-127E MSA S512-1- 143 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/08 127F: John Ashmead. HA. Insolvent estate of Ashmead. Accession No.: 17,898-127F MSA S512-1- 144 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/02/07 127G: William Ashwell. Ba. Insolvent estate of Ashwell. Accession No.: 17,898-127G MSA S512-1- 145 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/07/08 127H: Jonathan Askew. BA. Insolvent estate of Askew. Accession No.: 17,898-127H MSA S512-1- 146 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/06 127I: Samuel Allen. BA. Insolvent estate of Allen. Accession No.: 17,898-127I MSA S512-1- 147 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/03/02 127J: Asa Allen. BA. Insolvent estate of Allen. Accession No.: 17,898-127J MSA S512-1- 148 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/11 127K: Daniel Amoss. HA. Insolvent estate of Amoss. Accession No.: 17,898-127K MSA S512-1- 149 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/01/16 127L: William Askew. BA. Insolvent estate of Askew. Accession No.: 17,898-127L MSA S512-1- 150 Location: 1/35/5/
1784/12/10 128: Walter Dulany Addison and Overton Carr vs. Thomas Hanson, Leonard Marbury, and Nicholas Lowe. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Oxon Hill Manor. Plat at 1/38/1/1. Accession No.: 17,898-128-1/2 MSA S512-1- 151 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/18 129: John Appleton vs. James Mewburn. PG. Petition to record deed for lot in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-129 MSA S512-1- 152 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/03/20 130: William Allein. CV. Insolvent estate of Allein. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 4, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-130-1/2 MSA S512-1- 153 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/06/17 131: Harmanus Alricks and Jane Alricks vs. John McElderry, Thomas McElderry, Hugh McElderry, Eliza McElderry, Mary McElderry, James McElderry, Edward McElderry, Hugh McElderry, Elizabeth McElderry, Jany McElderry, Henry McElderry, and Anne McElderry. BA. Estate of Thomas McElderry - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 407.
Accession No.: 17,898-131 MSA S512-1- 154 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/12/10 132A: Joseph Astlin vs. Leonard H. Johns. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-132A MSA S512-1- 155 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/02/18 134: George Beaumont, Walter Beaumont, Francis Ridsdale, Asworth Clegg, John Pushouse, and William Hilbert vs. Mary Usher, Abraham Usher, John P. Usher, Ann Usher, James Usher, Elizabeth Usher, and Thomas Usher. BA. Estate of Thomas Usher - Fellowship, lots in BC. Plat of Fellowship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, 148.
Accession No.: 17,898-134-1/4 MSA S512-1- 156 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/08/07 136: William Blanchard, John Vint, and Thomas Claright vs. Mary Grace Craig Hall and William Steuart. MO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 345. Accession No.: 17,898-136 MSA S512-1- 157 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/06/16 137: Catherine Bird vs. Daniel Bowley. BA. Estate of Catherine Lux. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 342. Accession No.: 17,898-137-1/2 MSA S512-1- 158 Location: 1/35/5/
1801 138: Joshua Mudd vs. Jereboam Beauchamp and John Smith. CH. Estate of Sophia Mudd. Accession No.: 17,898-138 MSA S512-1- 159 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/04/04 138A: Samuel Messersmith and Thomas Kell vs. William Messersmith. BA. Estate of Samuel Messersmith - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-138A MSA S512-1- 160 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/01/28 139: Levy Butler, Margaret Butler, Joseph J. Merrick, and Thomas D. Merrick vs. Ignatius Mathews. CH. Estate of Thomas D. Merrick. Accession No.: 17,898-139 MSA S512-1- 161 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/01/08 141: John S. Brookes and Joseph Court vs. Maria Ann Brookes. PG. Estate of Benjamin Brookes - lots and Coolidges Tavern in Upper Marlboro. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-141-1/5 MSA S512-1- 162 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/04/03 142: George Burk vs. Christopher Vaughn, Mary Vaughn, Thomas Vaughn, Joshua Vaughn, Elitha Vaughn, Caleb Vaughn, Elizabeth Vaughn, Roger Parks, Millicent Parks, Jacob Shew, Rebecca Shew, Adam Carr, and Ruth Carr. BA. Estate of Richard Vaughn - Vaughns Inclosure, Transylvania, Vaughns Paradise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 751.
Accession No.: 17,898-142-1/2 MSA S512-1- 163 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/02/20 143: Thomas Beall vs. William Smith, Samuel Williams, Lenox Martin, Thomas Moreton, and Hardage Lane. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Seneca Ford, Addition to Seneca Fork, Resurvey on part of Thomas Discovery, Middle Plantation, Addition to Seneca. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-143 MSA S512-1- 164 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/30 144: Ephraim Burgess, Edward Burgess, Jr., Thomas Burgess, John Burgess, Elizabeth Burgess, James Burgess, Margaret Burgess, Anne Burgess, John Sheckles, Mary Sheckles, John Burgess Hooke, Edward Hooke, and Mary Hooke vs. Thomas Davis, Amos Davis, Ephraim Davis, Anne Davis, Wilfred Melton, Frances Melton, Lot Hammond, Elizabeth Hammond, and Thomas Griffith. MO. Estate of Betsey Welch - Gaithers Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 250.
Accession No.: 17,898-144 MSA S512-1- 165 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/07/04 145: Nicholas Brice, Alexander C. Hanson, John J. Donaldson, and Caroline Donaldson vs. John E. Dorsey, Henry Payson, James Cox, Alexander McDonald, William McMeechen, William Gwyson, Robert Gilmore, Jr., Abraham Worthington, and Dennis A. Smith. BA. Contract to purchase Arcadia, Fifth Discovery, Murphys Adventure, Griffiths Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 464.
Accession No.: 17,898-145 MSA S512-1- 166 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/09/05 146: George Peter Brown, Philip Shirtz, Magdelena Shirtz, Henry Brown, Frederick Brown, Solomon Miller, Rosana Miller, John Brown, Susanna Brown, and Jacob Brown vs. Elizabeth Bear, Susana Bear, Barbara Bear, Mary Bear, Philip Bear, Fanny Bear, and Martin Bear. FR. Petition to sell Frankendall, Oppa. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 263.
Accession No.: 17,898-146 MSA S512-1- 167 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/14 147: William Chandler Brent vs. John Brent and Ann Brent. CH. Estate of Clara Slye. Accession No.: 17,898-147-1/3 MSA S512-1- 168 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/11/22 148: Jacob Bond vs. Thomas Merryman. BA. Estate of Elijah Merryman - Hills and Dales, Gunpowder Mills, Pleasant Gardens, Taylors Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-148-1/4 MSA S512-1- 169 Location: 1/35/5/
1809 149: Humphrey Barnes, Gerard Briscoe, Smith Hawkins, and Humphrey Pierce. CH. Estate of Edward Watts. Accession No.: 17,898-149 MSA S512-1- 170 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/02/17 150: Benjamin Berry and Benjamin Stoddert vs. Ann Clark, Thomas Charles Clark, Benjamin Hall Clark, Martha Crawford Clark, Charles Thomas Clark, and Ann Maria Clark. PG. Contract to exchange Whitamtine, Hudsons Range, Dan, Locus Point, Beersheba, Charles and Mary, Grooms Lot, Good Luck, Creighnight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 115.
Accession No.: 17,898-150-1/3 MSA S512-1- 171 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/01/23 151: John Worthington, Henrietta Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Henry Worthington, Brice T.B. Worthington, Basil Simpson, Sarah Simpson, John T. Worthington, and Polly Worthington vs. Richard Robinson, Ninian Riggs, and Thomas Bicknell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on War of Piniey, Clarkes Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-151-1/5 MSA S512-1- 172 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/03/14 152: John Beall vs. William Wilson. PG. Insolvent estate of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-152 MSA S512-1- 173 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/07/02 153: Dennis Boyd, Jeremiah Boyd, William Boyd, and Henrietta Boyd vs. Cornelia Lansdale, Thomas Lansdale, and Isaac Lansdale. PG. Estate of Isaac Lansdale. Accession No.: 17,898-153-1/2 MSA S512-1- 174 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/12 154: Peter Burrell. WA. Insolvent estate of Burrell. Accession No.: 17,898-154 MSA S512-1- 175 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/01/27 155: Claudeus Besse. BA. Insolvent estate of Besse. Accession No.: 17,898-155 MSA S512-1- 176 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/01/21 156: Andrew Banks. BA. Insolvent estate of Banks. Accession No.: 17,898-156 MSA S512-1- 177 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/03 157: John Burgess. TA. Insolvent estate of Burgess. Accession No.: 17,898-157 MSA S512-1- 178 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/26 158: Philemon Charles Blake. QA. Insolvent estate of Blake. Accession No.: 17,898-158 MSA S512-1- 179 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/01/28 159: William C. Bordley. BA. Insolvent estate of Bordley. Accession No.: 17,898-159 MSA S512-1- 180 Location: 1/35/5/
1784 160: Emanuel Davis vs. Robert Barry. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-160 MSA S512-1- 181 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/04/13 161: William Belton. BA. Insolvent estate of Belton. Accession No.: 17,898-161-1/2 MSA S512-1- 182 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/15 162: Samuel Brooke Beall. AL. Insolvent estate of Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-162 MSA S512-1- 183 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/01 163: Philip T. Briscoe. CH. Insolvent estate of Briscoe. Accession No.: 17,898-163 MSA S512-1- 184 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/12 164: Thomas Bond. SM. Insolvent estate of Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-164 MSA S512-1- 185 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/30 165: Benjamin Boyd. PG. Insolvent estate of Boyd. Accession No.: 17,898-165 MSA S512-1- 186 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/03/01 166: Edward Ware Boswell. CH. Insolvent estate of Boswell. Accession No.: 17,898-166 MSA S512-1- 187 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/05/09 167: Samuel Brooks. QA. Insolvent estate of Brooks. Accession No.: 17,898-167 MSA S512-1- 188 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/01/11 168: Henry Brown. BA. Insolvent estate of Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-168 MSA S512-1- 189 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/12 169: James Bond. BA. Insolvent estate of Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-169 MSA S512-1- 190 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/05/22 170: Lewis Bernard. BA. Insolvent estate of Bernard. Accession No.: 17,898-170 MSA S512-1- 191 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/31 171: John R. Bryce. AA. Insolvent estate of Bryce. Accession No.: 17,898-171 MSA S512-1- 192 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/01/12 172: John Atkins Burford. BA. Insolvent estate of Burford. Accession No.: 17,898-172 MSA S512-1- 193 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/23 173: John Brady. BA. Insolvent estate of Brady. Accession No.: 17,898-173 MSA S512-1- 194 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/01/30 174: Levi Butler. CH. Insolvent estate of Butler. Accession No.: 17,898-174 MSA S512-1- 195 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/04 175: Levin Belt. BA. Insolvent estate of Belt. Accession No.: 17,898-175 MSA S512-1- 196 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/07/12 176: Samuel Baker. PG. Insolvent estate of Baker. Accession No.: 17,898-176 MSA S512-1- 197 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/01/11 177: Richard Bevan. BA. Insolvent estate of Bevan. Accession No.: 17,898-177 MSA S512-1- 198 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/07/12 178: Charles Bennett and John Watts vs. Adaline Watts. CH. Estate of Edward Watts - Fertility. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-178-1/4 MSA S512-1- 199 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/29 179: Samuel Bayly. WA. Insolvent estate of Bayly - Clift Springs. Accession No.: 17,898-179 MSA S512-1- 200 Location: 1/35/5/
1795 179A: William Burke. QA. Insolvent estate of Burke. Accession No.: 17,898-179A MSA S512-1- 201 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/05/21 180: John Barnaby. CE. Insolvent estate of Barnaby. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-180 MSA S512-1- 202 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/03/28 181: George Boner. FR. Insolvent estate of Boner. Accession No.: 17,898-181 MSA S512-1- 203 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/23 181A: Wilder Bevins. CE. Insolvent estate of Bevins. Accession No.: 17,898-181A MSA S512-1- 204 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/31 182: Hugh Boner. BA. Insolvent estate of Boner. Accession No.: 17,898-182 MSA S512-1- 205 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/24 183: Jonathan Browning, Jr. MO. Insolvent estate of Browning. Accession No.: 17,898-183 MSA S512-1- 206 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/27 184: Charles Baker. TA. Insolvent estate of Baker - Woolsey Manor, Lowes Ramble. Accession No.: 17,898-184 MSA S512-1- 207 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/01/09 185: Evan Belt. MO. Insolvent estate of Belt. Accession No.: 17,898-185 MSA S512-1- 208 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/04/30 186: Rezin Estep. AA. Estate of Benjamin Bassford - Bear Ridge, Larry Bargain, Benjamins Content. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p.82. Accession No.: 17,898-186 MSA S512-1- 209 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/12/26 187: Francis Brandt. BA. Insolvent estate of Brandt. Accession No.: 17,898-187 MSA S512-1- 210 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/20 188: Philip Bier, Jr. FR. Insolvent estate of Bier. Accession No.: 17,898-188 MSA S512-1- 211 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/05/25 189: William Boone. CA. Insolvent estate of Boone. Accession No.: 17,898-189 MSA S512-1- 212 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/13 190: Thomas Bailey. BA. Insolvent estate of Bailey. Accession No.: 17,898-190 MSA S512-1- 213 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/18 191: John Beard. AA. Insolvent estate of Beard. Accession No.: 17,898-191 MSA S512-1- 214 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/06/01 192: Joseph Boone. PG. Insolvent estate of Boone. Accession No.: 17,898-192 MSA S512-1- 215 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/03 193: John Brice, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Brice. Accession No.: 17,898-193 MSA S512-1- 216 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/05/09 194: Joseph Burneston. BA. Insolvent estate of Burneston. Accession No.: 17,898-194 MSA S512-1- 217 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/04 195: George Bobts. BA. Insolvent estate of Bobts. Accession No.: 17,898-195 MSA S512-1- 218 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/05/16 196: William Bruff. BA. Insolvent estate of Bruff. Accession No.: 17,898-196 MSA S512-1- 219 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/04 196A: William Ball. BA. Insolvent estate of Ball. Accession No.: 17,898-196A MSA S512-1- 220 Location: 1/35/5/
1800 197: Joseph Beck. MO. Insolvent estate of Beck. Accession No.: 17,898-197 MSA S512-1- 221 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/08/15 198: Edward Boteler. PG. Insolvent estate of Boteler. Accession No.: 17,898-198 MSA S512-1- 222 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/12 199: Joseph Boarman of Raphael. CH. Insolvent estate of Boarman. Accession No.: 17,898-199 MSA S512-1- 223 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/02/25 200: Andrew Bell. BA. Insolvent estate of Bell. Accession No.: 17,898-200 MSA S512-1- 224 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/21 201: Edward Bromwell, Jr. TA. Insolvent estate of Bromwell. Accession No.: 17,898-201 MSA S512-1- 225 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/03/15 201A: Nathan Gregg Bryson. SO. Insolvent estate of Bryson. Accession No.: 17,898-201A MSA S512-1- 226 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/30 201B: Wilkason Brashears. PG. Insolvent estate of Brashears. Accession No.: 17,898-201B MSA S512-1- 227 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/03/29 201C: William Browne of Joseph. KE. Insolvent estate of Browne. Accession No.: 17,898-201C MSA S512-1- 228 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/12/25 201D: Philemon Charles Blake. QA. Insolvent estate of Blake. Accession No.: 17,898-201D MSA S512-1- 229 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/06 201E: Charles M. Bromwell. TA. Insolvent estate of Bromwell. Accession No.: 17,898-201E MSA S512-1- 230 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/02/22 201F: Thomas Barney. BA. Insolvent estate of Barney. Accession No.: 17,898-201F MSA S512-1- 231 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/07 201G: John Llewellin Briscoe. SM. Insolvent estate of Briscoe. Accession No.: 17,898-201G MSA S512-1- 232 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/05/12 201H: Theodore Beall. FR. Insolvent estate of Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-201H MSA S512-1- 233 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/20 201I: Ignatius Boone. PG. Insolvent estate of Boone - lots in Nottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-201I-1/2 MSA S512-1- 234 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/01/27 201J: John Betts. KE. Insolvent estate of Betts. Accession No.: 17,898-201J MSA S512-1- 235 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/03/11 201K: Barton Brashears. PG. Insolvent estate of Brashears - Hoggs Harbour, Freelands Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-201K MSA S512-1- 236 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/02/28 201L: Samuel Boots. PG. Insolvent estate of Boots. Accession No.: 17,898-201L MSA S512-1- 237 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/14 201M: Robert Beall of James. MO. Insolvent estate of Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-201M MSA S512-1- 238 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/02/16 202: Jonathan Beard. AA. Insolvent estate of Beard. Accession No.: 17,898-202 MSA S512-1- 239 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/04/04 203: Francis Boone. PG. Insolvent estate of Boone. Accession No.: 17,898-203 MSA S512-1- 240 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/18 204: Alexander Bailie. MO. Insolvent estate of Bailie. Accession No.: 17,898-204 MSA S512-1- 241 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/26 205: John Burke. BA. Insolvent estate of Burke. Accession No.: 17,898-205 MSA S512-1- 242 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/24 206: Thomas Biddle, Jr. CE. Insolvent estate of Biddle. Accession No.: 17,898-206 MSA S512-1- 243 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/05/29 207: Joseph S. Berrett, Mary E. Berrett, and James Inloes vs. John Oliver and Sarah C. O'Donnell. BA. Estate of John O'Donnell - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 280. Accession No.: 17,898-207 MSA S512-1- 244 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/27 208: William Wootton Brewer. AA. Insolvent estate of Brewer. Accession No.: 17,898-208 MSA S512-1- 245 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/07 209: Lloyd Beall. MO. Insolvent estate of Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-209 MSA S512-1- 246 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/02/28 210: Ralph Briscoe. FR. Insolvent estate of Briscoe - Trammels landing, Slipe, Spring Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-210 MSA S512-1- 247 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/03/24 211: Sarah Beall. PG. Insolvent estate of Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-211 MSA S512-1- 248 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/06/05 212: James Brown. CH. Insolvent estate of Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-212 MSA S512-1- 249 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/02/09 213: Kittura Brown vs. John Fitchett and Thomas Fitchett. DO. Estate of Thomas Fitchett. Accession No.: 17,898-213 MSA S512-1- 250 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/03/23 214: Levi Bouldin vs. Elizabeth Wilson, Joseph Chick, Mary Ann Chick, Jesse Chick, Eliza Chick, Peragrin Chick, and Benjamin Wilson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Pere Chicks Tavern House. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 497. Accession No.: 17,898-214 MSA S512-1- 251 Location: 1/35/5/
1775/06/23 215B: William Buchanan vs. Legh Master. FR. Contract to purhase Content. Accession No.: 17,898-215B MSA S512-1- 252 Location: 1/35/5/- ; oversize at B5/16/1/D6
1784 215A: Legh Master vs. William Buchanan. FR. Contract to purchase Arnolds Chance, Long Valley, Wilsons Delight, Indian War, Jacks Purchase, Cobbs Chance, Beauty Spot, Edwards Fancy, Red Budd, Narrow Bottom, Bonds Meadow, Bottom and Top, Content, Wilsons Chance, Gabriels Choice, York Companys Defense, Firelock, Brothers Inheritance, Look-about, Neglect, Bracons Plague, White Oak.
Accession No.: 17,898-215A-1/5 MSA S512-1- 253 Location: 1/35/5/- ; oversize at B5/16/1/D6
1812/02/25 216: John Brengle, Jack Brengle, and Nicholas Brengle. AL. Contract to purchase Military Lots 2493-2494, 2585, 2588, 2603-2606. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 343. Accession No.: 17,898-216 MSA S512-1- 254 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/02/25 217: John Brengle, Jacob Brengle, and Nicholas Brengle vs. William Hope. AL. Contract to purchase Military Lot 1976. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-217 MSA S512-1- 255 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/02/17 218: Bank of Baltimore vs. Edward N. Clopper and Abraham D. Clopper. BA. Trust estate of Abraham D. Clopper - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 312. Accession No.: 17,898-218 MSA S512-1- 256 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/03/06 219: Bank of Baltimore vs. Richard Mackall. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Majors Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-219-1/2 MSA S512-1- 257 Location: 1/35/5/
1821/11/14 220: Bank of Baltimore and James Sterrett vs. John N. D'Arcy, Henry Didier, Jr., George Winchester, and Roswell L. Colt. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-220-1/2 MSA S512-1- 258 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/11/10 221: Abraham Van Bibber vs. John Bullen. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-221-1/2 MSA S512-1- 259 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/02/18 222: William Sydebotham, John Thomas Boucher, Charles Stewart, Mary McCulloch, James McCulloch, and William Bruce vs. Eleanor Bradford, Elizabeth Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Mary Bradford, and Henry Bradford Walker. PG. Estate of Henry Bradford - Clover Plains, Lot in Bladensburg, lots in Carrollsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 92.
Accession No.: 17,898-222 MSA S512-1- 260 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/11/05 223: James Shephard. AA. Estate of James Owings - Owens Fancy, Owens Purchase, Owens Manor, Hopkins Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-223 MSA S512-1- 261 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/02/14 224: Thomas Barclay. MO. Insolvent estate of Barclay. Accession No.: 17,898-224-1/3 MSA S512-1- 262 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/10 225: Ezekiel Boring vs. Christian Singery. BA. Title to Habitation Rock, Singerys Trouting Stream, Bear Rock. Accession No.: 17,898-225 MSA S512-1- 263 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/11/01 226: Benson Bond. CV. Appointment of trustee for Richard Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-226-1/3 MSA S512-1- 264 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/06/08 227: James Black, Margaret Black, Frederick Wilson, George Perkins Wilson, William Rogers Wilson, and Thomas Wilson vs. Alexander Stewart and Mary Stewart. KE. Estate of John Wilson - Covington, Marshes, St. Clair. Accession No.: 17,898-227 MSA S512-1- 265 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/15 228: John Boone vs. Rezin Pumphrey, Absalom Ridgely, Richard Boone, William Hancock, Sarah Hancock, Mary Hancock, Rhody Hancock, Stephen Hancock, Absalom Hancock, William Ridgely, Rhody Ridgely, Robert Booone, and Ann Boone. AA. Contract to purchase Jacobs Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 454 and 50, p. 148.
Accession No.: 17,898-228 MSA S512-1- 266 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/03/07 229: Ann Rebecca Boyce. BA. Petition to partition Bear Neck. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 54. Accession No.: 17,898-229 MSA S512-1- 267 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/06/30 230: John Bowers vs. Sarah Everett, Joseph Kennard Everett, Stephen Kennard, Ann Elizabeth Barnett, and Charles Dunn Groome. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 606. Accession No.: 17,898-230 MSA S512-1- 268 Location: 1/35/5/
1803 231: Lodwick Bireley vs. Jacob Harbaugh. FR. Contract to settle accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-231 MSA S512-1- 269 Location: 1/35/5/
1792 232: Elizabeth M. Bishop, Easter H. Bishop, and Sarah Bishop. WO. Petition to record deed for lot in Snow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-232 MSA S512-1- 270 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/06/11 233: Robert Buchanan vs. Richard Willis and Jesse Lowman. KE. Estate of Richard Willis - Ashleys Lot, Coney. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 470. Accession No.: 17,898-233 MSA S512-1- 271 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/04/21 234: Walter Bowie vs. George Tyler, Tobias Tyler, and William Tyler. PG. Estate of Robert B. Tyler - Brough. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-234-1/5 MSA S512-1- 272 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/03/14 235: Christian Brensinger vs. George Eichelberger. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Baltimore Company lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 407. Accession No.: 17,898-235 MSA S512-1- 273 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/01/19 236: John Bankson, Hans Creevey, and Richard Lawson vs. Ann R. Boyce and Roger Boyce. BA. Estate of John Boyce - Mount James, Greys Inspection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 560. Accession No.: 17,898-236-1/4 MSA S512-1- 274 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/07/02 237A: Richard Barnaby vs. Henry Hollingsworth, Alexander Todd, John Field, and Jeremiah Warden. CE. Trust estate of John Barnaby - lot in Elkton, Huttons Grudge, Kitty Villy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 527. Accession No.: 17,898-237-1/4 MSA S512-1- 275 Location: 1/35/5/
1787 237B: Henry Hollingsworth, Alexander Todd, John Field, and Jeremiah Warder vs. Richard Barnaby, John Barnaby, Richard Footman, John D. Thompson, and Barrick Williams. CE. Trust estate of John Barnaby - lot in Elkton, Huttons Grudge, Kitty Villy.
Accession No.: 17,898-237B MSA S512-1- 276 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/01/06 238: Frederick Bixler, Sarah Bixler, George Webling, Michael Webling, Jacob Webling, Adam Reigal, and Catherine Reigal vs. Charles Webling, George Vantz, Rachel Vantz, and Valentine Vantz. BA. Estate of Charles Webling - California. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 267.
Accession No.: 17,898-238 MSA S512-1- 277 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/11/25 239: Daniel Bowley and Thomas Yates vs. Joseph Calman, Louis Dubourg, and Samuel Byrus. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 175. Accession No.: 17,898-239 MSA S512-1- 278 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/03/15 240: John Brunner, Jacob Kauffman, Catherine Kauffman, John Kauffman, George Kauffman, Conrad Kauffman, Henry Kauffman, Philip Kauffman, Michael Kauffman, Jacob Filker, Catherine Frelder, Jacob Lisher, Mary Lisher, George Wissinger, Peggy Wissinger, Thomas Branum, and Elizabeth Branum vs. Frederick Kauffman. FR. Estate of John Kauffman. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 486.
Accession No.: 17,898-240 MSA S512-1- 279 Location: 1/35/5/
1830/06/14 241: Samuel Banks vs. Thomas Snowden, Jr., John Contee, Ann Louisa Contee, Richard N. Snowden, Timothy P. Andrews, Emily Andrews, Albert Fairfax, and Caroline Fairfax. AA, MO. Contract to purchase Hard to Get and Dear Paid For, Wymans Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 503.
Accession No.: 17,898-241 MSA S512-1- 280 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/05/11 242: William Beckwith. FR. Insolvent estate of Beckwith. Accession No.: 17,898-242 MSA S512-1- 281 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/07/04 243: Abijah Bond. PG. Insolvent estate of Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-243 MSA S512-1- 282 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/09/01 244: Otho B. Beall and John E. Berry vs. Thomas Ryan. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 94. Accession No.: 17,898-244 MSA S512-1- 283 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/11/18 245: Mary Jane Bayard vs. John Murray Bayard. FR. Trust estate of Mary Jane Bayard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-245 MSA S512-1- 284 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/05/08 246: Henry Beckley and James Calhoun vs. Elizabeth Dorsey, Rachel Dorsey, Maria Dorsey, Elizabeth H. Dorsey, Essex R. Dorsey, Evelina Dorsey, and Sarah Dorsey, BA. Trust estate under will of Vachel Dorsey - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 243.
Accession No.: 17,898-246 MSA S512-1- 285 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/04/23 247: Richard Barry. BA. Insolvent estate of Barry. Accession No.: 17,898-247 MSA S512-1- 286 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/03/13 248: Mark Benton vs. Joseph R. Turner, Jane Turner, Mary Turner, Hannah Turner, Rebecca Turner, James Turner, and David Turner. KE. Trust estate under will of John Turner - Grantham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 778. Accession No.: 17,898-248-1/2 MSA S512-1- 287 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/03/07 249: Sarah Bankson vs. Tabitha Aisquith, Sarah Aisquith, William Aisquith, Moore Aisquith, Charles Aisquith, and Virginia Aisquith. Trust estate under will of Edward Aisquith - lot in BC. BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 365. Accession No.: 17,898-249 MSA S512-1- 288 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/02/23 250: David Brown vs. Ann Stevenson, Wesley Stevenson, James Porter, and John Engle. BA. Estate of Richard Stevenson - Dorseys Industry, Marys Victory, Laurences Pleasant Valley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-250 MSA S512-1- 289 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/03/20 251: Benjamin Brown, Ann Brown, Zachariah Johnson, and Sarah Johnson vs. John Burton, Mary Burton, Patsy Burton, Louisa Burton, William Burton, Edmond Burton, Vachel Henwood, Milly Henwood, and William Henwood. AA. Estate of John Burton - Eaglestons Range, Salmons Hills, Filkes Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 75 and 104, p. 170.
Accession No.: 17,898-251-1/2 MSA S512-1- 290 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/07/26 252: William Bozman vs. William Williams, Witley Sasen, Sarah Sasen, Ann Bozman, Dolly Bozman, and Dorothy Bozman. SO. Estate of George Bozman. Accession No.: 17,898-252 MSA S512-1- 291 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/01/24 253: Seth Barton vs. Alexander Grier. CH. Dissolution of Barton & Dyson. Accession No.: 17,898-253 MSA S512-1- 292 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/11/23 254: John Britton vs. James Buchanan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 185. Accession No.: 17,898-254 MSA S512-1- 293 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/10/22 255: Joseph Brooks, John Brooks, John Wright, Sarah Wright, William Brooks, Tacy Rutter, William Hayes, and Elizabeth Hayes vs. John Cottle, Sarah Cottle, James Brooks, Giles Brooks, Johnzee Brooks, William Brooks, and Elizabeth Brooks. BA. Petition to sell Darbyshire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 156.
Accession No.: 17,898-255 MSA S512-1- 294 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/02/05 256: Thomas E. Bond and William Robertson vs. Attorney General. BA. Estate of William Watkins - lot in BC, Ridgelys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 913. Accession No.: 17,898-256 MSA S512-1- 295 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/05/21 257: William Bousman, Anthony Law, and Catherine Law vs. Joseph Bouseman and Polly Bouseman. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-257 MSA S512-1- 296 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/01/08 258: Robert Bowie vs. Margaret Bowie. PG. Estate of Margaret Bowie. Accession No.: 17,898-258 MSA S512-1- 297 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/06/13 259: Bank of Baltimore vs. William S. Bosley. BA. Insolvent estate of Bosley - Maxwells Point. Accession No.: 17,898-259-1/2 MSA S512-1- 298 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/06/02 259A: Bank of Baltimore vs. William Bosley, William Rowe, Elizabeth Rowe, and Richard Bowen. BA. Defraud of creditors of Bosley. Accession No.: 17,898-259A-1/2 MSA S512-1- 299 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/06/13 259B: Bank of Baltimore vs. Amon Bosley and William Bosley. BA. Defraud of creditors of William Bosley. Accession No.: 17,898-259B MSA S512-1- 300 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/06/02 259C: Bank of Baltimore and Marine Bank of Baltimore vs. Stewart Brown, William Bosley, and Elizabeth Bosley. BA. Defraud of creditors of William Bosley. Accession No.: 17,898-259C-1/2 MSA S512-1- 301 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/06/02 259D: Bank of Baltimore and Marine Bank of Baltimore vs. John A. Bosley, William Bosley, and Elizabeth Bosely. BA. Defraud of creditors of William Bosley. Accession No.: 17,898-259D MSA S512-1- 302 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/06/13 259E: Bank of Baltimore and the Marine Bank of Baltimore vs. Henry Trapnall and William Bosley. BA. Defraud of creditors of Bosley. Accession No.: 17,898-259E-1/2 MSA S512-1- 303 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/06/23 260: Samuel Brown vs. Nancy Blair, Jean Blair, and William Blair. DO. Contract to purchase Bellfield. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 433. Accession No.: 17,898-260 MSA S512-1- 304 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/08/19 261: Samuel Brown vs. William S. Ross. DO. Defraud of creditors of Ross - Ross Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-261 MSA S512-1- 305 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/01/16 262: Archibald Bell vs. John Sterrett. BA. Estate of John Sterrett. Accession No.: 17,898-262 MSA S512-1- 306 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/04/10 263: William Boon. CA. Insolvent estate of Boon. Accession No.: 17,898-263 MSA S512-1- 307 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/05/12 264: Spencer Beedle. KE. Insolvent estate of Beedle. Accession No.: 17,898-264 MSA S512-1- 308 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/05/21 265: Philemon Burgess. MO. Insolvent estate of Burgess. Accession No.: 17,898-265 MSA S512-1- 309 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/01/03 266: Nicholas Boon. PG. Insolvent estate of Boon. Accession No.: 17,898-266 MSA S512-1- 310 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/08 267: John Bull. HA. Insolvent estate of Bull. Accession No.: 17,898-267 MSA S512-1- 311 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/08/25 268: Jacob Brengle vs. Robert Evans. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 140. Accession No.: 17,898-268 MSA S512-1- 312 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/08/05 269: James A. Buchanan, William Buchanan, Sidney Buchanan, Margaret Buchanan, and Mary Allison vs. Andrew Haslet, Sylvanus Bourne, George S. Bourne, William T. Bourne, Jonathan Meredith, and Hannah Meredith. BA. Contract to purchase Gists Inspection. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 700.
Accession No.: 17,898-269 MSA S512-1- 313 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/05/04 270: Alexander Blackburn vs. Asher Worley, Patrick Harvey, Eleanor Harvey, Ezekiel Wosley, Jonathan Cesna, Rebecca Cesna, Nathan Wright, Hannah Wright, Mr. Bow, Margaret Bow, Keziah Worley, Thomas Worley, and Sarah Worley. FR. Title to Resurvey on Boxes Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 225.
Accession No.: 17,898-270 MSA S512-1- 314 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/07/14 271: Laurence Brengle vs. Jacob Miller, Jr. and Rozina Miller. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Millers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 306. Accession No.: 17,898-271 MSA S512-1- 315 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/02/20 272: Jacob Butman, Philip Butman, John Butman, Barbara Butman, Jacob Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Thomas Cromer, Polly Cromer, and Susan Butman vs. Samuel Butman and Peter Butman. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 209. Accession No.: 17,898-272 MSA S512-1- 316 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/01/04 273: Eleanor Bowles. WA. Insolvent estate of Bowles. Accession No.: 17,898-273 MSA S512-1- 317 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/02/03 274: Jeremiah Browning and Mary Browning vs. Sarah James and Thomas James. KE. Contract to purchase Queen Charlton, Kent Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-274 MSA S512-1- 318 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/08/29 275: William Baker vs. William Hoffman. BA. Title to Bakers Stony Mountain, Grubby Thicket, Bakers Spot. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 325. Accession No.: 17,898-275 MSA S512-1- 319 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/06/20 276: James Bowers vs. Arthur Holt. QA. Contract to purchase Huddles Right. Accession No.: 17,898-276 MSA S512-1- 320 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/03/21 277: George Bowman vs. Mary Edmonston, Robert Edmonston, and Andrew Scholfield. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Delay. Accession No.: 17,898-277 MSA S512-1- 321 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/16 278: James Bouchell. BA. Insolvent estate of Bouchell. Accession No.: 17,898-278 MSA S512-1- 322 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/08/24 279: Peter Brown and Findley, Hopkins & Co. vs. Samuel Williams, John Williams, Mary Williams, Elizabeth Williams, and William Williams. PG. Estate of John Williams - Snowdens Discovery, Prathers Groves, Parcel Enlarged, Becks Addition, Pleasant Groves, Mendura. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 750.
Accession No.: 17,898-279-1/2 MSA S512-1- 323 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/06/19 280: William W. Berry vs. Thomas Beatty, Jr. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-280 MSA S512-1- 324 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/07/14 281: Henry Baldwin vs. Lewis DuVall. FR. Estate of Francis Rawlings, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-281 MSA S512-1- 325 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/06/03 282: Margaret Boyer, Eve Boyer, Barbara Boyer, and Rachel Boyer vs. Frederick Taney, Andrew Shriver, Charles Stevenson, and John Wampler. FR. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-282-1/3 MSA S512-1- 326 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/01/08 283: Upton Beall, Dennis Lackland, and John Lackland vs. William Adams, Drusilla Adams, William Chambers, John Chambers, Jr., Anne Chambers, Singleton Chambers, Mary Chambers, and Edmond Chambers. MO. Estate of John Chambers - Boylstong Discovery, Chambers Desire, I Was Not Thinking of It. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 185.
Accession No.: 17,898-283-1/2 MSA S512-1- 327 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/05/15 284: Peter Banker, John Banker, Jacob Banker, Henry Baker, Magdelena Banker, Philip Naile, Margaret Naile, Catherine Kissler, Daniel Look, Mary Look, Philip Flick, Judith Flick, Peter Bean, and Esther Bean. FR. Estate of Jacob Banker - Hill Spring, Carolina, Ohio, Christophers Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 469.
Accession No.: 17,898-284 MSA S512-1- 328 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/01/26 285: John Brookes and Robert May vs. John Leeds, Benjamin Richardson, Mary Richardson, Sarah Richardson, John Smith Richardson, William Richardson, Leeds Richardson, and Daniel Richardson. QA. Estate of Benjamin Richardson - Ruths Purchase, Cloverfields. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 129.
Accession No.: 17,898-285 MSA S512-1- 329 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/06/07 286: Risdon Bozman. SO. Insolvent estate of Bozman. Accession No.: 17,898-286 MSA S512-1- 330 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/01/24 287: John Burgess. AA. Insolvent estate of Burgess. Accession No.: 17,898-287 MSA S512-1- 331 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/06/15 287A: Nathan Breerwood. DO. Insolvent estate of Breerwood. Accession No.: 17,898-287A-1/2 MSA S512-1- 332 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/02/21 287B: Richard Burgess. AL. Insolvent estate of Burgess. Accession No.: 17,898-287B MSA S512-1- 333 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/02/28 287C: Valentine Brown. AA. Insolvent estate of Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-287C MSA S512-1- 334 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/03/20 287D: Basil Burgess. AA. Insolvent estate of Burgess. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 3, p.29. Accession No.: 17,898-287D MSA S512-1- 335 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/06/18 288: John Bishop vs. Molly Wright, John Wright, and Ann Wright. WO. Estate of Hezekiah Wright - Cannerlee, Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 59. Accession No.: 17,898-288-1/3 MSA S512-1- 336 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/04/04 289: Thomas Bicknell and Richard Mackubin vs. Joshua Rawlings. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gaithers Collection, Freemans Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 60 Accession No.: 17,898-289 MSA S512-1- 337 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/09/08 290: Robert Ballard. BA. Insolvent estate of Ballard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 300 and (Insolvency Record) 1, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-290-1/2 MSA S512-1- 338 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/11/28 291: James Brown vs. John R. Story and Margaret Story. QA. Estate of Henry Story - Georges Fancy, Springfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-291-1/2 MSA S512-1- 339 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/02/27 292: Barton W. Baker. MO. Insolvent estate of Baker. Accession No.: 17,898-292 MSA S512-1- 340 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/06/21 293: George W. Biscoe and George Biscoe vs. George T. Gibbons. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Turrell Green, St. Catherines. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 55. Accession No.: 17,898-293 MSA S512-1- 341 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/11/20 294: John M. Barrett and Mary D. Barrett vs. Rebecca Leahy and Margaret Leahy. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-294 MSA S512-1- 342 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/04/07 295: Stewart Brown vs. Thomas Ryan and Ann Murray Ryan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-295 MSA S512-1- 343 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/08/05 296: Thomas Bicknell vs. Francis McCauley. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 56. Accession No.: 17,898-296 MSA S512-1- 344 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/11/07 297: John Beveridge vs. Francis Beveridge. CV. Petition to sell Beveridges Dear Bought Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 161. Accession No.: 17,898-297 MSA S512-1- 345 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/04/04 299: William Barclay, Samuel McKean, and Thomas Fraser vs. Isaac Ewing and Alexander Stewart. SO. Estate of James Ewing - Haywards Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-299-1/3 MSA S512-1- 346 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/09/26 300: David Burke vs. Robert Aitken, Eliza Aitken, Maria Aitken, James Aitken, Rebecca Aitken, Edward Stall, Martha Stall, George Monk, and Ann Monk. BA. Estate of Dr. Andrew Aitken - Hansons Wood Lot, lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 493 Accession No.: 17,898-300-1/2 MSA S512-1- 347 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/01/02 301: David Burke vs. John Chalmers and James Wilson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 659. Accession No.: 17,898-301 MSA S512-1- 348 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/14 302: Richard Boulden. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Creek Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 38. Accession No.: 17,898-302 MSA S512-1- 349 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/03/14 304: John Baxley vs. John Cornthwaite, David Brown, and Henry Wilson. BA. Estate of John Cornthwaite - Parrishes Oversight, Parrishes Range, Crowleys First Venture, Parkers Palace, Rogers Addition, Rogers Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 15, p. 303.
Accession No.: 17,898-304 MSA S512-1- 350 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/06/21 305: Benjamin Butler, John Haven, and Thomas Wilson vs. Henry Dennison, Mineriva Dennison, Eliza Dennison, and Louise Dennison. HA. Estate of Gideon Dennison - Eaton, Eatons Additon, Eatons Second Addition, Mountserado, Mountserado Partition, Little Worth, Levels Addition, Rich Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 659.
Accession No.: 17,898-305-1/2 MSA S512-1- 351 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/12/31 306: Joseph Boone vs. Richard Ridgely. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-306 MSA S512-1- 352 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/08/08 307: Michael Boas vs. Conrad Long, Elizabeth Long, and Conrad Sherman. BA. Injunction against court payment. Accession No.: 17,898-307 MSA S512-1- 353 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/04/04 308: William Bingham and Robert Gilmore vs. James Sulivane. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on New Market, Littletons Last Shift, Addition to York. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 144. Accession No.: 17,898-308 MSA S512-1- 354 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/05/14 309: Robert Ballard and Daniel Dulany vs. Govans Howard. AA. Estate of Benjamin Howard - Yates Inheritance. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 567. Accession No.: 17,898-309 MSA S512-1- 355 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/01/31 310: Thomas Bond, John Bond, Thomas Bond, John Bond, Isaac Everett, William Moore, and Pamela Moore vs. Benedict E. Hall and Jonas Carvil Hall. BA, HA. Estate of John Bond - lots and Exchange Coffee House in BC, Bonds Forrest, Bonds Pleasant Hills in BA. Also Hampstead Hills in HA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 429.
Accession No.: 17,898-310-1/3 MSA S512-1- 356 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/12/10 311: Elizabeth Brown and Henry Hooper vs. Elizabeth Jones, Levin Jones, and Harriet Jones. DO. Estate of John Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-311 MSA S512-1- 357 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/02/06 312: Adam Britinodes. BA. Insolvent estate of Britinodes. Accession No.: 17,898-312 MSA S512-1- 358 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/04/03 313: Juliana J. Brice, Ann C. Brice, James J. Brice, Elizabeth D. Brice, Thomas J. Brice, and John Brice vs. James T. Lefebre. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from North Crouchfield. Accession No.: 17,898-313 MSA S512-1- 359 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/01/24 314: James Burns. BA. Insolvent estate of Burns. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 95. Accession No.: 17,898-314 MSA S512-1- 360 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/05 315: William Cooper Bithray. AA. Insolvent estate of Bithray. Accession No.: 17,898-315 MSA S512-1- 361 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/02/25 316: George Baer and Susannah Thomas vs. George Schnertzell. FR. Estate of George Baer, Sr. - Dixons Struggle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 496. Accession No.: 17,898-316 MSA S512-1- 362 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/02/02 317: Peregrine F. Bayard and Thomas Pearce. CE. Insolvent estates of Bayard and Pearce. Accession No.: 17,898-317 MSA S512-1- 363 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/24 318: Middleton Belt. PG. Insolvent estate of Belt. Accession No.: 17,898-318 MSA S512-1- 364 Location: 1/35/5/
1795 319: Lydia Bryan and Nathan Vennums vs. Joshua Pumphrey and Edward Pumphrey. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-319 MSA S512-1- 365 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/03/23 320: Lawrence Brengle vs. George Schnertzel. FR. Defraud of creditors of Schnertzel. Accession No.: 17,898-320 MSA S512-1- 366 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/12/01 321: Thomas Barney, James Spencer, and Rebecca Spencer vs. Joseph Poe, Anna Cullison, James Cullison, Noah Cullison, Moses Cullison, Priscilla Cullison, and John Wesley Cullison. BA. Petiton to record deed for Sportsmans Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 115.
Accession No.: 17,898-321 MSA S512-1- 367 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/11/22 322: John Betts vs. Margaret Betts. KE. Estate of Hezekiah Betts. Accession No.: 17,898-322 MSA S512-1- 368 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/06/01 324: Thomas Beal and Isabella Beal vs. William King and William Hammond. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Champion Forrest, Addition to Champion Forrest, Vice, Hammonds Search, Support, Chance, Portland, Lapland, Remnant, Abbington, Hereford. Plats at 1/38/1/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 91.
Accession No.: 17,898-324-1/8 MSA S512-1- 369 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/09/24 325: William Barclay and Samuel McKean vs. John West. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 132. Accession No.: 17,898-325 MSA S512-1- 370 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/09/21 326: Judson Scott vs. Colmore Beanes. PG. Title to Croom. Accession No.: 17,898-326 MSA S512-1- 371 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/01/11 327: Jeremiah Brown and Thomas Rogers vs. John Frey and Matthew Irwin. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Octorara Forge, Dixons Exchange, Hillis Delight, Hillis Additions. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 321. Accession No.: 17,898-327-1/2 MSA S512-1- 372 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/09/03 328: William Brown vs. Daniel Dulany. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-328 MSA S512-1- 373 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/02/20 329: John Buffum and Benjamin Goodhue vs. William Y. Lewis and William Taylor. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Baileys Addition, White Hall in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 397. Accession No.: 17,898-329-1/2 MSA S512-1- 374 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/23 330: Daniel Bowley vs. Dinah Smith, John Smith, Ephraim Smith, Isaac Smith, William Smith, and Abraham Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on North Carolina, Jacksons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 14. Accession No.: 17,898-330 MSA S512-1- 375 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/23 331: Margaret Black. KE. Estate of George Black - Keatings Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 479. Accession No.: 17,898-331 MSA S512-1- 376 Location: 1/35/5/
1806 332: Daniel Bowley vs. Benjamin Brown, John Brown, Able Morgan, Jane Morgan, William Matthews, Peregrine Wharton, Jane Wharton, Joseph Williams, Abbe Williams, Hannah Brown, Clement Brown, and Deana Morgan. BA. Contract to purchase Mountenays Neck in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-332 MSA S512-1- 377 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/07/31 333: Samuel Boyer vs. George Spry and Arminta Spry. KE. Estate of John Graham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 529. Accession No.: 17,898-333 MSA S512-1- 378 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/02/10 334: Aquila Brown vs. William Duncan. BA. Insolvent estate of Duncan. Accession No.: 17,898-334 MSA S512-1- 379 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/12/19 335: Samuel Busey vs. Francis Worthy. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to St. Jeromes. Accession No.: 17,898-335 MSA S512-1- 380 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/06/10 336: Edward Bosman vs. Thomas Hutchings. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-336 MSA S512-1- 381 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/04/14 337: Sarah Briscoe, John Briscoe, and Jane Briscoe vs. Ralph Briscoe, James Hook, and Levy Hughes. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Trammells Conoy Islands, Broken Islands, Sweeds Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-337 MSA S512-1- 382 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/12/14 338: Richard Burgess and Mary Burgess vs. Benjamin Spriggs, Mary Spriggs, Mary Spriggs, Eliza Spriggs, Julia Spriggs, John Spriggs, and Clarke Spriggs. PG. Estate of Richard Burgess - Westphalia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 241. Accession No.: 17,898-338 MSA S512-1- 383 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/19 339: Daniel Bowley and Thomas Yates vs. Sarah Candle, Anne Candle, and Rebecca Candle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-339 MSA S512-1- 384 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/25 340: Seth Barton and Thomas Fisher vs. David Lund. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 90. Accession No.: 17,898-340-1/2 MSA S512-1- 385 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/06/05 341: Peter Betts vs. Richard A. Shipley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Addition, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-341 MSA S512-1- 386 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/02/25 342: Thomas W. Bond vs. Margaret Brown, Joseph Brown, John Brown, Absalom Brown, Josiah Brown, Ellwood Brown, and Rachel Brown. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Knaves Misfortune, Harris Trust, Gibsons Ridge, Prestons Chance, Abotts Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 705.
Accession No.: 17,898-342-1/2 MSA S512-1- 387 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/03/25 343: John Beard. WA. Trust estate of Michael Beard - lot in Boonsborough. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-343 MSA S512-1- 388 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/12/08 344: Joshua Barney vs. Henry Wilson. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-344-1/2 MSA S512-1- 389 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/09/09 344A: Thomas Billingsley, Mary Billingsley, Catherine Barber, and Margaret Estep. SM. Estate of John Barber - Hopewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 483. Accession No.: 17,898-344A MSA S512-1- 390 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/04/18 345: Levin B. Brightwell vs. Edward Lloyd Wailes, William Dent Beall, Overton Carr, Levin Covington Wailes, and Michael Lowe. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 265. Accession No.: 17,898-345 MSA S512-1- 391 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/28 346: Turbot Betton vs. Thomas Elliott, Joshua Gist, and James Harvey Gist. QA. Title To Harveys Discovery, Gold Hawks Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-346 MSA S512-1- 392 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/07/20 346A: Matthew Beard and John Beard vs. Susannah Yeiser, George Lightner, and Robert Walsh. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-346A MSA S512-1- 393 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/12/29 346B: Nicholas Butler vs. Abraham Cole, Jr. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-346B MSA S512-1- 394 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/01/28 346C: William Baker vs. Philip Spalding, James Moore, William Moore, Thomas Moore, Benedict Moore, John O. Moore, John C. Moore, Warren Moore, George Lowe, and Edward Edelin. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Gum Sprigg Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-346C MSA S512-1- 395 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/02/25 346D: Mountjoy Bayley vs. William Sprigg Bowie and John S. Brookes. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-346D MSA S512-1- 396 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/08/17 346E: John Bouchell and Peter Bouchell vs. Isaac Cannon. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-346E MSA S512-1- 397 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/11/24 347: John H. Brown and Rezin Hammond vs. Anna Gambrill. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Moores New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-347-1/6 MSA S512-1- 398 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/06/12 347A: Richard Mackubin vs. John H. Brown, Juliana Brown, Mathias Hammond, Eliza Hammond, William Rezin Brown, Clarise Brown, and Philip Brown. AA. Estate Basil Brown - Providence, Prospect Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-347A-1/2 MSA S512-1- 399 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/10/07 347B: Basil Brown. AA. Trust estate under will of William Hammond - Brookdeys Point, Hammonds Retreat, Plain of Annapolis, Partnership, Acton, Hammonds Plain, Norwoods Fancy, Batchelors Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 697. Accession No.: 17,898-347B-1/3 MSA S512-1- 400 Location: 1/35/5/
1826/07/05 347C: Eli Marriott, Cornelius Shipley, and Sarah Shipley. AA. Estate of Basil Brown - Providence, Hennithers Allottment, Range, Connection, Provision. Accession No.: 17,898-347C-1/3 MSA S512-1- 401 Location: 1/35/5/
1820/02/25 348: Joshua Barnes, Henry Barnes, Adam Barnes, Josiah Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Caseneth Barnes, Lloyd Pool, Naomi Pool, Vachel Pool, Rachel Pool, Benjamin Haines, Polly Haines, Wesley Driver, and Ruthy Driver vs. Robert Barnes. BA. Estate of Adam Barnes - Hopewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 131.
Accession No.: 17,898-348 MSA S512-1- 402 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/08/22 349: Charles Bishop and Sarah Bishop vs. John Richardson and Benjamin Richardson. WO. Estate of Thomas Richardson - Mount Ephraim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-349 MSA S512-1- 403 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/08/25 350: Samuel Biddle vs. William Pennington and Jane Pennington. CE. Estate of Edward Pennington - James Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 528. Accession No.: 17,898-350 MSA S512-1- 404 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/06/10 351: Eleanor Buzzard, Daniel Buzzard, Henry Buzzard, James Bevard, Mary Bevard, John Fluart, and Rachel Fluart vs. Nancy Buzzard, Eleanor Buzzard, Matthew Buzzard, and David Buzzard. AA, BA, FR, MO. Estate of Daniel Buzzard - Shivers Integrity in AA, Hobbs Level in BA, Pleasant Meadow Mill in FR, Parrs Range in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 569 and 102, p. 617.
Accession No.: 17,898-351 MSA S512-1- 405 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/07/23 352: William Bradley Beanes and Justin Greenwall vs. Samuel Leeke. PG. Estate of Ann Leake - Maidens Dowry, Gray Eagle Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 408. Accession No.: 17,898-352 MSA S512-1- 406 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/04/26 353: Henry Brookes vs. Fielder Bowie. PG. Title to Mansfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-353 MSA S512-1- 407 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/03/24 354: George Barber and John Barber vs. David Hanlon and John Muir. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 135. Accession No.: 17,898-354 MSA S512-1- 408 Location: 1/35/5/
1809 355: Henry Brown vs. Edward Fitzgerald. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-355 MSA S512-1- 409 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/08/18 356: James Booth and William Clay vs. Thomas Wilson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-356 MSA S512-1- 410 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/03/31 357: William Brawner. CH. Insolvent estate of Brawner. Accession No.: 17,898-357 MSA S512-1- 411 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/07/29 358: Alexander Clagett, Eleanor Clagett, John Clagett, Ann Clagett, Rebeckah Clark, Hezekiah Clagett, and Frances Clagett vs. Charles Beatty. MO. Estate of Samuel Beall, Jr. - Addition to Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-358 MSA S512-1- 412 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/08/04 359: John Barton vs. Sarah Barton, William Barton, Elizabeth Barton, Jane Barton, and Mary Barton. CA. Estate of James Barton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-359 MSA S512-1- 413 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/01/25 360: Christopher Barr, Barbara Barr, Jacob Keedy, Rachel Keedy, Gabriel Bellmine, Margaret Bellmine, and Michael Toby vs. John Rockafield and Jacob Rockafield. WA. Petition to partition Hills and Dales, Vineyard, Union. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 237 and 101, p. 637.
Accession No.: 17,898-360 MSA S512-1- 414 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/02/15 361: Joseph Briscoe. KE. Insolvent estate of Briscoe. Accession No.: 17,898-361 MSA S512-1- 415 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/06/29 362: Charles Bohn and Jesse Slingluff vs. Isaac Schnauff. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 512. Accession No.: 17,898-362 MSA S512-1- 416 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/30 363: Hezekiah Berry vs. Verlinda Smallwood, Samuel Smallwood, Cornelius Smith, Anastasia Smith, Colbert Smallwood, and Mary Smallwood. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Costly, Costlys Addition, Hopewell, Meadow Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-363 MSA S512-1- 417 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/01/28 364: Samuel Briscoe, James Patridge, William Fulford, and George Hoffman vs. Samuel Stevens. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Little Bristol. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-364-1/2 MSA S512-1- 418 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/12/27 365: William Bosley vs. George Weighner, Maria Weighner, Mary Ann Bond, and Shadrack T. Bond. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 468. Accession No.: 17,898-365 MSA S512-1- 419 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/04/22 366: William B. Beanes vs. Agnes Brown and John H. Brown. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Bealls Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-366 MSA S512-1- 420 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/02/13 367: Robert B. Belt, Theodore Weems, and David Weems vs. James Trott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Trent. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 479. Accession No.: 17,898-367-1/2 MSA S512-1- 421 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/04/30 368: Horatio Belt vs. Richard Wootton. BA. Contract to repay debt. Accession No.: 17,898-368 MSA S512-1- 422 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/04/07 369: William L. Bowley, Francis R. Bowley, Rebecca H. Bowley, Samuel H. Bowley, William Hollins, Eliza Hollins, Henry Thompson, Ann Thompson, Charles Wirgman, and Sarah Wirgman vs. Peregrine H. Wharton, Jane Wharton, Joseph Williams, Abbe Williams, Hannah Brown, Clement Brown, Diana Morgan, and William Matthews. BA. Contract to purchase Mountenays Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-369-1/2 MSA S512-1- 423 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/03/01 370: William Bruff vs. James Bruff. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Neglect, Todly. Accession No.: 17,898-370 MSA S512-1- 424 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/11/19 371: Attorney General vs. Christian Singary. BA. Contract to purchase Singarys Trouting Streams, Borings Habitation Rock. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 34, MdHR 40,283-87, S65-95, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 181. Accession No.: 17,898-371-1/5 MSA S512-1- 425 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/04/23 372: Sarah Brown, Enoch Levering, Hannah Levering, Jesse Levering, Sarah Levering, William Brown, and John Brown vs. Lewis Geanty. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Coles Harbor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 627. Accession No.: 17,898-372 MSA S512-1- 426 Location: 1/35/5/
1822/02/13 373: William Bowie vs. Ann Beck and Lemuel Beck. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-373 MSA S512-1- 427 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/09/18 374: Benjamin Brookes vs. John Darnall. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-374-1/4 MSA S512-1- 428 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/10/07 374A: Nicholas Brewer, Jr. vs. Thomas Ringgold. QA. Accession No.: 17,898-374A MSA S512-1- 429 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/05/20 375: Solomon Bartlett vs. Jacob Faulkner. CA. Contract to purchase Addition to Joy Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-375 MSA S512-1- 430 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/07/14 376: Dorothy Bailey vs. Thomas Yates, Robert Barry, and Edward Harris. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Centre Market in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-376-1/2 MSA S512-1- 431 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/04/02 377: Richard Brooke vs. Jacob Carmack, Peter Carmack, Evan Carmack, Samuel Carmack, Martha Carmack, Christian Carmack, and Surratt D. Norfield. FR. Title to Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 389. Accession No.: 17,898-377 MSA S512-1- 432 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/12/05 378: James Biays, Thomas McEldery, Thomas Dickson, John McKimm, Jr., James Armstrong, John Hollins, James Sloan, Joseph Spear, Henry Payson, Kennedy Long, John Campbell White, James Hutton, and Hugh McCurdy vs. John Martin, John McDonagh, and John Heap. BA. Trust estate of Martin, McDonagh, and Heap - lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-378 MSA S512-1- 433 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/02/07 379: Joel Brown vs. William Oneal. PG. Title to lot in Washington, DC. Accession No.: 17,898-379 MSA S512-1- 434 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/03/02 380: Samuel Banks, Allen Banks, and Joseph McCeney vs. Caleb Dorsey. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-380 MSA S512-1- 435 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/03/09 381: Sarah Biddle, Mary Biddle, and Margaret Biddle vs. Alfred Bavington Thomas. CE. Title to Worsell Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 229. Accession No.: 17,898-381 MSA S512-1- 436 Location: 1/35/5/
1786/05/19 382: Charles Beatty vs. Christian Lower. MO. Title to lots in Georgetown. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-382 MSA S512-1- 437 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/11 383: Fielder Bowie. PG. Appointment of trustee for Anne Cox. Accession No.: 17,898-383 MSA S512-1- 438 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/12/11 384: Mary Beckwith. DO. Appointment of trustee for Henry Beckwith. Accession No.: 17,898-384 MSA S512-1- 439 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/08/31 385: Thomas J. Beatty vs. William Smith and Samuel Williams. MO. Petition to discover accounts of Smith & Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-385 MSA S512-1- 440 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/14 386: James H. Blake vs. Walter Brookes. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Brothers Industry. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-386-1/3 MSA S512-1- 441 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/11/11 387: Elisha Berry vs. Meek M. Burgess, John Burgess, Dennis M. Burgess, Charles Burgess, Nathaniel M. Burgess, Richard Burgess, and Sarah Burgess. PG. Contract to purchase Vale of Benjamin, Westphalia. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-387-1/6 MSA S512-1- 442 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/06/25 388: Robert Bigham, Robert Halliday, Andrew Cross, Henry Fornieur, and Richard B. Magruder vs. John Creswell and William Slater. BA. Defraud of creditors of Creswell and Slater - Darleys Hall, Lucky Mistake, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-388-1/2 MSA S512-1- 443 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/08/18 389: William Bowie vs. Simon Mockbee, John Mockbee, William Mockbee, Nichols Mockbee, John Owens, and Elizabeth Owens. PG. Estate of Brock Mockbee - Brock Hall, Thorpland. Plat of Brock Hall filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 35, MdHR 40,283-88-2, S65-170, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 125.
Accession No.: 17,898-389-1/2 MSA S512-1- 444 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/09 390: William H. Buel. BA. Insolvent estate of Buel. Accession No.: 17,898-390 MSA S512-1- 445 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/12/19 391: Norman Bruce vs. John Ross Key. FR. Contract to exchange Terra Rubra, Epping Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-391 MSA S512-1- 446 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/01/20 392: Ralph Briscoe, Sarah Briscoe, and Samson Trammel vs. John Young, Martha Howard, Cornelius Howard, Ellis Hart, Ann Hart, Richard Brightwell, Elizabeth Brightwell, Margaret Young Howard, and Richard Howard. FR. Estate of John Trammel - Dukes Woods Accession No.: 17,898-392 MSA S512-1- 447 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/01/07 393: John Bolton and John M. Moore vs. Elizabeth McClure. CE, KE. Estate of John Bolton - Cavan, Connought in CE. Also lot in Chestertown, Becks Addition in KE. Accession No.: 17,898-393 MSA S512-1- 448 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/07/17 394: Lloyd Beale, Elizabeth Beale, Josias W. Dallam, and Henrietta Dallam vs. George Ward and Catherine Bruff. BA. Estate of Nicholas Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-394 MSA S512-1- 449 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/03/15 395: Turbutt Betton and Richard B. Mitchell vs. Sarah Ford and William Ford. CA. Estate of John Ford - Bee Tree, Forrest Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-395 MSA S512-1- 450 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/11/27 396: Philip Bishop, Barbara Bishop, Christian Garman, Mary Garman, and Anna Brubear vs. Jacob Stoner, Barbara Stoner, Ephraim Evy, Jacob Rorer, Elizabeth Rorer, and Christian Evy. FR. Trust estate of Christian Evy - Coopers Alley, Spring Plains, Resurvey on Long Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 77.
Accession No.: 17,898-396 MSA S512-1- 451 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/05/15 397: Leonard Bean vs. James Middleton and John Glasgow. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-397-1/2 MSA S512-1- 452 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/10/08 398: Hanson Briscoe vs. Betty Anne Eden. SM. Estate of James Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-398 MSA S512-1- 453 Location: 1/35/5/
1779/09/29 400: John Baynes, Jr., vs. Thomas Dent Hardey, Henry Hardey, and Walter Dent. PG. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-400 MSA S512-1- 454 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/05/13 401: Charles Boone, Rebecca Howard, James Haddock Warner, Ann Warner, John Dorsey, and Margaret Dorsey. AA. Estate of Stephen Boone - Wolf Neck, Swan Love, Burleigh Town Land, Seades Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 642. Accession No.: 17,898-401 MSA S512-1- 455 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/12/30 403: Daniel Baldwin, John Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin, Samuel Wilson, Martha Wilson, James Padon, Kisiah Padon, Joseph Gordon, and Mary Gordon vs. Obediah Smith and Philip Miller. FR. Estate of Elijah Baldwin - Addition to Brookes Discovery on the Rich Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 561.
Accession No.: 17,898-403-1/2 MSA S512-1- 456 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/03/24 404: John Sprigg Belt vs. Colin McKenzie. AA. Estate of Thomas Swaine. Accession No.: 17,898-404 MSA S512-1- 457 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/01/13 405: Elijah Beatty, Ezra Beatty, Ezekiel Beatty, and Edward Beatty vs. Daniel Dulany. FR. Title to Nothing Venture Nothing Have. Accession No.: 17,898-405 MSA S512-1- 458 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/12/22 406: John Boon, Elizabeth Boon, and Hawkins H. Boon vs. Henry Boon, Elizabeth Boon, John Copes, Darcus Copes, Deaker Booker, Hannah Booker, Edward Swift, Mable Shoebrooks, Edward Shoebrooks, Darcus Whitley, and Richard Whitley. CA. Estate of William Boon - Dead Ridge, Boones Purchase, Boones Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 522.
Accession No.: 17,898-406 MSA S512-1- 459 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/08/29 407: Thomas Burgee vs. Edward Burgess and Thomas Contee. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-407 MSA S512-1- 460 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/28 408: Willliam Bassett vs. Sarah Slacum, John Slacum, Barzillar Slacum, Marcellus Slacum, Nelly Slacum, and Gabriel Slacum. WO. Title to Rum Ridge, Handys Security, Handys Outlet, Poor Mans Hypocrisy Deceived. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 657.
Accession No.: 17,898-408 MSA S512-1- 461 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/16 409: John Bolte and Peter Levering vs. Ann Campbell and Lewis Folke. BA. Estate of Samuel Campbell. Accession No.: 17,898-409-1/4 MSA S512-1- 462 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/12/11 410: William Brown and Richard Keys vs. M.A. Gawain. BA. Contract to deliver freight. Accession No.: 17,898-410 MSA S512-1- 463 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/09/08 411: William Blair vs. David Stewart and William Jackson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 650. Accession No.: 17,898-411 MSA S512-1- 464 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/07/11 412: Ignatius Boone vs. Justinian Greenwell. PG. Contract to purchase Gum Spring Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-412 MSA S512-1- 465 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/05/09 413: Henry Barnett, Jacob Barnett, Jr., John Barnett, John Immell, Elizabeth Immell, Henry McGlouchlin, and Catherine McGlouchlin vs. Casandra Barnett, David Barnett, Mary Barnett, and Ann Barnett. WA. Petition to sell Spring Garden, Rich Barren, Resurvey on Poes Part of Well Taught. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 170.
Accession No.: 17,898-413 MSA S512-1- 466 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/03/12 414: Daniel Burkhart vs. Abel Russell, Elizabeth Russell, Asad Roberts, Sarah Roberts, Mary Roberts, and John Roberts. FR. Contract to purchase lots in New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 175 and 101, p. 637. Accession No.: 17,898-414 MSA S512-1- 467 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/01/04 415: William Bell vs. Henry Thompson, Ann L. Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah S. Wirgman, William L. Bawley, Frances R. Bawley, Rebecca M. Bawley, Samuel H. Bawley, and Elizabeth Bawley. BA. Contract to purchase Poplar Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 541.
Accession No.: 17,898-415 MSA S512-1- 468 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/02/09 416: James Boyle vs. Christopher Hughes. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Range, Westalls Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-416 MSA S512-1- 469 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/05/10 417: John Boyer and Patrick Handling vs. Philip Dorsey and John Hall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-417 MSA S512-1- 470 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/06/02 418: John Bockins vs. George Shnertzel, William C. Hobbs, Christiana Hobbs, Henry Carbury, Civilly Carbury and Mary Stickle. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 319. Accession No.: 17,898-418 MSA S512-1- 471 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/07/06 419: Archibald Beatty vs. Elizabeth Copeland and John Copeland. HA. Contract to purchase Hepney, Addition, Sophias Dairy, Come By Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 646. Accession No.: 17,898-419 MSA S512-1- 472 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/04/16 420: Robert Boyle, William Cunningham, and Robert Findlay vs. John Mahoney, Elizabeth Mahoney, Alexander Moore, and James Moore. PG. Petition to sell Childs Portion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-420 MSA S512-1- 473 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/09/05 421: James Briscoe and Austin Milburne vs. John Boul, Mary Biscoe, and Mary Harrison. SM. Contract to purchase Cross Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 195. Accession No.: 17,898-421 MSA S512-1- 474 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/11/17 422: Esther Beavens. WO. Appointment of trustee for Joshua Beavens. Accession No.: 17,898-422-1/2 MSA S512-1- 475 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/10/22 423: William Burton vs. Margaret Darnell, Harriett Darnell, Priscilla Darnell, Susannah Darnell, Dorothy Darnell, and Henry Darnell. BA. Contract to purchase Land of Promise. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 126, p. 218. Accession No.: 17,898-423-1/2 MSA S512-1- 476 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/09/17 424: Morris Baker vs. Adam Torn. WA. Petition to record deed for First Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-424 MSA S512-1- 477 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/10/23 425: Joseph Bray and Elizabeth Bray vs. Nicholas Brewer and Elias Brewer. AA. Estate of Nicholas Brewer - Nelsons Chance, Brewers Pleasure, Brewers Search, Brewers Trouble, Brewers Island, Careys Retirement, Addition to Retirement, Benjamins Hope, Brandon. Plat of Nelsons Chance, Brewers Search, Brewers Trouble. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 496.
Accession No.: 17,898-425 MSA S512-1- 478 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/10/15 426: Jesse Burch vs. Henry Lyon Davis, Samuel Austin, Anna Austin, Mary Davis, Anna Morris Davis, Elizabeth Davis, and David Davis. PG. Estate of Naylor Davis - Forrest, Forrest of Sherwood, Cool Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 474. Accession No.: 17,898-426-1/2 MSA S512-1- 479 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/10/23 427: Sarah Brookes vs. Humphrey Belt, Richard Cramphin, Leonard Deakins, and Samuel Sheckell. PG. Petition to account for collection of taxes. Accession No.: 17,898-427 MSA S512-1- 480 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/29 428: Samuel Brooke vs. Elkin Solomon, David Winchester, William Harrison, and John Murmekhuysen. PG. Insolvent estate of Solomon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 232. Accession No.: 17,898-428-1/2 MSA S512-1- 481 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/04/10 429: Walter Brooks vs. Thomas Contee. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-429 MSA S512-1- 482 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/12/19 430: William Bryan vs. Henry Green, Charles Hobbs, Ann Hobbs, Robert Tate III, Amelia Hobbs, John Grason, Richard Grason, William Grason, Thomas Grason, and Ann Grason. CE. Estate of Peter Green - St. Johns Manor, Lums Venture, Stoney Range, Hylands Discovery. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 224.
Accession No.: 17,898-430-1/3 MSA S512-1- 483 Location: 1/35/5/
1779/08/26 431: Francis Baker vs. Joseph Gilpin. CE. Estate of Henry Baker - New Connack. Accession No.: 17,898-431 MSA S512-1- 484 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/07/01 432: Adam Bish vs. David Stripe, Catherine Eury, William Stripe, Jacob Stripe, Polly Stripe, Warner Stripe, Sally Stripe, and Elizabeth Stripe. FR. Estate of Jacob Stripe - Resurvey on Stripes Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-432 MSA S512-1- 485 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/04/22 433: William B. Beanes vs. John H. Brown. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-433 MSA S512-1- 486 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/12/04 434: Thomas Beall vs. Samuel Cox. AL. Petition to record deed for Walnut Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 386. Accession No.: 17,898-434 MSA S512-1- 487 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/03/04 435: Basil Brown and Andrew C. Brown vs. Robert Brown, Sarah Brown, William Richmond, Alexander Lawson, Elizabeth Lawson, and Charles Brown. CA. Estate of James Brown - Meagreholm, Ashley, Hobbs Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 721. Accession No.: 17,898-435 MSA S512-1- 488 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/06/10 436: Michael Bottorf vs. Peter Diskerhoff. WA. Petition to record deed for White Oak Valley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 691 and 96, p. 254 and 97, pp. 2, 299. Accession No.: 17,898-436 MSA S512-1- 489 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/12/24 437: John Hamilton Bell vs. Archibald Bell, Hamilton Bell, William Bell, and Thomas Bell. SO. Estate of Hamilton Bell - Hamiltons Fortune, Cloverfield. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 32, MdHR 40,283-85, S65-187, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 149.
Accession No.: 17,898-437 MSA S512-1- 490 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/11/15 438: John Leeds Bozman vs. Hugh Auld, Jr. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wades Point, Haddon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 510. Accession No.: 17,898-438 MSA S512-1- 491 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/12/23 439: John Smith Brooks vs. State of Maryland. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-439 MSA S512-1- 492 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/10/27 440: Thomas Beall vs. Nathan Gregg, John H. Pleasants, and Robert Gregg. AL. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Indian Fields, Good Hope, Resurvey on New Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-440 MSA S512-1- 493 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/06/28 441: John Boyer vs. Nicholas Forrester, Benjamin Forrester, and Joshua Howard. AA. Title to Hollands Choice, Yates Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-441 MSA S512-1- 494 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/10/22 442: George Burgess. CA. Appointment of trustee for Mary Burgess. Accession No.: 17,898-442 MSA S512-1- 495 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/07 443: Richard Battie vs. John Wells, Hannah Wells, William Mayo, and John Mayo. AA. Estate of James Mayo. Accession No.: 17,898-443-1/6 MSA S512-1- 496 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/05/23 446: Samuel Brown and Mackey Brown vs. Amos Riggs. AA. Estate of Mary Riggs. Accession No.: 17,898-446 MSA S512-1- 497 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/05/14 447: John Buchanan, Robert Buchanan, and John Briscoe vs. John Edwards. SM. Estate of John Edwards. Accession No.: 17,898-447 MSA S512-1- 498 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/04/01 448: Walter Brooks vs. Thomas H. Egan, James Heighe Blake, and Thomas Chesley. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Brooke Place Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-448 MSA S512-1- 499 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/07/27 449: Francis Belmear vs. Elizabeth Oliver. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Belmears Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-449 MSA S512-1- 500 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/08/30 450: John Bolte, John E. Schultz, Rudulph Vogelar, Frederick C. Graff, Justis Hopper, Philip R.J. Friese, and Frederick Wasche vs. James Biays. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ensors Inspection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 354. Accession No.: 17,898-450-1/3 MSA S512-1- 501 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/02/14 451: Thomas Beatty, Jacob Bayer, and Benjamin Musgrove vs. George Scott. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-451 MSA S512-1- 502 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/11/08 451A: Walter Brookes vs. William King, William Bayly, and Ariana French. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-451A MSA S512-1- 503 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/01/24 452: Anne Boyd vs. John Thomas Holland, John Ballard, Robert Ballard, William Ballard, Henry Ballard, and Edward Ballard. BA. Petition to record deed for Darley Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 623. Accession No.: 17,898-452 MSA S512-1- 504 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/11/16 453: John Brown and William Brown vs. Thomas Peters, Susannah A. Ridgely, and Matilda F. Ridgely. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-453 MSA S512-1- 505 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/05/13 454: Pitt Bowen vs. John Wooden, Wilks George, Wilks Bowen, Rebecca George, and Rebecca Bowen. BA. Petition to sell Hectors Hop Yard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-454 MSA S512-1- 506 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/09/13 455: Daniel Burkhart and Henry Baer vs. Peter Burkhart, George Burkhart, Christopher Burkhart, John Burkhart, Daniel Burkhart, Francis Mantz, Mary Mantz, John Slonaker, Margaret Slonaker, Christopher Burkhart, Phebe Burkhart, John Peltz, Catherine Peltz, John Dill, and Catherine Dill. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Peace and Plenty, Darby and Delight, Halls Choice, Mantz Fatigue, Edinburgh, Dorseys Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 157.
Accession No.: 17,898-455 MSA S512-1- 507 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/01/08 456: Jacob Bull vs. Betsey Ann Bull. BA. Title to Bulls Romantic Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-456-1/2 MSA S512-1- 508 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/05/05 457: Elam Bailey vs. State of Maryland. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on White Hall, Maidens Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-457 MSA S512-1- 509 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/05/04 458: Jonathan Beard, Rebecca Beard, Edward Hamilton, and William S. Hamilton vs. John Blake, and Mary Blake. QA. Estate of Thomas Ringgold - Coxes Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-458 MSA S512-1- 510 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/12/23 459: William Beatty vs. James Beatty. FR. Title to Dulaneys Lot, Monocacy Bottom Lands. Accession No.: 17,898-459 MSA S512-1- 511 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/05/20 460: Jesse Bennett vs. Daniel Patrick, William Patrick, John Waters, and Thomas Waters. WO. Injunction against sale of Patricks Hills, Simpleton. Accession No.: 17,898-460 MSA S512-1- 512 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/11/07 461: Middleton Belt vs. Esther Belt, Ruth Belt, Rachel Belt, Hugh Nixon, and Elizabeth Nixon. PG. Estate of Benjamin Belt - Belts Poor Chance, God Fathers Gift, Norway, Belts Ranger, Belts Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-461 MSA S512-1- 513 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/08/16 462: Sarah Bordley, Elizabeth Bordley, and John F. Miflin vs. Frisbey Lloyd. CE. Estate of John Beale Bordley - Frisbys Meadows, Rounds, Addition to Rounds. Accession No.: 17,898-462 MSA S512-1- 514 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/04/05 463: Thomas B. Beall vs. Lloyd Beall, John Thompson, and James Thompson. MO. Title to lot in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-463 MSA S512-1- 515 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/01/03 464: Normand Bruce vs. Hannah Griffith, Philip Griffith, John Griffith, David Griffith, Jean Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, and Mary Griffith. FR. Estate of David Griffith - Resurvey on Owings Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-464 MSA S512-1- 516 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/02/25 465: John Smith Brookes vs. John Rogers, Thomas Rogers, William Rogers, Margaret Rogers, and Daniel Rogers. PG. Title to lot in Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-465 MSA S512-1- 517 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/01/05 466: John Bennett and John Hughes vs. Benjamin Johns, John Thomas, and John Erskin. TA. Estate of Richard Johns - Parrotts Reserve. Accession No.: 17,898-466 MSA S512-1- 518 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/06/10 467: Jacob Bruner vs. Elizabeth Curfman, Jacob Curfman, Catherine Curfman, John Curfman, Margaret Curfman, and Sarah Curfman. FR. Estate of Daniel Curfman - Lambeth, Castle Henry, Fielderea. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 695. Accession No.: 17,898-467 MSA S512-1- 519 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/06/13 468: John Bond. BA. Appointment of trustee for Rebecca Cole. Accession No.: 17,898-468 MSA S512-1- 520 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/07/10 469: George Buchanan vs. Michael Shannon. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 195. Accession No.: 17,898-469 MSA S512-1- 521 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/11/25 470: Sarah Bordley, Elizabeth Bordley, Robert Milligan, and John F. Mifflin vs. Mary Hanson. KE. Estate of George Hanson - St. James Farms. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 464. Accession No.: 17,898-470 MSA S512-1- 522 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/01/01 471: William Briscoe and Thomas Ellis vs. Samuel Ireland. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-471 MSA S512-1- 523 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/08/22 472: Lewis Browning vs. Samuel Lilly. FR. Estate of John Carter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 493. Accession No.: 17,898-472 MSA S512-1- 524 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/08/06 473: Daniel Beall vs. Catherine Loveless, Margaret Loveless, and Mary Suter. MO. Petition to sell Euster, Resurvey on Batchelors Purchase, Resurvey on Euster Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 606. Accession No.: 17,898-473 MSA S512-1- 525 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/10/10 474: William Ballenger and Alexander McDougle vs. Lamich Duvall and Otho Duvall. FR. Title to None Such. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-474 MSA S512-1- 526 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/05/21 475: Christiane Baden vs. Francis Hance, Charlotte Hance, John Hance, Harriett Hance, Mary Ann Hance, Eliza Hance, and Samuel Turner. CV. Defraud of creditors of Francis Hance. Accession No.: 17,898-475 MSA S512-1- 527 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/14 476: James Barnes vs. Duncan Shipley. AA. Estate of George Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-476 MSA S512-1- 528 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/11/25 477: Samuel Boyer vs. Milicent Cornelius, William Cornelius, Helee Cornelius, Samuel Cornelius, George M. Riley, Samuel Lennard, Mary Cornelius Lennard, Rebecca Shinard, John Wilson, Hannah Wilson, Cornelius Riley, Benjamin Smith, Ann Smith, Able G. Cornelius, James F. Vansant, Francis Shinard, John Phillips, Elizabeth Phillips, Harriet Cornelius, Mary Cornelius, Daniel Cornelius, Campbell Cornelius, Abraham Cornelius, John Sullivan, Elizabeth Sullivan, Aaron Cornelius, Catherine Cornelius, John Cornelius, Cornelius Riley, and Abigail Riley. KE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 432.
Accession No.: 17,898-477 MSA S512-1- 529 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/08/09 478: Edward Brown vs. Thomas Cockey, Elias Brown, Moses Brown, and John Brown. BA. Estate of Edward Stocksdale - slaves Dinah, Caty, Harry, Robert, Nell, Henny, and Nathan. Accession No.: 17,898-478 MSA S512-1- 530 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/12/10 479: Robert Bucker vs. Chany Ridgway and Elizabeth Ridgway. CA. Petition to record deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 508. Accession No.: 17,898-479 MSA S512-1- 531 Location: 1/35/5/
1826/07/12 480: William Bromwell, Jr. vs. Nathan Turner, Henry N. Rogers, and Philip Rogers. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Instituted in Baltimore County Court, 1818. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 458. Accession No.: 17,898-480-1/2 MSA S512-1- 532 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/05/30 481: John Barney, William Barney, and Lewis Barney vs. John S. Horne. BA. Injunction against removal of merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-481 MSA S512-1- 533 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/03/21 482: James Boring vs. Gideon Bosley and Bryan Tipton. BA. Contract to purchase Greens Desire, Penningtons Outlet, Boreings Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-482-1/2 MSA S512-1- 534 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/05/30 483: William Bailey vs. Uriah Forrest. PG. Contract to purchase Swann Harbour, Batchelers Harbour. Accession No.: 17,898-483 MSA S512-1- 535 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/06/19 484: William Burton vs. Elizabeth Curtis. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-484-1/2 MSA S512-1- 536 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/11/12 485: John Baynard vs. William Moriston, George Moriston, Daniel Moriston, and Fisher Moriston. CA. Estate of John Moriston, Sr. - Lloyds Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 518. Accession No.: 17,898-485 MSA S512-1- 537 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/05/21 486: Michael Bruner, Margaret Bruner, George Bruner, Susanna Bruner, and Moses Staley vs. Jacob Staley and Frederick Kemp. FR. Estate of Joseph Staley - Foxes Spy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 689. Accession No.: 17,898-486-1/2 MSA S512-1- 538 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/09/08 487: Tristram Bowdle. TA. Appointment of trustee for James Bowdle. Accession No.: 17,898-487-1/10 MSA S512-1- 539 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/10/19 488: Samuel Bonnifant vs. Thomas Tucker. MO. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-488 MSA S512-1- 540 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/08/06 489: Jeremiah Berry vs. Mildred Berry and Henry Ayton. MO. Title to Charles and Benjamin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 431. Accession No.: 17,898-489-1/5 MSA S512-1- 541 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/08/06 490: Thomas Beall vs. Abraham Faw. AL. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Two Brothers, Brothers. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-490-1/2 MSA S512-1- 542 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/11/15 491: Leonard Belt and Hannah Belt vs. Tobias Belt. PG. Estate of Joseph Belt - Addition to Pigg Penn, Addition to Good Luck, Jeremiah and Mary, Recovery. Accession No.: 17,898-491 MSA S512-1- 543 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/03/16 492: Matthew Beard vs. James Williams, Richard Dorsey, Brice J. Worthington, William Alexander, Lewis Neth, and Jonathan Pinkney. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-492 MSA S512-1- 544 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/21 493: Jereboam Beauchamp vs. Leonard Kidwell, Arthur Campbell, and John Smith. CH. Title to Canarvan Accession No.: 17,898-493 MSA S512-1- 545 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/01/02 494: James Boarman vs. Philip Edelen. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-494 MSA S512-1- 546 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/12/01 495: James Blackistone vs. Araminta Little, Elizabeth Little, and Mary Little. KE. Petition to record deed for His Lordships Gracious Grant, Partnership, Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 63. Accession No.: 17,898-495 MSA S512-1- 547 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/02/14 496: Archibald Bryson vs. Thomas Yates. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bowly and Yates Addition in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-496-1/2 MSA S512-1- 548 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/09/12 497: Thomas Burgee vs. John Turner and Richard Turner. PG. Contract to purchase Ralpho. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-497 MSA S512-1- 549 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/05/12 498: Jacob Brotzman vs. Peter Grosnickle, Enoch Fry, Solina Fry, Daniel Holtzapple, Abraham Holtzapple, Regina Holtzapple, Fredrick Holtzapple, John Linsbaugh, Mary Linsbaugh, Benjamin Moser, Susannah Moser, Abaraham Rodwick, and Catherine Rodwick. FR. Contract to purchase Abentons Cabin, Resurvey on Lucks All, Egypt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 703.
Accession No.: 17,898-498 MSA S512-1- 550 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/02/13 499: Peter Beaver vs. John Kendrick. FR. Petition to record deed for Hendrick Hap. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 667. Accession No.: 17,898-499 MSA S512-1- 551 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/02/23 500: Thomas Johnson, James Johnson, Baker Johnson, and Roger Johnson vs. John Shank and Barbara Shank. FR. Petition to record deed for Vine Garding, Longatebough, High Rum. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 638. Accession No.: 17,898-500 MSA S512-1- 552 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/10/22 501: George Burkhart vs. Mary Quynn, Catherine Quynn, Elizabeth Quynn, Allen Quynn, and William Quynn. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-501 MSA S512-1- 553 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/08/30 502: James Butcher vs. Samuel Burgess, Susan Duhamel, George Burgess, Richard Bullen, Anna Bullen, Richard Stockett, Ann Stockett, Nancy Mackubin, Mary Burgess, Alexander M. Burgess, Richard Mackubin, Thomas Franklin, and Eliza Franklin. QA. Contract to purchase lot in Church Hill, Hammonds Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 396.
Accession No.: 17,898-502 MSA S512-1- 554 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/06/22 504: Joshua Barney vs. John Hollins. BA. Dissolution of a partnership.. Accession No.: 17,898-504-1/15 MSA S512-1- 555 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/09/21 505: Jacob Bull vs. Richard Sampson and Joseph Curtis. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Sampsons Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 210. Accession No.: 17,898-505-1/5 MSA S512-1- 556 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/09/04 506: William Brown vs. Nicholas Brewer and William Bell. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 664. Accession No.: 17,898-506-1/4 MSA S512-1- 557 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/08/13 507: Richard Barnaby vs. Amasa Robinson. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-507-1/4 MSA S512-1- 558 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/01/12 510: Enoch Bailey. AL. Petition to record deed for Military Lot 421. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 69. Accession No.: 17,898-510 MSA S512-1- 559 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/12/07 511: John Bond vs. James Ady and Joshua Ady. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bonds Pleasant Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-511 MSA S512-1- 560 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/12/21 512: James R. Blunt. QA. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Blunt. Accession No.: 17,898-512-1/2 MSA S512-1- 561 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/19 513: William Buchanan vs. John Haslett, Andrew Haslett, George Haslett, Hannah Haslett, Sylvanus Bourne, and Rebecca Bourne. BA. Contract to purchase Gists Inspection. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-513 MSA S512-1- 562 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/05/14 514: Nicholas Brewer and Gerrard Plummer vs. Mary Hardesty, Harriet Hardesty, Richard Hardesty, Elizabeth Hardesty, and Elias Hardesty. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Benjamins Content. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-514 MSA S512-1- 563 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/09/30 515: William Barton, James Barton, and Vezey Price vs. Attorney General. HA. Contract to purchase My Ladys Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-515 MSA S512-1- 564 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/09/10 516: William Brown vs. Robert Pottinger. AA. Estate of Thomas Buchanan. Accession No.: 17,898-516 MSA S512-1- 565 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/03/02 519: Samuel Betsworth vs. Martin Luther and Winifred Haynie. SO. Petition to inspect account books. Accession No.: 17,898-519 MSA S512-1- 566 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/06/21 520: James H. Blake and John Thomas Bond vs. John G. Mackall and Richard Grahame. CV. Estate of Thomas Mackall - Grays Chance, Exchange, Brooke Place Manor, Stonsby, Evans His Land, Cole Harbour, Cedar Branch, Sewells Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-520-1/4 MSA S512-1- 567 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/08/17 521: John Henry Begel vs. Charity Fulwiler, Jacob Fulwiler, Mary Fulwiler, Elizabeth Lutz, Ann Fulwiler, Barbara Fulwiler, Elizabeth Sellers, David Sellers, Catherine Stonebreaker, Anthony Stonebreaker, Eve Miller, Henry Coontz, and Jacob Coontz. FR. Title to Gap, Worse and Worse, Turkey Ramble, Small Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-521 MSA S512-1- 568 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/11/16 522: Mountjoy Bayley vs. John Hawkins. FR. Contract to purchase Venus, Badgen Hole. Accession No.: 17,898-522 MSA S512-1- 569 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/20 524: Catherine Bose vs. Cumberland Dugan and Charles O'Brien. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dugans Wharf in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 89. Accession No.: 17,898-524-1/3 MSA S512-1- 570 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/09/06 526: Gilbert Buchanan vs. James Morsell, James Sewell, and Clarissa Norfolk. CV. Estate of Joseph Ireland - Leeches Freehold, Peakins Nest, Angles. Accession No.: 17,898-526 MSA S512-1- 571 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/04/04 527: Daniel Bowly and Richard Ridgely vs. George Lux. BA. Petition to record deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 38. Accession No.: 17,898-527 MSA S512-1- 572 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/06/19 529: Philemon C. Blake, Jr., William Richmond, Samuel Wright Thomas, and Thomas Wright vs. Mary Canadine and Catherine Canadine. QA. Estate of Christopher W. Canadine - Bennetts Regulation. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 88. Accession No.: 17,898-529-1/6 MSA S512-1- 573 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/11/07 530: Thomas Burgee vs. William Hall. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Seths Folly, Hard to Find. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 868. Accession No.: 17,898-530 MSA S512-1- 574 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/12 531: Thomas Beall, Thomas Foster, John Foster, Benjamin Foster, Joseph Foster, Richard Foster, and Isaac Vanmeter vs. George Mason, William Mason, Richard Mason, Ann Mason, Sarah Mason, Jared Howe, and Elizabeth Howe. AL. Contract to purchase Welchmans Conquest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 129.
Accession No.: 17,898-531 MSA S512-1- 575 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/09/08 532: Thomas Beall vs. John Jacob Bough. AL. Contract to purchase lot in Cumberland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 850. Accession No.: 17,898-532-1/2 MSA S512-1- 576 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/12/08 533: Job Bacon and Isaac Stroud vs. Earle Rochester. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lowders Hazzard, Philadelphia. Accession No.: 17,898-533 MSA S512-1- 577 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/09/24 534: Margaret Born, John Wilhide, Polly Wilhide, Elizabeth Born, George Weddle, and Rosana Weddle vs. John Born. FR. Estate of John Weller - Sande Elizabeth, Turckireaush. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 367. Accession No.: 17,898-534 MSA S512-1- 578 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/12/15 535: Zachariah Berry vs. Alexander Contee. CV, PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Brook Place Manor in CV. Also Brooke Court, Joseph and Mary, Buttington, Purchase, Colebrook, Coxes Hays, Taylerton, Taylor March, Watsons Forrest, Ridding in PG. Accession No.: 17,898-535 MSA S512-1- 579 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/10/28 536: Susan Bouchell. CE. Appointment of trustee for John Bouchell. Accession No.: 17,898-536 MSA S512-1- 580 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/05/28 537: Basil Brown vs. Thomas H. Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, Anne Dorsey, Edward Dorsey, and Mary Dorsey. AA. Petition to partition Norwoods Fancy. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-537 MSA S512-1- 581 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/12/20 540: Richard Brooke vs. Abraham H. Price. BA. Estate of John Switzer. Accession No.: 17,898-540 MSA S512-1- 582 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/04/12 541: Zachariah Berry vs. Rinaldo Johnson. PG. Injunction against removal of timber on Brooke Court, Joseph and Mary, Purchase, Buttington. Accession No.: 17,898-541-1/2 MSA S512-1- 583 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/12/29 542: William Henry Baldwin, Sarah Hammond, Augustine Gambrill, Maria Gambrill, and Thomas Worthington vs. William Henry Worthington, and Achsah Ann Worthington. AA. Estate of Henry Baldwin - Rising Sun Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 647 and 94, p. 335.
Accession No.: 17,898-542 MSA S512-1- 584 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/08/20 543: William Benson, Daniel Candler, Rosanna Candler, Thomas Selby, Sarah Selby, Benjamin Holland, Alice Holland, Neale Clarke, Margaret Clarke, Mary Benson, Allen Simpson, Sarah Simpson, and Ninian Benson vs. Zachariah Maccubbin. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Good Port. Accession No.: 17,898-543 MSA S512-1- 585 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/01/18 544: John Bennett and Samuel Cecil vs. John Lewis, Sarah Harvey, John Harvey, Margaret Johnson, Joshua Johnson, James Thorpe, Margaret Thorpe, Susanna McClosky, John McClosky, Anna McClosky, Joseph McClosky, Charles McClosky, Emelina McClosky, and Arthur McClosky. MO. Contract to purchase Stratsnever.
Accession No.: 17,898-544-1/2 MSA S512-1- 586 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/03/05 545: Higgison Belt vs. Michael Kogenderfer and Thomas Sprigg. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-545 MSA S512-1- 587 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/11/24 546: Samuel C. Brown vs. William Scrivener. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-546 MSA S512-1- 588 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/02/13 547: James A. Buchanan, Sidney Buchanan, Peggy Buchanan, and Mary Allison vs. Esther Buchanan, Eliza Buchanan, Amelia Buchanan, and Sidney Buchanan. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-547-1/2 MSA S512-1- 589 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/08/29 548: William Spriggs Bowie vs. Humphrey Belt, Rinaldo Johnson, David Crawford, Clement Hill, and Richard Sprigg. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-548 MSA S512-1- 590 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/04/25 549: Joseph Beall and Rachel Beall vs. Thomas Cornelius Howard and Brice Howard. AA. Estate of Joseph Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-549 MSA S512-1- 591 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/02/04 551: Sarah Buchanan, Thomas Sim Lee, Alexander Cowan, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, and Benjamin Nicholson vs. Thomas Cockey Deye. BA. Contract to purchase Selsed, Jacks Double Purchase. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 4, No. 50, MdHR 40,283-196, S65-84, B5/10/1. Also show Carrs Regulation, Ridgelys Good Will, Charles Discovery, Benjamins Beginning, Regulation, Fords Choice, Bucks Purchase, Williams Beginning, Kings Field.
Accession No.: 17,898-551-1/13 MSA S512-1- 592 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/10/07 551: Sarah Turnbull and Thomas Sim Lee vs. Roger Boyce Cowan. BA. Contract to purchase Jacks Double Purchase. Consolidated with Buchanan vs. Deye. Accession No.: 17,898-551-1/13 MSA S512-1- 593 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/01/29 552: Roseana Brandt vs. Valentine Adams. FR. Contract to purchase house and lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 331. Accession No.: 17,898-552 MSA S512-1- 594 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/28 553: Samuel Byrnes and Daniel Byrnes vs. Joseph Scott, Jr. BA. Petition to record deed for Addition, Mount Royal, Spicers Stony Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-553 MSA S512-1- 595 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/04/05 554: John Brashears vs. John H. Tillard, William S. Tillard, Matilda Simmons, and Benjamin McCeney. AA. Title to Anne Arundel Manor, Brashears Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-554-1/3 MSA S512-1- 596 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/12/30 555: Joseph Bell, Joseph Watson, William John Bell, William Patterson, John Oliver, Robert Oliver, and Sarah C. Donnell vs. James Biays and Joseph Biays. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-555-1/2 MSA S512-1- 597 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/05/18 556: Meshack Browning, Sarah Meshack, Warren Magruder, Harriett Magruder, Lloyd Magruder, Ann Magruder, Mary Holmes, Eleanor Holmes, and Eliza Holmes vs. William Benson, Ninian Benson, Allen Simpson, and Sarah Simpson. MO. Contract to purchase Cow Pasture, Mount Pleasant, Bensons Discovery. Plat of Cow Pasture, Mount Pleasant.
Accession No.: 17,898-556 MSA S512-1- 598 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/09/08 557: Prudence Bowen vs. James Bowen, Isaac Bowen, William Bowen, Ellen Bowen, and Julia Anne Bowen. BA. Petition to sell property. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 241. Accession No.: 17,898-557 MSA S512-1- 599 Location: 1/35/5/
1760/09 558: John Brice vs. Charles Homewood and William Roberts. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Homewoods Lot, Homewoods Parcel, Hogg Neck, Davis Lot, Alcots Triangle, Bennetts Park, Pitherstone, Henrietta Marias Care for Maryland, Scotland. Accession No.: 17,898-558 MSA S512-1- 600 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/06/14 559: John Bonfield, Thomas Bonfield, Ann Bonfield, Joseph Pierce, Richardson Pierce, and Sarah Pierce vs. Joseph Stansbury, William Stansbury, Isaac Stansbury, and Ann Barbara Rogers. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-559 MSA S512-1- 601 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/29 560: Jesse Browning, Nathan Browning, Jesse Browning, Meshack Browning, and Jeremiah Browning vs. Elias Browning. MO. Petition to sell Red Oak Slip, Ten Acre Warrant. Accession No.: 17,898-560 MSA S512-1- 602 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/10/16 561: Meeky Burgess vs. Dennis Magruder, William Lyles, and Dennis M. Burgess. PG. Estate of Meek Magruder. Accession No.: 17,898-561 MSA S512-1- 603 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/06/10 562: Theodore R.S. Boyce vs. Noah Gassaway and Samuel Gassaway. AA. Estate of Nicholas Gassaway - Bensons Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 548. Accession No.: 17,898-562-1/2 MSA S512-1- 604 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/09 563: Peter Bowie vs. John Scrivner and Mary Scrivner. MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Branly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 326. Accession No.: 17,898-563 MSA S512-1- 605 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/02/01 564: Nicholas Brewer and Daniel Wells, Sr. vs. Henry S. Hall, Ann Hall, and William Wells. AA. Insolvent estate of William Wells. Accession No.: 17,898-564-1/2 MSA S512-1- 606 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/05/25 565: John Benson vs. Mary Coolidge, John Hepburn, Sally Hepburn, and Patricius Hepburn. MO. Title to Resurvey of Hanover. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 82. Accession No.: 17,898-565 MSA S512-1- 607 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/03/14 566: Thomas Beatty and Thomas Samuel Poole vs. John Crawford, Jonas Crawford, Thomas Crawford, David Crawford, James Crawford, Elias Crawford, David Crawford, Dorothy Crawford, Mary Crawford, and Elizabeth Crawford. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-566 MSA S512-1- 608 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/10/10 568: Charles Bonsal vs. Owen McManus. BA. Injunction against destruction of house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-568 MSA S512-1- 609 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/04/17 569: Hosea Barnes vs. Nathan Hughes, Francis Hughes, Jesse Nowland, Susanna Nowland, Otho Taylor, James Taylor, Ashbury Taylor, Sylvester Taylor, and Catherine Taylor. HA. Estate of Ashbury Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-569 MSA S512-1- 610 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/11/23 570: James A. Buchanan vs. Thomas Peters, Edward Johnson, Theodore Sedgwick, Susan Sedgwick, Robert Watts, Jr., and Matilda Watts. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 362 and 111, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-570-1/2 MSA S512-1- 611 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/11/18 570A: James A. Buchanan vs. Thomas Peters, Edward Johnson, Mary Ann Philpot, Brian Philpot, John Philpot, Elizabeth Philpot, Clarissa Philpot, and Edward Philpot. BA. Title to lots in BC, Philipots Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 380 and 108, p. 200.
Accession No.: 17,898-570A MSA S512-1- 612 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/07 571: Francis Boyd, Mary Boyd, Sarah Boyd, Rebecca Boyd, Jane Boyd, Heigh Boyd, William Boyd, and John Boyd vs. Johnson Greer. CE. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-571 MSA S512-1- 613 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/04/27 572: James W. Brackenridge and Eliza Brackenridge vs. William D. Digges and Abraham Clarke. PG. Petition to sell slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-572 MSA S512-1- 614 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/10/31 573: William Bosley and Elizabeth Bosley vs. William Stansbury, Susanna Stansbury, and Mathias Andreon. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Stansburys Discovery, Henrys Lot, Henrys Delight in Ameys Garden, Long Crandon. Accession No.: 17,898-573 MSA S512-1- 615 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/03/22 576: Daniel Bowly vs. William Goodwin. BA. Contract to ship goods to France. Accession No.: 17,898-576 MSA S512-1- 616 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/05/24 577: Ely Balderston, John Jenkinson, William Morgan, William Stump, Jr., Margaret Stump, Edward Miller, William Miller, Ann Miller, and Henry Miller vs. Isaac Henry and Hannah Henry. HA. Contract to purchase Goffeys Neighbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 438.
Accession No.: 17,898-577-1/2 MSA S512-1- 617 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/07/22 583: Alexander Burgess vs. Alexander Warfield, Elizabeth Dickerson, and John Brice Burgess. AA. Contract to purchase Warfields Range. Accession No.: 17,898-583 MSA S512-1- 618 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/03/20 584: Samuel Bachtel vs. John Leight. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Elizabethtown. Accession No.: 17,898-584 MSA S512-1- 619 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/01/01 585: Jacob Brumbaugh vs. Samuel Velrey. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-585 MSA S512-1- 620 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/06/02 586: Susannah Bates, John Donaldson Locke, Ann Locke, Richard Llewellin, Phillippa Llewellin, John Bates, James Jordon Bates, Catherine Bates, and James Smolly Bates vs. Denton Jacques and Richard Bond. CH. Estate of James Bates - Wilfords Meadows.
Accession No.: 17,898-586 MSA S512-1- 621 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/12/26 587: Philip T. Briscoe and Pamelia L. Briscoe vs. Robert Hanson and Priscilla Hanson. CH. Estate of Theophilus Hanson. Accession No.: 17,898-587 MSA S512-1- 622 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/03/10 588: Margaret Black and Frederick Wilson vs. Thomas Wilson. KE. Petition to sell Shads Hole, Prickly Pear, Ridgely, Providence, Cammolls Worthmore, Jones Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-588 MSA S512-1- 623 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/12/15 589: Dorsey Baker vs. Jacob Rowles and Rachel Maxwell. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bald Hill, East Lothian. Accession No.: 17,898-589 MSA S512-1- 624 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/09/26 590: Robert Bigham vs. Jesse Lewis, Elijah Lewis, Ann Lewis, and Eliza Lewis. BA. Contract to purchase Lewis Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 303 and 100, p. 601. Accession No.: 17,898-590 MSA S512-1- 625 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/02/23 591: William Beanes vs. Louraina Brashears and Mary Brashears. AA. Estate of George Brashears. Accession No.: 17,898-591 MSA S512-1- 626 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/05/23 594: Samuel Bond and Elizabeth Bond vs. John Beavin, Margaret Woods, and Charles Brant. CH. Estate of John Forbes - Nottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-594-1/2 MSA S512-1- 627 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/11/26 595: Stephen Beans vs. Jonathan Albertson. CE. Contract to purchase Brick Hill Plantation. Accession No.: 17,898-595-1/2 MSA S512-1- 628 Location: 1/35/5/
1825/11/29 596: Nicholas Brewer vs. Walter Pumphrey. AA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 854. Accession No.: 17,898-596 MSA S512-1- 629 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/12/18 597: Francis Bird vs. Joseph Bucey, Eliza S. Bucey, and Cely Kelly. AA. Contract to purchase Anti-Libanus. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 95 and 110, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-597 MSA S512-1- 630 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/03/01 599: Alexius Boone and Notley Maddox vs. Anne Magill. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 811. Accession No.: 17,898-599-1/2 MSA S512-1- 631 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/12/10 600: Senah Busick and Samuel Brown vs. Kittmah Ross, Ann Ross, and William S. Ross. DO. Defraud of creditors of James Thomas Ross - Ross Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-600 MSA S512-1- 632 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/07/13 601: Andrew Barnett vs. Dr. Joseph Mackrill. BA. Contract to purchase North Carolina. Accession No.: 17,898-601 MSA S512-1- 633 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/06/17 602: Thomas Bond vs. Evan L. Crawford. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-602 MSA S512-1- 634 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/01/05 603: James Belt vs. Overton Carr and Anthony Addison. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Friends Chance, Waterford. Accession No.: 17,898-603 MSA S512-1- 635 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/20 604: Benjamin Bayard vs. Thomas Price and Rachel Price. CE. Contract to purchase Morris Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 176. Accession No.: 17,898-604 MSA S512-1- 636 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/08/26 605: William Bull and Mary Bull vs. Bennett Garrett, Susan Garrett, and Charles Williams. BA. Estate of Edward Bennett Bussey - Hills Camp. Accession No.: 17,898-605 MSA S512-1- 637 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/06/22 606: Andrew Buchanan vs. Charles Wallace and John Murray. AA. Estate of Joshua Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-606 MSA S512-1- 638 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/05/11 607: William Beanes vs. John S. Brookes. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Nance and John. Accession No.: 17,898-607 MSA S512-1- 639 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/04/12 608: Mary Brammele, Asel Leach, and Benjamin Leach vs. Levin Winder and Harriett Winder. CH. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-608 MSA S512-1- 640 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/02/13 609: Townley Bruce, Benjamin West, Sarah West, Sr., Erasmus West, Sarah West, Jr., Horace West, Levin West, Joseph West, George Washington West, Elizabeth West, and Trueman West vs. Attorney General. FR. Title to Merryland. Accession No.: 17,898-609 MSA S512-1- 641 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/09/16 610: Bank of Baltimore vs. James Biays. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 510. Accession No.: 17,898-610 MSA S512-1- 642 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/06/15 612: Joshua B. Bond vs. Monica Rutledge, Jacob Rutledge, Theresa McAtee, Henry McAtee, Francis Wheeler, Polly Brown, Samuel Brown, Henrietta Wheeler, Bennett Wheeler, Ignatius Wheeler, and Elizabeth Wheeler. HA. Estate of Ignatius Wheeler. Accession No.: 17,898-612 MSA S512-1- 643 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/04/03 614: Juliana Jenings Brice, Ann Carroll Brice, James Frisby Brice, Elizabeth Dulany Brice, Thomas Jenings Brice, and Juliana Brice vs. Jesse Ray. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Cronelus Calf pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-614 MSA S512-1- 644 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/05/26 615: Nicholas Brice vs. Nicholas Gatch. BA. Petition to record deed for Stones Range, Orange, Gays Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-615 MSA S512-1- 645 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/13 616: Richard Bell vs. Alexander Nesbitt. CE. Petition to record deed for Rockland Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-616 MSA S512-1- 646 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/01/08 617: Richard B. Beall, Jacob Brandt, and John N. Murphy vs. John Howard, Elizabeth Sewell, James H. Sewell, and William H. Sewell. BA, HA. Injunction against sale of Youngs Addition, Youngs Escape. Accession No.: 17,898-617-1/2 MSA S512-1- 647 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/04/20 618: Joseph Burnside, Ann Burnside, Henry Burnside, and Aquilla Burnside vs. George Bickham, Jacob Gittig, Jacob Reese, and George Hoffman. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-618 MSA S512-1- 648 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/26 619: Mary Barnes vs. Reubin Sutton. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Halls Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-619 MSA S512-1- 649 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/08/04 620: Thomas Scott Bond vs. Henry Walters and Patience Walters. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Isles of Capree. Accession No.: 17,898-620 MSA S512-1- 650 Location: 1/35/5/
1825/06/22 621: Elizabeth Birckhead, John Walters, and James Reardan vs. Charlton Waltham, Hester Waltham, and Robert Saunders. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-621 MSA S512-1- 651 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/11/30 622: John Smith Brookes and David Crauford vs. John Ridout. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-622 MSA S512-1- 652 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/06/04 623: John Balser vs. William Michael, Catherine Michael, Henry Slifer, and Samuel Slifer. FR. Contract to purchase Addition to Frederick Town. Accession No.: 17,898-623 MSA S512-1- 653 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/10/04 625: Gilbert Buchanan vs. Joseph Howard, Brice Howard, John Rowan, and George Howard. BA. Estates of Joseph Howard, Thomas Cornelius Howard, and Brice Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-625 MSA S512-1- 654 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/12/29 626: James Biays vs. George C. Reed. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-626 MSA S512-1- 655 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/02/19 627: Elizabeth Ballard vs. Walter Mackall. CV. Injunction against of removal of timber from Henry Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-627 MSA S512-1- 656 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/01/07 629: John Brown vs. Vachel White. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Providence, Grimes Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-629 MSA S512-1- 657 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/10/06 630: Robert W. Bowie, Kitty Bowie, and Mary Lansdale vs. Dennis Boyd, Elizabeth Boyd, and Clement Brooke. PG. Estate of Isaac Lansdale. Accession No.: 17,898-630 MSA S512-1- 658 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/10/10 631: Mary Bolton vs. Michael Rogers. KE. Title to lot in Bridgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-631 MSA S512-1- 659 Location: 1/35/5/
1770/09/17 632: Robert Craig vs. Francis Baker. CE. Estate of Henry Baker - Vanbibbers Forrest, Clay Fall, Landore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 405 and 18, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-632-1/4 MSA S512-1- 660 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/05/24 632A: Robert Craig. CE. Insolvent estate of Craig. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-632A-1/3 MSA S512-1- 661 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/09/27 633: William B. Morris vs. Buckler Bond. HA. Estate of James Bond - Morgans Lott, Rangers Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 325. Accession No.: 17,898-633 MSA S512-1- 662 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/04/07 634: Humphrey Buckler vs. Thomas McElderry and Nathaniel Andrews. BA. Dissolution of Nathaniel Andrews & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-634-1/3 MSA S512-1- 663 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/16 635: Benjamin Buck, Sarah Buck, Salathiel Divers, Tobias Stansbury, Elizabeth Stansbury, and Priscilla Divers vs. Mary G. Divers, Casandra Divers, Mary Hollingsworth, and Jarrett Hollingsworth. BA, HA. Petition to sell Onions Inheritance Resurveyed in BA and HA. Also Sims Choice, Swanson, Divers Island, Federal Meadow in BA and Partners Discovery in HA. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 127.
Accession No.: 17,898-635 MSA S512-1- 664 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/06/19 636: Mark Benton. QA. Appointment of trustee for Horatio Seney. Accession No.: 17,898-636 MSA S512-1- 665 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/06/09 637: James Boggs vs. State of Maryland. CE. Title to lot in Charlestown. Accession No.: 17,898-637 MSA S512-1- 666 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/12/20 638: Christopher Barr, Margaret Barr, Jacob Reedy, Rachel Reedy, Gabriel Billmyer, Margaret Billinger, Michael Toby, Massam Dean, Jacob Rockenfield, and John Rockenfield vs. Joseph Chapline. WA. Title to Resurvey on Hills and Dales, Vineyards. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-638-1/2 MSA S512-1- 667 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/05/30 639: Lloyd Brewer, Lewis Brewer, Dinah Brewer, Temperance Roles, and David Roles vs. William Brewer, Mary Anne Horner, Abraham Horner, John Horner, and Richard Horner. AA. Title to Smiths Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-639 MSA S512-1- 668 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/09/16 640: Vincent Bosley vs. Mathew Wiley. HA. Title to Rockey Point Enlarged, Salisbury Plains, Querna Fruitful Barrow. Accession No.: 17,898-640-1/2 MSA S512-1- 669 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/08/07 641: Henry Griffith vs. John Beale Bordley. MO. Contract to purchase Tusculum, Elk Ridge, Resurvey on Griffiths Chance, Inmans Plains, Thats All. Accession No.: 17,898-641 MSA S512-1- 670 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/11/28 642: Martin Bowers vs. John Latour and Michael Sanderson. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-642 MSA S512-1- 671 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/01/20 643: Philip Brooks and Daniel Lamb vs. Benjamin Comegys and George W. Blackiston. BA. Defraud of creditors of Comegys and Blackiston - Mountenays Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-643 MSA S512-1- 672 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/11/16 644: Rebecca Barney vs. Stephen Shelmerdine. BA. Estate of John Shelmerdine. Accession No.: 17,898-644 MSA S512-1- 673 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/10/30 645: William Bayly and Ariana French vs. William King and John Skinner. MO. Title to lots in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 691. Accession No.: 17,898-645 MSA S512-1- 674 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/07/17 646: George Buchanan and Andrew Buchanan vs. Richard Henderson, William Sydebotham, and George Lee. FR, PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Walnut Level, Town Creek, Hard Bargain, Peru, Conclusion in FR. Also Millers Beginnning, Deakins Hall, and lots in Carrollsburg in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 7.
Accession No.: 17,898-646 MSA S512-1- 675 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/04/25 647: Thomas Biddle and Barbara Biddle vs. Magdaline Markell. FR. Estate of Nicholas Markell - Carrolls Range, Bottom, Resurvey on Company. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 321 and 106, p. 520. Accession No.: 17,898-647-1/2 MSA S512-1- 676 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/09/30 648: Jacob Broom and Thomas Foulke vs. Lydia Johnson, Margaret Stokes, James Stokes, and Thomas Jefferson Stokes. CE. Estate of John Stokes. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 665. Accession No.: 17,898-648-1/2 MSA S512-1- 677 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/12/27 650: Thomas Brodey vs. Robert Hynson and Mary Hynson. CA, KE. Contract to purchase Garden of Roses, Oak Ridge, Boons Hope, Boons Alley in CA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 141 and 106, p. 614. Accession No.: 17,898-650 MSA S512-1- 678 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/12/30 651: Adam Boss, Jr. and John Boss vs. Adam Boss, Sr., Sarah Boss, Sophia Boss, George Boss, Margaret Boss, and Henry Boss. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-651 MSA S512-1- 679 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/09 652: Peter Bowie vs. Levi Scrivner. MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Brandy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 326. Accession No.: 17,898-652 MSA S512-1- 680 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/02/26 653: Peter Bond vs. Henry Hoffman, Enritt Hoffman, Elizabeth Hoffman, and Mary Hoffman. BA. Title to Williams Forrest, I Will and I Will Not, Poor Scriveners Folly, Good Will, William Resurveyed, Trowell. Accession No.: 17,898-653 MSA S512-1- 681 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/10/17 654: William Bryan vs. William Hindman. TA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-654 MSA S512-1- 682 Location: 1/35/5/
1822 655: Dennis Boyd vs. South River Bridge Co. and James Butler. AA. Injunction against construction of bridge abutment on Bloomfield. Accession No.: 17,898-655 MSA S512-1- 683 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/09/20 656: George W. Biscoe, Edward Calvert, Elizabeth Calvert, Charles Stewart, and Ann F. Stewart vs. Benjamin Oden and Charles Lowndes. PG. Contract to purchase Tiviver. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 77. Accession No.: 17,898-656 MSA S512-1- 684 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/01/17 658: Daniel Brent vs. Basil Bowling. PG. Title to Bowlings Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-658 MSA S512-1- 685 Location: 1/35/5/
1784/02/27 659: William Bruce and David Luckett vs. Christian Ordendorff, George Adams, and Mary Henop. FR. Title to Rattle Snake Springs. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 393. Accession No.: 17,898-659 MSA S512-1- 686 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/08/22 660: Joseph Berrett, Mary Berrett, Columbus O'Donnell, Deborah O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, and Eliza White O'Donnell vs. Washington Owen, Ruth Owen, Michael Richard Berry, and Sarah Gassaway Berry. BA. Contract to purchase Belly Ache Thicket, Greenburys Meadow, Gardiners Delights, Bachelors Refuge.
Accession No.: 17,898-660 MSA S512-1- 687 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/02/10 661: Jacob Bachman vs. John Stevens, Andrew Stevens, George Stevens, Jacob Stevens, Susannah Stevens, Henry Stevens, Peter Frank, Johanna Frank, John Taylor, Catherine Taylor, Robert Crist, Elizabeth Crist, Thomas Taylor, Mary Taylor, John Wickert, Catherine Wicket, John Lammot, and Ann Lammot. BA. Contract to purchase New Found Bottom Enlarged, Wee Bitt Enlarged, Foxes Thickett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 695 and 97, p. 344.
Accession No.: 17,898-661 MSA S512-1- 688 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/01 662: Philip Battee, Josias Green, Mary Green, Elizabeth Battee, Juliana Battee, Samuel Battee, Isabella Battee, and Gassaway Battee vs. Sarah T. Todd. BA. Contract to purchase Tripple Union, Todds Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 403. Accession No.: 17,898-662 MSA S512-1- 689 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/02/11 663: Cornelius Buck and Nicholas Mills vs. John Whittington and Sally Whittington. AA. Estate of William Whittington. Accession No.: 17,898-663 MSA S512-1- 690 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/09/29 664: John Brice Burgess vs. Charles A. Warfield and Serratt Warfield. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership, Second Addition to Snowdens Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 122. Accession No.: 17,898-664-1/3 MSA S512-1- 691 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/10/13 665: Benjamin Benny vs. James Colston, Samuel Thomas, Philemon Willis, John Willis, Joseph H. Colston, and Thomas Parrott. TA. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-665-1/4 MSA S512-1- 692 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/06/16 666: Richard Conner, Thomas Norman, Nicholas Norman, John Weems, David Weems, and Joseph Gott vs. Mary Weems and Alexander McPherson. AA. Title to Padgett, Lock Eden. Accession No.: 17,898-666-1/2 MSA S512-1- 693 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/10/19 667: Elizabeth Rapp vs. Thomas Baltzell and Henry Moore. BA. Injunction against construction of a building in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-667-1/2 MSA S512-1- 694 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/12/26 668: James M. Broom vs. Mary Armour, David Armour, William Armour, Solomon H. Armour, James Armour, John Armour, Jannette Armour, and John Hillen. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 224. Accession No.: 17,898-668 MSA S512-1- 695 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/04/01 669: Benjamin Blackford, John Cookerly, Frederick C. Hase, Andrew Holtzman, Frederick Eichelberger, Joseph Penn, and Jacob Stephens. FR. Petition to sell Mesners Content. Accession No.: 17,898-669 MSA S512-1- 696 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/11/22 670: Thomas Bailey vs. John Miller, Andrew Hooke, Jacob Gardiner, George Hicas, William Myers, and William MacMechen. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 91 and 106, p. 557. Accession No.: 17,898-670-1/3 MSA S512-1- 697 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/05/12 671: Thomas C. Brown and Elias Brown vs. Elias Ellicott, John Ellicott, George Ellicott, and William Brown. BA. Petition to partition Mount Misery. Accession No.: 17,898-671 MSA S512-1- 698 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/05 672: Thomas Bond vs. Harriot Bond, Mariah Bond, Mary Ann Bond, and Shadrack Bond. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-672 MSA S512-1- 699 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/07/24 673: Aquila Beall, Grace Beall, Elizabeth Holliday, and Margaret Holliday vs. Richard Harwood. CV. Injunction against removal of timber from Buzzards Island. Accession No.: 17,898-673 MSA S512-1- 700 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/09/13 674: Eleanor Byns vs. James Byns. CV. Petition to discover accounts of Joseph Byns. Accession No.: 17,898-674 MSA S512-1- 701 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/07/28 675: James Boon vs. Mary Boon and Jacob Boon. CA. Estate of Robert Boon - Partnership, Hadden. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-675 MSA S512-1- 702 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/11/20 676: Elijah Bosley, Hannah Bosley, Sarah Wilmott, Robert Shanklin, Elizabeth Shanklin, Thomas Thompson, and Elizabeth Thompson vs. John Fitch, Pleasant Fitch, Robert Fitch, Rebecca Fitch, William Clark, Dorcas Clark, George Council, Sarah Council, Mr. Channell, Ann Channell, James Woolf, and Massey Woolf. BA. Contract to purchase Grays Inspection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 492 and 108, p. 109.
Accession No.: 17,898-676 MSA S512-1- 703 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/03/03 677: Denton Jacques, Patrick Murdock, and Evan Girism vs. Nathan Gregg and John P. Pleasants. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-677-1/3 MSA S512-1- 704 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/11/05 678: William Biggs, Frederick Biggs, Joseph Biggs, Abraham Furney, Susanna Furney, Jacob Ott, Elizabeth Ott, Conrod Dudderow, Catherine Dudderow, Samuel Singer, Hannah Singer, John Need, and George Need vs. Edward Digges, Edward Neale, Henry Digges, Francis Digges, Joseph W. Claggett, Eleanor Claggett, Susanna Digges, Mary O'Neale, and Elizabeth O'Neale. FR. Title to Rich Level.
Accession No.: 17,898-678-1/2 MSA S512-1- 705 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/03/20 679: Alexius Boone, Benjamin Oden, Thomas Mundell, John F. Bowie, Joseph N. Busch, Notley Maddox, and Joseph Blandford vs. Mary Howard. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-679-1/2 MSA S512-1- 706 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/10/22 680: John Brown and Agnes Brown vs. William B. Beanes and Truman Tyler. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-680 MSA S512-1- 707 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/10/03 681: Charles Beatty vs. John House. MO. Title to Spring Lot in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-681 MSA S512-1- 708 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/08/09 682: Abraham Baker vs. Joseph Chapline. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Small Addition. Plats; also show Resurvey on Hills, Dales and Vineyard, Vineyard, Bakers Plantation, Resurvey on Stoney Glade, Prospect, Red Oak Level, Fellfoot Enlarged, Dorins Neglect, Dear Bought, What You Please, Burrells Bower. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-682 MSA S512-1- 709 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/01/25 683: Michael Beard vs. Eleanor Kennedy and Alexander Mitchell. WA. Estate of George Scott - White Oak and Pine, Norways Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-683 MSA S512-1- 710 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/10 685: Edward Burgess and Daniel Hook vs. Richard Butler. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-685 MSA S512-1- 711 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/12/02 686: Edward Burgess vs. Stephen West, Samuel St. Clair, Benjamin Ricketts, and Nathaniel Pigman. MO. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-686 MSA S512-1- 712 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/04/20 687: Philip Boyer and Conrad Dudderar vs. Sarah Miller. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-687 MSA S512-1- 713 Location: 1/35/5/
1822/09/10 689: Benjamin Belt and Ann Belt vs. Thomas Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds, and William Reynolds. CV. Estate of Hilleary Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-689 MSA S512-1- 714 Location: 1/35/5/
1796/01/08 690: Basil Brown vs. Vachel White. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Providence. Accession No.: 17,898-690 MSA S512-1- 715 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/03/29 691: Thomas Bickwell vs. Sarah Woodfield. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-691 MSA S512-1- 716 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/07/05 692: John H. Blew vs. Sarah Townshend and Peter Armbruster. AA. Petition to record deed for lot in Elk Ridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 255 and 105, p. 200. Accession No.: 17,898-692 MSA S512-1- 717 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/12/30 694: Walter Brooke vs. Elizabeth Clements and Jacob Clements. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Brothers Industry. Accession No.: 17,898-694 MSA S512-1- 718 Location: 1/35/5/
1834/08/29 695: James C. Sellman and Francis A. Crook vs. John D. Bowling and Elizabeth Childs. CH. Estate of Samuel Childs. Accession No.: 17,898-695 MSA S512-1- 719 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/12/11 696: James Barroll vs. Richard Ricaud, James Ricaud, Sarah Ricaud, Rebecca Ricaud, Louisa Ricaud, Laurence Ricaud, and Benarma Ricaud. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 454 and 106, p. 423. Accession No.: 17,898-696 MSA S512-1- 720 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/01/20 697: Thomas Beatty vs. Samuel Bossess and Belt Brashears. FR. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-697 MSA S512-1- 721 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/11/16 698: Sarah Bordley and Elizabeth Bordley vs. Joseph Pennington. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Painters Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-698 MSA S512-1- 722 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/04/27 699: George Baer, Henry Brish, Richard Cromwell, Jacob Mixell, George Ramsbergh, Leonard Storm, Maryann Levy, Levin Thomas, Philip Killion, Abraham Levy, John McCullogh, Jacob Leah, John Bayly, Henry Kemp, Jacob Hoff, and John Ramsbergh vs. Frederick Diehl. FR. Insolvent estate of Diehl - brewery in Frederick.
Accession No.: 17,898-699 MSA S512-1- 723 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/11/28 700: Eccleston Brown vs. Joshua Polk and Solomon Turpin. CA, DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Rowley in CA. Also Windsor, Taylors Outlet, Sandy Hill, Addition to Moores Meadow in DO. Accession No.: 17,898-700 MSA S512-1- 724 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/07/15 701: Harriott Boarman vs. Teresa Boarman. CH. Estate of Henry Boarman. Accession No.: 17,898-701 MSA S512-1- 725 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/12/08 702: Allen Bowie vs. Jacob Howard. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Second Resurvey on Woolf Cow Pasture, Resurvey on Silence. Accession No.: 17,898-702 MSA S512-1- 726 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/04/09 703: Walter Bowie vs. Elizabeth Wilson. PG. Petition to record deed for Samuels Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-703 MSA S512-1- 727 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/11/18 704: Samuel C. Brown vs. Nathan Deale. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on a slave Nell. Accession No.: 17,898-704 MSA S512-1- 728 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/06/04 705: William Bosley vs. Charles Wells. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-705 MSA S512-1- 729 Location: 1/35/5/
1813 706: Nicholas Brice vs. John McAllister. BA. Estate of Mary Brookes - Derbyshire. Accession No.: 17,898-706 MSA S512-1- 730 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/07/24 707: Henry Barrickman vs. George Keppler. WA. Estate of Frederick Barrickman - Jacobs Brunes. Accession No.: 17,898-707 MSA S512-1- 731 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/06/15 708: William Brewer vs. Frederick A. Rawlings. AA. Contract to repay loan. Accession No.: 17,898-708 MSA S512-1- 732 Location: 1/35/5/
1833/01/03 710: William Blair vs. Josiah P. Turner. SM. Title to Fox, Davis Forrest, Scotland, Strife, Vowlis Addition, Hatfield Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-710 MSA S512-1- 733 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/11/03 711: William B. Barney vs. Jonathan Hudson. BA. Estate of Andrew McLaughlin. Accession No.: 17,898-711 MSA S512-1- 734 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/03/21 713: James Biays vs. Joseph Biays and John H. Browning. BA. Debts owed by Joseph Biays - lots and lumber yard in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-713-1/5 MSA S512-1- 735 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/10/02 714: Columbus J. Byrne vs. Owen McManus. BA. Injunction against destruction of a wall in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-714-1/2 MSA S512-1- 736 Location: 1/35/5/
1829/12/03 715: Nicholas Brice and George Smith vs. Fredus Price, Rebecca Price, Sarah Price, and Elizabeth H. Price. CE. Contract to purchase Frisbys Prime Choice, Frisbys Forrest, Addition to Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 546. Accession No.: 17,898-715-1/6 MSA S512-1- 737 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/01/22 716: Nicholas Brown vs. Jacob Gittinger and Margaret Fringer. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-716 MSA S512-1- 738 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/12/17 717: William Brewer and Peter Bowie vs. John Scrivener, Elizabeth Scrivener, Henrietta Spates, Mary Scrivener, Elizabeth Collins, Margaret Hickman, Levi Scrivener, Rezin Scrivener, Sarah Scrivener, and William Scrivener. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Resurvey on Brandy.
Accession No.: 17,898-717 MSA S512-1- 739 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/07/01 718: James A. Buchanan vs. Peter Bonnefel. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 397. Accession No.: 17,898-718 MSA S512-1- 740 Location: 1/35/5/
1835/12/01 719: Jeremiah Bramble vs. Stephen Andrews, Sarah Medford, Edward Medford, Ansel Medford, Uriah Medford, and Lewis Ross. DO. Estate of Peter Medford. Accession No.: 17,898-719 MSA S512-1- 741 Location: 1/35/5/
1823/05/31 720: John Barker vs. Christopher Raborg, Jr., William Raborg, Samuel Raborg, Franklin Raborg, Jacob Wagner, Rachel Wagner, Samuel McClellan, Eliza McClellan, Catherine M. Raborg, Catherine Raborg, and Samuel J. Donaldson. BA. Estate of Christopher Raborg, Sr.
Accession No.: 17,898-720 MSA S512-1- 742 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/05/04 721: Robert W. Bowie vs. John S. Brookes. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-721 MSA S512-1- 743 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/06/20 722: Samuel Briscoe vs. John Cornthwait, William T. Proud, David Wilson, John G. Proud, Christopher Deshon, William Bosley, and Beale Spurrier. BA. Defraud of creditors of Cornthwait - Garrettsons Meadow, Coxes Paradise, lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-722 MSA S512-1- 744 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/03/27 723: Esau Brooks vs. John Wyatt. QA. Estate of Samuel Wyatt - Tilghmans Discovery, Wyatts Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-723 MSA S512-1- 745 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/04/14 724: Edward Brown vs. Richard Richards, Jr. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Cornhill Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Reocrd) 111, p. 441. Accession No.: 17,898-724-1/2 MSA S512-1- 746 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/07/29 725: Ralph Briscoe vs. James Hook. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-725 MSA S512-1- 747 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/07/30 726: Robert Bowie vs. Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-726 MSA S512-1- 748 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/08/05 727: John Boose and Peter Kemp vs. Jesse Carpenter, Ruth Carpenter, Henry Culver, and Edward Hall. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Plummers Jack, Worst than Nothing, Resurvey on Worst than Nothing, Friends Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-727 MSA S512-1- 749 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/06/18 728: Paul Bentato and Cumberland Dugan vs. Edward Harris. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 252. Accession No.: 17,898-728-1/3 MSA S512-1- 750 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/05/10 729: John Beaver vs. Michael Schlarpp. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Arnolds Arbor Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-729 MSA S512-1- 751 Location: 1/35/5/
1824/05/25 730: Sarah M. Briscoe vs. Francis Wheeler and Elizabeth Wheeler. CH. Estate of Edward Briscoe. Accession No.: 17,898-730 MSA S512-1- 752 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/07/27 731: Christian Baum vs. James Johnston. BA. Insolvent estate of Johnston. Accession No.: 17,898-731 MSA S512-1- 753 Location: 1/35/5/
1818/06/25 732: James Boyd vs. Littleton D. Teackle. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-732 MSA S512-1- 754 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/09/04 733: Abraham Boyer vs. George Rutter. FR. Title to Caties Memorandum. Accession No.: 17,898-733 MSA S512-1- 755 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/01/29 734: Lewis Browning vs. Samuel Lilly. FR. Estate of John Carter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 867. Accession No.: 17,898-734-1/2 MSA S512-1- 756 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/02/19 736: Edward Brown vs. John Stevens, Andrew Stevens, George Stevens, Jacob Stevens, Susannah Stevens, Henry Stevens, Peter Frank, Johanna Frank, John Taylor, Catherine Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Mary Taylor, Robert Crist, Elizabeth Crist, John Wickert, Catherine Wickert, Jacob Hanck, John Lammott, and Ann Lammott. BA. Estate of Abraham Stevens - New Found Bottom Enlarged, Rockland, Stevens Defense, Wee Bitt Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 674 and 97, p. 326.
Accession No.: 17,898-736 MSA S512-1- 757 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/05/11 737: Bosley Bond vs. Gabriel Christie. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-737-1/4 MSA S512-1- 758 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/06/15 738: Jehu Bouldin vs. John E. Howard and Josias Pennington. BA. Estate of Josias Pennington - Swan Harbor. Accession No.: 17,898-738 MSA S512-1- 759 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/02/10 739: Laurence Brengle vs. George Creager, Sr. and George Creager, Jr. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-739 MSA S512-1- 760 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/03/25 740: William Bosley vs. George Weighner, Maria Weighner, Mary Ann Bond, and Shaderick G. Bond. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 249. Accession No.: 17,898-740 MSA S512-1- 761 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/06/25 741: Michael Barndoler vs. George Fisher. FR. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Brothers Agreement. Accession No.: 17,898-741 MSA S512-1- 762 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/02/05 742: David Brumbaugh vs. Nicholas Carr and Elizabeth Carr. WA. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Nicholas Contrivance, All I Could Get, Nicholas Contrivance. Accession No.: 17,898-742 MSA S512-1- 763 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/03/31 743: John Smith Brookes vs. Samuel Smith and Isaac Walker. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 31, p. 225. Accession No.: 17,898-743 MSA S512-1- 764 Location: 1/35/5/
1807/06/24 744: John B. Bowie, William M. Bowie, Charles Bowie, William M. Mockbee, John Mockbee, and Simon Mockbee vs. Benjamin H. Clark, Martha Clark, Charles Clark, and Ann Maria Clark. PG. Estate of Thomas Clark - Brock Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 215 and 110, p. 500.
Accession No.: 17,898-744 MSA S512-1- 765 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/01/20 745: George Burkhart vs. Thomas Spurrier, Joseph Spurrier, Joshua Spurrier, Elph Spurrier, Richard Spurrier, Henry Spurrier, Senny Spurrier, Ruth Spurrier, Cupa Spurrier, Mealy Spurrier, and Elizabeth Spurrier. FR. Estate of Greenbury Spurrier. Accession No.: 17,898-745 MSA S512-1- 766 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/06/09 746: John Smith Brookes vs. Johnson M. O'Riley and Samuel Hamilton. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-746 MSA S512-1- 767 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/01/15 747: Jacob Bond vs. Thomas Merryman. BA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-747 MSA S512-1- 768 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/03/20 748: Noble Butler vs. Henry Oneal Welch. MO. Estate of Henry Welch - slave Sam. Accession No.: 17,898-748 MSA S512-1- 769 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/04/14 749: Benjamin Blacklock, Nicholas F. Blacklock, John W. Blacklock, Robert S. Blacklock, Mary Ann Blacklock, Elizabeth Blacklock, Mariah Blacklock, and Elizabeth C. Blacklock vs. Benjamin Cawood and John Spalding. CH. Petition to sell Gruff Street, Atchesons Hazard, Gantts Enlargement, Blacklocks Rosemary, Bettys Lot, Addition to Hall, Mount Paradise, Smallwoods Meadow, Strife, Hoop Thickett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 621.
Accession No.: 17,898-749 MSA S512-1- 770 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/07/09 750: William Brewer vs. William Collins and Elizabeth Collins. MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Brandy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-750 MSA S512-1- 771 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/07/05 751: Robert Buchanan and Margaret Wright vs. James Henry, Peregrine Stoops, and Sarah Stoops. KE. Petition to sell lot in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-751 MSA S512-1- 772 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/04/08 752: Henry E. Bayley vs. James Dashiell. SO. Contract to purchase Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-752 MSA S512-1- 773 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/07/03 753: John H. Brown vs. Thomas H. Bowie and Mathias Hammond. AA. Estate of William Hammond - Norwoods Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-753 MSA S512-1- 774 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/11/10 754: Gustavus Brown, Gustavus R. Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Thomas H. Blunt, and Margaret Blunt vs. Clement Dorsey. CH. Estate of Gustavus Brown - Rose Hill Estate, Montrose. Accession No.: 17,898-754-1/7 MSA S512-1- 775 Location: 1/35/5/
1791/07/14 755: John Bickham vs. Harry Dorsey Gough. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 710. Accession No.: 17,898-755-1/2 MSA S512-1- 776 Location: 1/35/5/
1837/02/15 755A: Daniel Bowers. BA. Insolvent estate of Bowers - Shreaters Friendship, Tokenham, Beef Hall, Park Hall, William Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-755A MSA S512-1- 777 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/02/02 755B: James Bevard. HA. Insolvent estate of Bevard. Accession No.: 17,898-755B MSA S512-1- 778 Location: 1/35/5/
1788/05/03 755C: James Bryson. BA. Insolvent estate of Bryson - Coles Harbour in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 265. Accession No.: 17,898-755C-1/5 MSA S512-1- 779 Location: 1/35/5/
1798 756: Andrew Buchanan. BA. Insolvent estate of Buchanan. Accession No.: 17,898-756 MSA S512-1- 780 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/04/27 757: Dennis Barnes vs. Susan Howard, Levin Lawrence, and Mary Lawrence. BA. Title to Charles Delight, Bakers Desire. Accession No.: 17,898-757 MSA S512-1- 781 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/04/07 758: Elisha D. Berry vs. John Thomas III, Edward Owen, and Washington Owen. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Snowdens Manor Enlarged, Addition to Charles and Benjamin, Centreville Commons. Accession No.: 17,898-758 MSA S512-1- 782 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/11/02 759: Richard B. Beall vs. Paul Jacquin. BA. Injunction against sale of merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-759 MSA S512-1- 783 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/03/01 760: James Boulden vs. John Lum, Jeremiah Casden, Thomas Richardson, Mileah Richardson, and Joseph Richardson. CE. Estate of John G. Richardson. Accession No.: 17,898-760 MSA S512-1- 784 Location: 1/35/5/
1825/02/18 761: Philip Brooke and Samuel Kerr vs. George Spry, Araminta Spry, John Graham, Mary Graham, William Pearce, and Eliza Pearce. KE. Estate of John Graham - Wards Oak, Addition to Wards Oak, Dowells Fancy, Wisks Part of Buckingham Resurveyed, Agreement, Slips, Partnership, Partnership Resurveyed.
Accession No.: 17,898-761 MSA S512-1- 785 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/08/01 762: Margaret Biggart and David Boyle vs. Elizabeth McElderry, John McElderry, Thomas McElderry, Hugh McElderry, Eliza McElderry, Mary McElderry, James McElderry, Edward McElderry, Jane McElderry, Henry McElderry, Anne McElderry, and Anne McElderry. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 102 and 106, p. 634.
Accession No.: 17,898-762 MSA S512-1- 786 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/09/16 763: Vincent Bosley and Jesse Jarrett vs. John McCleave. HA. Title to Industry. Accession No.: 17,898-763 MSA S512-1- 787 Location: 1/35/5/
1819/04/07 763A: Stewart Brown vs. Benjamin German, Jr., Daniel Perrigoes, Philip Sumwalt, and William W. Bond. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-763A MSA S512-1- 788 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/05/13 763B: Walter Brookes vs. James H. Blake, Joseph Devill, and Robert Beall. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Brothers Industry. Accession No.: 17,898-763B MSA S512-1- 789 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/09/11 763D: John Burgess, Samuel Burgess, and Caleb Burgess vs. Rezin Spurrier, Deborah Spurrier, and Matilda Burgess. AA. Estate of Caleb Burgess. Accession No.: 17,898-763D MSA S512-1- 790 Location: 1/35/5/
1790/02/22 763E: Whittington Bowen and John Logan vs. John Bratten. WO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-763E MSA S512-1- 791 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/10 763F: Fielder Bowie vs. Samuel Preston Moore and Thomas Dickinson. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-763F MSA S512-1- 792 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/07/05 764: Susan W. Cochron, George T. Dunbar, Francis Dunbar, George Colegate, Mary Colegate, Frederick A. Schley, and Eliza Schley vs. William McCannon, James McCannon, Ann McCannon, and John McCannon. BA, FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 181.
Accession No.: 17,898-764-1/4 MSA S512-1- 793 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/01/13 765: Thomas Curtis, Thomas Hayward, and Zadock Long vs. John Jones, Tubman Jones, and Thomas H. Jones. SO. Estate of Thomas Jones - Masborrows Advice, Stitch Hill, Second Addition to Hog Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 11. Accession No.: 17,898-765-1/7 MSA S512-1- 794 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/12/11 766: Thomas Coward vs. Mary N. Robinson. TA. Injunction against removal of timber from Long Point, Robinsons Beginning, Robinsons Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-766 MSA S512-1- 795 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/04/01 767: James Colston vs. John LeCompte. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment on St. Anthonys Picherdee, Raxhall Chance, Benys Chance, Lecomptes Pasture, Hog Pen Neck, Garden of Eden. Accession No.: 17,898-767 MSA S512-1- 796 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/09/09 768: William Colby vs. Edward Rice, Mary Weaver, and Peter A. Carthous. BA. Petiton to recover funds. Accession No.: 17,898-768 MSA S512-1- 797 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/12/13 769: Timothy Corkin vs. Levin Breerwood, Jonathan Breerwood, Leah Breerwood, Sarah Breerwood, and Leah Breerwood. DO. Contract to purchase Breerwoods Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 445. Accession No.: 17,898-769 MSA S512-1- 798 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/02/01 770: Thomas R. Cross and Aria Cross vs. Caleb Smith and Pamelia Smith. BA. Estate of Thomas Rockhold. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 548. Accession No.: 17,898-770-1/5 MSA S512-1- 799 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/03/28 771: Joseph Camden vs. John Scrivener and John Whittington. AA. Estate of Francis Scrivener - slaves Grace, Hagar, Meriah, Tim, Sal, and Jem. Accession No.: 17,898-771-1/3 MSA S512-1- 800 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/01/02 772: Charles Carroll of Carrollton and John Dorsey vs. Achsah Gwinn, Anna Gwinn, Caleb Gwinn, Rebecca Gwinn, Edward Gwinn, and Ashsah Gwinn. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gwinns Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 332. Accession No.: 17,898-772 MSA S512-1- 801 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/04/25 773: William Colston and James Colston vs. Charles Emory. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment on St. Anthony, Chance, Rossall, Peakerde, Hog Pen Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-773-1/2 MSA S512-1- 802 Location: 1/35/5/
1785/08/24 774: Richard Cheney and Samuel Cheney vs. Samuel Snowden, John Snowden, Mary Snowden, Henry Snowden, and Thomas Snowden. PG. Petition to release mortgage on slaves Sarah, Lettica, Jack, Nole, Harvy, Cook, Margaret, and Hannah. Accession No.: 17,898-774 MSA S512-1- 803 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/06/16 775: Richard Henley Courts vs. William Renner. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-775 MSA S512-1- 804 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/04/07 776: James Chapline vs. Joseph Chapline. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-776 MSA S512-1- 805 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/06/21 777: James Clark, John Coller, and William Smith vs. William P. Matthews. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-777-1/3 MSA S512-1- 806 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/12/07 778: Anna Maria Chew vs. James Lousier. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Palmers Island. Accession No.: 17,898-778 MSA S512-1- 807 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/03/23 779: Thomas Henry vs. Basil Crapster. AA. Contract to lease a farm. Accession No.: 17,898-779 MSA S512-1- 808 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/02/14 780: Benjamin Cheney, Abraham Cheney, Ruth Proctor, Henry Hardesty, John Hardesty, Delby Russell, Joseph Russell, Ann Shekels, and John Shekels vs. Rebecca Cheney, Wilhelmina Taylor, and Samuel Taylor. AA. Estate of Benjamin Cheney - Benjamins Choice, Benjamins Content. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 266.
Accession No.: 17,898-780 MSA S512-1- 809 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/06/30 781: Rudolph Comte and Nancy Comte vs. John James Giraud and Samuel Green. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-781 MSA S512-1- 810 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/06/21 782: James Clarke, Christopher Hughes, Robert Walsh, and John Storck vs. William Hammond and John Stevenson. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-782 MSA S512-1- 811 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/01/25 783: William Carroll vs. Eleanor Young, Motley Young, Henry Young, and Benjamin Young. MO. Contact to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-783 MSA S512-1- 812 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/02/02 784: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Washington Van Bibber. BA. Contract to exchange lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-784 MSA S512-1- 813 Location: 1/35/5/
1793/03/02 785: Thomas Chamberlain vs. James Gittings. BA. Title to Gunpowder Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 559 and 34, p. 552. Accession No.: 17,898-785 MSA S512-1- 814 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/11/30 786: John Bond Calvin vs. Pricilla Scott, Andrew Scott, Abraham G. Hammond, Cornelius H. Gist, Martha Hay, and Thomas Foulke. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 117. Accession No.: 17,898-786-1/2 MSA S512-1- 815 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/06/18 787: Mathias Clarke vs. Millison Biscoe, Mary Biscoe, Ignatius Biscoe, and William Biscoe. SM. Contract to purchase Asbistons Oak. Accession No.: 17,898-787 MSA S512-1- 816 Location: 1/35/5/
1799/01/01 788: Ann Carvill vs. George Gilbert. KE. Injunction against removal of timber from Adventure Resurveyed, Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-788 MSA S512-1- 817 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/08/14 789: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. John Lacon Isreal. BA. Petition to record a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 824. Accession No.: 17,898-789 MSA S512-1- 818 Location: 1/35/5/
1805/05/14 790: George Carter vs. James M. Cresap. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Seven Springs. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 873. Accession No.: 17,898-790 MSA S512-1- 819 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/07/21 791: Joseph Calwell and Mary Calwell vs. Joshua Swan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Todds Range in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-791 MSA S512-1- 820 Location: 1/35/5/
1816/01/27 792: Richard Carroll vs. Isaac Knight. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-792 MSA S512-1- 821 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/07/07 793: Robert Clarke vs. John J. Jacob, Mary Jacob, James Cresap, Luther Martin, Mary Martin, Lennox Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Osborn Spriggs, and Sarah Spriggs. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment on Mountain. Accession No.: 17,898-793 MSA S512-1- 822 Location: 1/35/5/
1795/04/18 794: Alexander Contee and Benjamin Contee vs. Samuel Groome Osborn, John Osborn, Eliza Osborn, John Campbell, and Elizabeth Bush. HA. Estate of Samuel Osborn - Colerain, Broad Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 235. Accession No.: 17,898-794 MSA S512-1- 823 Location: 1/35/5/
1780/04/27 795: John Chalmers vs. Nicholas Maccubbin. AA. Contract to purchase slaves Charles, Jacob, Jenny, and Polly. Accession No.: 17,898-795 MSA S512-1- 824 Location: 1/35/5/
1794/05/03 796: John Cockey Robert and Bosley Boone vs. Edward Stevenson. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Edwards and Wills Valleys and Hills, Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-796 MSA S512-1- 825 Location: 1/35/5/
1815/01/13 797: John Campbell vs. Richard Brown. SM. Estate of Richard Mason - Dinniard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-797 MSA S512-1- 826 Location: 1/35/5/
1817/08/23 798: Andrew Conroy and Rebecca Conroy vs. Leonard Aldridge, Ann Aldridge, Mary Aldridge, Eleanor Aldridge, and Alfred Aldridge. BA. Petition to sell Favor, Care. Accession No.: 17,898-798 MSA S512-1- 827 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/11/30 799: William Campbell and George Meade vs. Francis Russell, John Russell, and Thomas Russell. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-799 MSA S512-1- 828 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/01/11 801: George Calder vs. Margaret Calder, Mary Calder, Sarah Calder, and Charlotte Calder. BA. Estate of James Calder - Gwynn, Michaels Mount, Rutledge, Bremia, Bee Tree Resurveyed, Castle Calder, Cool Springs, Mirey Meadows, Taracon, Addition, Kidds Neighbor, Freeman, Palmerland, Mount Rutledge, Tarmania, Kelso, Braham, Kleinfelter, Vaunia, Greenland, Orricks, Ferdinand, Ruby, Owl Fork, Wolf Den, Lamland, Wildow, Incult, Rock Hill, Lower Woody Hill, Upper Woody Hill, Curfmania, Marys Hollow, Flush Spring, Windsor, Panther Hill, Panther Spring, Tyson, Williams, Cavin, Charlton, Aia, Standiford.
Accession No.: 17,898-801 MSA S512-1- 829 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/04/04 802: John Campbell vs. John C. Jones, Dorothy Jones, David Easton, Sarah Easton, William D. Harrison, Ann W. Harrison, Rebecca Harrison, and Robert Harrison. CH. Petition to sell Addition to Comsee, Point, Wood Yard, Square. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 236.
Accession No.: 17,898-802-1/2 MSA S512-1- 830 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/05/18 803: Thomas Contee vs. William Clarke. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Paradise Regained. Accession No.: 17,898-803 MSA S512-1- 831 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/02/04 804: William Campbell vs. Henry Ridgely and Richard Ridgely. BA. Insolvent estate of Frederick Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-804 MSA S512-1- 832 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/05/31 805: John Colsten and Alice Colsten vs. Hugh Orem, Speding Orem, Samuel Watts, and Elizabeth Watts. DO. Estate of Hugh Orem - slave Dinah and children. Accession No.: 17,898-805 MSA S512-1- 833 Location: 1/35/5/
1804/10/03 806: Walter Clagett vs. William Brogden and Benjamin M. Hodges. AA. Estate of Thomas Walker - Row Downe, Row Downe Security. Accession No.: 17,898-806 MSA S512-1- 834 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/08/15 807: Thomas Contee vs. Joseph Strong, Thomas Strong, James Strong, William Strong, Eleanor Strong, Sarah Biddison, and Jeremiah Biddison. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Maxwells Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-807 MSA S512-1- 835 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/02/08 807A: Richard Carroll vs. Samuel Pierpoint. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Cordwainers Hall, Maidens Dairy, Cannons Delight, Batchelors Fear, Frederickstadt Enlarged, Cromwells Range. Accession No.: 17,898-807A MSA S512-1- 836 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/03/09 808: Mary Chenoweth vs. Harriet Darius and Charles Griffith. BA. Insolvent estate of Griffith. Accession No.: 17,898-808 MSA S512-1- 837 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/09/07 809: Elizabeth Courtney vs. Levinus Clarkson and Castin Newhouse. BA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-809 MSA S512-1- 838 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/10/19 809A: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Elizabeth Chew. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-809A MSA S512-1- 839 Location: 1/35/5/
1814/08/11 810: John Cox vs. Dederick Shrike and Thomas J. Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-810 MSA S512-1- 840 Location: 1/35/5/
1803/06/13 811: Daniel Carroll and Zachariah Mackubin vs. William Smith and John Weatherburn. BA. Title to Islington, North Stead, Buck Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 80. Accession No.: 17,898-811-1/2 MSA S512-1- 841 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/04/03 812: Edward Crow vs. John Hilleary. FR. Contract to purchase tobacco. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 78. Accession No.: 17,898-812 MSA S512-1- 842 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/02/23 813: James M. Cresap and Mary Cresap vs. Washington Van Bibber. AL, BA, PG, QA. Estate of Abraham Van Bibber - Diadins in AL. Also Paradise in BA, lots in BC, lots in DC, Love Point in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-813 MSA S512-1- 843 Location: 1/35/5/
1812/02/01 814: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. John Bouldin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 445. Accession No.: 17,898-814 MSA S512-1- 844 Location: 1/35/5/
1811/01/09 815: Hezekiah Clagett vs. George Russell, William R. Boote, Sarah Boote, Archibald M. Russell, Francis Johnson, Eliza Johnson, and John Todd Russell. BA. Petition to record lease for Welches Adventure, Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 6.
Accession No.: 17,898-815 MSA S512-1- 845 Location: 1/35/5/
1813/03/02 816: Jacob Champer vs. Christian Champer, John Champer, and Basil Champer. FR. Contract to purchase Least Said is Soonest Mended, Colloden Walls. Accession No.: 17,898-816 MSA S512-1- 846 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/12/26 817: Joseph Chapline vs. William Good. WA. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Well Done. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-817 MSA S512-1- 847 Location: 1/35/5/
1798/05/01 818: Thomas Deye Cockey and Ann Cockey vs. Rachel Lux. BA. Contract to purchase Ridgelys Whim. Accession No.: 17,898-818-1/2 MSA S512-1- 848 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/02/11 819: James Colston vs. William Hopper. TA. Injunction against removal of timber from Guardians Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-819 MSA S512-1- 849 Location: 1/35/5/
1792/06/07 820: Richard Caton vs. James Strahan, William Whitesides, and James McKenbie. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-820 MSA S512-1- 850 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/05/04 821: Hector Clagett, Hanibal Clagett, Thomas Clagett, Henry Addison, Elizabeth Addison, Upton Bruce, and Sarah M. Bruce vs. Jacob Duckett, Mary Duckett, Caroline Clagett, Alfred Clagett, and Nathaniel Clagett. PG. Estate of Thomas Clagett - Hazard, Never Fear, Marlows Resurvey, lot in Piscattaway, Two Johns, Lanhams Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 651.
Accession No.: 17,898-821-1/9 MSA S512-1- 851 Location: 1/35/5/
1806/07/27 821: Alfred Clagett and Caroline Clagett vs. Thomas Duckett, Thomas Clagett, Elizabeth Addison, Upton Bruce, Sarah Bruce, and Hannibal Clagett. PG. Estates of Thomas Clagett and Judson M. Clagett - Hazard, Never Fear, Marlows Resurvey, lot in Piscattaway, Two Johns, Lanhams Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 651.
Accession No.: 17,898-821-1/9 MSA S512-1- 852 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/04/24 822: Thomas Contee vs. Charles Cooke and Agnes Cooke. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-822-1/4 MSA S512-1- 853 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/01/02 823: Joseph Chapline and James Chapline vs. John Henderson and James M. Lingan. WA. Contract to purchase Little I Thought It. Accession No.: 17,898-823-1/5 MSA S512-1- 854 Location: 1/35/5/
1821/06/26 823: Joseph Chaplain and James Chaplain vs. Richard Henderson, James McPherson, and John Brien. WA. Title to Little I Thought It. Accession No.: 17,898-823-1/5 MSA S512-1- 855 Location: 1/35/5/
1820/08/21 823: Joseph Chaplin and James Chaplin vs. Janet Lingan, Ariana Linn, and Sally Henderson. WA. Title to Little I thought It. Accession No.: 17,898-823-1/5 MSA S512-1- 856 Location: 1/35/5/
1809/09/07 824: Henry Crowl vs. Daniel Bowley and Jeremiah T. Chase. BA. Title to lot land. Accession No.: 17,898-824 MSA S512-1- 857 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/02/03 825: George Connoway, Thomas Rockbold, Area Rockhold, Caleb Smith, and Amelia Smith. AA. Petition to sell Aldridges Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-825 MSA S512-1- 858 Location: 1/35/5/
1801/08/27 826: William Livesay vs. Michael Carroll and Ann Carroll. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-826 MSA S512-1- 859 Location: 1/35/5/
1802/05/17 827: Richard Caton. BA. Appointment of trustee for Richard Yates. Accession No.: 17,898-827 MSA S512-1- 860 Location: 1/35/5/
1800/04/22 828: James Corrie vs. James Hindman, Anna Clarke, Susanna Clarke, and Lydia Clarke. CA. Estate of Parrott Clarke - Rivival. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 181. Accession No.: 17,898-828 MSA S512-1- 861 Location: 1/35/5/
1797/07/13 829: William Campbell vs. Christian Barrack. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Monocacy Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-829 MSA S512-1- 862 Location: 1/35/5/
1808/08/16 830: Susan Coudon vs. John Evans. CE. Estate of Samuel Coudon - Sidwells Bequest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-830 MSA S512-1- 863 Location: 1/35/5/
1787/05/08 831: James Cheston, William Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, Michael Pue, Eleanor Dorsey, Joshua Dorsey, and Elijah Gaither vs. Edward Dorsey. AA, FR. Petition to sell Piles Delight, Moores Morning Choice, First Discovery, Second Discovery, Grecian Siege, Houcley in AA. Also Calebs Delight Enlarged in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 548 and 17, p. 95.
Accession No.: 17,898-831 MSA S512-1- 864 Location: 1/35/5/
1789/12/09 832: John Cockey vs. Ruth Cockey. BA. Estate of William Cockey - Cockeys Trust, Holdmore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 25. Accession No.: 17,898-832 MSA S512-1- 865 Location: 1/35/5/
1810/10/01 833: Robert Christie vs. Robert C. Stone, Nathaniel Causin, Eliza Causin, John Turner, Ann Turner, and Thomas Stone. CH. Estate of John Hopkins Stone - lot in Port Tobacco, Mill Seat, Floras Good Will, Black Oak Ridge, Wellcome. Accession No.: 17,898-833 MSA S512-2- 866 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/09/22 834: Josias Clapham and Mary Cary vs. Cornelius Thompson, John Thompson, and Ann McDonald. FR. Estate of John Thompson - Thompsons Hop Yard, Derby Island, Fair Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-834-1/5 MSA S512-2- 867 Location: 1/36/1/
1830/05/28 835: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Virgil Maxey and Mary Maxey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cumberstone Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-835 MSA S512-2- 868 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03/16 836: Thomas Contee vs. trustee of Rinaldo Johnson. PG. Trust estate of Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-836 MSA S512-2- 869 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/08/24 837: Daniel Carroll of Hunting Ridge, Washington Vanbibber, Joseph Heston, John Merryman, Caleb Merryman, John Mitchell, John Royer Champayn, Job Smith, John Y. Chirr, Edward Pumphrey, Zebulon Hollings, William Hammond, and Jonathan Maurs vs. Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, William Smith, and Isaac Van Bibber. AA, BA. Dissolution of Baltimore Company - Piney Grove and Cromwells Inheritance in AA. Also Frederickstadt Enlarged, Peace, Good Neighorhood, Randalls Friendship, Georgia, Parrishes Range, Land of Goshen in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 21.
Accession No.: 17,898-837-1/2 MSA S512-2- 870 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/12/17 838: John Campbell. BA. Appointment of trustee for William Campbell. Accession No.: 17,898-838 MSA S512-2- 871 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/04/16 838A: Augustine Cairon vs. Frederick Thornhill and Richard B. Mitchell. BA. Defraud of creditors of Thornhill and Mitchell. Accession No.: 17,898-838A MSA S512-2- 872 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/07/30 839: Joseph Cornelius and George Anderson vs. George Newcomb, Elizabeth Newcomb. QA. Estate of John Cornelius. Accession No.: 17,898-839 MSA S512-2- 873 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/06/10 840: Jeremiah Cheney vs. Samuel Ringgold, Tench Ringgold, Frisby Tilghman, and Ann Tilghmen. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Cheneys Delight, Long Looked for Come at Last, Number of Two. Accession No.: 17,898-840-1/2 MSA S512-2- 874 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/02/22 841: Richard Caton vs. Augustine Gambrill and George G. Gambrill. AA. Contract to purchase Rising Sun Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-841 MSA S512-2- 875 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/12/14 842: Jonathan B. Carr vs. Samuel Carr and Anthony Addison. PG. Estate of Overton Carr. Accession No.: 17,898-842 MSA S512-2- 876 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/10/23 843: William Williams Chapline vs. James Chapline, Jacob Hess, and Christopher Orendorff. FR. Trust estate of William Williams Chapline - Resurvey on Hills and Dales, Resurvey on Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-843-1/7 MSA S512-2- 877 Location: 1/36/1/
1786/12/27 844: Henry Casson vs. Tilghman Blades. CA. Title to Long Range. Accession No.: 17,898-844 MSA S512-2- 878 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/19 845: John S. Custis vs. Edmund Custis. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Simon, Stephen, Robert, Peter, George, Adah, Leah, Nancy, and Teackle. Accession No.: 17,898-845 MSA S512-2- 879 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/06/13 846: James Chapline vs. Jonas Hogmire and John Myer. WA. Petition to release mortgage on Addition to Loss and Gain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 282 and 51, p. 260. Accession No.: 17,898-846-1/2 MSA S512-2- 880 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/09/06 847: Henry Childs vs. Elizabeth Childs, Susan Childs, Rebecca Childs, Benjamin Sunderland, and Ann Sunderland. AA. Estate of Isaac Childs - Trent. Accession No.: 17,898-847 MSA S512-2- 881 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/09/05 848: Jabez Caldwell vs. Jacob Gibson. TA. Petition to record deed for Woolsey Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-848 MSA S512-2- 882 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/05/22 849: John Coleman vs. John Rhodes, Sr. and John Rhodes, Jr. HA. Title to Poor Mans Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-849 MSA S512-2- 883 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/05/24 850: William Cole vs. John Okely. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 449 and 104, p. 269. Accession No.: 17,898-850-1/2 MSA S512-2- 884 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/01/19 851: John Crow, Anne B. Crow, Richard B. Crow, James Edmonston, and Mary Edmonston vs. Rebecca Crow and Thornton W. Crow. AA. Petition to sell Neals Delight, Crows Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-851 MSA S512-2- 885 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/11/20 852: Lucy Chaney, Charles Chaney, William Dunham, Mary Dunham, Joseph Smith, Virlinda Smith, Elijah Chaney, Thomas Watts, and Rachel Watts vs. Anne Chaney, Elizabeth Chaney, Mahala Chaney, Anne Porter, Levin Porter, Wells Porter, Elijah Porter, John Porter, Mary Anne Porter, and Charles W. Porter. FR. Petition to sell Just as You Like. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-852 MSA S512-2- 886 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/12/30 853: James Campbell and John Ritchie vs. William B. Beatty, Thomas B. Beatty, Otho R. Beatty, Louise E. Beatty, Eliza Beatty, Henry Beatty, John E. Beatty, Priscilla Beatty, and Lewis Beatty. AL. Estate of Gilbert Strong - lot in Cumberland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 632.
Accession No.: 17,898-853-1/2 MSA S512-2- 887 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/07/05 854: Henry Carberry, Sybilla Carberry, and George Schnertzell vs. William Tannehill and Ignatius Davis. FR. Contract to purchase Buckingham House, Resurvey on Buckingham, Jones Bottom. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 546. Accession No.: 17,898-854-1/6 MSA S512-2- 888 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/07/03 855: Samuel Craig vs. Thomas F. Brooke. MO. Contract to purchase Dann. Accession No.: 17,898-855 MSA S512-2- 889 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/03/23 856: Henry Childs vs. James Pattison, Jacob Pattison, and Benjamin Gaither. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Braughton Ashley, Stationers Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-856 MSA S512-2- 890 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/02/10 857: David Carcaud, Thomas H. Lyles, Robert Wilson, Frisby Freeland, Sr., Sarah Freeland, Frances Freeland, Elizabeth Smith, Edward Reynolds, Mary Reynolds, Ann Chew, and William L. Chew vs. John S. Webster, Isaac L. Webster, Ann Webster, John C. Weems, and Elizabeth Weems. CV. Contract to purchase Halls Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-857 MSA S512-2- 891 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/05/08 858: Richard Colvin vs. Nathan Levering. BA. Title to Coles Harbour, Mountanay Neck, lots in BA. Accession No.: 17,898-858-1/2 MSA S512-2- 892 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/06/13 859: Stephen Collins vs. George Coppersmith. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Timber Plenty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 25, p. 112. Accession No.: 17,898-859 MSA S512-2- 893 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/12/14 860: Walter Clagett vs. William J. Stockett. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Obligation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 495. Accession No.: 17,898-860 MSA S512-2- 894 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/11/16 861: Daniel Chambers vs. James Chalmers, Jr., Prudence G. Chalmers, and Thomas Lee. BA. Petition to mortgage land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 180 and 112, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-861-1/2 MSA S512-2- 895 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/12/15 862: Thomas Cromwell and William Winchester vs. John Nace. BA. Estate of George Nace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 513. Accession No.: 17,898-862 MSA S512-2- 896 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/11/21 863: John Chew vs. Samuel Hodges. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Prevention of Inconvenience. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-863 MSA S512-2- 897 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/06/29 864: Benjamin Clary and Henry Clary vs. Peter Wolf, Ann Clary, and Morlas Clary. FR. Contract to purchase Moah. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 188. Accession No.: 17,898-864 MSA S512-2- 898 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/07/11 865: James Campbell and John Ritchie vs. Nathan Tyson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 760. Accession No.: 17,898-865-1/2 MSA S512-2- 899 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/03/09 866: John Cochran vs. Moses Cochran and James Cochran. CE. Contract to purchase Labodus Tract of Bohemia Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-866 MSA S512-2- 900 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/07/27 867: Christopher Court vs. William White Hall, Ralph Higginbotham, Sophia Higginbotham, Isabell Thomas, John Thomas, Edward B. Hall, David Maulsby, Charlotte Rumsay, R.K. Heath, Mary Heath, Edward Hall, Sophia Key, John McHenry, Martha McHenry, Samuel Hughes, Martines D. Hall, George W. Hall, Sophia Hall, Juliana Hall, Mary Hall, William Ramsay, Ellen Ramsay, and Aquilla Hall. HA. Estate of Aquilla Hall - Aquillas Inheritance, Aquillas Beginning, Wilburns Venture, New Westwood.
Accession No.: 17,898-867-1/4 MSA S512-2- 901 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/05/24 868: Andrew Cross, John Cross, and Stewart Brown vs. Benjamin Disney and William Shipley, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 602. Accession No.: 17,898-868 MSA S512-2- 902 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/03/15 869: Nathaniel Clagett, William K. Clagett, William Marshall, and Nicholas Young vs. Alfred Clagett. PG. Estate of Judson M. Clagett - Dublin, Stoney Harbor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 77. Accession No.: 17,898-869 MSA S512-2- 903 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/04/10 870: Eleanor Chenowith vs. Richard Chenowith. BA. Alimony - Arthurs Lot, Arthurs Addition, Arthurs Addition Resurveyed, Mount Gibbs, William Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-870 MSA S512-2- 904 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/07/31 871: Elie Clagett, Thomas Clagett, Mary Clagett, Sarah Clagett, James L. Hawkins, and Mary Hawkins vs. Eleanor Clagett and Frances Clagett. BA. Petition to sell Good Luck, Addition to Good Luck, Round About Neighborhood, Gists Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 232.
Accession No.: 17,898-871 MSA S512-2- 905 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/25 872: Israel Cope, Jasper Cope, and John Davis vs. William Trippe. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Trippes Enclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 683. Accession No.: 17,898-872-1/2 MSA S512-2- 906 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/11/20 873: James Clayland and Levi Rochester vs. Ebenezer Johnston, Henry Johnston, and Jesse Johnston. QA. Petition to sell Compulsion, Jaspers Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 372. Accession No.: 17,898-873-1/2 MSA S512-2- 907 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/03/15 873: James Rochester vs. John Duhamel. QA. Contract to purchase Compulsion, Jaspers Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 372. Accession No.: 17,898-873-1/2 MSA S512-2- 908 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/06/24 874: Samuel Chamberlain, John Lloyd, and Edward Lloyd vs. Charles Brown, Basil Brown, Robert Brown, and Sarah Brown. CA, PG, QA. Estate of Robert Brown - Baynards Discovery, Coopers Vineyard, Sylvesters Addition in CA. Also Roes Choice in QA, and lots in Washington, DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 250.
Accession No.: 17,898-874-1/3 MSA S512-2- 909 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/05/04 875: Ambrose Clarke vs. William Russell. BA. Petition to record deed for Welchs Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 209. Accession No.: 17,898-875 MSA S512-2- 910 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/07/01 876: Samuel Corbett, Phebe Dunghan, and Mary Long vs. Thomas West, John Clendenen, and David Clendenen. HA. Estate of James Clendenen - Valentines Choice, Nettlevills Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-876 MSA S512-2- 911 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/12/12 877: Henrietta Maria Chamberlaine vs. William Dickinson. TA. Estate of James Dickinson - Hatton, Frankfort St. Michaels, Bennetts Freshes, Baildon. Accession No.: 17,898-877 MSA S512-2- 912 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/01/07 877A: Susan Cochran. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 409. Accession No.: 17,898-877A MSA S512-2- 913 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/19 878: John Cord vs. William Rusk, David Rusk, Ely Rusk, and Samuel Rusk. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bought Wit, Hectors Fancy, Athol. Accession No.: 17,898-878 MSA S512-2- 914 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/07/20 879: William Creek vs. John Cloherty, John McNulty, Catherine McNulty, Polly Cloherty, Elizabeth Cloherty, Honour Cloherty, and John Cloherty. BA. Estate of Patrick Cloherty - house and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 136. Accession No.: 17,898-879 MSA S512-2- 915 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/08/02 880: Joseph Court vs. Gilbert Hamilton Smith, Thomas Dobbin, Eleanor Byers, John K. Smith, Lydia Smith, Gilbert H. Smith, William Smith, and Alex H. Smith. AA. Estate of Thomas Dobbins - Govers Fern, Knightons Purchase, Broughtons Ashley. Accession No.: 17,898-880-1/2 MSA S512-2- 916 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/02 881: Thomas Contee vs. Richard Crandell. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-881 MSA S512-2- 917 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/01/24 882: Margaret Conoway, Lancelot Green, John Green, Elizabeth Talbott, Pamela McCauley, Moses Orme, Elizabeth Orme, Fielcher Cross, Margaret Cross, Truman Duvall, Martha Duvall, and John Lukens vs. Jacob Greene, Philip Greene, Elisha Greene, Elizabeth Bird, Ann Bird, Elijah McCauley, Elisha McCauley, and Green Brashears. AA. Estate of Richard Green - lot in Pigg Point, Anne Arundel Manor, Fox Hall, Greens Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 387 and 48, p. 624.
Accession No.: 17,898-882-1/6 MSA S512-2- 918 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/06/29 883: Adam Clackner vs. Anthony Hardwillier, R.C. Borslandry, and Henry Messonier. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 102. Accession No.: 17,898-883 MSA S512-2- 919 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/03/21 884: Anne Connolly vs. William Connolly. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-884 MSA S512-2- 920 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/11/25 885: Stephen Cramblick. AA. Petition to sell Windsor, Henry and Peter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 124. Accession No.: 17,898-885 MSA S512-2- 921 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/05/21 886: Thomas Coward, Samuel Harrison, and Jonathan Harrison vs. Elizabeth Colston, Jeremiah Colston, Leah Colston, Elizabeth Colston, Josias Colston, and Harriott Colston. DO, TA. Estate of Jeremiah Colston - St. Anthony, Roxall, Prakarde, Chance, Garden of Eden in DO. Also Cove Hall in TA. Plat of St. Anthonys, Roxall, Prakarde, Chance, Garden of Eden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 116.
Accession No.: 17,898-886-1/6 MSA S512-2- 922 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/02/13 887: William Withrow and Sarah Withrow. FR. Estate of James Copper - Carrollsburgh, Black Walnut Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 243. Accession No.: 17,898-887-1/3 MSA S512-2- 923 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/25 888: John D. Chalabre. BA. Insolvent estate of Chalabre. Accession No.: 17,898-888 MSA S512-2- 924 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/12/30 889: Elizabeth G. Contee, Gassaway Rawlings, Dennis Magruder, and James Kirth vs. Richard Alexander Contee. AA, PG, MO. Appointment of trustee for Richard Alexander Contee - Back Neck, Homewood Purchase, Pythoston, Glorious on Pleasant Prospect, Linthicums Stops in AA. Also Renslough, Graden, lot in Bladensburg in PG. Also Snowdens Manor Enlarged in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 681.
Accession No.: 17,898-889-1/12 MSA S512-2- 925 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/27 890: Bank of Columbia vs. George W. Campbell, Harriett Campbell, Thomas Ewell, Elizabeth Ewell, Norman R. Fitzhugh, Ann B. Fitzhugh, Janet A. Fitzhugh, Richard Henderson, Sarah Henderson, Janet L. Henderson, Janet Lingan, Ariana Sim, Benjamin Stoddert, William Stoddert, Rebecca Stoddert, and Christopher Stoddert. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Gordons Pasture, Columbia Bought, Cranfords Adventure, Addition to Little Dean, Second Addition to Little Dean, Bealls Pleasure, Windsors Forrest, Basil Warnings Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 395.
Accession No.: 17,898-890-1/4 MSA S512-2- 926 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/09/11 891: Bank of Columbia vs. Jane Lingan, George Lingan, Sarah Lingan, and Ann Lingan. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Middle Brown, Zoar. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 26. Accession No.: 17,898-891-1/4 MSA S512-2- 927 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/05 892: James Ray. AA. Insolvent estate of Ray. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1791-1797, p. 325. Accession No.: 17,898-892-1/2 MSA S512-2- 928 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/09/25 893: Benjamin Chew, Catherine Chew, Jeremiah Banning, and Henry Banning vs. John Comegys, George Comegys, Ann Gleaves, Edith Gleaves, Anna Gleaves, Moses Allen, Margaret Allen, John Maxwell, Sarah Maxwell, and Elizabeth McClure. KE. Estate of John Gleaves - Triangle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 228.
Accession No.: 17,898-893 MSA S512-2- 929 Location: 1/36/1/
1820/01/03 894: George Medcalf. AA. Petition to recover slaves Arminta Chew and Debby Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-894 MSA S512-2- 930 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/08/06 895: Thomas Contee, Benjamin Contee, and Alexander Contee vs. James Preston, John Lee Gibson, Henrietta Wheeler, Joseph Wheeler, Bennett Wheeler, Francis Wheeler, Ignatius Wheeler, Monica Wheeler, Teresa Wheeler, Elizabeth Wheeler, and Molly Wheeler. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on James Venture, Prestons Search.
Accession No.: 17,898-895-1/2 MSA S512-2- 931 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/08/27 896: William Carmichael vs. Thomas Worrell. KE. Estate of John Farrell. Accession No.: 17,898-896 MSA S512-2- 932 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/11/10 897: William Thomas Clarke vs. Jacob Greene. AA. Estates of Slaytor Nichols and Richard Greene. Accession No.: 17,898-897 MSA S512-2- 933 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/02/25 898: Joseph Chaplain vs. John T. Mason and Joseph Norris. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Kellys Purchase. Plat at 1/38/1/1; also shows Piles Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-898 MSA S512-2- 934 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/11/06 899: Joseph Chapline vs. Jonas Hogmire. WA. Title to Mount Pleasant. Accession No.: 17,898-899 MSA S512-2- 935 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/08/12 900: John Clary, Ralph Spurrier, and Daniel Clary vs. Daniel Bussard, Henry Bussard, Nancy Bussard, Eleanor Bussard, James Bevard, Mary Bevard, John Fluhart, and Rachel Fluhart. FR. Contract to sell Resurvey on Long Trusted. Accession No.: 17,898-900 MSA S512-2- 936 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/10/26 901: William Cranch vs. Gustavus Scott, William Thornton, Alexander White, Isaac Polack, and Francis Deakins. MO. Insolvent estate of James Greenleaf - lots in D.C. Accession No.: 17,898-901-1/2 MSA S512-2- 937 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/08/12 903: John Cradock, Ann Cradock, William Lemar, Margaret Lemar, and Hannah Worthington vs. John Moale, William Lynch, and William Wilkinson. BA. Estate of Mary Worthington - Watkins Neck, Bagfords Fortune, Industry. Accession No.: 17,898-903-1/2 MSA S512-2- 938 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/02/16 904: Richard Coale vs. Job Garretson. BA. Title to Silent Cyphers of Africa, Grindells, Taylors Addition, Coles Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 37, p. 205 and 45, p. 152. Accession No.: 17,898-904-1/4 MSA S512-2- 939 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/12/07 905: Joshua Clarke and Anne Clarke vs. Sarah Coursey. QA. Estate of William Coursey and Anne Kerr - Lords Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-905-1/4 MSA S512-2- 940 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/08/05 906: Richard Caton and George Tyson vs. John McFadon. BA. Trust estate of Greetham & Devereux - brig Mohawk. Accession No.: 17,898-906 MSA S512-2- 941 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/04/30 907: William Cartwright vs. Henry Greenfield Cartwright. SM. Contract to purchase Trent Fork. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 642. Accession No.: 17,898-907 MSA S512-2- 942 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/01/20 908: George W. Crane vs. William Fowler. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-908 MSA S512-2- 943 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/11/26 909: Daniel Carroll of Duddington vs. George Carter, John Tasker Carter, Priscilla Mitchell, Francis Tasker Jones, Sarah G. Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Jane Jones, Betsy Lambden Ball, Harnett Lucy Massud, Sarah Fairfax, Harnett Peck, John C. Peck, Emanuel Peck, Tasker C. Quinton, Robert Berkley, and Julia Berkley. AA, BA. Contract to purchase Piney Grove in AA. Also Hockley Forge, Pierces Encouragement, Barren Hills in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 20.
Accession No.: 17,898-909 MSA S512-2- 944 Location: 1/36/1/
1796 910: Charles Clayton vs. John Dames and Sarah McCabe. QA. Accession No.: 17,898-910 MSA S512-2- 945 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/06/19 911: Henry Hill Carroll and Charles Carroll vs. Richard Fenwick, Bennett Fenwick, Ann Fenwick, Sarah Fenwick, Margaret Fenwick, Polly Fenwick, Caty Fenwick, Betsy Fenwick, Nacy Fenwick, Joseph Fenwick, Eleanor Taney, John Wiseman, Sarah Wiseman, Josiah Langley, Susannah Langley, and John Medley. PG, SM. Estate of Ignatius Fenwick - lot in Georgetown, Kamschatka in PG. Also Barn Neck, Hermitage in SM.
Accession No.: 17,898-911-1/2 MSA S512-2- 946 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/01 912: Edward Crow vs. Nicholas Pegno, Mary Pegno, William Benson, Fleetwood Benson, William Benson, Jacob Benson, Ninian Benson, and Lancelot Warfield. MO. Contract to purchase Peckerton. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-912 MSA S512-2- 947 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/04/18 913: George Carey vs. James Carey, Cyrus Carey, Eliza Carey, William Carey, John Carey, Eleanor Carey, Eleanor Kennedy, and Alexander Mitchel. WA. Petition to sell Resurvey on Neilsons Folly in WA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 662. Accession No.: 17,898-913-1/2 MSA S512-2- 948 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/09 914: Mary Collins vs. Hodijah Collins and Henry Kuhn. AL. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-914 MSA S512-2- 949 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/03/12 915: Michael Cromwell, Charlotte Cromwell, and Elijah Williams vs. Jesse Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Nathaniel Hall, Delilah Hall, and Allise Williams. AA. Petition to sell Nathans Test, Williams Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-915 MSA S512-2- 950 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/07/18 916: William Cecil, Jane Williams, John Hopkins, and Mary Hopkins vs. Benjamin Williams. SM. Estate of James Hendly - Fresh Pond Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-916 MSA S512-2- 951 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/08/03 917: George Cato vs. James Parsons, Joseph Parsons, Clement Parsons, John Parsons, Mary Parsons, James Mollehon, Mary Mollehon, William Jenkins Hagar, Robert Manning, Ignatius Greenwell, James Fenwick, and Edward Fenwick. CH. Validity of mortgage foreclosure on Grubstreet.
Accession No.: 17,898-917-1/2 MSA S512-2- 952 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/04/27 918: Benjamin Cawood vs. James Scott. CH. Petition to discover accounts of Scott. Accession No.: 17,898-918 MSA S512-2- 953 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/07/27 918A: Nicholas Blacklock vs. John Gibson and Edward Lloyd Wailes. CH. Contract to purchase Mudds Rest in Budge Town. Accession No.: 17,898-918A MSA S512-2- 954 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/03/22 919: James Croxall vs. Deliah Randall, John Airs, Joseph Randall, George Randall, Hester Randall, Hannah Randall, Lawrence Hampstead, and Sarah Hampstead. BA. Estate of Israel Randall - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 409. Accession No.: 17,898-919 MSA S512-2- 955 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/12 920: John Cowley, Allen Bowie, John Groves, and Archibald Montcrieff vs. William Cowley. AA, MO. Estate of Charles Cowley - Sarahs Purchase in AA and Resurvey on Brandy in MO. Accession No.: 17,898-920-1/2 MSA S512-2- 956 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/09/25 921: James Calwell, Thomas Boyer, and Ann Boyer vs. Thomas Calwell, Sarah E. Calwell, John Calwell, William T. Calwell, Mary E. Calwell, and Laura A. Calwell. HA. Petition to sell Timber Hills, Bonds Pleasant Hill, Bonds Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 409.
Accession No.: 17,898-921 MSA S512-2- 957 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/04/08 922: William Chew vs. John Lee Webster. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on Halls Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-922 MSA S512-2- 958 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/30 923: Alexander Coulter vs. William Harrison. BA. Injunction against removal of stone from Burkets Mill Dam. Accession No.: 17,898-923 MSA S512-2- 959 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/29 924: William Coulson and Hannah Coulson vs. Samuel House. BA. Contract to lease lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-924 MSA S512-2- 960 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/10/13 925: William Colston and Thomas Leaverton vs. William Manidier and Sarah Dudley. CA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-925 MSA S512-2- 961 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/07/06 926: Joseph Court vs. Cephas Childs. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Smithfeld. Accession No.: 17,898-926 MSA S512-2- 962 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/09/05 927: Benjamin Contee vs. Joseph Clarke. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-927 MSA S512-2- 963 Location: 1/36/1/
1781 928: Thomas Jenings vs. John Cross, Jacob Lusby, Deliah Lusby, and Ann Tilly. AA. Estate of Joshua Cross. Accession No.: 17,898-928 MSA S512-2- 964 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/07/28 929: John Carnan vs. Peter Bayard. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-929 MSA S512-2- 965 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/09/06 930: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Charles C. Jones. MO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-930 MSA S512-2- 966 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/03/17 931: Elizabeth Carr vs. Nicholas Carr. WA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-931 MSA S512-2- 967 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/01/16 932: Walter S. Chandler vs. Anne Clarke, Charles Clarke, Benjamin Clarke, Thomas Clarke, Martha Clarke, and Anne Clarke. MO. Estate of Thomas Clarke - Brook Hall, Bruce, Hunting Quarter, lots in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-932-1/9 MSA S512-2- 968 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/01/19 933: James Christie vs. George Abraham Hammond, Mary Hammond, Elizabeth Derbin, and William Andrew. BA. Estate of William Andrew - Raymor, Bevans Adventure, Scotts Improvement, Carrolls Island, Triangle. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 671. Accession No.: 17,898-933-1/7 MSA S512-2- 969 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/10/07 934: Thomas Contee vs. Luther Martin. AA, BA, CE, HA, MO, PG. Estate of Samuel Hyde. Accession No.: 17,898-934-1/3 MSA S512-2- 970 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/09/11 935: John Claytor, Elizabeth Claytor, Rezin Estep, and Thomas Hodges vs. Francis Worthy. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to St. Jerome. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 125 and 101, p. 769. Accession No.: 17,898-935 MSA S512-2- 971 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/01/30 936: Richard Chew vs. Samuel Birckhead. HA. Estate of Seaborn Birkhead - Cold Rain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-936-1/2 MSA S512-2- 972 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/05/30 937: William Cole. BA. Appointment of trustee for John Salmon, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-937 MSA S512-2- 973 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/08/22 938: Bailey Earles Clarke. MO. Petition to record deed for Rhoades Good Luck, Anything. Accession No.: 17,898-938 MSA S512-2- 974 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/04/06 939: William Cole. HA. Trustee estate of Cole - Jennys Delight, lots in Bel Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 33. Accession No.: 17,898-939 MSA S512-2- 975 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/06/15 940: William Cottman and Anne Cottman. SO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-940 MSA S512-2- 976 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03/27 941: Addison Conoway. PG. Estate of Jacob Green - Burgers Delight, Hickory Thickett, Clarkes Fancy, Enfields Chase, Ample Grange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 387, and 48, p. 624. Accession No.: 17,898-941 MSA S512-2- 977 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/07/15 942: James M. Cresap, Joseph Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, John C. Cromwell, Stephen Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, Nathan Cromwell, James Henderson, and Sarah Henderson. AL. Estate of Philemon Cromwell - Seven Springs, First Resurvey on Seven Springs, Second Resurvey on Seven Springs, Jacobs Price.
Accession No.: 17,898-942 MSA S512-2- 978 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/06/07 943: Nicholas Carroll and Nicholas Brice. CE. Trust estate of James Brice - Hargroves Choice, Frisbys Prime Choice, Frisbys Forrest, Mill Pond, Addition to Forrest, Brices Triangle, Pedlers Lane, Grove Point. Plat of Hargroves Choice, Frisbys Forrest filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 21, MdHR 40,283-126, S65-123, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 378.
Accession No.: 17,898-943 MSA S512-2- 979 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/11/10 943A: Rebecca Coston, John Purkins, Thomas Gibbins, Mary Gibbins, Joseph Tilghman, Nancy Tilghman, John H. Hayman, Josiah Broughton, and George Broughton. WO. Petition to sell Ash Swamp, Timber Grove, Harrisons Adventure, Cold Rain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 398.
Accession No.: 17,898-943A MSA S512-2- 980 Location: 1/36/1/
1795 943B: Samuel J. Coolidge vs. Richard Wootton. PG. Petition to discover accounts of Singleton Wootton. Accession No.: 17,898-943B-1/4 MSA S512-2- 981 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/09/20 944: William Campbell, William Bayley, and Charles Wayman vs. William Mayre Duncanson and James Ray. PG. Defraud of creditors of Duncanson and Ray - lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 461. Accession No.: 17,898-944-1/22 MSA S512-2- 982 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/20 945: Samuel Chew, Bennett Chew, Henrietta Chew, Elizabeth Deery, and Richard Harrison vs. Middleton Magruder, Henry Magruder, Eleanor Magruder, and Hezekiah Griffith. MO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-945 MSA S512-2- 983 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/01/14 946: Benjamin Chew vs. John Campbell, James Massey, Benjamin Comegys, and William Gilbert. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Robothams Park, Johns Forrest, Emorys Chance, Woolstans Discovery, Unicorn Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-946-1/2 MSA S512-2- 984 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/05/25 947: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Nicholas Carroll, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, William Smith, Washington Van Bibber, Isaac Van Bibber, and George Carter vs. John Tasker Carter, Sophia Carter, Harriott Lucy Maund, Spencer Ball, Betty Ball, Robert Mitchell, Pricilla Mitchell, Robert Berkely, Julia Berkely, John Yates Chin, Sarah Fairfax, Francis Tasker Jones, Thomas Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Sarah T. Jones, Jane Jones, Harriott Peck, John C. Peck, Emanuel Peck, and Tasker Carter Quinlan. AA, BA. Petition to partition Brunswick, Buck Range, Batchelors Fear, Browns Adventure, Cuckholdmakers Palace Enlarged, Constitution Hills, Wells Chance, Brothers Inheritance, New Town, Nicholsons Delight, Orange Labyrinth, Ellis Chance, Enlargement, Fredrickstadt Enlarged, Georgia, Goshen, Johnsons Interest, Level, Marshes Victory Enlarged, Pavement, Pierces Encouragement, Parishes Range, Parishes Fear, Peace and Good Neighborhood, Organs Fancy, Ropers Increase, Skemores Adventure, Smiths Forrest, Slades Camp, Vauxhall, Youngs Lot, Yates His Forebearance, Yates Addition, Galaway, Bare Hills, Joy Hills, Companys Fancy, Parkers Palace, Randalls Friendship, Quarry, Pemblico, Companys Addition, Howards Discovery, Poplar Grove, Cowleys Contrivance in BA. Also Fosters Fancy, Hockley, Barren Hills, Polecat Forrest, Timber Neck, Addition to Timber Neck, Cromwells Inheritance, Addition to Timber Ridge, Piney Grove, Mackubins Discovery, Moores Working Choice Enlarged, Belts Point in AA. Plats filed in Special Collections (Maps) MdHR G1427-327, G1427-328, G1427-1128. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 67.
Accession No.: 17,898-947-1/3 MSA S512-2- 985 Location: 1/38/1/35
1804/05/31 948: William Campbell vs. Maria Oldham, Edward Oldham, Anne Oldham, George Oldham, Charles Oldham, and Harriott Oldham. BA, CE. Estate of Edward Oldham - lot in My Ladys Manor, Carrolls Search, Philpots Addition in BA. Also Morris Neck, Ellis Escheat, Bohemia Manor in CE. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 325.
Accession No.: 17,898-948-1/2 MSA S512-2- 986 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/01/23 949: James M. Cresap vs. Oliver Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, Nathan Cromwell, John Cromwell, Stephen Cromwell, Joseph Cromwell, William Cromwell, Catharine Cromwell, Comfort Cromwell, and Richard Cromwell, Jr. AL. Estate of Philemon Cromwell - Seven Springs, First Resurvey and Second Addition to Seven Springs, Jacobs Pieces. Accession No.: 17,898-949-1/2 MSA S512-2- 987 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/06/02 950: Hezekiah Clagett and Dennis F. Magruder vs. George Kaylor and Jacob Hoffman. BA. Defraud of creditors of Kaylor - Cumberland Row in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-950 MSA S512-2- 988 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/08/28 951: James Carroll, Prudence Gough, Abraham Sellers, Jane Sellers, and Amos Rea vs. Elijah Alexander, Ann Alexander, and Benjamin Rea. BA. Estate of George Rea - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-951-1/2 MSA S512-2- 989 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/04/26 952: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Rachel Nelson, Joshua Howard, Ephraim Howard, Henry Nelson, Richard C. Nelson, Nathaniel Nelson, Benjamin Nelson, Mary R. Nelson, and Catherine L. Nelson. AA. Estate of Henry Nelson - Second Discovery, Howards Resolution, Dorseys Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 168.
Accession No.: 17,898-952-1/2 MSA S512-2- 990 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/12/26 953: William Clary. FR. Estate of Nathaniel Clary - Long Trusted. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 637. Accession No.: 17,898-953 MSA S512-2- 991 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/12/12 954: Henrietta Maria Chamberlaine vs. Lydia Broadway, Mary Broadway, and Eliza Broadway. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sams Field, Ramah, Strawbridge, Dudleys Choice, Broadways Meadow. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 18, p. 552 and 21, p. 72. Accession No.: 17,898-954 MSA S512-2- 992 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/12/07 955: Joseph Chapline vs. William W. Chapline and Jacob Smith. FR. Title to Exchange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 241. Accession No.: 17,898-955 MSA S512-2- 993 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/07/11 956: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Humphrey Belt. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Chelsea. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 615. Accession No.: 17,898-956 MSA S512-2- 994 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/08/16 957: John Claude and Dennis Claude vs. Abraham Claude. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-957 MSA S512-2- 995 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/09/24 958: George Conoway vs. Willoby Moss, Richard Moss, Sarah Moss, John Crane, Rubin Crane, Area Conoway, and Parmelia Smith. AA. Petition to sell Bakers Folly, Point Look Out. Accession No.: 17,898-958 MSA S512-2- 996 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/09/16 959: David Cranfurd vs. Charles Burgess. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Westphalia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-959 MSA S512-2- 997 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/04/26 960: Obadiah Childs, Mordecai Childs, and Mary Scrivener vs. Elizabeth Childs, Ann Childs, Sarah Childs, and Sophia Childs. AA. Petition to sell Jericho. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-960 MSA S512-2- 998 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/07/28 961: John Carnan, John Bouchell, and Ephraim Thompson vs. Joshua Vansant. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-961 MSA S512-2- 999 Location: 1/36/1/
1794 962: Sarah Russell Contee and Benjamin Contee. AA, CH, PG, MO. Petition to partition estate of Russell Lee. Accession No.: 17,898-962 MSA S512-2- 1000 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/10/03 963: Rev. John Carroll vs. Maxmilian Henisler and Mary Henisler. BA. Estate of Charles Bernard. Accession No.: 17,898-963 MSA S512-2- 1001 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/05/19 964: John Cronice and William Miller vs. George Wintz, Thomas Wintz, Jacob Wintz, George Mon, Kennet Mon, Jacob Derr, Catherine Derr, Jacob Walter, and Mary Walter. FR. Estate of George Wintz. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-964 MSA S512-2- 1002 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/03/11 965: Walter Crook vs. John Hicks. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 406. Accession No.: 17,898-965 MSA S512-2- 1003 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/11/15 966: Daniel Carroll of Duddington, Henry W. Rogers, Samuel J. Donaldson, and Thomas L. Emory, Jr. vs. Job Smith. BA. Contract to purchase Parishs Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 689. Accession No.: 17,898-966 MSA S512-2- 1004 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/07/18 967: Samuel Coombs vs. James Cook, Ann Jordan, Maria Jordan, and Richard Jordan. SM. Estate of Richard Jordan - Brambly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 431. Accession No.: 17,898-967-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1005 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/11/06 968: Cornelius Comegys vs. Eliza Falconer, William Falconer, George Falconer, Comegys Falconer, and Charles Falconer. BA. Estate of Peregrine Falconer - land in Alabama. Accession No.: 17,898-968 MSA S512-2- 1006 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/08/08 968A: Benjamin Comegys vs. Peregrine Falconer, John Falconer, William Falconer, Joshua Falconer, and Ann Falconer. QA. Estate of William Falconer - Harris Hazard, Friendship, Tilghmans Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 378 and 36, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-968A-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1007 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/11/26 969: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Michael Diffendeffer, Baltzer Shaffer, George Lovely, and John Leybold. BA. Estates of Frederick Myers and Andrew Grangett. Accession No.: 17,898-969 MSA S512-2- 1008 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/09/17 970: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Richard Chew, Elizabeth Chew, Aquilla Beall, Grace Beall, and Margaret Holliday. CV. Estate of Leonard Holliday, Jr. - Buzzard Island. Accession No.: 17,898-970 MSA S512-2- 1009 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/07/30 971: Thomas Colston vs. Charles Mace and John Mace. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Dess, Maces Back Range, Cornwall, Green Back. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-971-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1010 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/10/09 972: Samuel Chapman, Morgan Harris, and Etheldra Harris vs. Walter Morris, Caleb Haskins, Barton Wathen, Ann Wathen, Fanny Chandler, Evelina Chandler, John Chandler, Sophia Holden, and Eliza Wathen. CH. Estate of Henry Bishop Morris - Smoot and Johnsons Choice, Thompsons Humour, Strife, Johnsons Town, Hungersfords Choice. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 102.
Accession No.: 17,898-972-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1011 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/07/16 973: John Chew, Ann Ridgely, Nicholas Ridgely, Richard Bassett, William Molleson, John Banning, and William Manlove vs. Peregrin Letherbury and Risdon Bishop. KE. Estate of William St. Clair. Accession No.: 17,898-973 MSA S512-2- 1012 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/04/01 974: William Corse, Philip Brooks, and John Wallis vs. John Graham, Samuel Boyers, Mary Graham, and George Spry. KE. Estate of John Graham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 376. Accession No.: 17,898-974 MSA S512-2- 1013 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/08/15 975: John Cooley vs. Carvil Cooley, Charles Cooley, David Cooley, Corbin Cooley, Lawson Cooley, Sarah Ann Cooley, James Galloway, and Charlotte Galloway. HA. Estate of John Cooley. Accession No.: 17,898-975 MSA S512-2- 1014 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/08/08 976: Robert North Carnan vs. Maria Carnan, Rebecca Carnan, and Frances Carnan. BA. Estate of Thomas Risteau - Risteaus Garrison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-976 MSA S512-2- 1015 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/03/01 977: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. James Maidwell. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hailes Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-977 MSA S512-2- 1016 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/11/10 977A: Robert Courtenay vs. James Caldwell, John Purviance, James Watson, Samuel Watson, and James Pillian Boyd. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-977A MSA S512-2- 1017 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/03/04 977B: James Franklin. Appointment of trustee for Ebenezer Franklin. Accession No.: 17,898-977B MSA S512-2- 1018 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/09/01 977C: Philip Cole and Thomas Giles vs. Thomas Hall. HA. Estate of Jocob Giles. Accession No.: 17,898-977C MSA S512-2- 1019 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/06/11 977D: Sarah Coale vs. Ann Coale, Edward J. Coale, and William Coale. AA. Estate of Thomas Coale - Coales Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-977D MSA S512-2- 1020 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/11/22 978: Margaret Cumming. AA. Petition to sell Creighs Enlargement, Barnes Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 426. Accession No.: 17,898-978 MSA S512-2- 1021 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/13 979: William Campbell vs. Appalonia Cramer, John Cramer, Amos Cramer, and David Cramer. FR. Insolvent estate of Campbell - lot in Monocacy Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-979 MSA S512-2- 1022 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/06/27 980: Richard Chenowith vs. William Nace, Elizabeth Nace, Henry Bresh, Harriott Bresh, Henry Steiner, Rachel Steiner, John Murray, and Thomas Murray. BA. Estate of Rebecca Murray - Butlers Farm, Elledges Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-980 MSA S512-2- 1023 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/01/25 981: James Ray vs. James Piercy, Thomas Law, James Barry, James David Barry, John Thompson Mason, and John Leypold. PG. Defraud of creditors of Piercy - lot in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-981-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1024 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/03/23 982: Walter Clagett vs. Stephen Lee. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Will, Frank, Jacob, Belt, and Eliza. Accession No.: 17,898-982 MSA S512-2- 1025 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/06/06 983: James Calhoun amd Daniel Lammott vs. Edward P. Wilmer, Francis Wilmer, John Wilmer, Walter Wilmer, Anna Wilmer, Mary Wilmer, William Wilmer, William Frisby, Elizabeth Frisby, Elizabeth Frisby, Richard Frisby, Thomas R. Cooper, and Susanna Cooper. QA. Estate of John McClellan.
Accession No.: 17,898-983 MSA S512-2- 1026 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/11/28 984: William Cunningham, Robert Bogle, and Robert Findley vs. Samuel Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Mary Williams, John Williams, and William Williams. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Parcel Enlarged, Becks Addition, Osburns Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-984 MSA S512-2- 1027 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/09/23 985: John Callenberger and Philip Callenberger vs. John Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Barbara Allen, Thomas Bennett, Elias Choate, Herod Choate, Deborah Choate, David Choate, Jesse Choate, Harriett Choate, Sabret Garey, Rebecca Garey, John Gill, Flora Gill, Nicholas Kelly, Eleanor Kelly, Nicholas Norwood, Eleanor Norwood, William Walker, and Sarah Walker. BA. Estate of Frederick Callenberger - Tevis Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-985 MSA S512-2- 1028 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/08/26 986: Richard Hendley Courts vs. Rinaldo Johnson and Benjamin Oden. PG. Defraud of creditors of Johnson and Oden - Radfords Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-986-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1029 Location: 1/36/1/
1786 987: Thomas Coursey vs. Edward Lloyd, Richard Grason, and Sarah Dashiell. QA. Title to Courseys Range, Hemsley, Britland Rectified, Reward, Monklins Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-987-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1030 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/02/22 988: Charles Carroll of Carrollton and Richard Caton vs. Joseph C. Cockey. BA. Contract to purchase Cockeys Trust, Cockeys Recovery, Holdmore. Accession No.: 17,898-988 MSA S512-2- 1031 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/03/05 989: Lawrence Creager vs. Col. Charles Beatty, William Deakins, Jr., and Peter Meen. MO. Title to lot in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-989 MSA S512-2- 1032 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/05 990: John C.F. Chirac vs. Henry Peters. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-990 MSA S512-2- 1033 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/02/13 991: Philemon Lloyd Chew vs. Richard Chew. AA. Petition to record deed for Wells, West Wells. Accession No.: 17,898-991 MSA S512-2- 1034 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/10/13 992: Samuel Judson Coolidge vs. Mary Moreton, William Moreton, John Moreton, Susanna Moreton, Mary Sidney Moreton, and Ann Moreton. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Doves Nest, Doves Perch, Collings Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-992 MSA S512-2- 1035 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02/09 993: Joseph Chapline vs. David Arnold and Jacob Kiger. WA. Contract to purchase Rich Spott. Accession No.: 17,898-993 MSA S512-2- 1036 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/07/23 994: John Carmichael vs. William Horsey. SO. Estate of Samuel Horsey. Accession No.: 17,898-994 MSA S512-2- 1037 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/12/29 995: Joseph Chapline. Petition to compel execution of decree. Accession No.: 17,898-995 MSA S512-2- 1038 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/03/18 996: Elijah Christopher. WO. Insolvent estate of Christopher - Maidens Choice, Safeguard, Nichols Choice, Williams Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-996 MSA S512-2- 1039 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/04/21 997: Archibald Campbell. BA. Insolvent estate of Campbell. Accession No.: 17,898-997 MSA S512-2- 1040 Location: 1/36/1/
1799 998: Walter B. Cox. PG. Insolvent estate of Cox. Accession No.: 17,898-998 MSA S512-2- 1041 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/05/26 999: Samuel Clark, Martha Clark, Mary Woodall, Simon Smith, and Thomas Salway. KE. Trust estate under will of William Slipper - Langford Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-999 MSA S512-2- 1042 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/06/29 1000: Benjamin Collison. DO. Petition to record deed for Goodridges Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-1000 MSA S512-2- 1043 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/09/30 1002: George Crowell, Margaret Crowell, John Cook, Sarah Cook, Enoch Taylor, Ann Taylor, Hugh McClung, Mary McClung, and Elizabeth Root vs. Lydia Root, Daniel Root, and Harriet Root. FR. Petition to sell Ivey Church, Richards Lott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 318.
Accession No.: 17,898-1002-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1044 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/05/07 1003: Benjamin Chambers vs. George Fray, Philip Fray, and Elizabeth Fray. KE. Contract to purchase Town Relief. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 377. Accession No.: 17,898-1003 MSA S512-2- 1045 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/02/18 1004: Francis Cromwell, Elizabeth Cromwell, and John H. Maccubbin vs. Thomas Drane. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Grays Dispute. Accession No.: 17,898-1004 MSA S512-2- 1046 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/09/11 1005: Araminta Chew, Letty Chew, Henry Chew, Michael Chew, Frank Chew, Ralph James, Judea James, Henry James, Polly James, and Samuel James. AA. Petition to record manumissions for petitioners. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106. p. 486. Accession No.: 17,898-1005 MSA S512-2- 1047 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/12/07 1006: Ezekiel Chambers vs. Sarah Perkins, Anna Perkins, Eliza Perkins, Daniel Perkins, and Caroline Perkins. KE. Estate of Daniel Perkins - Stradford Manor, Tilghmans Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 562 and 102, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-1006-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1048 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/01/28 1007: Peter Chaille vs. James Stewart. WO. Estate of George Stewart - Kings Neck, Franklins Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 85. Accession No.: 17,898-1007 MSA S512-2- 1049 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/05/26 1010: Walter Clagett vs. William Atwell, Sr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 683. Accession No.: 17,898-1010 MSA S512-2- 1050 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/11/08 1012: Sarah Calvert vs. William Rusk, Ann Calvert, Walter S. Parker, Thomas Worthington, William G. Latimer, Robert C. Latimer, William Davis, John Craig, and David L. Rusk. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Athol, Maidens Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1051 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/05/18 1012: Samuel Moale and Samuel Chase, Jr. vs. George F. Warfield. BA. Contract to purchase Athol, Maidens Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1052 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/07/06 1012: John Oliver vs. David L. Rusk. BA. Petition to sell Maidens Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60 p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1053 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/11/27 1012: William Geddes Latimer vs. Sarah Calvert, William Davis, and William Rusk. BA. Petition to sell Athol, Maidens Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1054 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/12/23 1012: Walter S. Pankey vs. William Rusk, Thomas Worthington, William Davis, and John Craig. BA. Petition to record deed for Murrays Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1055 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/01/28 1012: Samuel Moale and Samuel Chase vs. William Rusk and David L. Rusk. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Athol, Maidens Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60, p. 121 Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1056 Location: 1/36/1/
1805 1012: Hellen Rusk, Ekin Rusk, Samuel Rusk, and David L. Rusk vs. Samuel Moale and Samuel Chase. BA. Estate of John Bailey - Athol, Murrays Addition, Maiden Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1057 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/07/23 1012: David L. Rusk vs. Samuel Moale and Samuel Chase. BA. Estate of John Bailey - Athol, Murrays Addition, Maidens Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 181 and 60, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1012-1/14 MSA S512-2- 1058 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/03/23 1014: Mary Cartwright vs. Abraham Cartwright. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-1014 MSA S512-2- 1059 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/07/20 1015: William Clemm vs. James Parsons. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1015 MSA S512-2- 1060 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/03/06 1016: John Carter, Joshua Carter, Solomon Carter, David Carter, William Carter, James Carter, and Samuel Lilly vs. Jeremiah Browning and Lewis Browning. FR. Title to Resurvey on Papaw Bottom. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-1016-1/9 MSA S512-2- 1061 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/03/07 1017: Stephen Clark. AA. Insolvent estate of Clark. Accession No.: 17,898-1017-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1062 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/04/16 1018: James Colston vs. Charles Wallace, John Muir, Elizabeth Dowson, Joseph Dowson, and Alfred Dowson. AA, DO. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Annapolis and Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-1018 MSA S512-2- 1063 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/01/29 1019: Richard Cole, Sr. and Richard Cole, Jr. vs. Job Garretson, Mary Awls, John Awls, and William Davis. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Coles Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 557. Accession No.: 17,898-1019 MSA S512-2- 1064 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/27 1021: Robert Colgate. BA. Insolvent estate of Colgate. Accession No.: 17,898-1021 MSA S512-2- 1065 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/10/09 1022: John D. Carey. FR. Insolvent estate of Carey - Zaro, Pannsure, Palantine. Plat. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1791-1797, p. 399. Accession No.: 17,898-1022-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1066 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/04/24 1023: Allire de Creuze. BA. Insolvent estate of de Creuze. Accession No.: 17,898-1023 MSA S512-2- 1067 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/26 1024: James Curtis. BA. Insolvent estate of Curtis. Accession No.: 17,898-1024 MSA S512-2- 1068 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02 1025: Samuel Cleland. FR. Insolvent estate of Cleland - Carolina, Carrollsburg. Accession No.: 17,898-1025 MSA S512-2- 1069 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/03 1026: Arthur Carrick. BA. Insolvent estate of Carrick. Accession No.: 17,898-1026 MSA S512-2- 1070 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/05 1027: Henry Crist. AA. Insolvent estate of Crist. Accession No.: 17,898-1027 MSA S512-2- 1071 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/09/10 1028: Alexander Contee. PG. Insolvent estate of Contee - lot in Nottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-1028 MSA S512-2- 1072 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/02/26 1029: Alexander Coulter. BA. Insolvent estate of Coulter. Accession No.: 17,898-1029-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1073 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/05/20 1030: Henry Watson. MO. Insolvent estate of Watson - Granty, Watsons Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-1030 MSA S512-2- 1074 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/02/16 1030A: John Coulter. BA. Insolvent estate of Coulter. Accession No.: 17,898-1030A MSA S512-2- 1075 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/05/30 1030B: Benjamin Cawood. CH. Insolvent estate of Cawood - Mount Paradise Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-1030B MSA S512-2- 1076 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/05/29 1030C: Richard F. Cheseldine. MO. Insolvent estate of Cheseldine. Accession No.: 17,898-1030C MSA S512-2- 1077 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/05/18 1030D: John Colston. DO. Insolvent estate of Colston. Accession No.: 17,898-1030D MSA S512-2- 1078 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/02/15 1030E: Daniel Cost. FR. Insolvent estate of Cost. Accession No.: 17,898-1030E MSA S512-2- 1079 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/09/20 1030F: John Churchman. CE. Insolvent estate of Churchman. Accession No.: 17,898-1030F MSA S512-2- 1080 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/28 1030G: James Clarke. BA. Insolvent estate of Clarke. Accession No.: 17,898-1030G MSA S512-2- 1081 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/04 1030H: Clement Chamberlaine. MO. Insolvent estate of Chamberlain. Accession No.: 17,898-1030H MSA S512-2- 1082 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/04/11 1030I: Levin Charles. CA. Insolvent estate of Charles. Accession No.: 17,898-1030I MSA S512-2- 1083 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/02/10 1030J: George Carnaghen. BA. Insolvent estate of Carnahan. Accession No.: 17,898-1030J MSA S512-2- 1084 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/02/06 1030K: William Cook. BA. Insolvent estate of Cook. Accession No.: 17,898-1030K MSA S512-2- 1085 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/05/21 1030L: Edmund Custis. BA. Insolvent estate of Custis. Accession No.: 17,898-1030L MSA S512-2- 1086 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/18 1030M: Robert Courtenay. BA. Insolvent estate of Courtenay - James Park, Fullers Outlet. Accession No.: 17,898-1030M MSA S512-2- 1087 Location: 1/36/1/
1801 1030N: Benjamin G. Cole. SM. Insolvent estate of Cole. Accession No.: 17,898-1030N MSA S512-2- 1088 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/02/07 1031: Samuel Chew. AA. Insolvent estate of Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-1031 MSA S512-2- 1089 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/05/07 1031A: Hezekiah Cooper. KE. Insolvent estate of Cooper. Accession No.: 17,898-1031A MSA S512-2- 1090 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/01/20 1031B: Francis Cracroft. BA. Insolvent estate of Cracroft. Accession No.: 17,898-1031B MSA S512-2- 1091 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/01/05 1031C: Stephen Christopher. SO. Insolvent estate of Christopher. Accession No.: 17,898-1031C MSA S512-2- 1092 Location: 1/36/1/
1793 1031D: Francis Curtis. BA. Insolvent estate of Curtis. Accession No.: 17,898-1031D MSA S512-2- 1093 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/01/09 1031E: Henry Carlisle. MO. Insolvent estate of Carlisle. Accession No.: 17,898-1031E MSA S512-2- 1094 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02/16 1031F: Daniel Carroll. AA, BA. Insolvent estate of Carroll - Mount Dillon, Forrest Level, Partners Lot in BA. Also Althogether in AA. Accession No.: 17,898-1031F MSA S512-2- 1095 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/24 1031G: William Conner, Jr. TA. Insolvent estate of Comer - Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-1031G MSA S512-2- 1096 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/03/03 1031H: John Conaway. AA. Insolvent estate of Conaway. Accession No.: 17,898-1031H MSA S512-2- 1097 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/03/18 1031I: James A. Corry. CH. Insolvent estate of Corry. Accession No.: 17,898-1031I MSA S512-2- 1098 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/26 1031J: Benoit Castaing. Ba. Insolvent estate of Castaing. Accession No.: 17,898-1031J MSA S512-2- 1099 Location: 1/36/1/
1793 1031L: Gideon Clarks. KE. Insolvent estate of Clarks. Accession No.: 17,898-1031L MSA S512-2- 1100 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/31 1031M: Henry Costin. QA. Insolvent estate of Costin. Accession No.: 17,898-1031M MSA S512-2- 1101 Location: 1/36/1/
1800 1032: William Cranch. PG. Insolvent estate of Cranch. Accession No.: 17,898-1032 MSA S512-2- 1102 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/02/09 1033: Mathew Chambers. BA. Insolvent estate of Chambers. Accession No.: 17,898-1033 MSA S512-2- 1103 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/02/09 1034: John Campbell. SO. Insolvent estate of Campbell. Accession No.: 17,898-1034 MSA S512-2- 1104 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/05/10 1035: William Chew. CV. Insolvent estate of Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-1035 MSA S512-2- 1105 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/05/18 1036: Samuel Croxall. BA. Insolvent estate of Croxall. Accession No.: 17,898-1036 MSA S512-2- 1106 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/05/25 1037: William Crawford. CA. Insolvent estate of Crawford. Accession No.: 17,898-1037 MSA S512-2- 1107 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/04/06 1038: James Clayland. TA. Insolvent estate of Clayland - Lloyd Costin, Rebecca Garden, Northington, Arcadia. Accession No.: 17,898-1038 MSA S512-2- 1108 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/10/15 1039: Mary Williams. PG. Petition to sell Scotland, Barbadoes. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-1039 MSA S512-2- 1109 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/04/09 1040: Richard Chew. AA. Insolvent estate of Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-1040 MSA S512-2- 1110 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/25 1041: Josias Clement and Thomas B. Clements. CH, FR. Insolvent estates of Clements and Clements. Accession No.: 17,898-1041 MSA S512-2- 1111 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/12 1041A: Jacob Clements. FR. Insolvent estate of Clements. Accession No.: 17,898-1041A MSA S512-2- 1112 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02/25 1042: William S. Compton. WA. Insolvent estate of Compton - Boswell, Boden, Salesbury Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-1042 MSA S512-2- 1113 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/01/07 1043: Joseph Calman and Louis Dubourg. BA. Insolvent estates of Calman and Dubourg. Accession No.: 17,898-1043 MSA S512-2- 1114 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/05/09 1044: James Coursey. CA. Insolvent estate of Coursey. Accession No.: 17,898-1044 MSA S512-2- 1115 Location: 1/36/1/
1804 1044A: John Clingman. BA. Insolvent estate of Clingman. Accession No.: 17,898-1044A-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1116 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/17 1044B: John Croxall. BA. Insolvent estate of Croxall - Norwoods Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-1044B MSA S512-2- 1117 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/02/25 1044C: Archibald S. Clark. PG. Insolvent estate of Clarke. Accession No.: 17,898-1044C MSA S512-2- 1118 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/08/29 1044D: David Churchman. CE. Insolvent estate of Churchman. Accession No.: 17,898-1044D MSA S512-2- 1119 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/19 1044E: George Culloden. BA. Insolvent estate of Culloden. Accession No.: 17,898-1044E MSA S512-2- 1120 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/02/17 1044F: Alexander Cathcart. CE. Insolvent estate of Cathcart. Accession No.: 17,898-1044F MSA S512-2- 1121 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/20 1044G: John Colston. BA. Insolvent estate of Colston. Accession No.: 17,898-1044G MSA S512-2- 1122 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/02/12 1045: John Cox. BA. Insolvent estate of Cox - Spring Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-1045 MSA S512-2- 1123 Location: 1/36/1/
1773/06/21 1046: John Chaplin and Greenbury Cheney vs. Rignal Prather. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-1046 MSA S512-2- 1124 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/01/06 1047: James Colquhoun. BA. Insolvent estate of Colquhoun - land in KY, TE. Accession No.: 17,898-1047 MSA S512-2- 1125 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/03 1048: James Calhoun, Philip Rogers, and John E. Howard vs. John Hall, Alexander F. Hall, Philip Hall, Eleanor Hall, Isaac Hall, James Hall, Samuel Hall, Mary Hall, and James Biass. BA. Petition to vacate patent for Halls Mistake. Accession No.: 17,898-1048 MSA S512-2- 1126 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/08 1050: James Calhoun, Jr. and Daniel Lammott vs. Sally Coombs, Henry Coombs, Enoch Coombs, and Eliza Coombs. PG. Estate of Joseph Coombs. Accession No.: 17,898-1050 MSA S512-2- 1127 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/04/03 1051: Abraham Claude vs. John Mercer Stevens. AA. Estate of Dennis Stevens - Eagles Nest Range, Phelps Increase. Accession No.: 17,898-1051 MSA S512-2- 1128 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/09/06 1053: William Chace vs. John Whittington. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Honest Dealing. Accession No.: 17,898-1053 MSA S512-2- 1129 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/02/13 1055: John Crous, Frederick Keefer, and John Welky vs. Thomas Burke, Jacob Landis, and Abraham Landis. FR. Estate of George Reinicher. Accession No.: 17,898-1055 MSA S512-2- 1130 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/07/24 1056: George Connoway vs. Elijah Gray. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hallets Lott, Bahns Folly, Proctors Park. Accession No.: 17,898-1056 MSA S512-2- 1131 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/05/29 1057: Benjamin Cawood, Thomas Smallwood, and Nicholas Blacklock vs. John Somerville. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1057 MSA S512-2- 1132 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/06/21 1058: David Carcaud vs. William Whittington. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves David, Jim, Nathan, Jerry, John, Bill, Jessy, Jenny, Hester, Mary, Miney, Caroline, and Jinney. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-1058 MSA S512-2- 1133 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/08 1059: James Carey, John Randall, and Andrew Ellicott vs. John Stricker, Henry Payson, Lucretia Sears, George Sears, Abigail Sears, and Richard Sears. BA. Estate of George Sears - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 242. Accession No.: 17,898-1059-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1134 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/12/06 1060: Samuel Stringer Cole vs. James Carey, Margaret Tilghman, and Elizabeth Tilghman. BA. Estate of Tench Tilghman - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-1060-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1135 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/10/08 1061: James Corrie, Richard Ray, Archelus Price, Barron Price, Rachel Price, John Freeman, Robert Ewing, and Elizabeth Thornton vs. Rebecca Shields, Mary Thornton, Ann Thornton, China Thornton, Sarah Thornton, and Salisbury Thornton. TA. Estate of Brooks Thornton - Moorefields Addition, Buckley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 193.
Accession No.: 17,898-1061-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1136 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/06/30 1062: Benjamin Cawood vs. Elizabeth Green, Sarah Green, Wilfred Green, and Lewis Green. CH. Estate of Edward Green, Jr. - Greens Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 627. Accession No.: 17,898-1062-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1137 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/12/23 1063: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Joshua Howard, Rachel Nelson, Henry Nelson, Richard Nelson, Nathan Nelson, Benjamin Nelson, Louisa Nelson, and Mary R. Nelson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dorseys Grove, Hollands Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 493.
Accession No.: 17,898-1063-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1138 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/04/24 1064: Alexander Chappon vs. Mark L. Deseaves, Philip Mercier, Peter A. Guestier, and Dennis A. Smith. BA. Contract to transport merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-1064 MSA S512-2- 1139 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02/11 1065: Richard Caton vs. Charles Wallace and John Muir. BA. Dissolution of Whiteside & Caton. Accession No.: 17,898-1065 MSA S512-2- 1140 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/09/22 1066: John Cottingham vs. George Cottingham and Susannah Cottingham. WO. Estate of Joshua Cottingham - Raccoon Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 435. Accession No.: 17,898-1066 MSA S512-2- 1141 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/12 1068: Henry Child and Henry Thompson vs. Robert Walsh, Josias Brown, and Gehoshoba Brown. AA. Estate of William Grainger - Gibbs Folly, Huckleberry Forrest, Pound, Suttons Choice, Vachels Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-1068-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1142 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/17 1069: Apalonia Cramer, Simon Crumbaugh, Philepenia Crumbaugh, John Devilbiss, David Devilbiss, George Ungleberger, and Margaret Ungleberger vs. Philepenia Devilbiss, Susanna Devilbiss, Catherine Devilbiss, and George Devilbiss. FR. Petition to sell Dulanys Lot, lots in Monocacy Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 197.
Accession No.: 17,898-1069 MSA S512-2- 1143 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/09/24 1070: George Carter vs. Robert Mitchell, Pricilla Mitchell, Spencer Ball, Betty Ball, John Y. Chinn, Sarah Chinn, Robert Berkley, Julia Berkley, Sophia Carter, Harriett Lucy Maund, John W. Belfield, Francis Belfield, Thomas A. Jones, James Davis, Sarah Davis, Elizabeth Jones, Joseph Belfield, Jane Belfield, Harriett Peck, John Peck, Emanuel Peck, Tasker Carter Quinlan, Gordon Forbes, William Forbes, Louisa L. Forbes, and Robert M. Forbes. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC, lots in Charles Carroll of Carrollton & Co. Iron Works. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 29, MdHR 40,283-24, S65-103, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 181.
Accession No.: 17,898-1070-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1144 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/10/09 1071: Anne Casanave vs. Samuel Brooke. MO. Estate of Peter Casanave - lots in Washington, Bealls Addition to Georgetown, Addition to Brooke Grove, Resurvey on Mill Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 260. Accession No.: 17,898-1071 MSA S512-2- 1145 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/12/07 1072: William Melny vs. Thomas Cooper, Ann Cooper, and Hugh Sherwood. TA. Contract to purchase grist mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 645. Accession No.: 17,898-1072-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1146 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/08/30 1073: Richard Cromwell and Thomas Lee vs. George Lightner, Susanna Moreton, James Moreton, John Moreton, Elizabeth Moreton, Catherine Moreton, and George Moreton. Estate of John Moreton - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 696. Accession No.: 17,898-1073-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1147 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/04/04 1074: Charles Carman and James Ryan vs. State of Maryland. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 1 and 23, p. 237. Accession No.: 17,898-1074-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1148 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/02/12 1075: John Cartwright and Richard Carnes vs. State of Maryland. SM. Contract to purchase Chaptico Manor, Retirement, Hard Bargain, Hilton, Baltimores Gift, Dear Bought, Mitchum Hill. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 289. Accession No.: 17,898-1075 MSA S512-2- 1149 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/03/07 1076: Solomon Clayton, Thomas Seth, and Henry Helin vs. Thomas Anderson, James McCabe, and Sarah McCabe. QA. Estate of Mary Elbert - Reward, Macklins Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 30. Accession No.: 17,898-1076-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1150 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/01/18 1077: John Cockey vs. Richard A. Shipley. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Homer, Homer Resurveyed, Richardsons Reserve. Accession No.: 17,898-1077 MSA S512-2- 1151 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/07/07 1078: John Cromwell vs. Thomas Armstrong, Joseph Fletcher, and Margaret Fletcher. BA. Estate of Zachariah McCubbin. Accession No.: 17,898-1078 MSA S512-2- 1152 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/02/10 1079: Walter Clagett and Cornelia Lansdale vs. Thomas Lyles. PG. Estate of Thomas Lansdale - slaves Tom Brown, Jeff, Jeremiah, Edward, Obid, George, Thomas, Henry, Milley, and Elizabeth. Accession No.: 17,898-1079 MSA S512-2- 1153 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/07/08 1080: James Clarke and William Sargeant vs. Joseph Court and Samuel Harrison, Jr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harrisons Resurvey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-1080 MSA S512-2- 1154 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/01/09 1081: Dorcas Clapham vs. Samuel Clapham. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Fair Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 140. Accession No.: 17,898-1081 MSA S512-2- 1155 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/05/24 1082: Tudor Chocke vs. George Chocke, Elizabeth James, Daniel Thompson, Mary Thompson, H.Y. James, Thomas James, Robert Heeps, John Heeps, Abraham Heeps, Lysias Heeps, John Blaney, Vincent Blaney, Mary Blaney, Sarah Blaney, Elizabeth Blaney, Margaret Blaney, Martha Blaney, Titus Hollingshead, Priscilla Hollingshead, H.Y. Hare, Nancy Hare, Thomas McGough, and Sarah McGough. HA. Title to Ogg King of Bashan, Outlet of Piersons Outlet, Whetherells Addition, Salisbury. Plat at 1/38/1/2; also shows Tudor Chocke, Improvement, Better Luck.
Accession No.: 17,898-1082-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1156 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/09/11 1083: William Candler and Rebecca Candler vs. Henry C. Wyvell. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Rays Adventure. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-1083 MSA S512-2- 1157 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/06/21 1084: David Carcaud vs. Thomas Marlow Dorsett. PG. Mortage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-1084 MSA S512-2- 1158 Location: 1/36/1/
1785/09/26 1085: Robert Crawford vs. Philip Greenwood and Andrew Hull. FR. Title to Poplar Spring. Accession No.: 17,898-1085 MSA S512-2- 1159 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/10/17 1087:James Chapline vs. Christopher Orendorff. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1087 MSA S512-2- 1160 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/09/07 1088: Sarah Cromwell vs. Thomas Benson. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-1088 MSA S512-2- 1161 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/04/16 1089: Joseph Chapline vs. George A. Keedy. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Good Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-1089 MSA S512-2- 1162 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/03/21 1090: James Chapman vs. John Merryman and Elizabeth Merryman. BA. Title to Stevensons Manor, Cumberland, Glandorck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 248. Accession No.: 17,898-1090 MSA S512-2- 1163 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/04/23 1091: John Cockey vs. Sarah Smith, Larkin Smith, and Matilda Nicholson. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Franklins Neglect, Cockeys Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-1091 MSA S512-2- 1164 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/09/20 1092: Basil Crapster and Harriett Crapster vs. Lyde Griffith. AA. Estate of Vachel Dorsey - Purdams Range, Silence, Resurvey on Disappointment, Peace, Samuels Contrivance, Meadow Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 539. Accession No.: 17,898-1092-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1165 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/01/27 1093: Abraham Cole, Jr. vs. Robert Woodcock, Jr. BA. Petition to record deed for Batchelors Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 477. Accession No.: 17,898-1093 MSA S512-2- 1166 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/05/31 1094: Jacob Cohen, Rachel Woolf, Solomon Cohen, Bella Cohen, David Lopez, Pricilla Lopez, Philip Cohen, Eleanor M. Cohen, Myer Moses, Isaac C. Moses, Cherie Meise, and Esther Meise vs. Agnes Swann, John Swann, Zebulon Hollingsworth, John Carruthers, George Grundy, and George Crosdale. BA. Estate of Joseph Swann - Tanyard, Teals Meadows, Trap for Old Fox, Forrest Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 416.
Accession No.: 17,898-1094 MSA S512-2- 1167 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/09/05 1095: Richard Carrick vs. Richard Sweeny. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1095 MSA S512-2- 1168 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/08/24 1096: John Clemments vs. Richard Bennett Mitchell. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Huckleberry Garden, Wickham. Accession No.: 17,898-1096 MSA S512-2- 1169 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/05/28 1097: John J. Cox vs. William Ward. CE. Contract to lease Neighbors Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 666. Accession No.: 17,898-1097-1/6 MSA S512-2- 1170 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/12/30 1098: John Croxall and Isabella Croxall vs. Robert Smith, Michael Grub, and James McCormick, Jr. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1098-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1171 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/04/07 1099: John Coleman vs. Martha Howard. HA. Contract to purchase Poor Mans Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-1099 MSA S512-2- 1172 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/06/09 1100: Richard Caton vs. William McCullough and Aaron Quinby. CE. Contract to purchase High Park. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-1100 MSA S512-2- 1173 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/09/03 1101: Walter Clagett vs. Henry Culver, Joshua T. Clarke, Nancy Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Sophia Clarke, Rhoda Baldwin, Jemima Baldwin, Zachariah Baldwin, and Garretson Jones. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Strife, Moores Cultivation, Peaches Meadow, Evans Range. Accession No.: 17,898-1101 MSA S512-2- 1174 Location: 1/36/1/
181 /06/23 1102: Francis B. Chandler vs. Capt. John Allen. CE. Contract to operate a ship between Frederick Town and BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1102-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1175 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/01/15 1103: Daniel Conn vs. William Hart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1103 MSA S512-2- 1176 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/06/23 1104: James Carey vs. Francis Cracroft and Thomas Brooke Hodgkin. MO. Petition to record deed for Snowdens Second Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-1104 MSA S512-2- 1177 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/04/21 1105: George Coulson and Eliza Coulson vs. William Jones, Anne Jones, Deborah Jones, and Robinson Jones. BA. Estate of Robinson Jones - Hansons Marsh, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 43. Accession No.: 17,898-1105 MSA S512-2- 1178 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/12/02 1106: Joseph Conkling vs. Henry Wilson. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Wilson & Conkling. Accession No.: 17,898-1106 MSA S512-2- 1179 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/06/14 1107: Nathaniel Clagett vs. William Webster and John Webster. CH, PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Wighth Park, Tanyard. Accession No.: 17,898-1107 MSA S512-2- 1180 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/04 1108: William Campbell vs. Charles Ridgely of Hampden. BA. Contract to negotiate a bank note. Accession No.: 17,898-1108 MSA S512-2- 1181 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/07/31 1109: James Colston vs. Levin Steuart. DO. Title to St. Anthony, Chance, Roxall, Pracardo. Accession No.: 17,898-1109 MSA S512-2- 1182 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/11/19 1110: Josias Crosby and Leonard Gary vs. Levy Brashears and Jesse Brashears. AA. Estate of Waymack Brashears. Accession No.: 17,898-1110 MSA S512-2- 1183 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/06/19 1111: James Copper, William Copper, Davius Copper, Charles Copper, Charles Neal, Mary D. Neal, Samuel Boyer, and Rebecca Boyer. KE. Estate of William Copper - Grumble. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 249. Accession No.: 17,898-1111 MSA S512-2- 1184 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/04/11 1112: Daniel Clarey vs. MO Associate Judges. MO. Validity of refusal to sign a writ. Accession No.: 17,898-1112 MSA S512-2- 1185 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/12/08 1113: Solomon Corner. TA. Petition to appoint trustee for Conner - Sandy Hill, Bozmans Addition, lot in Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-1113 MSA S512-2- 1186 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/12/19 1114: Robinson Corkran, Nancy Corkran, Levin Woolen, and Betsy Woolen. CA, DO. Petition to sell Narrage, Retaliation, Security to Paint Point, Frenches Choice in DO. Also Worlds End, Feather Edge in CA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 328. Accession No.: 17,898-1114 MSA S512-2- 1187 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/11/01 1115: James Colston vs. Samuel Thomas and Benjamin Benny. TA. Petition to discover accounts. Consolidated with (Chancery Papers) 665. Accession No.: 17,898-1115 MSA S512-2- 1188 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/02/29 1116: Edward Coppage vs. Philip Taylor, Thomas Dawney, Mary Dawney, and William Taylor. QA. Estate of William Taylor - Sherin, Johns Meadow Resurveyed, Johns Meadow Corrected. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-1116-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1189 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/12/18 1117: William Cox vs. Archer Hays. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1117 MSA S512-2- 1190 Location: 1/36/1/
1785/05/13 1118: Achsah Chamier, J. Robert Hollyday, Charles Ridgely Carnan, and Harry Dorsey Gough vs. William Buchanan. BA. Estate of Daniel Chamier - Carolina Felix. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-1118-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1191 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/03/14 1119: Skipwith Coale vs. Elizabeth Husbands. HA. Estate of William Husbands. Accession No.: 17,898-1119 MSA S512-2- 1192 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/09/29 1120: Christopher Carnan, Christiana Carnan, John Yeiser, Eleanor Yeiser, James Chalmier, Prudence Chalmier, Elizabeth C. Holliday, and Mary L. Holliday vs. John R. Holliday and Daniel C. Holliday. BA. Estate of John Holliday. Accession No.: 17,898-1120-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1193 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/02/13 1121: Mary Curran, Nicholas Brewer, and Dennis Claude vs. Mary Hall and Henry A. Hall. AA. Estate of Edward Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-1121-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1194 Location: 1/36/1/
1819 1122: Walter Clagett vs. William Lamar and Jacob Lamar. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Rileys Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-1122 MSA S512-2- 1195 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/02/02 1123: Richard Chenowith vs. Robert Benson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Arthurs Lot, Arthurs Addition, Gellead, William Resurveyed, Pork Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 468. Accession No.: 17,898-1123 MSA S512-2- 1196 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/01/18 1124: Joseph Chapline vs. Benjamin Ogle. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Vineyard, Resurvey on Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-1124 MSA S512-2- 1197 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/11 1125: Edward O. Clarke vs. Samuel Ridout and John Gibson. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Darland Manor, Neglect, Lloyds Meadows Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-1125 MSA S512-2- 1198 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/15 1126: Henry Clarke vs. Samuel B. Beall, Walter B. Beall, Thomas B. Beall, and Robert Beall, MO. Contract to purchase Charles and William, Benjamin, Hills and Dales. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-1126 MSA S512-2- 1199 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/06/26 1127: John Craddock. AL, BA. Appointment of trustee for Eleanor Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-1127 MSA S512-2- 1200 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/05/09 1128: Robert Courtenay vs. Jonathan Plowman. BA. Petition to correct deed for lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/2. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 391. Accession No.: 17,898-1128-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1201 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/12/23 1129: John Cheney. AA. Appointment of trustee for William Benson. Accession No.: 17,898-1129 MSA S512-2- 1202 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/05/17 1130: Philip Coal and Thomas Giles vs. John Lee Webster. HA. Estate of Jacob Giles. Accession No.: 17,898-1130 MSA S512-2- 1203 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/02/08 1131: Francis Cromwell and Cockey Pumphrey vs. William Ridgely, Rhody Ridgely, and Susanna Pumphrey. AA. Title to Jacobs Fortune, Milford, Tylers Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70. p. 360 and 71, p. 663. Accession No.: 17,898-1131 MSA S512-2- 1204 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/06/09 1132: John Campbell and Eliza Campbell vs. Richard Coates, Upton Hobbs, Mary Hobbs, Basil Hobbs, Harriett Hobbs, Elizabeth Hobbs. FR. Estate of Nicholas Hobbs - Dear Bought, Culloden, Vences. Accession No.: 17,898-1132 MSA S512-2- 1205 Location: 1/36/1/
1781/01/08 1134: Daniel Cain vs. John Earle and Benjamin Earle. QA. Contract to purchase Upper Heathworth, Heathworth, Sparks Inclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 509. Accession No.: 17,898-1134 MSA S512-2- 1206 Location: 1/36/1/
1785/05/31 1135: Thomas Colston, Jr. vs. Thomas Colston, Sr. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Lane. Accession No.: 17,898-1135 MSA S512-2- 1207 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/10/22 1137: Thomas Contee vs. Fielder Gaunt. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Fielders Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1137 MSA S512-2- 1208 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/04/10 1138: Robert Clark vs. Charles T. Broadhag. AL. Petition to discover accounts of store at Fort Cumberland. Accession No.: 17,898-1138 MSA S512-2- 1209 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/02/20 1139: Isaac Culling vs. John Campbell, Moses Campbell, Aaron Campbell, Henry Campbell, and William Campbell. BA. Contract to purchase Campbells Troubles. Accession No.: 17,898-1139 MSA S512-2- 1210 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/04/16 1140: Thomas Clarke vs. Osborn Spriggs. PG. Estate of Thomas Clarke - Mawburn Plains, Good Luck, Craignight, Grooms Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-1140-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1211 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/08/10 1142: Michael Cookenderfer and Frederick Cookenderfer vs. James Gordon, Henry Riddle, John Campbell, Sr., John Campbell, Jr., Alexander Lowe, and William Ingram. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1142 MSA S512-2- 1212 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/03/18 1143: Richard Coe vs. John Compton, Elizabeth Compton, Maria Jacobs, John Jacobs, Thomas Jacobs, Corbin Jacobs, and Mary Ann Jacobs. PG. Estate of Benjamin Jacobs - Wades Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-1143 MSA S512-2- 1213 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/08/01 1145: Hans Creery, Thomas Neill, Hercules Courtney, Isabella McIntire, Thomas McIntire, and Joseph Donaldson. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 611 and 17 p. 190. Accession No.: 17,898-1145 MSA S512-2- 1214 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/06/12 1146: John Carnan, Jesse Higgins, and Anthony Higgins vs. John Turner, Rachel Turner, William Ferrell, William T. Jester, and Benjamin Nickerson. KE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-1146 MSA S512-2- 1215 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/03/03 1147: John Courts vs. Walter Brooke. CH. Title to Aspinalls Hope, Wicksall, Allisons Folly, Nonesuch. Accession No.: 17,898-1147 MSA S512-2- 1216 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/04/24 1148: Joseph Chapline vs. George Ground. WA. Title to Piles Delight, Addition to Piles Delight, Resurvey on Addition to Piles Delight. Plats at 1/38/1/2. Accession No.: 17,898-1148-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1217 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/01/18 1149: John Creps vs. Christina Creps, Elizabeth Creps, John Creps, Jacob Creps, and Henry Creps. WA. Petition to partition More than Lovely, Charlestown Forrest, Jones Delight. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 534. Accession No.: 17,898-1149 MSA S512-2- 1218 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/02/15 1150: Samuel Coale, Sr. vs. Richard Ridgely. AA. Injunction against removal of fruit trees from Cocksell, Jones Addition, Hells Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-1150 MSA S512-2- 1219 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/10/21 1151: William Cooke and John Coles vs. Dr. John Murray, Samuel Maynard, and Richard Owings. AA. Estate of John Muir - Wells Little Beginning, Bennetts Island, Muirs Discovery, Self Defense. Accession No.: 17,898-1151 MSA S512-2- 1220 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/07/29 1153: William Cook vs. Richard Bennett Mitchell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Longworth. Accession No.: 17,898-1153 MSA S512-2- 1221 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/05/16 1154: Samuel Chenowith and Elizabeth Chenowith vs. Joseph Cromwell. BA. Estate of Steven Cromwell - Nicholsons Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1154 MSA S512-2- 1222 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/03/16 1155: William Davis vs. Benjamin Chew and Katherine Chew. CE. Petition to record deed for Chews Resurvey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-1155 MSA S512-2- 1223 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/20 1156: William Calwell vs. Thomas Calwell, James Calwell, Nancy Calwell, Dorsey Calwell, William Asquith, and Sarah Asquith. HA. Estate of Samuel Calwell - Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-1156 MSA S512-2- 1224 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/06/25 1157: Joseph Carter vs. Job Garrettson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Silent Cypress of Africa, Coles Discovery, Wheelers Goodwill, Carters Struggle. Accession No.: 17,898-1157 MSA S512-2- 1225 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/09/25 1158: Abraham Coons and John Coons vs. Jacob Martin, Catherine Martin, and Herbert Heiner. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Heads Industry, Addition to Heads Industry. Accession No.: 17,898-1158 MSA S512-2- 1226 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/04/06 1160: James Comly vs. George Brown, George French, Nicholas Merryman, Deborah Merryman, Rachel Griffith, John Griffith, Eleanor Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, John Merryman, Moses Merryman, Eleanor Merryman, Micajah Merryman, Nicholas Merryman, Eleanor Merryman, Sarah Merryman, Mary Merryman, and Eleanor Ensor. BA. Contract to purchase Greens Good Will.
Accession No.: 17,898-1160-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1227 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/07/31 1161: Richard Chenowith vs. Jacob Eichelberger. BA. Contract to purchase slave Nicholas. Accession No.: 17,898-1161 MSA S512-2- 1228 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/05/16 1162: John Chalmers, Sr. and John Chalmers, Jr. vs. Rebecca Dulany and William Delaserre. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-1162 MSA S512-2- 1229 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/02/26 1163: William Campbell, Jr. vs. Anne Stone, Robert C. Stone, Eliza Stone, and Thomas Stone. FR. Contract to purchase lots in Frederick Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 451. Accession No.: 17,898-1163 MSA S512-2- 1230 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/12/05 1164: John Crawford, Thomas Crawford, Jonas Crawford, David Crawford, James Crawford, Elias Crawford, Mary Crawford, David Crawford, Dorothy Crawford, and Eliaabeth Crawford vs. Eleanor Croxall and James Croxall. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Park Hall.
Accession No.: 17,898-1164 MSA S512-2- 1231 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/11/26 1165: Thomas Charlton. WA. Estate of Henry Charlton - Shadrachs Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-1165-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1232 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/14 1166: Absalom Chenoweth, Alexander Coulter, Rebecca Coulter, Elie R. Griffith, and Elizabeth Griffith vs. Elizabeth Chenoweth, Richard Chenoweth, Mary Chenoweth, Michael Wall, Ruth Wall, Sarah Chenoweth, Thomas Chenoweth, Cloe Chenoweth, and Enoch Chenoweth. FR. Estate of Thomas Chenoweth - Groves Purchase, Josephs Friendship, Addition to First Brother.
Accession No.: 17,898-1166 MSA S512-2- 1233 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/09/19 1167: John Cunningham and Polly Cunningham vs. Harman Trice and Frances Trice. HA. Estate of Joseph West - Arabia Petra. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-1167 MSA S512-2- 1234 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/01/04 1168: Henry Counselman vs. Ephraim Gaither. MO. Contract to lease Resurvey on John and Sarah. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-1168-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1235 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/07/05 1169: Richard Caton vs. Thomas Morgan, Joel Morgan, Jesse Morgan, and Jesse Tyson. BA. Contract to deliver wheat to Brookland Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-1169 MSA S512-2- 1236 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/08/03 1170: William Campbell vs. William Brown. AA. Mortage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-1170 MSA S512-2- 1237 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/11/26 1171: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Samuel Sterrett and Mark Pringle. BA. Trust estate of Pringle - Philpots Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 457. Accession No.: 17,898-1171 MSA S512-2- 1238 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/03/08 1172: Stephen Colver vs. Bela Peck, Asa Spalding, Thomas Young, Guilford D. Young, Joseph W. Fitch, and Isaac Williams. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Young, Fitch & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-1172 MSA S512-2- 1239 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/02/18 1173: Mary Curran and Barney Curran vs. John Whittington, Sarah Whittington, and Nicholas Z. Maccubbin. AA. Contract to purchase slave John Hanson. Accession No.: 17,898-1173 MSA S512-2- 1240 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/20 1175: Alexander Clagett and Richard Henderson vs. Charles Vance, Mazy Vance, and Margery Beall. MO. Estate of Isaac Beall - Azadice. Accession No.: 17,898-1175 MSA S512-2- 1241 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/05/05 1175A: James Chapline vs. Thomas Rutherford. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1175A MSA S512-2- 1242 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/12/06 1175B: Richard Chew vs. Margaret Hudson. AA. Petition to record deed for Island Addition, Bennetts Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 830. Accession No.: 17,898-1175B MSA S512-2- 1243 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/02/15 1175C: Thomas Coale vs. Richard Ridgely. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Coales Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-1175C MSA S512-2- 1244 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/12/29 1175D: John H. Cromwell vs. James Johnson & Co. CE, FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1175D MSA S512-2- 1245 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/09/01 1176: William Currens vs. Elizabeth Smith, Andrew Smith, Christian Smith, Benjamin Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Joseph Smith, John Smith, Mary Smith, Catherine Smith, Sophia Smith, and Anna Smith. FR. Estate of Christian Smith - Enlargement Timber Plenty, Carolina, lot in Emmittsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 635.
Accession No.: 17,898-1176-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1246 Location: 1/36/1/
1784/10/02 1177: Alexander Catlett vs. Simon Nichols. MO. Petition to provide securities. Accession No.: 17,898-1177 MSA S512-2- 1247 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/09/14 1178: Edward Carey vs. Mary Wilson, Francis J. Wilson, and Thomas Wilson. QA. Estate of Thomas B. Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-1178 MSA S512-2- 1248 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/03/09 1179: Anna A. Conneley vs. Rebecca Ellis, James Harrow, and Joseph Jeffers. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1179 MSA S512-2- 1249 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/13 1181: John Scrivenor Camden and Ann Scrivenor Camden vs. Dr. Samuel Lukens. MO. Estate of Robert J. Smith - slave James. Accession No.: 17,898-1181-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1250 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/10/31 1182: Henry Colston, Elizabeth Colston, Jeremiah Colston, Leah Colston, Josiah Colston, Elizabeth Colston, and Harriett Colston vs. John LeCompte, Henry LeCompte, Maybelle LeCompte, Susannah Lecompte, and Mary LeCompte. DO. Estate of Jeremiah Colston - St. Anthony, Chance, Pranell, Brakside, Hog Pen Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-1182-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1251 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/05/08 1183: Francis Sellers vs. Henry Carson. CA. Petition to sell Jumps Addition, Jumps Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, pp. 122. Accession No.: 17,898-1183 MSA S512-2- 1252 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/07/01 1184: John Carter vs. Ginsey Stafford, Ebenezer Stafford, Sarah Stafford, and Mary Stafford. CA. Estate of Nathaniel Stafford - Staffords Hire, Breedings Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 151. Accession No.: 17,898-1184-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1253 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/11/21 1186: William T. Clark vs. Philip Nicholls. PG. Petition to appoint trustee for Nicholls. Accession No.: 17,898-1186 MSA S512-2- 1254 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/30 1187: William Claggett, Benjamin Claggett, Jacob Schnebly, and Cassandra Schnebly vs. Erasmus Perry. WA. Estate of Elizabeth Perry - slaves Moll and Clare. Accession No.: 17,898-1187 MSA S512-2- 1255 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/05/27 1188: Nathaniel Clagett vs. John H. Beems, Harriet Beems, Thomas H. Clagett, Horatio Clagett, William K. Clagett, George Tyler, Mary B. Tyler, Thomas R. Hodges, and Sarah M. Hodges. PG. Estate of William Clagett. Accession No.: 17,898-1188 MSA S512-2- 1256 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/12/27 1188A: Jeremiah Crabb vs. Hannah West. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1188A MSA S512-2- 1257 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/06/21 1189: Philemon L. Chew vs. Henry Childs. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1189 MSA S512-2- 1258 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/01/21 1190: Richard Chandonetti, Mary Lydia Chandorett, and John Davis vs. John McKay. BA. Estate of Lydia Helphinstone. Accession No.: 17,898-1190 MSA S512-2- 1259 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/07/16 1191: Ann Calhoun, Lydia Calhoun, Lydia Calhoun, and Sidney Calhoun. BA. Petition to appoint guardian. Accession No.: 17,898-1191 MSA S512-2- 1260 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/11/12 1192: Augustine Ceiron vs. Nicholas Feburier. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Pretty Prospects. Accession No.: 17,898-1192 MSA S512-2- 1261 Location: 1/36/1/
1798 1193: Samuel Stringer Coale and William West vs. Margaret Franciscus, Solomon Allen, John Franciscus, George Franciscus, Charles Franciscus, and William Franciscus. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1193 MSA S512-2- 1262 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/09/10 1194: James Carey vs. Richard Dallam. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Palmers Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-1194 MSA S512-2- 1263 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/02/29 1195: Edmond Custis, Elizabeth Custis, Jacob Ringold, and Rebecca Ringold vs. Jonathan Harrison. QA. Estate of Nicholas Kirby - Bodys Neck, Sillen. Accession No.: 17,898-1195 MSA S512-2- 1264 Location: 1/36/1/
1800 1196: James Chapline vs. George Schnertzell. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1196 MSA S512-2- 1265 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/10/17 1197: James Chapline. DO. Petition to sell Howels Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 317. Accession No.: 17,898-1197 MSA S512-2- 1266 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/01/12 1198: Frederick Clarke vs. William T. Clarke, Archibald S. Clarke, Mary Clarke, Joshua Clarke, Caleb Clarke, Walter Clarke, Robert Clarke, Eleanor Clark, Richard Higgins, Sarah Higgins, Joshua C. Higgins, Elizabeth Higgins, Anne Higgins, and George W. Higgins. PG. Title to Ijams Choice, Clarkes Fancy, Millers Choice.
Accession No.: 17,898-1198 MSA S512-2- 1267 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/04/30 1198A: John Clarke vs. James Clarke and David Clarke. AA. Contract to lease Dohorogan Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1198A MSA S512-2- 1268 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/08/03 1199: Francis Cracroft, Thomas Brooke Hodgkin, and Robert Christie vs. William Smith, Gilbert Smith, and Watham Smith. AA. Estate of William Crandell - Grammers Parrott. Accession No.: 17,898-1199 MSA S512-2- 1269 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/09/19 1200: William Caple vs. Richard Manning. BA. Contract to purchase Bonds Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-1200 MSA S512-2- 1270 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/20 1201: Robert Christie, Andrew Buchanan, John Hoskins Stone, and Walter Dorsey vs. Nicholas Owings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wells, Howards Adventure, Roberarum. Accession No.: 17,898-1201 MSA S512-2- 1271 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/04/27 1202: Benjamin Cawood vs. Henry Cooksey. CH. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-1202-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1272 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/06/13 1203: Edward Chambers, Eli Molesworth, Sena Molesworth, James Molesworth, and Amelia Molesworth vs. Amos Chambers, Joshua Chambers, Nancy Chambers and Thomas Chambers. AA. Petition to sell Cumberland, Henry and Peter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 159.
Accession No.: 17,898-1203 MSA S512-2- 1273 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/11/12 1205: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Richard Caton, and George Tyson, vs. John McFaden, John Deverieux, George Styles, and Robert Patterson. BA. Trust estate of Grutham & Deverieux. Accession No.: 17,898-1205-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1274 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/01/30 1206: James Carroll, Prudence Gough, and John Barney vs. John F. Kennedy. BA. Estate of Harry Gough - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 523. Accession No.: 17,898-1206 MSA S512-2- 1275 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/09/13 1207: William Cookerley vs. Griffith Matthias, Susannah Matthias, Mary Hufford, John Hufford, Solomon Hufford, and Elizabeth Hufford. FR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Welch Cabbin, Phillips Care. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 112. Accession No.: 17,898-1207 MSA S512-2- 1276 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/03/10 1208: John J. Hays vs. Henry Barkman, Sr., Henry Barkman, Jr., Peter Barkman, Jacob Barkman, John Barkman, David Barkman, Mary Barkman, Susannah Barkamn, Catherine Barkman, Henry Dick, and Elizabeth Dick. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Well Done. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1208-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1277 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/11/10 1209: James Chapline vs. Richard Ridgely. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1209 MSA S512-2- 1278 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/03 1210: James Carroll and Prudence Gough vs. John Clopper. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-1210-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1279 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/06/14 1211: Elizabeth Cole vs. William Billingslea, John C. Bond, and James Bosley. HA. Estate of Thomas B. Cole - Maxwells Conclusion, Sprys Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 723. Accession No.: 17,898-1211 MSA S512-2- 1280 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/07/15 1213: Nicholas C. Carroll, Robert T. Spence, Mary Clare Spence, William T.T. Mason, and Ann Mason vs. Thomas H. Carroll and John H. Carroll. AA, BA, KE. Petition to partition Woodlands Plains, Floyds Beginning, lots in Annpolis in AA, Lots in Elk Ridge Landing in AA. Also Caves, Clonlick Carrolls Island, lots in Baltimore Company lands, Skemores Adventure, Georgia, Anthonys Delight, Level, Brunswick, Ellis Chance, Dearings Increase, Frederick Stads Enlarged, Batchelors Fear, Smiths Forest, Slades Camp, Pierces Encouragement, Parishes Range, Cordwainers Hall, Yates Forbearance, Yates Addition in BA and Stoneton in KE. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 6, MdHR 40,283-5, S65-30, B5/10/1. Also show Bare Neck, Procters Park, Locust Hill, Floyds Adventure, Green Spring, Hickory Bottom, Poplar Plains, Timber Neck, Hawkins Choice in AA; Banks Delight, Adventure, Letter Kenny in BA; Yapp, Lloyds Creek, Pearces Desire, Gunners Delight in KE. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 711.
Accession No.: 17,898-1213 MSA S512-2- 1281 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/16 1214: Thomas Cramphin vs. Sarah Hewitt, Anne Hewitt, Mary Hewitt, and Thomas Hewitt. PG. Estate of Thomas Hewitt - Brothers First Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, pp. 163 and 110, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-1214 MSA S512-2- 1282 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/03/30 1215: John Creagh, Sally Creagh, William Bagford, and Anne Bagford vs. Charles Walker. BA. Estate of Hugh Creagh. Accession No.: 17,898-1215 MSA S512-2- 1283 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/11/02 1216: John Chevallier vs. Anne Rogers, Sarah Carroll, Elizabeth Maxwell, Nancy Rogers, and Anne Carroll. BA. Petition to correct deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 304. Accession No.: 17,898-1216 MSA S512-2- 1284 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/10 1217: Andrew Carson vs. Thomas Wheeler, John L. Gibson, John Street, Elizabeth S. Harris, and Thomas Hellin. HA. Estate of Robert Harris - Conveniency, Thomas Beginning, Wheelers Enlargement, Wheelers Searches, Spark, Arabia Petra, Rough Borough. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 520.
Accession No.: 17,898-1217-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1285 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/01/09 1218: John Carrere vs. Thomas Cole, Mary Cole, and Henry Cole. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-1218-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1286 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/02/17 1219: Hannah Kitty Chase and John P. Paca vs. Samuel Chase, Thomas Chase, Matilda Ridgely, Anne Chase, George Dugan, Eliza Dugan, William B. Barney, Mary Barney, and Richard Key Heath. BA. Estate of Samuel Chase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 61 and 104, p. 789.
Accession No.: 17,898-1219-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1287 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/05/05 1220: William Coultrough vs. Samuel Baylis. HA. Title to Marys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 516. Accession No.: 17,898-1220 MSA S512-2- 1288 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/08/12 1221: Pierce Creagh vs. John Forwood, Robert Harris, and John Salman. BA, HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1221 MSA S512-2- 1289 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/12/01 1222: Thomas Crandell and Esther Crandell vs. Walter Smith and Harriott Smith. PG. Estate of James Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-1222 MSA S512-2- 1290 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/10/09 1223: Elizabeth Courtenay vs. James Bryden and Violet Bhenn. BA. Estate of Robert Courtenay - slave Polly. Accession No.: 17,898-1223 MSA S512-2- 1291 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/24 1124: Joseph Chapline, James N. Chapline, Elizabeth Chapline, Susanna Chapline, Mary Chapline, Ann Rubemia Chapline, William Evans, Sarah Evans, Samuel D. Price, and Catherine Price vs. Matthias Kuhns. WA. Petition to record deed for lots in Sharpsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 296 and 100, p. 658.
Accession No.: 17,898-1224 MSA S512-2- 1292 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/02/02 1225: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. John Cockey, William Cockey, Joseph C. Cockey, Moses Lemmon, Rebecca Lemmon, Philemon Towson, Ann Towson, Sebastian Goff, Eleanor Goff, and Moses Merryman. BA. Estate of John Cockey - Saters Addition, Cockeys Recovery, Helmore, White Hall, Addition to White Hall, Addition to Cockeys Recovery.
Accession No.: 17,898-1225 MSA S512-2- 1293 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/07/05 1226: Mary Conway vs. Thomas Conway. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-1226 MSA S512-2- 1294 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/01/25 1227: Eliza Creswell and John Creswell vs. Thomas Johnson. CE. Estate of John Creswell - Rycrofts Choice, Anchor and Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, pp. 286 and 100, p. 482. Accession No.: 17,898-1227 MSA S512-2- 1295 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/09/27 1228: James Cheston and Daniel Cheston vs. John Page, Henry Page, and Milcah Page. KE. Estate of John Page - Pages Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-1228 MSA S512-2- 1296 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/01/09 1229: Joseph Chapline vs. Charles A. Beatty, Abner Ritchie, John T. Mason, and James Williams. AA, MO, WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1229 MSA S512-2- 1297 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/12/13 1230: Joseph Chapline vs. Jacob Miller, Peter Hamm, Anne Key, Philip Key, Eliza R. Key, Mary Key, Rebecca Key, Louisa Key, Emily Key, and Ann Arnold Key. WA. Contract to sell Mount Pleasant, Smiths Hills. Plats of Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 292. Accession No.: 17,898-1230 MSA S512-2- 1298 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/10/08 1231: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Samuel Chew Hepburn. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Hermitage. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 434. Accession No.: 17,898-1231 MSA S512-2- 1299 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/12/13 1232: Christopher Cox, Jr. vs. John Chairs, Mark Benton, and Thomas Callahan. QA. Estate of John Railey - Good Increase, Raileys Hazard, Raileys Chance, Scotland, Lows Arcadia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-1232-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1300 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/03/23 1233: Walter S. Chandler and Margaret Chandler vs. Philip F. Raison. KE. Estate of Millicent Rogers - lot in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 802. Accession No.: 17,898-1233 MSA S512-2- 1301 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/01/02 1234: Zachariah Collins vs. Horatio Bright, Rebecca Bright, and James Collins. AA. Estate of James Collins - Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-1234 MSA S512-2- 1302 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/07/25 1235: Gabriel Christie and Samuel Jay vs. Samuel Gover. HA. Insolvent estate of Samuel Willets. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 915. Accession No.: 17,898-1235-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1303 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/10/31 1237: Henry Crandell vs. Richard Crandell. AA. Petition of Buzzard Swamp, Ram Gut Swamp. Accession No.: 17,898-1237 MSA S512-2- 1304 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/09/04 1238: Edward Chetham vs. Benjamin Osburn and Corbin Lee. CA, HA, QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1238 MSA S512-2- 1305 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/11/23 1239: Grandison Catlett and Polly Catlett vs. William Darne and Charles Gassaway. MO. Estate of Charles Gassaway - Hartley Hall, Mount Pleasant, Resurvey on Mitchells Range, Promise Fulfilled, Addition to Promise Fulfilled, Morton, Seneca.
Accession No.: 17,898-1239-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1306 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/09/03 1240: Sarah Clopper, Elizabeth Courtenay, Ruth Hunter Clopper, John Clopper, Sally Clopper, and James Clopper vs. Abraham D. Clopper, Edward N. Clopper, and Bank of Baltimore. BA. Title to Orange, Chatsworth, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1240-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1307 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/12/27 1241: James K. Cawood vs. Wilson Cawood. SM. Petition to partition Westham, Cawoods Expense, Partnership. Plat at 1/38/1/2. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 128. Accession No.: 17,898-1241-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1308 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/07/20 1242: Francis Clements and Lewis Duvall vs. Brutus Godman, Casius Godman, Samuel Godman, Robert Godman, and Peggy Bell Godman. AA, BA, CA, CH, DO, HA, TA, WA, WO. Estate of Samuel Godman - Neglect in TA. Also Addition to Something or Other, Timber Level, Addition to Deed Run Meadow, Flank in AA. Also Deep Run Meadow in AA and BA. Also Hardship, Eioe Pond Ridge, Macons Ridge, Retirement in WO. Also Mannons Fancy, Friendship, More Trouble Yet, Old Field More, Rotterdam, Davids Field Defaulted, Cloudy Weather, One Hundred Hills, Trap, Addition to Freemans Forrest, Addition to White Oak Valley, Addition to White Oak Land, Scotch Prize, Freemans Mistake in WA. Also Bonds Neglect, Rich Angle, Timber Grove, Taylors Mistake, Websters Neglect, Silver Hills Secure, St. Georges Neighbor, Leonards Disappointment, Oblong, Orchard and Spring Reseated, Mount Hope, Water Works in HA. Also Godmans Beginning, Timonum Defeated, Adventure in BA. Also Recovery Secured, Barren Hill Secure, Fowlers Plain Dealing Secured in CA. Also Beans Addition, Godmans Advantage in DO. Also Seat Secured in CH. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 811.
Accession No.: 17,898-1242-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1309 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/01/22 1243: John Cromwell, Urath Cromwell, Thomas Moale, Eleanor Moale, Robert Moale, Frances Moale, Richard Cromwell, Mary Cromwell, George Winchester, Ann Wincester, Samuel Winchester, Ann Winchester, Peter Hoffman, and Deborah Hoffman vs. William Owings. BA. Estate of Samuel Owings - Owings Mills.
Accession No.: 17,898-1243-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1310 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/02/04 1244: David Caruthers, John Caruthers, and James Caruthers vs. Agnes Swann, John M. Swann, William O. Swann, David C. Swann, and Robert J. Swann. AL, BA. Estate of Joseph Swann - Forrest Level, Frederickstadt Enlarged, Teals Meadow, Robins Camp, Traps for the Old Fox, Tan Yard in BA.
Accession No.: 17,898-1244-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1311 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/04/24 1245: Oliver Cromwell and William Gambrill vs. John Lusby. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Gadsbys Range. Accession No.: 17,898-1245 MSA S512-2- 1312 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/04/30 1246: Benjamin Chew vs. John Gale. KE. Injunction against removal of timber from Kimbolton, Smyths Venture, Greshams Discovery, Smyths Desert, Addition, Addition to Greshams Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-1246 MSA S512-2- 1313 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/06/16 1247: Zadock Clagett and Jane Clagett vs. William Deakins, Jr., Thomas Beall, and John Peters. MO. Estate of John Murdock - Friendship, St. Philipi and Jacob, Resurvey on St. Philipi and Jacob, White Haven in DC. Plat at 1/38/1/2. Accession No.: 17,898-1247-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1314 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/05/20 1248: Peter Creamer and Daniel Creamer vs. George Creamer, John Creamer, Solomon Creamer, David Creamer, William Creamer, Margaret Creamer, George Hartzock, Elizabeth Hartzock, Abraham Flemmer, and Susannah Flemmer. FR. Estate of William Creamer - Foglers Conclusion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 222.
Accession No.: 17,898-1248-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1315 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/01/07 1249: John Coulter vs. John Deaver, Jr. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-1249 MSA S512-2- 1316 Location: 1/36/1/
1780/08/25 1251: Samuel Chase vs. John Welch, Susannah Welch, and George Mansell. AA. Contract to purchase Look Sharp, Windsor Forrest, Mobberlys Desire, Mulliveurs. Accession No.: 17,898-1251 MSA S512-2- 1317 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/06/08 1252: John Cooley vs. Martin Mitchell, Kent Mitchell, Bennett Mitchell, Harriott Mitchell, James Mitchell, Aquilla Mitchell, William Mitchell, Parker Mitchell, and Samuel Gover. HA. Contract to purchase Rupalta. Accession No.: 17,898-1252 MSA S512-2- 1318 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/01/13 1253: Thorndick Chase and Jane Jacob vs. James Bryden. BA. Contract to make sails. Accession No.: 17,898-1253 MSA S512-2- 1319 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/02/21 1254: Edward Crow vs. Hezekiah Thomas. MO. Contract to purchase Jack on the Green, Abells Levels, Resurvey on Shady Grove, Addition to Abells Levels, Samuels Chance, Addition to Samuels Chance, Jacobs Mistake. Accession No.: 17,898-1254 MSA S512-2- 1320 Location: 1/36/1/
1770/04/04 1255: Charles Cheney vs. Greenbury Cheney and Thomas Macelefish. FR, PG. Contract to purchase Cheneys Lot in FR and Cheneys Delight in PG. Accession No.: 17,898-1255-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1321 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/05/20 1257: Richard Cole and Mary Cole. BA. Petition to sell Coles Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-1257 MSA S512-2- 1322 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/09/28 1258: Richard Coale vs. State of Maryland. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Carters Discovery, Mardens Out, lot in Principio Company lands. Accession No.: 17,898-1258 MSA S512-2- 1323 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/12/15 1259: Israel Cox vs. William Stump, Margaret Stump, Edward Miller, Sarah Miller, Joseph Miller, John Miller, William Miller, Ann Miller, and Henry Miller. HA. Contract to purchase Guffeys Romantic Prospect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, pp. 265, 270 Accession No.: 17,898-1259-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1324 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/12/23 1260: William Chilton and Samuel Talbot vs. Matthew Gary, Henry Gary, and William Gary. CA. Contract to purchase Chiltons Chance, Partnerships Hazzard, Broughton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 143. Accession No.: 17,898-1260 MSA S512-2- 1325 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/07/20 1262: James Clarke vs. William Armstrong and Hannah Armstrong. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Flowry Meads. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 398. Accession No.: 17,898-1262 MSA S512-2- 1326 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/07/26 1263: Peter Baker, Conrad Baker, John Baker, Christian Longanacre, Margaret Longanacre, Elizabeth Lottinberger, Henry Clunk, Catherine Clunk, Christian Baker, and Madelina Baker vs. William Williams Chapline, Joseph Chapline, and James Chapline. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Hills Dales and Vineyard. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 9, MdHR 40,283-115, S65-200, B5/10/1. Also shows Dorins Neglect, Red Oak Level, Burrells Bower, What You Please, Dear Bought. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 320.
Accession No.: 17,898-1263 MSA S512-2- 1327 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/03/12 1264: Benjamin D. Clarke, Sarah Clarke, and Robert Yieldhall vs. Caleb Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, Edward Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, and Ann Dorsey. AA. Estate of Joshua Yieldhall - Norwoods Fancy. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 517. Accession No.: 17,898-1264-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1328 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/07/09 1267: Joseph Carter vs. Rachel Sindall, Christopher Todd, and Susanna Todd. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, pp. 404 and 108. p. 315. Accession No.: 17,898-1267 MSA S512-2- 1329 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/12/01 1268: John Charles Francis Chirac vs. George Reinecker and Henry Peters. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 562. Accession No.: 17,898-1268-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1330 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/12/04 1269: Richard Caton and Dennis A. Smith vs. James Davis. BA. Title to lots in Baltimore Company lands, Georgia, Johnsons Interest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 261. Accession No.: 17,898-1269-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1331 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/02/07 1270: William Coe and William Caton vs. William Steuart, George Steuart, Benedict Steuart, Charles Steuart, and Edward Steuart. AA. Injunction against sale of lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 462. Accession No.: 17,898-1270-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1332 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/04/15 1271: Hercules Courtnay, Thomas Neill, and Joseph Donaldson vs. Thomas McIntire and Isabella McIntire. BA. Estate of William Neill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 492 and 21, p. 167. Accession No.: 17,898-1271-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1333 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/07/28 1272: George Carter vs. John S. Carter, Robert Mitchell, Pricilla Mitchell, Robert Berkly, Julia Berkly, John Y. Chinn, Sarah F. Chinn, Spencer Ball, Betty Ball, Elizabeth Jones, Jane Jones, Harriett Peck, John C. Peck, Emanuel Peck, and Tasker Carter Quinlan. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 29, MdHR 40,283-24, S65-103, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1272 MSA S512-2- 1334 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/04/09 1274: John Cromwell vs. Nathaniel Hall, Edward Hall, John Hall, Henry Maccubbin, James Maccubbin, John Churchman, and Jane Churchman. AA. Title to Milford, Halls Purchase, Cromwell Inheritance, Mill Seat, Halls Amendment, Tylers Lot, Suttons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 132 and 110, p. 468.
Accession No.: 17,898-1274 MSA S512-2- 1335 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/09/23 1276: James Castle, Benjamin Rice, Nathan Dotten, Appolona Dotten, Joseph Jones, Susanna Jones, Rachel Elsrode, and Elizabeth Elsrode vs. John Burnes, Ann Michaels, Dorcas Elsrode, Malinda Elsrode, and Hannah Elsrode. BA. Title to Elsrodes Forrest, Bring Me Home Again. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 83.
Accession No.: 17,898-1276 MSA S512-2- 1336 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/07/27 1277: Robert Christie vs. Benjamin Frederick, John W. Blacklock, Robert Blacklock, Mary Blacklock, Elizabeth Blacklock, Mariah Blacklock, and Elizabeth C. Blacklock. CH. Estate of Nicholas Blacklock - Burcetts Chance, Mudds Rest, Bridge Town Enlarged, Ware, Wynns Lott, Slipes, Park Hall Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 199.
Accession No.: 17,898-1277-1/9 MSA S512-2- 1337 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/12/23 1278: Samuel Colvin vs. Moses Merryman, Macajah Merryman, Ellen Merryman, George W. Todd, Mary Todd, John E. Merryman, and Elijah Merryman. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 343. Accession No.: 17,898-1278-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1338 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/10/15 1280: Timothy Chalmers vs. Peter A. Guestier. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-1280-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1339 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/28 1281: William Compton, Chloe Compton, and Charles Hesletine vs. William Potts, Elizabeth Potts, Richard Potts, John L. Potts, Philip T. Potts, Mary Potts, Harriott Potts, George Potts, and Eleanor Potts. SM, WA. Title to Bonds Forrest in SM and Salisbury in WA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 456 and 105, p. 690.
Accession No.: 17,898-1281 MSA S512-2- 1340 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/21 1283: George Creager, Sr. vs. George Creager, Jr. FR. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-1283 MSA S512-2- 1341 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/11/10 1284: Robert Colgate vs. William Lynch. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-1284 MSA S512-2- 1342 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/06/02 1285: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Elam Bailey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-1285 MSA S512-2- 1343 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/11/12 1286: Thomas D. Cockey Joshua F. Cockey, Thomas Gist, Penelope D. Gist, Mary D. Owings, Charcilla D. Owings, and Penelope D. Owings vs. Frances Thivaites Deye Owings. AA, BA. Estate of Thomas Cockey Deye - Good Luck, Broad Meade, Lancaster, Norfolk, Thomas and John Cockeys Meadows Resurveyed, Addition to Taylors Hall, John and Thomas Forrest, Jacks Double Purchase, Turkey Island, Welches Meadow, Halls Adventure, Wilmots Grange, Round Neighbor, Taylors Palace in BA. Also Piney Orchard, Duvalls Delight, Welches Fancy in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 481.
Accession No.: 17,898-1286-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1344 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/12/10 1287: Unit Corse and Mary P. Corse vs. James Polk, Ann Maria Polk, and Rebecca R. Stuart. KE. Petition to partition Ridgely, Providence, Cambles Worth More, Shad Hole. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-1287 MSA S512-2- 1345 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/03/30 1288: Joseph Couden and David Corbett vs. State of Maryland. CE. Petition to purchase lots in Charlestown. Accession No.: 17,898-1288 MSA S512-2- 1346 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/10/06 1289: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Mary Oldham, Edward Oldham, Ann Oldham, Edward Oldham, George W. Oldham, Charles Oldham, and Harriett Oldham. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bohemia Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-1289-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1347 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/05/08 1290: Hercules Courtenay, Joseph Donaldson, and Thomas Nevill vs. Thomas McIntire and Isabella McIntire. BA. Estate of William Nevill - Puntenays Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-1290 MSA S512-2- 1348 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/10/19 1292: Tudor Chocke vs. Elizabeth James, Henry James, Thomas James, Robert Heeps, John Heeps, Abraham Heeps, Lysias Heeps, John Blaney, Vincent Blaney, Sarah Blaney, Mary Blaney, Elizabeth Blaney, Margaret Blaney, Martha Blaney, Daniel Thompson, Mary Thompson, Titus Hollingshead, Pricilla Hollingshead, Nancy Hare, Thomas McGough, Sarah McGough, Curvill Chocke, Avarilla Chocke Davis, Sarah Elizabeth Davis, and Mary Davis. HA. Estate of Tudor Chocke - Salisbury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 554.
Accession No.: 17,898-1292-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1349 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/08/13 1294: William Coe vs. George Mann, William H.A.G. Mann, Sally Mann, Anne Mann, Charles Mann, and Harriet Mann. AA. Estate of George Mann - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-1294 MSA S512-2- 1350 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/02/13 1295: Robert Crist and Elizabeth Crist vs. John Stevens, Andrew Stevens, George Stevens, Jacob Stevens, Susanna Stevens, John Taylor, Catherine Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Mary Taylor, John Wickert, Catherine Wickert, Henry Stevens, John Lammot, and Ann Lammot. BA. Title to Stevens Defense. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 317 and 100, p. 643.
Accession No.: 17,898-1295 MSA S512-2- 1351 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/03/22 1296: James Carey and Martha Carey vs. Ann Rich, Sarah Rich, John Rich, and Benjamin Rich. BA. Trust estate of John Ellicott - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 431 and 111, p. 531. Accession No.: 17,898-1296 MSA S512-2- 1352 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/07/04 1297: Mackall S. Cox vs. Notley Maddox and John Darnall. PG. Petition to account for money. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 460. Accession No.: 17,898-1297-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1353 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/08/02 1298: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Samuel Riston, Joshua Stevenson, Sarah Stevenson, John Stevenson, Edward Stevenson, Thomas Roberts, Susanna Roberts, Hoopes Chamberlaine, and Mary Chamberlaine. FR. Contract to purchase Cornwell, Ridgeways Farm, Stevensons Garden Resurveyed.
Accession No.: 17,898-1298-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1354 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/10/18 1301: James Clarke vs. John Smoot, John Crapper, Zadock Crapper, and Eliza Crapper. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Mehoboath. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 431. Accession No.: 17,898-1301-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1355 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/07/13 1302: Robert Currey vs. Susanna Currey, John Currey, Anna Currey, Henry Currey, William Kendal, and Mary Kendal. KE. Estate of Robert Currey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 260 and 100, p. 446. Accession No.: 17,898-1302 MSA S512-2- 1356 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/01/07 1303: Overton Carr, Jonathan Carr, Samuel Carr, Eleanor Carr, Danbey Carr, and Elizabeth Carr vs. George Lowe, Sally Lowe, Lethe Greenwall, James Moore, Anne Moore, Michael Lowe, Ranson Lowe, and Winifred Drury. PG. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 409 and 111 p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1303 MSA S512-2- 1357 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/01/07 1304: Robert Courtenay vs. State of Maryland. BA. Contract to purchase Carrolls Scrutiny. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 533. Accession No.: 17,898-1304-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1358 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/09/18 1305: John Coulter and William Pechin vs. Duncan McCullum and William McCullum. BA. Estate of Duncan McCullum - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 360. Accession No.: 17,898-1305-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1359 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/04/02 1306: John Carnan, John Bouchell, and Ephraim Thompson vs. Casparus Meginnis. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Endeavour, Chester Grove Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-1306-1/8 MSA S512-2- 1360 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/03/12 1307: James Clarke vs. Alexander McKenzie, John McKenzie, Andrew Seton, Jr., John Armstrong, Richard Curson, Sr., and Richard Curson, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Elizabeths Diligence, Marys Plains, Spicers Inheritance, Mount Royal, Salisbury Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 514.
Accession No.: 17,898-1307-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1361 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/07/07 1308: Jonas Clapham vs. William Richmond. QA. Estate of Robert Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-1308 MSA S512-2- 1362 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/08/21 1308A: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Nicholas Carroll, Daniel Carroll of Dudington, Washington Van Bibber, William Smith, Isaac Van Bibber, George Carter, John Tasker Carter, Sophia Carter, Robert Mitchell, Priscilla Mitchell, Spencer Ball, Betsy Landon, John Yates Chinn, Sarah Fairfase, Lucy Haund, Robert Berkley, Julia Berkley, Francis Tasker Jones, James Jones, Sarah Tekell Jones, Elisabeth Jones, Jane Jones, Harriet Peck, John Carter Peck, Emanuel Peck, and Tasker Carter Quinlan vs. William Croft. BA. Injuction against removal of timber from Land of Goshen.
Accession No.: 17,898-1308A MSA S512-2- 1363 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/12/11 1308C: John Cooley vs. John Kerr, Nathaniel Kerr, and John Creswell. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Land of Promise, Isles of Capare. Accession No.: 17,898-1308C MSA S512-2- 1364 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/09/21 1309: Cumberland Dugan and Thomas McEldery vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Petition to collect wharfage. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 42. Accession No.: 17,898-1309-1/11 MSA S512-2- 1365 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/03/02 1310: Thomas Davis vs. Mary Davis and John Welsh. FR, MO. Trust estate under will of Betty Davis Welsh - Gaithers Chance in FR. Also Benjamins Lot, Meadows, Vacancy, Saplins Ridge in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 417 and 41, p. 422. Accession No.: 17,898-1310-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1366 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/02/13 1311: Samuel Deale and Susannah Deale vs. Lucy Harwood, John Miles, Mary Miles, Richard Miles, Henrietta Miles, and Maria Miles. AA. Contract to purchase Rawlings Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-1311 MSA S512-2- 1367 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/06/07 1312: William Newman Dorset, Fielder Dorset, and Alexius Boone vs. Richard Keithly, Jane Keithly, and Thomas M. Dorset. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1312 MSA S512-2- 1368 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/10/11 1313: Sarah Dorsey and Charles Hammond vs. John Dorsey. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-1313 MSA S512-2- 1369 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/08/18 1314: Lewis Duvall and John Horatio Clements vs. John Small. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1314 MSA S512-2- 1370 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/01/20 1315: Robert Duer vs. Margaret Duer and William Duer. WO. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-1315 MSA S512-2- 1371 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/04/01 1316: Richard Davis vs. Hellen Davis, Elizabeth Davis, William Davis, John Mercer, and Peregrine Biddle. CE. Estate of John Davis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 467. Accession No.: 17,898-1316-1/8 MSA S512-2- 1372 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/08/30 1317: John Darnall vs. James Marshall. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey of Wet Work. Accession No.: 17,898-1317 MSA S512-2- 1373 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/02/08 1318: Vachel Dorsey and Michael Dorsey vs. Lancelot Dorsey. AA. Estate of John Dorsey - Altogether, Browns Chance, Taddy, First Discovery, First Division, Bite the Skinner, Purdoms Range, Peace, Silence, Dorseys Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-1318 MSA S512-2- 1374 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/11/11 1319: Rebecca Dulany, Joseph Court, and Joseph Wilkinson vs. Richard Chew, Mary Chew, Philemon Chew, Thomas Chew, Sarah Chew, and Francis Chew. AA. Estate of Richard Chew - Wells, Little Beginning, Addition to Herring Bay, Bennetts Island, Murrays Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 542.
Accession No.: 17,898-1319-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1375 Location: 1/36/1/
1812 1320: Robert Dunwoody vs. James Ward, Rachel Ward, Henry Scarf, Sarah Scarf, Alex Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Spencer Kidd, John Kidd, Joshua Kid, Rhoda Kidd, Letitia Kidd, and James Kidd. HA. Estate of John Kidd - Kidds Addition, Simmons Hope, Sure Bind Sure Find, Strip.
Accession No.: 17,898-1320 MSA S512-2- 1376 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/09/22 1321: Philemon Dawson vs. Elizabeth Phillips and Charles Phillips. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Westminster, Sharns Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 387. Accession No.: 17,898-1321-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1377 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/05/01 1322: Robert Dennis vs. Sophia Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Jane Jones, and Hetty Jones. DO. Petition to sell Bridge Neck, Coxs Addition to Bridge Neck, Johns Industry, Sams Neglect. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 626. Accession No.: 17,898-1322 MSA S512-2- 1378 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/07/20 1323: Henry Drinker vs. John Reynolds. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on West Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 155. Accession No.: 17,898-1323 MSA S512-2- 1379 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/08/12 1324: Joseph Harrington Dawson and Lucretia Haddaway vs. Parthenia O. Haddaway. TA. Estate of Collison Haddaway - Miles End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 765. Accession No.: 17,898-1324 MSA S512-2- 1380 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/12/10 1325: John Diffenderffer, Charles Tinges, and George Smith vs. John Hillen and John Marsh. BA. Injunction against paving Market and York Sts. in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-1325 MSA S512-2- 1381 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/01/18 1326: Thomas Dodson vs. John K. Bordley, William C. Bordley, and Mary Bordley. TA. Estate of James Bordley. Accession No.: 17,898-1326 MSA S512-2- 1382 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/10/21 1327: Edward Duvall vs. Zadock Duvall. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1327 MSA S512-2- 1383 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/08/20 1328: Margaret Darnell vs. James Tongue. AA. Estate of Francis Darnell. Accession No.: 17,898-1328 MSA S512-2- 1384 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/07/14 1329: Henry C. Drury vs. William Drury, William Cowley, Joseph Cowley, Nehemiah Birkhead, and Mary Birkhead. AA. Contract to purchase Birkheads Chance, Gullocks Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-1329 MSA S512-2- 1385 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/11/15 1330: Samuel Drury, Matilda Drury, and Sarah Tillard vs. John H. Tillard. AA. Estate of William Tillard - Quick Sale, Ham, Greens Purchase, Hills Purchase, Birckheads Parcels, Bardhaven, Bedsworths Addition, Bedsworth. Accession No.: 17,898-1330 MSA S512-2- 1386 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/10/02 1331: Francis Deakins, William Deakins, Leonard Deakins, Baker Johnson, and Paul Haye vs. Joseph Sim, Thomas Sim Lee, Ralph Potts, and Casper Schaff. WA. Title to Salisbury, Austils Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-1331 MSA S512-2- 1387 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/01/16 1332: James Dunlop and Murdock Feams & Co. vs. Noah Stoddert. MO. Injunction againt execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1332-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1388 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/11/01 1333: Edward Dorsey vs. John Wilkins, Charles B. Hipsley, Freeborne Hipsley, Hoseas Hipsley, Parmineas Hipsley, Jonah Hipsley, and Ann Hipsley. BA. Contract to purchase Progress, Additional Progress, Dorseys Delemma. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 36.
Accession No.: 17,898-1333 MSA S512-2- 1389 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/12/16 1334: Stephen Dawley vs. Nancy McKinzie and John Smoot. DO. Estate of Elizabeth Dawley. Accession No.: 17,898-1334 MSA S512-2- 1390 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/03/07 1335: Solomon Davis. MO. Estate of Solomon Simpson - An Hours Work, Simpsons Eneme, Solomons Temple Rebuilt, Henry, Elizabeth Simpsons Dwelling Place, Wilsons Delay, Flints Grove, Friends Advice, Friendship, Chapple Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 488.
Accession No.: 17,898-1335 MSA S512-2- 1391 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/04/06 1336: Lloyd Durham vs. James Wallace. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hughings Contrivance, Hopewell. Accession No.: 17,898-1336 MSA S512-2- 1392 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/11/02 1337: John Dorsey, Archibald Moncrief, Robert Dorsey, and William Hammond Dorsey vs. Henry Todd. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rebeccas Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-1337 MSA S512-2- 1393 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/01/31 1338: Jesse Dewees vs. Hoskin Hanson and Edward Saunders. CH. Title to Littleworth, Wilkersons Throne. Recorded (Chancery Record) 25, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-1338 MSA S512-2- 1394 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/07/24 1339: John Dorsey, Sarah Dorsey, William Woods, and Ann Woods vs. Rezin Hammond, Charles Hammond, Elizabeth Hammond, John Durborough, Maria Durborough, Rebecca Durborough, and Hammond Durborough. AA, FR. Petition to sell Goodwill, Condons Search, Monlime, Bite Me Softly in FR. Also Hammonds Chance in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 650.
Accession No.: 17,898-1339-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1395 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03 1340: Barthomely Donovon. Insolvent estate of Donovon. Accession No.: 17,898-1340 MSA S512-2- 1396 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/02/26 1341: Caleb Dorsey and Ely Dorsey vs. Samuel Worthington and Thomas Worthington. AA. Estate of Charles Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-1341 MSA S512-2- 1397 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/08/23 1342: Henry Davey vs. James Jones. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-1342 MSA S512-2- 1398 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/05/23 1343: Edward Dorsey vs. Daniel Smith and Harry Merritt. AA. Estate of William Merritt - Best Success, Halls Palace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-1343-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1399 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/12/14 1344: Jeremiah Ducker vs. Robert R. Richardson and John C. Ridgley. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-1344 MSA S512-2- 1400 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/04/30 1345: Thomas Davis vs. Thomas Davis and Amos Davis. FR. Estate of Betsy Welsh - Gaithers Meadows, Saplin Range. Accession No.: 17,898-1345 MSA S512-2- 1401 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/06/18 1346: Francis Delaporte vs. Emile Rey and Aurore Rey. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1346 MSA S512-2- 1402 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/11/25 1347: Theophiso F. Dougherty, Hannah Dougherty, William S. Young, and John C. Young vs. Amos Loney and August Jacob Schwartze. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 217. Accession No.: 17,898-1347-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1403 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/05/12 1348: Francis Deakins vs. Tristram Dalton, Tobias Lear, Jonathan Hobson, John Coles, Robert E. Griffith, and Lewis Deblois. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Georgetown, Holmeads Addition to Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 93. Accession No.: 17,898-1348-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1404 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/04/14 1349: Cumberland Dugan vs. Henry Westley and Mary Ann Gabrie. AA. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-1349 MSA S512-2- 1405 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/07/24 1350: Gilbert Davis, Eliza Davis, Joseph Davis, Walter Davis, George Gebhart, Catherine Gebhart, Sarah Radcliffe, and James Dean vs. George Davis, Denton Davis, Grace Cannon, Catherine Cannon, Noll Cannon, James Radcliffe, Mary Radcliffe, Joseph Radcliffe, Elizabeth Radcliffe, William Radcliffe, Joshua Radcliffe, Thomas Radcliffe, Upton Radcliffe, Barney Dean, Catherine Dean, Alexander Harvey, Sarah Harvey, Thomas Dean, and Joshua Dean. FR. Estate of Joseph Radcliffe - Rights of Man.
Accession No.: 17,898-1350 MSA S512-2- 1406 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/07/25 1351: John Deaver. BA. Insolvent estate of Deaver. Accession No.: 17,898-1351 MSA S512-2- 1407 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/09/20 1352: William Dwyer vs. James McKennel and Elizabeth Harriman. BA. Estate of William H. Fudge. Accession No.: 17,898-1352 MSA S512-2- 1408 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/15 1353: Robert Deis. BA. Insolvent estate of Dies - Dickeson Relife, Timber Swamp Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-1353 MSA S512-2- 1409 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/02/10 1354: Edward Denison. BA. Insolvent estate of Denison. Accession No.: 17,898-1354 MSA S512-2- 1410 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/05/28 1354A: Robert Doynes. BA. Insolvent estate of Doynes. Accession No.: 17,898-1354A MSA S512-2- 1411 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/05/29 1354B: Benjamin Dumahell. QA. Insolvent estate of Dumahell. Accession No.: 17,898-1354B MSA S512-2- 1412 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/02/26 1354D: Samuel Dorsey. BA. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1354D MSA S512-2- 1413 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/05/28 1354E: Francois DeBlok. BA. Insolvent estate of DeBlok. Accession No.: 17,898-1354E MSA S512-2- 1414 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/02/07 1354F: Vachel Dorsey. AA. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1354F MSA S512-2- 1415 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/08/20 1355: James Dudley. TA. Insolvent estate of Dudley. Accession No.: 17,898-1355 MSA S512-2- 1416 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/05/24 1356: James Dickenson. CA. Insolvent estate of Dickenson. Accession No.: 17,898-1356 MSA S512-2- 1417 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/02/12 1356A: Tristram Dalton. PG. Insolvent estate of Dalton. Accession No.: 17,898-1356A MSA S512-2- 1418 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/04/11 1356B: Robert Dixon. CA. Insolvent estate of Dixon. Accession No.: 17,898-1356B MSA S512-2- 1419 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/05/17 1356C: George Dent. AL. Insolvent estate of Dent. Accession No.: 17,898-1356C MSA S512-2- 1420 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/10 1356D: Peter D'Evecmon. AL. Insolvent estate of D'Evecmon - Good and Bad, Fancy, Military Lots 3422, 3796, 3783, and 3881, Flowry Meads, Cedar Ridge, Three Springs, Allcot, Sugar Camp, Bealls Disappointment, Andrew Well Pleased, Fort Lip, Grimmes Point, Tit for Tat, Deer Garden.
Accession No.: 17,898-1356D MSA S512-2- 1421 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/04/27 1356E Sarah Dashiell. BA. Insolvent estate of Dashell. Accession No.: 17,898-1356E MSA S512-2- 1422 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/06 1356F: Martin Doyle. BA. Insolvent estate of Doyle. Accession No.: 17,898-1356F MSA S512-2- 1423 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/28 1356G: Robert Doyne. BA. Insolvent estate of Doyne. Accession No.: 17,898-1356G MSA S512-2- 1424 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/01/10 1356H: Richard Dorsey. BA. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1356H MSA S512-2- 1425 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/05/14 1356I: James Duley. HA. Insolvent estate of Duley. Accession No.: 17,898-1356I MSA S512-2- 1426 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/11 1356J: William Delasserre. BA. Insolvent estate of Delasserre - Darley Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-1356J MSA S512-2- 1427 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/10 1357: Cumberland Dugan vs. Attorney General. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Principio Co. lands. Accession No.: 17,898-1357 MSA S512-2- 1428 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/13 1358: John Doyle. BA. Insolvent estate of Doyle. Accession No.: 17,898-1358 MSA S512-2- 1429 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03/26 1359: James Dunning. BA. Insolvent estate of Dunning. Accession No.: 17,898-1359 MSA S512-2- 1430 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03/23 1360: George Deel. BA. Insolvent estate of Deel. Accession No.: 17,898-1360 MSA S512-2- 1431 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/11 1362: Bartholomew Donavan. BA. Insolvent estate of Donavan. Accession No.: 17,898-1362 MSA S512-2- 1432 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/12/20 1363: Jonas Deaver, Jr. CE. Petition to sell Partnership Renewed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-1363 MSA S512-2- 1433 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/15 1364: John Barry Darby. BA. Insolvent estate of Darby. Accession No.: 17,898-1364 MSA S512-2- 1434 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/04/25 1365: Ely Dorsey vs. William Goodwin et. al. AA. Petition to discover account books of Elk Ridge Co. Accession No.: 17,898-1365 MSA S512-2- 1435 Location: 1/36/1/
1794 1365A: Robert Douglass vs. Samuel Douglass, Joseph Douglass, Rachel Douglass, Robert Douglass, Mary Douglass, and Ignatius Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-1365A MSA S512-2- 1436 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/17 1366: James R. Dermott and Valentine Peyton vs. Alexander Stedman and Julia Stedman. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-1366 MSA S512-2- 1437 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/07/02 1368: James Dunlop, Joseph Carlton, and Gustavus Scott vs. Robert Morris, John Nicholson, Henry Pratt, Thomas W. Francis, John Miller, Jr., John Ashley, and Jacob Baker. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-1368-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1438 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/11/07 1369: Rebecca Dorsey vs. Frederick Dorsey, Samuel Dorsey, Dennis Dorsey, Roderick Dorsey, and Mary Dorsey. AA. Estate of Nicholas Dorsey - Dunghill Ground Thickett, Mansfields Defence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 30. Accession No.: 17,898-1369-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1439 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/05 1370: John Dickinson vs. Elizabeth Dawson, Jane Dawson, and John Dawson. CA. Estate of Edward Dawson - Dawsons Hazard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1370-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1440 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/11/20 1371: Ann Delozier, Thomas Higinbotham, and Susan Higinbotham vs. Daniel D. Davidson. BA. Petition to sell Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-1371 MSA S512-2- 1441 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/08/23 1372: Henry Davey vs. William Reeves, Thorndeck Chase, and John Snyder. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, pp. 50, 101. Accession No.: 17,898-1372-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1442 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/09/06 1373: Daniel Dulany vs. Normand Bruce. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Intent, Richards Folly, Toms Fancy, Cannon, Mount Pleasant, Pond Licks, Lubberland, Bears Camp, Pumpkin Hall, Long Snake, Good Hope, Paradise, Friendship, Buck Range, River Rhine. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 201 and 27, p. 37.
Accession No.: 17,898-1373 MSA S512-2- 1443 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/01/27 1374: Henry Dickinson, John Dickinson, Granby Dickinson, and Sophia Dickinson vs. James Dickinson. CA, DO. Petition to partition Wakefield, Painters Range, Alfords Beginning, Trippes Regulation in DO. Also Plains, Addition to Plains, Puzzle in CA. Accession No.: 17,898-1374 MSA S512-2- 1444 Location: 1/36/1/
1784/10/06 1375: James Duherst, Ann Duherst, William Cowen, and Johanna Cowen vs. Darby Lux. BA. Contract to purchase Jobs Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-1375 MSA S512-2- 1445 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/06/23 1376: George Dent vs. Laurence O'Neale. AL. Contract to purchase Irons Mistake, Small Island. Accession No.: 17,898-1376 MSA S512-2- 1446 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/06/27 1378: Philemon Dorsey vs. Charles A. Warfield, Richard Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Mary Snowden, and Nicholas Snowden. AA, MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Patuxent Mill Seat. Accession No.: 17,898-1378 MSA S512-2- 1447 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/02 1379: William Dimond and Robert Walters vs. Christopher Cox. QA. Estate of James Bordley. Accession No.: 17,898-1379 MSA S512-2- 1448 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/16 1380: Joseph Douglass vs. Alexander Douglass. DO. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-1380 MSA S512-2- 1449 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/20 1381: Stephen Darden vs. Nicholas Loveday, Charles Loveday, Elizabeth Loveday, Ann Loveday, Harriet Loveday, Nicholas Loveday, Jr., James Dickinson, and Lurana Dickinson. TA. Contract to purchase Bennetts Freshes, Baildom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 151.
Accession No.: 17,898-1381 MSA S512-2- 1450 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/03 1382: Thomas Dickason and Thomas Fitzsimmons vs. William Smith and David Steuart. BA. Trust estates of Samuel Purviance and Robert Purviance. Accession No.: 17,898-1382 MSA S512-2- 1451 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/12/17 1383: James Duer vs. Peter Chaille. WO. Trust estate under will of William Allen - Milton, Greens Chance, Strand, Security. Accession No.: 17,898-1383 MSA S512-2- 1452 Location: 1/36/1/
1798 1384: Joseph Dowson, Henry H. Dowson, Ann Dowson, and John Dowson vs. Elizabeth Dowson, Alfred Dowson, Joseph Dowson, John Dowson, John Weatherburn, Peter Gees, Susanna Gees, John Dieter, Sophia Dieter, and William Dieter. BA. Estate of Robert Dowson - lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-1384 MSA S512-2- 1453 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/09/24 1385: Colemore Duvall vs. Zachariah Baldwin and Thomas Shorter. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Ryleys Range, Strife. Accession No.: 17,898-1385-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1454 Location: 1/36/1/
1767/01/26 1387: John Ridgely, Ely Dorsey, Thomas Beale Dorsey, and Caleb Dorsey vs. Caleb Dorsey. AA. Estate of Edward Dorsey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 249 and 92, p. 513. Accession No.: 17,898-1387-1/9 MSA S512-2- 1455 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/08/27 1388: Peter Delivit vs. Dickson Gorsuch. HA. Trust estate of John Genett - James Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-1388 MSA S512-2- 1456 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/01/13 1389: Samuel Dickenson vs. Isaac Dickenson. SO. Title to Ware. Plat Accession No.: 17,898-1389 MSA S512-2- 1457 Location: 1/36/1/
1786/11/13 1390: John Dorsey and Brice Howard vs. Owen Elder. AA, BA. Petition to sell Laxford, Taillors Park, Addition to Huntington Quarter in AA. Also Elders Puzzle, Elders Inheritance, Elders Plague, Victory, Adams Garden in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 328.
Accession No.: 17,898-1390 MSA S512-2- 1458 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/07/08 1391: John Duvall vs. James Nowell and Elijah Ryan. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Tiviver. Accession No.: 17,898-1391 MSA S512-2- 1459 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/07/11 1392: Alexander Donald, Robert Burton, and Cornelia Lansdale vs. Osborn S. Harwood, and Barbara Lane. AA. Estate of Thomas Lane. Accession No.: 17,898-1392 MSA S512-2- 1460 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/01/24 1393: William H. Dorsey vs. Nicholas Young, Ann Casanane, Johanna Casanane, and Peter Casanane. MO. Estate of Peter Casanane - Charlotte, Berrys Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-1393 MSA S512-2- 1461 Location: 1/36/1/
1792 1394: Jesse Duvall vs. Zadock Duvall. PG. Title to Welches Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 10. Accession No.: 17,898-1394 MSA S512-2- 1462 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/07/02 1395: John M. Daniel and Travers Daniel vs. Michael J. Stone and Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer. CH. Estate of Thomas Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-1395 MSA S512-2- 1463 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03/15 1396: Sophia Duckett, Isaac Duckett, and Thomas Buchanan. PG. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 115. Accession No.: 17,898-1396 MSA S512-2- 1464 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/03 1397: Josias William Dallam vs. Henrietta Wheeler, Jacob Rutledge, Monica Rutledge, Ignatius Rutledge, John Rutledge, Henry McAttee, Teresa McAttee, Francis Ignatius, Bennett Ignatius, Elizabeth Wheeler, Henrietta Wheeler, John Lee Gibson, Joseph Wheeler, Josiah Johnson, Euclidus Scarborough, George McCausland, John Forwood, Edward Prigg, Samuel Brown, and Mary Ann Brown. HA. Estate of Ignatius Wheeler - Barclays Chance, Addition to Bella Farm, Roberts Garden, Garden Fence, Bella Farm, Deer Park, Cannons Grove, Johnsons Neighbor.
Accession No.: 17,898-1397 MSA S512-2- 1465 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/11/08 1398: Thomas M. Dorsett vs. Philip Selby. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1398 MSA S512-2- 1466 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/12/09 1399: Rebecca Dulany vs. William Cox. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Westwood, Wests Beginning Improved, Aquillas Inheritance, Magarrott Mount. Accession No.: 17,898-1399 MSA S512-2- 1467 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/12/03 1400: Joshua Deleplane vs. Aneas Noland. FR. Injunction against execution of judgement. Accession No.: 17,898-1400 MSA S512-2- 1468 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/05/11 1401: David Downey vs. William Downey. WA. Appointment of trustee for William Downey. Accession No.: 17,898-1401 MSA S512-2- 1469 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/08/27 1402: Hannah West, Mary Belt, and Thomas Belt vs. Richard Duvall and Nathan Soper. PG. Estate of Jeremiah Belt - Recovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-1402-1/17 MSA S512-2- 1470 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/02/20 1402: Richard Duvall and Nathan Soper vs. Hannah West, Mary Belt, and Thomas Belt. PG. Estate of Jeremiah Belt - Recovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-1402-1/17 MSA S512-2- 1471 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/01/29 1403: Eleanor Davidson, William Davidson, Margaret Davidson, Mary Davidson, Samuel Davidson, Thomas Harris, and Eleanor Harris vs. John Davidson. AL, AA, FR, PG. Estate of John Davidson - Carrollsburgh and lots in DC. Also Mountain Tract, Taskers Chance in FR. Also lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 575.
Seal of General Court. Letter of Daniel Clark, Jr. to Thomas Harris with comments on the new Jefferson administration.
Accession No.: 17,898-1403-1/6 MSA S512-2- 1472 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/31 1404: William Dwyer. BA. Insolvent estate of Dwyer. Accession No.: 17,898-1404 MSA S512-2- 1473 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/09/04 1405: John B. Davidge and Allen Thomas vs. Nicholas Pierpoint and Misael Pierpoint. AA. Contract to purchase Bensons Park. Accession No.: 17,898-1405 MSA S512-2- 1474 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/05/16 1406: Charles Daffin and Mable Daffin vs. Thomas Leaverton. CA. Estate of Risdon Bozman. Accession No.: 17,898-1406 MSA S512-2- 1475 Location: 1/36/1/
1780/07/28 1407: Nicholas Low Darnall vs. Benjamin Hall. PG. Contract to sell Land of Promise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 312. Accession No.: 17,898-1407-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1476 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/05/30 1408: Bank of Discount and Deposit in Baltimore vs. Samuel Allen and Mary Allen. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 539 and 99, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-1408 MSA S512-2- 1477 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/07/01 1409: Thomas Earle and Joseph Forrest. MO, QA. Insolvent estates of Earle and Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-1409 MSA S512-2- 1478 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/02/17 1410: Joseph Donaldson. BA. Insolvent estate of Donaldson - Calf Pasture, Philips Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-1410 MSA S512-2- 1479 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/13 1411: George Degan, Henry Degan, and William Russell. BA. Insolvent estate of petitioners. Accession No.: 17,898-1411 MSA S512-2- 1480 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/03/07 1411A: Zachariah Duvall vs. Zachariah Walker. PG. Estate of Zachariah Duvall. Accession No.: 17,898-1411A-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1481 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/01/30 1411B: Robert Dorsey vs. Edward Norwood and Nicholas Brewer. AA. Estate of Edward Dorsey - Forrest, United Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-1411B MSA S512-2- 1482 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/04/10 1412: Simon Donnely vs. Thomas Long. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1412 MSA S512-2- 1483 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/12/26 1413: Rebecca Dulany vs. Catherine Sholl, Frederick Sholl, Charles Sholl, Christian Sholl, John Sholl, Jacob Sholl, Henry Sholl, Michael Myers, Margaret Myers, Daniel C. Smith, Mary Smith, Frederick Coontz, and Elizabeth Coontz. FR. Estate of Daniel Dulany - lot in Frederick Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 733.
Accession No.: 17,898-1413 MSA S512-2- 1484 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/10/30 1414: William Deakins, Jr., Marsham Waring, Henry Waring, John Mason, Fenwick Mason, Uriah Forrest, James McCubbin Lingan, Joseph Evans Rowles, George French, Bernard Gilpin, and James White vs. Nicholas Young. MO. Estate of Peter Casanere - Addition to Fellowship, Resurvey on Mill Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 73.
Accession No.: 17,898-1414-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1485 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/08/31 1415: Isaac Day vs. John Whetsel, John Whetsel, Peter Whetsel, George Whetsel, Michael Whetsel, Elizabeth Whetsek, Catherine Whetsel, Jacob Whetsel, Christian Stopford, and Margaret Stopford. BA. Contract to purchase Manheim Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 552.
Accession No.: 17,898-1415 MSA S512-2- 1486 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/12/28 1418: James Long vs. Andrew Buchanan, John H. Stone, and Walter Dorsey. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/2. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 312. Accession No.: 17,898-1418-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1487 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/10/05 1419: John Duvall, Rebecca Duvall, Stephen Beard, Susanna Beard, William Atwell, Jr., Elizabeth Atwell, Moses Rawlings, Mary Lusby, and John Stockett vs. Mary Ann Rawlings, Eliza Rawlings, and Mary Rawlings. AA. Estate of John Rawlings - Beards Habitation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 60.
Accession No.: 17,898-1419 MSA S512-2- 1488 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/21 1420: Winifred Ann Deady and Christopher Johnson vs. Guinning S. Bedford, Elizabeth Bedford, Ebenezer Finley, and William Cockran. BA. Estate of Daniel Deady. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 189. Accession No.: 17,898-1420-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1489 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/01/01 1421: Ann Catherine Denny and William Denny vs. John Denny and Mary Denny. AA. Estate of Robert Denny - lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-1421 MSA S512-2- 1490 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/07/29 1422: Lewis Deblois vs. John Nicholson. Dissolution of a partnership - lots in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-1422-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1491 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/05/12 1423: William S. Davis vs. John Davis. BA. Insolvent estate of John Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-1423 MSA S512-2- 1492 Location: 1/36/1/
1794 1423A: Jesse Lock and John Cartwright vs. Thomas Bond. SM. Trust estate of John Stevens. Accession No.: 17,898-1423A MSA S512-2- 1493 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/07/13 1424: Edward Dorsey vs. William Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, and Eleanor Dorsey. AA. Estate of Caleb Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1424 MSA S512-2- 1494 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/08/30 1425: Richard Darnell vs. Benjamin Ward, John Ward, James Ward, Anne Ward, Mary Ward, and Henry O'Neale. MO. Estate of Joseph Ward - Bealls Design, Wards Chance, Compford. Accession No.: 17,898-1425 MSA S512-2- 1495 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/12/08 1426: Rebecca Dulany vs. George Pitt Stevenson, Peter Carr, Hetty Carr, and Henry Stevenson. HA. Estate of George P. Stevenson - Stoney Point. Accession No.: 17,898-1426 MSA S512-2- 1496 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/11/24 1427: Mary Deady vs. John Deady. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1427 MSA S512-2- 1497 Location: 1/36/1/
1786/12/12 1428: Nehemiah Dorman, George Truitt, Jr., and Levin Blake vs. Betsy Custis Sturgis. WO. Estate of Thomas Purnell Sturgis - lot in Snow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-1428-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1498 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/21 1429: Daniel Davis, and Mary Davis vs. Daniel Bowles, Elizabeth Bowles, Eleanor Bowles, Ann Bowles, and Thomas Bowles. WA. Estate of Samuel Bowles - Bowles Establishment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-1429 MSA S512-2- 1499 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/15 1430: Francis Delaporte vs. John B. Jauffret and Peter H. Terme. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 96. Accession No.: 17,898-1430 MSA S512-2- 1500 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/04/23 1431: John Darnall vs. James Marshall and John F. Amelung. FR. Contract to purchase Gantts Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-1431 MSA S512-2- 1501 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/29 1432: William S. Dallam and William Loney vs. Roger Boyce. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-1432 MSA S512-2- 1502 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/12/30 1433: Robert Dorsey and Talbot Shipley vs. George Shipley. Trust estate of George Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-1433 MSA S512-2- 1503 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/11/30 1433A: John Dawson vs. Solomon Coulbourn, Rebecca Coulburn, Isaac Smith, and Jimmy Smith. CA. Estate of Levin Smith - Outrange, Levins Chance, Pond Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-1433A MSA S512-2- 1504 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/04/27 1435: Elisha Deford and William Coppage vs. William H. Nicholson and Robert Wright, Jr. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1435 MSA S512-2- 1505 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/01/30 1437: Walter Dorsey vs. Robert H. Dorsey, Alexander Dorsey, William H. Dorsey, Sarah M. Dorsey, John E. Dorsey, Clement Dorsey, Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, Alexander C. Hanson, Pricilla Hanson, Caroline Dorsey, Hill Dorsey, and Hammond Dorsey. BA. Petition to record deed for Parrishes Fear. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 301.
Accession No.: 17,898-1437 MSA S512-2- 1506 Location: 1/36/1/
1792 1437A: Marsh Mareen Duvall. AA. Insolvent estate of Duvall. Accession No.: 17,898-1437A MSA S512-2- 1507 Location: 1/36/1/
1786/12/18 1438: Philip Dossey vs. James Cranford. CV. Title to Robinsons Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-1438 MSA S512-2- 1508 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/11/21 1440: Isaac Dickinson vs. Abraham Larsh, Rebecca Larsh, Mary Larsh, Charles Larsh, Silas Larsh, Lewis Larsh, William Fidler, and Daniel Fidler. BA. Estate of Abraham Larsh - Nicholsons Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1440 MSA S512-2- 1509 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/02/20 1441: Francis Dodge vs. Elizabeth O'Riley, Louisa O'Riley, and Maria O'Riley. MO. Estate of Henry O'Riley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-1441 MSA S512-2- 1510 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/18 1444: William Duncan vs. Thomas Baltzell. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-1444 MSA S512-2- 1511 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/03/30 1445: Rebecca Dulany vs. Rinaldo Johnson and Horatio Johnson. BA, CV, PG. Estate of Daniel Dulany - Turkey Cock Hall in BA. Also Aquaske, Brooke Court, Joseph and Mary in PG. Also Purchase, Buttington, Cox Hays Enlarged, Poplar Hills, Brooke Place in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 8.
Accession No.: 17,898-1445 MSA S512-2- 1512 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/07/13 1446: Samuel Davidson vs. Thomas H. Hanson and Horatio Belt. CH. Title to Aquinsick. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 42, p. 221. Accession No.: 17,898-1446-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1513 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/10/30 1447: Margaret Davidson, Henry H. Chapman, Mary Chapman, and Lewis Grant vs. Thomas Harris, Eleanor Harris and Eleanor Davidson. AL, AA. Petition to partition William and Mary in AL and to sell lots in Annapolis. Plat of William and Mary. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 539.
Accession No.: 17,898-1447-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1514 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/07/11 1448: Robert Dashiell vs. Benjamin F.A.C. Dashiell and John Done. SO. Estate of Joseph Dashiell - lot in Salisbury. Accession No.: 17,898-1448 MSA S512-2- 1515 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/07/10 1449: Henry Duvall vs. Thomas Small. QA. Estate of Zachariah Duvall - Ship Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-1449 MSA S512-2- 1516 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/01/30 1450: Hannah Davis vs. Johanna Plummer. AA. Estate of Thomas Ditty. Accession No.: 17,898-1450 MSA S512-2- 1517 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/21 1451: Luke Davis vs. Alexander W. Davey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1451 MSA S512-2- 1518 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/03/17 1453: Henry L. Davis, Jane Davis, Elizabeth Winter, and Catherine Winter vs. William Winter. FR. Appointment of a trustee for William Winter. Accession No.: 17,898-1453 MSA S512-2- 1519 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/05/17 1454: Basil Brooke, Elizabeth Brooke, George Chandler, Deborah Chandler, William Stabler, Deborah Stabler, Mary Samuel, Mary Brooke, Richard Thomas, Deborah Thomas, Margaret Brooke, Sarah Brooke, Hannah Brooke, Roger Brooke, and Dorothy Brooke vs. William H. Dorsey and Ann Dorsey. FR. Petition to sell Pembrook, Resurvey on Mount Radnor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 500.
Accession No.: 17,898-1454 MSA S512-2- 1520 Location: 1/36/1/
1831/08/19 1455: Theodore G. Dashiell vs. Stephen Ward and Betsy Ward. SO. Estate of John Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-1455 MSA S512-2- 1521 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/12/10 1456: Peter Hoffman, Jr. vs. William H. Dorsey, Rezin Hammond, James Cox, Dennis A. Smith, Abraham Worthington, Henry Payson, William Gwynn, Robert Gilmore, Jr., Alexander McDonald, and William McMeehen. AA. Title to September 14, 1739 I was Born John Hammond son of John. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 310, liber 100, p. 662 and liber 94, p. 232.
Accession No.: 17,898-1456-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1522 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/07/05 1457: William Wayne Duncanson vs. James Ray. PG. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-1457 MSA S512-2- 1523 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/07/12 1458: William Downes, Ann Downes, and Sarah Wilson vs. Mary Downes. CA. Estate of Benjamin Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-1458-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1524 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/04/01 1459: Jerningham Drury vs. Able Hill, Charles Hill, Joseph Hill, and Morgan Hill. AA. Estate of Joseph Hill - Birkheads Parcells, Birkheads Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 305. Accession No.: 17,898-1459 MSA S512-2- 1525 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/12/14 1460: Jesse Duvall vs. Zadoc Duvall. PG. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-1460 MSA S512-2- 1526 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/08/16 1461: George Downes vs. James Harris, Mary Ann Chairs, Harriott Chairs, Henrietta Chairs, and Alice Chairs. QA. Estate of James Chairs - Abington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 581. Accession No.: 17,898-1461 MSA S512-2- 1527 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/04/21 1462: Edward Dorsey, Richard Owings, and Samuel Owings vs. Charles Elder and Matthew Steene. AA. Defraud of creditors of Elder - Conclusion, Invasion, Henrys Park, Cumberland. Accession No.: 17,898-1462-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1528 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/02/24 1464: Henry Didier vs. Clement Holliday, Gabriel Duvall, and Luther Martin. BA. Petiton to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1464 MSA S512-2- 1529 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/02/15 1465: William D. Digges vs. James McCormick, Jr. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1465 MSA S512-2- 1530 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/03/21 1466: Samuel DeButts vs. Rebecca Craig. SM. Estate of Reubin Craig. Accession No.: 17,898-1466 MSA S512-2- 1531 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/02 1467: Caleb Dorsey vs. William Linton, Hannah Linton, Jacob Knowles, Rachel Knowles, John Buckman, David Buckman, Edmund Buckman, Deborah Buckman, Oliver Buckman, Benjamin Buckman, Esther Buckman, and Anna Buckman. AA. Contract to purchase First Division, Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 153.
Accession No.: 17,898-1467 MSA S512-2- 1532 Location: 1/36/1/
1768/10/12 1468: John Dubois vs. Arnold Livers, David Livers, Joseph Livers, Mary Livers, and Ann Livers. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on First Choice of Arnolds Delight, Third Choice of Arnolds Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-1468 MSA S512-2- 1533 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/01/09 1469: Sarah Davis and Joseph Jamison vs. Mark Moore. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 596. Accession No.: 17,898-1469 MSA S512-2- 1534 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/16 1470: Thomas Davis vs. Thomas Contee. MO. Title to Snowdens Second Addition to His Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1470 MSA S512-2- 1535 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/07/10 1471: Josiah Dorsey and Sophia Dorsey vs. John Dorsey and Lucy Dorsey. Estate of William Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-1471 MSA S512-2- 1536 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/06 1472: Edward H. Dorsey vs. Robert Dorsey. AA. Estate of Caleb Dorsey - Chews Resolution Manor, Gore, Chews Vineyard, Taylors Forrest, Timber Ridge, Calebs Delight Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-1472-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1537 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/06/29 1474: Philemon Dorsey. AA. Estate of Joshua Dorsey - Locust, Thickett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 500. Accession No.: 17,898-1474-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1538 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/10/27 1475: William Dern vs. William Rice, Maria Rice, James Rice, Mary Rice, and Catherine Rice. FR. Estate of William Rice - lots in Monocacy Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1475 MSA S512-2- 1539 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/26 1476: William Davis. BA. Insolvent estate of Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-1476-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1540 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/05/14 1477: Abraham Deaner, Charles Philpott, and Barton Philpott vs. Leonard Jamison, Francis Jamison, Oswell Jamison, Ignatius Jamison, Baker Jamison, Henry Jamison, Mary Jamison, Alexis Jamison, Catherine Smith, Joseph Smith, Henrietta Smith, and Mary Smith. FR. Contract to purchase Merryland.
Accession No.: 17,898-1477 MSA S512-2- 1541 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/17 1478: William Dunbar. SM. Petition to sell Etmore, Marvell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 579. Accession No.: 17,898-1478 MSA S512-2- 1542 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/10/26 1479: William Dubourg vs. Francis Marcelly. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pemblico, Labrynth. Accession No.: 17,898-1479 MSA S512-2- 1543 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/10/18 1480: Philip Darnall. AA. Trust estate under will of Richard Darnall - Portland Manor, Addition to St. Jerome, slave Araminta. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 537. Accession No.: 17,898-1480 MSA S512-2- 1544 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/18 1481: Benjamin Deford and Charlotte Deford vs. William Urquhart and Maria Urquhart. AA. Petition to partition Neales Necessity, Peakes, Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 449 and 98, p. 7. Accession No.: 17,898-1481 MSA S512-2- 1545 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/15 1482: John Dertzbaugh. BA. Insolvent estate of Dertzbaugh. Accession No.: 17,898-1482-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1546 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/12/17 1483: William Duvall and Mary Duvall vs. John Linthicum and Sarah Linthicum. MO. Estate of John Prather - John and Sarah. Accession No.: 17,898-1483-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1547 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/03/09 1484: John Dorsey, Jr., John Dorsey, Samuel Thomas Dorsey, and Basil Dorsey vs. Areminta Dorsey, Lucy Dorsey, and Maria Dorsey. FR. Contract to purchase Mount Pleasant, Williams Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-1484-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1548 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/04/10 1485: Samuel Davis vs. Benjamin R. Morgan. KE. Contract to purchase land in PA. Accession No.: 17,898-1485 MSA S512-2- 1549 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/07/12 1486: Henry Didier vs. Susanna May Williams, Susanna Williams, Martha Williams, Amos A. Williams, George Williams, Cumberland D. Williams, and Nathaniel Williams. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 22 and 100, p. 73.
Accession No.: 17,898-1486 MSA S512-2- 1550 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/05/24 1487: Elizabeth Dorsey, Ely C. Dorsey, Amos Dorsey, Edward C. Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, and Otho Dorsey vs. John Carmack and Charles Dorsey. FR. Contract to purchase Carmacks Farewell, Walnut Ridge, Resurvey on Dukes Woods, Luck, Resurvey on Walnut Ridge, Mount Felicity, Resurvey on Spring Garden, Badgers Hole, Addition to Whiskey Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 469.
Accession No.: 17,898-1487 MSA S512-2- 1551 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/10/31 1488: Mareen Howard Duvall vs. Cornelius Duvall. PG. Contract to purchase Duvalls Cow Pen. Accession No.: 17,898-1488 MSA S512-2- 1552 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/03/09 1489: Henry Damuth vs. John Witherow, Sarah Jane Witherow, and Margaret Witherow. FR. Contract to purchase Brookes Reserve, Rocks and Stones. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-1489 MSA S512-2- 1553 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/04/20 1490: Mary Dougherty and John Dougherty vs. George Higson, Jacob Deal, and Susanna Deal. BA. Petition to release mortgage. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 451. Accession No.: 17,898-1490 MSA S512-2- 1554 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/11/05 1491: Samuel Durham vs. Joseph Donaldson and John Salman. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1491 MSA S512-2- 1555 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/23 1492: Samuel Doherty vs. Cassandra Hawkins, Richard Hawkins, Robert Randall, and John T. Ford. HA. Contract to purchase New Steddt. Accession No.: 17,898-1492-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1556 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/06/25 1493: Rinaldo Johnson vs. Elisha Berry, Zachariah Berry, and Benjamin Berry. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Brooke Court, Joseph and Mary, Buttington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 444. Accession No.: 17,898-1493-1/12 MSA S512-2- 1557 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/11/03 1494: George Dorsey, Rachel Dorsey, Henry Welling, and Sarah Welling vs. Warner Warfield, Catherine Warfield, George Warfield, and William R. Warfield. AA. Petition to partition Silence, Defiance, Second Thought. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-1494 MSA S512-2- 1558 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/09/01 1495: Samuel Duvall, William Duvall, and Henry Griffith vs. Rebecca Dulany. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1495-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1559 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/04/09 1496: James Dixon vs. William Marsh Catrop. TA. Title to Cottingham. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 16, MdHR 40,283-69, S65-190, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 119. Accession No.: 17,898-1496-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1560 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/04/03 1497: Daniel Dorsey vs. Deborah Dorsey and Ely Dorsey. BA. Estate of Edward Dorsey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 179. Accession No.: 17,898-1497 MSA S512-2- 1561 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/20 1498: Anne Dorsey vs. William Leister, Edward Dorsey, Richard Graves, Charlotte Graves, Stephen Waters, Sally Waters, Joseph Gallup, Milcah Gallup, Anne Dorsey, Josias Dorsey, Greenbury Dorsey, Francis Dorsey, Greenbury D. Hanson, Benedict H. Hanson, and Francis Hanson. HA. Estate of Firby Dorsey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 179.
Accession No.: 17,898-1498 MSA S512-2- 1562 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/01/21 1499: Edward Dorsey vs. Henry Owings. BA. Estate of Michael Owings - Long Acre. Accession No.: 17,898-1499 MSA S512-2- 1563 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/01/20 1500: Isabel Dodd vs. Penelope D. Gist, Ann Cockey, and Edward Fendall. BA. Estate of Thomas D. Cockey. Accession No.: 17,898-1500 MSA S512-2- 1564 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/08/14 1501: Joseph Devertierre vs. Louis de Loubert. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1501 MSA S512-2- 1565 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/07/09 1502: George Dickson vs. Frederick Haffner. FR. Estate of James Dickson - Haffners Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-1502-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1566 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/12/13 1504: George Dent vs. Aquila Arel Browne, Thomas Jenifer, and Joseph Cresap. AL. Contract to purchase lots in Cresapsburgh. Accession No.: 17,898-1504 MSA S512-2- 1567 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/04/14 1505: Charles Dorsey. AA. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1505 MSA S512-2- 1568 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/05/31 1505A: Benjamin Dorsey. AA. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1505A MSA S512-2- 1569 Location: 1/36/1/
1803 1505B: John L. Dorsey. FR. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1505B MSA S512-2- 1570 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02/06 1505C: John Dorsey. FR. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1505C MSA S512-2- 1571 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/03/27 1505D: Joshua Dorsey. AA. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1505D MSA S512-2- 1572 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/29 1505E: Pearle Durkee. BA. Insolvent estate of Durkee. Accession No.: 17,898-1505E MSA S512-2- 1573 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/02/27 1505F: Samuel Darby. MO. Insolent estate of Darby. Accession No.: 17,898-1505F MSA S512-2- 1574 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/02/06 1505G: Jacob B. Dimmitt. BA. Insolvent estate of Dimmitt. Accession No.: 17,898-1505G MSA S512-2- 1575 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/02/24 1505H: James Dunn. KE. Insolvent estate of Dunn. Accession No.: 17,898-1505H MSA S512-2- 1576 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/03/31 1505I: Samuel T. Dyson. CH. Insolvent estate of Dyson. Accession No.: 17,898-1505I MSA S512-2- 1577 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/11 1505J: Washington Drane. MO. Insolvent estate of Drane. Accession No.: 17,898-1505J MSA S512-2- 1578 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/18 1505K: Reymond Dumas. BA. Insolvent estate of Dumas. Accession No.: 17,898-1505K MSA S512-2- 1579 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/05/26 1506: Henry Deal, Molly Deal, Ann Kelso, William Foos, John Foos, Jacob Foos, Mary Riley, William Staylor, Bartley Faherty, Polly Faherty, John McNulty, and Catherine McNulty vs. John Foos, George Foos, and Henry Staylor. BA. Estate of William Foos - Improvement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 516.
Accession No.: 17,898-1506 MSA S512-2- 1580 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/05/19 1507: John Dodd and Jacob Rutledge. HA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 66. Accession No.: 17,898-1507 MSA S512-2- 1581 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/12/14 1508: Clement Dorsey and Samuel Chapman vs. Charles Sumerset Smith. CH. Contract to sell Calverton Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 126, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-1508-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1582 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/09/07 1509: George Dickson vs. Jonathan Hager, Daniel Heister, Jacob Woolf, and Lodowick Hughit. WA. Contract to purchase Whiskey Alley, Resurvey on Scared From Home. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 570 and 37, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-1509-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1583 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/12/06 1510: Samuel J. Donaldson and Camilla Almeria Donaldson vs. David McMechen. BA. Contract to purchase Stevensons Deer Park, Wilmots Meadow, Wilmots Desire, Roberts Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-1510-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1584 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/08/22 1511: Francis Darnall. AA. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Darnall. Accession No.: 17,898-1511 MSA S512-2- 1585 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/07/31 1512: Nicholas Lowe Darnall vs. Elizabeth Skinner, Frederick Skinner, Sarah Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Deborah Steward, Ann Steward, and Thomas Tongue. AA. Contract to purchase Cowleys Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-1512 MSA S512-2- 1586 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/08/11 1513: John Daugherty vs. Abraham Brucebanks, Martha Brucebanks, Benjamin Brucebanks, Blanch Johnson, Benjamin Pritchard, and Anne Pritchard. HA. Estate of Benjamin Brucebanks - Roberts Choice, Daughertys Angle, Rumney Royal, Dispatch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 411.
Accession No.: 17,898-1513-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1587 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/01/14 1514: Arnold Delius and Francis Deblok vs. Hannah West and Andrew Van Bibber. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1514-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1588 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/12/05 1515: Jarrard Dannison vs. Moses Robinett, Isaac Wilson, Joshua Wilson, Christian Smith, Peter Smith, Phillip Smith, and William Smith. AL. Contract to purchase Sugar Tree Camps. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 95. Accession No.: 17,898-1515-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1589 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/01/27 1516: Elizabeth Deluce vs. Dinah Lawson, Richard Lawson, Stephen Lawson, and James Lawson. BA. Contract to purchase Phillpots Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71. p. 207. Accession No.: 17,898-1516 MSA S512-2- 1590 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/03/04 1517: Anne Dorsey, Catherine Warfield, Charles Warfield, Vachel Dorsey, Gassaway Watkins, Ruthy Watkins, Lancelot Dorsey, Samuel Riggs, Amelia Riggs, Vachel Warfield, and Sarah Warfield. AA. Appointment of trustee for Philemon Dorsey of John - Silence, Peace, Purdoms Range, Altogether, Browns Chance, Dorseys Friendship, Toddy, Bite the Skinner, First Discovery, First Division. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 377.
Accession No.: 17,898-1517 MSA S512-2- 1591 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/03/24 1518: Thomas A. Davis vs. Polly Stone, Frederick Stone, Mary Stone, William Stone, Michael Stone, Elizabeth Stone, and Eleanor Stone. CH. Contract to purchase Hawthorne. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-1518 MSA S512-2- 1592 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/02/07 1519: John W. Dorsey vs. Caleb Dorsey. AA. Contract to purchase Bens Delight and Days Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 409, 74, p. 420. Accession No.: 17,898-1519 MSA S512-2- 1593 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/12/18 1521: Stephen B. Dorsey vs. Caleb Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, Charles Dorsey, Humphrey Dorsey, Margaret Dorsey, and Richard Dorsey. AA, MO. Petition to partition Benjamins Addition, Pleasant Ridge, Duvalls Range, Dorseys Range, Dorseys Grove, Vanity Mount, Pork Plenty If No Thieves, Saplin Range, Exultabulies, Hammonds Delight, Owenwood Thickett in AA. Also Whats Left Corrected in AA and MO. Plats of Pleasant Ridge, Dorseys Range, Dorseys Grove, Pork Plenty If No Thieves, Saplin Range, Exultabulies, Hammonds Delight, Whats Left Corrected filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 17, MdHR 40,283-70, S65-23, B5/10/1. Also show Whats Left, Dependence, Hollands Sweep, Rocky Ridge, Browns Enlargement, Benjamins Lot in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 21.
Accession No.: 17,898-1521-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1594 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/08/22 1522: Henry C. Drury, Elizabeth Drury, Frederick Mills, William Stallings, Achsah Stallings, and Charlotte Johnson vs. William W. Conner, Harriett Conner, Nancy Conner, Marmaduke Conner, and Matilda Conner. AA. Title to Olivers Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 453.
Accession No.: 17,898-1522-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1595 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/26 1523: Josiah Davis vs. Elizabeth Carnes, John Carnes, Peter Carnes, and Elias Browning. PG. Title to Belts Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 232. Accession No.: 17,898-1523 MSA S512-2- 1596 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/11/30 1524: William Drury vs. William Cowley and Joseph Cowley. AA. Contract to purchase Birkheads Adventure, Harrisons Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-1524 MSA S512-2- 1597 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/12/12 1525: John Donaldson vs. Sarah Chew O'Donnell, Joseph Berrett, Mary Berrett, Columbus O'Donnell, Deborah O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, and Elizabeth White O'Donnell. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 195.
Accession No.: 17,898-1525 MSA S512-2- 1598 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/05/21 1526: Samuel DeButts vs. Nathaniel Washington and Margaret Washington. SM. Trust estate of Nathaniel Washington - Trent Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-1526-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1599 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/10 1526A: Nathaniel Washington, Margaret Washington, Susanna G. Hawkins, George F. Hawkins, and John Hawkins. SM. Estate of Margaret Somerville. Accession No.: 17,898-1526A MSA S512-2- 1600 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/11/23 1527: John Duer vs. James McNeill, Letitia McNeill, Sarah Duer, Charles Duer, Joseph Duer, Amasa Duer, Thomas Duer, John Briggs, Mary Briggs, Joshua Grimes, Elizabeth Grimes, Isaac Miller, Alice Miller, Robert Stockdale, and Deborah Stockdale. AA. Contract to purchase Rebeccas Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 580 and 111 p. 70.
Accession No.: 17,898-1527-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1601 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/12/31 1528: Edward H. Dorsey vs. Mary Dorsey, Priscilla Dorsey, Hill Dorsey, Hammond Dorsey, Caroline Dorsey, Eleanor Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Robert Dorsey, William Godman, Milcah Godman, and Samuel Godman. AA, BA. Estate of Edward Dorsey - Taylors Forest in BA. Also Chews Resolution Manor, Gore, Chews Vineyard, Timber Ridge, Calebs Delight Enlarged, Calebs Pasture, Valley of Owings, Littleworth, Calebs and Edwards Friendship in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 555. Accession No.: 17,898-1528-1/6 MSA S512-2- 1602 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/04/21 1529: Richard Duckett vs. Thomas Duckett. PG. Contract to purchase Howertons Range, Ridgelys and Tylers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80. p. 336. Accession No.: 17,898-1529 MSA S512-2- 1603 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/12/15 1530: John Deale vs. Samuel Chase, Thomas Chase, Ann Chase, Matilda Ridgely, Skipwith J. Cole, Eliza Cole, William B. Barney, and Mary Barney. FR. Contract to purchase Come by Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-1530 MSA S512-2- 1604 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/22 1531: William Duley and Elizabeth Duley vs. John Day and Providence Day. HA. Contract to purchase Sarahs Delight, Gods Providence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 651. Accession No.: 17,898-1531 MSA S512-2- 1605 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/12/17 1532: William P. Dalrymple, Charles D. Maccubbin, Henry Payson, Henry P. Sumner, Hugh Birckhead, George Read, William Read, Thomas Mareau, and Nathaniel F. Williams vs. William S. Carroll and John M. Bennett. BA. Insolvent estate of Carroll. Accession No.: 17,898-1532 MSA S512-2- 1606 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/01/17 1533: Baruch Duckett, Thomas Boyd, and Thomas Lyles vs. Jacob Hall, Baruch Hall, Martha Hall, Thomas G. Hall, Isaac Hall, John Hall, Ann Godman, Elizabeth Godman, Rebecca Godman, Charles Howard, Elizabeth Howard, James Mullikin, and Ann Mullikin. PG. Contract to purchase Ample Grange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 598.
Accession No.: 17,898-1533 MSA S512-2- 1607 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/06/07 1534: Lewis Duvall and Jasper E. Tilly vs. Mary Ann Green. AA. Estate of Thomas Talbot. Accession No.: 17,898-1534 MSA S512-2- 1608 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/03/27 1535: John Dorgin vs. Thomas Banning, Elizabeth Sherwood, Thomas Sherwood, Elizabeth T. Sherwood, Mary Sherwood, Hugh Sherwood, and Susan Sherwood. TA. Contract to purchase Bently Hay, Janes Progress, Beach. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-1535 MSA S512-2- 1609 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/06/09 1536: Richard Dallam vs. William Dobbins. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on land in NC. Accession No.: 17,898-1536 MSA S512-2- 1610 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/04/18 1537: Robert Dorsey, Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, Caroline Dorsey, Hill Dorsey, Hammond Dorsey, Alexander C. Hanson, and Pricilla Hanson vs. William Goodwin, Charles Goodwin Ridgely, William H. Dorsey, Thomas B. Dorsey, and Caleb Dorsey Goodwin. AA. Estate of Edward Dorsey - Cold Tuesday, Tenth Discovery, Ninth Discovery Enlarged, Halls Palace, Arcadia, Fifth Discovery, Fourth Discovery, Murphys Adventure, Piney Grove, Shrove Tuesday, Seventh Discovery, Griffiths Adventure, Harbourne, Knavery Prevented, Sixth Discovery, Best Success, Knavery Discovered, Rezins Supply, Yates Inheritance, Mill Seat, Better Success, Challery Wells, Trinne. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 389.
Accession No.: 17,898-1537 MSA S512-2- 1611 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/09/22 1539: Mareen H. Duvall and Dorothy Duvall vs. James Allen and Andrew Aitken. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1539 MSA S512-2- 1612 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/11/28 1540: Jerningham Drury and Able Hill Drury vs. Able Hill, Joseph Hill, and Morgan Hill. AA. Estates of Sarah Hill and Susannah Hill - Birkheads Meadows, Birkheads Parcell. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 36. Accession No.: 17,898-1540 MSA S512-2- 1613 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/07/23 1541: John Dickinson, John Hughes, and John Bennett vs. Stephen S. Johns. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Parrotts Reserve. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-1541-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1614 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/01/18 1542: George Davidson, Henrietta Davidson, James Mitchell, and Sarah Mitchell vs. John Blake, Sarah Blake, and Mary Blake. CE. Petition to record deed for Frisbys Meadow, Paines Lot, Pearces Beginning, Rounds, Addition to Rounds. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 113 and 110, p. 287.
Accession No.: 17,898-1542 MSA S512-2- 1615 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/06/04 1544: Rebecca Dulany vs. Charles Lewis Seigfried and Charlotte Seigfried. BA. Estate of Alexander Fraiser - Todds Forrest, Deep Point. Accession No.: 17,898-1544 MSA S512-2- 1616 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/11/25 1545: John Dempsey vs. Martin Bowers, George Sedwick, Christian Sedwick, Solomon Brown, and Aquilla Hatton. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1545 MSA S512-2- 1617 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/06/10 1546: Benjamin Dashiell vs. Isaiah Dorman, Benjamin Polk, Margaret Polk, and Joshua Janes. SO. Injunction against removal of timber fromm Dormans Discovery, Dormans Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-1546-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1618 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/11/30 1547: Samuel DeButts and Samuel Carr vs. Nicholas Lingan. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Oxen Hill Manor, Force. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-1547-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1619 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/06/09 1548: Joshua Duer vs. Spencer Owens, Jonathan Owens, Patty Owens, James Owens, Hulda Owens, Eben Owens, Eli Smullen, and Sarah Smullen. WO. Estate of Peter Owens - Owens Chance, Owens Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 890. Accession No.: 17,898-1548 MSA S512-2- 1620 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/09/25 1549: John Duvall vs. Thomas Gantt and John M. Gantt. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Ned, Tony, Dick, Dale, Barbary, Patt, Lucy, Rachel, Skippey, Davy, Anthony, Monday, Moll, Betty, Adam, Belinda, Prissy, Harriet, John. Accession No.: 17,898-1549 MSA S512-2- 1621 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/02/22 1550: William Dent, William Dent Harrison, and Thomas H. Reeder vs. Robert Knox and William Morris. CH. Estate of George Dent. Accession No.: 17,898-1550 MSA S512-2- 1622 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/04/26 1553: William Drury vs. Mary Weems and Joseph Cooley. AA. Trust estate of John Weems - Lords Bounty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 10 and 100, p. 89. Accession No.: 17,898-1553 MSA S512-2- 1623 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/02/04 1554: Theodore Dent vs. Samuel Chapman. CH. Estate of Francis Sheid. Accession No.: 17,898-1554 MSA S512-2- 1624 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/01/16 1555: Edward H. Dorsey vs. Mary Wells. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Chews Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-1555 MSA S512-2- 1625 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/07/17 1556: John Diffenderfer, Catherine Diffenderfer, Sarah Ann Bayly, and Araminta Bayly vs. John Merryman, William R. Smith, Nicholas Hopkins, Samuel Vincent, Alexander Mastin, and William Hichborn. BA. Estate of Charles Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-1556 MSA S512-2- 1626 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/06/10 1557: Caleb Davis vs. Robert McGill and Joseph Clemson. AA. Estate of Benjamin Gaither. Accession No.: 17,898-1557 MSA S512-2- 1627 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/10/23 1558: Joseph S. Dixon vs. George Hopewell, John McLean, William Lelburn, and William Hubert. CA. Title to Bloomsbury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-1558 MSA S512-2- 1628 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/19 1559: Robert D. Allen vs. Henry Wilson. BA. Defraud of creditors of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-1559 MSA S512-2- 1629 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/12/05 1560: John Dods vs. Ludwick Woolet. FR. Petition to record deed for Good Hope, Bedford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 230 and 100, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-1560 MSA S512-2- 1630 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/10/12 1562: Harriot Darnell, Pricilla Darnell, Henry Darnell, Susanna Darnell, Dorothy Darnell, and Margaret Darnell vs. Bennett Darnell. AA. Estate of Francis Darnell - Portland Manor, Addition to St. Jeromes. Accession No.: 17,898-1562 MSA S512-2- 1631 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/04/19 1563: Richard Dorsey vs. Benjamin Dorsey and Philemon Dorsey. AA. Estate of Joshua Dorsey - Locust Thickett. Accession No.: 17,898-1563 MSA S512-2- 1632 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/07/02 1563A: Henry W. Dorsey vs. David Wheeler and John Cromwell. BA. Estate of Zachariah McCubbin - Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 625. Accession No.: 17,898-1563A-1/12 MSA S512-2- 1633 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/03/07 1564: Charles Carroll of Carrollton and John Campbell vs. Notley Young, Clement Hill, and John Fitzgerald. CH. Estate of William Digges - Charlestown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-1564-1/8 MSA S512-2- 1634 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/09/21 1565: Robert Dunwoody vs. Sarah Chew O'Donnell, Joseph Berrett, Mary Berrett, Columbus O'Donnell, Deborah O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, and Eliza W. O'Donnell. BA. Contract to purchase Philipsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 390.
Accession No.: 17,898-1565 MSA S512-2- 1635 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/12/05 1566: John Dillehunt vs. Samuel Cramford and Isaac Hendrick. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 538. Accession No.: 17,898-1566 MSA S512-2- 1636 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/08/19 1567: John Durham vs. Edward Lynch, Samuel Davis, and Thomas K. Beale. BA. Petition to record deed for Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 242. Accession No.: 17,898-1567 MSA S512-2- 1637 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/08/01 1568: Margaret Drury vs. Nicholas Watkins and Richard Welch. AA. Estate of Charles Drury - Burgess Choice, Covells Folly, Middle Plantation, Puddington. Accession No.: 17,898-1568-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1638 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/10/26 1569: Sarah McBryde, Leah McBryde, Elizabeth McBryde, Sarah McBryde, Frances McBryde, Hugh McBryde, and Samuel McBryde vs. George Dashiell. SO, WO. Estate of William McBryde - Winders Addition in WO. Also Stephens Folly, Dashiells Lot in SO. Accession No.: 17,898-1569 MSA S512-2- 1639 Location: 1/36/1/
1786/04/07 1571: Charles Drury vs. Hester Drury. AA. Appointment of trustee for Hester Drury. Accession No.: 17,898-1571 MSA S512-2- 1640 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/08/01 1572: Richard Duckett vs. Benjamin Hall, Margaret Mulliken, Richard R. Mulliken, Nancy D. Mulliken, Basil D. Mulliken, Kitty Milliken, Reginal Mulliken, Baruch Mulliken, Jacob Waters, Martha Waters, Basil Duckett, and Sophia Duckett. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Worthingtons Beginning, Turkey Neck, Williams Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 435.
Accession No.: 17,898-1572 MSA S512-2- 1641 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/01/21 1574: Francis Clement Dyer vs. Hannah Clagett, Zachariah Clagett, Thomas H. Clagett, Horatio Clagett, Henry S. Clagett, William Clagett, Mary Clagett, and Sarah M. Clagett. PG. Estate of William Clagett - Edelens Hog Pen, Nelsons Error, Doncaster, Dwyers Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 421.
Accession No.: 17,898-1574 MSA S512-2- 1642 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/05/18 1575: Sarah Duvall vs. John Wells. PG. Trust estate of Walter Hilleary. Accession No.: 17,898-1575 MSA S512-2- 1643 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/06/23 1576: Gideon Dent vs. Ann Burch, Kezia Burch, and Henry Burch. CH. Injunction against removal of timber from Bowling Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-1576 MSA S512-2- 1644 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/05/06 1577: Francis Deakins vs. Thomas Sim Lee, Peter Casanave, and Johana Casanave. MO. Petition to sell Gift, Philadelphia, Beatty and Deakins Addition to Georgetown, Frogland, Bealls First Addition to Georgetown in DC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 598 and 46, p. 269.
Accession No.: 17,898-1577-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1645 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/08/25 1578: Thomas Duvall vs. Solomon Groves, Joseph Groves, Rignal Groves, James Harvey, Martha Harvey, Jacob Owens, Rachel Owens, and Zachariah Owens. AA, PG. Contract to purchase Quebec Resurveyed, Renton Resurveyed in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 465.
Accession No.: 17,898-1578-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1646 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/08/29 1579: Philemon Davis, Jr. SM. Trust estate of John Walter. Accession No.: 17,898-1579 MSA S512-2- 1647 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/19 1581: William S. Dallam and William Lonez vs. Joshua Wood. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Greenfields Double Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-1581 MSA S512-2- 1648 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/02/25 1582: Charles Duvall vs. Nathan Jones. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Robin Hoods Retreat, Robin Hoods Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-1582 MSA S512-2- 1649 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/03/06 1583: John Deale vs. Richard Darnall. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1583 MSA S512-2- 1650 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/06/13 1584: John Deale vs. Stephen Steward, Benjamin Harrison, Sarah Harrison, Frederick Skinner, and Elizabeth Skinner. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Ram Gotts Swamp. Accession No.: 17,898-1584-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1651 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/07/02 1585: Joshua Delaplane vs. Samuel Winchester, Ann Winchester, and Richard Winchester. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Terra Rubra, Six Brothers, Stoney Ridge, Resurvey on the Welch Cabin, Resurvey on This Or None. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 82.
Accession No.: 17,898-1585 MSA S512-2- 1652 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/06/12 1586: Robert Dashiell vs. Edmund N. Nelms and Robert Leatherbury. SO. Title to Wicomico Manor, Havannah, Saw Pitt Landing. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-1586 MSA S512-2- 1653 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/04/03 1587: Francis Davis vs. Dixon Brown, Sarah Smith, William Copeland Goldsmith, Charles Peck, Mary Peck, Samuel Hagarman, Rebecca Hagarman, William Wooden, and Francis Wooden. BA. Title to Prospect, Whats Left, Dutchland, Brotherhood, Aquillas Addition, Piney Meadows, Spicers Deer Park, Wilmots Retirement, Parrishes Pasture. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-1587 MSA S512-2- 1654 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/09/12 1588: Robert Duer, Daniel G. Robbins, and Harriet Robbins vs. Eliza Travis, Ann B. Travis, John P. Travis, Francis B. Travis, Elizabeth L. Travis, and Willamina W. Travis. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 519 and 105, p. 186.
Accession No.: 17,898-1588-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1655 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/05 1589: Francis Ducheman vs. Zebulon Hollingsworth, Edward Ireland, Robert Oliver, and John Weatherburn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC, Parrishes Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 100. Accession No.: 17,898-1589-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1656 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/08/19 1590: Daniel Dulany vs. John Bailey, Elam Bailey, Elizabeth Parker, John Calvert, Sarah Calvert, David Rink, and Mary Rink. Mortgage foreclosure on Murrays Addition, Athol, slaves Arkey, Sharfor, Hannah, Kate, Peter, Sam, Exeter, and Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-1590 MSA S512-2- 1657 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/10/14 1591: John Davis vs. Frisby P. Lloyd, Henry C. Coleman, and Henrietta Coleman. CE. Contract to purchase Frisbys Meadows, McKoorys Field, Rounds, Addition to Rounds. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 468 and 105, p. 203. Accession No.: 17,898-1591 MSA S512-2- 1658 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/06/26 1592: Ely Crocket Dorsey vs. Lot Hammond. FR. Estate of John Hammond. Accession No.: 17,898-1592 MSA S512-2- 1659 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/11/05 1593: Ely Dorsey vs. Philemon Dorsey and Benjamin Dorsey. AA. Estate of Joshua Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1593-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1660 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/04/05 1594: William Davis and Mary Davis vs. Robert Walsh. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 536. Accession No.: 17,898-1594-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1661 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/07/08 1595: John Duvall vs. Charles Gantt. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Bett, Esther, Margaret, Beck, Pat, James, and Anthony. Accession No.: 17,898-1595 MSA S512-2- 1662 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/02/24 1596: Samuel J. Donaldson vs. Thomas B. Dorsey and Caleb D. Goodwin. BA. Estate of William Goodwin. Accession No.: 17,898-1596 MSA S512-2- 1663 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/02/12 1597: Edward Day and Thomas Kell vs. George W. Thomas and Sarah Todd. BA. Petition to survey Leafs Chance, William the Conquerer, Onions Prospect Hills, Gassaways Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-1597-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1664 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/12/14 1598: Gabriel Duvall vs. Robert Dennis. DO. Contract to purchase Town Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-1598-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1665 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/12/05 1599: John Denning vs. Mary Yearly, William Yearly, Ann Yearly, John Yearly, Elizabeth Yearly, James Eagle, and Jacob Stevens. KE. Estate of James Yearly - Prevention of Inconvenience, Yearlys Beginning, Rock Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 116.
Accession No.: 17,898-1599 MSA S512-2- 1666 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/11/04 1600: John Johnston Donaldson vs. William Winchester and William Owings. BA. Estate of James Winchester. Accession No.: 17,898-1600 MSA S512-2- 1667 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/03/13 1601: Philemon Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, William Ridgely, Elizabeth Ridgely, Benjamin Warfield, Catherine Warfield, Vachel Warfield, Sarah Warfield, Samuel Riggs, and Amelia Riggs vs. Nathan Harris, Rachel Harris, Nicholas Ridgely, Greenbury Treakle, Philemon Barnes, Joshua Ingman, and Philip Manikee. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Brothers Partnership, Brothers Love, Pillage Resurveyed.
Accession No.: 17,898-1601 MSA S512-2- 1668 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/05 1602: Zadock Duvall vs. Thomas McGill, Basil McGill, and Robert McGill. PG. Contract to purchase Flagbottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 283. Accession No.: 17,898-1602 MSA S512-2- 1669 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/07/10 1603: Sampson Delashmut and Charles Cunningham vs. John Briscoe, Jane Briscoe, Thomas Higdon, and Artemesia Higdon. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Trammells Conoy Island, Broken Islands, Hill in the Middle, Rock Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 380.
Accession No.: 17,898-1603-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1670 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/05/18 1604: John Donnell vs. William Cooke, Walter Dorsey, John Carruthers, James Calhoun, Jr., Robert C. Stone, Ann Stone, Thomas Stone, Nathanial Cassine, and Eliza Cassine. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Bartons Wharf in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 26.
Accession No.: 17,898-1604-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1671 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/12 1605: Daniel Delozier vs. John Randall. AA. Dissolution of Randall & Delozier - Hope Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-1605 MSA S512-2- 1672 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/07/13 1606: Walter Dorsey vs. Robert Dorsey, Alexander Dorsey, William H. Dorsey, Sarah M. Dorsey, John E. Dorsey, Clement Hill Dorsey, Hammond Dorsey, Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, Alexander C. Hanson, Pricilla Hanson, John Donaldson, and Caroline Donaldson. BA. Petition to record deed for Parrishes Fear. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 180.
Accession No.: 17,898-1606 MSA S512-2- 1673 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/06/21 1607: Frederick Dorsey, Samuel Dorsey, Dennis Dorsey, Roderick Dorsey, and Mary Dorsey vs. Nancy Snowden, Richard Snowden, Thomas Snowden, and Henry Ridgely of Henry. AA. Estate of Henry Ridgely - Ridgely Great Park, Ridgelys Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 126, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1607-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1674 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/10/22 1607A: Thomas Snowden. AA, MO. Estate of Henry Ridgely - Henry and Elizabeth Enlarged, Hobbs Purchase, Neals Chance, Chesnut Hills, Snake in the Grass, Windsor Forrest, Brookfield, Pleasant Plains of Damascus, Addition to Rays Adventure, Pembrooke, Mount Radnor, Resurvey of Mount Radnor, Friendship Enlarged, Prospect Hills in MO. Also Welcome Here Again in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 307.
Accession No.: 17,898-1607A-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1675 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/03/07 1608: Solomon Davis and William G. Luckett vs. James Simpson, Juliett Simpson, Kitty C. Luckett, David L. Luckett, and Luther Luckett. MO. Estate of David Luckett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 449. Accession No.: 17,898-1608 MSA S512-2- 1676 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/11/06 1609: Lewis DeRochbrune vs. Brittingham Dickenson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1609 MSA S512-2- 1677 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/05/07 1609A: Peter D'Evecmon. AL. Insolvent estate of D'Evecmon. Accession No.: 17,898-1609A MSA S512-2- 1678 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/11/08 1610: William Ensey vs. Daniel Bussard, Henry Bussard, Nancy Bussard, Eleanor Bussard, Mathew Bussard, David Bussard, James Bevard, Mary Bevard, John Fluhart, and Rachel Fluhart. BA. Title to Parrs Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 711 and 106, p. 333.
Accession No.: 17,898-1610 MSA S512-2- 1679 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/06/28 1611: Elizabeth Ennalls vs. Joseph Daffin. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from North Yarmouth. Accession No.: 17,898-1611 MSA S512-2- 1680 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/01/21 1612: John Evans vs. John Brooke and Robert May. CE. Petition to record deed for New Munster, Pilgrams Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 97. Accession No.: 17,898-1612 MSA S512-2- 1681 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/07/01 1613: Thomas C. Earle and Thomas Hemsley vs. Joseph H. Nicholson and Charlotte Nicholson. QA, TA. Estate of William Hemsley - Hemsleys Britania in TA and Hemsleys Arcadia in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-1613 MSA S512-2- 1682 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/08/23 1614: Jonathan Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, George Ellicott, and John Ellicott vs. John Gadsby and Irwin McLaughlin. AA, BA. Contract to lease a tavern in AA. Accession No.: 17,898-1614 MSA S512-2- 1683 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/03/09 1615: Andrew Skinner Ennalls vs. Thomas Bond, Catherine Bond, Jacob Washington Giles, Johanna Johnson, Ann Giles Moore, and Thomas Randall. BA. Estate of William Fell - Mountenays Neck, lots in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 15, MdHR 40,283-68, S65-88, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 313.
Accession No.: 17,898-1615-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1684 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/04/26 1616: Conrad Eiselen vs. Aaron Sides and William Reed. BA. Estate of John Reed. Accession No.: 17,898-1616 MSA S512-2- 1685 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/07/08 1617: Richard T. Earle vs. John Chrisfield and Margaret Chrisfield. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Tristram Ridge, Hollingsworths Confusion, Toms Fancy Enlarged, Henrys Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-1617 MSA S512-2- 1686 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/09/04 1618: Joseph Evans vs. John White, Sr., John White, Jr., Hamilton White, Ashton Lee, John H. Lee, Joseph Lee, John Whittington, and Sarah Whittington. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-1618-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1687 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/12/26 1619: Jacob England vs. Catherine Myers, Hannah Myers, Eve Myers, Elizabeth Myers, Mary Myers, John Myers, Esther Myers, and Daniel Leister. FR. Estate of Henry Myers - Englands Chance, Brothers Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-1619 MSA S512-2- 1688 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/04/25 1620: Edward Edelen vs. Bryan Hampson. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Stoney Harbour. Accession No.: 17,898-1620 MSA S512-2- 1689 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/09/02 1621: Peter Emerson vs. Joseph Wilkinson. CV. Injunction against removal of timber from Brooke Place Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1621 MSA S512-2- 1690 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/05/30 1622: Joseph Ennalls Muse vs. John M. Davis, Anne M. Davis, and Arianna W. Davis. DO. Estate of William Ennalls - Carrs Adventure, Carrs Endeavour, Sarahs Land, Ennalls Regulation of Prosperity, Ennalls Back Range, Ennalls Reserve, Andersons Neck, Fishers Lot, Barren Point, Beckwiths Island, Hoopers Chance, Fox Range, Bartholomews Range, Middletons Timber Yard, Unity Hill, Yarmouth, North Tacketts Luck, Little Pond, Shayes Point, York, Dividing Point, Bruffetts Security, Addition, Thomas Addition to York, Wheelers Outlet. Plats of Ennalls Regulation of Prosperity, Ennalls Reserve, Bartholomews Range, Unity Hill, Bruffetts Security, Thomas Addition to York, Wheelers Outlet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1622-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1691 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/11/11 1623: Edward Eversfield vs. Elizabeth Eversfield. PG. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Eversfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-1623-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1692 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/12/10 1624: John K.B. Emory vs. Anna Maria Tilghman. QA. Contract to purchase Folorn Hope, Tilghmans Addition. Plats; also show Fair Play, Wrenches Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 470. Accession No.: 17,898-1624 MSA S512-2- 1693 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/06/09 1625: John Elliott and Sarah Elliot vs. Charles Warfield, Henry Warfield, Vachel Warfield, William Warfield, and Allen D. Warfield. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-1625 MSA S512-2- 1694 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/11/29 1626: John W. Etherington vs. William Ward, Robert Pennington, Elizabeth Walmsley, Nancy Walmsley, Thomas Walmsley, George Walmsley, Maria Walmsley, and Benjamin Walmsley. CE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 485. Accession No.: 17,898-1626 MSA S512-2- 1695 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/01/03 1627: Anne Everitt and Mary Everitt vs. Mary Everitt. KE. Estate of Benjamin Everitt - Pearces Meadow, Broad Oak, Coleheter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 279. Accession No.: 17,898-1627 MSA S512-2- 1696 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/04/21 1628: Kitty E. Emory vs. Peregrine Emory. QA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-1628 MSA S512-2- 1697 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/06/28 1629: Elias Ellicott, William Winchester, and John Munnikhuysen vs. Samuel Colvin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 23, MdHR 40,283-76, S65-98, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 291. Accession No.: 17,898-1629-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1698 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/07/02 1630: James Earle, Jr. vs. Rachel Atkinson and Hugh Sherwood. TA. Estate of William Atkinson - Potts Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 36. Accession No.: 17,898-1630 MSA S512-2- 1699 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/01/17 1631: Owen Elder vs. Joshua Penn, Sarah Penn, John Penn, Mary Penn, Elizabeth Elder, Elijah Ryan, John Ryan, James Ryan, Sarah Ryan, and Susanna Ryan. AA. Petition to record deed for to Addition Huntington to Quarter, Laxford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 122.
Accession No.: 17,898-1631 MSA S512-2- 1700 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/08/22 1632: Richard T. Earle vs. William L. Cecil, William Scrivener, Elizabeth Scrivener, Joshua Cecil, Thomas Simpson, and Mary Simpson. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Tristram Ridge, Hollingsworths Confusion, Toms Fancy Enlarged, Henrys Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 422.
Accession No.: 17,898-1632 MSA S512-2- 1701 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/07/01 1633: Richard T. Earle vs. Francis West. QA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 218. Accession No.: 17,898-1633 MSA S512-2- 1702 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/04/19 1634: William Elliott vs. Edward Johnson, William Johnson, William Peters, Rebecca Peters, Ann Peters, Maria Peters, Eliza Peters, Sarah Peters, Emma Peters, Thomas Peters, Edward Peters, and George Peters. BA. Contract to purchase Mount Pleasant, Small Hope. Plat; also shows Andersons Retreat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 196.
Accession No.: 17,898-1634-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1703 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/12/22 1635: John Earickson and David Jones vs. Henry Duvall, Mary Duvall, Isaac Winchester, and Thomas W. Barnes. AA. Estate of Sarah Tolson. Accession No.: 17,898-1635-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1704 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/03/20 1636: Edward Edelen vs. Frances Simpson, Jane Simpson, Walter Simpson, William Simpson, Jesse Simpson, and Catherine Simpson. CH. Contract to purchase St. Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-1636 MSA S512-2- 1705 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/03/20 1637: Wilfred Edelen vs. John M. Edelen, James Edelen, Leonard Edelen, Walter Edelen, Robert Edelen, Basil Smith, Elizabeth Smith and Raphael Jameson. CH. Estate of John Edelen - Greens Rest, Halls Lot, Edelens Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 50, p. 229.
Accession No.: 17,898-1637 MSA S512-2- 1706 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/11/26 1638: Thomas Eccleston vs. John B. Eccleston, Mary L. Eccleston, Ann E. Eccleston, and Samuel Eccleston. KE. Contract to purchase Arcadia. Accession No.: 17,898-1638 MSA S512-2- 1707 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/01/12 1639: William Ensey vs. Gerard Davis. BA. Petition to record deed for Parrs Range. Accession No.: 17,898-1639 MSA S512-2- 1708 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/09/23 1640: Thomas Eden and Christopher Court vs. Richard Jones and William Court. AA. Estate of Joseph Court - lot in Pig Point, Little Ceppas, Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-1640 MSA S512-2- 1709 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/01/24 1641: William Ennis vs. William Atwell, Robert Atwell, Samuel Atwell, Benjamin Atwell, Catherine Atwell, John Atwell, Nathaniel Atwell, William Atwell of Joseph, Keely Tydings, Frances Tydings, Dennis Iglehart, Catherine Iglehart, Thomas Parsly, Elizabeth Parsly, Mary Lavey, Susan Lavey, and Ann Mitchell. AA. Contract to purchase Hopewell, Coles Triangle, Beaver Dam.
Accession No.: 17,898-1641 MSA S512-2- 1710 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/02/22 1642: Basil Elder, Joseph Taylor, and Richard Caton vs. Abijah Fenn. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Rockford Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-1642 MSA S512-2- 1711 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/01/29 1643: John Elder vs. Hillary B. Talbot. BA. Contract to purchase Daily Income. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 542 and 105, p. 702. Accession No.: 17,898-1643 MSA S512-2- 1712 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/12/13 1644: William Emmitt vs. Ignatius Wheeler, Jr. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1644 MSA S512-2- 1713 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/12/31 1645: Thomas Elliott and Thomas Yates vs. Bushrod Washington, Corbin Washington, Nathaniel Ramsay, Clement Holliday, and Gabriel Duvall. BA. Contract to purchase Bryans Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-1645 MSA S512-2- 1714 Location: 1/36/1/
1808 1646: Joseph Ennalls vs. James Hodgson, Darius Hodgson, Peter Redhead, and Catherine Redhead. DO. Accession No.: 17,898-1646 MSA S512-2- 1715 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/12/17 1647: Joseph Ennalls vs. Sarah Ennalls. DO. Title to Trippes Desire, Strife. Accession No.: 17,898-1647-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1716 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/01/25 1648: Peter Emerson vs. Thomas Jeffery. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1648 MSA S512-2- 1717 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/10/10 1649: Rezin Estep, Thomas Hodges, and Elizabeth Hodges vs. Charles Drury of William. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Sarah, Lucy, and Peg. Accession No.: 17,898-1649 MSA S512-2- 1718 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/01/01 1650: Jacob Eversole vs. Jacob Greenamyer and John Troxall. FR. Estate of William Greenamyer. Accession No.: 17,898-1650 MSA S512-2- 1719 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/08/25 1651: Griffith Evans vs. John Hanna, Henrietta Hanna, Mary Leahy, Rebecca Leahy, and Margaretta Leahy. BA. Estate of John Leahy - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-1651-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1720 Location: 1/36/1/
1815 1651A: William Evans and William R. Gwinn vs. John Randall and Henry Payson. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-1651A MSA S512-2- 1721 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/03/28 1653: William Estep vs. Henry Anderson and Mary Anderson. SM. Estate of Alice Estep - Scegby. Accession No.: 17,898-1653 MSA S512-2- 1722 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/12/05 1654: Thomas Henry Egan vs. John Weems and Joshua Wilkinson. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on Brooke Place Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1654-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1723 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/01/15 1655: James Edwards vs. John Cockey Owings, Colegate Owings, Edward Owings, and Charlotte Owings. BA. Petition to correct deed for John and Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-1655 MSA S512-2- 1724 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/05/25 1656: Thomas H. Egan vs. John Hezekiah Alton. CV. Contract to purchase Hardesty. Accession No.: 17,898-1656 MSA S512-2- 1725 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/04/08 1657: Samuel Eccleston, James Eccleston, Thomas Eccleston, Samuel Gould, and Ann Elizabeth Gould vs. Elizabeth Woodland, Ann Woodland, Julian Woodland, and Harriett Woodland. KE. Petition to record deed for Partnerships Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 37.
Accession No.: 17,898-1657 MSA S512-2- 1726 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/06/04 1658: Patrick Ewing vs. Robert Walters. QA. Injunction against execution ofjudgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1658 MSA S512-2- 1727 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/06/20 1659: Andrew Etzler vs. Samuel R. Hobbs and John Ringland, Jr. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Liberty Town. Accession No.: 17,898-1659 MSA S512-2- 1728 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/09/12 1660: Jonathan Evans vs. Elizabeth Falconer, Jonathan Falconer, Abraham Falconer, Anna Falconer, Kitty Falconer, and Caroline Falconer. QA. Estate of Abraham Falconer - Sprys Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 501. Accession No.: 17,898-1660 MSA S512-2- 1729 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/01/11 1661: Rezin Estep vs. John H. Brown and Agnes Brown. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Harry and Will. Accession No.: 17,898-1661 MSA S512-2- 1730 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/05/27 1662: Peter Emmerson vs. James H. Williamson, Frisby Freeland, Sr., and Frisby Freeland, Jr. CV. Contract to purchase a horse. Accession No.: 17,898-1662 MSA S512-2- 1731 Location: 1/36/1/
1779/05/29 1663: Abraham Ensor, Job Garretson, and Robert Long vs. William Stansbury, Elizabeth Stansbury, Nicholas Merryman, Jane Merryman, Solomon Bowen, and Temperance Bowen. BA. Estate of John Ensors - Darley Hall, Manors Priviledge, Cheney Chase. Accession No.: 17,898-1663 MSA S512-2- 1732 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/24 1664: Lydia Elphinstone vs. Stacia Erlocher and Joseph Erlocher. BA. Petition to record lease for Cordwainers Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 79. Accession No.: 17,898-1664 MSA S512-2- 1733 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/10/24 1665: Nathan Edmonston and Archibald Edmonston vs. Ruth Edmonston. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Yarrow. Accession No.: 17,898-1665 MSA S512-2- 1734 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/05/18 1666: Thomas Edgar. AA. Insolvent estate of Edgar. Accession No.: 17,898-1666 MSA S512-2- 1735 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/12/23 1667: William Armstrong. CE. Insolvent estate of Armstrong. Accession No.: 17,898-1667 MSA S512-2- 1736 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/03/01 1668: James Errickson. QA. Insolvent estate of Errickson. Accession No.: 17,898-1668 MSA S512-2- 1737 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/02/20 1668A: Robert Ellis. BA. Insolvent estate of Ellis. Accession No.: 17,898-1668A-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1738 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/28 1669: Christiana Erlenbaugh, Catherine Erlenbaugh, Barbara Erlenbaugh, Maria Erlenbaugh, Lybilla Erlenbaugh, and Elizabeth Erlenbaugh. WA. Estate of Henry Erlenbaugh - Chestnut Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-1669 MSA S512-2- 1739 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/05/25 1670: James P. Ewing. HA. Insolvent estate of Ewing. Accession No.: 17,898-1670 MSA S512-2- 1740 Location: 1/36/1/
1797 1671: Peter Emerson and Joseph Dorsey vs. Philip Dorsey and Benjamin Hance. CV. Estate of James Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-1671 MSA S512-2- 1741 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/10/17 1672: John Evans vs. John Waugh. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Marys Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-1672 MSA S512-2- 1742 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/08/22 1672A: Richard T. Earle vs. William R. Stewart, Ariana Stewart, Samuel Wright, and Mary Wright. QA. Estate of Charles Frazier - Providence, Fishingham, Earles Beginning, Peters Lot, Salisbury, Allebands Hazard Enlarged, Haphazard, Spring Garden, Emorys Branch.
Accession No.: 17,898-1672A MSA S512-2- 1743 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/01/27 1673: Peter Engle vs. Daniel Renner and Nathan Baker. FR. Estate of John Renner. Accession No.: 17,898-1673 MSA S512-2- 1744 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/12/16 1674: William A. Elliott vs. Henrietta Gott and James Gittings. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-1674 MSA S512-2- 1745 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/12/30 1675: John Elliott vs. Henry Hardisty. BA. Defraud of creditors of Hardisty - Mount Royal. Accession No.: 17,898-1675 MSA S512-2- 1746 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/12/11 1676: Joseph Haskins, William Haskins, Peter Sharp, John Jenkinson, and Samuel Yarnell vs. Elizabeth Tilghman, Elizabeth Maria Tilghman, James Tilghman, Ann Tilghman, and Margaret Tilghman. TA. Estate of James Tilghman - Faulkners Level, Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 57.
Accession No.: 17,898-1676-1/10 MSA S512-2- 1747 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/07/08 1677: William Edwards vs. Theodorick Bland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 35. Accession No.: 17,898-1677 MSA S512-2- 1748 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/01/09 1678: Robert Ewing, Peter Edmondson, and Stephen Theodore Johnson vs. Elizabeth Lucas, Sarah Lucas, and Norval Lucas. TA. Estate of Noval Lucas. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 536. Accession No.: 17,898-1678-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1749 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/08/10 1679: Joseph Evans vs. Gideon McCauley, James C. McCauley, and Joshua McCauley. AA. Estate of William McCauley - Indian Landing, Hammonds Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-1679-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1750 Location: 1/36/1/
1795 1680: Ruth Edmonson vs. William Medcalfe, Blanely Medcalfe, Margery Edmonson, and Susanna Edmonson. WA. Estates of James Edmonson and Archibald Edmonson - Nine Bank. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 557 and 36, p. 230. Accession No.: 17,898-1680-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1751 Location: 1/36/1/
1849/12/13 1681: Harney Ellicott and Richard W. Gill vs. Andrew Ellicott, Evan T. Ellicott, John Ellicott, Samuel Ellicott, Samuel Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, and Philip Ellicott. BA. Insolvent estate of Baltimore Chemical Manufacturing Co. Accession No.: 17,898-1681 MSA S512-2- 1752 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/02/13 1682: Robert Edmonston vs. John E. Bussard, Elkanah Cobb, John Henderson, Tyson Beall, and John W. Marlow. MO. Estate of Basil Perry. Accession No.: 17,898-1682 MSA S512-2- 1753 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/11/16 1683: Peter Emerson, Richard Chew, Jr., Mary M. Chew, William H. Chew, Thomas H. Chew, Philemon Chew, Sarah Chew, and Frances Chew. AA. Estate of Lock Chew - Lowreys Rest, Mackalls Force, Abbington Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 391. Accession No.: 17,898-1683-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1754 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/12/20 1684: Benjamin Elliott vs. Joseph Owens. BA. Contract to purchase a lottery ticket. Accession No.: 17,898-1684 MSA S512-2- 1755 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/04/03 1685: John Elder vs. Harmon Greathouse and Lodwick Wampler. FR. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-1685-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1756 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/06/11 1686: Joseph Ennalls vs. William Russum. SO. Estate of Samuel Tenables, Jr. - Troublesome, Venables Pretentions, Miles End, Warehouse Island, Western Fields, Wilsons Lot, Labannon, Horse Island, Browns Priviledge, Algate. Accession No.: 17,898-1686 MSA S512-2- 1757 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/02/11 1687: Joseph Evans v. Joshua Harbin and John McKee. MO. Title to Harbins Lot, Evans Chance, Piney Grove, James Tract. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 673. Accession No.: 17,898-1687 MSA S512-2- 1758 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/01/26 1688: Jacob Eversole vs. Attorney General. FR. Contract to purchase Fair Dealing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-1688 MSA S512-2- 1759 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/10/10 1689: Peter Emmerson and Joseph Dorsey vs. Philip Dorsey and Benjamin Hance. CV. Estate of James Dorsey - slave Joan. Accession No.: 17,898-1689 MSA S512-2- 1760 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/07/10 1690: George Adams Ebbert vs. John Ebbert and Henry Ebbert. FR. Title to lot in Frederick Town. Accession No.: 17,898-1690 MSA S512-2- 1761 Location: 1/36/1/
1824 1691: Samuel Essex vs. Benjamin Essex. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1691 MSA S512-2- 1762 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/01/22 1692: Edmund Evans vs. Edward Waters and Aquila Waters. AA. Title to Waters Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-1692 MSA S512-2- 1763 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/02/13 1693: Rezin Estep vs. John Claytor, Eliza Claytor, John Randall, Eliza Randall, Mary Ann Hodges, Benjamin Hodges, Lucinda Hodges, Margaret Hodges, Ellen Hodges, Charles Hodges, and Nicholas Watkins of Thomas. AA. Title to lots in Pig Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 449.
Accession No.: 17,898-1693-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1764 Location: 1/36/1/
1799 1694: Christopher Erb and Charles Engel vs. Thomas McGuire. FR. Title to Resurvey on Rational Care, Ohio, Resurvey on Locust Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-1694 MSA S512-2- 1765 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/10/27 1695: John Elder vs. Levin Dorsey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Trusted. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-1695 MSA S512-2- 1766 Location: 1/36/1/
1788/12/12 1696: Peter Edmondson vs. Richard Collison, Reubin Collison, Ritty Collison, and Sarah Collison. CA. Estate of Richard Collison - Sherwins Chance, Folly, Partnership, Plain Dealing, Willenborough. Accession No.: 17,898-1696 MSA S512-2- 1767 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/10/06 1697: John Lodman Elbert and Mary Gordon vs. John L. Gary, William G. Gary, Jeremiah Gary, Mary Gary, Francis Gary, Henrietta Gary, and Anne Gary. CA. Estate of William Gary - Advantage, Beavers Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 273.
Accession No.: 17,898-1697-1/5 MSA S512-2- 1768 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/01/22 1698: James Earle, Jr. vs. William Berridge, Mary Berridge, Patrick O'Neal, John Meredith, Robert H. Goldsborough, and William Clarke. TA. Estate of Hugh Martin - lot in Easton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-1698-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1769 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/03/27 1699: Thomas L. Emory vs. Margaret Seth, Susanna Seth, Thomas Seth, and Mary Seth. QA. Estate of Thomas J. Seth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 244. Accession No.: 17,898-1699-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1770 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/02/16 1700: David Elphinston. BA. Appointment of trustee for Elphinston. Accession No.: 17,898-1700-1/7 MSA S512-2- 1771 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/05/30 1701: Daniel Evans, Eleanor Evans, Ann Towson, and Elizabeth Towson vs. Joshua Anderson, Ruthy Anderson, William Towson, Thomas Towson, and John Towson. BA. Petition to sell Mollys Industry, Pearces Security, Gotts Hope, James Meadow. Plat of Mollys Industry, Pearces Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 93.
Accession No.: 17,898-1701 MSA S512-2- 1772 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/06/13 1702: Elias Ellicott, Jonathan Ellicott, George Ellicott, and John Ellicott vs. George Barnes and Adam Barnes. AA. Estate of James Barnes - Owenwood Thickett, Addition to Brothers Level, Benjamins Addition, Dorseys Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-1702 MSA S512-2- 1773 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/06/22 1703: Peter Engle vs. John Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, Michael Gilbert, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sarah Gilbert, Lydia Gilbert, William Moore, and Polly Moore. FR. Estate of Barnhart Gilbert - Groves Purchase, Choice, Spring Plain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 590.
Accession No.: 17,898-1703-1/6 MSA S512-2- 1774 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/05/21 1704: Robert Evans vs. James Lemmon, Sarah Lemmon, William Ewing, Elizabeth Ewing, Mary Ewing, Alexander Cunning, Martha Cunnings, Thomas Cunning, and Hugh Cunning. CE. Estate of Thomas Cunning - Ewings Purchase Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 613.
Accession No.: 17,898-1704 MSA S512-2- 1775 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/05/16 1705: Patrick Ewing vs. James Miller. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1705 MSA S512-2- 1776 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/04/25 1706: Peter Emerson and Susannah Emerson vs. Thomas Henry Egan, Thomas Chizley, and Henrietta Chizley. CV. Estate of Barnaby Egan - Brooke Place Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1706 MSA S512-2- 1777 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/11/28 1706A: Peter Emerson vs. Richard Chew. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Dick Butler, Natt, Yellow Jack, Billy, Will Boy, Jacob, Ned, Sam, Steven, Pegg, Isaac, Dinah, Priss, Dick, and Jack. Accession No.: 17,898-1706A MSA S512-2- 1778 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/09/03 1706B: Peter Emerson vs. Rinaldo Johnson. CV. Injunction against removal of timber from Brooke Place Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-1706B MSA S512-2- 1779 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/05/17 1708: Edward Edwards vs. John Hoskins Stone, Walter Dorsey, and Andrew Buchanan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Anchintoly, Chatsworth, McLures Wharf. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 213 and 44, p. 602. Accession No.: 17,898-1708 MSA S512-2- 1780 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/01/08 1709: Martin Eichelberger vs. Louis Deloubert. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-1709-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1781 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/01/10 1710: James Earle and Michael Earle vs. Alexander Walters. QA. Estate of Robert Walters. Accession No.: 17,898-1710-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1782 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/03/02 1711: John Ensey vs. James Ensey, Richard Ensey, William Ensey, Abraham Ensey, Dennis Ensey, John Gandy, Martha Gandy, Owen Humphrey, Mary Humphrey, William Haden, Catherine Haden, Rachel Ensey, William Ensey, Mary Ensey, Ann Ensey, Lott Ensey, and Peregrine Ensey. FR. Estate of Dennis Ensey - Coomes Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 77.
Accession No.: 17,898-1711 MSA S512-2- 1783 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/05/28 1712: Walter Evans, Jr., Jane D. Evans, Mary Evans, and Pricilla Evans vs. Walter Evans, Sr., Robert Furguson, and Alexander Hamilton. MO. Contract to purchase Dung Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-1712 MSA S512-2- 1784 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/02/18 1713: Cadwallader Edwards and Philip Rogers vs. George W. Higgins and Absalom Ridgely. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Linthicums Walks. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-1713-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1785 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/09/19 1714: James Earle and William Bruff vs. Richard T. Earle. QA. Dissolution of a partnership - Heathworth. Accession No.: 17,898-1714 MSA S512-2- 1786 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/08/01 1715: Jesse Eichelberger and Nicholas Ridgely vs. Benjamin Reeder and Asher Laton. AA. Contract to purchase Additional Defence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 181. Accession No.: 17,898-1715 MSA S512-2- 1787 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/02/10 1716: Elizabeth Edwards vs. John Wheatly. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC.. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 563. Accession No.: 17,898-1716 MSA S512-2- 1788 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/09/09 1718: Rezin Estep vs. Francis Whittington, Sarah Whittington, William Sullivan, Joseph Sullivan, Eleanor Sullivan, Henrietta Sullivan, and Janet Sullivan. AA. Estate of Thomas Sullivan - Hunts Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-1718 MSA S512-2- 1789 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/03/15 1719: Frederick Eyen vs. Samuel Spicer, Mary S. Spicer, Frederick Spicer, Jacob Myer, and Elizabeth Myer. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-1719-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1790 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/12/22 1720: Abraham Evetts and Mary Evetts vs. Levi Stafford, Gatty Stafford, Samuel Collins, Deborah Collins, Ann Stevens, Mary Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, Margaret Stevens, John Stevens, and Horatio Stevens. CA, DO. Estate of John Stevens - Addition to Britts Hope, Bit By Chance in DO. Also Stevens Rest, Chances Desire, Kindness of Providence, Hubbards Desire, Stevens Purchase in CA. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-1720 MSA S512-2- 1791 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/06/28 1721: Planner Elliot vs. Rebecca Eccleston. DO. Estate of John Eccleston. Accession No.: 17,898-1721 MSA S512-2- 1792 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/06/06 1722: Jacob England vs. Adam Swoope. FR. Contract to purchase Brothers Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-1722 MSA S512-2- 1793 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/01/26 1723: David Ely vs. Catherine Conrad and Henry Conrad. FR. Petition to record deed for lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 214. Accession No.: 17,898-1723 MSA S512-2- 1794 Location: 1/36/1/
1808/03/03 1724: James Egerton vs. James Eden and William Mills. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on Bashford Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 64. Accession No.: 17,898-1724 MSA S512-2- 1795 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/10/23 1725: Thomas J.H. Eccleston vs. James Eccleston and Hugh Eccleston. DO. Estate of John Eccleston. Accession No.: 17,898-1725 MSA S512-2- 1796 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/11/22 1726: Andrew Skinner Ennalls vs. Thomas Ennalls. DO. Appointment of trustee for Thomas Ennalls - Stevens Right, Vantage, Father and Son. Accession No.: 17,898-1726 MSA S512-2- 1797 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/04 1727: Thomas Ennis. BA. Insolvent estate of Ennis. Accession No.: 17,898-1727 MSA S512-2- 1798 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/09/08 1727A: James Ellmore. BA. Insolvent estate of Ellmore. Accession No.: 17,898-1727A MSA S512-2- 1799 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/12/25 1727B: Joseph Everitt. QA. Insolvent estate of Everitt. Accession No.: 17,898-1727B MSA S512-2- 1800 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/02/08 1727C: Nicholas Wing Easton. BA. Insolvent estate of Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-1727C MSA S512-2- 1801 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/02/11 1727D: John Erskine. TA. Insolvent estate of Erskine. Accession No.: 17,898-1727D MSA S512-2- 1802 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01 1727E: Andrew Estane. BA. Insolvent estate of Estane. Accession No.: 17,898-1727E MSA S512-2- 1803 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/01/27 1727F: William Everard. BA. Insolvent estate of Evarard. Accession No.: 17,898-1727F MSA S512-2- 1804 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/06/01 1727G: William Edmondson. TA. Insolvent estate of Edmondson. Accession No.: 17,898-1727G MSA S512-2- 1805 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/06/24 1727H: Jacob Earhart. WA. Insolvent estate of Earhart. Accession No.: 17,898-1727H MSA S512-2- 1806 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/05/17 1728: William Elliott, Anne Elliott, John Blake, Mary Blake, William Hambleton, Rebecca Hambleton, James Ringgold, and Thomas Ringgold vs. John Ringgold, Samuel Ringgold, and Sarah Ringgold. QA. Estate of Thomas Ringgold - Coxes Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-1728 MSA S512-2- 1807 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/07/12 1729: Edward Eno. PG. Insolvent estate of Eno. Accession No.: 17,898-1729 MSA S512-2- 1808 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/03/31 1730: Thomas Evans. WA. Insolvent estate of Evans. Accession No.: 17,898-1730 MSA S512-2- 1809 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/01/17 1730A: Thomas Edwards. BA. Insolvent estate of Edwards. Accession No.: 17,898-1730A MSA S512-2- 1810 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/08/02 1731: Robert Franklin vs. Thomas Wayson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Waysons Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-1731 MSA S512-2- 1811 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/03/12 1732: John Finley, Jr. vs. Hugh Finley. AA, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Meadows, To Be or Not to Be in AA. Accession No.: 17,898-1732 MSA S512-2- 1812 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/04/18 1733: John Troxall and George Boner vs. William Shields, James Shields, Henry Shields, Samuel Shields, Daniel Shields, Hannah Shields, Ebenezer Shields, Margaret Shields, Agnes G. Shields, Samuel Blair, and Mary Balir. FR. Petition to release mortgage on lot in Emmittsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 466.
Accession No.: 17,898-1733 MSA S512-2- 1813 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/11/10 1734: Francis Faris vs. William Stephen Moore. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 12. Accession No.: 17,898-1734 MSA S512-2- 1814 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/07 1735: John Forsyth vs. Joshua Rutledge. HA. Defraud of creditors of Rutledge - Rich Neck, Verdant Plains, Abrahams Valley. Accession No.: 17,898-1735 MSA S512-2- 1815 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/04/06 1736: James Forrest vs. Nathaniel Washington, Margaret Washington, Henderson S. Boteler, Susanna Boteler, and John Hawkins. SM. Estate of George F. Hawkins - Trent Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-1736 MSA S512-2- 1816 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/11/14 1738: Robert Franklin vs. John Deale. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Charles, Daniel, Flugar, Charles, Nan, Julet, and Miran. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 288 and 101, p. 241. Accession No.: 17,898-1738 MSA S512-2- 1817 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/08/30 1739: Robert Franklin vs. Richard Crandell. AA. Mortgage foreclosrue on Ram Gotts Swamp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 346. Accession No.: 17,898-1739-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1818 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/11/18 1741: Charles Feinour vs. Charles Stanley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1741 MSA S512-2- 1819 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/10/09 1742: John F. Ford vs. Lewis Ford and Mary T. Ford. SM. Contract to purchase Fords Inclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 237. Accession No.: 17,898-1742 MSA S512-2- 1820 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/03/08 1743: Ebenezer Finley and Thomas Finley vs. George W. Blackiston and Andrew Dewees. BA. Estate of Charles G. Boestler. Accession No.: 17,898-1743 MSA S512-2- 1821 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/12/30 1744: Philip R. Fendall vs. John Hammond Cromwell, John Blany, Thomas Blany, Joseph Blany, Ann Blany, Mary Blany, Ruth Blany, Thomas St. Clair, and Mary St. Clair. CE, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Success, Biters Bitt in CE. Also Three Sisters, Good Luck in HA.
Accession No.: 17,898-1744-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1822 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/11/19 1745: Robert Fisher vs. John Stewart. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-1745-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1823 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/10/03 1746: James F. Forker vs. William Shipley, Jr. Ba. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1746 MSA S512-2- 1824 Location: 1/36/1/
1829/06/18 1747A: John Parren and Dorcas G. Parren vs. William E. Hungerford, William S. Morsell, Thomas B. Hungerford, John B. Tolly, Dr. Matthew J. Allen, Thomas W. Harris, George W. Weems, John Wood, John Dowell, Ann Dowell, William Dowell, Samuel Hodgkin, Dr. Stephen B. White, Joseph S. Wilson, George Bourne, Thomas H. Wilkinson, Sarah Skinner, Hezekiah Coberth, Dr. Benjamin Williams, Nicholas Willis, Margaret Dare, John Leigh, George Bourne, John W. Keirle, George W. Weems, Anna Burniston, Isaac Burniston, James Patterson, Joseph J. Hellen, James Harwood, Bennett Sollers, Dr. James Duke, Asa Needham, James Buckmaster, Richard J. Somervell, Abraham Lowe, James Boyle, and James Harwood. CV. Defraud of creditors of William E. Hungerford - Hodgkins Neck, Stephens Plains, Desert, Doe Hill, Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-1747A-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1825 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/06/27 1748: John Forbes vs. Jonathan Anderson, Richard Anderson, James Anderson, and Edward Anderson. CH. Estate of Joseph Anderson - Foxes Race, lots in Benedict Town. Accession No.: 17,898-1748 MSA S512-2- 1826 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/04/03 1749: Robert Ferguson vs. Samuel Luckett. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Froggs Nest, Lucketts Slip, Lucketts Hazard, Lucketts Addition, Lucketts Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 686. Accession No.: 17,898-1749 MSA S512-2- 1827 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/02/04 1750: William Lee Foreman, Jane Foreman, and Barbara Spear vs. Samuel Smith, Margaret Smith, William Patterson, Dorcas Patterson, Mary Spear, and John Hollins. BA. Estate of William Spear - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-1750-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1828 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/07/21 1751: Joseph Forman vs. Richard S. Thomas, Philip Davis, and William Carmichael. BA. Contract to purchase Ridgelys Whim, Bryans Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 237. Accession No.: 17,898-1751-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1829 Location: 1/36/1/
1810/06/21 1752: Samuel R. Fisher vs. William Scrivener. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Scriveners Hardship, Josephs Part of Hackets Meadows Enlarged, Rachels Desire, Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 248. Accession No.: 17,898-1752 MSA S512-2- 1830 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/04/09 1753: Philip R. Fendall vs. Stephen West. AA. Estate of William Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-1753 MSA S512-2- 1831 Location: 1/36/1/
1802/04/06 1754: Melchor Fouble vs. Francis Fresh and Thomas Almack. BA. Contract to purchase Francis Choice, Freshes Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-1754 MSA S512-2- 1832 Location: 1/36/1/
1791/04/04 1755: Sarah Floyd and Elizabeth Floyd vs. Ann Callahan, Sarah Callahan, James Callahan, Elizabeth Callahan, John Callahan, and Harriott Callahan. QA. Contract to purchase Hemsleys Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 22. Accession No.: 17,898-1755 MSA S512-2- 1833 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/10/01 1756: Dr. Moor Falls vs. William Russell and George Lux. BA. Trust estate under will of Catherine Lux - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1756-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1834 Location: 1/36/1/
1787/12/31 1757: James Fleming vs. John Castle. FR. Estate of John Castle - Resurvey on Stoney Levell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 224. Accession No.: 17,898-1757 MSA S512-2- 1835 Location: 1/36/1/
1804/07/30 1758: Peregrine Fitzhugh and Elizabeth C. Fitzhugh vs. Benjamin Galloway, Henrietta M. Galloway, and Henry Locker. WA. Petition to partition Chews Farm. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 28, MdHR 40,283-131, S65-196, B5/10/1. Also show Addition to Chews Farm, Troublesome, Friendship, Chaneys Neck, Addition to Chaneys Neck, Snowdens Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-1758 MSA S512-2- 1836 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/11 1759: Charles Flegle, Valentine Flegle, Jacob Flegle, and John Flegle vs. Valentine Flegle. FR. Title to Browns Plague, Spring Garden, Resurvey on Molleys Industry. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-1759-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1837 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/09/21 1760: David Fulton and George Starck vs. Thomas L. Savin, Sally Savin, and Marcus Dennison. BA. Estate of John Dennison - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 461 and 99 p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-1760-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1838 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/04/30 1761: John Forney vs. George Presstman. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 14, MdHR 40,283-67, S65-90, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 417. Accession No.: 17,898-1761 MSA S512-2- 1839 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/09/25 1762: Robert Ferguson, Alexander Henderson, John Gibson, John Davis, and Israel Cipes vs. John J. Sothoron, Elizabeth Sothoron, and Rebecca Sothoron. SM. Defraud of creditors of Thomas L. Sothoron. Accession No.: 17,898-1762 MSA S512-2- 1840 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/01/15 1763: Robert Ferguson vs. Samuel Cleland and John Gwinn. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Sam, John, Wilfred, Guy, Henny, Molly, and Anny. Accession No.: 17,898-1763 MSA S512-2- 1841 Location: 1/36/1/
1805/07/23 1764: Ariana French vs. State of Maryland and James Clarke. AA, CH, FR. Title to Blooming Plains in AA. Also Beauty, Chance, Choice, Tit for Tat in CH. Also Durham, Rising Sun, Vale, Trus Venture, Homminy Isle, Georges Adventure in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 340.
Accession No.: 17,898-1764-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1842 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/12/22 1765: Robert Ferguson vs. Reverdy Ghiselin and William G.D. Worthington. PG. Estate of Alexander Contee - Brookfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-1765 MSA S512-2- 1843 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/05/25 1766: Peter Frey vs. John Frey. FR. Estate of Isaac Frey. Accession No.: 17,898-1766 MSA S512-2- 1844 Location: 1/36/1/
1800/01/11 1767: Abraham Faw vs. John Frederick, Magnus Amelung, George Christian Gabler, Peter Valkman, George Schnertzel, Samuel Moale, and James Labes. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Right and Good Reason, New Bremen, Adams Bones. Accession No.: 17,898-1767 MSA S512-2- 1845 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/12/31 1768: Margaret Fulton vs. Robert Fulton. FR. Estate of Robert Fulton. Accession No.: 17,898-1768 MSA S512-2- 1846 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/07/06 1769: John Farier and Frederick Prugh vs. Johnzee Dorsey, Samuel Hobbs, Polly Hobbs, Elias Dorsey, Urett Dorsey, Leaven Dorsey, Benjamin Dorsey, Lawrence Dorsey, Nimrod Dorsey, John Luckett, and Matilda Luckett. BA. Title to Marys Victory, Lawrence Pleasant Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 200.
Accession No.: 17,898-1769 MSA S512-2- 1847 Location: 1/36/1/
1790/06/15 1770: Philip Richard Fendall vs. Patrick Sim, Joseph Sim, and Patrick Sim Smith. FR. Title to slaves John, Charles, Nat, Moses, Billy, James, Tom Will, Nat, Jack, Nell, Kate, Sal, Mary, Jenny, Henry, Young Henry, Magadaleus, Nancy, and Bett. Accession No.: 17,898-1770 MSA S512-2- 1848 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/08/11 1771: John Foss vs. Matthew Walker and Thomas Todd. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Turkey Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-1771 MSA S512-2- 1849 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/03/28 1772: John Field vs. John Carridin. QA. Petition to record deed for Chesterfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-1772 MSA S512-2- 1850 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/04/08 1773: Jesse Fearson and Hannah Fearson. BA. Estate of George Wells - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 610. Accession No.: 17,898-1773 MSA S512-2- 1851 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/06/13 1774: Frisby Freeland vs. Arthur Harris. AL. Estate of Arthur Harris - Military Lots 3305-3307, 3313. Accession No.: 17,898-1774 MSA S512-2- 1852 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/01/28 1775: William Fell and Frederick Delaporte vs. John Pratt. BA. Estate of Roger Horace Pratt - Red House Tract. Accession No.: 17,898-1775 MSA S512-2- 1853 Location: 1/36/1/
1792/12/25 1776: Thomas Marsh Forman vs. Elizabeth Chew, Peregrine Fitzhugh, Elizabeth C. Fitzhugh, Samuel Lloyd Chew, Benjamin Galloway, Henrietta Galloway, and Elisha Harrison. QA. Estate of Samuel Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-1776 MSA S512-2- 1854 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/09/15 1777: William Flannigan vs. Elizabeth McElderry, John McElderry, Thomas McElderry, Hugh McElderry, Eliza McElderry, Mary McElderry, James E. McElderry, Jane McElderry, Henry McElderry, and Ann McElderry. BA. Estate of Thomas McElderry - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 136 and 106, p. 628.
Accession No.: 17,898-1777 MSA S512-2- 1855 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/06/27 1778: Jacob Fetterling vs. Caleb Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Plowmans Park, Johns Desire. Accession No.: 17,898-1778 MSA S512-2- 1856 Location: 1/36/1/
1788 1779: Martin Fisher vs. Anthony Levie. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1779 MSA S512-2- 1857 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/01/22 1781: William Frick vs. James Heighe. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Frosters Purchase, Chalk Hills, Bakly, Little Land, Roberts Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 377. Accession No.: 17,898-1781 MSA S512-2- 1858 Location: 1/36/1/
1803/06/06 1782: John G. Ford. vs. Edward Smith, Lewis Smith, Jane Smith, Athanasius Smith, Charles Smith, and Mary Smith. SM. Estate of John Smith. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 33. Accession No.: 17,898-1782-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1859 Location: 1/36/1/
1807/02/03 1783: Ebenezer Finley and William W. Taylor. WA. Estate of Solomon Kephart - lot in Emmittsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 661. Accession No.: 17,898-1783-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1860 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/09/18 1784: William Frazier vs. Robert Gay. KE. Estate of William Gay. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 346 and 41, p. 57. Accession No.: 17,898-1784 MSA S512-2- 1861 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/07/10 1785: Uriah Forrest and Benjamin Stoddert vs. Benjamin Reeder. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Hadlow, Hadlows Hatching, Croppers Reserve, Horners Meadows, Penury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 20, p. 96. Accession No.: 17,898-1785 MSA S512-2- 1862 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/07/15 1786: Ann B. Foard vs. Ann Maria Foard, Samuel B. Foard, Richard James Foard, and Edward Levi Foard. CE. Petition to sell Tilly Broom, Good Neighborhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 3. Accession No.: 17,898-1786 MSA S512-2- 1863 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/12/16 1787: Richard Frazier and Jonathan Pinkney vs. Richard J. Frazier, Francis Frazier, and Rebecca Frazier. AA. Title to lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-1787 MSA S512-2- 1864 Location: 1/36/1/
1794/02/05 1788: Abraham Faw vs. John Yost, Ann Yost, Hannah Yost, James Watts, and Elizabeth Watts. FR, MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Trembling in FR. Also Resurvey on Younger Brother, Good Will, Trails Choice, Resurvey on Small Purchase, Resurvey on Mill Tract, Fertile Meadows in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1788 MSA S512-2- 1865 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/06/11 1789: David Fowble and Joseph Brummel vs. Michael Fowble. BA. Appointment of trustee for Michael Fowble - Estons Brand Resurveyed, Turnbaughs Addition, Turnbaughs Hope, Michaelburgh, Parade, Petersburgh Resurveyed, Richards Hunting Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 280.
Accession No.: 17,898-1789-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1866 Location: 1/36/1/
1813/02/24 1790: Thomas M. Fowler vs. Ann Vincent, William Vincent, John Vincent, and William Vincent. CH. Contract to purchase Crab Landing, Smoots Chance, Cabin Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 90 and 110, p. 140. Accession No.: 17,898-1790 MSA S512-2- 1867 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/10/04 1792: John Edward Ford, Robert Patton, Jr., and Charles Robert Smith vs. Townley Yates and Robert Haine. CH. Defraud of creditors of Yates - Mitchells Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-1792 MSA S512-2- 1868 Location: 1/36/1/
1806/09/23 1793: Fowble Peter vs. Daniel Hoffman. BA. Petition to record lease for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-1793 MSA S512-2- 1869 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/12/03 1794: Jacob Fout vs. Balser Fout, George Fout, Jonathan Ebbert, Emanuel Ebbert, and Catherine Ebbert. FR. Estate of Jacob Fout - Mill Lot, Grape Field, Arcadia. Accession No.: 17,898-1794 MSA S512-2- 1870 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/12/11 1796: George French and William Baily vs. William King. MO. Estate of Richard Thompson - lots in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-1796 MSA S512-2- 1871 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/03/15 1797: Richard Forrest. MO. Insolvent estate of Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-1797 MSA S512-2- 1872 Location: 1/36/1/
1796/02/17 1798: Hezekiah Foard, Elizabeth Logue, James Foard, Eliza Logue, and Francis Reynolds. CE. Petition to sell Bohemia Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 450. Accession No.: 17,898-1798 MSA S512-2- 1873 Location: 1/36/1/
1820/03/11 1800: Richard Frazier vs. Richard Frazier, Frances Frazier, and Rebecca Frazier. AA. Estate of Joshua Frazier - lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 107. Accession No.: 17,898-1800 MSA S512-2- 1874 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/07/12 1801: Ann Fountain and Thomas Cooper. CA. Estate of Levi Frampton - Harris Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-1801-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1875 Location: 1/36/1/
1793/02/09 1802: Elizabeth Fery vs. John Perry. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1802 MSA S512-2- 1876 Location: 1/36/1/
1798/10/01 1804: Robert Morgan vs. John Forwood. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1804 MSA S512-2- 1877 Location: 1/36/1/
1814/06/01 1805: Farmers Bank of Maryland and Solomon Frazier vs. John M. Heighe and James Heighe. CV. Defraud of creditors of John M. Heighe - Roberts Chance, Roberts Addition, Breakly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 842. Accession No.: 17,898-1805 MSA S512-2- 1878 Location: 1/36/1/
1815/03/06 1806: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Charles G. Dorsey, and William Shipley, Jr. AA. Defraud of creditors of Dorsey - Columbia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-1806 MSA S512-2- 1879 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/05/21 1807: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. H. Aguiton. AA. Injunction against demand for specie. Accession No.: 17,898-1807 MSA S512-2- 1880 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/10/31 1808: Clemency Ford vs. Merriken Bond, Samuel Dorsey, Clemency Dorsey, Bernard Preston, Betsy Preston, Benjamin Preston, Scott Preston, Evan Beal, and William Beal HA. Title to Robinsons Chance, Hog Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-1808 MSA S512-2- 1881 Location: 1/36/1/
1812/02/29 1809: Anna Forrester and Charlotte Forrester vs. Temperance Tatom and George W. Forrester. KE. Estate of George William Forrester - Free Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-1809 MSA S512-2- 1882 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/01/29 1810: William Ferguson vs. State of Maryland. PG. Contract to purchase Waughton, Chance. Plat; also shows Haddocks Hills, Barbadoes, Seamans Delight, Yarrow Head. Accession No.: 17,898-1810 MSA S512-2- 1883 Location: 1/36/1/
1780/04/04 1815: Edward Fenwick and Ann Fenwick vs. Vernon Hebb. SM. Estate of William Hebb - slaves George, Madge, James, John, Isaac, Jenny, Charles, Jack, Caesar, Sue, Dinah, and Boson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 22, p. 167. Accession No.: 17,898-1815-1/4 MSA S512-2- 1884 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/05/02 1816: Robert Ferguson, John Robertson, and Thomas Mundell vs. Ignatius Matthews, Levi Butler, Mary M. Butler, Joseph Merrick, and William Merrick. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Mathews Purchase, Causins Manor, slaves Charity, Lucy, Mary, James, Clem, Sam, Nick, Jack, Charles, Dennis, Peggy, Hannah, Bridget, and Ned. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 441.
Accession No.: 17,898-1816-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1885 Location: 1/36/1/
1797/08/14 1817: Francis B. Franklin vs. Elizabeth Dent, George Washington Dent, William L. Dent, and Patrick Dent. PG. Estate of Thomas Dent. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 29. Accession No.: 17,898-1817-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1886 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/03/12 1818: Jacob Koontz, Eve Miller, and Catherine Starlaper vs. Jacob Foolwydee, William Cooper, Mary Cooper, Samuel Ryker, Barbara Ryker, Thomas Enfield, Ann Enfield, Henry Foolwydee, Abraham Foolwydee, Hugh Galey, Polly Galey, Henry Foolwydee of Peter, John Lease, and Elizabeth Lease. FR. Estate of Jacob Foolwydee - Resurvey on Mentitanay, Goose Cap, lots in Middletown, Apple Brandy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, pp. 587, 608.
Accession No.: 17,898-1818-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1887 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/09/27 1819: Robert Ferguson vs. Pricilla Courts and John Courts. CH. Estate of William Smallwood - Crawfords Prospect, Moore Regained, Allisons Folly, Preston, Masons Fields, St. Benedict, Smallwoods Low Grounds, Thomas Town, Pritchard, Howland, Macemoore. Plat of Moore Regained, Allisons Folly, Preston, Crawfords Prospect, Smallwoods Low Grounds, Masons Fields, St. Benedict filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 6, MdHR 40,283-112, S65-129, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 193.
Accession No.: 17,898-1819-1/22 MSA S512-2- 1888 Location: 1/36/1/
1801/01/29 1821: John Fitzgerald vs. Roger McGinnis and Patrick Hogan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-1821 MSA S512-2- 1889 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/05/17 1822: Robert Ferguson vs. John Courts and Daniel Courts. CH. Estate of Robert Handly Courts - Martins Freehold, Haw Point, Liverpools Point, Thomas Choice, Verino. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-1822 MSA S512-2- 1890 Location: 1/36/1/
1817/04/07 1823: Nicholas Forrester vs. Richard Hopkins. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hollands Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-1823 MSA S512-2- 1891 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/04/19 1824: Richard Frisby and Thomas L. Emory, Jr. vs. George Fitch. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Jefferson, Maxwells Habitation, Angles, Clears Gift, Sampsons Favor, Kindness, Rual Plains, Square, Mackubins Addition, Williams Addition, Who Would Have Thought It, Corsell Hills, Fitches Delight.
Accession No.: 17,898-1824 MSA S512-2- 1892 Location: 1/36/1/
1819/08/07 1825: Nimrod Frizel, Ann Frizel, David Fisher, and Eleanor Fisher vs. Nicholas Shafer, Elizabeth Shafer, John Fisher, Jacob Fisher, Rachel Fisher, Sarah Fisher, Henry Fisher, James Fisher, Julian Fisher, William Fisher, and Mary Fisher. BA. Petition to sell Jordans Discovery, Rochester, Ellis Folly, Resurvey on Cock Pitt.
Accession No.: 17,898-1825 MSA S512-2- 1893 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/12/23 1826: Joseph Forrest and Frederick Holbrook vs. Thomas Beall of Samuel, Peter Devecmon, and Patrick Murdock. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Walnut Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 339. Accession No.: 17,898-1826-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1894 Location: 1/36/1/
1795/07/20 1827: Ignatius Fenwick vs. Wilfred Nealle. SM. Contract to purchase Canoe Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-1827 MSA S512-2- 1895 Location: 1/36/1/
1763/05/05 1828: William Fitzhugh and Charles Graham vs. Judson Coolidge and Stephen West. PG. Contract to sell slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-1828-1/2 MSA S512-2- 1896 Location: 1/36/1/
1811/03/20 1829: Thomas Fowler, Ann Fowler, William T. Maddox, Thomas H. Maddox, Letitia Maddox, Martha Maddox, Eleanor Maddox, David Cochran, and Thomas Cochran vs. Thomas Harris, Elizabeth Gwinn, John Gwinn, and John Maddox. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on West Hatton, Hard Bargain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 444.
Accession No.: 17,898-1829-1/3 MSA S512-2- 1897 Location: 1/36/1/
1789/12/01 1830: William Falconar vs. Jacob Comegys. KE. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-1830 MSA S512-2- 1898 Location: 1/36/1/
1816/06/10 1831: John Forwood vs. Euclidas Scarsborough, Samuel Scarsborough, Isaac Scarsborough, Joseph Scarsborough, John Scarsborough, Amos Scarsborough, Benjamin Scarsborough, John Moore, Mary Moore, James Moore, and Charity Moore. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ruckmans Enlargement, Giles and Websters Discovery, Renshaws Delight, Abrahams Inheritance, Johns Beginning, Deer Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 471 and 98, 484.
Accession No.: 17,898-1831 MSA S512-2- 1899 Location: 1/36/1/
1818/09/06 1832: John Ratheau vs. John Franciscus and Philip B. Sadler. BA. Estate of Carsten Newham. Accession No.: 17,898-1832 MSA S512-2- 1900 Location: 1/36/1/
1799/11/14 1833: Alexander Furnival vs. Isaac Smith. BA. Mortgage on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 354. Accession No.: 17,898-1833 MSA S512-2- 1901 Location: 1/36/1/
1809/03/31 1834: Thomas C.D. Ford vs. Abraham Larsh, Brian Philpot, William Woods, and Samuel Hughes. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Bucks Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 210. Accession No.: 17,898-1834-1/4 MSA S512-3- 1902 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/06/03 1835: Thomas Farrell and Ruth Farrell vs. William Galloway, Elihu Galloway, Elisha Galloway, Sarah Galloway, Jemima Galloway, Thomas Galloway, Water Galloway, Pamelia Galloway, Thomas Galloway, and John Galloway. BA. Petition to partition lot in My Ladys Manor. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 441.
Accession No.: 17,898-1835-1/3 MSA S512-3- 1903 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/02/13 1836: Christian Foreman, Susannah Foreman, George Andrews, Martha Andrews, William Brewer, and Jannett Brewer vs. Pricilla Boyd, Hugh Calhoun, Margaret Calhoun, and Margaret Boyd. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 457.
Accession No.: 17,898-1836 MSA S512-3- 1904 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/02/20 1837: Leonard Foreman vs. Thomas Cross. AA. Estate of George Connaway. Accession No.: 17,898-1837 MSA S512-3- 1905 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/01/02 1838: Thomas Yardley and Micajah How vs. State of Maryland. KE. Contract to purchase Warners Levels. Accession No.: 17,898-1838 MSA S512-3- 1906 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/05/19 1839: Peter Frick vs. James Carroll, Sophia Carroll, James Carroll, Jr., Harry D.G. Carroll, Prudence Carroll, Charles Carroll, and John Carroll. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-1839 MSA S512-3- 1907 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/08/05 1840: Sarah Falconar vs. Sarah Massey, Ann Massey, and Elizabeth Massey. QA. Petition to partition Robothams Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-1840 MSA S512-3- 1908 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/05/12 1841: Jesse Fookes vs. John Winder, William Winder, Levin Winder, James Round Morris, Leah Morris, Ephraim Wilson, Jane Wilson, Polly Wilson, Levin Handy, Nancy Handy, John Whittington, Peggy Whittington, Betsy Polk, Esther Polk, Gertrude Polk, Josiah Polk, William Winder Polk, David Morris, and William Morris. WO. Petition to record deed for Coxes Choice, Indian Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 605.
Accession No.: 17,898-1841 MSA S512-3- 1909 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/07/18 1843: Lewis Ford vs. John Mattingly and Mary Mattingly. SM. Estate of Ignatius Thompson - Linstead, Addition, White Acre. Accession No.: 17,898-1843 MSA S512-3- 1910 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/28 1844: Robert Ferguson, Henry Chapman, John Campbell, and William Mason vs. James Davis. CH. Estate of William Smallwood - Macemore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 649. Accession No.: 17,898-1844 MSA S512-3- 1911 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/07/01 1845: Elizabeth S. Fitzhugh vs. John R. Plater. CV. Title to Round Pond Plains, Eltonhead Manor, Preston, Salt Works Landing. Accession No.: 17,898-1845-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1912 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/07/13 1846: William A. Fitzhugh, Abraham Clark, and Richard T. Lowndes vs. Daniel Bussard and George Calvert. PG. Injunction against operation of gunpowder factory at Bladensburg. Accession No.: 17,898-1846 MSA S512-3- 1913 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/27 1847: Josias Beall Ford, John Marshall, Elizabeth Marshall, George N. Ford, and Allenson H. Ford vs. John Davidson, Benjamin Ford, Alason Ford, Penelope Ford, Edward Ford, Ann Ford, Joseph Ford, and John Ford. AA. Estate of Charles A. Ford - Hampton Court. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 206.
Accession No.: 17,898-1847-1/4 MSA S512-3- 1914 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/01/13 1849: Abraham Faw vs. Abel Sarjent. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Westernport. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 723. Accession No.: 17,898-1849 MSA S512-3- 1915 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/05/12 1850: George Fringer vs. John Lester, Elizabeth Lester, and Edward Gray. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from lot in Baltimore Iron Works, Frederickstadt Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-1850 MSA S512-3- 1916 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/08/07 1851: John E. Ford, Alexander Greer, William Vincent, and John Ferguson vs. Michael Stone. CH. Contract to mortgage Equality. Accession No.: 17,898-1851 MSA S512-3- 1917 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/04/25 1852: Henry Fite vs. Peter Fite, Jacob Fite, John Fite, Andrew Fite, Mary Fite, Elizabeth Fite, George Reinecker, Elizabeth Reinecker, Herman Werking, Mary Werking, Conrad Reinecker, and Eve Reinecher. BA. Estate of Henry Fite - Jones Farm, Milford Enlarged, Gists Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 259.
Accession No.: 17,898-1852-1/3 MSA S512-3- 1918 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/06/04 1853: Thomas Fletcher, Sidney Gardiner, and Ebenezer Blackiston, Jr. vs. Martha Numbers, Sarah Ann Numbers, Margaret Numbers, Thomas Numbers, James Numbers, Charles R. Hackett, and Margaret Hackett. KE. Estate of Thomas Numbers. Accession No.: 17,898-1853 MSA S512-3- 1919 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/04/14 1854: Jacob Furrey vs. George Peltz and John Peltz. FR. Contract to purchase Brook Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-1854 MSA S512-3- 1920 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/17 1855: Joseph Forman vs. Richard Snowden Thomas. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Ridgelys Whim, Bryans Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-1855 MSA S512-3- 1921 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/15 1856: Thomas Fisher, Samuel Fisher, and Miers Fisher vs. Robert Clarke, Mary Clarke, John Compton, Jr., and Rebecca Compton. AL, WA. Estate of Robert Clarke - Long Bottom, White Oak Land in WA. Also Military Lots 3628 - 3629, Ridge, Busicks Defeat, Cruses Disappointment in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 327.
Accession No.: 17,898-1856 MSA S512-3- 1922 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10 1857: Alexander Frazier vs. Charles L. Seigfroid and Charlotte Seigfroid. BA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-1857 MSA S512-3- 1923 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/01/06 1858: James Farrell vs. Patrick Handling. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1858 MSA S512-3- 1924 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/04/18 1859: David West vs. Thomas Ayres and Aquila Hall. HA. Petition to release mortgage on Contention, Jarretts Disappointment, Back Skin, Pleasant Plains, Armstrongs Misfortune. Accession No.: 17,898-1859-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1925 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/10/31 1860: Elizabeth Forbes and James Forbes vs. James H. Baynes, Thomas Mundell, and Philip Stewart. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Nick Him in the Deer, Range, Meadows, slaves James Joshua, Prime, Ann Letty, Daniel, John, Nelly, Snowden, Leonard, Susanna, Sophia, Mary, Eleanor, and Rachel.
Accession No.: 17,898-1860 MSA S512-3- 1926 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/12/01 1861: Alexander McKinzie, John McKinzie, and John McNeale vs. Luther Martin, Susanna Towson, Jeremiah T. Chase, Charles Lewis Seigfroid, and Charlotte Seigfroid. AA, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gorsuch. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-1861-1/10 MSA S512-3- 1927 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/11/09 1862: Peter Forney and Derrick Keyser vs. Samuel Frey, Frederick Sumwalt, William Cooke, and John Nicholson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1862-1/3 MSA S512-3- 1928 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/06/30 1863: Robert Ford vs. William Ford. KE. Appointment of trustee for William Ford. Accession No.: 17,898-1863 MSA S512-3- 1929 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/12/21 1864: Peter Funk vs. Barbara Oulebaugh, Philip Rodinpeeler, Jacob Oulebaugh, John Oulebaugh, Elizabeth Oulebaugh, Catherine Oulebaugh, and Peter Oulebaugh. FR. Contract to purchase Over Heason, Philip Rodinpeelers Ramble by Quakers Trails. Accession No.: 17,898-1864-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1930 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/11/14 1865: Samuel Forwood vs. Mary Bull, Rachel Bull, Ann Bull, Susannah Bull, John Bull, Margaret Bull, Edmond Bull, William Bull, and Bennett Bull. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Whiteacres Chance, Robertson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 164. Accession No.: 17,898-1865 MSA S512-3- 1931 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/01/02 1866: Abraham Falconar and William Spencer vs. Malachi Meads, Rebecca Meads, and Anna Meads. QA. Estate of Walter Meads - Pearle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 542. Accession No.: 17,898-1866-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1932 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/03/14 1867: Peregrin Fitzhugh vs. James Hutchings. QA. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-1867 MSA S512-3- 1933 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/08/24 1868: Alexander Fisher vs. Thomas Wheeler and Thomas Hillen. HA. Trust estate under will of Josias Wheeler. Accession No.: 17,898-1868 MSA S512-3- 1934 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/02/25 1869: Egbert Freeland and Philemon Chew vs. Charles Gwinn and William Smith. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Charles Gwinn & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-1869 MSA S512-3- 1935 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/12/18 1870: Elijah Foreman vs. James Finley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1870 MSA S512-3- 1936 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/04/29 1871: Peregrine Freeland vs. Jacob Gibson and Richard Parrott. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1871 MSA S512-3- 1937 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/02/19 1872: Leonard Foreman vs. Thomas R. Cross, William H. Hanson, Elizabeth Hanson, Jehu Smith, Thomas Sifton, and Pamela Sifton. AA. Estate of George Connaway - Bakers Folly, Hallitts Lot Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-1872 MSA S512-3- 1938 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/06/03 1873: William Fitz and Robert Fitz vs. Jonathan Hudson. BA. Title to Sophias Garden Regulated. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 506. Accession No.: 17,898-1873 MSA S512-3- 1939 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/07/11 1874: Robert Ferguson vs. Samuel Ward Middleton. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Mores Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 510. Accession No.: 17,898-1874 MSA S512-3- 1940 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/12 1875: Richard Frisby vs. Lemuel Griffith and Samuel Griffith. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Millers Delight, Rushmore, Millers Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-1875 MSA S512-3- 1941 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/11/19 1876: George Foss, Sr., George Foss, Jr., and John Foss vs. Thomas Owens. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1876 MSA S512-3- 1942 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/15 1878: Joseph Foreman vs. Philip H. Watts. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Canaan. Accession No.: 17,898-1878 MSA S512-3- 1943 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/12/18 1879: Sarah Frisby vs. Thomas Broxon. CE. Title to Part Rounds. Accession No.: 17,898-1879 MSA S512-3- 1944 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/07/02 1880: David Fishburn, Frederick Colhnberger, and Mary Colhnberger vs. Henry Landis, Elizabeth Landis, John Marsh, Thomas Mummy, Catherine Mummy, and Susanna Fishburn. BA, FR. Estate of Philip Fishburn - lots in Liberty Town in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 287 and 48, p. 267.
Accession No.: 17,898-1880-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1945 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/05/29 1881: Levin Farrington vs. Thomas Hambleton. SO. Contract to purchase Weatherbys Purchase, Needless Cost, Cloverfield, Marsh Hook, Manlowes Delight, Salisbury Plains, Wilton, Once Again. Plat at 1/38/1/3. Accession No.: 17,898-1881-1/5 MSA S512-3- 1946 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/01/02 1882: Peregrine Fitzhugh vs. Henry Locker and Anna Maria Chew. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chews Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-1882 MSA S512-3- 1947 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/04/19 1883: George Forrest vs. Showery Forrest. AA. Petition to partition Hopkins Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 684. Accession No.: 17,898-1883 MSA S512-3- 1948 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/01/22 1884: Edward Fitzgerald vs. Cumberland Dugan. BA. Contract to lease house and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1884 MSA S512-3- 1949 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/03/08 1885: Joseph Fieve vs. George Gillispie, John Hetherington, Denton Jacques, and Jeremiah Talbert. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Struggle, Resurvey on Three Friends. Accession No.: 17,898-1885 MSA S512-3- 1950 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/12/14 1886: Laurence Freets vs. John Utz, Barbara Utz, Adam Utz, Conrad Utz, John Easterline, and Catherine Easterline. BA. Contract to purchase Henry Utz Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-1886 MSA S512-3- 1951 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/12/31 1887: Ann Foard vs. Richard Boulden. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Hyspaniola, Bullens Range. Accession No.: 17,898-1887 MSA S512-3- 1952 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/01/07 1888: Howes Goldsborough. BA. Insolvent estate of Goldsborough. Accession No.: 17,898-1888 MSA S512-3- 1953 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/02/26 1889: Jesse Forman. QA. Appointment of trustee for William Forman. Accession No.: 17,898-1889 MSA S512-3- 1954 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/08/30 1890: Mary Gordon vs. Edward Lloyd. TA. Title to Timber Neck, Bettys Dowry, Kings Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-1890 MSA S512-3- 1955 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/10/28 1891: William Gambrill vs. Margaret Gambrill, Ruth Gambrill, and Henry Gambrill. AA. Petition to sell Gambrills Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-1891 MSA S512-3- 1956 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/12/11 1892: Samuel Glenn vs. Thomas Wirt. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1892 MSA S512-3- 1957 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/16 1893: Thomas Gittings vs. Rebecca Hoskinson and Evan Hoskinson. MO, PG. Petition to sell Resurvey on Farm, Mispah in MO. Also Deakins Hall in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 98. Accession No.: 17,898-1893-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1958 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/10/26 1894: George Gale vs. William Mitchell, Martha Mitchell, Martin Mitchell, Kent Mitchell, Bennett Mitchell, Harriott Mitchell, Aquila Mitchell, James Mitchell, and Peter Frick. CE. Title to Contention, Gothams Bush, Hearts Light. Accession No.: 17,898-1894 MSA S512-3- 1959 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/01/25 1895: John Groff vs. Francis Groff. FR. Estate of John Groff. Accession No.: 17,898-1895 MSA S512-3- 1960 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/06/05 1896: George S. Gunby vs. Benjamin Matthews and Henry Matthews. WO. Petition to sell lot in Snow Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-1896-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1961 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/03/01 1897: Frederick Grammer, Margaret Adams, George Adams, Andrew Adams, Abraham Adams, John Spangler, Mary Spangler, Abraham Allbaugh, and Margaret Albaugh vs. Casper Adams, Abraham Adams, Peter Adams, and Rebecca Adams. FR. Petition to sell Black Walnut Bottom, lots in Frederick Town, Dulanys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 160.
Accession No.: 17,898-1897-1/3 MSA S512-3- 1962 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/02/27 1898: Robert Gilmor, Sr., Robert Gilmor, Jr., and William Gilmor vs. Lucy Prengle, Adelaide Prengle, Maria Prengle, Caroline Prengle, and Augusta Prengle. HA. Estate of Mark Prengle - Brothers Lot, Burchfields Venture, Convenience, Harmers Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 257.
Accession No.: 17,898-1898 MSA S512-3- 1963 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/12/17 1899: William Goodwin, Lyde Goodwin, and James Gittings vs. Mary Bosley. BA. Contract to purchase Dulanys Park Resurveyed, Find Me Out. Accession No.: 17,898-1899 MSA S512-3- 1964 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/02/22 1900: Thomas Granger vs. William Burneston and William Baker. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1900 MSA S512-3- 1965 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/01/17 1901: George Greenwood, Henrietta J. Greenwood, and Elizabeth Clarke vs. Ann Clarke and Mary Clarke. KE. Petition to sell Partnership, Ricketts Farm, Exchange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-1901 MSA S512-3- 1966 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/06/08 1902: Thomas Griffith and Sarah Griffith vs. Thomas D. Griffith and Harriett Griffith. MO. Petition to sell Resurvey on Wild Cat Spring, Little and Bad, Cecils Discovery, Miery Branch, Ivey Hills, Neds Trouble. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 300. Accession No.: 17,898-1902 MSA S512-3- 1967 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/02/13 1903: Robert Gilmor, William Patterson, and James Dall vs. Charles Crookshanks, Robin Chamberlain, James Chamberlain, Henrietta Chamberlain, and John Edmondson. QA, TA. Mortgage forclosure on Fentry, Long Point, Heworth in TA. Also Hawkins, Phassalia, Dawsons Neck, Margarets Hills in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 489.
Accession No.: 17,898-1903-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1968 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/09/03 1904: Jacob Gibson, Benjamin Wilmott, William Marsh Catrop, and Nathan Harrington vs. Edmond Thomas, John Thomas, James Thomas, and Elizabeth Thomas. TA, WO. Petition to sell Turkey Neck Addition in TA. Also New Philadelphia, Crennons Loss, Elezian in WO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 221.
Accession No.: 17,898-1904 MSA S512-3- 1969 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/02/01 1905: William Goldsborough vs. Lyles R. Robinson, Catherine Robinson, Richard Goldsborough, Robert Goldsborough, Sarah Goldsborough, Nicholas B. Goldsborough, Elizabeth Goldsborough, William Goldsborough, Charles Goldsborough, and Matilda Goldsborough. DO. Estate of Matilda Goldsborough - Partnership, Chance, Retaliation, Linkswood, Ennalls Woodyard Regulated, Canterbury, Canterbury Regulation, Canterbury Meadows, Canterbury Addition, Taylors Inlet, Bettys Inlargement, Phillips Discovery, lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 205.
Accession No.: 17,898-1905 MSA S512-3- 1970 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/08/16 1906: James Gorrell and Martha Gorrell vs. William Gorrell, Ann Gorrell, Elizabeth Gorrell, Abraham Gorrell, William Smith, Rachel H. Smith, Jane Hall, Andrew Hall, and Robert Kelly. HA. Estate of Andrew Kelly - Knights Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-1906 MSA S512-3- 1971 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/12/22 1907: Solomon Groves vs. James Sanders, William C. Davis, and Nicholas Watkins of Thomas. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1907 MSA S512-3- 1972 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/06/22 1908: Frederick Grammer vs. Charles Wallace, Thomas Tillard, John Whittington, and Samuel Maynard. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Smiths Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 547. Accession No.: 17,898-1908-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1973 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/04/15 1909: John Gibson vs. Vashtie Noble and George Noble. CA, KE, QA, TA. Estate of George Noble - Hampstead, Bluff Point, Kent Fort Manor, Sayers Forrest, Plains, Plain Dealing, Courseys Range, Hensley Rutland, Rulifield, Wrights Hope, Wrights Forrest in QA. Also Farley Farm in KE. Also Ar Bry Manor, Turners Land, Loggin Hoins, Fort Lodge, Robins Lot in CA. Also Wye Manor, Bread and Chesse, Planters Delight, Harbour Branch, Planters Increase in TA. Plats of Wye Manor, Kent Manor; also show Wisbetch, Abbington, Labs Crook, Poplar Hill, West Stone, Planters Increase, Turners Ridge, Tobacco Pipe, Bachelors Delight, Poplar Neck, Hackers Old Field, Waterton in TA.
Accession No.: 17,898-1909-1/7 MSA S512-3- 1974 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/07/11 1910: Solomon Galbers vs. Frederick Mamelung, Sophia Mamelung, William L. Schmidt, Maria Schmidt, Martha Furnival, and Louise Furnival. BA. Estate of Alexander Furnival - Range and Forrest, James Forecast, Johns Habitation, Scotts Improvement. Accession No.: 17,898-1910 MSA S512-3- 1975 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/06/06 1911: Thomas Giles and Philip Coale vs. William Cox and Mary Cox. HA. Contract to purchase flour. Accession No.: 17,898-1911 MSA S512-3- 1976 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/07/08 1912: James Gordon, John Campbell, William Ingram, Alexander Lowe, and Henry Riddle vs. David John Oden. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Boys Lott, Fellowship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 243. Accession No.: 17,898-1912-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1977 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/12/29 1913: James Gittings, Sr. vs. Stephen Gittings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Thompsons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-1913 MSA S512-3- 1978 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/07/24 1914: John Gilmore vs. James McCook. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-1914 MSA S512-3- 1979 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/04/11 1915: John Gibson vs. Nathaniel Alwell. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from First Addition to Gibsons Inclosure, Second Addition to Gibsons Inclosure, Gibsons Inclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-1915-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1980 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/08/04 1916: Frederick Grammer vs. Joseph Massey, Benjamin Comegys, and John Comegys. KE, QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership in KE. Also Dunguinon, Nasleys Addition in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-1916-1/5 MSA S512-3- 1981 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/12/05 1917: Joshua Gist vs. Nicholas Merryman. BA. Estate of John Merryman - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-1917-1/7 MSA S512-3- 1982 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/11/26 1918: William Goodwin, Elizabeth Dorsey, Pricilla Dorsey, Hill Dorsey, and Hammond Dorsey vs. Walter Phelps. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bachelors Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-1918 MSA S512-3- 1983 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/12/22 1919: John Gibson vs. William G. Tilghman and John L. Tilghman. TA. Contract to purchase a mill. Accession No.: 17,898-1919-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1984 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/12/01 1920: John Chun Gardiner, Samuel Gardiner, Sarah Gardiner, and Lydia Cahil vs. Henry G. Gardiner and Elizabeth Gardiner. SM. Petition to partition Morris Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-1920-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1985 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/11/26 1921: Harry D. Gough vs. Jacob Taylor and Peter Smith. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 105. Accession No.: 17,898-1921-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1986 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/02/27 1922: Robert Gilmor, Sr., Robert Gilmor, Jr., Robert Oliver, John Oliver, and William Gilmor vs. Lucy Pringle, Adelaide Pringle, Mary Pringle, Caroline Pringle, and Augusta Pringle. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Swan Harbour, Pacas Bit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-1922 MSA S512-3- 1987 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/06/07 1923: Samuel Greg, James Lyle, and Peter Ewart vs. Richard Seabrooks and Margaret Meredith. BA. Estate of William Meredith. Accession No.: 17,898-1923 MSA S512-3- 1988 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/04/30 1924: Joshua Gill of Stephen, Elizabeth Gill, Cooper Gill, John Malonee of Dennis, and Sarah Mallonnee vs. John Gill, William Gill, Ruth Gill, Martha Gill, John Gill, Rachel Gill, and Benjamin Gill. BA. Petition to partition James Forest, Springfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 366.
Accession No.: 17,898-1924-1/3 MSA S512-3- 1989 Location: 1/36/2/
1820/12/12 1925: Elias Glenn vs. Robert Aitken and Henry Johnson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 18. Accession No.: 17,898-1925 MSA S512-3- 1990 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/01/09 1926: Thomas T. Greenfield vs. Walter Smith, Catherine Smith, Ann Smith, Barbara Smith, James Smith, Mary Smith, Susanna Smith, Harriet Smith, Patrick Smith, Anthony Sim, Christiana Sim, Patrick Sim, William Sim, Anthony Sim, Thomas Sim, Roger Nelson, Mary Nelson, William Lyles, Uriah Forrest, Benjamin Stoddert, Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir. FR. Petition to record deed for Hawkins Merry Peep a Day.
Accession No.: 17,898-1926 MSA S512-3- 1991 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/14 1927: Job Garretson vs. Joseph Carter. BA. Injunction against removal timber of from Silent Cyphers of Africa. Accession No.: 17,898-1927 MSA S512-3- 1992 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/11/19 1928: Ignatius Pigman vs. Edward Gwinn. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1928 MSA S512-3- 1993 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/03/08 1930: Robert Gilmor, Robert Oliver, and Mark Pringle vs. Thorougood Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 143. Accession No.: 17,898-1930 MSA S512-3- 1994 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/04/05 1931: Amos Gambrill, Thomas Bicknell, and John L. Hammond vs. Sarah Woodfield and David Ridgely. AA. Contract to purchase Abbington. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-1931-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1995 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/09/10 1932: John Gwinn vs. John Haslip, Mary Haslip, Charles White, Horatio White, William White, Joseph White, and Henrietta L. Moore. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Winkopen Neck, Whites Contrivance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 569. Accession No.: 17,898-1932-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1996 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/10/11 1933: Robert Gilmor vs. James Thompson and Mary Thompson. BA. Contract to purchase Orricks Retirement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 432 and 60, p. 59. Accession No.: 17,898-1933-1/2 MSA S512-3- 1997 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/11/19 1934: Hyland Gears. KE. Insolvent estate of Gears. Accession No.: 17,898-1934 MSA S512-3- 1998 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/01/19 1935: Winkles B. Goldthwait. BA. Insolvent estate of Goldthwait. Accession No.: 17,898-1935 MSA S512-3- 1999 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/14 1936: William Greer. BA. Insolvent estate of Greer. Accession No.: 17,898-1936 MSA S512-3- 2000 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/27 1937: Dennis Griffith. AA. Insolvent estate of Griffith. Accession No.: 17,898-1937 MSA S512-3- 2001 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/12/26 1938: Adam Gantz. BA. Insolvent estate of Gantz. Accession No.: 17,898-1938 MSA S512-3- 2002 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/03/10 1939: Thomas Gordon. TA. Insolvent estate of Gordon. Accession No.: 17,898-1939 MSA S512-3- 2003 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/05/12 1940: Ely Gassaway. AA. Insolvent estate of Gassaway. Accession No.: 17,898-1940 MSA S512-3- 2004 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/12/17 1943: Charles Gassaway. BA. Estate of Henry Gassaway - Gassaways Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 634. Accession No.: 17,898-1943 MSA S512-3- 2005 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/03/17 1944: Robert Gover of Philip. HA. Insolvent estate of Gover. Accession No.: 17,898-1944 MSA S512-3- 2006 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/23 1945: John Goulding. BA. Insolvent estate of Goulding. Accession No.: 17,898-1945-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2007 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/23 1946: Joshua Groves. AA. Insolvent estate of Groves. Accession No.: 17,898-1946 MSA S512-3- 2008 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/17 1947: Peter Gardiner. BA. Insolvent estate of Gardiner. Accession No.: 17,898-1947 MSA S512-3- 2009 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/02/20 1948: Samuel H. Gatchell. BA. Insolvent estate of Gatchell. Accession No.: 17,898-1948 MSA S512-3- 2010 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/05/19 1949: Matthew Greentree. KE. Insolvent estate of Greentree. Accession No.: 17,898-1949 MSA S512-3- 2011 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/19 1950: James Greenleaf. PG. Insolvent estate of Greenleaf. Accession No.: 17,898-1950 MSA S512-3- 2012 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/02/14 1951: Jeremiah Gilbert. FR. Insolvent estate of Gilbert - Jobs Hole, Gilberts Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-1951 MSA S512-3- 2013 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/12 1953: Patrick Goulding. BA. Insolvent estate of Goulding. Accession No.: 17,898-1953 MSA S512-3- 2014 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/06/23 1954: Redmond Grace. PG. Insolvent estate of Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-1954 MSA S512-3- 2015 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/01/31 1955: Caleb Green. BA. Insolvent estate of Green. Accession No.: 17,898-1955 MSA S512-3- 2016 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/07/17 1956: Charles Gulley. TA. Insolvent estate of Gulley. Accession No.: 17,898-1956 MSA S512-3- 2017 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/07/30 1957: James Gantt. PG. Insolvent estate of Gantt. Accession No.: 17,898-1957 MSA S512-3- 2018 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/24 1958: Samuel Godman. AA. Insolvent estate of Godman. Accession No.: 17,898-1958 MSA S512-3- 2019 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/01/19 1959: Peter Gart. BA. Insolvent estate of Gart. Accession No.: 17,898-1959 MSA S512-3- 2020 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/02/21 1960: George L. Gray, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Gray. Accession No.: 17,898-1960 MSA S512-3- 2021 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/02/24 1960A: John Gray. CE. Insolvent estate of Gray. Accession No.: 17,898-1960A MSA S512-3- 2022 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/06/16 1961: Tristram Thomas and Mary Ann Thomas vs. William Henry Goldsborough, Howes Goldsborough, Henry Goldsborough, Samuel Y. Keene, and Sarah Keene. QA, TA. Estate of Howes Goldsborough - Collingham, Addition in TA. Also Jaspers Lot, Standish Wood in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 79.
Accession No.: 17,898-1961-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2023 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/05/21 1962: James Grace. TA. Insolvent estate of Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-1962 MSA S512-3- 2024 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/08/14 1963: John Lee Gibson. HA. Insolvent estate of Gibson - land in NC and North West Territory. Accession No.: 17,898-1963 MSA S512-3- 2025 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/07/26 1964: Martha Gould. CA, QA. Petition to sell Dockerys Meadows in CA and Triangle in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 95. Accession No.: 17,898-1964 MSA S512-3- 2026 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/27 1965: Thomas Gassaway. AA. Insolvent estate of Gassaway. Accession No.: 17,898-1965 MSA S512-3- 2027 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/12/20 1966: Mary Glenn and Amelia Glenn vs. Harriott Glenn, Samuel Glenn, Martha Glenn, Elizabeth Glenn, Vilette Glenn, and Edward Glenn. CA. Petition to sell Fern Ridge Corrected, Golden Rod Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-1966 MSA S512-3- 2028 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/01/02 1967: Job Garretson vs. Carey Seldon. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-1967 MSA S512-3- 2029 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/04/03 1968: Harry Dorsey Gough vs. Rebecca Young. HA. Estate of Samuel Young - Addition to Youngs Escape. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 777 and 17, p. 270. Accession No.: 17,898-1968-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2030 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/05/13 1969: John Gwinn vs. Samuel Godman, Robert Godman, Brutus Godman, Cassius Godman, Jefferson Godman, John D. Godman, Stella Godman, and Peggy B. Godman. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Youngs Locust Plains, Hendersons Meadows, Addition to Sampson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 560.
Accession No.: 17,898-1969 MSA S512-3- 2031 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/10/02 1970: John Gowan and Christopher Carrier vs. Oliver Pollock and Winifred Ann Pollock. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1970 MSA S512-3- 2032 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/05/14 1971: Ephraim Gaither vs. Caleb Mockbee. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Lisbon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 374. Accession No.: 17,898-1971 MSA S512-3- 2033 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/10/21 1972: Thomas Gist, Joshua Gist, Independent Gist, David Gist, Rachel Gist, and Elizabeth Gist vs. States Gist. AL, FR. Estate of John Gist - Lime Pits Resurveyed in FR and Military Lots 2225-2228 in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-1972 MSA S512-3- 2034 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/10/16 1973: Harry Dorsey Gough vs. David McMechen and Robert Crawford. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hope, Pimblico, slaves Jack, Jacob, and Beck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-1973-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2035 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/02/26 1974: William Gibbins. BA. Insolvent estate of Gibbins. Accession No.: 17,898-1974 MSA S512-3- 2036 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/02/09 1975: Frederick Grammer vs. Henry Sibell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 306. Accession No.: 17,898-1975 MSA S512-3- 2037 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/08/25 1976: Samuel Godman and Attorney General vs. Thomas Snowden, Seth Warfield, and Charles Alexander Warfield. AA. Title to Warfields Forrest, Stop the Gap, Pleasant Meadows, Find It If You Can, Worthless, Warfields Folly, Warfields, Victory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 660.
Accession No.: 17,898-1976-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2038 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/14 1977: Thomas Trueman Greenfield. CH. Insolvent estate of Greenfield. Accession No.: 17,898-1977 MSA S512-3- 2039 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/01/29 1978: Thomas Gantt, and John Gantt vs. Barbara Gantt and Edward Gantt. AA, CV, PG. Petition to partition Ordinary, Batchelors Quarters in CV. Also Wells in AA and Bowling Green in PG. Accession No.: 17,898-1978 MSA S512-3- 2040 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/05/11 1979: John Peter Genett. HA. Insolvent estate of John Peter Genett. Accession No.: 17,898-1979 MSA S512-3- 2041 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/07 1980: Lewis Geanty. BA. Insolvent estate of Geanty. Accession No.: 17,898-1980 MSA S512-3- 2042 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/12/31 1981: Mary Gibbons. WO. Trust estate under will of Joseph Bousey - lots in Pocomoke City. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 653. Accession No.: 17,898-1981 MSA S512-3- 2043 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/05 1982: Jean Ganner. BA. Insolvent estate of Ganner. Accession No.: 17,898-1982 MSA S512-3- 2044 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/05/30 1983: Thomas Gittings vs. James Croxall. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-1983 MSA S512-3- 2045 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/02/03 1984: Thomas Goulding. BA. Insolvent estate of Goulding. Accession No.: 17,898-1984 MSA S512-3- 2046 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/03/24 1984A: Gittings Gover. HA. Insolvent estate of Gover. Accession No.: 17,898-1984A MSA S512-3- 2047 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/01/11 1984B: James Glanville. KE. Insolvent estate of Glanville. Accession No.: 17,898-1984B MSA S512-3- 2048 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/03/16 1985: John Groves. AA. Insolvent estate of Groves. Accession No.: 17,898-1985 MSA S512-3- 2049 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/07/01 1987: Henry Gassaway. AA. Insolvent estate of Gassaway. Accession No.: 17,898-1987 MSA S512-3- 2050 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/12/15 1987B: Levin Gale vs. John N.Y. Ryan. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Sinclairs Purchase, Vexation. Accession No.: 17,898-1987B MSA S512-3- 2051 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/06/26 1987C: William Goldsborough vs. Archibald Moncrieff, Gustavus Scott, and Peter Rea. DO. Contract to purchase Ennalls Inheritance, Chip Chase, Herons Meadow, Herons Second Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-1987C MSA S512-3- 2052 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/02/06 1987D: James Gittings vs. William Blufford. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Parrishes Range. Accession No.: 17,898-1987D MSA S512-3- 2053 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/01/31 1987E: Harry Gough. HA. Insolvent estate of Gough. Accession No.: 17,898-1987E MSA S512-3- 2054 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/16 1987F: William Gibson, John Hopkins, Thomas Peters, and Edward Johnson vs. Judith Moale, John Moale, William A. Moale, and Richard Moale. BA. Estate of Richard H. Moale - White Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 24. Accession No.: 17,898-1987F-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2055 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/09/27 1988: John Gambrill. AA. Appointment of trustee for Benjamin Sewall. Accession No.: 17,898-1988-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2056 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/02/19 1990: Charles Ghequire vs. Maria B.P. Ghequire, Maria H.J. Ghequire, Maria S.T. Ghequire, and William L. Schmidt. BA. Estate of Bernard Ghequire. Accession No.: 17,898-1990 MSA S512-3- 2057 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/09/16 1991: Benjamin Gaither, Thomas Bicknell, and Juliet Bicknell vs. John Gaither, Vachel Gaither, Evan Gaither, Ann Gaither, Agnes Gaither, Ruth Gaither, Vachel Gaither, Osborn Mulliken, and Elizabeth Mulliken. AA. Petition to partition Gaithers Felicity, Gaithers Meadows, Turkey Neck, Lugg Ox, Pole Cat Hill, Waymans Marsh, Owenwood Thickett. Plats at 1/38/1/3. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-1991-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2058 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/17 1992: Solomon Groves vs. Nelson Reed, James Reed, William Reed, Sanders Reed, Isaac Reed, John Reed, Richard Lloyd, Rebecca Lloyd, John Torrison, Anne Torrison, Joseph Dudley, Dinah Dudley, Mahlom Buley, Jane Buley, Rebecca Marle, Hannah Marle, Elizabeth Marle, and David Marle. AA. Title to Clarks Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 118.
Accession No.: 17,898-1992 MSA S512-3- 2059 Location: 1/36/2/
1785/08/15 1993: Sarah Tolson vs. Jacob Tolson, Joseph Tolson, William Tolson, Ruth Tolson, Henry Carter, Susannah Carter, William Crouch, Mary Crouch, Joseph Errickson, John Errickson, Johnson Errickson, Susannah Elliott, Mary Elliott, Elizabeth Elliott, Sarah Elliott, Ruth Elliott, John Elliott, Henry Elliott, Rebeccah Elliott, James Tolson, Robert Waters, Ann Waters, Thomas Tolson, John Tolson, Joseph Tolson, Jacob Tolson, Sarby Tolson, James Tolson, Alexander Tolson, Andrew Tolson, William Tolson, Susannah Tolson, Mary Tolson, and Mary Elliott. QA. Estate of Benjamin Tolson - Coppages Range.
Accession No.: 17,898-1993-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2060 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/01/22 1994: William T. Graham and Matilda Graham vs. Thomas Yates, Mary Yates, Edward Harris, William Myers, Elizabeth Fisher, Jacob Walsh, Margaret Walsh, Louise Koniche, Jacob Koniche, Margaret Koniche, Maria Koniche, Nicholas Koniche, Richard Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, James Ward, and Prudence Ward. BA. Contract to purchase Mountenays Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 565 and 117, p. 52.
Accession No.: 17,898-1994-1/11 MSA S512-3- 2061 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/02/07 1995: Abraham Vanbebber vs. Benjamin Griffith, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Nicholas Carroll, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, William Smith, Robert Carter, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, and Baltimore Company. BA. Contract to purchase Orange, Philipsburg.
Accession No.: 17,898-1995 MSA S512-3- 2062 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/07/02 1996: Davies Gamble vs. Samuel Beck, Simon Beck, Joshua Beck, Nathan Beck, George Beck, William Carroll, and Mary Carroll. KE. Contract to purchase Gambles Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 512. Accession No.: 17,898-1996 MSA S512-3- 2063 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/01/09 1997: Lewis Gross and Jacob White vs. Elizabeth Kerr and Kitty Sunderland Kerr. BA. Estate of John Kerr. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 385 and 99, p. 382. Accession No.: 17,898-1997-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2064 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/06/20 1998: Joseph Goldthwait vs. Mary Goldthwait and Rinaldo Johnson. BA. Estate of Samuel Goldthwait. Accession No.: 17,898-1998-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2065 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/25 1999: Robert Gilmore, Jr. vs. John E. Howard, Henry Nicols, Robert Gilmore, Richard Caton, Thorougood Smith, William Warren, and Ann Reinagle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 359. Accession No.: 17,898-1999-1/10 MSA S512-3- 2066 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/01/08 2000: Robert S. Gamble vs. Rebecca Crouch, Henry Elbert, Rebecca Elbert, Pollard Keene, Lemuel Wheeler, Margaret Wheeler, Samuel Beck, Sarah Beck, William Starkey, William Boon, Joseph Brown, and Maria Brown. KE. Estate of Darius Gamble - Great Oak Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-2000 MSA S512-3- 2067 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/12/15 2001: Joseph Gough vs. William Somerville, Henry Somerville, and Ann Plater. SM. Title to Browns Woodhouse, Lukes Hardship, Jarboes Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 115. Accession No.: 17,898-2001 MSA S512-3- 2068 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/03/18 2002: Robert Gilmore, Sr., Robert Gilmore, Jr., William Gilmore, and Thomas Martin vs. Thomas Ennalls, Leah Hicks, and Joseph Martin. DO. Estate of Andrew Ennalls - Baltimore, Lady Day, Lucks All, Ennalls Forrest of Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-2002 MSA S512-3- 2069 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/01/21 2003: Leonard Gary vs. John Randall, Eliza Randall, Mary Ann Hodges, Lucinda Hodges, Ellen Hodges, and Charles Hodges. AA. Title to Birkheads Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 53 and 110, p. 292. Accession No.: 17,898-2003 MSA S512-3- 2070 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/17 2004: John Gooding vs. Elizabeth Giles, Ann Salisbury, Elizabeth Salisbury, James Salisbury, Ann Black, Susan Black, Gustavus Black, Elizabeth Black, and Caroline Black. CE. Petition to partition Hackston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 321. Accession No.: 17,898-2004-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2071 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/21 2005: Prudence Gough and James Carroll vs. James Hicks, Jr. and Rebecca Hicks. HA. Estate of James Trapnell - Dunkiel, End, Addition to the End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-2005-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2072 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/04/13 2006: Jesse Gudgeon, Thomas Pocock, Charlotte Pocock, Providence Gudgeon, and Blanch Gudgeon vs. Eliza Gudgeon and Caroline Gudgeon. BA. Petition to sell Dublin, Adventure, Carrolls Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 310. Accession No.: 17,898-2006 MSA S512-3- 2073 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/05/24 2007: Horatio Gates vs. State of Maryland. FR. Title to Alexandria and Forrest of Needwood. Accession No.: 17,898-2007 MSA S512-3- 2074 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/12/16 2008: Augustine Gambrill vs. Robert Lyon and Charles G. Lyon. BA. Title to North Carolina. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 53, MdHR 40,283-106, S65-93, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-2008 MSA S512-3- 2075 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/02 2009: George Gilbreath and Ann Gilbreath vs. Elizabeth Yandell. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2009 MSA S512-3- 2076 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/07/21 2010: Edward Godwin, Eliza Godwin, and Susannah Godwin vs. Matthew Hawkins. QA. Title to Godwins Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-2010 MSA S512-3- 2077 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/09/13 2011: Marcus Graff and Maria Graff vs. John Spriggs, Lithinia Spriggs, Robert Lyles, Julia Lyles, Otho Spriggs, Elie P. Bentley, Harriett Bentley, and Lucy Belt Spriggs. AA, FR. Estate of Thomas Spriggs - Mountzion, Hickory Level, I Am Loose Still, Fat Oxen, Bealls Good Will in FR. Also Additional Defence in AA.
Accession No.: 17,898-2011 MSA S512-3- 2078 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/06/29 2012: George Gale vs. Levin Gale, Jr. SO. Estate of Levin Gale, Sr. - Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-2012 MSA S512-3- 2079 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/05/29 2013: George Gebhart vs. Christian Fogle and Joseph Cromwell. FR. Estate of George Gebhart. Accession No.: 17,898-2013 MSA S512-3- 2080 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/05/04 2014: John Gassaway and Sarah C. White vs. Mary Pottinger. AA. Estate of Robert Pottinger. Accession No.: 17,898-2014 MSA S512-3- 2081 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/07/02 2015: William Gilbert and Martha Gilbert vs. William Hall, Edward Hall, Isabell Hall, William W. Hall, Sophia Hall, Isabell Hall, John F. Hall, Benedict E. Hall, and Elizabeth Hall. HA. Estate of Parker Gilbert - Hills Pipe, Gilberts Pipe, Turkey Hills, Strawberry Hills.
Accession No.: 17,898-2015 MSA S512-3- 2082 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/05/11 2016: Frederick Green vs. State of Maryland. AA. Title to lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 391. Accession No.: 17,898-2016 MSA S512-3- 2083 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/09/25 2017: Benjamin Griffith and Richard Lemmon vs. William Moore and Richard Curson. BA. Title to Hansons Improvement. Accession No.: 17,898-2017-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2084 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/06/01 2018: William C. Gouldsmith and William Wetherall vs. Willison Wheeler, Temperance Wheeler, and Delia Stover. BA. Petition to record deed to Watkins Mountain. Accession No.: 17,898-2018 MSA S512-3- 2085 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/03/03 2019: Robert Gardiner vs. Susanna Bright, James Bright, Charlotte Bright, Ann Bright, William Bright, and Mary Goodhand. QA. Estate of Francis Bright - Barnstable Hill, Leas Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 88. Accession No.: 17,898-2019 MSA S512-3- 2086 Location: 1/36/2/
1771/12/02 2020: Amos Garrett vs. Jacob Giles. BA. Estate of Jacob Giles - Rumney Marsh, Atkinson Purchase, Minorea, Hogs Neck, Shephards Choice, Shephards Adventure, Watts Island, Cornwell Furnace, Hopewell Forge. Accession No.: 17,898-2020-1/30 MSA S512-3- 2087 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/11/08 2021: Absalom Galloway, John Gorsuch, Sarah Gorsuch, Moses Galloway, Aquilla Galloway, and William K. Galloway vs. Charles Robinson, Mephatica Robinson, John Galloway, James Galloway, and Adeline Galloway. BA, HA. Petition to sell Sewell in BA. Also Ewings Contrivances in HA. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 71.
Accession No.: 17,898-2021 MSA S512-3- 2088 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/02/26 2022: Robert Gilmor, Sr., Robert Gilmor, Jr., and William Gilmor vs. John Tagart and Grizzel Tagart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Salisbury Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 56. Accession No.: 17,898-2022-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2089 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/05/10 2023: Gerard Trueman Greenfield vs. Betty H. Beckett, Joseph Blake, and Thomas Blake. CV. Estate of Richard Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-2023 MSA S512-3- 2090 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/10/23 2024: Matthew Griffith vs. James Butler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Coles Harbour in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-2024 MSA S512-3- 2091 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/02/13 2025: Patrick Goulding, Mary Goulding, Arabella Goulding, and James Goulding vs. William Young, John Young, Theophelus F. Dougherty, Hannah Dougherty, John Carroll, and Amos Loney. AA, BA. Estate of Arabella Goulding - Stoney Run Hills, Walkers Inheritance in AA. Also Dorseys Industry in BA lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 350.
Accession No.: 17,898-2025-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2092 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/29 2026: Christian Ulrick Grill vs. Samuel Croxall. BA. Dissolution of Samuel Croxall & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-2026-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2093 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/12/20 2027: Col. Job Garretson vs. Joseph Carter. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Silent Cyphers of Africa. Accession No.: 17,898-2027 MSA S512-3- 2094 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/03/08 2028: Benjamin German vs. Martha Jarrett and Jesse Jarrett. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2028-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2095 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/09/21 2029: Nathan Griffith vs. Nicholas Merryman, Deborah Merryman, Rachel Griffith, John Griffith, Eleanor Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Nathan Griffith, John Merryman, Nicholas Merryman, Eleanor Merryman, Sarah Merryman, Moses Merryman, Eleanor Merryman, Mary Merryman, Micajah Merryman, and James Comly. BA. Contract to purchase Greens Goodwill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 358.
Accession No.: 17,898-2029 MSA S512-3- 2096 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/05/29 2030: Jacob Gibson vs. William Sharp, Mary Sharp, Lucy Sharp, and Thomas Bullen. TA. Contract to purchase Rattle Snake Point, Conjunction, Easons Neck, Fancy, Easons Lot, Inclosure, Sharps Addition, Island Creek Neck, Rich Neck. Plats at 1/38/1/4; also show New Scotland, Shore Ditch, Crooked Ramble, Bullens Chance, Fancy, Swamp Pike. Accession No.: 17,898-2030-1/8 MSA S512-3- 2097 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/04/13 2031: Nathan Gregg vs. Sarah A. Gregg, Margaret F. Gregg, and Robert N.A. Gregg. AL. Estate of Robert Gregg - Resurvey on Indian Fields. Accession No.: 17,898-2031 MSA S512-3- 2098 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/07/09 2032: James C. Goff vs. Estate of John T. Goff. AL. Estate of John Goff - Addition, Delight, Lots 2506-2509 and 2515-2518. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-2032 MSA S512-3- 2099 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/12 2033: John Gottier, Francis Gottier, and Elizabeth Gottier. CE. Trust estate of Elizabeth Gottier and Francis Gottier - grist mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 563. Accession No.: 17,898-2033 MSA S512-3- 2100 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/01/14 2034: Lyttleton Gale. CE. Estate of Gabriel Christie. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 423. Accession No.: 17,898-2034 MSA S512-3- 2101 Location: 1/36/2/
1800 2035: Charles Goldsborough, Jr. vs. William B. Smith, Mary Smith, and William Frazier. CA. Estate of William Perry - Belmont, Perrys Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2035 MSA S512-3- 2102 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/05/03 2036: John Golder vs. Henrietta A. Golder, John Golder, Archibald Golder, Robert Golder, and George Golder. AA. Estate of Archibald Golder. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 683. Accession No.: 17,898-2036 MSA S512-3- 2103 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/06/11 2037: Isaac McCreighton, Lydia McCreighton, Thomas Whiffen, Elizabeth Whiffen, Rowland Overy, and Sarah Pontenay vs. Isaac Green. BA. Title to Pontenays Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2037-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2104 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/01/07 2037: Isaac Green vs. Thomas Whiffen, Elizabeth Whiffen, Isaac McCreighton, Lydia McCreighton, Rowland Overy, and Sarah Pontenay. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pontenays Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2037-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2105 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/11 2038: James Gittings, Sr. vs. Aquilla Hall. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hills Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-2038 MSA S512-3- 2106 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/27 2039: Martin Griffen vs. John Tessier, Samuel P. Cooper, and Samuel P.C. McElroy. BA. Petition to record lease. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-2039 MSA S512-3- 2107 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/12/29 2040: Thomas Gardiner vs. John Gardiner. SM. Title to Collinwood. Recorded (Chancey Record) 71, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-2040 MSA S512-3- 2108 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/02/21 2041: Benjamin Galloway vs. Richard Harrison. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2041 MSA S512-3- 2109 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/11/25 2042: Robert Gilmore, Sr., Robert Gilmore, Jr., William Gilmore, Moses Brown, Thomas C. Brown, and Francis Snowden vs. Mary E. Snowden, Samuel B. Snowden, and Basil Elder. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Watsons Trust, Escape, Branton, Tan Yard, Pea Patch, Belfast. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 385.
Accession No.: 17,898-2042-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2110 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/11/24 2043: Richard Gittings, Polly Gittings, James Gittings, Jr., Harriet Gittings, William P. Matthews, Eliza Matthews, and Sophia Sterrett vs. Charles Ridgely, James Sterrett, and City Bank of Baltimore. AA. Estate of Deborah Sterrett - Felicity. Accession No.: 17,898-2043-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2111 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/08/28 2044: Charlotte Griffith. KE. Appointment of trustee for Mary Faulkner. Accession No.: 17,898-2044 MSA S512-3- 2112 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/05/09 2045: Joshua Gist vs. Thomas Gist. FR. Estate of John Gist. Accession No.: 17,898-2045 MSA S512-3- 2113 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/03/22 2046: William Gleaves vs. Philip Reed. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2046 MSA S512-3- 2114 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/11/20 2047: John Lee Gibson, Joshua B. Bond, Abraham Jarrett, Benjamin Gibson, and Arthur Rider vs. Daniel Scott. HA. Contract to purchase Bealls Camp, Scotts Hopewell, Scotts Addition to Trust, Ewings Contrivance. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 31, MdHR 40,283-135, S65-154, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 173 and 108, p. 491.
Accession No.: 17,898-2047-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2115 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/10/30 2048: Darby Lux, Rachel Lux, John Robert Holliday, Harry Dorsey Gough, Prudence Gough, Thomas Bond Onion, Elizabeth Onion, Charles Ridgely, William Goodwin, Susanna Goodwin, Lyle Goodwin, Jesse Hollingsworth, Rachel Hollingsworth, John Coleman, Pleasance Coleman, John Scott, Elizabeth Scott, Deborah Sterett, Benjamin Nicholson, Mary Nicholson, Benjamin Laming, Eleanor Laming, William Ridgely, and John Ridgely vs. Edward Ridgely, Charles Ridgely, Rachel Ridgely, Elizabeth Ridgely, Rebecca Ridgely, Dorothy Ridgely, Edward Nicholson, Rachel Nicholson, Mary Nicholson, Thomas Nicholson, Charles R. Nicholson, and Hannah Nicholson. BA, KE. Petition to sell Avarillas Garden in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 23.
Accession No.: 17,898-2048-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2116 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/01/05 2049: Thomas Langton vs. Charles Sewell and Elizabeth Sewell. CH. Estate of Charles Goodrich - Beauty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 166. Accession No.: 17,898-2049-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2117 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/02/22 2050: Moses Grabill vs. Mary Grabill. FR. Appointment of trustee for Mary Grabill. Accession No.: 17,898-2050 MSA S512-3- 2118 Location: 1/36/2/
1784/02/22 2051: Robert Gregg vs. Joseph Spriggs. WA. Title to Resurvey on Indian Fields, Adlers Thickett, Hopewell United. Accession No.: 17,898-2051 MSA S512-3- 2119 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/03/28 2052: Hans Creery and James Lyston vs. Mary O'Neil, Elizabeth O'Neil, and Harry Dorsey Gough. BA. Appointment of trustee for James Lyston - Privilege, lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2052-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2120 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/02/06 2053: James Gittings, Jr., Kinsey Gittings, and Leonard H. Johns vs. Lucy Brooke and William Dent. MO. Petition to record deed for Dann. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 235. Accession No.: 17,898-2053 MSA S512-3- 2121 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/25 2054: Howes Goldsborough vs. John Anderson and Henry Anderson. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2054 MSA S512-3- 2122 Location: 1/36/2/
1767/01/03 2055: Edward Garretson and Avarilla Garretson vs. George Chanecey. BA. Estate of Sarah Hanson. Accession No.: 17,898-2055 MSA S512-3- 2123 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/04 2056: Thomas W. Griffith and Joseph Griffith vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Levy Hollingsworth, Amos Williams, John Salmon, William Cooke, Ann Swan, David McMechen, William Cole, John Stewart, and John B. Jauffret. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-2056-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2124 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/09/11 2057: William Gibson vs. Thomas Bailey, Sarah N. Bailey, and Jacob Medairy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Philipsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 425 and 98, p. 492. Accession No.: 17,898-2057 MSA S512-3- 2125 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/01/28 2058: Edward Gott vs. Ann Gott, Samuel Gott, and Thomas J. Gott. BA. Estate of Richard Gott - Gotts Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-2058 MSA S512-3- 2126 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/07/02 2059: Martha Griffith vs. William Hall, Edward Hall, William White Hall, Sophia Hall, Isabell Hall, John T. Hall, and Benedict E. Hall. HA. Estate of Thomas Hall - Cranberry Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 667. Accession No.: 17,898-2059 MSA S512-3- 2127 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/02/08 2060: Job Garretson vs. James Webster. BA. Title to Fells Parish. Plat of lot in Fells Addition to Baltimore. Accession No.: 17,898-2060 MSA S512-3- 2128 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/09/25 2061: James Gordon, John Campbell, Sr., John Campbell, Jr., Henry Riddle, Alexander Lowe, and William Ingram vs. Thomas Gassaway. AA. Petition to account for funds received. Accession No.: 17,898-2061 MSA S512-3- 2129 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/07/21 2062: George Grundy vs. Christopher Vaughn, Jr., Henry Lammot, Abraham Shannaman, and Ulrick Zerbuchen. BA. Title to Spring Garden, Spring Garden Resurveyed, Addition to Spring Garden, Shillings Pleasure. Plats at 1/38/1/4. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 285. Accession No.: 17,898-2062-1/10 MSA S512-3- 2130 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/07/22 2063: Walter Greenfield and John Dare vs. David Parker, Margaret Parker, Thomas T. Greenfield, Walter F. Greenfield, Gabriel Greenfield, Anna M. Greenfield, Bina Greenfield, Thomas Greenfield, Eleanor Greenfield, Elizabeth Greenfield, Mary Greenfield, Ann Beale, Susannah Lane, Mary Eversfield, and Elizabeth Waring. CV. Contract to purchase Tillington, Clay Hammond, Wilsons Commons.
Accession No.: 17,898-2063 MSA S512-3- 2131 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/01/03 2064: Job Garrettson vs. William Hollis. BA. Contract to purchase slave Ben. Accession No.: 17,898-2064 MSA S512-3- 2132 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/01/14 2065: Richard Graham vs. William Steuart. AA. Defraud of creditors of George Steuart. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 165. Accession No.: 17,898-2065 MSA S512-3- 2133 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/06/29 2066: Benjamin Gaither, John Gaither, Ely Davis, Sarah Gaither, Rebecca Gaither, Ruth Gaither, Rezin Gaither, Joshua Gaither, and Elizabeth Gaither vs. Robert McGill and John Golden. AA. Estate of Benjamin Gaither. Accession No.: 17,898-2066 MSA S512-3- 2134 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/07/11 2067: Mary Gilpin, Joseph Gilpin, Henry Gilpin, John Gilpin, and William Gilpin vs. Joseph G. Partridge. CE. Petition to sell Mathias Hill, Gilpins Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-2067 MSA S512-3- 2135 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/01/03 2068: Samuel Griffith vs. Henry Gaither and Ephraim Gaither. MO. Contract to accept tobacco as payment of a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-2068 MSA S512-3- 2136 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/02/07 2069: William Goodwin vs. Philip Richard Fendall. BA. Estate of John Buchanan. Accession No.: 17,898-2069 MSA S512-3- 2137 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/07/29 2070: Thomas W. Griffith vs. William J. Stafford and Mary Stafford. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2070-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2138 Location: 1/36/2/
1792 2071: Thomas Gassaway vs. John Carmack. FR. Contract to purchase Walnut Ridge, Resurvey of Dukewood. Plat at 1/38/1/4. Accession No.: 17,898-2071-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2139 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/06/26 2072: Sarah Gassaway vs. Sarah McElfresh. FR. Estate of Joseph McElfresh. Accession No.: 17,898-2072 MSA S512-3- 2140 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/04/20 2073: Daniel Gaither vs. Dennis Poole, Henrietta Poole, Henry Gaither, Ephraim Gaither, George Gaither, Patsy Gaither, Nancy Gaither, and William Gaither. FR. Contract to purchase Hobsons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-2073 MSA S512-3- 2141 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/08/27 2073A: Job Garretson vs. Attorney General. BA. Contract to purchase Buck Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-2073A MSA S512-3- 2142 Location: 1/36/2/
1787 2073B: Nathan Griffith. BA. Insolvent estate of Griffith. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1, p. 187. Accession No.: 17,898-2073B MSA S512-3- 2143 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/05/22 2074: John Gaither, James Disney, Rachel Disney, Thomas Bicknell, and Eleanor Bicknell vs. Robert Macgill. PG. Estate of Benjmain Gaither. Accession No.: 17,898-2074 MSA S512-3- 2144 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/11/15 2075: Samuel Griffith vs. Philemon Griffith, Joshua Griffith, and Hezekiah Thomas. MO. Estate of Henry Griffith - Thats All, Griffiths Chance, Linthicums Chance, Resurvey on Tusculum, Addition to Elkridge, Wards Pleasure, Inmans Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-2075-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2145 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/05/02 2076: Prudence Gough, James Carroll, Jr., Harry G.D. Carroll, John Ridgely, and Prudence D. Ridgely vs. Charles R. Carroll. BA. Petition to partition Huntington Resurveyed, Swan Harbor, Belle Farm, Hope, Masseys Addition, Legoes Chance, Halls Ridge, Websters Level, Websters Meadows, Gays Meadows, Masseys Privilege, Divers Chance, Websters Lock, lots in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 4, No. 60, MdHR 40,283-206, S65-105, B5/10/1. Also show Fathers Last Will, Warrington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-2076 MSA S512-3- 2146 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/03/05 2077: Thomas Harris, Jr. AA, CH. Petition to sell Rual Felicity, Pratts Neck, Deep Creek Point, Goldsboroughs Choice, Chesapeake, Greenwood, Friendship, Addition to Friendship, Acton, Hendersons Meadows, Youngs Locust Plains, Addition to Samson in AA. Also Chandlers Hope, West Hatton, Hard Bargain, Wiccomico Fields, Minatrees Marsh, Minatrees Welldone, Gilsons Closes, Partners Purchase, Hamill Outmoded, Good for Little, Brothers Gift, Blithwood, LaAlworth, Laidlers Ferry in CH. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 260.
Accession No.: 17,898-2077-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2147 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/06/03 2078: Benjamin Germain, Jr. and David Parlett vs. Jonathan Hudson. BA. Estate of Jonathan Hudson - Sophias Garden Regulated. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 493. Accession No.: 17,898-2078-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2148 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/05/27 2079: Robert E. Griffith, Philip H. Nicklin, Sophia Nicklin, Maria Nicklin, Susan Nicklin, and Julianna Nicklin vs. George Roe, John A. Roe, Edward Roe, and Rosanna Roe. MO. Petition to record deed for Addition to part of Conclusion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 444 and 102, p. 761.
Accession No.: 17,898-2079 MSA S512-3- 2149 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/15 2080: James Glisson, Hester Glisson, William Bennett, Elithia Bennett, William Sedwick, Ann Sedwick, Joseph A. Murphy, Elizabeth Murphy, Benjamin Sedwick, Eleanor Sedwick, and Matilda White vs. John W. White, Rebecca White, and Harriott White. FR, MO. Petition to sell Elysian Fields in FR and MO and Italy in MO.
Accession No.: 17,898-2080 MSA S512-3- 2150 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/08/08 2081: John Hull. BA. Insolvent estate of Hull. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-2081 MSA S512-3- 2151 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/06/27 2082: John Guest vs. Able Marple, Joseph Adlum, and Thomas Adlum. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-2082 MSA S512-3- 2152 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/01/25 2083: Greenbury Goldsborough vs. Harriott Martin, Edward Martin, Daniel Martin, James L. Chamberlain, and Richard L. Chamberlain. TA. Injunction against removal of timber from Heir der Lloyd. Accession No.: 17,898-2083 MSA S512-3- 2153 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/09/03 2084: Jacob Gibson and Rebecca Gibson vs. Richard Mackall. CV. Estate of William Reynolds - Thomas Williams Chance, Foxes Chance, Crowdens Lot, Foxes Home. Accession No.: 17,898-2084 MSA S512-3- 2154 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/14 2085: Susanna Gaither vs. Jeremiah Gaither. AA. Contract to purchase Gaithers Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-2085 MSA S512-3- 2155 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/10/19 2086: Edward Gray, Robert Taylor, Samuel F. Bradford, and John Inspey, Jr. vs. John Conrad and Abner Neale. AA, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Teals Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 205. Accession No.: 17,898-2086-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2156 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/09/10 2087: John Lee Gibson and Josias Lee vs. Attorney General. HA. Contract to purchase Diamond Rich Point, Come By Chance, Jonathans Inheritance, Bennetts Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-2087 MSA S512-3- 2157 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/08/07 2088: Ruth Gray vs. James McCulloch. AA. Estate of Elizabeth Sefton. Accession No.: 17,898-2088 MSA S512-3- 2158 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/04/26 2089: Robert Gilmor, William Patterson, James Dall, and Mary Patison vs. Robins Chamberlaine, Mary Chamberlaine, Henrietta Chamberlaine, James Chamberlaine, and John Edmondson. BA. Contract to puchase Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 391. Accession No.: 17,898-2089-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2159 Location: 1/36/2/
1798 2090: Ely Gassaway, Rachel Gassaway, Joseph McElfish, Sarah McElfish, and Joseph Howard vs. Joseph Beall and Rachel Beall. AA. Estate of Joseph Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-2090 MSA S512-3- 2160 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/10/06 2091: Lewis Gross and Jacob White vs. William Thompson, Standish Barry, Agnes Barry, John Franciscus, Mary Franciscus, Jane Thompson, James Thompson, John Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Ann Thompson, David McCormick, and Jane McCormick. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 60.
Accession No.: 17,898-2091 MSA S512-3- 2161 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/02/04 2092: Joseph Germain and Ann C. Germain vs. Amelia Rey, James Courages, Henry Messonier, and John B. Allegre. BA. Estate of John Joseph Rey. Accession No.: 17,898-2092-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2162 Location: 1/36/2/
1779/11/23 2093: Job Garretson, David Mumay, Robert Davis, and Ezekiel Davis vs. William Pellatt, Osgood Gee, Mary Wightwick, William Russell, Charles Wright, Thomas Russell, and John Weston. BA. Title to Little Got, Dear Bought, Silent Cyphers of Africa, Gift, Small Valley.
Accession No.: 17,898-2093-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2163 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/05/19 2094: Sebastian Graff and Philemon Towson. BA. Estate of John Cockey - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 190 and 101, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2094 MSA S512-3- 2164 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/05/10 2095: Philip Hall vs. Matthew Swan and Walter Creary. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 18, p. 524. Accession No.: 17,898-2095 MSA S512-3- 2165 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/10/08 2096: Gerrard Hopkins and Henry Wilson. BA. Insolvent estates of Hopkins and Wilson - lots in BC. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1789, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-2096 MSA S512-3- 2166 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/02/06 2097: John James Giraud vs. Christopher Hughes. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2097 MSA S512-3- 2167 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/27 2098: Aquila Galloway vs. John Wilson and Thomas Ayers. BA. Contract to purchase Jones Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-2098 MSA S512-3- 2168 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/01/15 2099: Thomas C. Gantt. CV. Appointment of trustee for Edward Gantt. Accession No.: 17,898-2099 MSA S512-3- 2169 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/10/10 2100: William Greetham vs. Thomas Calwell. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2100 MSA S512-3- 2170 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/01/06 2101: Hamlet Gillis, Porceius Gillis, John Shipley, and Arceminto Shipley vs. Betty Gillis. AA. Petition to sell Farmers Fields. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 623. Accession No.: 17,898-2101 MSA S512-3- 2171 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/03/21 2102: Frederick Grammer vs. Jonathan Pinkney, Horatio G. Munroe, Mary Weems, and John B. Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Charles Mitchel and Jim. Accession No.: 17,898-2102 MSA S512-3- 2172 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/12/29 2103: George Graver and Catherine Graver vs. Jacob Youse. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Will, William Resurveyed, Addition to William. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2103 MSA S512-3- 2173 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/07/20 2104: John R. Giles and Elizabeth Giles vs. Margaret Black, Susan Black, and Gustavus Black. KE. Estate of George Black. Accession No.: 17,898-2104-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2174 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/02/14 2105: John Gibson vs. Samuel Ringgold, Edward Lloyd, James Cheston, David Winchester, William Graves, Andrew Dewces, John Miles, and Andrew Barge. KE. Estate of Simon Wilmer - Hinsingham. Accession No.: 17,898-2105-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2175 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/08/16 2106: Joseph Garrott vs. John Bitteman and John M. Beatty. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2106 MSA S512-3- 2176 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/01/25 2107: Henry Griffith and Thomas Coale vs. John Spurrier. AA. Insolvent estate of William Spurrier - Browns Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2107 MSA S512-3- 2177 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/12 2108: Joseph Howard vs. Seth Warfield. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-2108 MSA S512-3- 2178 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/05/28 2109: Michael Gwinn and Lucy Gwinn vs. Humphrey Pearce, John Heplinger, Susanna Heplinger, Elizabeth Loor, Mary Loor, Harvey Loor, Michael Loor, Philip Welsh, and Hannah Welsh. AA. Estate of Michael Bourne - Pleasant Meadow. Accession No.: 17,898-2109 MSA S512-3- 2179 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/11/23 2110: Conrad Grape vs. Simon Chapins and Joseph Roache. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beavens Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 429. Accession No.: 17,898-2110 MSA S512-3- 2180 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10/30 2111: William C. Gouldsmith vs. Isaiah Lewis and Elizabeth Lewis. BA. Contract to purchase Sheridens Bottom, Sheridens Bottom Enlarged, Plaintiffs Victory. Accession No.: 17,898-2111 MSA S512-3- 2181 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/26 2112: Philip Graybill vs. Stafford Forrestdale. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Todds Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 412. Accession No.: 17,898-2112-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2182 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10/31 2113: George Grundy and George Sewes vs. Daniel Bussard, Jr., Caroline Lambky, Charlotte Lambky, Matilda Lambky, Eliza Lambky, Jacob Eberman, and Polly Eberman. FR. Estate of William Lambky - Johns Fancy, Taken in Time, Mountain Tract B. Recorded (Chancery Record) 22, p. 376.
Accession No.: 17,898-2113-1/11 MSA S512-3- 2183 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/03/26 2114: Erasmus Garrott, Sarah Garrott, Edward Garrott, John Garrott, Elizabeth Garrott, Thomas Butler, and Hannah Butler vs. Joseph Garrott and Ann Garrott. FR. Petition to sell Fielderea. Accession No.: 17,898-2114 MSA S512-3- 2184 Location: 1/36/2/
1787 2115: Peter Hamm vs. Peter Ground and Philip Ground. WA. Contract to lease Nottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-2115 MSA S512-3- 2185 Location: 1/36/2/
1782/10/19 2116: Robert Gregg vs. Col. Thomas Cresap. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Indian Fields, Greggs Bridge, Seat Bridge. Plats of Resurvey on Indian Fields at 1/38/1/5. Accession No.: 17,898-2116-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2186 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/07/04 2117: John Lee Gibson vs. Overton Carr. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2117 MSA S512-3- 2187 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/11/14 2118: William Gill, Mary Gill, John P. Gill, and Mordecai Gill vs. Daniel Price and Lewis Pitts. BA. Estate of John Price - Prices Hunting Ground, Addition to Prices Hunting Ground, Doner Mills, Black Rock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-2118 MSA S512-3- 2188 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/27 2119: Robert Gilmor and William McMechen vs. Dixon Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Peach Hill, Parrishes Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 389. Accession No.: 17,898-2119 MSA S512-3- 2189 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/14 2120: James Gordon, Henry Riddell, John Campbell, John Campbell, Jr., and Alexander Low vs. Richard Henderson. MO. Contract to assign conveyances. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 84. Accession No.: 17,898-2120-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2190 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/01/13 2121: Lyde Griffith, Amelia Griffith, and Milcah Wayman vs. Joshua Warfield, John Warfield, and Warner Warfield. AA. Estate of John Warfield - Warfields Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 84. Accession No.: 17,898-2121-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2191 Location: 1/36/2/
1786/04/27 2122: William Gordon and Thomasin Gordon vs. William Morris. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2122-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2192 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/11/09 2123: Sewell Green, Ann Green, Abraham Falconar, Daniel Rochester, William Massy, and Rebecca Reynolds vs. Rebecca Blanchford. KE. Injunction against removal of timber from Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2123 MSA S512-3- 2193 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/05/12 2124: Job Garretson vs. State of Maryland. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Addition to Pistole Thickett, Dayard. Plat at 1/38/1/5; also shows Paradice, Come By Chance, Dynes Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2124-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2194 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/10/15 2125: Daniel Gehr vs. Abraham Wootring. WA. Contract to purchase New Work. Plats; also show Resurvey on New Work, Needwood, Beales Neglect, Settled in Time. Accession No.: 17,898-2125-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2195 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/03/04 2126: John Gibson vs. State of Maryland. TA. Contract to purchase Stevens Addition. Plats; also show Chance, Addition. Lloyds Discovery, Sweatnas Hope, Hambleton Park, Accident. Accession No.: 17,898-2126 MSA S512-3- 2196 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/07/01 2127: Jacob Green and Lancelot Green vs. Margaret Conoway. AA. Contract to purchase Gwinns Purchase, Cowans Purchase, Greenwich Park. Accession No.: 17,898-2127 MSA S512-3- 2197 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/02/03 2128: Ephraim Gaither vs. Richard Weaver Johns. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Shrewsbury, Priscilla, and Bristol. Accession No.: 17,898-2128 MSA S512-3- 2198 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/01/16 2129: Samuel Hawkins vs. Thomas Cromwell, George Cromwell, and Joseph Cromwell. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Best Success. Accession No.: 17,898-2129 MSA S512-3- 2199 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/07 2130: William Goodwin vs. Andrew Wilson. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Prices Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2130 MSA S512-3- 2200 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/10/17 2131: Job Garretson vs. Daniel Bowley and John McLure. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2131 MSA S512-3- 2201 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/04/23 2132: Peter Grove vs. William Hobbs, Jacob Grove, Henry Snyder, and Henry Wood. AA. Contract to purchase Trouble for Nothing. Accession No.: 17,898-2132 MSA S512-3- 2202 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/07/19 2133: William J. Greer vs. Walter Boteler. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Londondery. Accession No.: 17,898-2133 MSA S512-3- 2203 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/01/16 2134: Thomas Gist, Penelope Deye, and Thomas Deye Cockey vs. Job Hunt and William Parks. BA. Contract to purchase Turkey Cock Alley, Parks Death Knot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 354. Accession No.: 17,898-2134-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2204 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/06/17 2135: Jacob Gibson vs. Robins Chamberlain. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Abrahams Lot, Arcadia, Mill Road Addition, Cookes Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-2135 MSA S512-3- 2205 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/02/06 2136: Samuel Grahame vs. Larkin Shipley. AA. Contract to purchase slaves Lurena, Ruth, Mary, and Ellen. Accession No.: 17,898-2136 MSA S512-3- 2206 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/11/26 2137: Charles Greenbury Griffith vs. John Dorsey and Jonathan Burrell. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-2137-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2207 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/07/30 2138: Mary Gettier, Jacob Gettier, Peter Gettier, Molly Gettier, Catherine Gettier, Margaret Gettier, Mary Gettier, Dennis Davis, Elizabeth Davis, and George Gettier. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-2138 MSA S512-3- 2208 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/07/09 2139: Elijah Gaither vs. Hannah West. PG. Petition to discover accounts of Stephen West. Accession No.: 17,898-2139 MSA S512-3- 2209 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/10/08 2140: Charles Gwynn vs. Maryland Insurance Co. BA. Petition to transfer shares of stock. Accession No.: 17,898-2140 MSA S512-3- 2210 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/12/23 2141: Alexander Greer and Sally Greer vs. Caroline Cecilia Bond, Rebecca Bond, John Vanswearingen, Martha Vanswearingen, Elizabeth Mary Vanswearingen, Clarrisa Booth, Peter Campbell, Charles S. Gardiner, Jane M. Jordan, Edmond Key, John S. Briscoe, Margaret Carnes, Peter Carnes, Eleanor Briscoe, William Briscoe, Caroline Briscoe, Charles S. Briscoe, John Briscoe, John Llewelling, Mary Llewelling, William Llewelling, Richard Llewelling, Henry Alstan, Ann Alstan, Benoni Wheat, Mary Wheat, Thomas G. Neale, Elizabeth Neale, Rebecca Jordan, Townshend Jordan, Harison Briscoe, Mary Briscoe, Nicholas Peers, Eleanor Peers, Maria Jordan, Ann Jordan, John Jordan, Thomas Alstan, Mary Alstan, Elizabeth Kilgour, Charles Kilgour, John Kilgour, Charlotte Kilgour, Isabella Kilgour, George Soih, Sarah Soih, Henry Jordan, Charles Jordan, Susannah Jordan, Judith Dyson, Polly Bayne, Elizabeth A. Bayne, Sarah Easton, and David Easton. CH. Estate of John Jordan - Jordans Addition, Frankham, Williams Addition, Debar Me Not.
Accession No.: 17,898-2141 MSA S512-3- 2211 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/04 2142: George Gillaspie and John Wallis vs. Samuel Davis Blackiston, Hannah Susan Blackiston, Tabitha Wright, Matthias Atwood, John Theodore Hurtt, and Robert G. Maxwell. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Dullams Folly Resurveyed, Bosticks Addition, Draw Near, Triangle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2142-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2212 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/04/05 2143: Frederick Grammer vs. Daniel Kemp. FR. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-2143 MSA S512-3- 2213 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/05/12 2144: Mary Ann Turbutt Goldsborough, Sarah Goldsborough, Mary Ann Goldsborough, Charles Goldsborough, Robert Goldsborough, William Goldsborough, Nancy Goldsborough, Howes Goldsborough, and Henry Goldsborough vs. Thomas Brown. QA. Injunction agianst removal of timber from Standish Wood.
Accession No.: 17,898-2144 MSA S512-3- 2214 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/04/30 2145: Samuel Gaither vs. Thomas Bicknell, Julia Bicknell, Osboon Mulliken, Betsy Mulliken, Thomas Owens, Agnes Owens, Benjamin Gaither, Nancy Gaither, John Gaither, Ruthy Gaither, Evan Gaither, and Rachel Gaither. AA. Contract to purchase Bite the Biter, Second Addition to Snowdens Manor, Gaithers Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-2145 MSA S512-3- 2215 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/07/17 2146: Robert Gilmor, Robert Gilmor, Jr., William Gilmor, Wilhem Willink, Jan Willink, Wilhem Willink, Jr., and Jan Willink, Jr. vs. Samuel Smith, James A. Buchanan, and James Purviance. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-2146-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2216 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/07/11 2147: Providence Lane vs. William Gover. CV. Title to Hornisham. Accession No.: 17,898-2147 MSA S512-3- 2217 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/07/09 2148: Charles Davidson and John Goddard vs. Richard S. Thomas. KE. Petition to recover debt. Accession No.: 17,898-2148 MSA S512-3- 2218 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/03/09 2149: Nathan Gregg vs. Thomas Parsons, Elizabeth Parsons, Virgil McCracken, and Mary McCracken. AL. Petition to record deed to Resurvey on Indian Fields. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 196. Accession No.: 17,898-2149 MSA S512-3- 2219 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/10/13 2150: Notley Goldsmith. SM. Appointment of trustee for Jane Goldsmith. Accession No.: 17,898-2150 MSA S512-3- 2220 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/06/29 2151: John Lee Gibson, Joseph Wheeler, and Henrietta Wheeler vs. Joseph B. Bond and Helen Paca. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2151 MSA S512-3- 2221 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/08/16 2152: William Goodwin vs. George Baxley and Mary Baxley. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2152 MSA S512-3- 2222 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/01/05 2153: Levi Hollingsworth vs. John Ridgely and Caleb D. Goodwin. BA. Contract to purchase Ridgelys Five Miles End. Accession No.: 17,898-2153 MSA S512-3- 2223 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/04/09 2154: John Galloway and James Ringgold vs. Solomon Wright. QA. Estate of Matthew Dockry - Dockrys Meadows, Dockrys Desire, Dockrys Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-2154 MSA S512-3- 2224 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/10 2155: George Grundy and Joseph Thornburgh vs. William Taylor. BA. Insolvent estate of Aquila Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-2155 MSA S512-3- 2225 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/08/25 2156: Aquilla Galloway vs. Rebecca Ridgely Risteau, Thomas Craddock, William Lux, William Worthington, and John Talbot Risteau. BA. Estate of Abraham Risteau. Accession No.: 17,898-2156 MSA S512-3- 2226 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/05/11 2157: Samuel Gover vs. Elizabeth Wilson, Benjamin Wilson, and Henry Wilson. AA, CV. Petition to record deed for Aldermason, Smiths Addition in CV. Also Knightons Purchase, Expedition in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 210. Accession No.: 17,898-2157 MSA S512-3- 2227 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/10/09 2158: Harry Dorsey Gough vs. John Taylor. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2158 MSA S512-3- 2228 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/07/14 2159: Thomas Greenfield vs. Azel Beall and Gabriel Van Horn. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2159 MSA S512-3- 2229 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/10/10 2161: Thomas Gardiner vs. Richard Gardiner. AA. Petition to partition Leonards Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-2161 MSA S512-3- 2230 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/12/27 2162: Francis Gould, Isaac Davis, and George Walker vs. John Comegys, Benjamin Comegys, William Comegys, Elijah Comegys, and Sarah Comegys. QA. Estate of Cornelius Comegys. Accession No.: 17,898-2162 MSA S512-3- 2231 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/10 2163: James Gittings vs. Robert Dew. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Wells Neck, Holly Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-2163 MSA S512-3- 2232 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/12/27 2164: John Gibson vs. Elizabeth Thomas, William Baker, and Thomas Baker. TA. Estate of John Gibson - Planters Increase, Turners Ridge Resurveyed, Rebeccas Garden, Neglect, Gibsons Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-2164 MSA S512-3- 2233 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/15 2165: William Goodwin, Lyde Goodwin, and James Gittings, Jr. vs. James Carroll and John Scott. BA. Estate of Charles Ridgely - Dulanys Park Resurveyed, Valley of Jehosaphat, Avarillas Garden, Towsons Bottom, Coves Prospect, Reeves Neck, Thomas Park, Northampton, Find Me Out, Vulcania, Mothers Care, Stansburys Good Luck, Sewells Contract, Stansburys Addition, Bosleys Delight, Boreing Forest, Gostwichs Choice. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 11, MdHR 40,283-64, S65-87, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 524.
Accession No.: 17,898-2165-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2234 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/09/19 2166: Justinian Greenwell and Thomas C. Bowie vs. William Kilty and William Beans. PG. Contract to purchase lot in Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-2166 MSA S512-3- 2235 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/07 2167: James Gittings, Jr. vs. William Wooden, Mary Wooden, Francis Wooden, Samuel Hagerman, and Rebecca Hagerman. BA. Contract to purchase Parrishes Range. Accession No.: 17,898-2167 MSA S512-3- 2236 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/11/27 2168: John Gwinn vs. William Kirby. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Herring Creek Swamp. Accession No.: 17,898-2168 MSA S512-3- 2237 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/06/27 2169: Adam Gantz vs. Francis Russell, John Russell, and Thomas Russell. BA. Contract to purchase Howards Addition to Baltimore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 429 and 26, p. 390. Accession No.: 17,898-2169 MSA S512-3- 2238 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/12/03 2170: Rachel Goulding vs. Aquila Goulding. BA. Appointment of trustee for Aquila Goulding. Accession No.: 17,898-2170 MSA S512-3- 2239 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/08/16 2171: Jacob Grammer, John Grammer, Frederick Chrisman, Elizabeth Chrisman, Thomas Reese, and Mary Reese vs. Charles Ridgely. FR. Contract to purchase Bonds Meadows Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-2171 MSA S512-3- 2240 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/02/09 2172: Harry Dorsey Gough vs. John Snider. BA. Petition to sell lot and house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2172 MSA S512-3- 2241 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/01/08 2173: Edward Gantt vs. Thomas Gantt and John Gantt. AA, CV, PG. Estate of Thomas Gantt - Ordinary, Batchelors Quarter in CV. Also Wells in AA and Bowling Green in PG. Accession No.: 17,898-2173 MSA S512-3- 2242 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/09/06 2174: Jacob Gibson, Benjamin Willmot, William M. Catrop, and Nathan Harrington vs. Edwards Roberts. TA. Defraud of ceditors of John Thomas - Farmers Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 220. Accession No.: 17,898-2174-1/10 MSA S512-3- 2243 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/11/03 2175: Jonathan Hyde vs. David Crawford. FR. Accession No.: 17,898-2175 MSA S512-3- 2244 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/03/02 2176: Joshua Groves vs. Margaret Boyd, Benjamin Boyd, Richard Boyd, Dennis Boyd, Jeremiah Boyd, William Boyd, Henrietta Boyd, Thomas Boyd, Zephas Shackells, Elena Shackells, John S. Hall, Eliza Hall, and John Groves. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Frys Chance, Sway, slaves Nacy, Ben, Moniky, Sall, Sarah, Murriah, Nan, Dorky, and Nan.
Accession No.: 17,898-2176 MSA S512-3- 2245 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/02/23 2177: Job Garretson vs. Thomas Randall. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2177 MSA S512-3- 2246 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/03/26 2178: James Gittings vs. Aquila Hall and Robert Hall. BA. Title to Hills Forrest, Cullens Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-2178 MSA S512-3- 2247 Location: 1/36/2/
1778/10/03 2179: Aaron Gartrell vs. John Penn. MO. Estate of Stephen Gartrell - Resurvey on Littleworth, Beggars Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2179 MSA S512-3- 2248 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/08/06 2180: John F. Gardiner vs. William Gardiner, Michael Gardiner, Joseph Gardiner, and Henry Gardiner. CH. Contract to purchase Inclosure, Three Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-2180 MSA S512-3- 2249 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/12/11 2181: Edward Griffith vs. Aquilla Hall. HA. Estate of John B. Hall - Poplar Hill, Cranberry. Accession No.: 17,898-2181 MSA S512-3- 2250 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/04/01 2182: Jacob Hole. FR. Insolvent estate of Hole. Accession No.: 17,898-2182 MSA S512-3- 2251 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/09 2183: Barton Garrot vs. Joseph Gray and John Douning Franklin. CH. Estate of John Gray. Accession No.: 17,898-2183 MSA S512-3- 2252 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/11 2184: Greenbury Goldsborough vs. Peter Harrington, William Crawford, and Caleb Boyer. CA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2184-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2253 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/09/18 2185: William Gleaves vs. Philip Reed. KE. Estate of Richard Willis. Accession No.: 17,898-2185-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2254 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/03/10 2186: Elizabeth Wallace, John Gilpin, Joseph Wallace, and John Groome vs. Milcah Richardson, Richard Clayton, Mary Clayton, Thomas Richardson, Ezekiel Richardson, Sarah Boulden, John Boulden, Elizabeth Richardson, Thomas Richardson, William Richardson, Richard Richardson, and Noble Biddle. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hispanolia.
Accession No.: 17,898-2186-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2255 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/01/25 2187: John Groves and Archibald Moncrieff vs. Francis Worthy and Samuel Busey. AA. Defraud of creditors of Worthy - Addition to St. Jeromes. Accession No.: 17,898-2187 MSA S512-3- 2256 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/04/08 2188: John Gale and Levin Winder vs. Attorney General. SO. Title to Clear of Cannon Shot, Fluellings Settlement, Cow Ridge, Addition to Cow Ridge, Prickles Cocks Hott, Addition to Prickles Cocks Hott, Fluellings Purchase, Thicknett, Cannons Lott, Security, Milk Mare, Small Chance, Wolf Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 213.
Accession No.: 17,898-2188 MSA S512-3- 2257 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/22 2189: John Gartrell vs. Richard Snowden, John C. Herbert, Mary Herbert, Samuel Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Philip Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, Richard P. Snowden, Gerard H. Snowden, Margaret H. Snowden, Rezin H. Snowden, and Rachel Snowden. MO. Contract to purchase Addition to Brooke Grove.
Accession No.: 17,898-2189 MSA S512-3- 2258 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/03/17 2190: George Gahe, John Stump, and Harmons Alricks vs. William Jolly, Sarah Jolly, Elijah Warfield, and Richard Snowden Thomas. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Perry Point. Accession No.: 17,898-2190 MSA S512-3- 2259 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/06/17 2191: Levin Gale vs. Henry Steele. SO. Title to Mount Ephraim, Long Delay, Middle Tract, Delight, Ross, Dashiells Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-2191-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2260 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/01/30 2192: John Groome, Elizabeth Groome, James B. Wallace, Joseph Wallace, Mary Wallace, and James Ramsey vs. Adam Whann, Joseph A. Wallace, Alexander Wallace, Andrew Wallace, Andrew McCrery, Anne McCrery, Mary Ann Shields, and John M. Shields. CE. Estate of Joseph Wallace - Castle Fin, Golden Ball, Addition to Golden Ball, Charlemont, Fox Den, Broad Axe, Wallaces Scroll, Dole Dife, Kitty Villey, Huttons Grudge, Sheep Fold, Bell Connell, Chance. Plat of Golden Ball. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 354.
Accession No.: 17,898-2192-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2261 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/08/18 2193: Samuel L. Godfrey and Samuel Hartley vs. Mahlon Ely. BA. Contract to build a dam and sawmill on Food Plenty, Golden Forrest, Addition to Golden Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-2193-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2262 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/02/21 2194: Ignatius Harding vs. John Welsh. BA. Contract to purchase Arabia Petra Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-2194 MSA S512-3- 2263 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/05/06 2195: Job Garretson vs. Mary Cox, Mark Alexander Cox, James Cox, William Cox, and Mary Cox. BA. Contract to purchase Coxs Priviledge. Accession No.: 17,898-2195 MSA S512-3- 2264 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/12/10 2196: Thomas Griffith vs. Peter Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Rebecca Johnson, and Candes Johnson. CA. Estate of James Johnson - Fortune, Addition to Fortune, Johnsons Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 55. Accession No.: 17,898-2196-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2265 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/17 2197: Alexander Grier. CH. Petition to sell Eagles Nest, Conjunction with Middle Green. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 694. Accession No.: 17,898-2197 MSA S512-3- 2266 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/02/20 2198: Harry D. Gough and Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. James Croxall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Brothers Inheritance, Hammonds Struggle, Leicestershire, Norwoods Discovery, Ruths Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-2198 MSA S512-3- 2267 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/09/24 2198A: Independent Gist vs. William Calhoun and Mary Gist. BA. Estate of Mordecai Gist. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 140 and 36, p. 266. Accession No.: 17,898-2198A-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2268 Location: 1/36/2/
1789 2198B: Frederick Green vs. John Hamilton and Patrick Ewings. CE. Estate of Ann Catherine Green. Accession No.: 17,898-2198B MSA S512-3- 2269 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/08/03 2198C: George Gardner vs. John W. Battee. TA. Dissolution of Gardner & Battee. Accession No.: 17,898-2198C MSA S512-3- 2270 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/09/16 2199: Philip Hammond Hopkins vs. Isaiah Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins, Susan Hopkins, Ezekiel Hopkins, Hester Hopkins, Mary Hopkins, Ann Hopkins, Rachel Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, Richard Hopkins, Jacob Janney, and Hannah Janney. AA. Estate of Philip Hopkins - Whites Hall. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 578 and 99, p. 495.
Accession No.: 17,898-2199-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2271 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/09/24 2200: Jacob Hiltebrick vs. John Hiltebrick, Daniel Hiltebrick, and Barbara Hiltebrick. FR. Petition to sell Something, Log Cabin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 514. Accession No.: 17,898-2200 MSA S512-3- 2272 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/01/31 2201: James Hebb, Sarah S. Hebb, and Charles Nuttrell vs. Anne Elizabeth Waughop. SM. Estate of Henry Waughop. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 69. Accession No.: 17,898-2201 MSA S512-3- 2273 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/02/27 2202: William Hawkins and John Hagerty vs. John Chalmers and James Wilson. BA. Trust estate of Chalmers - Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-2202-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2274 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/12/29 2203: William H. Hanson and Elizabeth Hanson vs. John Smith. AA. Petition to sell Hallitts Lot Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-2203-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2275 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/08/16 2204: Levi Hollingsworth and Pascal Hollingsworth vs. Robert Mecaslin. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Batchelors Hope, Bedfords Chance, Sarancis Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 283. Accession No.: 17,898-2204-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2276 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/10 2205: Thomas Harwood vs. Jonathan Beard and John Stockett. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beards Habitation, South Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 607. Accession No.: 17,898-2205-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2277 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/01/06 2206: Philip Hall vs. Margery Howell and James Morrison. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2206-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2278 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/10/22 2207: Jesse Hollingsworth vs. John Miller. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Howards Addition to Baltimore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 523. Accession No.: 17,898-2207 MSA S512-3- 2279 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/02/02 2208: Col. Rezin Hammond vs. Joseph Marriott and Thomas Marriott. AA. Estate of Thomas Marriott - Cordwell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 50. Accession No.: 17,898-2208 MSA S512-3- 2280 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/01/29 2209: Elisha Howard and Rebecca Dorcas Ayres vs. Elizabeth Howard, George Howard, Mary Howard, Joseph Howard, Dorcas Howard, and Ann Howard. FR. Petition to sell Jedburgh Forrest Resurveyed, Cumberland, New Breman. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 283.
Accession No.: 17,898-2209 MSA S512-3- 2281 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/05 2210: James Holmes vs. Robert Amoss. HA. Title to Out Quarter, Widows Care. Contains tax lists, 1783 and 1785. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 725. Accession No.: 17,898-2210-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2282 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/03/20 2211: George Harman vs. James Plummer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Plummers Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-2211 MSA S512-3- 2283 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10/01 2212: John Eager Howard vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, George Prestman, George Warner, Walter Simpson, and James Butler. BA. Injunction against construction of wharf in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2212 MSA S512-3- 2284 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/03 2213: John F. Hardey vs. Isidor Hardey and Thomas Price. PG. Insolvent estate of Isidor Hardey. Accession No.: 17,898-2213 MSA S512-3- 2285 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10/22 2214: Joseph Hodges vs. Sabrit Smith. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Lynches Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2214 MSA S512-3- 2286 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/02/02 2215: Richard D. Hall, Baruch Hall, William Hall, and Ann Hall vs. Jacob Hall, Edward Hall, Thomas Hall, and Martha Hall. PG. Petition to sell Parrotts Manor, Ample Grange, Frys Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 123. Accession No.: 17,898-2215-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2287 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/12/18 2216: Jonas Hammer, Tobias Hammer, Michael Hammer, George Houch, and Mary Houch vs. Devalt Kesselring, Elizabeth Kesselring, Adam Wichert, John Shaner, Catherine Shaner, and Amelia Slick. FR. Estate of Francis Hammer - Resurvey on Brothers Agreement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 640.
Accession No.: 17,898-2216 MSA S512-3- 2288 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/11/26 2217: Nicholas Harwood vs. Martha Howard, Margaret Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Eleanor Howard, Martha Howard, Margery Howard, and Kitty Howard. AA. Estate of Benjamin Howard - Howards Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 50. Accession No.: 17,898-2217-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2289 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/08/15 2218: Michael Howser, Susannah Howser, William Carey, and Mary Barbara Carey vs. Mary Rebecca Fritchie and John Casper Fritchie. FR. Petition to sell lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 463. Accession No.: 17,898-2218 MSA S512-3- 2290 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/17 2219: Samuel Hooker, John Healy, Nicholas McCartney, John Stansbury, and William Stansbury vs. Ann Quigley, Mary Ann Quigley, and Catherine Quigley. BA. Estate of James Quigley - Hookers Meadow Enlarged, Hookers Addition, Griffiths Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 167 and 101, p. 733.
Accession No.: 17,898-2219-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2291 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/05/02 2220: Mary Johnson vs. Robert Jenkins, Henry Handy, and Samuel Handy. SO, WO. Estate of William Handy - Landing Wharf, Flatbury, Calavinch in WO. Also Golden Lion in SO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 550. Accession No.: 17,898-2220 MSA S512-3- 2292 Location: 1/36/2/
1803 2221: Rebecca Wilson, Eleanor Griffin, Mary Griffin, Samuel Young, Rebecca Young, William Young, Sarah Young, Jesse Dalrymple, Ann Dalrymple, John Woolford, Mary Woolford, William Groom, and Rebecca Groom vs. Walter Hellen, Margaret Hellen, Mary Hellen, and William Belt. CV. Estate of John Hellen.
Accession No.: 17,898-2221 MSA S512-3- 2293 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/03/30 2222: Josias C. Hall, Aquilla Hall, Francis Holland, Thomas Holland, and Robert Holland vs. Daniel Ruff. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hunting Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 540 and 36, p. 273. Accession No.: 17,898-2222-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2294 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/02/09 2223: John Eager Howard, John Mickle, and John McDonough vs. Hugh Morrison, James Morrison, and John Sample. BA. Contract to purchase lots in Howards Addition to Baltimore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 490. Accession No.: 17,898-2223-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2295 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/04 2224: Alexander C. Hanson and Pricilla Hanson vs. Mary Dorsey, Caroline Dorsey, Hill Dorsey, and Hammond Dorsey. BA. Petition to sell hous and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 402. Accession No.: 17,898-2224 MSA S512-3- 2296 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/07/24 2224A: Alexander C. Hanson, Pricilla Hanson, Hill Dorsey, Hammond Dorsey, William H. Dorsey, and Caroline Dorsey vs. Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, and Robert Dorsey. AA. Petition to sell Littleworth, Valley of Owen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 510.
Accession No.: 17,898-2224A MSA S512-3- 2297 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/09/05 2225: William Hayward vs. Valentine Green. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Knotts Range, Knotts Ridge, Knotts Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-2225 MSA S512-3- 2298 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/11/25 2226: Daniel Hignut vs. Attorney General. CA. Petition to sell Addition to Whites Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-2226 MSA S512-3- 2299 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/11 2227: William Hill vs. Elizabeth Dare Kent, Susannah Isaac Kent, Samuel Gover, Sarah Gover, and Rezin Estep. CV. Petition to sell Lowries Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 35. Accession No.: 17,898-2227 MSA S512-3- 2300 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/01/13 2228: John Heathcote, Frederick Waesche, Richard Carroll, and Judith C. Carroll vs. Gordon Forbes, William Forbes, Louise Lee Forbes, and Robert M. Forbes. BA. Estate of William Forbes - Parrishes Range, Youngs Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 427.
Accession No.: 17,898-2228-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2301 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/01/14 2229: John Harman vs. Sarah Gorsuch, Cordelia Andrews, and Louisa Andrews. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 507. Accession No.: 17,898-2229 MSA S512-3- 2302 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/04/10 2230: John Hufford, Solomon Hufford, Mary Hufford, Griffith Mathias, and Susannah Mathias vs. Elizabeth Hufford. FR. Petition to sell Phillips Wish. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 317. Accession No.: 17,898-2230 MSA S512-3- 2303 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/12/29 2231: George Herring, John Herring, Adam Titlow, and Elizabeth Titlow vs. Ludwick Herring, Jacob Herring, Sarah Herring, Henry Herring, Catherine Herring, Margaret Herring, and Joseph Herring. FR, WA. Petition to sell Enough to Spare, Fieldern, lot in New Town in FR. Also Nottingham in WA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 199 and 101, p. 130.
Accession No.: 17,898-2231 MSA S512-3- 2304 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/07/19 2232: Ezekiel Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, Aquilla Yieldhall, Elijah Yieldhall, and Frderick Yieldhall vs. Harriett Yieldhall, Eliza Yieldhall, John Yieldhall, Harry Yieldhall, Samuel Yieldhall, and Gassaway Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Phantanco, Addition to Timber Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 385 and 123, p. 675.
Accession No.: 17,898-2232-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2305 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/08/12 2233: Thomas Holliday, Richard G. Holliday, Rebecca Foggett, Richard M. Foggett, Mary Warfield, Singleton Warfield, William Warfield, Samuel Stockett, Joseph H. Stockett, and Elizabeth Stockett vs. John Holliday and Nicholas Holliday. AA. Petition to sell Hollidays Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 14.
Accession No.: 17,898-2233 MSA S512-3- 2306 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/09/24 2234: Andrew Hoke vs. John Miller. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Howards Late Addition to Baltimore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-2234 MSA S512-3- 2307 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/07/31 2235: William Matthews. CE. Estate of Jemima Hairs - Happy Harbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-2235-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2308 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/03/30 2236: Philip Hammond and Matthias Hammond vs. Margaret Higgins, George W. Higgins, Richard Higgins, Hezekiah Higgins, Elizabeth Higgins, and Emily Higgins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Hall, What You Will, Snowdens Reputation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 615.
Accession No.: 17,898-2236-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2309 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/11/12 2237: Frederick Haubert vs. John Hughes and Edward Woodyear. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Huntington Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 552. Accession No.: 17,898-2237 MSA S512-3- 2310 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/01/07 2238A: Thomas Hawkins. FR. Contract to purchase Merryland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 461. Accession No.: 17,898-2238A MSA S512-3- 2311 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10/15 2238B: William Hall and Edward Hall. HA. Estate of John Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-2238B MSA S512-3- 2312 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/05/26 2238C: Michael Headington vs. Martin Bandle. BA. Petition to appoint trustee for Bandle. Accession No.: 17,898-2238C MSA S512-3- 2313 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/09/20 2238D: John Hakesby vs. Andrew Appold. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2238D MSA S512-3- 2314 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/07/23 2238E: Levi Hollingsworth, Paschall Hollingsworth, William Cooch, William Hollingsworth, James Partridge, and Mary Gilpin vs. Mary Gilpin, Joseph Gilpin, Henry Gilpin, John Gilpin, and William Gilpin. CE. Petition to sell Frisbys Adventure, Consent, Consent Resurveyed.
Accession No.: 17,898-2238E MSA S512-3- 2315 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/12 2238: Catherine Hoss, Henry Walter, Susannah Walter, Henry Shumberg, James Thompson, Mary Thompson, John Coate, Mary Coate, Frederick Hoss, Elizabeth Hoss, Samuel Fowler, Mary Fowler, James Hamill, Margaret Hamill, and Elizabeth Painter vs. Michael Chappell, Catherine Chappell, Philip Hoss, John Painter, George Painter, and William Painter. BA. Estate of John Hoss - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 242.
Accession No.: 17,898-2238-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2316 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/06/26 2239: David Harris and Francis H. Harris vs. John Moale, Thomas Moale, Robert N. Moale, Samuel Moale, Randle H. Moale, John C. Moale, William A. Moale, Richard H. Moale, William McMechen, Rebecca Russell, Elizabeth Curson, and Judith C. Reddell. BA. Estate of Richard Moale - Davids Fancy, Upton Court. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 369.
Accession No.: 17,898-2239-1/11 MSA S512-3- 2317 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/07/02 2240: Samuel Harvey and James Worth vs. John Ward and John W. Comegys. CE. Defraud of creditors of Ward - Locust Thickett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-2240-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2318 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/03/28 2241: Job Hunt, John Hunt, Elizabeth Hunt, Jesse Hunt, Sarah Deaver, Lewis E. Evans, and Miriam Evans. BA. Estate of Job Hunt - Beals Discovery, Smith Plains, Jemekermans Plague, Groves, Smith Addition, Parks Death. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 612.
Accession No.: 17,898-2241 MSA S512-3- 2319 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/03/15 2242: William Hobbs, William Ballinger, Jesse Wright, George Smith, and Joseph Hobbs vs. Barnaby Davis, Elizabeth Davis, John G. Hobbs, William Plummer, Rachel Plummer, Charles Hobbs, Joshua Hobbs, Nicholas Hobbs, and Ann Hobbs. FR, MO. Estate of John Hobbs - Ridgelys Good Will. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 69.
Accession No.: 17,898-2242-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2320 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/04/20 2243: John Harrell and Sophia Harrell vs. John C. Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Canaan. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 25. Accession No.: 17,898-2243-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2321 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/08/08 2244: Alexander C. Hanson, Pricilla Hanson, Caroline Dorsey, Hill Dorsey, and Hammond Dorsey vs. Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, and Robert Dorsey. AA. Estate of Edward Dorsey - Curtis Creek Property, Ninth Discovery Enlarged, Halls Palace, Arcadia, Fifth Discovery, Tenth Discovery, Murphys Adventure, Piney Grove, Griffiths Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 14.
Accession No.: 17,898-2244-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2322 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/07/21 2245: Justice Hoppe vs. Lewis Hart, William Snuggrass, and Thomas Kemp. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 481. Accession No.: 17,898-2245-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2323 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/04/07 2246: John Hunter, James Hunter, Peter Miller, Mary Miller, Nathan Atkinson, Elizabeth Atkinson, Richard Miller, and Eleanor Miller vs. Henry Hunter and Thomas Hunter. AA. Petition to sell Harness. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 135. Accession No.: 17,898-2246 MSA S512-3- 2324 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/08/14 2247: John Healy vs. John Leypold, Thomas Hollingsworth, Christopher Raborg, John Juden, Sr., John Juden, Jr., Abraham Booth, William Carmen, and Nathaniel Pearce. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-2247 MSA S512-3- 2325 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/04/14 2248: Eli Hewitt vs. William McMechen, John Craggs, John Donaldson, John Wallis, and Abraham Woodward. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-2248-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2326 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/08/11 2249: Francis Hollingsworth and Charles Worthington vs. William Hawkins. BA. Mortgage forclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 209. Accession No.: 17,898-2249 MSA S512-3- 2327 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/12/21 2250: Anthony Hill vs. William Jordan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 429. Accession No.: 17,898-2250 MSA S512-3- 2328 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/06/13 2251: Henry Hardesty vs. John Elliott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Royal. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 53 and 101, p. 527. Accession No.: 17,898-2251-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2329 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/04/05 2252: William Hoffman vs. William Baker. BA. Title to Bakers Stoney Mountain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 663. Accession No.: 17,898-2252 MSA S512-3- 2330 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/02/09 2253: John Houston. SO. Insolvent estate of Houston. Accession No.: 17,898-2253 MSA S512-3- 2331 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/14 2254: Levy Hilleary. AL. Insolvent estate of Hilleary. Accession No.: 17,898-2254 MSA S512-3- 2332 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/06 2255: Thomas Hewitt. MO, PG. Insolvent estate of Hewitt - lots in Bladensburg, Thomas & Mary, Wilsons Enlargement, Warings Lot, Brashears Meadows in PG. Also Hard Struggle, Jacksons Improvement in MO. Accession No.: 17,898-2255 MSA S512-3- 2333 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/26 2256: Nathaniel Harpley. HA. Insolvent estate of Harpley. Accession No.: 17,898-2256 MSA S512-3- 2334 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/02/16 2257: John Wicks, Harriet Wicks, Joseph Daley, and Pricilla Daley vs. Henry Darnall, Susanna Darnall, and Dorothy Darnall. AA. Petition to partition Portland Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 267. Accession No.: 17,898-2257 MSA S512-3- 2335 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/04/26 2257A: Joseph Holland, Benjamin Holland, Nehemiah Holland, Nathan Bennett, Deborah Bennett, John Divers, and Mary Divers vs. Mary Holmes, William Holmes, Sarah Holmes, Catherine Holmes, Harriett Holmes, Mary Holmes, Nancy Holmes, Anne Holmes, Eleanor Holmes, and Elizabeth Holmes. MO. Contract to purchase Bensons Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 350. Accession No.: 17,898-2257A-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2336 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/05/30 2258: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Mary Hammond, Larkin Hammond, James Hammond, William Hammond, Thomas Hammond, Sally Hammond, Caroline Hammond, Eliza Hammond, Rebecca Hammond, Eliza Ann Hammond, Daniel B. Ridgely, and Mary Ann Ridgley. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cromwells Inheritance, Timber Neck Corrected, Remnant Corrected, Polecat Glade, Dorseys Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 101.
Accession No.: 17,898-2258-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2337 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/02/08 2259: Richard Harwood and Lucinda Harwood vs. Richard H. Battee, Benjamin Harwood, Henrietta M. Harwood, Joseph N. Stockett, Ann Caroline Stockett, Dennis H. Battee, and John O. Battee. AA. Petition to partition Burrage, Burrage End, Burrage Blossom, Lordships Bounty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-2259-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2338 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/01/19 2260: Philip Heide. BA. Insolvent estate of Heide. Accession No.: 17,898-2260 MSA S512-3- 2339 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/03/29 2260A: John Holmead. MO. Insolvent estate of Holmead. Accession No.: 17,898-2260A MSA S512-3- 2340 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/28 2260B: Aquilla Hyatt. PG. Insolvent estate of Hyatt. Accession No.: 17,898-2260B MSA S512-3- 2341 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/04/02 2260C: Nathan Hughes. HA. Insolvent estate of Hughes. Accession No.: 17,898-2260C MSA S512-3- 2342 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/01/03 2260D: John Hepburne. CH. Insolvent estate of Hepburne. Accession No.: 17,898-2260D-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2343 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/04/16 2260E: Charles Halsey. BA. Insolvent estate of Halsey. Accession No.: 17,898-2260E MSA S512-3- 2344 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/05/30 2260F: Solomon Hopkins. TA. Insolvent estate of Hopkins. Accession No.: 17,898-2260F MSA S512-3- 2345 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/27 2260G: Isidore Hardy. PG. Insolvent estate of Hardy. Accession No.: 17,898-2260G MSA S512-3- 2346 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/05/31 2260H: Seth Hyatt. PG. Insolvent estate of Hyatt. Accession No.: 17,898-2260H MSA S512-3- 2347 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/25 2260I: John C. Hatton. BA. Insolvent estate of Hatton. Accession No.: 17,898-2260I MSA S512-3- 2348 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/14 2260J: James Hutton. BA. Insolvent estate of Hutton. Accession No.: 17,898-2260J MSA S512-3- 2349 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/01 2260K: Joseph Haslett. QA. Insolvent estate of Haslett. Accession No.: 17,898-2260K MSA S512-3- 2350 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/11/13 2261: William Horne Hanson and John Hanson vs. Mary Hanson, Elizabeth Halkerston, John Halkerston, and Rachel Sibbald. AA. Estate of William Hanson - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 458. Accession No.: 17,898-2261-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2351 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/01/22 2262: Robert W. Hudson, Lucy Soper, Robert Ward, and Whoops Chamberlain vs. Nathan Shipley, Mary Shipley, Larkin Selby, Lewis Selby, Jesse W. Shipley, Absalom Shipley, Patience Shipley, Amon Shipley, and Unica Shipley. BA. Estate of Absalom Shipley - Everetts Progress, Everetts Progress Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-2262-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2352 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/01/21 2263: Randle Hulse vs. Thomas Cradock, John Cradock, Mary Cradock, Katherine Cradock, Arthur Cradock, Elizabeth Cradock, and Ann Cradock. BA. Estate of John Cradock - Bloomsbury, White Oak Bottom, Stockdales Addition, Nicholsons Manor, Little Mountain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 76.
Accession No.: 17,898-2263-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2353 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/05/10 2264: William Halkerston. PG. Estate of John Craig - lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Court) 44, p. 23. Accession No.: 17,898-2264 MSA S512-3- 2354 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/01/12 2265: Henry Hagan. CH. Insolvent estate of Hagan. Accession No.: 17,898-2265 MSA S512-3- 2355 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/02/25 2266: Benjamin Hart, John Hart, Peter Myerheifer, Catherine Myerheifer, Peter Smith, Elizabeth Ann Maria Smith, and Anne Hart vs. Anna Hart, Jacob Hart, Christopher Hart, Valentine Hart, Michael Hart, John Hart, and Mary Hart. FR. Estate of Valentine Hart - house and lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 502.
Accession No.: 17,898-2266 MSA S512-3- 2356 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/03/22 2267: Roger Hooper vs. Henry H. Travers. DO. Estate of William H. Travers - Honey Suckle, Travers Honey Suckle, Johns Discovery, Forrest, Addition to Bartholomews Close. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, 148. Accession No.: 17,898-2267 MSA S512-3- 2357 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/09/20 2268: Philip Hammond, John H. Brown, and Thomas Bicknell vs. Gideon McCauley, James C. McCauley, and Joshua McCauley. AA. Estate of William McCauley - Indian Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-2268 MSA S512-3- 2358 Location: 1/36/2/
1804 2269: Richard G. Hardesty. PG. Insolvent estate of Hardesty. Accession No.: 17,898-2269 MSA S512-3- 2359 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/04/08 2270: John Hollidayoke, Eleanor Hollidayoke, Abraham Parkinson, Anne Parkinson, and Samuel Parrott vs. John Parrott, George Parrott, Richard Parrott, Mary Parrott, and Abraham Parrott. AA. Petition to sell Waysons Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 203. Accession No.: 17,898-2270 MSA S512-3- 2360 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/10/24 2271: Michael Hauser vs. Peter Mantz, George Baltzer, Joseph Baltzer, Jacob Baltzer, Nathaniel Gray, Louise Gray, John Tucker, Louise Tucker, Montjoy Bailey, and Alexander Kenny. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Bentztown and Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 740.
Accession No.: 17,898-2271-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2361 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/12/23 2272: Frederick Holbrook vs. Peter Jenkins, John Jenkins, John Jenkins, and Julia Jenkins. CA. Estate of James Jenkins - Hog Range, Addition to Hog Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 172. Accession No.: 17,898-2272 MSA S512-3- 2362 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/02/12 2273: Patrick Hamilton vs. Turbut Wright. QA. Contract to purchase Love Point. Accession No.: 17,898-2273 MSA S512-3- 2363 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/02/11 2274: William Hall III vs. Ignatius Taylor and Barbara Taylor. AA. Petition to discover accounts of Thomas N. Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-2274-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2364 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/03/04 2275: David Hairs, Jemima Hairs, William Matthews, and Sarah Hughes vs. Daniel C. Heath. CE. Trust estate of Daniel C. Heath - Worsel Manor, Heaths Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-2275-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2365 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/07/06 2276: Zeb Hollingsworth and Henry Hollingsworth vs. Martha Frisby, Richard Frisby, John Rolles, and Thomas I. James. KE. Estate of Richard Frisby - Coney Warren. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 529 and 36, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-2276-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2366 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/02/26 2277: Thomas Hollingsworth and Samuel Hollingsworth vs. Baltzis Branson, John Kerns, and Susanna Kerns. BA. Estate of John Robb - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 688. Accession No.: 17,898-2277-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2367 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/04/23 2278: James Houston, James Loffman, Mary Loffman, Isaac C. Miller, and William Miller vs. Thomas Gale, Martha Gale, and George Gale. KE. Estate of Rasin Gale - Plumb Point, Worton Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-2278-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2368 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/08/14 2279: George Howard, Margaret Howard, Thomas Cross, Harriet Cross, and Thomas W. Howard vs. Jeremiah B. Howard, Anne Howard, and Brice W. Howard. AA. Petition to sell Howards Fair, Amicable Settlement, Barnes Purchase, Race Ground, Barnes Exchange, Brothers Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 205.
Accession No.: 17,898-2279 MSA S512-3- 2369 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/03/19 2280: Thomas Hall vs. Gilbert Gilbert, Mary Gilbert, Sophia Gilbert, George Gilbert, and Thomas Gilbert. HA. Estate of Michael Gilbert - Gilberts Pipe, Turkey Hills, Strawberry Hills. Recording (Chancery Record) 67, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2280 MSA S512-3- 2370 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/12/06 2281: Dennis Hudson vs. James Collins. WO. Estate of John Collins - Head of St. Lawrence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 311 and 18, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-2281-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2371 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/04/20 2282: Henry Hollingsworth, Alexander Todd, John Field, Jeremiah Warden, and Basil Williams vs. Molly Williams, Lilburn Williams, and Baruch Williams. CE. Estate of Baruch Williams - Friendship, Kittenilly, Huttons Grudge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 614.
Accession No.: 17,898-2282 MSA S512-3- 2372 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/06/24 2283: Daniel Hauer vs. George Adams, Mary Adams, Jacob Steiner, Elizabeth Steiner, Peter Mantz, Catherine Mantz, John Stoner, Margaret Stoner, Daniel Hauer, Henry Hauer, Mary Hauer, and Adam Hauer. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 649.
Accession No.: 17,898-2283 MSA S512-3- 2373 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/05/03 2284: Thomas Harwood vs. John Davis, Charlotte Davis, Robert Davis, Thomas Davis, Gaither Davis, Jahabod Davis, Ely Davis, Caleb Davis, Milch Davis, John Randall, Ruth Randall, John Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Ralph Gaither, and Sarah Gaither. AA. Estate of Robert Davis - Victory, Eagle Tower. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 203.
Accession No.: 17,898-2284-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2374 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/12/29 2285: Thomas Helmes vs. John Langley, Sarah Langley, William Lee, and Attorney General. WA. Estate of Joseph Helmes - Charles Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2285-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2375 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/05/07 2286: Francis Howard, John Howard, Elizabeth Sadler, Parker Hill Lee, Mary Lee, James W. Tolly, Susannah Tolly, George Presbury, Sarah Presbury, Jacob Giles Smith, Paca Smith, Winston Smith, William Dallam, Francis Dallam, Delia Howard, Thomas Howard, Eliza Howard, Ann Howard, Susannah Howard, and Josias Tolly Howard vs. John Philemon Paca. WA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 505.
Accession No.: 17,898-2286-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2376 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/08/08 2287: Samuel Hanson, Maria Hanson, Samuel Hanson, Jr., Isaac Hanson, Thomas Hanson, Anne Hanson, Grafton Hanson, Rebecca Hanson, John Addison, Anne Addison, Samuel Baker, Philip Baker, Anne Baker, William Baker, Cloe Baker, and Eleanor Baker vs. Henry Handley Chapman. CH. Petition to sell Coomes Parle, Addition to Greens Forrest, Greens Forrest, Greens Inheritance, Herefordshire, Ferrolls Neglect, Hansons Retreat, Hansons Trifle, Uncle and Nephew, Smiths Chance, Slaters Benefit, Poverty, Three Brothers, Robeys Help, Smallwoods Gore, Middletons Rich Thickett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 421.
Accession No.: 17,898-2287-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2377 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/04/12 2288: Christian T. Hempstone. MO. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Hanover. Accession No.: 17,898-2288 MSA S512-3- 2378 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/06/19 2289: John Heard vs. Dietrick Ghiesler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 276. Accession No.: 17,898-2289 MSA S512-3- 2379 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/21 2290: Eleanor Hungerford vs. Elizabeth Bourne, Dorcas Bourne, Samuel Chew, Thomas Reynolds, Joseph Blake, James Heighe, and William E. Hungerford. CV. Estate of Thomas Bourne - Eltonhead Manor, Abbington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 294. Accession No.: 17,898-2290-1/11 MSA S512-3- 2380 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/07/05 2291: Levi Hollingsworth vs. Lewis Hart, Willliam Snuggrass, Jacob Walsh, and Hugh D. Evans. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2291 MSA S512-3- 2381 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/12/22 2292: Robert Moody and James Henry vs. William Briscoe, Martha Briscoe, John Williams, Rebecca Williams, Samuel Ellis, Stephen Boyer, and Samuel Hanson. KE. Estate of William Hanson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-2292-1/7 MSA S512-3- 2382 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/02/04 2293: Richard Harrison vs. William Pinkney. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2293 MSA S512-3- 2383 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/09/23 2294: Henry Howard of John vs. George Gaither. MO. Contract to partition Diamond. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 311. Accession No.: 17,898-2294-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2384 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/03/17 2295: Zephaniah Harrison vs. Henry Allison, Sarah Allison, John Allison, Andrew Allison, Samuel Allison, Elizabeth Allison, Samuel Duvall, and Mary Duvall. FR. Contract to purchase Bush Creek Hills, Hobbs Purchase, Hazzard, Never Fear. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 57.
Accession No.: 17,898-2295 MSA S512-3- 2385 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/12/09 2296: James Hawkins and Jonathan B. Carr vs. Nathaniel Washington. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Grig, William, Daniel, Charles, Punei, Boucher, Priscilla, Mott, Henny, Charlitte, Rose, Kitt, Gregory, Look, and Daniel. Accession No.: 17,898-2296 MSA S512-3- 2386 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/09/24 2297: William Hodgson vs. Joseph Noble Baynes. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Wades Adventure, Craft, Rasscommon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 493. Accession No.: 17,898-2297-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2387 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/05/13 2298: Samuel Handy, James LeCount, John Townsend, John Bishop, Joseph Killens, Alexander McKallam, and John Taylor vs. George Wise. WO. Estate of William Wise - lots in Snow Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 212. Accession No.: 17,898-2298-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2388 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/09/05 2299: Samuel Hooper vs. Henry Waggaman. DO. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-2299 MSA S512-3- 2389 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/08/25 2300: Charles D. Hodges and Rezin Estep vs. John Lane and Rachel Lane. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-2300 MSA S512-3- 2390 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/02/01 2301: Ephraim Howard and Joshua Howard vs. Elizabeth Rumney, Henry Nellson, and Rachel Nellson. AA, BA. Trust estate under will of James Howard - slave Charles. Accession No.: 17,898-2301 MSA S512-3- 2391 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/02/17 2302: John Hunter vs. Edward Aisquith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 127. Accession No.: 17,898-2302-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2392 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/08/18 2303: James Hindman and William Hemsley vs. Richard E. Clayton, Walter J. Clayton, Solomon Clayton, and Juliana Clayton. QA. Estate of Solomon Clayton - Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 531. Accession No.: 17,898-2303-1/7 MSA S512-3- 2393 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/06/06 2304: Washington Hall, Catherine Hall, Samuel Hall, Robert Lyon, and Susan Lyon vs. James Wells, Eleanor Wells, Sarah Hall, Elihu Hall, Catherine Hall, Susan Hall, Andrew Gordon, Elizabeth Gordon, Nicholas Hall, and Julia Hall. CE. Petition to sell Town Plantation. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 3, MdHR 40,283-109, S65-122, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-2304-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2394 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/05/09 2305: William Hammond vs. Charles Ridgely. BA. Contract to purchase Timber Neck, Ridgelys Whim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 22, p. 247. Accession No.: 17,898-2305 MSA S512-3- 2395 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/03/09 2306: Levin Hopkins, Francis Hopkins, Susanna Hopkins, William Hopkins, Grace Hopkins, and Amelia Hopkins vs. Mary Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, and Gerrard Hopkins. HA. Petition to sell Batchelors Good Luck, Jones Venture, Arabia Petrea, Second Venture Corrected. Accession No.: 17,898-2306 MSA S512-3- 2396 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/06/15 2307: Edward Harwood vs. Samuel Harwood. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Samuel Harwood - United Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-2307 MSA S512-3- 2397 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/02/14 2308: Christopher Hohne vs. William Sewell and John Sewell. AA. Defraud of creditors of William Sewell - lots and houses in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-2308 MSA S512-3- 2398 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/01/16 2309: Maximilan Heuisler. BA. Insolvent estate of Heuisler. Accession No.: 17,898-2309 MSA S512-3- 2399 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/02/27 2310: Theodocius James Hamilton. BA. Insolvent estate of Hamilton. Accession No.: 17,898-2310 MSA S512-3- 2400 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/07/07 2311: William W. Hoye. AL. Insolvent estate of Hoye. Accession No.: 17,898-2311 MSA S512-3- 2401 Location: 1/36/2/
1833/10/31 2311A: Henrietta Hammond vs. John Thomas Hammond. AA. Petition to sell Leonards Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-2311A MSA S512-3- 2402 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/08/07 2312: Richard Bennett Hall vs. William Brogden, Benjamin Hall, Anthony Addison, and Clement Brooke. PG. Petition to discover accounts of Addison Murdock. Accession No.: 17,898-2312-1/9 MSA S512-3- 2403 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/07/23 2313: Dennis D. Howard vs. Samuel Brown, Jr., Vachel Brown, Isaac Paul, Mary Paul, Richard Owings, Sr., and George Howard. AA. Estate of Henry Howard - Josephs Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-2313-1/8 MSA S512-3- 2404 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/12/30 2314: William Haywood, George D. Haywood, and Robins Chamberlaine vs. Daniel Carroll and Charles Carroll of Carrollton. BA. Contract to purchase Frederickstadt, Cordwainers Hall, Batchelors Fears, Cannons Delight, Maidens Dairy, Cromwells Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, pp. 757, 815.
Accession No.: 17,898-2314-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2405 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/01/26 2315: John Haddaway and Thomas Haddaway vs. Richard Mansfield. TA. Petition to release mortgage on slaves Flora, Robert, Mary, and William. Accession No.: 17,898-2315 MSA S512-3- 2406 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/06/14 2316: Robert Harrison vs. James Brooke, Pricilla Brooke, and Bennett Bracco. QA. Contract to purchase lot in Centreville. Accession No.: 17,898-2316 MSA S512-3- 2407 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/02/05 2317: William Hopkins vs. John Stump, Richard Dallam, and John Patrick. HA. Title to Lyons Tents. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 279 and 57, p. 438. Accession No.: 17,898-2317-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2408 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/08/21 2318: Richard Harwood and Lucy Harwood vs. Samuel C. Watkins, James Iglehart, Leonard Sellman, and Thomas Sellman. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2318 MSA S512-3- 2409 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/04/29 2318A: Benjamin Hodges vs. Lucy Harwood, Samuel C. Watkins, Thomas Sellman, James Sellman, Leonard Sellman, Richard G. Rawlings, and Gassaway Rawlings. AA. Insolvent estate of Richard G. Rawlings. Accession No.: 17,898-2318A MSA S512-3- 2410 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/10/28 2318B: Gassaway Rawlings vs. Richard G. Rawlings, Lucy Harwood, Samuel C. Watkins, and Frederick Rawlings. AA. Insolvent estate of Richard G. Rawlings - Bridge Hills, Jones Lot, Hickory Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-2318B-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2411 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/05/19 2319: Francis Hollingsworth, John Yellot, George Yellot, John Armstrong, Ann Armstrong, Charles Worthington, Hannah Worthington, Zebulon Hollingsworth, and Ann Willis vs. Jacob Hollingsworth, Ann Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Yellot, and Mary Hollingsworth. BA. Estate of Mary Yellot - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-2319 MSA S512-3- 2412 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/12/30 2320: James Hodges, Jr., Maria Collins, William Collins, John Collins, and Samuel Collins vs. Nicholas Smyth, John Kersey, and Sarah Kersey. KE. Petition to record deed for lot in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-2320 MSA S512-3- 2413 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/12/08 2321: Benedict E. Hall, Jacob Brown, Polly Brown, Joshua Deaver, and Thomas P. Frisby vs. Richard Graves, William Graves, Mary Wilmer, and Elizabeth Wilmer. QA. Estate of Simon Wilmer. Accession No.: 17,898-2321-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2414 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/01/21 2322: Eliza Hodges, Thomas Hodges, and Rezin Estep vs. Thomas Parrott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bersheba. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 409 and 99 p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-2322 MSA S512-3- 2415 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/09/15 2323: Christopher Hughes vs. John Mickle, John McDonough, and Jacob Schrader. BA. Injunction against obstruction of streets in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2323-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2416 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/10/06 2324: Osborn Sprigg Harwood vs. Gustavus Weems, David Weems, and Elijah Weems. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2324-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2417 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/03/02 2325: John Houck vs. Mary Steckle. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-2325 MSA S512-3- 2418 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/09/06 2326: Charles Hobbs and Ann Hobbs vs. John Grason. QA. Estate of Richard Grason - Hemsleys Britland Rectified, Courseys Range, Opinion on Ademption. Accession No.: 17,898-2326 MSA S512-3- 2419 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/11/28 2327: William Hardy vs. Thomas Howard and Thomas Nichols. MO. Petition to release mortgage on Clean Drinking. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 56. Accession No.: 17,898-2327 MSA S512-3- 2420 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/04/14 2328: Osborn S. Harwood vs. Levi White. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2328 MSA S512-3- 2421 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/03/13 2329: Frisby Henderson vs. Sarah J. Chambers and Mary Chambers. CE. Contract to purchase Duck Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 423 and 102, p. 751. Accession No.: 17,898-2329 MSA S512-3- 2422 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/12/16 2330: Samuel Harrison, Mary Harrison, John N. Stewart, Julia Stewart, and Margaret Stewart vs. Charles Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Puddingtons Gift, Puddingtons Harbor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 487. Accession No.: 17,898-2330-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2423 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/11/28 2331: Frederick Haubert vs. Henry H. Woods. BA. Dissolution of Haubert & Woods. Accession No.: 17,898-2331-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2424 Location: 1/36/2/
1783/11/12 2332: Philip Hall vs. James Toole. BA. Injunction against construction of house in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-2332-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2425 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/29 2333: George Hoffman vs. John Moale, William A. Moale, and Richard H. Moale. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Newington, Auchentory, Spicers Stoney Hills, Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-2333 MSA S512-3- 2426 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/11/26 2334: George Hall vs. William Selby of Zadock. WO. Estate of Zadock Selby - Nums Green, Poplar Hill, Exon Enlarged, Key, Addition to Gander, Duers Request. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 233. Accession No.: 17,898-2334-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2427 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/12/26 2335: John Hamm vs. John German Thomas. AL. Petition to record deed for Military Lot 1386. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 289. Accession No.: 17,898-2335 MSA S512-3- 2428 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/08/30 2336: Samuel Hughes and Philip Coale vs. State of Maryland. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Hughes Choice, Principio. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 251. Accession No.: 17,898-2336 MSA S512-3- 2429 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/19 2337: Patsy Hughes, Mary Ann Hughes, Susanna Hughes, Daniel Hughes, Leanther Hughes, Pricilla Hughes, Samuel Hughes, and Harriett Hughes vs. Elizabeth Griffiss and Joseph Wills. AA. Contract to purchase Hunts Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 309.
Accession No.: 17,898-2337 MSA S512-3- 2430 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/02 2338: Francis Hopkinson and Mary Hopkinson vs. Ellen Moale. BA. Trust estate of Mary Hopkinson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-2338 MSA S512-3- 2431 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/08/16 2339: Richard H. Harwood vs. Rachel Hall. AA. Insolvent estate of John Watkins. Accession No.: 17,898-2339-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2432 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/02/26 2340: John Horrell vs. Benjamin M. Horrell, Rebecca C. Horrell, Thomas Horrell, and Maxmillian Horrell. CV, SM. Estate of Thomas Horrell - Preston, Muffets Mount, Woods Adventure, Poor Land, Muskets Point, Addition to Woods Adventure in CV. Also Spaldings Adventure, Trent Fork in SM. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 319.
Accession No.: 17,898-2340-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2433 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/26 2341: Robert Hewitt and Zachariah Linthicum vs. Michael Stocker. AA. Contract to purchase Range Declined. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-2341 MSA S512-3- 2434 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/11/28 2341A: John Haley, Peter McGinn, Nicholas McCartney, and James Quigley vs. Bernard O'Conner and Dennis O'Conner. BA. Contract to pave Frederick Turnpike and Hook Town Turnpike. Accession No.: 17,898-2341A-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2435 Location: 1/36/2/
1832/06/19 2342: Ebenezer Hubble, Gas Light Co. of Baltimore, John Barker, George G. Belt, Franklin Voss, Robert Voss, John T. Barr, Philip Rozer, George Williams, Francis Hyde, Thomas Hillen, George R. Mosher, Charles F. Mayer, George R. Moher, Thomas Finley, Robert Hockley, Charles S.W. Dorsey, John R. Weir, James Thompson, Jacob J. Cohen, Jr., David J. Cohen, Benjamin J. Cohen, Mendoz Cohen, Philip Cohen, John Boggs, Alexander Boggs, Hugh W. Evans, William S. Evans, Henry Levering, Robert Levering, Morris Levering, William Jenkins, and Edward Jenkins vs. Charles Crook, Jr., Sarah Ann Crook, Francis Crook, Charlotte Crook, Joseph Holbrook, William Street, James C. Sellman, John Glenn, and James Brown. BA. Trust estate of Charles Crook - lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-2342-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2436 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/05/07 2343: William Hollingsworth and John R. Evans vs. Mary Booth, John Booth, Ebenezer Booth, Francis Gottier, and Ann Gottier. CE. Estate of Ebenezer Booth - mill and lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 507. Accession No.: 17,898-2343 MSA S512-3- 2437 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/12/10 2344: William Hollingsworth vs. Campbell Chambers. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Thompsons Town, Prices Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-2344 MSA S512-3- 2438 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/09/10 2345: Cornelia Lansdale vs. Joseph R. Hodges. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Brock Hall, Weston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 409. Accession No.: 17,898-2345 MSA S512-3- 2439 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/04/24 2346: 2346: Nathan Hammond, Pricilla Hammond, Christopher Owings, Charlotte Owings, Nicholas Sneething, and Susan Sneething vs. Thomas Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, James Worthington, Thomas Worthington, Jr., Walter Hammond, and Matilda Hammond. FR. Estate of John Worthington - Whiskey Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 405.
Accession No.: 17,898-2346 MSA S512-3- 2440 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/12 2347: Samuel Hopkins vs. Ann Hopkins, Levin Hopkins, Francis Hopkins, William Hopkins, Susan Hopkins, Grace Hopkins, Emily Hopkins, Mary Ann Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, and Gerhard Hopkins. HA. Estate of Rachel Hopkins. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 105.
Accession No.: 17,898-2347 MSA S512-3- 2441 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/01/08 2348: Samuel Higgins, William Higgins, Richard Higgins, Hezekiah Hamilton, John Soper, and Sarah Soper vs. Samuel Hamilton and Caroline Hamilton. PG. Petition to ratify sale of Higgins Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-2348 MSA S512-3- 2442 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/10/31 2349: William Haxall vs. John C. White. BA. Trust estate of Patrick White. Accession No.: 17,898-2349-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2443 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/12/11 2350: Samuel Hepburn and Thomas Clark vs. William Sprigg Bowie, John Smith Brookes, Benjamin Brookes, Rinaldo Johnson, and Philip Turner. PG. Insolvent estate of Bowie - Belts Pasture, Horse Race, lot in Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-2350-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2444 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/03/25 2351: Edward Harris and Gabriel Wood vs. Samuel Moale and F.M. Amelung. FR. Insolvent estate of Peter A. Volkman - New Bremen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-2351 MSA S512-3- 2445 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/05/02 2352: Francis Hamilton vs. Robert Ferguson, John Robertson, and Thomas Mundell. CH, PG. Estate of Alexander Hamilton - Wards Wheel, Cool Spring, Rogers Refuge, lots in Piscattaway in CH. Also Moores Folly, Widows Trouble, Moores Rest in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-2352 MSA S512-3- 2446 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/04 2353: David Hostetter, Jr. vs. David Hostetter, Elizabeth Tevis, Lloyd Tevis, Philip Tevis, Barbara Tevis, and Mary Tevis. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 191. Accession No.: 17,898-2353-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2447 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/11/24 2354: Ann Hollingsworth, Lydia E. Hollingsworth, John B. Morris, and Ann M. Morris vs. James Barroll, George Winchester, Samuel Moale, William Camp, Charles Wirgman, and Edward G. Woodyear. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2354 MSA S512-3- 2448 Location: 1/36/2/
1826/08/11 2355: Sarah Hall vs. Thomas W. Hall. AA. Title to Cheneys Resolution, Wades Increase. Accession No.: 17,898-2355-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2449 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/04/03 2356: Andrew Hanna vs. Thomas Kell and Benjamin Solomon. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on William the Conqueror, Selbys Hope, Johns Delight, Orions Prospect Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 595. Accession No.: 17,898-2356 MSA S512-3- 2450 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/12/30 2357: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, John B. Bordley, and Robert Whitaker vs. Susannah T. Hawkins and George Frazier Hawkins. PG. Estate of George Frazier Hawkins - Addisons Good Will, Blue Plains. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 21, MdHR 40,283-74, S65-166, B5/10/1. Also show Oxen Hill Manor, Gistborough, Berry Force, Leads Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 441. Accession No.: 17,898-2357-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2451 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/09/06 2358: David Hairs vs. Daniel Charles Heath. CE. Contract to purchase Worsel Manor, Heaths Range. Accession No.: 17,898-2358 MSA S512-3- 2452 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/07/10 2359: Hendrick Hollyday and Urban Hollyday vs. Samuel Hughes and Susquehanna Canal Co. CE. Injunction against construction of canal on Urbanna. Accession No.: 17,898-2359-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2453 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/02/16 2360: Joshua C. Higgins vs. Jasper E. Tilly and Richard Mackubin. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-2360 MSA S512-3- 2454 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/12/31 2361: Eleanor Hopkins vs. Hannah West and Benjamin Oden. AA. Estate of Philip Hopkins - Hopkins Fancy, Hopkins Choice, Peek. Accession No.: 17,898-2361 MSA S512-3- 2455 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/06/08 2362: William Hammersley. SM. Appointment of trustee for Francis Hammersley. Accession No.: 17,898-2362 MSA S512-3- 2456 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/04/03 2363: William Hammond and William King vs. John Cockey. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 422. Accession No.: 17,898-2363-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2457 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/07/10 2364: Patrick Macgill vs. Richard Hopkins and Philip Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase Hanover. Accession No.: 17,898-2364 MSA S512-3- 2458 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/06/21 2365: Christopher Hill vs. Jacob Miller and Rosanna Miller. FR. Title to Resurvey on Millers Chance. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2365-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2459 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/20 2366: George Hammond, Araminta Hammond, Lucy Dorsey, and Maria Dorsey vs. Joshua Dorsey and Sophia Dorsey. BA. Estate of William Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-2366 MSA S512-3- 2460 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/04/16 2367: Robert Henderson vs. William Nelson, John Moore, Robert Lemmon, William Maris, and Joseph Evans. BA. Defraud of creditors of Nelson and Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-2367 MSA S512-3- 2461 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/12/20 2368: John C. Hynson, Jr. vs. William Livesay, and George Eichelberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Deep Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 342. Accession No.: 17,898-2368 MSA S512-3- 2462 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/07/26 2369: John E. Howard vs. Christopher Hughes. BA. Injunction against removal of dirt from lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2369 MSA S512-3- 2463 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/21 2371: Jonathan Harriss vs. Starting Thomas. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 219. Accession No.: 17,898-2371 MSA S512-3- 2464 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/30 2372: Zebulon Hollingsworth vs. John Simpson and Elizabeth Simpson. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-2372 MSA S512-3- 2465 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/13 2373: Hugh Hales vs. Isaac Atkinson. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 650. Accession No.: 17,898-2373 MSA S512-3- 2466 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/11/16 2374: Richard Harwood vs. Richard Harwood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Peter, David, Sam, Jem, Moses, Charles, Tom, Ben, Nye, Jenny, Nell, Clem, Sophia, Fanny, Sall, Simon, Daniel, John, Stephen, Charlotte, Rachel, Price, Lucy, Kitty, Thompsey, Harriet, Nell, Frderick, Johanck, and Archibald. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 329.
Accession No.: 17,898-2374 MSA S512-3- 2467 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/07/17 2375: George Hill and Solomon McCombs vs. Adam Stewart and William Vance. BA. Contract to operate a sawmill. Accession No.: 17,898-2375-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2468 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/06/28 2376: Abraham Hill vs. Doyle Raile and Elizabeth Raile. FR. Contract to purchase Frenchmans Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2376 MSA S512-3- 2469 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/05/05 2377: Francis Hancock vs. Stephen Boone, Robert Boone, Mary Ann Thomas, and Anne Williams. AA. Petition to sell Long Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-2377 MSA S512-3- 2470 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/10/19 2378: Benedict Hurst vs. William Clemm and John Paul. BA. Contract to purchase Newfoundland, Hansons Wood Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-2378-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2471 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/07/26 2380: John Hakesly vs. Alling Sergrant, George Eichelberger, and John Hunter. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2380 MSA S512-3- 2472 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/02/27 2381: William Handy vs. William Stanford. SO. Estate of Thomas Stanford - Newberry. Accession No.: 17,898-2381 MSA S512-3- 2473 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/29 2382: George Shealy vs. Daniel Evans, Jr., Eleanor Towson, Ann Towson, Elizabeth Towson, Ruth Towson, William Towson, Thomas Towson, and John Towson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gunners Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-2382-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2474 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/04/16 2383: Alexander C. Hanson and Pricilla Hanson vs. Robert Dorsey. AA. Estate of Edward Dorsey - Chews Vineyard, Rebeccas Lot, Littleworth, Valley of Owen, Grecian Seage, Curtis Creek Works. Accession No.: 17,898-2383-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2475 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/10/13 2384: Edward Hall and Philip Richard Fendal vs. Agnes Cooke, Adam Allen, Harriott Allen, Henry Boswell, Nancy Boswell, Samuel Chew Hunt, Wilhelmina Hunt, John Chew, and Elizabeth Chew. AA. Estate of John Gott - Gotts Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-2384-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2476 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/08/12 2385: Thomas Hall vs. Thomas Bond, Samuel Bond, William Bond, Allesanna Kell, Pamelia Moore, Allesanna Bond, Susan Bond, Jacob Washington Giles, Johanna Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Ann Moore, Hanna Giles, John S. Webster, Isaac L. Webster, Elisha Webster, Ann Weems, John C. Weems, Isaac Webster, Samuel Webster, Thomas Webster, Margaret Massey, Isaac Massey, Chancy Webster, Caroline Webster, Polly Luffborough, Hannah Gover, Samuel Gover, Sarah Gover, Eliza Giles, Sarah Giles, Jacob Giles, James Giles, Charles Giles, Aquilla Giles, Henry Giles, Caroline Shoemaker, Edward Shoemaker, Eliza Morris, and Casper Morris. HA. Petition to record deed for Friendship, Nova Scotia, Come by Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 512.
Accession No.: 17,898-2385 MSA S512-3- 2477 Location: 1/36/2/
1800 2386: Thomas Hanson vs. John Sutton and Philip Stewart. CH. Injunction against payment for Acquinike. Accession No.: 17,898-2386 MSA S512-3- 2478 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/12/06 2387: Samuel Harrison vs. Margaret Hudson. AA. Petiton to record deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 830. Accession No.: 17,898-2387 MSA S512-3- 2479 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/13 2388: Jeremiah Hughes vs. David Love Jacob. AA. Appointment of trustee for Jacob. Accession No.: 17,898-2388 MSA S512-3- 2480 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/30 2389: Benedict Hurst vs. Peter Cosloe, John Wiley, John Cullins, Ezekiel Boring, Charles Gore, and Thomas Smith. BA. Contract to purchase Baltimore Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-2389-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2481 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/12/30 2390: Rachel Harrison vs. Richard Harrison. AA. Appointment of trustee for Richard Harrison. Accession No.: 17,898-2390 MSA S512-3- 2482 Location: 1/36/2/
1819 2391: William Hobbs of Samuel vs. Charles B. Dorsey, Humphrey Dorsey, William Gaither, Elizabeth Gaither, Richard Dorsey, Ruth Dorsey, John Dorsey, Nicholas Welsh, Eli P. Bently, Harriott Bently, and Margaret Ann Dorsey. AA, FR. Title to Pork Plenty If No Thieves, Terra Excultabilis in FR.
Accession No.: 17,898-2391 MSA S512-3- 2483 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/11/28 2392: Levy Hughes vs. Margaret Reid, Elizabeth Reid, Francis Reid, Catherine Reid, Thomas Reid, and Sarah E. Reid. AL, FR. Petition to partition land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 63. Accession No.: 17,898-2392 MSA S512-3- 2484 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/11/23 2393: Anne Hayward vs. William Hayward, Augusta Hayward, and Elizabeth Hayward. TA. Estate of Thomas Hayward. Accession No.: 17,898-2393 MSA S512-3- 2485 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/04/01 2394: Christopher Hughes vs. William Geddis, John McEntire, William Buck, and John Alfred. BA. Injunction against trespassing on Gists Inspection. Accession No.: 17,898-2394 MSA S512-3- 2486 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/15 2395: James Hughes and William Emmit vs. Daniel Keith. FR. Title to Silvers Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-2395 MSA S512-3- 2487 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/04/12 2396: Rebecca Harper vs. Thomas Winchester, Caroline Winchester, Wilson Winchester, and Jacob Winchester. QA. Estate of Thomas Winchester - Hawkins Pharsalia. Accession No.: 17,898-2396 MSA S512-3- 2488 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/03/09 2397: Jacob Hoffman, John Hoffman, George Hoffman, Peter Hoffman, Jeremiah Hoffman, William Hoffman, Samuel Hoffman, David Hoffman, Elizabeth Hoffman, Mary Cruse, James Latimer, Sophia Latimer, Sarah H. Smith, John Yellott, George Yellott, John Armstrong, Ann Armstrong, Francis Hollingsworth, Mary Hollingsworth, Charles Worthington, Hannah Worthington, Zebulon Hollingsworth, and Ann Willis vs. Jacob Hollingsworth, Ann Hollingsworth, Mary Hollingsworth, and Elizabeth Yellott. BA. Estate of Peter Hoffman - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 294.
Accession No.: 17,898-2397 MSA S512-3- 2489 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/28 2389: Jacob Henestofiel, Barnet Henestofiel, Abraham Snyder, Elizabeth Snyder, Philip Parks, Margaret Parks, Matthias Hocke, Catherine Hocke, Jacob Hilderbrand, Mary Hilderbrand, John Henestofiel, Henry Henestofiel, Mary Henestofiel, Ann Henestofiel, Uhler Henestofiel, and Samuel Henestofiel vs. John Shaner. BA. Injunction against removal of timber form Stophels Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-2398 MSA S512-3- 2490 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/03/05 2399: Edward Hampton vs. Ovid Flint. WA. Petition to record deed for Snow Balls Valley. Accession No.: 17,898-2399 MSA S512-3- 2491 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/02/06 2401: William Hill vs. Zadock Duvall, Elizabeth Duvall, Thomas McGill, Basil McGill, and Robert McGill. PG. Title to Timber Land. Accession No.: 17,898-2401 MSA S512-3- 2492 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/01/21 2402: John Hughes and James Hughes vs. Matthew Steene. BA. Contract to purchase flour. Accession No.: 17,898-2402 MSA S512-3- 2493 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/05/07 2405: James White Hall vs. Thomas Chew and Cassandra Morgan. HA. Contract to purchase Westwood Improved, New Westwood. Accession No.: 17,898-2405 MSA S512-3- 2494 Location: 1/36/2/
1799 2406: Thomas G. Howard, Martha Howard, and James Walter Tolley vs. William Lamar. AL. Estate of Hannah Worthing. Accession No.: 17,898-2406 MSA S512-3- 2495 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/13 2407: Christiana Harris vs. Francis Hance, Charlotte Hance, John Hance, Harriett Hance, Mary Ann Hance, Eliza Hance, Anne Hungerford Hance, and Samuel Turner. CV. Estate of Jeremiah Baden. Accession No.: 17,898-2407 MSA S512-3- 2496 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/04/07 2408: Thomas Higdon vs. Henry Culver Pearce. MO. Appointment of trustee for Pearce. Accession No.: 17,898-2408 MSA S512-3- 2497 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/04/18 2409: Gowon White vs. Jonathan Hickman. SO. Appointment of trustee for Hickman. Accession No.: 17,898-2409-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2498 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/28 2410: George Hawn vs. Estate of Adam Hawn. WA. Petition to sell Hawns Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 67. Accession No.: 17,898-2410 MSA S512-3- 2499 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/02/06 2412: Runyon Harris and Josias Green vs. George W. Todd, Sarah Todd, Eleanor Todd, Sarah Todd, and Thomas Parker. BA. Estate of William Todd - Gassaway Ridge, slaves Anthony, David, and Easther. Accession No.: 17,898-2412 MSA S512-3- 2500 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/10/08 2413: Samuel Haigh vs. Samuel M. Moore, Alexander Brown, and William Morris. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Moore & Haigh. Accession No.: 17,898-2413 MSA S512-3- 2501 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/11/17 2414: Robert Holliday and Gabriel Christie vs. John H. Barney and Thomas Hays. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2414 MSA S512-3- 2502 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/08/03 2415: Scarth Hillen and William Day vs. Ann Parren. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2415 MSA S512-3- 2503 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/09/10 2416: William C. Hobbs and Samuel R. Hobbs vs. James L. Hawkins and Levi Clagett. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2416 MSA S512-3- 2504 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/03/10 2417: Samuel Hamilton vs. Samuel Hepburn. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Hanover, slaves Jacob, Tom, Dick, and George. Accession No.: 17,898-2417 MSA S512-3- 2505 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/02/27 2418: Benedict E. Hall vs. Mary Howard. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2418 MSA S512-3- 2506 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/05/07 2419: John Hodges of Thomas vs. Robert Bowie. PG. Estate of Alexander Donald. Accession No.: 17,898-2419 MSA S512-3- 2507 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/01/28 2420: Richard D. Hill vs. John H.D. Lane. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Birkheads Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2420 MSA S512-3- 2508 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/12/10 2421: Joseph Hobbs of Thomas vs. Levin Lawrence. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Poverty Discovered. Accession No.: 17,898-2421 MSA S512-3- 2509 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/08/29 2422: Patrick Harrah vs. John Barrett and Sarah Barrett. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2422 MSA S512-3- 2510 Location: 1/36/2/
1788 2423: Jonathan Hager vs. Daniel Heester. WA. Estate of Jonathan Hager. Accession No.: 17,898-2423-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2511 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/07/03 2424: Francis U. Holland and Robert W. Holland vs. Ann Hall and Benedict W. Hall. HA. Estate of Francis Holland - Minors Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-2424 MSA S512-3- 2512 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/09/10 2425: William C. Hobbs and Samuel R. Hobbs vs. John Hughes and James Hughes. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2425 MSA S512-3- 2513 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/12/22 2426: Aquila Hall vs. James Gittings, Sr. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Cubbins Addition, Cubbins Lott, Hills Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-2426 MSA S512-3- 2514 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/10/18 2427: Jesse Hunt and George H. Stewart vs. Johns Hunt. BA. Estate of Job Hunt. Accession No.: 17,898-2427 MSA S512-3- 2515 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/07/19 2428: Ann Harris, Elizabeth Harris, Deborah Harris, and Leonard Wayman vs. James Hilton, Pricilla Hilton, and Joseph Harris, Jr. MO. Estate of John Harris - Mount Zion. Accession No.: 17,898-2428 MSA S512-3- 2516 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/01/20 2429: Benjamin Harwood vs. Walter Clagett. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2429 MSA S512-3- 2517 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/03/17 2430: Mary Hutchinson, Jane Hutchinson, Ann Hutchinson, and Andrew Dyson vs. John Truman Stoddert. CH. Petition to partition William and James. Accession No.: 17,898-2430-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2518 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/04/13 2431: Thomas W. Howard vs. Edward O. Williams. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2431 MSA S512-3- 2519 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/06/30 2432: Sharper Hall vs. John Hush, Jr. BA. Contract to lease Johnsons Interest. Accession No.: 17,898-2432 MSA S512-3- 2520 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/12 2433: William Hammond vs. Mary Pue, Rebecca Pue, Arthur Pue, Margaret Pue, Mary Pue, Caleb Pue, Edward Pue, Ann West, Stephen West, Eleanor Dorsey, and Edward Hill Dorsey. AA. Title to Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-2433 MSA S512-3- 2521 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/04/29 2434: James Hamilton vs. Andrew Hamilton and William Goe. PG. Title to William and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-2434 MSA S512-3- 2522 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/03/30 2435: Aquilla Hall vs. James Courtenay. HA. Injunction against removal of fences on Hollands Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-2435 MSA S512-3- 2523 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/12/19 2436: John Hackett, James Hackett, Jr., Robert Hackett, William Hackett, Charles Vanderen, and Elizabeth Vanderen vs. Benjamin Richardson, William Richardson, Leeds Richardson, Daniel Richardson, and Thomas Ringgold. QA. Petition to record deed to Spread Eagle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 483.
Accession No.: 17,898-2436 MSA S512-3- 2524 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/10/25 2437: Thomas Heron vs. Christopher Orndorff. WA. Estate of Thomas Hogg - Pork Hall, slaves. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-2437-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2525 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/09/12 2438: Aquilla Hall vs. James Gittings. BA. Title to Jamacia, Hollands Park, Baltimore Manor, Thompsons Choice, Tolleys Purchase, Truemans Acquaintance, Taskers Camp, Hills Forrest, Cullens Lot, Cullens Addition. Platat 1/38/1/7. Accession No.: 17,898-2438-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2526 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/03/03 2439: Aquilla Hall vs. Jesse Jarrett, Bennett Jarrett, and David West. HA. Title to Norfolk. Accession No.: 17,898-2439-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2527 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/01/08 2440: Eli Hewitt, Alexander Russell, and William Gibson vs. John Chalmers, Charles B. Chalmers, Samuel Burch, and Henry Dashiell. BA. Defraud of creditors of John Chalmers. Accession No.: 17,898-2440 MSA S512-3- 2528 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/07/23 2441: John Hoffman, George Schnertzell, and William Hobbs vs. Baker Johnson, John Strode, and Alexander Vass. FR. Title to Unsills Delight, Resurvey on Beauty, Fouts Delight, Reunion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 19. Accession No.: 17,898-2441-1/8 MSA S512-3- 2529 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/07/12 2442: John E. Howard vs. William Krebs, John Davis, Moses Hands, William Jones, John W. Barry, and John Lewis Wampler. BA. Injunction against paving Eutaw Street in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2442 MSA S512-3- 2530 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/12/15 2443: Ephraim Howard, Jacob Boyer, Thomas Beatty, and Robert Cumming. FR. Estate of Alexander Anderson - lot in Liberty Town. Accession No.: 17,898-2443 MSA S512-3- 2531 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/03/16 2444: Benjamin Harwood vs. James Sanders. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hickory Hills, Velmead. Accession No.: 17,898-2444 MSA S512-3- 2532 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/03/30 2445: Thomas Harris, Jr. and William Alexander vs. Thomas Gibbs, Jr., Andrew Coyle, Mary Gibbs, Elizabeth Coyle, Charlotte Chisholm, Eleanor Chisholm, Kitty Chisholm, and Emily Chisholm. AL. Petition to sell Shawney War, Resurvey on Shawney War. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 159.
Accession No.: 17,898-2445-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2533 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/02/23 2446: Adam Hunter, Samuel Purviance, and Robert Purviance vs. Fielder Gaunt. FR. Contract to lease Fielderea, Spit, Cut Knee, Fouts Delight, Wells Invention, Ore Bank, Addition to Hazell Thicket, Unsels Delight, Resurvey on Beauty, Moreland, Bakers Ramble. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2446-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2534 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/05/10 2447: Charles Hodges and Elizabeth Hodges vs. Osborn Sprigg. PG. Estate of Elizabeth Watkins. Accession No.: 17,898-2447 MSA S512-3- 2535 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/05/04 2448: James Hollyday vs. Thomas Hollyday. QA. Appointment of trustee for Thomas Hollyday. Accession No.: 17,898-2448 MSA S512-3- 2536 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/03/17 2449: Rachel Heide vs. Nathan Griffith. BA. Appointment of trustee for Nathan Griffith. Accession No.: 17,898-2449 MSA S512-3- 2537 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/03/24 2451: Elizabeth Hilleary vs. Walter Hilleary. PG. Appointment of trustee for Walter Hilleary - Landover, Three Sisters, slaves Sanday, Will, Dirk, Bassil, Will, Dennis, Dennis, Joe, George, Jeffery, Othey, Harry, Abrahm, Nanny, Citty, Sophey, Hessy, Tenor, and Harry.
Accession No.: 17,898-2451-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2538 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/12/01 2452: Jacob Henestophel vs. Mary Elizabeth Snyder. BA. Title to Stophels Choice, Stophels Delight, Gerybeat, Switzerland, Merrymans Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-2452 MSA S512-3- 2539 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/01/13 2453: Barbara Hawk, Andrew Hawk, and George Hawk vs. Rachel Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Edward Richardson, Joseph Richardson, John Richardson, Catherine Richardson, William Richardson, Isaac Richardson, Mary Richardson, Anne Richardson, Mary Cornell, Smith Cornell, John Cornell, Jacob Cornell, Margaret Cornell, James Cornell, William Cornell, Edward Cornell, Benjamin Cornell, Nathan Cornell, and Samuel James Cornell. FR. Estates of Benjamin Cornell and John Richardson - Resurvey on Brothers Agreement.
Accession No.: 17,898-2453 MSA S512-3- 2540 Location: 1/36/2/
1827/03/23 2454: Joseph Husbands vs. Zephaniah Bayless. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2454 MSA S512-3- 2541 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/08/15 2455: Thomas Harris, Jr., John Gwinn, and Elizabeth Gwinn vs. Charles J. Bruce, Jane L.Y. Bruce, Elizabeth C. Bruce, and Arianna Bruce. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Marshall Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 263. Accession No.: 17,898-2455 MSA S512-3- 2542 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/12/27 2456: John Hollidayoke vs. Peter Shorter. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Acton. Accession No.: 17,898-2456 MSA S512-3- 2543 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/04/25 2457: Philip Hall vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on slave Jack. Accession No.: 17,898-2457 MSA S512-3- 2544 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/08/19 2458-1: Nathan Harris vs. Robert Given. MO. Injunction against removal of slate from Mount Zion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 265 and 40, p. 359. Accession No.: 17,898-2458-1 MSA S512-3- 2545 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/06/30 2458-2: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Sarah Hammond, Larkin Hammond, James Hammond, Caroline Hammond, William Hammond, Mary Ridgely, and Rebecca Hammond. AA. Petition to partition and sell Cromwells Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 101.
Accession No.: 17,898-2458-2 MSA S512-3- 2546 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/09/02 2459: Robert Harris, Israel Morris, and James Bond vs. Cassandra Scott and James Scott. HA. Petition to mortgage James Forest, Addition to James Forest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 284. Accession No.: 17,898-2459-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2547 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/11/01 2460: Charles Hobbs vs. William Grason, John S. Stockett, and Ann Stockett. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2460 MSA S512-3- 2548 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/09/28 2461: Elizabeth Hughes, Eli Elliott, and Richard Roberts vs. Joseph Johnson, Elizabeth Wilson, Joshua Wood, Joseph Wood, Robert Miller, Cassandra Miller, Caleb Swain, Mary Swain, Samuel Hughes, John Elliott, Rachel Elliott, Edward Brook, Margaret Brook, Caleb Johnson, John Ducker, Casandra Ducker, Thomas Wood, and Ruth Wood. FR. Title to Rich Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 147.
Accession No.: 17,898-2461 MSA S512-3- 2549 Location: 1/36/2/
1790 2462: Samuel Hughes vs. William Smith, Catherine Ridley, Essex Sherborne Ridley, Matilda F.S. Ridley, and Susannah Ridley. HA. Petition to sell Wilton, Swan Harbor, Pacas Bit. Accession No.: 17,898-2462 MSA S512-3- 2550 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/06/15 2463: Thomas Hall vs. Aquila Johnson, Hannah Johnson, William Moore, Ann Moore, Thomas Johnson, Johanna Johnson, Jacob Giles, James Webster, Thomas Bond, Samuel Bond, William Bond, John Bond, Alisiana Kell, Isaac Webster, Thomas Giles, John S. Webster, Ann Webster, and Elizabeth Webster. BA, HA. Estate of Aquila Hall.
Accession No.: 17,898-2463 MSA S512-3- 2551 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/07/13 2464: Christopher Hughes vs. Catherine Reed Martin and George Reese. BA. Estate of Francis Saunderson and Nathaniel Martin. Accession No.: 17,898-2464 MSA S512-3- 2552 Location: 1/36/2/
1831/09/23 2465: John Hunter and Jacob N. Slamaker vs. James Hunter, Sr., James Hunter, Jr., William Glover, John Jones, Ann Jones, John Thompson, Eleanor Thompson, Samuel Kirby, Eleanor Ann Kirby, and Nicholas Brewer. AA. Estate of James Hunter - Harness. Accession No.: 17,898-2465 MSA S512-3- 2553 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/07/24 2466: Joseph Hall and Ann Hall vs. Edward Crow. MO. Contract to purchase Peace and Plenty, Quince Orchard, Peckerton, Resurvey on Younger Brother. Accession No.: 17,898-2466 MSA S512-3- 2554 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/04/01 2467: Charles D. Hodges and Rezin Estep vs. Mordecai Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Edmond Alnutt, Sarah Alnutt, William S. Morsell, Hannah Morsell, and Sophia Smith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Grammers Parrott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-2467 MSA S512-3- 2555 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/12/07 2468: Charles W. Hanson vs. John Murray. AA. Estate of John Muir. Accession No.: 17,898-2468-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2556 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/12/31 2469: Leonard Hollyday vs. Joseph Sim and Thomas Gantt. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2469 MSA S512-3- 2557 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/06/10 2470: Rezin Hammond vs. Richard Ridgely and Daniel Dorsey. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Dryers Inheritance. Plat at 1/38/1/8; also shows Triangle, Browns Forest, Dorseys Search, Dorsey Hall, Dorseys Search Resurveyed, Freeborns Progress. Accession No.: 17,898-2470-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2558 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/03 2471: William Horgood vs. Charles Carroll of Carrollton. AA. Contract to lease lot in Dougharagan Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2471 MSA S512-3- 2559 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/12/12 2472: Elizabeth Hunt vs. Johns Hunt. BA. Estate of Job Hunt. Accession No.: 17,898-2472 MSA S512-3- 2560 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/11/22 2473: Richard Harwood vs. State of Maryland. AA. Estate of Thomas Harwood - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-2473 MSA S512-3- 2561 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/05/10 2474: George W. Higgins vs. Thomas Warfield of Caleb. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Duvalls Range. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2474 MSA S512-3- 2562 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/02/05 2475: Robert Halliday vs. George Aikin, Robert Walsh, and David Burke. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-2475-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2563 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/03/05 2476: Samuel Hughes vs. Thomas C. Bowie, Eversfield Bowie, John F. Bowie, Pricilla Bowie, Elizabeth S. Bowie, and Allen Bowie. PG. Estate of Fielder Bowie. Accession No.: 17,898-2476 MSA S512-3- 2564 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/09/18 2477: James Hinds vs. Jacob Fouble. BA. Injunction against leaving the state. Accession No.: 17,898-2477 MSA S512-3- 2565 Location: 1/36/2/
1786/03/23 2478: Charles Harris and Robert Harris vs. Joseph Carson and Richard Ridgely. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2478 MSA S512-3- 2566 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/02/21 2479: Edward Harris vs. Joseph C. Cockey and Charles Ridgely of Hampton. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Blethena Cambria, Lower Thickett, Franklins Delight, Ruths Garden, Gibsons Forest, Warners Chance. Plats at 1/38/1/8; also show Cockeys Discovery, Gibsons Ridge, Valley of Jehosophat, Lord Baltimores Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2479-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2567 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/11/24 2480: Rezin Hammond vs. Peter Miller. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Purchase Enlarged. Plat at 1/38/1/9. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 368. Accession No.: 17,898-2480-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2568 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/09 2481: Henry Haskins vs. Woolford Stewart. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Fishers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 322. Accession No.: 17,898-2481-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2569 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/02/29 2482: William Hall vs. Elizabeth Hall, Ann Hall, and Henrietta Hall. QA. Petition to record deed for Pratts Chance, Pratts Resolve. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 463. Accession No.: 17,898-2482 MSA S512-3- 2570 Location: 1/36/2/
1784 2483: Job Garretson vs. George Helm. BA. Contract to purchase slave Guy. Accession No.: 17,898-2483 MSA S512-3- 2571 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/01/18 2484: William Hughlett vs. Elizabeth C. Baynard, Robert C. Baynard, Mary Baynard, John Baynard, Sarah Baynard, Thomas Baynard, Henry Baynard, Margaret Baynard, Ann Baynard, and Ferdenand Baynard. CA. Contract to purchase Cumberland, Feddemons Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 419 and 102, p. 745.
Accession No.: 17,898-2484 MSA S512-3- 2572 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/09/26 2485: Benjamin Hanson and Stephen Smith vs. Thomas B. Hynson, Harriett Hynson, Araminta Hynson, Mariana Hynson, Thomas Hynson, and Charlotte Hynson. KE. Contract to purchase Greshams Levels, Arcadia, New Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 43.
Accession No.: 17,898-2485 MSA S512-3- 2573 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/07/01 2486: Solomon Sparks vs. Richard Harrison, William Harrison, Samuel Harrison, and Charlotte Harrison. QA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-2486-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2574 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/04/20 2487: James Hamilton vs. Margaret Beall, Upton Beall, Aquila Beall, Helen Beall, Lewis Beall, Elisha O. Williams, Harriett Williams, Benjamin Mackall, Christiana Mackall, Andrew Hamilton, Leonard Mackall, and Catherine Mackall. MO. Title to lots in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 575.
Accession No.: 17,898-2487-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2575 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/11/28 2488: Richard C. Hodges vs. John Hodges. PG. Title to Parkers Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-2488-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2576 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/06/22 2489: John Hoffman vs. George Schmertzell. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Frederick. Accession No.: 17,898-2489 MSA S512-3- 2577 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/09/09 2490: Joshua Hall, Jr. vs. Joshua Bosley. BA. Injunction against leaving the state. Accession No.: 17,898-2490 MSA S512-3- 2578 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/09/08 2491: Thomas Hall vs. State of Maryland. HA. Petition to receive compensation for Common Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-2491 MSA S512-3- 2579 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/21 2492: Stanislaus Hoxton vs. William Pencoast. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from St. Elizabeth. Plat; also shows Pencotts Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-2492 MSA S512-3- 2580 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/07/17 2493: John Halker vs. Catherine Turner. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Turners Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-2493 MSA S512-3- 2581 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/12/19 2494: Sabina Hall vs. Benjamin Miller. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Rumseys Range, Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-2494 MSA S512-3- 2582 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/09/03 2495: Hall Harrison and William M. Manydear vs. Edward T. Bond, John Hamilton, Peggy Hamilton, Sally Bond, Thomas Gibson, and Betsy Gibson. BA, HA. Petition to sell Stones Adventure Resurveyed in BA. Accession No.: 17,898-2495 MSA S512-3- 2583 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/08/16 2496: Francis Hindman vs. John Perry and Sophia Perry. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Snow Hill Addition, Garrills Glass. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 229. Accession No.: 17,898-2496 MSA S512-3- 2584 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/05/11 2497: James Hughes vs. Attorney General. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2497 MSA S512-3- 2585 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/01/25 2499: James Hutchings vs. State of Maryland. AA. Estate of Robert Eden - Billingham. Accession No.: 17,898-2499 MSA S512-3- 2586 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/06/29 2500: John McClain vs. Robert Hay. MO. Appointment of trustee for Hay. Accession No.: 17,898-2500 MSA S512-3- 2587 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/07/15 2501: Rezin Hammond vs. Thomas Meek. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hammonds Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-2501 MSA S512-3- 2588 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/05/14 2502: Mary Harrison vs. Maria Perry. QA. Contract to purchase lots in Queen Annes Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2502 MSA S512-3- 2589 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/09/01 2503: George Hammond vs. Charles Hammond. FR. Contract to purchase Condons Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 67. Accession No.: 17,898-2503 MSA S512-3- 2590 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/03/07 2503A: Rachel Hammond, Lot Hammond, Dennis Hammond, Johnsey Hammond, Denton Hammond, Nick Hammond, Eleanor Hammond, Elizabeth Hammond, Thomas John Hammond, Allen Hammond, William Pole, Tensey Pole, Francis Hammond, and Simpson Hammond. FR. Petition to sell Hammonds Chance in Liberty Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 90.
Accession No.: 17,898-2503A MSA S512-3- 2591 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/14 2506: Nathan Hammond, Pricilla Hammond, Christopher Owings, and Charlotte Owings vs. William Worthington, Caleb Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Thomas Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, James Worthington, James McCannon, Ann McCannon, John Dorsey, Susannah Dorsey, Polly Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Elie Dorsey, Levi Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, Juliann Dorsey, Thomas Dorsey, Matilda Worthington, and Susannah Worthington. MO. Estate of John Worthington - Addition to Brooks Grove, Georges Choice.
Accession No.: 17,898-2506 MSA S512-3- 2592 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/11/20 2507: Richard Bennett Hall vs. James Wilson of John. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Newfoundland. Accession No.: 17,898-2507 MSA S512-3- 2593 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/02/28 2510: John Henestofiel, Tobias Henestofiel, Henry Henestofiel, Uhler Henestofiel, Mary Elizabeth Snider, Ann Henestofiel, Jacob Hildebrand, Mary Hildebrand, Christian Henestofiel, George Henestofiel, Jacob Henestofiel, Catharine Henestofiel, Margaret Henestofiel, Elizabeth Henestofiel, George Slagel, John Slagel, and Mary Slagel vs. Barnet Henestofiel, Christian Slagel, Henry Slagel, Peter Slagel, Elizabeth Slagel, Catherine Slagel, Barbara Slagel, Joshua Parks, Margaret Parks, Mathias Hook, Catherine Hook, Samuel Henestofiel, John Murray, Jr., Barbara Henestofiel, Susanna Henestofiel, Henry Null, and Mary Null. BA. Estate of Henry Henestofiel - Jacob Stophels Land, Stophels Choice, Stophels Delight, Gerrypeat, Switzerland. Plat of Gerrypeat, Switzerland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 66 and 101, p. 21.
Accession No.: 17,898-2510-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2594 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/02/14 2512: William Hammond, Philip Hammond, and Rezin Hammond vs. John Lewis, Sarah Lewis, John Gill, Providence Gill, Robert Burgas, Joseph Burgas, Elizabeth Burgas, John Burgas, Honor Burgas, Providence Burgas, Amelia Burgas, Temperance Burgas, and Peter Burgas. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Half Pone. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 351.
Accession No.: 17,898-2512 MSA S512-3- 2595 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/01/19 2514: Zebulon Hollingworth vs. William S. Dallam. BA. Petition to record deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 702. Accession No.: 17,898-2514 MSA S512-3- 2596 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/11/20 2517: John Heugh vs. Abraham Faw and Thomas Beall of Samuel. AL. Contract to purchase Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-2517-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2597 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/12/10 2519: William Harper vs. Chaney Ridgway and Elizabeth Ridgway. CA. Petition to record deed for Marshy Crook. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 496. Accession No.: 17,898-2519 MSA S512-3- 2598 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/06/09 2520: Edward Hammond vs. Levi Purnell, Amelia Purnell, Thomas Purnell, William Purnell, and Hetty Purnell. WO. Estate of Milby Purnell - Purnells Industry, Purnells Security, Addition to Sherburn. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 629. Accession No.: 17,898-2520-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2599 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/03/14 2522: Charles Kanky vs. Isaac Spencer, Samuel E. Howell, and Richard R. Smith. KE. Contract to lease grist mill. Accession No.: 17,898-2522 MSA S512-3- 2600 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/12/12 2523: Hamilton & Son vs. Anna Randall, Frederick Randall, Henry Randall, Mary Randall, and Elizabeth Randall. WO. Estate of Francis Randall - lot in Snow Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-2523-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2601 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/01/25 2525: Hagerstown Bank vs. Joseph Rohrer. WA. Trust estate of John Rohrer - Locust Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 268 and 101, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-2525-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2602 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/04/03 2526: Hillsborough School Trustees vs. George Dashiell. BA. Trust estate of James Corrie. Accession No.: 17,898-2526 MSA S512-3- 2603 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/05/17 2526A: Nicholas Swormstead, Nancy Swormstead, Philip Hammond, Andrew Hammond, and Juliana Hammond vs. Rezin Hammond, William Hammond, Harriett Hammond, Louisa Hammond, John Hammond, and Wesley Hammond. AA. Petition to partition Fitzsymmons Gift, Knightons Fancy, Bodys Adventure, Mount Ville, Hammonds Security. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 22, MdHR 40,283-19, S65-34, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 201.
Accession No.: 17,898-2526A-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2604 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/03/12 2527: Francis Hollingsworth, Charles Worthington, and Ennion Williams vs. William Yellott, John J. Yellott, George W. Yellott, Alexander Yellott, and Sophia Yellott. AA. Petition to sell Caleb and Edwards Friendship, Stoney Run Hills, Samson, Walkers Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 74 and 142, p. 674.
Accession No.: 17,898-2527-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2605 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/11/03 2529: Thomas Hawkins Hanson and Thomas G. Addison vs. John Francis Bowling. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Horselick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-2529-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2606 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/02/10 2530: Nicholas Harwood vs. Philip Graybell. AA. Petition to discover accounts of Graybell. Accession No.: 17,898-2530 MSA S512-3- 2607 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/13 2531: Job Orton Hughes vs. Michael Sanderson and John Trull. BA. Trust estate of George Maltby - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 810. Accession No.: 17,898-2531-1/14 MSA S512-3- 2608 Location: 1/36/2/
1840/08/25 2532: Samuel Hollingsworth, Ellen Hollingsworth, Samuel Moale, William Henry Hoffman, Ellen North Moale Hoffman, William Riggin Travers, Mary Travers, John Travers, Samuel Howard Moale, and Samuel Moale vs. John Edmondson, Susanna Edmondson, and Archibald Golder. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-2532 MSA S512-3- 2609 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/07/23 2533: Attorney General, William Hitchman, and Thomas Ewing vs. John Rowland and James Rowland. CE. Title to Susquehannah. Plats at 1/38/1/9; also show Friendship, Hitchmans Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-2533-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2610 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/12/10 2534: Henry Hurtt vs. William Hall, James Salisbury, Mary Salisbury, Samuel Hurtt, Elizabeth Hurtt, Editha Hurtt, Martha Hurtt, James Hurtt, Sarah Hurtt, and Amelia Hurtt. QA. Title to Pratts Resolve and Pratts Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 482.
Accession No.: 17,898-2534 MSA S512-3- 2611 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/02/21 2535: Jane Hollingsworth and William Hollingsworth vs. Roger Duckworth and Jeremiah Cosden. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition, Ariana. Accession No.: 17,898-2535 MSA S512-3- 2612 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/12/04 2536: George Hussey vs. William L. Bowly, Ann Thompson, Sarah Wirgman, Elizabeth Hollins, Francis R. Bowley, Henry Thompson, Charles Wirgman, William Hollins, Samuel H. Bowley, Rebecca M. Bowley, Thomas Yates, Edward Harris, and Gabriel Wood. BA. Contract to purchase Mountenay Neck in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, 361.
Accession No.: 17,898-2536 MSA S512-3- 2613 Location: 1/36/2/
1831/03/23 2537: Johns Hopkins and Mahlow Hopkins vs. Daniel Smith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 307. Accession No.: 17,898-2537 MSA S512-3- 2614 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/05/29 2538: Mary Harrison vs. John Rolle. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rolles Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 77. Accession No.: 17,898-2538 MSA S512-3- 2615 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/01 2539: Edward Hall and John Simmons vs. Dennis Battee, Richard Battee, Henrietta Battee, Caroline Battee, John O. Battee, Richard Harwood, and Lucy Harwood. AA. Contract to purchase Hills Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2539 MSA S512-3- 2616 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/09/11 2540: William Hammond of William vs. Philip Hammond of Charles. AA. Contract to purchase Hanover, Iron Hills, Maccubbins Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-2540 MSA S512-3- 2617 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/08/14 2541: Thomas Hicks, Henry Hicks Traverse, and James Shaw vs. Levin Kirkman, Robert Kirkman, Peggy Kirkman, and Nancy Kirkman. DO. Estate of Levin Kirkman - Lower Black Walnut Landing, lots in Nanticoke Indian Lands, lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 29.
Accession No.: 17,898-2541-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2618 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/08/28 2542: Samuel Harrison, Mary Harrison, and Charles Wallace vs. John Nelson Stewart, Margaret Stewart, Juliet Stewart, and Charles Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Burgess Right, Puddington Harbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-2542-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2619 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/03/15 2543: Thomas Hilleary and Sarah Hilleary vs. Anna Maria Skinner and Henry S. Skinner. FR. Petition to sell Barren Hill, Sprained Ancle. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2543 MSA S512-3- 2620 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/05/08 2544: William Heald vs. William Ball and Joshua Jones. BA. Petition to record deed for Huntington, Edwards Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 243. Accession No.: 17,898-2544 MSA S512-3- 2621 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/12/07 2545: Richard Hall vs. Elihu Hall, James Hunt, John Stump, and David Smith. CE. Insolvent estate of Elihu Hall - Dogwood Thickett. Accession No.: 17,898-2545 MSA S512-3- 2622 Location: 1/36/2/
1820/03/30 2546: Henry Herring vs. Henry Ennalls Mowbray and George Coulson. BA. Defraud of creditors of Mowbray - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-2546 MSA S512-3- 2623 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/07/27 2547: Isaac Harris vs. John Randall. AA. Dissolution of Hope Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-2547-1/7 MSA S512-3- 2624 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/03/12 2548: Lambert Hyland vs. William Goodwin and Charles Ridgely. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2548 MSA S512-3- 2625 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/03/31 2549: Aquilla Hall vs. Thomas Chamberlaine, James Gittings, Thomas Gittings, and Richard Gittings. BA. Contract to purchase Chamberlains Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-2549-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2626 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/06/20 John Hall, David Robinson, Kitty Robinson, Charles Robinson, Patience Robinson, Charles Johnson, and Airey Johnson vs. Horace Johnson, Harriett Johnson, Mehala Johnson, Gerrard Johnson, Rachel Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Grafton Johnson, and Joshua Johnson. AA. Petition to partition Lewis Addition.
Accession No.: 17,898-2550-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2627 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/03/22 2550A: John Hesselius and Mary Hesselius vs. Basil Williams. CE. Trust estate of Mary Hesselius - lots in Charles Town. Accession No.: 17,898-2550A MSA S512-3- 2628 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/10/15 2550B: William Hall, Edward Hall, William W. Hall, Sophia Hall, Isabella Hall, John T. Hall, Edward Hall, Thomas Hall, George W. Hall, and Carvil Hall vs. William Osborn. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Shepherds Good Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-2550B MSA S512-3- 2629 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/10/15 2551: Charles Hodges and Benjamin Hodges vs. Gassaway Rawlings, John Contee, and Richard A. Contee. AA. Contract to purchase Kilkenny. Accession No.: 17,898-2551 MSA S512-3- 2630 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/04/10 2552: Samuel Hanson of Samuel, Thomas Hanson, William Bayly, William Baker, and Anthony Addison vs. John Sutton. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2552 MSA S512-3- 2631 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/08/21 2553: Daniel Hughes and Samuel Hughes vs. Bennett Bracco, James Booker, Thomas Booker, Betsy Booker, Mary Booker, Susan Booker, Nancy Booker, and Jacob Gibson. TA. Contract to purchase Halls Range, Neglect, Triangle, Batchelors Branch, Batchelors Branch Addition, Thief Keep Out, Bennetts Neglect, Bennetts Neglect Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 164 and 97, p. 474 and 102, p. 786.
Accession No.: 17,898-2553 MSA S512-3- 2632 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/05/04 2554: Christopher Hughes vs. John Berry and Jasper M. Jackson. BA. Injunction against obstruction of Chestnut and Hill Sts. in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2554 MSA S512-3- 2633 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/09/24 2555: George Hogarth vs. Gustavus Weems, Philemon L. Chew, and Joseph G. Harrison. AA. Contract to lease Airs. Accession No.: 17,898-2555 MSA S512-3- 2634 Location: 1/36/2/
1820/02/29 2556: John Hunter vs. Nehemiah Holland, Ann Holland, John Thompson, Eleanor Thompson, William Glover, James Hunter, Edmund Glover, Eleanor A. Hunter, and James Hunter. AA. Contract to purchase Harness. Accession No.: 17,898-2556 MSA S512-3- 2635 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/12 2557: Joseph Hopkins and Ann Hopkins vs. John Stockett. AA. Title to Bridgehills, Dodon. Accession No.: 17,898-2557 MSA S512-3- 2636 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/02/17 2558: Philip Hammond and Matthias Hammond vs. Francis T. Clements, John Shaw, and Samuel Ridout. AA. Trust estate of Isaac Parker. Accession No.: 17,898-2558 MSA S512-3- 2637 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/04/14 2559: William Hughlett vs. Jabez Caldwell and William E. Cannor. TA. Injunction against trespass on Little Creek. Accession No.: 17,898-2559 MSA S512-3- 2638 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/08/08 2560: Mordecai Hall and Edward Hall vs. John Childs. AA, MO. Petition to record deed for Snowdens Manor Enlarged in MO. Accession No.: 17,898-2560 MSA S512-3- 2639 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/08/31 2561: Hedwick Holliday vs. Philip Thomas and James Baxter. CE. Trust estate of Clement Holliday. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 322. Accession No.: 17,898-2561-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2640 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/06/07 2562: Richard L. Head and David Buckey vs. Henry Leatherman. FR. Contract to purchase Turnstile, Hill in the Middle, Resurvey on Part of Turnstile. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 191. Accession No.: 17,898-2562 MSA S512-3- 2641 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/03/30 2563: Nicholas Horner vs. Benjamin Carroll and James Duly. HA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-2563 MSA S512-3- 2642 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/02/13 2564: John Hanan vs. John Marche. BA. Validity of interest on a loan. Accession No.: 17,898-2564-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2643 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/06/25 2565: Josias Carvill Hall vs. Thomas Bond, John Bond, Thomas Bond, John Bond, William Moore, and Pamala Moore. BA, HA. Estate of John Bond - Bonds Forrest, Bonds Pleasant Hills in HA. Also Mountanys Neck in BC. Plats of Bonds Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 429.
Accession No.: 17,898-2565-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2644 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/10/03 2566: Philip Horn and Samuel Lyeth vs. Margaret Myers. BA. Defraud of creditors of William Myers. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 457. Accession No.: 17,898-2566-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2645 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/08/24 2567: Aaron Hawkins vs. Andrew Hammond, Philip Hammond, Juliana Hammond, Rezin Hammond, William Hammond, Harriett Hammond, John Wesley Hammond, Allen Warfield, and Louisa Warfield. AA. Contract to purchase Mount Vill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 413 and 102, p. 755.
Accession No.: 17,898-2567 MSA S512-3- 2646 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/11/27 2568: Christopher Hughes vs. John Marsh. BA. Injunction against contruction of a road on Barre St. in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2568-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2647 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/09/05 2569: William Hayward vs. Sarah Harrison, Mary Bullen, and John Bullen. TA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2569 MSA S512-3- 2648 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/06/22 2570: Caleb Hall vs. Abraham VanBibber. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2570 MSA S512-3- 2649 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/08/01 2571: Esther Hall vs. Lawrence Hall. QA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-2571 MSA S512-3- 2650 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/07/25 2572: John G. Hamilton vs. James Leggett. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2572 MSA S512-3- 2651 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/06/21 2573: Lambert Hyland vs. Henry Waggaman. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2573 MSA S512-3- 2652 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/06/28 2574: Ann Hay vs. William Bryan, Robert Tate, Jr., Susannah Tate, John Grason, William Grason, Richard Grason, Thomas Grason, Ann Grason, and Amelia Hobbs. CA. Trust estate of Arthur Bryan - Cleavers Rambles, Baileys Addition, Hughletts Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-2574 MSA S512-3- 2653 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/12 2575: Levin Hopkins, Francis Hopkins, William Hopkins, Susan Hopkins, Grace Hopkins, Emily Hopkins, Mary Ann Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, and Gerhard Hopkins vs. Samuel Hopkins, Ann Hopkins, Francis Hopkins, and Charles Hopkins. HA. Contract to purchase Bachelors Good Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 183.
Accession No.: 17,898-2575 MSA S512-3- 2654 Location: 1/36/2/
1823/04/17 2576: Benjamin Hood and James Hood vs. Robert Shipley. AA, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dorseys Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-2576 MSA S512-3- 2655 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/06/23 2577: Edward Hall and William Hall vs. Benedict Edward Hall. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Shandy Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-2577 MSA S512-3- 2656 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/08/01 2578: Thomas Hyde vs. Sarah Ball and John Johnson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Jenny, Stephen, Easter, and Nan. Accession No.: 17,898-2578 MSA S512-3- 2657 Location: 1/36/2/
1822/11/26 2579: John Hakesley vs. George Whitaker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2579 MSA S512-3- 2658 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/02/19 2580: Thomas N. Harwood, Richard Harwood, Samuel S. Harwood, Eleanor Harwood, Mary Harwood, Abraham Jones, and Elizabeth A. Jones vs. Thomas N.H. Harding, Mary E. Harding, Kittura Harding, Mary C. Harding, and Richard A. Harding. MO. Petition to partition Bealls Good Will.
Accession No.: 17,898-2580 MSA S512-3- 2659 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/05/17 2581: Robert Harris vs. John Salmon. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2581 MSA S512-3- 2660 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/05/11 2582: Hezekiah Harris, Charles Harris, Nancy Harris, and Rebecca Harris vs. Jesse Harris. MO. Estate of Joseph Harris - Mount Zion. Accession No.: 17,898-2582 MSA S512-3- 2661 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/01/18 2583: Nathan Haynes vs. Joshua Stevenson. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Cornwell. Accession No.: 17,898-2583 MSA S512-3- 2662 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/11/10 2584: John Holmes vs. John Belt. MO. Contract to purchase Grandmothers Good Will. Accession No.: 17,898-2584 MSA S512-3- 2663 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/13 2585: Randle Hulse vs. John Cromwell. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2585 MSA S512-3- 2664 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/10 2586: William Hall vs. Eleanor Hall. AA. Petition to discover an inventory of the estate of John Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-2586 MSA S512-3- 2665 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/06/12 2587: Lambert Hyland vs. Hannah West. PG. Validity of a bond. Accession No.: 17,898-2587-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2666 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/10/17 2588: Benjamin Hood vs. William Young, John Young, and Hannah Young. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Dorseys Industry. Accession No.: 17,898-2588-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2667 Location: 1/36/2/
1824/05/03 2589: Jacob Hollingsworth vs. Samuel Stack, Irvin McLaughlin, John I. Wright, and Sarah Wright. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-2589 MSA S512-3- 2668 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/05/21 2590: William Hammond, George McCandless, William Smith, Samuel Smith, James Smith, and William Mathews vs. William Govane. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2590 MSA S512-3- 2669 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/02/02 2590A: Nathaniel Hancock vs. John Lawton and Benson Lawton. AA. Defraud of creditors of John Lawton. Accession No.: 17,898-2590A MSA S512-3- 2670 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/02/25 2591: Rezin Hammond and Gabriel Duvall vs. Walter T. Worthington and James Hood. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2591 MSA S512-3- 2671 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/12/07 2593: Zebulon Hollingsworth, Henry Hollingsworth, and Davies Gamble vs. John Kennard, Martha Kennard, and Richard James Frisby. KE. Estate of Richard Frisby. Accession No.: 17,898-2593 MSA S512-3- 2672 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/09 2594: Daniel Hauer vs. Patrick Sim, Thomas Sim, Anthony Sim, Arthur Nelson, Joseph Nelson, John Nelson, Catherine Nelson, and Juliana Gantt. FR. Title to lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 153. Accession No.: 17,898-2594 MSA S512-3- 2673 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/07/09 2597: Richard Harrison and Samuel Chew vs. Peregrine Fitzhugh and Thomas Marsh Foreman. QA. Estate of Samuel Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-2597 MSA S512-3- 2674 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/11/19 2598: William Holmes vs. Gassaway Rawlings, Joseph Cowman, and Thomas Tongue. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Snowdens Manor Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-2598-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2675 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/10/11 2599: John Harry vs. Jacob Harry, Elizabeth Harry, George Harry, and Amelia Harry. WA. Petition to partition lots in Elizabeth Town. Accession No.: 17,898-2599 MSA S512-3- 2676 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/02/27 2600: Martha Howard and Benjamin Howard vs. James Williams, Jonathan Pinkney, Lewis North, William Alexander, Brice J. Worthington, and Richard Dorsey. AA. Injunction against tax for relief of the poor. Accession No.: 17,898-2600-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2677 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/12/30 2601: James Harris vs. Mary Thistlewood. KE. Petition to sell Tilghmans Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-2601 MSA S512-3- 2678 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/12/11 2602: Thomas Howard vs. Esther Rudolph, Tobias Rudolph, Samuel Briscoe, Mary Briscoe, Rowland Ellis, Elizabeth Ellis, John King, Jane King, Ann Erwin, and Charles C. Erwin. CE. Petition to record deed for lot in Elkton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 99.
Accession No.: 17,898-2602 MSA S512-3- 2679 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/02/13 2604: Charles Hurston, Maria Hurston, Robert Lyle, Juliet Lyle, Ely Bentley, Harriet Bentley, Lucy B. Sprigg, John Sprigg, and Luthinia Sprigg vs. Otho Sprigg. FR. Estate of Thomas Sprigg. Accession No.: 17,898-2604 MSA S512-3- 2680 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/09/22 2605: Runyon Harris vs. Daniel Richardson. BA. Petition to record deed for Bonds Pleasant Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-2605 MSA S512-3- 2681 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/02/17 2606: Matthias Hammond vs. James O'Rourke. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Second Connexion. Accession No.: 17,898-2606 MSA S512-3- 2682 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/04/12 2607: Isaac Harris vs. Caleb Burgess, John Burgess, Samuel Burgess, Matilda Burgess, Deborah Spurrier, and Rezin Spurrier. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2607 MSA S512-3- 2683 Location: 1/36/2/
1821/06/22 2608: John Hepburn, Sarah Hepburn, John M. Hepburn, Patricius Hepburn, and Mary Coolidge vs. William Molleson, Robert Molleson, Charles Ridgely, Thomas B. Dorsey, Caleb D. Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, Rebecca Goodwin, William Wilkins, Edward D. Goodwin, Benjamin Harwood, Aschiah Wilkins, Lyde Goodwin, Thomas B. Dorsey, Milcah Dorsey, and Eliza Goodwin. PG. Petition to discover accounts of Goodwin & Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-2608-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2684 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/07/05 2609: Susanna M. Hebb vs. William Somerville. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2609-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2685 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/05/27 2610: John H. Hoffman and James Wilson vs. Charles Ludwig Manhardt. BA. Insolvent estate of Manhardt. Accession No.: 17,898-2610 MSA S512-3- 2686 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/10/19 2611: Samuel Hepburn vs. William B. Beans and Justin Greenwell. PG. Contract to sell Maidens Dowry, Grey Eagle. Accession No.: 17,898-2611 MSA S512-3- 2687 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/12/11 2612: Richard Duckett Hall vs. Hannah West and Stephen West, Jr. PG. Estate of William Hall of Benjamin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-2612-1/17 MSA S512-3- 2688 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/30 2613: George Hoffman and Peter Hoffman vs. William R. Smith and Cumberland Dugan. BA. Estate of Richard Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-2613-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2689 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/01/07 2614: Benedict Hurst vs. Peter Causlo, Thomas Smith, and Ezekiel Boring. BA. Title to Wyleys Ketch. Accession No.: 17,898-2614 MSA S512-3- 2690 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/02/02 2615: Rebecca Howard, Henry Howard, John Howard, Ann S. Howard, Rebecca Howard, and Margaret Howard vs. Brice Howard. AA. Estate of John Beale Howard - Pheasant Ridge, Safe Guard, Windsor, Benjamins Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-2615 MSA S512-3- 2691 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/06/27 2616: David Hopkins vs. John Simpkins, and Peter Hoofman. BA. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-2616 MSA S512-3- 2692 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/09/01 2617: Rudolph Hawpe vs. John Galloway, Samuel Ringgold, and John Shaafstal. WA. Title to Conococheague Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2617 MSA S512-3- 2693 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/12/24 2620: Philip Hammond vs. John Ashton. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Darkness Converted into Light, Hammonds Right. Accession No.: 17,898-2620 MSA S512-3- 2694 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/05/31 2621: Thomas Harwood. CV. Insolvent estate of Harwood - Henry Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-2621 MSA S512-3- 2695 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/04/04 2622: Lewis Hart. BA. Insolvent estate of Hart. Accession No.: 17,898-2622 MSA S512-3- 2696 Location: 1/36/2/
1799 2623: Hugh Hales and Robert Hales. BA. Insolvent estates of Hales and Hales. Accession No.: 17,898-2623 MSA S512-3- 2697 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/08/02 2624: Ebenezer Handy. SO. Insolvent estate of Handy. Accession No.: 17,898-2624 MSA S512-3- 2698 Location: 1/36/2/
1795 2625: Benjamin Harrison. AA. Insolvent estate of Harrison. Accession No.: 17,898-2625 MSA S512-3- 2699 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/12/01 2626: Alexander Woodrop Davey. BA. Insolvent estate of Davey. Accession No.: 17,898-2626-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2700 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/12/11 2627: Martha Howard vs. Hannah West and Stephen West, Jr. PG. Estate of William Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-2627-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2701 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/06/11 2628: Benedict E. Hall vs. Casper Morris, Elizabeth Morris, Edward Shoemaker, and Caroline Shoemaker. HA. Estate of Jacob Giles. Accession No.: 17,898-2628 MSA S512-3- 2702 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/04/14 2628A: Benedict Hall vs. Rebecca Giles, Sarah Giles, Jacob Giles, James Giles, Charles Henry Giles, Eliza Giles, Samuel Hughes, and John Adlum. HA. Estate of Jacob Giles. Accession No.: 17,898-2628A-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2703 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/03/08 2629: Osborn S. Harwood vs. Samuel Sprigg, Violetta Sprigg, Cornelia Lansdale, and Walter Clagett. PG. Estate of Osborn Sprigg. Accession No.: 17,898-2629 MSA S512-3- 2704 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/06/24 2630: George Howard vs. John Burgess, Caleb Burgess, Samuel Burgess, Warfield Simpson, and Sophia Simpson. AA. Contract to purchase Stoney Thickett, Addition to Stoney Thickett, Calebs Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 218. Accession No.: 17,898-2630 MSA S512-3- 2705 Location: 1/36/2/
1802 2631: Richard Hall of Edward vs. Henry Hall Dorsey and Thomas Hall Dorsey. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2631 MSA S512-3- 2706 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/03/02 2632: Jesse Hutchins, Dixon Stansbury, and Dixon S. Miles vs. Dickinson Gorsuch, Mary Gorsuch, Thomas Bond, Ann Bond, and Thomas Talbot. BA. Title to lots in My Ladys Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-2632-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2707 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/09/02 2633: John Hood, James Hood, James Barnes, Isaiah Barnes, Dennis Barnes, Leah Barnes, Henry H. Wolf, Rachel Wolf, George Wolf, and Letitia Wolf vs. William Hobbs, Henry R. Warfield, Gustavus Warfield, Samuel Thomas, Ann Thomas, Charles Alexander Warfield, Richard Snowden, Louisa Snowden, Ann Louisa Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Charles A. Snowden, Caroline Snowden, Emily R. Snowden, Richard Snowden, and Peregrine Warfield. AA. Contract to purchase Neals Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-2633 MSA S512-3- 2708 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/09/16 2634: David Brown and Thomas Hutchings, Jr. vs. James Carey and Samuel Cole. BA. Title to lots in Coles Harbor in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-2634 MSA S512-3- 2709 Location: 1/36/2/
1813/06/15 2635: William Hall vs. Benjamin W. Caldwell. BA. Insolvent estate of Caldwell. Accession No.: 17,898-2635 MSA S512-3- 2710 Location: 1/36/2/
1799 2636: John Hackett vs. James Morgan. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2636 MSA S512-3- 2711 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/07/02 2637: Isaac Howser vs. Francis Deakins. WA. Contract to purchase flour. Accession No.: 17,898-2637 MSA S512-3- 2712 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/09/16 2638: Samuel Hanson and Sarah Hanson vs. John M. Brashear. PG. Contract to purchase Plummers Pleasure, Addition to Plummers Pleasure. Accession No.: 17,898-2638 MSA S512-3- 2713 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/09/04 2639: William Holliday vs. James Welsh. BA. Contract to purchase land in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-2639-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2714 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/11/28 2640: William Hodgson vs. James Williams and John Clarke. AA. Petition to discover accounts of Clarke & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-2640-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2715 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/12/04 2641: Joseph Howard of Joseph vs. George Howard. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2641-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2716 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/08/15 2643: Zebulon Hollingsworth vs. John S. Webster, Isaac L. Webster, Elizabeth Webster, and Anne Webster. BA. Title to lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/10. Accession No.: 17,898-2643-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2717 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/06/30 2644: Henry S. Holland and Susan Holland vs. John Tydings. AA. Validity of title to Portland Manor and slaves Sawney, Sall, Toney, Flora, Nell, Dick, Nat, Sally, Charity, Sawney, Frank, Jack, Paul, Jerry, Bob, Trot, Ralph, Henry, John, Salley, Dick, and Harry.
Accession No.: 17,898-2644 MSA S512-3- 2718 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/01/05 2645: Joshua Harp, Eleanor Harp, Thomas Johnson, Honour Johnson, Joshua Young, Orphay Young, William Jones, Mary Jones, and Eli MacKenzie vs. Henry MacKenzie and Daniel MacKenzie. FR. Title to Mollys Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-2645 MSA S512-3- 2719 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/06/01 2646: Henry Hammersley vs. Behetheland Smoot, Mary Smoot, Elizabeth Smoot, Edward Smoot, and John Smoot. CH. Contract to purchase Hauttons Improvement, Hauttons Land, Smiths Gore. Accession No.: 17,898-2646 MSA S512-3- 2720 Location: 1/36/2/
1785 2647: Daniel Hughes and Samuel Hughes vs. Peter Shees. WA. Contract to sell Resurvey on Well Fought, Almangle, Rich Barrens. Accession No.: 17,898-2647 MSA S512-3- 2721 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/07/19 2648: Hester Hood vs. John Compton Weems. AA. Manumission of slave Harry. Accession No.: 17,898-2648 MSA S512-3- 2722 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/04/03 2649: John Hodgson vs. Edmond Ford and John H. Ford. BA. Contract to sell Teals Search. Accession No.: 17,898-2649 MSA S512-3- 2723 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/04/02 2650: John Beale Howard. BA, HA. Insolvent estate of Howard - James Forrest, Richards Hope, lot in Joppa in BA. Also Goldsmiths Neck, Waffs Harbour, Authors Delay, Cranberry in HA. Accession No.: 17,898-2650 MSA S512-3- 2724 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/09/13 2651: Mary Hesseling vs. Benjamin Lusby. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Cossell, Good Mothers Care, Harris Mount, Harness. Plat at 1/38/1/10; also shows Proctors Forest, Brushey Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-2651-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2725 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/04/23 2652: Thomas Hutchings vs. Sarah Smith. BA. Estate of Thomas Heath Franklin. Accession No.: 17,898-2652 MSA S512-3- 2726 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/03/27 2653: Alexander Hamilton vs. Francis Clement Dyer, Henry Edelin Dyer, and George Dyer. PG. Contract to purchase Edelins Hog Pen. Accession No.: 17,898-2653 MSA S512-3- 2727 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/02/04 2654: Alexander P. Hellen vs. Cynthia Hays, Elizabeth Lawrence, Richard Lawrence, Cassandra Hughes, Whitefield Hughes, Amelia Binns, Thomas N. Binns, John Hellen, and Mary Ann Hellen. HA. Contract to purchase Pleasant Level, Webster Otter Point. Accession No.: 17,898-2654 MSA S512-3- 2728 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/08/30 2655: Martha Howard vs. Matthew Beard. AA. Petition to discover accounts of Benjamin Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-2655 MSA S512-3- 2729 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/02/24 2658: John Hepburn and Henrietta Maria Walker vs. Samuel Chew Hepburn. PG. Trust estate of John Hepburn, Jr. and John Hepburn. Accession No.: 17,898-2658-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2730 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/08 2660: Nicholas Hyland vs. John Creswell. CE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-2660 MSA S512-3- 2731 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/11/27 2662: Rezin Hammond and Philip Hammond vs. John Davis, Ely Davis, Thomas Davis, Robert Davis, and Ichabod Davis. AA. Contract to purchase Ranters Ridge, slaves Harry, Rossay, Sampson, Priss, Will, and Phebe. Accession No.: 17,898-2662 MSA S512-3- 2732 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/11/15 2663: Lancelot Hobbs, William Hobbs, Eleanor Hobbs, Achsah Hobbs, Ruth Hobbs, Rachel Hobbs, and Maria Hobbs vs. Martha Howard. AA. Contract to purchase First Part of the Second Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-2663 MSA S512-3- 2733 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/07/16 2664: Daniel Hoover vs. Joseph Waters. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2664 MSA S512-3- 2734 Location: 1/36/2/
1829/03/02 2665: Richard Holmes vs. Rezin H. Snowden, Marion Snowden, and Arabella Snowden. AA. Petition to sell Piney Orchard. Accession No.: 17,898-2665 MSA S512-3- 2735 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/01 2666: Edward Hall and John Simmons vs. Able Hill, Morgan Hill, and Joseph Hill. AA. Contract to purchase Hills Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-2666 MSA S512-3- 2736 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/03/04 2667: Joseph Howard and Mary Howard vs. Walter T. Worthington. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Poor Mans Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-2667 MSA S512-3- 2737 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/07/05 2668: Jesse Hellen vs. Joseph Cambden. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2668-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2738 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/08/03 2669: John S. Horne and Mary Horne vs. Joseph Young. BA. Estate of Rebecca Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-2669-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2739 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/09 2670: Benjamin Hodges vs. Joseph R. Hodges. AA. Title to Higgins Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 70. Accession No.: 17,898-2670-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2740 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/09/04 2671: Peter Harrington vs. Andrew Russum and Elizabeth Russum. DO. Estate of Nathan Harrington. Accession No.: 17,898-2671 MSA S512-3- 2741 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/10/13 2672: William Hodgson vs. Henry Payson and William Lorman. BA. Validity of bills of exchange. Accession No.: 17,898-2672-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2742 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/04/10 2673: Patterson Hartshorne and Ebenezer Large vs. Thomas Beddinfield Hand, Jesse Waln, Robert Waln, John Montgomery, William Montgomery, John Field, Elisha Gordon, Thomas Harrison, Hilary Baker, and David Scull. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Trustram. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 181.
Accession No.: 17,898-2673 MSA S512-3- 2743 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/08/19 2674: Alexander Hemsley, Henrietta Hemsley, Anne Tilghman, and James Tilghman vs. John Hambleton. TA. Petition to record deed for Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2674 MSA S512-3- 2744 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/09/15 2675: William Hopkins, Jr. vs. John Stump, Richard Dallam, and John Patrick. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-2675 MSA S512-3- 2745 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/01/02 2676: Martha Hall and Richard Hall vs. Ignatius Taylor and Barbara Taylor. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2676 MSA S512-3- 2746 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/09/07 2677: Mary Hopkins, Isaiah Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins, and Susan Hopkins vs. Ezekiel Hopkins, Hester Hopkins, Mary Hopkins, Anne Hopkins, Rachel Hopkins, Richards Hopkins, and Sarah Hopkins. AA. Petition to sell White Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-2677 MSA S512-3- 2747 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/11/07 2677A: Thomas Huggins. CE. Insolvent estate of Huggins. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 47. Accession No.: 17,898-2677A MSA S512-3- 2748 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/09/14 2678: John Hurst and Gamaliel Taylor vs. John Hall. AA. Estate of Joseph Cowman. Accession No.: 17,898-2678 MSA S512-3- 2749 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/08/03 2679: William Hayward and Alexander Sharp vs. Alexander Anderson. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lovedays Purchase, Parkers Farm, Hampton, Francis Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-2679 MSA S512-3- 2750 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/06/07 Richard Henderson and James Brice vs. Alexander Claggett, John Claggett, Eleanor Claggett, Ann Claggett, Robert Clarke, Rebecca Clarke, Hezekiah Claggett, and Frances Claggett. WA. Estate of Samuel Beall - lot in Georgetown, Frederick Forge, Husband, Little I Thought It.
Accession No.: 17,898-2680-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2751 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/07/14 2682: Samuel Harrison vs. John Weems, Jr. CV. Petition to release mortgage on Abington Manor, Dowsdale. Accession No.: 17,898-2682-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2752 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/02/19 2683: Isidore Hardy vs. Richard B. Gardiner, Enos Schell and Elizabeth Schell. PG. Injunction against sale of Gardiners Meadows, Lyles Advantage. Accession No.: 17,898-2683 MSA S512-3- 2753 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/06/19 2684: William Hawkins vs. James M. Hawkins. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 272. Accession No.: 17,898-2684 MSA S512-3- 2754 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/10/05 2685: Thomas Hobbs and Thomas Maynard vs. Richard Lawrence and Thomas Hickson. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2685 MSA S512-3- 2755 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/08/30 2687: Samuel Hughes vs. State of Maryland. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Principio Co. lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 343. Accession No.: 17,898-2687 MSA S512-3- 2756 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/01/09 2688: Henry Hunt vs. James Willson. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2688 MSA S512-3- 2757 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/12/20 2689: John Hodgson and Henry Thompson vs. William Campbell. BA. Validity of collection of a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-2689-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2758 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/04/18 2690: Lewis Hack vs. Philemon Towson, Rebecca Towson, Ellen Towson, Anne Towson, Elizabeth Towson, Ruth Towson, William Towson, Thomas Towson, and John Towson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gunners Range. Accession No.: 17,898-2690 MSA S512-3- 2759 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/06/05 2691: Daniel Hughes vs. Samuel Hughes. WA. Petition to record deeds for Wilkes and Liberty, Resurvey on Three Springs, Resurvey on Sarahs Delight, Force Put, Georges Mistake, Georges Venture, Barrens, Resurvey on Chester, Resurvey on Waggoners Fancy, Good Friday, Brook Field, Gleanings. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 297.
Accession No.: 17,898-2691 MSA S512-3- 2760 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/09/11 2691A: Leonard Harbaugh vs. Henry Snively. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2691A MSA S512-3- 2761 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/03 2692: Aaron Hewes and Adeline Hewes vs. John W. Glenn, William Blair, and John S. Peck. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2692 MSA S512-3- 2762 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/12/23 2693: Richard Harwood of Thomas vs. John Landrith. WO. Contract to manage New England, Arabia, Fathers Advice, Merry Gallant, Nems Meadows, Security, Mill Lot, Addition to Milford. Accession No.: 17,898-2693-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2763 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/05/09 2694: David Hopkins vs. Peter Manifold. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2694 MSA S512-3- 2764 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/04/23 2695: Zebulon Hollingsworth vs. Jonathan Sellman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2695-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2765 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/05/31 2696: Isaac Harris vs. George Miles, Mathias Miles, Frederick Conner, and Richard Hall. SO. Contract to purchase Colerain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-2696-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2766 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/08/18 2697: James Hunter vs. John Quynn and Caroline Quynn. AA. Defraud of creditors of William Glover. Accession No.: 17,898-2697 MSA S512-3- 2767 Location: 1/36/2/
1786 2698: Jonathan Hudson, James Cheston, Mathias Slough, Moses Levy, Martha Levy, and Rebecca Arnold vs. Jonathan Plowman, Robert Ballard, Rebecca Ballard, Mary Plowman, and Anne Plowman. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2698 MSA S512-3- 2768 Location: 1/36/2/
1807 2699: Henry Howard vs. Robert Welsh. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2699-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2769 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/02/21 2700: George Harrison and Samuel Sterrett vs. John Nicholson, Robert Morris, Henry Pratt, Thomas W. Francis, John Miller, Jr., John Ashley, Jacob Baker, and James Grantleaf. PG. Title to lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-2700-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2770 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/11/16 2701: William Hayward, Henrietta M. Hayward, and Elizabeth Lloyd vs. Margaret Bromwell. TA. Petition to sell Goldsborough, Gurlington, Goldsboroughs Addition, Pitts Range, Lords Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-2701 MSA S512-3- 2771 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/03 2702: Gerard Hopkins, Patience Hopkins, Isaac Hopkins, Deborah Hopkins, and Elizabeth Hopkins vs. Hannah Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, Basil Hopkins, Henrietta Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, John Hopkins, and Richard Hopkins. AA. Petition to sell White Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 413.
Accession No.: 17,898-2702 MSA S512-3- 2772 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/30 2705: Isaac Hendricks vs. Jemima Buck, Mary Buck, and Elizabeth Buck. BA. Title to Bucks Outlett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 540. Accession No.: 17,898-2705 MSA S512-3- 2773 Location: 1/36/2/
1782/03/29 2706: Elizabeth Harwood vs. William Marsh Catrup. TA. Contract to purchase Cottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-2706-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2774 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/12/07 2707: John Hoye and Leonard M. Deakins vs. Paul Talbot, Elisha Hyland, Ann Hyland, John R. Hyland, Charlotte Hyland, Charles Talbot, and Archibald Talbot. WA. Petition to sell Freestone, Resurvey on Let Justice Take Place. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 305.
Accession No.: 17,898-2707-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2775 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/08/04 2708: Elizabeth Haubert vs. Benjamin Jones. FR. Petition to sell lot in Taneytown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, P. 611. Accession No.: 17,898-2708 MSA S512-3- 2776 Location: 1/36/2/
1818/11/10 2709: Gerard Hopkins vs. Samuel Hopkins. AA. Validity of sale of Good Will. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 35. Accession No.: 17,898-2709 MSA S512-3- 2777 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/04/22 2710: Thomas Hamilton vs. William Groome Jackson and Thomas Nevitt. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Mount Calvert. Accession No.: 17,898-2710 MSA S512-3- 2778 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/06/30 2711: John Hardcastle vs. John Turner. TA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Plat of Smiths Clifts, Chestnut Bay, Dudleys Clifts, Hasco Green at 1/38/1/11. Accession No.: 17,898-2711-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2779 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/04/17 2712: Benjamin Harwood vs. Richard G. Rawlings and Frederick Rawlings. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 539. Accession No.: 17,898-2712-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2780 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/05/22 2713: Christian Hill vs. Samuel Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Margaret Lyles, Eleanor Lyles, Catherine Lyles, Ann Lyles, and Williamina Lyles. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-2713-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2781 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/23 2714: Aquilla Hall vs. Augustine Boyer. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2714 MSA S512-3- 2782 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/08/05 2715: John Heslip vs. William Clemm, John Clemm, James Clemm, Joseph Clemm, and Elizabeth Clemm. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 500. Accession No.: 17,898-2715 MSA S512-3- 2783 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/10/01 2716: Matthias Hammond, Eliza Hammond, John H. Brown, and Henry H. Brown vs. Henrietta Brown, Juliana Brown, William Brown, Rezin Brown, Clarisa Brown, and Philip Brown. AA. Petition to partition Range, Connexion, Provision Henriettas Alottment, Solomons Hills, Providence. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 26, MdHR 40,283-79, S65-35, B5/10/5. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 505.
Accession No.: 17,898-2716 MSA S512-3- 2784 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/10/15 2717: Thomas Halley, John Halley, and Lewin Jones vs. Eleanor P. Boarman, Benedict Joseph Boarman, Mary Matilda Boarman, Harriet Teresa Boarman, Richard B.A. Boarman, and Thomas Fielder Boarman. PG. Title to Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 333.
Accession No.: 17,898-2717 MSA S512-3- 2785 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/09/17 2718: Isaac H. Hopkins and Rachel Hopkins vs. Ann Watkins and Juliana Watkins. AA. Petition to partition Vineyard. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 23, MdHR 40,283-128, S65-26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 553. Accession No.: 17,898-2718-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2786 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/08/01 2719: Elizabeth Hussey, Hannah Hussey, Margaret Moore, George W. Moore, Christian Keener, Nicholas Brice, Catherine Yeiser, John Dillon, and Edith Dillon vs. Aschel Hussey, Hannah Hussey, and Nathan Hussey. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2719 MSA S512-3- 2787 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/08/15 2720: Lemuel Howard vs. Gilbert Jones and John Brown. HA. Title to lots in Bel Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-2720-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2788 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/02/04 2721: Benedict Edward Hall vs. Richard Key Heath. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-2721 MSA S512-3- 2789 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/03/12 2722: Lewis Hart vs. John Dutton. HA. Contract to purchase herring. Accession No.: 17,898-2722 MSA S512-3- 2790 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/01/13 2723: Walter Harrison vs. Jacob Pattison, Mary Wasteney, Richard Pattison, John Pattison, Jeremiah Pattison, William Pattison, Mary Dalrymple, and William Dalrymple. AA. Title to Hunts Mount. Plat; also shows Evans Purchase, Trent. Accession No.: 17,898-2723 MSA S512-3- 2791 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/03/25 2724: Benedict Hurst vs. Richard Ration, Nicholas Konecke, William Price, Shadrach Greene, John Wheeler, and Moses Lewman. HA. Injunction against collection from a bond. Accession No.: 17,898-2724 MSA S512-3- 2792 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/02/28 2725: Robert G. Henderson, Ann Beeman, Joseph Conkline, and Elizabeth Conkline vs. Joseph Beeman. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2725 MSA S512-3- 2793 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/07/31 2726: Peter Hammond, Philip Hammond, Michael Hammond, Paul Hammond, Jacob Hammond, John Hammond, John Shope, Susannah Shope, Elizabeth Hammond, and Mary Hammond vs. William Chapline, Joseph Chapline, and James Chapline. WA. Title to Resurvey on Hills, Dales, and Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 630.
Accession No.: 17,898-2726 MSA S512-3- 2794 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/09/11 2727: William Hannah and Thomas Jeoffry vs. William Coultrough. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Marys Lot. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2727 MSA S512-3- 2795 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/09/30 2728: Baltzer Hitzelberger vs. William Thompson, Standish Barry, Agnes Barry, John Franciscus, Mary Franciscus, James Thompson, John Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Ann Thompson, Jane Thompson, David McCormick, and Jane McCormick. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 102.
Accession No.: 17,898-2728 MSA S512-3- 2796 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/10/07 2729: Ralph Higginbotham vs. Joseph Young and Elizabeth Young. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-2729 MSA S512-3- 2797 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/04/20 2730: Samuel H. Howard vs. Philip Hammond and Baruch Fowler. AA. Injunction against removal of fence from Porters Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-2730 MSA S512-3- 2798 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/05/23 2731: Ormand Hammond, Nathan Hammond, and Nathan Hammond vs. Alfred Coale, Anna Maria Coale, Joshua Barney, and Harriet Barney. AA. Petition to sell Harrys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 433. Accession No.: 17,898-2731-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2799 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/10 2732: Joseph Hertick, Gabriel Hertick, Christian Hertick, and Lisette Hertick vs. Anna Maria Dosh, Adam Steinberg, Catherine Steinberg, John Gilbert, Mary Gilbert, George Dosh, Stophel Dosh, Frederick Dosh, Martha Dosh, William McMechen, Simon Wedge, Margaret Wedge, Christian Keener, and Englehart Yeiser. BA. Estates of Joseph Hertick and Michael Dosh - Sheredines Bottom.
Accession No.: 17,898-2732 MSA S512-3- 2800 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/01/04 2734: Elizabeth Hodges vs. Johnson Michael O'Reily, Deborah O'Reily, Dennis Osborne, Lucy Osborne, Mary Hodges, Benjamin Hodges, Walter Hodges, Thomas Hodges, and Richard Hodges. PG. Estate of Benjamin Hodges - slaves Basil and Jenny. Accession No.: 17,898-2734 MSA S512-3- 2801 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/09/23 2735: Richard Harwood, William Harwood, Jonathan Sellman, and David Stewart vs. AA Levy Court. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2735 MSA S512-3- 2802 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/09/14 2736: Joseph Hopkins vs. Joseph Stokes and Robert Morgan. HA. Insolvent estate of Morgan. Accession No.: 17,898-2736 MSA S512-3- 2803 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/07/27 2738: William Hincks vs. William Alexander. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-2738 MSA S512-3- 2804 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/02/11 2739: Solomon Holland vs. Hezekiah M. Ford. MO. Petition to record deed for Exchange, New Exchange Enlarged, lot in Williamsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 429. Accession No.: 17,898-2739 MSA S512-3- 2805 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/05/16 2740: Abraham George Hammond. BA. Insolvent estate of Hammond. Accession No.: 17,898-2740 MSA S512-3- 2806 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/10/02 2741: Charles Henrix vs. Francis Henrix. CA, TA. Estate of Edward Henrix - Hogg Pen Ridge Enlarged, End of Strife, Hudsons Plain, Lloyds Plain, Stevens Discovery, Kirkmans Desire, Hogg Pen Ridge in CA. Also New Begun, Henrys Discovery, Discovery, Benny Resurvey, Turners Chance in TA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 199.
Accession No.: 17,898-2741 MSA S512-3- 2807 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/08/02 2742: Nicholas Hauer. FR. Insolvent estate of Hauer. Accession No.: 17,898-2742-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2808 Location: 1/36/2/
1787 2743: William Hammond and John Stevenson vs. John Mercer Porter, George Salmon, and Rebecca Salmon. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2743-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2809 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/12 2744: Nicholas Lynch. WA. Insolvent estate of Lynch. Accession No.: 17,898-2744 MSA S512-3- 2810 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/12/15 2745: Margaret Hudson vs. Jonathan Hudson. BA. Estate of Jonathan Hudson - Sophias Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-2745 MSA S512-3- 2811 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/06 2746: Townsend W. Hunt. CH. Insolvent estate of Hunt. Accession No.: 17,898-2746 MSA S512-3- 2812 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/02/17 2747: Thomas Hare. BA. Insolvent estate of Hare. Accession No.: 17,898-2747 MSA S512-3- 2813 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/07/30 2748: James Hodges vs. Samuel Crouch. KE. Estate of William Dooley - lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 124. Accession No.: 17,898-2748 MSA S512-3- 2814 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/02/05 2750: Martha Howard. FR. Estate of Joseph Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-2750 MSA S512-3- 2815 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/11/11 2751: Rezin Hammond vs. Richard Hopkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 501. Accession No.: 17,898-2751-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2816 Location: 1/36/2/
1789/05/30 2751A: Frederick Heffner vs. George Clem, Henry Leyday, and David Shahawn. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Resurvey on Heffners Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-2751A MSA S512-3- 2817 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/12/12 2751B: Edward Harris vs. Thomas Harris. QA. Appointment of trustee for Thomas Harris. Accession No.: 17,898-2751B MSA S512-3- 2818 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/11/19 2751C: Philip Hammond Hopkins vs. Ariana Wayman, John Conaway, Addison Conaway, Millicent Conaway, Jason Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Edward Hazle, and Catherine Hazle. AA. Petition to sell Bright Sea, Little Bright Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 112. Accession No.: 17,898-2751C-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2819 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/06/04 2752: Mary Jones and James McClain vs. David Jones. WA. Estate of David Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-2752 MSA S512-3- 2820 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/07/07 2753: Thomas Jeffery and Robert Colgate vs. John Sweetser, Jr. HA. Estate of Ephraim Andrews - New Westwood. Accession No.: 17,898-2753-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2821 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/04/18 2754: Benjamin G. Jones vs. Thomas Ayres. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Amos, Myers Puzzle, Contestable Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2754-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2822 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/08/31 2755: Samuel Jay vs. Robert Morgan. HA. Contract to purchase Bachelors Good Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 31. Accession No.: 17,898-2755-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2823 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/10/29 2757: Jesse Jones vs. Thomas Worley. WA. Contract to purchase Hopewell, Barren Hill, Green Castle, Hard Times, Resurvey on Mountain of Wales. Plat of Hard Times, Resurvey on Mountain of Wales. Accession No.: 17,898-2757 MSA S512-3- 2824 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/02/18 2758: Edmund Jenings vs. Samuel Johnson. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2758 MSA S512-3- 2825 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/11/14 2759: Dr. Daniel Jenifer vs. John Campbell. CH. Contract to purchase slaves Daniel, Sam, Glassgow, Harry, Hendly, Sam, David, Alice, Sam, Moses, David, Basil, Jim, Walter, Perry, Winney, Suckey, David, Maxwell, Orlando, Jack, Paris, and Sarah. Accession No.: 17,898-2759-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2826 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/03/11 2759A: Samuel Jay vs. Tobias Watkins. HA. Contract to purchase lot in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-2759A MSA S512-3- 2827 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/07/25 2759B: Mordicai Jacob vs. Nicholas Blacklock. PG. Estate of Mordecai Jacob - Hollydays Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-2759B MSA S512-3- 2828 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/01/25 2759C: Mary Baker, Sarah Spurier, Ruth Baker, Elizabeth Ridgely, Anne Gassaway, John Israel, Beale Israel, Moses Baker, Joseph Spurier, Aledruge Baker, William Ridgely, Nicholas Gassaway, Robert Israel, and Basil Israel vs. Edward Hill Dorsey. FR. Contract to purchase Calebs Delight Enlarged.
Accession No.: 17,898-2759C MSA S512-3- 2829 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/04/03 2759D: Walter Jameson vs. John Tompkins. CH. Contract to purchase Tompkins Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-2759D MSA S512-3- 2830 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/10/21 2759E: Robert Johnson vs. Eleanor Price. WA. Contract to purchase Conveniency. Plat at 1/38/1/12; also shows Prices Purchase, Meeks Ingenuity, Resurvey on Green Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-2759E-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2831 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/12/31 2759F: Susanna Jarboe vs. Dorothy Jarboe and Rebecca Jarboe. SM. Estate of Richard Jarboe. Accession No.: 17,898-2759F MSA S512-3- 2832 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/09/07 2759G: John Jarman vs. William Andrews, Mary Hammond, and Abraham George Hammond. BA. Contract to purchase Triangle Neck, Enloes Nest, Aberillas Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-2759G MSA S512-3- 2833 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/06/25 2759H: Edward Johnson vs. John Sampson and Elizabeth Sampson. BA. Estate of William Andrews. Accession No.: 17,898-2759H MSA S512-3- 2834 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/12/11 2759I: James Jones vs. Pricilla Bestpitch, Amelia Bestpitch, Margaret Bestpitch, and Eleanor Jones. DO. Estate of Levin Bestpitch. Accession No.: 17,898-2759I MSA S512-3- 2835 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/12/14 2759J: James Jaffray vs. Robert Dorsey. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2759J MSA S512-3- 2836 Location: 1/36/2/
1791/09/22 2759K: James Jaffray vs. John Skinner. BA. Contract to purchase bar iron. Accession No.: 17,898-2759K MSA S512-3- 2837 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/06/26 2759L: Raphael Jarboe vs. Hezekiah Viers. MO. Contract to purchase lot in Williamsburg. Accession No.: 17,898-2759L MSA S512-3- 2838 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/02/03 2759M: Caleb Jones vs. John Conner, Jane Conner, Mary Betsworth, Joshua Wood, Mary Broughton, John Broughton, Esther Schoolfield, Joseph Schoolfield, Elisha Beauchamp, Amelia Beauchamp, Richard Hall, Noah Lankford, Benjamin Betsworth, Benjamin Conner, Killum Conner, Killum Hall, Noah Hall, Maria Jane Conner, Betsy Conner, and Robert Jones. SO. Contract to purchase Adams Chance, Damm Swamp, New Boston, Wheatleys Difficult Purchase, Irish Grove, Merchants Treasure, Greenfield, Wheatleys Second Addition, Privilege, Littleworth.
Accession No.: 17,898-2759M MSA S512-3- 2839 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/22 2761: George Jean and Sarah Jean vs. Susanna Bowen, Ellen Watts, Dickson Watts, James Franklin, and Mary Bowen Franklin. BA. Estate of Jehu Bowen and Richard P. Bowen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 576. Accession No.: 17,898-2761-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2840 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/08 2763: Edward Johnson vs. Thomas Peters. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2763-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2841 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/07/25 2764: Samuel Jay vs. Hannah Boyce. HA. Estate of Roger Boyce - lot in Havre de Grace and slaves Denburgh, Isaac, Jack, Jacob, Dick, Will, Jacob, Frank, Isaac, Harry, Abram, and Charles. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-2764-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2842 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/01/22 2765: James Jackson, Bethiah Jackson, Jacob Bromwell, and Eleanor Bromwell vs. Alexander Moore, Eleanor Jackson, Eliza Jackson, and Ann Jackson. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2765 MSA S512-3- 2843 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/08/02 2766: Thomas Jones, Nehemiah Craig, Mary Woolford, and Rebecca Woolford vs. James Woolford. DO. Petition to sell Woolfords Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-2766-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2844 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/03/19 2767: James Johnson vs. Alexander Rigdon and Ann Rigdon. HA. Estate of John Johnson - Turkey Forrest, Nobles Wonder, Johnsons Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2767-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2845 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/12/01 2768: James Jones vs. Betsy Jones, Levin Jones, and Harriet Jones. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 307. Accession No.: 17,898-2768 MSA S512-3- 2846 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/04/07 2769: Christopher Johnston vs. Abednego Cann. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Polecat Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-2769 MSA S512-3- 2847 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/03/20 2770: Samuel Jeffers and Samuel Black vs. Henry Peters. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2770 MSA S512-3- 2848 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/09/08 2771: Jesse Jamison vs. Thomas Boarman. CH. Contract to purchase Boarmans Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2771 MSA S512-3- 2849 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/01/22 2772: William Jolly vs. John Riche. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Brothers Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-2772 MSA S512-3- 2850 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/07/19 2773: James Jaffray vs. William Thompson, John McKean, William Gordon, and Bank of Maryland. BA. Contract to ship gold to Martinique. Accession No.: 17,898-2773 MSA S512-3- 2851 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/02/15 2774: Richard J. Jones vs. John H.D. Lane, Daniel Bowie, and Francis Bowie. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2774 MSA S512-3- 2852 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/01/29 2775: William Juitt and Betsy Juitt vs. Cassandra Cullen, Permeley Cullen, and Walter Cullen. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 72. Accession No.: 17,898-2775-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2853 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/09/30 2776: William Johnson vs. John Stran, Thomas Stran, Joseph Allender, John P. Jacquet, and Rebecca Jacquet. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-2776 MSA S512-3- 2854 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/02/06 2777: John Jackson vs. George Kirkpatrick, William Kirkpatrick, Horatio Gates, and Maria Gates. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Dicksons Pleasure, Resurvey on Dicksons Pleasure. Accession No.: 17,898-2777-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2855 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/12/11 2779: Joshua Johnson, Charles Wallace, and John Muir vs. Elizabeth Dawson, Joseph Dawson, Alfred Dawson, Ripton Dawson, and John Dawson. AA. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Cambridge and Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 16. Accession No.: 17,898-2779-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2856 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/09/03 2780: Thomas Jones vs. Samuel Betsworth. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Betsworths Choice, Providence, Cole Pit, Bald Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-2780-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2857 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/09/02 2781: Pricilla Jacob vs. Anna Jacob, David Love Jacob, Elizabeth Jacob, and Julia Jacob. AA. Petition to partition lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-2781 MSA S512-3- 2858 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/09/06 2782: William Jolly vs. Edward Jolly. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Jolleys First Attempt, Dooleys Beginning, Stapletons Lot, Stapletons Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 108. Accession No.: 17,898-2782-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2859 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/03/06 2783: Abraham Jarrett vs. James Jones. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pearsons Penn. Accession No.: 17,898-2783 MSA S512-3- 2860 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/09/15 2784: Edward Jenkins vs. Matthew French. BA. Dissolution of Matthew French & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-2784-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2861 Location: 1/36/2/
1805/12/13 2786: Willam Jackson. CA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-2786 MSA S512-3- 2862 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/05/10 2787: Thomas Jenings, George Jenings, William Jenings, Nicholas Carroll, Anne Carroll, James Brice, and Juliana Brice vs. John Jenings, Elizabeth Jenings, Daniel Jenings, Horner Jenings, and Horatio Jenings. AA, PG. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis and DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 63.
Accession No.: 17,898-2787 MSA S512-3- 2863 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/02/09 2788: Ignatius Walter Jenkins vs. Oswald Jenkins, Henry Jenkins, and Samuel Jenkins. BA. Petition to partition Land of Promise. Accession No.: 17,898-2788 MSA S512-3- 2864 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/06/18 2789: Henry Johnson vs. James Carroll, Sophia Carroll, James Gough, Harry Dorsey Gough, Prudence Gough, Charles Ridgely, and John Carroll. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 18. Accession No.: 17,898-2789 MSA S512-3- 2865 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/06/25 2790: Thomas Iiams v. Richard Iiams. AA. Petition to record deed for New Birmingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40. p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-2790 MSA S512-3- 2866 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/09/15 2791: Ezekiel Johnson, Jr., Mark Meekins, Matthew Keene, Job Wheatley, Nathaniel Elliott, and Edward Griffith vs. Hope Wheatley. DO. Petition to record deed for Wheatleys Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-2791 MSA S512-3- 2867 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/06/21 2792: William Stone Jones vs. Thomas Jones, William Jones Blackiston, Mary Eleanor Blackiston, and Jane Maria Blackiston. CH. Petition to partition Pointon Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2792 MSA S512-3- 2868 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/07/22 2793: William D. Jacobs and James Jacobs vs. John Thomas Lusby Jacobs, Mary Eleanor Pierce, Joseph Benjamin Pierce, Mary Davis, James Davis, Ann Davis, Samuel Davis, and Margaret Davis. AA. Petition to sell Chaneys Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 426 and 99, p. 229.
Accession No.: 17,898-2793-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2869 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/07/12 2794: Hickman Johnson and William Jameson vs. Ephraim Igan and Samuel Clarke. BA. Petition to sell Brotherly Love. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 120. Accession No.: 17,898-2794-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2870 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/07/16 2795: Richard J. Jones. vs. Gustavus Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Mary Thompson, Charles A.C. Thompson, and William Thompson. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-2795 MSA S512-3- 2871 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/04/16 2796: Richard H. Jones vs. John Talbott and George G. Presbury III. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-2796 MSA S512-3- 2872 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/09/29 2797: Jesse Jarrett, Zinas Hughes, and Isaac Hughes vs. David West. HA. Injunctiuon against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2797 MSA S512-3- 2873 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/10/25 2799: Robinson Jones vs. Catherine Hagar, Margaret Hagar, Mary Hagar, Lucy Hagar, and Francis Hagar. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC, Stigars Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 379. Accession No.: 17,898-2799-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2874 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/03/30 2800: Charles Jones, Temperance Jones, and Thomas Spicer vs. Alexander McCollough and Sarah McCollough. BA. Estate of Valentine Spicer - Spicers Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-2800 MSA S512-3- 2875 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/05/19 2801: John Jennings, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Jennings. Accession No.: 17,898-2801 MSA S512-3- 2876 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/16 2801A: George Jenings. AA. Insolvent estate of Jenings. Accession No.: 17,898-2801A MSA S512-3- 2877 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/03/16 2801B: Tuder James. BA. Insolvent estate of James. Accession No.: 17,898-2801B MSA S512-3- 2878 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/03/24 2803: Dominick Jordan. BA. Insolvent estate of Jordan. Accession No.: 17,898-2803 MSA S512-3- 2879 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/11/11 2804: William Jones and Jonathan Jones. WA. Trust estate of David Jones - Wolfs Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 577. Accession No.: 17,898-2804 MSA S512-3- 2880 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/05/14 2805: William James and Mary James. SO. Trust estate of Levin Gunby. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 170. Accession No.: 17,898-2805 MSA S512-3- 2881 Location: 1/36/2/
1803 2806: Christian L. Junderman. BA. Insolvent estate of Junderman. Accession No.: 17,898-2806 MSA S512-3- 2882 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/21 2807: Thomas Jenkins. BA. Insolvent estate of Jenkins. Accession No.: 17,898-2807 MSA S512-3- 2883 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/02/16 2808: Barnet Johnson. HA. Insolvent estate of Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2808 MSA S512-3- 2884 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/05/29 2808A: George Johnston. SO. Insolvent estate of Johnston. Accession No.: 17,898-2808A MSA S512-3- 2885 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/04/06 2809: John Johnson. BA. Insolvent estate of Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2809 MSA S512-3- 2886 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/05/27 2810: Josiah Johnson. KE. Insolvent estate of Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2810 MSA S512-3- 2887 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/05/10 2811: Randolph Johnson. DO. Insolvent estate of Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2811 MSA S512-3- 2888 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/03/19 2812: Jehu Johns. CE. Insolvent estate of Johns. Accession No.: 17,898-2812 MSA S512-3- 2889 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/01/12 2813: Philip Jenkins. AA. Insolvent estate of Jenkins. Accession No.: 17,898-2813 MSA S512-3- 2890 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/05/28 2814: William Jones. KE. Insolvent estate of Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-2814 MSA S512-3- 2891 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/02/10 2815: Washington Johnson. BA. Insolvent estate of Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2815 MSA S512-3- 2892 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/01/09 2816: Robert Jordan. BA. Insolvent estate of Jordan. Accession No.: 17,898-2816 MSA S512-3- 2893 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/04/09 2816A: William Jordan. BA. Insolvent estate of Jordan. Accession No.: 17,898-2816A MSA S512-3- 2894 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/02/08 2817: Samuel Jacobs. BA. Insolvent estate of Jacobs. Accession No.: 17,898-2817 MSA S512-3- 2895 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/02/11 2818A: Abraham Jarrett. HA. Insolvent estate of Jarrett. Accession No.: 17,898-2818A MSA S512-3- 2896 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/01/06 2818: Jesse Jarrett and Henry Scarff. HA. Trust estate of William Norris - Williams Trust, Norriss Neglect, Norriss Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 481. Accession No.: 17,898-2818-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2897 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/09/29 2819: John M. Johnson vs. Isaac Johnson, George Johnson, Thomas Johnson, John Johnson, Samuel H. Johnson, and Joseph Johnson. CE. Estate of George Johnson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 473. Accession No.: 17,898-2819 MSA S512-3- 2898 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/10/05 2820: Matilda Stevenson, Miranda Stevenson, Wesley Stevenson, Mary Ann Stevenson, William Orrick Stevenson, Juliana Stevenson, and George Washington Stevenson vs. John C. Weems, Henry Alexander, Samuel G. Jones, and Zebulon Hollingsworth. BA. Title to Benjamins Mill Lot Resurveyed, Edwards and Wills Valleys and Hills, Constitution Hills. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 69.
Accession No.: 17,898-2820-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2899 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/05/12 2820: Samuel G. Jones vs. John C. Weems. BA. Contract to purchase Benjamins Mill Lot Resurveyed. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 69. Accession No.: 17,898-2820-1/6 MSA S512-3- 2900 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/07/15 2821: Lloyd Johnson vs. Christopher Johnson, Charles Waters, and Zachariah Cromwell. AA. Title to Whartleberry Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-2821 MSA S512-3- 2901 Location: 1/36/2/
1814/11/25 2822: William Johnston, Agnes Johnston, Ralf S. Lee, Alisiana Lee, Edward Brenton, and Susanna Brenton vs. Peter Bond. HA. Title to Bonds Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 481. Accession No.: 17,898-2822 MSA S512-3- 2902 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/11/18 2823: Amos Jarman. QA. Insolvent estate of Jarman. Accession No.: 17,898-2823 MSA S512-3- 2903 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/04/03 2824: Thomas Tillard vs. Henry Johnson. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2824-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2904 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/03/19 2825: Leonard Jameson, Francis Jameson, Oswell Jameson, Ignatius Jameson, Baker Jameson, Henry Jameson, Mary Jameson, Alexis Jameson, Catherine Smith, Joseph Smith, Henrietta Smith, and Mary Smith vs. State of Maryland. FR. Title to Resurvey on Merryland. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 12.
Accession No.: 17,898-2825-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2905 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/12/19 2826: Jesse Jameson vs. Joseph Sansberrie and Alexius Sansberrie. PG. Petition to sell Wrights Park, Tanyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 628. Accession No.: 17,898-2826-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2906 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/04/18 2827: Joseph James vs. Richard Laurence. FR. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2827 MSA S512-3- 2907 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/01/27 2828: Charles Jessop vs. Elizabeth Nicholson, James Dall, and Zebulon Hollingsworth. BA. Title to Benjamins Hills and Valleys, Coats Choice, Bought Dead. Accession No.: 17,898-2828-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2908 Location: 1/36/2/
1815/08/03 2829: Thomas C. Jenkins vs. William Bedford, Sarah Morton, Charles Anderson Morton, George Copeland Morton, and Mary Adelaide Morton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 446. Accession No.: 17,898-2829-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2909 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/05/28 2830: John Johnson and Richard H. Harwood vs. James P. Maynard, William Alexander, and Thomas H. Bowie. TA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 361 and 99, p. 155. Accession No.: 17,898-2830-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2910 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/06/18 2831: Alexander Jaffray and William P. Matthews vs. Samuel Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Sarah Mason, Henly Dunnington, Margaret Dunnington, Mary Hayes, Sarah Hayes, William Hayes, and Mary Hayes. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 151. Accession No.: 17,898-2831-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2911 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/05/18 2832: Christopher Johnson and Matthew Ridley vs. Charles Wallace, John Davidson, Joshua Johnson, and Stephen Stewart. BA. Petition to discover accounts of ships Morris, Wallace, and Porpus. Accession No.: 17,898-2832 MSA S512-3- 2912 Location: 1/36/2/
1795 2833: Mead Jarvis vs. Rinaldo Johnson, Horatio Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Cecilius Johnson, John Johnson, John Woodward, Rachel Woodward, Mary Jameson, John Hopkins Fox, Elizabeth Fox, and Anne Johnson. BA. Contract to lease Turners Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-2833 MSA S512-3- 2913 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/01/12 2834: Arthur Johns and Enoch Johns vs. James Blackiston, Jonas Stoops, Ann Stoops, Eliza Stoops, Edward Scott, George Hanson, Rebecca Hanson, and Sarah Baird. KE. Estate of Alexander Baird. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 153. Accession No.: 17,898-2834-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2914 Location: 1/36/2/
1782/06/21 2835: Baker Johnson vs. Christopher Mayer. FR. Contract to purchase Shefferstadt. Accession No.: 17,898-2835 MSA S512-3- 2915 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/06/17 2836: Thomas Johnson, Johanna Johnson, and Philip Moore vs. Andrew S. Ennalls. BA. Petition to suspend a previous decree. Accession No.: 17,898-2836-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2916 Location: 1/36/2/
1803/09/13 2837: Dorsey Jacob vs. Bartholomew Lynch. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sawyers Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 344. Accession No.: 17,898-2837 MSA S512-3- 2917 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/08/20 2838: Sarah Jarvis vs. Eliza Merriken. AA. Appointment of trustee for Merriken. Accession No.: 17,898-2838 MSA S512-3- 2918 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/07/15 2839: George Johonnot vs. William Belton and Thomas Rickard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Darby Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-2839 MSA S512-3- 2919 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/08/18 2840: Edward Johnson vs. Richard Lawson, Stephen Lawson, James Lawson, Dena Lawson, and Bank of Baltimore. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 55. Accession No.: 17,898-2840 MSA S512-3- 2920 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/02/26 2841: Thomas Jones of Thomas vs. Charles McCotter and Henry McCotter. DO. Trust estate of Henry McCotter - Phillips Discovery, Matkins Outlett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 601. Accession No.: 17,898-2841 MSA S512-3- 2921 Location: 1/36/2/
1819/07/12 2842: Thomas Johnson vs. Falls Turnpike Road Co. BA. Contract to construct roadbed and bridges. Accession No.: 17,898-2842 MSA S512-3- 2922 Location: 1/36/2/
1787/01/01 2843: James Jaffray vs. Robert Smith and John McAlister. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2843 MSA S512-3- 2923 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/02/25 2844: John Brengle, Jacob Brengle, and Nicholas Brengle vs. Michael Waltman. AL. Petition to record deed to Military Lot 3089. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-2844 MSA S512-3- 2924 Location: 1/36/2/
1783/09/10 2846: John Jarvis vs. Andrew Jamison. KE. Contract to purchase Angles Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-2846 MSA S512-3- 2925 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/10/10 2847: Thomas Johnson of Joseph, Abigail Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson of Thomas, David Goodman, Martha Goodman, Thomas Johnson of William, Susannah Johnson, Richard Lemaster, Rebecca Lemaster, Robert Johnson, Thomas Johnson of Thomas, Joseph Johnson of Thomas, Mary Ann Johnson, Catherine Ann Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson of Joseph, Joseph Johnson of Joseph, John Shryock, Anne Shryock, Philipina Johnson, John Johnson, Jacob Johnson, and Alexander Johnson vs. Henry Johnson, Martha Johnson, and Robert Johnson. FR. Estate of Thomas Johnson - Johnsons Thickett, Resurvey on Stoney Level. Plat of Resurvey on Stoney Level at 1/38/1/13. Also shows Johnsons Retirement, Tan Bark, Narrow Hollow, Johnsons Lane Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 128.
Accession No.: 17,898-2847-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2926 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/05/06 2849: Josiah Jones, Robert Jones, and Margaret Perry vs. Henry Culver. PG. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2849 MSA S512-3- 2927 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/12/23 2850: Peter Jenings vs. Edmund Jenings. AA. Petition to sell Waters lot, Robin Hood Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-2850 MSA S512-3- 2928 Location: 1/36/2/
1807/03/18 2851: John Jarvis vs. John Weedon and Samuel Minskie. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-2851 MSA S512-3- 2929 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/04/10 2852: Joseph Jenifer vs. Thomas Gibbs and Jonathon Waters. AA. Contract to lease Selbys Marsh, Fortune. Accession No.: 17,898-2852 MSA S512-3- 2930 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/09/16 2853: James Beaman, Amelia Beaman, James Johnson, Eliza Johnson, Baptiste Mezick, Mary Mezick, James Conner, and Sarah Conner. BA, WO. Petition to partition Showells Discovery, Dennis Discovery in WO and lots in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 36, MdHR 40,283-89, S65-203, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 570 and 76, p. 10.
Accession No.: 17,898-2853-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2931 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/04/10 2854: Abraham Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Eleanor Harwood, Mary Harwood, Samuel S. Harwood, and Thomas N. Harwood. MO. Contract to purchase Clean Shaving, Hills and Dales, Lucys Friend, Fenwick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 63. Accession No.: 17,898-2854 MSA S512-3- 2932 Location: 1/36/2/
1788/04/09 2855: Roger Johnson. FR. Condemnation of Hope for an iron forge. Accession No.: 17,898-2855 MSA S512-3- 2933 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/09/22 2856: Perry Benson and Ennalls Martin. TA. Appointment of trustee for Edward Henry Johnson - White Marshes, Rich Farm, Londonderry. Accession No.: 17,898-2856-1/9 MSA S512-3- 2934 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/03/21 2857: Christopher Johnson and Mark Pringle vs. Robert Cowden Stone, Ann Stone, Eliza Stone, and Thomas Stone. BA, CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Middle Green Enlarged, Mountjoy, Cow Springs, Dover Cliffs, Watsons Purchase in CH. Also lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-2857-1/4 MSA S512-3- 2935 Location: 1/36/2/
1801/01/05 2858: Elinore Johnson and George Vaughn vs. William Johnson. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-2858 MSA S512-3- 2936 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/02/28 2858A: Leonard H. Johns vs. Kinsey Gittings, James Gittings, William Blanchard, and William Stewart. MO. Contract to purchase Dann, Clubs Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-2858A MSA S512-3- 2937 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/06/16 2858B: Thomas Johnson, John Johnson, Rinaldo Johnson, Horatio Johnson, Edward Johnson, Rinaldo Johnson, Jr., John Woodard, Rachel Woodard, Mary Goldthwait, and Elizabeth Fox vs. Levingston Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Arthur Johnson, Mary Ann Johnson, Caroline Johnson, Sally Johnson, Charles Johnson, Thomas Jefferson Johnson, and Evelina Johnson. AA, BA. Estate of Thomas Johnson - Pleasant Grove, Logsdons Addition, Turner Hall, Cooksons Addition, Quebeck, Poor Jamaica Mans Plague, Beals Discovery, Angles Fortune in BA. Also Howards Range, Youngs Range, Plantation in AA.
Accession No.: 17,898-2858B-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2938 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/07/30 2858C: Edward Jenkins, Henry Gardiner, Charles Gardiner, and James Boarman vs. Benjamin Cawood. CH. Collection of taxes. Accession No.: 17,898-2858C-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2939 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/11/24 2859: Archibald Job and Daniel Job vs. George Gilpin, John Pasmore, Elizabeth Pasmore, Mary Gilpin, Joseph Gilpin, Joshua Gilpin, Thomas Gilpin, Henry Gilpin, John Gilpin, and Joseph Partridge. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-2859 MSA S512-3- 2940 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/12/28 2860: Joseph James vs. Thomas Hobbs. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on mill and land. Accession No.: 17,898-2860 MSA S512-3- 2941 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/07/01 2861: Joseph James vs. Peter Kemmell. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2861 MSA S512-3- 2942 Location: 1/36/2/
1817/03/10 2862: Jason Jones vs. Elizabeth Duvall, James Watkins, N.J. Watkins, George Watts, Philip K. Watts, Rebecca Watts, and Eliza Watts. AA. Contract to purchase Flushing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 241 and 108, p. 189. Accession No.: 17,898-2862 MSA S512-3- 2943 Location: 1/36/2/
1793/08/26 2863: Richard Johns vs. Elizabeth Matthews, Thomas Matthews, Hannah Matthews, and Joshua Matthews. BA. Contract to purchase Maynors Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, 527. Accession No.: 17,898-2863 MSA S512-3- 2944 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/04/21 2864: Richard Johns vs. John Wells and Mordecai Cole. BA. Contract to purchase Painters Level, Prospect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 813. Accession No.: 17,898-2864 MSA S512-3- 2945 Location: 1/36/2/
1790/09/25 2865: Eleanor Jones and Jeremiah Jones vs. Richard Jones. BA. Alimony. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 590. Accession No.: 17,898-2865-1/3 MSA S512-3- 2946 Location: 1/36/2/
1797/10/18 2866: Sarah Iiams and Philip Hammond vs. Thomas Iiams. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-2866 MSA S512-3- 2947 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/01/07 2867: Rinaldo Jacob vs. Michael Kramer. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Angles Fortune, Cooks Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-2867 MSA S512-3- 2948 Location: 1/36/2/
1807 2868: William Jolley vs. Joshua Wood, Ann Wood, Mary Osborne, Daniel Mapine, Charlotte Mapine, Martha Osborne, and Leonard Osborne. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2868 MSA S512-3- 2949 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/07/02 2869: Rinaldo Johnson vs. William Grindall. PG. Contract to purchase Taylors Coast. Accession No.: 17,898-2869 MSA S512-3- 2950 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/10/23 2870: Mordecai Jones vs. Caleb Jones. SM. Petition to record deed for Beckworths Lodge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 469. Accession No.: 17,898-2870 MSA S512-3- 2951 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/06/14 2871: Jesse Jameson vs. Walter Jameson. CH. Estate of Benjamin Jameson - Cornwallis Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-2871 MSA S512-3- 2952 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/06/10 2872: James Johnson vs. Thomas Kelly. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pittsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-2872 MSA S512-3- 2953 Location: 1/36/2/
1809/08/18 2873: James Jones and Mary Jones vs. Edward Hurtt. KE. Estate of James Jones - Hynsons Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-2873-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2954 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/08/19 2874: Abraham Jarrett, Elizabeth Jarrett, Margaret W. Robinson, Elizabeth Stump, Mary Stump, Anne Stump, Hannah Stump, and William H. Stump vs. John Stump. HA. Petition to discover accounts of Harman Stump & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-2874-1/5 MSA S512-3- 2955 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/08/18 2875: Edward Johnson, William Patterson, Solomon Rutter, Elizabeth Newton, and William McQuinn vs. Ann Fitch, Luke Fitch, Samuel Fitch, Lott Fitch, William N. Mercer, Samuel Reed, and Mary Reed. BA. Estate of Ai Fitch - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-2875-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2956 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/09/18 2876: Thomas Jeffery vs. Sophia Norris, Clarissa Norris, Luther Norris, Otho Norris, Thriza Norris, John Norris, Armanda Norris, George Norris, and Avirilla Norris. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Small. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-2876 MSA S512-3- 2957 Location: 1/36/2/
1796/05/02 2877: Joseph Justice, John Justice, Jesse Justice, Griff Justice, Aquila Justice, Nicholas Justice, Joseph Dodson, Margaret Dodson, David Beckwith, Susanna Beckwith, David White, Catharine White, and Mary Braslet vs. Jacob Justice, Hance Justice, William Justice, Elizabeth Burchfield, and Gabriel Iseburgh. FR. Estate of John Justice - Justices Delight.
Accession No.: 17,898-2877 MSA S512-3- 2958 Location: 1/36/2/
1800/08/08 2877A: Rinaldo Johnson. PG. Collection of taxes. Accession No.: 17,898-2877A MSA S512-3- 2959 Location: 1/36/2/
1802/08/17 2878: William Jeffries vs. John Spalding and Benjamin Cawood. PG. Injunction against execution of judgement on Widows Trouble. Accession No.: 17,898-2878 MSA S512-3- 2960 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/01/18 2879: Thomas Jenings vs. William Jenings. AA. Petition to record deed for Athol Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-2879 MSA S512-3- 2961 Location: 1/36/2/
1792/08/08 2880: Charles Jones vs. Aaron Lanham. MO. Validity of the will of Charles Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-2880 MSA S512-3- 2962 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/05/03 2881: Thomas Jones, Jr., John Williams, Richard Tubman, Joseph Robertson, Darcy Wyvall, Peter Harrington, Thomas Jones, Robert Meekins, Isaac Smith, Richard Norgett, Thomas Mills, Amelia Button, Eleanor Gadd, and Alexander Norgett vs. Betsy Streets, Aaron Streets, and Basil Streets. DO. Estate of Richard Bright - Addition to the Grove, Taylors Range, Foresight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 373.
Accession No.: 17,898-2881-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2963 Location: 1/36/2/
1794/07/08 2881A: Thomas Jones. DO. Petition to record deed for Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 705. Accession No.: 17,898-2881A MSA S512-3- 2964 Location: 1/36/2/
1798/11/09 2882: William Jones vs. James Ewing Elzey. SO. Contract to purchase Second Purchase, Coxs Lott, Workington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 649. Accession No.: 17,898-2882 MSA S512-3- 2965 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/03/21 2883: John Johnson vs. John Fitzhugh and Lewis Neth. AL. Petition to record deeds for Addition to Edens Paradise Regained. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 237. Accession No.: 17,898-2883 MSA S512-3- 2966 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/12/18 2884: Abraham Jarrett vs. Arthur Rider, Jr., William Byrnes, and Sarah Byrnes. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Scotts Hopewell, Bealls Camp. Plat at 1/38/1/13; also shows Owings Contrivance, Scotts Addition to Trust. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-2884-1/12 MSA S512-3- 2967 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/02/19 2885: John Jones and Thomas Rogers vs. William Moore. CE. Contract to operate Octororo Forge. Accession No.: 17,898-2885 MSA S512-3- 2968 Location: 1/36/2/
1783/02/20 2886: Thomas Jones vs. Ishamel Morris. BA. Contract to order the accounts of the estate of Nicholas Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-2886 MSA S512-3- 2969 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/10/20 2887: Abraham Jarrett vs. Robert Gover. AA, CV. Petition to record deed for Ashley, Govers Venture, Smiths Addition, Knightons Purchase, Expedition, Emmertons Range, Broughton in AA. Also Aldermason in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-2887 MSA S512-3- 2970 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/07/29 2888: Richard Johns, Leonard Hollyday Johns, Sarah Johnsons, and Margaret Crabb Chew vs. Walter Brooke Cox and Ann Cox. CV, PG, SM. Estate of Leonard Hollyday - Brookefield in PG. Accession No.: 17,898-2888 MSA S512-3- 2971 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/02/09 2889: Luke F. Jameson and Raphael Jameson. CH. Appointment of trustee for Walter Jameson. Accession No.: 17,898-2889 MSA S512-3- 2972 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/08/24 2890: Francis Jesse Jenkins and Walter Jenkins vs. Thomas Stone. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Land of Promise. Accession No.: 17,898-2890 MSA S512-3- 2973 Location: 1/36/2/
1788 2891: Isaiah Jackson. BA. Insolvent estate of Jackson - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2891 MSA S512-3- 2974 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/07/02 2892: John Jewett and Joseph Husband vs. Thomas Martin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harods Lyon, Haphazard, Presburys Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 476. Accession No.: 17,898-2892 MSA S512-3- 2975 Location: 1/36/2/
1799/09/16 2893: Joshua Johnson vs. Charles Wallace and Eleanor Davidson. AA. Dissolution of Wallace, Davidson & Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2893-1/13 MSA S512-3- 2976 Location: 1/36/2/
1812/10/07 2894: Francis Jenkins. PG. Appointment of trustee for Martina Jenkins. Accession No.: 17,898-2894 MSA S512-3- 2977 Location: 1/36/2/
1804 2895: Jesse Jarrett vs. State of Maryland. HA. Contract to purchase Norfolk. Accession No.: 17,898-2895 MSA S512-3- 2978 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/12/26 2896: Benjamin G. Jones vs. Thomas Onion, John B. Onion, Corbin Onion, William Onion, John March, Harriet March, Joseph J. McComas, Charity McComas, Nicholas D. McComas, Elizabeth McComas, Frederick McComas, Susanna McComas, and Charity Goff. HA. Contract to purchase Elizabeth Frenches Lot.
Accession No.: 17,898-2896-1/2 MSA S512-3- 2979 Location: 1/36/2/
1806/12/18 2897: Jesse Jarrett, Jacob Forwood, Martha Forwood, Abraham Jarrett, Bennett Jarrett, Amelia Jarrett, Eleanor Thomas, and Mary Lewis vs. John Rawson. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Weatherals Last Addition, Pierces Outlet, Pattersons Regulation, Connefourgesson, Talbots Addition.
Accession No.: 17,898-2897 MSA S512-3- 2980 Location: 1/36/2/
1810/11/20 2898: Robert Jacob, Daniel Pain Jacob, Arnold Jacob, John Davis, and Sarah Davis vs. James Iglehart, Thomas Richardson, Margaret Richardson, Samuel W. Davis, William C. Davis, and John P. Davis. AA. Title to Larkins Choice, Hickory Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-2898 MSA S512-3- 2981 Location: 1/36/2/
1808/10/08 2899: Benjamin G. Jones vs. Aquila Giles. HA. Title to Elizabeth Frenchs Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-2899 MSA S512-3- 2982 Location: 1/36/2/
1804/07/02 2900: Alexander Contee vs. Rinaldo Johnson, William Kilty, John Mason, and Thomas Johnson. PG. Insolvent estate of Rinaldo Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-2900 MSA S512-3- 2983 Location: 1/36/2/
1795/03/20 2901: Thomas Johnson vs. Daniel Carroll, Gustavus Scott, William Thornton, Uriah Forrest, and William Campbell. PG. Title to lots in Washington, DC. Accession No.: 17,898-2901 MSA S512-3- 2984 Location: 1/36/2/
1811/06/20 2902: Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, John B. Morris, and Ann O. Morris vs. Daniel Jenifer, Walter Hanson Jenifer, and Mariamine C. Jenifer. CH. Petition to partition Galleys Discovery, Desart Enlarged, Coates Retirement, Skipton, Musseberry Resurveyed, His Excellencys Gift, Lindsays Rest, Galleys Venture, Barbadoes, Two Partners, Beech Neck, Chance Enlarged, Freehold, Planters Delight, Harwood, Barnes Purchase, Chearmas Purchase, Meeks Delay, Barbary Manor, Rose Hill, Belles Delight, St. Nicholas, Round Hills, Chandlers Hills.
Accession No.: 17,898-2902 MSA S512-3- 2985 Location: 1/36/2/
1816/11/06 2903: Samuel Jay vs. John Budd. HA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 378. Accession No.: 17,898-2903 MSA S512-4- 2986 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/10/31 2904: James Inloes vs. Jacob Kerr, Walter W. Kerr, Harriott Kerr, Hannah D. Kerr, Martha Ann Kerr, John Wilson, John Roles, Elizabeth Roles, Thomas Williams, and Maria Williams. BA. Contract to purchase Rogers Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 529 and 105, p. 345.
Accession No.: 17,898-2904 MSA S512-4- 2987 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/01 2905: James Inloes vs. James Farrell. BA. Petition to record indenture for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 70. Accession No.: 17,898-2905 MSA S512-4- 2988 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/04/18 2906: James Ives vs. Mary O'Donnell, Columbus O'Donnell, Deborah O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Elliot O'Donnell, and Eliza White O'Donnell. BA. Petition to lease Harrisons Marsh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 498. Accession No.: 17,898-2906 MSA S512-4- 2989 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/12/16 2907: Richard Iglehart vs. William H. Marriott, Richard Marriott, Mary Marriott, Rezin Marriott, Anne Marriott, Kitty Marriot, John Marriott, James Marriott, Charlotte Marriott, Mary Marriott, Elizabeth Marriott, Sally Marriott, Ely Marriott, John H. Brown, Eliza Brown, Henry Brown, James Brown, Juliana Brown, William Brown, Rezin Brown, and Clarisa Brown. AA. Petition to partition Support.
Accession No.: 17,898-2907 MSA S512-4- 2990 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/06/08 2908: William Jenkins and Ann Hopkins. HA. Estate of Charles Hopkins. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 63. Accession No.: 17,898-2908-1/2 MSA S512-4- 2991 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/03/27 2908A: Isaac Smith Isaacs. BA. Insolvent estate of Isaacs. Accession No.: 17,898-2908A MSA S512-4- 2992 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/07/06 2909: William Kilty vs. Samuel J. Coolidge, Mary Coolidge, Sarah Hepburn, John Hepburn, and Patricia Hepburn. PG. Petition to sell Gray Eagle Enlarged, Maidens Dowry, Mellwood Park, Trundle Bed Cuckold. Plat of Gray Eagle Enlarged, Maidens Dowry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 25. Accession No.: 17,898-2909-1/3 MSA S512-4- 2993 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/10/01 2910: William Kemp vs. Thomas Wallace. TA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Nobles Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2910-1/2 MSA S512-4- 2994 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/04/21 2911: Philip Key vs. William D. Briscoe. CH, SM. Contract to purchase Digges Baltimore Gift, Digges Addition, Batchelors Hope, Morris Hope in CH. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 638. Accession No.: 17,898-2911-1/4 MSA S512-4- 2995 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/23 2912: John B. Knott and Clement Knott vs. Edward McWilliams and Elizabeth McWillimas. SM. Estate of Ignatius Knott. Accession No.: 17,898-2912 MSA S512-4- 2996 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/05 2913: Samuel Kidd, Richard H. Owen, Rebecca Nicholson, John B. Nicholson, Catherine M. Nicholson, Joseph J. Nicholson, Rebecca S. Nicholson, Margaret S. Nicholson, Centoria C. Nicholson, Francis B. Nicholson, William C. Nicholson, and James W. Nicholson vs. William Hopper Nicholson. QA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 883. Accession No.: 17,898-2913 MSA S512-4- 2997 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/06/20 2914: Sarah Kerr and William Stansbury vs. John Ash, Mary Kindall, and George Kerr. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-2914 MSA S512-4- 2998 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/11/16 2915: John Kellam, Sr. vs. John Kellam, Jr. WO. Appointment of trustee for John Kellam, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-2915-1/2 MSA S512-4- 2999 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/04/29 2916: Robert Lloyd Nichols David Kerr and Thomas Chamberlaine vs. Francis Sellers and Thomas Cooper. CA. Petition to sell Sylvesters Addition, Bayards Discovery, Webbs Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-2916 MSA S512-4- 3000 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/04/29 2917: Donaldson Yates and James Carrie vs. Sarah Knock, William Bartham, Temperance Bartham, Kirby Rathals, Francis Knock, and Hanse Knock. KE. Petition to sell Bennetts Hope, Rachels Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 391. Accession No.: 17,898-2917-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3001 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/21 2918: Gibson Keadle and slave John vs. Ninian T. Willett. PG. Contract to manumit John. Accession No.: 17,898-2918 MSA S512-4- 3002 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/04/07 2919: Rebecca King, John King, and Mary King vs. John Erskine and Peter Sharpe. TA. Estate of James King. Accession No.: 17,898-2919 MSA S512-4- 3003 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/09/04 2920: Edward Kerr vs. James Barnett, Luther Martin, Easter Martin, Joanna Barnett, Mark Barnett, Solomon Barnett, Samuel Barnett, Lucinda Barnett, Elizabeth Barnett, Benjamin Scott, Jane Scott, William Barnett, Robert Hamilton, and Elizbeth Hamilton. HA. Contract to purchase lots in Union Cross Roads. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 477 and 111, p. 334.
Accession No.: 17,898-2920 MSA S512-4- 3004 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/28 2921: Jesse King vs. Nelly Wilson and Arnold Elzey. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2921 MSA S512-4- 3005 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/04 2922: Alexander Kinney vs. John Baltzer, Sr. and John Baltzer, Jr. FR. Defraud of creditors of John Baltzer, Sr. - lot in Frederick, Taskers Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2922 MSA S512-4- 3006 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/03/05 2923: John Kilty vs. Francis West, James West, and Maria Davidson. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2923 MSA S512-4- 3007 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/20 2924: Michael Kraner vs. Rinaldo Johnson, Ann Johnson, Horatio Johnson, Thomas Johnson, John Johnson, John Woodward, Rachel Woodward, Mary Jamison, John H. Fox, and Elizabeth Fox. BA. Contract to mortgage Angles Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 409.
Accession No.: 17,898-2924-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3008 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/06/01 2925: David Kerr and Robert Lloyd Nichols vs. Woolman Gibson and John Thomas. TA. Insolvent estate of Jacob Gibson - Nobles Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-2925 MSA S512-4- 3009 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/02/25 2926: Thomas Keimer vs. James Hopewell, Ann Hopewell, Elizabeth Hopewell, and Lucretia Hopewell. SM. Estate of Hugh Hopewell - St. Richards Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-2926 MSA S512-4- 3010 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/12/16 2927: Charles Ridgely of Hampton, Charles Wallace, and William Campbell vs. Randolph W. Latimer, James B. Latimer, William K. Latimer, Mary C. Latimer, Susanna W. Latimer, Pricilla R. Latimer, Rebecca H. Latimer, Philip B. Key, Benjamin Harwood, and Richard H. Harwood. AL, CH. Petition to sell Daniels Conclusion, Stewards Oversight, Robeys Help, Latimers Addition, Latimers Second Addition, Latimers Forrest, Widows Hardship, Baggots Boots, Smallwoods Good Bargain in CH. Also Glades Farm, Buck Ridge, Savage Ridge in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 703.
Accession No.: 17,898-2927-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3011 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/03/22 2928: Philip Key vs. Sarah S. Briscoe, Samuel J. Briscoe, Sarah A. Briscoe, Janett Eleanor Briscoe, Walter Hanson Briscoe, and William D. Briscoe. SM. Estate of William Dent Briscoe - Bachelors Hope, Morris Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2928 MSA S512-4- 3012 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/10 2929: George Krause vs. Peter Fleury, Thomas Fleury, and Rebecca Fleury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 299 and 56, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-2929 MSA S512-4- 3013 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/04/14 2930: James Kelso vs. David Kennedy. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2930-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3014 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/01/07 2931: William Kilty vs. John Hamilton Brown, Charles Carroll, Jennett Carroll, Harriet Brooke, George W. Whitaker, Ann Whitaker, and Eleanor Brown. PG. Estate of John Brown - Beals Chance, Mount Calvert Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 480.
Accession No.: 17,898-2931-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3015 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/09/24 2932: Jacob Kessinger vs. Henry Pugh, Jacob Pugh, Elizabeth Pugh, George Kessinger, and Barbara Kessinger. WA. Petition to sell Resurvey on Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 562. Accession No.: 17,898-2932-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3016 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/20 2933: John Kirnan vs. John Latour. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2933 MSA S512-4- 3017 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/06/07 2934: William Krebs vs. George Weis, Thomas Meredith, and Richard B. Spalding. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 190. Accession No.: 17,898-2934 MSA S512-4- 3018 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/12/16 2935: George King vs. William B. Magruder and Washington Bowie. BA, MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2935 MSA S512-4- 3019 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/03/26 2936: John Knight and Levy Baily vs. William Knight. CE. Contract to lease lots in Nottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-2936 MSA S512-4- 3020 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/01/30 2937: Joseph Karrick vs. James Mackey, Thomas Sharpe, William Mackey, John Evans, and Levy Tyson. CE. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-2937 MSA S512-4- 3021 Location: 1/36/3/
1765/10/31 2938: Christopher Kettleman vs. Henry Digges, Edward Digges, and William Digges. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Williams Intention. Accession No.: 17,898-2938 MSA S512-4- 3022 Location: 1/36/3/
1783/01/26 2939: Juliana Keller vs. John Harrison. FR. Contract to purchase Addisons Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-2939 MSA S512-4- 3023 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/08/09 2940: Benjamin Knock vs. Jesse Gilbert, Mary Knock, and Christopher Cox. KE. Title to Chesterfield Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-2940-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3024 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/09/04 2941: John Koontz vs. Jacob Shuh, Solomon Shuh, Rebecca Shuh, Mary Ann Shuh, Christiana Shuh, and John Alexander Shuh. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on a flaxseed oil mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-2941-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3025 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/11/07 2942: Robert Key vs. John Ridout, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Upton Scott, and Thomas Hyde. AA. Contract to build a church in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-2942-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3026 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/11/10 2943: David Kerr, Jr. and Maria Kerr vs. William B. Smyth and Mary Smyth. TA. Estate of William Perry. Accession No.: 17,898-2943-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3027 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/06/08 2944: Josias W. King, Letitia King, Henry Whetcroft, Sarah Whetcroft, Thomas Munroe, Frances Munroe, Alexander Kerr, Anne Kerr, William Whetcroft, and Catherine Whetcroft vs. William French and Robert Strange. BA. Contract to purchase Grayhound Forrest.
Accession No.: 17,898-2944 MSA S512-4- 3028 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/09/15 2945: William Holland Reynolds vs. Francis King, Uriah Forrest, and Benjamin Stoddert. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2945 MSA S512-4- 3029 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/12 2946: Christian Kuhn, Elizabeth Black, and Henry Groff vs. Andrew Black, Elizabeth Black, and Matilda Black. FR. Petition to sell Valentines Good Will, Ogleton, Kingston Stead. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 389. Accession No.: 17,898-2946-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3030 Location: 1/36/3/
1784/02/10 2947: William King vs. Mark Alexander. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2947 MSA S512-4- 3031 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/06/05 2948: Andreas Koch vs. John Callaghan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2948 MSA S512-4- 3032 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/09/21 2949: Jesse King and William Dane vs. Edward Pannell. SO. Contract to purchase merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-2949 MSA S512-4- 3033 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/11/16 2950: Joshua Kinnard vs. Thomas Yewell. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Youngs Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-2950 MSA S512-4- 3034 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/09/17 2951: William Kell, Alesanna Kell, Elizabeth Kell, Harriett Kell, Thomas Kell Andrew, Alexander McKim Andrew, Francis Cooper Andrew, Pamela Andrew, and John Fletcher Andrew vs. Thomas Kell, Isaac Kell, Jacob Hoffman, Mary Cruse, Peter Hoffman, Jr., George Hoffman, Jeremiah Hoffman, William Hoffman, John Hoffman, Samuel Hoffman, David Hoffman, Eliza Hoffman, James Latimer, Sophia Latimer, and Sarah Smith. BA. Title to lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-2951 MSA S512-4- 3035 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/02/28 2952: Anthony Kennedy vs. Benjamin C. Colhoun. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2952 MSA S512-4- 3036 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/09/20 2953: John King vs. Thomas Keithly, Mary Keithly, Nahum Warren, Martha Warren, and Samuel Chubb. BA. Estate of John Burney - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2953 MSA S512-4- 3037 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/11/16 2954: John Knight vs. John Leatherbery, Sarah Leatherbery, Gideon Longfellow, Ann Longfellow, John Rolph, Thomas Rolph, Oneal Rolph, and Harriet Rolph. CE. Estate of Thomas Rolph - Labordee Tract. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 216. Accession No.: 17,898-2954 MSA S512-4- 3038 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/08/19 2955: Anthony Kennedy, Thomas Moale, Abraham Usher, and John McKim, Jr. vs. Joseph Slater. BA. Petition to record mortgage for lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-2955 MSA S512-4- 3039 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/05/01 2956: Jonathan Kershner, Jacob Kershner, Philip Kershner, John Kershner, Elizabeth Kershner, Martin Kershner, Daniel Kershner, David Kershner, Jacob Kershner of Peter, Mary Kershner, Nathan Start, Barbara Start vs. Jacob Kershner. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from First Snow.
Accession No.: 17,898-2956 MSA S512-4- 3040 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/03 2957: William Kilty vs. Isaac Lansdale, Elizabeth Lansdale, George Whitaker, Eleanor Whitaker, and Margery Whitaker. PG. Estate of Robert Whitaker. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 206. Accession No.: 17,898-2957-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3041 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/09 2958: William Kilgour vs. Henrietta Keech and John R. Keech. SM. Contract to purchase Greenfields Land. Accession No.: 17,898-2958 MSA S512-4- 3042 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/07/25 2959: Benjamin Kohlstadt vs. Henry Fouse. BA. Mortage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2959 MSA S512-4- 3043 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/13 2960: James Kelso and William Hitchcock vs. John Standiford. BA. Estate of Abraham Standiford. Accession No.: 17,898-2960 MSA S512-4- 3044 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/11/22 2961: Jacob Koontz, Anthony Starlipper, Catherine Starlipper, and Eve Miller vs. Jacob Keefer. FR. Estate of Charity Keefer. Accession No.: 17,898-2961 MSA S512-4- 3045 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/12/13 2962: Ann Key. MO. Petition to sell Bradfords Rest, Milleys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2962-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3046 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/12/16 2963: Peter Kemp vs. Jesse Carpenter, Ruth Carpenter, Thomas Beall of Samuel, John Boos, and James M. Lingan. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2963 MSA S512-4- 3047 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/09/30 2964: Jacob Kershner vs. John Ritter. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Conquest. Accession No.: 17,898-2964 MSA S512-4- 3048 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/10/02 2965: Richard Keene. DO. Trust estate of Shadrack Keene - Keenes Misfortune, Keenes Pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-2965 MSA S512-4- 3049 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/07/28 2966: James Kent, Jr. vs. James Kent, Sr. QA. Appointment of trustee for James Kent, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-2966 MSA S512-4- 3050 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/01/25 2967: John T. Shaaff and Mary Shaaff. PG. Estate of Charles Sydebotham - Perries Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 629. Accession No.: 17,898-2967 MSA S512-4- 3051 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/02/17 2968: Esther Kenega, Betsy Kenega, Mary Kenega, Benjamin Kenega, Nancy Kenega, and Hetty Kenega. FR. Trust estate of John Kenega - Kenegas Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-2968-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3052 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/07/25 2969: James Kemp. TA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-2969 MSA S512-4- 3053 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/08/27 2970: Joseph Kemp. TA. Trust estate of Thomas Kemp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-2970 MSA S512-4- 3054 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/01/11 2971: John Kirwan. BA. Insolvent estate of Kirwan. Accession No.: 17,898-2971 MSA S512-4- 3055 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/05/06 2972: Zachariah Keene. FR, SO, WO. Trust estate of Josias Russell and Mary Russell - Bealls Addition in FR. Also Mill Security in SO and WO. Plat of Mill Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-2972-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3056 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/10/10 2973: Caples Kelly and Ann Kelly vs. Joshua Rowles, Sidney Rowles, and James Walker Paca. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-2973 MSA S512-4- 3057 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/09/17 2975: George W. Kid and Jane Kid vs. John Linton. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Alexanders Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 807. Accession No.: 17,898-2975-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3058 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/04/01 2976: Edward Reynolds vs. Francis King and Joseph Wilkinson. CV. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2976 MSA S512-4- 3059 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/04/25 2977: William Kilty vs. William E. Hungerford, Dorcas Bourne, Samuel Turner, Sarah Turner, Mary Hungerford, Elizabeth Hungerford, Eleanor Hungerford, Thomas Hungerford, and Jesse Hungerford. CV. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 695.
Accession No.: 17,898-2977-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3060 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/02/21 2978: Peter A. Karthaus vs. James Owings. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 490. Accession No.: 17,898-2978-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3061 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/10/05 2979: Eleanor Kennedy vs. Alexander Mitchell. FR, MO, WA. Petition to partition Landstoll, Cornucopia, Mountain Prospect, Resurvey on Contentment, Kiskers Lowden, Happy Chance, Nottingham, Fellowsjip, lots in Boonsborough, Link Together, Antietam Finished, Addition to Chance in WA. Also Bear Swamp Forrest, Michaels Neglect in FR and Woodstock in MO. Plats at 1/38/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 434.
Accession No.: 17,898-2979-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3062 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/11/27 2980: Thomas Kerr vs. Ebenezer Perkins. KE. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-2980 MSA S512-4- 3063 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/10/28 2981: John Keiger vs. William Kirkpatrick. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Dixons Pleasure, Establishment. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-2981 MSA S512-4- 3064 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/08/01 2982: Henry Kuhn, Jeremiah Browning, and Laurence Creager vs. Tobias Butler, George Schnertzel, and John Creager. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 380. Accession No.: 17,898-2982-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3065 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/06/10 2983: William Kilty and William Simmons vs. John Lane, Nicholas Lane, Hester Lane, Samuel Lane Smith, William Smith, Robert Smith, Richard Smith, Theodore Hodgkin, Matilda Hodgkin, Rachel Smith, Joseph Smith, Hester Smith, Richard Mackell, and Nathan Lane. AA, CV. Title to Hornisham in CV.
Accession No.: 17,898-2983-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3066 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/10/09 2984: Peter Kimmel vs. Joseph James. FR. Contract to purchase proclamation and escheat warrants. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-2984-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3067 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/05/04 2985: John Kindlemyers vs. Barney Bartley, Samuel Hughs, James White Hall, Sarah Hall, William Brook Stokes, and Clement Brooks. HA. Operation of partnership of a herring fishery in Havre de Grace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 309 and 97, p. 40
Accession No.: 17,898-2985-1/8 MSA S512-4- 3068 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/05/19 2986: Frederick Konig vs. Charles F. Kenter, Gerard Von Harten, Michael Kimmel, and Anthony Kimmel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-2986-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3069 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/07/31 2987: William Krebs vs. William Shipley, Jr., Jacob Rothrock, Jr., and Abraham Ghormley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 253. Accession No.: 17,898-2987-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3070 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/05/03 2988: Casper Keller vs. George Burkhart. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-2988 MSA S512-4- 3071 Location: 1/36/3/
1786/05/20 2989: Edmund Kelly vs. James Flaharty. BA. Contract to build a house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-2989 MSA S512-4- 3072 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/11/27 2991: Frederick Kemp, John Kemp, Philip Kemp, Sarah Kemp, George Kemp, Adam Mayne, and Catherine Mayne vs. Mary Whitmore, Elizabeth Whitmore, Michael Whitmore, George Whitmore, Catherine Whitmore, Nicholas Whitmore, Susannah Whitmore, and Margaret Whitmore. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Rocky Hills, Puzzlesome Corrected. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 373.
Accession No.: 17,898-2991 MSA S512-4- 3073 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/03/25 2992: John Kraver vs. Jacob Burgesser. FR. Petition to record deed for lot in Middletown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 316. Accession No.: 17,898-2992 MSA S512-4- 3074 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/12/24 2993: Zachariah Kimble vs. Abraham Taylor, Jemima Dorsey, Mathew Dorsey, James Taylor, Amelia Ayres, Abraham Ayres, Joseph Taylor, Asa Taylor, Hannah Taylor, Hannah Ayres, John Carter, Polly Carter, William Hamby, Susanna Hamby, and Elijah Kimble. HA. Petition to sell Kimbles Double Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 637.
Accession No.: 17,898-2993 MSA S512-4- 3075 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/03/29 2994: Conrad Kreebon vs. John Compton, Rebecca Compton, Robert Clark, James Clark, Mary Clark, Lemuel Barrett, and John Youtzy. AL. Title to Vale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 317. Accession No.: 17,898-2994 MSA S512-4- 3076 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/10/31 2995: Daniel Kent and Ann W. Kent vs. John Weems. CV. Estate of Roger Wheeler - Coxhead, Coxcomb, Smiths Conveyance, Mewington, Henry Chew, Bucks Purchase, slaves Tom, Nan and child, Henry, Pat, and Bet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-2995 MSA S512-4- 3077 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/11/05 2996: William McKinley. FR. Petition to record deed for lot in Emmitsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-2996 MSA S512-4- 3078 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/06/04 2997: Joshua Kennard vs. Nathaniel Wright. QA. Contract to purchase Robinsons Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-2997-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3079 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/05/19 2998: Emanual Kent, William Brown, John Yellott, George Yellott, John Armstrong, Ann Armstrong, Mary Hollingsworth, Francis Hollingsworth, Charles Worthington, Hannah Worthington, Zebulon Hollingsworth and Ann Willis vs. Mary Hollingsworth, Mary Yellott, Jacob Hollingsworth, and Ann Hollingsworth. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 310.
Accession No.: 17,898-2998 MSA S512-4- 3080 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/03/14 2999: Philip Barton Key vs. Zachariah Beall and Samuel Beall. MO. Petition to correct deed for James Gift, Resurvey on James Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-2999 MSA S512-4- 3081 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/06/09 3000: Christian Keener vs. William C. Gouldsmith. BA. Mortgage foreclsosure on Sheridens Bottom Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-3000 MSA S512-4- 3082 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/06/25 3001: Joseph Kent vs. Zachariah Berry, Elisha Berry, Benjamin Berry, and James Wood. PG. Contact to pay debts. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 444. Accession No.: 17,898-3001-1/8 MSA S512-4- 3083 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/04 3002: John Kilty vs. John Quynn, Kitty Quynn, Betsy Quynn, William Quynn, Allen Quynn, Caspar Quynn, John Gassaway, and Eliza Gassaway. AA. Petition to sell Wardrope, Youngs Chance, Dunkins Luck, Hambleton, Hills Good Luck, Timber Neck, Brampton, lots in Annapolis, Swans Tan Yard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 628.
Accession No.: 17,898-3002-1/7 MSA S512-4- 3084 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/01/20 3003: Richard Keene vs. Susanna Keene. QA. Appointment of trustee for Susanna Keene. Accession No.: 17,898-3003 MSA S512-4- 3085 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/09/21 3004: John Rawlings. CE. Appointment of trustee for William Knight - New Garden Accession No.: 17,898-3004-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3086 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/16 3005: Amos Loney vs. Thomas B. Randall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Little Munster. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 519 Accession No.: 17,898-3005 MSA S512-4- 3087 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/06/07 3006: John Lukenbell, Joshua Worman, and Hannah Worman vs. Jacob Siglar. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-3006 MSA S512-4- 3088 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/07/10 3007: Nathan Levering vs. John Keller. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-3007 MSA S512-4- 3089 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/31 3008: Elizabeth Lloyd and Henrietta M. Lloyd vs. John R. Bromwell. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lords Gift, Goldsborough, Gunington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 756. Accession No.: 17,898-3008 MSA S512-4- 3090 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/02/26 3009: John Lawrence vs. Francis Smith, George W. Smith, and Mary Ann Smith. CV, PG. Petition to sell lot in Nottingham in PG. Also High Land, Dunkirk in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 477. Accession No.: 17,898-3009 MSA S512-4- 3091 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/09/13 3010: Margaret Lewis vs. John McFadon. BA. Estates of Charles Lewis and William McFadon. Accession No.: 17,898-3010-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3092 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/10/19 3011: Abraham Larsh, Jr. vs. John Murray, Thomas Murray, Rachel Murray, William Nace, Elizabeth Nace, Henry Brisk, Harriott Brisk, and Philip Hammond. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Butlers Farm, Addition to Elledges Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 289. Accession No.: 17,898-3011-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3093 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/06/16 3012: Peter Long, George Long, John Arnold, Mary Arnold, David Young, Elizabeth Young, Peter Buss, Catherine Buss, Conrad Zeile, Jacob Zeile, Rachel Long, Jacob Long, Elizabeth Long, Peggy Long, Daniel Long, Barbara Long, and Mary Long. FR. Petition to sell Ohio. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 202.
Accession No.: 17,898-3012 MSA S512-4- 3094 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/08/15 3013: George Lindenberger and Isaac Atkinson vs. Hugh Hales. BA. Insolvent estate of Hales - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-3013 MSA S512-4- 3095 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/11/13 3014: James Loffman, Mary Loffman, Isaac Cannell, and William Miller vs. Martha Gale, George Gale, and Thomas Gale. KE. Petition to sell Gambles Farm. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 322. Accession No.: 17,898-3014 MSA S512-4- 3096 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/12/19 3015: Daniel Lamb vs. Ariana Joins. KE. Estate of Joseph Joins - Worton Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 205. Accession No.: 17,898-3015-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3097 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/12/21 3015A: Daniel Lamb vs. State of Maryland. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Reserve of Kent Manor. Plat; also shows Green Oak, Broomfield Resurveyed, Chance, Providence Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 549. Accession No.: 17,898-3015A MSA S512-4- 3098 Location: 1/36/3/
1788 3015B: Peter Littig. BA. Insolvent estate of Littig. Accession No.: 17,898-3015B MSA S512-4- 3099 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/18 3016: John Livingston, Martha Livingston, William Hewitt, Mary Hewitt, John Hewitt, and James Hewitt vs. John Laird, Thomas Dick, and Thomas Hewitt. PG. Estate of Thomas Hewitt, Sr. - Thomas and Mary, Wilsons Enlargement, Jacksons Improvement, Hard Struggles, Brashears Meadows, lots in Bladensburg, slaves Jack, Anthony, Barbara, Kitty, and Letty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 454 and 46, p. 470.
Accession No.: 17,898-3016-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3100 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/05/09 3017: Daniel Leister and Andrew Young vs. Barbara Myers, John Myers, Mary Myers, Abraham Myers, Elizabeth Myers, Solomon Myers, Catherine Myers, Lydia Myers, and David Myers. FR. Petition to sell Rosses Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 19. Accession No.: 17,898-3017-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3101 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/07/25 3018: George H. Leigh vs. Attaway Greenwell and Philip B. Greenwell. SM. Petition to sell Perch Hole Marsh, Little Yielding. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 155. Accession No.: 17,898-3018 MSA S512-4- 3102 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/14 3019: Alexander L. Lemmonier vs. Elsie M. Hincks, David O. Hincks, John W. Hincks, Mary S. Hincks, and John Pancoast. AA. Petition to sell lots in Lisbon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 93. Accession No.: 17,898-3019-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3103 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/09/13 3020: John Lawrence vs. Sarah Hance, Johanna Breese, Young D. Hance, Rebecca Ogg, Robert Ogg, John Rhodes, Sarah Hance, Ariana Hance, John Hance, and Richard Hance. CV. Petition to sell Rock Hall, Parkers Cliffs, Miles End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 598 and 102, p. 513.
Accession No.: 17,898-3020-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3104 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/07/24 3021: Samuel Lilly vs. Leonard J. M. Littlejohn and Rebecca Littlejohn. BA. Petition to sell Fathers Assistance, White Oak Level, Worth But Little, White Oak Ridge, Hickory Level, Little Bit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 527. Accession No.: 17,898-3021 MSA S512-4- 3105 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/08/13 3022: Francis Lowndes, Charles Lowndes, John Suter, Valentine Reintzell, George Reintzell, and George King vs. Francis Ober, Robert Ober, Samuel Ober, Lydia Ober, and Gustavus Ober. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Dranes Final Conclusion, Dranes Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 75.
Accession No.: 17,898-3022-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3106 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/06/28 3023: Robert Carey Long vs. Elizabeth Hammond, Jane Hammond, and Henry Hammond. BA. Estate of John Hammond - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 31, p. 465 and 37, p. 277. Accession No.: 17,898-3023 MSA S512-4- 3107 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/01/20 3024: Samuel Lowry vs. Jeremiah Hill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 210. Accession No.: 17,898-3024 MSA S512-4- 3108 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/02/22 3025: James Low, Joshua Townsend, George Magee, and Jacob Lynch vs. George Conner, James Conner, Nancy Conner, Mincey Conner, and Mary Conner. WO. Estate of James Conner - Hognorton, Turners Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 627 and 36, p. 115. Accession No.: 17,898-3025-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3109 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/05/29 3026: Samuel Lilly, Edmund McCabe, Maria McCabe, and Jane McCabe vs. Alexander McConnell and James McConnell. BA. Contact to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 38 and 110, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-3026 MSA S512-4- 3110 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/02/28 3027: James M. Lingan vs. Johanna Casanove, Peter Casanove, Ann Casanove, and Nicholas Young. PG. Estate of Peter Casanove - lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-3027 MSA S512-4- 3111 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/12/18 3028: Robert Lowe and Christiana Lowe vs. Francis Hance, Charlotte Hance, John Hance, Harriett Hance, Mary A. Hance, Eliza Hance, Anne H. Hance, and Samuel Turner. CV. Defraud of creditors of Francis Hance - Copartnership, Taneys Ease, Busseys Garden, Taneys Addition, Taneys Reserve, Purchase, Overton, Hances Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 297.
Accession No.: 17,898-3028 MSA S512-4- 3112 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/11/20 3029: Lloyd M. Lowe and Rebecca Lowe vs. Nicholas Maccubbin and Charlotte Maccubbin. AA. Petition to sell Randalls Purchase, Grays Increase, Maccubbins Fishery, Rowles Addition, Hopkins Addition, Randalls Fancy, Hopkins Fancy, Normans Fancy, Mountain of Wales. Recorded (Chancery Record) 52, p. 251 and 58, p. 124.
Accession No.: 17,898-3029-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3113 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/01/14 3030: Edward Lloyd vs. William Taylor. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Providence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 72. Accession No.: 17,898-3030 MSA S512-4- 3114 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/11/14 3031: James Francis Lefebre vs. Robert Courtenay and Luke Tiernan. AA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Courtenays First Additon, Askewton, Bakers Increase, Greenbury, Smiths Range Enlarged. Plat of Askewton, Bakers Increase, Greenbury at 1/38/1/5; also shows Range, Crouchfield. Accession No.: 17,898-3031-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3115 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/10/27 3032: Michael Late, John Brunner, and John Cornice vs. James Smith, Francis Mantz, George Peltz, and John Peltz. FR. Estate of John Peltz - Resurvey on Halls Choice, Taskers Chance, Duvall Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3032-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3116 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/04/21 3033: Jacob Lemmon and Joshua Lemmon. BA. Estate of Richard Lemmon - Hansons Improvement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3033-1/8 MSA S512-4- 3117 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/06/09 3034: Thomas Lansdale vs. William Clarke, Eleanor Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Abraham Clarke, William L. Beckett, Mary Beckett, Sutton Isaac, and Elizabeth Isaac. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Higgins Lot, Abrahams Luck, Peaches Lot Enlarged, Charles, Carricks Industry, Strife, Cheneys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 309 and 36, p. 87.
Accession No.: 17,898-3034 MSA S512-4- 3118 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/16 3035: Nicholas Loveday and Ann Loveday vs. James Kent, Francis Kent, Robert Kent, Elizabeth Kent, Charlotte Meads, Malakiah Meads, Luther Cox, and Emanuel Kent. QA. Contact to purchase Kents Reserve, Chesterfields Addition, Pascals Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-3035-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3119 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/06/08 3036: Christian Lefefer vs. Henry Pitsell. FR. Estate of Henry Pitsell - Resurvey on Paradise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 516. Accession No.: 17,898-3036 MSA S512-4- 3120 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/02/21 3037: James Lawson vs. Attorney General. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ore Hill, Gleanings, Keep Trieste Furnace, Little I Thought It, Semples Manor, slaves Peter Boatswain, Roger Golings, Harry Golings, Willie, Cesar, Peter, Harry, Sampson, Jim, Dick, Will, Eboe, Harry, Tom, Geyly, Sam, Sarah, Mary Ann, Beck, Jean, and Cassie in WA. Also Occoquan Forge, slaves Abner, Harry, George, Elisha, Joe Forge, Harry, Pompey, Toney, Abram, John Chaise, James Fox, Tom, Pad Port, Tobacco Tom, Gilbert, Sam, Eboe, Ben King, George Kitt, Aaron, George, Denney, Willoughbay Yeman, Bob, Nate, Tominey, Kate, Jean, Sall, Agnes, Mary, Pegg, Luck, Cloe, Tanner, and Nell in VA. Plats of Ore Hill, Gleanings, Keep Trieste, Keep Trieste Furnace, Little I Thought It, Semples Manor in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 37, MdHR 40,283-90, S65-198, B5/10/1. Also shows Walnut Bottom, Thomas Forrest, What Not, King Cole, George, Pains Industry, That or None, Grandfathers Gift, Prospect, Rogues Harbour, Banjaner Parry, Resurvey on Merryland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 161.
Accession No.: 17,898-3037-1/9 MSA S512-4- 3121 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/01/11 3038: George Lee. BA. Insolvent estate of Lee - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3038 MSA S512-4- 3122 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/07/28 3039: Thomas H. Lyles and Joseph Court vs. Alexander H. Smith, Mary H. Smith, John Thomas Smith, Philemon Smith, Upton S. Smith, Hamilton Smith, Sarah L.C. Smith, Elizabeth Chew Lyles, and Samuel Chew. CV. Estate of Mary Lyles - Red Hall, Turners Place, Long Lane. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 182.
Accession No.: 17,898-3039-1/7 MSA S512-4- 3123 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/03/08 3040: John Lee vs. James Cloney and Martin F. Maher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-3040 MSA S512-4- 3124 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/01/16 3041: William Lilly and George Zimmerman vs. Roger B. Taney, Joshua Carter, John Carter, Solomon Carter, David Carter, and William Carter. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3041-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3125 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/06/10 3042: Jacob Lambert. WA. Estate of Elias Gerhart - Adventure, Manheim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 73 and 104, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-3042 MSA S512-4- 3126 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/30 3043: George Leggett. BA. Insolvent estate of Leggett. Accession No.: 17,898-3043 MSA S512-4- 3127 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/05/24 3044: Jacob Lum. CE. Insolvent estate of Lum. Accession No.: 17,898-3044 MSA S512-4- 3128 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/26 3045: James Law. BA. Insolvent estate of Law. Accession No.: 17,898-3045 MSA S512-4- 3129 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/24 3046: James Julien Delarne Legoux. BA. Insolvent estate of Legoux. Accession No.: 17,898-3046 MSA S512-4- 3130 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/02/10 3047: George Leggett vs. John Brown. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3047 MSA S512-4- 3131 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/07/29 3048: John Crocker vs. Thomas Law. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-3048 MSA S512-4- 3132 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/04/11 3049: William Lodge, Alexander Adams, and Attorney General vs. Thomas Orme and Thomas Beall. MO. Title to Hard to Come At, Prospect Valley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3049-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3133 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/01/14 3050: Alexander Catlett vs. Hardage Lane. MO. Title to Farewell, Third Resurvey on the Second Part of Friend in Need. Accession No.: 17,898-3050 MSA S512-4- 3134 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/04/20 3051: Chloe Douglas, John C. Reeves, Mary Reeves, Walter Douglas, and Sarah Douglas. CH. Petition to sell Brands Discovery, Steemingdale, Promise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 156. Accession No.: 17,898-3051 MSA S512-4- 3135 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/09/28 3052: Jesse King, John Leatherbury, John Wilkins, William Ballard, and William Pollett vs. John Done, Anna M. Denwood, James D. Denwood, and Sarah M. Denwood. SO. Petition to sell Dones Nest Egg, Labor in Vane. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-3052-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3136 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/01/21 3053: Thomas Lyles vs. Benjamin Hall and Ann Clarke. PG. Petition to disclose accounts. Recorded (Chancery Record) 50, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-3053 MSA S512-4- 3137 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/05/30 3054: Thomas Love and Attorney General vs. Eli Matthews. BA. Title to Columbia. Accession No.: 17,898-3054 MSA S512-4- 3138 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/06/01 3054A: Catherine Latimer, Randolph W. Latimer, James Latimer, Mary Latimer, Susan Latimer, Priscilla R. Latimer, and Rebecca H. Latimer vs. Charles W. Hanson. AA. Estate of Charles Wallace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 561 and 104, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-3054A MSA S512-4- 3139 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/08/04 3054B: Godfrey Leatherman vs. Henry Leatherman. FR. Title to Friendship Dropted, Maple Bottom, Long Black Oak. Accession No.: 17,898-3054B MSA S512-4- 3140 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/13 3054C: Elizabeth Llewellin vs. Polly Eden , Betsy Eden, Nancy Eden, James Eden, and Kitty Eden. SM. Petition to sell Barren Doe, Neals Lot, Wolfs Hole. Accession No.: 17,898-3054C MSA S512-4- 3141 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/09/29 3055: Robert Long vs. Jacob Boulding, Abraham Falconer, Jeremiah Ford, George Liggett, and John Paul. BA. Contract to purchase James Park, Wignels Rest, Onions Second Thought. Plat at 1/38/1/15. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-3055-1/14 MSA S512-4- 3142 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/04/25 3056: James Lowe, Edward Orem, Elizabeth Orem, Mary Lowe, William Marshall, and Sarah Marshall vs. Margaret Lowe, Rachel Lowe, John Lowe, Maria Lowe, Susan Lowe, and Arian Lowe. TA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-3056 MSA S512-4- 3143 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/02/29 3057: Harris Legg vs. Ferdinand Sliney and Henrietta Sliney. QA. Petition to record deed for Timber Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, 201. Accession No.: 17,898-3057 MSA S512-4- 3144 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/10/06 3058: George Noble Lyles and Richard Clagett vs. William Lyles and James Hawkins. PG. Title to slaves Hannah, Sarah, Susannah, Luce, Charles, Jack, Poll, Milly, Fillis, Huke, Walter, Sophia, and Linny. Accession No.: 17,898-3058 MSA S512-4- 3145 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/16 3059: Walter Leigh vs. Matthias Clarke. SM. Contact to sell tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-3059 MSA S512-4- 3146 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/06/29 3060: Thomas Leach vs. Polly Dorsey, Priscilla Dorsey, Leavin L. Dorsey, Elias Dorsey, and Urith Dorsey. AA. Contact to purchase Belts Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 653. Accession No.: 17,898-3060 MSA S512-4- 3147 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/11/12 3061: John Leatherbury vs. James Bennett. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3061 MSA S512-4- 3148 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/09/13 3062: Zachary Laforgue Desmangles and Mary Desmangles vs. John Latour, William Van Wyck, Joshua Dorsey, and Peter A. Guestier. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 50. Accession No.: 17,898-3062 MSA S512-4- 3149 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/31 3063: John Lawrence vs. Mary Hance, Richard Hance, Elizabeth Hance, John Rhodes, and Sarah Rhodes. CV. Estate of Richard Hance - Parkers Cliffs, Rock Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-3063 MSA S512-4- 3150 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/09/17 3064: John Linsted vs. Elijah Redmond, Thomas Redmond, Rebecca Redmond, Thomas Davis, Robert Heath, Ann Heath, Kinsey Tydings, Mary Tydings, and Ralph Johnson. AA. Petition to sell Randalls Range. Accession No.: 17,898-3064 MSA S512-4- 3151 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/10/14 3065: Peter Langdon, Ann Langdon, Daniel Gilmore, Elizabeth Gilmore, Robert Karr, Nathaniel Karr, and Sarah Karr vs. Elizabeth Creswell and John Creswell. CE. Petition to release mortgage on Johnsons Island, Parks Island, Karrs Island. Accession No.: 17,898-3065-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3152 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/11/30 3066: Samuel Lilly vs. John Schley, Jr., Jacob Steiner, John Jacob Schley, George Jacob Schley, Margaret Steiner, Peter Toffle, Mary Ann Toffle, Sybilla Ogle, John Jeremiah Myers, Barbara Myers, Peter Beir, and Eve Beir. FR. Contract to purchase Strife, Hauers Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 65.
Accession No.: 17,898-3066-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3153 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/10 3067: Susan Lingan vs. Samuel Peaco. AA. Contract to purchase Lot 45 in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-3067 MSA S512-4- 3154 Location: 1/36/3/
1786/10/16 3068: Sutton Leggett vs. Benjamin Rogers. BA. Contract to purchase Blethana Cambria. Accession No.: 17,898-3068 MSA S512-4- 3155 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/09/20 3069: John Lloyd vs. Elizabeth A. Clagett. PG. Petition to sell Edelens Thickett, Hog Pen Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 344. Accession No.: 17,898-3069 MSA S512-4- 3156 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/10/20 3070: Thomas Long vs. Elizabeth Long. BA. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Long. Accession No.: 17,898-3070-1/9 MSA S512-4- 3157 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/05/26 3071: James Long and Andrew Buchanan vs. George Lightner. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3071 MSA S512-4- 3158 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/12/17 3072: John Lukenbell vs. William Worman. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 64 and 110, p. 131. Accession No.: 17,898-3072 MSA S512-4- 3159 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/11/06 3073: John Lane vs. Bennet Bussey. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3073 MSA S512-4- 3160 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/05/14 3074: Charles Lecompt and John Tootell vs. John Willey, Thomas Willey, and Amelia Willey. DO. Estate of Pritchet Willey - Marsh Pasture, Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-3074 MSA S512-4- 3161 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/09/13 3075: Barnard J. Lynch, Susanna Hall, and Elisha Hall vs. Walter Bull and Billingslea Bull. BA, HA. Title to Robinsons Outlet, Addition to Robinsons Outlet, Beaver Dams in HA. Accession No.: 17,898-3075-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3162 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/05/23 3077: William Lemar and Margaret Lemar vs. Ann Craddock. BA. Appointment of trustee for Ann Craddock. Accession No.: 17,898-3077-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3163 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/03/06 3078: John Logue and Richard Logue vs. John Fowler. BA. Contract to purchase Taylors Thimble, Denmark. Accession No.: 17,898-3078 MSA S512-4- 3164 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/04/28 3079: John Lathrin, William Tilden, and Charles Tilden, Jr. vs. Ann Howell, William Howell, Catherine Howell, Nathaniel Howell, Thomas Howell, and Mary Dwyer. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Cove, Cove Tracts. Accession No.: 17,898-3079 MSA S512-4- 3165 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/14 3080: Samuel W. Lewis and Elizabeth Lewis vs. Daniel C. Holliday. BA. Validity of conveyance of land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-3080-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3166 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/02/13 3081: Stephen Lacey vs. Joseph David. CV. Contract to purchase lot in Lower Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-3081 MSA S512-4- 3167 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/13 3082: Margaret Lyon, John Lyon, Hugh Lyon, Robert Lyon, George Lyon, Joseph Lyon, Rebecca Kid, George Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, David McFarr, and Mary McFarr vs. John Sterrett and Hugh Steele. CE. Contract to purchase Widows Lott. Accession No.: 17,898-3082 MSA S512-4- 3168 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/11/01 3083: James Lloyd vs. James Booker, Pricilla Booker, and Bennett Bracco. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bracco. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 136. Accession No.: 17,898-3083 MSA S512-4- 3169 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/12/30 3084: Justen Louisier vs. John P. Paca and Juliana Paca. CE. Contract to Lease Palmers Island. Accession No.: 17,898-3084-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3170 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/18 3085: John Lane. BA. Insolvent estate of Lane. Accession No.: 17,898-3085 MSA S512-4- 3171 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/27 3086: Charles G. Linthicum and Loisa Linthicum vs. Nicholas Merriweather, Daniel Warfield, and Lloyd T. Hammond. AA. Contract to pay notes. Accession No.: 17,898-3086 MSA S512-4- 3172 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/03/15 3087: Isaac Lyon and Conrad Shafer vs. John A. Schafer and John Dill. FR. Contract to purchase land in NC. Accession No.: 17,898-3087-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3173 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/10/22 3088: John Lane, Samuel Lane, and William Kilty vs. Lewis Griffith, Samuel Jones, Lewis Jones, John Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Sarah Jones, Margaret Jones, Milley Jones, and Ann Jones. CV. Petition to sell Welchs Poole, Skinners Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 50.
Accession No.: 17,898-3088-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3174 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/08/12 3089: Daniel Lambern vs. Buckler Bond. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3089 MSA S512-4- 3175 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/10/18 3090: James Lavielle vs. John Willin, Thomas Willin, Asinath Gardner, and William Hooper. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on Rich Bottom, Willins Swamp, Allens Neck, Gideon and Cheverlys Right, Fentons Cove. Accession No.: 17,898-3090 MSA S512-4- 3176 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/11/28 3091: Jesse Lock and John Cartwright vs. Thomas Bond. SM. Estate of John Stevens. Accession No.: 17,898-3091 MSA S512-4- 3177 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/10/17 3092: Richard T. Lowndes and George Calvert vs. William Dent Beall, Thomas Hewitt, Anne Hewitt, Theodore Beall, Basil Beall, Ariana Beall, and Levi Beall. PG. Petition to sell Brothers First Lot, Bealls Discovery Enlarged, Beales Neglect, slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-3092 MSA S512-4- 3178 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/04/25 3093: James Mackubbin Lingan vs. John Darnall and Raphael Darnall. FR, MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Mathews Lott, Hope, Brooke Garden, Resurvey on Griffiths Chance, Content, Carrollton, Small Gains, Addition to Small Gains, Josiahs Good Luck, Friends Good Will, Resurvey on Wet Work in FR.
Accession No.: 17,898-3093 MSA S512-4- 3179 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/03/08 3094: Stanley Byass Lockerman vs. Henry Dickinson and Charles Stanley Lockerman. CA, DO. Petition to sell Painters Range, Alfords Beginning, Wakefield, Plains, Addition to the Plains, Plains Resurveyed, Puzzle in CA. Accession No.: 17,898-3094 MSA S512-4- 3180 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/11/28 3095: Joseph D. Learned and Richard Chandonette vs. John McKay and John B. Davis. BA, WA. Insolvent estate of Chandonette. Accession No.: 17,898-3095-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3181 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/03/01 3096: Jacob Lantz vs. John F. Lancaster and Ovid McCrackin. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment on Hermits Abode. Plat; also shows Hermits Retreat, Resurvey on Hermits Retreat, Hays Request. Accession No.: 17,898-3096-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3182 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/05/09 3097: Samuel Lee vs. Bennett Wheeler and Francis Ignatius Mitchell. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Benjamins Camp, Wheelers and Clarks Contrivance. Plats; also show Brotherly Love. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 402. Accession No.: 17,898-3097-1/6 MSA S512-4- 3183 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/12/03 3098: Daniel Ludlow and John Holker vs. William Van Wyck. BA. Trust estate of Thomas Peters. Accession No.: 17,898-3098 MSA S512-4- 3184 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/02/22 3099: George Lindenberger and Jacob Lindenberger vs. Frederick Lindenberger and Christopher Lindenberger. BA. Petition to partition Howards Timber Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-3099 MSA S512-4- 3185 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/02/25 3100: Henry H. Lowe vs. Lloyd M. Lowe, James R.M. Lowe, Barbara Lowe, and Elizabeth Lowe. PG. Title to Stoney Harbor, Two Johns, Lanhams Delight, Sopers Rest Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3100 MSA S512-4- 3186 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/07/22 3102: John Larkin vs. John Smith, Nicholas Hall, Joseph Harris, and Jacob Stier. FR. Title to lots in Plummers Addition to New Market. Accession No.: 17,898-3102 MSA S512-4- 3187 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/07/17 3103: Robert Lemmon vs. Jehu Parsons and Thomas Connerly. SO. Injunction against removal of houses and improvements from Sailors Delight Accession No.: 17,898-3103 MSA S512-4- 3188 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/08/01 3104: Miles Littlejohn, Isaac Phillips, and Anne Phillips vs. Mary Goldthwait. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 677. Accession No.: 17,898-3104-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3189 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/06/20 3105: William Lindsey vs. Charles S. Sewell. QA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-3105 MSA S512-4- 3190 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/05/28 3106: John Lathim vs. Joseph Ford, Robert Ford, Charlotte Ford, Sarah Ford, Angelina Ford, William Ford, Moses Ford, and Sarah Timmonds. KE. Petition to sell Broomfield, Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-3106-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3191 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/04/14 3107: John Lecompte vs. James Colston of James. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Saint Anthony, Hog Pen Neck, Chance, Raxall, Pickerdy, Lecomptes Pasture, Berrys Chance, Garden of Eden. Plat at 1/38/1/15. Accession No.: 17,898-3107-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3192 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/05/08 3108: Joseph Leatherman and Joseph Miller vs. John Burnett. FR. Petition to mortgage Cateys Memorandums. Accession No.: 17,898-3108 MSA S512-4- 3193 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/07 3109: Daniel Lambern vs. Buckler Bond. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Joshuas Meadows Enlarged, Poplar Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3109-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3194 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/07/13 3110: William Liggit vs. Thomas Ayres. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Norfolk. Accession No.: 17,898-3110 MSA S512-4- 3195 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/09/12 3111: John Lecompte and Esther Whittington Lecompte vs. Rachel Sterling, David Higgins, and Henry Folling. DO, SO. Injunction against removal of timber from Howells Regulation, Ashburn in DO. Also John Sterling Farm in SO. Accession No.: 17,898-3111 MSA S512-4- 3196 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/09/05 3112: Sarah Lutz vs. John Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sarah Gilbert, Lydda Gilbert, William Moore, and Polly Moore. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Woodsberry. Accession No.: 17,898-3112 MSA S512-4- 3197 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/02/24 3113: Daniel Lambern vs. Buckler Bond. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3113 MSA S512-4- 3198 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/09/25 3114: Thomas Laurence vs. Levi Philips. BA, MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Farewell, Third Resurvey on the Second Part of the Second Resurvey on Friends in Need in MO. Accession No.: 17,898-3114 MSA S512-4- 3199 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/01/09 3115: John League. BA. Insolvent estate of League. Accession No.: 17,898-3115-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3200 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/30 3116: Corbin Lee. CA. Insolvent estate of Lee. Accession No.: 17,898-3116 MSA S512-4- 3201 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/04/18 3117: George Lingenfelter and Daniel Lingenfelter. FR. Petition to correct deed for Philipsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-3117 MSA S512-4- 3202 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/05 3118: Thomas S. Loveday. CA. Insolvent estate of Loveday. Accession No.: 17,898-3118 MSA S512-4- 3203 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/07/31 3118A: John Long. MO. Insolvent estate of Long. Accession No.: 17,898-3118A MSA S512-4- 3204 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/11/20 3118B: William Loveday. TA. Insolvent estate of Loveday. Accession No.: 17,898-3118B MSA S512-4- 3205 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/12/14 3119: Thomas Lucas, Cassandra Lucas, and Charlotte Johnson. BA. Estate of William Johnson - Farvers Favor, Dear Bit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-3119 MSA S512-4- 3206 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/05/28 3120: John Lawrence Dorsey. FR. Insolvent estate of Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-3120 MSA S512-4- 3207 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/04/05 3121: William Lovering. PG. Insolvent estate of Lovering. Accession No.: 17,898-3121 MSA S512-4- 3208 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/25 3122: John Lee. HA. Insolvent estate of Lee. Accession No.: 17,898-3122 MSA S512-4- 3209 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/06/28 3123: Frank Leeke and John Smith Brookes vs. Margaret Hudson and Jonathan Hudson. PG. Estate of Jonathan Hudson. Accession No.: 17,898-3123 MSA S512-4- 3210 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/11/14 3124: Richard Lawrence vs. Elizabeth Dorsey. AA, FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Cold Fryday in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 609 and 37, p. 310. Accession No.: 17,898-3124-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3211 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/03/22 3125: Michael Victor Leroy vs. John Baptiste Eugene Bitard Deport, Maria E. Boufils Deport, Antoini Taurin Chirac, Matthew Chaput, Ann Maria Chirac Chaput, Mathew Thevenon, Maria Chirac Thevenon, and John Baptiste A. Allegre. BA. Contract to purchase Howards Late Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 313.
Accession No.: 17,898-3125-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3212 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/09/09 3126: John Long vs. Richard Gorsuch. BA. Contract to purchase Charles Mistake, Resurvey on Cock Pit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 491. Accession No.: 17,898-3126-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3213 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/08/29 3127: George Liggett vs. Charles Carroll and Solomon Birkhead. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3127 MSA S512-4- 3214 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/09/22 3128: John Lane and Rachel Lane vs. John Brown, Henry Brooke, Harriett Brooke, Eleanor Brown, George Washington Whitaker, Ann Whitaker, Charles Carroll, and Janet Carroll. PG. Estate of John Brown - Patowmack Landing, Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-3128 MSA S512-4- 3215 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/10/12 3129: Thomas Leverton vs. William Colston, Elizabeth Cooper, and Lydia Leverton. CA, TA. Petition to record deed for Lambert in CA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 19. Accession No.: 17,898-3129 MSA S512-4- 3216 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/06/24 3130: Louis J. Lannay vs. Henry Willis, William Willis, Jeremiah Willis, Francis Willis, Jesse Willis, and Mary Willis. BA. Contract to purchase Brothers Choice, Labyrinth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 36. Accession No.: 17,898-3130 MSA S512-4- 3217 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/10/08 3131: Henry Leatherman vs. Michael Baltzell and George Baltzell. MO. Contract to purchase lots in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-3131-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3218 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/11/18 3132: John Linkins vs. Eleanor Linkins. CH. Appointment of trustee for Eleanor Linkins. Accession No.: 17,898-3132 MSA S512-4- 3219 Location: 1/36/3/
1779/07/16 3133: Michael Lowe and Anne Lowe vs. Robert Soper, Alexander Soper, and Basil Burgess. PG. Contract to purchase Sopers Rest Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 63 and 17, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-3133-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3220 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/01/20 3134: Stephen Lee vs. Joseph N. Stockett. AA. Contract to pay a note. Accession No.: 17,898-3134 MSA S512-4- 3221 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/05/26 3135: Robert Long and William King vs. Attorney General. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Carrolls Scrutiny. Accession No.: 17,898-3135 MSA S512-4- 3222 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/02/12 3136: Samuel Lindsay vs. Nicholas Merriweather and Elizabeth Merriweather. BA. Contract to purchase Batchelors Refuge, Dorseys Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-3136 MSA S512-4- 3223 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/06/05 3137: Ludwick Little vs. Catherine Myers, Hannah Myers, Eve Myers, Elizabeth Myers, Mary Myers, John Myers, Esther Myers, and Daniel Leister. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Good Neighborhood, Addition to Perseverance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 401.
Accession No.: 17,898-3137 MSA S512-4- 3224 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/08/06 3138: Anthony Law vs. David Armour, William Armour, Hillen Armour, James Armour, John Armour, and Jennet Armour. BA. Contact to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 413. Accession No.: 17,898-3138 MSA S512-4- 3225 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/04/08 3139: George Luther vs. George Chandler and Peter Shriver. FR. Title to Land of Promise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 665. Accession No.: 17,898-3139 MSA S512-4- 3226 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/12/28 3140: Robert Lemmon vs. Thomas Waters Griffith, John Griffith, Joseph Griffith, Benjamin Griffith, Anne Griffith, George W. Griffith, Catherine Griffith, and David McMechen. BA. Estate of Benjamin Griffith. Accession No.: 17,898-3140 MSA S512-4- 3227 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/02/03 3141: Augustus Larnard vs. Benjamin Cecil, Honoria Cecil, Priscilla Fisher, Sarah Fisher, Elizabeth Fisher, Peregrine Fisher, John Fisher, Assenette Fisher, Larkin Fisher, and Araminta Hampton. FR. Estate of John Fisher. Accession No.: 17,898-3141 MSA S512-4- 3228 Location: 1/36/3/
1786/08/16 3142: William Leigh vs. John Brooke. CH. Contract to purchase Happily, Thompsons Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-3142 MSA S512-4- 3229 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/10/09 3143: Nicholas Leeke vs. Mary Kelly. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 685. Accession No.: 17,898-3143-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3230 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/07/13 3144: William Logsdon and John McVicker vs. John Patterson. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-3144-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3231 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/05/18 3145: George Leggett vs. James Myers, Rebecca Myers, Elizabeth Greenwood, Benjamin Briscoe, Alexander Briscoe, Rebecca Briscoe, Jesse Tyson, Dennis Noland, and John Hollen. BA. Contract to purchase Onions Second Thought, Spanish Oak Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 479.
Accession No.: 17,898-3145-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3232 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/06/05 3146: Daniel Leister, Catherine Meyers, Eve Meyers, Hannah Meyers, Elizabeth Meyers, Mary Meyers, John Meyers, and Esther Meyers vs. Jacob Riffle. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Browns Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-3146 MSA S512-4- 3233 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/10/28 3147: John Love vs. James Cretin. HA. Estate of Edmund Bull. Accession No.: 17,898-3147 MSA S512-4- 3234 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/09/02 3148: Barbara Lane vs. John Plummer. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Browsley Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-3148 MSA S512-4- 3235 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/09/29 3149: James Francis Lefebre vs. Thomas Chaney. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bates Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3149 MSA S512-4- 3236 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/04/22 3150: Arnold Lashley vs. Thomas Webb. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Chestnut Ridge, Maidens Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-3150 MSA S512-4- 3237 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/04/01 3151: Janet Lingan, William B. Randolph, Sarah Randolph, George Lingan, and Ann Lingan vs. Lydia Henderson, Richard Henderson, Sarah Henderson, and Janet L. Henderson. MO. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-3151 MSA S512-4- 3238 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/09/05 3152: Lloyd M. Lowe, Henry H. Lowe, and Barbara Lowe vs. Robert D. Dawson, Henrietta Dawson, Ann M. Lowe, Pheby Lowe, Barbara Lowe, David Lowe, Eliza H.S. Lowe, and Christiana Lowe. PG. Petition to sell Forest, Sopers Rest Enlarged, Lanhams Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-3152 MSA S512-4- 3239 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/04/06 3153: Michael Lowe vs. John Read Magruder. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Dear Pond, Tryall Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3153 MSA S512-4- 3240 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/04/10 3154: Nicholas Loveday and Elizabeth Loveday vs. John Turner. TA. Contract to purchase Lovedays Discovery, Middle Sprig, Swineyard, Lovedays Marsh. Accession No.: 17,898-3154-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3241 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/13 3155: Caleb Lawrence, Rebecca Lawrence, John Lawrence, and Larkin Lawrence vs. Sarah Lawrence, Hammond Lawrence, Caroline Lawrence, and Sarah Ann Lawrence. AA. Petition to partition Chance, Poplar Spring Garden, Dorseys Grove, Invasion, Cumberland, Poverty Discovered, Turkey Point, Howards Enclosure, Howards Resolution, Poplar Spring Meadows. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 3, MdHR 40,283-56, S65-33, B5/10/1; also show Hammonds Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 45.
Accession No.: 17,898-3155-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3242 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/26 3156: Abraham Larsh, Jr. vs. Samuel Hooker and William Anderson. BA. Contract to purchase Hookers Meadows Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3156 MSA S512-4- 3243 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/10/17 3157: Abraham Larsch vs. Thomas Cockey Deye Ford and William Harvey. BA. Defraud of creditors of Ford - Fords Choice, Benjamins Beginning, Benjamins Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-3157 MSA S512-4- 3244 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/02/26 3158: Stephen Lynch vs. Benjamin S. Smoot. CH, SM. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-3158 MSA S512-4- 3245 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/10/16 3159: Charles Wells vs. James Wignell, Henry Cruger, and Richard Curson. BA. Injunction against conveying land. Accession No.: 17,898-3159-1/7 MSA S512-4- 3246 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/06/23 3160: Ann Lusby vs. John O'Reilly. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment Accession No.: 17,898-3160 MSA S512-4- 3247 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/03/23 3161: David Lennox, Elias Boudenot, Robert Smith, James C. Fisher, Joseph Sims, Archibald McCall, Paul Sermon, Samuel Coates, Henry Pratt, George Fox, Paschal Hollingsworth, John Stills, Thomas M. Willing, Horace Binney, George Harrison, Abejah Hammond, William Bayard, and Oliver Wolcott vs. Thomas Kell, Mary Ann Kell, Joseph R. Foard, Catherine Foard, Thomas N. Gouldsmith, Elizabeth Gouldsmith, and Sarah Gouldsmith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Kingsbury Lands, Wilmots Fancy, Wilmots Neglect, Sheridines Bottom, Plains of Victory, Plains, Long Point.
Accession No.: 17,898-3161 MSA S512-4- 3248 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/03/04 3162: Edward Livingston vs. Abner Lord. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3162 MSA S512-4- 3249 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/09/05 3163: Robert Lemmon and Stephen Wilson vs. Agnes Thompson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3163 MSA S512-4- 3250 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/02/28 3164: William Lynch vs. John Stone Kingsmore. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pleasant Plains, Great Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-3164 MSA S512-4- 3251 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/02/08 3165: George Liggett vs. William Tagart and Thomas Caldwell. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-3165 MSA S512-4- 3252 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/11/08 3166: Philip Lansdale vs. Thomas Woodward, Cassandra Woodward and Pamela Woodward. PG. Estate of Thomas Woodward - Ample Grange, Fryes Choice, Sway Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-3166 MSA S512-4- 3253 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/10/17 3167: Robert Long and Job Garrettson vs. John McLure, Daniel Bowley, William Davis, Mary Davis, and Benjamin Spencer. BA. Insolvent estate of Garrettson - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3167 MSA S512-4- 3254 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/03/09 3168: Jacob Leighter, Sr. vs. Michael Crider and John Borsler. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3168 MSA S512-4- 3255 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/11/12 3169: Gale, Darves & Stevenson, John Heaton, Henry White, Winter & Shee, John Hatchett, James Strachan & Co., John Darves, Sr., Arthur Bryan, Thomas Harwood, and William Faris vs. Edward Lloyd and James Hindman. TA. Estate of Richard Bennett Lloyd. Accession No.: 17,898-3169 MSA S512-4- 3256 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/10/07 3170: Robert Lemmon vs. William P. Woolford and Tubman Woolford. SO. Defraud of creditors of William P. Woolford - Thornton, Thomas Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-3170 MSA S512-4- 3257 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/09 3171: Henry Locher vs. Peregrine Fitzhugh, William Fitzhugh, and Thomas Buchanan. WA. Contract to purchase Chews Farm, Addition to Chews Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-3171-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3258 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/29 3172: Thomas Lockerman, Jr., Peter Ferguson, and John Reid vs. Jeremiah Colston, Leah Colston, Josiah Colston, Elizabeth Colston, and Harriett Colston. DO, TA. Estate of Jeremiah Colston. Accession No.: 17,898-3172 MSA S512-4- 3259 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/01/15 3173: John Lane vs. Gavin Hamilton Smith, Rachel Smith, John Lane, Esther Lane, Nathan Lane, Nicholas Lane, and Richard Mackall. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Bristol. Accession No.: 17,898-3173 MSA S512-4- 3260 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/09/09 3174: John Laidler vs. Joseph Young. CH. Contract to lease Lees Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-3174 MSA S512-4- 3261 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/01/29 3175: John H.D. Lane vs. Richard D. Hill. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Grammers Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3175 MSA S512-4- 3262 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/03 3176: Henry Lamott vs. Thomas Bowen, John Wooden, and Benjamin Bowen. BA. Contract to purchase Transylvania. Plats at 1/38/1/15. Accession No.: 17,898-3176-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3263 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/05/26 3177: Joseph Leonard vs. Robert McGill and Thomas McGill. BA. Defraud of creditors of Robert McGill - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3177 MSA S512-4- 3264 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/06/24 3178: Samuel Lakin and Sarah Lakin vs. Dorsey Barnes, Lidia Barnes, Richard Jiams, Thomas Jiams, Nathan Musgrove, Zachariah Musgrove, Deliah Stallion, Phenice Stallion, Elizabeth Plummer, Joshua Plummer, Rachel Musgrove, and Amos Musgrove. MO. Estate of John Musgrove.
Accession No.: 17,898-3178 MSA S512-4- 3265 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/01/13 3179: Jason Moore vs. John Love, William Love, Jacob Love, Bennett Love, James Love, Ruth Love, Elizabeth Love, Sarah Bull, Thomas Johnson, Jr., and Ann Johnson. HA. Petition to record deed for lot in Bel Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 351.
Accession No.: 17,898-3179 MSA S512-4- 3266 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/06/02 3180: Samuel Longley vs. John Longley, William Longley, James Longley, Benjamin Longley, Peter Longley, George Longley, Caleb Longley, Charles Watts, and Elizabeth Watts. BA. Contract to purchase North Carolina. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 57 and 110, p. 296.
Accession No.: 17,898-3180 MSA S512-4- 3267 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/14 3181: Samuel Lee vs. John Junis. BA. Petition to record deed. Accession No.: 17,898-3181 MSA S512-4- 3268 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/08/02 3182: John Lecompte and Edward E. Lecompte vs. James Byers and Solomon Frazier. DO. Defraud of creditors of Byers - Berrys Chance, Skinners Folly, Lecomptes Pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-3182 MSA S512-4- 3269 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/01/28 3183: Robert Long vs. Corbin Washington, Bushrod Washington, and Anne Russell. BA. Payment of arbitration award. Accession No.: 17,898-3183 MSA S512-4- 3270 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/12 3184: John Leypold vs. William Van Wyck, Paul Bentalan, and Joshua Dorsey. BA. Defraud of creditors of Van Wyck. Accession No.: 17,898-3184 MSA S512-4- 3271 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/03/11 3185: Anne Leeke and John Smith Brookes vs. Fielder Bowie. PG. Dissolution of Fielder Bowie & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-3185 MSA S512-4- 3272 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/05/20 3186: Henry Lenhart, Sr. vs. Henry Lenhart, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-3186 MSA S512-4- 3273 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/10 3187: Tubman Lowes vs. Jeremiah Warder, Jeremiah Parker, and Richard Parker. SO. Payment of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3187 MSA S512-4- 3274 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/01/01 3188: Edward Lloyd vs. William Harris, James Lloyd, Daniel Perkins, and Abraham Ridgely. CE, KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition in CE. Also lots in Chestertown, Milford, Fairly Hills Down, Coventry, Skidmore, Langfords Bay Mill in KE. Accession No.: 17,898-3188 MSA S512-4- 3275 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/01/07 3189: John Love, William Love, Jacob Love, Bennett Love, James Love, Elizabeth Love, and Sarah Bull vs. Thomas Johnson, Ann Johnson, and Ruth Love. HA. Petition to partition estate of John Love. Accession No.: 17,898-3189 MSA S512-4- 3276 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/05/27 3190: Edward Lloyd vs. William Kirby, Nicholas Kirby, and Joshua Kirby. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Body Neck, Sillen, slaves Clonns, Moses, Wat, Doll, Beck, and Young Bess. Accession No.: 17,898-3190 MSA S512-4- 3277 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/05/15 3191: Francis Kirby vs. Thomas Addison, Henry Addison, and Thomas G. Addison. PG. Estate of Henry Addison - Wood Cut Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 827. Accession No.: 17,898-3191-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3278 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/10/29 3192: Robert Lemmon. SO, WO. Contract to purchase Mill Security. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-3192-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3279 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/07/10 3193: Joseph Leeser, Peter Leeser, Zacharias Leeser, Daniel Leeser, Elizabeth Leeser, Catherine Leeser, Charlotte Leeser, Susanna Leeser, and Dorothy Leeser. FR. Petition to sell Mollys Delight, Turkey Plains, Quakers Mistake. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 528.
Accession No.: 17,898-3193 MSA S512-4- 3280 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/08/19 3194: Elizabeth Allan. DO. Estate of Henry H. Allan - - Jourdans Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-3194-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3281 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/12/18 3195: Michael Liddell, John Liddell, and Eleanor Foy vs. Thomas Stacey and Catherine Stacey. BA. Estate of Captain Liddell - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 644. Accession No.: 17,898-3195 MSA S512-4- 3282 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/01/28 3196: David Levy and Henry McClery vs. William Michael. PG. Petition to record deed for lot in Hamburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-3196 MSA S512-4- 3283 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/08/25 3197: George Lindenberger and Christopher Lindenberger vs. James Carroll, Jr., Henry Dorsey Gough Carroll, Prudence Gough Ridgley, John Ridgley, Charles R. Carroll, and James Carroll. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 80 and 110, p. 157.
Accession No.: 17,898-3197 MSA S512-4- 3284 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/03/18 3198: James Lange vs. George Lightner. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 29. Accession No.: 17,898-3198-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3285 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/07/09 3199: Samuel Vincent, John Heninger, Lorentz Shultz, and Conrad Disher vs. Mary Eve Gorsuch, William Lavely, Catherine Thompson, Catherine Herron, William Herron, Charles C. Milburn, and Salome Milburn. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-3199-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3286 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/04/14 3200: John Latour vs. John C. Hatton. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-3200 MSA S512-4- 3287 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/03/24 3201: William Lodge vs. Henry O'Neall. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Wheel of Fortune, Resurvey on part of Wheel of Fortune, Come By Chance, Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-3201 MSA S512-4- 3288 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/12/29 3202: Elizabeth Lansdale and Clement Brooke. SM. Petition to sell New Castle, Harts Delight, Back Acre, Ramble, Strand, Hounslow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-3202 MSA S512-4- 3289 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/01/13 3203: Abraham James. BA. Insolvent estate of James. Accession No.: 17,898-3203 MSA S512-4- 3290 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/06/30 3204: Robert Leech vs. John McCoy, Elizabeth McCoy, Benoni Williams, William Williams, Elizabeth Williams, and Anthony Williams. CE. Contract to purchase Consent Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 376. Accession No.: 17,898-3204 MSA S512-4- 3291 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/07/28 3205: Sarah Lecompte and William Lecompte vs. Solomon Frazier. DO. Title to Spocott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 335. Accession No.: 17,898-3205-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3292 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/03/11 3206: Nicholas Lane vs. Alexander Whiteacre and Leonard M. Deakins. MO. Contract to purchase God Fathers Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 97. Accession No.: 17,898-3206 MSA S512-4- 3293 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/04/02 3207: William Bishop Lamar vs. Mary Jones, Joshua Clarke, and Ann Clarke. PG. Title to Majors Lott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 20, p. 402 and 28, p. 195. Accession No.: 17,898-3207-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3294 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/12/31 3208: Frederick Lainhart vs. Jacob Rome, David Rome, Mary Rome, Susannah Rome, Elizabeth Rome, and Catherine Rome. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Lains Folley, Widows Mite. Accession No.: 17,898-3208 MSA S512-4- 3295 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/02/01 3209: Edward Lloyd vs. William Cooke, Edward Harris, Simon Wilmer, and Mary Wilmer. QA, TA. Contract to sell grain. Accession No.: 17,898-3209 MSA S512-4- 3296 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/15 3210: Edward Livingston vs. William Smith and Joseph Spencer. BA. Contract to purchase land in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-3210 MSA S512-4- 3297 Location: 1/36/3/
1713 3211: Nicholas Lowe vs. Alexander Forbes. AA. Petition to review a decree. Accession No.: 17,898-3211 MSA S512-4- 3298 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/03/29 3212: Robert Lemmon vs. David Wilson. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3212 MSA S512-4- 3299 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/04/03 3213: Thomas Love vs. Nicholas Merryman and John Gorsuch. BA. Title to Coles Chance, Contrivance to Coles Chance. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 44, MdHR 40,283-148, S65-97, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 596 Accession No.: 17,898-3213-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3300 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/24 3214: William Lewis vs. Absalom Galloway, John Gorsuch, Sarah Gorsuch, Charles Robinson, Mephatica Robinson, Moses Galloway, Aquila Galloway, William Galloway, James Galloway, John Galloway, Adeline Galloway, and George Warner. BA. HA. Contract to purchase Addition to Poverty Inclosed, Pierces Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 164.
Accession No.: 17,898-3214 MSA S512-4- 3301 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/10/31 3215: John Latour vs. James William Latouche. BA. Petition to record lease for Lot 37 in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 68. Accession No.: 17,898-3215 MSA S512-4- 3302 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/09/21 3216: Nathaniel Livers vs. John Biggs. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Content. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-3216-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3303 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/01/26 3217: Eleanor Laming vs. Richard Ridgeley and David McMechen. BA. Illegal sale of North Hampton Furnace. Accession No.: 17,898-3217-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3304 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/03/04 3218: John Linginfelder and Elizabeth Cannon vs. Michael Late. FR. Petition to sell lot in Frederick. Accession No.: 17,898-3218 MSA S512-4- 3305 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/12/20 3218A: John Lester vs. John King. BA. Contract to cut timber on Randolph. Accession No.: 17,898-3218A MSA S512-4- 3306 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/11/09 3218B: Thomas Linthicum and Anne Johnson vs. Joshua Linthicum, Mary Linthicum, Ann Linthicum, and John Linthicum. AA. Petition to sell Hedges Park. Accession No.: 17,898-3218B MSA S512-4- 3307 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/12/31 3219: James Lytle vs. State of Maryland. HA. Contract to purchase Jones Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, 382 and 63, p. 686. Accession No.: 17,898-3219 MSA S512-4- 3308 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/11/14 3220: Abner Linthicum, Benjamin Robinson, Anne Robinson, and Thomas Robinson vs. Richard Fish and James P. Soper. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Jacobs Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-3220 MSA S512-4- 3309 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/12 3221: Robert Larimore vs. Sarah Ford and William Ford. QA. Contract to purchase Sayers Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 483 and 105, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-3221 MSA S512-4- 3310 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/05 542: William Henry Baldwin, Sarah Hammond, Augustine Gambrill, Maria Gambrill, and Thomas Worthington vs. William Henry Worthington, and Achsah Ann Worthington. AA. Estate of Henry Baldwin - Rising Sun Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 647 and 94, p. 335.
Accession No.: 17,898-3222 MSA S512-4- 3311 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/09/05 3223: Cornelia Lansdale vs. Mary Lansdale, William Lansdale, Thomas Lansdale, Elizabeth Lansdale, Joseph Sprigg, Osborn Sprigg, Corbin Sprigg, Thomas Sprigg, William Sprigg, Samuel Sprigg, Charles Carroll, Ann Carroll, and Hannah Sprigg. SM. Estates of William Lansdale and Joseph Sprigg - Ramble, Hounslow, Strand. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 5, MdHR 40,283-4, S65-177, B5/10/1. Also show Fords Discovery, Addition to Hearts Delight, Maidens Lot, Chance, Prevention, Mount Pleasant, Graves Security, Prattlewell, Danbury Hills, Addition to Strand, James Addition, Carrolls Island. Recorded (Chancey Record) 68, p. 555.
Accession No.: 17,898-3223-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3312 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/12/22 3224: Thomas Love vs. John Ridgeley. BA. Contract to purchase Taylors Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-3224 MSA S512-4- 3313 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/11/21 3225: Stephen Lee vs. John T. Barber, Lancelot Warfield, and Thomas Bicknell. AA. Contract to lease Hopkins Place. Accession No.: 17,898-3225 MSA S512-4- 3314 Location: 1/36/3/
1788 3226: Peregrine Letherbury vs. George William Forrester. KE. Estate of William Forrester. Accession No.: 17,898-3226 MSA S512-4- 3315 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/06/01 3227: Thomas Lingan. AA. Insolvent estate of Lingan. Accession No.: 17,898-3227 MSA S512-4- 3316 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/12 1456: Peter Hoffman, Jr. vs. William H. Dorsey, Rezin Hammond, James Cox, Dennis A. Smith, Abraham Worthington, Henry Payson, William Gwynn, Robert Gilmore, Jr., Alexander McDonald, and William McMeehen. AA. Title to September 14, 1739 I was Born John Hammond son of John. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 310, liber 100, p. 662 and liber 94, p. 232.
Accession No.: 17,898-3228 MSA S512-4- 3317 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/03/11 3229: Thomas Laws vs. Peter Waters, Nancy Waters, George Waters, Sally Waters, Isaac Waters, Hetty Waters, Littleton Waters, Molly Waters, Bridget Johnson, and Charlotte Johnson. WO. Estate of Patrick Waters. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 368. Accession No.: 17,898-3229-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3318 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/08/21 3230: John Litchfield and William Litchfield vs. Basil Brown. AA. Estate of William Hammond - Nice, Addition to Champion Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 923. Accession No.: 17,898-3230 MSA S512-4- 3319 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/04/13 3231: George Liggett vs. William Tagart. BA. Injunction against leaving MD. Accession No.: 17,898-3231 MSA S512-4- 3320 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/03/16 3232: Christopher Litle vs. John Rowland, John Badders, Israel Reynolds, and Jonathan Albertson. CE. Petition to sell Scrutiny. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-3232-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3321 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/12/24 3233: William Lecompte vs. Sarah Lecompte and Solomon Frazier. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Monsiers Folly, Lecomptes Woodyard, Pullings Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-3233 MSA S512-4- 3322 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/03/18 1012: Hellen Rusk, Ekin Rusk, Samuel Rusk, and David L. Rusk vs. Samuel Moale and Samuel Chase. BA. Estate of John Bailey - Athol, Murrays Addition, Maiden Choice, Truemans Range, Hectors Fancy, Bought Wet, White Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-3234 MSA S512-4- 3323 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/03/31 3235: Samuel Lukens and Richard Dallam vs. State of Maryland. HA. Petition to record deed for Winters Run. Accession No.: 17,898-3235 MSA S512-4- 3324 Location: 1/36/3/
1799 3236: James M. Lingan vs. Abraham Faw and John Calhoun. MO. Contract to purchase Two Days Ramble. Accession No.: 17,898-3236 MSA S512-4- 3325 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/12/20 3237: Josias Lee and Jonathan L. Gibson vs. State of Maryland. HA. Contract to purchase Rich Point, Bennetts Prospect, Come by Chance, Jonathans Inheritance. Plat at 1/38/1/15; also shows Planters Paradise, Arabia Petrea, Maidens Bower, Roughstone. Accession No.: 17,898-3237-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3326 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/06/25 3238: John Lester and Elizabeth Lester vs. Thomas Evans and John Dushane. BA. Contract to purchase Fullers Outlet, Carrolls Security. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-3238 MSA S512-4- 3327 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/09/05 3239: John Larkin vs. John Smith, Joseph Harris, Jacob Stier, and Nicholas Hall. FR. Petition to record deed for lots in William Plummers Addition to New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-3239 MSA S512-4- 3328 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/04/12 3240: James Lacaze and Michael Mallet vs. Poey Bros. & Co. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Mercy Lacaze & Sons. Accession No.: 17,898-3240 MSA S512-4- 3329 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/06/10 3241: Abraham Larsh vs. John Basey and Thomas Cockey Deye Ford. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bucks Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 22, p. 303. Accession No.: 17,898-3241 MSA S512-4- 3330 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/06/29 3242: Robert Lemmon vs. Levin Woolford. SO. Contract to purchase sloop Sally and Leah. Accession No.: 17,898-3242 MSA S512-4- 3331 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/07/23 3243: Anne Leeke vs. Bernard Shanly. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Upper Marlboro, Covert. Recorded (Chancery Record) 20, p. 604. Accession No.: 17,898-3243 MSA S512-4- 3332 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/09/21 3244: William Lister and Edward Dorsey vs. Frisby Dorsey. HA. Estate of Greenbury Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-3244 MSA S512-4- 3333 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/10/19 1607A: Thomas Snowden. AA, MO. Estate of Henry Ridgely - Henry and Elizabeth Enlarged, Hobbs Purchase, Neals Chance, Chesnut Hills, Snake in the Grass, Windsor Forrest, Brookfield, Pleasant Plains of Damascus, Addition to Rays Adventure, Pembrooke, Mount Radnor, Resurvey of Mount Radnor, Friendship Enlarged, Prospect Hills in MO. Also Welcome Here Again in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 307.
Accession No.: 17,898-3245 MSA S512-4- 3334 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/12/28 3246: John Weems Lewis. BA. Insolvent estate of Lewis. Accession No.: 17,898-3246 MSA S512-4- 3335 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/01 3246A: Nathaniel Lock. BA. Insolvent estate of Lock. Accession No.: 17,898-3246A MSA S512-4- 3336 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/01/06 3246B: James B. Loveless. BA. Insolvent estate of Loveless. Accession No.: 17,898-3246B MSA S512-4- 3337 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/03/20 3246C: George Little. HA. Insolvent estate of Little. Accession No.: 17,898-3246C MSA S512-4- 3338 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/02/25 3246D: William Leigh. CH. Insolvent estate of Leigh. Accession No.: 17,898-3246D MSA S512-4- 3339 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/02 3247: Alexander Locke. WA. Insolvent estate of Locke. Accession No.: 17,898-3247 MSA S512-4- 3340 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/03/22 3248: William Lowry. BA. Insolvent estate of Lowry. Accession No.: 17,898-3248 MSA S512-4- 3341 Location: 1/36/3/
1799 3249: Jacob F. Levy. BA. Insolvent estate of Levy. Accession No.: 17,898-3249 MSA S512-4- 3342 Location: 1/36/3/
1797 3250: Thomas Lea. QA. Insolvent estate of Lea. Accession No.: 17,898-3250 MSA S512-4- 3343 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/12/13 3250A: Richard Lee. HA. Insolvent estate of Lee. Accession No.: 17,898-3250A MSA S512-4- 3344 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/05/11 3251: Alexander A. Leslie. PG. Insolvent estate of Leslie. Accession No.: 17,898-3251 MSA S512-4- 3345 Location: 1/36/3/
1796 3252: James Labes. FR. Insolvent estate of Labes. Accession No.: 17,898-3252 MSA S512-4- 3346 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/02/13 3252A: Henry Lenhart, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Lenhart. Accession No.: 17,898-3252A MSA S512-4- 3347 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/23 3253: George Norris vs. Aquila Hall. HA. Injunction against eviction from Island. Accession No.: 17,898-3253 MSA S512-4- 3348 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/12/15 3254: Catherine Martin vs. William Martin. HA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-3254 MSA S512-4- 3349 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/12/30 3255: Samuel Beall Magruder, Richard Magruder, Josiah Magruder, and Normond Bruce Magruder. AL. Trust estate of Zachariah Magruder - Georges Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-3255 MSA S512-4- 3350 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/07/07 3256: Joseph McClung and Rebecca Birmingham vs. Francis Murray. BA. Estate of Edward Murray. Accession No.: 17,898-3256 MSA S512-4- 3351 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/04/04 3257: James Morgan vs. Samuel Wroth. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Mesopotamia, Hendricksons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 374. Accession No.: 17,898-3257 MSA S512-4- 3352 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/15 3258: Alexander Martin. BA. Insolvent estate of Martin. Accession No.: 17,898-3258 MSA S512-4- 3353 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/02/11 3259: Robert Taylor. BA. Insolvent estate of Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-3259 MSA S512-4- 3354 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/06/24 5462: John Watkins of Joseph vs. Margaret Watkins, Thomas S. Watkins, Martha A. Watkins, Joseph Watkins, Archibald W. Watkins, Gassaway Watkins, and Richard Watkins. AA. Estate of Joseph Watkins - Kent and Essex, Suffolk, Watkins Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 570.
Accession No.: 17,898-3260 MSA S512-4- 3355 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/10/31 3261: Charles Moore, Benjamin Moore, Joseph Moore, and James Moore vs. Thomas Bayly and Robert Jenkins Henry King. SO. Title to Bellain. Accession No.: 17,898-3261-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3356 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/07/16 3262: John Merrikin, Elijah Beall, and William Thompson vs. John Long. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Beatty and Hawkins Addition to Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3262 MSA S512-4- 3357 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/04/21 3263: James Mattison vs. Aaron Mattison. AA, BA. Appointment of trustee for Aaron Mattison. Accession No.: 17,898-3263 MSA S512-4- 3358 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/11/03 3264: James McGill and Ann McGill vs. Joshua C. Higgins. PG. Estate of Richard Higgins. Accession No.: 17,898-3264-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3359 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/09/05 3265: James McCullogh and Anna Maria Sewall vs. William Sewall and John Wolf. CV. Contract to assign a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-3265 MSA S512-4- 3360 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/09/05 3266: George Vansant Mann vs. Nicholas Low. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Addition, Rumford Resurveyed, Vienna, Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-3266-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3361 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/01/07 3267: Enoch Medley vs. Thomas Billingsley. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Hannah, Henry, George, and Susanna. Accession No.: 17,898-3267 MSA S512-4- 3362 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/05/22 3268: Peter Miller, John Miller, Jacob Rench, and Thomas Sprigg vs. Daniel Rench. WA. Estate of John Rench. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 197. Accession No.: 17,898-3268-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3363 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/10/20 4877: Robert Staples, Jane Staples, and John T. Holland vs. Temperance Bowen, Ruth Ensor, Orpah Ensor, Naomi Benfield, and Elizabeth Benfield. BA. Estate of John Ensor - Darby Hall, Manors Priviledge, Chevy Chase, Mount Pleasant, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 592.
Accession No.: 17,898-3269-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3364 Location: 1/36/3/
1801 3270: Peter Lowdermilk and Samuel Lowdermilk. AL. Insolvent estates of petitioners. Accession No.: 17,898-3270 MSA S512-4- 3365 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/11/05 3271: John McPherson and John Brian vs. Casper Snavely. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Antietam Iron Works. Accession No.: 17,898-3271 MSA S512-4- 3366 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/10 3272: Warner Mifflin vs. Mary Johnson. TA. Estate of Henry Johnson. Accession No.: 17,898-3272 MSA S512-4- 3367 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/02/26 5206: Jesse Tyson vs. Freeborn Garretson Waters, Matilda Waters, John Wesley Lansdale, Miranda Lansdale, Mary Ann Stevenson, Wesley Stevenson, William Orrick Stevenson, Julian Stevenson, and George W. Stevenson. BA. Contract to purchase Edwards and Wills Valleys and Hills, Labyrinth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 752 and 106, p. 279.
Accession No.: 17,898-3273 MSA S512-4- 3368 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/01/13 3274: Cornelius McNulty vs. Enoch Taylor and Margaret Taylor. FR. Estate of Joseph Taylor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 83 and 101, p. 498. Accession No.: 17,898-3274 MSA S512-4- 3369 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/10/16 3275: Hugh McGuire vs. Mary Coolidge, John Hepburn, Sarah Hepburn, and Patricius Hepburn. PG. Estate of Frank Leeke - lot in Upper Marlboro. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 442. Accession No.: 17,898-3275-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3370 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/12/16 3276: William McMechen vs. Jacob Myer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3276 MSA S512-4- 3371 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/09/15 3277: Thomas Mustin and Sophia Western Mustin vs. Joseph Helms, Margaret Helms, and Meredith Helms. WA. Petition to sell Charlemont. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 219. Accession No.: 17,898-3277 MSA S512-4- 3372 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/06/24 3278: Owen Morris and Mary Ann Morris vs. George Fowler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots of Principio Co. lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 379 and 99, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-3278 MSA S512-4- 3373 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/01/15 3279: Robert Milligan vs. John Dockery Thompson, James Sproat, and William Mathew. CE. Estate of John Dockery Thompson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 14. Accession No.: 17,898-3279-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3374 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/04/07 3280: Samuel Maccubbin vs. John Randall. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3280 MSA S512-4- 3375 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/03/17 3281: Samuel Moale vs. William Smith, David Stewart, Samuel Purviance, and Robert Purviance. BA. Insolvent estates of Robert Purviance and Samuel Purviance. Accession No.: 17,898-3281 MSA S512-4- 3376 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/10 3281A: William P. Matthews vs. John Weems. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hazlewood. Accession No.: 17,898-3281A MSA S512-4- 3377 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/01/08 762: Margaret Biggart and David Boyle vs. Elizabeth McElderry, John McElderry, Thomas McElderry, Hugh McElderry, Eliza McElderry, Mary McElderry, James McElderry, Edward McElderry, Jane McElderry, Henry McElderry, Anne McElderry, and Anne McElderry. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 102 and 106, p. 634.
Accession No.: 17,898-3282-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3378 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/11/13 3283: Joseph McCeney vs. William Marriott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Meritons Fancy, Ridgelys Chance, Worthingtons Beginning, Addition to Ridgelys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Papers) 112, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-3283 MSA S512-4- 3379 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/01/18 3284: Margaret McGowan vs. Samuel McNight. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-3284 MSA S512-4- 3380 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/01/25 1120: Christopher Carnan, Christiana Carnan, John Yeiser, Eleanor Yeiser, James Chalmier, Prudence Chalmier, Elizabeth C. Holliday, and Mary L. Holliday vs. John R. Holliday and Daniel C. Holliday. BA. Estate of John Holliday. Accession No.: 17,898-3285 MSA S512-4- 3381 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/06/02 3286: William Moore vs. Arnaud Gouges. BA. Injunction against selling a lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3286 MSA S512-4- 3382 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/01/29 8713: Jacob Hershberger vs. Richard Mackall, Dr. William Weems, Peggy Weems, Nathaniel Weems, Rebecca Weems, John Horrell, Benjamin M. Horrell, Thomas Horrell, Leonard Mackall, Maximilian Horrell, Rebecca Covington, James S. Morsell, John Oliver, Jane H. Slacum, Henry Firey, and Martin Myers. WA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-3287 MSA S512-4- 3383 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/01/15 3288: John Murray, George Douglass, and Richard Harrison vs. John McClure, Robert Gilmor, and William Bingham. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Jacobus DeLaLande and Hendrick Fynje. Accession No.: 17,898-3288 MSA S512-4- 3384 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/10/14 3289: James C. McDowell vs. Alice McDowell. CE. Petition to sell Rockford Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-3289 MSA S512-4- 3385 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/10/16 6955: Roswell L. Colt, Ebenezer L. Finley, Alexander H. Boyd, John McHenry, Abner Neale, James Boyd, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, William Patterson, and Sarah C. O'Donnell vs. Nelson Wade, Susan Wade, John Yeiser, and John Merryman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Timonium Farm, Pierces Folly, Land in Kind, Ridgelys Conclusion, Poor Jamaica Mans Plague. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 455.
Accession No.: 17,898-3290 MSA S512-4- 3386 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/06/03 8175: Samuel Gilmor vs. Anne E. Thomas, John W. Thomas, Mary F. Thomas, George A. Thomas, George Davidson, Sr., George Davidson, Jr., James Davidson, Elizabeth Davidson, Philip T. Davidson, Sarah Davidson, Frances Davidson, and William Davidson. CE. Petition to record deed for lot in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 30.
Accession No.: 17,898-3291 MSA S512-4- 3387 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/07/26 3292: Matthew McLaughlin vs. William Gilberthorp. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3292 MSA S512-4- 3388 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/10/24 3293: Honore Martin vs. Ann Casanave, Nicholas Young, Peter Casanave, and Johana Casanave. PG. Petition to partition lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-3293 MSA S512-4- 3389 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/12/27 3294: John McFadon and Richard Lawson vs. Maryland Insurance Co., James Somerville, Thomas Dull, Reuben Etting, and Thomas C. Jenkins. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3294 MSA S512-4- 3390 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/03/04 3295: Robert Swann. CE. Insolvent estate of Swann. Accession No.: 17,898-3295 MSA S512-4- 3391 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/04/09 3296: John Makin and John Savin. CE. Insolvent estates of Savin and Makin. Accession No.: 17,898-3296 MSA S512-4- 3392 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/01/23 3297: John Miller. WA. Insolvent estate of Miller. Accession No.: 17,898-3297 MSA S512-4- 3393 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/05 3298: Henry Mollier. BA. Insolvent estate of Mollier. Accession No.: 17,898-3298 MSA S512-4- 3394 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/04/03 3298A: John McIver. BA. Insolvent estate of McIver. Accession No.: 17,898-3298A MSA S512-4- 3395 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/03/09 3298B: Michael McElhiney. HA. Insolvent estate of McElhiney. Accession No.: 17,898-3298B MSA S512-4- 3396 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/31 3298C: John C. Meyer. BA. Insolvent estate of Meyer. Accession No.: 17,898-3298C MSA S512-4- 3397 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/05/06 3298D: Elisha Massey. KE. Insolvent estate of Massey. Accession No.: 17,898-3298D MSA S512-4- 3398 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/01/27 3298E: St. Leger Meeks. KE. Insolvent estate of Meeks. Accession No.: 17,898-3298E MSA S512-4- 3399 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/05/09 3298F: Samuel Mills. DO. Insolvent estate of Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-3298F MSA S512-4- 3400 Location: 1/36/3/
1788 3298G: Alexander Ogg. CV. Insolvent estate of Ogg. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 303. Accession No.: 17,898-3298G MSA S512-4- 3401 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/02/15 3298H: James McCurdle. WA. Insolvent estate of McCurdle. Accession No.: 17,898-3298H MSA S512-4- 3402 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/12/01 3299: Robert Mickle. BA. Insolvent estate of Mickle. Accession No.: 17,898-3299 MSA S512-4- 3403 Location: 1/36/3/
1802 3300: Isaac McNabb and Isaac Montgomery. HA. Insolvent estates of McNabb and Montgomery. Accession No.: 17,898-3300 MSA S512-4- 3404 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/02/26 3301: James Alexander Magruder. PG. Insolvent estate of Magruder. Accession No.: 17,898-3301 MSA S512-4- 3405 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/18 3302: George W. Murray. BA. Insolvent estate of Murray. Accession No.: 17,898-3302 MSA S512-4- 3406 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/12/18 3303: John Mitchell DO. Estate of Henry Hodson - Chance, Batchelors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 97. Accession No.: 17,898-3303 MSA S512-4- 3407 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/17 3304: Ralph McCreery. BA. Insolvent estate of McCreery. Accession No.: 17,898-3304 MSA S512-4- 3408 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/03/07 3305: Joseph Magruder. MO. Insolvent estate of Magruder. Accession No.: 17,898-3305 MSA S512-4- 3409 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/04/16 3306: David McCleary. FR. Insolvent estate of McCleary. Accession No.: 17,898-3306 MSA S512-4- 3410 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/02/09 3307: John McMunn. FR. Insolvent estate of McMunn. Accession No.: 17,898-3307 MSA S512-4- 3411 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/02/02 3308: Benjamin M. McCasky. BA. Insolvent estate of McCasky. Accession No.: 17,898-3308 MSA S512-4- 3412 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/09 3309: Joseph Massey. QA. Insolvent estate of Massey. Accession No.: 17,898-3309 MSA S512-4- 3413 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/05/21 3310: Thomas McLaughlin. BA. Insolvent estate of McLaughlin. Accession No.: 17,898-3310 MSA S512-4- 3414 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/27 3311: Philemon Murphey. QA. Insolvent estate of Murphey. Accession No.: 17,898-3311 MSA S512-4- 3415 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/03/01 3312: Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, Alexander C. Hanson, Pricilla Hanson, John J. Donaldson, Caroline Donaldson, and Hill Dorsey. AA, BA. Petition to sell Rebeccas Lot, Littleworth, Resurvey on Grecian Seige, Chews Vineyard, Curtis Creek Iron Works, First Discovery, Second Discovery, Mine Bank in AA. Also Valley of Owen in BA.
Accession No.: 17,898-3312 MSA S512-4- 3416 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/31 3313: William Marks. BA. Insolvent estate of Marks. Accession No.: 17,898-3313 MSA S512-4- 3417 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/01/06 3314: John Michael. BA. Insolvent estate of Michael. Accession No.: 17,898-3314 MSA S512-4- 3418 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/06/05 3315: Robert Lemmon vs. Philip Graybill. BA. Contract to purchase Deep Point. Accession No.: 17,898-3315 MSA S512-4- 3419 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/16 3316: Peter Medford. DO. Insolvent estate of Medford. Accession No.: 17,898-3316 MSA S512-4- 3420 Location: 1/36/3/
1799 3317: Jacob Medairy. BA. Insolvent estate of Medairy. Accession No.: 17,898-3317 MSA S512-4- 3421 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/05/20 3318: James Layton and Cyrus Mitchell vs. John Hicks and Elizabeth Hicks. DO. Estate of William Ennalls Hicks. Accession No.: 17,898-3318 MSA S512-4- 3422 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/27 3319: Jacob Mordecai. BA. Insolvent estate of Mordecai. Accession No.: 17,898-3319 MSA S512-4- 3423 Location: 1/36/3/
1804 3319A: Mordecai M. Mordecai. BA. Insolvent estate of Mordecai. Accession No.: 17,898-3319A MSA S512-4- 3424 Location: 1/36/3/
1804 3319B: Isaac Mordecai. BA. Insolvent estate of Mordecai. Accession No.: 17,898-3319B MSA S512-4- 3425 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/04/04 3320: Aquilla McComas. HA. Insolvent estate of McComas. Accession No.: 17,898-3320 MSA S512-4- 3426 Location: 1/36/3/
1799 3321: William Moore. BA. Insolvent estate of Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-3321 MSA S512-4- 3427 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/01/19 3322: William Myers. BA. Insolvent estate of Myers. Accession No.: 17,898-3322 MSA S512-4- 3428 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/02/26 3322A: James McCormick. BA. Insolvent estate of McCormick. Accession No.: 17,898-3322A MSA S512-4- 3429 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/20 3323: Benjamin McCoy. FR. Insolvent estate of McCoy. Accession No.: 17,898-3323 MSA S512-4- 3430 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/03/05 3324: William B. Magruder and Thomas Lund Washington. BA. Insolvent estates of Magruder and Washington. Accession No.: 17,898-3324 MSA S512-4- 3431 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/02/09 3325: Robert Morton. BA. Insolvent estate of Morton. Accession No.: 17,898-3325 MSA S512-4- 3432 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/04/05 3326: Gilbert Murdock. AA. Insolvent estate of Murdock. Accession No.: 17,898-3326 MSA S512-4- 3433 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/01/13 3327: John Maxwell. BA. Insolvent estate of Maxwell. Accession No.: 17,898-3327 MSA S512-4- 3434 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/01/01 3328: James Lawson vs. Jacob Mahnman, John Harper, Sylvester Grimes, Hugh Caldwell, John Grove, David Grove, Samuel Grove, and Abraham Grove. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Samples Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-3328 MSA S512-4- 3435 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/28 3329: John Maddox. CH. Insolvent estate of Maddox. Accession No.: 17,898-3329 MSA S512-4- 3436 Location: 1/36/3/
1801 3330: Edward Moore. CV. Insolvent estate of Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-3330 MSA S512-4- 3437 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/09/22 3331: William Meluy, David Kerr, Jr., and Charles Emory vs. Mary Baldwin, Susanna Baldwin, and William Baldwin. TA. Estate of Samuel Baldwin - lots in Easton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 627. Accession No.: 17,898-3331-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3438 Location: 1/36/3/
1802 3332: Thomas McNamara. BA. Insolvent estate of McNamara. Accession No.: 17,898-3332 MSA S512-4- 3439 Location: 1/36/3/
1772/03/20 3333: George Maxwell vs. Thomas Jamison, William Jamison, and Henry Joshua Jamison. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Halls Place, Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-3333 MSA S512-4- 3440 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/04/07 3334: Martha Montalibor. BA. Trust estate of Gripiere Montalibor - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 700. Accession No.: 17,898-3334 MSA S512-4- 3441 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/12/09 949: James M. Cresap vs. Oliver Cromwell, Richard Cromwell, Nathan Cromwell, John Cromwell, Stephen Cromwell, Joseph Cromwell, William Cromwell, Catharine Cromwell, Comfort Cromwell, and Richard Cromwell, Jr. AL. Estate of Philemon Cromwell - Seven Springs, First Resurvey and Second Addition to Seven Springs, Jacobs Pieces. Accession No.: 17,898-3335-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3442 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/06/30 3336: Mechanics Bank of Baltimore vs. Michael Ryan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 120. Accession No.: 17,898-3336-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3443 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/04/05 3337: John Mitchell, James Bratten, Cyrus Mitchell, Richard Carson, William Matthews, and John Smith. SO, WO. Estate of John Mitchell - Mill Security in SO and WO. Also Small Lot in SO and Friends Good Will, Poor Chance in WO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-3337-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3444 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/06/14 3338: James Melvin vs. Attorney General, John Pringle, Jr., Aquilla Johns, Richard Ridgely, and William Smith. BA, MO. Estate of John Pringle, Sr. - lot in BC, lot in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 588. Accession No.: 17,898-3338-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3445 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/03/26 3339: Joshua Morris vs. William Pollett. SO. Title to Middle Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-3339 MSA S512-4- 3446 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/01/26 3340: Ann McGill vs. John B. Bowie. PG. Collection of fees, fines, and forfeitures. Accession No.: 17,898-3340-1/9 MSA S512-4- 3447 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/03/08 3341: George C. Muller vs. John Boulden. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3341 MSA S512-4- 3448 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/09/02 3342: William Matthews vs. Maria Rozer, Notley Rozer, Henry Rozer, Francis Rozer, and Eliza Rozer. CE. Contract to purchase Spryes Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-3342 MSA S512-4- 3449 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/01/17 3343: Richard Martindale vs. James Harrison, Anne Harrison, Elizabeth Benny, Benjamin Benny, William Corkrell, Mary Corkrell, Thomas Martindale, John Martindale, and Elizabeth Martindale. CA. Estate of Samuel Martindale - Bee Tree Corrected. Accession No.: 17,898-3343 MSA S512-4- 3450 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/14 3344: Sophia Moore and Jason Moore vs. Amelia Moore and Nancy Moore. HA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-3344 MSA S512-4- 3451 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/12/13 3345: Mary McNamara vs. Edward Kelly. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3345 MSA S512-4- 3452 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/06/26 3346: Peggy McLaughlin, Joshua Barney, and Joseph Young vs. Richard Snowden. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3346 MSA S512-4- 3453 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/08/15 3347: William McFaddon vs. Samuel Godman and Frederick Grammer. HA. Title to St. Georges Neighbours. Accession No.: 17,898-3347 MSA S512-4- 3454 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/03/11 3348: James Mackubin, Sr. vs. Zachariah Phelps. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cheneys Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-3348 MSA S512-4- 3455 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/05/25 3349: Elizabeth Matthews vs. Luke Wagors. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Deep Valley Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-3349 MSA S512-4- 3456 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/02/09 3349A: Micajah Merryman vs. Barnett Murray, Sarah Merryman, Moses Merryman, Eleanor Merryman, Mary Merryman, and Micajah Merryman, Jr. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3349A MSA S512-4- 3457 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/01/18 7006: Job Chapman vs. William Hutson, Jemima Hutson, John Dettor, Elizabeth Dettor, Benjamin C. Vaughn, Rebecca Vaughn, John Reister, Helen Reister, Matthias Reider, Mary Reider, William Chapman, James Chapman, Nathan Chapman, Jr., and John Chapman. BA. Trust estate under will of Nathan Chapman, Sr. - White Oak Bottom, Parrishes Folly, Griffiths Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 353.
Accession No.: 17,898-3350 MSA S512-4- 3458 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/10/31 3351: David Mohler and George A. Bowersox vs. Samuel B. Smith. BA. Injunction against sale of lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3351 MSA S512-4- 3459 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/05/09 3352: Peter Mantz vs. Patrick Sim, Thomas Sim, Anthony Sim, Arthur Nelson, Joseph Nelson, John Nelson, Catherine Nelson, and Juliana Gantt. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 386. Accession No.: 17,898-3352 MSA S512-4- 3460 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/09/29 3353: David McMechen vs. Edward Johnson. BA. Petition to discover account books of William McLaughlin. Accession No.: 17,898-3353-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3461 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/04/08 3354: William Morsell and William Brashear vs. Thomas Contee. FR. Contract to purchase Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 409. Accession No.: 17,898-3354-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3462 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/01/26 3355: Jacob Mong, John Mong, George Mong, Peter Mong, Elizabeth Mong, Margaret Mong, Mary Mong, and Amelia Mong vs. Jacob Sager. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Fertile Valley. Accession No.: 17,898-3355 MSA S512-4- 3463 Location: 1/36/3/
1800 3356: Margaret McGlathery and Thomas Rutter vs. John McGlathery. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-3356 MSA S512-4- 3464 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/01/04 3357: Mary McComas, George William McComas, Thomas Jefferson McComas, Sabra McComas, and Samuel Bradford vs. Abraham Jarrett and Elizabeth Jarrett. HA. Contract to purchase lot in Abingdon. Accession No.: 17,898-3357 MSA S512-4- 3465 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/12/07 3358: Lewis Miller vs. State of Maryland. CE. Petition to record deed for lots in Elkton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-3358 MSA S512-4- 3466 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/03/21 3359: William Marriott vs. Mary D. Marriott. AA. Estate of Anne Govane. Accession No.: 17,898-3359 MSA S512-4- 3467 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/04/20 11202: Nicholas Snowden vs. Thomas Snowden, Jr., John Contee, Ann Louisa Contee, Albert Fairfax, Caroline Fairfax, Timothy P. Andrews, Emily Andrews, and Richard N. Snowden. PG. Contract to purchase Brothers Partnership, Snowdens New Birmingham Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 119.
Accession No.: 17,898-3360 MSA S512-4- 3468 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/17 3361: Christian Lewis Manhardt vs. John Harman Behn. BA. Dissolution of Manhardt, Behn & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-3361-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3469 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/08/10 3362: Patrick McLaughton and John Baptiste Aveilke vs. Roger Boyce. HA. Contract to purchase lot in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-3362 MSA S512-4- 3470 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/02/20 3363: David McMechen vs. Mary Ann Evans, James Stewart, William Lowman, William Gwynn, Jacob P. Smith, Sarah Smith, James Piper, Jane Piper, and John Evans. BA. Estate of William Evans - Springfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-3363-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3471 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/01/13 3364: William MacCreary and Archibald Stewart vs. John Codd, George Bearman, and Jacob Benefree. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 521. Accession No.: 17,898-3364-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3472 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/13 3365: Joseph McCeney. AA. Trust estate of Jacob McCeney - Golden Rod Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 85. Accession No.: 17,898-3365-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3473 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/07/02 3366: John McComas of William vs. Aaron McComas and Bernard McComas. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Littleton. Accession No.: 17,898-3366 MSA S512-4- 3474 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/06 3367: James G. McNeely, Nathan McNeely, Martha McNeely, and Letilia McNeely vs. Richard Hill. FR. Petition to record deed for Addition to Brookes Discovery on the Rich Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 712. Accession No.: 17,898-3367 MSA S512-4- 3475 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/08/19 3368: David Morrow vs. John Hamilton. CE. Payment of bond for schooner Independence. Accession No.: 17,898-3368-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3476 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/02/04 11483: Luke Tiernan vs. Elizabeth Fisher, John Fisher, Elizabeth Shafer, Jacob Fisher, Rachel Fisher, Sarah Fisher, James Fisher, William Fisher, Ann Frizzel, Ellen Reese, Julian Fisher, Mary Fisher, Philip Fisher, Sarah Fisher, Henry Fisher, and Susannah Fisher. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139. p. 525.
Accession No.: 17,898-3369 MSA S512-4- 3477 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/04/26 3370: James Macgill vs. John Macgill and Patrick Macgill. AA, PG. Estate of John Macgill - Athol Enlarged in AA and Darnells Grove in PG. Accession No.: 17,898-3370-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3478 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/05/19 3371: Alexander McAllister, Sarah Cole, Rebecca Cole, Moses Rockwell, Mary Rockwell, John Foss, Hannah Foss, Rachel Cole, and Abraham Cole vs. Richard Cole, Sarah Cole, George Cole, and John Cole. BA. Estate of Richard Cole - Coles Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-3371 MSA S512-4- 3479 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/05/31 3372: Henry Myers vs. Mary Lacombe. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3372 MSA S512-4- 3480 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/01/28 3373: Richard Mercer vs. William Alexander. AA. Contract to purchase Frog Range. Accession No.: 17,898-3373 MSA S512-4- 3481 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/06/28 3374: Michael Murray vs. Francis J. Mitchell. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3374-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3482 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/09/12 3375: Samuel Miller vs. Jemima Simpers and William Kilgore. CE. Estate of Henry Simpers. Accession No.: 17,898-3375 MSA S512-4- 3483 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/24 3376: Martin Mitchell, Kent Mitchell, Burnett Mitchell, James Aquila Mitchell, and Harriett Mitchell vs. Samuel Gover. HA. Injunction against removal of timber, stone, and fences from Ruputto. Accession No.: 17,898-3376 MSA S512-4- 3484 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/06/30 3377: John McCaffer vs. George Savage. BA. Petition to record lease for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-3377 MSA S512-4- 3485 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/14 3378: John Meddah vs. John Gebhart and John Kyser. MO. Contract to purchase lot in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 342. Accession No.: 17,898-3378 MSA S512-4- 3486 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/09/19 3379: John McKim, Jr. vs. Marcus Heyland. BA. Payment of notes. Accession No.: 17,898-3379 MSA S512-4- 3487 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/09/10 3380: Joshua E. Penn. AA. Estate of Joseph Ray. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-3380-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3488 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/11/03 3381: Thomas Merryman vs. Jacob Bond. BA. Contract to partition Hills and Dales, Gunpowder Mills, Pleasant Garden, Taylors Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-3381 MSA S512-4- 3489 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/06/14 3383: Honore Martin vs. John Benson. MO. Payment of note. Accession No.: 17,898-3383 MSA S512-4- 3490 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/01/25 3384: Samuel McKean vs. William Woodland, Mary Woodland, James Woodland, Hannah Woodland, and James Salisbury. KE. Defraud of creditors of McKean & Woodland - Hynsons Desire. Accession No.: 17,898-3384-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3491 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/01/21 3385: James Macgill vs. Anna Macgill, James Macgill, Thomas Macgill, and Elizabeth Thomas Macgill. AA. Contract to purchase Evans Range, Higgins Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-3385 MSA S512-4- 3492 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/05/10 3386: John Mitchell vs. Harriett Handy, Peregrine Emory, and Kitty Emory. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-3386 MSA S512-4- 3493 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/03/20 3387: John Moreton vs. Samuel Amery and Mary Amery. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Cookseys Duck Pond, Cookseys Chance, Simpkin Coatback. Accession No.: 17,898-3387 MSA S512-4- 3494 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/09/17 12033: Catherine Warfield vs. Charles D. Warfield, Eliza Anne Warfield, Catherine Anne Warfield, Fielder Warfield, Rachel Warfield, Amelia Warfield, Kitty Warfield, Elenor Warfield, and Tilghman Warfield. FR. Estate of Charles H. Warfield - lot in New Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 81.
Accession No.: 17,898-3388-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3495 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/08/22 3389: Archibald Murray, John McIntire, and Martha Shane vs. John Bartlett. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-3389 MSA S512-4- 3496 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/02/24 3390: James McCausland vs. John Smith. BA. Petition to record lease for Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 434. Accession No.: 17,898-3390 MSA S512-4- 3497 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/03/19 3391: John Murray vs. Thomas T. Simmons. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Trent. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 651. Accession No.: 17,898-3391 MSA S512-4- 3498 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/07/25 3392: John Mercer vs. Thomas Sellman, Henry Darnall, and Nicholas Darnall. AA. Estate of Bennett Darnall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 759. Accession No.: 17,898-3392 MSA S512-4- 3499 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/04/04 3393: Alexander Macdonald and Nicholas G. Ridgely vs. Philip Rogers, Samuel Owings, Mary Yellott, and William P. Matthews. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 611. Accession No.: 17,898-3393 MSA S512-4- 3500 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/02/14 3394: Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, Alexander C. Hanson, Priscilla Hanson, John Johnson Donaldson, Caroline Donaldson, and Hill Dorsey vs. Hammond Dorsey, AA, BA. Petition to partition Moores Morning Choice Enlarged, Dorseys Chance, Taylors Forest, Dorseys Adventure, lot in Baltimore Company lands, Bonds Pleasant Hills, lot in BC, Long Acre in BA. Also Calebs Pasture, Barrens Farm, Calebs Vineyard, lot in Elk Ridge Landing, Invasion, Conclusion, Whats Left, Ridgelys Meadows, Caleb and Edwards Friendship in AA. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Papers) 2, No. 25, MdHR 40,283-78, S65-32, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 411 and 95, p. 572.
Accession No.: 17,898-3394-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3501 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/05/24 3395: Patrick Murdock vs. Andrew McClure, Robert Sprigg, James Williams, Samuel Selby, 3rd, William Hoye, and Peregrine Fitzhugh. AL. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-3395 MSA S512-4- 3502 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/02/18 3396: Joseph B. McKean vs. Elizabeth Buchanan Lowndes, Andrew Buchanan Lowndes, Benjamin Lowndes, Christopher Buchanan Lowndes, Susan Buchanan Lowndes, and Eleanor Rogers Croxall Lowndes. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3396 MSA S512-4- 3503 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/09/18 3397: William H. Marriott vs. Denton Hammond. AA. Petition to partition Hammonds Enlargement. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 36, MdHR 40,283-140, S65-29, B5/10/1. Accession No.: 17,898-3397 MSA S512-4- 3504 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/04/28 3398: Thomas Marshall and John Forbes vs. Eversfield Bowie and Thomas Contee Bowie. PG. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-3398 MSA S512-4- 3505 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/09/30 3399: William Miers vs. William McDowell and George Jackson. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3399-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3506 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/09/23 3400: John Martiacq vs. Louisa Sophia Belville. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-3400 MSA S512-4- 3507 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/09/27 3401: John Mersha, Henry Strickler, and Joseph Huston vs. James Black, Polly Black, Jacob Shelhorn, Henry Shelhorn, Baltzer Shelhorn, John Shelhorn, Gabriel Kemmel, and Nancy Kemmel. AL. Estate of John Shelhorn. Accession No.: 17,898-3401 MSA S512-4- 3508 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/11/07 3402: Robert Moore vs. Susanna Yarnall, Rebecca Yarnall, and Joseph Bartlett. TA. Title to Abrahams Lot, Arcadia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 47. Accession No.: 17,898-3402 MSA S512-4- 3509 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/04/13 7139: Peter Crumbecker vs. James Porter, George Porter, Joshua Porter, Rezin Porter, Elisha Porter, Jacob Tener, and Catherine Tener. BA. Title to Dorseys Industry, Johns Industry, Marys Victory, Lawrences Pleasant Vallie. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 405.
Accession No.: 17,898-3403-1/6 MSA S512-4- 3510 Location: 1/36/3/
1786/05/06 3404: James Maidwell vs. Benjamin Griffith and Nathan Griffith. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3404-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3511 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/07/16 3405: George McCauslin vs. Lurana Kelley, Frances Kelley, Margaret Kelley, William Flowers, Blanch Flowers, Charles Hyson, Unity Hyson, and Richard Kinley. HA. Estate of Charles Beaver - Arabia Petra. Accession No.: 17,898-3405 MSA S512-4- 3512 Location: 1/36/3/
1791 3406: Robert Maxwell, Margaret Maxwell, William Charles Niell, and Mary Niell vs. John Stoops and William Ward. CE. Estate of John Stoops - Middle Neck, Money Worth, Mitchum, Hackston. Accession No.: 17,898-3406 MSA S512-4- 3513 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/02/22 3406A: John Ireland, James Pearce, Oliver Smith, and William Salisbury Cooper vs. John Stoops. CE. Estate of John Stoops. Accession No.: 17,898-3406A MSA S512-4- 3514 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/02/14 3407: Thomas Mudd, Henry Lowe Mudd, and Nicholas Blacklock vs. Nicholas Davis. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Cold Snowy Friday. Accession No.: 17,898-3407 MSA S512-4- 3515 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/02/21 3408: Isaac Magruder vs. John Watkins, Ann Watkins, Margaret Rutland, Elizabeth Rutland, Thomas Rutland, Arthur Belt, and Richard Belt. PG. Contract to purchase Arthurs Seat Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-3408-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3516 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/09/05 3409: Richard Marshall vs. John Edward Ford. CH. Contract to purchase continental certificates. Accession No.: 17,898-3409 MSA S512-4- 3517 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/29 3410: Thomas McKenny, John Constable, and James Harris vs. Avarilla Dudley, James Cruikshank, and Robert Cruikshank. KE. Petition to record deed for Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-3410 MSA S512-4- 3518 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/10/30 3411: William McMechen vs. Nicholas W. Easton. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 235. Accession No.: 17,898-3411 MSA S512-4- 3519 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/06/08 3412: Mary P. Morton vs. William Wheatly and Ann Wheatly. CH. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3412 MSA S512-4- 3520 Location: 1/36/3/
1762/01/11 3413: Richard Moale, Frances Halton Moale, and Jeremiah Chase vs. John Stevenson. BA. Estate of Richard Chase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 12, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-3413 MSA S512-4- 3521 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/11/06 3414: Hugh McAllister vs. Mary Tilghman. BA. Estate of John McAllister - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3414 MSA S512-4- 3522 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/04/24 3415: Alexander McCullock vs. Thomas Rutter. BA. Estate of Valentine Spicer. Accession No.: 17,898-3415 MSA S512-4- 3523 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/12/10 3416: Alexander Mactier vs. Richard Frazier. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-3416 MSA S512-4- 3524 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/08/08 3417: Richard Mackubin vs. Thomas Jenings. AA. Trust estate of Jenings. Accession No.: 17,898-3417 MSA S512-4- 3525 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/09/01 3418: Elijah McCay and Elizabeth Knighton McCay vs. William Hays and John Simmons. CV. Estate of Knighton Simmons. Accession No.: 17,898-3418 MSA S512-4- 3526 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/09/10 3419: Joseph McCeney vs. Zachariah McCeney and Benjamin McCeney. AA. Estate of Jacob McCeney - Golden Rod Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-3419 MSA S512-4- 3527 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/03/10 3420: James Mewbern vs. John Hackett and George Whitelock. PG. Contract to collect debts. Accession No.: 17,898-3420 MSA S512-4- 3528 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/07/30 3421: Joseph Ennalls Muse vs. Joseph Daffin. DO. Estate of Elinor Daffin - North Yarmouth. Accession No.: 17,898-3421-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3529 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/05/12 7351: Archibald Dorsey vs. George Harrison, Ann Harrison, Adam Shipley, Ann Jane Jones, John Shipley, Rezin Shipley, Peter Shipley, Margaret Shipley, Enos Shipley, William Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Sarah Shipley, Mary Shipley, Moses Galloway, Sally Galloway, Eli Selby, Ruth Selby, William Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Levi Chaney, and Providence Chaney. AA. Petition to record deed for Scotts Mill Seat, Dorseys Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 452.
Accession No.: 17,898-3422-1/21 MSA S512-4- 3530 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/05/28 3423: James Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, Samuel Baum, and Margaret Baum vs. John Scrogg and Alexander Scrogg. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 247. Accession No.: 17,898-3423 MSA S512-4- 3531 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/11/27 3424: David West vs. Jesse Jarrett and Bennett Jarrett. HA. Title to Armstrongs Misfortune, Buchanans Deer Park, Pervicacity, Deer Park Corrected. Accession No.: 17,898-3424-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3532 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/02/18 3425: Jonas McPherson. WA. Insolvent estate of McPherson. Accession No.: 17,898-3425 MSA S512-4- 3533 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/12/03 3426: John Mace vs. Elizabeth Meddis. DO. Contract to purchase Head Range. Accession No.: 17,898-3426 MSA S512-4- 3534 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/12 3427: John McCoy and Joseph McCoy vs. Daniel McCoy. WA. Appointment of trustee for Daniel McCoy. Accession No.: 17,898-3427 MSA S512-4- 3535 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/06/02 3428: John Miller vs. Gabriel Friend, Benjamin Shipley, Mary Shipley, Charles Friend, and Jacob Friend. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Mountain of Wales. Accession No.: 17,898-3428 MSA S512-4- 3536 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/06/04 3429: John McClelan vs. Isaac Green. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from McClelans First Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-3429 MSA S512-4- 3537 Location: 1/36/3/
1786/03/13 3430: Walter McPherson, Jr. vs. Thomas Rutland, John Petty, and Henry Barnes. CH. Contract to serve as factor. Accession No.: 17,898-3430-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3538 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/04/06 3431: George Menear, James Cloney, Alexander Macdonald, and Nicholas G. Ridgely vs. Mary Tinker and Robert Billups. BA. Defraud of creditors of Thomas Tinker. Accession No.: 17,898-3431 MSA S512-4- 3539 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/09/02 3432: James Mitchell vs. Thomas Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards, Sarah Evans, Catherine Evans, Martha Evans, Edward Evans, and William Evans. HA. Contract to purchase Contention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 518. Accession No.: 17,898-3432-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3540 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/12/07 3433: Samuel Maynard vs. William Maynard. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3433 MSA S512-4- 3541 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/05/17 3434: Thomas McEldery vs. John Weatherburn, William Tinker, John Adams, Thomas Dewit, Elizabeth Dewit, Catherine Dewit, and Christopher Turnpaugh. BA. Contract to purchase Mountenays Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-3434 MSA S512-4- 3542 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/06/25 7404: Caleb Dorsey, John Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, John Hood, Louisa Hood, Odel Wheeler, Carolina Wheeler, Nelson Norris, and Eliza Ann Norris vs. Ann Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, and Stephen Dorsey. AA. Petition to partition Hammonds Delight, Dependence, Dorseys Range, Vanity Mount, Barnes Purchase, Brothers Level, Addition to Brothers Level, Pleasant Ridge, Benjamins Lot, Whats Left, Browns Enlargement. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 337.
Accession No.: 17,898-3435 MSA S512-4- 3543 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/05/16 3436: Dennis Magruder and Elizabeth Gassaway Magruder vs. Levi Gantt. PG. Estate of Richard Alexander Contee. Accession No.: 17,898-3436-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3544 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/08/10 3437: Theophilus Marshall, Alexander Marshall, and William Angel vs. Cuthbert Heron, Anna Heron, and Harriet Heron. DO. Estate of Cuthbert Heron - lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-3437 MSA S512-4- 3545 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/03/04 3438: Thomas Monroe and Christopher Richmond vs. Catherine Walker Johnson, William Johnson, Mary Ann Johnson, Richmond Johnson, and Henry Johnson. PG. Estate of Thomas Johnson, Jr. - lots in Washington, D.C. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-3438-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3546 Location: 1/36/3/
1800 3439: Joseph McHard. QA. Insolvent estate of McHard. Accession No.: 17,898-3439 MSA S512-4- 3547 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/02/18 3440: John Murdock vs. Thomas Brooke. MO. Estate of Elizabeth Batt - Jacob. Accession No.: 17,898-3440 MSA S512-4- 3548 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/02/19 3441: Thomas Mundell vs. James Higdon and Ann Higdon. CH. Title to Birkets Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3441 MSA S512-4- 3549 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/25 3442: John Miller, George Miller, Jacob Stanck, Catherine Stanck, William Haim, John Haim, Jacob Haim, George Haim, Christiana Haim, Catherine Haim, and Elizabeth Haim vs. Abraham Sitler. BA. Estate of Barnhard Miller. Accession No.: 17,898-3442 MSA S512-4- 3550 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/04/26 3443: John Manning and Mary Ann Manning vs. Cornelius Boarman. PG. Appointment of trustee for Cornelius Boarman. Accession No.: 17,898-3443-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3551 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/03/31 3444: John Moale vs. Richard H. Moale and William A. Moale. BA. Petition to sell Moales Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 14. Accession No.: 17,898-3444 MSA S512-4- 3552 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/05/10 3445: James McCormick, Jr. and Rachael Ridgely McCormick vs. Thomas Deye Cockey and Ann Cockey. BA. Petition to partition Merrymans Beginning, Ridgelys Whim. Accession No.: 17,898-3445 MSA S512-4- 3553 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/01/28 3446: William Moore vs. Brittingham Dickeson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3446 MSA S512-4- 3554 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/01/14 3447: Daniel Murray, Mary Murray, Alexander C. Hanson, Pricilla Hanson, John C. Donaldson, Caroline Donaldson, and Hill Dorsey vs. Hammond Dorsey. AA, BA. Petition to sell Dorseys Forge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 572. Accession No.: 17,898-3447 MSA S512-4- 3555 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/07/21 3448: William Maxwell, Peter Harves, and Archibald Bryson vs. Thomas Yates and Randolph B. Latimer. BA. Insolvent estate of Bryson - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3448 MSA S512-4- 3556 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/02/28 3449: David McMechen vs. John Councilman, Frederick Councilman, Margaret Councilman, Mary Councilman, and Philip Councilman. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3449 MSA S512-4- 3557 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/02/10 7415: John J. Donaldson and Avalon Co. vs. Ann Pinkney, William Pinkney, Charles Pinkney, Cumberland D. Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Joseph White, Isabella White, William Stewart, Charlotte Stewart, Caroline Pinkney, Frederick Pinkney, Henry Pinkney, Emily Pinkney, and William Pinkney of Edward. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-3450-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3558 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/02/12 3451: Honore Martin, Sally Martin, Richard Clagett, and Elizabeth Clagett vs. George Ryley, Sarah Collyer, and James Collyer. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Dan. Accession No.: 17,898-3451 MSA S512-4- 3559 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/07/30 3452: John Moale, Jr. and Lucy Moale vs. Edward Murray. BA. Estate of Mary Murray. Accession No.: 17,898-3452 MSA S512-4- 3560 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/17 3453: John Merryman vs. John Ensor, Abraham Ensor, William Ensor, Luke Ensor, Jonathan Plowman Ensor, Sarah Ensor, John Thomas Holland, and Ann Holland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Buffild, Broads Desire, Othaliah Lot, Tyes Pleasant Ridges. Accession No.: 17,898-3453 MSA S512-4- 3561 Location: 1/36/3/
1804 3454: John Montgomery and Samuel Jay vs. Robert Morgan and Edward Morgan. HA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-3454 MSA S512-4- 3562 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/02/05 3455: Andrew McDonald vs. James Gunn, Margery Gunn, and William Gunn. DO. Petition to convey Fishers Landing, Weston Fishers Landing, St. Bartholomew. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 72. Accession No.: 17,898-3455 MSA S512-4- 3563 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/04/07 3456: John Mackall vs. James M. Wilson. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Lower Bennett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 311. Accession No.: 17,898-3456 MSA S512-4- 3564 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/07/26 3457: John Moore and Daniel Moore vs. Rebecca Preston and James Taylor Preston. HA. Estate of Martin Preston - Robinsons Chance, Hog Neck, Dennis Choice Improved, Prestons Chance, James Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-3457 MSA S512-4- 3565 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/06/17 3458: Elizabeth Magruder vs. Levin Magruder. MO. Appointment of trustee for Levin Magruder. Accession No.: 17,898-3458 MSA S512-4- 3566 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/10/17 3459: Matthew McLaughlin vs. Hugh Lecky. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3459 MSA S512-4- 3567 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/06/18 3460: Daniel McDonnell and Samuel Elliott vs. Samuel Mills. DO. Defraud of creditors of Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-3460 MSA S512-4- 3568 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/29 3461: Daniel McDonnell vs. Catherine Hodson, Dennis Hodson, James Hodson, Charles Hodson, John W. Hodson, Richard Glover, James Glover, Thomas Hicks, and Elizabeth Hicks. DO. Estate of Henry Hodson. Accession No.: 17,898-3461 MSA S512-4- 3569 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/12/10 7620: Mortimer Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, John Dorsey, Odel Wheeler, Caroline Wheeler, Nelson Norris, Eliza Norris, Richard Dorsey, John Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, Leftimus Dorsey, John Hood, and Louisa Hood vs. Ephraim Etchison. MO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 160.
Accession No.: 17,898-3462 MSA S512-4- 3570 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/03/19 3463: Ralph Moore vs. Lambert Hyland. SO. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-3463 MSA S512-4- 3571 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/04/18 3464: George Mason vs. Thomas Rutland. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rutlands Purchase, lots in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-3464 MSA S512-4- 3572 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/01/10 3465: William Murdock and Eleanor Murdock vs. Thomas Sim Lee. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Forrest of Needwood, Hawkins Plains, Swedes March, Fielderia Manor, Shepherds Untain, Burgundy, Cottage, Pen and Ink. Accession No.: 17,898-3465 MSA S512-4- 3573 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/01/05 3466: John McKim vs. Alexander Nisbet. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hookers Farm, Hookers Addition, Addition to Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-3466-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3574 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/06/24 3467: Israel Morris vs. Job Haines. CE. Contract to purchase Sharon. Accession No.: 17,898-3467 MSA S512-4- 3575 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/03/31 8057: Henry Greve vs. Cassandra Gassaway, Rachel Randall, Frederick Grimes, Margaret Grimes, William Culverwell, George McKay, Martha McKay, John Lindenberger, Elizabeth Lindenberger, George Lindenberger, Henry Peck, Rachel Peck, and James Porter. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Little Worth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 139.
Accession No.: 17,898-3469 MSA S512-4- 3576 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/02/28 3470: Joshua Marsh vs. John Marsh, David Marsh, Thomas Marsh, Benedict Marsh, Beale Marsh, Clement Marsh, Temperance Bosley, James Bosley, Prudence Enloes, James Enloes, Benjamin Hindon, Sophia Hindon, Jacob Stone, Achsah Stone, Thomas Winks, Joshua Winks, John Winks, Achsah Winks, Temperance Winks, John Buck, and Sophia Buck. BA, HA. Petition to partition Valley of Jehosaphat, Eagles Nest in BA. Also Charles Neighbor in HA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 255.
Accession No.: 17,898-3470-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3577 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/12/18 3471: Adam Marckel vs. Henry Landes. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3471 MSA S512-4- 3578 Location: 1/36/3/
1780/08/21 3472: John Miles and Mary Miles vs. James Earle Denny, Moses Adams, Sarah Adams, Ann Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Thomas John Merchant, John McGinney, Matilda Prouse, Thomas Prouse, Matthew Pawson, William Green, and John Nicols. DO, TA. Estates of George Prouse and Jane Prouse - slaves Hagar, Hannah, Beck, Daff, Isaac, Abraham, Minta, Luv, Rose, Pomp, Patt, Hagar, Bett, Dije, Sall, Isaac, Lid, Harry, Memory, Kenny, Amy, Hannah, and Pomp.
Accession No.: 17,898-3472 MSA S512-4- 3579 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/08/02 3473: John Martin vs. Richard S. Thomas, George Leggett, and John Leggett. BA. Contract to purchase Wells Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-3473 MSA S512-4- 3580 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/05/07 3474: William Murdock vs. Naborne Beall, Matilda Beall, and Harriett Beall. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Exchange, Hard Struggle, Friendship Enlarged, Hamiltons Industry, Pleasant Hill, Fletchers Good Will, Stony Hill, Grove, Resurvey on Addition to Mill Seat, Good Will, Snowdens Mill Land, Bealls Industry, Enlargement, Pleasant Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-3474-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3581 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/05/22 3475: John Miller, Daniel Miller, Henry Miller, Susanna Miller, Jacob Miller, and Samuel Miller. WA. Estate of John Miller - - Steeple, Resurvey on the Mountain of Wales, Linton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3475-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3582 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/22 3476: William Meluy, Edward Stevens, Ennalls Martin, Tristram Thomas, James Rue, Mary N. Robinson, Daniel Robinson, and Rebecca N. Robinson vs. Thomas Coward. TA. Estate of Amasa Robinson - Long Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 482.
Accession No.: 17,898-3476-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3583 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/11/19 3477: Nicholas Day McComas and George McComas vs. Samuel G. Osborn. HA. Injunction against sale of property. Accession No.: 17,898-3477 MSA S512-4- 3584 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/12/14 3478: William Magrath vs. Anne Henry and Maria Henry. FR, MO. Estate of Daniel Henry - Resurvey on Part of Discovery. Plats at 1/38/1/15. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-3478-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3585 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/03/06 3479: Charles Maddox vs. Henry Hill. PG. Petition to dissolve injunction. Accession No.: 17,898-3479 MSA S512-4- 3586 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/04/21 3480: John McPherson and John Brien vs. Philip Baker. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from and trespass on Little I Thought It. Accession No.: 17,898-3480 MSA S512-4- 3587 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/06/28 3481: James McDaniel, Dorcas McDaniel, Edward McDaniel, Sarah McDaniel, and Benjamin Roberts vs. Benjamin McDaniel. TA. Petition to sell Skipton, Fennys Hermitage, Bite the Biter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 635. Accession No.: 17,898-3481-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3588 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/06/02 3482: Daniel Mifflin vs. Joseph Bratten. WO. Estate of Joseph Bratten - Crators, Showells Addition, Crooked Lot, Croptons, Hog Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-3482-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3589 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/09/16 3483: Richard A. Shipley vs. Philip McGuire. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Coles Harbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 609. Accession No.: 17,898-3483 MSA S512-4- 3590 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/04/11 3484: John McKim, Jr., Robert McKim, Alexander McKim, William Barkley, Robert Mickle, John McDonough, John Baxley, and James Corrie vs. James Gibson, Mary Gibson, William Gibson, Elizabeth Maxwell, and Alexander Maxwell. CA. Estate of William Gibson - Walnut Trees, lot in Denton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 41.
Accession No.: 17,898-3484 MSA S512-4- 3591 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/11/06 3485: John Marsh, David S. Craig, and Andrew Elston vs. William Parsons, Thomas Worrell, and George Stiles. HA. Contract to purchase Rumney Royal, Delph Island, Newshams Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 318. Accession No.: 17,898-3485-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3592 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/03/15 3486: Anthony Miller vs. John Gilbert. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Spring Plain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-3486 MSA S512-4- 3593 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/10/15 3487: Nathan Griffith. BA. Insolvent estate of Griffith. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 554. Accession No.: 17,898-3487-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3594 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/05/03 3488: John McKim, Jr. vs. William Ball. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-3488 MSA S512-4- 3595 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/12/22 3489: Thomas Samuel Pole vs. Ross McGuire. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3489 MSA S512-4- 3596 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/06/16 3490: James Mackubin vs. Achsah Marriott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Providence. Accession No.: 17,898-3490 MSA S512-4- 3597 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/03/23 3491: John Moke vs. Henry Wertz, Thomas Vose, and William Worthington. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-3491-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3598 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/06/06 3492: Moses McCubbin vs. Allen Quynn. AA. Contract to purchase Wardrope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 13, p. 473. Accession No.: 17,898-3492 MSA S512-4- 3599 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/08/06 3493: Sophia Miller vs. Adam Miller. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-3493 MSA S512-4- 3600 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/09/30 3494: John McPherson vs. Denton Jacques, Lancelot Jacques, and Elie Williams. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Skythorn, Resurvey on Skythorn, Kindness Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 67 and 70, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-3494 MSA S512-4- 3601 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/09/16 3495: James Mackubin vs. John Craig, John Barron, Jr., Julianna Mackubin, Elizabeth Mackubin, Ellen Mackubin, Caroline Mackubin, and Martha Mackubin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-3495-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3602 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/02/28 3496: Nicholas Merryman, Jr., Micajah Merryman, Elijah Merryman, and Nicholas Merryman vs. Micajah Merryman and Harvey Merryman. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 335. Accession No.: 17,898-3496-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3603 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/07/05 3497: Dorothy Jordan and John Nesbitt Jordan vs. Reuben Merriweather. AA. Estate of John Morton Jordon - slaves Kate and Tom, ship Eden. Accession No.: 17,898-3497-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3604 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/07/22 3498: James McMullen, Sr., James McMullen, Jr., and Eleanor Burris vs. John Burris and James Burris. CE. Estate of Edward Burris - Stony Battery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 53. Accession No.: 17,898-3498-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3605 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/06/05 3499: Isaac McKim vs. William Chambers. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Marsh, Chesterfield, Paschels Chance, schooner Farmer. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 501. Accession No.: 17,898-3499 MSA S512-4- 3606 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/08/11 3500: James Meek vs. Josias Collins and Abraham Collins. AA. Estate of Richard Collins - Discovery, Mons, Stears Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 151 and 99, p. 283. Accession No.: 17,898-3500 MSA S512-4- 3607 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/10/01 3501: Robert McCrossan vs. Elizabeth Turnpike Co. WA. Contract to build turnpike from Baltimore to Frederick to Elizabeth. Accession No.: 17,898-3501 MSA S512-4- 3608 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/07/20 3502: William McMechen vs. William Dorsey, John E. Dorsey, Walter Dorsey, Robert Gilmer, Robert Gilmer, Jr., William Gilmer, Henry Payson, Dennis A. Smith, James Cox, Alexander McDonald, Abraham Worthington, William Gwynn, Caleb D. Goodwin, Thomas B. Dorsey, Milcah Dorsey, Lyde Goodwin, William Wilkins, Jr., Aschah Wilkins, Edward Goodwin, Rebecca Goodwin, and Eliza Goodwin. AA. Injunction against selling Piney Forrest, Rezin Supply, Mill Seat, Murphys Adventure, Arcadia Resurveyed, Fifth Discovery, Partnership, Desert of Arabia, Chance, Yates Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-3502-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3609 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/09/06 3503: William Murray vs. John Cox, Peter Frank, and Henry Lamot. BA. Insolvent estate of Cox - Spring Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-3503 MSA S512-4- 3610 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/12/24 3503A: Daniel McDonnell vs. Charles LeCompte. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3503A MSA S512-4- 3611 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/29 3503B: Hugh H. McKearne vs. James Clerk. PG. Contract to form a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-3503B MSA S512-4- 3612 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/12/06 3504: Walter M. Millar and Ann Maria Millar vs. Thomas Denny, Ellen Denny, and Matilda Denny. TA. Petition to sell Hewoth, Cumberland, Chance Help, Clifton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 181. Accession No.: 17,898-3504 MSA S512-4- 3613 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/18 3505: William McMechen and John P. Pleasants vs. Nathaniel Lock. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-3505 MSA S512-4- 3614 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/07/17 3506: Michael O'Mealy vs. William Whetcroft. BA. Contract to purchase land in KY. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-3506-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3615 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/02/12 3507: Jacob Millar vs. Susana Baker, Jacob Baker, Catherine Baker, and Elizabeth Baker. FR. Estate of Christian Baker - lots in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 325. Accession No.: 17,898-3507-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3616 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/01/15 3508: William McMechen, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, Dennis A. Smith, William Gwynn of John, John P. Pleasants, Philip Moore, Alexander McDonald, and Nicholas G. Ridgely vs. Samuel Moale and James P. Boyd. BA. Trust estate of McMechen - lots in Fells Point, Ridgelys Addition to Baltimore, Halls Hill, Peters Garden, Pot Spring, Jeopardy, Bonds Neck, Bear Wallowings. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 363.
Accession No.: 17,898-3508 MSA S512-4- 3617 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/07/27 3509: Marcus McCausland, Peter Sourwine, and Peter McCartney vs. James Gargon, Lucy Gargon, and Nicholas McCartney. BA. Petition to sell Goshen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-3509 MSA S512-4- 3618 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/04/11 3510: Rebecca Morton vs. Robert Hodgson and Paul Allfree. CE. Estate of John Morton. Accession No.: 17,898-3510 MSA S512-4- 3619 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/11/16 3511: Sarah Miller vs. John Miller. FR. Estate of John Miller. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-3511 MSA S512-4- 3620 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/01/06 3512: Thomas Barton Morris, Henry Hill, and Charles Maddox vs. Nicholas Blacklock. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3512-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3621 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/01/16 3513: Patrick Million. BA. Insolvent estate of Million. Accession No.: 17,898-3513 MSA S512-4- 3622 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/15 3514: William Molleson vs. Thomas Contee. PG. Petition to discover accounts of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-3514-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3623 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/07/28 3515: Ninian Magruder vs. John Seyle, George Seyle, Jacob Seyle, Lewis Seyle, Samuel Seyle, Ann Seyle, Susannah Edmondson, Archibald B. Edmondson, Catherine Mantz, Peter Mantz, Betsy Steiner, Jacob Steiner, Barbara Hower, Daniel Hower, Lewis Hower, Henry Hower, Polly Hower, Adam Hower, Peggy Stover, John Stover, Polly Adams, and George Adams. FR, MO. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Georgetown, lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 351.
Accession No.: 17,898-3515-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3624 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/09/20 3516: Benjamin Mackall, Levin Mackall, Walter Mackall, and Richard Mackall vs. John Manning Gray, Dorcas Gray, and Thomas Gray. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Birkhead, Red, Reserve, Pennemore, Toddy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 534. Accession No.: 17,898-3516-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3625 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/11/14 3517: Jacob Miller vs. Elizabeth Lawson. BA. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-3517 MSA S512-4- 3626 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/12/02 3518: Thomas Magill and Mary Magill vs. Patrick Magill, William Daniel Magill, Nicholas Carroll Magill, James Magill, and Charles Magill. AA. Petition to sell Hanover and tobacco inspection house. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 305. Accession No.: 17,898-3518-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3627 Location: 1/36/3/
1797. 3519: George Matthews. BA. Insolvent estate of Matthews. Accession No.: 17,898-3519 MSA S512-4- 3628 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/05/13 3520: Benjamin Miles, William Miles, Gassaway Pindell, Sarah Pindell, Mary Dare, Sarah Childs, and Samuel Gover vs. William Dare and Elizabeth Dare. AA. Petition to sell Miles Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-3520 MSA S512-4- 3629 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/07/01 3521: William McMechen vs. Gerard Tipton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 676 and 98, p. 502. Accession No.: 17,898-3521 MSA S512-4- 3630 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/09/06 3522: Gassaway Rawlings and Richard Alexander Contee vs. Thomas Contee. AA, PG. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-3522 MSA S512-4- 3631 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/03/31 3523: William H. Marriott vs. Mary Marriott and Ann Marriott. AA. Petition to sell Brooksbys Point, Lancasters Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-3523 MSA S512-4- 3632 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/07/29 3524: Mary Merriken, Richard Merriken, Margaret Merriken, Eliza Mackubin, Stephen Boone, and Eliza Boone vs. Zachariah Merriken. AA. Petition to sell Scotland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 605. Accession No.: 17,898-3524 MSA S512-4- 3633 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/12/09 3525: Robert Moody vs. Robert Browning, Sarah Browning, and Mary Browning. KE. Petition to sell Adams Choice, Indian Range, Rileys Resurvey, Tobins Place, lot in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 66. Accession No.: 17,898-3525 MSA S512-4- 3634 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/08/20 3526: Alexander McCarter vs. John Robinson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 720. Accession No.: 17,898-3526 MSA S512-4- 3635 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/07/28 3527: George Murdock, Eleanor Murdock, John Usher Charlton, John Ross Key, Phebe Key, Mary Shaaff, John Thomas Shaaff, Arthur Shaaff, Casper Shaaff, and Sophia Grosh vs. Thomas Hart, Eleanor Hart, John Grosh, Catherine Grosh, William Cleland, Eleanor Cleland, Phebe Wambasee, Mr. Wambasee, Thomas Charlton, John Charlton, and Arthur Charlton. FR. Petition to sell house and lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 464.
Accession No.: 17,898-3527 MSA S512-4- 3636 Location: 1/36/3/
1785 3528: John Mackall vs. William Aisquith and William Hicks. SM. Handshift, St. Johns with Addition, Governors Field, Choppel Land, St. Peters and St. Marys Hills, Squires Purchase, Guythers Purchase, Bakers New Fancy. 3528: John Mackall vs. William Aisquith and William Hicks. SM. Hardshift. St. Johns with Addition, Governors Field, Chappel Land, St. Peters and St. Marys Hills, Squires Purchase, Guythers Purchase, Bakers New Fancy. Plat filed in MARYLAND SURVEY PAPERS (Resurvey Plats) S64, MdHR 40,282-42. Accession No.: 17,898-3528 MSA S512-4- 3637 Location: 1/36/3/
1819 3529: Joseph Sterrett, Molley Sterrett, and Jeremiah T. Chase vs. Thomas Moale, Robert Moale, Samuel Moale, Randle Moale, John C. Moale, William A. Moale, Richard H. Moale, John Bernabew, Ellen Bernabew, William McMechan, Elizabeth Curson, Judith C. Carroll, and Richard Carroll. BA. Estate of Richard Moale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 158.
Accession No.: 17,898-3529-1/13 MSA S512-4- 3638 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/12/04 3529A: Edward Murray vs. David McMechen, Richard Ridgely, Francis Curtis, Frederick Yeiser, and Susanna Yeiser. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 25, p.1. Accession No.: 17,898-3529A MSA S512-4- 3639 Location: 1/36/3/
1788 3529B: Thomas Miles vs. Attorney General. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-3529B MSA S512-4- 3640 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/08/07 3530: Anthony Manning vs. Thomas Manning. DO. Estate of John Manning - Lockermans Regulation, Rickerton, lot in Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-3530 MSA S512-4- 3641 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/08/05 3530A: Benjamin Hance Mackall vs. John Brooks and Mary Brooks. CV. Estates of John Bond and Ann Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-3530A MSA S512-4- 3642 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/02/09 3530B: John Mitchell vs. James Hutchings. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3530B MSA S512-4- 3643 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/11/20 3531: James McCulloch vs. Attorney General. AA. Title to Simpsons Stones, Batchelors Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-3531 MSA S512-4- 3644 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/08/11 3532: William McQuinn vs. David Mohler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-3532 MSA S512-4- 3645 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/04/25 3533: Thomas Mitchell. PG. Insolvent estate of Mitchell. Accession No.: 17,898-3533 MSA S512-4- 3646 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/08/31 3534: Benjamin Murdock. MO. Petition to sell Friends Advice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 327. Accession No.: 17,898-3534 MSA S512-4- 3647 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/04/25 3535: Daniel Mifflin vs. Benjamin Watson. WO. Estate of William Watson - Golden Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 455. Accession No.: 17,898-3535 MSA S512-4- 3648 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/04/24 3536: Thomas Mullin. KE. Insolvent estate of Mullin. Accession No.: 17,898-3536 MSA S512-4- 3649 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/01/24 3537: John McKirdy. BA. Insolvent estate of McKirdy - lots in BC. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 4, p. 317. Accession No.: 17,898-3537 MSA S512-4- 3650 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/02/23 3538: John Miller. BA. Insolvent estate of Miller. Accession No.: 17,898-3538 MSA S512-4- 3651 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/07 3539: Barbara Meyer, Jacob Meyer, John J. Meyer, Christian Brensinger, and Mary Brensinger vs. George Ox and John Kern. FR. Title to Oxs Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3539 MSA S512-4- 3652 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/05/22 3540: Samuel Maynard. AA. Insolvent estate of Maynard. Accession No.: 17,898-3540 MSA S512-4- 3653 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/08/25 3541: Samuel Matthews. BA. Insolvent estate of Matthews. Accession No.: 17,898-3541 MSA S512-4- 3654 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/07 3541A: Samuel Marshall. WA. Insolvent estate of Marshall. Accession No.: 17,898-3541A MSA S512-4- 3655 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/03/17 3541B: William Mitchell. HA. Insolvent estate of Mitchell. Accession No.: 17,898-3541B MSA S512-4- 3656 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/05/15 3542: William McCrea. FR. Insolvent estate of McCrea. Accession No.: 17,898-3542-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3657 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/02/13 3543: Thomas B. McCabe. BA. Insolvent estate of McCabe. Accession No.: 17,898-3543 MSA S512-4- 3658 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/05/21 3544: John Montgomery. BA. Insolvent estate of Montgomery. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 220. Accession No.: 17,898-3544 MSA S512-4- 3659 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/02/10 3545: John McCoy. AA. Insolvent estate of McCoy. Accession No.: 17,898-3545 MSA S512-4- 3660 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/02/07 3546: Thomas Marshall. CH. Insolvent estate of Marshall. Accession No.: 17,898-3546 MSA S512-4- 3661 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/01/22 3547: William McMechen, Samuel Harvey, and Margaret Harvey vs. Matilda Ridgely, Samuel Chase, Ann Chase, Thomas Chase, George Dugan, Eliza Dugan, William B. Barney, and Mary Barney. BA. Estate of Samuel Chase - Chases Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 615.
Accession No.: 17,898-3547-1/14 MSA S512-4- 3662 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/06/12 3548: John Miller vs. Jacob Miller, Abraham Miller, George Miller, Henry Shoemaker, Elizabeth Shoemaker, Conrad Lechlider, Elizabeth Lechlider, George Lechlider, Catherine Lechlider, and Magdelina Lechlider. FR. Contract to purchase Brooks Discovery on Rich Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 10.
Accession No.: 17,898-3548-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3663 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/01/25 3549: Robert Moobery vs. Jesse Jarrett. HA. Petition to patent Norfolk. Accession No.: 17,898-3549-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3664 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/12/10 3550: Elizabeth McElderry, John McElderry, Thomas McElderry, Hugh McElderry, James McElderry, Edward McElderry, Henry McElderry, Mary McElderry, Jane McElderry, Ann McElderry, and Elizabeth McElderry vs. Peter Perine, John Johnson, and William Myers. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-3550 MSA S512-4- 3665 Location: 1/36/3/
1820/06/23 3551: Benjamin H. Mullikin vs. George Howard and Thomas L. Emory. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Josephs Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-3551-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3666 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/03/15 3552: John Newman vs. Bordwine Bayly. SO. Injunction against removal of timber from Newmans Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-3552 MSA S512-4- 3667 Location: 1/36/3/
1786/07/07 3553: James McFadon vs. John Hall and Thomas Rutland. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3553-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3668 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/01/14 3554: Edward Magruder vs. Michael Kogenderfer and Leonard Kogenderfer. MO. Injunction against leaving the state. Accession No.: 17,898-3554 MSA S512-4- 3669 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/10/10 3555: Oliver Mitchell vs. Richard Boulden. CE. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-3555 MSA S512-4- 3670 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/03/16 3556: John Brooke and Mary Brooke vs. John Weems. CV. Estate of Roger Wheeler. Accession No.: 17,898-3556-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3671 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/06/23 3556A: George Miles and Mary Miles vs. Hugh McAllister, David Nevin, George Dashiell, Joel Vickers, and Henry Downes. WO. Accession No.: 17,898-3556A MSA S512-4- 3672 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/05/31 3557: Thomas Miles vs. John Cottman, John Miles, Attalanta Miles, Levin Miles, Milcah Miles, Edward Miles, George Robertson, Peter Waters, and John Bell. SO. Estate of Levin Miles. Accession No.: 17,898-3557 MSA S512-4- 3673 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/07/08 3558: William Murphy vs. Jeffrey Meads and Lucy Meads. BA. Contract to purchase Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-3558 MSA S512-4- 3674 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/23 3559: James McCotter vs. Ann Fountain, Walter Fountain, Henrietta Fountain, William Fountain, Massey Fountain, Easter Frampton, Solomon Frampton, William Frampton, Elizabeth Frampton, Sarah Frampton, Mary Frampton, and Thomas Cooper. CA. Contract to purchase Wilsons Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 116.
Accession No.: 17,898-3559 MSA S512-4- 3675 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/03/11 3560: Elizabeth Maxwell vs. George Mann. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bear Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 162. Accession No.: 17,898-3560 MSA S512-4- 3676 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/10/23 3561: Christopher Miller vs. Joseph Dye. AL. Contract to purchase Military Lots 3808 and 3809. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 66. Accession No.: 17,898-3561 MSA S512-4- 3677 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/04/01 3562: Norris Meredith vs. William Norris, Thomas Norris, John Norris, Reuben Norris, Upton Norris, Jacob Clabaugh, Eliza Clabaugh, Hammond Raitt, Eleanor Raitt, Daniel Delaplane, Catharine Delaplane, John Smelser, and Rachel Smelser. FR. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Stephens Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-3562 MSA S512-4- 3678 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/07/12 3563: Samuel Moale vs. William McMechen, James Cox, Dennis A. Smith, Philip Moore, Bank of Baltimore, and Mechanics Bank of Baltimore. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Park, Trouting Steams, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 129.
Accession No.: 17,898-3563-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3679 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/04/01 3564: Samuel Moale vs. Andrew Carson, Thomas Bailey, and Robert Corry. BA. Insolvent estates of Samuel Purviance and Robert Purviance. Accession No.: 17,898-3564 MSA S512-4- 3680 Location: 1/36/3/
1788 3565: Samuel Menough. CE. Insolvent estate of Menough. Accession No.: 17,898-3565 MSA S512-4- 3681 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/12/23 3566: David McMechen vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Thomas Yates, and Alexander Story. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 781. Accession No.: 17,898-3566-1/11 MSA S512-4- 3682 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/11/28 3567: Matthew Miles vs. Nathaniel Smelling, Mary Smelling, Jonathan Standford, Grace Standford, and Ann Riggin. SO. Title to Philips Conclusion, Deer Quarter, Dudley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 323. Accession No.: 17,898-3567-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3683 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/09/05 3568: Thomas Marshall vs. Benjamin Fendall. CH. Petition to record deed. Accession No.: 17,898-3568 MSA S512-4- 3684 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/11/05 3569: John Miller and Elizabeth Miller vs. Joseph Wood and Peter Beard. FR. Title to Resurvey on Good Neighborhood, Pleasant View. Accession No.: 17,898-3569 MSA S512-4- 3685 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/07/09 3570: Charles Morneweck vs. Daniel Diffenderffer, Frederick W. Hinck, Peter A. Karthans, and Henry Skepka. BA. Contract to lease Hunseatic Hotel. Accession No.: 17,898-3570 MSA S512-4- 3686 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/05/28 3571: Ann Magruder, Thomas Magruder, Levin Beall, and Henrietta Beall vs. James Webb, Clarissa Webb, and Emma Corbett Magruder. MO. Petition to sell Magruders Farm, Addition to Turkey Thicket, Bridges, Mistake, Charles and Benjamin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 528.
Accession No.: 17,898-3571-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3687 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/04/03 3572: Ellen Moale vs. Judith C. Moale, Thomas Moale, John Moale, William Armstead Moale, and Richard Henry Moale. BA. Estate of John Moale - Moales Purchase, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-3572-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3688 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/28 3573: Richard Mace and John Parish of Aaron vs. John Parish of Peter. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Parishes Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3573 MSA S512-4- 3689 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/11/14 3574: Lydia Mace, John Phipps, and Elizabeth Phipps vs. Harriett Mace and Amelia Mace. AA. Petition to sell Lowlands. Accession No.: 17,898-3574 MSA S512-4- 3690 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/08/29 3575: Luther Martin vs. Ann Scott, Catherine Scott, Mary Scott, Eliza Scott, John Scott, Mary Ann Scott, Maria Jane Scott, and William Gwinn. KE. Estate of John Scott. Accession No.: 17,898-3575 MSA S512-4- 3691 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/02/28 3576: Thomas Merryman vs. Nicholas Merryman of Elijah. BA. Petition to sell Coles Search Amended, Contrivance to Coles Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3576 MSA S512-4- 3692 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/12/24 3577: George McAtee and William Bennett vs. Otho Sprigg. MO. Title to Happy Choice Fortifyed. Accession No.: 17,898-3577 MSA S512-4- 3693 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/05/13 3578: William McCrery vs. Thomas Vaughan and Benjamin Vaughan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Vaughans Venture, Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-3578 MSA S512-4- 3694 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/08/09 3579: Nicholas Merriweather and Elizabeth Merriweather vs. Elizabeth Hood, Hannah Hood, James Porter, and Peter Porter. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Polecat, Batchelors Refuge, Dorseys Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-3579 MSA S512-4- 3695 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/10/17 3579A: John McLure vs. James Dall, Luke Tiernan, Humphrey Pierce, and Archibald Stewart. BA. Estate of William Duncan. Accession No.: 17,898-3579A MSA S512-4- 3696 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/11/03 3579B: Elizabeth Lansdale and Clement Brooke vs. Isaac Lansdale, Kitty Lansdale, Elizabeth Lansdale, and Mary Lansdale. PG, SM. Petition to sell Enfield Chace in PG. Also Ramble, Houston, Strand, Harts Delight, Back Acre, New Castle in SM. Accession No.: 17,898-3579B MSA S512-4- 3697 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/01/24 3580: Alexander Maclure vs. Conway Whittle, Fortescue Whittle, Larkin Smith, Hugh Thompson, Marcus Heyland, Peter Hoffman, George Hoffman, Samuel Harden, Peter Hoffman, Jr., William Baker, William Cochran, James Ramsey, I. Finley, H. Finley, and R. Warren. BA. Insolvent estate of C & F Whittle.
Accession No.: 17,898-3580 MSA S512-4- 3698 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/02/07 3581: James Morgan vs. David McMechen, William Moore, Thomas Kell, James Gile, and William Smith. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3581-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3699 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/01/05 3582: James McCoy, Elizabeth McCoy, Samuel Love, Catherine Love, Samuel P. Wallace, Frances Wallace, Thomas Brown, and William Miller vs. David Springer, Mary Springer, William Rowland, and Samuel Love. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Halls Choices, McCoys Choice, Johnstons Adventure.
Accession No.: 17,898-3582 MSA S512-4- 3700 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/26 3583: Nathaniel Magruder, Drusilla Ricketts, John Golder, Elianor Golder, Benjamin Ricketts, John Chambers, Mary Chambers, Richard Ricketts, Singleton Ricketts, Joseph Tippett, and Amelia Tippett vs. Eleanor Offutt, Benjamin Edwards, Margaret Edwards, Samuel Lane, William Coleman, Lydia Coleman, John Keene, Kittina Keene, Ninian Edwards, Eloisa Edwards, Thomas Swearingen, Juliet Swearingen, Harvey Lane, James Lane, Hardage Lane, William Lane, Andrew Waggoner, Teresa Waggoner, Charlotte Beall, and Zeruiah Beall. MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Gravelly Ridge, Resurvey on Rich Meadows. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 16.
Accession No.: 17,898-3583 MSA S512-4- 3701 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/05/14 3584: Job Garrettson. BA. Insolvent estate of Garrettson - Goosbery Neck, Coxes Marshes, Priviledge, Andrew Neglect, Silent Zephers of Africa, slaves Jack and Steven. Accession No.: 17,898-3584-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3702 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/22 3585: Patrick Murdock vs. Joseph Forrest, Peter D'Eveman, and Thomas Beall. AL. Contract to purchase Walnut Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, pp. 339, 742. Accession No.: 17,898-3585-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3703 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/07/27 3586: Wilfred Manning vs. Sarah Parsons, Thomas Parsons, Hilleary Parsons, Joseph Parsons, John Parsons, and Ann Parsons. SM. Petition to sell Grub Street, Amendment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 654. Accession No.: 17,898-3586-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3704 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/08/02 3587: Henry McCleery and William Campbell vs. Isaac Richardson and James Reed. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Middle Plantation, Culloden Wall. Plat of Middle Plantation; also shows High Germany. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 305. Accession No.: 17,898-3587-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3705 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/26 3588: Philip Mains vs. Eli Williams, Lancelot Jacques, and Denton Jacques. WA. Trust estate of Denton Jacques - slaves Nell, Jacob, Bob, Jack, Sondon, Nacey, Bezar, Mutar, Juba, and Tom. Accession No.: 17,898-3588 MSA S512-4- 3706 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/11/27 3589: Benjamin Hance Mackall vs. Basil Brooke. CV. Estate of John Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-3589 MSA S512-4- 3707 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/05/13 3590: James Mewburn. PG. Insolvent estate of Mewburn. Accession No.: 17,898-3590 MSA S512-4- 3708 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/07/20 3591: James Maccubbin Lingan, Nicholas Presbury, Thomas Presbury, Martha Presbury, Richard Johns, Susannah Johns, Mary Presbury, Ann Maccubbin, Thomas Maccubbin, John Jacob Bough, Elizabeth Bough, Ann Hood, Elizabeth Hood, Mary Hood, and Hester Hood vs. William Woodward. AA. Estate of James Maccubbin.
Accession No.: 17,898-3591-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3709 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/06 3592: James W. Mitchell vs. Winifred A. Pollock, Oliver Pollock, David Williamson, and Richard Mitchell. BA. Contract to purchase dry goods. Accession No.: 17,898-3592 MSA S512-4- 3710 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/12/01 3593: William Maulsby vs. Michael Burger. HA. Petition to record deed for lot in Bel Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3593 MSA S512-4- 3711 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/01/30 3594: Marcus McCausland vs. Richard Curson. BA. Contract to purchase merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-3594-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3712 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/05/11 3595: Benjamin McCreary vs. State of Maryland. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3595 MSA S512-4- 3713 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/01/18 3596: James Macgill vs. Anna Macgill, James Macgill, Thomas Macgill, and Elizabeth Macgill. PG. Contract to purchase Marthas Choice, Glebe. Accession No.: 17,898-3596 MSA S512-4- 3714 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/11/26 3597: William Merryman, George Dunhell, David Wheeler, William Alcock, Jonathan Mancoe, Thomas Baltzell, Marcus McCausland, Thomas Johnston, Peter Souerwine, and Edward Goodwin vs. Mary Chenowith, Harriet Griffith, Darius Griffith, and Charles Griffith. BA. Defraud of creditors of Eli Griffith - lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-3597 MSA S512-4- 3715 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/09/27 3598: Alexander McCarter vs. John Tissier, Samuel S. Cooper, and Samuel S.C. McElroy. BA. Petition to record lease for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 149. Accession No.: 17,898-3598 MSA S512-4- 3716 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/09/10 3599: Sophia Moore, Nancy Moore, Amelia Moore, and Jason Moore vs. Buckler Bond. HA. Estate of James Bond - Poplar Neck, Joshuas Meadows Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 463. Accession No.: 17,898-3599 MSA S512-4- 3717 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/07/17 3600: Middleton B. Magruder, Henry Magruder, and Elenor Magruder vs. Samuel A. Chew, Eli Beatty, Elizabeth Crawley Beatty, and Henry Chew. MO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3600 MSA S512-4- 3718 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/01/20 3601: James McComas vs. Benjamin Richardson. HA. Contract to purchase Antioch. Accession No.: 17,898-3601 MSA S512-4- 3719 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/06/09 3602: John Herbert Truman Stoddart Mitchell and John Mitchell vs. John Courts and Priscilla Courts. CH. Estate of William Smallwood. Accession No.: 17,898-3602 MSA S512-4- 3720 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/10/29 3603: Samuel McCullough vs. Matthew Russell, James Russell, and John Anderson. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Contention Ended. Accession No.: 17,898-3603 MSA S512-4- 3721 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/12/06 3604: Abraham Mitchell vs. Archibald Williams, John Williams, Robert Bell, and Elizabeth Bell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 100. Accession No.: 17,898-3604 MSA S512-4- 3722 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/01/18 3605: Patrick Macgill vs. Stephen West, Arthur West, and Charles West. AA. Contract to purchase Lot 17 in Elkridge Landing. Accession No.: 17,898-3605 MSA S512-4- 3723 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/06/11 3607: Leigh Master vs. William Buchanan, Thomas Beatty, David Schriver, and Joseph Wells. FR. Title to Legh Castle, Lookabout, Cool Evening, Dyers Mill Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-3607-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3724 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/12/26 3608: Jacob Miller, Jr. vs. Michael Troutman. FR. Contract to purchase Millers Chance, Trifle, Resurvey on Millers Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3608 MSA S512-4- 3725 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/10/10 3609: John McEldery, Thomas McEldery, and George Milliman vs. John McKim and John Simpson. BA. Injunction against obstruction of Aisquith St. in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3609 MSA S512-4- 3726 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/02/25 3610: Jacob Micksel vs. David Rowland and Jacob Sheaver. WA. Contract to lease grist mill, saw mill, and hemp mill. Accession No.: 17,898-3610 MSA S512-4- 3727 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/02/15 3611: Daniel Murray vs. James Harris. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3611 MSA S512-4- 3728 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/03/19 3612: John Moyer. FR. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 244 and 101, p. 11. Accession No.: 17,898-3612 MSA S512-4- 3729 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/05/18 3613: John Miller vs. Daniel Fahnstick. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 24. Accession No.: 17,898-3613 MSA S512-4- 3730 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/02/08 3614: Macall Medford and Unit Medford vs. Susanna Medford and Joseph Rasin. KE. Estate of Macall Medford. Accession No.: 17,898-3614-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3731 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/09/05 3615: Stephen Steward, Sr. and Stephen Steward, Jr. vs. Robert Morris. AA. Contract to pay a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-3615-1/7 MSA S512-4- 3732 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/08/16 3616: Levin Mackall, Walter Mackall, and Richard Mackall vs. Walter Brooke Cox, Ann Bradley Cox, Margaret Chew, Richard Johns, Sarah Johns, Leonard Johns, Grace Holliday, Elizabeth Holliday, and Margaret Holliday. CV, PG. Estate of Leonard Holliday - Brookfield in PG. Also Bazzard Island, Addition to Bazzard Island in CV.
Accession No.: 17,898-3616 MSA S512-4- 3733 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/06/01 3617: Daniel Miller vs. Alexander Mitchell, John Mitchell, Elias B. Caldwell, and Peter Hawman. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 564. Accession No.: 17,898-3617 MSA S512-4- 3734 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/10/05 3618: John Martin vs. William Russell. BA. Petition to record lease for Welches Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 378. Accession No.: 17,898-3618 MSA S512-4- 3735 Location: 1/36/3/
n.d. 3619: William Murray vs. Zachariah Collins. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Cockels Point. Accession No.: 17,898-3619 MSA S512-4- 3736 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/09/14 3620: Anne Mann and Sally Mann. AL, AA. Estate of George Mann - Pheasant Flight, Robertsons Fancy, Bushy Ridge, Deer Park, Pleasant Vale, Folly, Three Springs, White Oak Plains, Town Ridge, What You Will, Hope, Resurvey on Buckengem Park, Tracts United, Resurvey on Jams Estate, Crab Trees Luck, Fawns Retreat, Mondays Work in AL. Also City Tavern and lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 572. Accession No.: 17,898-3620-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3737 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/23 3621: Jacob Mumma vs. Sussana Orendorff, John Orendorff, and Eliza Orendorff. WA. Contract to purchase Andersons Delight, Resurvey on Abstons Forrest, Resurvey on Elizabeths Dwelling. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-3621 MSA S512-4- 3738 Location: 1/36/3/
1752. 3622: Neil McCullum vs. John McKeel. DO. Contract to pay debts. Accession No.: 17,898-3622 MSA S512-4- 3739 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/02/15 3623: Samuel McKean vs. Joseph Herbert, Walter Jenkins, Henry Jenkins, Fielder Dorset, Rebecca Davis, and John J. Donaldson. BA. Defraud of creditors of Joseph Herbert. Accession No.: 17,898-3623 MSA S512-4- 3740 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/07/13 3624: John Maxwell vs. William Carmichael, Edward P. Wilmer, Frances Wilmer, Walter Wilmer, John Wilmer, and William Wilmer. KE. Estate of Simon Wilmer. Accession No.: 17,898-3624 MSA S512-4- 3741 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/01/21 3625: William B. Micks. BA. Insolvent estate of Micks. Accession No.: 17,898-3625 MSA S512-4- 3742 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/11/07 3626: Benjamin McKain vs. Samuel Caldwell. FR. Petition to record deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-3626 MSA S512-4- 3743 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/12/31 3627: Elizabeth Lathim vs. Notley Young, Benjamin Young, Henry Young, Eleanor Young, and Martha Young. KE. Petition to record deed for Broad Oak, Bennets Lowe. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 739 and 106, p. 307. Accession No.: 17,898-3627 MSA S512-4- 3744 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/05/21 3628: Joseph Ennalls Muse, John Williams, and Polly Sterling vs. Nancy Fossit Sterling. DO. Petition to partition Ashburn, Howells Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 261. Accession No.: 17,898-3628-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3745 Location: 1/36/3/
1814. 3629: George W. Moore vs. Henry Moore. BA. Estate of David Moore - Luns Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-3629 MSA S512-4- 3746 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/08/13 3630: Francis McFadon vs. James O'Neal and Miseal Pierpoint. AA. Contract to purchase Freeborns Progress. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 722 and 106, p. 312. Accession No.: 17,898-3630 MSA S512-4- 3747 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/11/23 3631: James Moss vs. Lancelot Warfield, Lemuel Warfield, Sarah Warfield, John Warfield, Allen Warfield, and Rachel Warfield. AA. Contract to purchase Skidmore, Moss Island, Fox Point, Scotland, Johns Mistake. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 1, MdHR 40,283-54, S65-14, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 438.
Accession No.: 17,898-3631 MSA S512-4- 3748 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/07/07 3632: John McLure vs. Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3632 MSA S512-4- 3749 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/05/20 3634: William McMechen vs. William Slater and John Roy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 212. Accession No.: 17,898-3634 MSA S512-4- 3750 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/06/28 3635: William Medford vs. John Medford, James Medford, Robert Medford, and William Medford. DO. Contract to purchase Medfords Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3635 MSA S512-4- 3751 Location: 1/36/3/
1764/10/24 3636: Joseph Murray vs. Benjamin Rogers, Charles Rogers, and Sarah Rogers. BA. Title to and injunction against removal of timber from Morgans Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-3636 MSA S512-4- 3752 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/03/26 3637: Thomas McCawley vs. Anne Whittle, Nicholas Whittle, Mary Whittle, Nancy Whittle, Elizabeth Whittle, and William Whittle. AA. Contract to purchase Gaithers Collection, Snowdens Reputation Supported. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 409. Accession No.: 17,898-3637 MSA S512-4- 3753 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/08/31 3638: Nicholas Miller vs. Devault Williard. FR. Title to Madams Defeat, Drunkards Not Mistaken. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 397. Accession No.: 17,898-3638-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3754 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/05/23 3639: John McVicar vs. Robert Britt and John Britt. AL. Contract to purchase Bucks Range. Accession No.: 17,898-3639 MSA S512-4- 3755 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/10/03 3640: John Merryman vs. George Sharp, George Cardwell, Hannah Cardwell, and Micajah Sharp. BA. Contract to purchase lot in My Ladys Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 121 and 106, p. 593. Accession No.: 17,898-3640 MSA S512-4- 3756 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/05 3641: Michael McBlair vs. William Patterson, Sr., Ann Patterson, and William Patterson, Jr. BA. Contract to purchase Newington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 584. Accession No.: 17,898-3641 MSA S512-4- 3757 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/07/08 3642: John McFadon, Ann McFadon, Auguste Jacob Schwartz, and Thomas Caldwell vs. John A. Morton. BA. Petition to discover accounts of schooners Betsey, Oxholm, Glory, Cygnet. Accession No.: 17,898-3642 MSA S512-4- 3758 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/06/28 3643: William Molleson vs. Daniel Bowley. BA, FR, PG. Estate of William Lun - Welches Adventure, Chatsworth Caledonia in BA. Also lots in Carrollsburg in PG and lots in Lingamore in FR. Accession No.: 17,898-3643-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3759 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/04/23 3644: Hendley McCoy and Thomas Robey vs. Edward Jenkins, Ignatius Middleton, and Frances Middleton. CH. Defraud of creditors of Jenkins. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 296. Accession No.: 17,898-3644-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3760 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/07/04 3645: Joshua Mudd vs. John Brooke and Michael Taney. CH. Estate of Joseph Doyne. Accession No.: 17,898-3645 MSA S512-4- 3761 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/11/25 3646: Thomas McCoy vs. Baltimore Water Co., James C. Neilson, James Pindes, Moses Hand, Thomas Towson, Charles Parnel, Robert Mills, Charles Constable, Samuel Sterrett, John Reddy, Peter Mason, Hugh Bonner, John H. Rogers, James C. Dew, James Grimes, Barnard Williams, and William Stewart. BA. Contract to build houses in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 373.
Accession No.: 17,898-3646-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3762 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/10 3647: William McMechen vs. John B. Gill, Absolom B. Gill, and William D. Frizzell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hickory Bottom, Nicholsons Manor, Narrow Ridge, Addition to Narrow Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3647-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3763 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/09 3648: Andrew Conrad Marsberg and Dorethea Marsberg vs. Metta Repold, Frederick Waesche, James Labes, Henry Schroeder, Albert Seekamp, Henry Van Lengerke, and John Van Lengerke. BA. Estate of George Henry Repold. Accession No.: 17,898-3648 MSA S512-4- 3764 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/01/22 3649: David McMechin, William L. Bowley, Henry Thompson, Ann Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah Wirgman, Frances R. Bowley, William Hollins, Jr., and Eliza Hollins vs. Samuel H. Bowley and Rebecca M. Bowley. BA. Petition to partition land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 345.
Accession No.: 17,898-3649-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3765 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/06/28 3650: William Medford vs. John Medford, James Medford, Robert Medford, and William Medford. DO. Estate of Robert Medford and William Medford - Addition, Addition to Mill Land, Hope, Sandy Hill, Trippes Security. Accession No.: 17,898-3650 MSA S512-4- 3766 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/01/18 3651: William McQuinn vs. John Simpson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 593. Accession No.: 17,898-3651 MSA S512-4- 3767 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/04/12 3652: Henry Maynadier and Elizabeth Maynadier vs. Upton Scott. FR. Petition to partition Resurvey on Wingfields Delight. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-3652 MSA S512-4- 3768 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/03/28 3653: James Mackubin vs. Jonathan Beard. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beards Habitation, South Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-3653 MSA S512-4- 3769 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/05/08 3654: John Moale, Thomas Usher, Jr., Walter Roe, Charles Wiesenthal, Robert Morris, and Peter Whiteside vs. Margaret Hudson and Jonathan Hudson. AA, BA, CE. Estate of Jonathan Hudson - lot in BC, Griffiths Delight, Mollys Habitation, Wells Inheritance, Wee Bit, Westphalia, Haywood, New Castle, Griffins Neighbor, Joshuas Gift, Sophias Garden and Hunting Ridge in BA. Also Chews Lease of Manor Land in CE. Also Islands Addition, Bennetts Island in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 203.
Accession No.: 17,898-3654-1/7 MSA S512-4- 3770 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/06/13 3655: John McKean vs. James Carroll, James Carroll, Jr., Henry D.G. Carroll, John Ridgely, Prudence Ridgely, and Charles Carroll. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 325 and 108, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-3655 MSA S512-4- 3771 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/08/18 3656: William H. Marriott, Benjamin Shipley, and Kitty Shipley vs. Basil Brown, Henrietta Brown, Richard Marriott, Mary Marriott, Rezin Marriott, John H. Marriott, James Marriott, Charlotte Marriott, Mary Anne Marriott, Elizabeth Marriott, Sarah Marriott, and Elie Marriott. AA. Petition to partition Champion Forrest, Support, Pinkstones Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 32.
Accession No.: 17,898-3656-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3772 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/03/13 3657: Ann Munson and Caleb Arnest vs. Columbus O'Donnell, Joseph Berret, Mary Berret, Dudly Poor, Debora Poor, John O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, and Eliza O'Donnell. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 266.
Accession No.: 17,898-3657 MSA S512-4- 3773 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/07/31 3658: Christopher Miller vs. Zachary Laforgue Desmangles, Mary Laforgue Desmangles, and Henrietta Huguet Laforgue Desmangles. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3658 MSA S512-4- 3774 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/12/07 3659: Abraham Medcalf, Thomas Culberson, and John Kelso vs. Andrew Mehaffey. BA. Petition to record a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 457. Accession No.: 17,898-3659 MSA S512-4- 3775 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/04/28 3660: Thomas Marshall and John Forbes vs. Henderson S. Boteler and Susan G. Boteler. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on Trent Neck, slaves Judson, Bett, and Lett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 102. Accession No.: 17,898-3660 MSA S512-4- 3776 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/09/25 3661: Nicholas Merriweather vs. Walter Simpson. BA. Contract to purchase Hayland Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-3661 MSA S512-4- 3777 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/05/16 3662: Benjamin G. Minturn and John T. Champlin vs. John Cornthwait. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Garretsons Meadow, Coxs Paradise, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 551. Accession No.: 17,898-3662 MSA S512-4- 3778 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/11/23 3663: Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Councilmen of Annapolis vs. John Williams. AA. Contract to lease lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 432. Accession No.: 17,898-3663-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3779 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/04/25 3664: Tobias Moore vs. William Unkles and Samuel Farquhar. FR. Contract to purchase Stage, Jones Inheritance, Leonards Frolic. Accession No.: 17,898-3664-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3780 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/05/19 3666: Samuel McKean vs. William Bruff. BA. Validity of a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-3666 MSA S512-4- 3781 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/08/20 3668: Alexander Maxwell, Sr. and Alexander Maxwell, Jr. vs. Vinson Baxter, Joseph Baxter, John Baxter, Susan Hopkins, and Sarah Sneed. QA, TA. Petition to partition Londonderry in TA. Also Penroy, Bentons Pleasure, Bentons Discovery, Sudlers Island in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-3668 MSA S512-4- 3782 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/05/08 3669: David McMechen vs. Charles Ridgely of John. BA. Contract to purchase Timber Neck, Ridgelys Whim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 46. Accession No.: 17,898-3669 MSA S512-4- 3783 Location: 1/36/3/
1761/11/02 3670: Edward Matthews, Sophia Matthews, Richard Richardson, Thomas Richardson, John Richardson, William Richardson, Milcah Richardson, and Lucretia Richardson vs. Samuel Richardson and Richard Thomas. FR. Trust estate of Richard Richardson - Henry, Addition to Mill Lot, Ballengers Endeavor, Josiah, Small Gains. Accession No.: 17,898-3670 MSA S512-4- 3784 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/09 3671: Felix McCurley vs. Amos Pierpoint. BA. Insolvent estate of Joseph Pierpoint - Cannons Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, 385. Accession No.: 17,898-3671 MSA S512-4- 3785 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/03/10 3671A: Peter Myers vs. Joshua Stephenson and Edward Stephenson. FR. Defraud of creditors of Joshua Stephenson. Accession No.: 17,898-3671A MSA S512-4- 3786 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/01/07 3671B: William Messersmith. BA. Insolvent estate of Messersmith. Accession No.: 17,898-3671B MSA S512-4- 3787 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/09/05 3671C: Thomas Mundell, Verlinda Mundell, Ann Eleanor Eversfield, Eleanor Eversfield, Charles Eversfield, Priscilla Duvall, John Duvall, Susannah Eversfield, and Mary Eversfield vs. Thomas Eversfield, Elizabeth Eversfield, and Edward Eversfield. PG. Petition to partition Farm, Gedling, Archers Pasture, Quick Sale, Golden Race, Forrest, Bite, Eversfield Swamp, Whims Acre, Taylors Rest.
Accession No.: 17,898-3671C MSA S512-4- 3788 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/08 3671D: John McKinsey and Joseph Hughes vs. Mary Kephart, David Kephart, Elizabeth Kephart, John Kephart, and Marsulanneth Kephart. FR. Title to house and lot in Shields Addition to Emmittsburg. Accession No.: 17,898-3671D MSA S512-4- 3789 Location: 1/36/3/
1770/03/12 3671E: John Moore, William Dames, and Abner Dudley vs. John Underwood. QA. Injunction against execution ofjudgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3671E MSA S512-4- 3790 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/11/17 3671F: Wilemina Mitchell, John Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, George Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Benjamin Leach, and Mary Leach vs. Joseph Wilkinson. CV. Estate of John Mitchell. Accession No.: 17,898-3671F MSA S512-4- 3791 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/01/03 3671G: Benjamin Musgrove. FR. Insolvent estate of Musgrove - lots in Liberty Town. Accession No.: 17,898-3671G MSA S512-4- 3792 Location: 1/36/3/
1788. 3671H: Patrick McGill. AA. Insolvent estate of McGill - slaves Jeffrey, Kate, Lydia, Lucy, Dinah, and Bock. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 3, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3671H MSA S512-4- 3793 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/04/16 3672: Mary D. Marriott vs. William Marriott, Thomas Marriott, Rebecca Marriott, Elisha Marriott, Joshua Marriott, and Samuel Marriott. AA. Petition to sell Nancys Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 166. Accession No.: 17,898-3672-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3794 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/03/24 3673: William McComas and Hannah McComas vs. John Paul. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3673-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3795 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/09/21 3673A: Philip T. Marshall vs. Elisha W. Harwood, Sarah Belt Mulliken, Benjamin Mulliken, Mortimer H. Mulliken, Oscar Mulliken, and Amanda Mulliken. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Baren Thorp Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 370. Accession No.: 17,898-3673A MSA S512-4- 3796 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/11/14 3674: John McKeen, Joel Munson, and Ann Munson vs. William Neale, Jane Neale, and Eliza Neale. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-3674-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3797 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/02/14 3675: David McMechen vs. Richard Curson. BA. Petition to record a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-3675 MSA S512-4- 3798 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/06/07 3676: Ennalls Martin and Peter Edmondson vs. Mary Anderson, Mary Anne Ricketts Anderson, John McKell Anderson, Philip Courtland Anderson, James Anderson, Elizabeth Taylor Anderson, Catherine Ogden Anderson, and Margaret Maria Douglas Anderson. DO. Estate of John McKell Anderson - Andersons Chance, Lecompts Addition. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-3676-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3799 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/09/22 3677: William McMechen and Walter Dorsey vs. Mary Wells. BA. Petition to lease Chatsworth. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 10, MdHR 40,283-63, S65-85, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3677-1/7 MSA S512-4- 3800 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/09/19 3678: Henry Messonier vs. John Baron, Peter Marie de Beuns, and Edward G. Woodyear. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Philipsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-3678-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3801 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/11/26 3679: William Marshall vs. John McIntire and Alexander McIntire. DO. Estate of Paul McIntire - Smithfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 188. Accession No.: 17,898-3679 MSA S512-4- 3802 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/03/15 3680: William Michael and Adam Michael vs. Andrew Michael. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Cooleys Spring. Accession No.: 17,898-3680 MSA S512-4- 3803 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/03/25 3681: William McMechen and Jeremiah Sullivan vs. Jane Maggs. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 673. Accession No.: 17,898-3681-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3804 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/07/06 3682: Stephen Mahon vs. Richard Clark, Elizabeth G. Clark, and Hannah Clark. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Resolution, Castor and Pollux. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 156. Accession No.: 17,898-3682-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3805 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/08/30 3683: George Mackubin vs. Thomas Bicknell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Abbington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-3683 MSA S512-4- 3806 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/26 3684: John Murray vs. Jacob Sittler, Rebecca Sittler, and Gerard Tipton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 238. Accession No.: 17,898-3684-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3807 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/04/21 3685: John McPherson and John Brien vs. George Gladden, John Ortman, Mathias Rhodes, Francis Hoffmaster, and Conrad Horsenest. WA. Injunction against waste and trespass on Keep Trieste, Little I Thought It, Antietam Iron Works. Accession No.: 17,898-3685 MSA S512-4- 3808 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/03/03 3686: John Francis Mercer vs. Sarah Thomas, Sr., John Thomas, and Philip J. Thomas. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Anthony, George, Tom, Alexander, Frank, Rezin, Polly, Henny, James, Nancy, Nat, Jacob, and Bill. Accession No.: 17,898-3686-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3809 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/25 3687: Dinah Morgan vs. Peregrine H. Wharton, Jane Wharton, Joseph Williams, Abbe Williams, Clement Brown, and Hannah Brown. AA. Estate of John Brown - Talbots Last Shift, Haywards Invention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3687 MSA S512-4- 3810 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/08/25 3688: James S. Morsell, Benjamin Mackall, Leonard Mackall, Richard Mackall, Leonard Covington, Rebecca Covington, Levin Mackall, Peggy Mackall, Richard Mackall, John Horrill, Benjamin Mackall Horrill, Thomas Horrill, Maximiltan Horrill, Nathaniel Weems, and Rebecca Weems vs. Philip B. Key. WA. Insolvent estate of William Bayley - Clift Spring, Charltons Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 385.
Accession No.: 17,898-3688-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3811 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/10/03 3689: William Melny, James Scott, and George Thistle vs. Pleasant Hunter. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3689-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3812 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/11/20 3690: William McMechen vs. Frederick Price. AA, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Jacks Double Purchase in BA. Also Turkey Island in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-3690 MSA S512-4- 3813 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/05/31 3691: Middleton B. Magruder vs. Eleanora Magruder, Henry Magruder, and Eleanora Magruder. MO. Petition to sell Resurvey on Locust Level, Addition to Brook Groves. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 569. Accession No.: 17,898-3691 MSA S512-4- 3814 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/07/11 3692: John McFadon and William McFadon vs. James McFadon, John McFadon, Samuel Herd, James Long, and John Gordon. BA. Estate of John McFadon - Coles Addition, lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3692-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3815 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/04/14 3693: John McPherson and John Brien vs. Abraham Yerty, Jacob Yerty, Jacob Howser, Daniel Keesor, Joseph Keesor, Samuel Johns, John Lancaster, William Dennis, Henry Nichols, Robert Harper, John Baker, James Colbert, Jonathan Smith, Philip Board, Edward Board, Andrew Board, John Gay, Joseph Thomas, John Boss, Christian Frush, George Hoops, John Norris, James Dice, Michael Nichols, Jacob Rothrock, Thomas Hall, Jacob Marriotta, Peter Stoups, Adam Stoups, Joseph Eller, Jacob Eller, John Earle, John Clem, William Deaner, Peter Kuhn, Mathias Spangler, George Roach, Daniel Rothrock, Jr., John Swerry, Gabriel Douglas, Benjamin Duvall, John Ortman, Jr., David Myers, Walter Nelly, Daniel Fink, Isaac Himes, John Eckman, John Fraily, William Piles, Thomas Chisly, and John Brimhall. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Semplers Manor, Keep Triest, Little I Thought It, Gleanings, Oar Hill.
Accession No.: 17,898-3693 MSA S512-4- 3816 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/04/11 3694: Philip Marin vs. George Medford, Marmaduke Medford, Elizabeth Medford, Hannah Medford, Mary Medford, and Joseph Medford. KE. Injunction against removal of timber from Grange. Accession No.: 17,898-3694 MSA S512-4- 3817 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/07 3695: Jacob Middlecalf vs. John Konode, Jacob Konode, George Henry Konode, Mary Elizabeth Konode, Samuel Konode, Catherine Konode, and Sarah Konode. WA. Estate of Matthias Konode - lots in Sharpsburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-3695-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3818 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/03/22 3696: Jane Maggs vs. Jacob Franks Levy. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 450. Accession No.: 17,898-3696 MSA S512-4- 3819 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/10/27 3697: John Mitchell vs. Margaret Draper, William Draper, Elisha Draper, James Draper, Ann Draper, Mary Draper, Fountain Colliston, and Betsy Colliston. CA. Contract to purchase Mitchells Defense. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 462. Accession No.: 17,898-3697 MSA S512-4- 3820 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/10/30 3698: John Muir vs. Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and Eleanor Davidson. AA. Dissolution of Wallace, Johnson and Muir. Accession No.: 17,898-3698 MSA S512-4- 3821 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/12/30 3699: Daniel Moser, Jacob Moser, Benjamin Moser, and Jonathan Moser vs. Ann Moser, Jonathan Moser, Catherine Moser, Mary Moser, Elizabeth Moser, Sally Moser, Conrad Moser, John Moser, and Abraham Moser. FR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Parts of Pallantine and Shady Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 518.
Accession No.: 17,898-3699 MSA S512-4- 3822 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/06/17 3700: Sarah Mann, Ann Mann, and Joseph Sands vs. Thomas H. Bowie, Charles Mann, and Harriet Mann. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-3700 MSA S512-4- 3823 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/10/09 3701: J. Peter Ginet and Cassandra Ginet vs. Israel Morris. HA. Validity of a decree. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 339. Accession No.: 17,898-3701 MSA S512-4- 3824 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/09/15 3702: John Mass vs. Richard Frazier, Nicholas Ridgely, John Hoffman, Jr., and Thomas Baltzell. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3702 MSA S512-4- 3825 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/02/26 3703: Patrick Macgill vs. Richard Hopkins. AA. Contract to purchase Lots 7 and 12 in Elk Ridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 498. Accession No.: 17,898-3703-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3826 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/04/24 3704: William McMechen vs. John Scott and William Gwynn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Peters Garden Enlarged, Contention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 127. Accession No.: 17,898-3704 MSA S512-4- 3827 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/03/21 3705: Enoch J. Millard and Richard Watts vs. Monica Jones, Clara Jones, Mary Gough, Athenasias Greenwell, and Catherine Greenwell. SM. Estate of Solomon Jones - Watts Addition to Plumb Point, Pasture Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-3705-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3828 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/08/14 3706: John Merryman, John Ford, John Johns, Joshua Ford, and Kinsey Johns vs. Elizabeth Cauchy, Mary Cauchy, Ezekiel Cauchy, Ann Cauchy, Margaret Cauchy, Jane Cauchy, and Sarah Cauchy. BA. Estate of Samuel Cauchy - Bush Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 167.
Accession No.: 17,898-3706 MSA S512-4- 3829 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/07/20 3707: James Mackubin vs. John Ridgely. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-3707 MSA S512-4- 3830 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/12/15 3708: James McWilliams, Eleanor McWilliams, and Ann Neale vs. Sarah A. Neale and Bennett Neale. SM. Estate of Charles Neale - Wee Bit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 900. Accession No.: 17,898-3708 MSA S512-4- 3831 Location: 1/36/3/
1820/11/20 3709: Robert Moore and William Smith vs. George Decker, Elizabeth Detmor, John Detmor, Frederick Detmor, Christian Detmor, William Detmor, George Detmor, and Catherine Detmor. BA. Estate of Frederick Detmor. Accession No.: 17,898-3709 MSA S512-4- 3832 Location: 1/36/3/
1781/10/12 3710: Peter Murser vs. Robert Crawford. FR. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3710 MSA S512-4- 3833 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/06/26 3711: Catherine McCormick, John McCormick, James McCormick, William Gillian, and Margaret Gillian. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 273. Accession No.: 17,898-3711 MSA S512-4- 3834 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/01/04 3712: William Moffet and Rebecca Money. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 681. Accession No.: 17,898-3712 MSA S512-4- 3835 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/11/16 3713: William McMechen. BA. Trust estate of John McFadon - Coles Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-3713 MSA S512-4- 3836 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/05/10 3714: William Michael, Adam Michael, Jacob Medtant, William Tommas, and George Marker vs. Daniel Gaver, Elizabeth Gaver, John Gaver, George Gaver, Susannah Gaver, Catherine Gaver, and Henry Gaver. FR. Estate of Daniel Gaver - Land of Promise, Hazel Thicket. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-3714-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3837 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/21 3715: Mary McGraw and William Hayward. DO. Estate of Rosanna McGraw - Magrahs Outlet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-3715 MSA S512-4- 3838 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/03/20 3716: Cornelius Mills. AA. Insolvent estate of Mills - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-3716 MSA S512-4- 3839 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/11/22 3717: Richard Ridgely vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Contract to pay legal fees - Discovery. Plats; also show Pearces Encouragement, Forest, Yates His Forbearance, Bakers Inheritance, Browns Adventure, Owens Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-3717-1/8 MSA S512-4- 3840 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/04/28 3718: John Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Payment of account. Accession No.: 17,898-3718 MSA S512-4- 3841 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/10/28 3719: John Nicholson vs. John Duvall. AA. Contract to purchase Beards Habitation. Plat at 1/38/1/16; also shows Town Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-3719-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3842 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/11/04 3720: Susannah Nicoll vs. William Leakins. AL. Petition to record deed for Military Lot 1331. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-3720 MSA S512-4- 3843 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/05/04 3721: Jonathan Noble vs. Thomas Layfield. WO. Title to Gales Supply. Accession No.: 17,898-3721 MSA S512-4- 3844 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/12/26 3722: John Nicholson vs. Thomas Harwood, Jr., and William Bell. FR. Contract to purchase land in Georgia. Accession No.: 17,898-3722-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3845 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/12/10 3723: Ruth Norwood vs. Providence Lane. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bullford. Plats at 1/38/1/16. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 292. Accession No.: 17,898-3723-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3846 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/04/09 3724: Joseph Norris and Sarah Norris vs. John M. Norris, Samuel Norris, Thomas Norris, Sarah Norris, Edward Norris, Eleanor Norris, and Mary Norris. AA. Estate of Thomas Norris of John. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 191. Accession No.: 17,898-3724 MSA S512-4- 3847 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/01/27 3725: Joseph H. Nicholson and George T. Dunbar vs. William Keen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 567. Accession No.: 17,898-3725 MSA S512-4- 3848 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/10/23 3726: Anthony Newton vs. James Bacon, Ann Bacon, William Wilson, John Small, John Doherty, and John F. Harris. BA. Contract to lease store in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3726-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3849 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/12/07 3728: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. AA, BA. Petition to enforce decree concerning Elkridge Ferry on United Friendship in BA. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 31, MdHR 40,283-26, S65-80, B5/10/1. Also show Addition to United Friendship, Yates His Forebearance, Pearces Encouragement, Neglect Secured, Ropers Incease, Forest, Taylors Forest, Hockley, Belts Point, Fosters Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 5 and 57, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3728-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3850 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/11/06 3729: Camden Nichols and Barbara Nichols vs. Frederick Haubert. BA. Estate of Ninian Nichols. Accession No.: 17,898-3729 MSA S512-4- 3851 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/12/04 3730: Philip Nichols vs. Jacob Greene. PG. Estate of Richard Greene. Accession No.: 17,898-3730 MSA S512-4- 3852 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/02/21 3731: Samuel Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Title to United Friendship, Elkridge Ferry. Accession No.: 17,898-3731-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3853 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/07/11 3732: Avarilla Norris vs. Sophia Norris and Clarissa Norris. HA. Estate of Jacob Norris. Accession No.: 17,898-3732 MSA S512-4- 3854 Location: 1/36/3/
1828/11/25 3733: Samuel Nightingale and Richard McKim vs. Henry Buckley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 186. Accession No.: 17,898-3733 MSA S512-4- 3855 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/05/29 3734: Nelson Norris, John Brooks, and Joshua Tevis vs. Eli Simkins, Alexander McConnell, and James McConnell. BA. Estate of Matthew Steene. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 60. Accession No.: 17,898-3734-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3856 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/11/13 3735: Nicholas Norris vs. Caroline Zollickoffer. BA. Injunction to stay proceedings in BA Court. Accession No.: 17,898-3735 MSA S512-4- 3857 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/06/25 3736: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. AA, BA. Contract to operate Elkridge Ferry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 5 and 57, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3736-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3858 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/04/08 3737: William Nicholson, George Godwin, Ann Godwin, Henrietta J. Hackett, Gunning B. Hackett, William Thomas, Edward Turner, Frances Turner, James Holt, John Holt, Arthur Holt, Mary Holt, Charles W. Holt, Arthur Holt, Robert Holt, and Ann C. Holt vs. James Bruff. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Neglect.
Accession No.: 17,898-3737 MSA S512-4- 3859 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/07/08 3738: William H. Nicholson vs. Anna Marin Hackett. QA. Estate of John B. Hackett. Accession No.: 17,898-3738 MSA S512-4- 3860 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/08/20 3739: William B. Nicholson vs. Thomas Hemsley and Thomas C. Earle. QA. Estate of Philemon Tilghman. Accession No.: 17,898-3739 MSA S512-4- 3861 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/06/01 3740: Charles R. Nicholson vs. Charles Ridgely of Hampton, John Cockey Owings, and Jesse Hollingsworth. BA. Estate of Charles Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-3740 MSA S512-4- 3862 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/04/10 3741: Alexander Nisbet and Mary Nisbet vs. Thomas Deye Cockey, Joshua F. Cockey, Thomas Gist, Penelope Gist, Charcila D. Owings, Frederick Price, Penelope Price, and Francis T.D. Owings. BA. Petition to partition Taylors Hall, Lancaster, Norfolk, Thomas and John Cockeys Meadows. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-3741-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3863 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/08 3742: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Title to United Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-3742-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3864 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/03/04 3743: Edward Norwood, John Norwood, Nancy Norwood, Joshua Norwood, John Poole, and Nancy Poole vs. Greenbury Treakle, Mary Treakle, Leonard Hobbs, Ruth Hobbs, Wilson Hobbs, Louisa Hobbs, Airy Hobbs, Elizabeth Hobbs, Samuel Norwood, Hazael Hobbs, Patience Hobbs, Honour Hobbs, Mary Hobbs, Lorenzo Hobbs, Sarah Norwood, John Norwood, Hetta Norwood, William Phelps, and Anne Phelps. AA. Petition to partition land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 116.
Accession No.: 17,898-3743-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3865 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/12/20 3744: William Neilson vs. William Ward and John Stoops, Jr. KE. Estate of John Stoops - lots in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 570. Accession No.: 17,898-3744-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3866 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/02/26 3745: Samuel Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. AA. Petition to discover evidence regarding Elkridge Ferry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 5 and 57, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3745-1/11 MSA S512-4- 3867 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/10/03 3746: William Naw. BA. Insolvent estate of Naw. Accession No.: 17,898-3746 MSA S512-4- 3868 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/08/21 3747: Thomas Nicholson vs. William Gwinn, Samuel Moale, John Scott, and Eliza Goodwin Scott. BA, KE. Estate of John Scott - Dunghill Estate, Peters Garden Enlarged, Contention in BA. Also Pentridge, lot in Chestertown in KE. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 340.
Accession No.: 17,898-3747-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3869 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/02/11 3748: Henry Nicols, Elizabeth Parrott, Andrew Jump, Abednego Botfield, John Gregory, John Tillotson, Cato Pennington, Marcellus Keene, Samuel Talbot, and Joshua Dennis vs. Elizabeth Hardcastle, Susan Hardcastle, and William Hardcastle. TA. Estate of William Hardcastle - Smiths Clift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 170.
Accession No.: 17,898-3748-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3870 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/11/08 3749: Wilfred Neale. SM. Estate of Edward Diggs - Resurvey on Brothers Agreement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 375 and 18, p. 260. Accession No.: 17,898-3749-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3871 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/12/20 3750: William Neilson vs. John Thompson and William Matthews. CE. Estate of John Dockery Thompson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 539. Accession No.: 17,898-3750 MSA S512-4- 3872 Location: 1/36/3/
1805/05/30 3751: Philip Nichols vs. Mareen Howard Duvall, Zadock Duvall, and Cornelius Duvall. PG. Contract to manage estate. Accession No.: 17,898-3751 MSA S512-4- 3873 Location: 1/36/3/
1791/06/27 3752: Simon Nichols vs. Simon Reeder and Benjamin Reeder. MO. Collection of taxes. Accession No.: 17,898-3752 MSA S512-4- 3874 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/01/13 3753: Henry Nelson vs. Thomas Parvin and Mark Parvin. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Bottom Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3753 MSA S512-4- 3875 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/05/23 3754: Edward Norwood, Eliza Norwood, Greenbury Treakle, and Mary Treakle vs. Sarah Norwood, John Norwood, Hetty Norwood, Leonard Hobbs, Ruth Hobbs, Wilson Hobbs, Louisa Hobbs, Airy Hobbs, and Elizabeth Hobbs. AA. Petition to partition or sell Walkers Laying, Hammonds Discovery, Charitys Purchase, Howards Resolution, James Lott. Plats at 1/38/1/6; also show Finish. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 773.
Accession No.: 17,898-3754-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3876 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/04/22 3755: Nicholas Norman. AA. Petition to record deed for Ram Gott Swamp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 446. Accession No.: 17,898-3755 MSA S512-4- 3877 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/01/19 3756: Roger Nelson vs. Thomas Gantt, Benjamin Oden, and Samuel Maynard. AA, FR, PG. Payment of bonds. Accession No.: 17,898-3756 MSA S512-4- 3878 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/02/13 3757: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Estate of Edward Norwood. Accession No.: 17,898-3757 MSA S512-4- 3879 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/07/29 3758: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Payment of bond. Accession No.: 17,898-3758-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3880 Location: 1/36/3/
1787/04/07 3759: Aquilla Norris vs. James Scott. HA. Contract to purchase James Forrest, Addition to James Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 312. Accession No.: 17,898-3759-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3881 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/11/22 3760: James Nabb, Robert Moore, and Samuel Colston vs. William Harrison, Ann Harrison, Mary Harrison, and Rachel Harrison. TA. Estate of John Harrison - Dover, Dover Marsh, Lower Dover. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 265. Accession No.: 17,898-3760-1/13 MSA S512-4- 3882 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/03/30 3761: John Nabb, Jr. TA. Insolvent estate of Nabb. Accession No.: 17,898-3761 MSA S512-4- 3883 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/05 3762: Jeremiah D. Nicols. CA. Insolvent estate of Nicols. Accession No.: 17,898-3762 MSA S512-4- 3884 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/02/20 3763: Warren Lisle Nicoll, Sr. BA. Insolvent estate of Nicoll. Accession No.: 17,898-3763 MSA S512-4- 3885 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/01 3764: Henry C. Neale. SM. Insolvent estate of Neale. Accession No.: 17,898-3764 MSA S512-4- 3886 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/05/21 3765: William Charles Neill. QA. Insolvent estate of Neill. Accession No.: 17,898-3765 MSA S512-4- 3887 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/12/05 3766: Edward Norwood. BA. Contract to purchase Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 369. Accession No.: 17,898-3766 MSA S512-4- 3888 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/02/16 3767: Robert Nesbitt. HA. Insolvent estate of Nesbitt. Accession No.: 17,898-3767 MSA S512-4- 3889 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/02/01 3768: Greenbury Neale. BA. Insolvent estate of Neale. Accession No.: 17,898-3768 MSA S512-4- 3890 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/03/28 3769: Isaac Nesmith. FR. Insolvent estate of Nesmith. Accession No.: 17,898-3769 MSA S512-4- 3891 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/02/28 3770: William Nace. BA. Insolvent estate of Nace. Accession No.: 17,898-3770 MSA S512-4- 3892 Location: 1/36/3/
1800. 3771: Charles L. Nevit. PG. Insolvent estate of Nevit. Accession No.: 17,898-3771 MSA S512-4- 3893 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/01/24 3772: Francis Valdinere. MO. Insolvent estate of Valdinere. Accession No.: 17,898-3772 MSA S512-4- 3894 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/07/29 3773: Rebecca Nixon, Jeremiah Gilbert, Alexander Wright, Susanna Wright, Joshua Roads, and Elizabeth Roads. FR. Trust estate of Thomas Gilbert - Gilberts Inheritance Enlarged, Smiths Mistake Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-3773-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3895 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/03/26 3774: Samuel Nicols. TA. Insolvent estate of Nicols. Accession No.: 17,898-3774 MSA S512-4- 3896 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/11/04 3775: Susanna Nicoll vs. John Walker. AL. Petition to record deed for Military Lot 1470. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 78. Accession No.: 17,898-3775 MSA S512-4- 3897 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/05/11 3776: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. AA. Title to Patapsco Upper Ferry on United Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 5 and 57, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3776-1/6 MSA S512-4- 3898 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/07/09 3777: Charles Neale vs. Leonard Neale, Charles Neale, Francis Ignatius Neale, and Edward Neale. CH. Estate of Raphael Neale - Chandlers Addition, Chandlers Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-3777 MSA S512-4- 3899 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/12/04 3778: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Petition to enforce a decree. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 5 and 57, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-3778 MSA S512-4- 3900 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/12/06 3779: Robert Neilson, John A. Brown, and Samuel Smythe vs. Abraham Fuller and Martha Ferguson. BA. Defraud of creditors of Fuller. Accession No.: 17,898-3779 MSA S512-4- 3901 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/05/29 3780: Benoni Neale vs. Richard Bond. SM. Estate of Gerrard Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-3780 MSA S512-4- 3902 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/01/18 3781: Joseph Neale vs. Benoni Neale, Sarah Attaway Neale, Ann Neale, and Elinor Neale. SM. Estate of Charles Neale. Accession No.: 17,898-3781 MSA S512-4- 3903 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/10/11 3782: Samuel Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Title to Thomas Range, Bennetts Range, Balls Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 472 and 70, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-3782 MSA S512-4- 3904 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/07/15 3783: Edward Norwood, Richard Hall, and John Hall vs. Richard Ridgely. AA, BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Eslington, Bucks Range, Northstead. Plats at 1/38/1/16; also show Hoods Haven, Littleworth, Martin Luthers Mount. Accession No.: 17,898-3783-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3905 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/10/11 3784: Samuel Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Title to Thomas Range, Bennetts Range, Balls Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 472 and 70, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-3784 MSA S512-4- 3906 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/06/13 3785: Raphael Neale vs. Ignatius Greenwell, Nicholas Greenwell, Joseph Greenwell, Jesse Greenwell, Bennett Greenwell, and Alexander Hamilton. SM. Contract to purchase Johnsons Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-3785 MSA S512-4- 3907 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/10 3786: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Petition to ratify auditors report. Accession No.: 17,898-3786 MSA S512-4- 3908 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/22 3787: Edward Norwood vs. John Norwood, John Dunlap, and George Stovin. BA. Validity of bills. Accession No.: 17,898-3787 MSA S512-4- 3909 Location: 1/36/3/
1801. 3788: Edward Nicholls vs. William Bradley Beanes, James A. Mugruder, Richard Marshall, and John Hodges of Thomas. PG. Petition to reevaluate an arbitration award. Accession No.: 17,898-3788 MSA S512-4- 3910 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/12/19 3789: Jeremiah Nicholson vs. Hezekiah Viers. MO. Contract to pay debts. Accession No.: 17,898-3789 MSA S512-4- 3911 Location: 1/36/3/
1789/04/04 3790: Benjamin Nicholson vs. Samuel Swan, Susannah Swan, William Armer, Rachel Armer, William Ray, Anne Ray, Elizabeth Pontnay, Sarah Pontnay, Mary Pontnay, and Eleanor Pontnay. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Parishes Fear, Parishes Range, Eagle Nest. Accession No.: 17,898-3790 MSA S512-4- 3912 Location: 1/36/3/
1785/05/03 3791: Nathan Nicholson vs. John Hammond Cromwell. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3791 MSA S512-4- 3913 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/12/05 3792: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood and Nicholas Brewer. BA. Contract to purchase Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-3792 MSA S512-4- 3914 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/03/31 3793: Rebecca Nicholson vs. Edward Lloyd Nicholson, Joseph Hopper Nicholson, and James Macon Nicholson. AA. Petition to sell Howards Fair, Amicable Settlement, Stevens Forrest, Fourth Division of the Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-3793 MSA S512-4- 3915 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/04/01 3794: Jacob Norris and John Norris vs. State of Maryland. HA. Contract to purchase Burr. Plat; also shows Gibsons Ridge, Everly Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-3794 MSA S512-4- 3916 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/04/07 3795: Edward Norwood vs. Charles Carroll & Co. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3795 MSA S512-4- 3917 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/01/07 3796: William Weems vs. Thomas Nicholson. AA. Contract to sell schooner Active. Accession No.: 17,898-3796 MSA S512-4- 3918 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/07/26 3797: Edward Nicholls vs. John Smith Brooks and Walter W. Harwood. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3797 MSA S512-4- 3919 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/01/20 3798: Samuel Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Petition to enforce decree. Accession No.: 17,898-3798-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3920 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/02/19 3799: William Nind vs. Elizabeth B. Bend, William B. Bend, Thomas B. Grundy, Mary Grundy, Jane Grundy, and Henry N. Bend. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 427 and 102, p. 834. Accession No.: 17,898-3799 MSA S512-4- 3921 Location: 1/36/3/
1814/06/20 3801: Edward Norwood vs. George Calvert, William Lorman, George Bailey, Richard Snowden, John C. Thomas, Richard Ross, Thomas Bowie, Francis Fenwick, John All, and James Baker. BA. Injunction against construction of Baltimore - Washington Turnpike Road on United Friendship. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-3801-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3922 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/12/08 3803: Henry Nicols vs. Maria Kent. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bachelors Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-3803 MSA S512-4- 3923 Location: 1/36/3/
1772/10/15 3804: Mary Norwood, Samuel Norwood, John Norwood, Ruth Norwood, Elizabeth Norwood, and Mary Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. AA. Estate of Edward Norwood - Tanyard, Partnership, Turkey Thicket, Goshen, Carmens Delight, Combs Adventure, Better Hope, Norwoods Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-3804 MSA S512-4- 3924 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/08/30 3805: Philip Nichols vs. William Thomas Clarke, Stalay Nichols Clarke, Joshua Clarke, Eleanor Clarke, and Mary Clarke. PG. Petition to partition estates of William Nichols, Sr., William Nichols, Jr., and Stalay Nichols. Accession No.: 17,898-3805 MSA S512-4- 3925 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/07/17 3807: Samuel Norwood vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 837. Accession No.: 17,898-3807-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3926 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/08/15 3808: Henry Nelson vs. George Schnertzell, Thomas Beatty, David Lynn, and Adam Creager. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Monocacy Manor, Carmacks Advice. Accession No.: 17,898-3808 MSA S512-4- 3927 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/06/11 3809: Edward Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood. BA. Petition to enforce decree. Accession No.: 17,898-3809-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3928 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/10/07 3810: Mary Noble vs. Rebecca Wootters, Alexander Wooters, Edward Wooters, William Dimond, and Vastil Noble. TA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-3810 MSA S512-4- 3929 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/12/14 3811: Benjamin Nelson, Elizabeth Nelson, Jesse King Nelson, and William King Nelson vs. John Leatherbury, Arthur Dashiell, and John Nelson. SO. Contract to purchase Hovingtons Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-3811 MSA S512-4- 3930 Location: 1/36/3/
1811/11/11 3812: Elizabeth Nisbet, Jonathan Nisbet, and Martin Myers vs. Isaac Nisbet, Mary Nisbet, and Elizabeth Nisbet. WA. Petition to sell Nisbets Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 868. Accession No.: 17,898-3812 MSA S512-4- 3931 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/11/30 3814: John T. Norris vs. Clarissa Norris, Sophia Norris, Otho Norris, Luther Norris, Theresa Norris, John C. Norris, Amanda Norris, and George Norris. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Everly Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 149. Accession No.: 17,898-3814 MSA S512-4- 3932 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/08/19 3815: William Norris vs. Benjamin Norris, Mary Norris, John Norris, Martin Norris, Richard Norris, and Ann Norris. AA. Contract to purchase Hawkins Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 52, p. 227. Accession No.: 17,898-3815 MSA S512-4- 3933 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/09/15 3816: John Nabb vs. Charles Morgan. TA. Appointment of trustee for Charles Morgan. Accession No.: 17,898-3816-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3934 Location: 1/36/3/
1779/11/12 3818: William Nivin vs. Anthony Pinkney and Jonathan Pinkney. AA. Injunction against use and possession of blacksmith tools. Accession No.: 17,898-3818-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3935 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/12/30 3819: Roger Nelson vs. Ann Shipley, Talbot Shipley, Catharine Sim, Joseph Sim, Christiana Sim, Mary Sim, Thomas Sim, and Harriet Sim. FR. Estate of Anthony Sim. Accession No.: 17,898-3819 MSA S512-4- 3936 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/02/25 3820: Edward Brown and Margaret Brown. BA. Estate of Leonard Knoyer - Iron Intention, Dacres Plague. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 195. Accession No.: 17,898-3820 MSA S512-4- 3937 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/07/14 3821: William H. Nicholson vs. Eliza Ann Clayland, Ann Emory Clayland, Louisa Maria Sudler, and Susanna Augusta Watson. QA. Contract to purchase Timberland. Accession No.: 17,898-3821 MSA S512-4- 3938 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/12/28 3823: George Norris vs. Aquilla Hall, Thomas Ayres, David Willey, William Slade, Thomas Slade, Michael La Rue, James Denny, James Duncan, Joseph Kircaird, William Kircaird, John St. Clair, Vincent Norris, John Norris, and Joseph Dunlap. HA. Title to Salisbury Plains.
Accession No.: 17,898-3823 MSA S512-4- 3939 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/05/09 3824: Thomas Norris, Henrietta Norris, Edward Lee, and Margaret Lee vs. Joseph Jenifer. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Range. Accession No.: 17,898-3824 MSA S512-4- 3940 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/01/18 3825: John Nowland vs. Elizabeth Hendrickson, Sarah Hendrickson, Nathan Hendrickson, Polly Hendrickson, Benjamin Hendrickson, and Nancy Hendrickson. CE. Estate of Hyland Hendrickson - Gorrie, Moffitts Defiance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-3825-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3941 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/01/07 3826: Christian Nunemacker, Susannah Nunemacker, Sarah Houck, William Kurtz, Elizabeth Kurtz, Elizabeth Coltriter, and Jersalam Church vs. John Fisher, Peter Gittear, and Conrad Sherman. BA. Estate of Michael Fisher - Clareys New Holland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 393.
Accession No.: 17,898-3826-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3942 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/12/26 3827: Joshua Knight, Mary Knight, Joshua Trapnell, and Elizabeth Trapnell vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Title to Thomas Range, Bennetts Range, Balls Addition. Plat at 1/38/1/16. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 472 and 70, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-3827-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3943 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/03/17 3828: William O'Neale vs. Richard Wootton, Lewis Beall, and William Pritchett. MO. Title to Cuckolds Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-3828 MSA S512-4- 3944 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/09/23 3829: Charles O'Brien vs. John Oliver, Robert Oliver, William Patterson, Sr., and Sarah Chew O'Donnell. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3829 MSA S512-4- 3945 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/02/05 3830: Richard Owings, Jr. vs. Isaac Paul, Mary Paul, and Vachel Brown. AA. Estate of Henry Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-3830 MSA S512-4- 3946 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/11/19 3831: John Osborn and Sarah Osborn vs. Martha Clagett. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Greenland. Accession No.: 17,898-3831 MSA S512-4- 3947 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/06/19 3833: Amos Ogden vs. William Lux. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Taylors Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-3833-1/4 MSA S512-4- 3948 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/10/26 3834: James Owens, Ann Owens, Sarah Franklin, Mary Franklin, Rachel Franklin, Isabella Franklin, Richard Blackstone, and Rebecca Blackstone vs. Susan Franklin and Artridge Franklin. AA. Petition to sell Catch As Catch Can, Hawkins Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 616.
Accession No.: 17,898-3834 MSA S512-4- 3949 Location: 1/36/3/
1790. 3835: James O'Bryan and Samuel T. Wright vs. Cornelia Sewell. QA. Estate of Clement Sewell. Accession No.: 17,898-3835 MSA S512-4- 3950 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/04/29 3836: Edward Owings vs. Amos Ogden. BA. Title to Hookers Farm, Hookers Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-3836 MSA S512-4- 3951 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/07/09 3837: Samuel Owings and George Howard vs. Joshua Barnes, Ezekiel Barnes, and Silvanus Barnes. AA. Petition to record deed for Addition to Brothers Level, Barnes Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 697. Accession No.: 17,898-3837 MSA S512-4- 3952 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/07/10 3838: Anne Ogle vs. John Ross Key, Philip B. Key, and Samuel Ridout. FR. Trust estate of John Ross Key - Now or Never, Terra Rubra, Resurvey on Terra Rubra, Addition to Heads Industry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 472. Accession No.: 17,898-3838 MSA S512-4- 3953 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/07/05 3839: John Orendorff, Levin C. Willis, Eliza Willis, Susan Orendorff, and John Orendorff vs. Jacob Mumma, George C. Smoot, Susanna Orendorff, and Peter Miller. WA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-3839-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3954 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/20 3840: William Owings vs. Peter Wyant, Henry Working, and John Craggs. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3840 MSA S512-4- 3955 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/02/14 3841: Leaven Laurence Owings vs. Charles Elder, Jr. BA. Defraud of creditors of Charles Elder, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-3841 MSA S512-4- 3956 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/04/14 3842: Joseph Owens vs. Sarah Thomas, Jr., Philip J. Thomas, John F. Mercer, Richard J. Jones, and Benjamin Owens. AA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-3842 MSA S512-4- 3957 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/04/04 3843: William Owings, Peter Utz, Laurence Fried, John Sellers, and Jacob Gettier vs. John Ritter, Catherine Sentz, Jacob Snyder, and Eliza Snyder. BA. Petition to sell Molleys Delight, Christophers Lot, Iron Intention. Plat of Iron Intention; also shows Windfall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 400.
Accession No.: 17,898-3843-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3958 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/06/05 3844: James Ogleby, David Winchester, James Ellicott, Jonathan Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, George Ellicott, John Ellicott, and James Gillingham vs. William Brown, Oliver Kinsey, Thomas Kinsey, Elizabeth Kinsey, Rachel Kinsey, Jonas Bradshaw, Mary Bradshaw, Stephen Runnels, and Hannah Runnels. BA. Petition to sell Gwynn Falls. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 223.
Accession No.: 17,898-3844-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3959 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/07/01 3845: James O'Bryan vs. James Tucker, Sarah Neavitt, Nathaniel Tucker, Thomas Neavitt, Anne Meeds, Samuel Meeds, Margaret Meeds, Thomas Meeds, Richard Tucker, John Tucker, and Maria Tucker. QA. Estate of Richard Tucker - Jones Addition, Bachelors Chance, Adventure.
Accession No.: 17,898-3845 MSA S512-4- 3960 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/12/11 3846: William Osborne vs. William Jones, Stephen Jones, Casey Jones, William Bradford, James Fullerton, Nicholas D. McComas, and Mary Bradford. HA. Defraud of creditors of William Osborne - Littleton. Accession No.: 17,898-3846 MSA S512-4- 3961 Location: 1/36/3/
1784/07/06 3847: Conrad Charles Overbeck vs. Francis Cazenave. BA. Petition to discover cargo records of the ship Forget Me Not. Accession No.: 17,898-3847 MSA S512-4- 3962 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/02/17 3848: Robert Oliver vs. Gassaway Watkins, William Shipley, Jr., and George A. Hughes. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-3848 MSA S512-4- 3963 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/08/20 3849: Benjamin J. Orr, Henry O'Neale, and Nathaniel Beall vs. William O'Neale, Jr., Samuel Middleton, Eleanor Ray, Zadock Lanham, and Eloisa Ray. MO. Eligibility of Benjamin Ray, Jr. as sheriff. Accession No.: 17,898-3849 MSA S512-4- 3964 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/02/12 3850: Sarah Chew O'Donnell vs. Deborah O'Donnell, Elliot O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Elizabeth W. O'Donnell, Columbus O'Donnell, Joseph Barrett, and Mary Barrett. BA. Estate of John O'Donnell. Accession No.: 17,898-3850 MSA S512-4- 3965 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/10/05 3851: Johnson M. O'Reilly vs. James Alexander Magruder, Elisha Berry, and Benjamin Berry. PG. Title to Maidens Dowry, Gray Eagle Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3851 MSA S512-4- 3966 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/12/08 3852: Columbus O'Donnell vs. Sarah C. O'Donnell, Joseph Barrett, Mary Barrett, Dudley Poor, Deborah Poor, John O'Donnell, Eliza W. O'Donnell, and Elliott O'Donnell. BA. Estate of Thomas Elliott - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3852 MSA S512-4- 3967 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/11/17 3853: Samuel Owings vs. Josias Pennington, Elizabeth Pennington, Charles Pennington, Josias Pennington, Timothy Pennington, Thomas Sollers, Sarah Sollers, Ann S. Pennington, Jonas Rutter, and Mary Rutter. BA. Petition to record deed for Hansons Wood Lott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 203.
Accession No.: 17,898-3853 MSA S512-4- 3968 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/09/28 3854: Benjamin Oden vs. John Wood, Ann Wood, Francis Greenfield, and John P. Greenfield. PG. Estate of William Trueman Greenfield. Accession No.: 17,898-3854 MSA S512-4- 3969 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/04/17 3855: John Oliver vs. Benjamin Mackall, Richard Mackall, Levin Mackall, Leonard Mackall, William Weems, Peggy Weems, Nathaniel Weems, Rebecca Weems, John Horrell, Benjamin Horrell, Thomas Horrell, Maximilian Horrell, Leonard Covington, Rebecca Covington, and James S. Moresell. WA. Contract to purchase land.
Accession No.: 17,898-3855 MSA S512-4- 3970 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/07/13 3856: Richard Owings and Abraham Freear vs. John Hoye, Benjamin Stoddert, and John Brewer. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Bite the Biter, Gaithers Chance, Second Addition to Snowdens Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-3856 MSA S512-4- 3971 Location: 1/36/3/
1797/07/07 3857: Joseph Oxley and John Hancock vs. William Kilty, Frank Leeke, and Samuel Leeke. PG. Estate of Frank Leeke. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 131. Accession No.: 17,898-3857-1/5 MSA S512-4- 3972 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/10/04 3858: Henry Oneale vs. Benjamin Ward. MO. Petition to record deed for Crumford, Bells Design, Wards Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3858 MSA S512-4- 3973 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/05/08 3859: Bernard O'Neills. MO. Insolvent estate of O'Neills. Accession No.: 17,898-3859 MSA S512-4- 3974 Location: 1/36/3/
1804/05/05 3860: James Ogleby, David Winchester, and Archibald Taylor vs. Archibald Taylor, Jane Taylor, Robert Taylor, Etting Taylor, Solomon Etting, Reuben Etting, and Thomas C. Jenkins. BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 85. Accession No.: 17,898-3860-1/3 MSA S512-4- 3975 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/05/10 3861: William Osborn. HA. Insolvent estate of Osborn. Accession No.: 17,898-3861 MSA S512-4- 3976 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/01/30 3862: Samuel Owings and Beall Owings vs. Charles Owings and Mary Ann Owings. MO. Petition to sell Pleasant Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 90. Accession No.: 17,898-3862 MSA S512-4- 3977 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/07/01 3863: William Owens vs. Hessey Deford and Anna Maria Deford. TA. Estate of Joseph Deford - Kelds Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 72. Accession No.: 17,898-3863 MSA S512-4- 3978 Location: 1/36/3/
1817/01/14 3864: Thomas Owens and Leonard Gary vs. Rachel Carr, Ann Carr, John Carr, and Mary E. Carr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Berkheads Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 452. Accession No.: 17,898-3864 MSA S512-4- 3979 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/07/19 3865: Caleb Owings vs. Nicholas Reynolds, Rachel Reynolds, Charles Wooden, Nancy Wooden, John Reynolds, Sarah Reynolds, John Peck, and Lot Peck. BA. Title to Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-3865 MSA S512-4- 3980 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/06/25 3866: Elizabeth Oneill and Henry Waring vs. Francis Deakins. MO. Title to Happy Choice, Final Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-3866-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3981 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/02/28 3867: John B. Onion vs. William McComas, John Street, and Samuel Bradford. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Belts Prosperity. Accession No.: 17,898-3867-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3982 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/03/13 3869: Susanna Orr and James Bond vs. John Orr. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pattersons Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-3869 MSA S512-4- 3983 Location: 1/36/3/
1788/05/17 3870: Stephen Onion. BA. Insolvent estate of Onion - Siclemore Dock. Accession No.: 17,898-3870 MSA S512-4- 3984 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/06/08 3871: John Oliver vs. Mary Anderson, William Anderson, John Anderson, Robert Anderson, and Edward A. Anderson. BA. Estate of William Anderson - lot in Baltimore Company. lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 699. Accession No.: 17,898-3871-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3985 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/04/20 3872: William Odell, Isaiah Odell, Benjamin Jones, and Providence Jones vs. William Odell, Isabella Odell, Keturah Odell, Eliza Odell, Peregrine Odell, Richard Odell, Lucy Ann Odell, Keturah Maria Odell, Walter Odell, and George Odell. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 88.
Accession No.: 17,898-3872-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3986 Location: 1/36/3/
1819/08/30 3873: Robert Oliver vs. John J. Bennaben, Ellen Bennaben, and Daniel Raymond. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Moales Quarter, Cedar Isle, Jobs Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 413. Accession No.: 17,898-3873 MSA S512-4- 3987 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/12 3874: Kenedy Owen vs. Joseph Usher and John Wolfender. AL. Insolvent estate of Usher - Locust Tree Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 228. Accession No.: 17,898-3874 MSA S512-4- 3988 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/06/12 3875: Benjamin Owens, Thomas Owens, Nicholas Owens, Joseph Owens, Isaac Owens, William Owens, James Owens, Nicholas Owens, Margaret Lowrey, Ann Childs, John Sherbert, Mary Sherbert, Abraham Woodward, Pricilla Woodward, Mary Chalk, Thomas Dorsett, Rachel Dorsett, William Simmons, Peggy Simmons, William Parkinson, Abraham Parkinson, Elizabeth Woodfield, John Norman, Joseph Norman, Theophilus Norman, William Norman, Samuel Norman, Solomon Norman, Walter Norman, John Weems, Rachel Weems, James Crandell, Abraham Crandell, John Crandell, Adam Crandell, Rachel Crandell, Willie Crandell, Elizabeth Gott, Hester Phibbins, and Elizabeth Stevens vs. Elizabeth Owens, Jane Norman, Nicholas Norman, Anne Deale, Maria Deale, Rachel Deale, Eliza Deale, Mary Deale, Joseph Deale, Thomas Deale, Samuel Deale, and Nathan Deale. AA. Petition to sell Carrs Inheritance, Deerborns Inheritance, Ram Gots Swamp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 377 and 98, p. 33.
Accession No.: 17,898-3875 MSA S512-4- 3989 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/06/15 3876: John Cockey Owings vs. Edward Owings. BA. Contract to purchase John and Thomas Forrest, Colegate Dye Owings and Charlotte Dye Colegates Addition to John and Thomas Forrest, Pleasant Meadows, Goras Addition, Addition to Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 88.
Accession No.: 17,898-3876-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3990 Location: 1/36/3/
1815/07/11 3877: Sarah C. O'Donnell, William Patterson, Robert Oliver, and John Oliver vs. John Dillon, Catherine Dillon, and Lewis Pascault. BA. Estate of John Dillon - Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 268. Accession No.: 17,898-3877 MSA S512-4- 3991 Location: 1/36/3/
1790/09/06 3878: Benjamin Ogle vs. Rebecca Owen and Kennedy Owen. MO. Estate of Robert Owen - Two Brothers, Discontent, Advantage. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 30, MdHR 40,283-134, S65-159, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-3878 MSA S512-4- 3992 Location: 1/36/3/
1798/01/22 3879: Corbin Lee Onion. HA. Insolvent estate of Onion. Accession No.: 17,898-3879 MSA S512-4- 3993 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/12 3880: Joseph Owens vs. Thomas Rutter. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Clay Bank, Clay Bank Enlarged, Rutters Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 403 and 99, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-3880 MSA S512-4- 3994 Location: 1/36/3/
1816/09/16 3881: Achsah Owings vs. Charles Elder. BA. Estate of Charles Elder, Sr. - Elders Inheritance, Elders Plague, Petticoat Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 454. Accession No.: 17,898-3881-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3995 Location: 1/36/3/
1795/07/28 3882: John Oxley, Joseph Hancock, and Gilbert Buchanan vs. Richard Lane, John Lane, Hester Lane, Gavin Hamilton Smith, Rachel Lane Smith, Nicholas Lane, Nathan Lane, Samuel Levin Lane, Joseph Lane, and Richard Mackall. AA, CV. Estate of Samuel Lane - Grammars Chance, Purnells Angles, Harrisons Enlargement, Burkheads Adventure, Tarapin Island, First, Second and Third Discovery in AA. Also Harnisham in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 385.
Accession No.: 17,898-3882-1/2 MSA S512-4- 3996 Location: 1/36/3/
1808/12/29 3883: Michael Oyster and Bernard Welty vs. Mary Kephart, John Kephart, David Kephart, Elizabeth Kephart, and Marsulemeth Kephart. FR. Contract to purchase Carrollsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 405. Accession No.: 17,898-3883 MSA S512-4- 3997 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/02/09 3884: John O'Donnell vs. William Jones. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3884 MSA S512-4- 3998 Location: 1/36/3/
1803/01/17 3885: William Owing. BA. Insolvent estate of Owing. Accession No.: 17,898-3885 MSA S512-4- 3999 Location: 1/36/3/
1821/06/14 3886: Columbus O'Donnell vs. Ely Dorsey, Benjamin Dorsey, Rhesaw Dorsey, James Dorsey, John Dorsey, Sophia Dorsey, Upton Dorsey, Reuben Dorsey, Thomas Dorsey, Owen Dorsey, Levin Dorsey, Edward J. Coale, John G. Proud, Eliza S. Proud, William T. Proud, Mary Proud, Margaret Dorsey, David Downe, Deborah Downe, Elizabeth Dorsey, Edward Dorsey, Sarah Talbot, and heirs of Deborah Wilson. BA. Contract to purchase Long Trusted.
Accession No.: 17,898-3886-1/4 MSA S512-4- 4000 Location: 1/36/3/
1793/01/12 3887: Samuel Owings and James Ogleby vs. Catherine Lavely. BA. Estate of William Lavely. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-3887 MSA S512-4- 4001 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/03/17 3888: William Oneale vs. William Lodge. MO. Contract to purchase Wheel of Fortune, Resurvey on Wheel of Fortune, Come By Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3888-1/4 MSA S512-4- 4002 Location: 1/36/3/
1813/02/23 3889: Robert Oliver, James Cresap, and Mary Cresap vs. Thomas Lane Emory, Jr. and Washington Van Bibber. BA, CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 528. Accession No.: 17,898-3889 MSA S512-4- 4003 Location: 1/36/3/
1794/07/05 3890: Richard Owings vs. William McLaughlin. AA. Contract to purchase White Wine and Claret. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 774. Accession No.: 17,898-3890 MSA S512-4- 4004 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/05/21 3891: John B. Onion vs. William McComas, John Street, Samuel Bradford, and Thomas R. Smith. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3891 MSA S512-4- 4005 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/11/13 3892: John O'Reilly vs. Patrick H. O'Reilly, Catherine O'Reilly, Sophia O'Reilly, Samuel Gott, and Amelia Gott. AA. Estates of Johnson Michael O'Reilly and Polydore E. O'Reilly - John and Marys Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3892 MSA S512-4- 4006 Location: 1/36/3/
1812/06/17 3893: Kennedy Owen vs. Charles W. Guest and Ann Clarke. BA. Defraud of creditors of Charles W. Guest - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3893 MSA S512-4- 4007 Location: 1/36/3/
1801/12/04 3894: Richard Odle and James Warfield vs. Charles Ridgely of William. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3894 MSA S512-4- 4008 Location: 1/36/3/
1806/07/23 3895: Elizabeth Oliver vs. Francis Belmear. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Duvalls Range. Accession No.: 17,898-3895 MSA S512-4- 4009 Location: 1/36/3/
1796/02/07 3896: John O'Donnell vs. William Moore. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3896 MSA S512-4- 4010 Location: 1/36/3/
1807/05/30 3897: Richard Owings, Matthew Steine, and Larkin Shipley vs. Denton Hobbs and John Norwood. AA. Defraud of creditors of Hobbs. Accession No.: 17,898-3897 MSA S512-4- 4011 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/17 3898: John B. Onion vs. William Onion and John Weston. BA. Defraud of creditors of William Onion - Onions Inheritance Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 520. Accession No.: 17,898-3898 MSA S512-4- 4012 Location: 1/36/3/
1802/11/17 3899: Samuel Owings of Stephen vs. Josias Pennington, John Haslett, Silvanus Bourne, Rebecca Bourne, Hannah Haslett, Andrew Haslett, and George Haslett. BA. Petition to record deed for Hansons Woodlot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 68. Accession No.: 17,898-3899 MSA S512-4- 4013 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/11/05 3900: Samuel Owings vs. Stephen Winchester and James Wells. BA, FR. Contract to purchase and injunction against removal of timber from Iron Intention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 686. Accession No.: 17,898-3900 MSA S512-4- 4014 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/10/20 3901: Richard Odle vs. Richard Laurence, Joseph Laurence, Otho Laurence, and Richard Laurence, Jr. AA. Contract to purchase Wincopin Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 25. Accession No.: 17,898-3901 MSA S512-4- 4015 Location: 1/36/3/
1799/01/09 3901A: Richard Odle vs. Richard Laurence, Charles Warfield, and John T. Mason. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3901A MSA S512-4- 4016 Location: 1/36/3/
1810/05/01 3902: Thomas Offutt Drane vs. Thomas Peter, David Peter, George Peter, and James Dunlop. MO. Contract to purchase Ternip Patch. Accession No.: 17,898-3902 MSA S512-4- 4017 Location: 1/36/3/
1809/06/26 3903: Christian Orendorff and Mary Orendorff vs. Frederick Rohrer. WA. Estate of Jacob Rohrer, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-3903 MSA S512-4- 4018 Location: 1/36/3/
1818/11/10 3904: Samuel Owings vs. Richard Owings, Samuel Luckett, Nowland M. Luckett, Basil Hobbs, Polly Hobbs, Norman Dorsey, Matilda Dorsey, Elias Dorsey, Levin L. Dorsey, Benjamin L. Dorsey, and Urith O. Dorsey. AA. Contract to purchase Salophia, Dorseys Interest, Belts Hills, Hoods Mill Seat. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 2, MdHR 40,283-108, S65-19, B5/10/1; also show Turkey Thickett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 207.
Accession No.: 17,898-3904 MSA S512-4- 4019 Location: 1/36/3/
1792/08/30 3905: John Oxley, Joseph Hancock, and Joseph Cowman vs. Richard Ridgley, Samuel Stringer Coale, William Coale, Thomas Coale, and Richard Stringer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cocksell, Coles choice, Jones Addition, Cross Forrest, Halls Lot, Warfields Contrivance, Athol Enlarged, Winkipins Neck, and Guilford. Repair.
Accession No.: 17,898-3905-1/3 MSA S512-4- 4020 Location: 1/36/3/
1800/11/17 3906: John B. Onion vs. William McComas and Thomas R. Smith. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3906-1/5 MSA S512-5- 4021 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/04/10 3907: John O'Donnell vs. George Sanderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3907 MSA S512-5- 4022 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/06/15 3908: John O'Donnell. BA. Estate of Thomas Moffett - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-3908 MSA S512-5- 4023 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/12/16 3909: Samuel Owings of Thomas vs. Philimon Dorsey, Nathan Harris, and Rachel Harris. FR. Accession No.: 17,898-3909 MSA S512-5- 4024 Location: 1/36/4/
1795/10/02 3910: Edward Owings vs. Amos Ogden. BA. Injunction against leaving the state. Accession No.: 17,898-3910 MSA S512-5- 4025 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/10/27 3911: Thomas Osburn vs. Matthew Moore, Jr. CH. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-3911 MSA S512-5- 4026 Location: 1/36/4/
1773/04/17 3912: Joshua Clarke and William Hopper vs. Edward Oldham. QA, TA. Appointment of trustee for Oldham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 12, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-3912 MSA S512-5- 4027 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/12/21 3913: Eleanor Offutt, Alexander Offutt, Andrew Offutt, Mary Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Eleanor Offutt, Thomas O. Clagett, and Rachel Clagett. MO. Petition to partition Resurvey on Black Oak Thicket, Chancery, Scroby Thickett, Trouble Ended, Not Worth a Name, Coopers Choice, Resurvey On Mitchells Range, Resurvey on Friend in Need, Second Resurvey on Friend in Need, Partnership, Zoar, Resurvey on Younger Brother, Petersburgh, Resurvey on Arpos, Resurvey on William and John, Second Resurvey on William and John. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 45, MdHR 40,283-98, S65-162, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-3913 MSA S512-5- 4028 Location: 1/36/4/
1819/06/30 3914: Thomas O'Conner vs. George Keizer. BA. Estate of Jeremiah O'Connor. Accession No.: 17,898-3914 MSA S512-5- 4029 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/03/24 3915: Jacob Hart. BA. Insolvent estate of Hart - lot in BC. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 4, p. 414. Accession No.: 17,898-3915-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4030 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/11/09 3916: Job Garretson vs. Thomas O'Mara. BA. Contract to purchase Carrolls Scrutiny, Addition to James Park. Accession No.: 17,898-3916 MSA S512-5- 4031 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/03/10 3917: Kennedy Long vs. John B. Onion. AA, BA. Contract to pay a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-3917 MSA S512-5- 4032 Location: 1/36/4/
1791/06/27 3918: Samuel Taylor Orme vs. Pricilla Orme. PG. Estate of Moses Orme. Accession No.: 17,898-3918 MSA S512-5- 4033 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/05/11 3919: Mordecai Burgess Offutt vs. Hezekiah Clagett, Ann Clagett, Mary Ann Clagett, Elizabeth Clagett, Thomas Clagett, and William Clagett. MO. Contract to purchase Clagetts Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 568. Accession No.: 17,898-3919 MSA S512-5- 4034 Location: 1/36/4/
1795/07/25 3920: Ann Ogle and Robert Carter vs. Patrick Magill and John Magill. AA. Estate of John Magill - Arthur Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3920 MSA S512-5- 4035 Location: 1/36/4/
1813/01/20 3921: Anne Ogle. AA, PG. Petition to sell Grange, St. Andrews in PG. Also lot in Annapolis. Plat of Grange, St. Andrews; also shows Orphans Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-3921 MSA S512-5- 4036 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/05/16 3922: James Pattison vs. John Alexander Frazier. CV. Estate of Alexander Frazier - Sterlings Nest, Sterlings Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-3922 MSA S512-5- 4037 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/11/23 3923: John Paul vs. William Lynch. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Pleasant Plains, Batchelors Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-3923 MSA S512-5- 4038 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/01/07 3924: Robert Pottenger vs. Benjamin Hall and William Hall. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Reilys Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-3924 MSA S512-5- 4039 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/07/06 3925: Ninian Pinkney and Amelia Pinkney vs. William Grayson, Thomas Grayson, and Ann Grayson. QA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-3925 MSA S512-5- 4040 Location: 1/36/4/
1790/02/09 3926: John Petty vs. David Stewart. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3926 MSA S512-5- 4041 Location: 1/36/4/
1786/05/15 3927: James Pearse vs. John Bullen. AA. Contract to sell dry goods. Accession No.: 17,898-3927 MSA S512-5- 4042 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/05/17 3928: John Page and Henry Page vs. St. Leger Meeks and John Chew. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Poor Discovery, Good Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-3928 MSA S512-5- 4043 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/03/18 3929: Henry Pile vs. Henrietta Slye, Thomas Slye, John Slye, Elizabeth Slye, Elizabeth Ann Slye, Amelia Slye, George Slye, and Henrietta Slye. CH. Contract to purchase Clear Doubt, Lapworth Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3929 MSA S512-5- 4044 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/01/08 3930: Ebenezer Perkins, James Groome, and Sarah Groome vs. William Perkins, Araminta Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Isaac Jackson, and Mary Perkins. KE. Petition to sell Hacketts Fancy and Chance, Triangle Resurveyed, Perkins Roundfield, Popes Chance, Addition to Good Hope, Sewards Hope, lots in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 377.
Accession No.: 17,898-3930 MSA S512-5- 4045 Location: 1/36/4/
1786/01/20 3931: James Pattison vs. Richard Chew. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Triangle. Accession No.: 17,898-3931 MSA S512-5- 4046 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/12/23 3932: James Piercy vs. Thomas Law. PG. Injunction against mortgage foreclosure on lot in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 544. Accession No.: 17,898-3932-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4047 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/08/10 3933: Hezekiah Price and Robert Watson vs. Thomas MacGill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-3933 MSA S512-5- 4048 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/05/22 3934: Mark Pringle, Philip Rogers, Samuel Smith, and William Patterson vs. Hannah Taylor, Nicholas C. Taylor, John C. Taylor, Mark P. Taylor, and Ann T. Taylor. BA. Estate of Thomas Taylor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 208 and 101, p. 450. Accession No.: 17,898-3934-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4049 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/07/24 3935: Izreal Penn and Burford Cotterel vs. Ann Yates. CH. Apppointment of trustee for Yates. Accession No.: 17,898-3935 MSA S512-5- 4050 Location: 1/36/4/
1806/10/21 3936: Robert Pottenger vs. Thomas B. Pottenger, Ann B. Pottenger, Sophia B. Pottenger, John B. Pottenger, Mary D. Pottenger, William C. Pottenger, and James Pottenger. PG. Petition to sell Forrest of Prince Georges. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 730.
Accession No.: 17,898-3936 MSA S512-5- 4051 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/06/15 3937: Jonathan Parish and Robert Davis vs. James Carroll, Sophia Carroll, James Carroll, Jr., Harry G.D. Carroll, Prudence G. Carroll, Charles Carroll, and John Carroll. BA. Contract to purchase Flagg Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 87.
Accession No.: 17,898-3937 MSA S512-5- 4052 Location: 1/36/4/
1806/09/26 3938: Josiah Polk, Jr. vs. Mary Cannon and Thomas Cannon. SO. Contract to purchase Whittys Invention, Whittys Later Invention, Debtford. Accession No.: 17,898-3938 MSA S512-5- 4053 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/02/25 3939: David M. Perine vs. Thomas P. Ridgely and John Gadsby. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on United Friendship, Ludlows Lot, Ridgelys Addition to United Friendship, Neighbors Resolution. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 276. Accession No.: 17,898-3939-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4054 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/09/29 3940: John Plummer vs. Richard Owings and Henry Gwynn. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3940 MSA S512-5- 4055 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/04/05 3941: Joshua Penn, Sarah Penn, John Penn, Elijah Ryan, James Ryan, Sarah Ryan, and Susanna Ryan vs. Owen Elder, Elizabeth Elder, and Mary Peters. AA. Estate of John Elder - Duvalls Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 265. Accession No.: 17,898-3941-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4056 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/01/09 3942: Jonathan Pinkney, John Guyer, and John Randall vs. John Mitchell, George Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Margaret Leach, Benjamin Leach, Mary Leach, and John Leach. CV. Estate of John Mitchell - Thatchum, Brentford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 298.
Accession No.: 17,898-3942-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4057 Location: 1/36/4/
1786/06/12 3943: John Petty vs. Thomas Rutland. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on ship Kitty. Accession No.: 17,898-3943 MSA S512-5- 4058 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/11/12 3944: Jeremiah Plummer, George Plummer, John Plummer, and Joseph P. Plummer vs. John Cowman, Sr., John Cowman, Jr., Gerrard Cowman, Sally Cowman, Hannah Cowman, and Mary Cowman. AA. Contract to purchase Browzley Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-3944 MSA S512-5- 4059 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/03/14 3945: Johanna Plummer vs. Roger Ditty. AA. Estates of John Plummer and Thomas Ditty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 37, p. 249. Accession No.: 17,898-3945 MSA S512-5- 4060 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/06/12 3945A: John Plummer vs. Patrick McGill, Mary McGill, and Adrian Nolk. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3945A MSA S512-5- 4061 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/05/16 3946: William Paca, Frances Smith, and Paca Smith vs. Samuel Hughes. HA. Contract to mortgage Spesutia Island. Accession No.: 17,898-3946 MSA S512-5- 4062 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/10/21 3947: George Gouldsmith Presbury, William Copeland Gouldsmith, and Jesse Tyson vs. Louisa Dimmett. BA. Estate of Burch Dimmett - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 89. Accession No.: 17,898-3947-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4063 Location: 1/36/4/
1805/06/19 3948: Lemuel Purnell and John Hackett vs. Sophia Downes and Ann Downes. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Emorys Richland. Accession No.: 17,898-3948 MSA S512-5- 4064 Location: 1/36/4/
1817/07/21 3949: Thomas Park vs. Jane W. Hall. QA. Estate of Thomas Carrodine - Lexau. Accession No.: 17,898-3949 MSA S512-5- 4065 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/12/07 3950: Hyland Price vs. Julia Leister and Edward Leister. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Cecil Crossroads. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 315. Accession No.: 17,898-3950-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4066 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/04/01 3951: Charles Pennington, John Wright, Josias Rutter, Mary Rutter, Samuel Jacobs, and Ann Jacobs vs. Josias Pennington and Mary Sollers. BA. Petition to sell Salisbury Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 299 and 101, p. 209. Accession No.: 17,898-3951-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4067 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/03/15 3952: Henry Pratt, Thomas Allibone, and Samuel Harvey vs. Thomas David, Joseph David, Nathaniel David, and Elizabeth David. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pasture, Bathsheba, Davids Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 590. Accession No.: 17,898-3952 MSA S512-5- 4068 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/03/25 3953: James Piper, Jane Piper, Jacob C. Smith, and Sarah Smith vs. John Gadsby. BA. Contract to lease Indian Queen Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-3953 MSA S512-5- 4069 Location: 1/36/4/
1789/02/19 3954: Isaac Perkins, Barney Carse, and Philip Brooks vs. George Gleaves. KE. Estate of John Gleaves - Broad Neck, Bachelors Resolution. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-3954-1/4 MSA S512-5- 4070 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/03/03 3955: Mary Peach vs. Elizabeth Williams, Rebecca Williams, Richard Williams, Isaac Ijams, and Elizabeth Ijams. PG. Estate of Richard Williams - Beaver Dam Neck, Parcel Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 593. Accession No.: 17,898-3955-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4071 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/11/11 3956: Henry Pratt, Thomas W. Francis, John Miller, Jr., John Ashley, and Jacob Baker vs. James Greenleaf, William Deakin, Jr., and Samuel Elliott. PG. Contract to purchase lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-3956-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4072 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/03/12 3957: Robert Pottinger vs. James Drane, Mary Woollen, and Robert Bowie. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Pottingers Desire Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-3957 MSA S512-5- 4073 Location: 1/36/4/
1797. 3958: Benjamin Palmer. KE. Insolvent estate of Palmer. Accession No.: 17,898-3958 MSA S512-5- 4074 Location: 1/36/4/
1795/02/27 3959: Edward Penn. MO. Insolvent estate of Penn. Accession No.: 17,898-3959 MSA S512-5- 4075 Location: 1/36/4/
1795/02/27 3959A: Benjamin D. Penn. MO. Insolvent estate of Penn. Accession No.: 17,898-3959A MSA S512-5- 4076 Location: 1/36/4/
1794/01/07 3960: James Porter. CE. Insolvent estate of Porter. Accession No.: 17,898-3960 MSA S512-5- 4077 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/01/12 3961: Benjamin Preston. HA. Insolvent estate of Preston. Accession No.: 17,898-3961 MSA S512-5- 4078 Location: 1/36/4/
1793/12/16 3962: Moles Patterson. CE. Insolvent estate of Patterson. Accession No.: 17,898-3962 MSA S512-5- 4079 Location: 1/36/4/
1794/03/14 3963: John Parks. BA. Insolvent estate of Parks. Accession No.: 17,898-3963 MSA S512-5- 4080 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/01/13 3963A: William Paine Penn. BA. Insolvent estate of Penn. Accession No.: 17,898-3963A MSA S512-5- 4081 Location: 1/36/4/
1795/01/07 3964: William Prentiss. BA. Insolvent estate of Prentiss. Accession No.: 17,898-3964-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4082 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/02/10 3965: David Porter, Sr. BA. Insolvent estate of Porter. Accession No.: 17,898-3965 MSA S512-5- 4083 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/07/15 3966: Samuel Poor. SO. Insolvent estate of Poor. Accession No.: 17,898-3966 MSA S512-5- 4084 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/01/20 3967: Ebenezer Perkins. KE. Insolvent estate of Perkins. Accession No.: 17,898-3967 MSA S512-5- 4085 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/05/24 3968: Levi Philips. FR. Insolvent estate of Philips. Accession No.: 17,898-3968 MSA S512-5- 4086 Location: 1/36/4/
1791 3969: Richard Pindell vs. Rezin Simpson and James Williams. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-3969 MSA S512-5- 4087 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/04/19 3970: William Patton. QA. Insolvent estate of Patton. Accession No.: 17,898-3970 MSA S512-5- 4088 Location: 1/36/4/
1803/02/08 3971: John Phelan. BA. Insolvent estate of Phelan. Accession No.: 17,898-3971 MSA S512-5- 4089 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/01/18 3972: John Parish. BA. Insolvent estate of Parish. Accession No.: 17,898-3972 MSA S512-5- 4090 Location: 1/36/4/
1787/07/31 3973: Samuel Purviance and Robert Purviance. BA. Insolvent estates of Purviance and Purviance. Accession No.: 17,898-3973 MSA S512-5- 4091 Location: 1/36/4/
1803/02/02 3974: William Parsons. BA. Insolvent estate of Parsons. Accession No.: 17,898-3974 MSA S512-5- 4092 Location: 1/36/4/
1803/03/18 3975: Thomas Paul. BA. Insolvent estate of Paul. Accession No.: 17,898-3975 MSA S512-5- 4093 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/02/10 3976: John H. Poe. BA. Insolvent estate of Poe. Accession No.: 17,898-3976 MSA S512-5- 4094 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/02/21 3977: Edward Pye. CH. Insolvent estate of Pye. Accession No.: 17,898-3977 MSA S512-5- 4095 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/05/31 3978: John Pickersgill. BA. Insolvent estate of Pickersgill. Accession No.: 17,898-3978 MSA S512-5- 4096 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/05/02 3979: Elisha Perkins. HA. Insolvent estate of Perkins. Accession No.: 17,898-3979 MSA S512-5- 4097 Location: 1/36/4/
1803/04/14 3980: James Parrott. TA. Insolvent estate of Parrott. Accession No.: 17,898-3980 MSA S512-5- 4098 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/07/09 3981: Robert Peters vs. Stephen Newton Chiswell. MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on the Resurvey of Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-3981 MSA S512-5- 4099 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/01/25 3982: Oliver Ponponneau. BA. Insolvent estate of Ponponneau. Accession No.: 17,898-3982 MSA S512-5- 4100 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/01/15 3983: Alexander Scott Peter. MO. Insolvent estate of Peter. Accession No.: 17,898-3983 MSA S512-5- 4101 Location: 1/36/4/
1793/03/07 3984: William Prigg, Jr. HA. Insolvent estate of William Prigg, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-3984 MSA S512-5- 4102 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/01/20 3985: Thomas Peters. BA. Insolvent estate of Peters. Accession No.: 17,898-3985-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4103 Location: 1/36/4/
1794/11/05 3986: Michael Pugh. AA. Estate of John Sterrett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 154. Accession No.: 17,898-3986 MSA S512-5- 4104 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/04/03 3987: Greenbury Pumphrey vs. Jacob Stoner, Philip Hammond, and Rezin Pumphrey. AA. Contract to purchase Stoners Delight, Mistake in Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-3987 MSA S512-5- 4105 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/07/14 3988: William Petty vs. Joseph Williams. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hickory Hills, Franklins Enlargement, Joining Forrest, and Fame. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 488. Accession No.: 17,898-3988 MSA S512-5- 4106 Location: 1/36/4/
1814/01/18 3989: John H. Pratt vs. Pearson Nichols and William French. BA. Contract to purchase combs. Accession No.: 17,898-3989 MSA S512-5- 4107 Location: 1/36/4/
1790/12/01 3990: Robert Peter vs. William Deakins, Jr., Bernard O'Neal, Edward Burgess, Richard Thompson, John Peters, and Thomas Beall. MO. Contract to serve as securities. Accession No.: 17,898-3990 MSA S512-5- 4108 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/06/06 3991: John Paul vs. David Landis. BA. Petition to enforce judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-3991 MSA S512-5- 4109 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/12/02 3992: Thomas Parker, Mary Parker, and Richard Shekell vs. Agatha Nutwell, Samuel Nutwell, Patsy Nutwell, and Levy Nutwell. AA. Petition to partition Shekells Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-3992 MSA S512-5- 4110 Location: 1/36/4/
1817/02/01 3993: Henry Peters vs. Samuel Peters and Richard Murray. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Old Fort. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 221. Accession No.: 17,898-3993-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4111 Location: 1/36/4/
1803/01/13 3994: David Poe. BA. Insolvent estate of Poe. Accession No.: 17,898-3994 MSA S512-5- 4112 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/12/12 3995: Nehemiah Price vs. Barbara Stoner, Elizabeth Stoner, Lina Stoner, Joseph Stoner, Sarah Stoner, and Henry Creager, Jr. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Bradens Lot, Mackeys Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-3995-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4113 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/05/21 3996: Joel Post vs. John Okely and William Winstandley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 40. Accession No.: 17,898-3996-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4114 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/03/30 3997: Sarah Pothain. HA. Petition to sell Macedon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-3997 MSA S512-5- 4115 Location: 1/36/4/
1819/10/25 3998: James Partridge vs. Samuel G. Griffith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 605. Accession No.: 17,898-3998-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4116 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/05/06 3999: William Patterson, Samuel Sterrett, and James Carey vs. Thomas Nicholson. KE. Payment of account. Accession No.: 17,898-3999-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4117 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/11/13 4000: John L. Potts, Henry M. Fisher, John Gregg, and Andrew Gregg vs. Mary H.E.Y. Evans. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 98 and 101, p. 393. Accession No.: 17,898-4000-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4118 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/03/16 4001: Benjamin Pearce and Sarah Pearce vs. Samuel Briscoe, Zebulon Rudolph, Tobias Rudolph, Martha Rudolph, James Sewall, and Ann Sewall. CE. Petition to redeem mortgage on lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-4001-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4119 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/05/06 4002: John H. Price and John Ward. CE. Insolvent estates of Price and Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-4002 MSA S512-5- 4120 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/03/05 4003: Edward Pannell, Benjamin Comegys, and John Comegys vs. Harriet Owings, Nathan Harris Owings, and Mary Owings. BA. Estate of Beale Owings - Windsor Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 158. Accession No.: 17,898-4003-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4121 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/03/22 4004: Charles R. Pindell vs. Edward Aisquith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Aisquiths Addition to Baltimore Town. Accession No.: 17,898-4004 MSA S512-5- 4122 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/11/09 4005: Elias Poston, Richard Poston, William Poston, Judith Dent, and Ann Matthews. CH. Petition to sell Good Will Enlarged, Johnsons Purchase, Poverty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-4005 MSA S512-5- 4123 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/11/27 4006: Henry Peters vs. John Market. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on stone quarry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4006-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4124 Location: 1/36/4/
1788/07/15 4007: James Pearce vs. Hannah Gordon, Elizabeth Gordon, Sarah Gordon, Ann Gordon, Joseph Gordon, and Charles Gorden. KE. Estate of Charles Gordon - lot in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-4007 MSA S512-5- 4125 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/12/04 4008: Littleton R. Purnell. WO. Estate of Dr. John Purnell - Number One, Fathers Care, Spaldon, Fraternity, lots in Snow Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-4008 MSA S512-5- 4126 Location: 1/36/4/
1790 4009: James Leiper Porter vs. Attorney General. CE. Contract to purchase Smiths Fort. Accession No.: 17,898-4009 MSA S512-5- 4127 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/06/03 4010: Joseph Pemberton, Edward Tilghman, and John Wilson vs. Margaret Smith, Jane Smith, John Smith, Margaret Smith, Philip Smith, Anthony Smith, and Eliza Smith. AA. Estate of John Smith - White Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 416. Accession No.: 17,898-4010-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4128 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/04/02 4011: Ann Pemberton and Francis Scrivener vs. Rezin Estep, Eleanor Estep, and Thomas Ireland. CV. Estate of Gilbert Ireland - Dunkirk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-4011-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4129 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/05/25 4012: Richard Phillips. BA. Insolvent estate of Phillips. Accession No.: 17,898-4012 MSA S512-5- 4130 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/04/07 4013: Robert Parker. BA. Insolvent estate of Parker. Accession No.: 17,898-4013 MSA S512-5- 4131 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/04/24 4014: Priscilla Paca, Ann Paca, Frances Paca, and Josias William Dullane vs. Helen Paca, John Paca, William Paca, Samuel Baker, and Elizabeth Baker. HA. Estate of Aquila Paca - Water Mill, Chilberns Hall, Pacas Park, lots in Abington, Delph, Neglect, Goldsmiths Hall, Addition to Water Mill.
Accession No.: 17,898-4014-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4132 Location: 1/36/4/
1805/04/15 4015: Anthony Smith, W. Murray, Isaac Owens, Philip J. Thomas, and O.S.S. Hawood vs. Robert Williams alias Negro Bob. AA. Appointment of trustee for Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-4015-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4133 Location: 1/36/4/
1804 4016: Isaac Parvin, William Parvin, Thomas Parvin, John Parvin, and Mark Parvin. FR. Insolvent estates of petitioners. Accession No.: 17,898-4016 MSA S512-5- 4134 Location: 1/36/4/
1800 4017: Richard Ponsonby. PG. Insolvent estate of Ponsonby. Accession No.: 17,898-4017 MSA S512-5- 4135 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/05/04 4018: Andrew Price. TA. Insolvent estate of Price. Accession No.: 17,898-4018 MSA S512-5- 4136 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/01/11 4019: William Paine, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Paine. Accession No.: 17,898-4019 MSA S512-5- 4137 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/01/09 4020: Edward J. Pryse. AA. Insolvent estate of Pryse. Accession No.: 17,898-4020 MSA S512-5- 4138 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/01/12 4021: Peter Pollard. BA. Insolvent estate of Pollard. Accession No.: 17,898-4021 MSA S512-5- 4139 Location: 1/36/4/
1801 4022: John Pringle. MO. Insolvent estate of Pringle. Accession No.: 17,898-4022 MSA S512-5- 4140 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/05/28 4023: Timothy L. Price. TA. Insolvent estate of Price. Accession No.: 17,898-4023 MSA S512-5- 4141 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/05/25 4024: William Priest. CA. Insolvent estate of Priest. Accession No.: 17,898-4024 MSA S512-5- 4142 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/01/21 4025: Hiel Peck. BA. Insolvent estate of Peck. Accession No.: 17,898-4025 MSA S512-5- 4143 Location: 1/36/4/
1806/08/30 4026: Thomas Price vs. John C. Jones, Maria H. Jones, Robert Charles Jones, and Susanna Jones. AL, CH. Estate of John C. Jones - Widows Venture, Dover, Thomas Discovery, Bullen, Batchelors Venture in CH. Also Horse Pasture, Close Meadows, Adventure in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 413.
Accession No.: 17,898-4026 MSA S512-5- 4144 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/07/08 4027: Samuel Potter and William Page vs. Melcher Keener. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Corkhouse. Accession No.: 17,898-4027 MSA S512-5- 4145 Location: 1/36/4/
1807/06/25 4028: John Pearce and George Higson vs. Joseph Wood, Elizabeth Wood, Eleanor Hugg, Eliza Hugg, Ann Hugg, John Hugg, and Jacob Hugg. BA. Estate of Jacob Hugg - lot in Fells Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-4028-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4146 Location: 1/36/4/
1813/10/18 4029: Hezekiah Price vs. Alexander Thompson, George Collins, and Robert Cummins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Luns Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4029 MSA S512-5- 4147 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/12/13 4030: Henry Payson vs. Thomas Vickery and Eliza Vickery. BA. Estate of Stephen Vickery - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-4030 MSA S512-5- 4148 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/08/22 4031:Josiah Pennington, Jemima Pennington, William Askew, Jonathan Rutter, John Rutter, Elizabeth Rutter, and Jonathan Askew vs. Daniel Weatherby, Elizabeth Weatherby, Samuel Wilson, and Hannah Wilson. BA. Estate of Edward Hanson - Hansons Wood Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4031 MSA S512-5- 4149 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/09/07 4032: John P. Pleasants, Israel Pleasants, and Samuel Pleasants vs. Patrick Durham and John Kelly. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Rileys Chance, Appernine Hills, Harrisons Delight, Addition to Higgs, Let No Man Deceive You. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 301.
Accession No.: 17,898-4032 MSA S512-5- 4150 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/04/04 4033: Bernard Preston vs. Mary Foard, Benjamin Foard, and James York. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hog Neck, Robinsons Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4033 MSA S512-5- 4151 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/11/28 4034: Isaac Polock vs. George Magruder, Patrick Magruder, John H. Stone, and Walter Dorsey. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4034 MSA S512-5- 4152 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/12/16 4035: Nicholas Pagno and Mary Pagno vs. Daniel Chandler. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4035 MSA S512-5- 4153 Location: 1/36/4/
1807/06/22 4036: Jacob Pattison vs. Samuel Gover. AA. Contract to purchase Brewton Ashley. Accession No.: 17,898-4036 MSA S512-5- 4154 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/06/16 4037: Edmund Plowden and Henry Neale vs. Francis Hamersly. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Simpsons Chance, Morris Venture, Turners Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p.1. Accession No.: 17,898-4037 MSA S512-5- 4155 Location: 1/36/4/
1807/06/26 4038: Josias Pennington vs. John Taggert, Edward Johnson, Robert Gilmor, Sr., Robert Gilmor, Jr., and William Gilmor. BA. Contract to build a mill. Accession No.: 17,898-4038 MSA S512-5- 4156 Location: 1/36/4/
1806/02/08 4039: Thomas Peters vs. John Tasker Carter, George Carter, Sophia Carter, Harriot Lucy Maund, Robert Mitchell, Priscilla Mitchell, John Y. Chinn, Sarah Chinn, Robert Berkley, Julia Berkley, Spencer Ball, Betty Landon Ball, Francis Tasker Jones, Thomas Ap Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Jane Jones, John Carter Peck, Harriot Peck, Emanuel Peck, and Tasker Carter Quinlain. BA. Contract to purchase lots in Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 249.
Accession No.: 17,898-4039 MSA S512-5- 4157 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/09/04 4040: William Potts, Eleanor Potts, William Potts of Richard, Elizabeth Potts, Samuel Hughes Potts, Richard Potts, John Lee Potts, Thomas Gantt, John Hellen Beall, and Sarah Beall vs. Philip Thomas Potts, Mary Jane Fitzhugh Potts, Harriot Murdock Potts, George Murdock Potts, and Eleanor Murdock Potts. CV, FR. Petition to partition Resurvey on Tuscarora in FR. Also Godsgrace Levels, Prevention in CV. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 1, MdHR 40,283-107, S65-118, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 409.
Accession No.: 17,898-4040 MSA S512-5- 4158 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/02/26 4041: Nathaniel Paxton and Mary Paxton vs. James G. McNeely, Martha McNeely, and Letitia McNeely. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-4041 MSA S512-5- 4159 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/01/29 4042: Jonathan Pinkney vs. John B. Weems, Pricilla Weems, Margaret Weems, Anne B. Weems, Richard Harwood, and Charles Wallace. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norwoods Beale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4042-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4160 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/09/16 4043: Israel Pierce vs. Benjamin Gatch and Nicholas Gatch. BA. Contract to purchase Barrett Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-4043 MSA S512-5- 4161 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/06/25 4044: Arthur Pritchard vs. Thomas Thomas. DO. Contract to purchase Daniels Addition, Staintons Purchase, Adams Lot, Harpers Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-4044 MSA S512-5- 4162 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/05/24 4045: John Parish of Peter vs. John Parish of Aaron. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Parishes Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-4045 MSA S512-5- 4163 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/06/19 4046: John Perrin vs. Peter Summey. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Perrins Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 588 and 102, p. 152. Accession No.: 17,898-4046 MSA S512-5- 4164 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/09/21 4047: William Prentiss vs. William Levering, John Nicholson, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, William Mayne Duncanson, Henry Pratt, John Miller Jr., John Ashley, Jacob Baker, and Thomas Willing Francis. PG. Contract to build houses in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-4047 MSA S512-5- 4165 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/09/04 4048: John Pitts. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 745. Accession No.: 17,898-4048-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4166 Location: 1/36/4/
1788/08/14 4049: James Pattison vs. James Stone. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4049 MSA S512-5- 4167 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/05/30 4050: Jesse Pumphrey vs. Eleanor Pumphrey, Thomas Babbs, Rachel Babbs, Charles Ridgely, Catherine Ridgely, Ann Pumphrey, John Pumphrey, and Isaiah Pumphrey. AA. Petition to sell Mistake in Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 580. Accession No.: 17,898-4050 MSA S512-5- 4168 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/04/24 4051: Benjamin Preston vs. James Horner and William Allender. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4051 MSA S512-5- 4169 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/08/31 4052: Arthur Pue, Stephen West, Nancy West, Edward Dorsey, Eleanor Dorsey, Margaret Pue, Rebbecca Pue, and Mary Pue vs. Mary Pue and Edward Pue. AA, BA, FR. Petition to sell Search Enlarged, Shivers Adventure, Chews Resolution Manor, Chews Vineyard, Gardiners Mills, Hebron, Mount Calvary in AA. Also Hickory Plains, Resurvey on Hickory Plains, Resurvey on Gilboa, Cabbs Delight Enlarged in BA and FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 599.
Accession No.: 17,898-4052-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4170 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/11/23 4053: Sarah Phelps vs. Ann Phelps. AA. Petition to sell Covels Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-4053 MSA S512-5- 4171 Location: 1/36/4/
1787/02/09 4054: Mark Pringle vs. John Ball, Daniel Jennings, William Woodrop, and Thorogood Smith. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4054 MSA S512-5- 4172 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/10/26 4055: Isaac Polock vs. Abraham Vanloghen and John T. Mason. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4055 MSA S512-5- 4173 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/11/25 4056: Nathaniel Paxton, Hannah Manson, Thomas Cornell, Mary Cornell, Thomas Paxton, Jane Paxton, Margaret Paxton, and William Paxton. FR. Title to Brookes Discovery on Rich Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 891. Accession No.: 17,898-4056 MSA S512-5- 4174 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/08/09 4057: Philip C. Pendleton and David Hunter vs. Lenox Martin, Ann Flint, John Flint, Rachel Flint, Mary Flint, William Flint, Joseph Flint, Ovid Flint, Sarah Ritter, John Ritter, John Fording, Charity Fording, Archibald Wiggins, and Michael Cresap. WA. Contract to purchase Calmores Ramble, Dillacarle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 87.
Accession No.: 17,898-4057 MSA S512-5- 4175 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/09/23 4058: Mary Pilkington, Thomas Pilkington, Jr., Thomas Purse, and Mary Purse. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas Pilkington. Accession No.: 17,898-4058 MSA S512-5- 4176 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/02/20 4059: James Piper vs. James Stewart, William Lorman, and William Gwynn. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Spring Field. Accession No.: 17,898-4059-1/6 MSA S512-5- 4177 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/09/26 4060: Hyland Price vs. John Price, Jr., Jacob Price, Vachel Price, Harriet Elizabeth Price, and Ann Sabrina Price. CE. Estate of Hugh T. Price. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 272. Accession No.: 17,898-4060-1/5 MSA S512-5- 4178 Location: 1/36/4/
1805/05/19 4061: John G. Proud, James Perkins, Thomas H. Perkins, and Richard Wiggins vs. James D. Pattison. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4061 MSA S512-5- 4179 Location: 1/36/4/
1819/03/09 4062: Martha Poag vs. John Poag, Jesse McCrery, Mary McCrery, Thomas McCrery, William McCrery, Elizabeth McCrery, John McCrery, George McCrery, and Margaret Jane McCrery. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Consent, Chambers Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 670.
Accession No.: 17,898-4062-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4180 Location: 1/36/4/
1824/01/15 4063: William Penn vs. James F. Sothoron, Hugh McElderry, Eliza McElderry, and George Forbes. CH. Contract to purchase Westwood Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-4063 MSA S512-5- 4181 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/03/27 4064: William Peerce vs. Henrietta Peerce, Rachel Peerce, Jr., William C. Peerce, Walter C. Peerce, James Peerce, and Ann Peerce. MO. Contract to purchase Winnoxburg, Good Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-4064 MSA S512-5- 4182 Location: 1/36/4/
1819/03/11 4065: George Pollard vs. Thomas Server, Amelia Server, Juliana Server, Henry Server, Claudius Server, Alexander Server, and Ann Server. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 144. Accession No.: 17,898-4065-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4183 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/07/12 4066: Gideon Pearce vs. George Reiley, Jacob Reiley, Corneliuss Reiley, William Reiley, and George Palmer. KE. Contract to purchase Boulston, Goose Harbor, and Grantham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 595. Accession No.: 17,898-4066-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4184 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/02/28 4067: Nathan Prather vs. James Beall. PG. Contract to purchase Godfathers Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-4067 MSA S512-5- 4185 Location: 1/36/4/
1792/08/04 4068: Clement Parsons vs. William Greenwell. SM. Title to Grubstreet, Amendment. Accession No.: 17,898-4068 MSA S512-5- 4186 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/07/08 4069: James Plummer vs. William Plummer and David Lawrence. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Weedy Glade. Accession No.: 17,898-4069 MSA S512-5- 4187 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/04/01 4070: James Plummer vs. Daniel Plummer. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Plummers Pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-4070 MSA S512-5- 4188 Location: 1/36/4/
1814/05/18 4071: Mark Pringle vs. Mary Hammond, Larkin Hammond, James Hammond, Sarah Hammond, Caroline Hammond, Mary Ridgely, Rebecca Hammond, Eliza Hammond, William Hammond, and Thomas Hammond. AA. Estate of William Hammond - Cromwells Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-4071 MSA S512-5- 4189 Location: 1/36/4/
1819/01/28 4072: James Pryor and Elizabeth Williamson vs. Joshua Massey. QA. Title to Bath, Baths Meadow, Jennings Beginning Rectified, Skipton Hall, Harris Ramble. Accession No.: 17,898-4072-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4190 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/03/09 4073: Charles Porter vs. Mary Leatherwood. AA. Estate of John Porter. Accession No.: 17,898-4073 MSA S512-5- 4191 Location: 1/36/4/
1819/08/09 4074: William Palmer vs. John Wiley. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 25. Accession No.: 17,898-4074 MSA S512-5- 4192 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/05/17 4075: Eleanora Parker vs. Jacob Miller. BA. Contract to fulfill deed of trust. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 232. Accession No.: 17,898-4075 MSA S512-5- 4193 Location: 1/36/4/
1803/06/18 4076: Charles Perrie and George Perrie vs. John Perrie, Francis Perrie, Peter Wood, Jr., John T. Wood, John Forbes, and Peter Wood. PG. Estate of John Perrie - Perries Purchase, Timber Neck, Woods Joy, Ludfords Hope, Andersons Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4076-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4194 Location: 1/36/4/
1793/02/11 4077: James Preston. HA. Insolvent estate of Preston. Accession No.: 17,898-4077 MSA S512-5- 4195 Location: 1/36/4/
1823/12/18 4078: John P. Pleasants vs. George Roy, Agnes Roy, Lydia Roy, and Rebecca S. Roy. CE. Estate of John Roy - lots in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-4078 MSA S512-5- 4196 Location: 1/36/4/
1814/06/04 4079: William Pryor vs. James Massey. QA. Estate of Hemsley Massey. Accession No.: 17,898-4079 MSA S512-5- 4197 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/02/03 4080: William Parks, Johns Hunt, Job Hunt, John Deann, Sarah Deann, Louis E. Evans, Miriam Evans, and Elizabeth Hunt vs. Jesse Hunt. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Parks Death Not, Turkey Cock Alley, Chenoweths Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 193.
Accession No.: 17,898-4080 MSA S512-5- 4198 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/03/02 4081: Thomas Pratt vs. Thomas Pratt of John W. AL. Contract to purchase Treasury Amended. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No, 19, MdHR 40,283-124, S65-2, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 59 and 87, p. 40. Accession No.: 17,898-4081 MSA S512-5- 4199 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/06/23 4082: Mark Pringle vs. George Miller, Charles Miller, Richard Miller, Elizabeth Miller, George Davidson, Harriet Davidson, Henry Davidson, and Eliza Davidson. BA. Contract to purchase Todds Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-4082 MSA S512-5- 4200 Location: 1/36/4/
1817/09/26 4083: Levi Phillips vs. Ninian Edwards, Elvira Edwards, James Lane, Thomas N. Bins, and Benedict Darnall. MO. Contract to purchase Farewell, Friends in Need, Meredith. Accession No.: 17,898-4083-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4201 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/09/30 4084: Ann Parran vs. Benjamin H. Mackall. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4084 MSA S512-5- 4202 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/12/02 4085: Ann Catherine Pumphrey vs. Henry Wesley. AA. Petition to release mortgage on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-4085 MSA S512-5- 4203 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/05/13 4086: Henry R. Pratt and Ann Pratt vs. Edward Harris. QA. Contract to buy tobacco and pay a note. Accession No.: 17,898-4086 MSA S512-5- 4204 Location: 1/36/4/
1789/02/03 4087: Nathaniel Pigman vs. Ephraim Gaither. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Dechersons Lot, Addition to Snowdens Manor, Leakins Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 438. Accession No.: 17,898-4087-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4205 Location: 1/36/4/
1787/05/01 4088: David Poe and Catherine Boyer vs. Thomas Constable. BA. Estate of George Boyer - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4088 MSA S512-5- 4206 Location: 1/36/4/
1801/05/06 4089: John Plummer vs. Thomas Plummer. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Howards Patapsco Range. Accession No.: 17,898-4089 MSA S512-5- 4207 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/04/07 4090: Celia Patridge vs. Elizabeth Patridge. DO. Estate of Isaac Patridge - Patricks Range, Standfords Regulation, Blackwater. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 155. Accession No.: 17,898-4090 MSA S512-5- 4208 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/04/07 4091: Mark Pringle, John Guist, Jerrard Gover, Philip Gover, Samuel Gover, Robert Gover, Ephraim G. Gover, and Samuel W. Lee vs. Abel Marple. HA. Contract to purchase lot in Havre de Grace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 52, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4091 MSA S512-5- 4209 Location: 1/36/4/
1790/02/02 4092: Robert Peter vs. Charles Beatty. MO. Title to Renfrew and injunction against construction of a dam at George Town. Accession No.: 17,898-4092 MSA S512-5- 4210 Location: 1/36/4/
1807/10/12 4092A: Benjamin Preston, Scott Preston, Elizabeth Preston, Samuel Dorsey, Clementine Dorsey, and Evan Beall vs. Jacob Bond. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Plum Point, Hog Neck, Robinsons Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4092A MSA S512-5- 4211 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/09/19 4092B: John Plummer vs. Richard Phelps and Basil Smith. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Timber Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-4092B MSA S512-5- 4212 Location: 1/36/4/
1805/09/16 4092C: Daniel Plummer, Thomas Plummer, and James Plummer vs. James Walker. AA. Contract to partition Plummers Pasture. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-4092C MSA S512-5- 4213 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/02/22 4092D: John Peterson vs. Samuel Yoner and Jacob Schley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4092D MSA S512-5- 4214 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/09/24 4092E: Robert Peter vs. Patrick Magruder and William Wilson. MO. Title to Resurvey on Exchange, New Exchange Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-4092E MSA S512-5- 4215 Location: 1/36/4/
1802/01/08 4092F: Stephen Price vs. Daniel Bowly, Richard Ridgely, Margaret West, and Sybell West. AA. Contract to purchase Walkers Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-4092F MSA S512-5- 4216 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/08/25 4093: John Paul vs. John Nixon, Benjamin Fuller, John Donaldson, and David Cummingham. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4093 MSA S512-5- 4217 Location: 1/36/4/
1780/11/25 4094: Robert Briscoe and Sarah Briscoe vs. Richard Ponsonby. PG. Validity of arbitration award. Accession No.: 17,898-4094 MSA S512-5- 4218 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/12/16 4095: Isaac Purnell vs. William Fassit. WO. Title to Carmel. Accession No.: 17,898-4095 MSA S512-5- 4219 Location: 1/36/4/
1800/04/22 4096: Daniel Patrick, John Waters, Thomas Waters, Patrick Waters, Jr., and William Patrick. WO. Petition to sell Patricks Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 412. Accession No.: 17,898-4096 MSA S512-5- 4220 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/06/06 4097: Sarah Pawson, Horatio Berry, William S. Pawson, and Horatio Nelson Berry. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 119. Accession No.: 17,898-4097 MSA S512-5- 4221 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/06/03 4098: Isaac Paul vs. James Owings. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Winicopen Neck, Guilford Mills, slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-4098 MSA S512-5- 4222 Location: 1/36/4/
1813/05/03 4099: Penelope Deye Price and Colegate Owings vs. Frederick Price and William McMechen. BA. Validity of deed of trust. Accession No.: 17,898-4099-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4223 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/12/31 4100: David Poe vs. David Harris, Robert Gilmor, and William Bingham. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4100 MSA S512-5- 4224 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/06/05 4101: William Pinkney and Jane Pinkney vs. Henry Hammond. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/17. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 46. Accession No.: 17,898-4101-1/4 MSA S512-5- 4225 Location: 1/36/4/
1814/08/02 4102: John Poag vs. William McCreery. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-4102 MSA S512-5- 4226 Location: 1/36/4/
1806/06/16 4103: Mark Pringle vs. John Moale, Richard Curson, Samuel Vincent, Elizabeth Curson, Rebecca Russell, Thomas Moale, Robert Moale, Randle Hulse Moale, Samuel Moale, John Moale, William Armistead Moale, and Richard Moale. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 280.
Accession No.: 17,898-4103 MSA S512-5- 4227 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/02/26 4104: William Patterson vs. John Way, Mary Updegraff, William Welsh, Hannah Welsh, Thomas Taylor, Sarah Taylor, James Reynolds, Hannah Reynolds, Abner Cloud, Joseph Cloud, Isaac Pierce, Elizabeth Pierce, Jesse Baily, Mary Baily, Thomas Offett, Amy Offett, Everard Garey, Ann Garey, Samuel Evans, Hannah Evans, Hadly Baldwin, and Abagail Baldwin. BA. Contract to purchase Onions Second Thought, Spanish Oak Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 277.
Accession No.: 17,898-4104 MSA S512-5- 4228 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/04/22 4105: Joshua Porter vs. Joshua Dorsey, Samuel Hobbs, Polly Hobbs, Elias Dorsey, Urith Dorsey, Leavin L. Dorsey, Benjamin Lawrence Dorsey, Nimrod Dorsey, Matilda Dorsey, and Nolin Lucket. BA. Contract to purchase Dorseys Industry, Johns Industry, Marys Victory, Lawrences Pleasants Hills.
Accession No.: 17,898-4105 MSA S512-5- 4229 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/03/14 4106: John Parnham vs. Attorney General. CH. Contract to purchase Chaptico Manor. Plat at 1/38/1/17; also shows Salsbury, Salsbury Manor, Syles Addition, Woods Venture, Woods Meadow, William and Ann, Lapworth Lodge. Accession No.: 17,898-4106-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4230 Location: 1/36/4/
1813/09/08 4107: Humphrey Pierce, John Crawford, and William Mezick vs. Mathew Cannon and Thomas Cannon. SO. Estate of Thomas Cannon - Russells Liberty, Cannons Addition, Rickertons Choice, Medfield, Warwick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 387. Accession No.: 17,898-4107-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4231 Location: 1/36/4/
1787/07/14 4108: James Pattison vs. Richard William Wells. AA. Contract to purchase Evans Purchase, Hunts Mount, Trent. Accession No.: 17,898-4108 MSA S512-5- 4232 Location: 1/36/4/
1805/05/01 4109: Richard Pattison vs. James Rea, Ann Catharine Rea, Peter Rea, John Rea, and William Rea. DO. Contract to purchase lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-4109 MSA S512-5- 4233 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/02/26 4110: Francois F. Perier, Luke Tiernan, Thomas Cheney, and Nicholas Brewer vs. Daniel Decaindry. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey of Courtenays First Addition, slaves Kitty, Harry, and Venus. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 151. Accession No.: 17,898-4110-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4234 Location: 1/36/4/
1807/04/21 4111: Nathan Porter, Pamela Porter, Riston Browning, Ann Browning, William Scott, Frederick Scott, Michael Scott, Priscilla Scott, and Hellen Scott vs. William Stewart, Polly Stewart, and George Scott. AA. Petition to sell Second Addition to Calebs Purchase, Troy, Dorseys Inheritance, Addition to Harbotts Care. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 31.
Accession No.: 17,898-4111-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4235 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/02/14 4112: John Parish vs. Joseph Lee Millard. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 702. Accession No.: 17,898-4112 MSA S512-5- 4236 Location: 1/36/4/
1813/02/24 4113: Henry Payne, Mary Jackson, Ann Barber, Mills Alvey & Co., Valentine Runtzell, Francis Simms, Mary Lansdale, Stephen Cawood, Andrew Agnew, William Hebb, Marshall & Forbes, John B. Russell, and William Mills vs. John S. Grindall, Jonah Grindall, William Grindall, Edward Henry Grindall, George Grindall, Harriett Grindall, and Catherine Grindall. SM. Defraud of Creditors of Josiah B. Grindall - Grindalls Lott, Leonards Lott, Gleanings, Queen Tree. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 628 and 102, p. 339.
Accession No.: 17,898-4113-1/4 MSA S512-5- 4237 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/02/17 4114: William Paca, Thomas Marsh Forman, Anna Maria Chew, and John Beale Bordley vs. Deborah Dorsey. AA. Estate of Henrietta M. Dorsey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-4114-1/6 MSA S512-5- 4238 Location: 1/36/4/
1791/02/10 4115: Elizabeth Prutsman vs. Henry Pitesell. FR. Estate of Henry Pitesell - Resurvey on Smiths Hap. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 310. Accession No.: 17,898-4115-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4239 Location: 1/36/4/
1813/02/24 4116: Jacob Teaner, Elizabeth Teaner, Rezen Porter, Peter Porter, Johnsea Dorsey, Francis B. Sappington, and Joshua Porter vs. Ludwick Wampler, Peter Bale, John Nicodemus, James Porter, John Wampler, and Wesley Shipley Porter. BA. Petition to sell Porters Pleasant Level, Johns Industry, Marys Victory, Porters Treble Purchase, Lawrences Pleasant Valley, Stage. Plat at 1/38/1/17. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-4116-1/7 MSA S512-5- 4240 Location: 1/36/4/
1814/06/30 4117: Levi Pierce vs. William Shipley, Jr., John T. Worthington, Thomas D. Barry, P.L. Tanner, John Price, Richard Williams, Ichabod Jane, John Crooks, Benjamin Barry, Leopold Donsee, John Simonson, Andrew Clopper, John Babler, Randall Moale, and Thomas Williams. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chatsworth, Welshes Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 547.
Accession No.: 17,898-4117-1/3 MSA S512-5- 4241 Location: 1/36/4/
1798/06/13 4118: Joseph Parsons vs. Monica Greenwell. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on Amendment, Grubb Street. Accession No.: 17,898-4118-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4242 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/08/21 4119: Ann E. Plater and John R. Plater vs. William Hebb. SM. Estate of Elizabeth Plater. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 753. Accession No.: 17,898-4119 MSA S512-5- 4243 Location: 1/36/4/
1780/11/11 4120: William Patterson vs. Hugh Ferguson. FR. Contract to purchase Retirement Corrected. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 455 and 18, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-4120 MSA S512-5- 4244 Location: 1/36/4/
1817/08/23 4121: Henry Peters vs. Mary Brensinger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4121 MSA S512-5- 4245 Location: 1/36/4/
1805/04/19 4122: William Price vs. Aquila Brown, Jr., George Grundy, and Joseph Thornburgh. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-4122 MSA S512-5- 4246 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/09/16 4123: William Patterson, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, and Sarah C. O'Donnell vs. James Bond and Margaret Bond. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-4123-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4247 Location: 1/36/4/
1769/05/31 4124: Samuel Peale, Isaac Elton, Jr., James Hill, William Stevenson, and William James vs. Joseph Donaldson, Robert Alexander, John Moore, Cassandra Moore, John Posey, and Elizabeth Posey. AA, BA, CV, KE. Estate of Robert Adair - lots in BC, Coles Addition, Marys Delight, Arabia Petra in BA. Also Majors Choice in AA and CV and Comegys Farm in KE.
Accession No.: 17,898-4124-1/6 MSA S512-5- 4248 Location: 1/36/4/
1806/12/10 4125: Henry Pratt vs. David Yoe, Samuel Yoe, Thomas Yoe, William Yoe, and Elizabeth Yoe. QA. Petition to record deed for Bradford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-4125 MSA S512-5- 4249 Location: 1/36/4/
1809/04/18 4126: William Patterson vs. Isabell Hall, William W. Hall, Sophia Hall, Isabell Hall, John Hall, Edward Hall, and Elizabeth Hall. HA. Contract to purchase Cranberry Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 210. Accession No.: 17,898-4126 MSA S512-5- 4250 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/09/29 4127: Jacob Pfoutz vs. Elizabeth Stein, Jacob Stein, and Elizabeth Stein, Jr. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Small Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 189. Accession No.: 17,898-4127 MSA S512-5- 4251 Location: 1/36/4/
1797/10/31 4128: Isaac Pollock vs. Nathan Levy, Robert Morris, John Harvie, and Margaret Harve. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Monocacy Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 136. Accession No.: 17,898-4128 MSA S512-5- 4252 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/01/31 4129: John H. Pratt vs. Edward Buchanan. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4129 MSA S512-5- 4253 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/09/17 4130: John Plummer vs. Christopher Johnson, Bazil Smith, and Richard Phelps. AA. Contract to purchase Addition to Timber Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 840. Accession No.: 17,898-4130 MSA S512-5- 4254 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/07/29 4131: William Primrose, Sarah Primrose, James J. Hall, and Elizabeth Hall vs. Sophia Primrose, Ann Quimbey, and Ann Quimbey, Jr. KE, QA. Estate of John Quimbey - Poplar Hill in QA. Also lots in Chestertown in KE. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 577. Accession No.: 17,898-4131 MSA S512-5- 4255 Location: 1/36/4/
1812/02/25 4132: Mark Pringle vs. Thomas Moale, Robert N. Moale, Samuel Moale, Randle H. Moale, Elizabeth Curson, Rebecca Russell, William McMechen, George Winchester, John Moale, William A. Moale, Richard H. Moale, and Ellen Moale. BA. Contract to purchase Upton Court, Davids Fancy.
Accession No.: 17,898-4132 MSA S512-5- 4256 Location: 1/36/4/
1817/12/10 4133: Thomas Pennington vs. Frederick Boyer and Rebecca Money. KE. Estate of Benjamin Money. Accession No.: 17,898-4133 MSA S512-5- 4257 Location: 1/36/4/
1807/03/02 4134: Nathaniel Pendleton vs. Isachar Scholfield, Mahlon Scholfield, Andrew Scholfield, Richard Tasker Lowndes, Thomas Bowie, William A. Washington, Charlotte Fitzhugh, McCarty Fitzhugh, and Henry Lee. PG. Contract to purchase Adelphi Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-4134 MSA S512-5- 4258 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/07/27 4135: John Plummer and Ann Plummer vs. Edward Diggs and Elizabeth Smith. PG. Estate of Edward Diggs. Accession No.: 17,898-4135 MSA S512-5- 4259 Location: 1/36/4/
1808/12/23 4136: Joshua Prideaux, Zadock Purnell, and Littleton Robins, Sr. vs. Henry Parker, Walter L. Parker, Polly Parker, Ann Parker, Mary Ann Parker, William S. Parker, James Lowery, and Rebecca Lowery. WO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 52.
Accession No.: 17,898-4136 MSA S512-5- 4260 Location: 1/36/4/
1784/12/27 4137: James Pattison vs. Thomas Smith. AA. Contract to purchase slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-4137-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4261 Location: 1/36/4/
1804/12/24 4138: Charles Frazier vs. Samuel Parsons. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Centreville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-4138 MSA S512-5- 4262 Location: 1/36/4/
1815/06/19 4139: Hezekiah Price and Robert Watson vs. John Simpson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4139 MSA S512-5- 4263 Location: 1/36/4/
1810/10/13 4140: William H. Pleasants. AA, MO. Petition to sell Brookes Addition in AA and MO. Also Dickersons Delight in MO and Hammond Geist in AA. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-4140 MSA S512-5- 4264 Location: 1/36/4/
1818/01/08 4141: James Pitcher and Sarah Pitcher vs. Thomas Benson. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bucks Luck, Andover. Accession No.: 17,898-4141 MSA S512-5- 4265 Location: 1/36/4/
1791/09/07 4142: Joseph Pierpoint and Amos Pierpoint vs. Adam Ground. BA. Contract to purchase Cannons Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4142 MSA S512-5- 4266 Location: 1/36/4/
1799/12/21 4143: Edward Pigott vs. John Mason, James John Rouseau Stedman, Robert Montgomery, and Marianne Montgomery. MO. Estate of Robert Pigott. Accession No.: 17,898-4143 MSA S512-5- 4267 Location: 1/36/4/
1790/01/08 4144: John Page vs. William Hopper, James Kent, Philip Feddeman, and Henry Downes. KE. Insolvent estates of Hopper and Kent. Accession No.: 17,898-4144-1/2 MSA S512-5- 4268 Location: 1/36/4/
1785/11/11 4145: Martin Preston vs. Nathaniel West. HA. Validity of a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-4145 MSA S512-5- 4269 Location: 1/36/4/
1796/10/01 4146: Lewis Pascault, George Roberts, Aquilla Brown, and Conrad Eiseler vs. John Mickle, John Hillen, Joseph Townsend, John Brown, Joseph Byas, William Tremble, and John Coulter. BA. Injunction against regarding Baltimore and Liberty Sts. in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4146 MSA S512-5- 4270 Location: 1/36/4/
1811/03/25 4147: William Patterson vs. Joseph Spear, William Spear, Robert Spear, and Mary Boyd Spear. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-4147 MSA S512-5- 4271 Location: 1/36/4/
1816/01/25 4148: John Petry and Christian Smith vs. Jacob Binkley, Ann Cressenger, George Cressenger, Sarah Shuart, Zachariah Shuart, Elizabeth Stallsmith, John Stallsmith, Mary Shugert, William Shugert, Emily Binkley, George Binkley, and Ferdinand Binkley. WA. Estate of George Binkley - lot in Hagerstown.
Accession No.: 17,898-4148 MSA S512-6- 4272 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/01/21 4149: Jonathan Pinkney and Horatio G. Munroe vs. John B. Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Sam and Jim. Accession No.: 17,898-4149 MSA S512-6- 4273 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/07/07 4150: Jeremiah Warder, Jeremiah Parker, and Richard Parker vs. John Page, Henry Page, Milcah Page, James Page, Mary Page, and Martha Page. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Pages Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-4150-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4274 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/11 4151: Joseph Smith vs. Thomas Tillard. AA. Contract to serve as legal representative. Accession No.: 17,898-4151-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4275 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/05/03 4152: Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn vs. Henry Vansickle and Thomas Hall. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4152-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4276 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/07/04 4153: Oliver Pollock vs. Richard B. Mitchell. BA. Estate of Winifred Ann Deady Pollock. Accession No.: 17,898-4153 MSA S512-6- 4277 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/10/20 4154: Charles Pumphrey vs. George Ashpaw. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Gosnells Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4154 MSA S512-6- 4278 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/12/16 4155: William Perry and James Hinderman vs. Conrad Theodore Wedirstrandt. QA. Estate of Sarah Blake. Accession No.: 17,898-4155 MSA S512-6- 4279 Location: 1/37/1/
1734/01/20 4156: Gabriel Parker vs. John Mackall. CV. Estate of George Parker. Recorded (Chancery Record) 7, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4156 MSA S512-6- 4280 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/07/10 4157: Humphrey Pierce vs. John Young, William Young, Theophilus T. Dougharty, Hannah Dougharty, and Samuel Moale. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4157 MSA S512-6- 4281 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/01/07 4158: Ninian Pinkney and Amelia Pinkney vs. William Grason, Thomas Grason, and Ann Grason. CA. Petition to sell Arby Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-4158 MSA S512-6- 4282 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/08/18 4159: Thomas Perry, Sr. vs. Thomas Contee. CH. Contract to purchase Loon Cheese, Williams Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-4159 MSA S512-6- 4283 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/06/29 4160: Philip C. Pendleton and David Hunter. WA. Estate of Philip Pendleton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-4160 MSA S512-6- 4284 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/05/08 4161: John Peterson vs. Samuel Yoner and William Jenkins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-4161 MSA S512-6- 4285 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/09/06 4162: George Peacock and Thomas Peacock vs. William Peacock. KE, QA. Estate of Richard Peacock - Comegys Resurvey, Goose Haven in KE. Also London Bridge Resurveyed in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-4162 MSA S512-6- 4286 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/06/02 4164: Ebenezer Perkins vs. Samuel Turbutt Wright. QA. Petition to enforce a decree. Accession No.: 17,898-4164 MSA S512-6- 4287 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/12/28 4165: Mark Pringle vs. Elizabeth Meriken. BA. Petition to partition Cromwells Deer Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-4165 MSA S512-6- 4288 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/12/20 4166: Josiah Pearce vs. Samuel Hobbs, Polly Hobbs, Elias Dorsey, Urith Dorsey, Leaven L. Dorsey, Benjamin L. Dorsey, Nimrod Dorsey, Matilda Dorsey, Nolin Luckett, and Johnsa Dorsey. BA. Contract to purchase Lawrences Pleasant Valleys. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 212.
Accession No.: 17,898-4166 MSA S512-6- 4289 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/12/08 4167: Benjamin Preston vs. James Wetherall. HA. Petition to release mortgage on Scotts Addition, Scotts Range, Scotts Spit, Prestons Choice. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 592. Accession No.: 17,898-4167-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4290 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/03/27 4168: William Potter vs. John Dillen, Mack Dillen, Anna Dillen, and Mary Dillen. CA. Estate of Vinson Dillen - Lloyds Grove, Potters Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 583. Accession No.: 17,898-4168 MSA S512-6- 4291 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/27 4169: John C. Pawson vs. William S. Pawson, Horatio Nelson Berry, and Mary P. Roberts. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 224. Accession No.: 17,898-4169 MSA S512-6- 4292 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/09/09 4170: Joshua Prideaux and Levin Pollitt vs. Molly White Collier. WO. Estate of Layfield Collier - Batchellors Hall, Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 530. Accession No.: 17,898-4170-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4293 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/05/10 4171: Josias Pennington vs. Benjamin Griffith. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 31, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4171 MSA S512-6- 4294 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/11/12 4172: James Pearce vs. Joseph Thompson, Anne Thompson, Andrew H. Voorhees, Samuel Voorhees, Isaac Voorhees, and John Ireland. CE, KE, QA. Estate of John Voorhees - lot in Georgetown in KE. Also Warmust, Addition in CE and John and Rachels Choice in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 625.
Accession No.: 17,898-4172-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4295 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/02/16 4173: Jonathan Pinkney, John Hurst, Gamaliel Taylor, William Alexander, and Edward Hall vs. Patty Cowman, Joseph Cowman, and John Cowman. AA. Estate of Joseph Cowman - Larkins Hills, Hazle Nut Ridge, Lloyds Triangle, Beaverdam Neck, Sparrows Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 230.
Accession No.: 17,898-4173-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4296 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/04/23 4174: James Pearce, John Ireland, John Lambert Wilmer, and Robert Buchanan vs. Charles Wallace and John Muir. AA. Contract to pay debts. Accession No.: 17,898-4174-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4297 Location: 1/37/1/
1783/07/25 4175: Isaac Perkins vs. Nathan Samuel Turbutt Wright. QA. Contract to purchase Wrights Hope, Wrights Forrest in QA and DE. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-4175-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4298 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/14 4176: Catherine Pennington vs. William Barnaby. CE. Defraud of creditors of William Pennington - lots in Fredericktown. Accession No.: 17,898-4176 MSA S512-6- 4299 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/12/20 4177: Daniel Patrick, William Patrick, Patrick Waters, Jr., and Matilda Waters vs. Major Selby. WO. Petition to sell Poplar Hill, Exon Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-4177 MSA S512-6- 4300 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/12/15 4178: Dennis Poole vs. Peregrine Poole. FR. Appointment of trustee for Peregrine Poole. Accession No.: 17,898-4178-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4301 Location: 1/37/1/
1833/04/19 4179: John Polk, Jeremiah F. Kinney, and Meshack Elliott vs. John Neal. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Griffiths Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-4179 MSA S512-6- 4302 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/10/15 4180: Richard Ponsonby and Leonard Marbury Deakins vs. State of Maryland. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Yarrow Head, Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4180 MSA S512-6- 4303 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/07/07 4181: Robert Wilson vs. Samuel Philips and Mary Philips. DO. Estate of William Steele - Ragged Point. Accession No.: 17,898-4181 MSA S512-6- 4304 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/02/07 4182: Peter Victor Pommiere, Francis Landais, and Jeanne Danicourt vs. Francis Faugere and Francis Duchemin. BA. Contract to purchase Maidens Dairy, Cromwell Range. Accession No.: 17,898-4182 MSA S512-6- 4305 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/08/15 4183: Allen Quynn vs. James Ringold and Anne Roberts. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4183 MSA S512-6- 4306 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/02/04 4184: Thomas Quay vs. John McEldery, Hugh McEldery, Basil D. Mulliken, Eliza Mulliken, George Douglas, Mary Douglas, James McEldery, Edward McEldery, Henry McEldery, Ann McEldery, and Jane McEldery. BA. Title to lot in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-4184 MSA S512-6- 4307 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/04/14 4185: John Quynn vs. John Kilty. AA. Validity of deed for Bloomfield. Accession No.: 17,898-4185 MSA S512-6- 4308 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/07/21 4186: William Quinton and Sarah Quinton vs. James Houston, Jr. WO. Appointment of trustee for Houston. Accession No.: 17,898-4186-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4309 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/01/15 4188: Samuel Richardson, Edward Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Christiana Richardson, John Richardson, Mary Richardson, William Richardson, Isaac Richardson, and Ann Richardson vs. Benjamin Cornell. FR. Petition to re-record a land document. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 449.
Accession No.: 17,898-4188 MSA S512-6- 4310 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/03/13 4189: Benjamin Ray, Jr. vs. Upton Beall and Margaret Beall. PG. Estate of Brooke Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-4189-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4311 Location: 1/37/1/
1822/07/06 4190: Thomas Ringgold vs. John Maund, James Maund, John T. Mason, Ricketts Mason, and Newton Mason. VA. Contract to purchase Pine Swamp. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-4190-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4312 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/11/10 4191: James Redman vs. Joanna Casanare, Peter Casanare, and Alexander Catlett. MO. Contract to purchase Pleasant Fields, Left Jackett, Lost Inkholder, Resurvey on Pleasant Valley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 163. Accession No.: 17,898-4191 MSA S512-6- 4313 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/04/29 4192: Joshua Richardson, William Richardson, Nathaniel Richardson, Rebecca Richardson, and Ann Richardson vs. Sophia Hart. CE. Estate of Daniel Richardson. Accession No.: 17,898-4192 MSA S512-6- 4314 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/02/24 4193: Henry P. Ruff vs. heirs of Peter Gerard. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 888 and 106, p. 260. Accession No.: 17,898-4193 MSA S512-6- 4315 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/03/27 4194: Emelie Rey and Aurore Rey vs. John B. Jauffret, Francis Delaporte, and Peter H. Terme. BA. Injunction against sale of lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 140 and 100, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4194-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4316 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/29 4195: Arthur Rich vs. William Badley. DO. Petition to record deed for Bradleys Intention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-4195 MSA S512-6- 4317 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/07/05 4196: Rebecca Ridgely vs. William McLaughlin. AA. Contract to purchase White Wine and Claret. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 805. Accession No.: 17,898-4196 MSA S512-6- 4318 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/03/21 4197: David Ross and Richard Cramphin vs. Francis C. Dyer. PG. Petition to resume abated suit. Accession No.: 17,898-4197 MSA S512-6- 4319 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/12 4198: William Robinson vs. Henry Hopkins, Abraham Baker, Pricilla Baker, Samuel Harris, and Rachel Hopkins. BA. Petition to record deed for Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-4198 MSA S512-6- 4320 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/26 4199: Charles Ridgely and Pricilla Ridgely vs. William Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, Rebecca Ridgely, William Buchanan, Eleana Dorsey, and Mary Pue. AA. Petition to divide Proceeds from Curtis Creek Furnance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-4199-1/9 MSA S512-6- 4321 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/03/13 4200: John Ramsbergh, Rohn Rentch, Peter Rentch, Joseph Rentch, David Rentch, Jacob Grumback, Catherine Grumback, John Barstlock, Esther Barstlock, Susanna Rentch, Elizabeth Rentch, Jacob Cellers, Elizabeth Cellers, Jonas Hogmire, Susannah Hogmire, John Wolgemude, Elizabeth Wolgemude, Daniel Miller, Catherine Miller, Jacob Keplinger, Henry Snider, Catherine Snider, John Rohr, and Elizabeth Rohr vs. heirs of John Vandel Sturrum. FR. Petition to correct deed for Resurvey on Turkey Range. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 67 and 110, p. 145.
Accession No.: 17,898-4200 MSA S512-6- 4322 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/09/07 4201: Nicholas Rogers vs. John E. Howard. BA. Title to lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 369. Accession No.: 17,898-4201-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4323 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/01/06 4202: William Ridgely of John vs. Hannah West. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Yates Inheritance, Johns Look Out, Intheopia. Accession No.: 17,898-4202 MSA S512-6- 4324 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/12/27 4203: Charles Ridgely of William vs. William McLaughlin. AA. Contract to purchase White Wine and Claret. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-4203 MSA S512-6- 4325 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/01/03 4204: William Robertson vs. Archibald Orme of Thomas, Benjamin Spyker, Samuel Boone, and Benjamin Cox. MO. Title to Knaves Disappointment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-4204 MSA S512-6- 4326 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/07/09 4205: Benjamin Corrick Redgate and Elizabeth Redgate vs. Richard Ridgely. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 544. Accession No.: 17,898-4205 MSA S512-6- 4327 Location: 1/37/1/
1796 4206: Charles Carnan Ridgely and Attorney General vs. Philip Rodgers and James Webster. BA. Contract to purchase Buckingham Revised. Plat of Lingan. Accession No.: 17,898-4206 MSA S512-6- 4328 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/07/09 4207: Robert Morris, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Robert Christie, John Forbes, and Joseph Gray vs. Elizabeth Redgate. BA, CH. Esatte of Thomas How Redgate - lots in BC, lots in Port Tobacco. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 123. Accession No.: 17,898-4207-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4329 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/11/09 4208: John B. Russell vs. Thomas Thompson, John R. Plater, George Plater, and Anne Eliza Plater. SM. Estate of George Plater - Three Corners. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 163. Accession No.: 17,898-4208 MSA S512-6- 4330 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/12 4209: James Ryan vs. William Goodwin, William Campbell, John Russell, Thomas Russell, and Rebecca Russell. BA. Estate of Thomas Russell - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4209 MSA S512-6- 4331 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/03/16 4210: Eliza Robinson and Benjamin Robinson vs. Richard Linthicum, Ann Linthicum, Thomas Robinson, James Robinson, and Charles Robinson. AA. Petition to sell Wheelers Lot, Grays Increase, Muskrat Harbor, Robinsons Range, Necessity, Graves End, Martins Nest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 84.
Accession No.: 17,898-4210 MSA S512-6- 4332 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/02/03 4211: John Ramsbergh of George vs. heirs of Adam Keplinger. FR. Petition to record a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-4211 MSA S512-6- 4333 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/08/16 4212: David Ross and William Stewart vs. Archibald Ross. PG. Appointment of trustee for Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4212 MSA S512-6- 4334 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/17 4213: James Price Ringgold vs. Elizabeth Price. QA. Appointment of trustee for Price. Accession No.: 17,898-4213 MSA S512-6- 4335 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/12/29 4214: Edward Reynolds vs. James Dorsey. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4214 MSA S512-6- 4336 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/09/24 4215: Henry Reynolds vs. Joseph Polk. CE. Appointment of trustee for Polk. Accession No.: 17,898-4215 MSA S512-6- 4337 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/10/02 4216: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Randolph B. Latimer, John Hatton, and Samuel Worthington. BA. Contract to purchase Range, Forrest, Bevans Adventure, Better Improved, Ebenezers Park, Metes Affinity. Plat; also shows Forberry Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-4216 MSA S512-6- 4338 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/07/11 4217: Thomas Rutland vs. James Gordon Heron. AA. Injunction execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4217 MSA S512-6- 4339 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/23 4218: Elizabeth Rapp vs. Catherine Yeiser, Nicholas Brice, and John Borland. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 372. Accession No.: 17,898-4218-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4340 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/12/11 4219: Leah Riggen vs. Teague Riggen. SO. Appointment of trustee for Teague Riggen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 15, pp. 357, 425. Accession No.: 17,898-4219 MSA S512-6- 4341 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/06/24 4220: James Robins vs. Edward Henry. WO. Estate of Littleton Robins - Assoteague Fields. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-4220 MSA S512-6- 4342 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/15 4221: Westal Ridgely vs. Jacob Ridgely, Philip Rop, and William Murdock Beall. FR. Title to Ridgelys Rest Resurveyed The Second Time. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 664. Accession No.: 17,898-4221 MSA S512-6- 4343 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/02/20 4222: Absalom Ridgely and Sarah Woodfield vs. George W. Higgins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Duvalls Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-4222 MSA S512-6- 4344 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/08/02 4223: Jacob Ripley vs. Philip Steele. FR. Title to Forrest Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4223 MSA S512-6- 4345 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/10/05 4224: James Roach vs. John Richardson, Ruth Richardson, and Joseph Richardson. CE. Contract to purchase North East Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 230. Accession No.: 17,898-4224 MSA S512-6- 4346 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/08/15 4225: Delilah Randall, Zedikiah Snow, Eliza Snow, Delilah Lee, Eliza Lee, John Lee, Ann Lee, Thomas Lee, Henry Lee, George Lee, Freeman Snow, and Eleanor Snow vs. George Chesroe. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 114 and 106, p. 621.
Accession No.: 17,898-4225 MSA S512-6- 4347 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/11/12 4226: Jesse Ray vs. Sarah Hyde, Sarah Clements, and Joseph Green. AA. Trust estate of Thomas Hyde. Accession No.: 17,898-4226-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4348 Location: 1/37/1/
1790 4227: Paul Richards vs. Charles Wallace, John Muir, and Francis Charlton. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-4227 MSA S512-6- 4349 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/08/29 4228: Daniel Rhorer, Daniel Bragonier, and Barbara Bragonier vs. Christian Rhorer, Samuel Rhorer, Jacob Troxell, and Maria Troxell. WA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-4228 MSA S512-6- 4350 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/07/30 4229: Richard Rode vs. Martico Merryman and William Russell. BA. Petition to record deed for Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 261. Accession No.: 17,898-4229 MSA S512-6- 4351 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/12 4230: Israel Reynolds, John Mifflin, Hannah Cather, and James McCollough vs. Jehocickim Brickley, John Brickley, Mary Brickley, Rebecca Brickley, and Ann Brickley. CE. Petition to sell Heidleburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 448 and 46, p. 455. Accession No.: 17,898-4230-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4352 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/02/19 4231: Benjamin Raner vs. Rezin Hammond, Andrew Hammond, William Hammond, John W. Hammond, Louisa Hammond, Julia A. Hammond, Nicholas Hammond, Nicholas Swormsted, and Nancy Swormsted. AA. Estate of Rezin Hammond - Mount Vill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 16.
Accession No.: 17,898-4231 MSA S512-6- 4353 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/07/05 4232: William Ridgely vs. William McLaughlin. AA. Contract to purchase White Wine and Claret. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 697. Accession No.: 17,898-4232 MSA S512-6- 4354 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/04/04 4233: Rebecca Russell vs. Richard Curson, Elizabeth Curson, and Samuel Vincent. BA. Appointment of trustee for Richard Curson - lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 263. Accession No.: 17,898-4233-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4355 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/01/29 4234: Mary Ringgold, James Ringgold, Thomas Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, John Ringgold, Samuel Ringgold, and Elizabeth Ringgold vs. Samuel Ringgold and Tench Ringgold. BA. Trust estate of Thomas Ringgold. Accession No.: 17,898-4234-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4356 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/12/25 4235: Philip Reid vs. Morgan Brown, Jr. KE. Estate of Morgan Brown, Sr. Recorded (Chancery Report) 67, p. 901. Accession No.: 17,898-4235-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4357 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/12/28 4236: James Ramsay vs. Nathaniel Thompson. BA. Contract to build schooner Donegal. Accession No.: 17,898-4236-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4358 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/12 4237: Philip Reading, Kitty Reading, Elisa Reading, Peterson Reading, and Mary Reading vs. William H. Ward. BA. Title to lot in Fells Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 379. Accession No.: 17,898-4237 MSA S512-6- 4359 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/06/19 4238: James Ramsay and Owen Dorsey vs. John Robb. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-4238 MSA S512-6- 4360 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/11/02 4239: Isaac Richardson vs. Nicholas Holtz, Mary Whitmore, Elizabeth Whitmore, Michael Whitmore, Catherine Whitmore, George Whitmore, Nicholas Whitmore, Suzanne Whitmore, and Margaret Whitmore. FR. Title to lot near Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 362 and 53, p. 468.
Accession No.: 17,898-4239 MSA S512-6- 4361 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/06/20 4240: Rachel Reid vs. Henry C. Gaither. MO. Estate of Ann Gaither. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-4240 MSA S512-6- 4362 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/12/10 4241: Absalom Ridgely vs. Joseph Leonard. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-4241 MSA S512-6- 4363 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/04/20 4242: John Riddle vs. Robert L. Freeland and Cumberland Dugan. PG. Title to Freelands Adventure. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 281. Accession No.: 17,898-4242 MSA S512-6- 4364 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/02 4243: Charles Ridgely of Hampton and Priscilla Ridgely vs. Edward Hill Dorsey, William Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, Eleanor Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Pricilla Dorsey, Caroline Dorsey, Hills Dorsey, and Hammond Dorsey. AA. Estate of Caleb Dorsey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 386.
Accession No.: 17,898-4243-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4365 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/02/20 4244: Christopher Richmond vs. Eleanor Davidson, William Davidson, Margaret Davidson, Eleanor Davidson, Mary Davidson, and Samuel Davidson. AL, PG. Title to Military Lots 2740-2743 in AL and lots in Carrollsburg in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 16. Accession No.: 17,898-4244 MSA S512-6- 4366 Location: 1/37/1/
1826/12/27 4245: Elizabeth Rial vs. Absalom Rial. BA. Contract to share profits of a tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-4245-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4367 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/11/20 4246: Nicholas O. Ridgely vs. Elizabeth Chenowith, Mary Chenowith, Thomas E. Chenowith, Cloe Chenowith, George A. Kellenberger, Michael Wall, Ruth Wall, Alexander Coulter, Rebecca Coulter, and Elizabeth Griffith. FR. Title to Groves Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 320 and 101, p. 654.
Accession No.: 17,898-4246-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4368 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/12/26 4247: John Roberts. FR. Insolvent estate of Roberts. Accession No.: 17,898-4247 MSA S512-6- 4369 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/12/03 4248: DeNih Ryelandt and G.M. Berenbrock vs. Francis Coopman. BA. Defraud of creditors of Coopman. Accession No.: 17,898-4248 MSA S512-6- 4370 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/02/20 4249: Rebecca Rasin vs. William R. Stuart, Mary P. Stuart, Rebecca R. Stuart, and Anna Maria Stuart. KE. Title to Cammelsworthmore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 653 and 102, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-4249 MSA S512-6- 4371 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/14 4250: Tobias Rudolph and James Arrants vs. Alethia Cosden and Sophia Cosden. CE. Estate of Jeremiah Cosden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 640. Accession No.: 17,898-4250 MSA S512-6- 4372 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/04/05 4251: Arthur Rich vs. Amey Delahay, John Delahay, Mahala Delahay, Hester Ann Delahay, Robert Delahay, Moses Delahay, Jeremiah Coulbourne, and Ann Coulbourne. DO. Estate of Moses Delahay. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-4251-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4373 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/09/19 4252: Judith C. Riddle, Alexander H. Riddle, Kenely Owen, Agnes Owen, Mary F. Riddle, and Robert Riddle vs. Nicholas Sluby and Samuel Moale. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 441 and 85, p. 438. Accession No.: 17,898-4252 MSA S512-6- 4374 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/08/25 4253: Martin Rizer Matthias and Henry Winow vs. John Habletzell, Jacob Habletzell, George Habletzell, Henry Habletzell, William Habletzell, and Samuel Habletzell. AL. Title to lot in Cumberland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 25. Accession No.: 17,898-4253 MSA S512-6- 4375 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/05/25 4254: Josias Rutter and Mary Rutter vs. Philip Rutter, Thomas G. Rutter, John Rutter, Josias Rutter, Francis Rutter, and Elizabeth Rutter. BA. Estate of Thomas Rutter - Parishs Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-4254 MSA S512-6- 4376 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/09/30 4255: John T. Risteau vs. William Lux, Ann Risteau, and Rebecca R. Risteau. BA. Petition to sell Crosses Chance, Wheelers Beginning, Gays Good Fellowship. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 771. Accession No.: 17,898-4255-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4377 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/27 4256: Edward Reynolds vs. John B. Howard and Samuel Paxton. BA. Insolvent estate of Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-4256 MSA S512-6- 4378 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/07/24 4257: Nicholas G. Ridgely vs. James Carey. BA. Estate of Francis McKenna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 125. Accession No.: 17,898-4257-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4379 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/06/30 4258: Hugh Rogers vs. George Devinney, Thomas Carroll, Dorchas Carroll, and Catherine Hammond. CE. Title to Mount Joy. Accession No.: 17,898-4258 MSA S512-6- 4380 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/11/19 4259: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. John T. Young and Jacob Young. BA. Defraud of creditors of defendants - Little Mouth, Youngs Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-4259 MSA S512-6- 4381 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/07/05 4260: William Russell vs. Attorney General. AA. Claims for interest in Principio Co. Accession No.: 17,898-4260 MSA S512-6- 4382 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/05/23 4261: Charles Reynolds vs. Jeremiah Orme. MO. Contract to sell Friendship Inlarged, slaves Nell, Jacob, and Ned. Accession No.: 17,898-4261 MSA S512-6- 4383 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/01/19 4262: William Russell vs. Belt Norwood and Elijah Gaither. AA. Petition to record mortgage on slaves Doll, Bolt, and Jacob. Accession No.: 17,898-4262 MSA S512-6- 4384 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/11/29 4263: Lewis Reppert vs. Francis Vinetree, William McCarter, and William Merryman. BA. Petition to sell Ridgelys Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-4263 MSA S512-6- 4385 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/07/28 4264: Peter Rea vs. Rebecca Jones. DO. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4264 MSA S512-6- 4386 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/08/21 4265: Thomas Bale Randle vs. John Lee. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4265 MSA S512-6- 4387 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/03/14 4266: Anne Russell vs. Nathaniel Ramsay and Jeremiah Baker. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Clayfall. Accession No.: 17,898-4266 MSA S512-6- 4388 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/07/01 4267: John Rogers, Abraham Dyson, Samuel Dyson, Richard Cooke, Edmund Lardner, Edward Gale, and Thomas Portues vs. Thomas Lane. AA. Defraud of creditors of Gabriel Lane and Benjamin Lane - Brousley Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-4267 MSA S512-6- 4389 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/31 4268: Charles Robinson vs. William Emmitt. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Carrollsburg. Accession No.: 17,898-4268 MSA S512-6- 4390 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/12/20 4269: Benjamin Rumsey vs. John Crouch. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Jones Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-4269 MSA S512-6- 4391 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/09/11 4270: John Rogers vs. Richard Dallam and Arthur McCann. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Friendship Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 18, p. 401. Accession No.: 17,898-4270-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4392 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/09 4271: John Roberts vs. Anne Clarke, Susan Clarke, and Lydia Clarke. TA. Contract to purchase Salon. Accession No.: 17,898-4271 MSA S512-6- 4393 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/08/19 4272: Samuel Ridout and Horatio Ridout vs. William Steuart. AL, FR, MO, WA. Estates of John Ridout and Dr. David Ross - Harts Fields, Jennings Disappointment, White Marsh, White Oak Point, Big Bottom, Lawrence, Hunt the Hare, Cattail Spring, Jennings Loss, Dry Levels, Muddy Lick, Cresaps Kindness in AL. Also Mackeys Luck, Resurvey of Learning, Puzzle in FR and Jerico Hills in MO. Also Stoney Quary, Flaggy Meadows in WA.
Accession No.: 17,898-4272 MSA S512-6- 4394 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/04/30 4273: Ephraim Robinson, Peter Forney, and Jacob Forney vs. Samuel Allen, Mary Allen, James Allen, and John Allen. BA. Estate of James Allen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-4273 MSA S512-6- 4395 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/10/14 4274: William Rogers and Isaac Freeman vs. James Thomas Hynson. KE. Estate of Thomas Hynson - Castle Casey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-4274-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4396 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/03/27 4275: Richard Ridgely vs. Baruch Duckett, Nathan Soper, and Alexander Duvall. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Recovery, Jeremiah and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-4275 MSA S512-6- 4397 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/27 4276: Sarah Rolph, John Rolph, Ann Rolph, Thomas Rolph, O'Neil Rolph, Harriet V. Rolph, and John Rolph vs. Noah Massey and Rebecca Massey. QA. Injunction against removal of timber from Harris Ramble, Burlinghams Fortune, Rolphs Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-4276 MSA S512-6- 4398 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/08/30 4277: George Riley and Sarah Riley vs. William Worthington, Ann Worthington, Leonard Davis, Mary Davis, Joseph W. Davis, William R. Davis, Leonard G. Davis, Thomas W. Davis, Samuel G. Davis, Nancy W. Davis, Clementine Davis, and Aquilla Davis. MO. Estate of Joseph Wilson - Two Brothers, Valentines Garden, Discontent, Advantage, slaves Garmoth, Peter, Caesar, Sarah, Luce, Darke, Flora, Sook, Jude, Sango, Tene, Anthony, Pegg, Cato, Jacob, Beck, Bash, Fuller, George, Clem, Jo, Rachael, Feebe, Hannah, Doll, Jim, Page, Nell, Yarrow, Elick, Mago, Isaac, and Jim.
Accession No.: 17,898-4277-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4399 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/06/28 4278: Bank of Washington, Stephen West, and William Morgan vs. Ambrose Updegraff and Charles S. Ridgely. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Talbots Resolution Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4278-1/8 MSA S512-6- 4400 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/11/16 4279: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Deborah Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Amos Dorsey, and Mary Ann Dorsey. AA. Title to Discovery, Dorseys Lane, Doohoragan Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-4279 MSA S512-6- 4401 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/05 4280: Charles Ridgely of Hampton, Robert North Carnan, William Hawkins, George Macklefresh, and Robert Miller vs. Samuel J. Donaldson, Sarah Carnan, Sr., Eliza Hulsa Carnan, and Sarah Carnan, Jr. BA. Estate of Charles Carnan. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 731.
Accession No.: 17,898-4280-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4402 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/07/20 4281: Owen McDermott Roe vs. Patrick McDermott Roe, Gustavus Scott, William Thornton, and Alexander White. PG. Title to lot in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-4281-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4403 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/29 4282: John Robertson vs. Catherine Elgin, Mary Elgin, Anne Elgin, and William Elgin. CH. Estate of Robert Elgin. Accession No.: 17,898-4282 MSA S512-6- 4404 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/11 4283: Samuel Ringgold and Tench Ringgold vs. Richard S. Thomas. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hopewell, Dallington, Triangle. recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-4283 MSA S512-6- 4405 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/11/20 4284: Gassaway Rawlings, Richard A. Contee, and John Contee vs. Joseph Cowman and Thomas Tongue. MO. Title to Snowdens Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-4284 MSA S512-6- 4406 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/12/22 4285: James Ray vs. John Walter Fletcher, Caesar Otway, Joseph Riddle, and William M. Duncanson. PG. Injunctions against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4285 MSA S512-6- 4407 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/12/17 4286: Joseph Robinson vs. Thomas Ayres, Sr. and William Robinson. HA. Title to Whitakers Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-4286 MSA S512-6- 4408 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/03/10 4287: Samuel Ringgold vs. Margaret Ringgold, Anne E. Griffith, and Charles Griffith. QA. Estate of John Ringgold. Accession No.: 17,898-4287 MSA S512-6- 4409 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/10/16 4288: Rebecca Rister vs. John Worthington, William Worthington, Abraham Worthington, Benjamin Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, James Brundige, Rebecca Brundige, Isaac Amos, Catherine Amos, Henry Wilson, and Sarah Wilson. BA. Estate of George Rider. Accession No.: 17,898-4288 MSA S512-6- 4410 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/04/22 4289: Elizabeth Rowe, Mary McCreery, Archibald McCreery, and John Erwine vs. Alexander Rigdon. HA. Estate of Robert McCreery. Accession No.: 17,898-4289 MSA S512-6- 4411 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/01/11 4290: Charles Ridgely of William and Ruth Ridgely vs. Edward Norwood. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from and cultivation of United Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-4290 MSA S512-6- 4412 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/02/26 4291: James Ryan and Charles Carnan vs. William Goodwin. BA. Estate of Charles Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-4291 MSA S512-6- 4413 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/12/30 4292: John Ringland vs. Bigger Head. FR. Title to Boxs Search, Marys Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-4292 MSA S512-6- 4414 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/07/11 4293: Mary Ringgold, James Ringgold, Thomas Ringgold, James Gitting, Benjamin Ringgold, Samuel Ringgold, and Elizabeth Ringgold vs. Samuel Ringgold and Tench Ringgold. WA. Estate of Thomas Ringgold. Accession No.: 17,898-4293-1/20 MSA S512-6- 4415 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/11/03 4294: William Rose vs. Henry Nicholls. TA. Contract to lease Long Acre. Accession No.: 17,898-4294 MSA S512-6- 4416 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/03/29 4295: Philip Rogers vs. Joshua Earp. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Yates Contrivance. Accession No.: 17,898-4295 MSA S512-6- 4417 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/02/17 4295A: William Renner vs. Philip Hufford. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4295A MSA S512-6- 4418 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/07/30 4295B: Joseph Renshaw vs. Margaret Hudson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Sophias Garden Regulated. Accession No.: 17,898-4295B MSA S512-6- 4419 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/08/30 4295C: Henry Reese vs. Thomas Meeteer, Samuel Meeteer, John Armstrong, and George Hass. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4295C MSA S512-6- 4420 Location: 1/37/1/
1785/12/12 4296: William Ringgold and Charlotte Ringgold vs. William Spencer, Abraham Falconar, and Isaac Spencer. QA. Estate of Isaac Spencer. Accession No.: 17,898-4296 MSA S512-6- 4421 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/10/27 4297: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Charles Carnan and Thomas B. Randall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Level Union, Addition to Jeporady, Jeporady. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-4297-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4422 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/07/02 4298: James Rea, Ann Catherine Rea, and Peter Rea vs. Henry Ennalls and John Scott. DO. Title to Ennalls Out Range. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-4298 MSA S512-6- 4423 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/07/23 4299: James Riggs vs. Samuel Brown. AA. Estate of James Riggs. Accession No.: 17,898-4299 MSA S512-6- 4424 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/12/23 4300: Israel Reynolds, Hugh Beard, Ezekiel Cook, and Israel White vs. Rebecca White, Jesse White, and Lewis White. CE. Petition to sell lots in Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Records) 77, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-4300-1/8 MSA S512-6- 4425 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/08/20 4301: John Rawlings, Mary Rawlings, and John Knight vs. William Knight. CE. Contract to purchase Knights Fields, Tanners Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4301 MSA S512-6- 4426 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/07/08 4302: James R. Riddle vs. Elizabeth Langly, Amelia Langly, Sophia Langly, and Lydia Langly. CH. Estate of John Langly. Accession No.: 17,898-4302-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4427 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/07/01 4303: Elizabeth Redgate vs. Ann Flanagan, Samuel Flanagan, and Arian Flanagan. CH. Estate of Timothy Flanagan. Accession No.: 17,898-4303 MSA S512-6- 4428 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/06/25 4304: John Rhodes, William Briggs, Benjamin Wilson, Benjamin Williams, John Singleton, William Rawson, Samuel Rawson, Timothy Leach, and Thomas Barkbe vs. William Lee, George Grundy, John Sherlock, Mark Pringle, and John Gibson. WA. Insolvent estate of William Lee.
Accession No.: 17,898-4304 MSA S512-6- 4429 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/10/24 4305: Thomas Bale Randall vs. Charles Ridgely of Hampton and Samuel Moale. BA. Contract to purchase Jeporady, Addition to Jeporady, Level Union. Accession No.: 17,898-4305 MSA S512-6- 4430 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/12/21 4305A: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Thomas B. Randall, Joseph Mackrill, and Richard Allen. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Jeporady, Addition to Jeporady, Level Union. Accession No.: 17,898-4305A MSA S512-6- 4431 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/01/28 4306: Nicholas Rogers vs. Thomas Jones and Nicholas Rogers. BA. Estate of Nicholas Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-4306 MSA S512-6- 4432 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/11/12 4307: Joseph E. Rowles vs. Thomas Owen Williams. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4307 MSA S512-6- 4433 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/08/22 4308: John T. Risteau vs. James Hughes and Mary Ann Hughes. BA. Injunction against operation of stone quarry. Accession No.: 17,898-4308 MSA S512-6- 4434 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/06/01 4309: Azael Roberts, Abell Russell, and Elizabeth Russell vs. Sarah Roberts, Mary Roberts, and John Roberts. FR. Petition to sell Johns Contrivance, Meadows, Resurvey on Wild Cat Hill, Sickly, Resurvey on Halls Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 706 and 84, p. 244.
Accession No.: 17,898-4309-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4435 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/02/11 4310: William Sanders and William Purdy vs. Gassaway Rawlings and Elizabeth Contee. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pleasant Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-4310 MSA S512-6- 4436 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/03/06 4311: Charles Ridgely of William vs. Brice Howard, Rebecca Howard, Henry Howard, John Howard, Anne S. Howard, and Rebecca Howard. AA. Estate of John Howard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-4311-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4437 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/08/24 4312A: Jacob Rentch, John Snively, and Catherine Snively. WA. Trust estate under will of John Rentch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-4312A MSA S512-6- 4438 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/03/10 4312: William Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Daniel Rogers, William Kilty, Walter Story Chandler, and Margaret Chandler. AA, MO, PG. Petition to partition Backland, Good Luck, lots in Upper Marlboro in PG. Also lot in Annapolis and lot in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 138.
Accession No.: 17,898-4312-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4439 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/08/25 4313: John Randall and Eliza Randall vs. Thomas Hodges, Rezin Estep, John Claytor, and Eliza Claytor. AA, PG. Estate of Charles D. Hodges - store at Pig Point in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 343. Accession No.: 17,898-4313-1/18 MSA S512-6- 4440 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/04/11 4314: Samuel Ringgold and Tench Ringgold vs. Thomas Ringgold. BA. Appointment of trustee for Thomas Ringgold. Accession No.: 17,898-4314 MSA S512-6- 4441 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/06/29 4315: Samuel Russell vs. John Story. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 208. Accession No.: 17,898-4315 MSA S512-6- 4442 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/03/28 4316: George Reed, Tilghman Reed, and Robert Bell vs. Margaret Bell. TA. Estate of Thomas Bell - Hasco Green. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4316-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4443 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/12/01 4317: George Russell, Archibald Russell, William R. Boote, Sarah Boote, Frances Johnson, Eliza Johnson, John Graham, Henry Schroder, and Francis Donaldson vs. John Tod Russell. BA. Petition to partition Chatsworth, Welshs Adventure. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 48, MdHR 40,283-101, S65-99, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 659 and 105, p. 745.
Accession No.: 17,898-4317-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4444 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/06/30 4318: William Richardson vs. Edward E. Anderson. AA, PG. Estate of Samuel Anderson. Accession No.: 17,898-4318-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4445 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/09/28 4319: Tobias Rudolph and Samuel Briscoe vs. James Gales, William Gales, Thomas Gales, and Joseph Gales. CE. Estate of Joseph Gales. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 447. Accession No.: 17,898-4319 MSA S512-6- 4446 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/08/25 4320: Ephraim Robinson and John Roberts vs. Mary Spear and John Hollins. BA. Estate of John Spear - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-4320-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4447 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/08 4321: John Randall and Caroline Randall vs. John Killen and Maria Killen. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 370. Accession No.: 17,898-4321 MSA S512-6- 4448 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/02/23 4322: Greenbury Rollings and Rebecca Rollings vs. John Tagart. BA. Estate of Thomas Tagart - land in Jamaica. Accession No.: 17,898-4322 MSA S512-6- 4449 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/08/02 4323: John Robertson vs. Alexander Greer. CH. Estate of John Robertson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 228. Accession No.: 17,898-4323 MSA S512-6- 4450 Location: 1/37/1/
1813 4324: William Rowles and Sarah Rowles vs. Laurence Kelly, Mary Kelly, Sarah Kelly, Sophia Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, and Andrew Kelly. BA. Petition to sell Teals Search. Accession No.: 17,898-4324 MSA S512-6- 4451 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/04/29 4325: Samuel Ringgold vs. George J. Harry. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4325 MSA S512-6- 4452 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/09/20 4326: John Richards, Edward Magee, Luke Teeling, and Purnell F. Smith vs. Thomas Purnell Williams. WO. Estate of Isaac Williams - Tuxberry, Newberry. Plat of Tuxberry. Accession No.: 17,898-4326-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4453 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/04/30 4327: William Rawlings vs. Samuel Young and Francis Young. BA. Petition to record deed for Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 508. Accession No.: 17,898-4327 MSA S512-6- 4454 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/09/25 4328: Hannah Ruff vs. William Patterson, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, Sarah O'Donnell, Joseph Barrett, Mary Barrett, Dudley Poor, Deborah Poor, Columbus O'Donnell, Elizabeth W. O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, and John O'Donnell. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 243 and 100, p. 62.
Accession No.: 17,898-4328 MSA S512-6- 4455 Location: 1/37/1/
1808 4329: Margaret W. Robinson. vs. John Stump. HA. Estate of Herman Stump. Accession No.: 17,898-4329 MSA S512-6- 4456 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/08/14 4330: Michael Riddlemoser vs. Jacob Leshie. FR. Estate of Michael Uhl - Brothers Good Will. Accession No.: 17,898-4330 MSA S512-6- 4457 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/08/29 4331: William Russell. BA. Insolvent estate of Russell. Accession No.: 17,898-4331 MSA S512-6- 4458 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/05/20 4331A: James Roney and Nathan Gregg Bryson. SO, TA. Insolvent estates of Roney and Bryson. Accession No.: 17,898-4331A MSA S512-6- 4459 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/05/07 4331B: William Reeves. BA. Insolvent estate of Reeves. Accession No.: 17,898-4331B MSA S512-6- 4460 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/25 4331C: William Rowan. SO. Insolvent estate of Rowan. Accession No.: 17,898-4331C MSA S512-6- 4461 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/12 4331D: Nicholas Reynolds. BA. Insolvent estate of Reynolds. Accession No.: 17,898-4331D MSA S512-6- 4462 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/12 4331E: Levi Reu. DO. Insolvent estate of Reu. Accession No.: 17,898-4331E MSA S512-6- 4463 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/25 4331F: Benjamin Robinson, Jr. CH. Insolvent estate of Robinson. Accession No.: 17,898-4331F MSA S512-6- 4464 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/09 4331G: Owen Roberts. BA. Insolvent estate of Roberts. Accession No.: 17,898-4331G MSA S512-6- 4465 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/07/13 4331H: Josiah Riley. KE. Insolvent estate of Riley. Accession No.: 17,898-4331H MSA S512-6- 4466 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/08/22 4331J: Richard Rochester. QA. Insolvent estate of Rochester. Accession No.: 17,898-4331J MSA S512-6- 4467 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/05/31 4331K: Robert R. Richardson. BA. Insolvent estate of Richardson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 742. Accession No.: 17,898-4331K MSA S512-6- 4468 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/09/05 4331L: Charles Ricketts, KE. Insolvent estate of Ricketts. Accession No.: 17,898-4331L MSA S512-6- 4469 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/04/26 4331M: John Riley. FR. Insolvent estate of Riley. Accession No.: 17,898-4331M MSA S512-6- 4470 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/05/07 4333: Alexander Rigdon vs. John Irwine, John Ingram, Elizabeth Rowe, and Mary McCreary. HA. Title to McCrearys Make Shift, Trout Run. Accession No.: 17,898-4333-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4471 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/08/01 4334: George Repold and Charles Ghequire vs. Cornelia Lansdale, William Lansdale, Violette Lansdale, Philip Lansdale, Philip J. Thomas, Cornelia Thomas, John T. Cox, Eliza Cox, William Bruff, and Daniel Chambers. BA. Estate of Thomas Lansdale - lot, wharf, and warehouse in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 54.
Accession No.: 17,898-4334-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4472 Location: 1/37/1/
1775/05/06 4334A: Sarah Duncastle and Elizabeth Duncastle vs. Thomas How Ridgate, John Barnes, John Rogers, Philip Richard Fendall, and Thomas Stone. CH. Title to slaves Lucy and Linda. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 345. Accession No.: 17,898-4334A-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4473 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/04/27 4335: Christian Routsong vs. Peter Sowers. FR. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 248. Accession No.: 17,898-4335-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4474 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/05/27 4336: Edward Reynolds vs. Jacob Gibson. CV. Estate of Thomas Reynolds. Accession No.: 17,898-4336-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4475 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/11/07 4337: Joshua Rutledge vs. John Forsythe. HA. Contract to purchase Rich Neck, Verdant Plains, Abrahams Talley. Accession No.: 17,898-4337-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4476 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/06/03 4338: John Robertson vs. Humphrey Posey, Alethica Posey, Catherine Elgin, Mary Elgin, Ann Elgin, and William Elgin. CH. Petition to sell Batchelors Agreement. Accession No.: 17,898-4338 MSA S512-6- 4477 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/09/26 4339: James Reid vs. Levy Hughes. FR. Contract to purchase Partnership, Zedburgh Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-4339 MSA S512-6- 4478 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/10/25 4340: Benjamin Reeder vs. Francis Hamersly. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4340-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4479 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/08/09 4341: Robert Rusk vs. John Smith. BA. Petition to record deed for Orange. Accession No.: 17,898-4341 MSA S512-6- 4480 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/10/07 4342: Rebecca Ridgely vs. William Goodwin and Charles Ridgely. BA. Estate of Capt. Charles Ridgely. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4342 MSA S512-6- 4481 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/03/30 4343: James Riddle, Arianna Riddle, Samuel Riddle, Marian Riddle, and Elizabeth Steuart vs. William Steuart, David Steuart, and Catherine M. Steuart. PG. Petition to sell lots in Bladensburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 787. Accession No.: 17,898-4343 MSA S512-6- 4482 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/07/30 4344: William Reily and John Reily vs. John Barney and James Phillips. BA. Contract to purchase Clarssons Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-4344 MSA S512-6- 4483 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/26 4345: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Leonard Belt. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Three Times Surveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 491. Accession No.: 17,898-4345 MSA S512-6- 4484 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/07/11 4346: John Rusk, Henry Rees, Elizabeth Rees, and Henry Dukehart vs. Richard William and William Rusk. BA. Petition to sell lot in Baltimore Company lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-4346-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4485 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/10/09 4347: Jacob Root vs. Magdalena Fausnaught, Jacob Fausnaught, Anne Fausnaught, Adam Fausnaught, Barbara Fausnaught, John Fausnaught, Susanna Fausnaught, Elizabeth Root, Daniel Conrad, Esther Conrad, David Herr, and Maria Herr. WA. Estate of Jacob Root. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 70.
Accession No.: 17,898-4347-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4486 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/01/14 4348: Thomas L. Reese and Maria K. Reese vs. John Reese and Esther Reese. BA. Petition to sell White Hall, Baileys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-4348-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4487 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/03/11 4349: David Robinson, Kitty Robinson, Charles Robinson, Patience Robinson, Charles Johnson, and Airy Johnson vs. Joshua Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Christopher Johnson, and Rachel Johnson. AA. Estate of Joshua Johnson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 143 and 101, p. 277.
Accession No.: 17,898-4349-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4488 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/12/27 4350: William Richmond, Charles Price, Jacob Welsh, William Downing, and Peter Hoffman vs. Woolman Gibson Price. QA. Estate of James Price. Accession No.: 17,898-4350 MSA S512-6- 4489 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/09/29 4351: John Robertson vs. Gerrard Fowke, Sarah Fowke, James Fowke, and Catherine Fowke. CH. Title to Meadow, Birds Nest, Boughtons Disappointment, Burdits Rest. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 37, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-4351-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4490 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/09/04 4352: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. John R. Nicholson, Mary Nicholson, Elizabeth Nicholson, Benjamin Nicholson, Charles R. Nicholson, William R. Nicholson, Eleanor Nicholson, Benjamin Nicholson, Sarah Nicholson, and Juliet Nicholson. BA. Estate of Benjamin Nicholson - Benjamins Hills and Valleys, slaves Sharper, Abraham, Sam, Aaron, Moros, Charles, Dick, Ben, Roger, Mich, Fanny, Amy, Nan, Patt, Mary, Poll, and Phebe. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 325.
Accession No.: 17,898-4352 MSA S512-6- 4491 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/01/11 4353: James Ramsay vs. Sarah C. O'Donnell, Joseph Barrett, Mary Barrett, Columbus Barrett, Deborah Barrett, John Barrett, Elliot Barrett, and Eliza W. O'Donnell. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 236. Accession No.: 17,898-4353 MSA S512-6- 4492 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/02/16 4354: John Talbott Ristiau vs. John Ensor Stansbury. BA. Contract to purchase Long Island. Accession No.: 17,898-4354 MSA S512-6- 4493 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/11/01 4355: Joseph Richardson vs. Rebecca Eccleston, Mary Eccleston, Nathaniel G. Eccleston, William Gist, Eliza Gist, Anne Beyers, Joseph Beyers, and Maria Beyers. DO. Estate of John Eccleston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 709. Accession No.: 17,898-4355 MSA S512-6- 4494 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/04/03 4356: Zachariah Riston vs. Elijah Rockhold. AA. Appointment of trustee for Rockhold - Proctors Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 564. Accession No.: 17,898-4356 MSA S512-6- 4495 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/03/11 4357: John Shaw and Ann Shaw vs. James Shaw, Thomas Shaw, William Shaw, and John Shaw. DO. Estate of James Shaw. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 198. Accession No.: 17,898-4357-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4496 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/09/23 4358: Joseph Riddle and James Dall vs, Samuel Hanson and John Beall Hanson. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on St. Johns. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-4358 MSA S512-6- 4497 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/03/23 4359: Charles Ridgely, John Robert Hollyday, Harry Dorsey Gough, and Daniel Bowley vs. Nicholas Peddicoat. BA. Estate of Nicholas Petticoat - Pettycoates Hopes. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-4359 MSA S512-6- 4498 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/05/10 4360: Josiah Riley and Sarah Riley vs. Ephraim Stoops. KE. Injunction against removal of timber from Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-4360 MSA S512-6- 4499 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/07/04 4361: Philip Rogers and Samuel Owings vs. John Baxley. BA. Title to Mount Royal. Accession No.: 17,898-4361 MSA S512-6- 4500 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/04 4362: Rachel Ridgely and Elizabeth Ridgely vs. John Ridgely and Charles Ridgely. AA, BA. Petition to record deed for White Wine and Claret in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 15, pp. 318, 335. Accession No.: 17,898-4362 MSA S512-6- 4501 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/01/05 4363: Benjamin Rister vs. George Watts. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Little Piney Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-4363 MSA S512-6- 4502 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/04/30 4364: Rebecca Ridgely vs. Lyde Goodwin, Charles Ridgely, and Charles Ridgely. BA. Estate of Charles Ridgely - Hales Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4364 MSA S512-6- 4503 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/05/25 4365: Arnold Richardson vs. William Rogers and Richard Rogers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4365 MSA S512-6- 4504 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/02/10 4366: Joseph Reynolds. CE. Insolvent estate of Joseph Reynolds. Accession No.: 17,898-4366 MSA S512-6- 4505 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/28 4367: Martin Rizer vs. John Haynes and John Tomlinson. AL. Injunction against removal of stones from Great Sugar Camp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 161. Accession No.: 17,898-4367 MSA S512-6- 4506 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/04/11 4368: William Robinson and Martha Robinson vs. Matthias Redmond. CH. Defraud of creditors of Matthias Redmond - Berrys Level. Accession No.: 17,898-4368 MSA S512-6- 4507 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/08 4369: William Robertson vs. John G. Proud, James Barroll, and Thomas Donnellan. BA. Defraud of creditors of Barroll. Accession No.: 17,898-4369 MSA S512-6- 4508 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/18 4370: Thomas Ball Randall. BA. Insolvent estate of Randall. Accession No.: 17,898-4370 MSA S512-6- 4509 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/04/06 4371: Nehemiah Miller Rowles, Candy Rowles, William Brookes, and Elizabeth Brookes vs. Edmund Jenings, Thomas Jenings, Daniel Jenings, Jonathan Sappington, Edward Sappington, Jesse Wheat, Harriett Wheat, John Fairbanks, and Charity Fairbanks. MO. Estate of Edmund Jenings - Johns Chance, Drury Plains, Wolfs Cow, Addition to Wolfs Cow, Henry and Mary, Rich Meadows. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 574.
Accession No.: 17,898-4371-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4510 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/07/08 4372: Edward Ridgely, John William Ridgely, Laming Ridgely, Charles W. Ridgely, Mary Ann Ridgely, and Eleanor D. Ridgely vs. Augustus J. Schwartze. BA. Title to Wells Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-4372-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4511 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/06/25 4373: William Richardson vs. Robert Walsh. BA. Title to Land. Accession No.: 17,898-4373 MSA S512-6- 4512 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/10/10 4374: Thomas Robinson vs. Thomas Stinchcomb and Ignatius Bright. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Robinsons Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4374 MSA S512-6- 4513 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/10 4375: Elizabeth Rapp vs. Hugh Pannel, Edward Pannell, and Eliza Pannell. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-4375 MSA S512-6- 4514 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/04/22 4376: Zachariah Rister vs. James Lefebre. AA. Injunction against construction of a road on Bakers Increase, Smiths Range Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-4376 MSA S512-6- 4515 Location: 1/37/1/
1782/05/24 4377: Henry Riston, Richard Gott, and Anthony Gott vs. William Jacob. BA. Estate of Rinaldo Monk - Cooks Adventure Resurveyed, Angels Fortune, Monks Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-4377 MSA S512-6- 4516 Location: 1/37/1/
1803 4378: Philip Rogers vs. Alice Condle, Ann Condle, Sarah Condle, and Rebecca Condle. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-4378 MSA S512-6- 4517 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/08/11 4379: Alexander Russell vs. Alexander Blackburn, William Blackburn, and George A. Ober. FR. Estate of James Russell - Resurvey on Boxes Search. Accession No.: 17,898-4379 MSA S512-6- 4518 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/04/15 4380: Oliver Bond Ross and James Ross. BA. Appointment of guardian for Oliver Bond Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4380 MSA S512-6- 4519 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/11/28 4381: William Russum, John Huston, James Ritchie, and Hugh Gemmell vs. Robert Brown and Sally Brown. SO. Petition to sell Cold Stream, Bushey Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-4381-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4520 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/02/10 4382: Jeremiah Rhodes and Peter Sharp vs. William Sharp. CA. Appointment of trustee for William Sharp. Accession No.: 17,898-4382 MSA S512-6- 4521 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/10/14 4383: David Ross. PG. Insolvent estate of Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4383 MSA S512-6- 4522 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/09/15 4383A: Horatio Ross. PG. Insolvent estate of Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4383A MSA S512-6- 4523 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/15 4383B: Richard Ratien and Nicholas Konecke. BA. Insolvent estate of Ratien and Konecke. Accession No.: 17,898-4383B-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4524 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/19 4383C: John Rigby. AA. Insolvent estate of Rigby. Accession No.: 17,898-4383C MSA S512-6- 4525 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/03/24 4383D: Daniel Nixon Robinson. BA. Insolvent estate of Robinson. Accession No.: 17,898-4383D MSA S512-6- 4526 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/04/09 4383E: Daniel Robinson, Sr. HA. Insolvent estate of Robinson. Accession No.: 17,898-4383E MSA S512-6- 4527 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/04/06 4383F: Daniel Robertson. BA. Insolvent estate of Robertson. Accession No.: 17,898-4383F MSA S512-6- 4528 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/23 4383G: Charles Rogers. BA. Insolvent estate of Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-4383G-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4529 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/04/05 4383H: William Robertson. MO. Insolvent estate of Robertson. Accession No.: 17,898-4383H MSA S512-6- 4530 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/01/27 4384: William Russum and Nelly Bozman. SO. Estate of Joseph Venables - Addition to McDaniels Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 369. Accession No.: 17,898-4384 MSA S512-6- 4531 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/10 4385: John Robinson. BA. Insolvent estate of Robinson. Accession No.: 17,898-4385 MSA S512-6- 4532 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/08/15 4386: Daniel Rohrer, Daniel Bragonier, and Barbara Bragonier. WA. Estate of Christian Rohrer - Establishment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 551. Accession No.: 17,898-4386 MSA S512-6- 4533 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/01/08 4388: Philip Reed, Mary Reed, Edward Eubank, Hannah Eubank, and Joseph Medford vs. Elizabeth Medford, Marmaduke Medford, Henry Taylor, James Kelly, William Wilson, Rachel Wilson, John Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, Henry Kelly, Martha Kelly, Emeline Kelly, James Winchester, and Susanna Winchester. KE. Estate of Marmaduke Medford.
Accession No.: 17,898-4388-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4534 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/10/25 4389: Michael Riddlemore vs. John Fryfogle. BA. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-4389 MSA S512-6- 4535 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/11/21 4390: Zachariah Riston vs. Richard Key Watts and Philip H. Watts. AA. Petition to correct deed for Smiths Range Enlarged. Plat; also shows Bakers Increase. Accession No.: 17,898-4390 MSA S512-6- 4536 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/04 4391: Anthony Reintzel vs. Ann Casanave, Nicholas Young, Johanna Casanave, Peter Casanave, Amy Thruston, Thomas Richardson, William Richardson, William Pollard, Charles Pettit, Samuel Crawford, John Barclay, Jacob Speer, John Biddle, Clement Biddle, Clement B. Penrose, and James Hutchinson. MO. Petition to sell Frogland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 881.
Accession No.: 17,898-4391-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4537 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/04/30 4392: Tobias Rudolph, Samuel Briscoe, and Peregrine Briscoe vs. Jonathan White and David White. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership, Uz. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-4392 MSA S512-6- 4538 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/12/04 4393: John D. Reed, Ruth Reed, and Philip Littig vs. Mary Underwood and Francis Dawes. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 557. Accession No.: 17,898-4393 MSA S512-6- 4539 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/12/08 4394: Robert Ross. BA. Insolvent estate of Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4394 MSA S512-6- 4540 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/30 4395: James Reed vs. Ascueth Perry, Lydia Perry, James Perry, Margaret Perry, Lydia Henry, Delphia Taylor, and Joshua Hickman. MO. Title to Johns Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-4395 MSA S512-6- 4541 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/01/17 4395A: Ann Ramsay vs. Elizabeth Stevens. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4395A MSA S512-6- 4542 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/03/04 4396: Hetty W. Lyons and John Roberts vs. James M. Broom. BA. Trust estate of Samuel Lyons - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4396 MSA S512-6- 4543 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/05/19 4397: Richard Rolason vs. Samuel Pierpoint. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4397-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4544 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/01/22 4398: James Ringgold and Zebulon Hankey vs. William Carmichael and Edward Wilmer. KE. Estate of Simon Wilmer. Accession No.: 17,898-4398-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4545 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/12 4399: Ruth Richardson and Skelton Richardson vs. Abraham Standiford, James Kelso, and Elizabeth Kelso. BA. Petition to sell Worlds End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 100. Accession No.: 17,898-4399-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4546 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/06/20 4400: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Richard Cole. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Carters Discovery, Coles Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-4400 MSA S512-6- 4547 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/06/19 4401: Henry Roberts and John McKay vs. Mary Miller. BA. Title to lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4401-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4548 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/03/11 4402: Isaac Riley vs. Mary Holmes. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4402 MSA S512-6- 4549 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/05/16 4403: John Rush. BA. Insolvent estate of Rush. Accession No.: 17,898-4403 MSA S512-6- 4550 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/02/15 4403A: Thomas Reid. BA. Insolvent estate of Reid. Accession No.: 17,898-4403A MSA S512-6- 4551 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/04/02 4403B: John Roche. KE. Insolvent estate of Roche. Accession No.: 17,898-4403B MSA S512-6- 4552 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/04/03 4403C: William Rawlings. AA. Insolvent estate of Rawlings. Accession No.: 17,898-4403C-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4553 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/01/28 4403D: John Gillis Reid. BA. Insolvent estate of Reid. Accession No.: 17,898-4403D MSA S512-6- 4554 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/07/09 4404: George Reypold and James Labes vs. Jonathan Hudson. BA. Contract to trade with Hispaniola. Accession No.: 17,898-4404 MSA S512-6- 4555 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/12/14 4405: John Roberts vs. Jacob P. Broom and Elizabeth Broom. BA. Petition to sell lot in Howards Late Addition to Baltimore Town. Accession No.: 17,898-4405 MSA S512-6- 4556 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/09 4406: Thomas Robinson vs. Vachel Robinson and Dorcas Robinson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cedar Neck, Normans Fancy, McCubbins Fishery, Hopkins Fancy, Hopkins Addition, Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 165. Accession No.: 17,898-4406 MSA S512-6- 4557 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/09 4407: Christian Rowland, John Zimmerman, John Rowland, Jr., Ann Rowland, Henry Zimmerman, and Elizabeth Zimmerman vs. Barbara Zimmerman, Joseph Zimmerman, Peter Zimmerman, Mary Zimmerman, Sarah Zimmerman, Easter Zimmerman, and Catherine Zimmerman. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Chaneys Delight, Kellys Delight, Give and Take. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, pp. 252, 603.
Accession No.: 17,898-4407-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4558 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/01/11 4408: Charles Ridgely of Hampton vs. Joseph Ball, Luke Tiernan, George Moore, Nicholas Chambers, Sr., and John Camorn. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Three Bohemian Sisters. Accession No.: 17,898-4408 MSA S512-6- 4559 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/01 4409: John Welch vs. Benjamin Welsh and James Williams. AA, BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in Annapolis. Also Creaghs Discovery in BA. Accession No.: 17,898-4409-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4560 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/04/29 4412: Samuel Ringgold vs. John Blackiston, Mary Blackiston, William Blackiston, and Thomas Dodson. KE. Estate of Richard Blackiston -- Green Oak. Accession No.: 17,898-4412 MSA S512-6- 4561 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/06/14 4413: John Richards vs. Joshua Richards. BA. Contract to purchase Sheridines Discovery. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-4413 MSA S512-6- 4562 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/09/04 4414: Thomas Ruth vs. James Broadaway and Joseph Broadaway. QA. Estate of Joseph Broadaway. Accession No.: 17,898-4414 MSA S512-6- 4563 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/05/09 4415: George Reinicker vs. Sarah Smith. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 229. Accession No.: 17,898-4415-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4564 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/03/01 4416: John Ridgely of John vs. John T. Worthington and Samuel Worthington. BA. Title to Wells Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-4416-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4565 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/08/10 4417: Eleanor Dorsey, Jeremiah Townly Chase, James Cheston, Benjamin Nicholson, and Levin Lawrence vs. Charles Ridgely, Rachel Ridgely, Elizabeth Ridgely, Rebecca Ridgely, and Dorothy Ridgely. AA, BA. Estate of Charles Ridgely of John - Discovery, Dorseys Land, White Wine and Claret, Airy Hills, Timber Neck in AA. Also Pleasant Spring, Ridgelys Delight in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 342.
Accession No.: 17,898-4417-1/15 MSA S512-6- 4566 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/03/04 4418: Charles Ridgely of Hampton, Rachel Lux, and James McCormick vs. Samuel Hughes. BA. Injunction against removal of earth or iron ore from Crosses Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4418 MSA S512-6- 4567 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/24 4419: William H. Reynolds and Edward Reynolds vs. Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir. CV. Contract to purchase Reserve, Good Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-4419-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4568 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/06/17 4420: Thomas Bale Randle vs. John Purviance and Thomas Dye Owings. BA. Injunction against the execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4420 MSA S512-6- 4569 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/11/09 4420A: James McAllister, Hugh McAllister, and Randall McAllister vs. David Nevin, Mary Robins, William Trippe, Mary Trippe, and David Kennedy. QA. Estate of Roger McAllister. Accession No.: 17,898-4420A-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4570 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/01/25 4421: William Ridgely, Gassaway Watkins, George Dorsey, and Joshua Warfield. AA. Estate of Capt. Philemon Dorsey - Brothers Partnership, Pillage Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 468. Accession No.: 17,898-4421-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4571 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/02/05 4421A: Mary Ringgold, Thomas Ringgold, James Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, Samuel Ringgold, and Elizabeth Ringgold vs. Samuel Ringgold and Tench Ringgold. BA, CE, KE, WA. Estate of Thomas Ringgold - Prospect Hill in BA and Perry Point in CE. Also Hopewell, Dallington, Triangle, Tilghman Farm in KE. Also Montsenado, Kellys Chance in WA.
Accession No.: 17,898-4421A-1/11 MSA S512-6- 4572 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/02/02 4422: Richard Ruff, John Ruff, and Joanna Ruff vs. Henry Ruff. HA. Estate of Richard Ruff - Turkey Hills, Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-4422-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4573 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/13 4423: George Robertson, Peter Waters, and John Bell vs. Edward S. Miles and Levin Miles. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Giddeans Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-4423-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4574 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/01/11 4424: John Ritter and Sarah Ritter vs. Obediah Flint and Edward Hampton. WA. Contract to purchase Snow Ball Valley. Accession No.: 17,898-4424 MSA S512-6- 4575 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/03/26 4425: James Ringgold vs. Thomas Smyth, Jr. KE. Contract to ship goods to South Carolina and Georgia. Accession No.: 17,898-4425-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4576 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/09/22 4426: John Rice, Patrick Byrne, Sr., and John Hagerty vs. Samuel Cole. BA. Trust estate of John Rice. Accession No.: 17,898-4426 MSA S512-6- 4577 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/23 4427: Esther Rudolph vs. John King. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-4427 MSA S512-6- 4578 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/07/22 4428: Elijah Reynolds, Susan Cather, Hannah Cather, Abner Kerk, and John McGrady vs. Eliza Brown, Jacob Brown, and Elisha Brown. CE. Trust estate of Jacob Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-4428 MSA S512-6- 4579 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/01/18 4429: Elizabeth Rochester vs. Ann Rochester, Elizabeth Rochester, Latitia Rochester, Thomas Pryor, Amelia Pryor, and Ann Pryor. QA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 53 Accession No.: 17,898-4429-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4580 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/25 4430: Amy Ritter, Elias Ritter, Catherine Ritter, Margaret Ritter, Tobias Ritter, Elizabeth Ritter, Jacob Ritter, and Barbara Ritter. WA. Estate of Jacob Ritter - Ritters Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 85. Accession No.: 17,898-4430 MSA S512-6- 4581 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/07/29 4431: William Rowan and Alexander Smith vs. Joseph Phillips and Nancy Phillips. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Westminster, Shaws Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-4431 MSA S512-6- 4582 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/12/23 4432: Israel Reynolds and Hannah Cathers vs. James Barnes and Joseph W. Barnes. CE. Estate of Joseph Barnes. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 839. Accession No.: 17,898-4432-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4583 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/11/24 4433: Sarah Ann Ridgely vs. Nehemiah M. Rowles. AA. Estate of Archibald Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-4433 MSA S512-6- 4584 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/03/01 4434: William Rusher, Jacob Culler, Magdelana Culler, George Cole, Susannah Cole, Dennis Handley, and Elizabeth Handley vs. Henry Rusher, John Rusher, Polly Rusher, Susanna Rusher, Hannah Rusher, and Betsy Rusher. FR. Estate of John Rusher. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 708.
Accession No.: 17,898-4434-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4585 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/03/09 4435: Rebecca Ridgley and John Ridgley vs. Thomas Cornelius Howard, Charles Ridgley, Rachel Ridgley, Elizabeth Ridgley, Rebecca Ridgley, and Dorothy Ridgley. AA. Contract to purchase Browns Chance, Dorseys Friendship, White Wine and Claret. Accession No.: 17,898-4435-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4586 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/02/04 4436: James Ramsay vs. Job Bunker, Mary Bunker, and Mary Ann Sweeny. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-4436-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4587 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/06/23 4437: John Rusher and Conrad Lichlider vs. Henry Crist, Jacob Crist, Mary Crist, Philip Crist, Tobias Butler, Catherine Butler, Edward Pryse, and Elizabeth Pryse. FR. Contract to purchase Fountain Low. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-4437 MSA S512-6- 4588 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/08/26 4438: Jesse Reynolds vs. Attorney General. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4438 MSA S512-6- 4589 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/02/02 4439: John Ruff, Joanna M. Ruff, and Richard Ruff vs. Henry Ruff. HA. Petition to sell Chilberry Hall, Hathaways Trust, Turkey Hills, Strawberry Hills, Third Lots. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 251. Accession No.: 17,898-4439-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4590 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/11/28 4440: John Reynolds vs. Rachel Leatherwood and Beale Gaither. AA. Contract to purchase Support. Accession No.: 17,898-4440 MSA S512-6- 4591 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/10/04 4440A: William Russum vs. Thomas Venables. SO. Contract to purchase Western Fields. Accession No.: 17,898-4440A MSA S512-6- 4592 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/07/26 4440B: William Richardson vs. John Jack. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on land in PA. Accession No.: 17,898-4440B MSA S512-6- 4593 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/09/11 4440C: Hezekiah Reeves vs. Elizabeth Cartwright, William Cartwright, William Lyles, and Richard Carnes. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on Jordan. Accession No.: 17,898-4440C MSA S512-6- 4594 Location: 1/37/1/
1782/10/26 4440D: Henrietta Rogers vs. Philip Hall. BA. Injunction against dumping of dirt and rubbish in waters adjacent to Widows Assistance, Lunns Lott. Accession No.: 17,898-4440D MSA S512-6- 4595 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/09/04 4441: Gassaway Rawlings vs. Richard Gridley and William Harrison. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4441 MSA S512-6- 4596 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/03/20 4443: William Rayburgh and Jacob Immell vs. John Patterson. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Ill Will, Turkey Flight. Accession No.: 17,898-4443 MSA S512-6- 4597 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/03/14 4447: Rachel Maynard, Joshua Richards, Daniel Richards, William Richards, William Carmack, Sarah Carmack, Robert Cooper, Catherine Cooper, Susanna Richards, Mary Richards, John Richards, and Joseph Richards. FR. Estate of Daniel Richards - Richards Delight, Richards Lot, Resurvey on Simpsons Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-4447-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4598 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/04/21 4448: Nathaniel Rochester and Francis Monihan vs. Mary Sharkey and Margaret Sharkey. WA. Estate of George Sharkey - lot in Hagerstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 288. Accession No.: 17,898-4448-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4599 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/07/02 4449: Samuel Roseberry and Robert Stevens. QA. Petition to sell Brotherhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 468. Accession No.: 17,898-4449 MSA S512-6- 4600 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/05/20 4450: Samuel Hanson of John vs. Thomas How Ridgate. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4450-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4601 Location: 1/37/1/
1781/04/20 4451: Gregory Roulhac and Betrand Ducree vs. William Smith and Samuel Smith. BA. Contract to import and export goods. Recorded (Chancery Record) 22, p. 205 Accession No.: 17,898-4451-1/8 MSA S512-6- 4602 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/11/28 4452: Joseph Robinson vs. Mathew Cook. HA. Appointment of trustee for Cook. Accession No.: 17,898-4452 MSA S512-6- 4603 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/05/14 4453: Nicholas Orrick Ridgely vs. John Lester, Elizabeth Lester, and George Fringer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Frederickstadt Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-4453 MSA S512-6- 4604 Location: 1/37/1/
1784/03/26 4454: Francis Addlesperger and Barrett Weyman vs. Richard Richards. BA. Contract to purchase California. Accession No.: 17,898-4454 MSA S512-6- 4605 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/07/23 4455: Lewis DeRockbroone, Thomas Tenant, William Smith, John Welch, William Gibbons, James Fishwell, William Weary, Philip Crownmiller, Thomas Cole, John Brown, William Cook, David Geddes, David Kip, John Davis, and George Wilson vs. Lloyd Buchanan, Henry Courtenay, Hercules Courtenay, and David Stewart. BA. Contract to build ship Hercules Courtenay.
Accession No.: 17,898-4455 MSA S512-6- 4606 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/04/26 4455A: James B. Robins, Elizabeth Robins, and Martha Horsey vs. Mary Moore, Mary Moore, Anne Moore, Kittina Moore, William Moore, George Moore, John Moore, Mary Moore, Outerbridge Horsey, and Thomas Robinson. CE. Estate of William Moore - Moores Priviledge, Kinnikins Folly, Bohemia Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-4455A-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4607 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/06/14 4456: William Staylor, Bartley Faherty, Mary Faherty, Patrick Cloherty, and Catherine Cloherty vs. Philip Staylor, John Staylor, Henry Staylor, and George Staylor. BA. Estate of Philip Staylor. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 196. Accession No.: 17,898-4456 MSA S512-6- 4608 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/10/04 4457: John McPherson vs. Gabriel Vanhorn, Clarissa Vanhorn, Samuel Vanhorn, and Jesse Vanhorn. FR. Estate of Benjamin Vanhorn - lot in Frederick Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 61, p. 357. Accession No.: 17,898-4457-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4609 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/12/29 4458: George Scott vs. Joseph Chapline, James Chapline, and William Chapline. WA. Title to Contentment Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-4458-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4610 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/02/26 4459: James Stoops vs. William Boon and John Boon. CA, QA. Estate of Thomas Boon - lot in Greensborough, lots in Denton in CA. Also Forrest of Sherwood, Security in QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 328. Accession No.: 17,898-4459-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4611 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/02/10 4460: Rebecca Sliney and Basil Betton vs. Henrietta Sliney, Sarah Sliney, and Elizabeth Sliney. QA. Estate of Ferdinand Sliney - Timber Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-4460-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4612 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/02/12 4461: Richard Soderstrom vs. Nicholas Slubey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Philpotts Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 171. Accession No.: 17,898-4461 MSA S512-6- 4613 Location: 1/37/1/
1822/05/01 4462: John McPherson and John Brien vs. Casper Snavely. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Antietam Works. Accession No.: 17,898-4462 MSA S512-6- 4614 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/06/27 4462A: Casper Snavely vs. John Brien and John McPherson. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Resurvey on Hills, Dales and Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-4462A MSA S512-6- 4615 Location: 1/37/1/
1822/02/27 4462B: James Chapline vs. John McPherson and John Brien. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Little I Thought It, Boston. Accession No.: 17,898-4462B MSA S512-6- 4616 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/01/14 4463: Leonard Swingle. BA. Insolvent estate of Swingle. Accession No.: 17,898-4463 MSA S512-6- 4617 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/12/27 4463A: John George Swingle. WA. Estate of Nicholas Swingle - Dutch Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 14. Accession No.: 17,898-4463A-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4618 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/08/31 4464: William Scott. BA. Insolvent estate of Scott. Accession No.: 17,898-4464 MSA S512-6- 4619 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/22 4465: Alexander S. Smoot. CH. Insolvent estate of Smoot. Accession No.: 17,898-4465 MSA S512-6- 4620 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/12/30 4465A: Edward Stevenson of Edward. FR. Insolvent estate of Stevenson. Accession No.: 17,898-4465A MSA S512-6- 4621 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/13 4465B: Abel Sargent. AL. Insolvent estate of Sargent. Accession No.: 17,898-4465B MSA S512-6- 4622 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/27 4465C: Benjamin Solomon. BA. Insolvent estate of Solomon. Accession No.: 17,898-4465C MSA S512-6- 4623 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/03/05 4465D: Zedekiah Snow. BA. Insolvent estate of Snow. Accession No.: 17,898-4465D MSA S512-6- 4624 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/10 4465E: Thomas L. Sothoron. CH. Insolvent estate of Sothoron. Accession No.: 17,898-4465E MSA S512-6- 4625 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/02/05 4465F: John Curson Seton. BA. Insolvent estate of Seton. Accession No.: 17,898-4465F MSA S512-6- 4626 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/10/18 4465G: Joseph Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 284. Accession No.: 17,898-4465G MSA S512-6- 4627 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/06 4465H: David Shippey. BA. Insolvent estate of Shippey. Accession No.: 17,898-4465H MSA S512-6- 4628 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/10/22 4465I: William Smith. KE. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4465I MSA S512-6- 4629 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/10 4466: Raphael Saxton. SM. Insolvent estate of Saxton. Accession No.: 17,898-4466 MSA S512-6- 4630 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/28 4467: Samuel Swan. TA. Insolvent estate of Swan. Accession No.: 17,898-4467 MSA S512-6- 4631 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/02/12 4468: Joshua Stevenson. FR. Insolvent estate of Stevenson. Accession No.: 17,898-4468 MSA S512-6- 4632 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/30 4469: John Stark. BA. Insolvent estate of Stark. Accession No.: 17,898-4469 MSA S512-6- 4633 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/18 4470: Robert Stratton. BA. Insolvent estate of Stratton. Accession No.: 17,898-4470 MSA S512-6- 4634 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/03/24 4471: George Shock. BA. Insolvent estate of Shock. Accession No.: 17,898-4471 MSA S512-6- 4635 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/28 4472: Charles Scott. PG. Insolvent estate of Scott. Accession No.: 17,898-4472-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4636 Location: 1/37/1/
1787 4473: Elihu Hall of Elisha. CE. Insolvent estate of Hall - Baldwins Dispatch, Halls Hope, Halls Lot. Plat; also shows Success, Borans Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-4473-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4637 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/27 4474: Thomas Stanford. DO. Insolvent estate of Stanford. Accession No.: 17,898-4474 MSA S512-6- 4638 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/03/04 4475: Manassah Scholl vs. Mordicai Offutt, Jane Offutt, Charles Beatty, Volinda Beatty, James D. Offutt, Mary Offutt, Ozias Offutt, Charles Jones, Zadock Jones, William Edmonson, Elizabeth Edmonson, and Philip Scholl. MO. Title to Clewerwell, Hensley, Addition to Hensley, Fair Dealing.
Accession No.: 17,898-4475 MSA S512-6- 4639 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/05/22 4476: Winston Smith. HA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4476-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4640 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/03/08 4477: James Smith. QA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4477 MSA S512-6- 4641 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/05/26 4478: Henry Shock. BA. Insolvent estate of Shock. Accession No.: 17,898-4478 MSA S512-6- 4642 Location: 1/37/1/
1774/04/05 4479: Thomas Studham vs. Richard Scrotton. QA. Title to Scrottons Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-4479 MSA S512-6- 4643 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/02/07 4480: Thomas G. Slye. CH. Insolvent estate of Slye. Accession No.: 17,898-4480 MSA S512-6- 4644 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/07/01 4481: Elkin Solomon. BA. Insolvent estate of Solomon. Accession No.: 17,898-4481 MSA S512-6- 4645 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/03/23 4482: George C. Smoot. CH. Insolvent estate of Smoot. Accession No.: 17,898-4482 MSA S512-6- 4646 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/01/19 4483: Edward Smith. DO. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4483 MSA S512-6- 4647 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/04/07 4484: Thoroughgood Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4484-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4648 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/01/03 4485: Edward Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4485 MSA S512-6- 4649 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/04/15 4486: William Stoneall. BA. Insolvent estate of Stoneall. Accession No.: 17,898-4486 MSA S512-6- 4650 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/01/25 4487: John Simmering. BA. Insolvent estate of Simmering. Accession No.: 17,898-4487 MSA S512-6- 4651 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/09/09 4488: Benjamin Skinner. KE. Insolvent estate of Skinner. Accession No.: 17,898-4488 MSA S512-6- 4652 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/05/14 4489: John Savin. CE. Insolvent estate of Savin. Accession No.: 17,898-4489 MSA S512-6- 4653 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/02/07 4489A: Elijah Robertson Sinners. BA. Insolvent estate of Sinners. Accession No.: 17,898-4489A MSA S512-6- 4654 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/04/10 4489B: Patrick Sims. PG. Insolvent estate of Sims. Accession No.: 17,898-4489B MSA S512-6- 4655 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/03/29 4489C: Vachel Stevens. AA. Insolvent estate of Stevens - Canaan. Accession No.: 17,898-4489C MSA S512-6- 4656 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/07/15 4489D: Robert St. Clair. AL. Estate of Robert Sinclair - Kinsan Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-4489D MSA S512-6- 4657 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/04/29 4489E: Charles Stewart. QA. Insolvent estate of Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-4489E MSA S512-6- 4658 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/10/16 4491: State of Maryland vs. Benjamin Osborne, James Osborne, John S. Webster, Isaac Webster, Elizabeth Webster, and Anne Webster. HA. Collection of taxes - Common Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-4491 MSA S512-6- 4659 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/09 4492: Nicholas Lingan vs. George Dent, George Dyer, Francis Dyer, Polly Magruder, Collin Hunter, Henrietta Hunter, Nathaniel Hatton, Peter D. Hatton, Ann M. Hatton, George Hatton, Samuel Tubman, Martha Tubman, Hawkins Tubman, and Frances Tubman. CH. Estate of Peter Dent.
Accession No.: 17,898-4492 MSA S512-6- 4660 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/12/06 4493: Rezin Spurrier, James Spurrier, Beale Spurrier, Benjamin Warfield, and Rebecca Warfield vs. Allen Spurrier, Temperance Spurrier, Tabitha Spurrier, and Lott Spurrier, BA. Estate of Thomas Spurrier - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-4493 MSA S512-6- 4661 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/01/26 4495: Stephen Steward. AA. Insolvent estate of Steward. Accession No.: 17,898-4495 MSA S512-6- 4662 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/01/31 4496: Gavin H. Smith. CV. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4496 MSA S512-6- 4663 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/12/18 4497: James St. Clair, Jr. HA. Insolvent estate of St. Clair. Accession No.: 17,898-4497 MSA S512-6- 4664 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/03/06 4498: Samuel Selby, III. AL. Insolvent estate of Selby. Accession No.: 17,898-4498 MSA S512-6- 4665 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/03/06 4499: William Shanks. BA. Insolvent estate of Shanks. Accession No.: 17,898-4499 MSA S512-6- 4666 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/03/26 4500: Robert Stevens. QA. Insolvent estate of Stevens. Accession No.: 17,898-4500 MSA S512-6- 4667 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/02/24 4501: Richard Stringer Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Stringer. Accession No.: 17,898-4501 MSA S512-6- 4668 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/01/18 4502: Thomas Y. Sprogel. PG. Insolvent estate of Sprogel - lots in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-4502 MSA S512-6- 4669 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/03/20 4503: William Sellman. FR. Insolvent estate of Sellman. Accession No.: 17,898-4503 MSA S512-6- 4670 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/05/09 4504: Elisha Stewart. TA. Insolvent estate of Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-4504 MSA S512-6- 4671 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/12/08 4505: Sophia Sowers, John Sowers, Catherine Sowers, Jacob Sowers, Margari Sowers, Juliana Sowers, and Philip Sowers. FR. Estate of John Sowers. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-4505 MSA S512-6- 4672 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/03/19 4506: Benjamin Stoddert Smoot. CH. Insolvent estate of Smoot. Accession No.: 17,898-4506 MSA S512-6- 4673 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/01/17 4507: William Rogers Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4507 MSA S512-6- 4674 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/03/31 4508: Adam Murray Stewart. BA. Insolvent estate of Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-4508 MSA S512-6- 4675 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/19 4509: Arthur Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4509 MSA S512-6- 4676 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/07/25 4510: Jonathan Sellman. BA. Insolvent estate of Sellman. Accession No.: 17,898-4510 MSA S512-6- 4677 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/08/25 4511: Herman Stitcher. BA. Insolvent estate of Stitcher. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 2, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-4511 MSA S512-6- 4678 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/12/22 4512: Caleb Summers. MO. Insolvent estate of Summers. Accession No.: 17,898-4512 MSA S512-6- 4679 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/02/11 4513: Samuel Sylvester. QA. Insolvent estate of Sylvester. Accession No.: 17,898-4512 MSA S512-6- 4680 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/02/07 4514: Mary Sweeny. PG. Insolvent estate of Sweeny. Accession No.: 17,898-4514 MSA S512-6- 4681 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/02/09 4515: St. Patrick's Church vs. Matthew Scott. BA. Contract to purchase land in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4515 MSA S512-6- 4682 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/07/11 4516: Ludwick Switzer. BA. Insolvent estate of Switzer. Accession No.: 17,898-4516 MSA S512-6- 4683 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/11/11 4517: William Sharp. TA. Insolvent estate of Sharp. Accession No.: 17,898-4517 MSA S512-6- 4684 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/06/19 4518: Anne Stuart, John Voorhees, Barney Corse, and Robert Anderson vs. Thomas Stuart and Thomas Angier. KE. Estate of Asa Stuart - Adventure, Mitchells Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 94. Accession No.: 17,898-4518-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4685 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/10/22 4519: George Simpson. BA. Insolvent estate of Simpson. Accession No.: 17,898-4519 MSA S512-6- 4686 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/02/23 4520: Thomas R. Smith. HA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4520 MSA S512-6- 4687 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/11/26 4520A: Dr. Walter Smith. MO. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4520A MSA S512-6- 4688 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/08/19 4520B: Aquilla Amoss and Henry Bryerly. BA. Insolvent estates of Amoss and Bryerly. Accession No.: 17,898-4520B MSA S512-6- 4689 Location: 1/37/1/
1773/10/04 4521: Evan Shelby vs. Andrew Blair. FR. Contract to pay a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-4521 MSA S512-6- 4690 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/23 4522: Zachariah Sothoron. CH. Insolvent estate of Sothoron. Accession No.: 17,898-4522 MSA S512-6- 4691 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/06/01 4523: Emory Sudler. QA. Insolvent estate of Sudler. Accession No.: 17,898-4523 MSA S512-6- 4692 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/09/12 4524: Frederick Skinner. AA. Estate of John Wheeler. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 764. Accession No.: 17,898-4524 MSA S512-6- 4693 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/01/25 4525: George Stout, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Stout. Accession No.: 17,898-4525 MSA S512-6- 4694 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/03/18 4526: John Sotheron. QA. Insolvent estate of Sotheron. Accession No.: 17,898-4526 MSA S512-6- 4695 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/05/25 4527: John Street and Elizabeth Harris vs. John Forwood, Jr. HA. Contract to purchase merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-4527-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4696 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/04/06 4528: Joshua Seney and Robert Carson vs. Samuel Turbert Wright. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4528-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4697 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/12/06 4529: Elizabeth Selby, John Cross, and Jemima Cross vs. Harriett Selby, Maria Selby, John Selby, and Charles Pettibone. AA. Petition to sell Selbys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-4529-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4698 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/08/17 4530: Henry Shoup, Wendlee Heson, Christian Crumrime, and Catherine Crumrime vs. Elizabeth Shoup, Magdalin Shoup, Balser Shoup, and Mary Shoup. FR. Estate of Henry Shoup - Ohio, Unity. Plat of Unity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 318. Accession No.: 17,898-4530-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4699 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/08/30 4531: Samuel Smyley and James Martin vs. William Downes and Mitchell Downes. WO. Estate of George Downes - lot in Snow Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4531 MSA S512-6- 4700 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/02/21 4532: John Smith vs. William Howard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 127. Accession No.: 17,898-4532-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4701 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/01/20 4533: Betty Smith, Gilbert H. Smith, and Thomas Parran vs. John Weems. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4533 MSA S512-6- 4702 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/01/27 4534: Robert Spencer. BA. Insolvent estate of Spencer. Accession No.: 17,898-4534 MSA S512-6- 4703 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/05/23 4535: Joshua Seney and Horatio Seney. QA. Estate of Jonathan Seney - Collins Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 228. Accession No.: 17,898-4535-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4704 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/08/31 4536: State of Maryland vs. Richard Williams, Philip Turner, and Rachel Turner. PG. Estate of Thomas Williams - Resurvey on Williams Range, Stonefield, Three Sisters, Johns Lot, Good Luck. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 13, MdHR 40,283-66, S65-171, B5/10/1. Also show Belts Discovery, Belts Pig Pen, St. Andrew. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-4536-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4705 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/12/29 4537: John Salmon vs. Thomas Usher, Joseph Usher, James Usher, Ann Usher, Robert Usher, Elizabeth Usher, Sarah Usher, Samuel Usher, Samuel Johnston, and Joseph Donaldson. BA. Estate of Thomas Usher - Coles Addition, Locust Tree Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 516 and 21, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-4537-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4706 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/12/08 4538: Solomon Sparks vs. Robert Walters and Sarah Sparks. QA. Title to Pleasant Springs. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-4538-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4707 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/12 4539: John Smith. AA. Insolvent estate of Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4539 MSA S512-6- 4708 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/09 4540: Daniel Smith vs. Charles Strong, Rebecca Strong, Elizabeth Strong, John Strong, Ruth Strong, Mary Strong, and Achsah Strong. FR. Estate of Ludwick Strong - Middle Plantation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 520. Accession No.: 17,898-4540-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4709 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/07/12 4541: Jacob Stitley, Mary Stitley, George Bole, Catherine Bole, William Haslett, Betsy Haslett, George Butt, Lucy Butt, John Crice, Charity Crice, Frederick Stephanas, Eve Stephanas, Jacob Shoemaker, George Shoemaker, Peter Shoemaker, Andrew Shoemaker, Henry Zumbrum, and Jacob Fox vs. Henry Spangler and Barbara Spangler. FR. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Good Neighborhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 65.
Accession No.: 17,898-4541 MSA S512-6- 4710 Location: 1/37/1/
1784/03/11 4542: Talbott Shipley vs. George Shipley. AA. Appointment of trustee for George Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-4542-1/22 MSA S512-6- 4711 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/20 4543: Adam Stewart, James Wilson, Campbell Wilson, William Wilson, James Dunlop, John Dunlop, James Ritchie, James Anderson, Thomas Montgomery, and William Woddrop vs. Colmar Gittings, Levi Gittings, Jeremiah Gittings, Erasmus Gittings, James Gittings, and Attorney General. FR. Contract to purchase Merryland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 611 and 105, p. 219.
Accession No.: 17,898-4543-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4712 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/04/03 4544: John Street. HA. Estate of John Cook - Paradise, Maidens Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-4544-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4713 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/11/25 4545: William Steuart and Notley Maddox vs. Honore Martin. PG. Estate of Dr. David Ross. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 365. Accession No.: 17,898-4545-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4714 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/10/27 4546: Abijah Swearingham vs. Otho Williams and Elie Williams. FR. Estate of John Stull - Resurvey on Whiskey. Accession No.: 17,898-4546-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4715 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/10/19 4547: John George Swingle vs. Matthew Van Lear and William Van Lear. WA. Contract to purchase Dutch Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-4547-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4716 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/01/01 4548: Rachel Stiltz, William Stiltz, James Hurst, Ann Hurst, Caleb Low, and Elizabeth Low. BA. Petition to sell Stiltz Dear Park, Long Stride, Lowe Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-4548-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4717 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/12/01 4549: John Scott, Jr. and Elizabeth Scott vs. Edward Dorsey, Dr. Michael Pue, William Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, and Eleanor Dorsey. AA. Estate of Caleb Dorsey - Dorseys Delight Enlarged, Timber Ridge, Mill Frog. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 842 and 42, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-4549-1/16 MSA S512-6- 4718 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/08/20 4550: Gavin H. Smith vs. Hannah West. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4550 MSA S512-6- 4719 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/01/24 4551: John Singleton vs. Peter Edmondson and William Richardson. TA. Estate of Andrew Mein - Upper Dover, Upper Range, Jordans Hill, Addition. Plat at 1/38/1/18. Accession No.: 17,898-4551-1/16 MSA S512-6- 4720 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/06/22 4552: John Spohn vs. John D. Coffee and Lawrence Snyder. MO. Petition to correct deed for Moneys Worth. Plats; also show Warfields Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 561. Accession No.: 17,898-4552-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4721 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/09/24 4553: George Schmertzell vs. Henry Leatherman, Isaac Shriver, and Abraham Shriver. FR. Title to Dicksons Struggle, Resurvey on Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-4553-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4722 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/10/22 4554: William Steuart vs. John Yates, Thomas Armatt, William Brogden, Lewis Duvall, John M. Watkins, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Title to Brewerton. Accession No.: 17,898-4554 MSA S512-6- 4723 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/03/21 4555: Thomas Sellman, Kenzie Harrison, Susanna Harrison, Araminta Harrison, Elizabeth Harrison, Rachel Usher, William Tillard, Richard Jones, and Nicholas Norman vs. Richard Harrison, Jr. AA. Estate of Richard Harrison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 18.
Accession No.: 17,898-4555-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4724 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/08/16 4556: Charles Stewart vs. Archibald Moncrief and William Hammond. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 61. Accession No.: 17,898-4556 MSA S512-6- 4725 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/12/23 4557: Robert Sewall vs. Charles Sewall, Nicholas Sewall, Eleanor Pye, Francis Lewis Taney, Thomas Rosison, and Alice Rosison. SM. Contract to purchase Mattapony Sewall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 40. Accession No.: 17,898-4557-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4726 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/01/26 4558: Elizabeth Shoup vs. George Shoup, Peter Shuck, and Elizabeth Shuck. FR. Title to Martins Good Luck, Shoups Conclusion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-4558 MSA S512-6- 4727 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/01/11 4559: Basil Simpson and John Clemson. FR. Estate of John Justice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-4559 MSA S512-6- 4728 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/03/14 4560: James Clerke vs. State of Maryland. BA. Title to Cole Harbor. Plat at 1/38/1/18. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 545. Accession No.: 17,898-4560-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4729 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/07/02 4561: Sarah Spence vs. James Handy, Nancy Handy, Margaret Spence, Betty Spence, Mary Spence, George Spence, and Ann Robins. WO. Estate of Adam Spence. Accession No.: 17,898-4561-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4730 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/12/10 4562: Henry G. Southern vs. Attorney General. SM. Title to New Bradford, Foxes Race. Accession No.: 17,898-4562 MSA S512-6- 4731 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/10/20 4563: James Suter vs. Thomas Wilson and Robert Peter. MO. Contract to purchase Exchange, New Exchange Enlarged. Plat at 1/38/1/18. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-4563-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4732 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/12/31 4564: John Scarborough vs. James Brevard, Sr. and James Brevard, Jr. HA. Title to Barnes Neighbour. Accession No.: 17,898-4564 MSA S512-6- 4733 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/12/24 4565: Frances Smith vs. James Smith. SO. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-4565-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4734 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/06/15 4566: Jacob H. Slemaker and Eliza Slemaker vs. Thomas Elliott, John Elliott, Samuel Elliott, Roderick Earickson, William Elliott, and Peregrine Elliott. QA. Estate of Ann Barnes - Primers Rotterdam, Eastern Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 187.
Accession No.: 17,898-4566 MSA S512-6- 4735 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/11/29 4567: William Scott and Henry Scott vs. James Cox, Jr. BA. Contract to pay a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-4567-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4736 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/07/09 4568: Andrew Scott and Pricilla Scott vs. John Hay. HA. Title to slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-4568-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4737 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/11/05 4569: Michael Sybert vs. Stephen Freeman and John Manan. WA. Petition to record deed for Poverty Increased. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-4569 MSA S512-6- 4738 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/07/21 4570: Basil Smith and Sarah Smith vs. Henry J. Power. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4570 MSA S512-6- 4739 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/12/09 4571: Adam Snook, Henry Snook, Solomon Snook, John Snook, Jacob Karn, and Margaret Karn vs. Elizabeth Snook, Daniel Snook, Lydda Snook, Jacob Snook, Marie Snook, and Simon Snook. FR. Petition to sell Rip Skin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 137 and 101, p. 234.
Accession No.: 17,898-4571 MSA S512-6- 4740 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/11/07 4572: Thomas Chew Shipley and Ephraim Owings Shipley vs. Samuel Welch Jr., Marcella Welch, Joshua O. Shipley, Talbot R. Shipley, and Elizabeth O. Shipley. AA. Petition to partition Shipleys Adventure, Stand, Flank. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 154.
Accession No.: 17,898-4572 MSA S512-6- 4741 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/03/09 4573: Thomas Simmons and Pricilla Simmons vs. Susannah Hill, Anthony Noble, Sarah Noble, Able Hill, Sr., Able Hill, Jr., Charles Hill, and Joseph M. Hill. AA, PG. Title to Drurys Adventure, Drurys Good Luck in PG. Also Birkheads Meadows, Birkheads Parcel in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 219.
Accession No.: 17,898-4573-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4742 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/23 4574: Thomas Sellman vs. Dennis Battee, Richard Battee, Thomas Battee, Henrietta Battee, Caroline Battee, John Osborne Battee, Richard Harwood, Sr., and Lucy Battee. AA. Title to Burrage, Burrages Blossom, Burrages End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 584.
Accession No.: 17,898-4574 MSA S512-6- 4743 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/07/07 4575: Thomas Sheppard vs. John Yellott, Sr., John Yellot, Jr., George Yellott, John Armstrong, Anne Armstrong, Francis Hollingsworth, Mary Hollingsworth, Charles Worthington, Hannah Worthington, and Elizabeth Yellott. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 215.
Accession No.: 17,898-4575 MSA S512-6- 4744 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/11/13 4576: Thomas Shorter and Sarah Shorter vs. Thomas Jones Waters. PG. Title to Peaches Ballance, Peaches Triangle, Peaches Meadow, Strife, Rileys Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4576-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4745 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/10/12 4577: Mary Scott and Arthur Rich vs. Levin Ball. DO. Estate of Betty Hooper. Accession No.: 17,898-4577 MSA S512-6- 4746 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/02/07 4578: William Shipley, Jr. vs. Randle H. Moale, Robert N. Moale, Samuel Moale, Thomas Moale, John Moale, William A. Moale, Richard H. Moale, Ellen Moale, Elizabeth Curson, Rebecca Russell, William McMechen, and George Winchester. BA. Petition to lease Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 424.
Accession No.: 17,898-4578 MSA S512-6- 4747 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/10 4579: Mary Scott vs. Janet Briscoe, George Briscoe, Mary Ann Briscoe, and Cornelius Comegy. KE. Petition to sell Partnership, Pleasant Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-4579-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4748 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/03/30 4580: William Stewart. AL, PG. Estate of Dr. David Ross - Luck, Addition to Spring Bottom, Workmans Desire, Johnsons Fancy in AL. Also lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-4580-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4749 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/03/10 4581: James Stephenson vs. James Gorrell, Anne Gorrell, Asael Pritchard, James Pritchard, and Daniel Pritchard. HA. Petition to sell Hughes Choice, Hughes Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 556. Accession No.: 17,898-4581-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4750 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/20 4582: Adam Stewart, James Wilson, James Dunlop, William Woddrop, James Ritchie, and James Anderson vs. Torruly Bruice, Thomas Hillary West, Erasmus West, Sarah West, Benjamin West, and Attorney General. FR. Title to Merryland. Plat at 1/38/1/18. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 246 and 106, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-4582-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4751 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/11/12 4583: William Sherer vs. Catherine Mackey, David Mackey, Jr., James Mackey, Jr., Jane Mackey, Agnes Mackey, and Margaret Mackey. CE. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-4583 MSA S512-6- 4752 Location: 1/37/1/
1785/09/23 4584: James Somerville and Anne M. Somerville vs. Benjamin Trueman. PG. Title to Thomas and Anthonys Choice, Blackwell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 838. Accession No.: 17,898-4584-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4753 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/11/06 4585: Joseph Sands vs. Thomas S. Denny, Josiah Massey, Anna M. Denny, Louisa Denny, and Mary E. Denny. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 529. Accession No.: 17,898-4585 MSA S512-6- 4754 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/07/20 4586: Joseph Sands, Sarah Sands, Ann Sands, James Williams, John Williams, and Joseph Williams vs. James Williams and John Davidson. FR, MO, PG. Title to Gleanings, Gordons Meadow in PG. Also lots in George Town, Frederick, and DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 712.
Accession No.: 17,898-4586-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4755 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/12/10 4587: Thomas Stewardson vs. William Coale, Richard Coale, Samuel S. Coale, Sarah Coale, Charles R. Coale, Alfred Coale, Harriett Coale, and Anna M. Coale. AA, FR. Defraud of creditors of William Cole - Cocksell, Coales Choice, Warfields Contrivance in AA. Also William and Elizabeth in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, pp. 367, 449.
Accession No.: 17,898-4587-1/12 MSA S512-6- 4756 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/31 4588: Caleb Stansbury vs. Richard Winchester. BA. Contract to purchase Oxmoor, Rochester. Accession No.: 17,898-4588-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4757 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/02/27 4589: David Sweeny vs. John Rodgers. HA. Contract to purchase Dear Bought and Nothing Got, Morgans Addition, Favor, Morgans Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-4589-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4758 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/12/04 4590: Eleanor Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Rezin Shipley, John Shipley, Peter Shipley, Sally Galloway, and Ruth Selby vs. Enos Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Sarah Shipley, and Mary Shipley. AA. Petition to partition Adam the First, Adam the Second, Brothers Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 580.
Accession No.: 17,898-4590-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4759 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/23 4591: John Sample vs. Richard Wells and William Wells. HA. Petition to record deed for Wells and Morgans Fishery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 275. Accession No.: 17,898-4591 MSA S512-6- 4760 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/01/14 4592: Thomas Sweeting and Catherin Bowen vs. Benjamin Bowen. BA. Title to Regulation, Celsed. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 493. Accession No.: 17,898-4592 MSA S512-6- 4761 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/12/12 4593: Daniel Smith vs. Stephen Winchester, Normand Bruce, Bernard Oneil, William Digges, Christiana Smith, George J. Smith, and Hampton Co. FR. Estate of Casper Smith - Carolina. Accession No.: 17,898-4593 MSA S512-6- 4762 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/30 4594: James Scaggs vs. Christopher Scaggs, William Scaggs, Rachel Scaggs, Benjamin Norris, Eleanor Norris, James Atkins, Susannah Atkins, William Hill, Samuel Hill, Robert Hill, Phebe Hill, Sarah Hill, and Darkey Hill. PG. Contract to purchase Chews Folly.
Accession No.: 17,898-4594 MSA S512-6- 4763 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/12 4595: George Smith, Milkah Smith, Richard Barrett, and William Knight. CE. Estate of Gassaway Watkins. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 661. Accession No.: 17,898-4595 MSA S512-6- 4764 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/03/25 4596: Attorney General and Lemuel Howard vs. John Forster. BA. Title to Stoney Hills Enlarged, Luck by Chance. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 26, MdHR 40,283-130, S65-94, B5/10/1. Also show Davis Addition, Addition to Forsters Ramble, Stoney Hills, Millers Forest, Laurel Hill, Walkers Safeguard, Hard Lott, Hard Lott Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 143. Accession No.: 17,898-4596-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4765 Location: 1/37/1/
1847/12/17 4596B: Benjamin Sunderland vs. Mary Sunderland. AA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-4596B MSA S512-6- 4766 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/05/27 4597: John Stump, Dr. Thomas Archer, William Allen, and William Hunter vs. James Martha Phillips, and Paca Smith. HA. Estate of James Phillips - Fraternity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-4597-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4767 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/08/04 4598: Joseph Swearington vs. Catherine Beckenbaugh, Elizabeth Beckenbaugh, Mary Koontz, and Jacob Koontz. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Chevy Chace, lot in Middletown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 743. Accession No.: 17,898-4598-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4768 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/01/02 4599: Alexander Scott vs. Henry B. Morris. CH. Insolvent estate of Morris. Accession No.: 17,898-4599 MSA S512-6- 4769 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/06/25 4600: David Sweeney vs. Aquila Massey. HA. Insolvent estate of Sweeney - Philips Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-4600 MSA S512-6- 4770 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/04/24 4601: Attorney General vs. Sarah Brookes, Henry Brookes, and Robert Brookes. PG. Estate of Benjamin Brookes - Bealls Chance, Charles Hills, Fowlers Delight, Keens Addition, Green Spring. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 30. Accession No.: 17,898-4601-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4771 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/02/10 4602: Duncan Shipley and Cassandra Shipley vs. Cassandra Dougherty. CE. Petition to enforce a decree. Accession No.: 17,898-4602 MSA S512-6- 4772 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/01/27 4603: John Haskins Stone vs. Littleton Townsend, Thomas Robertson, Charlotte Robertson, William Townsend, and Sarah Townsend. WO. Estate of Joshua Townsend - Parkers Adventure, Carrolinor, lot in Snow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-4603 MSA S512-6- 4773 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/10/10 4604: David Silver vs. James Mitchell. HA. Appointment of trustee for Mitchell. Accession No.: 17,898-4604 MSA S512-6- 4774 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/01/30 4605: George Shanks vs. John Plater, Elizabeth Plater, Eleanor Tootel, Ann Tootel, Mary Tootel, Rosanna Tootel, James Tootel, Joseph Dawson, Alfred Dawson, Rexton Dawson, and John Dawson. FR. Title to lots in Monacary Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-4605 MSA S512-6- 4775 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/06/17 4606: Robert Seney vs. Samuel T. Wright. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4606-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4776 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/31 4607: George K. Stevenson, Catherine Stevenson, Charles Bowen, Mary Bowen, and Ellen Hopkins vs. Nicholas Hopkins and Sarah Hopkins. BA. Petition to sell Friends Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-4607-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4777 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/08/14 4608: Stephen Steward vs. James John Skinner. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Dotsons Desire. Accession No.: 17,898-4608 MSA S512-6- 4778 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/04/16 4609: William Slubey vs. Benjamin Comegys. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4609 MSA S512-6- 4779 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/09/24 4610: Duncan Shipley vs. John Bowman, John Crawford, and James Hopkirk. BA. Estate of George Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-4610 MSA S512-6- 4780 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/12/31 4611: Nicholas Slubey, Joseph Smith, and Thomas Little vs. Daniel Briscoe and Arminta Briscoe. KE. Estate of William Little. Accession No.: 17,898-4611 MSA S512-6- 4781 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/10/08 4612: John Seney and Robert Seney vs. Zachariah Roberts. QA. Estate of Jonathan Seney. Accession No.: 17,898-4612 MSA S512-6- 4782 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/09/19 4613: Hannah Sharp, Benjamin Sharp, and George Sharp vs. William Sharp, George Sharp, Horatio Sharp, Thomas Sharp, Hugh Sharp, John Sharp, Hannah Sharp, and Micajah Sharp. BA. Estate of Benjamin Sharp. Accession No.: 17,898-4613 MSA S512-6- 4783 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/10/29 4614: William Stewart vs. John Mason and James M. Lingan. PG. Estate of David Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4614 MSA S512-6- 4784 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/06/24 4615: William French, John Bowman, John Crawford, James Hopkirk, and Spears, French & Co. vs. Rachel Shipley. QA. Estate of George Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-4615 MSA S512-6- 4785 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/02/24 4616: Matthew Steene vs. William H. Smith. BA. Estate of William Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4616 MSA S512-6- 4786 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/10 4617: Godfrey Sumwalt vs. Henry Thompson, Ann Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah Wirgman, William L. Bowley, Samuel H. Bowley, and Eliza Bowley. BA. Petition to record lease for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4617 MSA S512-6- 4787 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/06/05 4618: Charles Sydebotham vs. David Ross and Richard Cramphin. PG. Estate of William Sydebotham. Accession No.: 17,898-4618 MSA S512-6- 4788 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/02/10 4619: Richard Scott. AA. Insolvent estate of Scott. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1, p. 509. Accession No.: 17,898-4619 MSA S512-6- 4789 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/11/16 4620: Thomas Smith and Levin Noble vs. Peter Smith, James Smith, and Charlotte Smith. CA. Estate of Isaac Smith - Levins Chance, Levins Folly Enlarged, Addition to Hobsons Choice, Outrage. Accession No.: 17,898-4620 MSA S512-6- 4790 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/04/10 4621: Richard Spencer vs. Elizabeth Middleton and Joseph Middleton. AA, BA, KE. Estate of Joseph Middleton, Sr. - Piney Point in KE, lot in BC, lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 589. Accession No.: 17,898-4621 MSA S512-6- 4791 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/02 4622: John A. Sangston, Rachel Sangston, Peter Sharp, and Elizabeth Sharp vs. William Sharp. CA. Appointment of trustee for William Sharp. Accession No.: 17,898-4622 MSA S512-6- 4792 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/12/24 4623: William R. Stuart and Alexander Stuart, Jr. vs. Sarah L. Stuart, Hannah S. Stuart, Andrew Stuart, Frederick Wilson, Sarah L. Wilson, Thomas Curtis, and Hannah S. Curtis. CA. Estate of William Littleton Murray - Willis Luck, Church Grove, Littletons Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 50.
Accession No.: 17,898-4623-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4793 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/12/07 4624: Matthew Steene vs. Charles Elder, Jr. AA, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cumberland, Conclusion, Invasion, Harrys Park, Taillors Park, Snowdens Cow Pen Regulated in AA. Also Elders Plague, Pettycoats Hope in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 495.
Accession No.: 17,898-4624-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4794 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/03/14 4625: John Stover, Philip Stover, and George Stover vs. William Stover, Solomon Stover, James Stover, Elizabeth Stover, and Peter Mantz. FR. Estate of Philip Stover - Stovers Good Luck, Partnership, Carrollton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 490.
Accession No.: 17,898-4625-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4795 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/09/30 4626: Henry Schroder, Sr., Henry Schroder, Jr., Jacob Schley, Jonathan Manro, and Thomas Baltzell vs. Jason Phillips. FR. Trust estate of Joab Waters - Resurvey on Paw Paw Bottom, Paw Paw Bottom, Addition, Stowders Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 479.
Accession No.: 17,898-4626 MSA S512-6- 4796 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/06/26 4627: William Starr vs. Humphrey Peirce. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4627 MSA S512-6- 4797 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/09/29 4629: Hannah West, William Hall, Richard Odel, and James Warfield vs. Henry Ridgely, Charles Warfield, Elizabeth Warfield, and Thomas Snowden. AA, PG. Estate of Henry Ridgely - Dependance, Henry and Peter in PG. Also Ridgelys Great Park, Ridgelys Range, Prospect Hill in AA.
Accession No.: 17,898-4629-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4798 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/10/19 4630: George Stiles vs. James Chalmers, Jr., Isaac Atkinson, and John Wright. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hansons Wood Lot, Rutters Discovery, Union Rope Walk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-4630-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4799 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/12/26 4631: John Skinner and Susanna Skinner vs. State of Maryland. TA. Estate of Thomas Groves - lots in St. Michael. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-4631 MSA S512-6- 4800 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/24 4632: Alexander Stewart and Mary Stewart vs. Mary Pottinger. AA. Trust estate under will of Nicholas Gassaway. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 121 and 107, p. 200. Accession No.: 17,898-4632-1/21 MSA S512-6- 4801 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/06/25 4633: Edward Stevenson vs. George Reading. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chatsworth. Accession No.: 17,898-4633 MSA S512-6- 4802 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/04/08 4634: James Sterrett vs. Adam Gantz, Jr. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-4634-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4803 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/06/20 4635: William Shields vs. William Steuart. TA. Title to Benjamins Lott, Long Neck, Long Point. Accession No.: 17,898-4635 MSA S512-6- 4804 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/11/23 4636: Joseph Shane vs. William Boyler. BA. Insolvent estate of Boyler. Accession No.: 17,898-4636 MSA S512-6- 4805 Location: 1/37/1/
1782/07/02 4637: John Seth vs. James Seth. QA. Title to Green Spring, Paxtons Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4637 MSA S512-6- 4806 Location: 1/37/1/
1781 4638: Catherine Stewart vs. John Perrigoe. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-4638 MSA S512-6- 4807 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/08/07 4639: Robert Stanley and Ann Stanley vs. Philip Moor, William Moor, Thomas Johnson, and Johannah Johnson. BA. Estate of William Fell. Accession No.: 17,898-4639 MSA S512-6- 4808 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/05/02 4640: William Somerville vs. Thomas Wherrett. SM. Petition to record a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 39, p. 77. Accession No.: 17,898-4640 MSA S512-6- 4809 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/12/16 4641: Samuel Smith, James A. Buchanan, Joseph Spear, Alexander McDonald, and John Holmes vs. George Dent. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Bucks Lodge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 108. Accession No.: 17,898-4641-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4810 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/14 4642: Benjamin Stoddert and Uriah Forrest vs. Gerrard Trammell Conn. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Elizabeth. Plat; also shows Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 226. Accession No.: 17,898-4642-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4811 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/07/10 4643: James Stevenson vs. Henry Six, George Garry, George Smith, Jacob Honet, Charlotte Honet, Michael Hockinsmith, Margaret Hockinsmith, Jacob Smith, Jacob Hockinsmith, Elizabeth Hockinsmith, Christian Crabbs, Eve Crabbs, Christian Smith, Michael Rowe, Christiana Rowe, Peter Crise, Mary Crise, John McClaire, Barbara McClaire, David Smith, and Sophia Smith. FR. Petition to correct deed for Resurvey on Cattail Branch.
Accession No.: 17,898-4643 MSA S512-6- 4812 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/05/16 4644: Samuel Smyly and Robert Smyly. SO. Title to lot in Salisbury. Accession No.: 17,898-4644 MSA S512-6- 4813 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/06/22 4645: Martha Smith and Ralph Smith vs. Daniel Ruff and Thomas Hall. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 20, p. 545. Accession No.: 17,898-4645 MSA S512-6- 4814 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/04/30 4646: William Scott and Jane Scott vs. John Howard, James Trail of William, Hannah Trail, John H. Simmonds, Eleanor Simmonds, Benjamin Howard, Robert Sollars, and Eleanor Sollars. CH. Petition to record deed for Partners Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 189.
Accession No.: 17,898-4646-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4815 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/05/13 4647: Alexander Scott vs. Michael J. Stone, John M. Daniel, Margaret Daniel, M. Trowers Daniel, and Mildred Daniel. CH. Estate of Thomas Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-4647-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4816 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/01/12 4648: Thomas Smith and Joseph Smith vs. Jacob Rush. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bonds Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-4648 MSA S512-6- 4817 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/02/09 4649: Edward Stevenson, Henry Stevenson, and Joshua Stevenson vs. Thomas Langton. FR. Estate of John Ashburner. Accession No.: 17,898-4649-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4818 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/07/27 4650: John Stuart vs. John Petty and Gabriel Duvall. AA. Estate of Thomas Rutland. Accession No.: 17,898-4650-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4819 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/02/23 4651: James Sellers vs. Benjamin Stoddert and James Flaherty. MO. Estate of William Breckenridge - lot in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-4651 MSA S512-6- 4820 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/05/07 4652: Benjamin Stoddert, John B. Carr, John R. Magruder, and Alexander C. Magruder vs. Andrew B. Lowndes, Benjamin Lowndes, Christopher Lowndes, Eliza B. Lowndes, Susan L. Lowndes, Eleanor C.R. Lowndes, Richard T. Lowndes, and George Calvert. PG. Estate of John Beall - Brothers First Lot, Bealls Discovery Enlarged, Bealls Neglect. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 415.
Accession No.: 17,898-4652-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4821 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/11/06 4653: Benjamin Stoddert, Uriah Forrest, Robert Pottinger, Matthew Eversfield, and Samuel Hughes vs. Allen Bowie, Thomas C. Bowie, Eversfield Bowie, John F. Bowie, Prisilla Bowie, and Eliza S. Bowie. PG. Estate of Fielder Bowie - Tivior, Beans Pasture, lots in Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 154.
Accession No.: 17,898-4653-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4822 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/11/23 4654: John Sewell vs. Peter Bond. HA. Petition to record deed for Bonds Forrest, Morgans Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4654 MSA S512-6- 4823 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/12/22 4655: Sheridine Russell, Daniel Russell, Anna Russell, Mary Anne Russell, and William Russell vs. William E. Sewall and Frances Sewall. CE. Estate of Thomas Russell - Coxes Purchase, Lantherdale, Bakers Defiance. Accession No.: 17,898-4655 MSA S512-6- 4824 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/07/31 4656: John Stewart, Jr. vs. John Stewart, Sr. and Henry Roberts. BA. Title to lot in My Ladys Manor, Mount Pleasant. Accession No.: 17,898-4656 MSA S512-6- 4825 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/12/02 4657: Seth Stodder, Ephraim Marsh, Caleb Marsh, and John Marsh vs. James Sewell, Nancy Sewell, Joseph Sewell, Lydia Sewell, Joseph Dunning, Lydia Dunning, William Dunning, Zackariah Fish, Luckey Fish, William Fish, Lucy Fish, Thomas Stodder, Joseph Stodder, Thomas Wells, Sarah Wells, Christopher Kilby, George Bowditch, Sarah Bowditch, William C. Stodder, Joseph Stodder, Simon Stodder, Herschel Stodder, and Luckey Stodder. BA. Estate of David Stodder - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 70.
Accession No.: 17,898-4657-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4826 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/07/09 4658: William Stansbury, Isaac Stansbury, Ruth Stansbury, James Stansbury, Josias Bowen, Prudence Bowen, George C. Collins, Charity Collins, Thomas Cowley, and Elizabeth Cowley vs. William Stansbury, Elijah Stansbury, John E. Stansbury, and Elizabeth Edwards. BA. Estate of Jacob Stansbury - Strife, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 382.
Accession No.: 17,898-4658-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4827 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/07/26 4659: Seth Sweetser vs. Richard B. Watts. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Oatleys Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 583 and 99 p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-4659 MSA S512-6- 4828 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/05/25 4660: Richard Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, Philip Snowden, Samuel Snowden, Richard P. Snowden, Gerard H. Snowden, Joseph R. Hopkins, Anna Maria Hopkins, John C. Herbert, and Mary Herbert vs. Margaret H. Snowden, Rezin H. Snowden, and Rachel Snowden. AA. Petition to sell Snowdens Third Addition to his Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 84.
Accession No.: 17,898-4660-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4829 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/04/28 4661: Daniel Martin. DO. Estate of William Sanders - Lockmans Regulation, Lockmans Discovery, Morgans Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 78. Accession No.: 17,898-4661-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4830 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/07/23 4662: State of Maryland, William Rose, James Booker, Philemon Willis, and Richard Barnaby vs. George Robins Hayward, Elizabeth Davis, and Samuel Brown. AL. Estate of William S. Bond - Bones Meadow. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 33, MdHR 40,283-1, S65-1, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 877.
Accession No.: 17,898-4662-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4831 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/06/08 4663: Sarah Sherwood vs. John Wells. AA. Petition to sell Todds Range. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-4663 MSA S512-6- 4832 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/25 4664: Robert D. Semmes and Ignatius Semmes vs. Henry Digges, Jane Digges, Mary Neale, Frances Neale, and Catherine Neale. CH. Estate of Joseph Neale - Chandlers Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-4664 MSA S512-6- 4833 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/06/02 4665: Charles L. Siegfroid and Charlotte Siegfroid vs. Alexander McKenzie, Alexander Frazier, John McKenzie, Andrew Seton, John Armstrong, Richard Curson, Jr., James Clarke, Robert Goodloe Horner, Joseph Young, Samuel Chase, Jr., Richard Pearson, George Crossdale, Thomas Rutter, and John Eager Howard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Elizabeths Diligence.
Accession No.: 17,898-4665-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4834 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/12/26 4666: Elisha Sollers vs. Mary Sollers. BA. Appointment of trustee for Mary Sollers. Accession No.: 17,898-4666 MSA S512-6- 4835 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/07/11 4667: Francis Rosse. WO. Insolvent estate of Rosse. Accession No.: 17,898-4667 MSA S512-6- 4836 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/11/12 4668: Joseph Delestatius and Sarah Delestatius vs. John Selby. WO. Estate of Parker Selby - Venture, Cedar Grove, Proventun, Robertsons Inheritence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-4668 MSA S512-6- 4837 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/12/13 4669: Samuel Scarborough vs. Matthew Scarborough. WO. Appointment of trustee for Matthew Scarborough. Accession No.: 17,898-4669 MSA S512-6- 4838 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/12/16 4670: Thomas Anderson and James Tilghman vs. Decker Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Ann Fontleroy, and Sarah Fontleroy. QA. Estate of Griffin Fontleroy - Butlers Own, Burks Expectation, Clouds Range, Skinners Expectation, Long Marsh, Sudlers Fortune, Sudlers Purchase. Plat; also shows Hopton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-4670-1/13 MSA S512-6- 4839 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/12/13 4671: John Suter, Jr., vs. Robert Suter, Alexander Suter, Volender Suter, and Margaret Suter. AL, MO. Estate of John Suter, Sr. - Earnhill, Pines in MO. Also Military Lot 4113 in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 485. Accession No.: 17,898-4671 MSA S512-6- 4840 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/08/02 4672: Sarah Stevenson, Joshua Stevenson, Edward Stevenson, Susannah Stevenson, John Stevenson, Hoopes Chamberlain, Mary Chamberlain, and Samuel Ryston. BA, FR. Petition to record deed for Mollys Industry, Resurvey of Singarys Trouting Stream, That or Nothing, Stevensons Wolf Pen in BA. Also Resurvey of Stevensons Garden, Resurvey on Dear Bought in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 317.
Accession No.: 17,898-4672 MSA S512-6- 4841 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/10/28 4673: Joseph M. Semmes and Ann Semmes vs. Thomas Semmes. CH. Appointment of trustee for Thomas Semmes. Accession No.: 17,898-4673 MSA S512-6- 4842 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/12 4674: William Spencer, Isaac Spencer, and James Cacy vs. Nathan Peacock, Alexander Argo, and Mary Argo. QA. Estate of Nathan Peacock - Comegys Reserve, Irelands Meadows, Resurvey of Condons, Winchester, Guythers Range, Owens Point, Conoway. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 403.
Accession No.: 17,898-4674-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4843 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/07/07 4675: John Sensiwick, Jacob Sensiwick, Isaac Sensiwick, Christian Sensiwick, Abraham Sensiwick, Mary Sensiwick, Abraham Crumpacer, and Margaet Crumpacer vs. John Hartman. FR. Contract to purchase Range. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 480. Accession No.: 17,898-4675-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4844 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/13 4676: Archibald Smithson. BA. Insolvent estate of Smithson. Accession No.: 17,898-4676 MSA S512-6- 4845 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/05/04 4677: William Seal vs. Lydia Seal, Isaac Seal, Thomas Seal, Mary Seal, and Lydia Seal. CE. Petition to correct deed for Elk Forge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 214. Accession No.: 17,898-4677 MSA S512-6- 4846 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/12/23 4678: Henry Stoner vs. Leonard Beall. WA. Petition to record deed for Joyners Fancy, Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 185. Accession No.: 17,898-4678 MSA S512-6- 4847 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/13 4679: Michael Spenseler vs. Jacob Funk, Elizabeth Funk, Henry Whitman, Frances Whitman, John Wells, Mary Wells, Philip Doddridge, Juliana Doddridge, Sophia Musser, Rosamond Musser, Salley Musser, Adalena Musser, and John Musser. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Bears Den, Good Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-4679 MSA S512-6- 4848 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/20 4680: Adam Stewart, James Wilson, Campbell Wilson, James Dunlop, William Woddrop, James Ritchie, James Anderson, and Thomas Montgomery vs. Thomas Hawkins, Barton Philpot, Amelia Philpot, Elizabeth Philpot, Violetta Gwynn, and Attorney General. FR. Contract to purchase Merryland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 344.
Accession No.: 17,898-4680 MSA S512-6- 4849 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/01 4681: Jacob Stimmell, Henry Stimmell, Barbara Hitechew, John Sunbrun, Catherine Sunbrun, Daniel Sawyer, Elizabeth Sawyer, Robert Stewart, and Mary Stewart vs. Raphael Logsdon, John Logsdon, Robert Logsdon, William Logsdon, Edward Logsdon, Patience Logsdon, Margaret Lone, John Ellis, and Honour Ellis. FR. Petition to record deed for Retirement, Brothers Agreement, Bedford, Logsdon Amendment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 229.
Accession No.: 17,898-4681 MSA S512-6- 4850 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/10/03 4682: Archibald Stewart vs. Latitia MacCreary and Samuel P. Walker. BA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 336 and 100, p. 704. Accession No.: 17,898-4682 MSA S512-6- 4851 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/01/09 4683: James Smith vs. Osborn Brashears, Rachel Brashears, Jeremiah Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Upton Dorsey, Reubin Dorsey, Owen Dorsey, Levin Dorsey, and Thomas Dorsey. BA. Title to Pollys Habitation, Charles Delight, Buckhorn. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 488 and 105, p. 196.
Accession No.: 17,898-4683 MSA S512-6- 4852 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/06/12 4684: John Stump vs. Samuel Hopkins, Levin Hopkins, Francis Hopkins, William Hopkins, Susan Hopkins, Grace Hopkins, Emily Hopkins, Mary Ann Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, Gerhard Hopkins, Joel Hopkins, and Elizabeth Hopkins. HA. Title to Bachelors Good Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-4684 MSA S512-6- 4853 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/07/25 4685: George Shaver and Barbara Stuckey vs. Richard Barnes and Evan Shelby. WA. Title to Mountain of Wales, Long Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 28, p. 330. Accession No.: 17,898-4685 MSA S512-6- 4854 Location: 1/37/1/
1791 4686: Matthew Spicknall vs. Eleanor Robinson. CV. Accession No.: 17,898-4686 MSA S512-6- 4855 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/09/07 4687: Thoroughgood Smith, William McCreery, William Stenton, Francis Partridge, and John Rogers vs. Ann Dennis, Sr., and Littleton Dennis, Jr. WO. Estate of Henry Dennis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-4687 MSA S512-6- 4856 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/07/30 4688: Thomas Snowden vs. William Davidson. AA. Estate of William Davidson - Harrisons Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 253. Accession No.: 17,898-4688 MSA S512-6- 4857 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/04/14 4689: Caleb Sears vs. John Childs. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Portland Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 590. Accession No.: 17,898-4689 MSA S512-6- 4858 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/04/20 4690: Albert Seekamp vs. Anthony Kimmel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-4690 MSA S512-6- 4859 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/05/07 4691: Duncan Shipley, Cassandra Shipley, and Rachel Shipley vs. Elizabeth Rogers and Nathaniel Chew. CE, HA. Defraud of creditors of Cassandra Dougherty. Accession No.: 17,898-4691 MSA S512-6- 4860 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/01/10 4692: Ann Sellman vs. Margaret Birmingham, Mary Birmingham, Matthew Birmingham, James Birmingham, Robert Birmingham, Samuel Birmingham, and Rebeca Birmingham. HA. Estate of James Birmingham - lot in My Ladys Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 289.
Accession No.: 17,898-4692 MSA S512-6- 4861 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/07/16 4693: Jacob Sherrer vs. Daniel Rowland. WA. Title to Whites Lot, Kellys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 442. Accession No.: 17,898-4693 MSA S512-6- 4862 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/04/27 4694: William Smith and Mary H. Smith vs. Maria Perry. TA. Estate of William Perry - Harbour House, Kirkham, Harrington, Cooks Hope, North Whales. Plats at 1/38/1/18; also show Braintree, Spring Close, Marlings Chance, Braintrees Addition, Marlings Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-4694 MSA S512-6- 4863 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/05 4695: William H. Smith vs. John Stevenson and Richard Brookings. CE. Estate of John Stevenson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 517. Accession No.: 17,898-4695 MSA S512-6- 4864 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/09/02 4696: George Stinchcomb vs. Nicholas Boaz, William Andrews, Edmund Kelly, and George James. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4696 MSA S512-6- 4865 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/06/11 4697: Joseph Sands and John Sands vs. Burton Whetcroft, William Marbury, and James Williams. PG. Estate of John Gordon. Accession No.: 17,898-4697 MSA S512-6- 4866 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/04/02 4698: Benjamin Spencer vs. William Mathews and George Levely. BA. Insolvent estate of Peter Littig. Accession No.: 17,898-4698 MSA S512-6- 4867 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/12/04 4699: Walter W. Summers vs. Lewis Beall. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4699 MSA S512-6- 4868 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/06/24 4700: John Snyder vs. Jerermiah Hill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4700 MSA S512-6- 4869 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/10/05 4701: Basil Simpson and Henrietta Simpson vs. John Tolley Worthington. AA. Estate of Brice Thomas Beale Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-4701 MSA S512-6- 4870 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/01/06 4702: John Scott vs. Margaret Bulger. BA. Defraud of creditors of Bulger. Accession No.: 17,898-4702 MSA S512-6- 4871 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/02/07 4703: James Soper vs. Thomas Mitchell and Joseph Mockbee. PG. Trust estate under will of Maureen Duvall. Accession No.: 17,898-4703 MSA S512-6- 4872 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/05/22 4704: Henry Smith vs. James Carlisle and Walter Carlisle. AL. Title to Lees Venture, Cramphins Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-4704 MSA S512-6- 4873 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/05/27 4705: John Somerville vs. John Cartwright Ashcom. SM. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-4705 MSA S512-6- 4874 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/08 4706: Matthew Steene, Larkin Shipley, Nicholas Hall, John Wade, Belt Brashears, and George Hosleton vs. Attorney General and Gerard Davis. BA, FR. Petition to sell Paris Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-4706-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4875 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/02/07 4707: James Shaw and Mary Cummings vs. Charles W. Hanson, Alexander C. Hanson, Randolph Campbell, Edward Campbell, Charles Campbell, Catherine Latimer, Randolph W. Latimer, James Latimer, William Latimer, Mary C. Latimer, Susan R. Latimer, Pricilla Latimer, Rebecca Latimer, James Cunningham, and Catherine Cunningham. AA. Estate of Charles Wallace.
Accession No.: 17,898-4707 MSA S512-6- 4876 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/05/15 4708: Edward Leadenham and Hugh Sherwood vs. Margaret Gelon and Eliza Gelon. TA. Petition to sell Carters Farms. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-4708-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4877 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/10/21 4709: Michael Shew, Mary Shew, Michael Matter, Catherine Matter, Molly Matter, and Susanna Matter vs. George Matter, Elizabeth Matter, and Anna Matter. BA. Petition to sell Winchesters Lott, Hockstade Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 690. Accession No.: 17,898-4709 MSA S512-6- 4878 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/07/11 4710: Upton Sheredine vs. Jehu Moore, John Moore, and John Brown. FR. Estate of John Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-4710-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4879 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/20 4711: Jacob Slack and Anderson Donephan vs. John Herbert. HA. Trust estate of Thomas Ramsay. Accession No.: 17,898-4711-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4880 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/06/16 4712: Joseph Sim Smith, Elizabeth Smith, and Rebecca Price vs. Eliza Price, Nannet Price, Benjamin Price, Upton Beall, Matilda Beall, George Price, Edmond Beall, Rebecca Beall, George Colmer, and Mary Colmer. FR, PG, WA. Petition to sell lots in Frederick, Dirty Work in FR. Also North Ridge in WA and lots in DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 167.
Accession No.: 17,898-4712 MSA S512-6- 4881 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/11/21 4713: Mordecai Skinner vs. Robert Dawson and James Dawson. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dawsons Composition. Accession No.: 17,898-4713 MSA S512-6- 4882 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/09/04 4714: Henry Stevenson vs. John Roberts Holliday, Henry Dorsey Gough, and Charles Ridgely. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4714 MSA S512-6- 4883 Location: 1/37/1/
1787 4715: William Sydebotham vs. Francis Clement Dyer. PG. Accession No.: 17,898-4715 MSA S512-6- 4884 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/10/18 4716: Ann Sturgis and Rachel Sturgis vs. Joseph Massey, Benjamin Comegys, and John Comegys. KE. Petition to record deed for Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 245. Accession No.: 17,898-4716 MSA S512-6- 4885 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/02 4717: Thomas C. Shipley vs. Isaac Porter, George Porter, Joshua Porter, Rezin Porter, Peter Porter, James Porter, Elisha Porter, Jacob Tenor, Catherine Tenor, Samuel Welsh, Jr., Marcella Welsh, Talbot Brashears, Rezin Brashears, Prisilla Brashears, Joshua Whips, Rachel Whips, Asa Murphy, Frances Murphy, William Frost, and Mary Frost. AA. Estate of George Shipley.
Accession No.: 17,898-4717-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4886 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/12/04 4718: Abraham Simmons vs. John Simmons. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Burridge, Kickertons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 43. Accession No.: 17,898-4718-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4887 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/12/18 4719: John Simpson and Elizabeth Simpson vs. Alexander Furvinal. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Range and Forrest, Johns Habitation, James Forrest, Ebenezers Park, Scotts Improvement. Accession No.: 17,898-4719 MSA S512-6- 4888 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/06/20 4720: John Stoner vs. Domonic French. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 415. Accession No.: 17,898-4720 MSA S512-6- 4889 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/01/11 4721: James Stephens vs. heirs of Peter Werts. FR. Title to Lashmits Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 119 and 106, p. 612. Accession No.: 17,898-4721 MSA S512-6- 4890 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/10/17 4722: Jacob Smith vs. Thomas Harris. FR. Title to Smiths Mount. Accession No.: 17,898-4722 MSA S512-6- 4891 Location: 1/37/1/
1779 4723: Francis Simpson vs. Thomas Sappington. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-4723-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4892 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/07/31 4724: John Swan, Joseph Swan, Kenedy Long, James Scott, and Patrick Murdock vs. Paul Hoye, William W. Hoye, and Samuel Selby, 3rd. AL. Petition to partition and sell Gleanings. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 580. Accession No.: 17,898-4724-1/4 MSA S512-6- 4893 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/08/15 4725: Dr. Henry Stevenson vs. John Stump. BA. Petiton to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-4725 MSA S512-6- 4894 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/19 4726: John Simmons vs. William Tillard. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4726-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4895 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/12/12 4727: Otho Spriggs, vs. John Spriggs, Lethenia Spriggs, Harriet Spriggs, Lucy Belt Spriggs, Maria Herston, and Julia Johnson. AA, FR, MO. Petition to partition I Am Looser Still, Fat Oxen in FR. Also Beals Good Will in MO and lot Poplar Springs in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 847.
Accession No.: 17,898-4727-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4896 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/12/16 4728: Alexander Scott vs. Jane Bonsall, John Bonsall, and Edward Bonsall. CE. Petition to record deed for lots in Elkton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 305. Accession No.: 17,898-4728 MSA S512-6- 4897 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/10/02 4729: Samuel Bond vs. Gustavus Richard Browne and William Bowie Magruder. CH, MO, SM. Estate of Richard Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-4729 MSA S512-6- 4898 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/05/04 4730: William R. Stuart vs. Margaret Black, Mary Stuart, Rebecca Stuart, and Ann Stuart. KE. Trust estate under will of Alexander Stuart. Accession No.: 17,898-4730 MSA S512-6- 4899 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/03 4731: John Sappington vs. Nathan Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-4731-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4900 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/07/08 4732: Albert Seekamp vs. Melcher Keener. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pleasant Spring. Accession No.: 17,898-4732 MSA S512-6- 4901 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/12/21 4733: Raphael Saxton vs. William Vidal. SM. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4733 MSA S512-6- 4902 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/10/18 4734: Philip Sindall and John Daugherty vs. Richard Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Isaac Taylor, Jacob Taylor, and Elijah Taylor. BA. Petition to partition Taylors Addition, Ill Will. Accession No.: 17,898-4734 MSA S512-6- 4903 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/06/28 4735: John Soward of Edward vs. Robert Spedden, Elizabeth Spedden, Vincent Price Taylor, Hugh Taylor, Prudence Taylor, Thomas Orem, and Julia Orem. DO. Petition to sell Ross Range, Ross Chance, Ross Chance Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-4735-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4904 Location: 1/37/1/
1787 4736: John Smith, William Smith, James Sterrett, Alexander Stenhouse, and William Lyon vs. Richard Burland. BA. Injunction against removal of dirt from lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4736 MSA S512-6- 4905 Location: 1/37/1/
1806 4737: John Scott vs. Thomas Nicholson. KE. Accession No.: 17,898-4737 MSA S512-6- 4906 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/05/14 4738: William Sanders, John Sanders, and Ruth Davis vs. Frederick Green. AA. Estate of William Sanders. Accession No.: 17,898-4738-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4907 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/02/14 4739: Alexander Stuart and Mary Stuart vs. Daniel Groom. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Green Branch Resurveyed, Perkins Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-4739 MSA S512-6- 4908 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/05/28 4740: John Stewart vs. Samuel Smoot. DO. Petition to sell Rehobeth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 531. Accession No.: 17,898-4740 MSA S512-6- 4909 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/04/21 4741: John Simpson vs. Abraham George Hammond and Philip Moore. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 513. Accession No.: 17,898-4741 MSA S512-6- 4910 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/12/03 4742: Henry Schnebely vs. Christopher Sides and George Shepler. WA. Estate of John Boozer. Accession No.: 17,898-4742-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4911 Location: 1/37/1/
1800 4743: William Stewart vs. Thomas Pearce. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-4743 MSA S512-6- 4912 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/10/18 4744: William Somervile vs. Winefred Greenwell, Maria Greenwell, Ann Greenwell, Eliza Greenwell, and Philip O. Greenwell. SM. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-4744 MSA S512-6- 4913 Location: 1/37/1/
1800 4745: John Smith vs. Willilam Gordon. BA. Defraud of creditors of Gordon. Accession No.: 17,898-4745 MSA S512-6- 4914 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/09/19 4746: Caleb Sappington vs. John Sappington. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Johns Luck, Pleasant Plains, Barrys Enlargement, Barrys Drake. Accession No.: 17,898-4746 MSA S512-6- 4915 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/08/24 4747: George Schmertzel vs. William Taylor and John Taylor. FR. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-4747 MSA S512-6- 4916 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/09 4748: Levin Soper vs. Jesse Soper. PG. Petition to partition Goldenrod Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-4748 MSA S512-6- 4917 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/08/11 4749: George Day Scott and Nicholas Evans Collier vs. Moses Park, Elizabeth Park, Alexander Robertson, and James Robertson. SO. Title to Sunken Grounds, Jones Hole. Accession No.: 17,898-4749 MSA S512-6- 4918 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/09/24 4750: Samuel Smythe vs. Henry Wertz, Jr., John Kipp, and Willilam Keen. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-4750-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4919 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/09/18 4751: John Stover, Jacob Stover, Samuel Yoner, and Mary Yoner vs. Susannah Werter. BA. Trust estate under will of John Stover. Accession No.: 17,898-4751 MSA S512-6- 4920 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/12/22 4752: Leonard Scott vs. Grace Peterson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Acton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 390. Accession No.: 17,898-4752 MSA S512-6- 4921 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/16 4753: Henry Schroder, George Repold, and James P. Boyd vs. David Poe and Robert Long. BA. Insolvent estate of David Poe - Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 403. Accession No.: 17,898-4753-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4922 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/06/19 4754: Paca Smith vs. Lucy Pringle, Adelaide Pringle, Maria Pringle, Caroline Pringle, and Augusta Pringle. HA. Estate of Mark Pringle - lots in Havre de Grace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 91. Accession No.: 17,898-4754 MSA S512-6- 4923 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/03/04 4755: John Shroyer, John J. Seas, and Mary Seas vs. Polly Shroyer, Daniel Shroyer, Elizabeth Shroyer, Sarah Shroyer, Harriett Shroyer, Polly Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Margaret Smith, Sarah Smith, and Lydia Smith. FR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Middle Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 512.
Accession No.: 17,898-4755 MSA S512-6- 4924 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/21 4756: Thomas Sheckells and Anne Sheckells vs. John Stockett. AA. Estate of Vincent Lusby - Bridge Hills, Dodon. Accession No.: 17,898-4756-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4925 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/08/15 4757: Martin Study and Jacob Middower vs. Daniel Stansifer. FR. Injunction against removal of fences and timber from Resurvey on High Germany. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 513. Accession No.: 17,898-4757 MSA S512-6- 4926 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/06/06 4758: James Stone, Jr. vs. Charles P. Lancaster. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Gills Land. Plat of Neales Gift at 1/38/1/18. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 229. Accession No.: 17,898-4758-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4927 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/03/14 4759: Solomon Simpson vs. James Simpson, Juliet Simpson, William G. Luckett, Kitty C. Luckett, David L. Luckett, and Luther Luckett. MO. Estate of David Luckett. Accession No.: 17,898-4759 MSA S512-6- 4928 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/01/20 4760: John Somervell vs. John Cunningham. BA. Estate of James Somervell - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4760 MSA S512-6- 4929 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/02/02 4761: Sarah Stinchcomb vs. Henry Hammond, Henrietta Hammond, Nathaniel Stinchcomb, William H. Stinchcomb, Ruth Stinchcomb, Thomas Stinchcomb, Ignatius Bright, Hammutel Bright, Elijah Pennington, Rebecca Pennington, Thomas Bright, and Eliza Pennington. AA. Estate of Thomas Stinchcomb.
Accession No.: 17,898-4761-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4930 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/10/20 4762: James Stone and Elizabeth Stone vs. Hannah West. PG. Petition to revive a suit. Accession No.: 17,898-4762-1/6 MSA S512-6- 4931 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/07/12 4763: John W. Stump and John Archer vs. Abraham Jarrett, Elizabeth Jarrett, Thomas Jarrett, Mary Jarrett, Hannah Stump, Ann Stump, William H. Stump, Bank of Baltimore, and Baltimore Insurance Co. HA. Estate of John Stump. Accession No.: 17,898-4763-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4932 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/11/29 4764: Talbot Shipley and Rachel Shipley vs. Cassandra Daugherty. CE. Estate of Samuel Chew - Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-4764-1/7 MSA S512-6- 4933 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/06/16 4765: William Sanders and John Sanders vs. William Brogden. AA. Petition to discover accounts of Brogden. Accession No.: 17,898-4765-1/9 MSA S512-6- 4934 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/12/21 4766: Willilam Dick vs. Robert Sands. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4766-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4935 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/17 4767: Walter B. Smallwood and John H. Beanes vs. Charles Smallwood. CH. Contract to purchase Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-4767 MSA S512-6- 4936 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/09/06 4768: Daniel Stansbury vs. Cornelius Garretson and William Clarke. BA. Estate of Job Garretson - Hindes Purchase, Hazard. Accession No.: 17,898-4768 MSA S512-6- 4937 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/05/08 4769: John Steele vs. Thomas Bond, Thomas Bennett, and James Chapple. BA. Contract to lease lots in Fells Point. Accession No.: 17,898-4769 MSA S512-6- 4938 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/01/03 4770: John Stewart vs. John Henry and Francis J. Henry. DO. Title to Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4770 MSA S512-6- 4939 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/04/02 4771: James B. Sullivane vs. State of Maryland. DO. Contract to purchase Kirks Purchase, Little Worth Improved, New Indian Survey, Choptank Indian Lands, Nothing Worth Improved, Ennals Discovery, Addition, Stevens Right, Luck is All. Plat of Little Worth Improved, New Indian Survey, Ennalls Discovery, Stevens Right, Luck is All at 1/38/1/18. Accession No.: 17,898-4771-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4940 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/02/12 4773: Jesse Slingluff vs. Mary Jordan, Lavina Jordan, Mary Jordan, Naomi Jordan, Eliza Jordan, Matilda Jordan, Frederick Jordan, and Benjamin Jordan. BA. Estate of Frederick Jordan - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 295 Accession No.: 17,898-4773-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4941 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/08/23 4774: James McCoy, John Miflin, Israel Reynolds, Thomas Patton, William Miller, Henry Broughton, and John H. Cromwell vs. David Springer, Mary Springer, William Rowland, and Samuel Lane. CE. Estate of William McCoy - Halls Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 137.
Accession No.: 17,898-4774-1/9 MSA S512-6- 4942 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/17 4775: John Sterrett, James Steele, John Patterson, Daniel Morris, James Nesbett, and Hugh Lyon vs. State of Maryland. CE. Contract to purchase Widows Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4775 MSA S512-6- 4943 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/07/17 4776: Mary Steele. DO. Petition to sell Hambrooks. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 497. Accession No.: 17,898-4776-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4944 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/11/09 4777: Clement Smith, Susanna Smith, and Rachel Smith. CV. Petition to sell Halls Craft. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 587. Accession No.: 17,898-4777-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4945 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/01/28 4779: Charles Scott, Manoah Scott, John Scott, and Elisha Scott vs. Jacob Boss, Rebecca Boss, and Elizabeth Scott. PG. Petition to sell houses and lots in Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-4779 MSA S512-6- 4946 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/07/23 4780: John Smith, Samuel Moale, Sarah Lemmon, Richard Lemmon, D. McMechen, A.F. Hall, Thomas Hall, and Gerard Tipton. BA. Estates of Richard Lemmon, Joshua Lemmon, Benjamin Griffith, and Philip Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-4780 MSA S512-6- 4947 Location: 1/37/1/
1828/10/14 4781: George Stinchcomb, Mary Stinchcomb, Elizabeth Ratcliff, Aria Stinchcomb, Nancy Fox, and William Cannon vs. Moses Cannon. AA. Estate of William Cannon, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-4781 MSA S512-6- 4948 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/09/19 4782: Elisha Stansbury, Nicholas Stansbury, Robert Richardson, Mary Ann Richardson, William Richardson, Sarah Richardson, Stephen Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Nicholas Brewer, and Mary Brewer. BA. Estate of Joseph Stansbury - Hobsons Choice, Benjamin Rogers Reserve, Baliston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 157.
Accession No.: 17,898-4782 MSA S512-6- 4949 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/03/31 4783: Joseph N. Stockett and Mary Stockett vs. Samuel Maccubbin. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 173. Accession No.: 17,898-4783 MSA S512-6- 4950 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/03/01 4784: Aaron Sides vs. Sarah Smith. BA. Mortgage foresclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4784 MSA S512-6- 4951 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/05/16 4788: John Shedden vs. John Fairbanks. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Elk Ridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-4788 MSA S512-6- 4952 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/11/10 4789: Charles Steuart and James McCulloch vs. State of Maryland. AA. Title to Simpsons Stone, Batchelors Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-4789 MSA S512-6- 4953 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/01/26 4790: Issacher Scholfield and Malon Scholfield vs. Theodorick McCarty, Daniel Fitzhugh, Mary Brent, Henry Lee, and Philip Pendleton. PG. Estate of Philip Fitzhugh - Adolphia Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-4790-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4954 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/06/02 4791: Richard G. Stockett vs. Stephen West. PG. Contract to purchase Talbots Resolution Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-4791-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4955 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/07/12 4792: Alexander Scott, Robert Morris, and Horatio Clagett vs. Henrietta Hagan, Violetta Hagan, Thomas Davis, Thomas A. Davis, William Hamilton, and Violetta Hamilton. CH. Estate of Henry Hagan. Accession No.: 17,898-4792-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4956 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/05/30 4793: Fielder B. Smith vs. Enoch M. Burgess. AA. Petition to record bill of sale for slaves Fanny, Frank, Richard, and Washington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 622. Accession No.: 17,898-4793 MSA S512-6- 4957 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/04/08 4794: Josias Sunderland and Cosmo Sunderland vs. William Watson and Susannah Watson. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4794 MSA S512-6- 4958 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/10/08 4795: Daniel Scott vs. Hugh Bay, Archibald Heaps, Sarah Heaps, William Cooley, Elizabeth Cooley, James Homes, Mary Homes, James Kenneday, Elihu Kenneday, Jane Kenneday, and Levina Kenneday. HA. Estate of William Bay - Hopewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 162.
Accession No.: 17,898-4795-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4959 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/10/29 4796: John Stickney vs. Thoroughgood Smith, Mark Pringle, Robert Oliver, and John Oliver. BA. Dissolution of John Stickney & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-4796-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4960 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/06/10 4797: Joseph Smith, James Smith, Thomas Parrott, Mary Parrott, John Bird, Elizabeth Bird, Fielder Rien, Rachel Rien, Fanny Rien, Henrietta Young, Thomas Crandall, Mary Crandall, Eleanor Crandall, Elizabeth Crandall, Rachel Crandall, George Smith, John Smith, Jacob Smith, Lemuel Smith, Eliza Smith, Maria Smith, Eliza Smith, James Smith, William Stallings, Polly Parrott, Rebecca Stallings, Eleanor Stallings, James Stallings, Jenny Whittington, Fanny Whittington, Thomas Whittington, Samuel Whittington, and Joseph Whittington vs. Rezin Estep. AA. Estate of Joseph Smith.
Accession No.: 17,898-4797-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4961 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/05/08 4798: Duncan Shipley vs. Rachel Shipley. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Resurvey of Perry Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-4798-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4962 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/01/03 4799: James Smith vs. Lucretia Waters, Ann Waters, Amelia Waters, Moses Hedges, and Catherine Hedges. FR. Estate of Azel Waters - lot in Monocacy Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-4799 MSA S512-6- 4963 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/05/31 4800: Henry Stevenson vs. John Weatherburne. BA. Estate of Robert Porteus - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-4800-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4964 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/06/18 4801: Larkin Shipley and Richard Dorsey vs. Rachel Trump, Thomas Lane, Eliza Lane, Ortho Williams, Polly Williams, Valentine Loor, and Michael Loor. AA. Estate of Casper Trump - Pleasant Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 108. Accession No.: 17,898-4801-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4965 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/07/28 4802: John Sydentram Crapper, Eliza Crapper, Mary Crapper, and Zadock Crapper vs. John Smoot, Robert Smoot, Joseph Smoot, and John Henry Smoot. DO. Title to Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-4802-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4966 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/03/20 4803: Massy Semms vs. Peter Millstead. CH. Petition to sell None Such. Accession No.: 17,898-4803 MSA S512-6- 4967 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/05/18 4804: Richard Snowden, Bayley E. Clarke, William N. Lansdale, and Jonathan Scholfield vs. Thomas J. Waters, Dr. Charles Duvall, Mordecai Jacobs, and John W. Williams. PG. Defraud of creditors of Waters. Accession No.: 17,898-4804 MSA S512-6- 4968 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/29 4805: James S. Soper vs. Richard Disney and John Boone. AA. Defraud of creditors of Disney. Accession No.: 17,898-4805 MSA S512-6- 4969 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/02/01 4806: James Sterett vs. Thomas Peters. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Orange. Accession No.: 17,898-4806 MSA S512-6- 4970 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/04/06 4807: John Stevens vs. William Bourke, George Shannahan, Samuel Harrison, and William Stevens. CA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4807-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4971 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/06/17 4808: Samuel Spackman vs. James Emerson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 647. Accession No.: 17,898-4808 MSA S512-6- 4972 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/07/23 4809: Richard Shrive and Mary Shrive vs. Thomas Harwood of Benjamin. CV. Estate of Richard William Harwood. Accession No.: 17,898-4809 MSA S512-6- 4973 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/02/26 4810: Thomas Spicer vs. Winebert Tschudy and Action Tschudy. BA. Title to Hickorys First Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-4810 MSA S512-6- 4974 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/10 4811: Charles Soward and Jane Soward. DO. Estate of John Hubbard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-4811-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4975 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/02/03 4812: Anne Snowden, Richard Snowden, and Thomas Snowden vs. John Snowden, Philip Snowden, and Samuel Snowden. AA. Dissolution of Samuel Snowden & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-4812-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4976 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/04/21 4813: John Simpson vs. Robert Courtenay and James Burke. BA. Insolvent estate of Courtenay - Fullers Outlet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 191. Accession No.: 17,898-4813-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4977 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/04/29 4815: Charles Schell vs. Christian Fridinger, Mary Fridinger, and Christina Fridinger. FR. Estate of Nicholas Fridinger. Accession No.: 17,898-4815 MSA S512-6- 4978 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/12/02 4816: Samuel Smith and Nicholas Stansbury vs. John Wright and Charles Pennington. BA. Estate of Josias Pennington. Accession No.: 17,898-4816 MSA S512-6- 4979 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/09/04 4817: Samuel Scott vs. William R. King and Eleanor King. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Trammelsburgh, Woodland, Hobsons Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-4817 MSA S512-6- 4980 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/01/15 4818: Michael J. Stone and Gustavus Richard Browne vs. Dr. Daniel Jenifer. AA. Estate of Thomas Stone - Baltimore Ironworks, lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-4818-1/10 MSA S512-6- 4981 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/12/18 4819: John Simpson and Elizabeth Simpson vs. William L. Schmidt, Maria Schmidt, Louisa Furnival, Martha Furnival, Frederick M. Amelung, Sophia Amelung, and James Zwisler. BA. Estate of Alexander Furnival - Range and Forrest, Johns Habitation, James Forrest, Ebenezers Park, Scotts Improvement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 17.
Accession No.: 17,898-4819-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4982 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/11/22 4820: Duncan Shipley, Elizabeth Bainy, George H. Shipley, Elizabeth Davis, Henry Shipley, Charles B. Hipps, Nancy Shipley, Thomas Davis, Amelia Davis, and John Whips vs. Rachel Shipley, Ephraim Shipley, Thomas C. Shipley, Joshua O. Shipley, Samuel Welch, Marcella Welch, Caleb Macklefish, and Joshua Porter. AA. Estates of George Shipley and Talbot Shipley.
Accession No.: 17,898-4820-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4983 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/02/26 4821: James Stoops and Elizabeth Stoops vs. James Tucker, Samuel Caldwell, and William Walker. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4821-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4984 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/03/10 4822: Daniel Scott vs. Joshua Green. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Griffiths Camp, Beals Camp, Scotts Hopewell, Ewings Contrivance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-4822 MSA S512-6- 4985 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/03/01 4823: Richard Snowden and Gerrard H. Snowden vs. Richard Snowden, Jr., William Thomas Snowden, Anna M. Snowden, John Snowden, Margaret H. Snowden, Rezin H. Snowden, and Rachel Snowden. MO. Estates of Richard Snowden, Jr., Elizabeth Snowden, and John Snowden - Snowdens Second Addition to His Manor, Snowdens Manor Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 126.
Accession No.: 17,898-4823-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4986 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/07/25 4824: Charles Louis Siegfried and Charlotte Siegfried vs. John McKenzie, Alexander Frazer, and Alexander McKenzie. BA. Title to Deep Point. Accession No.: 17,898-4824-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4987 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/12/18 4825: Algernon Stanford and William McDonald vs. John Polk, Sally Polk, and William Polk. DO. Petition to sell lot in Choptank Indian Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 232. Accession No.: 17,898-4825-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4988 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/08/04 4826: Henrietta Stone vs. Thomas Stone. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-4826-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4989 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/03/20 4827: Edward Semmes vs. Anne Semmes and Jason M. Semmes. CH. Title to Lichfield, Small Profit, Lichfield Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-4827 MSA S512-6- 4990 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/05/19 4828: Richard Cramphim, Richard Lownds, and Philip Fitzhugh vs. Andrew Scholfield. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4828 MSA S512-6- 4991 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/01/05 4829: Henry Stevenson vs. Charles Ridgely. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4829 MSA S512-6- 4992 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/10/07 4830: Joseph Smith and John Nicholson vs. Stephen Vickery. BA. Contract to export and import merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-4830-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4993 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/03/28 4832: Benjamin Stoddert vs. Ann Clark, Thomas C. Clark, Benjamin H. Clark, Martha C. Clark, Charles T. Clark, and Anna M. Clark. PG. Contract to purchase Windsor Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-4832 MSA S512-6- 4994 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/08/07 4833: Archibald Stewart vs. Sarah C. O'Donnell, Columbus O'Donnell, Deborah O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Eliza O'Donnell, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, William Patterson, Joseph Barrett, and Mary Barrett. BA. Contract to purchase Frederick Street Dock and warehouse in BC. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-4833-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4995 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/07/22 4834: Samuel Sheerwood vs. Philemon Sheerwood, Richard Sheerwood, and Luke Tiernan. TA. Contract to purchase house and lot in Hole in the Wall. Accession No.: 17,898-4834 MSA S512-6- 4996 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/02/09 4835: Jacob Sticher vs. Christian Reich. FR. Contract to purchase lots in Woodsborough. Accession No.: 17,898-4835-1/2 MSA S512-6- 4997 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/07/03 4836: Francis H. Sheid vs. John D. Scott, Joseph Scott, Sarah Scott, Mary Thaw, and John Thaw. CH. Estate of John D. Scott -- Pointon Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 206. Accession No.: 17,898-4836-1/5 MSA S512-6- 4998 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/09/16 4838: James Sterrett vs. Richard Keys, James Keys, Bayley Keys, and Thomas Woodyear. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Drumquhastle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 288. Accession No.: 17,898-4838-1/3 MSA S512-6- 4999 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/04/03 4839: Jacob Stansbury, Rositer Scott, Peter Bond, John Talbot, George Miller, John Kelly, William Wallis, John Brysen, Henry Pennington, Nicholas Gorsuch, Hezekiah Price, John Dodd, Christian Turn, Andrew Cross, Ann Matthews, Daniel Chalmers, William Stansbury, James Edwards, Elizabeth Myers, Mary Bond, Daniel Conn, Thomas Gorsuch, John Gorsuch, Nicholas Gorsuch, Hannah Gorsuch, John E. Stansbsury, and Nathan G. Brysen vs. John T. Holland, William Staples, and Jane Staples. BA. Title to Coles Harbor.
Accession No.: 17,898-4839 MSA S512-6- 5000 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/05/18 4840: Jesse Slingluff vs. James Bosley. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4840 MSA S512-6- 5001 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/01/18 4841: Richard Philip Snowden and Gerrard Hopkins Snowden vs. Anne Maria Snowden, John Snowden, Margaret Hopkins Snowden, Rezin H. Snowden, Rachel Snowden, and Philip Hammond Hopkins. AA, MO, PG, WA. Petition to partition Snowdens New Birmingham Manor in AA and PG. Also Duvalls Delight, Effords Delight, Snowdens Intention, Providence, Trusty Friend, Mount Vernon, Snowdens Addition to Huntington Quarter, Forge Seat, Good Design, Meritans Fancy, Simpsons Stone, Sappingtons Lot, Slipe in AA. Also Friendship, Birmingham Loss, Denby in PG. Also Snowdens Manor Enlarged, Resurvey on Timber Neck, Bealls Manor in MO and Snowdens Friend in WA. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 30, MdHR 40,283-25, S65-27, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 62.
Accession No.: 17,898-4841-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5002 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/08/28 4842: William B. Stokes and Sarah Hall vs. Richard Mansfield, Thomas Brown, and Joseph Husband. HA. Injunction against operation of a ferry in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-4842-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5003 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/10/01 4843: William B. Smyth and Mary H. Smith vs. David Kerr, Jr. TA. Estate of William Perry. Accession No.: 17,898-4843 MSA S512-6- 5004 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/10/19 4844: Charles Stansbury vs. Ann Picket. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sues Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-4844 MSA S512-6- 5005 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/12/04 4846: Charles S. Sewall and Maria Sewall vs. Cornelia Sothoron, John Sothoron, and Samuel T. Wright. QA. Estate of Clement Sewall. Accession No.: 17,898-4846-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5006 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/05/14 4848: John Sullivane and John Murray vs. Samuel Young, William Knight, and Elizabeth Knight. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 54. Accession No.: 17,898-4848-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5007 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/12/01 4849: Richard Sprigg vs. John Galloway. AA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-4849 MSA S512-6- 5008 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/02/20 4850: Edward Stevenson, Henry Stevenson, Edward Stevenson, Ludowick Little, and William Stevenson vs. Frederick Little. FR. Contract to lend money. Accession No.: 17,898-4850 MSA S512-6- 5009 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/12/21 4851: John Stump vs. Richard Lawson, Stephen Lawson, James Lawson, Diena Lawson, and John McFadon. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-4851-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5010 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/11/14 4852: Mordecai Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Edmund Alnut, and Sarah Alnut vs. Gilbert Smith, Hannah Smith, and Sophia Smith. AA. Petition to partition or sell Grammars Parrott, Pleasant Prospect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 226. Accession No.: 17,898-4852-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5011 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/09/04 4853: Thomas Simmons and Levin Simmons vs. James Sterling and Nicholas Gatch. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Orange. Accession No.: 17,898-4853 MSA S512-6- 5012 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/11/15 4854: John E. Stansbury vs. Elijah Stansbury. BA. Title to Strife. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No, 11 MdHR 40,283-117, S65-100, B5/10/1. Accession No.: 17,898-4854 MSA S512-6- 5013 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/12/12 4855: Fielder Bowie Smith and Mordicai Finch Smith vs. George Smith and Phebe Smith. CV. Estate of Mordicai Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4855 MSA S512-6- 5014 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/12/11 4856: Fielder Bowie Smith, George Smith, and Phebe Smith vs. Stephen Stewart, Daniel Smith, and Elizabeth Estep. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Archers Hays. Accession No.: 17,898-4856 MSA S512-6- 5015 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/02/12 4857: Samuel Shammean vs. William Bell. BA. Dissolution of Bell & Shammean. Accession No.: 17,898-4857 MSA S512-6- 5016 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/08 4858: John Shriver vs. John Hall of Elisha. AA. Contract to sell Finbys. Accession No.: 17,898-4858 MSA S512-6- 5017 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/06/27 4859: James Stewart vs. State of Maryland. BA. Contract to purchase Philpots Point. Accession No.: 17,898-4859 MSA S512-6- 5018 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/11/30 4860: John Stockett vs. John Beard and Stephen Beard. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4860 MSA S512-6- 5019 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/11/10 4861: Joseph Slagle vs. Joseph Crawford. AL. Petition to record deed for White Oak Swamp, White Oak Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-4861 MSA S512-6- 5020 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/03/21 4862: Robert H. Smith vs. Elizabeth C. Smith. CV. Petition to sell Bullings Right, Abbington, Downsdale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 362. Accession No.: 17,898-4862-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5021 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/20 4863: Thomas Sim vs. Roger Nelson. FR. Estate of William Sim. Accession No.: 17,898-4863 MSA S512-6- 5022 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/08/17 4865: John Trueman Stoddert vs. Mary Trueman Findall. CH. Petition to partition Addition to Southhampton, South Hampton Enlarged, Wheelers Purchase, Wards Wheels. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-4865-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5023 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/10/26 4866: William Bedingfield Smith and Mary H. Smith vs. George Finley, Maria Perry, Ann Earle, and Robert Walters. QA. Estate of William Perry - Finleys Adventure, Queen Annes Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-4866-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5024 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/09/27 4867: William Smith vs. Isabell Hall, William W. Hall, Sophia Hall, Isabell Hall, John Hall, Edward Hall, and Elizabeth Hall. HA. Estate of Thomas Hall - Wilsons Range, Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 340. Accession No.: 17,898-4867-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5025 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/11/11 4869: Robert Saunders and Elizabeth Saunders vs. John Simpson and Elizabeth Simpson. HA. Estate of William Andrew - Phils Choice, Jones Inheritance, and Smiths Discovery. Plat of Jones Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-4869-1/8 MSA S512-6- 5026 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/09/21 4870: Daniel Scott vs. John Rockhold, Jr., Benjamin Gibson, Arthur Rider, and James McLaughlin. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bealls Camp, Hopewell, Scotts Addition to Trust, Rural Felicity. Accession No.: 17,898-4870-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5027 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/06/27 4872: Joseph Sprigg vs. John Downey. WA. Petition to record deeds for Downeys Contrivance, Resurvey on Nicholson Contrivance, Long Meadow Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 213. Accession No.: 17,898-4872 MSA S512-6- 5028 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/07/19 4874: George Schnertzell vs. George Creager, David Levy, and Isaac Shriver. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Dickinsons Struggle, Liberty, Resurvey on Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-4874-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5029 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/11/28 4875: William Brooke Stokes vs. Clement Brooke. HA. Estate of Clement Brooke - Butlers Farm, Addition to Eldridges Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 128. Accession No.: 17,898-4875 MSA S512-6- 5030 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/06/13 4877: Robert Staples, Jane Staples, and John T. Holland vs. Temperance Bowen, Ruth Ensor, Orpah Ensor, Naomi Benfield, and Elizabeth Benfield. BA. Estate of John Ensor - Darby Hall, Manors Priviledge, Chevy Chase, Mount Pleasant, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 592.
Accession No.: 17,898-4877-1/6 MSA S512-6- 5031 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/06/22 4878: John Sunderland and Thomas Sunderland. CV. Estate of Thomas Sunderland - Upper Bennett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 173. Accession No.: 17,898-4878-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5032 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/07/21 4880: John Smith, Thomas Kell, William Gwynn, Samuel Moale, and David McMechen. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Improvement. Accession No.: 17,898-4880 MSA S512-6- 5033 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/03/19 4882: Dixon Slade vs. William Almony and James Almony. HA. Petition to release mortgage on Slades Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4882 MSA S512-6- 5034 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/11/18 4883: John Smith vs. James Biays. BA. Dissolution of partnership to trade with the West Indies. Accession No.: 17,898-4883-1/21 MSA S512-6- 5035 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/12/08 4884: Alexander Stuart and Mary Stuart vs. James Black, Margaret Black, Frederick Wilson, William Rogers Wilson, and Thomas Wilson. KE. Validity of deeds for Ridgely, Providence, Camelsworthmore, Taylors Place, Jones Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-4884-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5036 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/08/22 4885: Thomas Smith and Levin Noble vs. Peter Smith, James Smith, and Charlotte Smith. CA. Estate of Isaac Smith - Hobsons Choice, Levins Folly Enlarged, Smiths Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-4885 MSA S512-6- 5037 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/05/25 4886: John Sample and Robert Bodkin vs. Isaac Henry. HA. Title to Unexpected, Prospect, Disappointment, Henrys Pleasure, Troublesome Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-4886 MSA S512-6- 5038 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/09/30 4887: William Stone vs. Tobias E. Stansbury. BA. Title to brigantine Martha and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-4887-1/11 MSA S512-6- 5039 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/18 4888: Richard G. Stockett vs. Charles Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase Hammonds Elk Ridge Connection, Philips Luck, Addition to Philips Luck, Recovery, Talbots Resolution Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 4. Accession No.: 17,898-4888-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5040 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/04/29 4889: Henry Stevenson vs. John Wilmott. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4889-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5041 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/12/11 4890: John Sprigg vs. Nathan T. Veatch. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4890 MSA S512-6- 5042 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/09/15 4891: Henry Smith vs. James Carlisle and Jacob Tutwiller. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment on Lees Venture, Cramphins Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-4891 MSA S512-6- 5043 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/08/19 4892: Stephen Steward vs. Adam Allen. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Bristol, Gotts Farm, slave Frank. Accession No.: 17,898-4892 MSA S512-6- 5044 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/08/17 4893: John Stewart and John Willliams vs. John Lynch, Elizabeth Lynch, Francis Lankford, Trippe Anne Lankford, Rebecca Hodson, and Sarah Hodson. DO. Estate of Elizabeth Hodson - Maiden Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-4893-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5045 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/06/14 4894: Charles Stansbury vs. Josiah Pennington, Charles Jessop, Mary Jessop, Lewallin Barry, Jemoma Barry, Christopher Buck, Keziah Buck, Elijah Stansbury, and Elizabeth Stansbury. BA, FR. Estate of David Gorsuch - Hansons Wood Lot, Stones Ridge in BA and Gorsuchs Lot in FR.
Accession No.: 17,898-4894-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5046 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/29 4896: Charles Sewell vs. James O'Brien, William O'Brien, and Harriott O'Brien. QA. Estate of William O'Brien - Claxton Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-4896 MSA S512-6- 5047 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/07/01 4897: Henry Thomas Swearingen vs. Benoni S. Blackford. WA. Petition to partition Antietam Bottom, Pell Mell, Resurvey on Antietam Bottom, Ferry Landing, Ferry Landing Enlarged. Plat at 1/38/1/19. Accession No.: 17,898-4897-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5048 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/06/06 4898: William Stapels, Rebecca Stapels, and Ann Mercer vs. Jacob Bonge, Mary Bonge, Henry Bonge, Alfred Bonge, Cassandra Bonge, Daniel Bonge, John Wilt, and Henry Wesley. AA. Estate of Frederick Bonge. Accession No.: 17,898-4898 MSA S512-6- 5049 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/11/20 4899: Agnes Swann and George Grundy vs. John Swann. BA. Dissolution of trading partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4899-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5050 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/04/29 4900: Larkin Shipley vs. Elizabeth A. Hammond, Mathias Hammond, and Camilla A. Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase Hammonds Enlargement. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 669. Accession No.: 17,898-4900 MSA S512-6- 5051 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/12/20 4901: Levin Smith vs. Elizabeth Orrell, Anastasia Orrell, james Orrell, William Orrell, Felix Orrell, and Mary Orrell. CA. Contract to purchase Revival. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 569. Accession No.: 17,898-4901 MSA S512-6- 5052 Location: 1/37/1/
1791 4902: State of Maryland vs. Rinaldo Johnson and Elisha Berry. PG. Collection of taxes. Accession No.: 17,898-4902 MSA S512-6- 5053 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/20 4903: Adam Stewart, James Wilson, Campbell Wilson, William Wilson, James Wilson, James Dunlop, Thomas Montgomery, John Ryburn, James Dunlop, William Waddrop, James Ritchie, Henry Ritchie, and James Anderson vs. John Hilleary, Thomas H. West, Erasmus West, Sarah West, and Benjamin West. FR. Contract to purchase Merryland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 545 and 105, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-4903-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5054 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/11/30 4904: Jacob Stansbury vs. Clement McAttee, Rebecca McAttee, Benjamin Thomas, and Rebecca Thomas. BA. Estate of Jonah Thomas - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 589. Accession No.: 17,898-4904-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5055 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/12/16 4905: John Smoot vs. Alexander Douglass. DO. Estate of John Smoot - lot in Vienna. Accession No.: 17,898-4905-1/9 MSA S512-6- 5056 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/07/26 4906: Robert Sherwood vs. Moses Sherwood, Edward Markland, Alice Markland, Solomon Merrick, Lucy Merrick, Penelope Sherwood, Jesse Sherwood, Lydia Sherwood, Mary Sherwood, John Sherwood, Levi Sherwood, and Robert Ewing. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pitts Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 61. Accession No.: 17,898-4906-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5057 Location: 1/37/1/
1832/07/13 4907: Thomas Sutton and Elizabeth G. Scott vs. Thomas C. Earle. QA. Dissolution of Earle & Sutton. Accession No.: 17,898-4907 MSA S512-6- 5058 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/04/07 4908: Jacob Sides, John Cooke, Nancy Cooke, Isaac Davis, and Mary Davis vs. Eliza Sides and William Sides. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-4908 MSA S512-6- 5059 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/12/16 4909: John Thomas Smith, and Upton S. Smith vs. Philemon Smith, Hamilton Smith, and Sarah L.C. Smith. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4909 MSA S512-6- 5060 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/02/05 4910: Catherine Searver vs. John Albaugh. WA. Validity of sale of house and lot in Boonsborough. Accession No.: 17,898-4910 MSA S512-6- 5061 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/04/30 4911: John Hoskins Stone vs. William Cole, John A. Jolly, Isaiah Mankin, John Anderson, Henry Anderson, and George Simpson. BA. Trust estate of Joseph Foreman. Accession No.: 17,898-4911 MSA S512-6- 5062 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/08/20 4912: George Jacob Schley vs. heirs of Jacob Russell. FR. Estate of Josiah Russell - lot in Frederick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 14. Accession No.: 17,898-4912-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5063 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/02/12 4913: Robert Smith and John Bleakly vs. Samuel Walker. BA. Estates of William Allison and Nathaniel Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-4913 MSA S512-6- 5064 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/01/02 4914: Sarah Stevenson, Edward Stevenson, John Stevenson, Thomas Roberts, Susanna Roberts, Hoopes Chamberlain, Mary Chamberlain, and Samuel Rister vs. Charles Carroll, Thorowgood Smith, Richard Caton, Christopher Johnson, and Joshua Stevenson. FR. Estate of Edward Stevenson - Stevensons Garden, Mollys Lot, Resurvey on Cornwall, Ridgeways Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-4914-1/6 MSA S512-6- 5065 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/05/09 4915: Alexander Stewart vs. John Purse and Margaret Purse. SO. Estates of Henry Jackson, John Stewart, and John Purse - lots in Princess Anne. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 517. Accession No.: 17,898-4915-1/7 MSA S512-6- 5066 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/01/18 4916: Conrad Sherman vs. Margaret Nace, Elizabeth Nace, and George Nace. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Naces Tavern, Everything Needful Corrected. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 131. Accession No.: 17,898-4916-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5067 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/02/01 4917: Joseph Spriggs and Jacob Lantz vs. William T. Shotwell and Matthew McLaughlin. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4917-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5068 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/03/11 4918: Peter Storm and Jacob Adams vs. John Whitmore. FR. Estate of John Storm. Accession No.: 17,898-4918 MSA S512-6- 5069 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/07/05 4919: Jonathan Sappington vs. Mary Adams, Harriott Wheat, Edmund Sappington, Lydia Sappington, Sarah Sappington, Richard Sappington, Nathaniel Sappington, John Sappington, and Sophia Sappington. AA. Estate of Nathaniel Sappington - Griniston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 631. Accession No.: 17,898-4919-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5070 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/09/14 4920: David Shawhan and George Clem vs. Frederick Heffner. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Rocky Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-4920 MSA S512-6- 5071 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/08/13 4921: Issachar Scholfield and Mahlon Scholfield vs. Laurence Creagar. PG. Contract to purchase lot in Hamburgh. Accession No.: 17,898-4921 MSA S512-6- 5072 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/05/29 4922: Thomas Stinchcomb vs. John Brohown. AA. Contract to purchase schooner Catherine. Accession No.: 17,898-4922 MSA S512-6- 5073 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/08/17 4923: Conrad Sherman vs. John Schultz, Barbara Boyer, Eva Boyer, Sarah Cox, Andrew Shriver, Charles Stevenson, John Wampler, Peter Paulin, and Rachel Paulin. FR. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-4923-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5074 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/09/01 4924: John Shaaffer vs. John Moore. CE. Petition to sell New Munster. Accession No.: 17,898-4924-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5075 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/21 4925: Joseph Swearingen vs. John Van Swearingen, Thomas Van Swearingen, Henry Stembell, and John Stembell. FR. Estate of Thomas Van Swearingen. Accession No.: 17,898-4925 MSA S512-6- 5076 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/03/15 4926: Aaron Sparks vs. Jemema Sparks, Mary Sparks, Joshua Sparks, Aquilla Sparks, Elizabeth Sparks, Elijah B. Sparks, Edward Sparks, and Aquilla B. Anderson. BA. Estate of Elijah Sparks - lot in My Ladys Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 437 and 99, p. 201.
Accession No.: 17,898-4926-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5077 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/04/06 4927: James Steele vs. John Kennedy, Priscilla Kennedy, Zebulon Wingate, Ann Wingate, and Sarah Taylor. DO. Petition to record deed for Leinster, Addition to Leinster, Taylors Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-4927-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5078 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/01/15 4928: Paul Seimen vs. Richard Bond and Philip Key. SM. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4928-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5079 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/02/26 4929: Joseph Sterrett and Molly Sterrett vs. John Roberts and James Roberts. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 506. Accession No.: 17,898-4929 MSA S512-6- 5080 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/06/16 4930: Richard Spriggs vs. Robert Wade and Margaret S. Magruder. PG. Estate of Edward Magruder - Friendship, Lowes Discovery, Carrickfergus. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 335 and 18, p. 270. Accession No.: 17,898-4930 MSA S512-6- 5081 Location: 1/37/1/
1784/05/19 4931: Joseph Spriggs, William Allen, Sarah Allen, Daniel Kent, Ann Kent, Levin Ballard, Elizabeth Ballard, Mary Bond, and Samuel Chew vs. John Weems. CV. Estate of James Weems. Accession No.: 17,898-4931 MSA S512-6- 5082 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/04/23 4932: Oliver Smith vs. Abraham Woodland. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4932 MSA S512-6- 5083 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/05/02 4933: William Somervill vs. John Taylor, George Taylor, and Ann Taylor. SM. Petition to record deed for Mill Land. Accession No.: 17,898-4933 MSA S512-6- 5084 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/16 4934: Rachel Snowden vs. Margaret H. Snowden, Rezin H. Snowden, and Rachel Snowden. AA, MO, PG. Estate of John Snowden - Snowdens New Birmingham in AA, PG. Also Duvalls Delight, Effords Delight, Snowdens Intention, Providence, Trusty Friend, Mount Vernon, Snowdens Addition to Huntington Quarter, Forge Seat, Simpsons Stone, Slipe, Sappington Lot, Addition in AA. Also Birminghams Loss, Friendship, Denby in PG. Also Snowdens Manor Enlarged, Bealls Manor, Resurvey on Timber Neck in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 346.
Accession No.: 17,898-4934 MSA S512-6- 5085 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/09/08 4935: Thomas Stenson vs. James Blackiston, Michael Blackiston, Ebenezer Blackiston, Elizabeth Blackiston, Jabez Blackiston, Harriott Blackiston, Mary Blackiston, Dorotha M. Blackiston, and John Burbage. AA, QA. Estate of Michael Blackiston. Accession No.: 17,898-4935 MSA S512-6- 5086 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/07/22 4936: John Selby vs. Anthony Bacon and George S. Gunby. WO. Estate of Parker Selby - Prevention, Addition to Willetts Outlet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 770. Accession No.: 17,898-4936 MSA S512-6- 5087 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/03/16 4938: John R. Giles, Elizabeth Giles, Ann Elizabeth Salisbury, James Salisbury, Frederick Wilson, John Roberts, William Pryor, Elizabeth Black, and Caroline Black vs. John Gooding and Isaac G. Roberts. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hackston. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 819.
Accession No.: 17,898-4938 MSA S512-6- 5088 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/06/30 4939: James Stone and Charles Williamson vs. Thomas Contee. CV. Contract to purchase lot in Lower Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-4939 MSA S512-6- 5089 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/10/16 4940: William Smith, Philip Thomas, William Eli Williams, Edward Green Williams, and Eli Williams vs. Henry Lee Williams and Otho H. Williams. AL, BA, FR, WA. Estate of Otho Holland Williams - Ceresville Farm, lots in Monocacy Manor, Taskers Chance, Dulaneys Lot, Rail Trap in FR. Also Grindon in BA and lots in BC, Cumberland, and Williamsport. Also Reserve, Poor Land, Let Justice Take Place, Leeds, Garden of Eden in WA. Plats of Ceresville Farm, lots in Monocacy Manor, Dulaneys Lot, Rail Trap, Grindon, lots in BC, Reserve, Poor Land, Resurvey on Let Justice Take Place, Leeds, Garden of Eden filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 54, MdHR 40,283-159, S65-199, B5/10/1. Also show Middle Plantation, Reserve Number Six in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 242.
Accession No.: 17,898-4940 MSA S512-6- 5090 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/03/19 4941: William Singleton, George W. Lightner, and George Johnston vs. State of Maryland. CE. Title to Welch Tract. Accession No.: 17,898-4941 MSA S512-6- 5091 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/12/22 4942: Gove Salisbury vs. Elizabeth C. Baynard, Robert C. Baynard, Mary Baynard, John Baynard, Sarah Baynard, Margaget Baynard, Thomas H. Baynard, Ann C. Baynard, and Ferdinand Baynard. CA. Contract to purchase Punch Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 152. Accession No.: 17,898-4942 MSA S512-6- 5092 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/20 4945: John Seward vs. William McKeen. DO. Estate of Edward Magruder - lot in Choptank Indian lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 310. Accession No.: 17,898-4945-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5093 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/08/13 4946: John Snowden vs. Margaret Sappington, Richard Sappington, William Sappington, and Phillip Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase a mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 45, p. 465. Accession No.: 17,898-4946 MSA S512-6- 5094 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/05/14 4947: George Salmon vs. Jonathon Plowman. BA. Estate of Jonathon Plowman - Mountenays Neck, United Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 15, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-4947 MSA S512-6- 5095 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/03/02 4948: Ludwick Stultz vs. Martin Kershner. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Amendment, Ridenours Place. Accession No.: 17,898-4948-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5096 Location: 1/37/1/
1790 4949: William Lyon and James Sterrett vs. John Smith, William Smith, and David Steuart. Debt owed to Lyon and Sterrett. Accession No.: 17,898-4949 MSA S512-6- 5097 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/09/24 4950: Alexander Stenhouse vs. Hugh Scott, John Ross Key, and Samuel Cleland. WO. Mortgage foreclosure on Tribulation. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 18, p. 571. Accession No.: 17,898-4950 MSA S512-6- 5098 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/08/06 4951: Charles Sewell and Elizabeth Sewell vs. Samuel Godfrey. CH. Petition to record deed for Beauty. Plats filed Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 35, MdHR 40,283-88-1, S65-131, B5/10/1. Also show Beeches Neck, Lines Delight, Moores Ditch, Goodrichs Slipe. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 348. Accession No.: 17,898-4951 MSA S512-6- 5099 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/09/03 4952: Charles Smoot vs. Henry T. Mudd. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on Gates Range, Two Friends. Accession No.: 17,898-4952-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5100 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/10 4954: Charles Simms, Thomas Swann, Richardson Harrison, Philip G. Marsteller, James H. Hooe, and John Muncaster vs. Richard B. Meeke, Catherine Meeke, and Louise Harrison. CH. Estate of Robert T. Hooe - Lands Land, Smiths Purchase, Triangle, Allens Convenience, Land of Canaan. Plat of Smiths Purchase, Triangle, Land of Cannaan. Also shows Thompkinson, Chairmans Purchase, Antwerp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 321.
Accession No.: 17,898-4954-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5101 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/05/13 4955: Eliza Speer and William Thomas vs. George Turner. KE. Petition to sell Cum Whitten, Chance, Christophers Beginning. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 273. Accession No.: 17,898-4955 MSA S512-6- 5102 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/09/23 4956: Henry Schroeder vs. Joseph Meyers and Francis Worley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 684. Accession No.: 17,898-4956-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5103 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/02/13 4957: John Hoskins Stone vs. John Thomas. CH. Contract to purchase Continental Army certificates. Accession No.: 17,898-4957 MSA S512-6- 5104 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/05/09 4958: Rachel Steel, Thomas Steel, and James Fisher vs. Barnett Johnson. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4958 MSA S512-6- 5105 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/10/21 4959: William Sprole vs. Lloyd Parks, Eli Hatten, Ebbirilla Hatten, Lynch Griffin, Delilah Griffin, and William Parks. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mates Affinity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-4959-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5106 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/05/17 4960: William Sanders vs. Joshua Linthicum, John P. Meekins, Mary Meekins, John D. Meekins, Anne Meekins, and John Linthicum. AA. Petition to sell Hedges Park. Plat; also shows Hedges Park Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 64. Accession No.: 17,898-4960-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5107 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/09/23 4961: Edward Simms vs. Warner Rasin, Margaret Black, Frederick Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Mary Perkins Stuart, Rebecca Rasin Stuart, Ann Maria Stuart, Elizabeth Rasin, and Abraham Rasin. KE. Estate of Alexander Stuart - Taylors Place, Rigby, Providence, Camelsworthmore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-4961-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5108 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/08/18 4962: Richard E. Smith vs. Sarah Massey, Philip Massey, George Massey, and Anna Massey. KE. Estate of George R. Massey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 57. Accession No.: 17,898-4962-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5109 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/05/14 4963: James Simpson, Allen Simpson, Elie Davis, Richard Davis, Dorcas Davis, Harriott Davis, Basil Trundle, Esther Trundle, George Barrick, and Nancy Barrick vs. Solomon Davis. MO. Estate of Solomon Simpson - Simpsons Dwelling Place, Johnnys and Mollys Conclusion, Resurvey on Disappointment, Friendship, Chapple Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-4963-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5110 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/02/19 4964: William Smith vs. William McMechen, James Young, Robert Steuart, William Pechin, S.R. Smith, W.B. Parney, Ludwick Herring, George Stitch, William McConkey, Amos A. Williams, Andrew Clopper, W. Patterson, Samuel Briscoe, Henry Stouffer, Christian Slimmer, William Stewart, George Warner, Richard Frisby, Peter Hoffman, Jr., William Gwynn, James Hindman, Peter Bond, William Wilkins, J. Foneton, and J. Brevitt. BA. Condemnation of Hollingsworth Dock for extension of Pratt St. in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4964 MSA S512-6- 5111 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/08/24 4965: Peter Shane vs. George Shane, Adam Custard, Clara Custard, Nicholas Firestone, Elizabeth Firestone, John Waters, Christina Waters, John Nicholson, Sarah Nicholson, James Ebert, Elizabeth Ebert, Henry Shane, Jacob Mariartee, and Susanna Mariartee. FR. Petition to sell Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-4965-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5112 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/05 4966: Charles S. Smith vs. John Perry. CH. Estate of John Perry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-4966-1/9 MSA S512-6- 5113 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/10/17 4967: Benjamin Stoddert, Thomas Ewell, Elizabeth Ewell, George W. Campbell, Harriet Campbell, Nancy Gantt, Ann Lowndes, Francis Lowndes, William B. Jackson, Elizabeth Jackson, Dorothy Lowndes, Richard Lowndes, Charles Lowndes, Levi Gantt, Francis Gantt, Thomas T. Gantt, William Spriggs, Elizabeth Spriggs, Christopher L. Gantt, Elinor Gantt, Sarah Gantt, Charles Gantt, and Benjamin Gantt vs. William Stoddert, Rebecca Stoddert, Christopher Stoddert, Andrew Lowndes, Benjamin Lowndes, Susan Lowndes, Christopher Lowndes, Eleanor Lowndes, Nancy Gantt, Harriett Gantt, Priscilla Gantt, and Amelia Gantt. PG. Contract to purchase Bostock House. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 578. Accession No.: 17,898-4967-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5114 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/01/07 4968: Joseph Sterrett vs. David Harris, Richard Gittings, Polly Gittings, James Gittings, Harriett Gittings, William P. Matthews, Eliza Matthews, Andrew Sterrett, Juliet Sterrett, Charles R. Sterrett, James Sterrett, John Sterrett, Sophia Sterrett, William Sterrett, Independant Gist, Samuel Sterrett, Rebecca Sterrett, and Augusta T. Sterrett. BA. Estate of James Sterrett - Ralphoe, Sterretts Folly, lots in BC. Plats of lots in BC filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 40, MdHR 40,283-93, S65-96, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 110.
Accession No.: 17,898-4968-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5115 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/10/20 4969: John Stevens, Sarah Stevens, and Ann Stevens vs. Levin Stevens. DO. Petition to record deed for Daniels Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 547. Accession No.: 17,898-4969-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5116 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/11/22 4970: James Scott vs. William Scott. CE. Defraud of creditors of William Scott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 165. Accession No.: 17,898-4970 MSA S512-6- 5117 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/04/01 4971: Susannah Stokes and James Phillips to Isaac Webster. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-4971 MSA S512-6- 5118 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/01/14 4972: Fielder B. Smith vs. George Ditty, John Ditty, Samuel Ditty, and Thomas Roger Ditty. CV. Estate of Roger Ditty - Hyland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-4972-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5119 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/04/29 4973: John Smith, Benjamin Williams, Samuel Williams, Susannah Williams, and Lemuel Williams vs. Amos A. Williams, George Williams, Martha Williams, Cumberland D. Williams, and Nathaniel Williams. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 41, MdHR 40,283-145, S65-89, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 378 and 49, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-4973-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5120 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/03/15 4974: Albert Seekamp, William Taylor, and Isabella McKerlie vs. Joseph Byas, Caleb Turner, Mary Turner, John Champlin, Frances Champlin, James Fishwick, John Fishwick, William Fishwick, and George Fishwick. BA. Estate of James Fishwick - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 665. Accession No.: 17,898-4974-1/7 MSA S512-6- 5121 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/03/06 4975: Cornelius Shine vs. Simon Barthe. BA. Contract to marry Rose Barthe. Accession No.: 17,898-4975 MSA S512-6- 5122 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/09/29 4976: John Schunck vs. Luke Ensor, William Ensor, and John Thomas Holland. BA. Injunction against removal of clay, dirt, and sand from Coles Harbor. Accession No.: 17,898-4976 MSA S512-6- 5123 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/07/10 4978: Nicholas Sweier and David Reifsnider vs. Leonard Eichelberger. FR. Petition to record release for Pines, Addition to Pines. Accession No.: 17,898-4978 MSA S512-6- 5124 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/03/24 4979: Thomas Stewardson vs. William Coale, Samuel Stringer Coale, Thomas Coale, and Richard Coale. AA, FR. Defraud of creditors of William Coale - Cocksell, Coales Choice in AA and William and Elizabeth in FR. Accession No.: 17,898-4979 MSA S512-6- 5125 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/04/15 4980: John Swann and Joseph Swann vs. George Dent and Edward McCarty. AL. Injunction against removal of timber from Buck Lodge. Accession No.: 17,898-4980 MSA S512-6- 5126 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/10/29 4981: Robert Swailes vs. Charles Shanks, Jeremiah Evans, Richard Ration, and Samuel McKeen. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4981 MSA S512-6- 5127 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/02/10 4982: John Steel vs. Sarah Davis. BA. Contract to lease a slave. Accession No.: 17,898-4982 MSA S512-6- 5128 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/01/13 4983: Eli Simpkins vs. Henry Howard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4983 MSA S512-6- 5129 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/03/10 4984: Herman Stump vs. Joseph S. Coulson, George Coulson, Eliza Coulson, Martha Coulson, Joseph Massey, Thomas Caldwell, and James Bevard. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-4984 MSA S512-6- 5130 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/06/12 4985: Frederick Schaeffer vs. William Flanigain. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 239 and 100, p. 550. Accession No.: 17,898-4985 MSA S512-6- 5131 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/03/09 4986: William Spencer vs. Frederick Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Susan Black, and Gustavus Black. KE. Petition to record deed for Prickley Pear, Brewards Industry, Morsels Lot, Smalley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 835 and 106, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-4986 MSA S512-6- 5132 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/20 4987: Adam Stewart, William Wilson, James Wilson, Campbell Wilson, James Dunlop, John Ryburn, James Wilson, and William Waddrop vs. Thomas Gauntt, Jeremiah Belt, and Attorney General. FR. Contract to purchase Merryland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 283 and 97, p. 584.
Accession No.: 17,898-4987-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5133 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/11/29 4988: John Sands vs. Joshua Jones. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-4988-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5134 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/03/04 4989: Richard Sheckells, Ann Sheckells, and Sarah Austin vs. Lewis Jones, John Jones, and William Jones. CV. Petition to sell or partition Smiths Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-4989 MSA S512-6- 5135 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/11/17 4990: Thomas Shorter vs. John Perkins and William Perkins. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-4990-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5136 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/15 4991: Robert Spedden vs. Levin Harrington. DO. Title to Speddens Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-4991 MSA S512-6- 5137 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/06/06 4992: Leonard Sellman and Thomas Sellman vs. William Plummer and Daniel Plummer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-4992 MSA S512-6- 5138 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/06/26 4993: John Sothern and Cornelius Sothern vs. Samuel Turbot Wright. QA. Estate of Clement Sewell. Accession No.: 17,898-4993-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5139 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/09/26 4994: William Stewart vs. Samuel Ridout and Horatio Ridout. AA. Trust estate under will of Dr. David Ross. Accession No.: 17,898-4994 MSA S512-6- 5140 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/11/21 4995: Henry Story vs. Thomas S. Cooke. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mary Anns Lott. Accession No.: 17,898-4995 MSA S512-6- 5141 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/12/20 4996: Daniel Sprinkle vs. Henry Thompson and Ann Thompson. BA. Contract to lease Darley Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-4996 MSA S512-6- 5142 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/09/19 4997: Benjamin N. Sands vs. Henry Wilson. BA. Defraud of creditors of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-4997 MSA S512-6- 5143 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/05/27 4998: Gavin Hamilton Smith vs. John Hamilton Smith. CV. Title to Nichols Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-4998 MSA S512-6- 5144 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/04 4999: William Sherer vs. John Mackey and Robert Hodgson. CE. Defraud of creditors of Mackey. Accession No.: 17,898-4999 MSA S512-6- 5145 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/09/18 5000: Vachel Stevens vs. Benjamin Harrison and Thomas H. Eagan. AA. Defraud of creditors of Harrison. Accession No.: 17,898-5000 MSA S512-6- 5146 Location: 1/37/1/
1826/09/13 5001: George Shipley vs. Jonathan Blufford. BA. Petition to partition or sell Parishes Range. Accession No.: 17,898-5001 MSA S512-6- 5147 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/12/10 5002: Basil Smith and Richard Phelps vs. John Plummer. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Timber Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-5002 MSA S512-6- 5148 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/06/08 5003: Robert H. Smith and Caroline Smith vs. Joseph Wilkinson. CV. Trust estate under will of Thomas Harwood. Accession No.: 17,898-5003 MSA S512-6- 5149 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/10/05 5004: John B. Slemons, Leah Murray Slemons, Francis McBryde, and Hugh McBryde vs. Elizabeth McBryde, Samuel McBryde, and Sally McBryde. SO, WO. Petition to partition or sell Halls Adventure, Adams Discovery, Kings Neglect, Newbury Dowgate, Kennedys Choice, Cherry Tree, Sankey Island, Neglect in SO. Also Board Tree Swamp, Porters Beginning, Taylors Folly, Popes Folly, Parkers Chance, Gibbins Liberty, Jonathans Choice, Phillips Folly, Causeys Adventure in WO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 12.
Accession No.: 17,898-5004-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5150 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/09/21 5005: William Smith vs. George Small, Jacob Small, and Catherine Small. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 829. Accession No.: 17,898-5005-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5151 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/02/04 5006: John Smith vs. John Sumwalt. BA. Title to house and lot in Reisters Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 351. Accession No.: 17,898-5006-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5152 Location: 1/37/1/
1825/07/18 5008: John N. Schultz vs. John Kipp, William Gist, and Thomas Dimmett. BA. Contract to lease land for making iron chromat. Accession No.: 17,898-5008-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5153 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/16 5009: Richard Sweeny vs. John Bloor. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5009-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5154 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/05/06 5010: William Simmons, Catherine Simmons, and John Rye vs. Ann Flanigan, Arian Flanigan, and Gamel Flanigan. CH. Contract to purchase lot in St. Barbaries Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5010 MSA S512-6- 5155 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/07/31 5011: William Spurrier vs. Vachel Worthington, Eliza Worthington, John Brown, Jr., Basil Brown, Benjamin Brown, and Philemon Brown. AA. Estate of Sarah Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-5011-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5156 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/09/11 5012: Henry H. Chapman and John Campbell. CH. Estate of John Court - Whitland, Cole, Christian Temple, Simpsons Supply Resurveyed, Thomas Town, Thomas Town Help. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-5012-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5157 Location: 1/37/1/
1821/07/05 5013: City Bank of Baltimore, Samuel Hollingsworth, and Henry Thompson vs. James Sterrett, Charles Gwinn, Washington Hall, Samuel Harden, and Martin F. Maker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Citizen, Truemans Range, Addition to Truemans Range, Athol, Maidens Choice, Murrays Addition, Browns Adventure, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5013-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5158 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/08/18 5014: William H. Smith vs. James Smith, John R. Caldwell, Joshua Tevis, Maria N. Simkins, John S. Jenifer, George T. Baker, Joseph Smith, James Scott, and John P. Usher. AL, BA. Estate of Eli Smith Leaking. Accession No.: 17,898-5014-1/6 MSA S512-6- 5159 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/07/09 5015: Adam Steever vs. William Metzger and Martin Eichelberger. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5015-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5160 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/03/13 5016: John Somerville vs. Samuel Nicols, Sophia Goldsborough, and Samuel S. Robinson. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Portummey, Mickilmin, Coventry, Stevensons Range. Accession No.: 17,898-5016-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5161 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/11/10 5017: James Shewen vs. Jacob Keefaver, Nicholas Keefaver, and John Fluke. FR. Title to Resurvey on Whiskey Alley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 103. Accession No.: 17,898-5017-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5162 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/01/24 5018: Martha E. Skinner vs. Martha Roundell. PG. Appointment of trustee for Roundell. Accession No.: 17,898-5018-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5163 Location: 1/37/1/
1783/05/08 5019: State of Maryland vs. William West, Daniel Bowley, and Richard Ridgely. BA. Estate of Thomas Harrison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 19, p. 4 and 17, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-5019-1/7 MSA S512-6- 5164 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/27 5020: William Seal vs. Hannah Seal and Mary Seal. CE. Estate of Joshua Seal and Isaac Seal - Elk Forge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 170. Accession No.: 17,898-5020-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5165 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/06/30 5021: Richard Spencer. BA. Estate of Joseph Middleton - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 84. Accession No.: 17,898-5021-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5166 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/06/20 5022: Daniel Henry vs. Richardson Steward and James Armstrong. BA. Estate of Alexander McFaddon. Accession No.: 17,898-5022-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5167 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/11/11 5023: John Smith vs. Joseph Sprigg. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5023 MSA S512-6- 5168 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/04/23 5024: Francis Duchemain vs. Jonathan Selman. BA. Defraud of creditors of Selman - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 723. Accession No.: 17,898-5024-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5169 Location: 1/37/1/
1788 5025: Joseph Sprigg vs. Alexander Hamilton Smith. CV. Estate of Alexander Hamilton Smith - Batchelors Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 25 and 16, p. 181. Accession No.: 17,898-5025 MSA S512-6- 5170 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/01/20 5026: State of Maryland vs. Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Nicholas Carroll, William Smith, Robert Carter, Daniel Carroll, and Abrahan Van Bibber. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Pierces Encouragement. Accession No.: 17,898-5026 MSA S512-6- 5171 Location: 1/37/1/
1812 5027: James Sterrett vs. Lewis Foulk. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5027 MSA S512-6- 5172 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/07/27 5028: Kenelm Selby vs. David Carcaud. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Leith. Accession No.: 17,898-5028 MSA S512-6- 5173 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/05/14 5029: Mathias Shrupp vs. Mary McDonald, Jacob McDonald, Lewis Keifer, Margaret Keifer, Jacob Stevens, and Barbara Stevens. FR. Title to lots in Creagers Town. Accession No.: 17,898-5029 MSA S512-6- 5174 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/04/09 5030: William Smith. MO. Insolvent estate of Smith - Seneca Mills, Addition to Seneca Fork, Resurvey on Part of Thomas Discover, Middle Plantation. Accession No.: 17,898-5030 MSA S512-6- 5175 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/04/06 5032: Merryman Stevenson, Charles Stevenson, and John Miller vs. George Creager, Sr. FR. Petition to discover tax payments. Accession No.: 17,898-5032 MSA S512-6- 5176 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/12/20 5033: John C. Thomas and Richard S. Thomas vs. James Sterling. BA. Contract to purchase Gays Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-5033 MSA S512-6- 5177 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/07/17 5034: Matthew Tilghman vs. William Primrose, Sarah Primrose, James J. Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Sophia Primrose, Elijah Quimby, Ann Quimby, and Henrietta Quimby. KE. Estate of James Quimby - lots in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-5034 MSA S512-6- 5178 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/03/19 5035: Henry Taylor vs. James Kelby, James Winchester, Susannah Winchester, William Wilson, Rachel Wilson, John Kelly, Henry Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, Martha Kelly, and Emeline Kelly. KE. Estate of James Kelly - Howells Adventure, Grange. Accession No.: 17,898-5035 MSA S512-6- 5179 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/02/24 5036: Lemuel Taylor vs. John Hughes, Juliana Hughes, S.B. Hughes, and E.G. Woodyear. BA. Insolvent estate of John Hughes. Accession No.: 17,898-5036 MSA S512-6- 5180 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/07/30 5037: Edward Tilly, Sarah Tilly, Elizabeth Tilly, Horatio Tilly, Lucretia Tilly, and Margaret Tilly vs. Dennis Claude. AA. Trust estate of plaintiffs. Accession No.: 17,898-5037 MSA S512-6- 5181 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/12/29 5038: Lloyd Tilghman vs. Samuel Tenant. TA. Title to Elliotts Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-5038 MSA S512-6- 5182 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/06/11 5039: Richard Tubman vs. James Byus. DO. Contract to purchase Blackwater Range. Accession No.: 17,898-5039 MSA S512-6- 5183 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/09/17 5040: Rachel Baynard vs. Henry Pratt. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Relief, Baynards Pasture, Roes Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-5040-1/6 MSA S512-6- 5184 Location: 1/37/1/
1789/10/08 5041: Robert Taylor. BA. Insolvent estate of Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-5041 MSA S512-6- 5185 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/06/08 5042: Gerard Tipton and Joshua Gorsuch vs. George Sater, James McHaffey, and Murray Shilling. BA. Contract to purchase Caledonia, Gays Meadow, Addition to Gays Meadow. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5042 MSA S512-6- 5186 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/04/13 5043: Jacob Tenor, Catherine Tenor, Wesley S. Porter, Samuel Moale, and David Evans vs. George Ensor and John McMurray. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Porters Pleasant Land, Lawrences Pleasant Valley. Accession No.: 17,898-5043 MSA S512-6- 5187 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/02/19 5044: George Tyson vs. John Simpson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5044 MSA S512-6- 5188 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/01/04 5045: Margaret Anne Turner and Thomas Taylor vs. Richard H. Harwood. AA. Title to Beards Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 219 and 101, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-5045-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5189 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/05/10 5046: Robert Taylor vs. Joseph Maddox, Isaac Brawner, Polly Taylor, Betsy Brawner, and Molly Maddox. CH. Estate of John Maddox - Difficult, Darnhouse Level, Blue Plains, Johns Trouble, Brawners Amendment, Gore, Hopewell, Tanners Hole, Brawners Park, Buck Range, Hard Bargain. Accession No.: 17,898-5046-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5190 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/08/17 5047: Littleton D. Teackle vs. Peter Guillet. SO. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-5047 MSA S512-6- 5191 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/03/01 5048: Ignatius Taylor and Barbara Taylor vs. Thomas Hart. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Long Meadows Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-5048 MSA S512-6- 5192 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/12/28 5049: William James Turner vs. Thomas Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, James Worthington, Matilda Worthington, Susannah Worthington, and Thomas John Worthington. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Solomons Flower, Resurvey on Daniels Small Tract. Accession No.: 17,898-5049 MSA S512-6- 5193 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/06/02 5050: Jasper Edward Tilly vs. John Cross. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beards Dock. Accession No.: 17,898-5050 MSA S512-6- 5194 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/04/10 5051: Arthur Traverse. CA. Insolvent estate of Arthur Traverse. Accession No.: 17,898-5051 MSA S512-6- 5195 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/09/25 5052: Regin Todd and Francis Cromwell vs. Thomas Drane. AA. Petition to sell Halls Parcels. Accession No.: 17,898-5052 MSA S512-6- 5196 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/01/11 5053: William Taylor vs. James Middleton, Anne Middleton, Richard Mitchell, Jane Teresa Mitchell, Elizabeth Corry, William Corry, James A. Corry, Margaret Posey, John Tesler, Benjamin Tesler, John Mitchell, Benedict Mitchell, and Thomas Lancaster. CH. Estate of Elizabeth Corry - Friendship, Laurels Branch, lot in Newport. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-5053-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5197 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/06/27 5054: William Taylor, John Heathcoat, James Dale, Peter Hoffman, John Hoffman, James Somerville, William Duquid, Charles Davidson, Seth Barton, and Thomas Fisher vs. John Hackett and Alexander Grant. BA. Defraud of creditors of Ezekiel Towson and Shearjashub Bourne, Jr.
Accession No.: 17,898-5054 MSA S512-6- 5198 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/03/25 5055: Jeremiah Tarlton vs. Joseph Lawrence, Otho Lawrence, Richard Lawrence, and Matilda Lawrence. FR. Estate of Richard Lawrence - Lawrences Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 640. Accession No.: 17,898-5055-1/8 MSA S512-6- 5199 Location: 1/37/1/
1794/03/21 5056: John Thomas vs. Richard Snowden Thomas and John Chew Thomas. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5056-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5200 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/12/21 5057: Jacob Taylor vs. Richard Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Isaac Taylor, and Elizabeth Taylor. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Taylors Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-5057 MSA S512-6- 5201 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/04/06 5058: James Tucker vs. John Tucker, William O'Hara, Susanna O'Hara, Anne Tucker, and Benjamin Tucker. AA. Petition to sell Parrishes Park Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 756. Accession No.: 17,898-5058-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5202 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/04/14 5059: Kittura Turpin, Baynard Turpin, Francis White Turpin, and Margaret Ann Turpin vs. John Nicolls, Thomas Douglass, Edward Nicolls, William Nicolls, Tilghman Nicolls, Mary Nicolls, Washington Nicolls, Adeline Nicolls, Isaac Nicolls, Joseph Nicolls, Rebecca Handy, John Handy, and Daniel Caulk. CA. Contract to purchase Grove, Plain Dealing. Accession No.: 17,898-5059 MSA S512-6- 5203 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/09/22 5060: Benjamin Tolson and William Jeffers vs. Jesse Ellers. QA. Estate of Maurice Ellers - Shotland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-5060-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5204 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/01/26 5061: Jesse Tyson vs. Thomas Morgan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 643. Accession No.: 17,898-5061 MSA S512-6- 5205 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/06/25 5062: Benjamin Thomas and Eliza Thomas vs. Burley G. Boone, Charles Waters, Francis Hancock, John H.D. Boone, Sarah Boone, Margaret Boone, and Anne Boone. AA. Petition to sell Browns Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-5062 MSA S512-6- 5206 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/03/25 5063: Thomas Taylor and Benjamin H. Canby vs. George Colegate, Ann Colegate, John Colegate, Harriet Colegate, Edward Colegate, and Eleanor Colegate. FR. Estate of John Colegate. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 140. Accession No.: 17,898-5063-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5207 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/04/07 5064: Joseph Trainer, Mary Trainer, Elisha Lane, Tacy Lane, Matthias Wisner, Sarah Wisner, John Hair, Elizabeth Hair, Rachel Lane, and Margaret Majors. BA. Petition to sell Buchans Thickett, Bonds Forest, Elizabeths Fancy. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 119.
Accession No.: 17,898-5064 MSA S512-6- 5208 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/05/30 5065: Thomas Taylor, Jacob Morris, John Moore, William McMath, and Henry Richardson vs. Amelia Gibson and Araminta Gibson. HA. Estate of Thomas Gibson - lot in Belle Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-5065-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5209 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/11/21 5066: Benjamin Terry and Jeremiah Cosden vs. John Price. CE. Contract to purchase Worlds End. Accession No.: 17,898-5066 MSA S512-6- 5210 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/09/05 5067: Joseph Turner vs. William Turner, Thomas Turner, Sr., and Thomas Turner, Jr. HA. Title to Ennalls Chase, Constantinople, Gravelly Hills, Isoms Second Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-5067-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5211 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/10 5068: Mary Touchstone and Robert Bewly vs. Samuel Touchstone, John Whitlock, and Charles Whitlock. BA, CE. Estate of Charles Whitlock - lot in BC. Also lot in Charleston, Whitlocks Discovery in CE. Accession No.: 17,898-5068 MSA S512-6- 5212 Location: 1/37/1/
1814/05/31 5069: Ellis Thomas vs. Seth Sweetser. AA. Petition to partition Hollands Ferry. Accession No.: 17,898-5069 MSA S512-6- 5213 Location: 1/37/1/
1802/09/07 5070: Samuel Thomas and George Schnertzel vs. Ralph Briscoe, Sarah Briscoe, Trammell Delashmutt, John Delashmutt, Sampson Delashmutt, John Briscoe, and Jeane Briscoe. FR. Estate of Lindsey Delashmutt. Accession No.: 17,898-5070-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5214 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/12/27 5071: Joseph Taylor vs. William Jones and Elijah Weskey. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hathaways Trust. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-5071 MSA S512-6- 5215 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/09/01 5072: Benjamin Thomas, Charles Pumphrey, and Joseph Pumphrey vs. John Gray of Greenberry, Charlotte Gray, and Nicholas Boone. AA. Estate of John Boone - Second Addition to Rattle Snake Neck. Plat of Browns Adventure, Neighbours Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-5072-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5216 Location: 1/37/1/
1819/12/22 5075: Allen Thomas and James Barroll vs. James Sterrett. BA. Petition to record a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-5075 MSA S512-6- 5217 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/02/13 5076: Henry Thompson vs. Randolph B. Latimer, Philip Moore, James Bond, and Margaret Bond. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5076 MSA S512-6- 5218 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/12/04 5077: Francis Tolson vs. Elie Lanham. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Hunters Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-5077 MSA S512-6- 5219 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/07/25 5078: Luke Tiernan vs. John Hambleton and James Magan. HA. Mortgage forecloure on Hathaways Hazard, James Addition, Monreal. Accession No.: 17,898-5078 MSA S512-6- 5220 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/11/14 5079: Philip Thomas vs. Josiah Bailey, Eaton R. Partridge, Samuel Briscoe, James Partridge, and John W. Thomas. BA. Defraud of creditors of Thomas & Partridge. Accession No.: 17,898-5079 MSA S512-6- 5221 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/09/23 5080: Matthew Tilghman, Nicholas Brice, Anna Maria Margaret Brice, John Philemon Paca, and Juliana Paca vs. Henry Brice, Harriott Brice, Ann Catherine Tilghman, and Mary Lloyd Tilghman. KE. Petition to sell wharf, warehouse, lots, and store in Chester Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-5080 MSA S512-6- 5222 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/09/10 5082: William Thomas and George Vansant Mann vs. Eleanor Turner, George Turner, William Turner, and Martha Turner. KE. Estate of William Turner - London Bridge Renewed. Accession No.: 17,898-5082 MSA S512-6- 5223 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/12/21 5083: John Troxall vs. Mary Troxall, Jacob Troxall, Elizabeth Troxall, John Troxall, Frederick Troxall, Catherine Troxall, Margaret Troxall, and George Troxall. FR. Estate of Frederick Troxall. Accession No.: 17,898-5083-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5224 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/02/11 5084: James Taylor, William Woods, John M. Denison, Alexander McDonald, Nicholas G. Ridgely, Benjamin Wells, George Wells, John Levering, Aaron Levering, Joshua Ward, George Ward, and Abraham D. Clapper vs. Robert Stratton and James Stratton. BA. Defraud of creditors of Robert Straton - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5084 MSA S512-6- 5225 Location: 1/37/1/
1792/10/01 5085: Richard Tilghman and James Holding vs. Richard Holding. QA. Estate of Richard Holding - Tilghmans Discovery. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-5085-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5226 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/06/14 5086: Zachariah Turner vs. Samuel Bowman, James Bowman, Ann Bowman, and Jane Bowman. TA. Petition to sell Parkers Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 589. Accession No.: 17,898-5086-1/5 MSA S512-6- 5227 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/04/19 5087: William Tongue vs. John Hartlove. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5087 MSA S512-6- 5228 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/10/10 5088: John W. Thomas vs. Joseph Durding. QA. Title to lot in Queens Town. Accession No.: 17,898-5088 MSA S512-6- 5229 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/09/25 5089: Samuel Ricketts HA. Estate of William Truss - Gods Providence, Sarahs Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 489. Accession No.: 17,898-5089 MSA S512-6- 5230 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/08/03 5090: Evan W. Thomas and Richard Snowden Thomas vs. George Gale. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on New Design, Perry Point. Accession No.: 17,898-5090 MSA S512-6- 5231 Location: 1/37/1/
1812/12/19 5091: William Trew vs. Jesse Caulk, Samuel Caulk, and Joshua Caulk. KE. Petition to sell a mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 666 Accession No.: 17,898-5091-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5232 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/07/16 5092: Nicholas Tschudy vs. John Jacob Lous, Daniel McEvers, Ursula McEvers, and Barbara Lous. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 641. Accession No.: 17,898-5092-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5233 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/07/02 5093: John Teackle vs. Charles Farrow, Juliana M. Farrow, and Mary J. Farrow. SO. Defraud of creditors of Charles Farrow - Unity Enlarged, Goshen, Harpers Increase, Harpers Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5093-1/4 MSA S512-6- 5234 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/02/25 5094: Margaret Tate vs. Edward Carey. QA. Estate of John Carey. Accession No.: 17,898-5094 MSA S512-6- 5235 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/02/14 5095: Philip J. Thomas and Sarah Thomas vs. Philip W. Thomas, Jr., Philip W. Thomas, Sr., Joseph Leonard, James Ellicott, and Charles Ellicott. AA. Estate of Richard Thomas - Hills Delight, Level. Accession No.: 17,898-5095-1/8 MSA S512-6- 5236 Location: 1/37/1/
1807/07/01 5096: James Thomas vs. Rebecca Kendall, David Nicholas, George Nicholas, and Sarah Nicholas. QA. Petition to sell lots in Church Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-5096-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5237 Location: 1/37/1/
1817/06/28 5097: Luke Tiernan vs. James Dyckes, Ellen Dyckes, George Schroeder, John Dyckes, Joseph Dyckes, and Ellen Dyckes. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Luns Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 471. Accession No.: 17,898-5097-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5238 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/12/18 5098: Philip Thomas vs. Michael Jenifer Stone. SM. Estate of Philip Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-5098 MSA S512-6- 5239 Location: 1/37/1/
1806/01/06 5099: Richard Tilghman vs. Thomas Boon, Margaret Boon, and Catherine Court. QA. Estate of James Court. Accession No.: 17,898-5099 MSA S512-6- 5240 Location: 1/37/1/
1790/04/28 5100: Philip Thomas vs. Richard Snowden Thomas and John Chew Thomas. CE. Estate of Philip Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-5100-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5241 Location: 1/37/1/
1818/03/18 5101: R.J. Thomson and William Jones vs. Philip E. Thomas, John A. Mareton, Rebecca Ricaud, Richard Ricaud, James Ricaud, Lawrence Ricaud, Sarah Ricaud, Maria Ricaud, and Emily Ricaud. BA. Estate of Thomas Ricaud. Accession No.: 17,898-5101 MSA S512-6- 5242 Location: 1/37/1/
1808/05/05 5102: Thomas B. Tubman and William Penn vs. David Stone. CH. Contract to purchase merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-5102 MSA S512-6- 5243 Location: 1/37/1/
1811/08/05 5103: Ellis Thomas vs. Charles Walker. AA. Contract to purchase Bobbys Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-5103 MSA S512-6- 5244 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/10/30 5104: George Taylor vs. Joseph W. Reynolds, Richard Grahame, and Robert H. Smith. CV. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-5104 MSA S512-6- 5245 Location: 1/37/1/
1788/05/15 5105: Rachel Thomas vs. Peter Gordon. DO. Estate of William Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-5105 MSA S512-6- 5246 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/02/17 5106: Robert Taylor vs. John Ross. BA. Contract to purchase goods in West Indies. Accession No.: 17,898-5106 MSA S512-6- 5247 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/07/02 5107: Elisha Tyson vs. Christopher Hughes. BA. Estate of Alexander Davey. Accession No.: 17,898-5107 MSA S512-6- 5248 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/05/08 5108: Samuel Thompson vs. Allen Hollingsworth. QA. Injunction against removal of timber from Anthropp, Bishopton. Accession No.: 17,898-5108 MSA S512-6- 5249 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/01/17 5109: Benjamin Tomlinson vs. John Tomlinson. AL. Title to Wolfharts Disappointment. Accession No.: 17,898-5109 MSA S512-6- 5250 Location: 1/37/1/
1809/06/13 5110: John Tilghman, Ann Catherine Tilghman, Henry Brice, and Harriett Brice vs. Mary Lloyd Tilghman. KE. Title to Delmarend, Fathers Neglect, Tilghmans Forrest, Poplar Plains, Timber Lands, Mothers Enjoyment, Wrights Lot Resurveyed, Andover Dispute. Accession No.: 17,898-5110 MSA S512-6- 5251 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/07/23 5111: James Tibbett. BA. Insolvent estate of Tibbett. Accession No.: 17,898-5111 MSA S512-6- 5252 Location: 1/37/1/
1786/11/10 5112: Jonathan Tipton, Jr. vs. Darby Lux. BA. Title to Sportsmans Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-5112 MSA S512-6- 5253 Location: 1/37/1/
1798/05/28 5113: Ezekiel Towson, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Towson. Accession No.: 17,898-5113 MSA S512-6- 5254 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/15 5114: William Tull. BA. Insolvent estate of Tull. Accession No.: 17,898-5114 MSA S512-6- 5255 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/21 5115: Benjamin Thomas. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-5115 MSA S512-6- 5256 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/07/08 5116: William Taylor vs. Elizabeth Peregoy, Sarah Peregoy, Ann Peregoy, Nicholas Peregoy, Eleanor Peregoy, James Peregoy, and Nehemiah Price. FR. Estate of Charles Peregoy - Safe Bind Safe Find, Pleasant Mount, Dulanys Lott, Spring Garden, Addition, Mackeys Luck, Widows Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 490. Accession No.: 17,898-5116 MSA S512-6- 5257 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/02/23 5117: Henry Troup. BA. Insolvent estate of Troup. Accession No.: 17,898-5117 MSA S512-6- 5258 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/02/11 5118: Charles Taylor. HA. Insolvent estate of Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-5118 MSA S512-6- 5259 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/08/28 5119: John Tilley. PG. Insolvent estate of Tilley. Accession No.: 17,898-5119 MSA S512-6- 5260 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/04/05 5120: John Thomas, III. MO. Insolvent estate of Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-5120 MSA S512-6- 5261 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/23 5121: William Thompson. CH. Insolvent estate of Thompson. Accession No.: 17,898-5121 MSA S512-6- 5262 Location: 1/37/1/
1787/07/03 5123: Nathaniel Toulson. KE. Insolvent estate of Toulson. Recorded (Insolvency Record) 1, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-5123 MSA S512-6- 5263 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/02/11 5124: Thomas Taylor. HA. Insolvent estate of Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-5124 MSA S512-6- 5264 Location: 1/37/1/
1800/05/29 5125: Henry Tate. QA. Insolvent estate of Tate. Accession No.: 17,898-5125 MSA S512-6- 5265 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/01/22 5126: Salathiel Tudor. BA. Insolvent estate of Tudor. Accession No.: 17,898-5126 MSA S512-6- 5266 Location: 1/37/1/
1799/05/21 5127: William J. Turner. FR. Insolvent estate of Turner. Accession No.: 17,898-5127 MSA S512-6- 5267 Location: 1/37/1/
1804/01/09 5129: John Trasback vs. William Leavly, Robert Thompson, Catherine Thompson, Robert Herring, William Herring, Catherine Herring, Cotton Milbourne, Sarah Milbourne, and Mary Gorsuch. BA. Estate of John Trasback. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-5129 MSA S512-6- 5268 Location: 1/37/1/
1795/06/22 5130: John Tilley vs. William Wirt, Jacob Wirt, Elizabeth Johnson, Hendly Boswell, Henry Boswell, and Elizabeth Carnes. PG. Title to lot in Hamburgh. Accession No.: 17,898-5130 MSA S512-6- 5269 Location: 1/37/1/
1793/07/16 5131: Thomas Tongue vs. James Williams. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5131 MSA S512-6- 5270 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/04/08 5132: Joseph Thompson vs. James Thompson. QA. Appointment of trustee for Joseph Thompson. Accession No.: 17,898-5132 MSA S512-6- 5271 Location: 1/37/1/
1813/06/13 5133: Jasper E. Tilly and Elizabeth Tilly vs. Joshua C. Higgins. AA. Estate of Richard Higgins - White Hall, What You Will. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5133 MSA S512-6- 5272 Location: 1/37/1/
1796/08/13 5134: Samuel Skinner Thomas vs. Charles Carroll and Charles Gartrell. FR. Defraud of creditors of Gartrell. Accession No.: 17,898-5134 MSA S512-6- 5273 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/01/20 5137: Dekar Thompson, James Jones, James Wootters, and Rebecca Wootters vs. Walter Meeds and Isabel Jones. QA. Title to St. Martins, Bradford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 700. Accession No.: 17,898-5137 MSA S512-6- 5274 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/08/25 5139: Jasper E. Tilly vs. Philip Hammond. AA. Estate of Joshua C. Higgins - White Hall, What You Will. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5139-1/12 MSA S512-6- 5275 Location: 1/37/1/
1797/02/08 5140: Leah Townsend vs. William Townsend, Sarah Townsend, Thomas Robertson, and Charlotte Robertson. WO. Estate of Joshua Townsend - Assateague, lot in Snow Hill, Dumfries, Shad Point, Baltimore Gift, Partnership, Salem, Carolina Swamp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-5140-1/9 MSA S512-6- 5276 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/11/02 5141: Thomas Tillard vs. Burton Whetcroft and Addison Connaway. AA. Contract to purchase lots in Anne Arundel Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-5141-1/3 MSA S512-6- 5277 Location: 1/37/1/
1815/12/18 5142: Richard Trippe vs. Robert Henry, Cosmo G. Stevenson, and Job Smith. BA. Estate of Anne Stevenson - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5142 MSA S512-6- 5278 Location: 1/37/1/
1816/06/12 5143: James Towson vs. Greenbury Baxter, Hannah Baxter, Charles Butler, Beale Owings, Henrietta Owings, Orrick Butler, Mary Butler, Absalom Butler, John Butler, and Susan Butler. BA. Contract to purchase Jacobs Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 437 and 102, p. 794. Accession No.: 17,898-5143 MSA S512-6- 5279 Location: 1/37/1/
1810/12/13 5144: Joseph Thompson vs. Matthew Tilghman and John Thompson. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5144 MSA S512-6- 5280 Location: 1/37/1/
1805/05/28 5145: Sarah Thomas, Anne Thomas, and Philip Thomas vs. Sarah Thomas and John Thomas. AA. Petition to partition Lebanon, Hopkins Choice, Runnemede, Biggs Purchase, and Stephens Purchase. Plat at 1/38/1/9. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 445. Accession No.: 17,898-5145-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5281 Location: 1/37/1/
1803/07/21 5146: Francis J. Taylor vs. Robert Furgurson and John Robertson. BA. Contract to import and export goods. Accession No.: 17,898-5146-1/2 MSA S512-6- 5282 Location: 1/37/1/
1791/05/09 5147: John Cockey and Caleb Cockey vs. James Trapnell. BA. Estate of Thomas Cockey - Melinda. Accession No.: 17,898-5147 MSA S512-6- 5283 Location: 1/37/1/
1801/05/25 5148: Nathan Tyson, Alexander McDonald, John Holmes, Elisha Tyson, Benjamim Ellicott, James Ellicott, Jesse Tyson, Samuel Wells, Jr., Jonas Marean, Henry Childs, Philadelphia Levy, Alexander Fulton, Peter Forney, Andrew Clopper, Isaac Tyson, John Morris, Jesse Slingluff, George McDowell, John Chalmers, Ralph Higginbotham, Job Smith, William Winchester, Nicholas G. Ridgely, William McKenzie, and William Smith vs. Jesse Hollingsworth, Rachel Hollingsworth, Susanna Goodwin, and James Carey. BA. Estate of Thomas Parkin - Rich Neck, Howards Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 699. Accession No.: 17,898-5148-1/30 MSA S512-7- 5284 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/03/29 5149: Robert L. Tilghman, Tench Tilghman, and William H. Tilghman vs. John Goldsborough, Mary N. Harwood, and Susan A. Harwood. TA. Estate of John Harwood - lot in Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-5149-1/9 MSA S512-7- 5285 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/06/21 5150: Christopher Cox vs. James Tussler, Samuel Meeds, Ann Meeds, Margaret Meeds, Thomas Neavit, Sarah Neavit, Richard Tucker, John Tucker, and Nieria Tucker. QA. Estate of Richard Tucker - Batchelors Plains, Adventure, Jones Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 602.
Accession No.: 17,898-5150-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5286 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/06/18 5151: William Tunnicliff vs. Thomas Waring, Basil Waring, Edward Waring, Eleanor Waring, Walter B. Beall, Jane Beall, Dr. Spenser Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, Sally Waring, John Grant, Priscilla Grant, Ann Waring, Henry Wirt, Barbara Tilley, Thomas Farrell, Elizabeth Farrell, Barbara Beckett, William Crown, Elisha Wood, Susanne Wood, Christian Mummer, and Mrs. Mummer. PG. Petition to record deed for Scotland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 322.
Accession No.: 17,898-5151 MSA S512-7- 5287 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/12/23 5152: John Thomas vs. Hanson Gassaway and John Gassaway. MO. Trust estate under will of Richard Bury - Addition to Charles and Benjamin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 61. Accession No.: 17,898-5152 MSA S512-7- 5288 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/04/12 5155: John Trucks vs. William Trucks. FR. Title to Williams Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 634. Accession No.: 17,898-5155 MSA S512-7- 5289 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/07/15 5156: Benjamin Tracey vs. William Patterson. BA. Petition to record deed for Hales Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 709. Accession No.: 17,898-5156 MSA S512-7- 5290 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/06/30 5157: Peregrine Tilghman vs. Richard Tilghman Earle and Cordelia Sewell. QA. Estate of Richard Tilghman Earle. Accession No.: 17,898-5157 MSA S512-7- 5291 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/06/22 5158: Nancy Todd. DO. Estate of Joseph Todd. Accession No.: 17,898-5158-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5292 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/09/24 5159: Thomas Tillard vs. Joseph Deale. AA. Estate of Thomas Deale. Accession No.: 17,898-5159 MSA S512-7- 5293 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/06/11 5160: Martin Tschudy vs. Thomas H. Carroll and John Carroll. BA. Estate of Nicholas Carroll - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5160 MSA S512-7- 5294 Location: 1/37/2/
1808 5161: Deveraux Traverse vs. James Harrington. DO. Estate of Nathan Harrington. Accession No.: 17,898-5161 MSA S512-7- 5295 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/12/10 5162: Robert Taylor vs. William Brawner and Thomas Blackiston. CH. Estate of John Maddox, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-5162-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5296 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/08/01 5163: Samuel Skinner Thomas and Richard Butler vs. William Taylor. FR. Estate of James Bean. Accession No.: 17,898-5163-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5297 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/02/28 5164: Eleanor M. Tillard vs. Samuel W. Hamilton. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-5164 MSA S512-7- 5298 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/02/23 5165: Richard Tucker vs. Philip Hammond, Joseph Evans, Margaret Higgins, Hezekiah Higgins, George W. Higgins, Elizabeth Higgins, and Emily Higgins. AA. Title to Snowdens Reputation Supported. Record (Chancery Record) 106, p. 340 and 111, p. 11. Accession No.: 17,898-5165-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5299 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/02/16 5167: John Tilley vs. John Kennedy and Robert Wilcox. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5167 MSA S512-7- 5300 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/12/01 5168: John Turner vs. John Carnan. KE. Petition to order compliance with a decree. Accession No.: 17,898-5168 MSA S512-7- 5301 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/02/02 5169: John Thompson and Matthew Tilghman vs. George Spry, Araminta Spry, Elizabeth Graham, Mary Graham, and John Graham. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Ward Oak Resurveyed, Addition to Ward Oak, Dowdalls Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-5169-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5302 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/10/05 5170: James Tripp vs. Thomas Hicks, Elizabeth Hicks, John W. Hodson, Charles Hodson, Catherine Hodson, Darius Hodson, James Hodson, and Richard Glover. DO. Estate of Henry Hodson. Accession No.: 17,898-5170 MSA S512-7- 5303 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/05/27 5171: William Todd and Rachel Todd vs. Samuel Tarbutt Wright. QA. Estate of George Baynard. Accession No.: 17,898-5171-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5304 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/02/09 5172: Edward Edwards vs. George Buchanan and Andrew Buchanan. BA. Defraud of creditors of Andrew Buchanan. Accession No.: 17,898-5172-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5305 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/05/21 5173: George Tubman vs. Walter McPherson. CH. Injuction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5173 MSA S512-7- 5306 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/09/04 5174: Luke Tiernan vs. John Carnan, George Moore, Nicholas Chambers, Charles Ridgely of Hampton, and John Ball. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Three Bohemian Sisters. Recorded (Chancery Record) 78, p. 96. Accession No.: 17,898-5174-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5307 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/03/12 5175: Joseph Tydings, Ann Tydings, John Watkins, and Margaret Watkins vs. John Tydings, Richard Tydings, Edward Tydings, Thomas Tydings, Ferdinand Tydings, Samuel Tydings, Horatio Tydings, Sophia Tydings, Catherine Tydings, Abel Tucker, Mary Tucker, Elizabeth Purdy, James Bright, and Mary Ann Bright. AA. Petition to sell Hazelnut Ridge, Poplar Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 702.
Accession No.: 17,898-5175-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5308 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/12/03 5176: Nathaniel Thompson vs. James Clarke, Hermanus Alricks, and Ennion Williams. BA. Trust estate of Jonathan Harrison. Accession No.: 17,898-5176-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5309 Location: 1/37/2/
1785/06/11 5177: Edward Carvil Tolley vs. Samuel Paxton, Jacob Boldin, Thomas Inlowes, Nathaniel Nicolls, Thomas Nicolls, Perry Briscoe, Patrick McKew, James Huggins, George Crownoner, William Curtis, Samuel Hines, John Elliott, James Spicer, Sr., James Spicer, Jr., and Robert Paul. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Fall Hill, Speedwell, Littens Improvement, Richardsons Outlet, Tolly Hills, Traces Levells, Littleworth, St. George, Carvil Folly, Case, Onions Second Thought, Spanish Oak Bottom.
Accession No.: 17,898-5177-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5310 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/08/01 5178: Samuel S. Thomas and Richard Butler vs. John Heathcote and James Dall. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5178-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5311 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/08/08 5179: Mary Trippe and David Kennedy vs. James Price. TA. Contract to purchase slaves Jacob, Perry, Nick, little Jacob, Patty, Grace, Joe, and Charles. Accession No.: 17,898-5179-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5312 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/06/16 5180: John J. Troup and Sarah Troup vs. Thomas Hensley and Thomas C. Earle. QA. Estate of William Hensley. Accession No.: 17,898-5180-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5313 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/06/24 5181: George Taylor vs. Robert H. Smith. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Bramford, Hardisties Choice. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-5181-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5314 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/01/28 5182: Thomas Tongue vs. Francis Darnall, Philip Darnall, and Elizabeth Darnall. AA. Contract to purchase Cooleys Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-5182-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5315 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/04/07 5183: Henry Thompson, Ann Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah Wirgman, and William L. Bowley vs. Samuel Bowley, William Hollins, and Eliza Hollins. BA. Petition to partition and sell Finley, Clifton, Farfars Favor, Fortune, Chatsworth, Upton Court, lots in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/19. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-5183-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5316 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/07/03 5185: Sally Tall vs. Zacharias Brannock, Dolly Brannock, Elizabeth Branncok, Sally Brannock, and Thomas Brannock. DO. Estate of George Brannock. Accession No.: 17,898-5185 MSA S512-7- 5317 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/11/09 5186: James Tucker and Anne Tucker vs. Elizabeth Deale, William Deale, James Deale, and William Deale. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5186 MSA S512-7- 5318 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/01/27 5187: James Thompson and Louis Belville. BA. Insolvent estates of Thompson and Belville. Accession No.: 17,898-5187 MSA S512-7- 5319 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/07/02 5188: John Thompson, James Thompson, and Henry Davis vs. Bernard J. Vonkapff, Frederick W. Bronse, and William Price. BA. Contract to ship gunpowder to Santa Domingo. Accession No.: 17,898-5188 MSA S512-7- 5320 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/12/08 5189: Mary Thompson vs. Philip Donovan and Jacob Donovan. HA. Petition to record deed for lot in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-5189 MSA S512-7- 5321 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/06/20 5192: William Thorpe vs. Abraham Engel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Smiths Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 20. Accession No.: 17,898-5192 MSA S512-7- 5322 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/04/01 5193: John Thompson vs. Daniel Scott and Benjamin Preston. HA. Estate of William Cole - Deserted Lot Corrected. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5193-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5323 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/03/08 5194: Henry Thompson, Ann L. Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah Wirgman, William L. Bowley, Francis R. Bowley, Rebecca M. Bowley, Samuel H. Bowley, and Eliza Bowley vs. Samuel Moale. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 480.
Accession No.: 17,898-5194 MSA S512-7- 5324 Location: 1/37/2/
1792/09/03 5195: Thomas Taylor vs. John Bull. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Scotts Improvement, lot in Belle Air. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-5195 MSA S512-7- 5325 Location: 1/37/2/
1773/12/14 5196: Hugh Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, Arnold Newton, and Elizabeth Newton vs. Samuel Snowden, John Snowden, Henry Snowden, and William Holmes. FR. Estate of Richard Snowden - Bealls Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5196 MSA S512-7- 5326 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/09/24 5197: Zachariah Turner vs. John G. Hamilton. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Gowry Banks. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5197-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5327 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/03/06 5198: Marmaduke Tilden and Anne Tilden vs. Charlotte Clayland. QA. Estate of John Costin. Accession No.: 17,898-5198 MSA S512-7- 5328 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/06/26 5199: James Treakle and Mary Treakle vs. Ann Pitcher, Nancy Pitcher, Thomas Pitcher, James Pitcher, Samuel Church, Hannah Church, Cornelius McCarty, Sarah McCarty, George Cromwell, and Mary Cromwell. AA. Petition to partition Rich Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 259.
Accession No.: 17,898-5199-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5329 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/01/13 5200: Daniel Turner and Jacob Turner vs. William Hendrickson, John Hendrickson, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Rachel Ruby, and John S. Webster. HA. Contract to purchase Websters Forrest. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 714. Accession No.: 17,898-5200 MSA S512-7- 5330 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/08/30 5201: Dekar Thompson and Edward Chatham vs. William Spencer. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Hayfield, Sudlers Fortune, Sudlers Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-5201 MSA S512-7- 5331 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/06/20 5202: John Turner and Samuel R. Turner vs. John Carnan and Anthony Higgins. KE, QA. Trust estate under will of John Vansant - Gilpins Discovery, Vansants Triangle, Vansants Discovery, Difficulty, Grove Corrected in QA. Also Bordleys Gift, Discovery, Ellis Industry in KE. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 91.
Accession No.: 17,898-5202 MSA S512-7- 5332 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/10/28 5203: Anthony Thompson vs. Thomas Lockerman, Sarah Lockerman, Susan Lockerman, and Lilly Lockerman. DO. Contract to mortgage Grass Reeding, Addition to Grass Reeding. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 26. Accession No.: 17,898-5203-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5333 Location: 1/37/2/
1792/03/07 5204: John Taylor and William Osborne vs. Richard Dallam. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5204-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5334 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/06/12 5205: Henry Thompson, James Campbell, and John Ritchie vs. Nathan Tyson, William Belton, James Dall, James Campbell, and Thomas Rickard. BA. Insolvent estate of William Belton - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5205 MSA S512-7- 5335 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/04/21 5206: Jesse Tyson vs. Freeborn Garretson Waters, Matilda Waters, John Wesley Lansdale, Miranda Lansdale, Mary Ann Stevenson, Wesley Stevenson, William Orrick Stevenson, Julian Stevenson, and George W. Stevenson. BA. Contract to purchase Edwards and Wills Valleys and Hills, Labyrinth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 752 and 106, p. 279.
Accession No.: 17,898-5206-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5336 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/10/14 5207: Anthony Thompson vs. Thomas Lockerman. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Grass Reading, Addition to Grass Reading. Accession No.: 17,898-5207 MSA S512-7- 5337 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/03/27 5208: William Taylor vs. Benjamin Blacklock, Frederick Blacklock, John Blacklock, Robert Blacklock, Mary Blacklock, Elizabeth Blacklock, Moriah Blacklock, and Elizabeth Cawood. PG. Contract to purchase Widows Trouble. Accession No.: 17,898-5208 MSA S512-7- 5338 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/03/09 5209: Luke Tiernan vs. Hezekiah Waters, Sarah Waters, Littleton Waters, Peter Waters, John E. Waters, and John E. Dorsey. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 205. Accession No.: 17,898-5209 MSA S512-7- 5339 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/03/30 5210: Michael Troutman, Joseph Carricoe, Jacob Freshour, Christian Bringle, and John Henry Devilbiss vs. Peter Zeller. FR. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Millers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-5210 MSA S512-7- 5340 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/03/13 5211: Charles Turner vs. John Worthington and Thomas Beatty. FR. Contract to convey Solomons Flower, Daniels Small Tract. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 97. Accession No.: 17,898-5211-1/12 MSA S512-7- 5341 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/09/18 5212: George Taylor vs. William Burke and Mary Burke. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 521. Accession No.: 17,898-5212 MSA S512-7- 5342 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/12/26 5213: John Templeman vs. Samuel Brooke Beall, Roger Perry, Harriet Beall, Sarah Beall, Isaac Brooke Beall, Thomas Heugh Beall, Gustavus Beall, Mary Heugh Beall, and Thomas Tilghman Beall. MO. Petition to record deed for Turkey Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 24.
Accession No.: 17,898-5213 MSA S512-7- 5343 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/05/21 5214: Andrew Thompson vs. Roger Nelson and Thomas West. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5214-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5344 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/07/25 5215: Charles Turner vs. Sarah Waddington, Lydia Elizabeth Waddington, Robert Walker Waddington, Sophia Waddington, John Charles Waddington, William Henry Waddington, Edward C. Waddington, Charles John Waddington, Charlotte Rebecca Chapman Waddington, James Wellington, John C. Cookson, and E. Lambert. AA. Petition to sell Bealls Plantation, Snowdens Reputation Supported. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 515.
Accession No.: 17,898-5215-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5345 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/09/22 5216: Thomas Tongue vs. John Ball. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5216-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5346 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/08/19 5217: John Chew Thomas and Mary Thomas vs. John Snowden, Samuel Snowden, Philip Snowden, Richard Snowden, Thomas Snowden, and Anne Snowden. AA. Estate of Richard Snowden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 354. Accession No.: 17,898-5217-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5347 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/10/10 5218: Thomas Tenant and John Coulter vs. John Hillen, William Jessops, and Hezekiah Waters. BA. Injunction against construction of a watch tower in Fells Point. Accession No.: 17,898-5218 MSA S512-7- 5348 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/18 5219: William Tillard and Martha Tillard vs. Hannah West and Stephen West. PG. Estate of William Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-5219 MSA S512-7- 5349 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/04/01 5220: Richard Snowden Thomas vs. Richard Colvin. BA. Contract to sell Grays Enlargement Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-5220 MSA S512-7- 5350 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/05/21 5221: Richard Snowden Thomas vs. George Ligget, Elizabeth Ligget, and William Patterson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Howards Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 23. Accession No.: 17,898-5221-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5351 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/04/04 5222: John R. Thomas and Ann C. Thomas vs. Henry Wesley, Ann Sabriel, and Samuel Ward. AA. Title to slaves. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 503. Accession No.: 17,898-5222-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5352 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/04/07 5223: Samuel Skinner Thomas vs. Edward Thomas. FR. Injunction against trespass on Resurvey on Hazzard. Accession No.: 17,898-5223 MSA S512-7- 5353 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/10/27 5224: Edward Tilly, Horatio Tilly, Margaret Tilly, Elizabeth Tilly, and Nicholas Brewer vs. Lucretia Tilly and Sarah Tilly. AA. Petition to sell White Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 325. Accession No.: 17,898-5224-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5354 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/05/23 5226: Lambert Thompson vs. John Randall. AA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-5226 MSA S512-7- 5355 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/12/19 5227: Henry Tripp vs. Moses Tunnis and Samuel Hubbert. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Dales Addition, Dales Right. Accession No.: 17,898-5227 MSA S512-7- 5356 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/05/22 5228: Gerrard Tipton vs. Thomas Armstrong and John T. Holland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Smiths Rope Walk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-5228-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5357 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/01/15 5229: William Thomas and Elizabeth Thomas vs. George Vansant Mann. KE. Dissolution of Jurey & Mann. Accession No.: 17,898-5229-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5358 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/11/28 5230: Cornelius Thompson, John Thompson, and Ann McDonald vs. John D. Carey, William Carey, and Robert T. Carey. FR. Estate of John Carey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, pp. 48, 77. Accession No.: 17,898-5230-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5359 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/06/29 5231: William S. Tillard vs. Charles Wallace and John Muir. AA. Contract to import goods. Accession No.: 17,898-5231-1/16 MSA S512-7- 5360 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/03/07 5232: John Turner and Rachel Turner vs. Sluyter Bouchell and Jonathan Jester. KE, QA. Estate of John Vansant - Difficulty, Grove Corrected, Vansants Discovery, Gilpins Discovery in QA. Also Discovery, Bordleys Gift, Elliss Industry, grist mills in KE. Also Vansants Triangle in KE and QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 721.
Accession No.: 17,898-5232-1/16 MSA S512-7- 5361 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/10/22 5233: William Tong vs. Richard Oliver, Robert Berry, and Peter Snyder. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Hawkins Rich Land. Accession No.: 17,898-5233-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5362 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/04/11 5234: George Tyler and William Tyler vs. Tobias Tyler. PG. Petition to partition Ducketts Hop, Jacobs Addition, Tylers Purchase, Brough. Plats of Tylers Purchase, Brough filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 42, MdHR 40,283-146, S65-172, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-5234-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5363 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/01/13 5236: William Thomas and Margaret Dyer vs. Sybilla Ogle, Thomas Ogle, Margaret Ogle, Joseph Ogle, John Ogle, and Mary Ogle. FR. Estate of Thomas Ogle - Peace and Plenty, lot in Frederick Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-5236-1/11 MSA S512-7- 5364 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/02/01 5237: Thomas Tongue, Thomas H. Hall, and Henry H. Harwood. AA, MO. Estate of Richard Cowman - Bessington, Stratley, Sparrows Rest in AA and Snowdens Manor Enlarged in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5237 MSA S512-7- 5365 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/07/03 5238: Richard Thomas and Deborah Pleasants. MO. Trust estate under will of Basil Brooke - Addition to Brooke Grove, Resurvey on Brooke Park, Crows Content. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-5238 MSA S512-7- 5366 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/05/28 5239: John Turner vs. Sarah Turner. KE. Appointment of trustee for Sarah Turner. Accession No.: 17,898-5239 MSA S512-7- 5367 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/06/23 5240: Eliza Towers vs. John Hannan. BA. Contract to convey lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5240-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5368 Location: 1/37/2/
1782/07/11 5241: Ruth Hall vs. Robert Tyler, Colmore Beans, and Melissant Beans. PG. Estate of Robert Tyler. Accession No.: 17,898-5241 MSA S512-7- 5369 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/04/23 5242: Elizabeth Ullry, Peter Ullry, Jacob Ullry, Samuel Ullry, Henry Sellers, Magdalina Sellers, Jacob Snider, and Catherine Snider vs. Charles Ridgely. FR. Title to Bonds Meadow Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-5242 MSA S512-7- 5370 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/12/05 5243: State of Maryland, Bank of Columbia, and John Hoye vs. Robert Rankin, Elizabeth Rankin, John C. Scott, Gustavus H. Scott, Kitty Scott, William Scott, Juliana Scott, and Robert Scott. AL. Estate of Gustavus Scott - Now or Never, Robeys Delight, Western Connection. Plats at 1/38/1/19. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 389.
Accession No.: 17,898-5243-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5371 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/05/14 5244: Nicholas Slubey. BA. Insolvent estate of Slubey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 624. Accession No.: 17,898-5244-1/11 MSA S512-7- 5372 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/01/08 5245: Thomas Usher, Joseph Usher, Joseph Donaldson, and Samuel Johnson vs. William Davis, Patty Davis, Fanny Davis, Richard Coleman, Mary Coleman, James Alcock, and Elias Batner. BA. Trust estate of Mary Coleman - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5245-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5373 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/11/20 5246: Erasmus Uhler and John Nace vs. William Nace and Henry Trapnall. BA. Trust estate under will of George Nace - Bridgeland, Phillipsburg, Scheming Defeated, Shillings Lot, Shillings Folly, Addition to Shillings Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 500.
Accession No.: 17,898-5246-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5374 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/05/09 5247: Amos Underhill, Oliver Coles, and Margaret Coles vs. Harriet Handy, Peregrine Emory, and Kitty Emory. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 383. Accession No.: 17,898-5247 MSA S512-7- 5375 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/02/19 5248: Ambrose Updegraff vs. Bernard Gilpin. MO. Contract to settle accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-5248-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5376 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/10/09 5249: John M. Wyre, Robert N. Carnan, Robert Wilkinson, Michael Turner, Thomas B. Cockey, Samuel Jones, Jehu McAllister, Sarah Carroll, and Mary Ann Carroll vs. David Williamson, Jr. BA. Injunction against closing a road. Accession No.: 17,898-5249-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5377 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/12/10 5250: Mary Usher, John P. Usher, Elizabeth S. Usher, William Shaw, and Ann Maria Shaw vs. Thomas Jackson and William Bowen. BA. Injunction against obstruction of Old York Road. Plats; also show Hales Fellowship, James Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 36A. Accession No.: 17,898-5250-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5378 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/10/05 5251: Jane Urquhart vs. James Hutchings. AA. Estate of William Urquhart. Accession No.: 17,898-5251-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5379 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/06/07 5252: Enoch Umsted vs. David McGregor, George Creager, and Samuel Moale. FR. Title to Good Luck, Widows Chance, Spring Garden, Addition, Mackeys Luck, Dulaneys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 657 and 106, p. 499. Accession No.: 17,898-5252-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5380 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/12/26 5253: William Urquhart and Mary M. Urquhart vs. William Henry Hall and William Tillard. AA. Estate of John Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-5253 MSA S512-7- 5381 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/01/25 5254: Michael Ulrick vs. Conrad Cats. BA. Petition to record deed for Shavers Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 211 and 100, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-5254 MSA S512-7- 5382 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/07/28 5255: Abraham Umstattd vs. Charles Howard, Alexander Howard, Leonard Howard, Jacob Howard, Francis Page, Cassandra Page, Mary Umstattd, and Josiah Prather. MO. Contract to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5255 MSA S512-7- 5383 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/08/29 5256: Union Bank of Maryland vs. John Bankson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5256 MSA S512-7- 5384 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/09/20 5257: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Nathan G. Bryson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-5257 MSA S512-7- 5385 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/09/25 5258: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Thomas Wilson, Peter Wilson, William Winchester, and Charles Winchester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-5258-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5386 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/09/10 5259: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Thomas Mummey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 602. Accession No.: 17,898-5259 MSA S512-7- 5387 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/09/25 5260: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Enoch Betts, Elizabeth Betts, and Edward Priestley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 527. Accession No.: 17,898-5260-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5388 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/10/10 5261: Enoch Umstead. FR. Estate of Nicholas Umstead - Umsteads Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-5261 MSA S512-7- 5389 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/05/24 5262: John Usher. BA. Insolvent estate of Usher. Accession No.: 17,898-5262 MSA S512-7- 5390 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/05/23 5263: Union Bank of Maryland and Henry Payson vs. John Randall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-5263 MSA S512-7- 5391 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/07/14 5264: Union Bank of Maryland vs. John Gooding and George Winchester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 335. Accession No.: 17,898-5264 MSA S512-7- 5392 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/10/24 5265: Union Bank of Maryland vs. James Gunn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 316. Accession No.: 17,898-5265 MSA S512-7- 5393 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/08/30 5266: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Nicholas Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 589. Accession No.: 17,898-5266 MSA S512-7- 5394 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/28 5267: Abraham Underwood. BA. Insolvent estate of Underwood. Accession No.: 17,898-5267 MSA S512-7- 5395 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/28 5267A: Elihu Underwood. BA. Insolvent estate of Underwood. Accession No.: 17,898-5267A MSA S512-7- 5396 Location: 1/37/2/
1803 5267B: Luke Usher. BA. Insolvent estate of Usher. Accession No.: 17,898-5267B MSA S512-7- 5397 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/09/14 5268: Union Bank of Maryland vs. John Mickle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-5268-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5398 Location: 1/37/2/
1827 5269: United States Bank vs. John Hollins, Michael McBlair, John Smith Hollins, and Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-5269-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5399 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/05/10 5270: United States Bank vs. James Cramond and Robert Carter. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5270-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5400 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/05/19 5271: United States Bank vs. William McMechen and William C. Goldsmith. BA. Petition to record deed for Kingsbury Lands, Wilmots Neglect, Long Point, Plains, Wilmots Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-5271-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5401 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/10/22 5272: William Vincent, John Ferguson, and Samuel Chapman vs. Ann Sheid and Francis Sheid. CH. Estate of Francis H. Sheid - Land of Lee, Deys Valley, Grays Fancy, Orphans Loss, Fancys Mistake. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 630. Accession No.: 17,898-5272-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5402 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/06/12 5273: Washington Van Bibber and Ann Neilson vs. Samuel Caple, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Barbadoes. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 52. Accession No.: 17,898-5273-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5403 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/08/30 5274: Washington Van Bibber and Andrew Van Bibber vs. Ezechiel Forman, Augusta Forman, Robert L. Tilghman, and Henrietta Tilghman. BA. Estate of Joseph Forman - Brians Chance, Ridgelys Whim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 502. Accession No.: 17,898-5274-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5404 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/05/21 5275: John Valliant and James Medcalf vs. Jeremiah Colston. TA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-5275-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5405 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/04/30 5276: William Van Wyck, Joshua Dorsey, and Peter A. Guestier vs. William Edwards. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 552. Accession No.: 17,898-5276-1/9 MSA S512-7- 5406 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/08/19 5277: John S. Tyson. BA. Trust estate of Electa Van Horn. Accession No.: 17,898-5277 MSA S512-7- 5407 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/07/05 5278: David Van Ness vs. John M. Gantt and Mary S. Gantt. PG. Estate of Jacob J. Hurnance. Accession No.: 17,898-5278-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5408 Location: 1/37/2/
1832/06/18 5279: John Valient vs. James G. Ludrick. QA. Petition to sell John and Rachels Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 422. Accession No.: 17,898-5279 MSA S512-7- 5409 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/08/30 5280: James Vanderford vs. John Chaires. DO. Title to Chaires Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 401. Accession No.: 17,898-5280 MSA S512-7- 5410 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/05/23 5281: Thomas Williams, Joseph Williams, Gassaway Knighton, Sarah Knighton, Mary Leadenham, and Edward Leadenham vs. Elizabeth Ann Ball. AA. Petition to partition and sell Hickory Hills, Franklins Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 596. Accession No.: 17,898-5281-1/10 MSA S512-7- 5411 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/03/16 5282: J.B. Von Kapff, Frederick W. Brune, Richard Owings, James Owings, Robert Marwell, and Joseph Yates vs. James Zwisler, Nicholas H. Albers, Louis Albers, and Matilda Albers. BA. Estate of Levister Albers - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 241.
Accession No.: 17,898-5282-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5412 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/12/10 5283: Nathan Vennums vs. John Smith. AA. Petition to record deed for Droweth. Accession No.: 17,898-5283 MSA S512-7- 5413 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/11/15 5284: John Voorhees vs. John Thompson. CE. Estate of John Thompson. Accession No.: 17,898-5284 MSA S512-7- 5414 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/05/07 5285: John Van Bibber vs. David Hopkins, Mary Hopkins, and Harry Dorsey. BA. Title to Batchelors Refuge. Accession No.: 17,898-5285 MSA S512-7- 5415 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/10/28 5286: Abraham Van Bibber vs. Thomas Dye Cockey, Anne Cockey, and Frances T. Cockey. BA. Title to Merrymans Beginning, Ridgelys Whim. Plat of Ridgelys Whim at 1/38/1/19. Accession No.: 17,898-5286-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5416 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/06/18 5287: William Vance vs. James Carroll, Sophia Carroll, Prudence G. Carroll, Harry D.G. Carroll, Charles R. Carroll, John Carroll, and James Carroll. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 10. Accession No.: 17,898-5287-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5417 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/11/15 5288: Nathan Venums and Lydia Bryan vs. Joshua Pumphrey and Edward Pumphrey. AA. Title to Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-5288 MSA S512-7- 5418 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/01/09 5289: William Vincent vs. Dr. Richard Lyles. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Concord. Accession No.: 17,898-5289 MSA S512-7- 5419 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/05/02 5290: Adrian Valck vs. Robert Lemmon. BA. Trust estate of Nathan Griffith. Accession No.: 17,898-5290 MSA S512-7- 5420 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/01/08 5291: William Vincent and John Ferguson vs. John Keech. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Courts Discovery, Courts Choice, Saturdays Work. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 305. Accession No.: 17,898-5291-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5421 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/01/15 5293: Washington Van Bibber vs. John Hollins. BA. Petition to record deed for Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 78. Accession No.: 17,898-5293 MSA S512-7- 5422 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/03/12 5294: Edward H. Veasey vs. Mary Ward and Elizabeth H. Price. CE. Estate of Peregrine Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-5294-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5423 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/10/10 5295: John Valentine and Ludwick Wollet vs. George Adams, Andrew Adams, Peter Adams, Casper Adams, John Spanger, Mary Spanger, Abraham Albaugh, Margaret Albaugh, John Staly, and Margaret Staly. FR. Contract to purchase Ogleton, Younger Parather. Accession No.: 17,898-5295 MSA S512-7- 5424 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/07/26 5296: John P. Van Ness vs. Isaac Pollock. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Magruders Purchase, Addition to Resurvey on Magruders Purchase, Fruit Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-5296 MSA S512-7- 5425 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/10/21 5297: Gabriel P. Van Horn vs. William Willet. PG. Petition to record deed for Scotts Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 231. Accession No.: 17,898-5297 MSA S512-7- 5426 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/07/05 5298: Thomas W. Veazy vs. Richard Davis, Rebecca George, Phebe George, and Ann Eliza Fisher. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 110, p. 166. Accession No.: 17,898-5298-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5427 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/01/17 5299: William Van Wyck. BA. Insolvent estate of Van Wyck. Accession No.: 17,898-5299 MSA S512-7- 5428 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/03/10 5300: Edward Vier. MO. Insolvent estate of Vier. Accession No.: 17,898-5300 MSA S512-7- 5429 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/04/28 5301: John Vickers. TA. Insolvent estate of Vickers. Accession No.: 17,898-5301 MSA S512-7- 5430 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/05/29 5302: Joshua Vansant. KE. Insolvent estate of Vansant - Goose Haven, Forrest, Chester Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-5302 MSA S512-7- 5431 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/03/07 5303: William Vance. BA. Insolvent estate of Vance. Accession No.: 17,898-5303 MSA S512-7- 5432 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/04/10 5304: Peter A. Volkman. BA. Insolvent estate of Volkman. Accession No.: 17,898-5304-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5433 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/02/18 5306: Daniel Victory. BA. Insolvent estate of Victory. Accession No.: 17,898-5306 MSA S512-7- 5434 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/04/02 5307: St. Georges Parish vs. Rev. John Allen. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Nova Scotia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 392. Accession No.: 17,898-5307-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5435 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/09/04 5308: Washington College vs. James G. McClean, William Gibson, James A. McClean, Edward A. McClean, John Bolton, Sarah Bolton, Curtis Bolton, Ann Bolton, Robert Bolton, Margaret McClean, Anna McClean, William McClean, Alexander A. McClean, Thomas L. McClean, and John B. Eccleston. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Grove, Little Grove, Addition to Grove, Caldors Meadows, Trenchards Memorial, Whorton Point, lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-5308-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5436 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/07/17 5309: Julianna C. Van Pradelle, Benedict F. Van Pradelle, Charcilla C. Van Pradelle, Charlotte F. Van Pradelle, Mary Van Pradelle, and Albert G. Van Pradelle vs. Thomas D. Owings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gerah. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 631. Accession No.: 17,898-5309-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5437 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/10/16 5310: Isaac Van Bibber vs. Thomas Kell, William Moore, Thomas Bond, Catherine Bond, Jacob W. Giles, Joana Giles, and Susannah Giles. BA. Estate of William Fells - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 24, p. 153. Accession No.: 17,898-5310-1/15 MSA S512-7- 5438 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/02/11 5311: James Buchanan and Charles B. Young. BA. Insolvent estates of Buchanan and Young. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 298. Accession No.: 17,898-5311-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5439 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/05/07 5312: John Batiste Faure and Blane Faure vs. Jacob Wynard and Edward Priestly. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 620. Accession No.: 17,898-5312-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5440 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/11/27 5313: Robert Wilkinson vs. Thomas Russell, Matthew Russell, John B. Russell, Nancy Russell, James Russell, Matthew Cameron, and Mary Cameron. CE. Estate of John Wilkerson - Charlemane. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 229. Accession No.: 17,898-5313-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5441 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/09/09 5314: Thomas Woolford, John Williams, Abraham Neild, James Dail, and Levin Jones vs. Noble Wright. AL, DO. Estate of Edward Wright - Military Lots 118, 217, 1190, 1289, 2092-2095, 2540, 2544, 3000, 3039, 4064 in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 48, p. 216. Accession No.: 17,898-5314-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5442 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/06/09 5315: Nathan Waters vs. John Duvall. PG. Estate of Benjamin Duvall - Tukesbury. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5315-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5443 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/08/21 5316: Edward Veazey vs. John Reynolds. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5316 MSA S512-7- 5444 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/02/19 5317: Robert Wilson vs. Charles Ridgely. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Coxs Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-5317 MSA S512-7- 5445 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/07/14 5318: Richard Wootton vs. William Brogden. AA. Estate of William Brogden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-5318-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5446 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/05/14 5319: John Wooden vs. William Anderson, John Anderson, Robert Anderson, and Alexander Anderson. BA. Title to Hannahs Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-5319 MSA S512-7- 5447 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/09/25 5320: Charles Williamson and Frisby Freeland vs. Benjamin King, James Heighe, Thomas Hellen, Mordecai Smith, James Hungerford, John Ireland, Jr., and Alexander Broome. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5320 MSA S512-7- 5448 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/08/04 5321: David West vs. Jesse Jarrett. HA. Title to Contestable Manor, Burchanans Deer Park, Hills of Poverty. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 39, MdHR 40,283-92, S65-152, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 102. Accession No.: 17,898-5321-1/14 MSA S512-7- 5449 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/07/11 5322: Jacob Waters vs. Jehn Bowen, Jeremiah Johnson, and Elianor Johnson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5322-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5450 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/03/19 5323: Josiah White vs. William G. Luckett, David L. Luckett, James Simpson, Juliet Simpson, Greenbury Simpson, and Catherine Simpson. MO. Contract to purchase Killmans Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-5323 MSA S512-7- 5451 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/09/02 5324: William Whetcroft vs. Thomas Rockhold. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Howards Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-5324 MSA S512-7- 5452 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/10/27 5325: Clement Waters, Thomas J.H. Eccleston, Mary Ennalls, and John Reid vs. Leah Harvey. DO. Estate of John Harvey - Buckfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 766. Accession No.: 17,898-5325-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5453 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/11/25 5326: Anne Wilmot vs. Sarah Woodfield, William Woodfield, David Ridgely, and Juliana Maria Ridgely. AA. Estate of Thomas Woodfield - Snowdens Reputation Supported. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-5326-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5454 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/12/02 5327: Robert Dorsey vs. William Whitcroft. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Long Acre. Accession No.: 17,898-5327-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5455 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/02/21 5328: Michael Withers, James Turner, and Davis B. Park vs. Thomas Little. BA. Estate of James Caldor. Accession No.: 17,898-5328-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5456 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/09/22 5329: Richard Watkins, Elizabeth Watkins, Tyson Beall, Wilhelmina Beall, Thomas Beall, Susan Beall, Samuel Johnson, Rebecca Johnson, Zachariah Wilmore, Sarah Wilmore, and Martha Beddo vs. Deborah Beddo, Dorcas Beddo, Eleanor Beddo, Nancy Beddo, and Harriot Beddo. MO. Petition to sell Covenant of Peace, Beddos Chance, Two Edge Sword. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 82.
Accession No.: 17,898-5329-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5457 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/05/07 5330: Barton Wathen, Mary Wathen, William Clements, and Anna Clements vs. Hillery Thompson and Jane Coomes. CH. Contract to purchase Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-5330 MSA S512-7- 5458 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/01/28 5331: Eliza Thomas Williams and Allen Thomas vs. Otho Williams. WA. Title to Conogechegue Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5331-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5459 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/12/05 5332: Lancelot Wilson, Rachel Wilson, Greenbury Barnes, and Hannah Barnes vs. Leah Trundle, Rezin Trundle, Lethe Trundle, Lawson Trundle, Sarah Trundle, Thomas Trundle, Lancelot Wilson, Aquila Wilson, Otho Wilson, and Mahala Wilson. MO. Petition to sell Roberts Choice, Second Resurvey on Partnership.
Accession No.: 17,898-5332-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5460 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/09/04 5333: Robert Walsh vs. Samuel Moale. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5333-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5461 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/09/20 5334: Robert Wallace vs. John Henry McCubbin. AA. Petition to partition Poplar Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-5334 MSA S512-7- 5462 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/12/10 5335: Thomas Walters, Sarah Walters, Benjamin Carr, Lucy Carr, Samuel Gartrell, Margaret Gartrell, Mary Beall, and Margaret Beall vs. Stephen Deaver. AA. Petition to sell Addition, Second Addition to Snowdens Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 28.
Accession No.: 17,898-5335-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5463 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/04/02 5336: James Welch and Jacob Grove vs. Peter Grove, William Hobbs, Henry Snyder, Henry Wood, and James Adams. AA. Title to Trouble For Nothing. Accession No.: 17,898-5336 MSA S512-7- 5464 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/04/10 5337: John Ward vs. John Crandall, Richard Crandall, and William Hardesty. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5337 MSA S512-7- 5465 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/12/01 5338: Thomas White and James White vs. William Whitely. CA. Contract to reconvey Whitesborough Divided. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5338-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5466 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/03/27 5339: Robert Walters vs. Rebecca Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Mary Roberts, Anna Roberts, James Roberts, Juliet Roberts, Philip Roberts, and Zacharias Roberts. QA. Petition to record deed for Toms Fancy Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-5339 MSA S512-7- 5467 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/06/17 5340: Anne Whetcroft and Nicholas Brewer vs. William Whetcroft. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-5340 MSA S512-7- 5468 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/06 5341: Eleanor Welch vs. George Sank, Ann Sank, and Robert Welch of Robert. AA. Estate of John Welch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 652. Accession No.: 17,898-5341 MSA S512-7- 5469 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/06/19 5342: John West vs. John Moore. WA. Title to Snowdens Friendship, Addition to Chaneys Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 509 and 105, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-5342 MSA S512-7- 5470 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/07/07 5343: William Walter vs. John Baptist Mattingly. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership, Cawoods Discovery, Cawoods Inheritance, Hard Bargain. Accession No.: 17,898-5343 MSA S512-7- 5471 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/09/18 5344: John Ward, Eleanor Ward, Richard Ward, John Ward, Benjamin Ward, Francis Birkhead, Elizabeth Birkhead, Sarah Birkhead, and John Ward vs. John Ward and Richard Ward. CV. Petition to sell Good Luck, His Lordships Favor, Clares Hundred. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 397.
Accession No.: 17,898-5344-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5472 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/03/23 5345: William Webster vs. Allen Littleton, Margaret Littleton, William W. Littleton, Thomas E. Littleton, and Mary Littleton. DO. Estate of William Littleton - Maidens Forrest, Hickory Ridge Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 554. Accession No.: 17,898-5345-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5473 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/06/29 5346: William Winder vs. State of Maryland. SO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 17, p. 268. Accession No.: 17,898-5346 MSA S512-7- 5474 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/10/14 5347: John Wampler, Nicholas Watkins, Jr., and Robert Dorsey vs. Thomas Worthington, Rachel Shipley, John Shipley, Marcilla Shipley, Elizabeth Shipley, Clarissa Shipley, and Washington Shipley. BA. Estate of Duncan Shipley - Washington, Johnny Cake Stone, Cherry Tree Point, Stofels Meadows, Call Has Done It Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 411 and 98, p. 251.
Accession No.: 17,898-5347-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5475 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/03/15 5348: John Willoughby vs. Zacharias Brannock, Dolly Brannock, Elizabeth Brannock, Sally Brannock, and Thomas Brannock. DO. Estate of George Brannock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 579. Accession No.: 17,898-5348-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5476 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/09/13 5349: Ludwick Wampler vs. James Gittings, Jr. BA. Contract to purchase Speculation. Accession No.: 17,898-5349 MSA S512-7- 5477 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/12/15 5350: Stephen Winchester and Sarah Winchester vs. Mary Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Rachel Howard, Samuel Howard, Deborah Howard, Joseph Howard, Bale Howard, Henry Howard, and Joshua Howard. BA. Petition to sell Strawberry Patch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 581. Accession No.: 17,898-5350 MSA S512-7- 5478 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/11/12 5351: John Wright, Joshua Wright, Jr., Thomas Dimmitt, and Rachel Dimmitt. BA. Estate of William Wright - Wester Ogle, Shiloh Completed, Carters Choice, Howards Contrivance. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5351-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5479 Location: 1/37/2/
1802 5352: Joshua Wills. CA. Insolvent estate of Wills. Accession No.: 17,898-5352 MSA S512-7- 5480 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/06/17 5353: Samuel Wood, Sr. vs. William Taneyhill, Eleanor Taneyhill, and Elizabeth Taneyhill. CV. Petition to sell Cooper. Accession No.: 17,898-5353 MSA S512-7- 5481 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/09/26 5354: Sutton J. Weems vs. William S. Moresell. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5354 MSA S512-7- 5482 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/06/26 5356: George Woolfe vs. Ely Hyatt, Jesse Hyatt, Thomas Maccubbin, Richard T. Cheseldine, Mashack Richards, Susannah Richards, and William Richards. MO. Title to Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 432. Accession No.: 17,898-5356-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5483 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/05/19 5357: William Winder, Isaac Horsey, Nancy Nelms, Robert Dashiell, James Houston, Jesse Fooks, Thomas Fooks, Stephen Toadvine, John Bratton, and Saul Causey vs. William Riggin, Jonathan Riggin, and John Riggin. WO. Estate of Jonathan Riggin - Safeguard, Georges Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 506.
Accession No.: 17,898-5357-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5484 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/02/22 5358: Nathan Waters vs. Mareen Duvall, Mary Carroll, John Carroll, William Duvall, Eleanor Duvall, Benjamin Duvall, Ariana Yairington, Richard Yairington, Sarah Duvall, and Walter Duvall. PG. Contract to purchase Pleasant Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-5358 MSA S512-7- 5485 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/03/27 5359: Joseph Watkins vs. William O'Hara. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bessington. Accession No.: 17,898-5359 MSA S512-7- 5486 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/07/30 5360: Charles Wells vs. State of Maryland. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in Fells Point. Accession No.: 17,898-5360 MSA S512-7- 5487 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/05/21 5361: Charles Williamson. CV. Insolvent estate of Williamson. Accession No.: 17,898-5361 MSA S512-7- 5488 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/12/28 5362: Charles Webbing vs. John Moore. BA. Contract to purchase California. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 497 and 105, p. 278. Accession No.: 17,898-5362 MSA S512-7- 5489 Location: 1/37/2/
1786/12/23 5363: William Mackall Wilkinson vs. Benjamin Mackall. CH, PG. Guardianship of Priors Clave, Allens Addition, Inclosure in CH. Also Woods Joy, Woods Prospect, Doves Nest, Doves Perch in PG. Also slaves Ninniboy, Jupiter, Jem, and Nell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 250.
Accession No.: 17,898-5363 MSA S512-7- 5490 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/04/22 5364: Hanson Waters vs. Hannah Covington, Abner Hoops, and George Little. KE. Estate of Henry Covington. Accession No.: 17,898-5364 MSA S512-7- 5491 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/12/05 5365: Daniel Walker, Christopher Walker, James Wilson, and Gerard Tipton vs. Jacob Bruner. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Curfsmanstadt, Rattle Snake Den. Accession No.: 17,898-5365-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5492 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/11/05 5366: Robert Walters vs. Stephen Vansant, Elizabeth Vansant, Malachi Meeds, Charlotte Meeds, Luther J. Cox, and Emanuel Kent. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5366 MSA S512-7- 5493 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/02/28 5367: William Woods vs. Joshua Bowen, Catherine Bowen, John Jackson, John Wesley Bowen, and Josias Hitchcock. BA. Injunction against removal of timber and lime from Bucks Purchase, Selsed. Accession No.: 17,898-5367 MSA S512-7- 5494 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/07/14 5368: James Wilmer, Henry Wilmer, and John Lorain vs. Daniel Watson, Eliza Ann Clayland, Ann Emory Clayland, Louise Maria Sudler, and Susanne Augusta Watson. QA. Estate of Susanne Sudler. Accession No.: 17,898-5368 MSA S512-7- 5495 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/11/15 5369: Joshua Warfield and Mary Warfield vs. Nicholas Watkins. AA. Estate of Thomas Watkins - Dodown, Obigation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 42, p. 311. Accession No.: 17,898-5369-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5496 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/09/30 5370: James Williams vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5370-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5497 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/10/30 5371: Stephen Wante vs. Lewis Jacob Julien Delarve Ligaux and James F. Lefevre. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy, Upton Court. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5371-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5498 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/08/17 5372: William Whetcroft vs. James Christie. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5372-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5499 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/04/09 5373: Henry Wood vs. William P. Hardesty. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5373 MSA S512-7- 5500 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/03/15 5374: John Wilmer vs. Henry Wilmer and Edward Harris. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Henry Wilmer. Accession No.: 17,898-5374 MSA S512-7- 5501 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/05/13 5375: William Willson of John vs. Samuel Beall. MO. Estate of Lewis Beall. Accession No.: 17,898-5375 MSA S512-7- 5502 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/11/21 5376: David Williamson vs. Joseph Gautrot. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 160. Accession No.: 17,898-5376 MSA S512-7- 5503 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/06/20 5377: James Wignall vs. William Twinans. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5377 MSA S512-7- 5504 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/12/30 5378: William Whetcroft, Josias Wilson King, Letitia King, Henry Whetcroft, Sarah Whetcroft, Thomas Munroe, Frances Munroe, Alexander Kerr, Anne Kerr, and Catherine Whetcroft vs. James Williams. AA. Contract to purchase lots in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-5378 MSA S512-7- 5505 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/01/06 5379: Lott Warfield. BA. Insolvent estate of Warfield. Accession No.: 17,898-5379 MSA S512-7- 5506 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/01/25 5380: William Weary. BA. Insolvent estate of Weary. Accession No.: 17,898-5380 MSA S512-7- 5507 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/01/16 5381: James Williamson. BA. Insolvent estate of Williamson. Accession No.: 17,898-5381-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5508 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/09/30 5382: Charles Williamson vs. Benjamin Rogers and Anne Rogers. AA, CV. Petition to record deeds for Broughton Ashly, Hunts Chance in AA. Also Hamiltons Part, Linghams Purchase in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-5382 MSA S512-7- 5509 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/01/06 5383: William Waddle. BA. Insolvent estate of Waddle. Accession No.: 17,898-5383 MSA S512-7- 5510 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/05/14 5384: George Wily. BA. Insolvent estate of Wily. Accession No.: 17,898-5384 MSA S512-7- 5511 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/02/24 5385: John Wayman. AA. Insolvent estate of Wayman. Accession No.: 17,898-5385-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5512 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/01/12 5386: John Warfield. AA. Insolvent estate of Warfield. Accession No.: 17,898-5386 MSA S512-7- 5513 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/02/02 5387: Ezekiel Williams. HA. Insolvent estate of Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-5387 MSA S512-7- 5514 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/01/21 5390: Henry Worthington. BA. Insolvent estate of Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-5390 MSA S512-7- 5515 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/01/04 5391: Philip Woolrick. BA. Insolvent estate of Woolrick. Accession No.: 17,898-5391 MSA S512-7- 5516 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/03/14 5392: Randall Wallis. HA. Insolvent estate of Wallis. Accession No.: 17,898-5392 MSA S512-7- 5517 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/09/12 5393: James Wilson. PG. Insolvent estate of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-5393 MSA S512-7- 5518 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/08/06 5394: Thomas W. Walker vs. William Brogden. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Row Down, Row Down Security. Accession No.: 17,898-5394-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5519 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/06/30 5395: Ann Watkins vs. Gideon White. AA. Injunction against civil proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-5395 MSA S512-7- 5520 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/03/05 5396: Margaret Whitaker, William Whitaker, and Henry R. Whitaker vs. Austin Allen, Elizabeth Allen, and Margaret Whitaker. PG. Estate of Henry Whitaker. Accession No.: 17,898-5396 MSA S512-7- 5521 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/04/22 5398: Isaac Whipper vs. Peter Miskelly. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5398 MSA S512-7- 5522 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/01/25 5399: Thomas Wickersham, Robert Kemp, and Samuel Edmonson vs. Samuel Vickers, Nancy Vickers, James Vickers, Rachel Vickers, Sarah Vickers, and Elizabeth Vickers. CA, TA. Estate of Charles Vickers - lots in Easton. Also Piney Point in CA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 276.
Accession No.: 17,898-5399 MSA S512-7- 5523 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/11/08 5400: Sabert Wood vs. Isaac Wood. CV. Title to Knots Branch, Huckleberry Hills, Stones Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-5400 MSA S512-7- 5524 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/06/24 5401: William Whitby and Robert Silvester vs. John Boon, Ann Leigh, John Leigh, and William Merrick. CA. Estate of Issac Boon. Accession No.: 17,898-5401 MSA S512-7- 5525 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/06/03 5402: Thomas Walker vs. Rebecca Walker. BA. Estate of Elijah Walker - Holms Chance, Holms Chance Resurveyed, Hickory Ridge Resurveyed, Walkers Chance, Walkers Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-5402-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5526 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/06/18 5403: Andrew Worman vs. Mary Worman, Henry Worman, Jacob Worman, Conrad Worman, Noah Worman, Joshua Worman, Mary Worman, David Holverstad, Magdalon Holverstad, Henry Brickert, Eve Brickert, Christopher Siglar, and Sally Siglar. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-5403 MSA S512-7- 5527 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/07/02 5404: Negro Anna and William Williams vs. Jonathan Woodburn. SM. Estate of Leonard Boroughs - freedom of Anna. Accession No.: 17,898-5404 MSA S512-7- 5528 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/09/22 5405: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Anne Watkins, John Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, Amelia Watkins, and Benjamin Watkins. AA. Contract to purchase Forest Farm, Friends Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-5405-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5529 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/08/11 5407: Mary Weems and Alexander McPherson vs. William Weems, John Weems, Elizabeth Weems, and Anne Weems. AA. Estate of Col. John Weems - Burrage, Burrages End, Burrages Blossom, Lordships Bounty, Lock Eden, Padgett, Addition to Padgett, Oyster Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 58.
Accession No.: 17,898-5407-1/13 MSA S512-7- 5530 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/05/31 5408: Joseph Wood, Sarah Wood, Jacob Pattison, Elizabeth Pattison, William Ward, Robert Ward, and John Ward vs. Eleanor Ward, Richard Ward, and Samuel Ward. AA. Petition to partition Friendship, Broughton Ashley. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 79, p. 136.
Accession No.: 17,898-5408-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5531 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/06/05 5409: John H. Ward and William Long vs. Edward Miles, Savin Miles, Milcah Miles, Attalmetia Miles, John Miles, George Robertson, William Waters, Sr., and John Bell. SO. Estate of Savin Miles. Accession No.: 17,898-5409 MSA S512-7- 5532 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/09/02 5410: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. John Taylor. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Clarksons Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-5410 MSA S512-7- 5533 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/12/11 5411: John Worthington vs. Thomas Bicknell, Baruch Fowler, Osborn Williams, Jacob Waters, Thomas Macgill, Benjamin Ogle, Jr., and Thomas J. Waters. AA, PG. Injunction against construction of a road. Accession No.: 17,898-5411-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5534 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/04/24 5413: Elizabeth Wood and Maria Wood vs. Richard Bassett. CE. Contract to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5413 MSA S512-7- 5535 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/09/08 5414: John Williams, Jr. vs. George D. Atkinson. SO. Dissolution of George D. Atkinson & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-5414 MSA S512-7- 5536 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/07/29 5415: Richard Watts vs. Robert Chesley, Letitia Chesley, Mary Chesley, James Hopewell, Angelica Hopewell, James Egerton, and Elizabeth Egerton. SM. Estate of Robert Chesley - Woodstock, Moffett Wells, Pork Hall, Vineyard with Addition, Thomas and Joseph. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 592.
Accession No.: 17,898-5415-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5537 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/01/07 5416: Lambert Wilmer and Rebecca Wilmer vs. James Richardson, Matthew Richardson, and Sarah Ann Richardson. CE. Estate of William Richardson. Accession No.: 17,898-5416 MSA S512-7- 5538 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/06/20 5417: James H. Williamson and Frisby Freeland vs. Peter Emerson. CV. Contract to settle accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-5417 MSA S512-7- 5539 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/04/22 5418: Thomas B. Wilson and Richard Wilson vs. Robert Brown, Bennett Brown, and Basil Brown. QA. Estate of Thomas Wilson - Plain Dealing, Jackson Boggs, Broad Neck, Sewells Range, Bennetts Outlet. Accession No.: 17,898-5418-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5540 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/06/25 5419: Richard Ward, Charles Ridgely of Hampton, Nathan Cromwell, and Henry Schroeder vs. Susanna Butler, Charles Butler, Henry Butler, Orrick Butler, Absalom Butler, Polly Butler, John Butler, and Susanna Butler. BA. Estate of Absalom Butler - Williams Resurvey, Butlers Farm, Addition to William, Good Will. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 500.
Accession No.: 17,898-5419-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5541 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/08/13 5420: Henry Wayman vs. William Wood. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5420 MSA S512-7- 5542 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/07/11 5421: Jasper Wirt vs. Philip Miller. PG. Estate of Philip Miller - lots in Bladensburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 49. Accession No.: 17,898-5421-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5543 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/11/10 5422: David Weems vs. Caroline Dowell, Richard Dowell, and James Edward Dowell. AA. Estate of Richard Dowell - Govers Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-5422 MSA S512-7- 5544 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/01/19 5423: Charles Wallace and Eleanor Davidson vs. Charles Mankin. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Mankins Folly, Mankins Venture, Ramble, Mankins and Latimers Gift, slaves Aron, Ior, George, Ben, Charles, Lucy, Linder, Sarah, Jane, Henny, Rachel and Nancy. Accession No.: 17,898-5423 MSA S512-7- 5545 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/10/21 5424: Thomas H. Wright vs. Elizabeth Hall Norwood. BA. Appointment of trustee for Norwood. Accession No.: 17,898-5424 MSA S512-7- 5546 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/08/25 5425: George Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Ann Walker, James Walker, and Eleanor Walker vs. James Clark, Philip Richard Fendall, Walter Ewer, James Ewer, William Campbell, and Luther Martin. HA. Title to My Lords Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-5425 MSA S512-7- 5547 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/06/18 5426: William W. Wan vs. Ruthy Jessop. BA. Injunction against removal of timber and fruit trees from Valley of Jehosophat. Accession No.: 17,898-5426 MSA S512-7- 5548 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/03/04 5427: John Tolley Worthington vs. Henry Weist. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Brotherly Kindness. Accession No.: 17,898-5427 MSA S512-7- 5549 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/09/13 5428: Basil Wood vs. Charles Wood. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Grove, Three Brothers Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-5428 MSA S512-7- 5550 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/02/04 5429: George Wells and Gideon White vs. William Knight, Elizabeth Knight, and Samuel Young. AA. Estate of John Young - lot and house in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 670. Accession No.: 17,898-5429-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5551 Location: 1/37/2/
1785/04/20 5430: Thomas Wright vs. Thomas Taylor and Ralph Smith. DO. Contract to purchase Addition to Ross Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 20, p. 242 and 21, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-5430-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5552 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/01/07 5431: Lawrence Walter vs. John Baptist Mattingly. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-5431 MSA S512-7- 5553 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/10/16 5432: Richard Waters vs. Lewis Browning and Henry Schroeder. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5432 MSA S512-7- 5554 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/08/11 5433: James O'Brian vs. Samuel T. Wright and William T. Wright. QA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5433-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5555 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/03/21 5434: Sarah Whelan, Ellen Maccubin, Zachariah Maccubin, Ann Maccubin, George Washington Maccubin, Margaret Lee Brooke Maccubin, and John G. Maccubin vs. Daniel Carroll and Richard Ridgely. BA. Petition to sell Islington, Bucks Range, North Stead. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 134.
Accession No.: 17,898-5434-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5556 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/06/21 5435: Thomas Worthington vs. Philip Rogers, Archibald Shaw, Rebecca Hutton, Eliza Hutton, Margarette Hutton, Susan Hutton, and Thomas Hutton. BA. Estate of Thomas Hutton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 156. Accession No.: 17,898-5435 MSA S512-7- 5557 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/12/26 5436: George Weaver vs. Elizabeth Gassaway and Louis Gassaway. FR. Contract to purchase Turkey Foot Bottom, Valentines Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-5436 MSA S512-7- 5558 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/07/20 5437: Jean Willson vs. Thomas Wilson. MO. Appointment of trustee for Thomas Wilson - Exchange, New Exchange Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-5437 MSA S512-7- 5559 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/08/14 5438: Thomas Woodyear vs. Margaret Story and Samuel Merryman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5438 MSA S512-7- 5560 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/03/02 5439: Walter Tolley Worthington, Sarah Worthington, and Elizabeth Hood vs. James Hood. AA. Estate of John Hood, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-5439 MSA S512-7- 5561 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/09/19 5440: John Wailes vs. William Wailes. SO. Estate of Levin Wailes - Giles Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 535. Accession No.: 17,898-5440 MSA S512-7- 5562 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/03/20 5441: David Williamson vs. Mary Beard, Matthew Beard, John Beard, and Thomas Beard. AA. Defraud of creditors of Matthew Beard - Beards Habitation, store at Beards Point. Accession No.: 17,898-5441 MSA S512-7- 5563 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/04/16 5442: Stephen Wante vs. Caroline Zollickoffer, Henry Zollickoffer, John Zollickoffer, Daniel Zollickoffer, William Zollickoffer, and Mary Zollickoffer. BA. Estate of John Conrad Zollickoffer - Maidens Dairy, Cromwells Range, Cordwainers Hall, Cruxalls Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 41, p. 181.
Accession No.: 17,898-5442 MSA S512-7- 5564 Location: 1/37/2/
1824/05/06 5444: Charles Watson and Eliza Watson vs. William Woodfield. AA. Injunction against construction of a ditch on Two Sisters. Accession No.: 17,898-5444 MSA S512-7- 5565 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/04/30 5445: Henry Winter vs. Kezia Lyeth, John Lyeth, and Samuel Lyeth. BA. Validity of deed of trust on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5445-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5566 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/04/30 5446: Seth Warfield, Richard Harwood, and Zachariah Jacobs vs. John Warfield and Samuel Sewell. AA. Estate of Luke Warfield - Warfields Forrest, Owens Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 21, p. 755. Accession No.: 17,898-5446-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5567 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/08/30 5447: Robert Conden vs. John Wright and Turbut Wright. WO. Defraud of creditors of John Wright - Smiths First Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-5447-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5568 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/06/15 5448: Michael Widner, Abraham Miller, Catherine Miller, Henry King, Eve King, and Elizabeth Widner vs. Susanna Widner. BA. Estate of Henry Widner - Darley Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 504. Accession No.: 17,898-5448-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5569 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/03/12 5449: John W. Wilson. HA. Insolvent estate of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-5449-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5570 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/06/03 5450: Benjamin Waters, Elizabeth Waters, Henry Shover, Rosinia Shover, Peter Baker, Valentine Gesey, Catherine Gesey, Mary Gesey, Elizabeth Gesey, George Eppert, and Catherine Eppert vs. John Gesey and Harriet Gesey. FR. Estate of Frederick Baker - lot in Frederick Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 601.
Accession No.: 17,898-5450-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5571 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/04/24 5451: Edward G. Woodyear vs. George Capito. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-5451 MSA S512-7- 5572 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/03/13 5452: Richard William Wells vs. Zadoc Duvall and Alexander Duvall. PG. Contract to purchase slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-5452-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5573 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/10/31 5453: Thornton Washington, Samuel Washington, Bushrod Washington, Jr., George C. Washington, Richard H.L. Washington, John A. Washington, Bushrod Washington, III, Jane Washington, Mary Washington, George Fayette Washington, Charles A. Washington, Anna Maria Washington, Nancy Lewis, John Lewis, Kitty Lewis, Lucinda Lewis, William A. Washington, George S. Washington, Lawrence Washington, Andrew Parks, Harriet Parks, Samuel Washington, Francis Peyton, Frances Peyton, Thomas Hammond, Mildred Hammond, Charles Lewis, Robert Lewis Alexander Spotswood, Elizabeth Spotswood, George Lewis, Lawrence Lewis, Robert Lewis, Howell Lewis, Charles Carter, and Betty Carter vs. Bushrod Washington. CH, MO. Petition to sell Woodstock in MO. Also Josiahs Help, Wades Addition, Adams Retirement, Adams Outlet, Williams Folly in CH. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 362.
Accession No.: 17,898-5453-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5574 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/04/29 5454: Peregrine Ward vs. Francis B. Chandler and Philip F. Rasin. KE. Contract to keep books for shipping venture. Accession No.: 17,898-5454-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5575 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/10/07 5455: William Whitely vs. John Baynard, Elizabeth Baynard, Thomas Baynard, Mary Baynard, Henry Baynard, and Solomon Baynard. CA. Petition to sell Harris Privilidge, Venture, Chestnut Ridge, Rosses Venture, Baggs Mistake Rectified, Baynards Satisfaction, Danby Addition to Venture. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 72.
Accession No.: 17,898-5455-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5576 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/02/15 5456: Richard Warner. BA. Insolvent estate of Warner. Accession No.: 17,898-5456-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5577 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/04/08 5457: George Weinberger. MO. Insolvent estate of Weinberger. Accession No.: 17,898-5457 MSA S512-7- 5578 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/12/22 5458: Barton Wathen. CH. Insolvent estate of Wathen. Accession No.: 17,898-5458 MSA S512-7- 5579 Location: 1/37/2/
1792/01/02 5459: Edward Wheeler. MO. Insolvent estate of Wheeler. Accession No.: 17,898-5459 MSA S512-7- 5580 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/05/12 5460: George Wells. BA. Insolvent estate of Wells - Davids Fancy, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5460 MSA S512-7- 5581 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/01/18 5461: Nicholas Walter. BA. Insolvent estate of Walter. Accession No.: 17,898-5461 MSA S512-7- 5582 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/11/14 5462: John Watkins of Joseph vs. Margaret Watkins, Thomas S. Watkins, Martha A. Watkins, Joseph Watkins, Archibald W. Watkins, Gassaway Watkins, and Richard Watkins. AA. Estate of Joseph Watkins - Kent and Essex, Suffolk, Watkins Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 570.
Accession No.: 17,898-5462 MSA S512-7- 5583 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/04/16 5463: Clement Waltham. HA. Insolvent estate of Waltham. Accession No.: 17,898-5463 MSA S512-7- 5584 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/05/30 5464: James Willson, Jr. TA. Insolvent estate of Willson. Accession No.: 17,898-5464 MSA S512-7- 5585 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/04/15 5465: John Wilmot. AA. Insolvent estate of Wilmot. Accession No.: 17,898-5465 MSA S512-7- 5586 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/06/11 5466: Edward Woodyear. BA. Insolvent estate of Woodyear. Accession No.: 17,898-5466 MSA S512-7- 5587 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/06/28 5467: Thomas Wooters. QA. Insolvent estate of Wooters. Accession No.: 17,898-5467 MSA S512-7- 5588 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/01/30 5468: William Webb. BA. Insolvent estate of Webb. Accession No.: 17,898-5468 MSA S512-7- 5589 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/02/16 5469: William Worthington. AA. Insolvent estate of Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-5469 MSA S512-7- 5590 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/05/26 5470: John Wirsing. PG. Insolvent estate of Wirsing. Accession No.: 17,898-5470 MSA S512-7- 5591 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/03/05 5471: John Walter. BA. Insolvent estate of Walter. Accession No.: 17,898-5471-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5592 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/05/13 5472: Edward Lloyd Wailes. PG. Insolvent estate of Wailes. Accession No.: 17,898-5472 MSA S512-7- 5593 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/08/22 5473: Samuel Webb. HA. Insolvent estate of Webb. Accession No.: 17,898-5473 MSA S512-7- 5594 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/04/15 5474: Richard Willson. QA. Insolvent estate of Willson. Accession No.: 17,898-5474 MSA S512-7- 5595 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/01/11 5475: Alexander White. BA. Insolvent estate of White. Accession No.: 17,898-5475 MSA S512-7- 5596 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/05/30 5476: Charles Wayman. MO. Insolvent estate of Wayman. Accession No.: 17,898-5476 MSA S512-7- 5597 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/05/14 5477: George Lang. AA. Insolvent estate of Lang. Accession No.: 17,898-5477 MSA S512-7- 5598 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/02/11 5478: John Woodburn. HA. Insolvent estate of Woodburn. Accession No.: 17,898-5478 MSA S512-7- 5599 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/05/11 5479: Levin C. Wailes. PG. Insolvent estate of Wailes. Accession No.: 17,898-5479 MSA S512-7- 5600 Location: 1/37/2/
1795 5480: William Wood. BA. Insolvent estate of Wood. Accession No.: 17,898-5480 MSA S512-7- 5601 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/02/04 5481: Beauchamp Wolfenden. BA. Insolvent estate of Wolfenden. Accession No.: 17,898-5481-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5602 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/05/07 5482: Charles Ward. BA. Insolvent estate of Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-5482 MSA S512-7- 5603 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/04/29 5483: Thomas Walters. DO. Insolvent estate of Walters. Accession No.: 17,898-5483 MSA S512-7- 5604 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/02/19 5484: Steuart Williams. PG. Insolvent estate of Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-5484 MSA S512-7- 5605 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/03/31 5485: Samuel Wilson. HA. Insolvent estate of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-5485 MSA S512-7- 5606 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/01/25 5486: Joel West. BA. Insolvent estate of West. Accession No.: 17,898-5486 MSA S512-7- 5607 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/03/12 5487: John Winder, Isaac Winder, George Winder, John Bond, Elizabeth Bond, John Snavely, and Rachel Snavely. WA. Estate of James Winder. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 175. Accession No.: 17,898-5487-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5608 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/05/05 5488: Henry Wilson, Jr. HA. Insolvent estate of Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-5488 MSA S512-7- 5609 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/01/30 5489: Edmund Wayman. MO. Insolvent estate of Wayman. Accession No.: 17,898-5489 MSA S512-7- 5610 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/05/26 5491: Stephen Watkins. AA. Insolvent estate of Watkins. Accession No.: 17,898-5491 MSA S512-7- 5611 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/01/13 5492: John Woolford, Margaret Woolford, Polly Woolford, Eliza Woolford, and Susan Woolford. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-5492 MSA S512-7- 5612 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/03/01 5493: John Walter, Jr. QA. Insolvent estate of Walter. Accession No.: 17,898-5493-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5613 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/02/21 5494: John Woodard. BA. Insolvent estate of Woodard. Accession No.: 17,898-5494 MSA S512-7- 5614 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/05/16 5495: John Ward. CA. Insolvent estate of Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-5495 MSA S512-7- 5615 Location: 1/37/2/
1796 5496: Basil Williamson. CV. Insolvent estate of Williamson. Accession No.: 17,898-5496 MSA S512-7- 5616 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/05/14 5497: Samuel Willet. HA. Insolvent estate of Willet. Accession No.: 17,898-5497-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5617 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/05/13 5499: Benoni H. Wade. PG. Insolvent estate of Wade. Accession No.: 17,898-5499 MSA S512-7- 5618 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/12/26 5500: William Whittington vs. John Scarborough. WO. Petition to record deed for lot in Snow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-5500 MSA S512-7- 5619 Location: 1/37/2/
1792/12/28 5501: Joseph Wood. FR. Insolvent estate of Wood - Worst of All, lots in Monocacy Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5501 MSA S512-7- 5620 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/05/26 5502: Samuel Williams. MO. Insolvent estate of Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-5502-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5621 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/01/21 5503: John Wade. BA. Insolvent estate of Wade. Accession No.: 17,898-5503 MSA S512-7- 5622 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/05/24 5504: Baily Washington. PG. Insolvent estate of Washington. Accession No.: 17,898-5504 MSA S512-7- 5623 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/01/24 5505: Joseph Wills vs. Thomas Sellman and William M. Weems. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Trent. Accession No.: 17,898-5505 MSA S512-7- 5624 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/01/23 5506: Samuel Ward vs. James Ward. CV. Petition to record deed for Golsons Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-5506 MSA S512-7- 5625 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/06/28 5507: Evans Willing vs. Ballard Reed, Nancy Reed, John Ward, Nelly Ward, George Aikman, Thomas Aikman, William Aikman, Sarah Aikman, and James Aikman. SO. Petition to purchase Addition to Littleworth, Contention. Accession No.: 17,898-5507 MSA S512-7- 5626 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/09/23 5508: John Wyant, Jacob Wyant, Henry Poorman, and Catherine Poorman vs. Henry Wyant. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Resurvey on Mountain, Three Mill Seats. Accession No.: 17,898-5508 MSA S512-7- 5627 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/05/14 5509: Thomas Woolford, John Eccleston, Thomas Simmons, John Bradshaw, Ezekiel Vickars, Thomas Lockerman, Sr., and William LeCompte vs. State of Maryland. DO. Estate of Patrick Kelly - Nevitts Double Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 115. Accession No.: 17,898-5509-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5628 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/11/20 5510: Robert Wright, Jr. vs. James Clayland. QA. Guardianship of Edward Chatham. Accession No.: 17,898-5510 MSA S512-7- 5629 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/06/22 5511: Simon Wilmer of Edward vs. John Lambert Wilmer. KE. Estate of Simon Wilmer. Accession No.: 17,898-5511 MSA S512-7- 5630 Location: 1/37/2/
1806 5512: James White vs. Nancy Snowden, Richard Snowden, Thomas Snowden, and Benjamin Oden. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on slaves Judah, John, and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-5512 MSA S512-7- 5631 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/01/02 5513: Joseph Warfield and Eliza Warfield vs. Lloyd Dorsey. AA. Estates of Nicholas Dorsey and Elizabeth Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-5513 MSA S512-7- 5632 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/02/22 5514: Josias Wilson King, Letitia King, Henry Whitcroft, Sarah Whitcroft, Thomas Munroe, Frances Munroe, William Whitcroft, Alexander Kerr, Ann Kerr, and Catherine Whitcroft vs. James Francis Lefebre. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Askewton.
Accession No.: 17,898-5514 MSA S512-7- 5633 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/09/29 5515: John Walter vs. Washington Vanbibber, John W. Neale, William Neilson, Hugh Neilson, and Robert Oliver. BA. Contract to lease wharf in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5515-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5634 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/10/28 5516: Gideon White vs. Asahel Linthicum. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Linthicums Walks. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 193 and 101, p. 53. Accession No.: 17,898-5516 MSA S512-7- 5635 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/02/25 5517: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. Richard Chew. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wells. Recorded (Chancery Record) 38, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-5517 MSA S512-7- 5636 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/05/13 5518: Martin Weisbaugh vs. John Ensor and Abraham Ensor. BA. Estate of Jonathan Ensor - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5518 MSA S512-7- 5637 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/11/22 5519: Richard D. Mullikin and William Wilson vs. Benjamin H. Mullikin and George Brown. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas Baker. Accession No.: 17,898-5519 MSA S512-7- 5638 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/12/22 5520: John B. Wills, Jr. and Samuel Chapman vs. Mary McConchie, John McConchie, Lucy Harrison McConchie, John Thomas Stone McConchie, Fanny Jones McConchie, Elizabeth McConchie, Walter Alexander McConchie, Richard McConchie, and Mary Maria McConchie. CH. Estate of William McConchie - Pointon Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 714.
Accession No.: 17,898-5520-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5639 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/06/23 5521: John Wade vs. James Chapline and John Buchanan. WA. Petition to correct description of Addition to Loss and Gain. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 732. Accession No.: 17,898-5521 MSA S512-7- 5640 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/08/16 5522: Mary Weems vs. Rezin Gaither. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Abington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5522-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5641 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/04/08 5524: James Willson vs. Thomas Bayly and Betty Bayly. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5524 MSA S512-7- 5642 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/12/07 5525: Simon Wickes, Jr. vs. John Rawlings, Patrick Hamilton, and John Oglevy. CE. Insolvent estate of Rawlings. Accession No.: 17,898-5525 MSA S512-7- 5643 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/06/29 5527: Thomas E. Waggaman vs. Michael Kimmel. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5527 MSA S512-7- 5644 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/09/11 5528: Nathaniel Williams and James Williams vs. George Stiles, William T. Graham, and Matilda Graham. BA. Insolvent estate of William T. Graham - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5528 MSA S512-7- 5645 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/12/04 5529: James Wells vs. John Street and Sarah Cook. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Maidens Mount, Paradise. Accession No.: 17,898-5529-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5646 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/06/23 5530: Charles Wallace and John Muir vs. John Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, George Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Benjamin Leach, and Mary Leach. CV. Estate of John Mitchell. Accession No.: 17,898-5530 MSA S512-7- 5647 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/02/26 5531: Alexander Walker, Jr. vs. Catherine Clemm, William Clemm, John Clemm, James Clemm, and Eliza Clemm. BA. Estate of William Clemm - Ashmans Hope, Short Legged Tom, Labyrinth, Rutters Addition, Bare Hills, Timber Ridge, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 12.
Accession No.: 17,898-5531-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5648 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/09/21 5532: William Spurrier vs. Anne Spurrier, John Cumming, Anne Cumming, Roderick Warfield, Henrietta Warfield, John Spurrier, Eliza Spurrier, Richard Spurrier, Horace Spurrier, and Lewis Spurrier. AA. Petition to sell Browns Purchase, Anvil. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 458.
Accession No.: 17,898-5532-1/13 MSA S512-7- 5649 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/05/12 5534: James Warring, Humphrey Belt, Charles Burgess, and John M. Burgess vs. Richard Jackson. PG. Estate of William John Jackson - lot in Bladensburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-5534-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5650 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/10/31 5535: Thomas P. Wilson vs. George Beckwith, John Beckwith, William Lodge, Elisha O. Williams, Simon Nicholls, Barbara Nicholls, Thomas S. Williams, Anne Williams, Edward O. Williams, Elimibeck Beckwith, and John Lodge. MO. Estate of Charles Beckwith. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 425.
Accession No.: 17,898-5535-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5651 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/02/16 5536: Simon Wilmer of Edward and Archibald McNeil vs. Martha Browning Bolton. KE. Estate of George Browning - Indian Range, Gore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 60. Accession No.: 17,898-5536-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5652 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/07/04 5537: Basil Warfield, Anne Warfield, Samuel Cecil, Jesse Smallwood, Elizabeth Smallwood, Benjamin Belt, Jane Belt, Richard C. Jones, Sarah Jones, John Belt, Rebecca Belt, Samuel Cecil, and Richard Cecil vs. Philip Cecil, Thomas Cecil, William Cecil, Catherine Cecil, Martha Cecil, and Joseph Cecil. AA. Petition to sell Snowdens Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 8.
Accession No.: 17,898-5537-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5653 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/02/10 5538: William Williams vs. Anne Bozman, Sarah Bozman, and Dorothy Bozman. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Mare And Cacett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 19 and 41, p. 801. Accession No.: 17,898-5538-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5654 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/03/01 5539: Leonard Williams vs. Thomas Snowden. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Diamond. Accession No.: 17,898-5539 MSA S512-7- 5655 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/06/07 5540: William Wilson vs. William Patterson, Ann Patterson, and William Patterson. BA. Title to Hales Discovery. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-5540-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5656 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/05/20 5541: Charles Waters vs. Britanham Clarage, Achsah Clarage, Charles Ridgely, Ann Ridgely, Eleanor Ridgely, Henrietta Ridgely, William Ridgely, Rachel Ridgely, Sarah Ridgely, Nicholas Ridgely, and Davidge Griffith Ridgely. AA. Petition to sell Jacobs Discovery, Piney Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 14.
Accession No.: 17,898-5541 MSA S512-7- 5657 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/12/27 5542: John Waters vs. Edward Waters and Richard Jones Waters. MO. Contract to purchase land in KY. Accession No.: 17,898-5542 MSA S512-7- 5658 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/02/22 5543: William Wallis vs. Samuel Wallis. KE. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-5543 MSA S512-7- 5659 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/04/02 5544: David Weems, Richard Edelen, and Susanna Hoxton vs. Richard Harrison and Samuel Harrison. AA. Estate of Rachel Harrison. Accession No.: 17,898-5544 MSA S512-7- 5660 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/12/09 5545: Samuel Wallis vs. James Hatcheson. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5545 MSA S512-7- 5661 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/08/19 5546: John Williams vs. Alison Brannock, Henry Brannock, and James Brannock. DO. Estate of William Brannock - Addition to Brannocks Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-5546-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5662 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/01/11 5547: William Wilson vs. Elijah Medley, Mary Medley, Elizabeth Peters, Rachel Peters, Richard Felps, Rutha Felps, John Samuel Peters, Jr., Lineberry Peters, Phebe Hillard Peters, John Samuel Peters, and Cynthia Peters. MO. Estate of John Samuel Peters - Rich Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 215.
Accession No.: 17,898-5547 MSA S512-7- 5663 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/11/08 5548: Hezechiah Waters and John Dalrymple vs. William French and Mary Foxall. BA. Estate of Thomas Foxall - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 472. Accession No.: 17,898-5548-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5664 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/10/21 5549: Turner Wootton vs. George Wilson. MO. Contract to purchase Bernards Desire. Accession No.: 17,898-5549 MSA S512-7- 5665 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/08/04 5550: John Wood vs. Bennet Barnes. HA. Contract to purchase lot in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-5550 MSA S512-7- 5666 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/07/12 5551: Samuel White, Joseph White, and Edward White vs. Thomas White and James White. CA. Estate of James White. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 696. Accession No.: 17,898-5551 MSA S512-7- 5667 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/09/29 5552: Hannah West vs. Sarah Coale, Alfred Coale, Harriett Coale, Anna Maria Coale, and Nathan Hammond. AA. Estate of Thomas Coale - Harrys Lott. Accession No.: 17,898-5552 MSA S512-7- 5668 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/04/14 5553: John G. Worthington vs. Jesse Gudgeon. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harrids Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-5553-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5669 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/03/16 5554: John Williams vs. Katherine Kallendar, Thomas Kallendar, and Katherine Kallander. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Chance, Bartens Desire, Tootels Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 43, p. 240 and 44, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-5554-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5670 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/09/08 5555: Bennett Wheeler vs. Francis Ignatius Mitchell. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Benjamins Camp, Wheelers and Clarks Contrivance. Accession No.: 17,898-5555 MSA S512-7- 5671 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/07/28 5556: John Worthington, Henrietta Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Henry Worthington, Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, Basil Simpson, Sarah Simpson, John Tolley Worthington, and Polly Worthington vs. Richard Robertson, Ninian Riggs, and Thomas Bicknell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on War of Pinisey, Clarks Manor, Evitts Purchase, slave Jacob.
Accession No.: 17,898-5556 MSA S512-7- 5672 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/08/31 5557: George William West vs. Daniel Bowly. BA. Estate of Thomas Harrison - Parkins Inspection, Marshy Point, Roberts Park, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5557-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5673 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/07/29 5559: Robert Walsh and Stephen Casanave vs. Thomas Smyth, Freeman Lewis, John Blanton, John F. Gardner, Thomas Gilbert, William Cox, John Heathcoat, James Dall, Isaac Wickoff, Benjamin Chew, Joseph Anthony, and Richard Emory. BA. Contract to purchase land in Georgia. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-5559-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5674 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/12/16 5560: Dickson B. Watts, Eleanor Watts, George Jean, Sarah Jean, and Susanna Bowen vs. Mary Bowen, Franklin Bowen, and Jehu Bowen. BA. Estate of Jehu Bowen - Martins Nest, Fells Forrest, Musgroves Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 601. Accession No.: 17,898-5560-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5675 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/01/20 5561: Charles Wallace and John Muir vs. William Dent Beall. AL, AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Also Military Lots 2489-2490, 2583-2584, 2617, 3263-3264, 3619 in AL. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-5561 MSA S512-7- 5676 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/11/22 5562: Thomas Worrell, William Gammell, and Catharine Gammell vs. Patrick Quinlan. BA. Estate of David Gammell. Accession No.: 17,898-5562 MSA S512-7- 5677 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/14 5563: William Price. BA. Insolvent estate of Price. Accession No.: 17,898-5563 MSA S512-7- 5678 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/02/11 5564: Lambert Wickes, Maria Wickes, Gerald Coursey, and Sarah Coursey vs. John Tillston and William Tillston. QA. Contract to purchase Oakenthrop, Sarahs Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 502 and 105, p. 208. Accession No.: 17,898-5564 MSA S512-7- 5679 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/02/11 5565: John Forbes, Thomas Forbes, Marshall Forbes, and Thomas Contee Worthington vs. Michael Lovejoy, Arthur Campbell, George Biscoe, and George W. Biscoe. PG. Defraud of creditors of Michael Lovejoy - Sasscers Green. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 299.
Accession No.: 17,898-5565-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5680 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/06/20 5566: Charles Wells, Nicholas Wells, Richard Roloson, Margaret Roloson, Ann Partridge, Dennis Read, Rachel Read, Caleb Davis, and Mary Davis vs. Rachel Pierpoint, Hugh Roloson, and John Roloson. AA. Estate of John Wells. Accession No.: 17,898-5566 MSA S512-7- 5681 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/04/21 5567: Walter Tolly Worthington vs. Joseph Howard and Mary Howard. AA. Contract to purchase Poor Mans Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-5567 MSA S512-7- 5682 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/06/07 5568: Sarah Weisenthall vs. Daniel Grant, Samuel Moale, John Hackett, and Nicholas Slubey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5568-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5683 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/07/09 5569: William Wilson vs. Samuel Litton. HA. Contract to purchase Margarets Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 237. Accession No.: 17,898-5569 MSA S512-7- 5684 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/06/10 5570: Otho Holland Williams vs. State of Maryland. BA. Contract to purchase Principio Co. lands. Accession No.: 17,898-5570 MSA S512-7- 5685 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/12/11 5571: Jacob Woolery vs. David Woolery, Catherine Woolery, Noah Woolery, Nancy Woolery, Elijah Woolery, Mary Woolery, Solomon Woolery, Rachel Woolery, Ellen Woolery, Henry Meyers, and Rachel Meyers. BA. Estate of Christopher Woolery - Kitchen, Canaan.
Accession No.: 17,898-5571 MSA S512-7- 5686 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/04/01 5572: Isaac Webster and Isaac Pleasants vs. Susannah Risteau. BA. Contract to purchase Rangers Lott. Accession No.: 17,898-5572 MSA S512-7- 5687 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/07/20 5573: Tobias Watkins and William Kilty vs. James Belt and Dryden Tyler. AA. Estate of Thomas Watkins. Accession No.: 17,898-5573 MSA S512-7- 5688 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/12/26 5574: Adam Waltemeyer and Rachel Waltemeyer vs. Samuel Pierpoint. BA. Title to Cannons Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-5574 MSA S512-7- 5689 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/07/02 5575: John Watson vs. Jason Moore, John Forward, Buckler Bond, Daniel Lamborn, and William Thompson. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-5575 MSA S512-7- 5690 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/05/06 5577: William Wootton and Robert Bowie vs. James Latimer. MO. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Locust Thickett, Resurvey on Needwood, Granby. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 715. Accession No.: 17,898-5577 MSA S512-7- 5691 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/08/03 5580: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Tobias Belt. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-5580 MSA S512-7- 5692 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/04/20 5581: Charles Williamson vs. James Stone. CV. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-5581 MSA S512-7- 5693 Location: 1/37/2/
1799 5582: Robert Hinton Ward vs. Edward Ward. MO. Contract to purchase Principal. Accession No.: 17,898-5582-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5694 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/08/21 5583: William Ward vs. Greenbury Baxter, Hannah Baxter, Charles Butler, Henry Butler, Polly Butler, Absalom Butler, John Butler, and Susanna Butler. BA. Petition to sell Josephs Defeat, Deep Valley, William Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 469.
Accession No.: 17,898-5583 MSA S512-7- 5695 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/06/17 5584: John Welker vs. Jacob Stevens. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Creagers Town. Accession No.: 17,898-5584 MSA S512-7- 5696 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/03/04 5585: Sarah Woodfield vs. Osborn Williams. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5585-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5697 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/09/23 5586: James Wallace vs. Lloyd Durham. HA. Title to Ewings Contrivance, Hopewell. Accession No.: 17,898-5586 MSA S512-7- 5698 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/06/28 5587: Henry Wayman vs. Samuel Welsh and William Kettle. AA. Contract to convey title to Barrens Prospect, Oversight. Accession No.: 17,898-5587 MSA S512-7- 5699 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/09/30 5588: Ephraim Whitney and George W. Steevor vs. Walter Muschett. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5588 MSA S512-7- 5700 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/12/18 5589: David West vs. Thomas Ayres. HA. Validity of a judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5589 MSA S512-7- 5701 Location: 1/37/2/
1784/05/05 5590: James Webster vs. Samuel Dooley. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5590 MSA S512-7- 5702 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/08/01 5591: Levin Woolford vs. Joseph Robson, Ayres Busick, Mary Busick, William Vaus, and Elizabeth Vaus. DO. Petition to correct deed for Robsons Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-5591 MSA S512-7- 5703 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/06/18 5592: Henry Winemiller, Lawrence Bringle, Henry Cornice, Frederick Stoner, Jacob Wise, Jacob Shisler, John Gombar, Henry Foster, and Francis Klinehart vs. George Hoffman. FR. Title to lot and German High Dutch Reformed Christian Church in Frederick. Accession No.: 17,898-5592 MSA S512-7- 5704 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/08/08 5593: Jonathan Waters, Sarah Ann Waters, Lloyd Taylor, and Mary Elizabeth Taylor vs. Gassaway Rawlings, Richard Rawlings, and Frederick Rawlings. AA. Trust estate of William Thornton - slaves Spinage, Fanny, Bazil, Toney, Lucy, Mace, Nell, Ned, Silla, Henry, Spinage, Tom, Jack, Nan, Tamer, Tom, Pegg, Sall, Plato, Stephen, Nell, Moses, Bill, Nell, Poll, and Sam.
Accession No.: 17,898-5593 MSA S512-7- 5705 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/09/02 5594: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. John Turner and Joseph Wilkinson. CV. Contract to form a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-5594 MSA S512-7- 5706 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/09/09 5595: John Wright and Charles Pennington vs. Jehu Bouldin. BA. Estates of Josias Pennington and John E. Howard - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 88, p. 524. Accession No.: 17,898-5595-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5707 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/04/25 5596: Thomas Walker and Samuel Moale vs. Jane Taylor, Robert Taylor, Archibald Taylor, Etting Taylor, James McEvoy, Solomon Etting, Reuben Etting, and Thomas C. Jenkins. BA. Estate of Robert Taylor - Helms Chance, Helms Chance Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 519.
Accession No.: 17,898-5596-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5708 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/05/31 5597: Baynard Wilson vs. Henry Pratt. QA. Injunction against removal of timber from Roes Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-5597 MSA S512-7- 5709 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/06/11 5598: Charles Henry Waring Wharton vs. Edward Crow, Sr. and John Hillery. MO. Contract to convey Peace And Plenty, Quince Orchard, Peckerton, Resurvey on Younger Brother. Accession No.: 17,898-5598 MSA S512-7- 5710 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/12/21 5599: Eleanor Waring, Mary Waring, Sarah Waring, Ann Waring, Priscilla Waring, Walter Brook Beall, and Jane Beall vs. Basil Waring, Edward Waring, and Thomas Waring. MO, PG. Petition to partition Warings Lot, Warings Lot Enlarged, Second Addition to Warings Lot, Bealls Pleasure, Warings Grove, Offuts Adventure, Second Addition to Offuts Adventure in PG. Also Younger Brother in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 128.
Accession No.: 17,898-5599 MSA S512-7- 5711 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/09/17 5600: Noah Walker, Dorcas Walker, and Edward Stoxdale vs. Leidwick Wampler. BA. Contract to sell Speculation. Accession No.: 17,898-5600 MSA S512-7- 5712 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/09/23 5601: Charles Wallace and John Muir vs. Joseph Burgess. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Burgess Lookout. Accession No.: 17,898-5601 MSA S512-7- 5713 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/11/20 5602: Isaac Webster vs. John Hayes. HA. Title to Howards Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-5602-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5714 Location: 1/37/2/
1781/04/07 5603: James Webster vs. William Debrular. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5603 MSA S512-7- 5715 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/03/20 5604: Sophia Waggoner vs. Michael Waggoner. FR. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-5604 MSA S512-7- 5716 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/09/05 5605: Charles White vs. Elijah Gaither and Gabriel Duvall. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5605 MSA S512-7- 5717 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/04/17 5606: Elizabeth Warfield and Edward Baldwin vs. Thomas Warfield. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-5606 MSA S512-7- 5718 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/09/03 5607: Isaac Wharton vs. Elizabeth Dorsey. AA. Estate of Thomas Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-5607 MSA S512-7- 5719 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/05/15 5608: Thomas Warfield of Caleb, Joseph G. Brown, and Margery Warfield vs. Anderson Warfield. AA. Petition to release mortgage on slaves Jon and Judy. Accession No.: 17,898-5608 MSA S512-7- 5720 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/12/06 5609: Benjamin Wright vs. William Jones. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5609-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5721 Location: 1/37/2/
1781/05/10 5610: James Webster of Isaac vs. John Bond. HA. Petition to release mortgage on Best Endeavor. Accession No.: 17,898-5610 MSA S512-7- 5722 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/11/02 5611: David West vs. William Robinson. HA. Title to Jarretts Disappointment. Accession No.: 17,898-5611 MSA S512-7- 5723 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/09/05 5612: Rachel Wyse and John M. Wyse vs. William A. Wyse, Eliza Wyse, Edward Wyse, Margaretta Wyse, Nicholas H. Wyse, Matilda Wyse, and Francis P. Wyse. BA. Estate of William Wyse - Deer Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 525. Accession No.: 17,898-5612 MSA S512-7- 5724 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/01/18 5613: Zachariah Waters vs. Mary Beall, Basil Waters, Sarah Harriman, and Mary Waters. MO. Estate of Godfrey Waters - Warfield Vineyard, Moneys Worth. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5613-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5725 Location: 1/37/2/
1793 5614: Richard Mercer and James Waggers vs. Wildon Mercer. BA. Contract to sell a mare. Accession No.: 17,898-5614 MSA S512-7- 5726 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/08/08 5615: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. Catherine Ridley, Susanna Ann Ridley, and Matilla Frances Ridley. BA. Estate of Matthew Ridley - Stepney Causway, Milford Enlarged, Hammonds Rich Lands, Wells Manor, Forest Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 35, p. 471.
Accession No.: 17,898-5615-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5727 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/06/08 5616: William Warfield vs. John Thomas Mason. WA. Trust estate of Warfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 453. Accession No.: 17,898-5616 MSA S512-7- 5728 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/07/23 5617: Elie Williams vs. Ann Elliot, Nathaniel Rochester, Callender Irwin, Patience Irwin, William Elliot, Robert Elliot, Wilson Elliot, Daniel Elliot, Harriott Elliot, John Elliot, Jesse Elliot, St. Clair Elliot, and Eli Williams Elliot. WA. Estate of Robert Elliot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 658.
Accession No.: 17,898-5617 MSA S512-7- 5729 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/01/22 5618: John Wright vs. William Williams, Eliza Williams, Anthony Williams, and Benoni Williams. CE. Contract to purchase Egghill Run. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 357. Accession No.: 17,898-5618 MSA S512-7- 5730 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/11/26 5619: Philip Wallis vs. Alexander Steuart and Mary Steuart. KE. Petition to record deed for Ridgely. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 538 and 105, p. 405. Accession No.: 17,898-5619 MSA S512-7- 5731 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/01/22 5620: Philip Wallis vs. Thomas Perkins and William Perkins. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Britain. Accession No.: 17,898-5620 MSA S512-7- 5732 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/04/21 5621: John Wade vs. James Chapline and John Buchanan. WA. Contract to lease Addition to Loss and Gain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 108 and 106, p. 417. Accession No.: 17,898-5621 MSA S512-7- 5733 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/04/25 5622: John Wilson vs. Asahel Hussey. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-5622 MSA S512-7- 5734 Location: 1/37/2/
1830/10/12 5623: Christian M. Worthington, Nicholas J. Worthington, Brice T. Worthington, Mary W. Worthington, and Elizabeth R. Worthington vs. Clement Weedon and Mary T. Weedon. AA. Petition to sell Hollidays Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 752. Accession No.: 17,898-5623-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5735 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/07/02 5624: Alexander Waters vs. Philip Hains, John Hains, Joseph W. Hains, Michael H. Hains, and Daniel Hains. BA. Contract to purchase Murrays Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-5624-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5736 Location: 1/37/2/
1787/12/15 5625: James Wilson vs. Thomas Grant Denwood and Peter Waters. SO. Petition to review a decree. Accession No.: 17,898-5625 MSA S512-7- 5737 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/02/22 5626: Adam Welsh vs. Mary Rien Kennard, George Rien, and Eliza Rien. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 218 and 100, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-5626 MSA S512-7- 5738 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/12/02 5627: Gideon White, Joseph Sands, and John Barber vs. Ann Price, Henry Price, Ann Price, Betty Price, Henry Price, Smith Price, James Price, and Thomas Price. AA. Estate of Smith Price - Green Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 75, p. 261. Accession No.: 17,898-5627-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5739 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/07/28 5628: Jacob Williams, Zachariah Cromwell, Lewis D. Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Richard Chaney, Ann Chaney, John Cromwell, Zachariah Johnson, and Sarah Johnson vs. Mary Cromwell. AA. Petition to partition Gibbs Folly, Hucklebury Forrest, Pound, Rachels Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-5628-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5740 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/02/25 5629: John Tolley Worthington vs. Peter Wyant. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 59, p. 56. Accession No.: 17,898-5629-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5741 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/02/27 5630: Jacob Walsh vs. John Donnell, Luke Tiernan, Kennedy Owen, Benjamin Williams, George Williams, Francis DeLaposte, and Michael Sanderson. BA. Contract to import and export goods in West Indies. Accession No.: 17,898-5630-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5742 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/10/06 5631: James Willis vs. Mary Collinson, William Collinson, Anna Collinson, Winny M. Collinson, Mary Stewart, and Thomas Stewart. DO. Title to Goodridges Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-5631-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5743 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/07/23 5632: Dr. Anderson Warfield vs. James Hunter. AA. Estate of William Glover. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 212. Accession No.: 17,898-5632 MSA S512-7- 5744 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/06/07 5633: Gustavus Warfield, Henry R. Warfield, Peregrine Warfield, Charles A. Warfield, Nicholas Snowden, Elizabeth Snowden, Isaac Knight, and Juliana Knight vs. Richard Snowden, Ann L. Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Charles A. Snowden, Caroline Snowden, Emily R. Snowden, and Richard Snowden. AA. Petition to partition land.
Accession No.: 17,898-5633 MSA S512-7- 5745 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/02/18 5634: Margaret Welch vs. James Campbell, John Ritchie, and William McMechan. BA. Estate of George Welch - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 393 and 100, p. 607. Accession No.: 17,898-5634-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5746 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/07/11 5635: Michael White and Abraham White vs. John Devendall. FR. Title to Earnest Choice, Seventh Dividend, Trucks Discovery. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 33, MdHR 40,283-86, S65-149, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 230. Accession No.: 17,898-5635-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5747 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/07/16 5636: Benjamin Waters vs. Henry Waters, Mary Waters, Thomas Waters, Richard Jones Waters, Jemina Jennings, James Marriot, Rachel Marriot, and Joshua Marriot. PG. Title to Jericho, Cherry Walk, Bealls Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5636-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5748 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/01/30 5637: Wesley Woods, Thomas L. Savin, Sarah Savin, and Marcus Denison vs. Samuel Wood, Jr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 745. Accession No.: 17,898-5637-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5749 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/09/20 5638: Bryant Williams vs. William Gambrill, Nishua Gambrill, Rachel Carroll, Rebecca Carroll, and Elizabeth Speake. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from and petition to partition Bakers Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-5638 MSA S512-7- 5750 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/06/14 5639: Edward Wilson and George Foard vs. Rebecca Price, Mary Price, and Thomas W. Veazey. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 225. Accession No.: 17,898-5639-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5751 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/11/07 5640: Michael Walter. FR. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 537. Accession No.: 17,898-5640 MSA S512-7- 5752 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/07/02 5641: Thomas Contee Worthington vs. William Clarke. BA. Contract to purchase Planters Paradise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 99, p. 189. Accession No.: 17,898-5641-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5753 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/08/23 5642: Priscilla Wilmer and Robert Cruckshanks vs. Thomas L. McKinsey, Henrietta Osborne, Samuel G. Osborne, Sarah Jacobs, William Jacobs, William McKinsey, Samuel McKinsey, Mary McKinsey, John McKinsey, Harriet McKinsey, and James McKinsey. KE. Estate of William McKinsey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 77, p. 626.
Accession No.: 17,898-5642-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5754 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/10/14 5643: Bennett Wheeler and Henry McAtee vs. Henrietta Wheeler. HA. Appointment of trustee for Henrietta Wheeler. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 656. Accession No.: 17,898-5643 MSA S512-7- 5755 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/03/06 5644: Richard W. West vs. Benjamin Oden and William B. Beanes. PG. Contract to loan money. Accession No.: 17,898-5644-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5756 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/01/14 5645: Samuel Ward vs. Robert Arnold. AA. Contract to pay a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-5645 MSA S512-7- 5757 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/12/07 5646: Edward Ward vs. Robert Ward. MO. Title to Wards Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-5646 MSA S512-7- 5758 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/02/11 5647: George Whips vs. John Whips Poole and Lloyd Poole. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on First Choice, Hoods Friendship, Whips Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 128. Accession No.: 17,898-5647-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5759 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/08/02 5648: John Wood, Robert Wood, and John Scrivenor vs. Rezin Estep, Thomas Hodges, and Eliza Hodges. AA. Contract to purchase Carter Bennett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 111, p. 251. Accession No.: 17,898-5648-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5760 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/06/16 5649: Joseph Wood vs. David Lynn. FR. Contract to convey lots in Monococy Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 578. Accession No.: 17,898-5649-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5761 Location: 1/37/2/
1782/03/30 5650: Robert Wood vs. John Taylor. FR. Contract to purchase Woods Design, Den of Wolves. Accession No.: 17,898-5650 MSA S512-7- 5762 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/05/07 5651: Joseph Wicks, Jr. vs. James Ringgold, Richard Ringgold, and Benjamin Morgan. KE. Contract to pay a bond. Accession No.: 17,898-5651-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5763 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/02/02 5652: Robert Welch, Daniel Welch, John Malden, and Martha Malden vs. Solomon Sparrow. AA. Contract to purchase Town Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 267 and 100, p. 433. Accession No.: 17,898-5652-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5764 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/01/28 5653: William Wilson vs. Pricilla Miller, Margaret Miller, Sarah Miller, Joseph Miller, John Miller, William Miller, Ann Miller, Henry Miller, Jeremiah Rogers, Pricilla Rogers, Peter Wilson, and John Forwood. HA. Title to Masseys Addition Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 30.
Accession No.: 17,898-5653 MSA S512-7- 5765 Location: 1/37/2/
1786/08/04 5654: Nathaniel West vs. Job Spenser and Able Spenser. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Kerseys Lodge. Accession No.: 17,898-5654 MSA S512-7- 5766 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/07/10 5655: Jonathan Wheeler, Charles Barrett, George Barrett, John Richardson, and John Wood vs. William Taylor and John McDonough. BA. Petition to cancel a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-5655-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5767 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/10/08 5656: Alexander Warfield, Mary Warfield, and Sarah Warfield vs. Elizabeth Warfield, Nancy Warfield, Elisha Warfield, Lott Warfield, David Warfield, Dennis Warfield, and Charles Warfield. FR, WA. Petition to partition Quilting Frolick, Little Price, Matthias, Poor Mans Loss, Brothers Generosity in FR. Also King Cole, Butlers Ramble in WA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-5656 MSA S512-7- 5768 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/12/18 5657: Samuel Williams, John Williams, Mary Williams, Elizabeth Williams, and William Williams vs. Isaac Ijams, Elizabeth Ijams, Rebecca Williams, Elizabeth Williams, and Richard Williams. PG. Title to Becks Chance, Becks Addition, Piney Hedge, Osborne Lot, Second Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 578.
Accession No.: 17,898-5657 MSA S512-7- 5769 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/03/14 5658: David Weems vs. William Gover and Samuel Gover. AA, CV. Petition to record deed for Govers Farm in AA and Govers Addition in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-5658 MSA S512-7- 5770 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/02/13 5659: Samuel Wood, Robert Wood, Henry Wood, Thomas Sullivan, Sarah Sullivan, James Whittington, Mary Whittington, Zachariah Sunderland, and Dorothy Sunderland vs. John Wood, Margaret Wood, Cassandra Wood, Elizabeth Wood, Eleanor Wood, Sarah Wood, Rachel Wood, Benjamin Whittington, John Whittington, Rhody Whittington, Susanna Whittington, Susanna Parrott, Samuel Parrott, Anne Parrott, and Elizabeth Parrott. AA. Petition to partition Broughtons Ashley, Hunts Mount, Carter Bennett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 64, p. 513.
Accession No.: 17,898-5659-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5771 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/12/17 5660: William Whitely vs. Nancy Spencer. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Squirrell Swamp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 143. Accession No.: 17,898-5660-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5772 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/04/08 5661: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. Roger Boyce. BA, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Joppa in HA. Also Nicholsons Manor in BA. Accession No.: 17,898-5661 MSA S512-7- 5773 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/27 5662: James Williams, Uriah Forrest, and Benjamin Stoddert vs. State of Maryland. PG. Contract to purchase Bealls Levels in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-5662-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5774 Location: 1/37/2/
1793 5663: Cyprian Wells vs. Frances Russell, John Russell, and Thomas Russell. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-5663 MSA S512-7- 5775 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/11/18 5664: Samuel Williams, William Price, George Higson, Thomas Worrell, and James Belt, Jr. vs. Robert Robinson, Henrietta Robinson, Eliza Robinson, Susanna Robinson, William Robinson, and John Oliver. BA. Estate of William Robinson - Harrisons Wood Lot, Goodwins Lane, Coles Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 168.
Accession No.: 17,898-5664-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5776 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/10/21 5665: Amadeus Willot vs. J.J. Boyrean. BA. Defraud of creditors of Boyrean. Accession No.: 17,898-5665 MSA S512-7- 5777 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/01/15 5666: Charles Wood vs. William Williams, Samuel Williams, John Williams, Mary Williams, Elizabeth Williams, and William Williams. PG. Contract to purchase Pleasant Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 303. Accession No.: 17,898-5666-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5778 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/06/18 5667: David Weems vs. Charles Wallace, John Muir, and William Weems. AA. Petition to correct accounts for Wallace, Johnson & Muir. Accession No.: 17,898-5667-1/9 MSA S512-7- 5779 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/01/27 5668: Elizabeth Wilson vs. Vernon Hebb. SM. Estate of William Hebb. Accession No.: 17,898-5668-1/10 MSA S512-7- 5780 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/01/28 5669: Leonard Waring vs. Thomas Contee. PG. Contract to pay debts. Accession No.: 17,898-5669 MSA S512-7- 5781 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/03/18 5670: Adam Walsh vs. Capt. William Jones. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 304. Accession No.: 17,898-5670 MSA S512-7- 5782 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/11/22 5671: Samuel T. Wright vs. Thomas Smyth. QA. Contract to pay debts. Accession No.: 17,898-5671 MSA S512-7- 5783 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/09/09 5672: Edward G. Woodyear v. George Hull. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5672 MSA S512-7- 5784 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/12/23 5673: Thomas Jones Waters vs. Marsh M. Duvall, Jonas Clapham, Charles Stewart, and William Stewart. PG. Contract to purchase slaves Martin, Jane, and Hesse. Accession No.: 17,898-5673 MSA S512-7- 5785 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/12 5674: Henry O'Neal Welch vs. Leonard Wayman. AA. Title to slaves Barbara and her children. Accession No.: 17,898-5674 MSA S512-7- 5786 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/03/26 5675: Charles Waters and Jacob Waters vs. William H. Marriot, Richard Marriot, Rezin Marriot, Mary Marriot, and Ann Marriot. AA. Title to Sarahs Allotment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-5675 MSA S512-7- 5787 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/09/23 5676: James Weems and Amelia Weems vs. John Weems. CV. Estate of James Weems. Accession No.: 17,898-5676-1/14 MSA S512-7- 5788 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/06/03 5677: William Worley and Ann Worley vs. James Walling, John Winders, and Edward Rutter. WA. Title to Old Fox Deceived. Plat at 1/38/1/20. Accession No.: 17,898-5677-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5789 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/08/05 5678: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. Edward Boteler. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Josephs Good Luck, Anglesia, Harrys Lot, Essex Lodge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 57. Accession No.: 17,898-5678-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5790 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/09/11 5679: David Wampler vs. Jacob Wampler, John Wampler, Daniel Wampler, Joseph Wampler, Barbara Warts, John Warts, Eve Kinsey, Harry Kinsey, Phebe Engler, Jacob Engler, Christiana Graybill, Peter Graybill, Anne Hartman, Abraham Hartman, and Jacob Snider. FR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Hunting Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 318.
Accession No.: 17,898-5679 MSA S512-7- 5791 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/03/01 5680: Nicholas Watkins vs. Thomas Jennings and Daniel Jennings. MO. Estate of Peter Jennings - Johns Chance, Drury Plains, Wolfs Cow, Henry and Mary, Rich Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-5680-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5792 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/11/28 5681: Robert Walsh, George Hill, Henry Molier, and John Dalrymple vs. William J. Delaserre, Ann Delaserre, Rebecca Delaserre, Rebecca Dulany, and John Calvin. BA. Defraud of creditors of William Joseph Delaserre - Darley Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 63, p. 70.
Accession No.: 17,898-5681-1/12 MSA S512-7- 5793 Location: 1/37/2/
1785/03/21 5682: Thomas Jones vs. John Ward Veazey. CE. Dissolution of Jones & Veazey. Accession No.: 17,898-5682-1/10 MSA S512-7- 5794 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/10/06 5683: Abraham White vs. William Thompson, Jane Thompson, James Thompson, John Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Ann Thompson, Standish Barry, Agnes Barry, John Franciscus, Mary Fanciscus, David McCormick, and Jane McCormick. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 10.
Accession No.: 17,898-5683-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5795 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/04/21 5684: George Warner. BA. Title to Ridgelys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-5684 MSA S512-7- 5796 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/08/05 5685: Nelly Waters, Joseph Waters, James Waters, Alexander S. Lemon, and Mary S. Lemon. BA. Estate of Philip Waters - lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5685-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5797 Location: 1/37/2/
1787/06/05 5686: John Wilmot vs. John Robert Holliday. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5686 MSA S512-7- 5798 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/02/18 5687: John Whitelock, Charles Whitelock, Samuel Whitelock, Archibald Teal, Susan Teal, Daniel Victor, Anne Victor, and John McKinnell vs. William Cowden, Elizabeth Cowden, and Sampson Touchstone. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 154.
Accession No.: 17,898-5687-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5799 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/01/01 5688: Richard Ward vs. Henry Ward. CA. Appointment of trustee for Henry Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-5688-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5800 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/05/14 5689: Peter Wolfe, Margaret Wolfe, Peter Miller, Elizabeth Miller, John Westfall, and Louise Westfall vs. Jacob Coblentz, Philip Coblentz, Barbara Coblentz, Catherine Hesson, Baltzer Hesson, Anna M. Hesson, and Jacob Hesson. FR. Petition to sell Ohio, Black Oak Levell, Addition to Shuors Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 312 and 98, p. 10.
Accession No.: 17,898-5689-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5801 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/01/05 5690: John Warfield, Ann Warfield, Mordecai Ijams, Catharine Ijams, and Mary Rogers vs. Charles Rogers. MO. Estate of Samuel Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-5690-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5802 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/09/03 5691: Gabriel Wood, Edward Harris, and Thomas Yates vs. Archibald Campbell, William Marbury, James Donnoghne, and John Davidson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5691-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5803 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/04/19 5692: George Walker vs. Overton Carr. PG. Injunction against sale of Hop Yard in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-5692-1/8 MSA S512-7- 5804 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/05/27 5693: Sarah White, Gideon White, Elisha White, Sarah White, Caleb White, John Linthicum, Eliza Linthicum, Benjamin Hopper, and Pamelia Hopper vs. Isaac White. AA. Petition to sell Linthicum Walks, Darkness Converted into Light, Hammonds Right. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 109 and 101, p. 168.
Accession No.: 17,898-5693-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5805 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/09/01 5694: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. John Johnson and Susan Johnson. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 320. Accession No.: 17,898-5694-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5806 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/07/01 5695: Col. William Wheatley vs. Sarah Orrell, Elizabeth Orrell, Anne Orrell, James Orrell, William Orrell, and Mary Orrell. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Revival. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 432. Accession No.: 17,898-5695-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5807 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/08/29 5696: George Williams and John McFadon vs. John McFadon, June McFadon, Emily McFadon, and Samuel Hearst. BA. Estate of William McFaddon - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 151. Accession No.: 17,898-5696-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5808 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/03/07 5697: Benjamin Wright vs. Martha Hall, William Hall, and Catherine Hall. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Centreville. Accession No.: 17,898-5697-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5809 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/02/03 5698: Charles Waters vs. Abel Chaney. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Aldridges Beginning, Content. Accession No.: 17,898-5698 MSA S512-7- 5810 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/09/28 5699: John Weems vs. Thomas Henry Egan. CA. Injunction against removal of timber from Brooke Place Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5699 MSA S512-7- 5811 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/05/05 5700: William Whittington and Francis Whittington vs. Thomas Whittington and John Whittington. AA, CV. Defraud of creditors of Thomas Whittington - Mackall Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-5700 MSA S512-7- 5812 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/08/08 5701: David Weems and Gustavus Weems vs. Marshall Poole and John Scrivener. AA. Defraud of creditors of George Scrivener - Hickertons Choice, Evinesses Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-5701 MSA S512-7- 5813 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/10/11 5702: Tobias Watkins vs. Nicholas Watkins. AA. Title to Friends Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 52, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-5702 MSA S512-7- 5814 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/09/05 5703: Anderson Warfield and Philip Hammond vs. Jasper E. Tilly and Richard Maccubbin. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-5703 MSA S512-7- 5815 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/02/01 5704: John Stone Webster vs. Ignatius Manning, John Mandeville, John Sutton, and Joseph Mandeville. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5704 MSA S512-7- 5816 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/09/07 5705: Lancelot Warfield vs. Sarah Warfield. AA. Petition to partition Marys Allottment. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5705-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5817 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/09/05 5706: Edward Wright vs. Richard K. Heath. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Bennetts Regulation, Standaway, Shrewsbury. Accession No.: 17,898-5706-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5818 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/07/28 5707: Samuel Wallis vs. Isaac Webster and Daniel Sheredine. HA. Title to Parkers Chance. Plats at 1/38/1/20; also show Green Spring Forest, Husbands Angle, Rigbys Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-5707-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5819 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/09/23 5708: John Wood vs. Samuel Kerr. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5708 MSA S512-7- 5820 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/04/04 5710: Ebenezer Turner vs. Benjamin Knock. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Chesterfield, Andover Resurveyed, Knocks Range. Accession No.: 17,898-5710-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5821 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/10/15 5711: Thomas Jones Waters and Richard Waters vs. Benjamin Waters and Mary Waters. MO. Title to Jericho, Cherry Walk, Three Beall Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5711 MSA S512-7- 5822 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/06/12 5712: Charles Wells, Nicholas Wells, Ann Partridge, Dennis Read, Rachel Read, Caleb Davis, and Mary Davis vs. Richard Roloson, Margaret Roloson, Adam Waltemeyer, Rachel Waltemeyer, Hugh Roloson, John Roloson, and William Roloson. AA, BA. Estate of John Wells. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 547 and 102, p. 268.
Accession No.: 17,898-5712-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5823 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/02/22 5713: Bennett Wheeler vs. Owen Kennard. TA. Petition to release mortgage on lots in Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-5713 MSA S512-7- 5824 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/03/14 5714: John Tolley Worthington vs. Jacob Medairy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-5714 MSA S512-7- 5825 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/07/19 5715: Thomas Warfield vs. Allen Quynn. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5715 MSA S512-7- 5826 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/06/03 5716: John Wise vs. William Hart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bulls Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 431. Accession No.: 17,898-5716 MSA S512-7- 5827 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/05/01 5717: Hannah West and William Molleson vs. William King. MO. Petition to sell lots in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-5717-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5828 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/05/20 5718: Thomas Wheeler vs. Richard Wheeler. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5718 MSA S512-7- 5829 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/06/25 5719: James Chapline vs. James Williams. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5719 MSA S512-7- 5830 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/06/19 5720: John C. Weddestrand, Philemon Weddestrand, and Robert Weddestrand vs. Benjamin Hall, James Massey, William H. Downing, and Peter Foster. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Broomley Lambeth. Accession No.: 17,898-5720 MSA S512-7- 5831 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/05/07 5721: Samuel Whittington vs. Frisby Freeland, Sr. and Frisby Freeland, Jr. CV. Defraud of creditors of Freeland and Freeland. Accession No.: 17,898-5721 MSA S512-7- 5832 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/08/09 5724: Edward Worrell, Elizabeth Worrell, Jacob Freeman, and Sarah Freeman vs. John Page, Henry Page, James Page, Milcah Page, Mary Page, and Martha Page. KE. Contract to purchase Verinia, Snow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-5724 MSA S512-7- 5833 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/03/08 5725: Samuel H. Wheeler vs. Harriet Beall. MO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-5725 MSA S512-7- 5834 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/04/19 5726: Charles Walker and Thomas Craddock vs. Stephen Cromwell, Mary Cromwell, Katherine Craddock, Arthur Craddock, Elizabeth Craddock, and Ann Craddock. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Nicholson Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 162. Accession No.: 17,898-5726 MSA S512-7- 5835 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/07/09 5727: Charles Wallace and Elynor Davidson vs. Richard Tubman and William Morris. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Lucketts Levels, Morris Chance, slaves Bess, Grace, Jane, Sall, Sak, Luce, and Nell. Accession No.: 17,898-5727 MSA S512-7- 5836 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/06/28 5728: William Weems vs. David Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Masters Seat, slaves Ned, Virgil, Richard, York, and Shadock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-5728 MSA S512-7- 5837 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/11/16 5730: Anderson Warfield vs. Thomas Warfield and Matthias Hammond. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lugg Ox. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 149. Accession No.: 17,898-5730-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5838 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/02/06 5731: Randall Wallis vs. Abraham Jarrett. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wild Cat Den. Accession No.: 17,898-5731 MSA S512-7- 5839 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/01/07 5732: Richard Watts and Elizabeth Watts vs. Francis Rawlings. AA. Appointment of trustee for Rawlings. Accession No.: 17,898-5732 MSA S512-7- 5840 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/05/29 5733: William Wicks vs. Maria Wicks. KE. Appointment of trustee for Maria Wicks. Accession No.: 17,898-5733 MSA S512-7- 5841 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/07/05 5735: William Weatherby vs. James Biays. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5735 MSA S512-7- 5842 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/06/17 5737: John Ward, Henry Ward, Cephas Ward, Samuel Ward, Richard Franklin, Samuel Franklin, John Franklin, and Elizabeth Franklin vs. Eleanor Ward, Joseph Ward, Rachel Plummer, Mary Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins, Edward Hopkins, Eleanor Hopkins, Benjamin Hopkins, and Philip Hopkins. AA. Contract to purchase Wards Prospect.
Accession No.: 17,898-5737-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5843 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/08/20 5738: John Walker vs. Benjamin Wright. AA. Appointment of trustee for Wright. Accession No.: 17,898-5738 MSA S512-7- 5844 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/12/18 5739: Ezekiel Wise vs. William Wise. WO. Appointment of trustee for William Wise. Accession No.: 17,898-5739 MSA S512-7- 5845 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/11/28 5740: Ann Wheeler and James Wallace vs. Elizabeth Wheeler. MO. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Wheeler. Accession No.: 17,898-5740 MSA S512-7- 5846 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/05/19 5741: Elie Williams, Nathaniel Rochester, J.T. Towson, Peter Mifler, Geiger Clagett, Harry A. Clagett, Christian Keller, and Francis Foreman vs. William Clagett and George Price. WA. Contract to purchase Long Life to Lord Baltimore, Time Elapsed, Clift Spring.
Accession No.: 17,898-5741 MSA S512-7- 5847 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/08/01 5742: Mary O. Woodward, William W. Woodward, and Margaret Woodward vs. Harriet Woodward, Thomas Woodward, and Mary Ann Woodward. AA. Estate of Henry Woodward - Ovenwood Thickett, Fowlers Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-5742 MSA S512-7- 5848 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/02/25 5743: William Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, and Matthias Maris vs. Lewis Geanty and William Woods. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 58, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-5743-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5849 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/02/24 5744: Samuel West vs. Richard Wootton, Roger N. West, Maria West, Richard West, and Norman West. MO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 127. Accession No.: 17,898-5744 MSA S512-7- 5850 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/11/27 5745: Robert Walters and James Barnes vs. Thomas Sudler. QA. Estate of Thomas Sudler. Recorded (Chancery Record) 55, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-5745-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5851 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/03/24 5746: Thomas Williams and Joseph Williams vs. Samuel C. Watkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slave Hannah. Accession No.: 17,898-5746 MSA S512-7- 5852 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/06/15 5747: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Charles Watson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Snowdens Reputation Supported. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 480. Accession No.: 17,898-5747 MSA S512-7- 5853 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/09/01 5748: Conrad Theodore Wederstrandt and Henry Carter vs. Robert Ruth, Harriet Ruth, Elizabeth Gerrard, Samuel Coursey, and Thomas Coursey. QA. Estate of Thomas Coursey - Forrest Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 44, p. 41. Accession No.: 17,898-5748-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5854 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/07/23 5749: John Skinner Webster, Amos Davis, John Bell, Grace Bell, Patterson Bayne, Rebecca Bayne, John Bell Luckie, Mary Patterson Luckie, and Jane Luckie vs. Hugh Findly Luckie and William A. Luckie. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-5749 MSA S512-7- 5855 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/12/09 5856: Walter K. White, Sarah White, Ann E. Boon, and Charles E. Griffith. CA, QA. Petition to partition Colone Rectified, Bridge Town, New Nottingham Rectified, Falkners Lot, Hogg Hole in CA. Also Suffolk, Suffolk Resurveyed, Bakers Chance, New Port in QA. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 49, MdHR 40,283-102, S65-119, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 283. Accession No.: 17,898-5750 MSA S512-7- 5856 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/06/14 5751: Bennet Wheeler and John C. Bond vs. Francis Ignatius Mitchell, Christopher Hughes, Bennett Mitchell, John Glendenning, David Clendenning, Thomas Wheeler, and Robert Boarman. BA, CH, HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5751 MSA S512-7- 5857 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/05/07 5753: William Whetcroft vs. John Holmes and Michael O'Mealey. BA. Contract to purchase land in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-5753-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5858 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/05/14 5754: John Spriggs, Robert Whitaker, Benjamin Hall, Steinmetz & Bell, Forrest & Stoddert, Cracroft & Hodgkin, and Nicholas Blacklock. PG. Insolvent estate of Benjamin Belt - Norway, Bucks Lodge, Resurvey on Bucks Lodge, Pleasant Hills, Addition to Pleasant Hills, slaves Jerry, Sambo, Seneca, Frank, Phil, Febie, Tom, Charles, Joshua, Friday, Suke, and Clare. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No, 44, MdHR 40,283-97, S65-167, B5/10/1. Also show Yarrow Farm, Denmark, New Dumfrize.
Accession No.: 17,898-5754-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5859 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/07/15 5755: James Williams and Solomon Hillen vs. Edward Hall, David Stewart, and David C. Stewart. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5755-1/11 MSA S512-7- 5860 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/08/05 5756: James Warring vs. Godfrey Fry. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Second Resurvey on part of Brashears Pocoson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 66, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-5756-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5861 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/04/27 5757: William Whittington and Jacob Harrison vs. Robert Harrison, Samuel Harrison, Charles Harrison, Ann Burkhead, William Burkhead, Mary Burkhead, Sarah Burkhead, Samuel Burkhead, Robert Burkhead, Elizabeth Burkhead, and Ann Burkhead, Jr. CV. Estate of William Harrison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-5757-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5862 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/09/26 5758: Dr. John Woolford vs. Tubman Woolford. SO. Contract to purchase Thornton, Thomas Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-5758-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5863 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/04/05 5759: John Weaver and Rebecca L. Weaver vs. Levin Steward. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Paradise Regained, Planters Paradise. Accession No.: 17,898-5759 MSA S512-7- 5864 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/06/01 5760: Gideon White vs. William Davis and William Stewart. AA. Defraud of creditors of Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-5760 MSA S512-7- 5865 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/12/30 5761: John Worthington vs. John Iiams. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Seths Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-5761 MSA S512-7- 5866 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/01/13 5763: Sarah Woodfield vs. Zadock Wells. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-5763-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5867 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/06/08 5765: Mary Wells, Rachel Wells, Rebecca Wells, Abraham Jessop, and Ashcah Jessop vs. Mordecai Gosnell. BA. Injunction against cultivation of Pleasant Springs, Airy Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-5765 MSA S512-7- 5868 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/08/16 5766: Lock Weems vs. Henry Dowell. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5766 MSA S512-7- 5869 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/11/05 5768: Charles Wallace, Joshua Johnson, and John Muir vs. Benjamin Eyre, Richard Smith, Uriah Forrest, and Benjamin Stoddert. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5768-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5870 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/12/13 5769: Arthur Woolford vs. Jesse King. SO. Mortgage foreclsoure on Amity, Beverly. Accession No.: 17,898-5769 MSA S512-7- 5871 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/07/09 5770: Robert Walsh vs. George Aiken and Robert Halliday. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5770-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5872 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/08/28 5771: William Weems, Mary Weems, John B. Weems, Caleb Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, Edward Dorsey, and Mary Dorsey vs. Richard Ridgely and Thomas Buchanan. AA. Estates of Henrietta Dorsey and Edward Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-5771 MSA S512-7- 5873 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/09/19 5772: Charles Wells vs. William Grimes. BA. Contract to operate Christies Wharf in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5772 MSA S512-7- 5874 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/03/24 5773: Jesse Wilcoxen vs. John Belmear, Elijah Viers, and Caleb Darby. MO. Contract to puchase String About. Accession No.: 17,898-5773 MSA S512-7- 5875 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/02/06 5774: Rachel Shipley, Ephraim O. Shipley, Thomas C. Shipley, Marcellus O. Shipley, Joshua O. Shipley, Talbot R. Shipley, and Elizabeth O. Shipley vs. William Alexander, Charles Alexander Warfield, and Thomas Snowden. AA. Title to Justifiable, Umpire, Alexander the First, Alexander the Second, Frog Range, Equity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 570. Accession No.: 17,898-5774-1/20 MSA S512-7- 5876 Location: 1/37/2/
1799/11/14 5775: John Williams, Dr. Thomas Sloan, Darcey Wyville, James Dail, and Mary Mace vs. Nancy Mace, Cateney Mace, Peggy Mace, Sally Mace, and Thomas M. Burns. DO. Estate of Nicholas Mace - Cornwall, Maces Back Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 152. Accession No.: 17,898-5775-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5877 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/04/16 5776: Alexander Warfield, Daniel Zollickoffer, and Samuel Stevenson. FR. Trust estate under will of Rev. Henry Willis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 647. Accession No.: 17,898-5776 MSA S512-7- 5878 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/10/02 5777: John Winder vs. Elizabeth Winder. WA. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Winder. Accession No.: 17,898-5777 MSA S512-7- 5879 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/02/11 5777A: John Snavely vs. Elizabeth Winder. WA. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Winder. Accession No.: 17,898-5777A MSA S512-7- 5880 Location: 1/37/2/
1760/10/14 5778: John Wilmot and Avarilla Wilmot vs. Joseph Taylor and Benjamin Bowen. BA. Estate of Thomas Carr - Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-5778-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5881 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/07/20 5779: Richard Wootton vs. Elizabeth Beall and Samuel Beall. MO. Contract to convey land. Accession No.: 17,898-5779 MSA S512-7- 5882 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/11/16 5780: Ennion Williams vs. John Yellot, George Yellot, John Yellot, Sr., Elizabeth Yellot, John Armstrong, Anne Armstrong, Francis Hollingsworth, Mary Hollingsworth, Charles Worthington, and Hannah Worthington. AA. Estate of Jeremiah Yellot - Selby Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 71, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-5780 MSA S512-7- 5883 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/09/10 5781: James Williams vs. Jesse Dewees. AA. Contract to sell merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-5781-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5884 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/11/26 5782: Leonard Wheeler vs. Sarah Chew O'Donnell, Joseph Berrett, Mary Berrett, Deborah O'Donnell, Colombus O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Elliot O'Donnell, and Eliza White O'Donnell. BA. Petition to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 659. Accession No.: 17,898-5782 MSA S512-7- 5885 Location: 1/37/2/
1785 5783: John Mackall vs. William Hicks and William Aisquith. SM. Contract to purchase Governors Field, St. Peters Freehold, St. Marys Hill, St. Johns with Addition, Town Land. Plat of St. Peters Freehold, St. Marys Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-5783-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5886 Location: 1/37/2/
1792/08/27 5784: Peter Wickoff and John Allen Thomas vs. John Lucas, Ann Lucas, Richard Brooke Lucas, Elizabeth Alpin, Henry Hill, and Walter Brooke. SM. Defraud of creditors of John Lucas - De La Brooke Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 604. Accession No.: 17,898-5784-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5887 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/02/02 5785: Robert White. HA. Insolvent estate of White. Accession No.: 17,898-5785 MSA S512-7- 5888 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/05/22 5786: John S. Webster vs. Robert Morgan. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fathers Request, Morgans Angle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 486. Accession No.: 17,898-5786-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5889 Location: 1/37/2/
1785/09/13 5787: William Woolsey vs. Catherine Woolsey, David Stewart, and William Winchester, Jr. FR. Estate of George Woolsey - Resurvey on Lambs Choice, Resurvey on Locust Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-5787 MSA S512-7- 5890 Location: 1/37/2/
1787/08/27 5788: John Welch of Robert vs. Gilbert Buchanan and State of Maryland. AA. Title to Welchs Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 597. Accession No.: 17,898-5788-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5891 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/09/07 5789: Henry Wagman vs. Peregrine Warfield. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5789-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5892 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/04/15 5790: Otho H. Williams vs. William Thomas. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Dulanys Lott. Accession No.: 17,898-5790 MSA S512-7- 5893 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/06/21 5791: Benjamin Ward, John Ward, Ann Ward, James Ward, Mary Ward, John Ward, James Winset, Ann Winset, and Elizabeth Spenser vs. Laurence O'Neall and Benjamin Mackall. MO. Estate of Joseph Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-5791-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5894 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/10/12 5792: Robert Walsh vs. Thomas Jennings and Thomas Smyth, Jr. AA, BA. Contract to purchase land in Georgia. Accession No.: 17,898-5792-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5895 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/04/22 5793: Henry Wingate vs. Joseph Dail. DO. Contract to purchase Rosses Purchase, Williams Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-5793-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5896 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/11/15 5794: Gassaway Watkins vs. Nicholas Watkins. AA. Estate of Thomas Watkins - Dodown, Obligation. Accession No.: 17,898-5794-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5897 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/01/11 5795: William Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Charles Wilson, Jane Wilson, John Clarke, John Maguder Read, and Mary A. Read vs. Joseph Birnside, Anne Clarke, and Nelson Clarke. MO. Contract to purchase Moneys Worth, Clarksburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 212.
Accession No.: 17,898-5795-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5898 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/01/27 5796: Robert Walters vs. John Hackett, Sarah Hackett, Elizabeth Hackett, and Ann Hackett. QA. Contract to purchase Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 69, p. 143. Accession No.: 17,898-5796-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5899 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/12/31 5797: William Whetcroft vs. Allen Quynns and Samuel Chase. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-5797-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5900 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/09/27 5798: William Whetcroft vs. James Williams. AA. Contract to purchase Creags Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-5798-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5901 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/01/24 5799: Seth Warfield vs. William McCreery, Archibald Stewart, and Jacob Brenepied. BA. Petition to annul judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-5799-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5902 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/02/11 5800: John Beale Bordley vs. Thomas Worthington, John Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, and James Worthington. FR. Contract to convey Resurvey on Daniels Small Tract. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 405. Accession No.: 17,898-5800-1/6 MSA S512-7- 5903 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/07/18 5801: Ann Wright vs. Samuel Wright and William Dail. DO. Petition to correct judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5801-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5904 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/12/13 5802: Hannah West vs. William Goodwin, Milcah Goodwin, and Eleanor Dorsey. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5802-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5905 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/06/05 5803: Beale M. Worthington vs. Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, Jr. AA. Appointment of trustee for defendant. Accession No.: 17,898-5803 MSA S512-7- 5906 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/05/21 5804: Gustavus W.L. Wright, Eliza Ann Wright, Ann Clayland, Susanna Watson, and Louisa Sudler vs. Daniel Watson. QA. Estate of Susanna Watson - Maiden Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-5804 MSA S512-7- 5907 Location: 1/37/2/
1794/10/06 5805: Charles Alexander Warfield vs. Brice Howard and Thomas Cornelius Howard. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 34, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-5805-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5908 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/01/13 5806: William Whitely vs. Samuel Mason, Henry Mason, William Mason, Richard Mason, Luther Mason, Hannah Mason, Trephena Mason, Martha Mason, Major Hurd, James Rich, Aminta Rich, William Hurd, and Robert Henry Hurd. CA. Estate of Henry Mason - Masons Hazard, Abners Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 293.
Accession No.: 17,898-5806 MSA S512-7- 5909 Location: 1/37/2/
1798/09/20 5807: William Whittington vs. James Parmer Martin and Thomas Littleton Martin. WO. Contract to purchase Double Purchase, Addition to Double Purchase, Whittingtons Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 40, p. 587. Accession No.: 17,898-5807-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5910 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/11/03 5808: George Welsh vs. John Welsh, Mary Ann Welsh, Anna Welsh, Hannah Welsh, and Charles Welsh. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 62, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-5808 MSA S512-7- 5911 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/09/11 5810: Stephen Winchester vs. Joshua Lemmon, Jacob Lemmon, Susanna Lemmon, Elizabeth Lemmon, Sarah Lemmon, George James, and Mary James. FR. Title to Lemmons Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-5810 MSA S512-7- 5912 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/08/03 5811: Bryan Williams vs. John Boone, Charlotte Boone, Nicholas Boone, and Ann Jacobs. AA. Estate of Richard Jacobs - Contention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 675. Accession No.: 17,898-5811 MSA S512-7- 5913 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/05/02 5813: Nancy Wilson, Benjamin W. Allen, Sally Allen, and Peggy Hilliary vs. Launcelot Wilson and Harriott Wilson. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-5813 MSA S512-7- 5914 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/03/15 5815: Robert Walters, Philip Feddeman, Samuel W. Thomas, and Richard T. Earle vs. John Seney, Eliza Seney, Joshua Seney, and Jonathan Seney. QA. Estate of John Seney. Accession No.: 17,898-5815 MSA S512-7- 5915 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/07/21 5816: Martha Wootton vs. Samuel Beall. MO. Contract to purchase Cucholds Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 53. Accession No.: 17,898-5816 MSA S512-7- 5916 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/05/06 5817: William Ward vs. John Gilpin and John Rumsey. CE. Insolvent estate of Robert Craig - Brownings Neglect, Ventor, Vulcans Rest, Smiths Addition, Van Bibbers Forrest, Claysale, Landore. Accession No.: 17,898-5817 MSA S512-7- 5917 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/02/12 5818: David Wolfe vs. Mary Hays, Jonathan Hays, Joseph Hays, John Hays, Mary Hays, Samuel Hays, Thomas Wilson, and Elizabeth Wilson. FR. Contract to purchase Good Luck, Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 33, p. 473. Accession No.: 17,898-5818 MSA S512-7- 5918 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/04/06 5819: David Weems vs. Patrick H. O'Reilly, Catherine O'Reilly, Sophia O'Reilly, and Amelia O'Reilly. AA. Petition to partition John and Marys Chance. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-5819 MSA S512-7- 5919 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/06/26 5820: Thomas Warfield vs. William S. Green. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5820 MSA S512-7- 5920 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/08/07 5823: James Waring vs. John Turner, Elizabeth Turner, Leathy Turner, Mary Turner, Polly Turner, Amy Turner, and Walter Turner. PG. Estate of John Turner - Third Resurvey on Brashears Pocoson. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-5823-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5921 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/12/17 5824: Morris Malsby vs. Richard Dallam. HA. Petition to record deed for lot in Abingdon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, p. 434 and 102, p. 748. Accession No.: 17,898-5824 MSA S512-7- 5922 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/09/15 5825: John Worthington vs. Joshua Cecil. MO. Petition to record deed for Resurvey on Wild Cat Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 196. Accession No.: 17,898-5825 MSA S512-7- 5923 Location: 1/37/2/
1797/02/15 5827: Edward Burgess, Jr., Ephraim Burgess, Thomas Burgess, John Burgess, Elizabeth Burgess, John Sheckles, Mary Sheckles, Daniel Hook, Sarah Hook, Jean Burgess, Ann Burgess, Henry Griffith, and Sarah Griffith vs. Thomas Davis, Mary B. Davis, Ephraim Davis, Thomas Davis, Amos Davis, Mary Davis, Sarah Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Ann Davis, Wilfred Milton, and Frances Milton. FR, MO. Petition to partition Resurvey on Benjamins Lot, Gaithers Meadow, Resurvey on Gaithers Purchase, Saplin Ridge in MO. Also Gaithers Chance in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 42, p. 419.
Accession No.: 17,898-5827-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5924 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/11/29 5828: William Wellmore vs. Anthony Hill and Charles Burke. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-5828-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5925 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/01/18 5831: Robert Walters vs. Thomas Hamer. QA. Contract to purchase Whittal, Lloyds Fishery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 23, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-5831 MSA S512-7- 5926 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/11/17 5832: William Whitely and John Bennett vs. Watson Fountain and Andrew Fountain. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fountains Regulation, Holborn, Batchelors Fortune, Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-5832-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5927 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/08/19 5833: John Wootton vs. James C. Lackland. MO. Estate of Elizabeth Magruder. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 548. Accession No.: 17,898-5833-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5928 Location: 1/37/2/
1814/06/04 5835: Samuel Winchester and Benjamin H. Robinson vs. William W. Smith, Jr. BA. Settlement of a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-5835 MSA S512-7- 5929 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/01/26 5838: Henry Winow vs. John Hablitzell, Jacob Hablitzell, George Hablitzell, Henry Hablitzell, William Hablitzell, and Samuel Hablitzell. AL. Contract to purchase lot in Cumberland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-5838 MSA S512-7- 5930 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/12/23 5839: John Wilson of William vs. Catherine Smith and Freeborn Brown. HA. Title to Margarets Mount and Cullens Dear Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 91, p. 188. Accession No.: 17,898-5839 MSA S512-7- 5931 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/07/14 5840: Mary Walker vs. William Pinkney, Jr., Jane Pinkney, and Henry Hammond. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 717 and 106, p. 273. Accession No.: 17,898-5840-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5932 Location: 1/37/2/
1802 5841: John Weems, Sr. vs. John Weems, Sarah Weems, Wilhelmina Gantt, Henry Gantt, Philip Barton Key, and Charles Loundes. AA. Settlement of a debt. Accession No.: 17,898-5841-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5933 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/09/27 5843: Ann Wood vs. Shadrack Davis, Elizabeth Davis, and Henry Inglis. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 82, p. 54. Accession No.: 17,898-5843 MSA S512-7- 5934 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/02/27 5844: John Willmot and James Bosley vs. Charles Wells. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5844-1/5 MSA S512-7- 5935 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/04/08 5845: John Wright, Sarah Wright, Josias Rutter, Mary Rutter, Elizabeth Pennington, and Charles Pennington vs. Ann S. Pennington and Josias Pennington. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Wood Lot, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 458.
Accession No.: 17,898-5845 MSA S512-7- 5936 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/07/17 5847: Isaac Whitaker, Susanna Whitaker, Joseph Norris, Anne Norris, Bernard Magee, and Mary Magee vs. James Certin, Francis Coskery, Henry Beak, and John Wise. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Keans Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-5847-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5937 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/11/13 5848: Robert Williams vs. James Carroll, Sophia Carroll, James Carroll, Jr., Harry D.G. Carroll, Charles Carroll, John Carroll, John Ridgely, Prudence Ridgely, Samuel Cole, John Cole, Joseph Cole, William Ninde, Mary Ninde, Samuel Bennett, and Ann Bennett. BA. Title to Flagg Meadow, Buck Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 105, p. 675 and 106, p. 291.
Accession No.: 17,898-5848-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5938 Location: 1/37/2/
1818/02/23 5849: Stephen Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Peter Moran, and Rebecca Moran vs. Lingan W. Selby and Mary Selby. PG. Title to Chews Folly. Recorded (Chancery record) 106, p. 145 and 110, p. 303. Accession No.: 17,898-5849 MSA S512-7- 5939 Location: 1/37/2/
1795/07/28 5850: John Worthington, Henrietta Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Henry Worthington, Brice T.B. Worthington, Jr., Basil Simpson, Sarah Simpson, John T. Worthington, and Polly Worthington vs. Rezin Gaither. AA. Defraud of creditors of Gaither - Abbington.
Accession No.: 17,898-5850-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5940 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/03/13 5852: Moses Worman, John Worman, William Worman, John Lukenpeel, Sarah Lukenpeel, John Dudderrer, Susannah Dudderrer, Adam Myers, and Margaret Myers vs. Elizabeth Lukenpeel. FR. Petition to partition and sell Good Neighborhood, Grove, Resurvey on Charles Choice, Level Farm, Three Brothers Lot, Resurvey on Cold Friday Morning, That or None, Wood Lot, Pleasant Fields. Recorded (Chancery Record ) 87, p. 246.
Accession No.: 17,898-5852-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5941 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/02/19 5853: John Munroe vs. John B. Weems. AA. Trust estate of Munroe. Accession No.: 17,898-5853-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5942 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/03/26 5854: Thomas White. SO. Insolvent estate of White. Accession No.: 17,898-5854 MSA S512-7- 5943 Location: 1/37/2/
1812/08/01 5855: Hopewell Wood, Leonard Gary, and Juringham Drury vs. Cassandra Stone. AA. Estate of Zebedee Wood--Grammers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 84, p. 409. Accession No.: 17,898-5855-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5944 Location: 1/37/2/
1810/09/12 5856: Walter K. White, Sarah White, Ann E. Boon, and Charles E. Griffith. QA. Petition to partition Colone Rectified, Bridge Town, New Nottingham Rectified, Falkners Lot, Suffolk, Suffolk Resurveyed, Bakers Chance, New Port, Hogg Hole. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 283.
Accession No.: 17,898-5856-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5945 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/09/10 5858: Nelly Wright, William Wright, Samuel Wright, and Clement Wright. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 68, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-5858 MSA S512-7- 5946 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/06/25 5859: Christopher Wilkerson and Sarah Wilkerson. CA, QA. Petition to partition Dawsons Neck in QA and Vaughns Kindness in CA. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 459. Accession No.: 17,898-5859-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5947 Location: 1/37/2/
1792/02/02 5861: Arabella Young vs. Richard Ridgely. BA. Morgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5861 MSA S512-7- 5948 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/11/20 5862: Peter Young vs. Deborah Young, William Young, Alexander Young, Manduitt Young, Mary Young, and Nancy Young. MO, PG. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5862 MSA S512-7- 5949 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/10/28 5863: Charles Wallace and John Muir vs. Joshua Johnson. AA. Contract to sell tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-5863 MSA S512-7- 5950 Location: 1/37/2/
1789/08/17 5864: William Davis vs. Stephen Wilson and Robert Lemmon. BA. Insolvent estate of Davis - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5864-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5951 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/01/27 5865: James William Lock Weems vs. Mary Hutchins, Elizabeth Hutchins, Mary Hutchins, Rachel Hutchins, and Hannah Hutchins. CV. Title to Magruder, Edmunds. Recorded (Chancery Record) 26, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-5865 MSA S512-7- 5952 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/02/26 5866: Thomas Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, and James Worthington vs. Matilda Worthington and Thomas J. Worthington. AA, BA, FR. Petition to sell Worthingtons Beginning, Richmonds Lot, Luck Supported in AA. Also Mansfields Purchase in BA and Resurvey on Daniels Small Luck in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 528.
Accession No.: 17,898-5866 MSA S512-7- 5953 Location: 1/37/2/
1790 5867: Richard Wootton vs. Thomas Richardson, Margaret Richardson, Samuel Lockwood Davis, Sarah Davis, William Chiffen Davis, John Davis, and Allen Quynn. AA. Petition to sell Hickory Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-5867 MSA S512-7- 5954 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/06/15 5868: Mary Wallace, Benjamin Harwood, and John Murray vs. Charles Wallace Hanson. AA. Estate of Charles Wallace. Accession No.: 17,898-5868 MSA S512-7- 5955 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/07/01 5869: Francis Yates vs. Milcah Williams, William Williams, Susannah Williams, Margaret Williams, Richard Williams, John Williams, Thomas Williams, Obediah Lloyd, and Anne Lloyd. AA. Petition to sell Brewerton, Velmead. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 690.
Accession No.: 17,898-5869-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5956 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/10/28 5870: Thomas Yates vs. Aquila Giles. BA. Petition to record deed for Combs Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 65, p. 312. Accession No.: 17,898-5870 MSA S512-7- 5957 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/05/12 5871: Mathias Young, John Gesey, and Catherine Gesey vs. John Baltzell, David Baltzell, Rebecca Baltzell, and Laurence Baltzell. FR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-5871-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5958 Location: 1/37/2/
1803/01/10 5872: William Young, John Young, and Hannah Young vs. Thomas B. Randall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-5872-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5959 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/04/12 5873: Judith Yates, Jonathan Yates, Maria Campbell Yates, Luke P. Barber, and Henry Young vs. Robert Crain. CH. Estate of Elizabeth Yates - Popleton, Mitchells Platt. Accession No.: 17,898-5873 MSA S512-7- 5960 Location: 1/37/2/
1784/09/29 5874: Hugh Young vs. John Hollins. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5874 MSA S512-7- 5961 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/02/21 5875: William L. Young, John C. Young, Theophilus F. Dougherty, and Hannah Dougherty vs. George Prestman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 81, p. 486. Accession No.: 17,898-5875-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5962 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/03/10 5876: Jacob Young vs. John Swann. FR. Title to land in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-5876 MSA S512-7- 5963 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/04/09 5877: Leonard Young vs. Daniel Root, Elizabeth Root, Devalt Crowel, Michael H. Crowel, John Crowel, Conrad Sadler, and Savila Sadler. FR. Estate of Henry Crowel - Ivey Church. Accession No.: 17,898-5877 MSA S512-7- 5964 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/03/01 5878: Notley Young vs. Benjamin Young, Ellen Young, and Henry Young. KE, PG. Petition to partition Pye Annas Grove Reduced, Lansdales Purchase, Youngs Addition, Youngs Purchase, Halls Addition in PG. Also Bennett Lowe in KE. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-5878-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5965 Location: 1/37/2/
1790/10/21 5880: John Young vs. Richard Coale. FR. Contract to lease slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-5880 MSA S512-7- 5966 Location: 1/37/2/
1791/12/14 5881: Daniel Young, Elizabeth Young, and Rebecca Wickes vs. Matthew Wickes. QA. Estate of John Wicks - Huntley, Walverhampton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 27, p. 521. Accession No.: 17,898-5881 MSA S512-7- 5967 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/07/02 5882: John Yeiser and John Merryman vs. Nelson Wade, Susan Wade, Alexander Robinson, John McHenry, and Alexander H. Boyd. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pearces Folly, Land in Kind, Ridgelys Conclusion, Poor Jamaica Mans Plague. Accession No.: 17,898-5882 MSA S512-7- 5968 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/05/10 5883: Samuel Wade Young vs. Elizabeth Young, Susanna Young, Charles Young, John Young, and Richard Young. PG. Petition to partition Chance and Knock, lots in DC. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 24, MdHR 40,283-21, S65-168, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 46, p. 498.
Accession No.: 17,898-5883-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5969 Location: 1/37/2/
1796/11/22 5884: Joseph Yates and Richard Yates vs. William Petty. AA. Estate of John Petty. Accession No.: 17,898-5884 MSA S512-7- 5970 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/05/05 5885: Engelhard Yeiser and Robert Long vs. John Carnan, Rebecca Carnan, and Jesse Higgins. BA. Contract to purchase land in KY. Accession No.: 17,898-5885 MSA S512-7- 5971 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/03/10 5886: George Yantz vs. Christopher Shrode. BA. Contract to sell livestock. Accession No.: 17,898-5886 MSA S512-7- 5972 Location: 1/37/2/
1813/02/06 5887: William Young, Mary Young, Letty Russell, and Robert Russell vs. Robert Crayton, Mary Crayton, Benjamin Elliot, and Alice Elliot. BA, HA. Contract to purchase McClungs Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-5887 MSA S512-7- 5973 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/03/17 5888: Thomas Yates vs. John Salmon. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5888 MSA S512-7- 5974 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/30 5889: Englehard Yeiser and Robert Long vs. John Carnan, Rebecca Carnan, and Luke Tiernan. BA. Contract to purchase land in KY. Accession No.: 17,898-5889 MSA S512-7- 5975 Location: 1/37/2/
1805/07/06 5890: Thomas Yates vs. Jonathan Plowman. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 53, p. 450 and 63, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-5890 MSA S512-7- 5976 Location: 1/37/2/
1811/03/25 5891: Conrad Young vs. Juliana Yost, Elizabeth Yost, Rolls Yost, Isaac Yost, and Hannah Yost. FR. Contract to purchase Second Resurvey on Trembling, Resurvey on Stoney Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 85, p. 471. Accession No.: 17,898-5891 MSA S512-7- 5977 Location: 1/37/2/
1786/12/26 5892: George Yeast and George Wiles vs. Jacob Fullwiler, Charlotte Fullwiler, Michael Ekenberger, Catherine Ekenberger, Eve Nagle, and Elizabeth Nagle. FR. Contract to purchase Tan Bark. Accession No.: 17,898-5892 MSA S512-7- 5978 Location: 1/37/2/
1788/01/07 5893: Jeremiah Yellott vs. Deborah Sterrett, James Sterrett, David Sterrett, Samuel Sterrett, Richard Gittings, Polly Gittings, Hannah Sterrett, Eliza Sterrett, Juliet Sterrett, Andrew Sterrett, Charles R. Sterrett, John Sterrett, James Sterrett, and Deborah Sterrett. BA. Estate of John Sterrett - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 29, p. 154.
Accession No.: 17,898-5893-1/18 MSA S512-7- 5979 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/07 5894: Englehard Yeiser and Robert Long vs. John Cochran. BA. Contract to purchase land in KY. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-5894-1/9 MSA S512-7- 5980 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/05/20 5895: Townly Yates. CH. Insolvent estate of Yates. Accession No.: 17,898-5895 MSA S512-7- 5981 Location: 1/37/2/
1793 5895A: Rebecca Young. BA. Insolvent estate of Young. Accession No.: 17,898-5895A MSA S512-7- 5982 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/12/22 5895B: David Young. PG. Insolvent estate of Young. Accession No.: 17,898-5895B MSA S512-7- 5983 Location: 1/37/2/
1804/01/20 5895C: Jonas Yoner. BA. Insolvent estate of Yoner. Accession No.: 17,898-5895C MSA S512-7- 5984 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/10/28 5896: William Young. FR. Estate of John Engle Young. Recorded (Chancery Record) 76, p. 67. Accession No.: 17,898-5896 MSA S512-7- 5985 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/03/01 5897: John Yates. MO. Insolvent estate of Yates. Accession No.: 17,898-5897 MSA S512-7- 5986 Location: 1/37/2/
1800/01/09 5897A: Robert E. Yates. MO. Insolvent estate of Yates. Accession No.: 17,898-5897A MSA S512-7- 5987 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/06/19 5898: Jacob Zern vs. George Weller, Sr., Eve Weller, George Weller, Jr., Susanna Weller, Christian Zern, John Zern, and Anna Zern. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 67, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-5898-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5988 Location: 1/37/2/
1817/02/15 5899: Joseph Zane vs. Sarah C. O'Donnell, Columbus O'Donnell, Elliot O'Donnell, Eliza W. O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Joseph Barrett, Mary Barrett, Dudley Poor, Deborah Poor, William Patterson, Robert Oliver, and John Oliver. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Bartons Wharf. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 102 and 110, p. 277.
Accession No.: 17,898-5899-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5989 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/12/21 5900: Catherine Zimmerman, Henry Zimmerman, Daniel Zimmerman, Benjamin Zimmerman, John Zimmerman, and William Zimmerman vs. Elizabeth Fox, Mary Fox, John Fox, Nancy Fox, Henry Fox, and Susannah Fox. FR. Petition to record deed for Chestnut Levels. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 397.
Accession No.: 17,898-5900 MSA S512-7- 5990 Location: 1/37/2/
1807/02/16 5901: John M. Zollickoffer vs. Caroline Zollickoffer, David Zollickoffer, Henry Zollickoffer, John Killin, Maria Killin, John Randall, and Caroline Randall. BA. Estate of Mary M. Tripolet - Davids Fancy. Plats of lots in BC filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 43, MdHR 40,283-147, S65-86, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 74, p. 685. Accession No.: 17,898-5901-1/3 MSA S512-7- 5991 Location: 1/37/2/
1784/02/16 5902: John Conrad Zollickoffer vs. Peter Bousquet. BA. Contract to pay security. Accession No.: 17,898-5902 MSA S512-7- 5992 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/03/29 5903: Michael Zimmerman, Nicholas Keefaver, Frederick C. Haas, and Elizabeth Haas. FR. Estate of George Beckenbaugh - lots in Creagerstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 54, p. 278. Accession No.: 17,898-5903-1/2 MSA S512-7- 5993 Location: 1/37/2/
1801/09/04 5904: Stephen Zacharie. BA. Insolvent estate of Zacharie. Accession No.: 17,898-5904 MSA S512-7- 5994 Location: 1/37/2/
1793/03/02 5905: John Conrad Zollickoffer, Caroline Zollickoffer, John M.A. Zollickoffer, Henry Zollickoffer, and David Zollickoffer vs. John Killin, Mary Killin, and Caroline Killin. BA. Estate of Mary M. Tripolet - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 205. Accession No.: 17,898-5905-1/4 MSA S512-7- 5995 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/09/30 5906: Alexander Alexander and Adam Rice vs. John Wollaston, James Lindsey, and Mary Lindsey. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Fair Hill, Strawbridge Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 615. Accession No.: 17,898-5906 MSA S512-7- 5996 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/06/28 5907: Ashton Alexander vs. John G. Proud. BA. Trust estate of Alexander. Accession No.: 17,898-5907 MSA S512-7- 5997 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/01/26 5908: Ashton Alexander and John Wilson vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Injunction against collection of taxes on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5908 MSA S512-7- 5998 Location: 1/37/2/
1829/04/06 5909: Edmund B. Addison and Eliza D. Addison vs. William D. Bowie, John Contee, Catherine Bowie, Walter B. Bowie, Kitty Bowie, and Richard D. Bowie. PG. Estates of William Bowie and Baruch Duckett - Jeremiah and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-5909-1/7 MSA S512-7- 5999 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/07/01 5910: Stevenson Archer and Thomas B. Dorsey vs. Avalon Co., Thomas Ellicott, Samuel Poultney, Ellen Moale Poultney, Samuel Hoffman, and William Ellicott. BA. Trust estate of defendants. Accession No.: 17,898-5910-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6000 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/01/10 5911: John Archer, Robert H. Archer, and William J. Ward vs. William Crawford, Jr. and David McKim. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on a saw mill. Accession No.: 17,898-5911 MSA S512-7- 6001 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/06/20 5912: Thomas Ayres vs. Edward Kain and Mary Kain. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5912 MSA S512-7- 6002 Location: 1/37/2/
1832/03/28 5913: John Arnold vs. Anna Maria Wilson. MO. Estate of Thomas Linsted. Accession No.: 17,898-5913 MSA S512-7- 6003 Location: 1/37/2/
1825/02/16 5915: Thomas Ayres vs. Martha Dailey. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5915 MSA S512-7- 6004 Location: 1/37/2/
1839/08/20 5916: John Aiken vs. Jacob Green, James Morrow, Naomi Morrow, Joseph Green, John Bryan, William Woodrow, Isaac Wiggins, Rachel Wiggins, William Graham, Prudence Graham, Robert Fryer, Esther Fryer, Sidwell Green, Lydia Green, Frances Green, Rachel Green, Abraham Green, Joseph Green, Hamilton Green, Joseph Green, Morris Green, and Sharpless Green. CE. Estate of Prudence Green.
Accession No.: 17,898-5916-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6005 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/01/28 5917: Thomas S. Alexander, Samuel Maynard, and Anne Hicks vs. Walter Cross and Thomas R. Cross. AA. Insolvent estate of Walter Cross - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-5917 MSA S512-7- 6006 Location: 1/37/2/
1821/06/22 5918: John Ashmore vs. Robert Smith, Sarah Smith, William Smith, Eliza Smith, Robert Smith, Eliza Lindsey, Baker Rigdon, Sarah Rigdon, and Rachel Ward. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Williams Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-5918 MSA S512-7- 6007 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/12/01 5919: Robert Adams vs. Jacob T. Hall and Septimus Cook. PG. Petition to release mortgage on Green Land, James and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-5919 MSA S512-7- 6008 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/04/18 5920: Thomas S. Alexander, Benjamin Mulliken, Jeremiah Mulliken, John Contee, and Nathan Waters of Henry vs. William Gwynn, Joseph King, Jr., and Benjamin H. Mulliken. BA, PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5920-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6009 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/06/04 5921: George F. Zalman, Richard Wilson, and American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Joseph J. Speed, Henry Webster, Sarah Macauley, Rebecca Macauley, James Birckhead, Jr., and Elizabeth Birckhead. BA. Estate of Patrick Macauley. Accession No.: 17,898-5921 MSA S512-7- 6010 Location: 1/37/2/
1838/06/02 5922: Mathew J. Allein vs. William Smith and Farmers Bank of Maryland. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5922-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6011 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/03/11 5923: Hugh Allen vs. Matthew Murray, Louis Barney, John Barney, Richard Bennett Mitchell, Robert Aiken, Jr., and John Hoburg. BA. Insolvent estate of John Shortt. Accession No.: 17,898-5923 MSA S512-7- 6012 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/04/02 5924: Thomas S. Alexander vs. James Mewburn, Eliza Mewburn, Denton Hammond, and John Rice. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-5924 MSA S512-7- 6013 Location: 1/37/2/
1836/10/08 5925: Thomas S. Alexander and Vernon Dorsey vs. James Somerville, Jr. PG. Contract to purchase Brooke Court Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-5925 MSA S512-7- 6014 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/06/08 5926: Isaac H. Andrews vs. George Pritchett and William Pritchett. DO. Petition to sell Wingates Chance, Wingates Content. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 185. Accession No.: 17,898-5926 MSA S512-7- 6015 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/07/10 5927: William Armour vs. Sarah McIlvain and George McIlvain. BA. Contract to sell clothes. Accession No.: 17,898-5927-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6016 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/09/19 5928: Solomon G. Albers and Richard S. Hardesty vs. Thomas Dougherty and Michael Dougherty. SM. Defraud of creditors of Thomas Dougherty - Risen Sun Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-5928 MSA S512-7- 6017 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/09/01 5929: Solomon G. Albers vs. Richard Colton, John Colton, Dorcas Colton, Mary Colton, Ann Colton, Joseph Colton, John Thomas Colton, William Branszell, and Elizabeth Branszell. SM. Estate of John Colton. Accession No.: 17,898-5929 MSA S512-7- 6018 Location: 1/37/2/
1842 5930: Lucy Anderson and Charles C. Stewart vs. Nancy Harrison. AA. Title to Holly Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-5930-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6019 Location: 1/37/2/
1828/06/04 5932: John Anderson and Beal Duvall vs. William Anderson, Samuel Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, George Scaggs, Sarah Scaggs, Cephas Bishop, Catherine Bishop, Benjamin Penn, Rhoda Penn, Caleb Barry, Elizabeth Barry, James Anderson, Leonard Anderson, Francis Anderson of William, Jacob Riddle, Mary Riddle, Samuel B. Anderson, Ann Anderson, Jesse Orme, Lydia Orme, Francis Anderson of Andrew, John Stewart, and Lydia Stewart. AA. Estate of James Anderson - Duvalls Range. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 190.
Accession No.: 17,898-5932-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6020 Location: 1/37/2/
1821/04/26 5933: Elizabeth Ashpaw vs. Charles Pumphrey and Edward Pumphrey. AA. Petition to correct deed of partition for Gosnells Chance, Addition to Gosnells Chance, Love in a Village. Plat of Gosnells Chance, Addition to Gosnells Chance at 1/38/1/21; also shows Safeguard to the Addition of Gosnells Chance, Smiths Forrest, Mill Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-5933-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6021 Location: 1/37/2/
1836/06/10 5934: Jane Alling, Willis Hodges, Elizabeth F. Hodges, Coffin O. Page, Eveline B. Page, Mary L. King, George Robinson, and Mary W. Robinson vs. William A. Robinson, Hannah F. Robinson, Ann Rebecca Robinson, and Thomas J. Robinson. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-5934-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6022 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/12/27 5935: Catherine A. Adams, Elizabeth Adams, and Benedict L. Adams vs. James Leyddanc. MO. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-5935 MSA S512-7- 6023 Location: 1/37/2/
1829/11/25 5936: Arnold Aldridge, Benjamin D. Higden, William C. Shaw, and Osmond C. Tiffany vs. Robert B. Chew, Mary Chew, Wilson Brown, Richard Brown, Robert Brown, Eliza A. Brown, Morgan Hill, Althina Hill, Lewis Sutton, Henry C. Brown, and Elizabeth Whittington. AA. Estate of Henry Childs - lots in Friendship.
Accession No.: 17,898-5936-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6024 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/06/04 5937: John B.A. Allen and Samuel Allen vs. Joseph P. Grant, Benjamin P. Power, Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co., Checilla C. Owings, John S. Rayburn, Samuel H. Taggert, Coleman Talbott, Elkridge G. Kilbourn, and Erwin J. Cooper. BA. Trust estate of Cooper.
Accession No.: 17,898-5937 MSA S512-7- 6025 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/03/06 5938: Marcellus J. Anderson, Mariett Anderson, Arrenea Dawson, Alcade Dawson, Anaphroa Dawson, Katherine Dawson, and Josiah Dawson vs. Sovern Dawson. CA. Petition to sell Addition to Timber Tree Neck, Addition to Miles Island, Discovery, Black Level Enlarged, Addition to Rawley.
Accession No.: 17,898-5938 MSA S512-7- 6026 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/09/08 5939: Ann Archer vs. Robert Parker, Jr., Herman Stump, and John H. Price. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ellbritton, Parkers Chance, String. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 123 Accession No.: 17,898-5939 MSA S512-7- 6027 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/02/21 5940: William H. Allen and Vestry of Great Choptank Parish vs. Susan Goldsborough, Robert Goldsborough, William Goldsborough, Charles Goldsborough, and Mary Goldsborough. DO. Title to lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 985 Accession No.: 17,898-5940-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6028 Location: 1/37/2/
1838/06/04 5941: James Abercrombie III and Mary Frazier Abercrombie vs. Hugh Boyle, Agnes Boyle, Luke Tiernan, James Abercrombie, Jr., and Alexander Neill. BA. Trust estate of Mary Frazier Abercrombie. Accession No.: 17,898-5941-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6029 Location: 1/37/2/
1844/01/18 5942: William Armstrong, James Harris, Jr., and Roderick Earickson vs. John Bunting and Rosa Ann Bunting. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Sweet Prospect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 640. Accession No.: 17,898-5942 MSA S512-7- 6030 Location: 1/37/2/
1839/07/01 5943: Franklin Anderson, Elizabeth Murray, Isabella Maria Murray, William H. Murray, Stirling Murray, Alexander Murray, and Harriet Murray. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5943 MSA S512-7- 6031 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/11/12 5944: Levin Atkinson and Comfort Atkinson vs. James Selby, John Selby, and Eliza Ann Selby. WO. Petition to sell Unity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-5944 MSA S512-7- 6032 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/03/20 5946: Elijah R. Arnold vs. Mary E. Miller and Sarah E. Miller. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-5946 MSA S512-7- 6033 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/08/29 5947: Elizabeth Allison vs. John Hartman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-5947 MSA S512-7- 6034 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/07/14 5948: Elizabeth Allison vs. Charles S. Hunter. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5948 MSA S512-7- 6035 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/04/02 5949: William Armager vs. Mordecai Smith, James Kent, Daniel Kent, James Iglehart, William McCarlin, Richard G. Hutton, Richard Armager, Benjamin Armager, and Thomas Armager. CV. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-5949-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6036 Location: 1/37/2/
1828/03/03 5950: Joseph T. Allyn vs. Catherine Talbott. BA. Estate of Benjamin W. Talbott. Accession No.: 17,898-5950-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6037 Location: 1/37/2/
1837/07/07 5951: Alexander Applegarth vs. William Murphy. BA. Contract to purchase schooner Catherine Murphy. Accession No.: 17,898-5951-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6038 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/02/17 5952: Jacob Ayres and Henry H. Ayres vs. Catherine A. Wilson, Sophia Wilson, Newton Wilson, John Wilson, William Wilson, Alexander Wilson, and Charles T.F. Foster. CE. Estate of William H. Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-5952 MSA S512-7- 6039 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/08/30 5953: Robert H. Archer and John Archer vs. Jacob Tome, David Rinehart, Job Willcox II, John L. Robinson, and Chester Robinson. CE. Contract to sell lumber. Accession No.: 17,898-5953 MSA S512-7- 6040 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/01/21 5954: Henry W. Archer vs. Marcus Denison. BA. Trust estate of William F. Savin. Accession No.: 17,898-5954 MSA S512-7- 6041 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/04/07 5955: Mary Ayres vs. John B. Peyton and Mary H. Peyton. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Fertile Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-5955 MSA S512-7- 6042 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/06/26 5956: Thomas S. Alexander vs. James Legg and Margaret Legg. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 707. Accession No.: 17,898-5956 MSA S512-7- 6043 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/01/11 5957: Mary Armstrong and James D. Armstrong vs. Cascanova Stump, Nancy Williams, Mary Williams, and John H. Price. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Bush Mill, Come By Chance, Whitakers Enlargement, Turkey Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 277.
Accession No.: 17,898-5957 MSA S512-7- 6044 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/10/13 5958: James Armstrong vs. David Steele. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 582. Accession No.: 17,898-5958 MSA S512-7- 6045 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/09/08 5959: William Harper, Mattison Arlett, Sarah Ann Arlett, Mary Arlett, and Henry Clay Arlett. QA. Estate of Francis Arlett - lot in Centreville. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 469. Accession No.: 17,898-5959-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6046 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/01/16 5960: Robert Armstrong vs. Benjamin Hieghe, Thomas Kelso, John Keys, Robert Robinson, and Thomas Robinson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-5960-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6047 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/03/05 5962: Joshua J. Atkinson vs. James Phillips, Sr., William C. Spindler, Bethia Spindler, and Eleanor E. Spindler. BA. Defraud of creditors of William C. Spindler. Accession No.: 17,898-5962-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6048 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/04/13 5963: Mary Armstrong and James Dunn Armstrong vs. Mary Williams, Nancy Williams, John H. Price, and Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bush Mill, Come By Chance, Whitakers Enlargement, Turkey Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 489.
Accession No.: 17,898-5963-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6049 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/03/27 5964: Samuel B. Anderson, Jacob Hall, and Thomas Davidson vs. Roger Tydings and Mary A. Tydings. AA. Defraud of creditors of Roger Tydings - lot in Governors Bridge. Accession No.: 17,898-5964-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6050 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/04/26 5965: William Armstrong, James Harris, Roderick Earickson, James C. Wilson, Abraham Herr, John Herr, Henry Pendexter, and Horatio B. Alden vs. John F. Nicholson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Governors Bridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 50. Accession No.: 17,898-5965-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6051 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/07/06 5966: John Andrews vs. Tamsey Collins, Thomas Andrews, Nancy Andrews, Jane Collins, Louranah Collins, Nicey Collins, Henry Francis Collins, Elizabeth Collins, and Sarah Ellen Collins. CA. Estate of Henry Collins - Marys Lot, Josephs Folly, Pleasant Fields, Andrews Hope, Collinsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 143.
Accession No.: 17,898-5966-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6052 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/01/27 5967: Edward M. Adams vs. Margaret Adams, John Adams, Rufus Adams, McKendrie Adams, George Adams, and Cadmus Adams. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 677. Accession No.: 17,898-5967 MSA S512-7- 6053 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/08/01 5968: Mary Jane Adams vs. Andrew Jackson Adams and Benjamin Rawlings. AA, BA, MO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 643. Accession No.: 17,898-5968-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6054 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/06/21 5969: Isaac C. Anderson vs. Mortimer Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Virginia V. Dorsey, Septimus Dorsey, Hansen Dorsey, Henry K. Ridgley, Achsa Ridgley, John Hood, Louisa Hood, Charles W. Hood, Caroline Hood, Robert C. Gist, Nelson Norris, and Eliza A. Norris. AA. Contract to purchase Stoney Hill, Addition to Stoney Hill, Pleasant Meadows, Barnes Purchase, Brothers Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 792.
Accession No.: 17,898-5969 MSA S512-7- 6055 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/04/05 5970: Stephen J. Aldridge and Fredus Aldridge vs. Elizabeth Allen, Elizabeth G. Aldridge, and Thomas C. Aldridge. BA, CE. Petition to sell house and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-5970 MSA S512-7- 6056 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/03/15 5971: George T. Ashley, Joseph M. Ashley, Joseph Porter, William H. Thumbert, Mary Jane Thumbert, Millicent R. Ashley, and John Ashley vs. Henry A. Porter and Ann M.R. Porter. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 124. Accession No.: 17,898-5971 MSA S512-7- 6057 Location: 1/37/2/
1844/10/12 5972: William Appleby, Jr., Denton Appleby, Lemuel Appleby, Mathias Appleby, Basil Appleby, Rezin Appleby, Sarah Appleby, Jacob Appleby, Elisha Barry, Frederick J.J. Disney, Harriet Disney, James Barry, Elizabeth Anne Barry, Harriet Anne Barry, William Barry, Basil V. Barry, Caleb Westley Barry, and Mordecai Barry vs. William Disney, Anna Maria Disney, and Basil Barry. AA. Petition to sell Hammonds Second Connection. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 183.
Accession No.: 17,898-5972 MSA S512-7- 6058 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/09/19 5973: Albin Andrews, Samuel Andrews, Caroline Andrews, Robert Willey, Alice Willey, Mary Bell, Levin Bell, Harriet Bell, George Bell, Caroline Bell, Catherine Hart, and Nancy Hart vs. William W. Andrews. DO. Petition to sell Moores Content.
Accession No.: 17,898-5973 MSA S512-7- 6059 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/09/18 5974: Mary F. Abercrombie, James Berrett, Alexander R. Berrett, Mary H. Berrett, Sally Berrett, Ralph Berrett, James Berrett, Joseph H. Berrett, and Nancy B. Berrett vs. Joseph B. Edelen, Agnes D. Edelen, Baltimore Life Insurance Co., and Robert Riddle. BA. Contract to purchase bank stock.
Accession No.: 17,898-5974-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6060 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/11/20 5975: Benjamin Armager and Thomas Armager vs. John S. Armager and Alvin Armager. CV. Estate of Richard Armager - Archers Haizi, Smiths Chance, Turners Pasture, Goughs Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-5975-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6061 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/12/06 5976: Jeremiah Alvey vs. Richard Payne. SM. Estate of Samuel Carpenter - slaves Betty, Levina, and Rosetta. Accession No.: 17,898-5976 MSA S512-7- 6062 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/05/24 5977: Isaac C. Anderson vs. Robert Campbell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Patapsco Hotel in Ellicott Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-5977 MSA S512-7- 6063 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/07/21 5978: Elizabeth Anderson vs. Edward Kenley. BA. Estate of William Anderson - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 252. Accession No.: 17,898-5978-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6064 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/12/20 5979: Unit Angier vs. George B. Burgess, Mary Ann Burgess, and Sarah Isabella Burgess. KE. Title to Millards Choice, Kellys Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-5979 MSA S512-7- 6065 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/02/11 5980: Thomas Anderson, Sophia Anderson, Elie Rowles, Sarah Rowles, Aquilla Randall, Rebecca Randall, William Black, John Stevenson, and Catherine Stevenson vs. Henry Cord, George Cord, and Ann Stinchcomb. AA. Estate of John Cord. Accession No.: 17,898-5980 MSA S512-7- 6066 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/04/17 5981: Thomas S. Alexander and Margaret A. Ghiselin vs. Robert Ghiselin, Michael B. Carroll, Thomas Holland, John Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, John Glenn, John W. Walker, John E. Bird, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. PG. Insolvent estate of Robert Ghiselin. Accession No.: 17,898-5981-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6067 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/10/19 5982: Ellen S. Aisquith vs. Henry Aisquith. AA. Appointment of trustee for Henry Aisquith. Accession No.: 17,898-5982 MSA S512-7- 6068 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/10/22 5983: Richard Anderson, Catherine Murphy, Mary P. Garrett, Talbot Anderson, Lydia Anderson, Eliza Anderson, Susannah Anderson, Isaac Anderson, Richard Anderson, Adar Anderson, Absolam Anderson, Sarah Ann Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, William T. Anderson, Mary Jane Anderson, Samuel Anderson, Abraham Bealman, James Bealman, Thomas Bealman, Samuel Bealman, Ann Brewer, Richard Isaacs, Eliza Isaacs, William Anderson, Absolam Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Henrietta Anderson, Robert Anderson, Joshua Anderson, John Anderson, Maria Anderson, Thomas Anderson, Miranda Anderson, Jacob Hall, Absolam Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Ann Hall, Mary Jane Hall, Isaac Hall, Barruch Hall, and Martha Hall. AA. Estate of Absolam Anderson - Williams Chance, Providence, Vacant Lot, Turkey Neck. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-5983-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6069 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/03/22 5984: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Ashton Alexander. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 674. Accession No.: 17,898-5984-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6070 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/09/21 5985: James Anderson and Andrew Anderson vs. William Anderson and Edward Anderson. AA. Petition to partition Providence. Accession No.: 17,898-5985 MSA S512-7- 6071 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/11/12 5986: Thomas Ayres vs. James Higgins, Sarah Higgins, and Benedict Meads. HA. Contract to purchase Barrets United Fields. Accession No.: 17,898-5986 MSA S512-7- 6072 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/04/14 5987: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Jane Sinclair, James Sinclair, and Robert N. Sinclair. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5987-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6073 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/04/30 5988: Horace Abbott, Asahel Newton, John Ferguson, Richard Mayger, and James H. Washington vs. Annapolis & Elk Ridge Railroad Co., James Iglehart, Thomas S. Alexander, and Matthew Baldwin. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on locomotive engines Annapolis and Carroll. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 93.
Accession No.: 17,898-5988-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6074 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/11/03 5989: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Thomas F. Neilson and Charles F. Mayer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 113. Accession No.: 17,898-5989 MSA S512-7- 6075 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/06/04 5990: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Sarah Macauley, Joseph J. Speed, James Birckhead, Jr., Elizabeth Birckhead, Rebecca Macauley, and Henry Webster. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-5990 MSA S512-7- 6076 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/09/24 5991: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Joseph Barling, James Howard, Christian Keener, Elizabeth Pannel, John T. Gosden, Sarah Ann Gosden, Henry A. Gosden, Joseph Barling, Jr., John B. Davis, Elizabeth B. Davis, John Gosden, and Sarah A. Gosden. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on land, Patapsco Hotel, Rail Road Hotel. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 192.
Accession No.: 17,898-5991-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6077 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/12/27 5992: James Morrison, Alfred Morrison, and Charles Morrison vs. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. BA. Appointment of trustee for defendant. Accession No.: 17,898-5992-1/9 MSA S512-7- 6078 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/11/03 5993: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. and Neptune Insurance Co. vs. Charles F. Mayer and Eliza Mayer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-5993-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6079 Location: 1/37/2/
1830/12/29 5994: Edward Austin, Sr., Anthony Austin, John Austin, and Edward Austin, Jr. vs. Deborah Cochran, William Scott Cochran, Thomas L. Emory, Jr., and William G. McClure. BA. Estates of William Cochran and John G. Comegys - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-5994-1/8 MSA S512-7- 6080 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/04/18 5995: Solomon G. Albers vs. Samuel Mead. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 200. Accession No.: 17,898-5995 MSA S512-7- 6081 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/11/28 5996: Colin Auld vs. Abraham Clarke, Maria Clarke, and James W. Brackenridge. PG. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 924. Accession No.: 17,898-5996-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6082 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/07/18 5997: George G. Aschom and John C. Aschom vs. Josiah Turner and Philip Turner. SM. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-5997-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6083 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/12/29 5998: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Otho H. Williams. WA. Mortgage foreclsoure on lots in Williamsport. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 707. Accession No.: 17,898-5998 MSA S512-7- 6084 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/08/16 5999: Ann Archer vs. John Archer. CE. Contract to purchase Lucky Mistake. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-5999-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6085 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/10/13 6000: Horace Abbott, Joseph Rogers, John J. Ferguson, John Watchman, and Henry Thompson vs. Baltimore & Rappahannock Steam Packet Co., Fielding Lucas, Jr., and John A. Robb. BA. Defraud of creditors of Baltimore & Rappahannock Steam Packet Co. Accession No.: 17,898-6000-1/32 MSA S512-7- 6086 Location: 1/37/2/
1832/04/10 6001: Andrew Aldridge, Benjamin D. Higdon, Francis M. Alricks, and Benjamin Harrison vs. Joseph N. Burch, Sr., Sarah Burch, Joseph N. Burch, Jr., Thomas N. Burch, John F. Latimer, and Susannah R. Latimer. PG. Title to Prevention, Inclosure, Joseph and Anna, Bealls Gift, Mount Calvert Manor, Hazard, Widows Trouble, Enlargement, Necessity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 600.
Accession No.: 17,898-6001-1/34 MSA S512-7- 6087 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/08/29 6002: Elizabeth Allison vs. William F. Goode. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 221. Accession No.: 17,898-6002 MSA S512-7- 6088 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/11/23 6003: Henry W. Archer vs. Edward Elbern, Mary Ann Elbern, William Henry Elbern, Thomas W. Elbern, John Bryan, Sarah Elizabeth Bryan, Millicent Elbern, Sarah E. Elbern, and William Elbern. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Thomas Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 743.
Accession No.: 17,898-6003-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6089 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/05/01 6004: Isaiah Arnold vs. William Arnold, James Arnold, Isaiah Watts, Ruth Watts, Israel Day, Susan Day, William Arnold, Elizabeth Arnold, Mary Arnold, Catherine Arnold, Etha Arnold, Abigail Arnold, Catherine Arnold, William Lowman, Louisa Lowman, Mary Lowman, John Augustus Lowman, Eliza Lowman, Nathanial Wheeler, Sarah Wheeler, and Denton M. Wheeler. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 537.
Accession No.: 17,898-6004-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6090 Location: 1/37/2/
1840/11/07 6005: Lemmon C. Abraham, Anne Abraham, and Richard Horner vs. Polly Wood, Beall Gaither, Amasa Gaither, Aquilla Forrest, Pricilla Forrest, Nancy Forrest, Rachel Forrest, John Mewshaw, Sarah Mewshaw, Rezin Bounds, Susan Bounds, Samuel Goodman, and Nancy Goodman. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 288.
Accession No.: 17,898-6005-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6091 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/06/30 6006: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. John S. Williams. AA. Petition to recorded mortgage on Chews Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 662. Accession No.: 17,898-6006 MSA S512-7- 6092 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/03/11 6007: John C. Applegarth vs. John E. Applegarth, Mary Harper, Thomas Simmons, Hilly Simmons, and Jane Wallace. DO. Estate of Whittington Wallace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 383. Accession No.: 17,898-6007 MSA S512-7- 6093 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/07/27 6008: Hiram Austin vs. Sarah Emily Austin, John Austin, Mary Austin, Rachel Ann Austin, Reubin Austin, Rachel Austin, Thomas Austin, and Sarah Wingate. CE. Petition to sell Prices Patent. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-6008 MSA S512-7- 6094 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/01/30 6009: William Anderson, Nelly Anderson, Teagle Townsend, James Hooper, Sr., James Hooper, Jr., John Hooper, Levin G. Irving, Polly Irving, George R. Collier, Sarah Jane Collier, and Thoroughgood Taylor vs. Sally Elizabeth Rock, Mary Ellen Rock, James Hooper, John Hooper, and Thomas E. Hooper. WO. Petition to sell lot in Salisbury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 75.
Accession No.: 17,898-6009-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6095 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/02/10 6010: Joseph M. Adams vs. Rachel A. Adams, Gustavus Augustine Adams, Richard Adams, Rachel Clements, Robert H. Clements, Eleanor Clements, Gerrard Clements, Walter Clements, Charles A. Clements, Aloyisius Clements, Albine Clements, Ignatius A. Clements, and Louisa Clements. CH. Petition to sell Troopers Rendevous, St. Thomas, St. Thomas and James Purchase. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 442.
Accession No.: 17,898-6010-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6096 Location: 1/37/2/
1836/04/14 6011: John Arnold vs. Thomas Miller. AA. Injunction against destruction of fences on and removal of timber from Asketon, Resurvey on Courtenays First Addition, Hill and Gully, Good for Nothing. Accession No.: 17,898-6011 MSA S512-7- 6097 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/04/14 6012: Thomas Armstrong vs. Conrad Miller, David Yerkers, and Elizabeth Yerkers. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6012-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6098 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/05/24 6013: William J. Albert and Emily J. Albert vs. Baltimore Water Co. and William B. Norman. BA. Validity of transfer of stock to Norman. Accession No.: 17,898-6013-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6099 Location: 1/37/2/
1816/06/06 6014: Thomas Ayres vs. Isaac Whitaker, John L. Whitaker, Jonathan Williams, James Whitaker, Patrick Creton Whitaker, and Martha Williams. HA. Estate of James Sheventon - None So Good, Delightful Rock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 626. Accession No.: 17,898-6014-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6100 Location: 1/37/2/
1824/03/02 6015: Richard Allen vs. Micajah Burke, Ann Burke, and William Comegys. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 233. Accession No.: 17,898-6015-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6101 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/05/09 6016: Frederick L.E. Amelung vs. Conrad Schultz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 479. Accession No.: 17,898-6016-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6102 Location: 1/37/2/
1806/01/27 6017: Thomas Hanson vs. William Shircliff. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Dogwood Plains, Resurvey on Walnut Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 262. Accession No.: 17,898-6017-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6103 Location: 1/37/2/
1815/07/13 6018: Edward Austin, Handy Irving, William Meziuk, Leah Irving, Thomas H. Gillis, Nelly Gillis, and Levin Irving vs. William Disharoon, Sarah Disharoon, Levin W. Disharoon, Thomas L. Disharoon, and Mary A. Disharoon. SO. Estate of Benjamin Disharoon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 450.
Accession No.: 17,898-6018-1/7 MSA S512-7- 6104 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/12/24 6019: Thomas S. Alexander vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Henry H. Harwood, Ann Harwood, Edward Harwood, Ann Harwood, Jr., William Harwood, Matilda Harwood, Catherine E. Harwood, Mary A. Harwood, Ellen Harwood, and Jonathan Pinkney. AA. Estate of Richard H. Harwood. Accession No.: 17,898-6019-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6105 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/07/26 6020: John Adamson vs. Benedict Beckwith, Ally Beckwith, William Beckwith, John A. Beckwith, Amelia Beckwith, Lucy Beckwith, Ann Beckwith, Henry Beckwith, and Robert O. Beckwith. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Magruders Hazard, Paradise, Paradise Enlarged.
Accession No.: 17,898-6020 MSA S512-7- 6106 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/03/26 6021: Edward H. Adams, Robert Robertson, James Greenfield, and George Atkinson vs. William Dawson, Jr. and Eleanor Dawson. BA. Contract to sell flour. Accession No.: 17,898-6021-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6107 Location: 1/37/2/
1839/04/09 6022: Thomas Alexander vs. Joshua Purdum, Nathan Purdum, John Purdum, Josiah Purdum, James Purdum, William Brandenburg, Rachel Brandenburg, Samuel Williams, Keziah Williams, Priscilla Purdum, Elizabeth Purdum, and Rebecca Purdum. MO. Estate of Joshua Purdum - Addition to Saturdays Work, Addition to Fancy, No Name, Red Oak Slipe, Resurvey on Trouble Enough Indeed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 313.
Accession No.: 17,898-6022-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6108 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/07/19 6023: William Hayes vs. Eliza Armstrong. BA. Appointment of trustee for Armstrong. Accession No.: 17,898-6023 MSA S512-7- 6109 Location: 1/37/2/
1836/11/15 6024: Thomas Allein, William Armager, Thomas Armager, Ezra Sheckells, Samuel Sunderland, Susannah Sunderland, Sarah Ann Armager, John F. Armager, and Rachel Armager vs. Joseph G. Hutton, Aseneth G. Hutton, Enoch A. Hutton, William F. Hutton, and negroes Jen Sharp, Jen Ennis, William, Nancy, Minta, Samuel, Admerella, George, and Wilson. AA. Estate of John Armager.
Accession No.: 17,898-6024-1/9 MSA S512-7- 6110 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/08/23 6025: Dr. Robert W. Armstrong vs. Joseph Jamison. BA. Contract to establish a drug store. Accession No.: 17,898-6025-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6111 Location: 1/37/2/
1838/10/09 6026: Henry W. Archer vs. Harrisburg Bank, Thomas Bond, Benjamin P. Williams, Jacob Williams, Thomas C. Bucklee, Marcus Druson, William B. Stephenson, William T. Savin, and John Ittickaud. CE. Trust estate of William F. Savin. Accession No.: 17,898-6026 MSA S512-7- 6112 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/12/01 6027: John Anderson vs. Lawson Clarke. MO. Injunction against waste on Hills and Dales, White Oak Valley, Charles and William, Labyrinth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 265. Accession No.: 17,898-6027-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6113 Location: 1/37/2/
1838/07/28 6028: Margaret Alexander, Araminta Alexander, Robert Alexander, Margaret Alexander, and William Alexander vs. John A. Simmonds and Susan Simmonds. BA. Trust estate under will of John Partridge. Accession No.: 17,898-6028-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6114 Location: 1/37/2/
1840/05/06 6029: Clement Arnold, John Cumine, and Celeste Cumine vs. Emily Arnold, Moses Arnold, Thomas Arnold, William Arnold, Mary Arnold, and Elizabeth Arnold. DO. Petition to sell Armstrongs Hog Pen Regulated, Long Point. Accession No.: 17,898-6029 MSA S512-7- 6115 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/09/16 6030: Joseph H. Arnett and James W. Arnett vs. Levi Arnett and Jane Arnett. DO. Petition to sell Pokety. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-6030 MSA S512-7- 6116 Location: 1/37/2/
1851/01/08 6031: Henry W. Archer vs. Thomas Jones, Absalom W. Sparks, Mary L. Sparks, Samuel W. Spencer, Ann Spencer, and Thomas Walker. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 872. Accession No.: 17,898-6031 MSA S512-7- 6117 Location: 1/37/2/
1821/02/27 6032: James Anderson vs. Francis Belmear and Absalom Belmear. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Duvalls Range. Accession No.: 17,898-6032 MSA S512-7- 6118 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/01/10 6033: Theodore Anderson vs. Charles R. Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Eleventh Hour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 478. Accession No.: 17,898-6033-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6119 Location: 1/37/2/
1802/09/09 6034: Jeremiah Andrews vs. Thomas Johnson, Johanna Johnson, and Philip Moore. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6034-1/13 MSA S512-7- 6120 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/11/01 6035: Edward Austen, James Heron, Alexander Heron, Hermanus Boggs, William Boggs, Samuel M. Barry, Thomas W. Hall, Carter A. Hall, and Lambert W. Bond vs. John T. Barr. BA. Defraud of creditors of James D. Miller. Accession No.: 17,898-6035 MSA S512-7- 6121 Location: 1/37/2/
1828/07/08 6036: John Anderson vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, John Ridgely, David Ridgely, George Wells, Jr., George Wells, Sr., James Shaw, Jonas Green, and Edmund Clagett. AA. Title to lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-6036-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6122 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/05/29 6037: William J. Albert and Emily J. Albert vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Savings Bank of Baltimore, Samuel Jones, and Joseph Cushing. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6037-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6123 Location: 1/37/2/
1837/05/29 6038: John E. Addison, Watkins Addison, McLean Addison, Mary E. Addison, and William Alexander Addison vs. Notley Young. PG. Estate of Clement Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-6038-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6124 Location: 1/37/2/
1828/08/15 6039: John Anderson, Jemima Danes, Moshler Danes, Mary Danes, Elizabeth Danes, and Lucinda Danes vs. Henry Carroll, Francis S. Key, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, Elizabeth Carnes, John Carnes, and Peter Carnes. PG. Contract to purchase Belts Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-6039-1/7 MSA S512-7- 6125 Location: 1/37/2/
1836 6040: Albin Andrews and Sarah Andrews vs. Andrew McCready, Samuel McCready, John McCready, and Jemima McCready. DO. Petition to sell Dog Wood Ridge, Fishing Point. Accession No.: 17,898-6040 MSA S512-7- 6126 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/02/14 6041: John Arnold, Rebecca Arnold, Elijah Rockhold, Susan Rockhold, Elizabeth Rockhold, John Rockhold, Georgiana Rockhold, Ellen Rockhold, Sophia Rockhold, George W. Linsted, John Fowler, Susan Fowler, Orlander Linsted, Kindsey Tydings, Mary Tydings, William Linsted, Ann Elizabeth Linsted, Mary Jane Linsted, Mary Ann Heath, John Heath, Joshua Heath, Julia Ann Heath, Robert Heath, and Elizabeth E. Heath vs. Robert Heath and Ann Heath. AL. Petition to sell Felicity, Military Lots 2538, 2579, and 2581.
Accession No.: 17,898-6041 MSA S512-7- 6127 Location: 1/37/2/
1840/09/14 6042: Thomas Anderson vs. Samuel Brown of John. AA, Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6042 MSA S512-7- 6128 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/09/22 6043: William R. Ashton vs. Robert Barry. BA. Petition to dismiss a case. Accession No.: 17,898-6043 MSA S512-7- 6129 Location: 1/37/2/
1829/03/28 6044: Edward Abraham vs. Thomas Dixon. BA. Defraud of creditors of Dixon - Jeopardy, Addition to Jeopardy, Levil Union, Amsterdam. Accession No.: 17,898-6044 MSA S512-7- 6130 Location: 1/37/2/
1824/10/28 6045: George Allen and Sarah Allen vs. Walter P. Phelps, Zachariah Phelps, and Joseph H. Phelps. AA. Petition to sell Chaneys Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 289. Accession No.: 17,898-6045-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6131 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/02/26 6047: Samuel B. Anderson vs. George W. Higgins, Anne Higgins, Thomas H. Dorsey, and Thomas W. Hall. AA. Trust estate of Anne Higgins. Accession No.: 17,898-6047-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6132 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/12/10 6048: George Andrews and Ennion Williams vs. Asher Foulke, Ann Scotten, Robert E. Scotten, Alice A. Scotten, and Stephen Scotten. AA. Title to Duvalls Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 267. Accession No.: 17,898-6048-1/13 MSA S512-7- 6133 Location: 1/37/2/
1821/02/20 6049: John Arnold, Rebecca Arnold, Elijah Rockhold, Charlotte Rockhold, and Elijah Redmond vs. Joseph Linsted, George Linsted, William Linsted, Susan Linsted, Thomas Davis, Robert Heath, Anne Heath, Kinsey Tydings, Mary Tydings, and Ralph Johnson. AA, MO, WA. Petition to sell Randalls Ridge in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 384.
Accession No.: 17,898-6049-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6134 Location: 1/37/2/
1839/07/03 6050: William Aringdale vs. Joseph Millis and Mary Jane Millis. TA. Estate of Levin Millis, Jr. - Fork, Hesley. Accession No.: 17,898-6050-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6135 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/06/12 6051: Samuel Aaron and Mary Aaron vs. Traverse Staplefort and Emily Staplefort. DO. Petition to sell Taylors Island, Johns Desire, Howards Outlet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 22. Accession No.: 17,898-6051 MSA S512-7- 6136 Location: 1/37/2/
1826/11/02 6052: Robert Aiken vs. Henry S. Coulter. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6052 MSA S512-7- 6137 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/03/15 6053: Thomas Anderson, Mary Anderson, Robert S. Bryan, and Juliana Bryan vs. Ellen M. Mackubin. AA. Petition to partition Brices Regulation, Homewoods Lot. Plat at 1/38/1/21. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-6053-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6138 Location: 1/37/2/
1821/10/17 6054: Ashton Alexander vs. George Grundy. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6054-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6139 Location: 1/37/2/
1829/10/09 6055: Thomas Ayres vs. William Anderson and Benjamin Anderson. HA. Contract to purchase Middle Meadows, Whitakers Fatigue. Plat; also shows Williams Advantage, Blacks Habitation, Crooked Meadow, Nineteen Acre Survey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 834. Accession No.: 17,898-6055-1/8 MSA S512-7- 6140 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/06/09 6056: Thomas S. Alexander vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Henry H. Harwood, and Richard Harwood. AA. Estate of Samuel B. Watkins - Bessenton. Accession No.: 17,898-6056-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6141 Location: 1/37/2/
1829/11/19 6057: Thomas S. Alexander vs. Benjamin H. Mullikin, Alexander Fridge, William Morris, William Gwynn, Basil D. Mullikin, Jeremiah Mullikin, John Contee, Mary Franklin, Rachel Franklin, Samuel Franklin, Nancy Franklin, Harriet Franklin, Anne Maria Franklin, Israel M. Jackson, Mary Anne Jackson, Benjamin M. Duckett, Joseph E. Cowman, Henrietta Cowman, Harriet H. Duckett, Thomas Duckett, John A. Waters, Thomas T. Hall, Rachel Hall, and Benjamin Mullikin. AA, PG. Estate of Belt Mullikin - Timber Neck, in AA. Also Grange, Saint Andrews in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 541.
Accession No.: 17,898-6057-1/11 MSA S512-7- 6142 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/11/13 6058: Thomas S. Alexander vs. Edward L. Nicholson, Margaret Nicholson, Francis Taylor, Sally Taylor, Benjamin Harwood, Richard Harwood, Elinor Harwood, Harriett Harwood, Maria Harwood, Henry H. Harwood, William Harwood, George F. Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Sarah Callahan, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA, MO. Trust estate of Richard Harwood - Butlers Tavern, Taylors Addition, Taylors Hole, Taylors Choice, Marys Mount, Larkins Hills, Harwoods Venture, Summer Hill, lots in Annapolis in AA. Also Resurvey on part of Partnership in MO. Plats of Summer Hill filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 52, MdHR 40,283-157, S65-44, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-6058-1/36 MSA S512-7- 6143 Location: 1/37/2/
1829/04/24 6059: James Abercombie and Mary Abercombie vs. David Williamson, James Campbell, and Robert Riddle. BA. Trust estate of Mary Abercombie. Accession No.: 17,898-6059-1/13 MSA S512-7- 6144 Location: 1/37/2/
1832/04/16 6060: Thomas Anderson vs. Richard S. Hardesty. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-6060-1/8 MSA S512-7- 6145 Location: 1/37/2/
1837/06/26 6061: Joshua Atkinson, Jemima Atkinson, John Shedrick, Sarah Shedrick, and Mary Ann Rutter vs. William L. Lowry and Elizabeth Lowry. BA. Estate of Richard Rutter - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6061-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6146 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/09/09 6062: John Armiger of Samuel vs. Ann Armiger, John Armiger, Rachel Armiger, Mary Ann Armiger, James Armiger, Rezin Estep, Elizabeth Sunderland, Maria Sunderland, and Richard Sunderland. AA. Trust estate of John Armiger of Samuel - Miles Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 704.
Accession No.: 17,898-6062-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6147 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/12/07 6063: Thomas Archer vs. John Smith, William Smith, Samuel Smith, Richard Smith, Avarilla Jane Smith, Robert Smith, George Smith, Cassandra Margaret Smith, John Barns, Ann Barns, and Charles F. Mayer. HA. Contract to purchase Jericho. Accession No.: 17,898-6063 MSA S512-7- 6148 Location: 1/37/2/
1821/06/28 6064: James M. Anderson, Edward Anderson, Emily Kennard, William McClean, Harriett McClean, James Harris, and William Harris, Jr. vs. Maria Harris, Margaret Harris, and Edward A. Harris. KE. Estate of James M. Anderson - Arundal Grove, Lot in Chestertown, Arcadia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 406.
Accession No.: 17,898-6064-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6149 Location: 1/37/2/
1823/02/05 6065: Thomas S. Alexander vs. Polly H. Alexander, Mary Alexander, William Alexander, Anne E. Alexander, Jane Alexander, John Alexander, and Robert Welch. AA. Estate of William Alexander - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 112. Accession No.: 17,898-6065-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6150 Location: 1/37/2/
1836/10/21 6066: Thomas S. Alexander vs. Alfred Scaggs. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-6066 MSA S512-7- 6151 Location: 1/37/2/
1827/10/04 6067: John Archer and John W. Stump vs. Paca Smith. HA. Defraud of creditors of Samuel Hughes. Accession No.: 17,898-6067-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6152 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/09/16 6068: James Abercrombie, Mary Fraser Abercrombie, James Abercrombie, Agnes Abercrombie, Mary Abercrombie, Nancy Abercrombie, Alexander Abercrombie, Sally Abercrombie, and Ralph Abercrombie vs. James Campbell and Robert Riddell. BA. Trust estate of plaintiffs.
Accession No.: 17,898-6068-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6153 Location: 1/37/2/
1825/03/18 6069: Walter D. Addison and Lloyd D. Addison vs. John Addison and Samuel Hanson. PG. Petition to sell Brothers Joint Interest, Silver Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 102. Accession No.: 17,898-6069 MSA S512-7- 6154 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/01/28 6071: Thomas S. Alexander, Samuel Maynard, and Anne Hicks vs. Thomas R. Cross. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-6071 MSA S512-7- 6155 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/02/28 6072: Joshua J. Atkinson vs. William Reese and Samuel L. Miller. BA. Defraud of creditors of Miller - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6072-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6156 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/11/27 6073: Henry Albers vs. Matilda Diffenderffer and Eve B. Albers. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 676. Accession No.: 17,898-6073 MSA S512-7- 6157 Location: 1/37/2/
1833/09/13 6074: Ann Archer and Joshua Green vs. Benjamin Silver, Rebecca Silver, David Silver, Robert Silver, and Margaret Silver. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Marys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 233. Accession No.: 17,898-6074 MSA S512-7- 6158 Location: 1/37/2/
1822/01/09 6075: Ashton Alexander vs. William Augustus Speck. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-6075-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6159 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/11/28 6076: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. James Murray Lloyd. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Woolmans Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-6076 MSA S512-7- 6160 Location: 1/37/2/
1837/09/13 6077: American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Elizabeth Brown, George McAtee, Mary McAtee, Anna Maria Brown, Josephine Brown, and Timothy O. Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6077-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6161 Location: 1/37/2/
1824/07/13 6078: Barton Trew, Hiram Brown, and Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. John A. Woodland, Unit Corse, James Corse, Philip Brooks, Araminta Brooks, Mary Nowland, James Nowland, Harriott Nowland, John Cooper, Peregrine Cooper, and Unit Cooper. KE. Estate of Unit Angier - Stevensons Farm, Perkins Farm, Grooms Farm, Corse Farm, Lamb Farm, Dwyers Farm, Campbells Worth More, Polk Farm. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 363.
Accession No.: 17,898-6078-1/7 MSA S512-7- 6162 Location: 1/37/2/
1819/06/11 6079: James M. Anderson, Jr., John Wheland, Edward Scott, Joseph Harper, and Ann Hyrons vs. Samuel Briscoe, John Maxwell, Margaret Briscoe, Maria Briscoe, Thomas Bevans, and Ann Bevans. KE. Petition to sell Terry Farm, Harpers Farm, Ford Farm, Briscoe Farm, Green Forest, Suffolk. Plats of Briscoe Farm, Green Forest, Suffolk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 637.
Accession No.: 17,898-6079-1/17 MSA S512-7- 6163 Location: 1/37/2/
1820/12/14 6080: Owen Allen vs. Charles L. Boehme. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6080-1/17 MSA S512-7- 6164 Location: 1/37/2/
1837/03/21 6081: Emeline R. Adams vs. John M. Hall and William Coston, Jr. SO. Alimony - Baltimore, Custons Entry, Widows Adventure, Bare Point, Costins Vineyard, Costins Care. Accession No.: 17,898-6081-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6165 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/12/26 6082: Henry W. Archer and Mary Archer vs. William S. Walker and Anna J. Walker. KE. Petition to partition Fairlee Farm, Travilla, Harrisburg, lots in Chestertown. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 46, MdHR 40,283-99, S65-158, B5/10/1. Accession No.: 17,898-6082-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6166 Location: 1/37/2/
1838/05/22 6083: Jacob Ayres, James O. Sullivan, and Francis A. Crooke vs. Henry Plasseed, Mary Munn, Joseph Camphill, Francis Camphill, George A. Crook, Joshua Seeney, and Phebe Hanna. BA. Contract to purchase merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-6083-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6167 Location: 1/37/2/
1808/03/10 6084: Marcia Stodder and John McKim, Jr. BA. Estate of David Stodder. Recorded (Chancery Record) 73, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-6084-1/8 MSA S512-7- 6168 Location: 1/37/2/
1834/10/14 6085: Samuel B. Anderson vs. Ezekiel Hopkins and Thomas Snowden. AA. Contract to loan money. Accession No.: 17,898-6085 MSA S512-7- 6169 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/06/21 6086: Rebecca Arther and Elmira Sherfy vs. John Jones. FR. Trust estate of Peter Arthur. Accession No.: 17,898-6086 MSA S512-7- 6170 Location: 1/37/2/
1844/06/24 6087: Augusta Insurance & Banking Co. vs. George C. Morton, David Stewart, Hugh Birckhead, Charles R. Pearce, and Charles A. Williamson. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Castle Haven, Noles Regulation, Margarets Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-6087 MSA S512-7- 6171 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/10/25 6088: Harriett Beard vs. John H. Linthicum, George H. Stewart, Benjamin Beard, Rebecca Beard, Mary Ann Beard, and Richard G. Beard. AA. Contract to purchase Town Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-6088-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6172 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/06/30 6089: Thomas Briley and Elizabeth Briley vs. William Rea. DO. Title to Expectation. Accession No.: 17,898-6089-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6173 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/11/13 6090: Chauncey Brooks, Walter Brooks, Derrick Fahenstock, Zadoc Wolf, John F. Towner, Isaac J. Tibbs, George K. Warner, William Fisher, Laurence Sangston, Benjamin Whitely, Charles R. Gwynn, William McConkey, William B. Norris, John C. Norris, John Caldwell, John Easter of John, Hamilton Easter, John B. Charron, William Pearson, Andrew D. Jones, and William Woodward vs. John Delaplaine, Mary Delaplaine, William Maulsby, Basil Norris, Eli Beatty, and Edwin A. Clabaugh. CR. Defraud of creditors of John Delaplaine.
Accession No.: 17,898-6090-1/8 MSA S512-7- 6174 Location: 1/37/2/
1809/03/27 6091: Martin Bowers, Henry Thompson, Ann L. Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah S. Wirgman, William L. Bowley, and Francis R. Bowley vs. Rebecca M. Bowley, Samuel H. Bowley, and Eliza Bowley. BA. Estate of Daniel Bowley - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 436.
Accession No.: 17,898-6091 MSA S512-7- 6175 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/11/06 6092: Francis Baring, Thomas Baring, Charles Baring, and Joshua Bates vs. B & O Railroad Co. BA. Petition to record a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-6092 MSA S512-7- 6176 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/06/13 6093: Henry Brien, Ann Maria Brien, William Atkinson, Elizabeth Atkinson, John String, and Caroline String vs. Thomas Brien. KE. Estate of Thomas Brien - Chance, Bounty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 627. Accession No.: 17,898-6093 MSA S512-7- 6177 Location: 1/37/2/
1835/10/12 6094: John S. Blake vs. Elizabeth Matthews, Charles K. Steuart, William D. Matthews, Mary E. Matthews, John E. Matthews, Jesse Matthews, John Matthews, and Nicholas Brice. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-6094 MSA S512-7- 6178 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/02/14 6095: James L. Bryan and Benjamin Maitland vs. John S. Bryan, Lucy D. Bryan, Eleanor H. Bryan, Elizabeth G. Bryan, Thomas D. Hogg, and Janet Hogg. BA. Estate of John S. Bryan - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6095 MSA S512-7- 6179 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/05/14 6096: Thomas Hamilton Bowie, Mary E. Bowie, Robert Carr, and Sarah D. Carr vs. Harriett Saunders. AA. Estate of William Sanders - Margarets Fields, Hedge Park, Pennington, Howell, Laws Chance, Pleasant Prospect. Plat at 1/38/1/21. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 642.
Accession No.: 17,898-6096-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6180 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/07/06 6097: Jehu Brown vs. Elizabeth Brown. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6097 MSA S512-7- 6181 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/03/05 6098: Kavin Byrne vs. James McCormick. BA. Contract to purchase stock. Accession No.: 17,898-6098 MSA S512-7- 6182 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/09/07 6099: John D. Becker vs. William Lefferman. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 97. Accession No.: 17,898-6099 MSA S512-7- 6183 Location: 1/37/2/
1852/05/06 6100: Daniel Black. CR. Petition to grant a writ of error. Accession No.: 17,898-6100 MSA S512-7- 6184 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/11/06 6102: Daniel Bowley, Isaac McKim Bowley, John H. Bowley, and William L. Bowley. vs. William L. Bowley and Frances R. Bowley. BA. Title to Furley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 686. Accession No.: 17,898-6102 MSA S512-7- 6185 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/02/08 6103: Joseph B. Bourne, Mary E. Bourne, Maria E. Bourne, Thomas M. Garner, and Elizabeth Garner vs. Thomas B. Bourne, James E. Bourne, John Bourne, George Bourne, Thomas J. Gantt, and Emily W. Gantt. CV. Estate of Edward Gantt - Batchelors Quarter. Accession No.: 17,898-6103 MSA S512-7- 6186 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/11/08 6104: Hermanus Boggs and George H. Wetter vs. William Jordan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 199. Accession No.: 17,898-6104 MSA S512-7- 6187 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/01/17 6105: Philip Baltzell vs. Ann Trump. BA. Dissolution of William B. Trump & Co. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-6105-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6188 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/03/24 6106: Thomas Pollock Burgwyn vs. Anna Matilda M. Burgwyn. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6106 MSA S512-7- 6189 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/12/07 6107: Henry H. Brown vs. Robert Stewart, Thomas M. Camden, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Defraud of creditors of Stewart - slaves John, Simon, and Edward. Accession No.: 17,898-6107 MSA S512-7- 6190 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/05/03 6108: John Bradley vs. Jane Bradley, Adeline Bradley, Medford Bradley, Sarah Jane Bradley, Isaac Jump, and Nexy Ann Jump. CA. Estate of John Bradley - New Buckley, Godfreys Folly, New Nottingham Rectified, Fishers Plain, Lanes Addition, Kinnamins Outlet, Jumps Horse Pasture, Colone Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 463.
Accession No.: 17,898-6108 MSA S512-7- 6191 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/05/07 6109: Arnold Boone vs. Ezekiel Hopkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 322. Accession No.: 17,898-6109 MSA S512-7- 6192 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/02/03 6110: Richard Brookings and Tillotson Janney vs. Isaac Brown, Ann Brown, Allen Anderson, Samuel Rowland, and Samuel Peaco. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Conowingo. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 360. Accession No.: 17,898-6110 MSA S512-7- 6193 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/02/04 6111: Hugh Brown vs. John McClure, William T. McClure, Andrew McClure, Millicent McClure, Ann McClure, Christopher C. McClure, and George W. McClure. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 79. Accession No.: 17,898-6111 MSA S512-7- 6194 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/09/13 6112: Lewis Birely vs. Rezin Merson and Isaiah Mercer. AA. Contract to purchase Prestiges Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-6112 MSA S512-7- 6195 Location: 1/37/2/
1847/02/10 6113: William B. Biles vs. Rachel Harris, Jane Harris, Robert Walton, Mary Walton, Ann Nevill, Eliza Harris, and Jesse Harris. CE. Estate of John Harris. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 578. Accession No.: 17,898-6113 MSA S512-7- 6196 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/06/12 6114: Lawrence Byrne, William R. Hiser, Samuel Peacock, William Peacock, Ann Peacock, Thomas Peacock, and Rebecca Peacock vs. James Peacock and William Welsh. BA. Estate of Thomas Peacock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 148. Accession No.: 17,898-6114 MSA S512-7- 6197 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/07/27 6115: James Brundige vs. Frederick Aleslager. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 643. Accession No.: 17,898-6115-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6198 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/06/05 6116: John B. Blades vs. Jonathan Tharp and Samuel G. Smith. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mastons Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 280. Accession No.: 17,898-6116-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6199 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/02/08 6117: Franklin Betts, Ann Betts, and David Davis vs. Margaret S. Mercer. CE. Estate of William D. Mercer - Rounds. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 272. Accession No.: 17,898-6117-1/14 MSA S512-7- 6200 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/07/06 6118: Lewis H. Beatty, Catherine Beatty, William K. Jacobs, and Ellender Jacobs vs. Seth H. Evitts and John Robinson. CA. Petition to sell Pea Liquor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-6118-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6201 Location: 1/37/2/
1831/02/23 6119: Elizabeth Brown vs. Sarah Smith, Richard Smith, Sarah Ann Smith, Samuel D. Smith, Ruth Smith, Mary Smith, Enoch Sheckells, Rachel Ann Sheckells, Benjamin Neff, Richard Estep, Henry A. Hall, Sarah Hall, and Eleanor Maria Tillard. AA. Petition to sell Wrighton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 267.
Accession No.: 17,898-6119-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6202 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/12/12 6120: George W. Black and John N. Black, Jr. vs. Savilla Grant, Caroline Grant, Harriett M. Grant, and George N. Grant. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Charlestown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-6120 MSA S512-7- 6203 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/03/12 6121: John B. Bennett and Anne Bennett vs. Mary Stanton. SO. Estate of Charles Stanton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 572. Accession No.: 17,898-6121 MSA S512-7- 6204 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/12/20 6122: George Burnham vs. James C. Hitchcock, Malinda Hitchcock, George Hamilton, and James Hamilton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Roboraram. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-6122-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6205 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/01/23 6123: Mary Barney vs. Eliza Coale, Hannah Kitty Chase, James W. Collins, William B. Paca, Philemon Davidson, Edward T. Paca, Nancy N. Paca, John P. Paca, and Johanna C. Paca. BA. Contract to lease lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 729 and 173, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-6123-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6206 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/01/10 6124: Sarah H. Bouie vs. Peter H. Bouie, Horatio Trundle, and Hezekiah W. Trundle. MO. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6124-1/11 MSA S512-7- 6207 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/01/14 6125: Thomas Berry vs. Thomas Chester and Margaret Chester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Carrolls Search, lot in Principio Co. lands. Accession No.: 17,898-6125-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6208 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/10/02 6126: Stephen Beard vs. Ann Sheckells, Joseph Norfolk, Elizabeth Norfolk, John Stanforth, Elizabeth Stanforth, John Stanforth of John, Richard Stanforth, Samuel M. Sheckells, John Sheckells, Richard Sheckells, Richard Stanforth, and Martha Stanforth. AA. Contract to purchase Snowdens Reputation Supported.
Accession No.: 17,898-6126-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6209 Location: 1/37/2/
1839/09/26 6127: John O. Battee, Richard H. Battee, and William L. Lowe vs. Dennis H. Battee, R. Wallach Templeman, Ann C. Templeman, and Charles Gilman. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Plains, Brousely Hall, Butlers Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-6127-1/16 MSA S512-7- 6210 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/06/29 6128: John T. Berry vs. Thomas Clegett. PG. Contract to purchase Good Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-6128-1/5 MSA S512-7- 6211 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/03/04 6129: Sarah Bowman vs. Jonas Bowman, Susan Bowman, William Bowman, Henry Bowman, and Susan Bowman. CE. Estate of Jacob Bowman. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 179. Accession No.: 17,898-6129-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6212 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/07/11 6130: John T. Barber of John vs. Thomas H. Queen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 16. Accession No.: 17,898-6130-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6213 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/02/24 6132: Ariel Brittain vs. Pricilla M. Brittain and Edward G. Pearce. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6132 MSA S512-7- 6214 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/11/03 6133: Deborah Beaty vs. Thomas Kelly, Edward Kelly, James McCullough, Mary McCullough, Thomas McMullen, and Jane McMullen. CE. Petition to sell Aimwell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 335. Accession No.: 17,898-6133-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6215 Location: 1/37/2/
1850/06/18 6134: Marietta A.J. Barrickman vs. Charles W.C. Barrickman. HA. Petition to sell Pine Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 274 Accession No.: 17,898-6134-1/8 MSA S512-7- 6216 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/03/02 6135: Isaac Brown vs. Joseph Neal, Abner Neal, John A. Gere, Sarah Gere, R.F. Cleveland, Ann Cleveland, R.O. Blakey, Harriet Blakey, and George S. Johonnot. CE. Contract to purchase Mount Ararat. Accession No.: 17,898-6135-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6217 Location: 1/37/2/
1841/07/22 6136: John Bennett, Thomas Hodges, and Matilda Ann Hodges vs. Henry Cooley, Emily W. Cooley, John W. Ricketts, Matilda Ann Ricketts, William Ricketts, and Mary Ricketts. FR, MO. Petition to partition Piedmont, Resurvey on Williams Chance in FR and MO. Also Resurvey on Griffiths Chance, Resurvey on Chargeable, Resurvey on Greenland, Necessity Enlarged, Mountain Lots 45 and 51 in FR. Also Resurvey on Jeremiahs Park, Resurvey on Happy Choice Fortified, Liberty, Hopsons Choice, Number One in MO. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 60.
Accession No.: 17,898-6136-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6218 Location: 1/37/2/
1849/02/21 6137: John A. Baldwin vs. James F. Baldwin, Mary P. Baldwin, Sarah E. Baldwin, and Thomas Baldwin. AA. Petition to partition or sell Boyds Chance, Struggle, Rising Sun, Hammonds Plains. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6137-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6219 Location: 1/37/2/
1842/03/05 6138: Janet Dorsey vs. Larkin Buckingham. CR. Injunction against removal of timber from Chases Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 34. Accession No.: 17,898-6138-1/4 MSA S512-7- 6220 Location: 1/37/2/
1846/01/21 6139: Thomas J. Blain vs. Sarah G. Blain, John H. Burnett, and Elizabeth A. Burnett. SO. Petition to sell Providence, Suffolk. Accession No.: 17,898-6139 MSA S512-7- 6221 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/01/13 6140: William A. Barton, George Bonwell, Anne Bonwell, and Halda H. Bonwell vs. Charles LeCompte, Mary LeCompte, and Maria Stanton. CA. Estate of John Stanton - Keens Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-6140-1/3 MSA S512-7- 6222 Location: 1/37/2/
1848/08/30 6141: Benjamin C. Barroll vs. George Nantz and Catherine Nantz. BA. Insolvent estate of John Nantz. Accession No.: 17,898-6141-1/2 MSA S512-7- 6223 Location: 1/37/2/
1843/06/17 6142: Bank of Baltimore and John Gibson vs. James Gibson and Emily Ann Gibson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 365. Accession No.: 17,898-6142 MSA S512-7- 6224 Location: 1/37/2/
1851 6143: Lewis E. Baum, Charles F. Mayer, Lemuel G. Taylor, Amelia Boyd, Mary C. Boyd, Amelia M. Boyd, Eleanor J. Boyd, and Sarah C. Boyd vs. Joshua Clark, Mary J. Clark, Celestia Clark, Isaac Lansdale Boyd, and John Perry. QA. Estate of William T. Boyd - Bennetts Regulation. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-6143-1/6 MSA S512-7- 6225 Location: 1/37/2/
1845/01/08 6144: John Binney, Charles Binney, Archibald Binney, Charlotte Binney, Louisa Binney, Marion Binney, Catherine Binney, James Binney, Elizabeth Binney, and Harriet Binney vs. Richard H.B. Mitchell, Susan Mitchell, and Andrew J. Binney. SM. Estate of Archibald Binney - Porto Bello, Aberdeen, Clifton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 219.
Accession No.: 17,898-6144-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6226 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/28 6145: William Barker vs. Laurence Clarken. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-6145-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6227 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/03/13 6146: John W. Brohawn and Sarah A.R. McClayland vs. James L. Brohawn, Elizabeth E. Brohawn, and William E. Brohawn. DO. Estate of William Brohawn - Maidens Forrest, Good Luck, Addition to Good Luck, James and Francis, Williams Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 616. Accession No.: 17,898-6146-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6228 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/07/02 6147: William S. Bosley, Eleanor Bosley, James H. Bosley, Walter Bosley, Charles Bosley, Emily E. Bosley, Philip D. Boyd, and Clarissa Boyd vs. William Roe, Eliza Roe, and John A. Bosley. BA. Estate of William Bosley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 263. Accession No.: 17,898-6147-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6229 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/08/14 6148: Richard Brookings vs. Margaretta Hall, Joseph Hall, James Hall, Richard Hall, Andrew Hall, Isaac Hall, George Hall, John W. Hall, Robert N. Brown, Isaac Smith, Jane Smith, John Corkadale, Rosanna Jane Corkadale, James Steel, David Steel, George Washington Steel, Elizabeth Steel, John Crowels, Ann Crowels, and Elizabeth Crowels. CE. Estate of Andrew Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 76.
Accession No.: 17,898-6148-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6230 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/04/13 6149: Thomas Bruce vs. Aquilla Beall. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Newton, Roziers Gift, Mazoonseen Retaliation. Accession No.: 17,898-6149-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6231 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/06/20 6150: Curtis Bolton, Edwin H. Bolton, Ann Booth, and William H. Tiernan vs. Thomas G. Wroth, Edward T. Wroth, Levi Wroth, Peregrine Granger, Ann Shewod, Frances Bolton, James Bolton, and Henrietta Bolton. KE. Contract to purchase Town Relief, Harbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 314.
Accession No.: 17,898-6150-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6232 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/11 6151: Hannah Brandt vs. Clinton Lynch, Amos Lynch, Samuel T. Pratt, Martha Pratt, Henry Hewitt, Frances Hewitt, Anne Maria Gibson Lynch, Woolman Edmund Lynch, John Lynch, Perry Lynch, Edward Miller, and William B. Perine. BA, QA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Also Gift, Finleys Hazard, Finleys Adventure, Mothers Care, Slaughter Town, Philadelphia in QA. Plats of Gift, Finleys Hazard, Finleys Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 711.
Accession No.: 17,898-6151-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6233 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/04/13 6152: William B. Buchanan, Ellen B. Buchanan, James C. Buchanan, Maria J. Buchanan, William Buchanan, Peter C. Buchanan, Elizabeth Buchanan, Wilson C. Buchanan, and Esther J. Buchanan vs. Dabney S. Carr. BA. Trust estate under will of Kilty Carr - lots in BC, land in MS. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 512.
Accession No.: 17,898-6152 MSA S512-8- 6234 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/05/18 6153: Mary Jane Bayly vs. Josiah Bayly. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6153-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6235 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/06/18 6154: John Blades vs. Isaiah Blades, James A. Blades, Sarah A. Blades, Sarah Blades, and Samuel D. Milchem. CA, TA. Petition to partition Littletons Friendship, Wittshire, Hab Nab at a Venture in CA. Also Farmers Delight, Partnership in TA. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-6154-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6236 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/07/23 6155: Thomas Briley vs. Sally Wheatley. DO. Appointment of trustee for Wheatley. Accession No.: 17,898-6155 MSA S512-8- 6237 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/07/23 6156: Thomas Briley vs. Polly Wheatley. DO. Appointment of trustee for Wheatley. Accession No.: 17,898-6156 MSA S512-8- 6238 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/09/25 6157: James W. Barroll and Amelia Barroll vs. Lavinia Henderson, Julia Henderson, Ward Henderson, Susan Henderson, Frisbie Henderson, and Ellen Henderson. BA, CE. Petition to partition lots in BC. Also lots in Elkton, Sims Forrest, Blackistons Park, Mansion Farm in CE. Plats at 1/38/1/21. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 461.
Accession No.: 17,898-6157-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6239 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/09/02 6158: Thomas Beard and Caroline Beard vs. Thomas B. Finley. PG. Validity of deed for Boarmans Content, Warleston, Rich Hills, Lions Den. Accession No.: 17,898-6158-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6240 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/05/20 6159: William A. Barton vs. Catherine Edgell, Thomas A. Edgell, Rhoda Edgell, William Henry Edgell, Elizabeth Ann Edgell, and Warner Williamson. CA. Estate of Thomas Edgell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 754. Accession No.: 17,898-6159-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6241 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/11/18 6160: Thomas Burnside vs. William P. Grant and Ann Grant. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Charlestown Commons. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 508. Accession No.: 17,898-6160 MSA S512-8- 6242 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/04/28 6161: William H. Baldwin and Elisha Williams vs. John B. Magruder, William Hilliary, Mary Ann Hilliary, and Elinor Woodward. PG. Estate of Rachel Williams Turner. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-6161-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6243 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/06/10 6162: Joseph N. Burch vs. George Calvert, James A. Sangston, and George E. Sangston. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6162-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6244 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/02/18 6163: Harrison Barnett, Mary Barnett, John Barnett, Augustus J. Keene, Jane Keene, Jeremiah Rawleigh, Robert Rawleigh, Harriett Rawleigh, Stephen Rawleigh, Susan Rawleigh, Sarah Elizabeth Rawleigh, Samuel Rawleigh, Robert Rawleigh, Sarah Rawleigh, Susannah Rawleigh, William Henry Harrison Rawleigh, John Corkran, Amanda Corkran, William Richard Shearman, Benjamin Walter Shearman, Thomas Shearman, Eliza Hicks, James Thompson, and Levin Rawleigh vs. Zadock H. Ross. DO. Petition to sell Linkwood, Ennalls Wood Yard Regulated, Retaliation, Bartholomews Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 255.
Accession No.: 17,898-6163-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6245 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/09/14 6164: Slater Brown. BA, CE. Estate of Joseph England - lots in BC. Also Springfield in CE. Plat of Springfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 671. Accession No.: 17,898-6164-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6246 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/04/27 6165: Joseph E. Semmes vs. John Hughes, John Francis Boarman, Robert Ignatius Boarman, William Liander Boarman, and Mary Killen Boarman. CH. Estate of Tobias Boarman - Boarmans Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-6165-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6247 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/07/09 6166: Mary Broughton vs. Edward Long, Henrietta M. Waters, Robert C.J. Waters, and Charlotte C.J. Waters. SO. Estate of John W. King - Kingston, Discovery, Middle Stand. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-6166-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6248 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/03/01 6167: Jacob Baltzell and Charles Baltzell vs. Daniel Sitler and Hugh O'Riley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 429. Accession No.: 17,898-6167 MSA S512-8- 6249 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/10/12 6168: Suchet Mauran and Elizabeth Baker vs. Anne E. Baker and Henry Hardisty. BA. Estate of Thomas Baker. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-6168-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6250 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/11 6169: Catherine Barrett vs. William McNeir, Priscilla Daley, and William Dawes. AA. Petition to remove a stovepipe from a house in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-6169 MSA S512-8- 6251 Location: 1/37/3/
1816/07/16 6170: State of Maryland vs. Jane Choate, William Walker, Sarah Walker, John Gill, Flora Gill, Elias Choate, Rebecca Choate, Nicholas Kelly, Eleanor Kelly, Herod Choate, Deborah Choate, Mary Choate, David Choate, Jesse Choate, and Harriet Choate. BA. Estate of Richard Choate - Clark Park, Louis Chance, Soldiers Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, 629.
Accession No.: 17,898-6170-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6252 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/08/08 6171: Jane M. Barber vs. Margaret Thomas, Mary W. Thomas, Willson W. Thomas, Philip W. Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, and William Montgomery Thomas. AA. Petition to sell Resurvey on Hills Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 97. Accession No.: 17,898-6171 MSA S512-8- 6253 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/04/20 6172: Mary Mackall, Mary D. Allen, James Kent, Harriet Hall, Richard H. Hall, Elizabeth Mackall, Anne Smith, Thomas N. Blake, James H. Blake, John B. Blake, Glorina Gordon, William A. Gordon, Thomas R. Kent, Adeline Pratt, Thomas G. Pratt, William G. Mackall, Mary C. Mackall, Rachel Ann Slack, William B. Slack, W. Kent Hall, and Daniel Sprigg Hall vs. William Mitchell. CV. Estate of Levin W. Ballard.
Accession No.: 17,898-6172 MSA S512-8- 6254 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/11/20 6173: Thomas J. Burrows vs. Elizabeth S. Burrows. DO. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth S. Burrows. Accession No.: 17,898-6173 MSA S512-8- 6255 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/03/15 6178: Baltimore Water Co. vs. James C. Neilson, James Hinds, Moses Hands, Thomas Towson, Charles Hammell, Robert Mills, Charles Constable, Samuel Sterrett, John Ready, Peter Mason, Hugh Bonner, John H. Rogers, James C. Dew, James Q. Grimes, James Barnard Williams, Charles Williams, and William Stewart. BA. Contract to build houses in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/21. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 512.
Accession No.: 17,898-6178-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6256 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/08/12 6179: Henry Brown, Mary Anne Brown, Robert Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, Samuel Parrot, Eleanor Parrot, William Carter, Caroline Carter, John Baldwin, and Martha Baldwin vs. Howston Cross and Maria Cross. AA. Petition to partition Hammonds Plains, Guys Will, Guys Rest, Solomons Hills, Connexion, Providence. Plat at 1/38/1/21. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 243.
Accession No.: 17,898-6179-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6257 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/09/22 6180: Martin Batsen vs. Philip E. Holland, Margaret A. Holland, and Sarah Holland. MO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 482. Accession No.: 17,898-6180-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6258 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/08 6181: Francis Baker and Melissa Baker vs. Harriet Curry, Selina Curry, Caroline Curry, and Henry Curry. KE. Petition to sell Sewall, Stradfords Manor. Plats at 1/38/1/21. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 727. Accession No.: 17,898-6181-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6259 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/03/05 6182: Joseph Boyd and Richard Hause vs. Alexander Harris, James S. Morsell, Mordecai Smith, Edward Reynolds, Ann G. Reynolds, Leonard Mackell, and James Kent. CV. Estate of Alexander Harris - Kinsey Hance Plantation. Accession No.: 17,898-6182-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6260 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/02 6183: Nicholas Brewer, Jr. vs. John Tydings. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Plat at 1/38/1/21. Accession No.: 17,898-6183-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6261 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/11/05 6184: Joseph R. Beacham, James A. Beacham, Frederick D. Benteen, Eliza J. Benteen, John G. Milholland, Sarah E. Milholland, Cornelia R. Beacham, William G. Beacham, and Frederick S. Beacham vs. Robert M. Beacham and Edward T. Beacham. BA. Petition to sell Athol, Murrays Addition, Maidens Choice.
Accession No.: 17,898-6184-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6262 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/02/08 6185: William Byrn vs. Martha Virginia Byrn. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 673. Accession No.: 17,898-6185 MSA S512-8- 6263 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/04/17 6186: Martha T. Browne vs. Thomas O. Martin and Perry G. Stevens. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rich Range, Holmes Hill, Costen, Smyths Clifts, Holmes Range. Accession No.: 17,898-6186 MSA S512-8- 6264 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/02 6187: Joseph C. Boyd vs. James R. Disney. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6187 MSA S512-8- 6265 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/17 6190: Eben Belknap, John J. Griffiss, and Ammon Cate vs. Squire M. Falls. BA. Dissolution of partnership to manufacture iron. Accession No.: 17,898-6190 MSA S512-8- 6266 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/02/08 6191: William Pinkney Brooke vs. Michael B. Carroll. PG. Contract to purchase Brookfield. Accession No.: 17,898-6191 MSA S512-8- 6267 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/25 6193: Joseph W. Briscoe vs. Luther T. Briscoe. KE. Petition to sell Nancys Choice, Ricketts Farm, Campbells Worthmore. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6193-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6268 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/07/11 6194: Jerome N. Bonaparte vs. Samuel C. Owings, John H.B. Latrobe, and John Glenn. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 551. Accession No.: 17,898-6194 MSA S512-8- 6269 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/12/10 6195: Killum Broughton vs. Samuel H. Tilghman. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6195 MSA S512-8- 6270 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/30 6196: Mary Benson, John B. Bennett, Nancy Bennett, Robert C. Windson, and Mary Windson vs. Thomas J. Stanton and Sally Stanton. DO. Petition to sell Phillips Regulation, Elliotts Lane, Utopia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 486. Accession No.: 17,898-6196 MSA S512-8- 6271 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/09 6197: Robert Boyd vs. William Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 131. Accession No.: 17,898-6197 MSA S512-8- 6272 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/10/17 6198: William Bryan vs. Susanna Burch, Mary Burch, James Burch, and John Burch. PG. Petition to sell Stoney Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-6198-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6273 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/03/13 6199: Benjamin B. Beall, Caroline Beall, Ann C. Beall, Tudor Beall, Warner Beall, Laura Beall, Olivia Beall, Anna Beall, Eugenia Beall, Mary Beall, Benjamin Beall, Brooke Beall, Charles Beall, and Edward Beall vs. Dorothy Miltenberg, George Miltenberg, Benjamin Neal, and Catherine Neal. BA. Estate of George Warner - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 780.
Accession No.: 17,898-6199 MSA S512-8- 6274 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/05/30 6200: George W. Bennett, Levi Boulden, Mary E. Boulden, and Esther T. Bennett vs. Anna Maria Bennett. CE. Petition to sell Bouldens Harbor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 440. Accession No.: 17,898-6200 MSA S512-8- 6275 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/05/30 6201: Anna M. Bauer, Elizabeth Bauer, Anna Bauer, Dorothea Bauer, Eve Bauer, Mary Bauer, and Joseph Bauer vs. Conrad Scharf. BA. Petition to partition Barretts Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-6201 MSA S512-8- 6276 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/11/17 6202: Richard H. Battee vs. Thomas A. Winder and Mary A. Emory. QA. Petition to sell Readbourne Rectified, Mackinborough, Waterford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 387. Accession No.: 17,898-6202 MSA S512-8- 6277 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/06/28 6203: Deeter Bargar, Margaret Bargar, John Dukehart, Martha Dukehart, Edward W. Dukehart, Robert Dukehart, Joshua Harvey, Catherine Harvey, James Getty, Porthouse Getty, Balderson Dukehart, and Lydia H. Dukehart vs. William G. Jones, and Sarah Jones. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 178.
Accession No.: 17,898-6203 MSA S512-8- 6278 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/02/13 6204: William Button vs. Joshua Underwood, Mary A. Underwood, James Button, Jacob Button, Margaret Button, Jane Button, Jacob Button, Jr., Marcus Kenner, and Ann Kenner. BA. Petition to sell Phillipsburgh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 12. Accession No.: 17,898-6204 MSA S512-8- 6279 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/03/05 6205: Patrick Brady vs. Thomas Brady and James Brady. AA. Petition to sell lots in Ellicott Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 568. Accession No.: 17,898-6205 MSA S512-8- 6280 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/07/31 6207: Nicholas Brewer vs. John R. Wissman, Mary A. Wissman, and Nicholas Brewer, Jr. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 478. Accession No.: 17,898-6207 MSA S512-8- 6281 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/06/05 6208: George Brown, William Brown, John A. Brown, and James Brown vs. Mary K. Carningham, John R. Davis, Martha Davis, William W. Carningham, Jane C. Carningham, Robert H. Carningham, Charles H. Carningham, James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, John R. Ricards, John W. Ball, and Alexander D. Kelly, Jr. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 684.
Accession No.: 17,898-6208-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6282 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/02/05 6209: Bank of Gettysburg vs. Samuel McClellan, William McClellan, and David W.B. McClellan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 769. Accession No.: 17,898-6209 MSA S512-8- 6283 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/03/24 6210: William H.S. Boswell and Lucy M. Estep vs. Anthony Smith. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Halls Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-6210 MSA S512-8- 6284 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/12/04 6211: John Berger vs. Jacob Frush, Archer Ropes, and William Frush. BA. Mortgage forclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 776. Accession No.: 17,898-6211 MSA S512-8- 6285 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/03/04 6212: Ephriam K. Barnum and Zenus Barnum vs. Catherine M. Raborg and Catherine M. McClellan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hansons Wood Lot, Rutters Discovery, Darley Hall, Orange. Accession No.: 17,898-6212-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6286 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/10/24 6213: John W. Brown vs. Hannah Balderston. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6213 MSA S512-8- 6287 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/03 6214: Joseph C. Boyd vs. William Armstrong and Susannah Armstrong. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6214 MSA S512-8- 6288 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/01 6215: Arthur Bell vs. James Woolford, Thomas Breerwood, Margaret Woolford, Sarah A. Woolford, and Mary Woolford. DO. Trust estate of Eliza B. Woolford - lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 66. Accession No.: 17,898-6215-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6289 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/10/15 6216: William Beckwith, William Mills, Mary Mills, William Lambden, Jane Lambden, James Mills, Elizabeth Mills, Wesley Phillips, and Sarah Phillips vs. William J. Hubbard, Susan B. Hubbard, Mary J. Hubbard, Francis H. Hubbard, Margaret Hubbard, and John Hubbard. DO. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-6216 MSA S512-8- 6290 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/02/13 6217: Samuel Brohawn vs. Sarah R. Brohawn, Elizabeth A. Brohawn, and Margaret Brohawn. DO. Petition to sell Sarahs Seat, Stantons Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 4. Accession No.: 17,898-6217 MSA S512-8- 6291 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/05/22 6218: Hannah Barnes, Daniel Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Henry Barnes, Frederick Barnes, George Barnes, and James Mitchell vs. Hannah Barnes, Thomas M.D. Solly, Christian Barnes, Sarah Barnes, and James Barnes. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6218-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6292 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/05 6219: John Bartlett vs. John Kemp Bartlett. TA. Petition to sell house and lot in Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-6219 MSA S512-8- 6293 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/02/13 6220: Andrew C. Barclay and John M. Kennedy vs. William Tuft and Ruth N. Tuft. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hackiton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-6220 MSA S512-8- 6294 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/12/09 6221: Charles N. Bowdle vs. Andrew Sullivan, Sarah Harrison, and Samuel T. Harrison. TA. Petition to sell Ogden Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-6221 MSA S512-8- 6295 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/11/19 6222: Charles D. Badley vs. William D. Bennett, Mary Bennett, Isaac Windsor, Nancy Windsor, James R. Badley, Samuel Badley, Percy Badley, Eliza Badley, Rachel A. Badley, and George R. Badley. SO. Petition to sell Cold Stream. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 430.
Accession No.: 17,898-6222 MSA S512-8- 6296 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/11/17 6223: William James Brown, Margaret Penniwell, Sylvester H. Smith, and Mary L. Smith vs. John W. Brown, Mary A. Brown, and Sarah T. Brown. DO. Petition to sell Conclusion, Polk Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-6223 MSA S512-8- 6297 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/06/24 6225: John H. Burnett vs. Thomas J. Blain, Sarah G. Blain, and Elizabeth A. Burnett. SO. Petition to sell Providence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 489. Accession No.: 17,898-6225 MSA S512-8- 6298 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/08/23 6226: Elizabeth N. Bosley vs. Susquehanna Canal Co. CE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-6226-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6299 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/06/14 6227: Frederick W. Brune, James Campbell, and Henry Rodewald vs. James Gibson and Emily A. Gibson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 405. Accession No.: 17,898-6227 MSA S512-8- 6300 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/07/05 6228: Alexander Barwick, Sarah M. Bardwick, Ann M. Barwick, James Bardwick, Elisha Ringgold, and Thomas Burchend vs. Sarah Roach and William Young Roach. CA. Petition to sell New Cunningham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 132. Accession No.: 17,898-6228-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6301 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/03/21 6229: James Blair vs. Nicholas Peregoy, John Glenn, Fielder Israel, and Henry Patterson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 489. Accession No.: 17,898-6229 MSA S512-8- 6302 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/10/15 6230: George J. Brumbley vs. Henry Christian, Frederick Christian, Elan Christian, and John Christian. WO. Petition to sell Ganby Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1123. Accession No.: 17,898-6230-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6303 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/05 6231: William Beaver, Jane Beaver, Joseph Anderson, Eliza Anderson, Peter Snook, Maria Snook, John Dibbs, and William Dibbs vs. Jacob Beaver, Sally Beaver, Robert Hammett, Jane Pascos, and Margaret A. Pascos. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 630.
Accession No.: 17,898-6231-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6304 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/01 6233: William Bryan vs. John Miller, Adam Miller, Catherine C. Grammar, John N. Watkins, and Mary Hunter. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on livestock and slaves Daphne, Charity, Charles, Eliza, Richard, Nancy, and Rose. Accession No.: 17,898-6233 MSA S512-8- 6305 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/08/02 6234: Benjamin C. Buck, John M. Buck, and William H. Buck vs. Sarah Jane Reese, John Reese, George Sprague, Lewis M. Ford, William Phillips, Elizabeth Phillips, Robins B. Porter, Margaret Porter, Thoms J. Gott, Catherine Gott, Caroline Ford, David C. Landis, Josephine Landis, John Henderson, Caroline Henderson, Charles W. Buck, Alfred Buck, Lewis F. Buck, Benjamin B. Owens, and Edward B. Owens. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-6234-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6306 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/07/02 6235: James A. Magruder and Milicent Magruder. PG. Trust estate under will of William Beans - lot in Upper Marlboro. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 549. Accession No.: 17,898-6235-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6307 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/11/13 6236: William Beck, Henrietta Beck, James Hurlock, Elizabeth Hurlock, Sarah A. Corkran, and Emily Corkran vs. James H. Corkran, Christopher C. Corkran, and Mary E. Griffith. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-6236 MSA S512-8- 6308 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/04/26 6237: Thomas H. Belt, Eliza K. Belt, Upton S. Heath, Catherine Heath, Susanna Bordley, Joseph Sims, Mary Sims, Robert Corbin, Francis Corbin, Thomas H. White, William White, Rebecca White, George White, and Mary Montgomery vs. Upton S. Heath and James P. Heath. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 193.
Accession No.: 17,898-6237 MSA S512-8- 6309 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/01/28 6238: William H. Baldwin, Mario E. Baldwin, Martha E. Baldwin, Catherine Baldwin, Richard Baldwin, William H. Baldwin, Jr., and William Woodward vs. Maria L. Baldwin, Martha Baldwin, Thomas B. Baldwin, William Baldwin, Alice Baldwin, Mary Baldwin, Fanny Baldwin, William Baldwin of William, James T. Baldwin, Woodward S. Baldwin, Christopher C. Baldwin, Reginal D.W. Baldwin, Springfield Baldwin, Charles W. Baldwin, Juliet Woodward, Sarah E. Woodward, Mary E. Woodward, Henry J. Woodward, George Woodward, Frederick Rawlings, Joshua L. Rawlings, Fanny Rawlings, and William Rawlings. AA. Petition to sell Warfields Plains, Woodwards Inclosure, Rising Sun Farm. Plats of Woodwards Inclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 33.
Accession No.: 17,898-6238 MSA S512-8- 6310 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/01/24 6239: John H. Bell, Ann Bell, Thomas Lord, Josiah Lord, Emily Lord, Elizabeth Lord, William Bradley, Ellender Bradley, Cyrus Corkran, Alice Corkin, Silas Carroll, James Carroll, Mr. Wilson, Rebecca Wilson, and James A. Stewart vs. Silas Carroll, John D. Stevens, John Henry Lord, William Delahoy, Margaret S. Delahoy, Margaret Delahoy, Emily Delahoy, William Delahoy, and Harriet A. Pattison. DO. Estate of Elizabeth Carroll - Bradleys Lot, Adventure, Cristons Vale, Littleton, Last Shift, Preston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 525.
Accession No.: 17,898-6239 MSA S512-8- 6311 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/16 6240: John Brady and Mary Brady vs. Rhoda Wright, William Wright, Cecilia Wright, Daniel Ward, Sarah Ward, James Wright, Edward Wright, Emeline Wright, Daniel Wright, Jacob Wright, Clement Ferguson, Jane Ferguson, Ann Wright, and Lemuel Wright. CA. Estate of Jacob Wright - Dry Savannah, Addition to Floyds Intention, Sisks Prospect, Mill Land Enlarged, Lough Neigh, Levins Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 271.
Accession No.: 17,898-6240 MSA S512-8- 6312 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/03/10 6241: Thomas Boyle, Mary Ann Boyle, Catherine Ward, James M. Sanderson, Ann Sanderson, and Caleb Parker vs. Ann Ward, Ann McCrea, Joseph S. Parker, John M. Parker, and Josephine M. Parker. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 356.
Accession No.: 17,898-6241-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6313 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/01/17 6242: William M. Beall and Theresia McElfrich vs. John Buchanon. WA. Estate of Casper Mantz. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 681. Accession No.: 17,898-6242 MSA S512-8- 6314 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/26 6243: James Bryan vs. Frances Ann Thomas and Sarah Jane Thomas. CA. Petition to sell lot in Bridgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 927. Accession No.: 17,898-6243 MSA S512-8- 6315 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/05/17 6244: Thomas E. Bond, Jr., Anne Bond, Elizabeth Morris, Isabella Morris, and Charlotte Morris vs. George Kerr, Mathew M. Kerr, John Kerr, George Morris, and Janet Morris. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6244-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6316 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/17 6245: Edmund Bull, Henrietta F. Bull, Catherine D. Bull, and Franklin Bull vs. Nicholas Fringer. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 105. Accession No.: 17,898-6245 MSA S512-8- 6317 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/11/02 6246: Caroline Brown, Mary Brown, William H. Gilpin, and Alexander H. Brown vs. Anne Graft and Robert A. Lacey. FR. Petition to sell Hill and Dale Farm, Rockland Farm, Adams Bones Resurveyed, Resurvey on Right and Good Reason. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 389.
Accession No.: 17,898-6246 MSA S512-8- 6318 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/01/17 6247: Samuel Bradford vs. James Husband and John O. Bagley. HA. Petition to sell Aquillas Inheritance, Good Neighborhood Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-6247 MSA S512-8- 6319 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/12/27 6248: Jacob Bull and William D. Burns vs. Isaac Bull, John Burns, Mary Burns, Rachel Burns, and Richard Burns. BA. Petition to sell Sampsons Addition, Elliotts Success, Fair Play, Sinclairs Dry Mountain, Hills of Pleasure, Christophers Hunting Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 126.
Accession No.: 17,898-6248-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6320 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/04/26 6249: George W. Bull, Edward Morrison, and Benjamin M. Heighe vs. John W. Clagett, Richard H. Clagett, Samuel A. Clagett, and John S. Sellman. AA. Petition to sell Covels Folly, Elk Tickett, Welshes Troubles, Foreland, Kents Old Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 711.
Accession No.: 17,898-6249-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6321 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/04/25 6251: Edward Bourke and Ann Johnson vs. Rhetillah Bourke, James W. Bourke, Lemuel Bourke, William F. Bourke, John W. Bourke, and Anne E. Bourke. AA. Petition to partition Mountville, Fitzsymmonds Gift. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Papers) 3, No. 35, MdHR 40,283-139, S65-56, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 306.
Accession No.: 17,898-6251 MSA S512-8- 6322 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/01/25 6252: Baltimore Life Insurance Co., George H. Stuart, and Richard S. Stuart vs. John M. Finley and Eliza W. Finley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Canton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 592. Accession No.: 17,898-6252-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6323 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/09/10 6253: Thomas Benton, Mary Benton, Joseph Sinton, Elizabeth Sinton, Ethelwood Benton, John Norfolk, Julia A. Norfolk, Benjamin Benton, and Julia A. Benton vs. Mary Webb, William H. Benton, Francis Benton, George Benton, James Benton, and Mary A. Benton. KE. Petition to sell Smith Desert, Walnut Neck, Skinners Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-6253 MSA S512-8- 6324 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/12/27 6254: Hugh Birckhead and Charles R. Pearce vs. John W. Richardson, Harriet Phillips, James Phillips, William Phillips, Bethia Spindler, John W. Richardson, and Caroline E. Richardson. BA. Petition to sell house and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6254 MSA S512-8- 6325 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/02/01 6255: William H. Baldwin vs. Elisha Williams. AA. Appointment of trustee for Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-6255 MSA S512-8- 6326 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/05/12 6257: Robert Bell vs. William Bell, William Lowe, Mary Lowe, Thomas A. Bell, Josiah Bell, Robert Bell, William Owens, Margaret Owens, Henry B. LeCompte, and Maria LeCompte. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-6257 MSA S512-8- 6327 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/01/16 6258: Arthur R. Brown vs. Ann Patterson, Rachel Patterson, John Leatherwood, and Sarah Leatherwood. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6258 MSA S512-8- 6328 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/09/15 6259: John H. Barron vs. Ann C.H. Hodson, May Adams, Caroline Adams, Elizabeth Harper, and Leah Rawliegh. DO. Petition to sell Smiths Industry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 526. Accession No.: 17,898-6259 MSA S512-8- 6329 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/09/26 6260: Henry Bussard and Lewis Birely vs. John S. Dorsey, Louisa Wright, Eleanora J. Wright, Lawrence W. Wright, and Stephen Wright. AA. Petition to sell Range Decline. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 246 Accession No.: 17,898-6260 MSA S512-8- 6330 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/06/26 6261: John H. Maccubbin vs. Elizabeth Matthews, William D. Matthews, Mary E. Matthews, John E. Matthews, Charles R. Stewart, Nicholas Brice, Sarah A.M. Maccubbin, George B. Maccubbin, and Clare Maccubbin. AA. Petition to sell Bodkin Plains, Bare Neck. Plat of Bodkin Plains.
Accession No.: 17,898-6261-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6331 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/05/21 6262: John T. Barr vs. Jeremiah C. Wright and Emily Sophia Wright. DO. Estate of Henry J. Wright. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-6262 MSA S512-8- 6332 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/09/26 6263: Nicholas Brewer, Jr. vs. William Kilty and Lewis Neth, Jr. AA. Title to house and lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 503. Accession No.: 17,898-6263 MSA S512-8- 6333 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/07/06 6264: Spencer Bush vs. William Wheelton, Thomas Wheelton, Harriett Wheelton, Peter Wheelton, Elizabeth Wheelton, and Martha Wheelton. DO. Title to Scholarship Improved. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 350. Accession No.: 17,898-6264 MSA S512-8- 6334 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/11/05 6267: Robert Beale, Ebenezer Hume, Barbara E. Hume, and Eleanor Berry vs. Eugenia A. Berry and Lucia R. Berry. PG. Petition to sell Groomes Lot, Clarks Neglect, Creighnight. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6267-1/7 MSA S512-8- 6335 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/02/25 6268: Samuel S. Benton vs. Sarah Ann Benton. MO. Appointment of trustee for Sarah Ann Benton. Accession No.: 17,898-6268 MSA S512-8- 6336 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/01/11 6269: Andrew Bruce vs. Brice W. Howard. AL. Appointment of trustee for Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-6269 MSA S512-8- 6337 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/11/06 6270: Hugh Boyle vs. Judith C. Carroll, James Abercombie, Jr., and Mary F. Abercombie. BA. Estate of Alexander Riddle. Accession No.: 17,898-6270 MSA S512-8- 6338 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/07/03 6271: Mary Bond vs. Ann Merryman, Elijah Merryman, Eleanor Merryman, Nicholas Merryman, Elizabeth Merryman, John Merryman, George Merryman, Abner Merryman, Charles Merryman, Grafton Merryman, Catherine Merryman, and Harvey Merryman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Regulated Vineyard Resurveyed, Caples Habitation, Addition to Brotherton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 17.
Accession No.: 17,898-6271 MSA S512-8- 6339 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/09/10 6272: John B. Bayless and Elizabeth H. Bayless vs. Ralph Higginbotham, Sophia Higginbotham, George W. Hall, John T. Hall, Edward B. Hall, and Isabella Hall. HA. Petition to sell Rumney, Shepherds Good Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 376.
Accession No.: 17,898-6272-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6340 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/03/30 6273: Samuel Burgess vs. Bank of Columbia, John W. Ott, and Mary Ott. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Burketts Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 534 Accession No.: 17,898-6273 MSA S512-8- 6341 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/11/11 6274: William L. Hodgson, James Irwin, William Irwin, Thomas Irwin, and Farmers Bank of Alexander vs. Joseph N. Burch, Sarah Burch, Thomas Burch, Joseph N. Burch, Jr., John F. Latimer, Benjamin D. Hidgen, Andrew Aldridge, Francis M. Alricks, and Benjamin Harrison. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Piscataway Forrest, Mill Spot, Widows Trouble, Joseph and Ann, Persecution, Enclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-6274-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6342 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/03/30 6275: James Biays vs. William J. Bell, Joseph Watson, William Patterson, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, and Sarah Chew O'Donnell. BA. Petition to record deed for lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-6275 MSA S512-8- 6343 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/12/11 6276: James Brundige, Thomas Noze, and William Worthington vs. Dudley Poor, Deborah Poor, and Matthew McLaughlin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on O'Donnells Wharf in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 116 and 140, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-6276-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6344 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/09/23 6277: Samuel H. Beall vs. James Deale, Sr., and James Deale, Jr. AA. Estate of Jacob Franklin. Accession No.: 17,898-6277 MSA S512-8- 6345 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/05/25 6278: Elizabeth Ann Bowie vs. Henry O'Neil, Susanna O'Neil, Eleanor E. O'Neil, Roberta M. O'Neil, Mary Ann O'Neil, John O'Neil, Elizabeth O'Neil, Francis Jamison, and Eleanor Jamison. PG. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-6278 MSA S512-8- 6346 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/02/21 6279: Thomas Bruce vs. John Strickland and William Strickland. PG. Petition to sell lot in Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 252. Accession No.: 17,898-6279 MSA S512-8- 6347 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/01/17 6280: George Barber, John T. Barber, William Rawlings, and Jane Rawlings vs. Susan Barber and Gustavus Barber. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 258. Accession No.: 17,898-6280 MSA S512-8- 6348 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/04/29 6281: William Bromwell vs. Augusta Cockey, Mary Ann Cockey, Emeline Cockey, Covington Cockey, Josephine Cockey, John Tyson, Edward Cockey, and Joseph Cockey. BA. Petition to sell Hellmore, Cockeys Trust. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6281-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6349 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/03/09 6282: William Billingslea vs. Jarvis Gilbert. HA. Contract to purchase Broomes Bloom. Accession No.: 17,898-6282-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6350 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/03/05 6283: Robert Bentley, Richard Brown, Margaret Cline, John Gray, Gabriel Vanderventer, Archibald Maino, John Matthews, Richard Adams, Jonah Nichols, Thomas Rogers, Catherine Camphor, Isaac W. Hawlings, Benjamin Maulsby, William N. McVey, Samuel Rogers, William H. Gray, John J. Harding, and William D. Drisk vs. Benjamin Shrew, Mary E. Shrew, and David Trundle. FR, MO. Defraud of creditors of Benjamin Shrew.
Accession No.: 17,898-6283-1/7 MSA S512-8- 6351 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/01/03 6284: Martha Browne vs. Robert Browne. QA. Estate of Charles Browne. Accession No.: 17,898-6284-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6352 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/07/31 6285: William Brown vs. Stephen S. Johns and Michael Klinefelter. BA. Insolvent estate of Edward Waters - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6285 MSA S512-8- 6353 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/10 6286: Otho B. Beall vs. William Wells of George, Jeminia Wells, and William Wells. PG. Estate of John Brashears - Plummers Pleasure. Accession No.: 17,898-6286 MSA S512-8- 6354 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/05/11 6287: Francis Burns, Wesley Starr, Michael Warner, Jr., Joel Wright, Alexander Gaddes, Anthony Miltenberger, Samuel Redgraves, and Samuel Moore vs. William Gist. BA. Injunction against construction of a chemical laboratory in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6287 MSA S512-8- 6355 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/05/21 6288: William D. Barrow vs. Algernon Thomas, William N. Corkran, Thomas H. Corkran, Solomon R. Corkran, and Solomon R. Corkran. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6288-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6356 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/06/28 6289: George Bourne and James Tongue vs. Elizabeth Somerville, Richard Somerville, Alexander Somerville, Sarah Somerville, Eliza Somerville, and Rebecca Somerville. CV. Petition to sell Sandy Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-6289 MSA S512-8- 6357 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/05/21 6290: William R. Brooke vs. John Rumsey Hall. HA. Contract to purchase Swantown, Fishery, Hazard Enlarged, Cooks Double Purchase Resurveyed, Woodpecker Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 483. Accession No.: 17,898-6290 MSA S512-8- 6358 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/11/23 6291: Anna Brown vs. Alicia Foulke, Phoebe Foulke, Elizabeth Foulke, Letitia Foulke, Shipley L. Foulke, Ephraim Foulke, Ann Scotton, and Anthony Foulke. MO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 823. Accession No.: 17,898-6291 MSA S512-8- 6359 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/06/13 6292: Nathaniel Blackiston vs. Richard Miles. SM. Estate of William Williams - Bonds Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-6292 MSA S512-8- 6360 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/12/18 6293: Dennis H. Battee and John Hurst vs. John McNeill, Jr. and Meshack Frost. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Frostburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-6293 MSA S512-8- 6361 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/12 6296: Thomas Billingsley vs. Elizabeth Freeland, William Freeland, Robert Freeland, Samuel Freeland, and Thomas H. Freeland. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6296 MSA S512-8- 6362 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/10/18 6297: Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co. vs. Ann Cockey and Charles R. Cockey. BA. Injunction against removal of limestone from land. Profile. Accession No.: 17,898-6297-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6363 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/01/21 6298: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. vs. Joshua D. Brown, Elizabeth A. Mattingly, Dorothy Mattingly, John S. Mattingly, and Richard Gambrill. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Neighbors Sprite, Fork Plenty, Worthingtons Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-6298 MSA S512-8- 6364 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/06/23 6299: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. BA. Injunction against acquisition of land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-6299-1/10 MSA S512-8- 6365 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/06/09 6300: John H. Blue vs. James Ray. AA. Insolvent estate of Ray - Elk Ridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-6300 MSA S512-8- 6366 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/05/08 6301: Freeborn Brown and William Brown vs. James Wallace. HA. Contract to purchase Rupalta, Govers Rupalta. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 49, MdHR 40,283-153, S65-155, B5/10/1. Also show Stone Quarry, New Gibralter, Bares Fishery, Cove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-6301-1/7 MSA S512-8- 6367 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/06/17 6302: Dennis H. Battee and Elizabeth Caroline Battee vs. John S. Matthews, Sophia Matthews, John H. Hall, Ephriam W. Hall, Benjamin H. Hall, Richard P. Stockett, and Margaret Stockett. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Browsley Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 108.
Accession No.: 17,898-6302 MSA S512-8- 6368 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/07/08 6303: George Biddle, Lambert W. Biddle, George W. Oldham, and Susan Oldham vs. Margaret S. Biddle. CE. Petition to partition Brownings Neglect, Worrells Manor. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6303-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6369 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/12/16 6304: John Blizzard, Samuel Jordan, and William Jordan vs. John Fetterling. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6304 MSA S512-8- 6370 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/07/14 6305: Thomas Burch, Thomas Burch, Jessie Burch, Fielder Burch, James Johnson, Mildred Johnson, John Stephenson, and Kitty Stephenson vs. William Scott. MO. Estate of Jesse Burch - slaves Rachel, Louisa, Eliza, Sidney, Cecilia, and Milford. Accession No.: 17,898-6305-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6371 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/30 6306: John D. Bowling and Elizabeth Childs vs. Samuel Hodgkins. CV. Estate of Samuel Childs. Accession No.: 17,898-6306 MSA S512-8- 6372 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/12/05 6307: John Burke vs. Caleb Cope and Marmaduke C. Cope. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6307 MSA S512-8- 6373 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/01/18 6309: James Boyle vs. James Cox. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-6309 MSA S512-8- 6374 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/22 6310: Samuel Bradford vs. John Elliott and William W. Elliott. AA. Petition to sell Spanish Oak Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-6310 MSA S512-8- 6375 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/07/07 6311: James Bell vs. Henry Herring. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-6311 MSA S512-8- 6376 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/10/25 6312: Lewis H. Brown. AA, BA. Petition to partition Browns Inheritance, Johns Chance, Everets Progress, Perserverence, Piney Falls, Hunters Chance, Dorseys Dilemma, Turkey Thickett in BA. Also Mount Misery, Joshuas Grove, Joshuas Addition, Bowdens Folly, Rebeccas Lot, Good Neighborhood, Contentment, Mount Altney, Prestidges Folly in AA. Plat of Browns Inheritance, Everetts Progress, Perserverance, Mount Misery, Joshuas Addition, Bowdens Folly at 1/38/1/22.
Accession No.: 17,898-6312-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6377 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/01/15 6313: Alexander H. Boteler and John Brookes vs. Michael B. Carroll, Sophia Carroll, DeRoza Carroll, Charles J. Carroll, George W. Carroll, John B. Brooke, and Arminta Brooke. PG. Estate of John A. Carroll. Accession No.: 17,898-6313 MSA S512-8- 6378 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/05/03 6314: Eccleston Brown vs. Francis J. Webb. DO. Petition to record deed for Bettys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-6314 MSA S512-8- 6379 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/01/15 6315: William D. Bowie and John Contee vs. James B. Brooke. MO. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6315 MSA S512-8- 6380 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/09/13 6316: West Burgess, Elizabeth Burgess, Richard Burgess, and Margaret Ann Burgess vs. Basil Warfield and John Bennett. AA. Injunctin against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6316 MSA S512-8- 6381 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/07/10 6317: Stewart Brown vs. Walter Theker and John Kipp. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 200. Accession No.: 17,898-6317 MSA S512-8- 6382 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/06/17 6318: Samuel H. Birckhead vs. James Reardon. HA. Petition to sell Merrikens Inheritance, Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-6318 MSA S512-8- 6383 Location: 1/37/3/
1810/05/31 6319: Nicholas Brown vs. Edward Stocksdale. BA. Contract to build Reisterstown Turnpike. Accession No.: 17,898-6319-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6384 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/04/24 6320: John Beard vs. Richard Watkins of Richard. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bessington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-6320 MSA S512-8- 6385 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/06/30 6321: James Bosley and John McKim vs. Rezin Haslup. BA. Injunction against construction of a carriage spring factory in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6321 MSA S512-8- 6386 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/05/21 6323: Samuel Bealmear and James Bealmear vs. Charles Duvall. AA. Injunction against obstruction of a dam on Duvalls Range. Accession No.: 17,898-6323-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6387 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/02/18 6324: William D. Bowie vs. Benjamin T. Boyd, Adeline Boyd, Richard D. Boyd, Caroline H. Boyd, Christiana Boyd, and James M. Boyd. PG. Petition to partition Ample Grange. Accession No.: 17,898-6324 MSA S512-8- 6388 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/01/13 6325: Mary Brown vs. Thomas Archer, Anne Smith, John Smith, Richard Smith, Samuel Smith, Anne Smith, Averilla Smith, Robert Smith, George Smith, and Cassandra Smith. HA. Contract to purchase Jericho. Accession No.: 17,898-6325 MSA S512-8- 6389 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/07/20 6326: Nicholas Brewer and George Mackubin vs. William Nicholls, Rezin Spurrier, Jonathan Pinkney, and John Arnold. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norwoods Beall, Todds Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 869. Accession No.: 17,898-6326 MSA S512-8- 6390 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/28 6327: Severn Badley vs. Zacheus Wheatly and Elizabeth Wheatly. SO. Petition to sell Royal Exchange, Irelands Eye. Accession No.: 17,898-6327 MSA S512-8- 6391 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/06/20 6328: Caleb Bentley vs. David Newlin. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Brooke Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 728. Accession No.: 17,898-6328 MSA S512-8- 6392 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/11/30 6329: Robert Barry vs. John Gooding, Hannah Gooding, Henry Baker, Elizabeth Baker, William Adair, Abraham Adair, and Lewis Adair. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 478. Accession No.: 17,898-6329 MSA S512-8- 6393 Location: 1/37/3/
1800/04/29 6330: John Boon, Ann Boon, and John Corrie vs. Joseph Boon. CA. Petition to sell Boones Addition, Malcombs Farm, Boons Pleasure, Spring Valley, Abners Park. Accession No.: 17,898-6330 MSA S512-8- 6394 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/05/20 6331: Isaac Bossom, Rachel Bossom, Susanna Prince, Sarah J. Wisner, Susanna Wisner, Aria Wisner, Abraham Wisner, George Wisner, Mary Wisner, and John Wisner vs. Abraham Wisner, Anne Wisner, and Jane Wisner. BA. Petition to sell Peggys Delight, Georges Beginning, Fayettes Camp, Wisners Prospect. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 876.
Accession No.: 17,898-6331 MSA S512-8- 6395 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/05/22 6332: Philip Brooks and Thomas Hepbron vs. Alexander Corse, Susan Corse, and Thomas C. Kennard. KE. Petition to sell Redmons Supply, Wrights Rest, Middle Neck, Luck, Heaths Chance. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-6332-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6396 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/10 6333: Nicholas Brewer vs. Nicholas Brewer, Jr., Robert Davis, James E.S. Davis, Samuel Davis, Mary Eliza Davis, Margaret Davis, Rebecca Davis, John T.O. Davis, and Lewis Tydings. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Brewerton, Lynhams Search, slaves Bill, Charles, Bet, and Julia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 33.
Accession No.: 17,898-6333 MSA S512-8- 6397 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/12/16 6334: James Biscoe vs. John Lawrence, Daniel Kent, William Mosby, and Elizabeth Mosby. CV. Title to land and slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-6334 MSA S512-8- 6398 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/03/25 6335: William J. Berry vs. Mary R. Berry and Sarah Louisa Berry. PG. Petition to sell Good Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-6335 MSA S512-8- 6399 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/11/13 6336: John Barrett vs. Otho Scott. HA. Petition to sell Barretts United Fields. Accession No.: 17,898-6336 MSA S512-8- 6400 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/12/29 6337: James Boyle vs. Abraham Hunt. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on chattels. Accession No.: 17,898-6337 MSA S512-8- 6401 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/10/28 6338: Hugh Boyd vs. Isaac Benjamin, Alexander Gregg, Harriet Gregg, Robert A. Gregg, Andrew C. Gregg, Harriet M. Gregg, Eliza J. Gregg, Alexince C. Gregg, and Laura M. Gregg. CE. Petition to release mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-6338 MSA S512-8- 6402 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/10/25 6340: Wilton Burditt vs. John Fleuhart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Blooming Plains, Larkin the Fifth, Rogue Declined. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-6340 MSA S512-8- 6403 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/01/22 6341: George Barber, Adam Miller, John Miller, John Ridgely, Brice J. Worthington, William Brown, William Glover, Bennett Hurst, Isaac Stevens, and William P. Barnes vs. Ramsay Waters. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 288.
Accession No.: 17,898-6341-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6404 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/10 6342: Nicholas Brewer vs. Stephen Rummells. AA. Contract to purchase house and lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 277. Accession No.: 17,898-6342 MSA S512-8- 6405 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/08/29 6343: Joseph N. Brewer vs. Elijah Stallings, Elizabeth Patterson, John Connelly, Harrison Connelly, and William Birkhead. CV. Contract to purchase West Wells. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-6343 MSA S512-8- 6406 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/08/06 6344: Elisha Bull and Mary Bull vs. Benjamin Buck and Sarah Buck. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-6344 MSA S512-8- 6407 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/01/10 6345: Robert S. Bryan vs. David R. Gist. AA. Contract to purchase Burgess Hill, Pettibones Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-6345 MSA S512-8- 6408 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/06/14 6346: Samuel Banks vs. Lyde Griffith, Thomas Snowden, Jr., John Contee, Ann L. Contee, Richard Nicholas Snowden, Timothy C. Andrews, Emily Andrews, Albert Fairfax, and Caroline Fairfax. AA. Title to Point Look Out, Good Will to His Lordship, Musgroves Connection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 478.
Accession No.: 17,898-6346 MSA S512-8- 6409 Location: 1/37/3/
1817/05/08 6347: Solomon Betts, David Winchester, and Alexander H. Boyd vs. Zebulon Hollingsworth. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-6347-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6410 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/02/23 6348: John H. Barney, William Alexander, and Henry Alexander vs. Solomon Betts and Araminta Betts. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 262. Accession No.: 17,898-6348 MSA S512-8- 6411 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/07 6349: Margaret Brohawn and Sophia Brohawn vs. Margaret A. Sewell and Mary E. Sewell. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6349 MSA S512-8- 6412 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/12/20 6350: Tobias Burke vs. Peregrine Wilmer. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6350 MSA S512-8- 6413 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/02/16 6351: James Brundige, Thomas Vase, and William Worthington vs. John Lester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chatsworth. Accession No.: 17,898-6351 MSA S512-8- 6414 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/03/03 6352: Louis Gassaway vs. John Beard. AA. Contract to purchase Beards Habitation. Accession No.: 17,898-6352 MSA S512-8- 6415 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/08/31 6353: Nicholas Bateman, Constance Bateman, Julia Decandry, and Augustain Decandry vs. Lodowick Chaney, Thomas Miller, Elizabeth H. Miller, Joseph Foreman, and Mary Foreman. AA. Petition to sell Smiths Range Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 811. Accession No.: 17,898-6353 MSA S512-8- 6416 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/02/18 6354: William Bromwell, Susanna M. Nice, and James R. Nice. TA. Petition to sell lot in Easton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 77 and 123, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-6354 MSA S512-8- 6417 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/07/19 6355: John Berry, Thomas L. Berry, Abraham G. Cole, John Coates, Thomas R. Hands, Anthony L. Cook, Beale Randall, and Richard C. Murray vs. Charles F. Mayer, James C. Murray, and Charles W. McLean. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 663.
Accession No.: 17,898-6355-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6418 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/03/08 6356: Robert Boone and Rhoda Boone vs. Ellenor Cromwell, Patience Cromwell, Joseph Armiger, and Patience Armiger. AA. Petition to partition Boones Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 489. Accession No.: 17,898-6356 MSA S512-8- 6419 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/10/17 6357: John H. Beall vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Richard Potts, John T.G. Beall, David Butler, Jr., Laura Butler, Sarah E.P. Beall, Margaret P. Beall, and Ann L. Beall. AA. Estate of Elizabeth C. Potts. Accession No.: 17,898-6357 MSA S512-8- 6420 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/28 6358: William Bennett vs. Levin Badley, Eleanor Robertson, and Mary Anne Robertson. SO. Petition to sell Robertsons Swamp, Robertsons Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 596. Accession No.: 17,898-6358 MSA S512-8- 6421 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/07/09 6359: John Baltzell and Ruth Baltzell vs. Charles Warfield, Samuel N. Ridgely, Charles C. Ridgely, William A. Ridgely, and Thomas P. Ridgely. BA. Estate of Charles Ridgely - United Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-6359 MSA S512-8- 6422 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/08/02 6360: John Boone and G.W. Harrington vs. Philemon Pippin, Jesse Clements, Elizabeth Clements, Sarah A. Pippin, Joseph Pippin, and Ann E. Pippin. CA, QA. Petition to sell Skinners Expectation, Long Marsh Ridge Enlarged in CA. Also Hopton, Butlers Own, Burkes Expectation, Clouds Range Rectified in QA. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 198.
Accession No.: 17,898-6360-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6423 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/11/11 6361: Joseph Baylis vs. Joseph Stout. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 474. Accession No.: 17,898-6361 MSA S512-8- 6424 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/04/21 6362: James Bosley vs. Susquehanna Canal Co. CE. Injunction against obstruction of a tow path on the Susquehanna Canal. Plats at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6362-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6425 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/11/21 6363: George Baily vs. Vincent Baily. AA. Contract to erect buildings and furnish a farm on Troy, Addition to Troy. Accession No.: 17,898-6363 MSA S512-8- 6426 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/02/23 6364: William Baker, Thomas Baker, and Martha Freeman vs. Mary Barton, George Miers, Samuel Miers, William Miers, Henry Miers, John E. Jackson, Harriett Jackson, Nelson Rees, Ann Rees, Joseph Barneston, George S. Eichelberger, William Eichelberger, Baker Eichelberger, Samuel Eichelberger, Editha McKinney, Thomas L. McKinney, Editha G. Wroth, William B. Wroth, Jacob F. Rasin, Robert Rasin, Edward Rasin, James Rasin, Henry Rasin, Anne Rasin, Editha Rasin, Lasious Rasin, and Caroline Rasin. KE. Estate of William Barneston - lot in Chestertown.
Accession No.: 17,898-6364-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6427 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/03/26 6365: Hugh Birckhead, Henry P. Sumner, Henry Payson & Co., Andrew Hall, Thomas Marian, Frederick Dawson, John L. Hammond, George H. Newman, William Read, John Stouffer, John Francis, and Samuel McKims vs. Ebenezer Thomas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 228.
Accession No.: 17,898-6365-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6428 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/01/07 6366: Shadrack Bond, Joshua Bond, Shadrack G. Bond, Leah Price, Maria Wilson, William D. Conn, Mary Ann Conn, Elijah Bond, Mary Ann Bond, Robert McLaughlin, Isabell McLaughlin, Samuel Haines, Rachel Haines, James Shole, Eliza Shole, and Maria Gott vs. Ann Bond, Rachel Bond, Achsah Bond, Leah Bond, Mary Bond, Sarah Ann Bond, and Thomas Bond. BA, FR. Petition to sell Bonds Discovery, Five Daughters, Resurvey on Timber Hill, Mills and Valley in FR. Also Resurvey on Fathers Gift, Hawkins Fancy, Lawrences Industry, Sykes Town Enlarged in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 101.
Accession No.: 17,898-6366-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6429 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/05/05 6367: Joseph Byers, William G. Stevens, John Stevens, and Benjamin Stevens vs. William J. Stevens, John Stevens, and Benjamin Stevens. DO. Petition to sell Stevens Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 20. Accession No.: 17,898-6367 MSA S512-8- 6430 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/06/29 6268: John T. Barr vs. Bernard J. Von Kapff, Frederick W. Brune, and Anton Von Lotton. BA. Contract to purchase pork. Accession No.: 17,898-6368 MSA S512-8- 6431 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/09/12 6369: Richard H. Battee and Samuel H. Hamilton vs. James Macgill. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Duvalls Mill Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 681. Accession No.: 17,898-6369 MSA S512-8- 6432 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/12 6370: Otho B. Beall and Mary Beall vs. William Wells and Jamima Wells. PG. Petition to sell lots in Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-6370 MSA S512-8- 6433 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/04/16 6371: Samuel B. Beall and Richard Beall vs. Thomas Beall, Aza Beall, Roger Perry, Oliver Cromwell, and Jacob Taylor. AL. Title to Resurvey on Indian Fields, Good Hope, Resurvey on Good Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-6371 MSA S512-8- 6434 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/03/03 6372: Dennis Boyd vs. Benjamin Welsh. PG. Validity of a judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6372 MSA S512-8- 6435 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/04/07 6373: Robert Barry vs. Jacob Hoffman, Sr., Jacob Hoffman, Jr., William Hoffman, Isaac Reynolds, Henry Fincknauer, and John Harman. BA. Defraud of creditors of Jacob Hoffman, Sr. - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6373-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6436 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/08/12 6374: Richard Brown, Wilson Brown, Morgan Hill, and Althea Hill vs. Henry C. Brown, Robert Brown, and Eliza Ann Brown. AA, CV. Petition to sell Gowry Banks in AA. Also Halls Mill, Defence, Broughton Ashley in CV. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 696.
Accession No.: 17,898-6374 MSA S512-8- 6437 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/04/14 6375: Nicholas Baldwin vs. Hopewell Dorsey, Francis H. Davidge, Ann M. Dorsey, John R. Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Edwin Dorsey, Hopewell Dorsey, and Emily Dorsey. BA. Contract to purchase Taylors Forest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-6375 MSA S512-8- 6438 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/05/19 6376: Susanna Barber vs. George Barber. AA. Estate of John T. Barber. Accession No.: 17,898-6376 MSA S512-8- 6439 Location: 1/37/3/
1813/02/24 6377: Edward Burch vs. William Queen and Gustavus Waters. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Mankins and Latimers Gift, Tolsons Addition, Tolsons Discovery, Good Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-6377-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6440 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/10/10 6378: William Bromwell vs. Samuel Nesbitt and Joseph G. Nesbitt. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 452. Accession No.: 17,898-6378-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6441 Location: 1/37/3/
1819/08/16 6379: Rudolph Bennett vs. John Kean. CE. Dissolution of R. Bennett & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-6379-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6442 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/11/28 6380: Trueman Belt vs. Joseph J. Jones. PG. Contract to purchase springs in Beltsville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 724. Accession No.: 17,898-6380-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6443 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/12/11 6381: West Burgess, Elizabeth Burgess, Richard Burgess, and Margaret Ann Burgess vs. Basil Warfield and John Bennett. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6381 MSA S512-8- 6444 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/23 6382: William Bromwell, Jr. vs. Samuel Kerr, Robert Kerr, Hugh Boyd, and Thomas Yeamans. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Pattersons Fortune, Widows Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-6382 MSA S512-8- 6445 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/05/10 6383: Nathaniel C. Bowen and Edward McCeney vs. Anne S. Chaney, Joseph Chaney, Jr., Richard G. Chaney, Floyd Chaney, Selina Chaney, Benjamin Chaney, Gassaway Chaney, Samuel Watkins, Mary Watkins, William Biggs, Elizabeth Biggs, and Joseph Chaney, Sr. AA. Petition to sell Benjamins Choice, Greenwick Farm.
Accession No.: 17,898-6383 MSA S512-8- 6446 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/09/10 6384: Stewart Brown vs. Susan Warner, George Warner, Ann C. Warner, Mary E. Warner, Lewis M. Warner, William C. Warner, Jr., Charles Warner, Susan A. Warner, Edward M. Warner, Theodore A. Warner, and William Warner, Sr. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 745.
Accession No.: 17,898-6384 MSA S512-8- 6447 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/01/28 6385: Alexander C. Bullitt vs. Hugh Oram, William Ridgaway, and William H. Marling. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fox Harbor, Fox Hole, Ilams Addition, Orams Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 485. Accession No.: 17,898-6385 MSA S512-8- 6448 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/07/22 6386: Eden Beall vs. John Cook and James B. Beall. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6386-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6449 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/10/04 6387: Ann Bayard and Richard Bayard vs. Nunes Hudson, John Hudson, Abraham D. Mitchell, George Turner, Mary Hardy, Ephraim T. Mitchell, Daniel Wright, Richard Craig, George Gellasspy, and James A. Bayard. CE. Contract to purchase Bohemia Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 587.
Accession No.: 17,898-6387-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6450 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/09/09 6388: Nicholas Brewer, Jr. vs. Patrick N. O'Reilly. AA. Petition to sell William and Marys Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 675. Accession No.: 17,898-6388 MSA S512-8- 6451 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/07 6389: Henry Brice vs. Martha Daley, Rachel Daley, Elizabeth Daley, Thomas Daley, Salem Hutchins, Lysandra McCulloh, Susan McCulloh, Mary Ann McCulloh, and Sarah McCulloh. BA. Petition to sell Daleys Delight. Record (Chancery Recorded) 137, p. 660. Accession No.: 17,898-6389 MSA S512-8- 6452 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/02/14 6390: Nicholas Brewer vs. Elizabeth Linthicum. AA. Petition to sell Poplar Neck, Mitchells Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 308. Accession No.: 17,898-6390 MSA S512-8- 6453 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/11/01 6391: Andrew Bruce vs. Edward McCarty, Isaac McCarty, Mary Mosley, William Armstrong, Elizabeth Armstrong, Isaac Parsons, Rebecca Parsons, Fielding A. Penell, Sarah Penell, Edward C. McCarty, Greenup Bird, Eleanor Bird, Isaac W. McCarty, Michael P. McCarty, Robert McCarty, Charles McCarty, and James McCarty. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Black Oak Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 423.
Accession No.: 17,898-6391 MSA S512-8- 6454 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/09/16 6392: James A. Buchanan, William Buchanan, and John White vs. Maryland Insurance Co. BA. Estate of James Calhoun. Accession No.: 17,898-6392 MSA S512-8- 6455 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/08/30 6393: Joseph Brummell vs. Mary Murray, Rachel Murray, Jacob Murray, William Murray, Wheeler Murray, Ephriam Murray, Mary E. Murray, and Rebecca J. Murray. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Murrays Contrivance. Accession No.: 17,898-6393 MSA S512-8- 6456 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/08/07 6394: Thomas Bruce and Mary Ann Bruce vs. John Penn, Mathew Penn, and William Penn. CH. Estate of Jane B. Penn - Rose Dale, lot in Port Tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-6394 MSA S512-8- 6457 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/07/09 6395: David Bucher, Christian Bucher, Jacob Lichty, and Gertrout Lichty vs. Jacob Mayer, Catherine Frankforter, John Rinehart, Magdelina Rinehart, Henry Ebaugh, William Howke, and Mary Weise. BA. Petition to sell Wee Bit, Wee Bit Enlarged, Browns Desire, Sprong Springs.
Accession No.: 17,898-6395 MSA S512-8- 6458 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/02/24 6396: John Briscoe and Henrietta M. Briscoe vs. James Carter. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6396 MSA S512-8- 6459 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/22 6397: Henry Barrickman vs. HA Board of County Commissioners. HA. Contract to build a road. Accession No.: 17,898-6397 MSA S512-8- 6460 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/09/20 6398: George G. Belt vs. Charles Mayer and L. Helms. BA. Insolvent estate of Lewis Helms. Accession No.: 17,898-6398 MSA S512-8- 6461 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/03/28 6399: Jonathan Burke vs. David J. Floyd, James C. Sellman, Francis A. Crook, and John Glenn. BA. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-6399-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6462 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/03/11 6401: Henry Baldwin vs. Elizabeth M. Baldwin, Mary Baldwin, James T. Baldwin, Henrietta M. Baldwin, Edward Baldwin, John H. Baldwin, and Eliza A. Baldwin. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 124. Accession No.: 17,898-6401 MSA S512-8- 6463 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/12/09 6403: Jacob Biddle vs. William Smith and Thomas Bradley. CE. Contract to furnish stone to New Castle & Frenchtown Railroad. Accession No.: 17,898-6403 MSA S512-8- 6464 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/12 6404: Washington Bowie. MO. Trust estate under will of Allen Bowie. Accession No.: 17,898-6404 MSA S512-8- 6465 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/04/26 6405: James F. Brice vs. Richard D. Hill and Rezin Estep. AA. Petition to sell Birkheads Chance, Wrighton, Gullocks Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-6405 MSA S512-8- 6466 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/05/21 6406: Samuel Bealmear and James Bealmear vs. Richard W. Isaacs, Eliza Isaacs, Absalom Bealmear, Ann D. Brewer, and Thomas Bealmear. PG. Contract to purchase Waters Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6406-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6467 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/12 6407: Thomas Berry, Mary Berry, Elisha W. Williams, Otho Williams, Jeremiah Williams, James Kent, Mary Kent, Thomas B. Williams, William S. Williams, Eleanor Williams, Eliza T. Williams, Martha D. Williams, Caroline Williams, and Amelia O. Williams. MO. Estate of Thomas O. Williams. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 106.
Accession No.: 17,898-6407-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6468 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/09/06 6408: John Bihii vs. Andrew Merker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6408 MSA S512-8- 6469 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/05/03 6409: Brice B. Brewer vs. Richard Wells. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on chattels. Accession No.: 17,898-6409 MSA S512-8- 6470 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/04/17 6411: Daniel Bowie vs. Morgan Hill. AA. Injunction against trespass on Grammers Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-6411 MSA S512-8- 6471 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/04 6412: Joseph N. Burch vs. John B. Brooke, Araminta Brooke, Eleanor Beans, Eleanor Whitaker, John H. Carroll, Sophia Carroll, Derosa Carroll, Michael Carroll, Amelia Whitaker, Charles J. Carroll, Harriett Brooke, George Carroll, and Celestia Whitaker. PG. Title to Mount Calvert Manor, Bealls Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 125.
Accession No.: 17,898-6412-1/9 MSA S512-8- 6472 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/11/04 6413: Charles P. Brewer, Elias Brewer, Dorsey Stewart, and Mary Stewart vs. Osborn S. Pumphrey, William Pumphrey, and John J. Pumphrey. AA. Estate of Edward Pumphrey - Stones, Drouths, Smiths Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-6413 MSA S512-8- 6473 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/06/23 6414: Daniel B. Banks vs. Samuel H. McKim and John Scott. BA. Contract to purchase stock in Baltimore Firemans Insurance Co. Accession No.: 17,898-6414 MSA S512-8- 6474 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/02/02 6415: George Bradford vs. Rezin H. Snowden, Arabella Snowden, Marion S. Snowden, Joseph R. Hopkins, and Anne Hopkins. AA. Title to Trusty Friend. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 589. Accession No.: 17,898-6415 MSA S512-8- 6475 Location: 1/37/3/
1804/11/18 6416: William Bryan vs. Robert Tate, Jr., Susannah Tate, Charles Hobbs, and Ann Hobbs. KE. Title to Farley Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 70, p. 113. Accession No.: 17,898-6416 MSA S512-8- 6476 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/09/15 6417: John H. Barron vs. Sarah E. Barron. DO. Petition to sell Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-6417 MSA S512-8- 6477 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/12/31 6418: John S. Brohawn vs. Sarah A.R. Brohawn, James L. Brohawn, Elizabeth E. Brohawn, and William E. Brohawn. DO. Petition to sell lots in Vienna. Accession No.: 17,898-6418 MSA S512-8- 6478 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/04/13 6419: James Boyle vs. Samuel Belmear, Lydia Anderson, Eliza Anderson, and Susan Anderson. AA. Petition to sell Turkey Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 263. Accession No.: 17,898-6419 MSA S512-8- 6479 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/09/02 6420: Jesse Bestpitch and Joseph Bestpitch vs. Levin Wall, Caroline Wall, Thomas Slight, and Sarah Slight. DO. Estate of Jesse Bestpitch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 187. Accession No.: 17,898-6420 MSA S512-8- 6480 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/05/27 6421: Hugh Boyle vs. Thomas Coward. TA. Estate of Thomas Coward, Jr. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 551. Accession No.: 17,898-6421-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6481 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/09/15 6422: Daniel B. Banks vs. John J. Berrett, Mary E. Berrett, James G. Berrett, and Julius B. Berrett. CR. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 320. Accession No.: 17,898-6422 MSA S512-8- 6482 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/08 6423: Basil Bowling vs. Ann Mudd and Francis L. Mudd. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6423 MSA S512-8- 6483 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/01 6424: Joseph Barnes vs. William J. Handley and Susan Handley. DO. Estate of William W. Handley. Accession No.: 17,898-6424 MSA S512-8- 6484 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/07/06 6425: Robert J. Brown, Charles J. Mitchell, Maria L. Mitchell, and Louisa M. Mitchell vs. Mary E. Brown, Charles C. Brown, Ellen E.M. Wilson, and Thomas Wilson. BA. Petition to sell Newington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 558. Accession No.: 17,898-6425 MSA S512-8- 6485 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/09/15 6426: John H. Barrow vs. Ann C.H. Hudson. DO. Petition to sell Hudsons Gift, Tripps Enclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 526. Accession No.: 17,898-6426 MSA S512-8- 6486 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/14 6427: William Bosley vs. Charles Ridgely of Hampton, Richard Green, William McMechen, and Edward Johnson. BA. Injunction against obstruction of a creek on Jeopardy, Crandan on the Hill. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6427 MSA S512-8- 6487 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/03/30 6428: Samuel Bradford vs. Harry G. McComas, Alexander McComas, Ellen McComas, Nicholas A. McComas, Daniel P. McComas, Parker McComas, Bennett Gilbert, and Martha Gilbert, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pacas Meadows, Pacas Park, Island, Scotts Close, Majors Choice.
Accession No.: 17,898-6428-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6488 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/05/04 6429: John Beale Bordley and Matthias Beale Bordley vs. John Beale Bordley. TA. Petition to sell Timothys Lot Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-6429 MSA S512-8- 6489 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/04/29 6430: Henry Bushey, John Bushey, Avon Richards, and Margaret Richards vs. Jacob Bushey, George Bushey, David Roxohl, Susanne Roxohl, Louisa Huster, James Kindred, Catherine Kindred, Gotlich Huster, Andrew Huster, Elizabeth Huster, Mary Huster, and Mary Weller. BA. Petition to sell Addition to William, William Resurveyed, Butlers Farm, Addition to Eledges Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 740.
Accession No.: 17,898-6430 MSA S512-8- 6490 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/11/12 6431: John Berry and Thomas L. Berry vs. Randle H. Moale, Henry J. Rogers, Margaret P. Rogers, Julia A. Rogers, Michael W. Rogers, John H. Rogers, and Mary E. Rogers. BA. Title to Cannons Lot 3. Accession No.: 17,898-6431 MSA S512-8- 6491 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/12/01 6432: Charles T. Betton vs. John S. Betton, Mary S. Betton, Sarah M. Betton, and Peregrine Betton. QA. Petition to sell lot in Church Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 569. Accession No.: 17,898-6432 MSA S512-8- 6492 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/02/29 6433: Anthony B. Bennett vs. Elizabeth W. Bennett. SO. Title to Little Eden. Accession No.: 17,898-6433 MSA S512-8- 6493 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/10/20 6434: Sarah Borgalt vs. Daniel Conn. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6434 MSA S512-8- 6494 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/04 6435: Peregrine Burgess, Juliet Burgess, Mary Burgess, Thomas D. Burgess, Vachel Burgess, Jeremiah Howard, Harriett Howard, Nicholas Warfield, Rebecca Warfield, and George Hines vs. Henrietta Hines, Julia A. Hines, John Hines, Vachel Hines, Charles H. Hines, and Arthur Burgess. AA. Petition to sell Porters Old Stone Farm, Worthingtons Range, Haylands Farm, Altogether.
Accession No.: 17,898-6435 MSA S512-8- 6495 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/08/13 6436: Joel Blue, Mary Blue, John T. Watkins, and Anne E. Watkins vs. Sarah Pindell, Robert G. Pindell, William N. Pindell, Gassaway Pindell, Dorsey W. Pindell, and Edward A. Pindell. AA. Petition to partition Harrisons Security, Quick Sale. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6436 MSA S512-8- 6496 Location: 1/37/3/
1813/11/18 6437: Joseph S. Berret, Mary E. Berret, and Columbus O'Donnell vs. Robert O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Sarah O'Donnell, William Patterson, Deborah O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, Elliot O'Donnell, and Eliza W. O'Donnell. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/51. Recorded (Chancery Record) 93, p. 136 and 95, p. 280.
Accession No.: 17,898-6437-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6497 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/09/19 6438: Richard H. Battee vs. Samuel H. Hamilton. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norris Purchase, Phillips Pillaged Lott, Hookers Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-6438 MSA S512-8- 6498 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/01/06 6439: William B. Bond vs. Amos West. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6439 MSA S512-8- 6499 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/09/22 6440: James R. Black vs. Joseph C. Cloud, William Miller, James Boon, Jeremiah Stull, Daniel R. Askley, Matthew W. Allen, Kendall S. Cropper, Samuel Miller, and Eli Garrison, CE, KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6440 MSA S512-8- 6500 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/06/22 6441: Elias Brown and William Brown vs. Deborah McLaughlin, Marietta McLaughlin, Louisa McLaughlin, Charles McLaughlin, William McLaughlin, William Lorman, Alexander McDonald, Nicholas G. Ridgely, Franklin Bank of Baltimore, James Payne, David Warfield, Thomas Baltzell, Philip Baltzell, Thomas A. Norris, Nelson Norris, Benjamin Hursthalt, Samuel Keyser, Christian Schaffer, Robert Neilson, Samuel Nichols, Amos Brown, Micajah Alley, Joseph Hook, Daniel Conn, John Talbott, Charles Constable, Matthew P. Mitchell, and John Hathaway. AA. Petition to sell Mount Misery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 198.
Accession No.: 17,898-6441 MSA S512-8- 6501 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/07/14 6442: Philip Boyer, George Wadsworth, Henry Klinefelter, and Joshua Amos vs. Randle H. Moale, Edward Spedden, and William H. Tidings. BA. Injunction against execution of Judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6442 MSA S512-8- 6502 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/05/09 6443: William G. Bouldin, Justus Dunbar, Sarah A. Dunbar, Levi Bouldin, Charles Bouldin, Ezekiel Bouldin, and Susan M. Bouldin vs. Abraham Bennett, Thomas R. Bouldin, John Bouldin, Jr., and John Bouldin, Sr. CE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 219.
Accession No.: 17,898-6443-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6503 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/11/11 6444: Samuel Barons and Benjamin Marsh vs. Samuel Moale, John Marsh, David S. Craig, and Andrew Elston. HA. Petition to record deed for Rumsey Royal, Dolph Island, Newhams Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-6444 MSA S512-8- 6504 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/02/25 6445: Stewart Brown and William H. Freeman vs. Richard Reardon, Thomas R.P. Spence, and William S. Corbin. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 212. Accession No.: 17,898-6445 MSA S512-8- 6505 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/06/27 6446: Eliza Bromwell, Mary E. Bromwell, Beulet H. Bromwell, Deborah F. Bromwell, Samuel Bromwell, and Robert E. Bromwell vs. Henry B. Broughton. CE. Contract to lease Pattersons Fortune, Widows Lot, Anchor and Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-6446 MSA S512-8- 6506 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/09/12 6447: Hannah Ballard vs. Robert D. Perry, Mary Perry, and Samuel O. Ballard. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6447 MSA S512-8- 6507 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/05/09 6448: Robert Beale vs. Ellen Berry and Thomas Owings. PG. Trust estate of Berry. Accession No.: 17,898-6448-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6508 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/11/13 6449: Samuel Brown and Mary Brown vs. Michael McKennon, Thomas McKennon, Jr., and Rachel McKennon. HA. Petition to sell Chevaux de Frize, Mount Ararat, Bertha, Black Walnut. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 417. Accession No.: 17,898-6449 MSA S512-8- 6509 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/06/20 6450: John T. Barr vs. William Byrn. DO. Petition to sell steam mill and lot in Vienna. Accession No.: 17,898-6450-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6510 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/06/11 6451: John Beard vs. Joseph Stewart and Maria Stewart. AA. Contract to purchase Two Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-6451 MSA S512-8- 6511 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/02/01 6452: Michael Brewer, Jr. vs. Benjamin Gaither, John M. Gaither, Benjamin Watkins, Rachel Watkins, and Roger B. Taney. AA. Contract to purchase Waters Mill Dam. Accession No.: 17,898-6452 MSA S512-8- 6512 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/02/03 6453: George Buckingham vs. Richard Frizzell, Airey Frizzell, Larkin Buckingham, George Frizzell, Ruth Frizzell, Beale Buckingham, David Ecker, Alley Ecker, Jonathan Dorsey, Nelly Dorsey, Ezekiel Buckingham, Norwood Buckingham, Miranda Buckingham, Peregrine Buckingham, Joshua Buckingham, and Richard Buckingham. BA. Contract to purchase Eppington Forest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 19.
Accession No.: 17,898-6453 MSA S512-8- 6513 Location: 1/37/3/
1822 6454: Thomas Bond vs. John Elder. FR. Accession No.: 17,898-6454 MSA S512-8- 6514 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/07/31 6455: John Beard vs. Thomas Davidson. AA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-6455 MSA S512-8- 6515 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/12/17 6456: Susan Barber vs. John W. Duvall. AA. Contract to clear land. Accession No.: 17,898-6456 MSA S512-8- 6516 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/02/03 6457: William T. Brohawn and Elizabeth Brohawn vs. Robert Wallace, Sarah A. Wallace, James Wallace, Charles LeCompte, Mary F. Flaharty, Henry W. Houston, and Trophym Houston. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 429. Accession No.: 17,898-6457 MSA S512-8- 6517 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/07/10 6458: Robert Barry vs. Thomas W. Hobin and Isaac McKim. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on sugar shipment. Accession No.: 17,898-6458 MSA S512-8- 6518 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/04/22 6459: James Brewster and Solomon Collis vs. Elisha Lee. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6459 MSA S512-8- 6519 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/07/17 6460: John Beard vs. Thomas Elliott and Susannah Elliott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beards Habitation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-6460 MSA S512-8- 6520 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/06/28 6461: Stewart Brown vs. Francis H. Davidge. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6461 MSA S512-8- 6521 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/06/01 6462: Alexander Boyd vs. John Gooding and John Donnell. BA. Petition to sell Fords Choice. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6462-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6522 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/04/07 6463: George A. Barber and Fanny Barber vs. Charles Barber. AA. Petition to sell White Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-6463 MSA S512-8- 6523 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/01 6464: Ezekiel Boring vs. Thomas Lemmon, Jacob Singery, and Shadrack Hurst. BA. Title to Boring Habitation Rock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-6464-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6524 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/07/23 6465: Cornelius Brown and Barbara Brown vs. Maria Sentzener, Jacob Bankard, and Lovace Sinsener. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6465 MSA S512-8- 6525 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/01/06 6466: Larkin Buckingham vs. Jasper Peddicord, Asbury Peddicord, and Jeremiah Barthellow. AA. Defraud of creditors of Jaspar Peddicord - Henry and Peter, Cumberland, Windsor, Ridgelys Great Park, Hobbs Regulation, Dependence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 243.
Accession No.: 17,898-6466 MSA S512-8- 6526 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/10/10 6467: John T. Barr vs. John G.W. Waters. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on house and lots in Nanticoke Manor, Bridge Neck, Coxs Addition to Bridge Neck, Johns Industry, Trippes Enclosure, house and lots in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-6467 MSA S512-8- 6527 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/02/15 6468: Alexander H. Boteler and Charles Hill vs. Aquilla Beall. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Brooke Field, Wedge. Accession No.: 17,898-6468 MSA S512-8- 6528 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/21 6469: Arthur Bell vs. John S. Staplefort, Zipporah Pritchett, John E. Pritchett, Susan J. Pritchett, Oliver Pritchett, and Henry C. Pritchett. DO. Estate of Arthur Pritchett. Accession No.: 17,898-6469-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6529 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/08/20 6470: Nicholas Brewer vs. James Kent, Daniel Kent, Lock L. Weems, James Weems, Sarah Weems, Benjamin Weems, and Sutton J. Weems. CV. Estate of Sutton J. Weems. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 841. Accession No.: 17,898-6470 MSA S512-8- 6530 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/01/09 6471: William S. Broughton and Stephen Coulbourne vs. James F. Adams, Elijah Adams, William Adams, Henry Adams, and John Adams. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6471 MSA S512-8- 6531 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/05/31 6472: William Benson and John Benson vs. Mary Benson, Anne M. Benson, Charles A. Elliot, and Mary E. Elliot. AA. Petition to partition Addition to Timber Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-6472 MSA S512-8- 6532 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/03/09 6473: William Billingslea vs. Edmund Treadway, William K. Galloway, and George Tyson. HA. Defraud of creditors of Treadway - Ewings Contrivance, Edmonds Camp, Bilberry Hall, Durhams Second Addition to Bilberry Hall, Friends Advise. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 273.
Accession No.: 17,898-6473 MSA S512-8- 6533 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/04/20 6474: William Brewer vs. Gilbert Murdock. AA. Injunction against construction of a fence on Proctors Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-6474 MSA S512-8- 6534 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/04/07 6475: Susan Beall vs. Robert Marshall, Nathan Summers, and George Kerby. PG. Contract to purchase Enclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6475 MSA S512-8- 6535 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/09/02 6476: Michael Baer and Matilda Baer vs. Robert Neilson, Richard H. Battee, and Edward D. Ridgely. AA. Estate of Richard Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-6476 MSA S512-8- 6536 Location: 1/37/3/
1816/04/30 6477: William Briesly, Delia Briesly, James Clark, Asel Lowe, Keziah Lowe, Aquilla Lowe, Allasana Lowe, John Biddle, Elizabeth Biddle, Richard Biddle, Mary Biddle, Robert Clarke, John Clarke, and William Clarke vs. Thomas Clarke, Jemima Clarke, and Hannah Clarke. HA. Estate of Robert Clarke - Clarkes Quiet Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-6477 MSA S512-8- 6537 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/01 6478: Henry Bibby vs. Dorothy Anne Turnbull. DO. Petition to sell Bull Point. Accession No.: 17,898-6478 MSA S512-8- 6538 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/04/26 6479: Gunning F. Bedford vs. Henrietta A. Bedford, Richard Bennett Mitchell, John P. Kennedy, John Glenn, Maria S. Johnston, John H. Hepburn, Eliza S. Hepburn, Christopher Johnston, William C. Inglis, Susan M. Inglis, Joseph C. Inglis, George S. Inglis, Mary S. Inglis, John A. Inglis, Jane S. Inglis, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Maria Mitchell. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 194.
Accession No.: 17,898-6479-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6539 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/11/24 6480: William Brewer, John Randall, John Gassaway, Jr., Kitty Kilty, Robert Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, Mary Kilty, Ellen Kilty, William Kilty, George Kilty, Richard Kilty, Joseph Haller, Kitty Haller, Betsy Quynn, Allen Quynn, William Quynn, Casper Quynn, and John Quynn vs. Thomas White, James R. White, John Lamb, Margaret Lamb, Joseph Thomas, Sally Thomas, Margaret Lewis, Ann Bradenhouse, John Ridgely, and Elizabeth Ridgely. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-6480-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6540 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/04/21 6480A: Lucy S. Brooke vs. Walter B. Brooke. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6480A-1/7 MSA S512-8- 6541 Location: 1/37/3/
1819/12/21 6481: Dorcas G. Bourne vs. William E. Hungerford. CV. Estate of Thomas Bourne - Elton Head Manor, Abbington. Accession No.: 17,898-6481 MSA S512-8- 6542 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/04/20 6482: John Bradley and Jane Bradley vs. Jesse Hunt. BA. Estate of William Jack. Accession No.: 17,898-6482 MSA S512-8- 6543 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/03/01 6483: William Brewer vs. Elizabeth Murdock. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Proctors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-6483-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6544 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/12/04 6484: James Biays, Jr. and James B. Stansbury vs. John Hynson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 696. Accession No.: 17,898-6484 MSA S512-8- 6545 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/06/01 6485: Jacob Baker vs. Joseph Owens. AL. Title to Rainy Season. Accession No.: 17,898-6485-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6546 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/10 6486: Henry Benson vs. Mary Benson, Mary Benson, and Elizabeth Benson. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 26. Accession No.: 17,898-6486 MSA S512-8- 6547 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/20 6487: Walter Brown vs. Beale Whalen, Mary Whalen, John Whalen, and Rachel Whalen. HO. Contract to purchase Southern Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-6487 MSA S512-8- 6548 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/03/30 6488: Hugh Bay vs. James Bay, Jane Bay, Andrew Bay, William Bay, Emeline Bay, Susan Bay, Janett Vibber, Thomas Hayo, Anne Hayo, Daniel Scott, Mary Scott, John Brown, and Margaret Brown. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6488 MSA S512-8- 6549 Location: 1/37/3/
1802/03/09 6489: Michael Bash, George Miller, Catherine Miller, Peter Funk, Barbara Funk, Henry Bash, and Philip Bash vs. Peter Grimm, Christina Grimm, Adam Ridenour, Peggy Ridenour, Mary Bash, Magdalena Bash, John Bash, and Jacob Bash. WA. Petition to sell Bookers Resurvey.
Accession No.: 17,898-6489 MSA S512-8- 6550 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/09/19 6490: Keziah Barton, John Henderson, Mijah Henderson, Ezekiel Barton, Nathan Barton, Absalom Barton, Naskey Barton, Peggy Barton, Harriet Barton, Rachel Henson, Munday Janey, Tabitha Janey, Harriet Henderson, William Bailey, Sarah A. Bailey, Harriet Bailey, Jesse Parker, and Elizabeth Parker vs. John Walker and Lydia Walker. BA. Estate of James Barton - Robbins Camp. Accession No.: 17,898-6490 MSA S512-8- 6551 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/06/04 6491: Philip Berry and Mary J. Berry vs. Leathy King, Thomas King, Sarah King, William H. King, Henry H. King, Ann M. King, and Samuel C.B. King. AA. Petition to partition Champain Forrest, Support, Pinkstons Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 600.
Accession No.: 17,898-6491-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6552 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/06/16 6492: John Butler vs. George W. Butler. AA. Petition to sell lot in Elkridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 876. Accession No.: 17,898-6492 MSA S512-8- 6553 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/12/29 6493: Eli S. Baldwin vs. Henry A. Prather and John N. Prather. PG. Petition to partition Hog Harbor, Prathers Folly, Hamiltons Discovery, Angle. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 510. Accession No.: 17,898-6493 MSA S512-8- 6554 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/12/02 6494: Larkin Buckingham vs. Jasper Peddicord, Jeremiah Barthellow, and Asbury Peddicord. AA. Defraud of creditors of Jasper Peddicord. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-6494 MSA S512-8- 6555 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/09/20 6495: Jane Black vs. John Scott, Eliza Scott, Mary A. Scott, Jane Scott, John Groome, and Thomas W. Veazey. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 807. Accession No.: 17,898-6495 MSA S512-8- 6556 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/04/18 6496: William Brown vs. Rachel Updegraff, Rachel Haines, Samuel Updegraff, Cyrus Updegraff, Edith Updegraff, and Sarah Updegraff. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 555. Accession No.: 17,898-6496 MSA S512-8- 6557 Location: 1/37/3/
1803 6497: William C. Brent vs. John Brent. CH. Accession No.: 17,898-6497 MSA S512-8- 6558 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/09/19 6498: Jacob F. Bealmear, Anne Maria Bealmear, Thomas Linthicum, and Eliza Ann Linthicum vs. Samuel Bealmear, Waters Bealmear, Absalom Bealmear, Cladius Bealmear, Charles T. Bealmear, and Joanne Bealmear. AA. Title to Owenwoods Thicket, Duvalls Range, Fowlers Range, Sooleys Chance. Plat of Owenwoods Thicket, Duvalls Range, Fowlers Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 220.
Accession No.: 17,898-6498 MSA S512-8- 6559 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/03/11 6499: George W. Barry, David A. Barry, James Barry, Garret Barry, Maria L. Barry, and John E. Barry vs. William Barry, Julius T. Ducatal, and Joana Ducatal. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6499-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6560 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/10/11 6500: Temperance M. Bowen vs. Abraham Sinnard, Elizabeth Sinnard, Susan Brown, Margaret Jones, Elizabeth Morris, and Ellen Sinnard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 173. Accession No.: 17,898-6500 MSA S512-8- 6561 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/07/01 6501: William Baker vs. Joseph W. Reynold, William H. Long, and Zadack J. Long. CV. Petition to sell Gods Grace Levels, Stokeley, Taneys Ease. Accession No.: 17,898-6501-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6562 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/10/03 6502: Nicholas Brewer, Jr. and George Meddiff vs. Edward Williams, James Carroll, Bennett Hurst, Roger B. Taney, William Marbury, and Mary Shaaff. AA. Contract to lease lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-6502 MSA S512-8- 6563 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/07/12 6503: Richard H. Battee vs. Zachariah Jones, Samuel Jones, Richard S. Hardesty, and Thomas B. Hungerford. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6503-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6564 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/03/31 6504: Humphrey Beckett vs. Rachel Franklin, Harriet Franklin, Ann Franklin, Marie Franklin, and Samuel Franklin. PG. Petition to sell Arnolds Industry, Addition to Arnolds Industry, Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-6504 MSA S512-8- 6565 Location: 1/37/3/
1802/06/21 6505: John Boyer vs. Rebecca Wilson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6505 MSA S512-8- 6566 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/12/24 6507: Theodorick Bland vs. John W. Weems, Martha P. Weems, and Joseph J. Speed. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Talbots Resolution Manor, Bills Chance, Addition to New Years Gift. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 31. Accession No.: 17,898-6507-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6567 Location: 1/37/3/
1844 6508: James Boyle vs. Daniel Brunner. AA. Estate of James Boyle. Accession No.: 17,898-6508 MSA S512-8- 6568 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/02/20 6509: Isaac Benjamin vs. Hugh S. Boyd, Henry F. Heberton, Ferdinand Heiskell, Colson Heiskell, Francis Hoskins, and E.W. Morrison. CE. Petition to release mortgage on lots in Perryville. Accession No.: 17,898-6509-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6569 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/05/01 6510: Elias Bailey vs. Mathias Cannon and James Cannon. SO. Injunction against removal of timber from Double Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-6510 MSA S512-8- 6570 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/05/19 6511: James Bray vs. John R. Simpson, Amelia Simpson, Mary J. Simpson, Elias W. Chinn, Samuel Samuels, and Elizabeth Chinn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6511 MSA S512-8- 6571 Location: 1/37/3/
1787/04/09 6512: Jeremiah Baker vs. William Richards and Nathaniel Ramsey. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Clay Fall Point. Accession No.: 17,898-6512 MSA S512-8- 6572 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/03 6513: Brooke Beall and Upton Beall vs. Robert Bowie, George W. Weems, Union Bank of Maryland, Richard H. Battee, and Allen T. Bowie. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Bowieville Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 530. Accession No.: 17,898-6513-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6573 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/11 6514: Richard F. Biddle, David Biddle, Joshua F. Biddle, and Susan Biddle vs. Charles H. Biddle. CE. Petition to sell Nobles Industry, Pearces Park. Accession No.: 17,898-6514 MSA S512-8- 6574 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/03/12 6516: George Barber vs. Gideon White. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on house and lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 821. Accession No.: 17,898-6516 MSA S512-8- 6575 Location: 1/37/3/
1819/07/07 6517: Thomas Bicknell vs. Jacob Waters. AA. Injunction against execution of Judgment on Bealls Hunting Quarter, Something. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6517-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6576 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/05/12 6518: John Barnes vs. Walter H.J. Mitchell. CH. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6518 MSA S512-8- 6577 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/09/15 6519: John Busel vs. Henry Lammott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Kentucky. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 326. Accession No.: 17,898-6519 MSA S512-8- 6578 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/09/11 6520: Catherine Beans vs. Samuel Hamilton. PG. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6520 MSA S512-8- 6579 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/06/30 6521: Hannah Andrews vs. James Booze, George Booze, Wrighton Willey, and Elizabeth Willey. DO. Estate of George Booze. Accession No.: 17,898-6521 MSA S512-8- 6580 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/08 6522: John Bullen, Isaac Parrott, Susan E.D. Parrott, Charles Ross, Ellen M. Ross, and Ann L. Bullen vs. William Bullen and Jesse Bullen. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-6522 MSA S512-8- 6581 Location: 1/37/3/
1817/06/23 6523: Francis Bird and Rebecca Bird vs. John Hooper, Mary Hooper, George Headley, and Harriet Headly. QA. Petition to partition Stinton Sudler. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-6523 MSA S512-8- 6582 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/07/10 6524: Stewart Brown and John Cross vs. Edward D. Goodwin, Penelope Goodwin, and Alexander Nisbet. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 275. Accession No.: 17,898-6524-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6583 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/11/17 6525: George W. Barry vs. Bernard N. Campbell. BA. Trust estate of Robert Barry - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6525-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6584 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/09/17 6526: Joshua Barney, Charles R. Barney, Rebecca Barney, Charles R. Home, John C. Wederstrandt, Henry Alexander, William Alexander, William Carmichel, Sarah Fleet, Pricilla Webb, Andrew Browne, Bennett Browne, Andrew Bennett, Christopher Browne, Sarah Browne, and Eliza Browne vs. Robert Browne. BA. Estate of Elizabeth Lawson. Accession No.: 17,898-6526-1/8 MSA S512-8- 6585 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/02/28 6527: Baltis Branson vs. William Burke, Mary Burke, and Jared T. Hopkins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-6527-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6586 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/24 6528: Baltis Branson vs. Elizabeth Fisher, Mary J. Fisher, and John W. Fisher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Spring Garden, Addition to Spring Garden, Landoff. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 665. Accession No.: 17,898-6528 MSA S512-8- 6587 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/04/04 6529: James Bird, Mary Bird, Susanna Drury, and Ann M. Drury. AA. Petition to sell Birkheads Meadows, Birkheads Parrish. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-6529 MSA S512-8- 6588 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/06/06 6530: John Beard vs. Mary Ann Nicholson, John F. Nicholson, Benjamin Nicholson, James Nicholson, and Nicholas Nicholson. AA. Petition to sell Beards Habitation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 255. Accession No.: 17,898-6530-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6589 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/07/09 6531: Roland Bennett and Ann Bennett vs. Apsley Delaney and Mary Delaney. KE. Petition to partition Stradfords Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-6531 MSA S512-8- 6590 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/26 6532: John T. Barr, James Brundige, Thomas Baltzell, Philip Baltzell, Thomas Wilson, Samuel Nightingale, Richard McKim, Jacob G. Davies, Matthew M. Chaffee, Charles Jessop, George Baltzell, John R. Howard, Stephen M. Jackson, Johannes E. Jackson, Daniel Hoffman, David Whiteford, James Ferguson, Jr., J.E. Carey, William H. Gatchell, J. Cronmiller, Hugh Buckland, P. Summers, James L. Fisher, Silas Maricus, Rogers Thursey, John Glenn, George W. Hoffman, Mr. Sprague, L. Matthewson, and Alexander Macdonald vs. Caleb Davis. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Fellowship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 789. Accession No.: 17,898-6532 MSA S512-8- 6591 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/09/18 6533: Perry Bowman vs. George Bowman. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Land of Goshen. Accession No.: 17,898-6533 MSA S512-8- 6592 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/05/18 6534: Walter B. Brooke vs. Rachel Brooke. PG. Estate of Baker Brooke. Accession No.: 17,898-6534 MSA S512-8- 6593 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/09/25 6536: Robert L. Buckley vs. John Kean and Richard Lee. HA. Injunction against removal of slaves Isaac, Caroline, and Charity. Accession No.: 17,898-6536 MSA S512-8- 6594 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/02/18 6537: Simon Bailly, Augustus H. Ward, and Laurent A. Millandon vs. Kezia Lettig, Caleb B. Lettig, Thomas Lettig, Thomas P. Harrison, Catherine Harrison, Alexander B. Harrison, and George Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6537 MSA S512-8- 6595 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/05/17 6538: William B. Burke vs. John Allen. BA. Injunction against removal of oyster shells. Accession No.: 17,898-6538-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6596 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/09/07 6539: George Beaston vs. William Lynch. Phebe Lynch, James Lynch, Evan Lynch, and Elizabeth Smith. KE. Petition to sell Campbells Worthmore. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6539-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6597 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/28 6540: Abraham Brown, Jr. vs. Abraham Brown, Sr., Thomas Brown, William Brown, James Brown, Elisha Brown, John Frame, and Elizabeth Frame. BA. Petition to sell Stansburys Lot, Hillens Hap Hazard, Gays Inspection. Accession No.: 17,898-6540 MSA S512-8- 6598 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/09/16 6541: Albert J. Boyer vs. George H. Wetter, George Ross Veazey, and David Stuart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pemblicoe, Labyrinth. Accession No.: 17,898-6541 MSA S512-8- 6599 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/11/03 6542: Elias Bailey vs. James B. Robertson. SO. Title to Akam. Accession No.: 17,898-6542 MSA S512-8- 6600 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/08/24 6543: Jonathan Barkley vs. Joseph Barkley, Stephen Wainright, and Joshua Hitch. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Stanway. Accession No.: 17,898-6543 MSA S512-8- 6601 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/04/07 6544: Gustavus R. Barber vs. William Reaney, John Barber, Isabella Barber, William Barber, Susan Barber, John Barber, Sarah H. Williams, and Alexander Randall. AA, CR, PG. Petition to sell land, including lots in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-6544-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6602 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/04/27 6545: Esther Bennett, Mary E. Barr, George W. Barr, Anna M. Barr, and William S. Barr vs. William E. Bouden, Justus Dunbar, Sarah A. Dunbar, William C. Scott, Levi Boulden, Charles Boulden, Ezekiel Boulden, and Susan M. Boulden. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6545-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6603 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/03/04 6546: Michael Becker and Elizabeth Becker vs. Catherine Wentz, Mary Wentz, Susan Wentz, Rachel Wentz, Elizabeth Wentz, George Wentz, Charles Wentz, Samuel Wentz, Jacob Wentz, Jacob Wentz of Adam, John Swartzbaugh, John Bentz, Catherine Bentz, Samuel Schaffer, Magdelena Schaffer, William Kain, Barbara Kain, John Esbaugh, Rose Esbaugh, Catherine Swartzbaugh, Henry Swartzbaugh, Margaret Swartzbaugh, Adam Swartzbaugh, Samuel Swartzbaugh, and Adam Wentz. BA. Petition to sell Stumps Lot, Smiths Field, Contes Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-6546 MSA S512-8- 6604 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/09/26 6547: Joel Bates vs. Susan Bates. CE. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6547 MSA S512-8- 6605 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/12/25 6548: Richard H. Bayard and George Gillispy vs. Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co. CE. Contract to build part of a canal. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6548-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6606 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/29 6549: James Boyle vs. Charles Stewart. AA. Estate of Baruch Fowler. Accession No.: 17,898-6549 MSA S512-8- 6607 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/11/10 6550: James W. Brackenridge, Eliza C. Brackenridge, and Colin Auld vs. Charles Duvall. PG. Petition to sell Slip, Locust Park, Jericho, Cherry Walk, Batsons Vineyard, Moores Industry, Waters Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-6550 MSA S512-8- 6608 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/10 6551: Otho B. Beall and Mary Beall vs. William Wells and Jemima Wells. PG. Estate of Jacob W. Brashears. Accession No.: 17,898-6551-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6609 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/12 6552: John M. Brown vs. James H. George, Harriet George, and Samuel H. Aldridge. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Triumph, John and Marys Highland. Accession No.: 17,898-6552 MSA S512-8- 6610 Location: 1/37/3/
1793/04/12 6553: Horatio Belt vs. Thomas H. Hanson, Rebecca Hanson, Samuel Davidson, and Edward Pearce. BA. Petition to record deed. Accession No.: 17,898-6553 MSA S512-8- 6611 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/18 6554: Catherine Bowie vs. John T. Berry. PG. Title to Brookfield. Accession No.: 17,898-6554-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6612 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/02/28 6555: Parker Barnard vs. William R. Freeman. CE. Estate of Samuel H. Freeman. Accession No.: 17,898-6555 MSA S512-8- 6613 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/05/08 6556: Slater Brown vs. John Sheppard, William M. Townsend, and Hannah England. CE. Injunction against removal of stones and timber from Bethel. Accession No.: 17,898-6556 MSA S512-8- 6614 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/06 6557: James J. Boswell and Munson H. Treadwell vs. John Ryder, James Todd, Elisha R. Johnson, John Mercer, William A. Burke, and James A. Burke. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on John and Marys Highland, White Marsh, Girdle Oak. Accession No.: 17,898-6557 MSA S512-8- 6615 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/11/22 6558: William H. Boswell and Lucy M. Estep vs. Benjamin Owens, Phebe Boswell, William H. Boswell, Fielder B. Smith, William D. Smith, Maria L. Smith, David P. Smith, Mary S. Smith, Thomas A. Smith, F.B. Smith, Mordicai Anna Smith, Tirningham Childs, and Sarah Ellen Childs. CV. Contract to purchase Johnsons Farm, Good Prospect.
Accession No.: 17,898-6558 MSA S512-8- 6616 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/04/18 6559: Lewis Birely, Valentine Birely, and Maria Birely vs. Jasper Peddicord and Asbury Peddicord. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Great Park, Windsor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 416. Accession No.: 17,898-6559 MSA S512-8- 6617 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/02/04 6560: Jacob W. Bird, Jr. vs. John Sellman, Jacob W. Bird, Francis Bird, Henry Owens, James J. Owens, Robert Carr, Samuel Carr, William H. Peake, Samuel S. Owens, Bushrod Marriott, P. Dorsey Carr, Elizabeth Carr, Elizabeth Wier, Richard Wier, Benjamin Wier, Joseph Wier, and Isabella Wier. AA. Petition to sell lot in Owensville. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-6560-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6618 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/03/30 6561: Thomas Bruce vs. John Jamieson and Robert Jamieson. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on New York, Good Luck, Maiden Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 276. Accession No.: 17,898-6561 MSA S512-8- 6619 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/05/20 6562: Susan H. Black and John G. Black vs. Frederick Wilson and Joseph Wickes IV. KE. Petition to sell Allebone, St. Martins, Redmonds Supply. Plat of Allebone, St. Martins. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-6562 MSA S512-8- 6620 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/06/05 6563: Samuel Bond vs. Jacob Troyer and Ruth Troyer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beaver Hall, Addition to Beaver Hall, Bonds Enlargement, German Town, Halls Venture Resurveyed, Bells Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-6563 MSA S512-8- 6621 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/08/18 6564: Jacob Baltzell, Charles Baltzell, and Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. Thomas E. Wright, Eliza A. Wright, Mary E. Wright, Martha Wright, and John B. Thomas. QA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 367. Accession No.: 17,898-6564-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6622 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/03/05 6565: Lawrence Byrne, Francis Dowling, William Morgan, Catherine Geissenderffer, James Kerr, George Reinsketter, John Hartzell, and William Frush vs. James Peacock and William O. Welsh. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6565 MSA S512-8- 6623 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/11/11 6566: Thomas Baldwin, Eli S. Baldwin, Nathaniel Suit, Jonah Suit, Benjamin Welsh, Joseph N. Burch, Jr., and Fielder Suit vs. Aquilla Beall. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6566 MSA S512-8- 6624 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/11/05 6567: Jonathan Barber and Elizabeth Barber vs. Thomas Bruce, William Strickland, and Robert Strickland. PG. Petition to sell house and lot. Accession No.: 17,898-6567 MSA S512-8- 6625 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/01/27 6568: William Bennett vs. John C. Knott, Julian Knott, and John Pool, Sr. MO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 720. Accession No.: 17,898-6568 MSA S512-8- 6626 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/02/08 6569: Thomas Bealmere vs. Thomas Warfield. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 268. Accession No.: 17,898-6569 MSA S512-8- 6627 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/07/20 6570: William T. Brohawn vs. James Thompson, Henry W. Houston, Tryphena Houston, and Stephen LeCompte. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6570 MSA S512-8- 6628 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/01/02 6571: George Branwell vs. Adam Ebaugh, William Sharer, and John Murray. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6571 MSA S512-8- 6629 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/09 6572: Jonas Bowman vs. Daniel Hulley and Sally Hulley. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6572 MSA S512-8- 6630 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/06/05 6573: Joseph C. Boyd vs. John W. Disney. BA. Insolvent estate of Disney - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6573 MSA S512-8- 6631 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/07/29 6574: Jacob Brown vs. James Ferguson, Elizabeth Ferguson, William Scott, James Silletoe, Margaret Silletoe, Philip Lewis, and Mary A. Lewis. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6574 MSA S512-8- 6632 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/08/11 6575: Daniel Bosley vs. Ely Balderston and Marcellous Balderston. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Coote Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-6575 MSA S512-8- 6633 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/07/07 6576: James Barnes vs. William Sappington. HA. Contract to quarry stone. Accession No.: 17,898-6576 MSA S512-8- 6634 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/05/22 6578: Bank of Maryland vs. Cumberland Dugan. BA. Estate of James Clarke. Accession No.: 17,898-6578-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6635 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/15 6579: David U. Brown vs. Nathaniel Wheat, Thomas S. Hubbard, Henry Baker, James Sullivan, William H. Bangs, and John W. Clarke. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6579 MSA S512-8- 6636 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/02/26 6580: Anne Maria Bealmear, Thomas Linthicum, and Eliza Anne Linthicum vs. Jacob F. Bealmear, Waters Bealmear, Absalom Bealmear, Charles T. Bealmear, Cladius Bealmear, and Joanna Bealmear. AA. Petition to partition Dover. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 220. Accession No.: 17,898-6580-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6637 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/01/27 6581: Elisha Berry, Robert W. Brooks, Mary Ann Brooks, Louisa Berry, William Berry, Nancy Berry, and Eliza Berry vs. William F. Berry. PG. Estate of Elisha Berry - Chillums Castle, Belfast, Addition to Charles Gift, Johns Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-6581-1/9 MSA S512-8- 6638 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/05/18 6582: Walter Baker Brooke vs. Rachel Brooke. PG. Estate of Leonard O. Brooke. Accession No.: 17,898-6582 MSA S512-8- 6639 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/03/01 6583: John B. Brooke vs. Michael B. Carroll, John H. Waring, James E. Hollyday, George W. Biscoe, Susanna Mudd, Elizabeth M. Worthington, Laura Worthington, Henry C. Worthington, William Worthington, and Henrietta Worthington. PG. Estate of Walter B.C. Worthington - Glebe.
Accession No.: 17,898-6583 MSA S512-8- 6640 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/08/20 6584: George Burnham vs. Susan Buckman, George W. Gore, Mary Dahoff, Lewis Dahoff, Lloyd Baseman, Elizabeth Baseman, John Burnham, Jr., Susanna Burnham, and Nancy Burnham. BA. Estate of John Burnham. Accession No.: 17,898-6584-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6641 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/11/13 6585: John D. Boulding vs. Thomas T. Somerville, Washington Berry, and William R. Barker. PG. Title to Thomas and Anthonys Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-6585 MSA S512-8- 6642 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/11/18 6586: Stephen Beard and Betty H. Beard vs. James Duke, Elbert Beverly, Benjamin Buckmaster, Annahis Buckmaster, Asineth Beverly, and Delilah Beverly. CV. Estate of Charles Beverly. Accession No.: 17,898-6586 MSA S512-8- 6643 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/09/05 6587: Charles L. Boehm vs. William McComas, Ellen McComas, and Alexander C. Robinson. BA. Petition to discover payment of note. Accession No.: 17,898-6587 MSA S512-8- 6644 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/13 6588: Basil S. Benson and Mary Ann Benson vs. Eleanor Smith and Ann Smith. AA. Estate of Ann Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-6588 MSA S512-8- 6645 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/05/08 6589: Caleb Bentley, Roger Brooke, Caleb Stabler, Caleb B. Moore, Mary Moore, Thomas R. Reese, William Painter, Robert Pannell vs. John G. Cowman, Joseph Cowman, Samuel S. Cowman, and Sarah Cowman. AA. Petition to sell Talbots Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-6589 MSA S512-8- 6646 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/03/08 6590: Henry Bennett vs. Sellman & Crook, Jacob Myers & Son, and Henry P. Bennett. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-6590 MSA S512-8- 6647 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/07/07 6591: Josiah Bayley vs. Samuel Lucas, William Gwynn, George G. Belt, Charles F. Mayer, Charles G. Ridgely, and Oliver Holmes. BA. Injunction against operation of a lottery in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6591 MSA S512-8- 6648 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/08/20 6592: William D. Bowie vs. Richard W. West and Maria West. PG. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-6592 MSA S512-8- 6649 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/08/04 6593: William T. Boyd, Henrietta Boyd, Isaac L. Boyd, Elizabeth M. Boyd, Violetta A. Boyd, and Amelia M. Boyd vs. Dennis Boyd. AA. Estate of Jeremiah Boyd. Accession No.: 17,898-6593 MSA S512-8- 6650 Location: 1/37/3/
1850 6594: John Bond vs. Basil B. Gray, Sardilia A. Gray, William W. Gray, and Sarah Gray CV. Estate of John J. Gray - Cypress, Mount Ararat, Fancys Addition, Water Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-6594 MSA S512-8- 6651 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/01/29 6595: James Boyle vs. Samuel Whittington. CV. Trust estate under will of Henry Wood. Accession No.: 17,898-6595 MSA S512-8- 6652 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/12/04 6596: Moses G. Benjamin and Hezekiah Price vs. Garrett G. Worthington. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Poor Jamaicas Mans Plague. Accession No.: 17,898-6596 MSA S512-8- 6653 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/09/21 6597: Francis Brashears vs. Ephraim W. Hall, Benjamin E. Gantt, Margaret Hall, William Bryan, and Benjamin H. Hall. AA. Injunction against sale of slaves Elisha, Jane, and Daniel. Accession No.: 17,898-6597 MSA S512-8- 6654 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/05/06 6598: Bernardo Rapalo and William C. Tilden vs. Robert Barry. BA. Contract to purchase coffee. Accession No.: 17,898-6598 MSA S512-8- 6655 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/09/04 6599: James P. Bayless vs. Thomas Cromwell, Nancy Cromwell, and Isaac Abbott. AL. Trust estate of Thomas Cromwell. Accession No.: 17,898-6599 MSA S512-8- 6656 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/02/14 6600: Greenbury Buckingham vs. John Sappington and Rebecca Sappington. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on West Ilchester. Accession No.: 17,898-6600 MSA S512-8- 6657 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/05/04 6601: Samuel Brown of John R. and Robert Welsh of Ben vs. Attorney General. AA. Contract to purchase Maryland Gazette for State Library. Accession No.: 17,898-6601 MSA S512-8- 6658 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/05/12 6602: Walter F. Boarman vs. Walter Jamison, Sally M. Jamison, Josephine Jamison, John L. Lancaster, Rosetta Lancaster, Samuel D. Jamison, Ignatius Mudd, Mary Mudd, John H. Mudd, and Emily Mudd. CH. Estate of Benedict Jamison. Accession No.: 17,898-6602-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6659 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/11/25 6603: Isaac Brown vs. Anne Archer, John Archer, and John Sinnott. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6603 MSA S512-8- 6660 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/06/16 6604: James Bosley vs. Asbury Jarrett. BA. Title to hides. Accession No.: 17,898-6604 MSA S512-8- 6661 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/12/01 6605: Mary Ann Bevan, Eliza E. Bevan, John W. Bevan, and Charles Bevan vs. Mary Plummer, Thomas Plummer, Joseph Shepherd, Elizabeth Shepherd, Susan Shepherd, William Shepherd, and Samuel Shepherd. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6605 MSA S512-8- 6662 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/03/20 6606: George Barber vs. Adam Miller and John Miller. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Brushey Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-6606 MSA S512-8- 6663 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/08/17 6607: Elizabeth Lewis vs. Francis Hansack. AA. Estate of George Wallace. Accession No.: 17,898-6607 MSA S512-8- 6664 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/06/29 6609: Joshua D. Baxley vs. George N. Eaton, Hooper C. Eaton, and William E. Mayhew. BA. Dissolution of Eaton Brothers & Company. Accession No.: 17,898-6609 MSA S512-8- 6665 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/02/13 6610: Benjamin C. Buck, James C. Wheeden, Charles H. Rogers, William O. Eichelberger, Benjamin Wilson, James Hooper, Samuel S. Keyser, and Thomas Froxall vs. Levin H. Dunkin, Mary T.S. Dunkin, Isabella S. Dunkin, John Glenn, Edward D. Kemp, and James H. Wilson. BA. Defraud of creditors of Levin H. Dunkin - Elysium. Accession No.: 17,898-6610 MSA S512-8- 6666 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/01/14 6611: John H. Latrobe vs. William Booth. BA. Estate of William Booth. Accession No.: 17,898-6611 MSA S512-8- 6667 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/06/29 6612: William Boyd vs. John J. Wells, John G. Keady, and John T. Kiger. BA. Contract to purchase a tailor business. Accession No.: 17,898-6612 MSA S512-8- 6668 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/13 6613: James Bain vs. John Eschback and Samuel Bender. BA. Injunction against sale of a drug store. Accession No.: 17,898-6613 MSA S512-8- 6669 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/11/10 6614: William S. Birch vs. George W. Krebs, George Rogers, William Reese, Nicholas Wood, S.P. Franklin, John Patterson, Samuel Maccubbin, Jesse H. Magruder, and Francis H. Slaughter. BA. Trust estate of Birch - paper hanging factory. Accession No.: 17,898-6614 MSA S512-8- 6670 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/05/19 6615: Rosina Bihii and Charles F. Mayer vs. John Bihii. BA. Injunction against disposal of land. Accession No.: 17,898-6615 MSA S512-8- 6671 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/12/09 6617: William Iglehart and Peter Warfield vs. Thomas Bigham and Thomas Burgess. AA. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6617 MSA S512-8- 6672 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/05 6618: William Bose and Rebecca Bose vs. Thomas Ward, John Traverse, Vachel Traverse, Marcellus Aaron, Robert Meekins, James Creighton, Isaac Bistohe, Robert Creighton, and Sarah Ann Rook. DO. Trust estate of Rebecca Bose. Accession No.: 17,898-6618 MSA S512-8- 6673 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/05/20 6619: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. and John Littejohn vs. John H. Allstadt, Charles Kidd, John Needles, Samuel Strider, George W. Henry, Francis Crook, James C. Sellman, Robert Lewis, George R.H. Leffler, Joseph Smith, and Alexander Kelly. BA. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6619 MSA S512-8- 6674 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/07/07 6620: Savings Bank of Baltimore vs. William B. Barney, Mary Barney, George Winchester, and James W. Collins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6620 MSA S512-8- 6675 Location: 1/37/3/
1844 6621: Nicholas Brewer vs. Rachel Watkins and Benjamin Watkins. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-6621 MSA S512-8- 6676 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/10/23 6622: Richard Wootton and Francis Piles vs. Thomas Benson. MO. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6622 MSA S512-8- 6677 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/08/25 6623: Bellona Gunpowder Co. vs. Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co. BA. Petition to relocate a proposed railroad in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6623-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6678 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/10/26 6624: John Burns vs. Charles Williams and William B. Carter. BA. Defraud of creditors of Carter - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 339. Accession No.: 17,898-6624-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6679 Location: 1/37/3/
1819/04/03 6625: Nicholas Brewer vs. John Darnall. PG. Contract to perform legal services. Accession No.: 17,898-6625-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6680 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/11/17 6627: James W. Brackenridge and Eliza Brackenridge vs. Abraham Clarke. PG. Estate of Baley Clarke. Accession No.: 17,898-6627 MSA S512-8- 6681 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/06/19 6628: Baltimore Life Insurance Co. and John Nelson vs. Clarissa H. Luckett and Serena Luckett. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Second Resurvey on Lucketts Merry Midnight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-6628 MSA S512-8- 6682 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/06/27 6629: Bank of Pennsylvania vs. John W. Stitts, Mirianna W. Stitts, and Samuel Moore. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on grist mill and woolen factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 336. Accession No.: 17,898-6629 MSA S512-8- 6683 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/11/09 6630: Bank of Baltimore vs. Savage Manufacturing Co., Nathaniel Williams, Hugh Birckhead, and William Schley. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Whites Contrivance, Henrys Lot, Pinkstones Thicket, Warfields Range, Venisons Park, Brothers Partnership, Mill Land, Williams Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 284. Accession No.: 17,898-6630 MSA S512-8- 6684 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/09/24 6631: Bank of Baltimore vs. Basil S. Elder, T. Parkin Scott, and Thomas Meredith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 676. Accession No.: 17,898-6631 MSA S512-8- 6685 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/06/06 6632: Bank of Penntownship vs. Jacob Frick and Ann W. Frick. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-6632 MSA S512-8- 6686 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/03/24 6633: Bank of the United States, Thomas Finley, John Vanlear, and Talbot Jones vs. Joseph Hussey, William Hussey, Rachel Hussey, William G. Hussey, Asahel Hussey, George Hussey, Robert W. Young, Rebecca Young, Thomas Atkinson, Hannah Atkinson, and Derrick Keyser. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-6633-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6687 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/03/17 6634: Alexander H. Boteler vs. John Brookes. PG. Dissolution of Boteler & Brookes - Yarmouth, Muscel Shell. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, pp. 266, 270. Accession No.: 17,898-6634-1/15 MSA S512-8- 6688 Location: 1/37/3/
1794/04/29 6635: Peter Emerson vs. Seth Barton. CV. Contract to manage a store in Huntingtown. Accession No.: 17,898-6635-1/17 MSA S512-8- 6689 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/02/25 6636: Nicholas Kerney vs. Henry Bennett, Patrick H. Bennett, Adolphus Bennett, and James Thompson. BA. Estate of Patrick Bennett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, pp. 637, 651. Accession No.: 17,898-6636-1/19 MSA S512-8- 6690 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/06/22 6637: Amos Binney vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. and Isaac McCord. MO. Injunction against building dams on Little Falls of Potomac River. Accession No.: 17,898-6637-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6691 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/07/07 6638: Baltimore Eastern Savings Co. vs. Charles Webb. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 346. Accession No.: 17,898-6638 MSA S512-8- 6692 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/01/12 6639: Thomas Billingsley and Arthur Harris vs. John Parran and William Graham. CV. Dissolution of Harris, Parran & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-6639 MSA S512-8- 6693 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/05/23 6640: William Bryan, John G. Nichols, and Joseph J. Nicholson vs. William Sewell. AA. Estate of William Sewell. Accession No.: 17,898-6640 MSA S512-8- 6694 Location: 1/37/3/
1832 6641: Nicholas Brice and John H. Maccubbin vs. John Hall, Elizabeth Mathews, John Mathews, Mary Mathews, William Mathews, and Jesse Mathews. AA. Estate of John Mathews. Accession No.: 17,898-6641 MSA S512-8- 6695 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/08/19 6642: Elisha Berry and Richard H. Marshall vs. Roderick McGregor and Ann McGregor. PG. Estate of Ann Berry. Accession No.: 17,898-6642 MSA S512-8- 6696 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/04/03 6643: James W. Brackenridge, Eliza Brackenridge, and Colin Auld vs. Dr. Charles Duvall. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6643 MSA S512-8- 6697 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/07/24 6644: David Butler, Jr. FR. Estate of Elizabeth Christian Potts. Accession No.: 17,898-6644 MSA S512-8- 6698 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/04 6645: John G. Brian. BA. Petition to sell Carrolls Search. Accession No.: 17,898-6645 MSA S512-8- 6699 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/07/16 6646: Charles R. Barney. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6646 MSA S512-8- 6700 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/03/14 6648: Archibald Binny vs. Peter Gough and William Harworth. SM. Dissolution of Peter Gough & Co. - Clifton Factory. Accession No.: 17,898-6648-1/14 MSA S512-8- 6701 Location: 1/37/3/
1801/06/02 6649: Lloyd Buchanan and Henry Courtenay. BA. Insolvent estates of Buchanan and Courtenay. Recorded (Chancery Record) 57, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-6649-1/17 MSA S512-8- 6702 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/11/06 6650: John McPherson Brien vs. Luke Tiernan Brien, Luke Tiernan, and Henry T. Somerville. FR, WA. Estate of John Brien - Catoctin Furnace. Accession No.: 17,898-6650 MSA S512-8- 6703 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/12/01 6651: John D. Bowling vs. Edward Miles and Austin L. Miles. CH. Estate of Christian L. Miles. Accession No.: 17,898-6651 MSA S512-8- 6704 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/08/04 6652: Richard Brookings and Robert Christy vs. John Mackey. CE. Injunction against diverting Little Elk Creek. Accession No.: 17,898-6652 MSA S512-8- 6705 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/09/17 6653: William Billingslea, James Billingslea, Ephraim Stuart, James Reardon, Elizabeth Birckhead, John Johnson, Thomas Wilson, William Tucker, William G. Dove, William A. Hill, and Thomas Dorney vs. Sarah Middleton and William Duley. HA. Estate of Walter G. Middleton.
Accession No.: 17,898-6653 MSA S512-8- 6706 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/04/25 6654: Nicholas Brewer vs. Thomas Phipps, Randolph Phipps, Mary Phipps, John Phipps and Nicholas Phipps. AA. Petition to sell Crutchleys Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 54. Accession No.: 17,898-6654-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6707 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/06/27 6655: Mary E. Brown vs. Ellen A. Brown and John T. Brown. BA. Petition to sell or lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6655 MSA S512-8- 6708 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/08/14 6656: Otho Beall and Mary Beall vs. Thomas Berry, Zachariah Berry, Washington Berry, Henry C. Berry, Thomas Berry, Ann Berry, Eliza Berry, John McGinnis, and Elizabeth McGinnis. PG. Estate of Zachariah Berry. Accession No.: 17,898-6656 MSA S512-8- 6709 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/05/03 6657: Harmanus Boggs and George H. Wetter vs. Dominick Eagle and Allen Anderson. CE. Estate of Samuel K. White. Accession No.: 17,898-6657-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6710 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/08/20 6659: James Boyle vs. David U. Brown, William Stewart, and Margaret Stewart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6659 MSA S512-8- 6711 Location: 1/37/3/
1816/05/11 6660: Jacob Brengle vs. Abraham Woodward, Stephen Basford, Harry G. Waters, Henry Smith, Thomas Burger, and Miles Burger. FR. Petition to sell lot in New Market, slaves Harry, Charles, and Hannah. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 27 Accession No.: 17,898-6660-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6712 Location: 1/37/3/
1815/09/25 6661: John Bennett and Basil Warfield. AA. Petition to sell Partnership, Snowdons Addition to his Manor, White Wine and Claret. Plat of Partnership, Snowdens Addition to his Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 92, p. 122. Accession No.: 17,898-6661-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6713 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/08/30 6663: Joseph Chaney, James Larimore, and Washington G. Tuck vs. William Birckhead. AA. Petition to sell West Wells. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 535. Accession No.: 17,898-6663-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6714 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/07/06 6664: John Bratt vs. George Weems, Robert Garner, and James Harwood. AA. Contract to purchase Chews Right, Ayres. Accession No.: 17,898-6664 MSA S512-8- 6715 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/11/24 6665: Thomas Brewer vs. David Shepherd, Robert M. Dempsey, and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. Contract to build Patterson Creek Bridge in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-6665 MSA S512-8- 6716 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/07/06 6666: Anna Maria Boyer vs. Susan Boyer and Mary Boyer. KE. Petition to sell Rich Level, Heaths Range. Accession No.: 17,898-6666 MSA S512-8- 6717 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/11/25 6668: Harmanus Boggs vs. Joseph Stansbury, William Stansbury, Janet Stansbury, Isaac Stansbury, Joshua Stansbury, Caleb Stansbury, Wilkinson Taylor, and E.D. Payne. CR. Estate of Caleb Stansbury. Accession No.: 17,898-6668 MSA S512-8- 6718 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/26 6669: Elizabeth Briscoe vs. John W. Thomas, George A. Thomas, George Davidson, Anne E. Davidson, Jeremiah S.H. Boles, Mary Boles, Sarah A. Davidson, Elizabeth Davidson, George Davidson, Frances M. Davidson, William Davidson, James Davidson, and Philip T. Davidson. CE. Estate of Philip Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-6669 MSA S512-8- 6719 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/07/21 6670: George Barber, Adam Miller and John Miller vs. Rezin Chaney of Thomas. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Piney Orchard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 332. Accession No.: 17,898-6670 MSA S512-8- 6720 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/10/14 6671: Edmund Byrne and Charles F. Mayer vs. Edward J. Smith and Mary F. Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bedford Resurveyed, Quebeck, Islinglass Glade Enlarged, Cooksons Contract, Rosland, Cromwells Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6671 MSA S512-8- 6721 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/02/16 6672: Elisha Berry vs. Richard H. Griffith, Harry B. Griffith, John Thomas, III, Washington Owen, and John Birdsall. MO. Injunction against trespass on Charles and Benjamin. Accession No.: 17,898-6672 MSA S512-8- 6722 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/05/17 6673: John N. Black vs. Samuel McKown, Sr. and Samuel McKown, Jr. CE. Petition to sell lot in Charlestown. Accession No.: 17,898-6673 MSA S512-8- 6723 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/11/15 6674: William B. Blick and Mary A. Blick vs. William W. Waite, Robert F. Blick, Louise Blick, James C. Blick, William Blick, and Thomas Blick. BA. Trust estate of William B. Blick - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6674 MSA S512-8- 6724 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/04/03 6675: George H. Brice vs. Elizabeth Leypold and Thomas Barrett. BA. Contract to lease Theatre Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-6675 MSA S512-8- 6725 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/02/03 6676: James Bryan vs. John Miller, Mary Miller, and Ellen Robertson. CR. Contract to purchase lot in Westminster. Accession No.: 17,898-6676 MSA S512-8- 6726 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/03/04 6677: Laura Bevans vs. Benjamin Ogle, Mary R. Bevans, John Bevans, James Connor, and Mary Connor. AA. Trust estate under will of Margaret Ogle. Accession No.: 17,898-6677 MSA S512-8- 6727 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/19 6678: Arthur Bell vs. Susan Wright, Polish Mills, William Wright, Sarah E. Wright, and Susan J. Wright. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6678 MSA S512-8- 6728 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/10/21 6679: Harriet A. Beard vs. John H. Linthicum, George H. Stewart, Benjamin Beard, Rebecca Beard, Mary A. Beard, and Richard G. Beard. AA. Contract to purchase Town Mill and slaves Dennis, Nicholas, Indy, Stephen, Sophy, Nelly, Milley, Matilda, Henry, Minerva, John, and George. Accession No.: 17,898-6679 MSA S512-8- 6729 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/02/28 6680: Stewart Brown vs. George Sharar. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 84. Accession No.: 17,898-6680 MSA S512-8- 6730 Location: 1/37/3/
1817/01/23 6681: Daniel Barnetz, David Barnetz, Jacob Barnetz, George Barnetz, John Barnetz, Daniel Lansman, Barbara Lansman, and Susannah Eichelberger vs. Mary Barnetz, John C. Barnetz, Anna M. Barnetz, and Augusta Barnetz. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-6681-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6731 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/07/17 6682: Polly Benson vs. John B. Bennett, Nancy Bennett, Polly Stanton, Thomas Stanton, and Sally Stanton. DO. Petition to sell Utopia. Accession No.: 17,898-6682 MSA S512-8- 6732 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/07/05 6683: Richard Brookings, Joseph Haines, and William Pierce vs. Hannah Haddock, Samuel Haddock, Sarah Ann Haddock, John G. Haddock, Susan H. Haddock, Mary Ann Haddock, Elizabeth F. Haddock, Eleanor Haddock, Henry Haddock, James T. Haddock, and Robert Haddock. CE. Estate of James Haddock.
Accession No.: 17,898-6683 MSA S512-8- 6733 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/06/17 6684: Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. vs. Henry Dellinger. WA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-6684 MSA S512-8- 6734 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/07/06 6685: Josiah Bayley vs. Nicholas J. Watkins, James Iglehart, William S. Green, Matilda Green, Farmers Bank of Maryland, and Thomas Franklin. AA. Defraud of creditors of William S. Green - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-6685-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6735 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/06/15 6686: Benjamin C. Barroll vs. Lewis J. Sherman, Elizabeth Sherman, and Thomas Selvage. BA. Insolvent estate of Selvage - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6686 MSA S512-8- 6736 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/08/16 6687: Bernard U. Campbell and John Glenn vs. Philip D.V. Schweinitz, Charles F. Mayer, Frederick B. Graff, Justus Hoppe, and George Brown. BA. Estate of Frederick Graff. Accession No.: 17,898-6687 MSA S512-8- 6737 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/29 6688: James Campbell vs. Alexander Hill. BA. Contract to collect rents. Accession No.: 17,898-6688 MSA S512-8- 6738 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/01/09 6689: John Coal vs. Nathan Young of William. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Victory. Accession No.: 17,898-6689 MSA S512-8- 6739 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/06/19 6690: John Claytor and T.T. Simmons vs. Ann Watkins, Henry Harwood, and Richard Harwood of Thomas. AA. Estate of Benjamin Harwood. Accession No.: 17,898-6690 MSA S512-8- 6740 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/03/25 6691: Owen Cecil, Rebecca Cecil, Rodolphus Cecil, and Julius Cecil vs. John Pumphrey, Adelin R. Pumphrey, Richard Pumphrey, and Mariett Pumphrey. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-6691 MSA S512-8- 6741 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/12/02 6692: Urith Cromwell and William Winchester vs. James B. Latimer, Fielder Israel, James Winchester, George Winchester, Thomas C. Winchester, Elizabeth J. Winchester, Talbot Winchester, and William H. Winchester. BA. Trust estate of John Cromwell. Accession No.: 17,898-6692 MSA S512-8- 6742 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/07/07 6693: James Mason Campbell and Robert S. Voss vs. Samuel Poultney, William M. Ellicott, and Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Validity of election of directors of Union Bank of Maryland. Accession No.: 17,898-6693 MSA S512-8- 6743 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/07/01 6694: William S. Constable vs. Mary Browne. KE. Petition to partition Tilghman, Foxley Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-6694 MSA S512-8- 6744 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/11/29 6695: Mary Cresap vs. John Denny, James Denny, Sarah Denny, Jacob Denny, William Denny, Louisa Denny, Thomas H. Kemp, and Mary E. Kemp. QA. Estate of John Denny - Love Point. Accession No.: 17,898-6695 MSA S512-8- 6745 Location: 1/37/3/
1850 6696: James Carr and Elizabeth Carr vs. Walter W. Phelps and Kitty Ann Phelps. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-6696 MSA S512-8- 6746 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/06/29 6697: Charles Crook, Jr. vs. Enoch Pearce. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-6697-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6747 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/06/03 6698: William Cockey, Joseph C. Cockey, John Cockey, Philemon Towson, and Sebastian Graff vs. Edward Harris, Larkin Smith, James Sterrett, Joshua Marsh, Asel Wilson, and Charles Ridgely of Hampton. BA. Title to Franklins Neglect and Cockeys Discovery.
Accession No.: 17,898-6698 MSA S512-8- 6748 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/29 6699: Samuel Cameron vs. Edmund Gibson and John Glenn. BA. Injunction against sale of Rose Hill Estate. Accession No.: 17,898-6699 MSA S512-8- 6749 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/07/23 6701: Francis H. Clements vs. Elizabeth Gardiner. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6701 MSA S512-8- 6750 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/07/11 6702: John Cook vs. Ann Granger, Elizabeth Granger, Levin Granger, Benjamin Granger, and Margaret Granger. DO. Contract to purchase Piney Swamp, schooner Clara. Accession No.: 17,898-6702 MSA S512-8- 6751 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/08/15 6703: Robert Clarke, Daniel Clarke, Levin Clarke, and Wyvil Clarke vs. William Thompson, Mary Thompson, Elizabeth Woolford, and Nancy Woolford. DO. Trust estate of Levin Woolford. Accession No.: 17,898-6703 MSA S512-8- 6752 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/08/17 6704: Caleb Cooke vs. William J. Wight. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6704 MSA S512-8- 6753 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/15 6705: Albert Constable vs. William W. Handy, Robert A. Taylor, William Krebs, A.G. Cole, Thomas R. Hanks, and Vestry of St. Pauls Parish. BA. Injunction against obstruction of lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6705-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6754 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/04/07 6706: Margaret Creek vs. Susan Creek, Mary J. Creek, and Thomas Creek. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6706 MSA S512-8- 6755 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/07/08 6707: Margaret Justice vs. Aaron Cook. DO. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-6707 MSA S512-8- 6756 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/09/03 6709: Samuel Chew, Joseph W. Reynolds, Mary Reynolds, Betty H. Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, William Reynolds, and Richard Reynolds vs. George R. Cranford, Elizabeth Reynolds, Edward G. Reynolds, William Reynolds, Richard Reynolds, Samuel Chew, and Frances Hawkins. CV. Contract to purchase Robertsons Rest.
Accession No.: 17,898-6709 MSA S512-8- 6757 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/07/22 6710: Jannett Cosden vs. William Paschquet and William Pasquet, Jr. CE. Title to Mulberry Mould, Mulberry Dock, lots in Thorn Town. Accession No.: 17,898-6710 MSA S512-8- 6758 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/07/10 6711: Daniel Caulk vs. Walter McNeir, Elizabeth McNeir, Elizabeth Diffenderfer, John T. Diffenderfer, and William Bryan. AA. Estate of Elizabeth Diffenderfer. Accession No.: 17,898-6711 MSA S512-8- 6759 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/22 6712: William R.L. Copes vs. Major Vincent K. Copes, George Copes, Revel Copes, Obed Pearce, and Elizabeth Pearce. BA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-6712-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6760 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/12/08 6713: Pinkney C. Caldwell vs. William T. Somerville, Alexander Neill, Ann Tiernan, William H. Tiernan, Rebecca Somerville, Maria Williamson, Frederick Chatard, Catherine Chatard, Luke T. Brien, Charles Tiernan, James M.G. Caddy, and Calvin Tate. BA. Estate of Luke Tiernan. Accession No.: 17,898-6713 MSA S512-8- 6761 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/01/09 6714: James Carroll vs. Francis Bird and Julian Sheckles. AA. Petition to sell Haylands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 1015. Accession No.: 17,898-6714 MSA S512-8- 6762 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/09/03 6715: Kenelm G. Cheseldine vs. Clarissa Thomas, Ann Thomas, William W. Bowling, and Frances Knoll. SM. Contract to purchase Mattapony and slaves Jinny, Silvey, Philis, Phill, Gerard, Juliana, Catharine, Jane Maria, and Philippia. Accession No.: 17,898-6715 MSA S512-8- 6763 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/30 6716: Robert Clarke and William N. Smith vs. James L. Foxwell. SM. Injunction against removal of timber from Fresh Pond Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-6716 MSA S512-8- 6764 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/03/08 6717: William Clemm, John Clemm, Joseph Clemm, James S. Clemm, Caroline Clemm, William Brown, and Catherine Brown vs. Samuel Tschudy, James W. McCulloh, and Joseph E. Clemm. BA. Estate of William Clemm, Sr. - lots in BC, land in Va. Accession No.: 17,898-6717-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6765 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/12/04 6718: William J. Cole vs. Daniel O'Neill, Henry Lechter, Elizabeth Fleming, Clement Arnel, James Nash, George Geyer, John Kingsbury, Frederick Holtz, Bridget McElhaney, Elizabeth Jones, and Alexis Sides. BA. Estate of Catherine O'Neill - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6718-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6766 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/14 6719: Levin Craig, Rebecca Craig, Nehemiah Crockett, Elizabeth Crockett, Eliza Jane Cross, Henry Jones, Henrietta Jones, Sarah Cross, Thomas Cross, John Cross, and Sarah M. Cross vs. Henry H. Brown, Mary A. Brown, Robert Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, Philip W. Whitright, Eleanor Whitright, William Carter, Caroline Carter, John A. Baldwin, Martha Baldwin, Howerton Cross, Samuel Crawford, and Maria Crawford. AA. Petition to sell Providence Enclosed. Accession No.: 17,898-6719 MSA S512-8- 6767 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/05/16 6720: Richard Chambers vs. James C. Reyner. CA. Estate of Stephen Reyner. Accession No.: 17,898-6720 MSA S512-8- 6768 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/02/22 6721: Mary O.G. Cronise and Washington Brown vs. John Clark, Henry Mankin, Elizabeth B. Abbott, William H.P. Cronise, and William E. Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6721 MSA S512-8- 6769 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/01/25 6722: Owen Cecil vs. Joseph Chaney and Elizabeth Chaney. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Fifth Connection, Piney Orchard. Accession No.: 17,898-6722 MSA S512-8- 6770 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/01/30 6723: Daniel W. Corkran, Pricilla Corkran, Joseph Bestpitch, and Rose Anne Bestpitch vs. Solomon Foxwell, Elsie Foxwell, George B. Foxwell, Louisa C. Foxwell, and Lura Ann Foxwell. DO. Petition to sell Vale of Misery, Peace Maker, Not This Vinegard, Raccoon Point, Governor.
Accession No.: 17,898-6723 MSA S512-8- 6771 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/07/17 6724: Nancy Camp vs. William A. Tiar, Charles F. Dement, and Louisa D. Dement. CH. Estate of Alexius Tiar. Accession No.: 17,898-6724 MSA S512-8- 6772 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/03 6725: Lucy S. Clarke, Samuel L. Clarke, and Samuel Hambleton, Jr. vs. William B. Clarke, John Stephens, J.B. Kerr, and Tench Tilghman. TA. Contract to lease lot in Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-6725 MSA S512-8- 6773 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/18 6726: Roswell L. Colt vs. John J. Palmer, James K. Hamilton, Robert M. Gibbes, and Charles Thomas Oliver. BA. Injuction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6726 MSA S512-8- 6774 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/05/22 6727: Ann S. Chaney vs. Joseph H. Nicholson. AA. Title to slave Hester. Accession No.: 17,898-6727 MSA S512-8- 6775 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/03/18 6728: John G. Chapman vs. William Morris. CH. Disolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-6728-1/5 MSA S512-8- 6776 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/11/25 6729: George F. Calloway vs. Francis Pusey, William J. Pusey, Eleanor A. Pusey, Elizabeth Pusey, Edward F. Pusey, Thomas Pusey, and Walter P. Snow. WO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6729 MSA S512-8- 6777 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/08/06 6731: Joseph Chaney and Rezin Chaney vs. Hugh D. Evans. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Addition to Gaithers Fancy. Plat; also shows Piney Orchard, Griniffton, Gaithers Fancy, Bens Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6731-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6778 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/29 6732: Samuel O. Cockey and David Carlisle vs. Mary Ann Carroll and Frances B. Laurenson. BA. Injunction against trespass on Croxalls Elbow Room, Garrison, Rockhill. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-6732 MSA S512-8- 6779 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/28 6733: John Collett, Keziah Collett, and Nicholas Gorsuch vs. Elisha P. Horn. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Additon to Gorsuchs Hills and Dales, Gorsuchs Care. Accession No.: 17,898-6733 MSA S512-8- 6780 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/01/21 6734: William E. Coale vs. Jacob F. Conine. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6734 MSA S512-8- 6781 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/01/26 6735: William C. Conine and Robert Purviance vs. John Pool and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. CR. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-6735 MSA S512-8- 6782 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/25 6736: Thomas Crawford, Eliza Crawford, Benjamin W. Jones, and Nancy Jones vs Benjamin C. Cowen. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6736 MSA S512-8- 6783 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/04/07 6737: Ann Cain vs. Michael Cain, James Cain, Sr., James Cain, Jr., and Sarah Cain. CE. Estate of Jeremiah Cain. Accession No.: 17,898-6737 MSA S512-8- 6784 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/05/22 6738: William P. Cropper vs. John W. McCullough. CE. Injunction against unauthorized measurement and inspection of lumber in Chesapeake City. Accession No.: 17,898-6738 MSA S512-8- 6785 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/11/07 6739: John Chadburn and Elizabeth J. Chadburn vs. John Goodhand. BA. Estate of Beninia Olehaw. Accession No.: 17,898-6739 MSA S512-8- 6786 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/12/06 6740: Robert Clarke vs. James L. Foxwell. SM. Injunction against removal of fences and timber from Fresh Pond Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-6740 MSA S512-8- 6787 Location: 1/37/3/
1786/05/13 6741: John Cartwright vs. Dorothy Hammett. SM. Appointment of trustee for Hammett - Charlies Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-6741 MSA S512-8- 6788 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/10/14 6742: Richard J. Cowman vs. Henrietta M. Hall, John Thomas Hall, and Watkins Hall. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-6742 MSA S512-8- 6789 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/10/21 6743: Samuel Chase, and Elias Glenn vs. Randle H. Moale. BA. Validity of sale of land. Accession No.: 17,898-6743 MSA S512-8- 6790 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/06/10 6744: John G. Chapman vs. Katherine Vincent, John J. Stoddert, James J. Weems, Mary Chapman, and Horatio Claggett. CH. Estate of Samuel Chapman. Accession No.: 17,898-6744-1/7 MSA S512-8- 6791 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/02/18 6745: Richard J. Cowman, Thomas J. Cowman, Richard H. Cowman, Henrietta Cowman, and Henry Cowman. AA. Petition to sell Cotters Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 706. Accession No.: 17,898-6745 MSA S512-8- 6792 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/07/14 6746: William Caulk, Mary E. Caulk, James M. Lambdin, and Dorcas L. Lambdin vs. Edward M. Hambleton, Caroline M. Lambdin, William K. Lambdin, Jr., Joseph F. Lambdin, and Caroline F. Lambdin. TA. Petition to sell lot in Easton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 276. Accession No.: 17,898-6746 MSA S512-8- 6793 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/01/30 6748: David Carlisle vs. William Somerville. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 334. Accession No.: 17,898-6748 MSA S512-8- 6794 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/02/28 6749: David Carlisle vs. Edward T. Ellicott and Anne C. Ellicott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1153. Accession No.: 17,898-6749 MSA S512-8- 6795 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/01/29 6750: Charles R. Carroll, Rebecca Carroll, Michael Pue, Robert D. Burns, Robert Burns, Arthur Burns, and George Dobbins. vs. Arthur Pue, Sally Pue, Charles R. Pue, Emily Pue, Pricilla H. Pue, Henry H. Pue, Mortimer Pue, Richard R. Pue, Charles Thomas, Maria R. Thomas, and Eliyes Pue. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 611.
Accession No.: 17,898-6750 MSA S512-8- 6796 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/04/22 6751: Eliza Cassandra Chew vs. Howard Meeks and Rebecca E. Meeks. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Nancys Choice, Warners Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-6751 MSA S512-8- 6797 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/03/02 6752: William Cecil vs. Clement Warns and Margaret Warns. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-6752 MSA S512-8- 6798 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/02/26 6753: Thomas D. Case vs. Caroline Barton and Laura J. Barton. CA. Petition to sell Stock Landing. Accession No.: 17,898-6753 MSA S512-8- 6799 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/03/17 6754: John Crookshanks vs. Edward Wingate, James Whitaker, and Milicent Mercer. CE. Petition to sell lot in North East. Accession No.: 17,898-6754-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6800 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/06/24 6755: Albert Constable vs. Elizabeth Love and William Williams. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Great Brittain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 15B, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-6755 MSA S512-8- 6801 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/06/29 6756: Thomas F. Copper and Mary R. Copper vs. Hannah E. Lynch, Martha O. Lynch, William W. Lynch, and Richard W. Lynch. KE. Petition to sell Goose Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 187. Accession No.: 17,898-6756 MSA S512-8- 6802 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/09/10 6757: George Crosby and Camillus Kidder vs. Charles R. Pearce and William Robinson, Jr. BA. Estate of Henry Payson. Accession No.: 17,898-6757 MSA S512-8- 6803 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/03/07 6758: Mary Crouch, James Mansfield, and Thomas Carroll vs. Edward Crouch, John Downing, and Elizabeth Downing. KE. Petition to sell Bachelors Choice, Reardon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 226. Accession No.: 17,898-6758 MSA S512-8- 6804 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/12/23 6759: Laura Isabella Colston vs. James L. Colston. DO. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6759 MSA S512-8- 6805 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/03/24 6760: Horace Capron and Thomas J. Herbert vs. Washington Waters, Worthington Waters, Harry Dorsey, Susan Dorsey, Zachariah Waters, Eliza Waters, Juliana Waters, William Waters, Zachariah Waters, and Ignatius Waters. Howard District. Estate of Ignatius Waters - Paternal Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-6760 MSA S512-8- 6806 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/05/07 6761: Benjamin Clark, Isaiah Clark, and Noah Clark vs. Abraham Clark, Susan Clark, Richard Clark, Emily R. Clark, Margaret Clark, Caleb Clark, John Clark, Jane R. Clark, Augusta Clark, Somerville Clark, John Presly, and William A. Presly. AA. Petition to sell Pinkstons Folly, Clarksburgh, Sappingtons Addition.
Accession No.: 17,898-6761-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6807 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/07/18 6762: John Carr, Richard L. Stockett, and Joseph N. Stockett vs. John N. Watkins, Anne Watkins, Ann Watkins, John T. Hall, Joseph W. Hall, Mary E. Watkins, James Clagett, Louisa Clagett, Margaret Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, Gassaway Watkins, George Watkins, William J. Stockett, Thomas N. Stockett, Joseph W. Stockett, Westley Stockett, Caleb Stewart, Richard Stewart, Robert Stewart, Joseph Stewart, Francis Stockett, Ann C. Stockett, Richard Watkins of Richard, Edward Stewart, Naomi Harwood, Joseph Evans, James Iglehart, William Stewart, John Beard, Richard Watkins, Overton Ridgeway, Sophia Ridgeway, Joseph Stewart, Cornelia Stewart, and Matilda Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Bessington. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 129.
Accession No.: 17,898-6762-1/7 MSA S512-8- 6808 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/05/23 6763: David Carlisle vs. Federal Earickson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1075. Accession No.: 17,898-6763 MSA S512-8- 6809 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/01 6764: David Carlisle vs. Sarah A. Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6764 MSA S512-8- 6810 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/08/04 6765: Joel Cornwell and Susan M. Cornwell vs. Esau Insley, Lucinda Insley, Alfred M. Lewis, James K. Lewis, and Levin Lewis. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 253. Accession No.: 17,898-6765 MSA S512-8- 6811 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/22 6766: Edwin Coolidge and Jonas Wyeth vs. Greenbury Purnell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Worth Little, Veazeys Lot, Simpers Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-6766 MSA S512-8- 6812 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/04/28 6767: Ezekiel F. Chambers, David Chambers, Joseph Wickes, Elizabeth Wickes, Henrietta M. Tilghman, Augustine Forman, and Henry P. Van Bibber vs. John S. Stiles, Sarah E. Stiles, Eliza Tabb, and Sophia Forman. CE. Estate of Thomas M. Forman. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 544. Accession No.: 17,898-6767 MSA S512-8- 6813 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/11/14 6769: Washington Comegys and Charles Marquedant vs. Thomas Bartholomew. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Buck Hill, Billeys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6769 MSA S512-8- 6814 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/07/09 6770: Charles Cannon vs. Anna Maria Gray. CA. Petition to sell Mill Pond Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 802 Accession No.: 17,898-6770-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6815 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/03/05 6771: Pearson Clark vs. Frederick A. Levering, John C. Bridges, Samuel H. Whittington, and Benjamin B. Snyder. CV. Injunction against sale of goods on schooner Emily Ann. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 117. Accession No.: 17,898-6771 MSA S512-8- 6816 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/03/18 6772: Gabriel H. Chabot vs. Christian G. Peters. BA. Dissolution of Peters & Chabot. Accession No.: 17,898-6772-1/10 MSA S512-8- 6817 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/08/24 6773: George W. Cacy and Martha C. Cacy vs. Bronough M. Deringer, Esterlina M. Deringer, and Abraham Nevin Woodland. KE. Petition to sell Partners Addition, Hangmans Folly, Hangmans End, Trent, Brownings Discovery. Plat of Partners Addition, Hangmans Folly, Brownings Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6773 MSA S512-8- 6818 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/03/09 6774: Thomas Crown vs. Benjamin Earnshaw. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Connexion. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6774-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6819 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/04 6775: Burlington Carlisle vs. George Gelbach, Jr. and Isaac W. Jewett. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1082. Accession No.: 17,898-6775 MSA S512-8- 6820 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/01/17 6776: Enock Cloud vs. Edward Wilson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bank Farm. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-6776-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6821 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/04/14 6777: Thomas F. Chiswell and Joseph N. Chiswell vs. John A. Leonard, Susan Leonard, and Henry A. Jamison. MO. Injunction against sale of slaves Sarah, John, James, Nancy, William, Charlotte, Rebecca, Eliza, Charlotte, and Anthony. Accession No.: 17,898-6777 MSA S512-8- 6822 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/09/08 6778: Thomas R. Cook, William H. Cook, and Thomas G. Cook vs. James A. Cook. DO. Petition to sell Cooks Industry, Josephs Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-6778 MSA S512-8- 6823 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/30 6779: David Carlisle vs. Ezekiel Burke. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 734. Accession No.: 17,898-6779 MSA S512-8- 6824 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/05/23 6780: David Carlisle vs. Sarah Ann Foose. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1078. Accession No.: 17,898-6780 MSA S512-8- 6825 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/05/23 6781: David Carlisle vs. David Wittenbecker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1085. Accession No.: 17,898-6781 MSA S512-8- 6826 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/07/25 6782: David Carlisle vs. Hugh S. Orem. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6782 MSA S512-8- 6827 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/30 6783: David Carlisle vs. Edward Boyle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 94. Accession No.: 17,898-6783 MSA S512-8- 6828 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/23 6784: David Carlisle vs. Jerome Harbaugher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 139. Accession No.: 17,898-6784 MSA S512-8- 6829 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/07/17 6785: Charles Counselman, Jacob Counselman, George F. Counselman, William Y.R. Saffel, Mary Ann Saffel, William T. Davis, and Harriett H. Davis vs. William H. Counselman, Lawrence Counselman, and Rebecca Somerville. BA. Contract to purchase Bloombury Farm, Discovery, Taylors Forrest, Arrow Spike. Plat at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 597.
Accession No.: 17,898-6785-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6830 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/08 6786: Hester Ann Chase vs. Randle H. Moale. BA. Contract to manage property. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 748. Accession No.: 17,898-6786-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6831 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/21 6787: William Cook and George Cook, Jr. vs. Richard W. West, Maria West, and Edward Lloyd. PG. Petition to sell Darnalls Delight, Elizabeth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-6787 MSA S512-8- 6832 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/07/01 6788: Alexander C. Cook and Richard J. Cross vs. Joshua Parlet, Sarah Parlet, Elizabeth A. Bowen, Emily R. Bowen, William Bowen, James P. Bowen, Temperance A. Bowen, and Joseph S. Bowen. BA. Petition to sell Traceys Park, James Meadow, lot in Towson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 6 1/2.
Accession No.: 17,898-6788-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6833 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/07/20 6789: Albert Constable vs. John C.C. Hall and George J.O. Hall. HA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-6789-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6834 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/04/07 6790: Elizabeth Cockey vs. Sebastian Graff Cockey. FR. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6790 MSA S512-8- 6835 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/30 6791: David Carlisle vs. George Stuart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-6791 MSA S512-8- 6836 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/10/23 6792: David Carlisle vs. Sarah Anderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6792 MSA S512-8- 6837 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/04/01 6793: Elmira Creighton, Susan Creighton, George Creighton, Mary E. Creighton, Charles Creighton, Robert Creighton, John S. Creighton, and Louisa Creighton vs. Sarah A. Creighton. DO. Petition to sell Parks Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 213.
Accession No.: 17,898-6793 MSA S512-8- 6838 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/12/26 6794: Aaron Cook vs. Richard Cook, John Merrick, and James Delbridge. DO. Estate of Samuel Cook. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 577. Accession No.: 17,898-6794 MSA S512-8- 6839 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/16 6795: Thomas Clyde and Thomas Walker vs. James Yates. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6795 MSA S512-8- 6840 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/04/17 6796: Francis Councell, Isaac Dixon, and Mehala Dixon vs. John Mason and William Mason. TA. Petition to sell Nobles Meadows. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-6796 MSA S512-8- 6841 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/05/13 6797: Samuel Catts vs. William F. Tolson, Henrietta E. Tolson, and Andrew Johnson. QA. Petition to sell Widows Folly, Wyatts Range, Marsh Land, Swine Range, Eden Kelly. Plats at 1/38/1/22. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 26. Accession No.: 17,898-6797-1/6 MSA S512-8- 6842 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/03/02 6798: Elizabeth Crist, Mary A. Crist, Lydia Crist, and Daniel Crist vs. John Crist, Sarah Crist, Joshua Alguir, Harriet Alguir, George Myers, Catherine Myers, Charles Crist, Samuel Crist, Elizabeth Crist, Adam Crist, and George Crist. BA. Petition to sell Rope Walk, Baxters Folly, Hookers Meadows Resurveyed, Manheim Town.
Accession No.: 17,898-6798-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6843 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/03/13 6799: William Cecil vs. Clement Warns. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6799 MSA S512-8- 6844 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/05/03 6800: John Clark vs. Spedden Seymour, David Tucker, and Martha S. Tucker. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Barmonton. Accession No.: 17,898-6800 MSA S512-8- 6845 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/10/17 6801: William H. Corkran and Robertson Corkran vs. Jane Corkran, James Corkran, Ann M. Corkran, Charles Corkran, Ezekiel Corkran, and Margaret E. Corkran. CA. Petition to sell Poplar Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-6801 MSA S512-8- 6846 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/09/20 6802: John W. Crisfield and Henry Page vs. Francis E. Forman and Hester A. Forman. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6802 MSA S512-8- 6847 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/01/13 6803: Andrew Cainahan and Matthew K. Cainahan vs. Thomas W. Tyson. CE. Defraud of creditors of Tyson. Accession No.: 17,898-6803 MSA S512-8- 6848 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/29 6804: John E. Cacy and George W. Cacy vs. Harriett Thomas, Laurence M. Strong, Thomas Strong, John Strong, Charles W. Webster, and Susan M. Webster. KE. Petition to sell lot in Millington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 521. Accession No.: 17,898-6804 MSA S512-8- 6849 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/05/30 6805: William Carroll, Ann Carroll, Joseph J. Speed, John McTavish, Mary Caton, and William Brent vs. Thomas Woodhouse Stevens. AL. Petition to sell Canal and Rail Road, Villiers, Webster, Water Lot, Take All, Last Shift, Josephs Dream, Timber Land, Rock Point, Lookup, Cat Point, Jenkins Deer Park Renewed, White Oak Plains, Prospect Hill, Cornwall, Land of the Living, Town Hill Prospect, Jacobs Ladder, Three Springs Resurveyed, Pleasant Vale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 127.
Accession No.: 17,898-6805 MSA S512-8- 6850 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/07/18 6806: David Carlisle vs. Henry Stevenson. BA. Injunction against obstruction of Jones Falls for saw mill. Plats at 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6806-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6851 Location: 1/37/3/
1802/06/25 6807: Bailey E. Clark vs. William Johnston. PG. Petition to sell lot in Bladensburg. Accession No.: 17,898-6807 MSA S512-8- 6852 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/02/22 6808: William S. Cross and Charles Farquharson vs. Samuel C. Norris. BA. Petition to sell Sheredines Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6808 MSA S512-8- 6853 Location: 1/37/3/
1789/10/21 6811: Gabriel Christie vs. James Barnes. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Culvers Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-6811 MSA S512-8- 6854 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/11/14 6812: Albert Constable vs. John Magan of Robert. HA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6812 MSA S512-8- 6855 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/02/16 6813: John Cockrane vs. Jonathan S. Eastman. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-6813-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6856 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/28 6814: Richard Crandel vs. Jacob Norris. AA. Injunction against trespass on landing and warehouse at Town Point. Accession No.: 17,898-6814 MSA S512-8- 6857 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/09/17 6815: Commercial & Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Edward Harris. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 662. Accession No.: 17,898-6815 MSA S512-8- 6858 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/01/29 6816: Chesapeake Bank vs. James Reeside and Eliza Ann Reeside. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6816 MSA S512-8- 6859 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/03 6817: Chesapeake Bank vs. William W. McClellan and Catherine M. Raborg. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 707. Accession No.: 17,898-6817 MSA S512-8- 6860 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/12/31 6818: Chesapeake Bank vs. Peter Truelieb. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 783. Accession No.: 17,898-6818 MSA S512-8- 6861 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/22 6819: Chesapeake Bank vs. Jacob Grafflin, Sarah Grafflin, John Kirby, Sarah Kirby, Robert C. Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Columbus E. Cook, Catherine Cook, John Clark, Rebecca Clark, Jacob W. Grafflin, Louis Kalbfus, Julia A. Kalbfus, Stephen D. Grafflin, Emily Grafflin, George W. Grafflin, Christopher L. Grafflin, Joseph Grafflin, Charles C. Grafflin, John C. Grafflin, William H. Grafflin, and Hugh Davey Evans. BA. Defraud of creditors of Jacob Grafflin - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 499.
Accession No.: 17,898-6819-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6862 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/07/22 6820: Frederick Klockgether vs. William Shelly and John Thomas Durding. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 597. Accession No.: 17,898-6820 MSA S512-8- 6863 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/11/20 6822: Samuel W. Caleb vs. Ann Caleb. KE. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6822 MSA S512-8- 6864 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/04/30 6823: Joel Clements vs. William H. Harrison. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Roberts Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-6823 MSA S512-8- 6865 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/06/24 6824: Albert Constable vs. Michael M. Glenn. KE. Contract to purchase Hynsons Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 15. Accession No.: 17,898-6824 MSA S512-8- 6866 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/11/12 6825: Henry Creighton, Mary Creighton, Levi Leonard, and Teresa Leonard vs. Fielder Jones and Susan Jones. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 181. Accession No.: 17,898-6825 MSA S512-8- 6867 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/04/26 6826: Robert Conn, Margaret Conn, Thomas Conn, John Conn, Silas Conn, James McGowan, and Elizabeth McGowan vs. James Conn, James Hall, and Upton S. Heath. BA. Petition to sell Soldiers Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-6826-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6868 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/05/17 6827: Burlington Carlisle vs. Peter Harbacher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harrisons Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-6827 MSA S512-8- 6869 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/03/21 6828: Benjamin C. Cowan and Phenias Chambers vs. William Crawford, Jr. and Thomas S. Carson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6828 MSA S512-8- 6870 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/06/17 6829: William Cragg vs. Joshua S. Cosden. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Shephards Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 328. Accession No.: 17,898-6829 MSA S512-8- 6871 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/12/26 6830: James Carter vs. John Talbot, Joseph H. Byus, Hester A. Byus, William W. Sangston, Benjamin W. Sangston, and Tilghman Johnson. CA. Estate of James Sangston - Anthony and Carey, Carey and Horney, Lloyds Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 435. Accession No.: 17,898-6830-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6872 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/11/11 6831: Horace Capron and Thomas S. Herbert vs. Ezekiel Hopkins and Maria Hopkins. PG. Petition to sell Birmingham Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 576. Accession No.: 17,898-6831 MSA S512-8- 6873 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/04/25 6832: Julianna Constable vs. James Boon. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Tilghman and Foxly Grove, Black Hall Hermitage. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 5. Accession No.: 17,898-6832 MSA S512-8- 6874 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/09/26 6833: Enoch Cloud vs. James McIntyre, Mary A. McIntyre, and Hannah J. Richardson. CE. Estate of Joshua Richardson - plaster mill and lot in Elkton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-6833 MSA S512-8- 6875 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/12/14 6834: Joshua F. Cockey, Peter F. Cockey, Thomas D. Cockey, and Elizabeth D. Cockey vs. Gist Thomas Cockey, Rebecca F. Merryman, Elizabeth F. Worthington, Mary A. Worthington, Noah Worthington, and John F. Worthington. BA, CR. Petition to partition lot in Hampstead. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 326.
Accession No.: 17,898-6834-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6876 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/04/09 6835: Dennis Claude, Jr. vs. James Larimore, Jr., Eleanor Larimore, James Larimore, Sr., and Mary Larimore. AA. Petition to sell Trouble, Mutual Consent, Hammonds Security, Puddington. Accession No.: 17,898-6835-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6877 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/07/03 6836: Robert Carter, William G. Carter, William J. Hyde, John Easter of John, Hamilton Easter, and John F. Selby vs. William R. McNier, George McNier, Mary Ann McNier, and James Iglehart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-6836-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6878 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/07/21 6837: William Crook vs. William W. McClellan and Sophia Delmas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 442. Accession No.: 17,898-6837-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6879 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/02/08 6838: David Carlisle vs. Sarah B. Borland, Margaret Borland, Mary Borland, Laura Borland, John Borland, and Eliza Borland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Green Spring Punch, Severn, Systryn, Cockeys Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-6838-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6880 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/07/09 6839: William Crawford, Jr. vs. John Severson and Samuel Severson. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 11. Accession No.: 17,898-6839-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6881 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/15 6840: Burlington Carlisle vs. Franklin L. Bates. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 624. Accession No.: 17,898-6840 MSA S512-8- 6882 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/01/31 6841: Burlington Carlisle vs. Sarah A. Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 969. Accession No.: 17,898-6841 MSA S512-8- 6883 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/04 6842: David Carlisle and Deborah O. Cockey vs. Henry Williams. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6842 MSA S512-8- 6884 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/12/17 6843: Henry Currier, James H. Price, and Leah A. Price vs. Jonathan Currier, Daniel Gillespie, Mary Gillespie, James Boyd, Mary Boyd, Mary White, Jefferson White, and Eliza M. White. CE. Petition to sell Locust Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-6843 MSA S512-8- 6885 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/12/26 6844: Lewin A. Colbert and Burlington Carlisle vs. John R. Fisher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6844 MSA S512-8- 6886 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/02/14 6845: James Cunningham, Margaret J. Cunningham, and Edward Kelly vs. Lydia Ann Cunningham, John Cunningham, Mary E. Kelly, Cordelia J. Kelly, Samuel Kelly, and Thomas Kelly. CE. Petition to partition Batchelors Hall, Widows Purchase. Plat, 1/38/1/22. Accession No.: 17,898-6845-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6887 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/10/02 6846: David Carlisle vs. Joseph H. Sank. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 232. Accession No.: 17,898-6846 MSA S512-8- 6888 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/10/23 6847: David Carlisle vs. Samuel J. Fletcher and Mary F. Fletcher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Logsdon Addition, Bedford Resurveyed, Quebeck, Isingtons Glade Enlarged, Cocksons Content, Rosland, Cromwells Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6847 MSA S512-8- 6889 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/04 6848: David Carlisle vs. George Hasselberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6848 MSA S512-8- 6890 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/11 6849: David Carlisle vs. Amasa Leonard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6849 MSA S512-8- 6891 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/05 6850: David Carlisle vs. Hezekiah D. McCulloch. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 321. Accession No.: 17,898-6850 MSA S512-8- 6892 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/12/27 6851: John Constable and Christiana Constable vs. John Blake and Simon Wickes. KE. Contract to purchase Howells Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-6851 MSA S512-8- 6893 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/11 6852: Burlington Carlisle vs. William Tarring. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6852 MSA S512-8- 6894 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/26 6853: Burlington Carlisle vs. Thomas W. Conner. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 596. Accession No.: 17,898-6853 MSA S512-8- 6895 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/28 6854: David Carlisle vs. William H. Oler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 550. Accession No.: 17,898-6854 MSA S512-8- 6896 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/12/26 6855: Burlington Carlisle vs. Margaret Pasterfield. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6855 MSA S512-8- 6897 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/07/02 6856: Mary Ann Currin vs. William C. Whittington. SO. Petition to sell lot in Princess Anne. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 601. Accession No.: 17,898-6856 MSA S512-8- 6898 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/06/12 6857: Burlington Carlisle vs. Joseph W. Pomeroy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6857 MSA S512-8- 6899 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/03/02 6858: Anna Maria Chamberlaine, John Barrett, James Stewart, and John Clark vs. John Newman, Sally S. Delahay, Julia Ann Delahay, Edward H. Delahay, Jane E.T. Delahay, Robert F. Delahay, Ann M. Delahay, Margaret Ann Delahay, and Edward H. Delahay. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Patricks Plain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 393.
Accession No.: 17,898-6858-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6900 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/04 6859: David Carlisle vs. Sarah Anderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 107. Accession No.: 17,898-6859 MSA S512-8- 6901 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/03/06 6860: Peter Crawford vs. Jonathan Ball. CR. Mortgage foreclosure on Pisgah. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 752. Accession No.: 17,898-6860 MSA S512-8- 6902 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/06/12 6861: Thomas Crawford vs. Benjamin Cowan. CE. Dissolution of partnership - store in Cowantown. Accession No.: 17,898-6861 MSA S512-8- 6903 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/08/25 6862: Roswell L. Colt vs. Virgil Maxcy and James B. Murray. BA. Defraud of creditors of Maxcy. Accession No.: 17,898-6862-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6904 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/06/23 6863: Peter W. Crain, Barnes Compton, and Henry G.S. Key vs. Richard Barnes and Robert Ferguson. PG. Estate of Samuel Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-6863-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6905 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/23 6864: Burlington Carlisle vs. Jane Emanuel and Joseph Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 149. Accession No.: 17,898-6864-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6906 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/20 6865: James Clarke and Lemuel G. Taylor vs. Jeremiah L. Boyd, Joshua Clarke, Henrietta Clarke, Isaac L. Boyd, Mary E. Boyd, Celestine M. Boyd, Violetta Boyd, Amelia M. Boyd, Ellen J. Boyd, Sarah C. Boyd, and Charles F. Mayer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-6865 MSA S512-8- 6907 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/07/04 6866: Francis Corkran vs. Henry Page, Edward Stephens, and Alexander Stephens. DO. Petition to sell Murrays Friendship, Ennalls Out Range, Preston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 127. Accession No.: 17,898-6866 MSA S512-8- 6908 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/03 6867: Robert H. Carr vs. George D.O. Gowan and Sarah C. Gowan. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-6867 MSA S512-8- 6909 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/02/28 6868: Jerningham D. Childs and Sarah E. Childs vs. Lucy M. Smith. CV. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-6868 MSA S512-8- 6910 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/03/29 6869: John F. Cassell vs. Ann Murray Ryan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6869 MSA S512-8- 6911 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/06/26 6870: John C. Calhoun, Nancy Calhoun, Mary Holmes, Johnzy Holmes, and William Holmes vs. Jacob Holmes and Catherine Holmes. CR. Petition to sell Rochester, Charles Mistake. Accession No.: 17,898-6870 MSA S512-8- 6912 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/11/17 6871: Eliza Christie, George S. Christie, Henry S. Christie, Robert Sees, Priscilla C. Sees, Susan Malter, Isidore A. Soieski, Elizabeth R. Soieski, John G. Rogers, Frederic Pinkney, Sophia R. Pinkney, Priscilla H. Christie, Gabriel Christie, Edward Christie, and Sarah S. Christie vs. Margaret Gale, Lyttleton Gale, Anna M. Gale, Elizabeth Gale, Susan Gale, and Robert Gale. HA. Petition to sell Convenience, lot in Havre de Grace.
Accession No.: 17,898-6871-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6913 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/05/07 6872: William T.D. Clemm, John Clemm, Joseph Clemm, William Brown,and Catherine Brown vs. Maria Clemm, William Clemm, Jr., Nicholas Cromwell, Catherine Cromwell, David Schley, Georgiana Schley, Harriett Clemm, Henry Clemm, Neilson Poe, Josephine E. Poe, Edgar A. Poe, Virginia Poe, Maria Clemm, Daniel B. Ridgely, and Johanna Ridgely. BA. Petition to sell Rogers Enlargement, Parishes Range, Ridgelys Delight, lots in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/22; also show Peace and Good Neighbourhood.
Accession No.: 17,898-6872-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6914 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/07/25 6873: Samuel Clarke, Martha Clarke, John W. Walker, Elizabeth Walker, James G. Brown, Ann E. Brown, Benjamin O. Brown, and Cassandra Brown. KE. Petition to sell Trumpington, Smiths Chance, Prevention of Inconvenience. Accession No.: 17,898-6873-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6915 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/04/04 6874: John Collier vs. Eleanor Clough and Samuel Clough. Howard District. Petition to sell lots in Ellicott Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 218. Accession No.: 17,898-6874 MSA S512-8- 6916 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/02/24 6875: David Carlisle vs. Atkin S. Ogle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 537. Accession No.: 17,898-6875 MSA S512-8- 6917 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/23 6876: David Carlisle vs. John Matthews. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-6876 MSA S512-8- 6918 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/04/14 6877: Stephen Coalscott vs. John McKnott, Elizabeth McKnott, William McKnott, and Robert McKnott. CA. Petition to sell Pea Liquor Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 161. Accession No.: 17,898-6877-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6919 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/12/01 6879: John E. Cacy and Catherine M. Osborn. QA. Petition to sell Unicorn Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-6879 MSA S512-8- 6920 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/06/22 6880: Edward Campbell, Randolph Campbell, James Cunningham, and Catherine Cunningham vs. John McHenry. BA. Contract to sell Bagdad. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6880 MSA S512-8- 6921 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/10/15 6881: Dennis Claude vs. Dennis C. Handy. WO. Petition to sell lot in Snow Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-6881 MSA S512-8- 6922 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/11/01 6882: Eliza A. Reigle, Virgle M. Reigle, Rebecca M. Reigle, Richard M. Cadle, Elizabeth Cadle, William O. Lyman, and Julia M. Lyman vs. John H. Reigle, William W. Reigle, Samuel Reigle, Henry M. Reigle, and Martha Reigle. AA. Petition to sell Abington. Plat at 1/38/1/22.
Accession No.: 17,898-6882-1\3 MSA S512-8- 6923 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/25 6883: Thomas Crawford, Eliza Crawford, Benjamin W. Jones, and Nancy Jones vs. James Fury. CE. Estate of William Cowan - Cowantown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 15. Accession No.: 17,898-6883 MSA S512-8- 6924 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/01 6884: David Crothers and Robert Crothers vs. James Broughton. BA. Injunction against tearing down a wall in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6884 MSA S512-8- 6925 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/01/11 6885: Richard Caton vs. Thomas L. Savin, John Hines, William Crawford, Jr., and David F. McKim. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-6885 MSA S512-8- 6926 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/10/05 6886: Henrietta Margaret Conner, James T. Connor, and Thomas E.D. Poole vs. Anna Maria Ogle, William C. Ogle, and Laura Bevans. AA. Estate of Anne Ogle. Accession No.: 17,898-6886 MSA S512-8- 6927 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/08/02 6887: James Chaney and Joseph Chaney vs. Joshua F. Cockey, Thomas D. Cockey, Peter F. Cockey, Gist T. Cockey, Elizabeth S. Cockey, Elizabeth F. Worthington, Mary A. Worthington, Noale Worthington, Joshua F. Worthington, and Rebecca F. Merryman. AA. Petition to record deed for Piney Orchard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 294. Accession No.: 17,898-6887 MSA S512-8- 6928 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/14 6888: Stephen D. Coulbourn vs. Clark G. Gardner, Henrietta Gardner, William H. Brown, John A. Brown, and Virginia Brown. SO. Petition to sell Turkey Ridge, Haywards Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-6888 MSA S512-8- 6929 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/01/05 6889: Mary A.G. Currin vs. Jesse Lee Long, Henry Brewington, Oryinthia Brewington, William H. Long, Mary A. Long, and Thomas Long. WO. Petition to sell lot in Pocomoke City. Accession No.: 17,898-6889-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6930 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/06/24 6890: Elizabeth Christie and Robert Christie vs. Ephriam T. Mitchell. CE. Petition to sell Fair Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 417. Accession No.: 17,898-6890-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6931 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/06/01 6891: David Carlisle vs. William H. Oler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6891 MSA S512-8- 6932 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/22 6892: Burlington Carlisle vs. Ezra Dill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 680. Accession No.: 17,898-6892 MSA S512-8- 6933 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/01/16 6893: Solomon Choate vs. George D. Snyder, Hannah Snyder, Catherine L. Snyder, Rachel D. Snyder, and Ann Amelung. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Reisterstown. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 99. Accession No.: 17,898-6893 MSA S512-8- 6934 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/12/19 6894: David Carlisle and Deborah O. Cockey vs. Thomas Hannegan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 723. Accession No.: 17,898-6894 MSA S512-8- 6935 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/08/25 6895: Burton Cannon and Peter W. McDaniel vs. William M. Beauchamp. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 613. Accession No.: 17,898-6895 MSA S512-8- 6936 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/06/25 6896: Samuel C. Cacy, Eliza A. Cacy, Rosetta Cacy, and John McKenney vs. Henry Perkins. QA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 868. Accession No.: 17,898-6896 MSA S512-8- 6937 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/12 6897: Joseph J. Speed, Emily L. Harper, and Charlotte C. Harper vs. Thomas P. Conway, Rebecca Conway, and Tunis Van Brunt. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on tanyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-6897 MSA S512-8- 6938 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/05/24 6898: Richard Caton vs. Robert M. Gibbes, Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, John Glenn, and Charles F. Mayer. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6898 MSA S512-8- 6939 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/03 6899: Burlington Carlisle vs. Ann Catherine Beall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-6899 MSA S512-8- 6940 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/03 6899: Burlington Carlisle vs. Ann Catherine Beall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-6899 MSA S512-8- 6941 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/12/20 6900: Joseph Chamberlain vs. George Devinney, Henry Devinney, Caleb D. Devinney, Levi Devinney, Ephraim Devinney, Maud Devinney, Ann E. Devinney, and Frances J. Devinney. CE. Petition to sell Burt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 335. Accession No.: 17,898-6900 MSA S512-8- 6942 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/01/19 6901: Winifred Calligan vs. Walter Hall and Harriet Hall. Howard District. Petition to sell Kingston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-6901 MSA S512-8- 6943 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/01/20 6902: Betsy Cordray vs. George W. Cordray, James H. Cordray, Elizabeth Cordray, Sarah A.H. Cordray, and Mary J.W. Cordray. SO. Estate of Doughty Cordray. Accession No.: 17,898-6902 MSA S512-8- 6944 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/11 6903: William J. Cole vs. Anthony Albers and Theodore Runge. BA. Insolvent estate of Charles Brecht. Accession No.: 17,898-6903-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6945 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/07/21 6904: Samuel H. Cooper vs. Ann B. Paul, Lydia Paul, Cooper F. Paul, and Richard Hynson. KE. Petition to sell Ridgelys Little Brittion, Perkins Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-6904-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6946 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/07/23 6905: Robert Carter vs. Trueman Viets, Elizabeth Viets, Elizabeth J. McCracken, Samuel Jordan, Thomas Jordan, Joseph McCracken, Margaret McCracken, Elizabeth McCracken, Adam Wheeler, Margaret Wheeler, Nancy McCracken, John McCracken, and Josiah W. Smith. CE. Petition to sell Consent, Chambers Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 58.
Accession No.: 17,898-6905 MSA S512-8- 6947 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/08 6906: John Clark and Henry Mankin vs. Elizabeth B. Abbott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6906 MSA S512-8- 6948 Location: 1/37/3/
1844/09/20 6907: Maria Antoniette Cooper and George L. Maslin vs. James D. Ashley and Josiah Ashley. KE. Title to Scones Point, Yearleys Beginning, slave Jefferson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 172. Accession No.: 17,898-6907 MSA S512-8- 6949 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/01 6908: Nathan Childs, Thomas Owings of Richard, and Henry M. Leitch vs. William F. Leitch. AA. Estate of William H. Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-6908 MSA S512-8- 6950 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/05/13 6909: William Carman vs. Martin Gillet. BA. Estate of Martin Gillet. Accession No.: 17,898-6909 MSA S512-8- 6951 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/06/27 6910: Susannah Carleton vs. Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, Robert M. Gibbes, Robert Oliver, and Anne Gibson. BA. Estate of John Oliver. Accession No.: 17,898-6910 MSA S512-8- 6952 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/03/20 6911: James Cooper vs. John S. Staplefort, Clarissa Staplefort, Cordelia Lake, and Charles Lake. DO. Contract to purchase Harts Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-6911 MSA S512-8- 6953 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/06/04 6912: Edward J. Chairs, Henry Chairs, Franklin Chairs, and William Chairs vs. Rhody Chairs. AA. Petition to partition Eleventh Hour. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6912-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6954 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/23 6913: David Carlisle vs. James Carrick. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 136. Accession No.: 17,898-6913 MSA S512-8- 6955 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/13 6914: Charles W. Clark vs. Bennett Todd, Mary E. Wheeler, Lydia A. Wheeler, Thomas E. Wheeler, Caleb Wheeler, and Rebecca Wheeler. CA. Petition to sell Clarks Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-6914-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6956 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/12/15 6915: Isaac P. Cook, John Plaskitt, and Catherine Plaskitt vs. John W. Shanklin. BA. Title to right of way through Venture Not, Fellowship, Gays Good Fellowship, Gays Inspection. Plats at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-6915-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6957 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/01/24 6916: James Conner, Mary Conner, John M. Clothier, Charlotte Clothier, Emily Sanders, Millementa Redgrave, Simon W. Westfall, Juliana Westfall, Caleb M. Spry, William Moffett, Alfred T. Gilpin, William M. Gilpin, Joseph Gilpin, Charles Hayden, Mary A. Hayden, Comegys Cosdon, and Lavina Cosdon. KE. Petition to sell Moffetts Chance Resurveyed. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 264.
Accession No.: 17,898-6916-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6958 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/11/04 6917: Francis Crookshanks vs. George Turner, Jr., Margaret Turner, Ella Turner, Henry Turner, John Turner, Noble Pennington, and William Knight. CE. Estate of George Turner. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-6917-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6959 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/09/29 6918: James Carr and Elizabeth Carr vs. William Haynes, Jesse Haynes, Walter W. Phelps, Kitty A. Phelps, Richard Nicholson, and Margaret Nicholson. Howard District. Estate of Jacob Haynes - Weavers Lot, Williams Inheritance, Athol Enlarged. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-6918-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6960 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/01/15 6919: Hugh Craft vs. Henry Wilcox, Silas Fleming, Henry Morris, and Thomas Morris. DO. Petition to sell Mill Seat, Big Mill, Bridge Neck, Cows Addition to Bridge Neck, Johns Industry, Luck by Chance, Crafts Addition to Luck by Chance, Sams Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 311. Accession No.: 17,898-6919 MSA S512-8- 6961 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/11 6921: Eleanore Cockey vs. Isaac Schnavely. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-6921 MSA S512-8- 6962 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/07/02 6922: George Cadwallader, Thomas D. Johnson, Nicholas Stansbury, Eliza Stansbury, Edward Hall, Ann Hall, James Connor, Sarah Connor, Baptist Meyick, Mary Meyick, Amemia Beeman, Eliza Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Charles Morris, Amelia Morris, Edward Jackson, Sarah C. Jackson, Louisa Johnson, Mary E. Johnson, Anne Worrall, Thomas Worrall, William Jackson, Mary Jackson, Joseph Swiller, Josephine Swiller, Christopher Desham, Edward Lynch, and Samuel McDonald vs. Walter T. Allender, Eliza A. Price, Walter A. Price, Josephine Price, Anna J. Price, Margaretta Meyick, Thomas Meyick, Tobias E. Stansbury, Samuel McDonald, Robert M. Gibbs, Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, Allen Thomas, Rebecca Woelper, Thomasina Woelper, George Bradford, Jane E. Martin, Charles T. Martin, Emily Martin, Henry Martin, and Dr. David S. Gittings. HA. Petition to sell Fathers Last Will. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 458. Accession No.: 17,898-6922-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6963 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/12/26 6923: Lewin A. Colbert vs. Thomas McCoubray. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6923 MSA S512-8- 6964 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/11 6924: David Carlisle vs. Aquilla Gilbert. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6924 MSA S512-8- 6965 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/05 6925: David Carlisle vs. Jonathan W. Barnado. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-6925 MSA S512-8- 6966 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/11/04 6926: John A. Clough, Jr. vs. Mary E. Hubbard, John W. Hubbard, Rebecca R. Clough, William L. Clough, and Henry A. Clough. CA. Petition to sell Outlet Enlarged, Abners Park, Banks Addition, Hunters Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-6926 MSA S512-8- 6967 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/01/21 6927: Elizabeth Collins, John M. Collins, and John Webster vs. James Wallace, John Webster, and Margaret Hughlett. DO. Estate of Richard Hughlett - Warwick Fort Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 818. Accession No.: 17,898-6927 MSA S512-8- 6968 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/11 6928: David Carlisle vs. Nathaniel Stoddard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6928 MSA S512-8- 6969 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/01/31 6929: David Carlisle vs. William Grooms. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 966. Accession No.: 17,898-6929 MSA S512-8- 6970 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/08/15 6930: Burlington Carlisle vs. Samuel C. Bordley. BA. Mortgage forelcosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6930 MSA S512-8- 6971 Location: 1/37/3/
1851/01/06 6931: Permelia Coles vs. William Coles. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-6931-1/4 MSA S512-8- 6972 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/10 6932: John Cockey vs. George W. Hopkins, Leonard Mackall, William L. Hopkins, Susanna R. Hopkins, Freeborn G. Waters, Joseph H. Hopkins, and William L. Hopkins, Jr. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-6932 MSA S512-8- 6973 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/08/29 6933: Rebecca Conway vs. Thomas P. Conway. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6933 MSA S512-8- 6974 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/01/16 6934: James Cameron vs. Thomas Kelly, Edward Kelly, Mary Kelly, and Celia Kelly. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Aim Well. Accession No.: 17,898-6934 MSA S512-8- 6975 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/01/04 6935: Roswell Colt, Luke Kiersted, John McFadon, Thomas S. Murphy, James Conner, and Mathew C. Ralston vs. John J. Palmer, James K. Hamilton, Robert M. Gibbs, Thomas Oliver, and Charles Oliver. BA. Estate of Leonard Taylor. Accession No.: 17,898-6935 MSA S512-8- 6976 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/06/21 6936: John Cresson, Louis Kail, and Edward H. Brown vs. David B. Trimble, Edward Askew, and William McCullough. CE. Estate of Peter Askew. Accession No.: 17,898-6936 MSA S512-8- 6977 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/12/04 6937: Levin H. Campbell vs. Douglas Dashield. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 370. Accession No.: 17,898-6937 MSA S512-8- 6978 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/05/30 6938: James Carter vs. Mary Orrell, Thomas Deroachbroom, Margaret Deroachbroom, Daniel Orrell, Zebulon Orrell, Robert John Orrell, Henry Orrell, and John Orrell. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Branfield, Mount Hope, Renwood, Renwoods Addition, Penningtons Delight, Partnership Hazzard, Angle, Angles Addition, lot in Denton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-6938-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6979 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/04/26 6939: Richard Caton and Mary Caton vs. John Glenn, Charles F. Mayer, Robert M. Gibbs, Thomas Oliver, and Charles Oliver. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6939 MSA S512-8- 6980 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/12/16 6940: Chesapeake Bank vs. William Armstrong. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-6940 MSA S512-8- 6981 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/05 6941: Chesapeake Bank vs. George H. Williams, Gaflin L. Dulany, Joseph J. Speed, Mary K. Belt, Eliza Belt, and Charlotte Belt. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dalecaslia. Accession No.: 17,898-6941 MSA S512-8- 6982 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/01/29 6942: Canton Co. vs. Dexter C. Force, George W. Krebs, and Alonzo Lilly. BA. Insolvent estate of Force - lot in Canton. Accession No.: 17,898-6942 MSA S512-8- 6983 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/12/10 6943: Canton Co. vs. Joseph S. Hamlen and Lot Hamlen. BA. Injunction against removal of distillery in Canton. Accession No.: 17,898-6943 MSA S512-8- 6984 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/06/03 6944: Chesapeake Bank vs. George R. Richardson and John Spear Nicholas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6944 MSA S512-8- 6985 Location: 1/37/3/
1846/08/03 6945: Chesapeake Bank vs. Lewis Thorne. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 464. Accession No.: 17,898-6945 MSA S512-8- 6986 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/06/03 6946: Chesapeake Bank vs. John Spear Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sheredines Discovery, Orange, Merrymans Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 318. Accession No.: 17,898-6946 MSA S512-8- 6987 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/09/27 6947: David Carlisle and Urath Carlisle vs. George Burgess. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Tuckers Delight, Addition to Tuckers Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-6947 MSA S512-8- 6988 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/11/15 6948: Rachel Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, George E. Cromwell, and Margaret Cromwell vs. Tabitha Cromwell, Thomas Cromwell, Rebecca A. Cromwell, and William Cromwell. AA. Petition to sell First Survey, Hunting Quarter, Alarm, Todds Risque, Best Success, Addition to Timber Ridge, Second Survey, Duncans Chance Resurveyed, Murphys Lot, Support, Hay Road, Gadsbys Range. Plats of Hunting Quarter, Alarm, Addition to Timber Ridge, Duncans Chance Resurveyed, Murphys Lot, Gadsbys Range filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 25, MdHR 40,283-22, S65-58, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-6948 MSA S512-8- 6989 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/04/25 6949: Attorney General, John Cockey, and William Cockey vs. Larkin H. Smith, James Sterrett, Josiah March, Sarah Jenkins, Rebecca Yellott, Marcus Y. Graff, William Graff, George W. Gist, Ann C. Gist, and Caroline Pryor. BA. Title to Franklins Neglect, Cockeys Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-6949 MSA S512-8- 6990 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/10/09 6950: Benjamin Childs vs. Philip H. Coakley and William Rochester. BA. Contract to form a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-6950 MSA S512-8- 6991 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/11/18 6951: Noah Cullison vs. David Williamson. BA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-6951 MSA S512-8- 6992 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/09/03 6952: Chaplin Conway, and Sarah Conway vs. Caroline Pesley Shockley, Charlotte Cole, and William Fauvell. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6952 MSA S512-8- 6993 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/06/12 6953: Maria Clarke and Bernard U. Campbell vs. Luke Tiernan. BA. Trust estate under will of George Clarke. Accession No.: 17,898-6953 MSA S512-8- 6994 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/01/27 6954: John Collinson vs. James Tongue. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Padget, Pascalls Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-6954 MSA S512-8- 6995 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/07/02 6955: Roswell L. Colt, Ebenezer L. Finley, Alexander H. Boyd, John McHenry, Abner Neale, James Boyd, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, William Patterson, and Sarah C. O'Donnell vs. Nelson Wade, Susan Wade, John Yeiser, and John Merryman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Timonium Farm, Pierces Folly, Land in Kind, Ridgelys Conclusion, Poor Jamaica Mans Plague. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 455.
Accession No.: 17,898-6955-1/2 MSA S512-8- 6996 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/07/27 6956: Thomas Cook and Harriet Cook vs. Richard Philips and Mary Ann Philips. DO. Estate of Thomas Applegarth. Accession No.: 17,898-6956 MSA S512-8- 6997 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/11/06 6957: Charlotte Crook, Charles Crook, George A. Crook, Francis A. Crook, George R. Mosher, Mary C. Mosher, and Henry Robinson vs. Columbus Crook, Eliza A. Crook, Augusta Crook, and James C. Sellman. AA, BA. Estate of Charles Crook - lots in BC, flour mill.
Accession No.: 17,898-6957-1/3 MSA S512-8- 6998 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/03/25 6958: Purnell B. Carey and Henrietta Graham vs. Mary A. Williams, Louisa E. Williams, Sarah E. Williams, Margaret Jane Carey, Thomas Anderson, and Elizabeth Anderson. CA. Petition to sell Lough Neigh, Smiths Field, Out Range. Accession No.: 17,898-6958 MSA S512-8- 6999 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/08/01 6959: Samuel Craft vs. Hugh Craft, Thomas Morris, and Anne Morris. DO. Petition to sell Addition to Transquakins Mills, Canterburys Meadows, Beaver Neck, Haywards Addition, Haywards Lot, Anthonys Security, Hog Range, Good Luck, Friendship, Hard Labor, Carrs Privilege, Marsh Land.
Accession No.: 17,898-6959 MSA S512-8- 7000 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/01/23 6960: Richard Crandell and Priscilla Crandell vs. William Norman and Robert Franklin. AA. Title to Ramgotts Swamp. Accession No.: 17,898-6960 MSA S512-8- 7001 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/02/10 6961: Henry Cost vs. Alexander J. Cost and Joshua Royston. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6961 MSA S512-8- 7002 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/01/23 6962: Prudence G. Chalmers vs. Daniel Chambers, James Chambers, and Elizabeth Cassel. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-6962 MSA S512-8- 7003 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/12/31 6963: Thomas Camper, Edris Berkley, and John W. Bruff vs. John H. Falconar. BA. Injunction against selling a leasehold. Accession No.: 17,898-6963 MSA S512-8- 7004 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/08/25 6964: Benjamin S. Clark, Mary Clark, Horace Gillingham, Catherine Gillingham, and Dorcas A. Roach vs. William P. Bishop, Caroline C. Bishop, Charles G. Ridgely, Ann R. Ridgely, Daniel E. Harrison, and Josephine S. Harrison. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 165. Accession No.: 17,898-6964-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7005 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/05 6965: William E. Coale, James Coale, and Isaac Coale vs. Mary Coale, Galloway Chester, Richard H. Thomas, William E. Coale, Thomas E. Coale, and Hannah E. Coale, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on London Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-6965-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7006 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/04/05 6966: Anthony C. Cazenove, Louis A. Cazenove, Octavius W. Cazenove, Archibald Henderson, Ann M. Henderson, John Fowle, Pamela Fowle, William B. Sheppard, William C. Gardiner, Eliza Gardiner, Harriet Cazenove, William G. Cazenove, Gertrude M. Sheppard, and Eliphalet Hale vs. Elizabeth M. Guillett, Gilbert Guillett, and Whitty T. Fountain. SO. Injunction against the removal of timber from Sandusky. Plat at 1/38/1/23; also shows Turpens Choice, Amity, Partners Choice and Kings Purchase United.
Accession No.: 17,898-6966-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7007 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/18 6967: Joseph R. Collins vs. Milly Collins. WO. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-6967 MSA S512-8- 7008 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/02/25 6968: James Curley vs. Isaac Bradley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-6968 MSA S512-8- 7009 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/11/26 6969: Sarah Collins and James Collins vs. Gabriel Vernon and Rebecca Bright. AA. Petition to sell Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-6969-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7010 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/23 6970: John Carrere vs. Thomas L. Chappell and Angelina Chappell. BA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-6970 MSA S512-8- 7011 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/20 6971: Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. Elizabeth G. Worrell, Thomas G. Worrell, Hannah G. Worrell, Anna N. Worrell, Cornelia C. Worrell, James G. McClean, William C. Tilghman, and Sarah N. Tilghman. KE. Petition to sell Eastern Neck Island, Piney Neck, Airy Hill. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 375. Accession No.: 17,898-6971-1/5 MSA S512-8- 7012 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/01/25 6972: Sarah Clarkson vs. Benjamin Mulliken. AA. Estate of Thomas Mulliken. Accession No.: 17,898-6972 MSA S512-8- 7013 Location: 1/37/3/
1838/07/19 6973: John Clark vs. Elizabeth E. Welch, Emily Welch, Samuel Jones, Jr., and Samuel Wilson. BA. Estate of Henry Welch. Accession No.: 17,898-6973 MSA S512-8- 7014 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/03/07 6974: John Childs vs. Somerset Bowen, George Bowen, Henry Bowen, Anne Bowen, and Caroline Bowen. AA. Contract to purchase Smithfield, Gowry Banks, Kiquotons Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-6974 MSA S512-8- 7015 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/12/29 6975: Sophia Campbell vs. Philip Jones and Mary Jones. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Westminster. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 710. Accession No.: 17,898-6975 MSA S512-8- 7016 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/09/17 6976: John Codd vs. Peter Shipley and Robert Shipley of Adam. BA. Contract to purchase Sandy Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-6976 MSA S512-8- 7017 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/02/19 6977: Joseph E. Cowman and Asa Anderson vs. Samuel Riddle, Nathaniel Riddle, John Riddle, Sarah Riddle, Flavilla Riddle, Amanda Riddle, Amelia Riddle, Rosemary Jackson, Richard Isaac of Joseph, Elizabeth A. Isaac, and John Clayton. AA. Petition to sell Kilkenny. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 149.
Accession No.: 17,898-6977-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7018 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/07/06 6978: Jeremiah Chase and Betsy Chase vs. Gassaway Pindle. AA. Estate of John Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-6978 MSA S512-8- 7019 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/02/27 6979: Lydia Coale vs. David Malsby. CE, FR, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bachelors Good Luck, Henleys Enlargement, Come By Chance, Pacas Park in HA. Also Coulsons Old Garden in CE. Also Seths Folly, Resurvey on Seths Follys in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, pp. 78, 349.
Accession No.: 17,898-6979-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7020 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/02/01 6980: David Carlisle vs. Salisbury Willis. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-6980 MSA S512-8- 7021 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/01/20 6981: David Carlisle vs. Aaron Jackson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-6981 MSA S512-8- 7022 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/03/30 6982: Burlington Carlisle vs. Edward Boyle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Clare. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 731. Accession No.: 17,898-6982 MSA S512-8- 7023 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/27 6983: Burlington Carlisle vs. Robert Ramsy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC, Gallow Barrow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-6983 MSA S512-8- 7024 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/01/31 6984: David Carlisle vs. Darius Stokes and Adeline Stokes. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 973. Accession No.: 17,898-6984 MSA S512-8- 7025 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/05 6985: David Carlisle vs. Thomas Maddux. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 318. Accession No.: 17,898-6985 MSA S512-8- 7026 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/15 6986: David Carlisle vs. Michael Stillinger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 378. Accession No.: 17,898-6986 MSA S512-8- 7027 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/05/05 6987: David Carlisle vs. William Miller. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 331. Accession No.: 17,898-6987 MSA S512-8- 7028 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/12/09 6988: David Carlisle and Deborah O. Cockey vs. Henry Fitzgerald. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Clare. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-6988 MSA S512-8- 7029 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/07/01 6989: Bernard U. Campbell vs. Pricilla Hanson, Charles G. Hanson, Charles W. Dorsey, and John Ridgely Clark. Howard District. Estate of Nicholas Worthington - Moores Morning Choice Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-6989-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7030 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/03/23 6990: David Carlisle vs. John Daferner. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 539 and 177, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-6990 MSA S512-8- 7031 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/03/15 6991: David Carlisle vs. Jonathan W. Barniclo. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 627. Accession No.: 17,898-6991 MSA S512-8- 7032 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/02/07 6993: William S. Cross, John Cross, and Stewart Brown vs. Martin Bowers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 226. Accession No.: 17,898-6993 MSA S512-8- 7033 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/07/20 6994: William Crane and Araminta Crane vs. John G. Black, Alexander Corse, and Susan B. Corse. KE. Petition to sell Ridgely. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 520. Accession No.: 17,898-6994-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7034 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/09/17 6995: George Campbell vs. William Mallalien. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-6995-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7035 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/09/08 6996: Joseph K. Cook, James Fickey, Mary Fickey, Thomas Hughes, Ann Hughes, Clinton Cook, Philemon T. Cook, Thomas J. Seegar, and Caroline Seegar vs. Sarah Cook, Sarah A. Cook, Thomas B. Cook, and Ann E. Cook. QA. Petition to sell lot in Centreville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 634. Accession No.: 17,898-6996 MSA S512-8- 7036 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/10/02 6997: Benjamin Carr vs. Richard Estep, Margaret Ireland, John F. Ireland, Richard E. Ireland, Mary A. Ireland, John B. Ireland, Margaret Ireland, and Henry C. Ireland. CV. Estate of John Ireland. Accession No.: 17,898-6997-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7037 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/05/22 6998: Alexander C. Cosden vs. William Thomas, Sr. and William Thomas, Jr. QA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 981. Accession No.: 17,898-6998-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7038 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/09/27 6999: Mary Ann Cummings vs. Henrietta M. Bordley, John W. Walker, and James Paul Heath. KE. Petition to sell Worton Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-6999-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7039 Location: 1/37/3/
1840/09/30 7000: William W. Cooper vs. James Wells, Margaret Wells, Benoni Alexander, Thomas W. Cameron, William Cameron, Robert D. Cameron, Westley M. Cameron, Ebenezer D. Cameron, Catherine J. Cameron, William Cameron, Mr. Wolf, Mary Wolf, Nathaniel Kirk, and Eliza Kirk. CE. Petition to sell Hamiltons Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-7000 MSA S512-8- 7040 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/02/07 7001: Alexander Clendenin vs. Matthew Murray and George Wilhelm. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7001 MSA S512-8- 7041 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/11/17 7002: John Contee and Jeremiah Mullikin vs. Benjamin H. Mullikin, John A. Waters, Mary Franklin, Thomas J. Hall, Rachel Hall, Rachel Franklin, Samuel Franklin, Nancy Franklin, Harriet Franklin, Maria W. Franklin, Isaac M. Joseph, Mary A. Joseph, Benjamin M. Duckett, Joseph E. Cowman, Henrietta Cowman, Harriet H. Duckett, Thomas L. Duckett, Benjamin Mullikin, Thomas S. Alexander, Philip Plummer, and Anna M. Plummer. PG. Petition to sell Grange. Accession No.: 17,898-7002-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7042 Location: 1/37/3/
1819/11/15 7003: Jeremiah T. Chase vs. Luther Martin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Whetstone Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 224. Accession No.: 17,898-7003 MSA S512-8- 7043 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/04/25 7004: David Carlisle vs. Hezekiah D. McCulloch. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 901. Accession No.: 17,898-7004 MSA S512-8- 7044 Location: 1/37/3/
1843/03/21 7005: Benjamin C. Cowan and Phineas Chambers vs. William Crawford, Jr. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7005 MSA S512-8- 7045 Location: 1/37/3/
1827/06/29 7006: Job Chapman vs. William Hutson, Jemima Hutson, John Dettor, Elizabeth Dettor, Benjamin C. Vaughn, Rebecca Vaughn, John Reister, Helen Reister, Matthias Reider, Mary Reider, William Chapman, James Chapman, Nathan Chapman, Jr., and John Chapman. BA. Trust estate under will of Nathan Chapman, Sr. - White Oak Bottom, Parrishes Folly, Griffiths Mount, Parrishes Forest. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 353.
Accession No.: 17,898-7006-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7046 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/06/16 7007: Henry Cohee and Thomas H. Whaland vs. James Buchanan, Lawrence Buchanan, Robert Buchanan, James Buchanan, Jr., Robert Buchanan, Jr., George D. Buchanan, and James B. Ricand. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Cornwallis Choice, Budds Discovery, Carolla, Worton Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 524.
Accession No.: 17,898-7007-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7047 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/09/05 7008: Robert Carr vs. Philip W. Witright and Mary Witright. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7008 MSA S512-8- 7048 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/08/10 7009: Charles F. Cloud and William P. Pouder vs. Lambert A. Wilmer. BA. Dissolution of partnership to publish The Saturday Morning Visitor. Accession No.: 17,898-7009 MSA S512-8- 7049 Location: 1/37/3/
1825/08/24 7010: Isaac Cannell vs. James G. McClean. KE. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-7010 MSA S512-8- 7050 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/09/09 7011: Adam Waltemeyer and Rachel Waltemeyer vs. Walter Pierpoint, Richard Roloson, Margaret Roloson, Edward Jones, William Stansbury, Jacob Stansbury, William Stansbury, James Stansbury, Ruth Stansbury, Isaac Stansbury, Elijah Stansbury, Charles T. Stansbury, John E. Stansbury, Josias Brown, Prudence Brown, George Collins, Charity Collins, Thomas Cowley, Elizabeth Cowley, Benjamin Waters, and Elizabeth Edwards. BA. Estate of Thomas Pierpoint - Cannons Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 360.
Accession No.: 17,898-7011-1/7 MSA S512-8- 7051 Location: 1/37/3/
1849/10/18 7012: Isabella Coale vs. William E. Coale, George H. Hall, William T. Coale, Rachel Coale, John H. Coale, and Maria J. Coale. BA. Petition to sell Athol. Accession No.: 17,898-7012 MSA S512-8- 7052 Location: 1/37/3/
1841/12/14 7013: Abraham G. Cole and George W. Howard vs. Thomas Scott, Thomas M. Scott, Joseph Gist, Eleanor Gist, Eliza A. Scott, Cecilia C. Scott, Elizabeth A. Scott, Sarah C. Scott, Julia C. Scott, Eli Scott, Aurian H.R. Scott, and Lewis C. Scott. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-7013 MSA S512-8- 7053 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/06/11 7014: Jacob Craft vs. Amos Lynch, Clinton Lynch, Hannah Brandt, Samuel T. Pratt, Martha Pratt, Henry Hewitt, Frances Hewitt, Ann Maria Lynch, Woolman E. Lynch, John Lynch, Perry Lynch, Edward Miller, and William B. Perine. BA. Petition to sell lots and Bowlys Wharf in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 736. Accession No.: 17,898-7014-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7054 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/12/13 7015: Anne L. Contee and John Contee. PG. Trust estate of John Contee - Arthurs Seat Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-7015 MSA S512-8- 7055 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/30 7017: Emeline Cahall. TA. Estate of Joseph B. Perry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 345. Accession No.: 17,898-7017 MSA S512-8- 7056 Location: 1/37/3/
1850/09/04 7018: Chesapeake Bank vs. Jesse Dashiell and Mary Dashiell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 91. Accession No.: 17,898-7018 MSA S512-8- 7057 Location: 1/37/3/
1848/09/05 7019: Chesapeake Bank vs. Luke Taaffe, Dennis O'Connor, and Hercules O'Connor. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 683. Accession No.: 17,898-7019-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7058 Location: 1/37/3/
1842/09/23 7020: Clifton Coal Co., Lewis Howsh, Charles F. Mayer, George W. McCulloch, and James W. McCulloch vs. Hanson B. Pigman, Jonathan Clary, and Mary Outten Ward. AL. Injunction against execution of judgment on Sand Spring Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-7020 MSA S512-8- 7059 Location: 1/37/3/
1847/02/20 7021: AA Commissioners of the Tax and Annapolis Mayor, Recorder, and Council vs. William Bryan, Eliza Sewell, John S. Sewell, Lewis Sewell, Walter McNier, Elizabeth McNier, and John T. Diffenderffer. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annpolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7021-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7060 Location: 1/37/3/
1845/09/24 7022: John M. Carpenter. CH. Petition to correct plat of Ellises Island. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7022 MSA S512-8- 7061 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/02/26 7023: Solomon Wadlow, Edward Kern, John Archer, George McCausland, and John W. Stump vs. Joseph H. Cox, Rachel Cox, Mary Cox, Massey Cox, William Stansbury, Sarah Stansbury, Henry Fuller, Elizabeth Fuller, and Nicholas Cox. HA. Petition to sell Stansbury Lot, Hutchison Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 292. Accession No.: 17,898-7023-1/8 MSA S512-8- 7062 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/09/30 7024: Clement Cox vs. Cyrus Oldham, Robert E. Oldham, William Hollingsworth, Abraham D. Mitchell, James Evans of Robert, William B. Biles, and Samuel Williams. CE. Defraud of creditors of Cyrus Oldham - Grove, Oldhams Range, Adventure, Rock Run Mills Accession No.: 17,898-7024-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7063 Location: 1/37/3/
1833/12/16 7025: Leah Cooper vs. Samuel Cooper, Henry Cooper, and Richard W. Gill. DO. Estate of Edward B. Cooper. Accession No.: 17,898-7025 MSA S512-8- 7064 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/10/09 7026: Eleanor Cowman vs. William O'Hara. AA. Estate of Joseph Cowman - Larkins Hills, Hazlenut Ridge, Lloyds Triangle. Accession No.: 17,898-7026 MSA S512-8- 7065 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/11/07 7027: Richard Cromwell vs. Nancy Johnson, Eleanor Sewell, John L. Hammond, and David Stewart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fitzsimmons Gift, Knightstons Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-7027-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7066 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/08/12 7028: John C. Clarke vs. Josiah Small and John Henderson. BA. Dissolution of Clarke & Small. Accession No.: 17,898-7028 MSA S512-8- 7067 Location: 1/37/3/
1836/11/15 7029: Thomas Clagett, John Glenn, and Thomas B. Brennan vs. Nicholas G. Watkins and Joseph Allein. AA. Petition to sell slave Esther. Accession No.: 17,898-7029 MSA S512-8- 7068 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/06/06 7030: John Cross vs. Sarah Hatton, Garret Hooper, Hannah Hooper, Maria Hatton, Thomas Hatton, Phoebe Hatton, Lydia Hatton, and Mary Ann Hatton. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-7030 MSA S512-8- 7069 Location: 1/37/3/
1834/03/20 7031: Samuel Chase, George W. Pinfold, Thomas Tolson, and Jonathan S. Eastman vs. Martin Tschudy, Eliza Tschudy, Sarah Tschudy, Winsbert Tschudy, Sarah A. Tschudy, Francis Tschudy, and William Tschudy. QA. Petition to sell Roberts Meadows, Courseys Choice, Condon Resurveyed, Comegys Reserve, Goulding, Scotts Outrange Resurveyed, Standish Woods. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 451. Accession No.: 17,898-7031-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7070 Location: 1/37/3/
1823/06/24 7032: Iver Campbell vs. Jesse Leach. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7032 MSA S512-8- 7071 Location: 1/37/3/
1812/01/13 7033: Henry H. Chapman, John B. Wills, Jr., Samuel Chapman, John E. Ford, and Alexander Greer vs. James Brauner, Elizabeth Brauner, and Mary Elizabeth Barnes. CH. Petition to sell Barnes Purchase, Hanconton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 88. Accession No.: 17,898-7033-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7072 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/11/24 7034: Mary Clagett, William Clagett, and Henry Roe, Jr. vs. Charles Salmon, John W. Clagett, Thomas Clagett, Richard Clagett, Elizabeth Clagett, and Samuel A. Clagett. AA. Estate of William Clagett. Accession No.: 17,898-7034 MSA S512-8- 7073 Location: 1/37/3/
1821/12/04 7035: Richard Cromwell vs. Rebecca Beachem, James Beachem, Andrew Flannagain, Benjamin McC. Flannagain, Mary A. Flannagain, Ann M. Flannagain, Eliza T. Flannagain, Caroline Flannagain, and William F. Flannagain. AA. Petition to sell Fairfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 155. Accession No.: 17,898-7035 MSA S512-8- 7074 Location: 1/37/3/
1828/09/26 7036: Joseph Clackner and George C. Thompson vs. Christopher Chapman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Carters Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 549. Accession No.: 17,898-7036 MSA S512-8- 7075 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/03/13 7037: Eli Carrington, Alesanna Carrington, Harriet Kell, Thomas K. Andrew, Alexander McK. Andrew, Frances C. Andrew, Pamela Andrew, and John F. Andrew vs. Thomas Kell, Isaac Kell, and John Hoffman. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7037 MSA S512-8- 7076 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/02/23 7038: John Cross and Stewart Brown vs. James C. Dew and John Bunting. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 236. Accession No.: 17,898-7038 MSA S512-8- 7077 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/07/20 7039: William Creighton vs. Sarah S. Gootee, Ann Gootee, William Gootee, George Gootee, Thomas Gootee, Benjamin Gootee, Pinkney Gootee, and Andrew Gootee. DO. Petition to sell lot in New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 209. Accession No.: 17,898-7039-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7078 Location: 1/37/3/
1832/01/23 7041: Elias B. Cockey vs. Mordecai G. Cockey, John R. Cockey, Thomas E. Stocksdale, Ruth Stocksdale, Solomon Stocksdale, Dolly Stocksdale, Edward Stocksdale, and Providence Stocksdale. BA. Estate of Thomas Cockey - Meadows and Mills, Nest Egg, True Location. Accession No.: 17,898-7041 MSA S512-8- 7079 Location: 1/37/3/
1820/02/21 7042: Jeremiah Chase vs. John Moale, Thomas Moale, Robert N. Moale, Samuel Moale, Randle H. Moale, William McMechen, Rebecca Russell, Elizabeth Curson, Richard Carroll, Judith C. Carroll, John C. Moale, William A. Moale, Richard H. Moale, George Winchester, John J. Bernabin, and Ellen Bernabin. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7042 MSA S512-8- 7080 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/03/28 7043: Richard Case vs. Edward Abraham and Thomas Dixon. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Jeopardy, Addition to Jeopardy, Love Union, Amsterdam. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 575. Accession No.: 17,898-7043 MSA S512-8- 7081 Location: 1/37/3/
1831/05/17 7044: Thomas Compton vs. Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co., George Winchester, William Gibbs McNeill, Charles Cheesborough, and William Stall. BA. Injunction against destruction of property. Accession No.: 17,898-7044 MSA S512-8- 7082 Location: 1/37/3/
1830/03/20 7045: Anne Carr vs. Susanna J. Gott and John F. Wilson. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7045 MSA S512-8- 7083 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/04/29 7046: Walter Carr, Rebecca Carr, Elizabeth Brown, and Ann Massey vs. Mary Brown, Catherine Brown, Ann Brown, Benjamin Brown, Samuel Brown, Rebecca A. Brown, Elizabeth Brown, John Brown, Richard B. Matthews, and Margaret Matthews. AA. Petition to sell Purdums Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-7046-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7084 Location: 1/37/3/
1839/03/01 7047: Jane Creigh vs. Thomas Gorsuch. BA. Estate of Samuel Creigh - James Forrest Resurveyed, Spring Field Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-7047 MSA S512-8- 7085 Location: 1/37/3/
1835/02/28 7049: Albert Constable, John Johnson, and Henry Smith vs. William Allen, Susan A. Turner, Martha A. Turner, George A. Turner, Zacharias Turner, William G. Turner, and Henry L. Turner. HA. Petition to sell Ennalls Chance, Gravelly Hills, Homer. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-7049-1/3 MSA S512-8- 7086 Location: 1/37/3/
1822/04/20 7050: David Carcaud vs. Richard Grahame. CV. Estate of William M. Carcaud. Accession No.: 17,898-7050 MSA S512-8- 7087 Location: 1/37/3/
1824/12/29 7051: Richard Caton and Robert Oliver vs. John H. Brown. AA. Petition to sell Norwoods Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-7051 MSA S512-8- 7088 Location: 1/37/3/
1837/05/29 7052: Elizabeth A. Cole vs. Charles Levis, William R. Ashton, Samuel House, William A. House, Samuel House, Jr., and Thomas J. House. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 353. Accession No.: 17,898-7052-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7089 Location: 1/37/3/
1826/10/02 7053: Henry Culver and Jonas A. Beale vs. William Plater, Eliza Plater, Hugh McEldery, and George Forbes. PG. Estate of James Beale - Strife, Piscattaway Manor, Ridge, Lexington, Websters Chance, High Gate. Accession No.: 17,898-7053-1/2 MSA S512-8- 7090 Location: 1/37/3/
1829/06/01 7054: David Clarke vs. Francis McFaden. AA, MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Freeborns Progress in AA and MO and Margarets Choice in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 525 and 142, p. 707. Accession No.: 17,898-7054-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7091 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/04/04 7056: Joseph Chambers vs. Robert Robinson, William Robinson, Henrietta Robinson, Eliza Robinson, Susanna Robinson, and John Oliver. BA. Contract to purchase Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 151. Accession No.: 17,898-7056 MSA S512-9- 7092 Location: 1/37/4/
1799/10/30 7057: Stephen Casenave and James Walker. BA. Insolvent estates of Casenave and Walker - Libendale. Accession No.: 17,898-7057-1/7 MSA S512-9- 7093 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/04/24 7058: John Craver vs. Edwin G. Miller. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Range Declined. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 638. Accession No.: 17,898-7058 MSA S512-9- 7094 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/03/31 7059: Charles Carroll vs. Daniel Dulany. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7059 MSA S512-9- 7095 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/08/24 7060: Isaac Chaney vs. Richard Chaney, Samuel Chaney, Rezin Chaney, Joshua B. Chaney, Eleanor Chaney, Edwin Chaney, Jonathan Donaldson, Rebecca Donaldson, James King, and Martha King. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7060 MSA S512-9- 7096 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/05/09 7061: Richard Caton vs. Benjamin Hancock. AA. Contract to purchase Bodkin Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 195. Accession No.: 17,898-7061 MSA S512-9- 7097 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/05/30 7062: Joseph Cox, James Cox, and George Cox vs. Anne J. Nelson, James Nelson, John E. Nelson, and William F. Nelson. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Abingdon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 358. Accession No.: 17,898-7062 MSA S512-9- 7098 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/10/09 7063: Thomas Dye Cockey vs. Robert Gilmor, Jr. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7063 MSA S512-9- 7099 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/03/05 7064: Richard M. Chase vs. Alexander McDonald, Nicholas G. Ridgely, Robert Armstrong, Jesse Eichelberger, Bank of Baltimore, Jeremiah T. Chase, Samuel Chase, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7064-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7100 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/10/15 7065: Abraham Cole vs. Mary Denny, Sr., Mary Denny, Jr., John Denny, Sarah Denny, James Denny, Benjamin F. Denny, William Denny, Jacob Denny, Louisa Denny, Jane Denny, and Benjamin Tolson. HA. Estate of John Denny - Rumney Marsh, Natts Island, Dogwood Ridge, Shephards Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, pp. 148, 883.
Accession No.: 17,898-7065-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7101 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/10/10 7066: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. William Snuggrass, George Reinecher, Edward Griffith, and Jesse L. Hiss. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 18. Accession No.: 17,898-7066 MSA S512-9- 7102 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/04/12 7067: Caleb Clarke vs. Francis Belmear and Richard W. Isaac. PG. Contract to purchase Burgess Delight, Hickory Thickett, Clarks Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-7067 MSA S512-9- 7103 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/10/12 7068: John Carnan vs. Ann Bayard and Richard A. Bayard. CE. Petition to sell Three Bohemian Sisters. Accession No.: 17,898-7068-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7104 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/03/17 7069: Daniel Carroll of Duddington vs. Henry W. Rogers, Margaret Caldwell, Gordon Bigham, Robert McGorgon, and John Bigham. BA. Petition to sell lot in Baltimore Company lands. Plats at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 278. Accession No.: 17,898-7069-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7105 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/07/07 7070: William Carmichael and Frederick Mellow vs. John S. Blake. QA. Petition to sell Doncaster. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 319. Accession No.: 17,898-7070 MSA S512-9- 7106 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/16 7071: John Craig vs. James Colston and Alexander Bradford Harrison. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Clays Hope, Bachelors Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-7071-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7107 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/01/11 7072: Canton Co. vs. George Arrowsmith. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 82. Accession No.: 17,898-7072-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7108 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/12/26 7073: Mary Cunningham, Bridget Lyons, Anne Burke, and Luke Killion vs. Charlotte Hall School. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7073-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7109 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/06 7074: Caleb Clarke vs. James W. Mitchell. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Burgess Delight, Hickory Thickett, Clarks Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-7074 MSA S512-9- 7110 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/11/22 7076: Frederick Cook vs. William Morgan and Andrew Orr. CE. Petition to lease lot in Port Deposit. Accession No.: 17,898-7076 MSA S512-9- 7111 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/11/28 7077: Michael Collins vs. Richard Smith and Rezin Estep. AA. Fraudulent mortgage of Wrighton, Patuxent Fisheries. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-7077 MSA S512-9- 7112 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/04/13 7078: John Crandell, Henry A. Crandell, and William G. Crandell vs. Thomas Gilliam and Anne Gilliam. AA. Estate of Henry Crandell - Rural Felicity, Norris Discovery, Clareys Hope. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-7078-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7113 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/02/24 7079: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Notley Young of Benjamin, Marsham Warring, Robert Y. Brent, Eleanor Claggett, Joseph Pearson, Anne M. Pearson, Mary Pearson, Benjamin Young, Henry Young, Edward Brooke, Ann Casenave, Thomas Fenwick, Edward Fenwick, Notley Fenwick, and Ignatius Fenwick. PG. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7079 MSA S512-9- 7114 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/03/02 7080: Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. John S. Blake, Simon Wickes, Elizabeth Wickes, William H. Emory, and Richard T. Earle. QA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7080 MSA S512-9- 7115 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/07/25 7081: Luther J. Cox vs. Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co. BA. Injunction against interference with Woodberry Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-7081 MSA S512-9- 7116 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/03/31 7082: Jeremiah T. Chase vs. Richard Loockerman. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hab Nab at a Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 723. Accession No.: 17,898-7082-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7117 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/04/21 7083: Martha P. Childs vs. Henry C. Drury, Mary Drury, and Margaret Drury. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 781. Accession No.: 17,898-7083 MSA S512-9- 7118 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/10/16 7084: Robert Crighton, Thomas H. Meekins, Edward Johnson, Grace Insley, Bennett Gibson, Comfort Gibson, Charles Traverse, Richard Tubman, Henry Counsel, Sarah Counsel, Thomas Shenton, William Shenton, Jacob Kirwan, Rachel Kirwan, Margaret Hooper, Nancy Adams, Henry Hooper, James Hooper, and John Hooper vs. Isaac Creighton, William Creighton, Henry Creighton, James Creighton, John Creighton, Robert Creighton, Thomas Creighton, Maria Tyler, Wesley Woodland, Susan Woodland, John Griffith, Samuel Dunnock, and Margaret Dunnock. DO. Petition to sell Phillips Pasture, Addition to Newton, Buttons Rack, Creightons Chance. Plat of Creightons Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 330.
Accession No.: 17,898-7084 MSA S512-9- 7119 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/05/04 7085: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Henry Harding, Edward Harding, Dade P. Noland, Caroline Noland, Charles J. Queen, and Maria Queen. MO. Contract to purchase Hermitage. Accession No.: 17,898-7085 MSA S512-9- 7120 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/10/19 7086: John Cook vs. Samuel P. Richardson. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7086 MSA S512-9- 7121 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/09/13 7087: James Campbell, Donald McIlvain, and Samuel K. George vs. John Stewart and Ellen Stewart. BA. Estate of James Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-7087 MSA S512-9- 7122 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/11/21 7088: Clement Cox vs. Jeremiah C. Ford, William Ford, Anne R. Ford, Lambert Ford, Amanda Ford, Franklin Ford, John B. Hagany, and Caroline S. Hagany. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7088 MSA S512-9- 7123 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/07/31 7089: Henry Cryer, Levin Cryer, Robert Cryer, John Cryer, William Cryer, Jesse Cryer, Job Cryer, Sally Cryer, Samuel Edmondson, Ellen Edmondson, Job North, Margaret North, Sally Lewis, and Mable Wales vs. Philemon S. Wales, Margaret Wales, William Reid, Elizabeth Reid, Daniel Dorsey, Thomas Parkinson, Anne Parkinson, William Woolford, Sarah Woolford, Ethelinda Cryer, George Cryer, Jacob Cryer, Sally Cryer, and Margaret Cryer. TA. Petition to sell Sands Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 309.
Accession No.: 17,898-7089 MSA S512-9- 7124 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/01/13 7090: Joseph Cole vs. John W. Walker, Lovelace Gardner, Elias Buckingham, and Nicholas Buckingham. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7090 MSA S512-9- 7125 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/03/09 7091: Isaac G. Colesberry and Mary Colesberry vs. Elizabeth Reynolds. CE. Petition to sell Retreat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-7091 MSA S512-9- 7126 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/11/22 7092: John M. Cunningham vs. John Dickinson and Richard Younger. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 323. Accession No.: 17,898-7092 MSA S512-9- 7127 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/06/18 7093: Samuel Corkran and Jeremiah C. Wright vs. Thomas Purnell and Matthew Purnell. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 33. Accession No.: 17,898-7093 MSA S512-9- 7128 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/09/29 7094: Robert F. Chew, Hanson Clarke, Agnes Clarke, Walter Chew, Anne Chew, and Elizabeth Chew vs. Nathaniel Chew. AA. Estate of Nathaniel Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-7094 MSA S512-9- 7129 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/06/16 7095: Dennis Claude, Jr. and John Hammond vs. Peregrine Brown, Philip Pettibone, and Margaret Ann Brown. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7095 MSA S512-9- 7130 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/12/01 7096: City Bank of Baltimore vs. Samuel Chase. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Elizabeths Diligence, lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 549. Accession No.: 17,898-7096 MSA S512-9- 7131 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/06/01 7097: John Crawford, Douglas Crawford, Jefferson Crawford, William Crawford, William Gwynn, Samuel Stansbury, Belinda Macauley, William Gwynn of Robert, John R. Gwynn, Stephen Gorsuch, Jane Gorsuch, and John Hart vs. Ann Dempsey, Ellen Hart, John Hart, William Deacon, Sr., William Deacon, Jr., Thomas Chatham, Elizabeth Chatham, Hezekiah Krout, Frances Krout, John Deacon, Washington Deacon, Jefferson Deacon, Gywnn Deacon, Ann Deacon, and Elizabeth Chatham. BA. Petition to sell Monkton Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 714.
Accession No.: 17,898-7097-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7132 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/07/06 7098: Carter Crittenden vs. George K. Hooper, William Van Dalsam, and William A. McKim. BA. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-7098 MSA S512-9- 7133 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/12/15 7099: Ann Caradine vs. William Y. Bourke and Rebecca Bourke. QA. Estate of William Dunn. Accession No.: 17,898-7099 MSA S512-9- 7134 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/05/07 7100: Peter W. Crain vs. Thomas Bruce, Josias Young, James Baden, Walter B. Brooke, Richard D. Burroughs, and John Jamieson. PG. Title to slaves Kate, Fanny, and Peggy. Accession No.: 17,898-7100 MSA S512-9- 7135 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/07/21 7101: John Contee, Louisa Contee, and Thomas Snowden, Jr. vs. Caroline E. Snowden, Emily R. Snowden, and Richard N. Snowden. AA, PG. Petition to partition Red Oak Hill, Ridgelys Great Park, Hard to Get, Dear Paid For, Roxbury, Justifiable, Duvalls Range, Vanity Mount, Dorseys Grove, Snowdens Grove Enlarged, Sappingtons Sweep, Woodland Hill, Farmers Chance, Rutlands Purchase Enlarged in AA. Also Timber Bottom Enlarged, Friendship Enlarged, Hog Harbour, Addition to Hog Harbour, Snowdens New Birmingham Manor, Williams Range, Tuckers Cultivation, Moores Prosperity, Snowdens Intent in PG. Plats of Red Oak Hill, Ridgelys Great Park, Hard to Get, Dear Paid For, Roxbury, Justifiable, Duvalls Range, Vanity Mount, Dorseys Grove, Sappingtons Sweep, Woodland Hill, Farmers Chance, Rutlands Purchase Enlarged, Timber Bottom Enlarged, Friendship Enlarged, Hog Harbour, Addition to Hog Harbour, Snowdens New Birmingham Manor, Williams Range, Snowdens Intent at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-7101-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7136 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/07/10 7102: Lucius H. Colvin vs. Rachel Colvin. BA. Title to lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7102 MSA S512-9- 7137 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/08/03 7103: Joseph Cole and Hannah Cole vs. Brice Hobbs. Howard District. Injunction against removal of timber from Batchelors Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-7103 MSA S512-9- 7138 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/10/02 7104: Charles Crook, Jr. vs. Henry G. Jacobsen, Frederick C. Graf, and Justus Hoppe. BA. Petition to sell goods. Accession No.: 17,898-7104-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7139 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/09/19 7105: James Campbell vs. Columbus O'Donnell. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7105 MSA S512-9- 7140 Location: 1/37/4/
1817/05/20 7106: Samuel Chase vs. Adam Waltemeyer, Rachel Waltemeyer, Richard H. Moale, and Dr. Allen Thomas. BA. Petition to sell Cannons Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 539. Accession No.: 17,898-7106-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7141 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/06/29 7107: Hannah K. Chase vs. Henry Beamer. BA. Injunction against trespass on lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-7107-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7142 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/04/21 7108: Richard Caton vs. John McTavish, Emily McTavish, and Henry C. Dunbar. BA. Estate of Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Accession No.: 17,898-7108 MSA S512-9- 7143 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/06/19 7109: John Claytor and Eliza Claytor vs. John Randall. AA. Estate of Charles D. Hodges. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-7109 MSA S512-9- 7144 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/08/04 7111: William Collison and Mary Collison vs. Francis Hayward, Margaret Hayward, Thomas Layton, and James Layton. DO. Petition to sell lot in Nanticoke Indian Lands. Accession No.: 17,898-7111 MSA S512-9- 7145 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/04/30 7112: James W. Collins vs. Frances Baden, James C. Baden, and Robert Baden. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7112 MSA S512-9- 7146 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/03/16 7114: Joshua Creamer vs. Mary Sewell, Sarah Ann Sewell, and Lewis Neth. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 599. Accession No.: 17,898-7114 MSA S512-9- 7147 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/03/30 7115: Mary Ann Cox vs. Hugh Foy, Samuel D. Legrand, and Peter Cox. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 339. Accession No.: 17,898-7115 MSA S512-9- 7148 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/11/12 7116: Samuel M. Charters vs. Richard Hopkins, Charlotte W. Hopkins, and Philip G. Gover. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 1011. Accession No.: 17,898-7116 MSA S512-9- 7149 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/07/20 7117: William Cockey and John Cockey vs. Joseph C. Cockey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 858. Accession No.: 17,898-7117 MSA S512-9- 7150 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/06/13 7118: James Colston vs. John Craig. BA. Contract to build a brig. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 141. Accession No.: 17,898-7118-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7151 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/08/24 7119: Thorndicke Chase, James Corner, James Martin, and James Claytor vs. Robert Oliver and John Devereux. BA. Insolvent estate of James Claytor. Accession No.: 17,898-7119-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7152 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/07/19 7120: Hannah Kilty Chase vs. Upton S. Heath and W.A. McMechen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7120 MSA S512-9- 7153 Location: 1/37/4/
1806/06/12 7121: Hans Creevy vs. Isaac Ewing, John C. Wilson, and John Wilkins. SO. Estate of James Ewing. Accession No.: 17,898-7121 MSA S512-9- 7154 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/02/04 7122: Isabella Croxall vs. Eleanor Moale. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7122-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7155 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/01/28 7123: Priscilla Cooper vs. Charlotte Merryman, Dixon Morton, Martha E. Morton, Elijah Merryman, Samuel W. Merryman, Frances E. Merryman, Catherine J. Merryman, Susanna W. Merryman, John Merryman, James O. Merryman, and Eliza Merryman. BA. Estate of Nicholas Merryman - Gunpowder Mills, Greenland, Coles Chance, Contrivance to Coles Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-7123 MSA S512-9- 7156 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/02/02 7124: John Contee and John B. Mullikin vs. Dennis Magruder, Jr. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 412. Accession No.: 17,898-7124 MSA S512-9- 7157 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/02/03 7125: John Crawford vs. John Jones, Hugh Neale, and Roger Jones. DO. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7125 MSA S512-9- 7158 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/07/07 7126: Peter Clautice vs. Caleb Merryman, Abraham Jessop, Achsah Jessop, John Elder, Rebecca Elder, Rachel Wells, Abarella Merryman, Mary Merryman, Rebecca Merryman, Ellen Merryman, Basil Burgess, and Anne Burgess. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 522.
Accession No.: 17,898-7126-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7159 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/01/21 7127: Grandison Catlett vs. Nathan Porter, George Howard, and Elijah Christopher. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7127 MSA S512-9- 7160 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/04/17 7128: Joel Cornwell and Susan Cornwell vs. Alfred M. Lewis, James K. Lewis, Esau Insley, Lucinda M. Insley, and Levin Lewis. DO. Petition to sell Spite, Smithfield, Galloway. Accession No.: 17,898-7128 MSA S512-9- 7161 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/06/03 7129: George Carter vs. Mary Denmead. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7129 MSA S512-9- 7162 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/05/03 7130: Nathan Childs, Richard Brown, Julian Brown, Benjamin Carr, and Mary Ellen Carr vs. William Childs. AA. Petition to partition Trent, Harrisons Resurvey. Plat of Harrisons Resurvey filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 41, MdHR 40,283-94, S65-28, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 216.
Accession No.: 17,898-7130 MSA S512-9- 7163 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/11/18 7131: Minas Conaway vs. Elizabeth Lockerman, Charlotte Lockerman, Henrietta Lockerman, Mary Lockerman, Thomas Lockerman, James Lockerman, Robert Wallace, Elizabeth Chaplain, John R. Keene, Henrietta Keene, William Chaplain, Bond Chaplain, Edward K. Chaplain, Charles Chaplain, Anne M. Chaplain, and Henry Chaplain. DO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 9.
Accession No.: 17,898-7131 MSA S512-9- 7164 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/07/09 7132: Darius Claggett, Walter Claggett, Henry Addison, Martha Addison, Sally Barry, William C. Harry, and Mary Ann Harry vs. Margaret Johns, Leonard Johns, Caroline Johns, Jane Johns, Thomas Johns, William Johns, Sarah Johns, and Margaret Johns. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Claggetts Purchase, Pritchetts Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 850.
Accession No.: 17,898-7132-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7165 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/03/30 7133: Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. Unit Woodland, James Woodland, Adeline Woodland, Lavinia Woodland, Henry M. Clayton, Mary E. Clayton, Elizabeth Woodland, and John A. Woodland. KE. Petiton to sell Lamb Farm, Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-7133 MSA S512-9- 7166 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/01/11 7134: Benjamin Cox vs. William Rothwell. CE. Estate of John K. Francis. Accession No.: 17,898-7134 MSA S512-9- 7167 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/11/16 7135: Henry Cooper vs. Edward B. Cooper and Samuel J. Cooper. DO. Petition to sell lots in Church Creek, Harwoods Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 699. Accession No.: 17,898-7135 MSA S512-9- 7168 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/08/03 7136: Peter A. Carnes vs. Isaiah Mankin. BA. Contract to purchase brig Edward. Accession No.: 17,898-7136 MSA S512-9- 7169 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/05/25 7137: Abraham Chaney, Gassaway Chaney, and Elizabeth Chaney vs. Ann S. Chaney, Joseph Chaney, Richard G. Chaney, Floyd Chaney, and Selma Chaney. AA. Title to Benjamins Choice, Greenwick Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-7137 MSA S512-9- 7170 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/07/09 7138: Moses O.B. Cawood, Delilah Cawood, Charles Robinson, Anne Robinson, and James Fendall Robinson vs. Richard Hopkins. AA. Validity of sale of a slave. Accession No.: 17,898-7138-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7171 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/07/30 7139: Peter Crumbecker vs. James Porter, George Porter, Joshua Porter, Rezin Porter, Elisha Porter, Jacob Tener, and Catherine Tener. BA. Title to Dorseys Industry, Johns Industry, Marys Victory, Lawrences Pleasant Vallie. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 405.
Accession No.: 17,898-7139 MSA S512-9- 7172 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/06/01 7140: Clifton Coal Co., Charles F. Mayer, James W. McCulloh, and George McCulloh vs. Ruth Cobb, Anna A. Cobb, Elizabeth Cobb, William Cobb, and Edward D. Cobb. AL. Contract to purchase Coal Pits. Accession No.: 17,898-7140-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7173 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/06/23 7141: Cumberland Bank of Alleghany vs. Deborah Scott, Ruth McCarty, Patrick McCarty, Edward McCarty, James McCarty, Rebecca McCarty, Sarah McCarty, Joseph McCarty, James C. Cresap, Daniel Cresap, William Cresap, Penelope Cresap, Thomas Cresap, Isabella Cresap, Joseph Cresap, and George Swearingen. AL. Estate of Joseph Cresap - Canaan, Walnut Island, Addition to Hay Stack, Godmans Level, Addition to Three Spring Bottom, lot in Cresap Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 989.
Accession No.: 17,898-7141 MSA S512-9- 7174 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/07/12 7142: Hannah Kilty Chase vs. Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7142 MSA S512-9- 7175 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/05/01 7143: Samuel Cacy vs. Sarah A. Cacy and Catherine M. Cacy. KE. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 220. Accession No.: 17,898-7143 MSA S512-9- 7176 Location: 1/37/4/
1808/09/03 7144: Nicholas Carroll vs. Charles Carnan. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Caves. Accession No.: 17,898-7144 MSA S512-9- 7177 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/11/22 7145: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Ann Chew, Robert B. Chew, Willilam Chew, Henry Chew, Eliza Chew, and Ann M.B. Chew. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ayres, Chews Right. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 535. Accession No.: 17,898-7145-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7178 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/03/20 7146: Michael Connelly vs. John Connelly, Edward Connelly, James Connelly, Anne Connelly, Mary Connelly, Bridgett Conelly, Sarah Whalen, Anne Whalen, Burgess Culver, and Margaret Culver. MO. Petition to partition Two Farms. Accession No.: 17,898-7146 MSA S512-9- 7179 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/01/03 7147: Robert E. Constable vs. John Constable and Margaret A. Constable. KE. Estate of Robert Constable - lots in Chestertown, Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-7147 MSA S512-9- 7180 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/03/06 7148: Richard M. Chase vs. John H. Barney. BA. Contract to lease Fountain Inn in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-7148 MSA S512-9- 7181 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/11/25 7149: Daniel Chambers vs. Mary H. Hawkins, Hamilton S. Hawkins, Ellen B. Hawkins, William K. Hawkins, Alexander P. Hawkins, Gilbert Hawkins, Lydia M. Hawkins, John Hagerty, Jacob Myers, Philpot Rogers, and Nicholas Gatch. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Wood Lot.
Accession No.: 17,898-7149-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7182 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/10/22 7150: Alfred Clark vs. Sylvester Clark. AA. Petition to sell Hanover. Accession No.: 17,898-7150 MSA S512-9- 7183 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/09/17 7151: Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. Mary M. Corse, Barney Corse, Seraphina Corse, Rebecca Corse, and James E. Barroll. KE. Petition to sell Kinnards Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 126 and 134, p. 867. Accession No.: 17,898-7151-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7184 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/11/23 7152: Mary Cresap vs. Washington Van Bibber, Henry Van Bibber, Anne Nelson, William H. Ward, Maria Ward, Philip Reading, Catherine Reading, Eliza Reading, Andrew P. Reading, Mr. Wallace, and Sarah Jolly. BA. Contract to pay marriage settlement. Accession No.: 17,898-7152 MSA S512-9- 7185 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/07/20 7153: Daniel Corbett, James Booth, and Samuel Thomas vs. Josias L. Foard, Lydia Foard, Mary Foard, Thomas Stephens, James Stephens, Andrew Crow, Jemima Crow, Andrew P. Redding, Lydia Redding, Richard Lockwood, Richard Mansfield, and Catherine V. Foard. CE. Petition to sell Pullans Refuge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 938.
Accession No.: 17,898-7153 MSA S512-9- 7186 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/02/19 7154: Richard Caton vs. William Farmer. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Iron Hill Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-7154 MSA S512-9- 7187 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/02/27 7155: Ann Chew vs. Elizabeth Chew, Robert B. Chew, Richard J. Jones, Ann M.B. Jones, Samuel Chew, Walter B. Chew, and Henry M. Chew. AA. Petition to sell Charles Right, Ayres. Accession No.: 17,898-7155 MSA S512-9- 7188 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/10/10 7156: James Campbell vs. Ann Campbell and Caroline Campbell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Tates Forebearance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 626. Accession No.: 17,898-7156 MSA S512-9- 7189 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/07/21 7157: Isabela Cole and Charles F. Mayer vs. Daniel Larrabee and William Johnston. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 269. Accession No.: 17,898-7157 MSA S512-9- 7190 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/02/19 7158: Mary Cresap vs. Washington Van Bibber. AL. Contract to pay marriage settlement. Accession No.: 17,898-7158 MSA S512-9- 7191 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/04/25 7159: Dorcas Clark vs. John Raven, Ann Raven, Thomas L. Raven, James Raven, and Mary Raven. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hindseys Purchase, Hazzard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 14. Accession No.: 17,898-7159 MSA S512-9- 7192 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/06/28 7160: James Cox, Robert Lemmon, and Thomas G. McCulloh vs. Peter D. Renter and Elizabeth Renter. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chases Wharf. Accession No.: 17,898-7160 MSA S512-9- 7193 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/10/18 7161: Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. Richard S. Thomas, John Thomas, Absalom W. Sparks, Mary L. Sparks, Deborah Jones, Thomas Jones, Oliver P. Jones, Ann M. Jones, Gustavus A.T. Wright, and Colin Ferguson. KE. Petition to sell Rileys Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 890.
Accession No.: 17,898-7161 MSA S512-9- 7194 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/02/01 7162: Benjamin Chew vs. William Davis, George Walker, Harriett Walker, and William D. Mercer. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Frisby Farm, Frisbys Prime Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 756. Accession No.: 17,898-7162-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7195 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/11/21 7163: Hannah Kilty Chase vs. Upton S. Heath, David McMechan, William A. McMechan, Margaret McMechan, Robert Buchanan, Ellen Buchanan, and John C. Van Wyck. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7163 MSA S512-9- 7196 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/01/23 7164: Richard Crandall and Pricilla Crandall vs. Robert F. Franklin. AA. Contract to purchase Dianna Fords Beaver Dam. Accession No.: 17,898-7164 MSA S512-9- 7197 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/01/25 7165: Hezekiah Clagett vs. John Frazer and Sarah Frazer. BA. Title to Welchs Adventure, Chatsworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 460. Accession No.: 17,898-7165 MSA S512-9- 7198 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/03/07 7166: James H. Cox vs. Jonathan Creery. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-7166 MSA S512-9- 7199 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/03/29 7167: Henry Clarke and Sarah Clarke vs. Margaret Newcummer. BA. Estate of Thomas Goggin. Accession No.: 17,898-7167 MSA S512-9- 7200 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/11/04 7168: Ann Culley vs. Mary Williams. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Kinsley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 890. Accession No.: 17,898-7168 MSA S512-9- 7201 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/07/24 7169: John L. Clarke vs. Robert Wright. PG. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-7169 MSA S512-9- 7202 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/05/08 7170: John Chauncey vs. Harriet Osborn, Benjamin Osborn, William Osborn, Mary S. Osborn, and Martha R. Osborn. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Common Garden, Briary Island, Sheppards Good Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 721. Accession No.: 17,898-7170-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7203 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/05/04 7171: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Henry Harding. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Hermitage. Accession No.: 17,898-7171 MSA S512-9- 7204 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/10/24 7172: Daniel Chambers vs. Prudence G. Chalmers and Thomas Lee. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Wood Lot, Union Rope Walk, Butlers Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 33. Accession No.: 17,898-7172-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7205 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/04/28 7173: Roswell L. Colt, John D'Arcy, Henry Didier, George Winchester, and Robert Oliver vs. Mary Tenant and John P. Kennedy. BA. Contract to purchase munitions. Accession No.: 17,898-7173-1/5 MSA S512-9- 7206 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/05/21 7174: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, Isaac Van Bibber, Henry L. Williams, Robert Smith, Abraham Van Bibber, Nicholas Charles Carroll, George Carter, Henry W. Rogers, Samuel J. Donaldson, Thomas L. Emory, and Baltimore Company Iron Works vs. Joseph Heston, Joseph Atkinson, Samuel Smith, and Horace Field. BA. Petition to sell Frederickstadt Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 35.
Accession No.: 17,898-7174-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7207 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/08/04 7175: John W. Comegys vs. John W. Wilmer, Edward Palmer, and Philip Wallis. CE. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7175 MSA S512-9- 7208 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/09/14 7176: Martha Cissel, Joseph J.R. Cissel, and Joseph J. Jones vs. Sarah C. Cissel, Richard S.T. Cissel, Philip Cissel, William Cissel, James Z. Perry, Margaret C. Perry, and Sarah Elizabeth Perry. AA. Petition to partition Trusty Friend, Watts Forrest in AA. Also Mizpah, Hughes Discovery in PG. Plats of Watts Forrest Mizpah, Hughes Discovery at 1/38/1/23.
Accession No.: 17,898-7176-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7209 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/03/23 7177: Jeremiah Cosden vs. Elkton Bank of Maryland and Philip Harding. CE. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-7177-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7210 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/08/06 7178: Eleanor Carlisle, Philip Sindal, Ann Sindal, John Sindal, and Samuel Sindal vs. Dr. Christopher Todd. BA. Contract to purchase Taylors Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 36. Accession No.: 17,898-7178-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7211 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/06/29 7179: Margaret Crump vs. Philip Moreheiser. BA. Estate of Margaret Walter. Accession No.: 17,898-7179 MSA S512-9- 7212 Location: 1/37/4/
1819/03/09 7180: William Jacobs vs. Christopher Cox and John Cox. QA. Petition to sell Partnership. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 770. Accession No.: 17,898-7180-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7213 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/01/10 7181: Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. William H. Forman and Ezekiel T.M. Forman. QA, TA. Petition to sell Wye Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-7181 MSA S512-9- 7214 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/08/24 7182: Jacob Crawford and John A. Dubernat vs. Victor Le Roy. BA. Estate of John B.A. Allyn. Accession No.: 17,898-7182 MSA S512-9- 7215 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/01/31 7183: Philip A.L. Contee. CH. Trust estate under will of Eleanor Ann Lee - Three Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-7183 MSA S512-9- 7216 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/05/31 7184: Richard Caton and Mary Caton vs. Robert Patterson. BA. Trust estate of Henry Maynadier Muray - Brookland Wood. Accession No.: 17,898-7184 MSA S512-9- 7217 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/03/08 7185: Port Deposit Commissioners vs. Edward Glacken. CE. Injunction against construction of a porch. Accession No.: 17,898-7185 MSA S512-9- 7218 Location: 1/37/4/
1813/01/28 7186: Daniel Carroll vs. Richard Carroll and Robins Chamberlain. BA. Petition to sell Cannons Delight, Maidens Dairy, Cordwainers Hall, Bachelors Fear, Frederickstadt Enlarged, Cromwells Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7186-1/16 MSA S512-9- 7219 Location: 1/37/4/
1814/02/14 7187: Hannah Kilty Chase vs. Samuel Chase, Thomas Chase, Ann Chase, Skipworth H. Coale, Eliza Coale, Matilda Ridgely, Basil Williamson, William Barney, and Mary Barney. BA. Estate of Samuel Chase - Fountain Inn in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 161.
Accession No.: 17,898-7187-1/7 MSA S512-9- 7220 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/06/28 7188: Thomas R. Cross vs. Rezin Hammond, Eliza Hammond, Denton Hammond, Matthias Hammond, and Caroline Hammond. AA. Petition to sell Hammonds Plains, Grays Plains, Grays Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 437. Accession No.: 17,898-7188 MSA S512-9- 7221 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/06/12 7189: John Cazier vs. Peter Chase. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7189 MSA S512-9- 7222 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/02/13 7190: George Calvert vs. State of Maryland. PG. Estate of Richard Jones - Watermans Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 29. Accession No.: 17,898-7190 MSA S512-9- 7223 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/05/14 7191: Thomas Clagett, Harriet Clagett, Alfred Y. Clagett, Fanny C. Clagett, Singleton Duvall, Ellen M. Duvall, and Henry Brice Clagett vs. Hezekiah Clagett. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7191-1/7 MSA S512-9- 7224 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/12/05 7192: Henry Cord vs. George Cord and Jesse Cord. AA. Appointment of trustee for George Cord and Jesse Cord. Accession No.: 17,898-7192 MSA S512-9- 7225 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/04/27 7193: Clement Craycroft vs. Nathan Thomas, Jonathan Thomas, John T. Wall, and Benjamin Robertson. PG. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7193 MSA S512-9- 7226 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/12/30 7194: Richard M. Chase vs. Thomas Chase. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Athol, Murrays Addition, Belle Hatch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 327. Accession No.: 17,898-7194 MSA S512-9- 7227 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/01/06 7195: Catherine Clemm, William E. Clemm, Neilson Poe, and Josephine E. Poe vs. David Schley, Georgiana M. Schley, and Mary E. Clemm. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 88. Accession No.: 17,898-7195-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7228 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/12/20 7196: Henry S. Coulter and Josias Pennington vs. Harriet G. Stevenson. BA. Petiton to sell Mount Parnassus Hill in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 687. Accession No.: 17,898-7196 MSA S512-9- 7229 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/01/31 7197: William E. Coale, Joseph T. Tomkins, William L. McPherson, and Evan Harry vs. Walter Watson, Able Watson, James Watson, William Stallings, Ann Stallings, Gabriel Trott, Elizabeth Trott, and Elizabeth Taneyhill. AA. Petition to sell Trent, Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 589.
Accession No.: 17,898-7197 MSA S512-9- 7230 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/01/15 7198: Mary Cresap vs. John Denny. QA. Estate of Abraham Van Bibber. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 99. Accession No.: 17,898-7198 MSA S512-9- 7231 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/10/25 7199: William H. Cain and Deborah Cain vs. Elizabeth Legg, Benjamin B. Legg, and William Legg. QA. Petition to partition lots in Centreville. Accession No.: 17,898-7199 MSA S512-9- 7232 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/01/24 7200: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Richard Key Heath and Anthony Addison. CE. Petition to sell Worsell Manor, Heaths Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 624. Accession No.: 17,898-7200 MSA S512-9- 7233 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/06/10 7201: Samuel Chapman vs. Charles McCann. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7201 MSA S512-9- 7234 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/03/04 7202: John Clendinen vs. Roger Presbury, Ned Presbury, Stephen Presbury, Bob Presbury, Prudence Presbury, Aly Presbury, Fanny Presbury, Jane Presbury, and Hannah Presbury. HA. Petition to sell Tricks and Things. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 297. Accession No.: 17,898-7202 MSA S512-9- 7235 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/06/29 7203: Catherine Cathcart, Christian Cathcart, William Cathcart, and Robert Cathcart vs. Hugh Arthur, Margaret Arthur, John Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, John Cathcart, Robert Cathcart, Catherine Cathcart, and Hall Wilson. BA. Estate of James Cathcart. Accession No.: 17,898-7203 MSA S512-9- 7236 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/11/20 7204: Nathaniel Clary vs. Philemon Welsh and Henry Howard of John. AA, BA. Title to Head Quarters in BA and Larkin the Eighth in AA. Accession No.: 17,898-7204-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7237 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/04/12 7205: Elizabeth Cockey vs. Jeremiah Ducker and William Henry Cockey. BA. Estate of Charles Cockey - Meadows and Mills, True Location. Plat of Meadows and Mills at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-7205-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7238 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/05/10 7207: John Collinson, William Collinson, Richard Gott, Sarah Gott, William Harper, and Edward Harper vs. Thomas Owens and John Harper. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-7207 MSA S512-9- 7239 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/10/13 7209: Skipwith Coale and Eliza M. Coale vs. Hannah Kilty Chase. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7209 MSA S512-9- 7240 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/06/20 7210: James Chaplin vs. John J. Hayes and Mary A.C.A. Chapline. WA. Petition to sell Joes Lot, Addition to Piles Delight, Norris Seat. Accession No.: 17,898-7210 MSA S512-9- 7241 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/02/26 7211: John A. Carter vs. Edmund Key, Margaret J. Key, Brooke Mackall, Louis Mackall, Samuel J. Potts, Aquilla Beall, and Zadok Sasscer. PG. Petition to sell Gray Eagle Enlarged, Maidens Dowry. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 442 Accession No.: 17,898-7211-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7242 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/05/05 7212: Charles S. Cone vs. George W. Krebs. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7212 MSA S512-9- 7243 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/07/11 7213: Daniel Cobb and Ruth A. Cobb vs. Charles F. Mayer, Nathaniel F. Williams, James Harwood, Alexander Yearley, and Thomas Baltzell. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7213 MSA S512-9- 7244 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/10/14 7214: Thomas Cadwalder vs. William Taylor, Jr. and Mary A. Taylor. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hylands Forest Resurveyed, Manleys Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-7214 MSA S512-9- 7245 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/05/08 7216: Henry Chamberlain, Henrietta Maria Gale, Samuel Chamberlain Gale, George Littleton Gale, Henrietta Elizabeth Chamberlain, Cornelius McLean, Jr., and Georgiana McLean vs. George Gale, Anna M. Gale, Leah Gale, Sarah Gale, and Harriet R. Gale. CE. Petition to sell Ellerslie, Gales Mills, Perry Point, New Design, Hatchet, Red Cedars. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 956.
Accession No.: 17,898-7216-1/8 MSA S512-9- 7246 Location: 1/37/4/
1821 7217: Mary Crummer vs. Nathan G. Bryson and Reverdy Johnson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-7217 MSA S512-9- 7247 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/12/28 7218: Richard Caton vs. Charles Oliver, Thomas Oliver, and Robert M. Gibbs. BA. Estate of Robert Oliver. Accession No.: 17,898-7218-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7248 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/04/18 7219: John Clifton, Louisa Clifton, William Mills, Ariana Mills, Elisha Owens, Ann Owens, and Theodore Bonner vs. Mary Bonner and Margaret Bell. DO. Petition to sell Goodricks Choice, Rochester, Trippes Good Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 848.
Accession No.: 17,898-7219 MSA S512-9- 7249 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/06/13 7220: Robert Claggett, Edward Garrett, Mary A. Garrett, Thomas Boteler, Sarah Boteler, Samuel Claggett, Eliza Claggett, Thomas Claggett, Matilda Claggett, Hezekiah Boteler, and Alethea Boteler vs. Joseph Gray, Matilda Gray, and Elizabeth B. Gray. MO. Petition to sell Trible Trouble, Rich Land, Piney Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 542.
Accession No.: 17,898-7220 MSA S512-9- 7250 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/10/16 7221: Dr. Charles Duvall vs. Joshua T. Clarke. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Iiams Choice, Clarkes Fancy, Millers Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-7221 MSA S512-9- 7251 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/10/14 7222: Ann Cockey and Edward Fendall vs. Joshua T. Cockey, Milkar F. Cockey, Penelope C.D. Cockey, Elizabeth Cockey, Elizabeth S. Cockey, Rebecca R. Cockey, Gist T. Cockey, and Peter F. Cockey. BA. Estate of Thomas Dye Cockey. Accession No.: 17,898-7222-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7252 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/07/08 7223: Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Richard Caton, Mary Caton, Robert G. Harper, Catherine Harper, William Woodville, William McMechen, and Alexander Mitchell vs. Joseph Jubane, Ann O. Gibson, Addison Ridout, John L. Tilghman, Maria Tilghman, and Horatio S. Gibson. AA. Title to land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7223 MSA S512-9- 7253 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/09/28 7224: Jeremiah Cosden vs. Frisby P. Lloyd and Andrew C. Smith. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7224 MSA S512-9- 7254 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/07/03 7225: Israel Corse and James Mansfield, Jr. vs. Elizabeth Claypoole, James Claypoole, John Claypoole, Septimus Claypoole, William Claypoole, Elizabeth Collins, Margaret Collins, and Mary Collins. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 432.
Accession No.: 17,898-7225 MSA S512-9- 7255 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/03/21 7226: Charlotte Crook, Francis A. Crook, Charles J. Crook, George A. Crook, Mary C. Crook, Augustus Crook, Eliza A. Crook, and Columbus Crook vs. Oliver Coles. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-7226 MSA S512-9- 7256 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/07/21 7227: Charles H. Carter and Rosaline Eugeneia Carter vs. George H. Calvert and Bernard M. Carter. PG. Trust estate of Charles Carter and Rosalia Carter. Accession No.: 17,898-7227 MSA S512-9- 7257 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/04/11 7228: Robert Carr, George W. Hyde, Mary Hyde, Philip W. Witright, and Mary E. Witright vs. Susannah Witright. AA. Petition to partition Harrisons Security. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7228-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7258 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/03/11 7229: Hannah Kilty Chase vs. William Snuggrass. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-7229 MSA S512-9- 7259 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/01/13 7230: Rebecca Cole vs. Joshua Gill, Elijah Gill, Nicholas Merryman, and Samuel Moale. BA. Title to James Forrest Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-7230 MSA S512-9- 7260 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/04/30 7231: Ariana W. Chamberline vs. Mary A. Davis. AA. Appointment of trustee for Davis - Dorrills Luck, Limeston. Accession No.: 17,898-7231-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7261 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/07/28 7232: Sarah Callahan vs. Richard Harwood of Thomas, Sarah Harwood of Thomas, Samuel Maynard, Anna Maynard, Elizabeth Callahan, James Callahan, John Ridgely, Mary Ridgely, Ann Ridgely, Absolam Ridgely, Richard Ridgely, Harriet Ridgely, William Ridgely, Thomas M. Lendrum, and Maria Lendrum. AA. Estate of John Callahan. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 94.
Accession No.: 17,898-7232 MSA S512-9- 7262 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/03/12 7233: James Campbell and John Ritchie vs. William O'Hara. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7233 MSA S512-9- 7263 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/11/16 7234: Henry Cooper, Edward B. Cooper, and Samuel J. Cooper vs. William Pattison, Thomas Pattison, Mary Elizabeth Pattison, Richard Pattison, Sarah Ann Hooper Pattison, Louisa Franklin Pattison, Samuel Pattison, and Jeremiah Pattison. DO. Contract to purchase Hayland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 84.
Accession No.: 17,898-7234 MSA S512-9- 7264 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/08/25 7235: Anne Cheston and Joseph G. Harrison vs. Ann V. Simmons, Susan J. Simmons, Isabella Simmons, and Thomas L. Simmons. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7235 MSA S512-9- 7265 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/11/01 7236: John Claytor vs. Marcia Elliott, Richard Elliott, Elizabeth Elliott, and William O'Hara. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Browsleys Hall, Hopkins Search. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 660. Accession No.: 17,898-7236 MSA S512-9- 7266 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/02/01 7237: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Nancy Dulaney. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Bloomsbury Square in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7237 MSA S512-9- 7267 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/12/05 7238: Elijah Chaney, Reginal G. Chaney, Levi Chaney, Henrietta G. Chaney, John Knighton, and Henrietta Knighton vs. Richard Chaney, Solomon Chaney, and Sarah Chaney. AA. Petition to sell Wades Increase, Elijahs Hope, Chaneys Rest, Chaneys Resolution. Plats of Wades Increase, Elijahs Hope, Chaneys Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 832.
Accession No.: 17,898-7238 MSA S512-9- 7268 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/09/07 7240: Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Phoebe Levely, Henry Levely, William Levely, and John S. Levely. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-7240 MSA S512-9- 7269 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/11/20 7241: Richard J. Crabb, Richard M. Chase, Francis Hatton Harris, Louisa S. Sterrett, Joseph Sterrett, Molly Sterrett, George Hollins, Maria Hollins, Charles H. Winder, and Mary Winder vs. Samuel Moale, Randall H. Moale, Frances Russell, Thomas Russell, and Roswell Russell. BA. Petition to sell Stewart Sylvania, Belle Hatch, Upton Court, Davids Fancy, lots in BC. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 32, MdHR 40,283-27, S65-62, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 505 and 180, p. 200.
Accession No.: 17,898-7241-1/8 MSA S512-9- 7270 Location: 1/37/4/
1810/06/12 7242: Joseph Cornelius and George Anderson vs. George Newcomb, Elizabeth Newcomb, Richard Arscott, Elizabeth Arscott, John Cornelius, Zachariah Cornelius, and Nicholas Cornelius. QA. Petition to sell Wiatts Lot, Perle, Huntley, Wilsons Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 94.
Accession No.: 17,898-7242-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7271 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/03/21 7243: William Henry Cockey, Elizabeth Arnold, Solomon J. Arnold, Edward Stocksdale, and Providence Stocksdale vs. John Robert Caskey, George F. Warfield, Elias B. Cockey, and Mordecai G. Cockey. BA. Estate of Thomas Cockey - Cockeys Bottom, Prospect, Meadows and Mill, Nest Egg, Time Location. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 606.
Accession No.: 17,898-7243 MSA S512-9- 7272 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/03/17 7244: Solomon Clary and Sophia Clary vs. Robert N. Mercier. AA. Petition to sell Merciers Industry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 545. Accession No.: 17,898-7244 MSA S512-9- 7273 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/11/04 7245: Caleb Clarke vs. Francis Belmear. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Burgers Delight, Hickory Thicket, Clarks Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-7245 MSA S512-9- 7274 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/05/16 7246: Urath C. Cockey and Mary E. Cockey vs. Mary Elizabeth Cockey. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 383. Accession No.: 17,898-7246 MSA S512-9- 7275 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/09/14 7247: Caleb Cockey vs. Hezekiah Price, Garrett G. Worthington, Rachel Watson, and James Piper. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7247 MSA S512-9- 7276 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/08/22 7248: John Collinson vs. Thomas Owens, William Owens, and Louis Gassaway. AA. Estate of Edward Collinson. Accession No.: 17,898-7248-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7277 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/04/02 7249: Thomas Cross vs. Benjamin H. Mullikin, William Gwynn of John, William Wilkins, Joseph Wilkins, and George Howard. AA. Insolvent estate of Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-7249-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7278 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/09/17 7250: George Campbell vs. Littlewood Andrew. BA. Contract to collect debts. Accession No.: 17,898-7250 MSA S512-9- 7279 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/09/21 7251: William G. Cook vs. John Martin and George W. Dobbin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7251 MSA S512-9- 7280 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/02/13 7252: John Collinson vs. John C. Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lochedar. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 561. Accession No.: 17,898-7252 MSA S512-9- 7281 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/06/24 7253: James Carroll vs. Harriet Waters, Benedict Waters, Samuel Ricketts, and Elizabeth Ricketts. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hopewell, Williams Ridge, Senicor Ridge, Ishams Second Addition, Talbots Care. Accession No.: 17,898-7253 MSA S512-9- 7282 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/05/26 7254: Elizabeth Cockey, Joshua F. Cockey, and Melcher F. Cockey vs. Thomas D. Cockey, Penelope C.D.G. Cockey, Elizabeth S. Cockey, Peter F. Cockey, Gist T. Cockey, and Rebecca R. Cockey. BA. Petition to partition Grear, Thomas and John Cockeys Meadows, Thomas and John Cockeys Meadows Resurveyed, Batchelors Neck, Union, Battle Array, Hookers Ridge, Wheelers Chance, Norfolk, Hookers Addition, Harmony Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 344.
Accession No.: 17,898-7254 MSA S512-9- 7283 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/06/15 7255: Daniel Chambers vs. Robert Robinson, Henrietta Robinson, Eliza Robinson, Susanna Robinson, William Robinson, John Oliver, and John Thrush. BA. Title to Hansons Wood Lot, Cromwells Bridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-7255 MSA S512-9- 7284 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/08/15 7256: Michael Collins vs. Richard Smith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Whittingtons Right. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-7256 MSA S512-9- 7285 Location: 1/37/4/
1794/06/02 7257: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. Achsah Howard, Sarah Howard, Henry Howard, Eliza Howard, and Brutus Howard. AA. Petition to sell Addition to New Years Gift, Talbotts Resolution Manor, Bells Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 30, p. 430. Accession No.: 17,898-7257-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7286 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/06/18 7259: Hannah Kilty Chase vs. Upton S. Heath and William A. McMechen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7259 MSA S512-9- 7287 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/08/19 7260: Cornelius Comegys and Ann B. Wilmer vs. Hester Ann Cannell, Wilmer Cannell, Mary Cannell, Susanna Cannell, and George Johnson. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1070. Accession No.: 17,898-7260-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7288 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/05/11 7261: George Crosby and William Robinson, Jr. vs. John S. Summer, Valenia Summer, Frances S. Summer, William H. Summer, and Helen P. Summer. DO. Petition to sell Bachelors Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-7261 MSA S512-9- 7289 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/02/10 7262: Hester Ann Chase, Matilda Chase, and Frances Chase vs. Richard M. Chase, Richard J. Jones, Thomas Franklin, Richard J. Cowman, and James Iglehart. AA. Petition to sell slaves Delia Blackstone, Sam Blackstone, Charlotte Blackstone, Maria Blackstone, Polly Blackstone, and John Blackstone.
Accession No.: 17,898-7262 MSA S512-9- 7290 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/11/15 7263: Edmund H. Contee, Eleanor R. Contee, Josiah Hawkins, and Caroline A. Hawkins vs. Eleanor Dawson, Philip A.L. Contee, Elizabeth Clerklee, Margaret Clerklee, and Sarah E. Clerklee. BA. Estate of William Dawson. Accession No.: 17,898-7263-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7291 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/02/15 7264: William Carroll, Elizabeth Carroll, and Jane Fitzgerald vs. William Dudley Digges. PG. Title to Warburton Manor, Ben Wheeler, slaves Mary, Nanny, Jane, Albert, Lucy, Anthony, Mary, William, Dary, John, Ben, Eliza, Lewis, Sarah, Rachall, Gasty, Charles, Margaret, Nelly, Priss, Washington, Basil, Ruth Ann, Milly, Isaac, Seth, Giles, Keasy, Jefferson, Clara, Rachall, Charly, and Sophy.
Accession No.: 17,898-7264-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7292 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/03/02 7265: Owen Cecil, William Cecil, and Joshua Penn vs. Eleanor Dent, Richard Dent, Maria Dent, Ann Dent, and Charles Walter Owens. AA. Petition to sell Support. Accession No.: 17,898-7265-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7293 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/01/24 7266: Charles F.A. Cole, Elizabeth H. Cole, and Susan R. Cole vs. Henry L. Gale. HA. Petition to sell Convenience. Accession No.: 17,898-7266 MSA S512-9- 7294 Location: 1/37/4/
1802/04/14 7267: Shiles Crockett and Alexander Stewart vs. Lewis Daltrieu. SO. Petition to sell Western Fields, Ill Neighborhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 56, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-7267-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7295 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/03/10 7268: John Cromwell, Urath Cromwell, Thomas Moale, Eleanor Moale, Peter Hoffman, Deborah Hoffman, Robert N. Moale, Frances Moale, Richard Cromwell, Mary Cromwell, Samuel Winchester, Jesse Willis, and Ann Willis vs. William Owings, Ann Owings, George Winchester, Ann Winchester, James Cheston, and Thomas Parker. BA. Estate of Samuel Owens - Owings Mills, Soldiers Delight, Ulm. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 50A, MdHR 40,283-103, S65-109, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 308.
Accession No.: 17,898-7268-1/16 MSA S512-9- 7296 Location: 1/37/4/
1849/10/02 7269: Jemingham D. Childs, Sarah E. Childs, and John W. Childs vs. Sophia Childs, Eliza A. Childs, David D. Childs, Martha S. Childs, and Richard Brown. AA. Petition to partition Gowry Banks, Jerico, Smithfield, Plans. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-7269-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7297 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/05/05 7270: George D. Claytor, Maria L. Claytor, McCeny Owens, Edward A. Owens, Martha Owens, Mary Owens, and Anna R. Owens vs. Eliza Owens, William H. Owens, Mary E. Owens, Dr. Thomas Owens, and Joseph Owens. AA. Estate of William Owens - Pindalls Enlargement, Runny Mead, Stephens Purchase, Gassaways Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 472.
Accession No.: 17,898-7270-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7298 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/09 7271: John S. Courtenay vs. Dr. Thomas C. Risteau, Anne B. Risteau, George Fuller, and John Fuller. BA. Title to Good Hope, Gays Inspection, Darnalls Sylvania. Accession No.: 17,898-7271 MSA S512-9- 7299 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/12/23 7273: Rebecca Covington and B.L.C. Wailes vs. Levin Covington, Rebecca Covington, Benjamin Covington, Susan Covington, and Edmund Covington. PG. Petition to sell Acquasco, Gallilee. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 663. Accession No.: 17,898-7273 MSA S512-9- 7300 Location: 1/37/4/
1812/07/09 7274: Joseph Court vs. Hopewell Wood, Ann Wood, Leonard Gary, Anna A. Hughes, Elizabeth Hughes, Frances A. Hughes, David Nathan Hughes, and Joseph Hughes. AA. Petition to sell Harrisons Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 90, p. 531. Accession No.: 17,898-7274 MSA S512-9- 7301 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/01/07 7275: Henry Childs and Henry Thompson vs. Peter Shepherd. BA. Insolvent estate of Shepherd - land in KY. Accession No.: 17,898-7275 MSA S512-9- 7302 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/12/21 7276: Thomas R. Cook and Thomas Cook vs. William H. Cook and James A. Cook. DO. Petition to sell Cooks Industry, Josephs Venture, Carans Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-7276 MSA S512-9- 7303 Location: 1/37/4/
1819/10/22 7277: Charity Clark, Sarah Clark, Pamela Clark, David Thomas, Isaac Reed, Juliana Reed, and James McCormick vs. Joseph L. Clark, Charlotte Clark, Thomas Clark, Martha Clark, Ralph Clark, and John Forwood of William. HA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 291.
Accession No.: 17,898-7277-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7304 Location: 1/37/4/
1818/12/30 7279: Samuel Chase vs. James Bryden, Christian L. Manhardt, John Purviance, and David Hoffman. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Fountain Inn in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7279-1/8 MSA S512-9- 7305 Location: 1/37/4/
1805/06/12 7280: Mary Seth vs. Edward Chetham. QA. Trust estate of Chetham. Accession No.: 17,898-7280-1/10 MSA S512-9- 7306 Location: 1/37/4/
1801/04/17 7281: Robert McPherson, William McPherson, and John McPherson. FR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Caroline, Resurvey on Hammitts Fancy, Nigh Nicking. Recorded (Chancery Record) 47, p. 220. Accession No.: 17,898-7281 MSA S512-9- 7307 Location: 1/37/4/
1819/07/30 7282: Rebecca Cord. AA. Estate of John Cord - Hammonds Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 429. Accession No.: 17,898-7282-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7308 Location: 1/37/4/
1819/03/01 7283: James M. Cresap vs. Luther Martin, Bank of Maryland, and Maria Keene. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dorseys Adventure, Good for Little, Chews Vineyard, Adam the First, Dorseys Inheritance, Resurvey on Good for Little. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113 p. 462. Accession No.: 17,898-7283-1/5 MSA S512-9- 7309 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/05/21 7284: William West Conner, John Franklin, Harriet Franklin, Sabert Trott, and Nancy Conner vs. Henry C. Drury, Abraham Fulhart, Matilda Fulhart, and Marmaduke W. Drury. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Holloway. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 341.
Accession No.: 17,898-7284-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7310 Location: 1/37/4/
1846/03/18 7285: Owen Cecil vs. Mary A. Dorsey, Thomas B. Dorsey, Jr., Mary A. Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Reuben Dorsey, Charles Dorsey, Zulicka Dorsey, and Sarah Dorsey. Howard District. Petition to sell Hammonds Elkridge Connection, New Years Gift, Howard and Porters Ranges, Hammonds Enclosure. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 23, MdHR 40,283-20, S65-51, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-7285-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7311 Location: 1/37/4/
1819/08/20 7286: James Campbell, Luke Tiernan, and William Gwynn vs. William Woodland and James Salisbury. KE. Contract to purchase Suttons Forest, James Adventure, Level Fields, St. Johns Fields, Addition to Matthias, Susquehanna, Matthias, Hynsons Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 102, p. 369.
Accession No.: 17,898-7286-1/9 MSA S512-9- 7312 Location: 1/37/4/
1847/07/15 7287: Commercial Exchange Co. vs. Johns Hopkins. BA. Injunction against construction on Exchange Place in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-7287-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7313 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/04/04 7288: Benjamin Clarke, Sarah Clarke, Matilda Savage, and Eliza A. Sewell vs. Charles A. Sewell, John A. Sewell, Maria A. Sewell, and Juliet Sewell. AA. Petition to sell Lancaster Plains, Brookesbury Point, Sewells Redress. Plats at 1/38/1/23. Accession No.: 17,898-7288-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7314 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/06/02 7289: Laura Maria Cloud and Arthur Fanlaa vs. William M. Cloud. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-7289 MSA S512-9- 7315 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/05/31 7290: James Corrie. BA. Estate of John Corrie. Accession No.: 17,898-7290 MSA S512-9- 7316 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/12/24 7291: Sarah Chaytor, Sarah A. Chaytor, Joseph Chaytor, Mary Chaytor, Arietta Chaytor, William E. Poits, and Rebecca Poits. BA. Estate of Daniel Chaytor. Accession No.: 17,898-7291 MSA S512-9- 7317 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/12/08 7292: City Bank of Baltimore, Samuel Hollingsworth, and Henry Thompson vs. Martin F. Maher. BA. Petition to record deed for Athol, Murrays Addition, Maidens Choice, Citizen. Accession No.: 17,898-7292 MSA S512-9- 7318 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/10/25 7293: Christy Cox, James Hooper, Caroline Hooper, George W. Cox, James G. Cox, Sarah A. Cox, and Mary Jane Cox vs. Shelby Cox. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/53. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 321. Accession No.: 17,898-7293-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7319 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/12/23 7294: Eleanor Cooke vs. James A. Dall, Dr. Allen Thomas, John R.D. Hazelhurst, Mary A. Hazelhurst, Eliza D. Hazelhurst, Allen Hazelhurst, Jr., William Hazelhurst, Margaret Hazelhurst, Mary E. Hazelhurst, Thomas Hazelhurst, Henry Hazelhurst, and Ellen T. Hazelhurst. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/54.
Accession No.: 17,898-7294-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7320 Location: 1/37/4/
1843/07/14 7295: James Cheston, Casper Morris, and Anne Morris vs. Samuel Cheston, Galloway Cheston, Fanny H. Cheston, and Daniel Murray. AA, BA. Petition to sell lots in BC, Whites Plains, Calverton Mill, Walbrook Mill, Holly Mill in BA. Also Oyster Shell Island, Watkins Purchase, Buzzard Island, Parishes Range in AA. Plats at 1/38/1/23 and 1/39/5/55. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, pp. 1, 594.
Accession No.: 17,898-7295-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7321 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/06/20 7296: James Campbell and Donald McIlvain vs. Frederick Dawson and Philip T. Dawson. BA. Injunction against disposal of promissory notes. Accession No.: 17,898-7296 MSA S512-9- 7322 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/10/16 7297: William Coulson, John A. Barnett, John Adams, and William Silver vs. James Alexander, John Hervey, Hannah Hervey, Hannah Hambleton, Elizabeth Fullard, Mary Fullard, Ann Fullard, William Bay, and Sarah Bay. HA. Petition to sell Dobbins Pleasant Hills, Betseys Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 60.
Accession No.: 17,898-7297-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7323 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/06/13 7298: City Bank of Baltimore and James A. Buchanan vs. Standish Barry. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 381. Accession No.: 17,898-7298 MSA S512-9- 7324 Location: 1/37/4/
1851/04/07 7299: Thomas Drakely, Aaron Fenton, Joseph C. Wilson, P.C. Bowles, James T. Kelly, Saul Toby, John Woodside, T.H. Jenkins, R. Lilly, John E. Bird, William Spence, A. Reid, John Ferry, D. Ferry, James Sewell, Joseph Mumfield, William H. Jannis, Saul B. Ouriss, Thomas R. Matthews, John H. Neineger, Francis White, and Richard T. Hardstyale vs. Horace Capron and William E. Mahew. PG. Insolvent estate of Capron.
Accession No.: 17,898-7299 MSA S512-9- 7325 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/05/24 7300: Rinaldo Dorsey vs. John G. Worthington, John Sullivan, Thomas M. Lock, and John S. Tyson. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Worthingtons Addition, Bensons Request. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 629. Accession No.: 17,898-7300-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7326 Location: 1/37/4/
1849/04/11 7301: Levi Duck, Orrin D. Satterlee, and Orrin O. Shipman vs. E. Beatty Graff, William R. McNeal, and Anna M. Sanders. BA. Contract to build houses on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7301 MSA S512-9- 7327 Location: 1/37/4/
1843/12/15 7302: William Davy and Henry Davy vs. Frances Jackson and George U. Jackson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cromwells Inheritance, Blum Marsh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 243. Accession No.: 17,898-7302 MSA S512-9- 7328 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/05/01 7303: David Davis and Elizabeth Davis vs. Mary Ream and Louis Ream. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7303 MSA S512-9- 7329 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/12/07 7304: Levin Thomas Dunnock, Moses Simmons, and Mary A. Simmons vs. Comfort Hooper, Samuel Hooper, Dorothy Hooper, Ethelinda Crier, Thomas Owens, and Elizabeth Owens. DO. Petition to sell Meekins Hope, Hoopers Pleasure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 232.
Accession No.: 17,898-7304 MSA S512-9- 7330 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/12/19 7305: Reuben M. Dorsey vs. William McLaughlin and Louise McLaughlin. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Ellicott City. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 558. Accession No.: 17,898-7305 MSA S512-9- 7331 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/03/08 7306: George W. Dobbin, Susan Newman, and George H. Newman vs. George H. Newman and August Newman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 24. Accession No.: 17,898-7306 MSA S512-9- 7332 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/04/01 7307: Levi Dukes vs. Adam S. Dandridge and Serena Dandridge. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bennetts Tolson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 197. Accession No.: 17,898-7307 MSA S512-9- 7333 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/08/22 7308: Samuel J. Donaldson vs. Daniel Carroll of Duddington, Washington Van Bibber, John T. Carter, George Carter, Pricilla Mitchell, Betty Landon Ball, Harriet L. Mound, Sarah Fairfax Chinn, Sophia Carter, Julia Carter, Frances T. Jones, Thomas A. Jones, Sarah T. Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Isaac Jones, Harriet Peck, John C. Peck, Emanuel Peck, and Tasker C. Quinlan. BA. Trust estate of Baltimore Company Iron Works - Bare Hills, Youngs Delight, Morgans Delight. Plat at 1/38/1/24; also shows Tramore, Hopyard.
Accession No.: 17,898-7308-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7334 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/08/17 7309: William Davy and Henry Davy vs. William Jackson. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-7309 MSA S512-9- 7335 Location: 1/37/4/
1847/01/20 7310: Joshua R. Dryden, Cordelia Dryden, and Cordelia Owings vs. David Buckingham, Nimrod Buckingham, Larkin Buckingham, and Thomas B. Buckingham. CR. Petition to sell Peters Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-7310 MSA S512-9- 7336 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/01/20 7311: Jeremiah Ducker vs. George Gordon Belt. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on William Resurveyed, Addition to William Resurveyed, Good Will. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 423. Accession No.: 17,898-7311 MSA S512-9- 7337 Location: 1/37/4/
1849/07/20 7312: Charles Dyer, Sr. and John F. Dyer vs. James W. Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on a carpet factory in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7312-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7338 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/01/27 7314: Benjamin Day and Robert Wright vs. Ann Thomas and Barbara A. Thomas. PG. Petition to sell Charles and Rebecca, lot in Bladensburg. Accession No.: 17,898-7314-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7339 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/05/22 7315: Charles Dean and William Dean vs. James Kirby and Samuel Ready. BA. Title to schooner Virginia Ann. Accession No.: 17,898-7315 MSA S512-9- 7340 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/07/28 7316: Henry Darnall vs. Francis N. Daley, Harriet A. Daley, and Elizabeth Daley. AA. Contract to purchase Portland Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-7316 MSA S512-9- 7341 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/05/12 7317: John Diffenderfer vs. Daniel Hughes, Robert Hughes, Holkar Hughes, and Walter Boyd. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Mount Etna Furnace. Accession No.: 17,898-7317-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7342 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/01/06 7318: Richard Duckett, James Duckett, Samuel Duckett, Basil Duckett, Sarah Ann Duckett, Levi Ridgaway, Martha Ann Ridgaway, and Fielder Ryon vs. Arthur P. West and Charles H.L. West. PG. Petition to sell Maidens Dowry. Accession No.: 17,898-7318 MSA S512-9- 7343 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/01/05 7319: Thomas Davidson and Richard H. Hardesty vs. William Stewart. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Beards Habitation. Accession No.: 17,898-7319-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7344 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/02/17 7320: George S. Ditty and Harriet Ditty vs. Gassaway Winterson. AA. Estate of Benjamin Winterson. Accession No.: 17,898-7320-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7345 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/03/04 7321: Charles Dimmock vs. James Boon and Charlotte Boon. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Maxwells Purchase, Hartts Farm, Surveyors Blunder. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 415. Accession No.: 17,898-7321 MSA S512-9- 7346 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/10/23 7322: Virgil B. Dylrymple and Agnes E. Dylrymple vs. Mary E.D. Taneyhill. CV. Petition to sell Halls Hills. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7322-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7347 Location: 1/37/4/
1851/02/01 7323: John W. Davis, Aden Davis, and William Miles of Henry vs. Charles Rider, Martha W. Davis, George E. Davis, Anne M. Davis, Minerva R. Davis, and Edward Long. SO. Estate of Azariah Davis - Wilsons Purchase, Allans Vale, Woolver. Accession No.: 17,898-7323-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7348 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/04/27 7324: Charles F. Dement, Elizabeth Dement, Richard W. Bryan, and Oliver N. Byran vs. William Bryan of Richard. PG. Estate of Osbourn Bryan - Bell Mount Fishery. Accession No.: 17,898-7324-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7349 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/09/18 7325: Francis J. Dallam and John Dallam vs. Eliza Gaffney. BA. Estate of Patrick Gaffney. Accession No.: 17,898-7325 MSA S512-9- 7350 Location: 1/37/4/
1843/09/09 7326: Marcus Dennison vs. John Archer, Joseph Roman, Jr., Tillottson Janney, and Augustus W. Bradford. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Urbana. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-7326 MSA S512-9- 7351 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/02/24 7327: William W. Dorney, Henry H. Dorney, John T. Dorney, John Collier, and Rebecca Collier vs. Thomas Dorney, Baltimore & Port Deposit Railroad Co., Mary Ady, and Aaron Hill. HA. Petition to sell Whitley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-7327 MSA S512-9- 7352 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/12/02 7328: Caleb Dorsey of Caleb vs. James Clarke of John and Jemima Clarke. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pierces Encouragement, lot in Baltimore Company lands. Accession No.: 17,898-7328 MSA S512-9- 7353 Location: 1/37/4/
1846/04/18 7329: Hammond Dorsey and Charles Dorsey vs. Hyde R. Bowie, Augustus J. Bowie, Thomas H. Bowie, Samuel Dusenbury, Mary Dusenbury, George D.O. Gowan, Sally Gowan, John Glenn, and Hyde R. Bowie. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis, Rayland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 126.
Accession No.: 17,898-7329 MSA S512-9- 7354 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/02/25 7330: Martha Dorset vs. James Mitchell. HA. Appointment of trustee for Mitchell - Convenience, Rupulata, Taylors Neglect, Halls Cross Roads. Accession No.: 17,898-7330 MSA S512-9- 7355 Location: 1/37/4/
1847/06/30 7331: Owen Disney vs. Mary A. Griffith, John R. Griffith, Alpheus P. Pumphrey, Jesse A. Pumphrey, Rachel Pumphrey, Adeline R. Pumphrey, Richard G. Pumphrey, and Marietta Pumphrey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mistake in Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 729.
Accession No.: 17,898-7331 MSA S512-9- 7356 Location: 1/37/4/
1849/07/02 7332: Isaac Davis vs. Colin F. Hale and Mary Hale. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Fair Harbor, Greshams Levels. Accession No.: 17,898-7332 MSA S512-9- 7357 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/02/22 7333: Elizabeth Donaldson, Thomas Donaldson, Edward Donaldson, and John Donaldson vs. John J. Donaldson, Samuel C. Donaldson, and Francis Donaldson. AA. Petition to sell Barrens. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-7333 MSA S512-9- 7358 Location: 1/37/4/
1851/01/27 7334: Thomas J. Dail and Levin S. Dail vs. John Cook and Ann E. Cook. DO. Petition to sell Whites Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-7334 MSA S512-9- 7359 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/02/20 7335: Caleb Dorsey, Edward Dorsey, Essex Dorsey, Anne Dorsey, and John S. Sellman vs. Thomas H. Dorsey and Anne Dorsey. AA. Estate of Richard Dorsey - Hockley in the Hole Enlarged. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 43, MdHR 40,283-96, S65-49, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 393.
Accession No.: 17,898-7335-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7360 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/09/01 7336: John R. Dunnock and Matilde Dunnock vs. Samuel R. Dunnock, Henry S. Keene, James B. Woolford, Susan E. Woolford, Sophia C. Dunnock, William H. Dunnock, Elijah H. Dunnock, and Sarah M. Dunnock. DO. Title to Head Land, Bachelors Fortune, Hobity, Addition to Hobity, Vaux Hall, Johns Purchase, Griffiths Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-7336 MSA S512-9- 7361 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/01/04 7337: William Douglass vs. Garrison Thomas and Ann M. Thomas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 460. Accession No.: 17,898-7337 MSA S512-9- 7362 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/08/07 7338: Mareen Duvall vs. Elizabeth W. Duvall, Catherine Duvall, Charlotte Duvall, Sophia Duvall, Evans Duvall, and Ellen Duvall. AA. Petition to sell land. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 252. Accession No.: 17,898-7338-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7363 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/10/23 7339: Christiana Dalrymple, Mary E. Dalrymple, and Mary A. Wilson vs. Elizabeth Stevens and Richard Hanse. CV. Petition to sell Letchworth and Trumans Chance. Plat at 1/38/1/24. Accession No.: 17,898-7339-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7364 Location: 1/37/4/
1851/04/22 7340: Elizabeth Dorsey vs. Richard Dorsey. BA. Trust estate of Richard Dorsey - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7340-1/5 MSA S512-9- 7365 Location: 1/37/4/
1846/11/10 7341: Letitia Davidson, George Dickson, and Mary J. Dickson vs. George Gill, Ann J. Gill, Stephen Johnson, Letitia Johnson, Louisa A. Davidson, William Campbell, Jane B. Campbell, Martha Davidson, and William B. Davidson. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7341 MSA S512-9- 7366 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/03/04 7342: John Donoho vs. Timothy Kirk, John Kirk, Roger Kirk, Anna Kirk, William B. Kirk, Reuben Kirk, Esther Brown, and Elizabeth Donoho. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Rocky. Accession No.: 17,898-7342 MSA S512-9- 7367 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/07/29 7343: Nathan Dunbracco and Lemuel Dunbracco vs. Solomon Betts, Caspar M. Neunam, Rebecca R. Neunam, Samuel Betts, and Harriet Betts. QA. Petition to sell Williams Lot. Plat at 1/38/1/24. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 287. Accession No.: 17,898-7343-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7368 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/06/25 7344: James R. Davis, Clement Weedon, Margaret F. Howard, and Samuel J. Davis vs. Sally Ann Weedon. AA. Petition to sell Chaneys Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 728. Accession No.: 17,898-7344 MSA S512-9- 7369 Location: 1/37/4/
1843/01/09 7345: Alfred Dorsey vs. Maria Mercer, Eliza A. Mercer, Henry Mercer, Sydney A. Mercer, Cyrus Mercer, Cornelius Mercer, Elisha Mercer, Luther Mercer, Rachel Mercer, Joshua Burgess, and Elizabeth Burgess. Howard District. Contract to purchase lot in Lisbon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 371.
Accession No.: 17,898-7345 MSA S512-9- 7370 Location: 1/37/4/
1843/12/12 7346: James D. DeCorse, Barney D. DeCorse, and Frances DeCorse vs. Alfred J. Brown, Catherine E.D. Brown, William DeCorse, Amanda DeCorse, and Albert DeCorse. QA. Petition to sell Stradford Manor, Shell Point, Parson Point, Skinners Marsh. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 29.
Accession No.: 17,898-7346-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7371 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/11/21 7347: Mary Ann Dorsey vs. Thomas B. Dorsey, Mary A. Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Zuterlin Dorsey, Reuben Dorsey, Charles Dorsey, Sarah Dorsey, Charles W. Dorsey, and Caleb Dorsey of Caleb. AA. Estate of John W. Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-7347-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7372 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/09/26 7348: Curtis Davis vs. William Noble, Emily E. Adams, Margaret J. Adams, Sarah H. Adams, and Ruth H. Adams. CA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7348-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7373 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/04/23 7349: Thomas Dail vs. Francis Turpin, Ignatius B. Newton, Sarah Newton, Avary Smoot, Mary Knowles, Sarah Fooks, Ezekiel Smith, John Reed, and John Douglas. DO. Estate of Charles Smith - Smiths Ending, Stand By, Aireys Chance, Dines Chance, Dines Ransoms, Lords Chance, Partnership, Bandon, Murphys Ventures. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 804.
Accession No.: 17,898-7349 MSA S512-9- 7374 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/11/26 7350: Howard Duvall vs. Benjamin Ogle and Henrietta M. Ogle. AA. Petition to sell Honger Neck, Barrens. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-7350 MSA S512-9- 7375 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/05/25 7351: Archibald Dorsey vs. George Harrison, Ann Harrison, Adam Shipley, Ann Jane Jones, John Shipley, Rezin Shipley, Peter Shipley, Margaret Shipley, Enos Shipley, William Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Sarah Shipley, Mary Shipley, Moses Galloway, Sally Galloway, Eli Selby, Ruth Selby, William Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Levi Chaney, and Providence Chaney. AA. Petition to record deed for Scotts Mill Seat, Dorseys Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 452.
Accession No.: 17,898-7351 MSA S512-9- 7376 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/02/21 7352: Daniel F. Dulany, Timothy Winn, Rebecca Winn, William Herbert, and Maria Herbert vs. Benjamin T. Dulany, John Dulany, Bladen Dulany, William Dulany, French Forrest, Marcon Forrest, Joseph Forrest, Bladen Forrest, Zachariah Forrest, Elizabeth Forrest, Dulany Forrest, Sophia DeButts, Benjamin Claggett, David M. Forrest, Mary Forrest, Edward Hall, and Louisa Hall. AA, KE. Petition to sell Howells Point in KE. Also Bloomsbury Square in Annapolis. Plat of Bloomsbury Square at 1/38/1/24. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 330 and 163, p. 780.
Accession No.: 17,898-7352-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7377 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/04/10 7353: Charles S.W. Dorsey, Thomas L. Emory, and Cosmos G. Stevenson vs. Elizabeth Holmes, Victoria Holmes, Hannah Holmes, and Alonzo Holmes. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 91. Accession No.: 17,898-7353 MSA S512-9- 7378 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/07/18 7354: Benjamin Duvall vs. Jesse Chaney. MO. Appointment of trustee for Chaney. Accession No.: 17,898-7354 MSA S512-9- 7379 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/03/11 7355: Isabella Dinsmore and Adam B. Kyle vs. George W. Higgins, Joshua Higgins, and Richard W. Higgins. AA. Defraud of creditors of John M. Duvall and Joseph E. Merrikin. Accession No.: 17,898-7355 MSA S512-9- 7380 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/01/10 7356: Francis H. Davidge, Maria Davidge, Elizabeth Dorsey, and Edwin Dorsey vs. John R. Dorsey, Hopewell Dorsey, and Emily Dorsey. BA. Petition to sell Taylors Forrest. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 54, MdHR 40,283-48, S65-110, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 295.
Accession No.: 17,898-7356-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7381 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/12/15 7357: George Douglas vs. John Peter Bonard. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 541. Accession No.: 17,898-7357 MSA S512-9- 7382 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/06/30 7358: Caleb Deaver, Jesse Carr, Charity Carr, Isaac G. Roberts, John Deaver, Jane Deaver, William Deaver, Ann Deaver, and Perry Deaver vs. Amos Lowe, Elizabeth Lowe, Rachel Strong, Stephen Hail, Dewit Hail, Elizabeth Hail, Edward Griffith, Stephen Griffith, and Charles B. Keyworth. BA. Estate of Elizabeth Hail - Coles Adventure.
Accession No.: 17,898-7358 MSA S512-9- 7383 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/07/25 7359: Grafton L. Dulany vs. Samuel Hoffman, William B. Bend, Samuel D. Hoffman, Aquilla D. Stinchcomb, and Simon Small. BA. Insolvent estate of Stinchcomb and Small. Accession No.: 17,898-7359 MSA S512-9- 7384 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/11/19 7360: John W. Duvall and William Warfield vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Estate of William Warfield. Accession No.: 17,898-7360 MSA S512-9- 7385 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/09/12 7361: George S. Dickey vs. George S. Dickey, Jr. and Edmund Dickey. HA. Petition to sell Timber Hills, Bonds Pleasant Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 326. Accession No.: 17,898-7361 MSA S512-9- 7386 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/07/26 7362: Edward A. Davis and Rebecca Davis vs. Ann Hanshaw, Robert T. Davis, George W. Davis, Edward A. Davis, and Anna Davis. AA. Trust estate of Robert Davis, George W. Davis, Edward A. Davis, and Anna Davis - house and lot in Annapolis Mulberry Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-7362 MSA S512-9- 7387 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/12/08 7363: Christopher DeSwan vs. William M. Elliott, Catherine Elliott, Herman Stump, Henry Stump, and Henry W. Archer. HA. Contract to purchase Warfield and Nelsons Field. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 521. Accession No.: 17,898-7363 MSA S512-9- 7388 Location: 1/37/4/
1806/12/06 7364: Lewis Duvall vs. Richard Cowman and Thomas Cowman. AA. Estate of Thomas Cowman. Accession No.: 17,898-7364 MSA S512-9- 7389 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/07/14 7365: Thomas Deacle vs. George W. Oldham. CE. Title to Mansion Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-7365 MSA S512-9- 7390 Location: 1/37/4/
1846/09/09 7366: Caleb Dorsey of Caleb vs. James Kent and Mary Kent. AA. Contract to purchase Portland Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 784. Accession No.: 17,898-7366-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7391 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/07/11 7367: Henry C. Drury of William vs. Samuel Norman and Dorcas Norman. AA. Petition to sell Greenwich Park, Greenwich Farm. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 677. Accession No.: 17,898-7367-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7392 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/06/25 7368: Mary Dukes vs. John Jones. CA. Petition to sell Mill Range Corrected, Mount Andrew, Lloyds Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 117. Accession No.: 17,898-7368 MSA S512-9- 7393 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/05/01 7369: George W. Duvall vs. Luther D. Jones. BA, PG. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 208. Accession No.: 17,898-7369 MSA S512-9- 7394 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/10/31 7370: Gertrude Mary Daiger vs. Frederick Daiger. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-7370-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7395 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/03/20 7371: Cordelia Margaret Hollins, Cumberland Dugan Hollins, and Jane Hollins. BA. Petition to lease Washington Factory in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7371 MSA S512-9- 7396 Location: 1/37/4/
1801/04/17 7372: Simon Barthe vs. Francis Fauqeres and Francis Duchemin. BA. Title to Maidens Dairy, Cromwells Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7372 MSA S512-9- 7397 Location: 1/37/4/
1798/07/28 7373: Edward Hill Dorsey vs. William Partridge. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Chews Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-7373 MSA S512-9- 7398 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/11/01 7374: Samuel J. Donaldson vs. William Clements. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7374 MSA S512-9- 7399 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/11/04 7375: James Dadds, Emanuel Dadds, and William Dadds vs. Mary Dadds and John Dadds. AA. Petition to sell Snowdens Reputation Supported. Accession No.: 17,898-7375 MSA S512-9- 7400 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/05/08 7376: Eleanor Dawson vs. Philip A.E. Contee, Eleanor Contee, Edmond Contee, Josias Hawkins, Caroline Hawkins, Margaret Clerklee, Sarah E. Clerklee, Joseph Kent, and Alice Kent. AA, CH, MO, PG. Estates of Richard Lee, Grace Lee, James Russell, and Ann Russell - Three Brothers, Lees Purchase, Batton Cliffs, Kings, Smiths, Longest Day, Long Point, Falkners, Bromont, Hardys Purchase in CH. Also Reeds Swamp, Bells Reserve in PG. Also lot in Annapolis and land in DC, VA, and OH.
Accession No.: 17,898-7376-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7401 Location: 1/37/4/
1816/02/26 7377: Caleb Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, Edward Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Thomas H. Dorsey, and Ann Dorsey vs. Benjamin D. Clark, Robert Yieldhall, Benjamin Clark, Elizabeth Clark, Sarah Ann Clark, Gabriel Clark, and Delila J. Clark. AA. Estate of Robert Yieldhall - Norwoods Farm.
Accession No.: 17,898-7377-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7402 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/04/24 7379: Mortimer Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, Odel Wheeler, Caroline Wheeler, Richard Dorsey, John Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, Leftemus Dorsey, Nelson Norris, Eliza Norris, John Hood, and Louisa Hood vs. Elijah P. Etchison, Peregrine Etchison, James M. Etchison, Frederick Etchison, Jason Etchison, Osborn Etchison, and Ruth Ann Etchison. MO. Petition to sell Starrs Fancy, Resurvey on Starrs Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 432.
Accession No.: 17,898-7379 MSA S512-9- 7403 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/28 7380: John B. Dunlop vs. Hall Harrison, Samuel Sterrett, and Talbot Jones. BA. Injunction against transfer of promissory notes. Accession No.: 17,898-7380-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7404 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/10/11 7381: Mary A. Darrington, William Darrington, Laura Darrington, James Darrington, Nicholas Christopher, Eliza Christopher, Robert Hudson, Caroline Hudson, Helen A. Craig, William Hope, Henrietta Hope, Adeline Lovell, William Lovell, Jr., Solomon Lovell, George Lovell, Stephen Yerkes, and Amanda Yerkes vs. William Rogers, James Tracy, Edward S. Myers, Rebecca Myers, Mary E. Woollen, Jacob R. Woollen, and Richard H. Woollen. BA. Estate of Zachariah Woollen - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 373.
Accession No.: 17,898-7381-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7405 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/11/03 7383: Azariah Davis vs. Charlotte Disharoon, Sally A. Disharoon, Mary C. Disharoon, Henry C. Disharoon, Virginia Disharoon, Louisiana Disharoon, and Matthias D. Williams. SO. Petition to sell lot in Forktown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 1017. Accession No.: 17,898-7383 MSA S512-9- 7406 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/02/03 7384: Robert Dods vs. Henry Moyer. FR. Contract to purchase lot in Union Town, Orchard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-7384-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7407 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/11/30 7385: Samuel J. Donaldson and John Glenn vs. Alexander L. Lemmonier, Mary S. Lemmonier, and Nelly Waters. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 608. Accession No.: 17,898-7385 MSA S512-9- 7408 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/12/15 7386: Maria Duvall vs. William Owens. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Happy Choice, Roper Gray, Penns Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-7386 MSA S512-9- 7409 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/11/09 7387: Catherine Dare vs. Richard S. Dare. CV. Estate of Henry Dare - Holly Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-7387 MSA S512-9- 7410 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/07/09 7388: Caleb Dorsey and Charles W. Dorsey vs. Robert Neilson, Richard H. Battee, and Edward D. Ridgely. AA. Title to Dorseys Search, Freeborns Progress. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 283. Accession No.: 17,898-7388-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7411 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/02/18 7389: Benjamin Duvall vs. Charles Higgins and Rebecca Dodson. PG. Trust estate of Dodson. Accession No.: 17,898-7389 MSA S512-9- 7412 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/05/20 7390: Charles R. Duvall vs. Henry Myers. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Huntington. Accession No.: 17,898-7390 MSA S512-9- 7413 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/02/28 7391: Edward Demont, Dorcas Demont, Nancy Demont, Hezekiah Demont, George Demont, and Edward Demont vs. Robert Horner, Luke W. Barber, Richard Marshall, Eleanor Hardisty, Philip King, John Nott, Mrs. Smoot, Mrs. Marshall, James Latimer, Gustavus Scott, and George Gray. CH. Title to Headlow, Parr and Croppers Reserve.
Accession No.: 17,898-7391 MSA S512-9- 7414 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/03/05 7392: Beale Duvall vs. Marian S. Snowden, Arabella Snowden, and Rezin H. Snowden. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Snowdens Addition to Huntington Quarter, Simpsons Stone, Sappingtons Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 573. Accession No.: 17,898-7392-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7415 Location: 1/37/4/
1821/07/27 7393: John Dent vs. Maria Dent and Nancy Dent. AA. Contract to purchase Trusty Friend. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7393-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7416 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/05/09 7394: Joseph Nicholson vs. Emanuel Dadds. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Andersons Distant Walk. Accession No.: 17,898-7394-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7417 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/09/19 7395: John Durborow, Sarah Durborow, Anne B. Woods, Susan B. Woods, Benjamin W. Woods, Henry W. Woods, Hannah J. Woods, Wesley Woods, Maria Booth, William Woods, Ellen Woods, and George Woods vs. Marcus Denison. BA. Trust estate under will of William Woods - lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-7395-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7418 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/22 7396: Thomas H. Dorsey, Jr., John Hammond, Harriet Hammond, John Hall, and Mary Hall vs. John Henry Dorsey. AA. Petition to sell Best Success, Wrights Dividend, Point Look Out, Rockholds Purchase, Hunting Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 529.
Accession No.: 17,898-7396 MSA S512-9- 7419 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/06/22 7397: Thomas Dail, Ann Dail, Wheatley Beckwith, and John Wheatley vs. Catherine Mitchell, Jane Wheeler, Henry Wheatley, Thomas Applegarth, Margaret Newman, Thomas Thomas, Sarah Thomas, John Fooks, John Mobray, Elizabeth Jones, and William D. Rapp. DO. Petition to sell Stewarts Discovery, Stewarts Range, Reeds Hayyard, Fishers Point, Barons Point.
Accession No.: 17,898-7397 MSA S512-9- 7420 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/09/23 7398: Caroline L. Donovan, Sarah Donovan, and John Donovan vs. William Roberts, Margaret A. Roberts, William P. Flint, Sarah E. Flint, Lucius Emmens, and Mary Emmens. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-7398 MSA S512-9- 7421 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/09/19 7399: Richard Dorsey, Humphrey Dorsey, and Margaret Gaither vs. John Dorsey, John Gaither, Richard Gaither, Henry Gaither, Margaret Gaither, William Gaither, and George Gaither. AA. Petition to sell Dependance, Mockabees Regulation, Dorseys Range, Hammonds Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 172.
Accession No.: 17,898-7399-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7422 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/02/19 7400: Robert T. Dade vs. Henry A. Collier, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Poole, Benjamin Poole, William Poole, Martha Pearce, Margaret Pearce, Samuel Pearce, Hilliary T. Varnis, Elizabeth Varnis, George Phelps, Walter Poole, Samuel Poole, Rebecca Hoffner, Elizabeth Carter, John Young, Rebecca Young, Samuel F. Clagett, and Pricilla Clagett. MO. Petition to sell lot in Poolesville.
Accession No.: 17,898-7400-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7423 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/01/19 7401: Caleb Dorsey of Thomas vs. Jacob Baer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7401 MSA S512-9- 7424 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/08/03 7402: John Daley vs. Harriet Clagett, Alfred Y. Clagett, Thomas Clagett, John J. Donaldson, and Hezekiah Clagett. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7402 MSA S512-9- 7425 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/02/01 7403: Joseph Drury vs. Henry C. Drury, Charles Drury, and Samuel Drury. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7403 MSA S512-9- 7426 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/05/14 7404: Caleb Dorsey, John Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, John Hood, Louisa Hood, Odel Wheeler, Carolina Wheeler, Nelson Norris, and Eliza Ann Norris vs. Ann Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, and Stephen Dorsey. AA. Petition to partition Hammonds Delight, Dependence, Dorseys Range, Vanity Mount, Barnes Purchase, Brothers Level, Addition to Brothers Level, Pleasant Ridge, Benjamins Lot, Whats Left, Browns Enlargement. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 337.
Accession No.: 17,898-7404-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7427 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/10/28 7405: Zachariah Duvall vs. Joseph Evans and James Iglehart. AA. Injuncture against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7405 MSA S512-9- 7428 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/04/15 7406: William Durbin and Elizabeth Durbin vs. George Trumbo and Thomas Gurley. BA. Estate of Henry Neff. Accession No.: 17,898-7406 MSA S512-9- 7429 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/09/04 7407: Elizabeth Denny vs. Charles H. Denny, Mary A. Denny, and Thomas O. Denny. AA. Petition to sell Rual Felicity, Francis and Robert. Accession No.: 17,898-7407 MSA S512-9- 7430 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/09/25 7408: Isaac Davis vs. Jeremiah Stull, Kendall S. Cropper, Matthew W. Allen, Samuel Miller, Daniel R. Ackley, and Eli Garrison. CE. Contract to purchase Painters Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-7408 MSA S512-9- 7431 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/02/29 7409: Spry Denny vs. Thomas Robson, Eve Robson, Mary Hubbard, William Skinner, Mary Skinner, Richard Watts, Benjamin Denny, Thomas Robson, Mary J. Dewling, James P. Dewling, Thomas Mackinahan, Sarah Mackinahan, Daniel Bartlett, Ann Bartlett, Joseph Bartlett, Rebecca Bartlett, Susan Matthews, William Matthews, Thomas Matthews, William H. Matthews, Margaret Matthews, James Seth, Sarah Seth, Samuel Corcrean, Elizabeth Corcrean, Isaac Winchester, and Jacob Winchester. KE. Petition to sell Ripley. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 214.
Accession No.: 17,898-7409-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7432 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/04/11 7410: Edwin Duvall and Peter Sausser vs. Joseph J. Speed and Josias Pennington. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7410 MSA S512-9- 7433 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/07/26 7411: Jeremiah Ducker vs. David Winchester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-7411 MSA S512-9- 7434 Location: 1/37/4/
1850/07/03 7412: Virgil B. Dalrymple and Agnes E. Dalrymple vs. Mary Taneyhill. AA. Petition to sell Ayres and Chews Right. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-7412 MSA S512-9- 7435 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/02/16 7413: David Dickey, James L. Porter, William McCullough, and John Forwood vs. Joseph Miles and Alexander Grubb. CE. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-7413 MSA S512-9- 7436 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/03/02 7414: Benjamin M. Dennis vs. John Watson and Ann Arnold. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7414 MSA S512-9- 7437 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/09/10 7415: John J. Donaldson and Avalon Co. vs. Ann Pinkney, William Pinkney, Charles Pinkney, Cumberland D. Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Joseph White, Isabella White, William Stewart, Charlotte Stewart, Caroline Pinkney, Frederick Pinkney, Henry Pinkney, Emily Pinkney, and William Pinkney of Edward. BA. Petition to release mortgage on Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-7415 MSA S512-9- 7438 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/06/05 7416: Christian Deviers, Jr. and Helen Deviers vs. Cornelius Shipley. BA. Petition to sell Adams Garden, Williams Purchase, Charles Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-7416 MSA S512-9- 7439 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/05/27 7417: Horatio Dyer vs. Mary R. Mudd, Sarah A. Mudd, Matilda Mudd, Dominic Mudd, and Janisa Mudd. CH. Petition to sell Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7417 MSA S512-9- 7440 Location: 1/37/4/
1848/06/16 7418: Philip Derochbrune vs. Ann C. Newman and Ellen G. Derochbrune. CA. Petition to sell Vaughns Kindness, Jumps Claims, Mount Pelier, Timberland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 289. Accession No.: 17,898-7418 MSA S512-9- 7441 Location: 1/37/4/
1844/03/10 7419: John H. Duvall, William B. Duvall, and Thomas John Bowie vs. John Coal. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Victory. Accession No.: 17,898-7419-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7442 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/03/25 7420: Allen Dorsey vs. Perry L. Shipley and Archibald G. Shipley. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Prospect Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-7420 MSA S512-9- 7443 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/03/07 7421: Charles Duvall vs. Frederick F. White. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7421 MSA S512-9- 7444 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/03/07 7422: Patrick Dougherty vs. Bernard McColgan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7422-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7445 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/07/27 7423: Elizabeth Dobbin, John Busk, and Hester Busk vs. Susanna Harlan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-7423 MSA S512-9- 7446 Location: 1/37/4/
1839/05/27 7424: Matilda Diffenderffer vs. Henry N. Albers. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7424 MSA S512-9- 7447 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/03/06 7425: Pearl Durkee vs. Adrian Posey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 372. Accession No.: 17,898-7425 MSA S512-9- 7448 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/09/19 7426: William Denny vs. Richard Goldsborough, John Smith, Jacob Harris, Eliza Steuart, Samuel Cooper, Jonas Hughes, and Randle H. Moale. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-7426 MSA S512-9- 7449 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/12/01 7427: Edwin Dashiell and Lambert H. Dashiell vs. Mary Jones, Elizabeth Jones, and Levin D. Jones. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Moores Venture, Old Bury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-7427-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7450 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/04/21 7428: Henry L. Davis vs. Franklin Betts. CE. Estate of Dr. David Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-7428 MSA S512-9- 7451 Location: 1/37/4/
1818/03/10 7429: Caleb Dorsey of Thomas vs. Thomas N. Binns and George Payne. AA. Contract to purchase Windsors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 820. Accession No.: 17,898-7429 MSA S512-9- 7452 Location: 1/37/4/
1829/11/17 7430: Dinah Dorsey vs. Ruth Owings, William Welling, Polly Welling, Thomas Owings, Basil Owings, Henry H. Owings, Richard Owings, Henry Stephenson, Mary Stephenson, Dernamie Jessop, Ann Jessop, Joshua M. Owings, Nathan Owings, and Samuel Owings. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Points Espright. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 53.
Accession No.: 17,898-7430 MSA S512-9- 7453 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/01/16 7431: Benjamin N. Davis, Jane Davis, Hugh Jones, Ann Jones, Rebecca M. Kidd, and Mary E. Kidd. CE. Petition to sell Ewings Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-7431 MSA S512-9- 7454 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/11/25 7432: John Q. Dyke, Amanda Dyke, and Dean Walker vs. Benjamin Ellicott. BA. Estate of John Dyke. Accession No.: 17,898-7432 MSA S512-9- 7455 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/02/18 7433: John Denny vs. Elizabeth Stevens, Eleanor Stevens, Charles Stevens, and James J.O. Stevens. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Stevens Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 523. Accession No.: 17,898-7433-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7456 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/03/04 7434: Howard M. Duvall and Grafton Duvall vs. George Mackubin, John W. Duvall, Robert W. Kent, Thomas R. Kent, Mary C. Kent, and Daniel Kent. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7434-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7457 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/04/21 7435: David Davis vs. Franklin Betts, William D. Mercer, George E. Walker, William H. Freeman, Benjamin Lawson, Isabell Neff, Hannah Maub, Olivia L. Bosquet, and Sarah Atherton. CE. Estate of Dr. David Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-7435-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7458 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/02/09 7436: Isaac Davis vs. Hyland B. Pennington, Margaret Ward, Samuel Ward, John W. Davis, and James Ford. CE. Estate of John Ward - Paines Lot, Wards Knowledge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 408. Accession No.: 17,898-7436-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7459 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/06/28 7437: Nathan Dent vs. Townley Robey. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7437 MSA S512-9- 7460 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/12/15 7438: James Duke vs. Henry Keilholtz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 64. Accession No.: 17,898-7438 MSA S512-9- 7461 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/01/24 7439: Tristram S. Dorsey vs. Horace Capron, Thomas S. Herbert, John C. Herbert, Mary Herbert, Charles Hill, Ann E. Hill, Horace Herbert, Louisa Herbert, Theodore Jenkins, Juliana Jenkins, Walter W.W. Bowie, Adeline Bowie, DeWitton Snowden, Henry Snowden, Emily Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, Nathan Snowden, Eliza Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Ann Louisa Contee, Edward Snowden, Richard A. Snowden, William G. Sanders, Caroline Sanders, Timothy P. Andrews, and Emily Andrews. AA. Title to Huntington Quarter, Harris Beginning, Chandlers Slaughter, Rich Neck, Riggs Hills, Dorseys Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 399.
Accession No.: 17,898-7439 MSA S512-9- 7462 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/10/13 7440: Howard Duvall and Lewis Duvall vs. Zadock Duvall, Mareen Duvall, John Duvall, Cornelius Duvall, Amelia Wilson, Harriet Wilson, Joseph Jones, Elizabeth Jones, John Bassford, Abraham Manning, and Sarah Manning. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-7440-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7463 Location: 1/37/4/
1832/12/03 7441: Sarah Duvall vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Estate of Lewis Duvall. Accession No.: 17,898-7441-1/5 MSA S512-9- 7464 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/11/06 7442: Lewis Regis Deluol vs. Eliza Wyre, Edward W. Wyre, Matilda Wyre, and Francis O. Wyre. BA. Petition to sell Deer Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 403. Accession No.: 17,898-7442 MSA S512-9- 7465 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/03/29 7443: Eleanor Dawson vs. Eleanor Contee, Josiah Hawkins, Caroline Hawkins, Elizabeth Clerklee, Margaret Clerklee, Sarah Clerklee, and Philip A.L. Contee. CH. Estate of Ann Gamble. Accession No.: 17,898-7443-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7466 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/08/29 7444: William C. Davis vs. John Claytor, James Weems, and Bennett Harrison. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7444 MSA S512-9- 7467 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/05/25 7445: Francis L. Darnall, Henry B. Darnall, Richard B. Darnall, Charles H.W. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Francis Wharton, Ambrose Wharton, and John Scott vs. Milicent Waring. PG. Estate of Henry Waring. Accession No.: 17,898-7445-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7468 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/07/29 7446: James Deaver and Eliza Deaver vs. Lewis Reynolds, Allen Reynolds, Sarah Reynolds, Rachel Reynolds, Garan Reynolds, William Stewart, Rebecca Stewart, and Margaret Kelly. AA. Petition to sell Caples Fancy, Walkers Inheritance, Popular Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 91.
Accession No.: 17,898-7446-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7469 Location: 1/37/4/
1828/08/12 7447: Jacob G. Davies, Charles Jessop, and Nathan M. Chaffee vs. Thomas Perkins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-7447 MSA S512-9- 7470 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/04/08 7448: Howell Downing vs. Solomon Clarke, Daniel Lamb, and Matilda Clarke. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 568. Accession No.: 17,898-7448 MSA S512-9- 7471 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/08/28 7449: Caleb Dorsey of Thomas vs. Samuel Godfrey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Timber Neck, Jefferson, Little North, Finish. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 79. Accession No.: 17,898-7449 MSA S512-9- 7472 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/09/28 7450: Bennet Doran vs. Jane Butler, Lewis Butler, Clement Butler, Henrietta Butler, Jane Butler, Frances Butler, Julian Butler, Ignatius Macatee, and Maria Macatee. HA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7450 MSA S512-9- 7473 Location: 1/37/4/
1830/11/05 7451: Samuel Deale vs. Richard Estep, Henry A. Hall, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7451-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7474 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/11/29 7452: George V. Dobbin vs. George C. Morton and John Martin. BA. Insolvent estate of Martin - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7452 MSA S512-9- 7475 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/02/05 7453: Susannah Dunn vs. George Staylor. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7453 MSA S512-9- 7476 Location: 1/37/4/
1822/07/01 7455: Henry Darst, Catherine Darst, John Gaver, Margaret Gaver, John Richter, Samuel Richter, Charles Richter, and William Richter vs. Henry Richter. FR. Petition to sell lot in Fredericktown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 47. Accession No.: 17,898-7455 MSA S512-9- 7477 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/10/20 7456: Henry C. Drury vs. Frederick Mills, Charlotte Laman, and William Riley. AA. Title to Hallaways Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-7456 MSA S512-9- 7478 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/11/03 7457: Mary Eleanor Dorsett vs. James Iglehart, Leonard Iglehart, John Iglehart, Ann Iglehart, Martha A. Iglehart, Thomas J. Iglehart, Mary L. Iglehart, James A. Iglehart, and Thomas Welsh. AA. Petition to sell Welches Troubles. Accession No.: 17,898-7457 MSA S512-9- 7479 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/03/27 7458: John J. Donaldson vs. Charles Feinour and Jacob Wolf. BA. Defraud creditors of William Wilson - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7458 MSA S512-9- 7480 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/06/16 7459: Clement Dorsey vs. James Campbell and William Ritchie. CH. Contract to purchase St. Clair. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-7459-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7481 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/07/21 7460: Dayton Dorsey, Anna Dorsey, Isaac Johnson, and Genely Johnson vs. Ann Johnson, Horace Johnson, and James Brown. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7460 MSA S512-9- 7482 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/04/04 7461: Spry Denny vs. Catherine Hubbart, Margaret Hubbart, Sarah Hubbart, Samuel Hubbart, Jeremiah Hubbart, Henry Collier, Eliza Ann Collier, Henry Brown, and Mary Brown. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cumberland, Elams Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-7461 MSA S512-9- 7483 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/18 7462: John Diffenderfer vs. George Rusk and Jacob Krebs. BA. Title to house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7462 MSA S512-9- 7484 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/04/08 7463: Ellen Dyckes, John Dyckes, Joseph Dyckes, Jr., Ellen Dyckes, Mary Dyckes, Alice Dyckes, William Dyckes, and Sarah Dyckes vs. Joseph Dyckes, Matthew French, Eliza Comegys, Thomas L. Reese, Isaac Cruse, and Joseph O'Neil. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 482.
Accession No.: 17,898-7463-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7485 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/02/08 7464: John H. Duvall, William B. Duvall, Eldridge G. Duvall, Langdon C. Duvall, Mortimer H. Mulliken, Tabitha Mulliken, Samuel H. Hamilton, and Elizabeth Hamilton vs. Martha Ann Duvall, Charles R. Duvall, Rachel Ann Duvall, Mary Ann Walker, John Walker, Joseph Walker, and Elizabeth Duvall. AA, BA, PG. Petition to sell Brough and Tylers Discovery, Ample Grange, Eglinton, Enfields Chase, Bel Air in PG. Also Huntington Resurveyed in AA and Snowdens New Birmingham Manor in AA and PG. Plat of Huntington Resurveyed at 1/38/1/24.
Accession No.: 17,898-7464-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7486 Location: 1/37/4/
1845/10/07 7465: Cadmus Dashiell vs. Henry Barkley, Esone Barkley, Isaac Barkley, Samuel Barkley, Eliphalet Barkley, Pricilla Barkley, Anne Barkley, Samuel G. Cox, and George W. Furbush. SO. Petition to sell Davids Trouble for Little. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 770.
Accession No.: 17,898-7465-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7487 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/06/14 7466: John S. Donnell and Ann Donnell vs. Benjamin C. Howard, John C. White, and Mary S. White. WA. Estate of Edward G. Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-7466 MSA S512-9- 7488 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/11/26 7467: James Dundas, Mordecai D. Lewis, Samuel W. Jones, Robert L. Pitfield, and Robert Howell vs. James W. McCulloh, Abbey S. McCulloh, George Templeman, Mary Templeman, John J. Abert, and Ellen M. Abert. AL. Petition to sell Bank Lot, Bank Territory, Bank Property, Western Connextion, Military Lot 2487, Mount Pisgah, Pheasant Ridge.
Accession No.: 17,898-7467-1/4 MSA S512-9- 7489 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/05/03 7468: Mary Duvall, Alexander Duvall, Claudius Duvall, Adaline Duvall, and Henry Duvall vs. Elizabeth Duvall, Richard H. Duvall, Grafton Duvall, Charles Duvall, James Bosley, and Mary Hollingsworth. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7468-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7490 Location: 1/37/4/
1846/10/10 7469: James Denson, Hiram Lankford, and William Adams vs. John Adams, Rufus Adams, McKenbee Adams, George Adams, and Cadmus Adams. SO. Petition to sell Sunken Ground. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 224. Accession No.: 17,898-7469-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7491 Location: 1/37/4/
1843/09/11 7471: Samuel Dunnock and Sarah Dunnock vs. Emily Brohawn, Susan Brohawn, Sarah Brohawn, Samuel Brohawn, John Brohawn, and Joseph Brohawn. DO. Petition to sell Polands Choice, Lakes Discovery, Davids Chance, Compositon, Pattisons Privilege, Pleasant Grove Regulated, Norths Adventure, Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 261.
Accession No.: 17,898-7471 MSA S512-9- 7492 Location: 1/37/4/
1847/07/19 7472: Samuel Dove vs. Mary Elizabeth Erickson, James Erickson, Rachel A. Erickson, Mary A. Carr, and Richard Carr. AA. Contract to purchase Grammers Parrott. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 156. Accession No.: 17,898-7472 MSA S512-9- 7493 Location: 1/37/4/
1849/02/26 7473: James E. Dillen vs. Benjamin Wilson, James Lang, Henry Lang, Edward Lang, and John Lang. QA. Estate of Edward Lang. Accession No.: 17,898-7473-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7494 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/12/22 7474: William Duff vs. Patrick H. Bennett, Adolphus Bennett, and Bernard U. Campbell. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-7474 MSA S512-9- 7495 Location: 1/37/4/
1824/10/20 7475: Samuel J. Donaldson vs. Sarah Woods, John N. Woods, Hannah Woods, Mary Woods, Sarah Woods, Moses Patterson, and Joseph G. Johnson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Carters Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-7475 MSA S512-9- 7496 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/09 7476: John H. Dorsey vs. Andrew Cook. BA. Contract to purchase Long Trusted. Accession No.: 17,898-7476 MSA S512-9- 7497 Location: 1/37/4/
1833/03/22 7477: John W. Darby vs. Samuel Darby and George Darby. MO. Petition to sell Amsterdam, Thomas Discovery, Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-7477-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7498 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/03/31 7478: Gabriel Duvall and Richard Duvall vs. Sarah Duvall, Mary Duvall, Margaret Duvall, Gabriel Duvall, Henry Duvall, Lucretia Duvall, Rosetta Duvall, James Duvall, and Marius Duvall. AA. Petition to record deed for Tudor Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 16.
Accession No.: 17,898-7478 MSA S512-9- 7499 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/05/30 7479: Caleb Dorsey of Thomas vs. George Fox, John Macrone, Sarah Macrone, William Bell, Mary Bell, Hammond Shipley, Susan Shipley, and Elizabeth Fox. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hatherlys Resolution. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 571. Accession No.: 17,898-7479 MSA S512-9- 7500 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/07/10 7480: William Dunn vs. Elizabeth Miller, William Miller, Thomas Miller, Maria L. Miller, and Mary M. Miller. KE. Petition to sell Gibbs Chance, Huffs Addition, Hynsons Chance, Dunns Discovery, Piney Grove. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 702 Accession No.: 17,898-7480 MSA S512-9- 7501 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/06/10 7481: Grafton Duvall vs. Richard Kelly. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Amy, Dick, Nackey, and Sarah. Accession No.: 17,898-7481 MSA S512-9- 7502 Location: 1/37/4/
1818/07/01 7482: Christopher Deshon, John Wilmont, Lemuel Warfield, William Cooke, John McFaden, George Warfield, Alexander Brown, and Solomon Betts vs. Esther Buchanan, Eliza Buchanan, Amelia Buchanan, and Sidney Buchanan. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 295.
Accession No.: 17,898-7482-1/7 MSA S512-9- 7503 Location: 1/37/4/
1836/05/03 7483: Jeremiah Ducker, Julia Ducker, Philemon Cromwell, Mary Cromwell, Thomas Fisher, and Catherine Fisher vs. John Fisher and George Fisher. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7483-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7504 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/06/20 7484: Charles Despada vs. Mary Lawrence. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7484 MSA S512-9- 7505 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/09/09 7485: George Davis vs. John T. Stewart and Uriah Todd. DO. Injunction against sale of schooner Henrietta of Oxford. Accession No.: 17,898-7485 MSA S512-9- 7506 Location: 1/37/4/
1827/11/02 7486: John T. Disney vs. John Dada and Thomas Swan. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7486 MSA S512-9- 7507 Location: 1/37/4/
1809/09/07 7487: Lewis Duvall vs. Mary E. Harwood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Waterford. Accession No.: 17,898-7487 MSA S512-9- 7508 Location: 1/37/4/
1822 7488: Christopher Deshon vs. John S. Stiles. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-7488 MSA S512-9- 7509 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/07/05 7489: William Davis vs. Robert Welsh. BA. Petition to sell Murrays Addition, Athol. Accession No.: 17,898-7489 MSA S512-9- 7510 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/06/02 7490: Ann Dorsey vs. Amos A. Williams, George W. Burnap, and Charles F. Mayer. AA. Petition to sell Huntington Quarter, Harris Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-7490 MSA S512-9- 7511 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/09/12 7491: John Daley vs. Samuel Jarrett, Joseph P. Grant, and Benjamin C. Ward. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 1002. Accession No.: 17,898-7491-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7512 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/09/23 7492: Richard Duvall vs. Sophia Duckett and Israel Jackson. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Belts Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-7492 MSA S512-9- 7513 Location: 1/37/4/
1831/12/12 7493: John Dubois, Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph, and Luke Tiernan vs. John Owings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7493-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7514 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/18 7494: John Diffenderfer vs. William Jenkins and George Rusk. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7494-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7515 Location: 1/37/4/
1825/01/17 7495: David Delacour and Elijah P. Barrows vs. Elizabeth Haubert, Benjamin Harrison, Mary Ann Harrison, Henry Haubert, and Susannah Haubert. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7495 MSA S512-9- 7516 Location: 1/37/4/
1826/09/15 7496: Edmund Didier, Jefferson Didier, John N. D'Arcy, and Amelia D'Arcy. BA. Trust estate under will of Henry Didier - lot and Indian Queen Tavern in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/24. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-7496-1/2 MSA S512-9- 7517 Location: 1/37/4/
1838/08/01 7497: John R. Dall and John McPherson. FR, WA. Trust estate of Harriet McPherson, Meliora McPherson, Mary S. McPherson, Rebecca B. McPherson, Thomas B. McPherson, and Horatio McPherson. Accession No.: 17,898-7497 MSA S512-9- 7518 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/04/16 7498: John Duncan vs. Henry Hall. HA. Title to Shandy Hall, Halls Purchase, Hall and Bonds Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 267. Accession No.: 17,898-7498 MSA S512-9- 7519 Location: 1/37/4/
1840/01/21 7499: Francis L. Darnall and Margery Darnall vs. Philip Hill, Mary A. Hill, William Hill, and Elizabeth Hill. PG. Title to wheat, corn, and tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-7499-1/7 MSA S512-9- 7520 Location: 1/37/4/
1842/08/23 7500: Presley W. Dorsey vs. William A. Howard. MO. Title to Diamond. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 179. Accession No.: 17,898-7500 MSA S512-9- 7521 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/01/06 7501: Sarah Dashiell vs. George W. Dashiell, James F. Dashiell, and Esther H.B. Dashiell. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7501 MSA S512-9- 7522 Location: 1/37/4/
1841/04/19 7502: John A. Dorsey vs. Gustavus Warfield, Charles A. Warfield, Peregrine Warfield, Isaac Knight, Juliana Knight, Nancy Contee, William G. Sanders, Caroline Sanders, Thomas Snowden, Richard Snowden, Elizabeth Snowden, Timothy P. Andrews, and Emily Andrews. AL. Petition to sell Bachelors Delight, Bachelors Hall, Welcome Here Again, Floras Good Will, Buck Path, Far Enough.
Accession No.: 17,898-7502 MSA S512-9- 7523 Location: 1/37/4/
1817/08/06 7503: Edward Thomas. AL. Estate of William Deakins - Military Lots 225, 293, 432, 435, 862, 1084, 1257, 1868, 2530, 2551, 3023, 4051. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-7503-1/6 MSA S512-9- 7524 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/11/30 7504: John Daughady, Mary Letter, Elijah Hughes, and Fanny Hughes vs. Nicholas Bosley. BA. Petition to sell Taylors Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-7504 MSA S512-9- 7525 Location: 1/37/4/
1834/04/15 7506: Thomas J. Dorsett and Harriet Dorsett vs. Philip Lansdale and J. Floratine Cox. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Row Down, Row Down Security, Waterford. Accession No.: 17,898-7506-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7526 Location: 1/37/4/
1835/02/05 7508: Richard L. Douglas, Nicholas Stonestreet, Thomas J. Marshall, and Christopher Neale vs. Thomas Mundell, Thomas G. Pratt, Eliza Blacklock, Jane A. Blacklock, Nicholas F. Blacklock, and Elizabeth C. Blacklock. PG. Estate of Nicholas F. Blacklock.
Accession No.: 17,898-7508-1/5 MSA S512-9- 7527 Location: 1/37/4/
1820/07/20 7509: Thomas Davis, Elizabeth Linthicum, Joseph N. Brewer, John B. Robinson, Mahala Stewart, John Stewart, Mordicai Stewart, William M. Chaney, Charles Chaney, Joseph W. Beck, Stewart Beck, James Beck, Samuel Beck, Rezin Beck, Mary Beck, Ann Beck, Richard Beck, William Beck, Elizabeth Beck, Nancy Beck, Moses Leddard, Rachel Leddard, Absalom Hancock, and Elizabeth Hancock vs. Philemon L. Macklefresh, Eleanor Macklefresh, John Pitts, Stewart Robinson, James Robinson, Ann Robinson, George W. Robinson, Mordecai Stewart, and Benjamin Thomas. AA. Petition to sell Poplar Neck, Mitchells Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 334.
Accession No.: 17,898-7509-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7528 Location: 1/37/4/
1823/10/28 7510: Caleb Dorsey of Thomas vs. Thomas Anderson, Sophia Anderson, Eli Rowles, Sarah Rowles, Aquilla Randall, Rebecca Randall, Ann Stinchcomb, William Black, John Hudson, Catherine Hudson, and Henry Cord. AA. Petition to sell Hickory Bottom, Mistake, Hammonds Discovery, Ranters Ridge, Howards Resolution, Woodford.
Accession No.: 17,898-7510-1/3 MSA S512-9- 7529 Location: 1/37/4/
1837/11/13 7511: Henry C. Dunbar vs. Mary C. Spence, Ann J. Spence, Nicholas C. Spence, Robert S. Spence, Charles E.E. Spence, Mary C.C. Spence, William W.D. Spence, and Robert T. Spence. AA. Title to Woodlands. Accession No.: 17,898-7511 MSA S512-10- 7530 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/05/21 7512: Nathaniel F. Downing vs. James H. Cox and Eliza Cox. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lime Kiln Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-7512 MSA S512-10- 7531 Location: 1/38/3/
1808/01/30 7514: Peter Denny vs. William Meluy. TA. Contract to purchase Chances Help, Cumberland, lot in Easton. Accession No.: 17,898-7514 MSA S512-10- 7532 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/04/04 7515: George A. Dunkel vs. Elijah Stocker, Thomas Whitaker, James May, Elijah P. Barrows, and David Stewart. BA. Defraud creditors of Stocker - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7515 MSA S512-10- 7533 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/05/20 7516: John J. Donaldson and Marian Gibson vs. Edward Campbell and Lewis Wernway. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from land. Accession No.: 17,898-7516 MSA S512-10- 7534 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/07/01 7517: William M. Dallam and Abraham Jarrett vs. Luke Griffith. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Fannys Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-7517 MSA S512-10- 7535 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/01 7518: Elizabeth M. Dawson and John W. Dawson vs. Elizabeth M. Dawson, Richard Atkinson, Olivia Atkinson, and William M. Newton. DO. Petition to sell Partnership, Newtons Intent, Newtons Regulation, Addtition. Accession No.: 17,898-7518 MSA S512-10- 7536 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/25 7519: Thomas Dean of William and Hester A. Dean vs. John Dean of James. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7519 MSA S512-10- 7537 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/02/15 7520: Janet Dorsey vs. William Gosnell and Amos Davis. CR. Injunction against removal of timber from Charles Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-7520 MSA S512-10- 7538 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/06/17 7522: Robert M. Davis and Eliza A. Davis vs. Asbury C. Howard, Sally Howard, Alexander H. Todd, and Robert S. Todd. WO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7522 MSA S512-10- 7539 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/12/26 7523: John Felix Durst, Joseph Turner, Jr., Charles Constable, and Elijah Joyce vs. William Harrision and William B. Prout. BA. Insolvent estate of Harrison. Accession No.: 17,898-7523 MSA S512-10- 7540 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/04/11 7524: Samuel D. Orrick vs. Isaac Savill and Jane Savill. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7524 MSA S512-10- 7541 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/01/10 7525: John S. Donnell, James S. Donnell, and William Donnell vs. John Gooding. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Jacks Double Purchse, Fords Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-7525 MSA S512-10- 7542 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/06/18 7526: Allen Dorsey, John Dorsey, Nicholas King, and Camden Hughes vs. John M. Ringrose, Joseph Cook, Rebecca Cook, George H. Krebs, and Elizabeth Linthicum. BA. Petition to sell Beasmans Discovery, Beasmans Discovery Corrected, Stevensons Deer Park, Trouting Stream, Sewells Relief.
Accession No.: 17,898-7526-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7543 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/12/20 7527: John J. Donaldson and Mary E.P. Dorsey vs. Henry V. Somerville. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7527 MSA S512-10- 7544 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/09/07 7528: Roderick Dorsey vs. Henry Wayman, Thomas H. Hobbs, Laura Hobbs, William Hobbs, Janet Dorsey, Henrietta Dorsey, Kitty H. Dorsey, and William R. Dorsey. AA. Contract to purchase Range Declined. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7528-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7545 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/01/27 7529: Peregrine Davis vs. James Irwin, Ann S. Irwin, and Richard M. Scott. CH. Petition to sell Auishalis Law. Accession No.: 17,898-7529 MSA S512-10- 7546 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/01/28 7531: Zachariah Dent vs. Benedict L. Higdon and Elizabeth S. Higdon. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7531-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7547 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/11/21 7532: Mary Ann Dorsey vs. Thomas B. Dorsey, Mary A. Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Reuben Dorsey, Charles Dorsey, Zulicka Dorsey, and Sarah Dorsey. Howard District. Petition to partition estate of John Dorsey - New Years Gift, New Years Gift Enlarged, Hammonds Elkridge Connextion, First Survey, Hammonds Inclosure, Howard and Porters Range. Plat at 1/38/1/24. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 376.
Accession No.: 17,898-7532-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7548 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/10/07 7533: Mareen M. Duvall, Elizabeth Duvall, Catherine Duvall, Charlotte Duvall, Sophia Duvall, Evans Duvall, and Eleanor Duvall vs. Charles Hammond, Achsah Hammond, David B. Ferguson, Elizabeth Ferguson, Catherine Evans, Charles R. Stewart, and Ann Stewart. AA. Petition to partition Rich Neck, Rockholds Purchase, Snow Hill, Wrights Dividend, Hunting Quarter, Morris Hill, Cromwells Lot, Pitchers Place. Plat of Rich Neck, Rockholds Purchase, Snow Hill, Wrights Dividend, Hunting Quarter filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 8, MdHR 40,283-7, S65-52, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-7533 MSA S512-10- 7549 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/10/19 7534: Justice Dunbar, Sarah A. Dunbar, William E. Boulden, Thomas A. Boulden, John Boulden, Hannah J. Boulden, Levi Boulden, Charles Boulden, Ezekiel Boulden, and Susan M. Boulden vs. Thomas A. Boulden and John Boulden. CE. Estate of John Boulden. Accession No.: 17,898-7534 MSA S512-10- 7550 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/05/26 7535: John J. Donaldson vs. Daniel Trundle. MO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7535 MSA S512-10- 7551 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/04/01 7536: Amos Dorsey, Evelina Dorsey, John Gassaway, Elisa Gassaway, Charles G. Edwards, and Deborah Edwards vs. William Darne, Charles Gassaway, and Polly Catlett. MO. Estate of Charles Gassaway. Accession No.: 17,898-7536 MSA S512-10- 7552 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/07/01 7537: Everhard Delius and Frederick A. Delius vs. Alice L. Kent, Joseph Kent, Catherine Kent, Devitt Kent, Thomas Kent, Daniel Kent, Jane Kent, James Kent, Harriet Kent, Philip Contee, and Sally F. Contee. PG. Petition to sell Rose Mount. Accession No.: 17,898-7537 MSA S512-10- 7553 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/03/04 7538: James Kent and Daniel Kent vs. Richard S. Rawlings. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Rebecca, Bridget, Eliza, Charles, John, and William. Accession No.: 17,898-7538 MSA S512-10- 7554 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/11/29 7539: Allen Dorsey vs. Matilda Welsh. Howard District. Petition to sell Johns Last Shift, Peace, Additional Defiance, Bite the Skinner, Samuels Continuance, Additional Defiance Increased, Range Declined, Johns Hurry. Accession No.: 17,898-7539 MSA S512-10- 7555 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/03/10 7542: Jesse Duvall vs. John G. Holland. Howard District. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-7542 MSA S512-10- 7556 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/09/17 7543: Clement Dorsey vs. John Tucker, Jr. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Benedict. Accession No.: 17,898-7543 MSA S512-10- 7557 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/02/02 7544: Basil Duvall of Jesse vs. Allen Warfield, Joshua Warfield, Wilson D. Warfield, John G. Warfield, Wesley Warfield, Larkin Warfield, Lewis N. Duvall, Mareen Duvall, and Green W. Young. MO. Injunction against obstruction of a mill operation. Accession No.: 17,898-7544 MSA S512-10- 7558 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/12/24 7545: Mary A. Denny and Martha J. Denny vs. Caroline Denny. CA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7545 MSA S512-10- 7559 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/04/24 7546: Frederick Delaplaine, Basil James, and Robert Marshall vs. Joseph Parker, Cumberland D. Williams, Robert H. Osgood, and John W. Osgood. BA. Dissolution of Parker & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-7546-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7560 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/02/26 7548: Charles Duvall vs. Nathan Waters, Nathan J. Waters, and Samuel Ratcliff. PG. Title to Pleasant Grove, Walkers Delight, Friendship, Osbourns Lot, Becks Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 275. Accession No.: 17,898-7548-1/12 MSA S512-10- 7561 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/09/02 7549: John Y. Day and Elizabeth Onion vs. William Y. Day. BA. Estate of Lloyd Day - Taylors Mount, Dixons Chance, Taylors Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-7549 MSA S512-10- 7562 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/03/03 7550: John S. Dorsey, Allen Dorsey, and Presley W. Dorsey vs. Charles D. Warfield, Seth Warfield, Elizabeth Warfield, Benjamin Warfield, Charles H. Warfield, Lorenzo Warfield, Elizabeth A. Warfield, Gustavus Warfield, Amelia Warfield, Caroline Warfield, Thomas Warfield, William Warfield, and Rezin Warfield. Howard District. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7550 MSA S512-10- 7563 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/09/18 7551: John Diffenderfer vs. John Rusk and Gotlieb Huster. BA. Defraud of creditors of Rusk. Accession No.: 17,898-7551 MSA S512-10- 7564 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/10/20 7552: John W. Dean and Sarah Clark vs. Stewart Vickers. DO. Trust estate of Clark. Accession No.: 17,898-7552 MSA S512-10- 7565 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/06/20 7553: Thomas Dail vs. Henry Seymour. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7553 MSA S512-10- 7566 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/07/02 7554: Charles Dancy vs. John Krine. BA. Defraud of creditors of Joseph Boizard. Accession No.: 17,898-7554 MSA S512-10- 7567 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/06/09 7555: James N. Dawson vs. William Read, John W. Crisfield, Charlotte Page, Ann Page, Elizabeth Page, Charles Dyer, and Frances Dyer. DO. Estate of Henry Page. Accession No.: 17,898-7555 MSA S512-10- 7568 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/22 7557: William Dwyer, Charlotte Dwyer, Caroline Rister, Margaret Rister, Anne Rister, and Rebecca Rister vs. Martha Rister, Maria Rister, Elias Rister, Adam Rister, Lewis Rister, Daniel B. Banks, Hamilton Bayly, Martha Bayly, William Jones, Deborah Jones, William Helmes, Catherine Helmes, John Bayly, Philip Bayly, George Bayly, William Dean, Elizabeth Dean, Catherine Launiers, and Margaret Igoe. BA. Petition to sell Brotherly Love, Risters Desire.
Accession No.: 17,898-7557 MSA S512-10- 7569 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/11/12 7558: Sally A. Disharoon, Mary C. Disharoon, and Matthias H. Disharoon vs. Henry Columbus Disharoon, Virginia Disharoon, and Louisiana Disharoon. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7558 MSA S512-10- 7570 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/10/04 7559: Richard Drury and Sarah Drury vs. Yate Ward. AA. Appointment of trustee for Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-7559 MSA S512-10- 7571 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/07/22 7560: Samuel Dunnock vs. John Pearson and Ann Pearson. DO. Petition to sell Piney Point, Robsons Pasture, Richards Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-7560 MSA S512-10- 7572 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/09/04 7561: Dennis Dorsey, Dathan Dorsey, Owen Elder, Ann Elder, Nicholas Ridgely, and Ruth Ridgely vs. Darius Dorsey, Deal Dorsey, and Dennis Dorsey of Philemon. AA. Petition to sell Brothers Partnership, Good Range. Plat at 1/38/1/24. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 847.
Accession No.: 17,898-7561-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7573 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/02/10 7562: Roderick Dorsey vs. Nancy Vanhill, Henry M. Vanhill, Stephen J. Vanhill, Emmeline S. Vanhill, and William T. Vanhill. AA. Contract to purchase Stoney Thickett, Addition to Stoney Thickett, Calebs Choice. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 866.
Accession No.: 17,898-7562-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7574 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/05/25 7563: Thomas Davis vs. Isaac Mayo and Jonathan Weedon. AA. Title to Brewerton, Selbys March, Linhams Search. Accession No.: 17,898-7563 MSA S512-10- 7575 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/03/02 7564: Thomas Duckett and Catherine Duckett vs. Daniel Clarke, Catherine B. Clarke, and William D. Clarke. PG. Estate of Daniel Clarke - Moores Plains, Weston, Scotts Lot, Hughes Labor, Rileys Folly, Brock Hall, Swansons Lot. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 29, MdHR 40,283-133, S65-173, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-7564 MSA S512-10- 7576 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/12/09 7565: John R. Dall vs. Charles Ridgely of Hampton, John Donnell, James Donnell, and William Donnell. BA. Petition to sell Epsom, Fords Place. Accession No.: 17,898-7565 MSA S512-10- 7577 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/12/18 7566: Clement Dorsey vs. Joshua Estep, Malvina Estep, Elizabeth Estep, Margaret Estep, Thomas Estep, Louise Estep, Margaret Wheatly, Harriet Wheatly, and Lydia Wheatly. SM. Estate of William Estep - Scegby. Accession No.: 17,898-7566 MSA S512-10- 7578 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/12/27 7567: Samuel J. Donaldson and Jonathan J. Donaldson vs. Mary Hoye, John Hoye, Samuel Hoye, Mareen Drane, Mary A. Drane, David Hoye, Tabitha Hoye, Daniel Hoye, Edward Hoye, Ellen Hoye, Marlia Hoye, Mareen D. Hoye, Catherine Hoye, Eli Hoye, Sarah J. Hoye, Elizabeth Hoye, Elisha Bishop, and Ann Bishop. AL. Title to Military Lots 440, 442-444.
Accession No.: 17,898-7567 MSA S512-10- 7579 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/03/05 7568: Francis J. Dallam vs. Mary Ann Stith. BA. Estate of Griffin Stith. Accession No.: 17,898-7568 MSA S512-10- 7580 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/04 7569: Henry H. Ducker vs. Elizabeth Owens, Eveline Turnbull, George W. Manro, Eveline Turner, Philip G. Love, and Josephine Love. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7569 MSA S512-10- 7581 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/22 7570: Lemuel E. Duvall vs. Newton H. Gist and Zadock T. Selby. BA. Dissolution of Gist & Duvall. Accession No.: 17,898-7570 MSA S512-10- 7582 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/01/13 7572: George W. Dobbin vs. William H. Freeman, Thomas Ellicott, John B. Morris, and Richard W. Gill. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7572 MSA S512-10- 7583 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/07/24 7573: Kinsborough C. DuBose, James H. DuBose, J.A. Inglis, Charlotte L. Inglis, John Campbell, and Jane Campbell vs. Clarissa A. Prince, Mary J. Prince, Laurence B. Prince, Charles L. Prince, and William L.T. Prince. QA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7573 MSA S512-10- 7584 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/06/20 7574: Thomas D. Dashiell vs. Amelia P. Dashiell, John E. Dashiell, Matilda J.P. Dashiell, Robert A.S. Dashiell, Susan W.P. Dashiell, and Margaret C. Dashiell. DO. Petition to sell Wiston, Greenbury Swamp, Hicks Misfortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 396.
Accession No.: 17,898-7574 MSA S512-10- 7585 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/01/20 7575: Catherine Diffenderfer vs. Maria C. Griffith, Jane R. Griffith, Georgiana Griffith, Samuel Griffith, Henry C. Griffith, Alfred Griffith, Israel Griffith, Joseph F. Keys, and Ruth M. Keys. MO. Petition to sell Samuels Chance, Waters Discovery, Resurvey on Griffiths Chance, Thomas Delight, Easy Come By, Ashley, Resurvey on Valentines Garden Enlarged, Addition to Samuels Chance, Abels Levels, Addition to Abels Levels, Resurvey on Shady Grove, Jacobs Mistake.
Accession No.: 17,898-7575-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7586 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/04/08 7577: Caleb Dorsey of Thomas vs. Zephaniah Harrison of Josias, John A. Queens, Grove Harrison, Amelly Ake, Sarah Moberly, Walter Bevins, Joshua Todd, and Elizabeth Watts. FR. Petition to sell Hazard, Never Fear. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 253.
Accession No.: 17,898-7577 MSA S512-10- 7587 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/11/26 7578: Richard B. Dorsey vs. Joseph Howard, Sarah Howard, and Daniel Kurtz. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Brooke Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-7578-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7588 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/08/08 7579: Lemuel E. Duvall and John W. Smith vs. Jeremiah Tittle and William Lusby. BA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-7579 MSA S512-10- 7589 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/04/04 7580: John H. Drury vs. Robert K. Roberts. CV. Dissolution of Roberts & Drury. Accession No.: 17,898-7580-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7590 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/05/24 7581: Richard B. Darnell and Sarah A. Darnell vs. Henry Marquess, William Marquess, Thomas Marquess, Pricilla Marquess, John Eversfield, James Poor, and Thomas Hunt. CV. Estate of James Marquess - Aldermason, Smiths Addition, Cold Comfort. Accession No.: 17,898-7581 MSA S512-10- 7591 Location: 1/38/3/
1817/07/10 7582: Eleanor Dall, John R. Dall, George Cooke, Eleanor A. Cooke, Allen Thomas, and Elizabeth E. Thomas vs. Robert Oliver, William Cooke, Hugh Evans, Edward Day, James Campbell, and John Heathcote. BA. Estate of James Dall - assets of John Heathcote & Co., Heathcote & Dall, and James Dall & Co.
Accession No.: 17,898-7582-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7592 Location: 1/38/3/
1813/12/14 7583: Leonard M. Deakins and Benjamin Duvall vs. Jasper M. Jackson. PG. Estate of John Jackson. Accession No.: 17,898-7583-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7593 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/05/08 7584: Dorothy E. Dunnock and John R. Shenton vs. Samuel Dunnock and Levin Dunnock. DO. Alimony. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, pp. 251, 645. Accession No.: 17,898-7584-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7594 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/07/12 7585: Caleb Dorsey, Jr. vs. Alexander L. Mackey, Mary Ann Mackey, and Mary Ann Dorsey. Howard District. Contract to purchase New Years Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-7585 MSA S512-10- 7595 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/12/12 7586: Richard Deale and Samuel H. Whittington vs. Samuel Deale. AA. Injunction against sale of slave Hannah. Accession No.: 17,898-7586 MSA S512-10- 7596 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/04/28 7587: Roderick Dorsey, Janet Hobbs, William Hobbs, Kitty Hobbs, and Philemon Hobbs vs. Isaiah Hood. MO. Contract to purchase Warfield, Snowden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 626. Accession No.: 17,898-7587 MSA S512-10- 7597 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/07/10 7588: Charles W. Dorsey vs. Edward H. Dorsey, Robert Dorsey, Rebecca Dorsey, Samuel Dorsey, Rebecca A. Williams, and Henry H. Williams. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7588 MSA S512-10- 7598 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/10/10 7590: Charles Duvall vs. Isaac Jones, Nathan Jones, and Nathan Waters. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Robin Hoods Retreat, Contention. Accession No.: 17,898-7590 MSA S512-10- 7599 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/01/22 7591: Richard B. Dorsey, Maria A. Dorsey, Robert E. Dorsey, James M. Dorsey, and William J. Dorsey vs. Archibald Stuart, Eleanor Stuart, Hugh Holmes, Elizabeth Holmes, Parmenas Briscoe, Ann Briscoe, Nicholas Crist, Ruth Crist, Cornelius Baldwin, and Mary Baldwin. MO. Petition to sell Pigman and Burgess Defeat, Resurvey on Dickinsons Lot, Samuels Lot, John and James Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 461.
Accession No.: 17,898-7591 MSA S512-10- 7600 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/01/09 7592: James T. Davis and Catherine S. Davis vs. Thomas Hawkins. CH. Contract to purchase Hagans Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-7592 MSA S512-10- 7601 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/09/12 7593: Thomas Davidson vs. Joseph Steuart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7593 MSA S512-10- 7602 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/12/01 7594: Jonathan Davis, John Mecaskey, and Anne Mecaskey vs. Joseph Bryan and Benjamin Smith. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bohemia Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-7594 MSA S512-10- 7603 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/04/30 7595: Elizabeth Denny vs. Charles H. Denny and Mary A. Denny. AA. Petition to sell Rual Felicity. Accession No.: 17,898-7595 MSA S512-10- 7604 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/05/13 7596: Thomas H. Dorsey vs. Jeremiah L. Boyd, Samuel Baum, and Aaron Duvall. AA. Contract to build a house. Accession No.: 17,898-7596 MSA S512-10- 7605 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/10/26 7597: Maria Duvall vs. Alfred Beckett. PG. Contract to purchase corn. Accession No.: 17,898-7597 MSA S512-10- 7606 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/07/23 7598: Elizabeth Dorsey. AA. Trust estate under will of John Dorsey. Accession No.: 17,898-7598 MSA S512-10- 7607 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/12/27 7599: Clement Dorsey vs. Charles S. Smith. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7599 MSA S512-10- 7608 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/01/12 7600: Benjamin Dent, Jr. vs. Catherine Mason, Edetch Mason, and Sarah Mason. CH. Petition to sell slave Minto. Accession No.: 17,898-7600 MSA S512-10- 7609 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/09/09 7601: Thomas Davis and Elizabeth Linthicum vs. Joseph May. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Callenby, Brewers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 726. Accession No.: 17,898-7601 MSA S512-10- 7610 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/12/03 7603: William M. Dallam, Francis J. Dallam, and Abraham Jarrett vs. Mary Griffith, Frances Griffith, John L. Griffith, Luke Griffith, and Samuel Griffith. HA. Petition to sell Fannys Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 509. Accession No.: 17,898-7603 MSA S512-10- 7611 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/04/05 7605: Frederick Dawson and Philip T. Dawson vs. Thomas Sutliff and Thomas W. Brotherton. BA. Defraud of creditors of Sutliff. Accession No.: 17,898-7605 MSA S512-10- 7612 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/05/22 7606: John A. Diffenderfer, Maria Diffenderfer, Carter A. Hall, Anne M. Hall, Elizabeth Horton, and Daniel Brunner vs. Emily Diffenderfer Brunner, Maria C. Brunner, and Christiana S. Brunner. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 230.
Accession No.: 17,898-7606 MSA S512-10- 7613 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/07/23 7607: Roderick Dorsey vs. Benjamin Todd, John Hood, and Isaiah Hood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Neals Chance, Chesnutt Hill, Warfield and Snowden. Accession No.: 17,898-7607 MSA S512-10- 7614 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/10/07 7608: Henry B. Darnall and Dorothy Midkiff vs. Thomas Joyce and Austin Woolfolk. AA. Injunctions against sale of slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-7608 MSA S512-10- 7615 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/15 7609: Jane G. Doyle vs. Ellen McComas, Alexander C. Robinson, and William K. McComas. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7609 MSA S512-10- 7616 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/07/26 7610: Uriah Dean and Samuel Dean vs. George Hart, Gilbert Wingate, Mary Wingate, William Henry Pritchett, and Maria Emory Dean. DO. Title to Wingates Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-7610 MSA S512-10- 7617 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/02/24 7611: James L. Dunn vs. Thomas B. Hynson. KE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7611-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7618 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/12/07 7614: Thomas H. Dorsey vs. Rebecca S. Miller, Allaretta Miller, William Miller, James Miller, Henry Miller, Emma Miller, Robert Miller, John T. Miller, and Mary Miller. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Calebs Purchase, Anvil, Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-7614 MSA S512-10- 7619 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/01/03 7615: Thomas J. Worthington, Walter C. Hammond, and Matilda Hammond vs. Ely Dorsey, John W. Dorsey, Thomas W. Dorsey, Elizabeth R. Howard, Joshua Howard, Lydia M. Howard, Ridgley Howard, Sarah R. Howard, Richard Johnson, Juliana Johnson, Sabritt Sollers, Mary Sollers, Otho Spriggs, Anne Spriggs, Ignatius Waters, and Eliza Waters. AA. Petition to partition Neighbors Spright.
Accession No.: 17,898-7615 MSA S512-10- 7620 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/06/10 7616: Ann Davis vs. Thomas B. Gibbons, Samuel Childs, and Thomas Perry. CH. Injunction against sale of slaves Kitty, Harriet, Peter, and Letty. Accession No.: 17,898-7616 MSA S512-10- 7621 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/10/28 7617: Zachariah Duvall vs. Richard J. Jones and James F. Brice. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7617 MSA S512-10- 7622 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/03/06 7619: Charles Dean vs. William Dean, Mary Dean, William Dean, Casenra Dean, Leonard Booze, Elsie Booze, Sophia Dean, Susan Dean, Slater Dean, Virginia A. Dean, and Matthew Mister. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from land. Accession No.: 17,898-7619 MSA S512-10- 7623 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/02/19 7620: Mortimer Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, John Dorsey, Odel Wheeler, Caroline Wheeler, Nelson Norris, Eliza Norris, Richard Dorsey, John Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, Leftimus Dorsey, John Hood, and Louisa Hood vs. Ephraim Etchison. MO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 160.
Accession No.: 17,898-7620 MSA S512-10- 7624 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/07/19 7621: Isabella Dinsmore and Adam B. Kyle vs. Cave Birmingham, John Birmingham, Andrew Birmingham, Thomas Birmingham, Olivia Birmingham, Mary Birmingham, James Birmingham, William Birmingham, Edward Birmingham, and Samuel Birmingham. AA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7621 MSA S512-10- 7625 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/08/27 7622: Benjamin Deford vs. Abraham Hurst. AA. Petition to sell slaves Charlotte, Sophie, and Milly. Accession No.: 17,898-7622 MSA S512-10- 7626 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/02/14 7623: John Duvall vs. Isaac G. Magruder. AA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-7623 MSA S512-10- 7627 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/12/30 7624: Thomas B. Dorsey, Jr. vs. Caleb Dorsey, Mary Ann Dorsey, Reuben Dorsey, Charles W. Dorsey, Sarah W. Dorsey, and E. Zubian Dorsey. Howard District. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-7624 MSA S512-10- 7628 Location: 1/38/3/
1808/06/27 7625: Rebecca Dulany vs. Henry Thompson, Ann L. Thompson, Charles Wirgman, Sarah S. Wirgman, William L. Bowley, Frances R. Bowley, Rebecca M. Bowley, Samuel H. Bowley, and Eliza Bowley. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC, Enloes Point, Caladonia. Plat of lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 72, p. 193.
Accession No.: 17,898-7625-1/8 MSA S512-10- 7629 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/03/02 7627: Caroline Calvert, George Calvert, John H. Calvert, Henrietta M. Calvert, Thomas A. Calvert, and Marietta Calvert vs. George B. Calvert. MO. Estate of Thomas Cramphin - Garter Lost, Watery Branch, Hermitage. Accession No.: 17,898-7627 MSA S512-10- 7630 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/10/26 7628: Dathan Dorsey vs. Maria Dorsey, Charles Warfield, Ann Warfield, Humphrey Dorsey, Rachel Dorsey, Samuel T. Owings, William Owings, Sally Owings, and Ann Owings. AA. Title to Dorseys Grove, Benjamins Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-7628 MSA S512-10- 7631 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/02/12 7629: Rachel Edger, Mary Edger, Nancy Edger, Zebedee Edger, and Woolford Edger vs. John Roberts and Sophia Roberts. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7629 MSA S512-10- 7632 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/06/24 7630: Emily F. Everett and Araminta Frazier vs. William B. Everett. KE. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-7630 MSA S512-10- 7633 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/08/24 7631: Rezin Estep vs. Edward Cowley, William Cowley, Benjamin Cowley, Thomas Cowley, Sarah Cowley, Rezin Hopkins, and Ann Hopkins. AA. Petition to sell Hopkins Fancy, Hills Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 568. Accession No.: 17,898-7631-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7634 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/06/19 7632: Francis Edelen vs. Walter Beall, Lucy Barrett, and Ann Renor. PG. Title to Tolsons Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-7632 MSA S512-10- 7635 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/10/09 7633: Catherine Evans, Elizabeth Evans, Achsah Evans, Mareen M. Duvall, and Harriett Duvall vs. Charles R. Stewart and Anne Stewart. AA. Petition to sell White Hall, What You Will. Accession No.: 17,898-7633 MSA S512-10- 7636 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/09/12 7634: Ephraim Etchison, Odel Wheeler, Caroline Wheeler, Mortimer Dorsey, Richard Dorsey, John Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, Nelson Norris, Eliza Norris, John Hood, and Louisa Hood vs. Mary Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, and Leftimus Dorsey. MO. Estate of Col. Richard Dorsey - Starrs Fancy, Resurvey on Starrs Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 173.
Accession No.: 17,898-7634 MSA S512-10- 7637 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/03/02 7635: Thomas Elliott and Richard Elliott vs. Tilghman Mackabee. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7635 MSA S512-10- 7638 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/07/27 7636: John Ellicott, Daniel Hines, Thomas Hines, Susan Hines, James H. Braden, Anna M. Braden, George B. Hines, Elizabeth C. Hines, Helen Hines, and Alexander S. Hines vs. Thomas C. Miller. AA. Petition to sell September 14, 1739 I was born John Hammond son of John, Champion Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 413.
Accession No.: 17,898-7636 MSA S512-10- 7639 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/01 7637: Joseph R. Eccleston vs. Melvin Traverse, Thomas Traverse, and Deurnex Traverse. TA. Petition to sell Landing Neck, Bambury, Nominy. Accession No.: 17,898-7637-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7640 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/02/09 7638: Thomas J. Evans and Mary C. Evans vs. John R. Gittings and Ann Emory. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7638 MSA S512-10- 7641 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/12/16 7639: Benjamin Ellicott vs. Thomas Ellicott and Charles T. Ellicott. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7639 MSA S512-10- 7642 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/07/16 7640: Richard Emory and Ann Emory vs. John Merryman, Jr. and Ann L. Merryman. BA. Estate of Elijah Bosley. Accession No.: 17,898-7640 MSA S512-10- 7643 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/04/08 7641: William O. Eichelberger vs. Nathan Harrison. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7641 MSA S512-10- 7644 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/11/07 7642: John England vs. Rebecca England, Charles Gamble, Rachel A. Gamble, Maria Townsend, Kirk Townsend, Haines Townsend, L.T. Townsend, and Sarah T. England. CE. Petition to sell Widows Lot, Bethel, Cow Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 363.
Accession No.: 17,898-7642-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7645 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/07/02 7643: Patrick Ewing vs. George Fairley and Absalom Roman. CE. Petition to sell Teagues Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 367. Accession No.: 17,898-7643 MSA S512-10- 7646 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/05/05 7644: Thomas Esgate vs. John Scott, Margaret Grayless, Joshua Lucas, Willoughby Lucas, and Jonah Kelley. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7644 MSA S512-10- 7647 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/06/11 7645: Richard Estep, Henry A. Hall, and Edward Tillard vs. Thomas Taneyhill. CV. Petition to sell slaves Dinah, Richard, John, and Tom. Accession No.: 17,898-7645 MSA S512-10- 7648 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/07/30 7646: James Ewing and Jeremiah Spicer vs. John Starkey, Sarah Starkey, Arthur Bell, and Elizabeth Raszell. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 204. Accession No.: 17,898-7646-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7649 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/06/15 7647: Catherine Edmunds vs. Daniel Haubert, Jane Haubert, Ellen Edmunds, and Sarah Edmunds. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 627. Accession No.: 17,898-7647 MSA S512-10- 7650 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/10/10 7648: Hugh Davey Evans, Jacob W. Grafflin, and Stephen D. Grafflin vs. Grafton L. Dulany, Henrietta H. Hoffman, Sophia DeButts, Philip Rogers, George H. Rogers, Rebecca Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, Grafton Rogers, James L. Rogers, Henry Rogers, Frank Rogers, Samuel Rogers, and John Rogers. BA. Estate of Philip Rogers. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 780.
Accession No.: 17,898-7648 MSA S512-10- 7651 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/01/01 7649: Elizabeth England, Elisha H. England, and Samuel England vs. George England, John England, Joseph England, John Brown, Sarah Brown, Joseph Woolison, Mary Woolison, Isaac Brown, Elizabeth Brown, William Kirk, Hannah B. Kirk, Elisha Kirk, Thomas Brown, and Elizabeth Brown. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 111.
Accession No.: 17,898-7649 MSA S512-10- 7652 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/12/30 7650: George Ellicott vs. Edward Bryan. Howard District. Injunction against removal of timber from Great Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-7650 MSA S512-10- 7653 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/08/02 7651: Rudolph H. Evans vs. Daniel C.H. Emory, William M. Addison, Gustavus A. Thompson, and Richard B. Beall. BA. Injunction against conveyance of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-7651 MSA S512-10- 7654 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/10/27 7652: Hugh W. Evans vs. George Tiffany, Henry Tiffany, and Benjamin C. Ward. BA. Contract to purchase cotton shirtings. Accession No.: 17,898-7652 MSA S512-10- 7655 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/06/04 7653: George Earle vs. Isaac Smyth, Thomas S. Thomas, Jane E. Parker, and Caleb Parker. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7653 MSA S512-10- 7656 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/26 7654: George N. Eaton and Hooper C. Eaton vs. Joshua B. Baxley. BA. Dissolution of Eaton Bros. & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-7654 MSA S512-10- 7657 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/11/21 7655: Mary M. Ellicott, Thomas Ellicott, Sally Ann Ellicott, Richard B. Gilpin, Hannah E. Gilpin, Lydia E. Turnpenny, Mary T. Ellicott, Rebecca Ellicott, Catherine Ellicott, Elizabeth Ellicott, Washington T. Harper, Anne E. Harper, Tracy M. Janney, Jane Janney, Rachel E. Janney, Rebecca Janney, Frances Janney, and George H. Rogers vs. J. Samuel M. Janney, Thomas Ellicott, Evan Ellicott, Jane T.E. Poultney, and Eliza Poultney. BA. Petition to sell lot and warehouses in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-7655 MSA S512-10- 7658 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/02/17 7656: Joseph R. Eccleston vs. Henry Page, Samuel LeCompte, Hester A. LeCompte, Dennis LeCompte, and John LeCompte. SO. Petition to sell Garden of Eden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 10. Accession No.: 17,898-7656-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7659 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/03/09 7657: James Evans vs. Mary A. Pierson, Allen Pierson, Cloud Pierson, Julia A. Pierson, James C. Pierson, Susanna Pierson, Mary J. Pierson, and Isabella M. Pierson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 718.
Accession No.: 17,898-7657-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7660 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/02/11 7658: Rezin Estep, Isaac Owens, Alexander MacDonald, and Nicholas G. Ridgely vs. Rebecca Watkins and Richard G. Watkins. AA. Defraud of creditors of Richard G. Watkins - Nathans Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-7658-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7661 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/06/26 7659: John E. Eskridge, Eliza Eskridge, and Eliza Eskridge. DO. Trust estate of John Eskridge and Eliza Eskridge - Woolfords Purchase, Talls Regulation, Wilderness. Accession No.: 17,898-7659 MSA S512-10- 7662 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/04/04 7660: Ulrick Egler and Andrew Pouder vs. John Lemmon, Sarah Lemmon, George Lemmon, Catherine Lemmon, Rachel Lemmon, and Elizabeth Ray. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rochester. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 566. Accession No.: 17,898-7660 MSA S512-10- 7663 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/11/27 7661: John B. Eccleston vs. James P. Wickes, Charlotte A. Wickes, and Marie L. Spencer. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bannings Resurvey on Smyths Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7661 MSA S512-10- 7664 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/06/26 7662: Emory & Stevens vs. Morris Roach and Samuel Sewell. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7662-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7665 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/10/10 7663: William Evans vs. Leah Webster, David Webster, Michael Webster, Gabriel S. Webster, Hamilton S. Webster, Joseph Beauchamp, Caroline Beauchamp, George A.A. Gibson, Elizabeth Gibson, Harry T. Gibson, Mary C. Gibson, and John T.V.P. Gibson. SO. Petition to sell Northforeland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 238.
Accession No.: 17,898-7663-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7666 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/15 7664: Elysville Manufacturing Co. vs. Okisko Co. BA, Howard District. Contract to purchase Limestone Valley, Johns Beginning, cotton mill. Accession No.: 17,898-7664-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7667 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/10/11 7665: William V.M. Edmundson vs. Nimrod Newton, Nathaniel Walker, Alexander Walker, Levin Walker, and Franklin Walker. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-7665-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7668 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/06/24 7666: Jacob Eshleman vs. Richard Burr and James Boyd. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Havre de Grace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-7666 MSA S512-10- 7669 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/02/21 7667: Robert Edwards vs. William Edwards, Henry F. Friese, and William Winn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 252. Accession No.: 17,898-7667 MSA S512-10- 7670 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/07/25 7668: Jonathon Ellicott vs. Samuel Ellicott, Jr. and Philip T. Ellicott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-7668 MSA S512-10- 7671 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/06/30 7669: Robert Emory vs. Deborah Bordley and John W. Bordley. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hilsdon Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-7669 MSA S512-10- 7672 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/05/03 7670: Charles Ellicott and Thomas Ellicott vs. Philip W. Thomas. AA. Estate of James Ellicott - Hills Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-7670 MSA S512-10- 7673 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/09/21 7671: Joseph Evans, James Iglehart, William S. Green, George McNeir, and Henry Matthews vs. Somerville Pinkney, Mary Shaw, Eliza Shaw, Thomas S. Shaw, Thomas Franklin, and Elizabeth Franklin. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 916.
Accession No.: 17,898-7671-1/7 MSA S512-10- 7674 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/09/09 7672: Federal Earickson vs. William Collison. TA. Petition to sell Delahays Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 94. Accession No.: 17,898-7672 MSA S512-10- 7675 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/04/28 7673: John C. Edwards, Edward W. Edwards, Benjamin Edwards, Anne E. Edwards, Thomas H. Edwards, Emory Edwards, Robert M. Anderson, and Mary E. Anderson vs. Samuel M. Edwards. KE. Petition to sell Worton Manor, Carola, Budds Discovery, Budds Meadows, Locust Point, Cornwallis, Doe Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-7673 MSA S512-10- 7676 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/11/25 7674: Elizabeth Evans vs. Joseph Evans. AA. Estate of James Soper - Sopers Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-7674 MSA S512-10- 7677 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/29 7675: Gideon Emory and William McQuinn vs. Edward L. Fant and Mary A. Fant. BA. Estate of William McQuinn. Accession No.: 17,898-7675 MSA S512-10- 7678 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/12/23 7676: John Ewing, Sr. vs. William H. Ewing, Lydia Ewing, George W. Ewing, and John Ewing, Jr. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7676-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7679 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/01/23 7677: George M. Eichelberger, Caroline T. Harding, Eleanor C. Harding, Ann L. Harding, and John L. Harding vs. Thomas Buchanan, Eli Buchanan, John Buchanan, Jr., William M. Beall, and Theressa McElfresh. FR, WA. Trust estate of Caroline T. Harding, Eleanor C. Harding, Ann L. Harding, and John L. Harding. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 228.
Accession No.: 17,898-7677-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7680 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/10/11 7678: William Eckert vs. John Scarborough, Jr. and Benjamin Miller. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Consent. Accession No.: 17,898-7678 MSA S512-10- 7681 Location: 1/38/3/
1789/02/05 7679: Joseph Ensor. BA. Appointment of trustee for Ensor. Accession No.: 17,898-7679 MSA S512-10- 7682 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/05/06 7680: Thomas Evans vs. John Clark, Orson Kellogg, Anthony Whiteley, and Richard Bevan. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7680 MSA S512-10- 7683 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/06/03 7681: John Elliott and Sarah Elliott vs. Charles G. Warfield, Vachel H. Warfield, William Warfield, Allen D. Warfield, Joshua Marriott, and Henry Marriott. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 717. Accession No.: 17,898-7681 MSA S512-10- 7684 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/03/13 7682: Richard Estep and Henry A. Hall vs. Ann Sparrow, Joseph G. Hutton, Aseneth G. Hutton, Enoch A. Hutton, and William F. Hutton. AA. Petition to sell Purnalls Angle, Grammers Chance, Addition to St. Jeromes. Accession No.: 17,898-7682 MSA S512-10- 7685 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/15 7683: Joseph Evans and James Iglehart vs. Susan Merriken, Joseph E. Merriken, Maloina Merriken, George Merriken, William Merriken, Eleanor A. Merriken, Sarah Merriken, and Andrew J. Merriken. AA. Petition to sell slaves Rachel, Sarah, Nancy, and Emily. Accession No.: 17,898-7683 MSA S512-10- 7686 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/05/20 7684: Richard Estep, Henry A. Hall, and Levin M. Ballard vs. Mary D. Allein, Janett Drury, Sarah Drury, and Matilda Drury. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7684 MSA S512-10- 7687 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/05/11 7685: Rezin Estep vs. Mary Wood, Susan Wood, and Sarah Wood. AA. Petition to sell Carter Bennett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 132. Accession No.: 17,898-7685 MSA S512-10- 7688 Location: 1/38/3/
1818/11/28 7686: Henry Ecard, Jonah Buffington, Magdalina Buffington, Solomon Rennor, Barbara Rennor, Thompson McCrea, Mary McCrea, John Copling, Elizabeth Copling, Jacob Copling, and Catherine Copling. FR. Trust estate under will of John Ecard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 54 and 36, p. 389.
Accession No.: 17,898-7686-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7689 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/09 7687: John S. Everist, Mary Everist, Madison Rowland, and Eleanor Rowland vs. Joseph Patten, William Patten, John Evans, Sarah Evans, William Cameron, and Margaret Cameron. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 152.
Accession No.: 17,898-7687 MSA S512-10- 7690 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/01/17 7688: Lydia Egan vs. Charles Mayger, Mary Mayger, Elizabeth McCafferty, Benjamin French, David French, Aquilla Massey, and Elizabeth Massey. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-7688 MSA S512-10- 7691 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/09/24 7689: James Evans of James, H. Reynolds, J. Reynolds, and William Sterling vs. Rebecca H. Woodrow, William Woodrow, Stephen Woodrow, Samuel Coale, Susanna Coale, James Brown, Rachel Brown, Alexander Nesbett, Ellen Nesbett, Hiram King, Deborah King, and Elizabeth Trump. CE. Petition to sell Mackeys Choice, Edmistons Heights. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 176.
Accession No.: 17,898-7689 MSA S512-10- 7692 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/07/04 7690: John Ensor and G.L. Duhurst vs. Charles Mentzell and Catherine Mentzell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7690 MSA S512-10- 7693 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/10/19 7691: Basil Edmondson vs. Thomas Snowden, Thomas S. Alexander, Thomas Duckett, Robert Welch of Ben, William B. Trump, Daniel Bucky, and Levin Kemp. AA. Title to Justifiable, Ridgelys Great Park. Accession No.: 17,898-7691 MSA S512-10- 7694 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/12/03 7692: George Ellicott vs. Dennis Read and Nicholas G. Wells. HO. Contract to purchase Chews Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 272. Accession No.: 17,898-7692 MSA S512-10- 7695 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/24 7693: William O. Eichelberger vs. Nathan Harrison. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7693 MSA S512-10- 7696 Location: 1/38/3/
1792/12/19 7694: Andrew S. Ennals, Robert Gilmore, and Joseph Haskins vs. John Morgan. CA. Estate of William Morgan. Accession No.: 17,898-7694 MSA S512-10- 7697 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/09/06 7695: Frederick Ehlsleger, Lewis Wies, George Kraft, John Smith, Jacob Smith, Jacob Heinmuller, Carl Maier, Daniel Zerwee, Christian Carl, Christopher Gauer, John Schmitt, John F. Rake, Johan Berensticher, Bernharst Ritter, John Matthias, John G. Schleigh, Frederick Hoffman, and Christian Pappe vs. Jacob Erb, Frederick Kraft, Jacob Grosby, Michael Frey, and Frederick Fant. BA. Title to land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7695 MSA S512-10- 7698 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/01/29 7697: Solomon Etting vs. James Moore, James Tracy, and William O. Eichelberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7697 MSA S512-10- 7699 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/01/20 7698: Rezin Estep vs. Ephraim Tradewell. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-7698 MSA S512-10- 7700 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/07/21 7699: Henry Elliott vs. Thomas D. Johnston, Maria E. Johnston, George T. Dunbar, and Samuel J. Donaldson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 495. Accession No.: 17,898-7699 MSA S512-10- 7701 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/06/19 7700: Reuben Etting, Solomon Etting, Kitty Etting, Hetty Etting, Sally Etting, Frances Taylor, and Elizabeth Mickle vs. Jonas A. Phillips, Rebecca Phillips, Catherine Phillips, Myer H. Phillips, Gabriel Phillips, Ellen Phillips, Levy S. Phillips, and Emily Phillips. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 548.
Accession No.: 17,898-7700-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7702 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/05/03 7701: Thomas Ellicott vs. Philip W. Thomas. AA. Estate of James Ellicott - Hills Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-7701 MSA S512-10- 7703 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/10/17 7702: Rezin Estep vs. William P. Hardesty and Harriet Hardesty. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-7702 MSA S512-10- 7704 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/03/30 7703: George Ellicott and John A. Ellicott vs. Thomas Ellicott, Evan T. Ellicott, and Andrew Ellicott. BA. Estate of John Ellicott. Accession No.: 17,898-7703-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7705 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/09/23 7704: Samuel Ellicott, Elias H. Ellicott, Philip T. Ellicott, John Ellicott, John A. Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, Sr., Andrew Ellicott, Jr., Benjamin Ellicott, Benjamin H. Ellicott, and George Ellicott vs. Thomas Ellicott, William M. Ellicott, Sarah A. Ellicott, Mary S. Ellicott, Rebecca Ellicott, Elizabeth Ellicott, Catherine Ellicott, Lydia Turnpenny, Hannah Gilpin, Eliza Ellicott, Evan T. Ellicott, Anne Harper, Martha McPherson, Hannah McPherson, Lydia McPherson, Sarah McPherson, Isaac McPherson, William McPherson, Thomas Fisher, Letitia Fisher, Philip W. Thomas, Jonathon Ellicott, Lewin Wethered, Elizabeth Wethered, Joseph King, Tracey King, Henry Hughes, Elias Hughes, James Hughes, Esther McPherson, Nathaniel B. Whitaker, Ann Whitaker, Nathaniel H. Ellicott, Elizabeth E. Lee, Nathan Tyson, Martha Tyson, William J. Rawlings, Jane Rawlings, Mary W. Watkins, Nicholas E. Watkins, Elizabeth W. Thomas, and William Montgomery Thomas. AA, BA. Estate of Charles T. Ellicott - warehouse and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7704-1/7 MSA S512-10- 7706 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/06/22 7705: Thomas L. Emory, Jr. vs. Edward J. Willson. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Brothers Agreement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 36. Accession No.: 17,898-7705 MSA S512-10- 7707 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/15 7706: John J. Essender, Catherine E. Essender, and Andrew Schorb vs. Isaac Winter, Mary Ann Winter, Allen Paine, and George T. Essender. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 275.
Accession No.: 17,898-7706-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7708 Location: 1/38/3/
1815/03/13 7707: Moses Ewing vs. James Ewing, Jane Grubb, Thomas Grubb, Alexander Grubb, Joseph Grubb, Isabella Grubb, James Grubb, and William Grubb. CE. Petition to sell Fountaindale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-7707-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7709 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/05/21 7708: James Ewing vs. Rebecca Job. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Jobs Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-7708 MSA S512-10- 7710 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/07/08 7709: John Epaugh vs. George Palmer. BA. Contract to purchase Harts Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-7709-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7711 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/07/22 7710: Henry F. Evans vs. Elizabeth W. Evans. WO. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-7710 MSA S512-10- 7712 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/06/27 7711: James Ewing vs. Amos Pugh, Job S. Pugh, Reese Pugh, Jesse Pugh, Chandler Pugh, Townsend Pugh, and Sarah E. Pugh. CE. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7711 MSA S512-10- 7713 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/11/23 7713: Thomas Edmondson, Jr. vs. George Howard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-7713 MSA S512-10- 7714 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/12/05 7714: Nathaniel H. Ellicott, Samuel Ellicott, Jonathan H. Ellicott, Benjamin H. Ellicott, Mary A. Ellicott, Jonathan E. Tyson, Lloyd Norris, Sarah E. Norris, William A. Tyson, Samuel E. Tyson, Mary Tyson, Elizabeth Tyson, Frances E. Tyson, Jane Tyson, Eliza George, Ann George, Thomas R. Fisher, and Letitia E. Fisher vs. Eleanor Norris, Edward Tyson, Charles Tyson, Martha A. Tyson, Nathaniel E. Tyson, Letitia Tyson, Philip T. George, Jonathan George, Robert George, Sarah H. George, Frances E. George, Mary A. George, and William George. BA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-7714 MSA S512-10- 7715 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/07/05 7715: Andrew Entz vs. John Pauly, Martha Pauly, Elizabeth Pauly, Margaret Pauly, Ann Pauly, Sophia Pauly, John Pauly, Jr., and John Saumenig. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7715 MSA S512-10- 7716 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/03/12 7716: Jonathan Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, George Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, and Thomas Ellicott vs. Benjamin Ellicott and Charles Ellicott. AA. Title to Moores Morning Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 53. Accession No.: 17,898-7716 MSA S512-10- 7717 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/05/19 7717: Evan T. Ellicott and Andrew Ellicott vs. Edward Hewes, Elias Hewes, Henry Hewes, James Hewes, Mary Hewes, and John Hewes. BA. Petition to sell Mount Misery, West Ilchester, Timber Lane, Magnet, Square, Diamond. Accession No.: 17,898-7717-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7718 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/09/30 7718: George Marquis Ehrman and Jacob Ehrman vs. Amos Jarvis. BA. Estate of Hannah Jarvis. Accession No.: 17,898-7718 MSA S512-10- 7719 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/04/30 7719: William W. Eccleston vs. John Harper. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Harpers Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 166. Accession No.: 17,898-7719 MSA S512-10- 7720 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/07/08 7720: John Epaugh vs. Nicholas Bull, Jemima Bull, John Bull, and Shadrack Bull. BA. Contract to purchase Taylors Delight, Rocky Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-7720 MSA S512-10- 7721 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/03/08 7721: Joseph Evans and James Iglehart vs. Mary Stockett, Richard L. Stockett, and Joseph Stockett. AA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 635. Accession No.: 17,898-7721 MSA S512-10- 7722 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/10/11 7723: Thomas H. Eccleston and Dorothy A. Eccleston vs. Catherine Tubman, Robert Tubman, Dorothy Tubman, Anne Keene, and Ellinor Tubman. DO. Title to Ennalls Forrest of Friendship, Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-7723 MSA S512-10- 7723 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/10/06 7724: John A. Ellicott, Nathaniel E. Ellicott, Jonathan Ellicott, and Andrew Ellicott, Jr. vs. Charles Carroll of Carrollton and Larkin Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase Addition to Timber Neck, Pole Cat Glade. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-7724 MSA S512-10- 7724 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/03/29 7725: Catherine Evans vs. Mary Evans and Caroline Evans. AA. Appointment of trustee for Mary Evans and Caroline Evans. Accession No.: 17,898-7725 MSA S512-10- 7725 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/05/15 7726: Charles Ellicott and T. Ellicott vs. Rebecca Thomas, James M. Thomas, Margaret Thomas, Mary Thomas, Wilson Thomas, Philip W. Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, and William M. Thomas. AA. Petition to partition Hills Delight, Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 100.
Accession No.: 17,898-7726 MSA S512-10- 7726 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/06/27 7727: James Ewing vs. Thomas Alexander and Joseph Trimble. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hills Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-7727 MSA S512-10- 7727 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/04 7728: William M. Ellicott and Samuel Poultney. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Greshams Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 167. Accession No.: 17,898-7728-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7728 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/01/23 7729: John Elder vs. William Stevenson, Ann Stevenson, Thomas Bond, John Nicodemus, and Thomas Hillen. BA. Estate of Richard Stevenson. Accession No.: 17,898-7729 MSA S512-10- 7729 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/09/04 7730: Joseph Evans, James Iglehart, Thomas Elliott, and Ann Stockett vs. John Knighton, James Shaw, Jeremiah Hughes, Dennis Claude, Ann Claude, Benjamin Elliott, Mary A. Elliott, and Thomas Elliott. AA. Petition to sell Poplar Ridge, Bettys Park, Pierpoints Branch Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 998.
Accession No.: 17,898-7730-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7730 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/03/07 7731: Joseph Evans and Sarah Wells. AA. Petition to sell Roper Gray, Happy Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-7731-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7731 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/04/25 7732: Rezin Estep vs. Nicholas Brewer, Alfred Weeks, Margaret Weeks, Mary E. Weeks, William H. Weeks, and John Weeks. AA. Petition to sell Portland Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 170. Accession No.: 17,898-7732-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7732 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/03/12 7733: Joseph Evans and James Iglehart vs. Richard Thompson and Rinaldo Tydings. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7733 MSA S512-10- 7733 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/08/05 7734: Peter Eisenbrey vs. Henry Eisenbrey, John Eisenbrey, Philip Eisenbrey, Jacob Eisenbrey, and Maria Eisenbrey. KE. Petition to sell Worton Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 567. Accession No.: 17,898-7734 MSA S512-10- 7734 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/12/21 7735: Rezin Estep vs. Rachel H. Watkins, Benjamin Watkins, and John Claytor. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7735 MSA S512-10- 7735 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/07/21 7736: Jonathan Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, and George Ellicott vs. Samuel Ellicott and Rachel Ellicott. BA. Contract to purchase West Illchester. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 31. Accession No.: 17,898-7736 MSA S512-10- 7736 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/09/28 7737: Esther Ellis, Francis A. Ellis, Philip H. Ellis, and Rowland A. Ellis vs. Sophia Ellis. CE, KE. Petition to partition tavern and lot in Elkton in CE. Also wharf and lot at Turners Creek Point in KE. Accession No.: 17,898-7737 MSA S512-10- 7737 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/03/30 7738: George Ellicott vs. Thomas Ellicott, Evan T. Ellicott, and Evan Poultney. BA. Estate of Andrew Ellicott. Accession No.: 17,898-7738 MSA S512-10- 7738 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/10/23 7739: Robert Edwards vs. John Slee, Elizabeth Slee, John Slee, Joseph Slee, Israel Slee, Asael Slee, Jane Slee, Sarah Slee, Elizabeth Slee, Mary Slee, and Martha Slee. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Leigh of Leighton. Accession No.: 17,898-7739 MSA S512-10- 7739 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/09/01 7740: Thomas L. Emory and William Wallis vs. Rebecca S. Roy, George Roy, Agnes Roy, and Lydia Roy. CE. Trust estate of defendants - lots in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 580. Accession No.: 17,898-7740 MSA S512-10- 7740 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/09/21 7741: Thomas Ellicott vs. Evan T. Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, Benjamin Ellicott, Jr., Thomas Ellicott, Jr., John Ellicott, Samuel Ellicott, Jr., Elias Ellicott, Henry Ellicott, Philip Ellicott, Levin Wethered, Elizabeth Wethered, John Hewes, Rachel Hewes, Joseph King, Jr., Tacy King, David Stewart, and Robert Wilson. BA. Petition to sell Mount Misery, West Illchester, Timber Lane, Magnet, Diamond. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 909.
Accession No.: 17,898-7741-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7741 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/01/09 7742: Hugh W. Evans and Joseph Todhunter vs. Mechanics Bank, John Hart, William Gwynn, and William Jenkins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Royal. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 19. Accession No.: 17,898-7742 MSA S512-10- 7742 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/01/27 7743: Columbus Evatt vs. John Glenn, John Evatt, Edward Evatt, Ellen Evatt, Sarah A. Evatt, and Hannah Evatt. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-7743-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7743 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/04/22 7744: Richard T. Earle vs. Eliza Jones and Arthur Jones. QA. Estate of Alfred Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-7744 MSA S512-10- 7744 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/09/09 7745: Robert Emory and John Emory vs. Susan F. Emory, Catherine A. Emory, and Samuel W. Emory. CA. Petition to sell lot in Hillsborough. Accession No.: 17,898-7745 MSA S512-10- 7745 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/08/30 7746: Mary Edmondson vs. Martin F. Higgins and Henry Knowles. MO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1001. Accession No.: 17,898-7746 MSA S512-10- 7746 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/10/11 7747: Jonathan H. Ellicott, Benjamin H. Ellicott, Letitia E. Fisher, and Thomas R. Fisher vs. Nathaniel H. Ellicott, Mary Anne Ellicott, Lloyd Norris, Sarah Norris, Jonathan E. Tyson, William A. Tyson, Sammuel E. Tyson, Mary A. Tyson, Elizabeth Tyson, Frances E. Tyson, James S. Tyson, Edward Tyson, Charles Tyson, Martha A. Tyson, Letitia Tyson, Nathaniel E. Tyson, John D. Early, Eliza Early, Henry M. Fitzhugh, Ann Fitzhugh, Philip T. George, Jonathan E. George, Robert George, Sarah H. George, Francis E. George, Mary A. George, and William E. George. BA, Howard District. Petition to sell lots in Ellicott City. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 239
Accession No.: 17,898-7747-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7747 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/04/26 7748: James Ewing and Benjamin Miller vs. Robert F. Walter. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 561. Accession No.: 17,898-7748 MSA S512-10- 7748 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/26 7749: Thomas J. Evans and Mary C. Evans vs. John R. Gittings, Mary Gittings, Richard Emory, Ann Emory, and William F. Frick. BA, HA. Petition to partition Oakley on Long Green, Browns Farm in BA. Also Brooks Cross, Standifords Claim Resurveyed in BA and HA. Plats of Browns Farm, Brooks Cross, Standifords Claim Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-7749-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7749 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/02/17 7750: William Earle and Catherine McNier vs. William Dawes, Benjamin Dawes, William Bryan, John B. Nichols, and John E. Nichols. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7750-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7750 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/08/06 7751: Kirkpatrick Ewing and Malvina Ewing vs. Margaret Moore, Merrick A. Jewett, Mary Jewett, Hannah Moore, Margaret Moore, Elizabeth Moore, George David Moore, and Nathan Moore. BA. Estate of Henry Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-7751-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7751 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/08/14 7752: Thomas Ellicott vs. Thomas Tyson and John S. Tyson. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7752 MSA S512-10- 7752 Location: 1/38/3/
1815/10/23 7753: Peter Edmondson, Caleb Boyer, Jacob Lockerman, and Nicholas Hammond vs. Elizabeth N. Noel, Thomas Noel, Sarah Noel, Joseph N. Noel, Hester W. Noel, William R. Stuart, Ariana Stuart, Samuel Wright, Mary Wright, John Dames, Henrietta M. Frazier, and Francis Asbury Boyer. CA. Petition to sell land. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 425.
Accession No.: 17,898-7753-1/8 MSA S512-10- 7753 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/03/25 7754: Ephraim Etchison and John Etchison vs. Mahlon Chandlee, Joshua Price, Hannah Price, George Ellicott, Elizabeth Ellicott, Charles Price, George Price, Deborah Price, Edward Price, Edwin Chandlee, and Eliza Chandlee. MO. Petition to correct deed for Brook Fields, Resurvey on Brook Fields, Hard Bought.
Accession No.: 17,898-7754 MSA S512-10- 7754 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/02/19 7755: William Eichelberger, William Gwynn, and Samuel Cameron vs. Milton Stapp. BA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-7755 MSA S512-10- 7755 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/10/04 7756: Richard Elliott vs. Thomas Elliott. AA. Estate of Thomas Elliott. Accession No.: 17,898-7756 MSA S512-10- 7756 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/12/22 7757: Hugh William Evans vs. Elisha De Butts. BA. Contract to manufacture white lead. Accession No.: 17,898-7757-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7757 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/02/07 7758: Samuel Essex vs. Nancy Sewell, George Millsmon, Mary Millsmon, Benjamin Stansbury, Sarah Stansbury, Leroy Swormstadt, Samuel Swormstadt, Luther Swormstadt, Sidney Swormstadt, and Lorenzo D. Swormstadt. CV. Contract to purchase My Lordships Favor.
Accession No.: 17,898-7758 MSA S512-10- 7758 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/03/28 7759: James Ewing vs. William B. Biles. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Spring Town, Laconia. Accession No.: 17,898-7759 MSA S512-10- 7759 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/09/18 7760: Patrick Ewing and David Brown vs. Henry E. Bateman and Edward L. Foard. CE. Injunction against sale of Dividing. Accession No.: 17,898-7760 MSA S512-10- 7760 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/12/05 7761: Evan T. Ellicott vs. Charles A. Mette. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7761 MSA S512-10- 7761 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/06/03 7762: John Elliott and Sarah Elliott vs. Charles G. Warfield and Ellena Warfield. AA. Estate of Vachel Warfield - Duvalls Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-7762 MSA S512-10- 7762 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/06/30 7763: Hugh W. Evans, Mary A. Evans, Eliza Johnson, John McPherson, and Frances McPherson vs. Joshua Johnson. FR. Petition to sell Hog Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7763 MSA S512-10- 7763 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/06/21 7764: Rezin Estep, Richard Estep, and Elizabeth H. Woodward vs. William Lamar, James Lamar, Mareen Lamar, Elizabeth Lamar, Richard Lamar, John Lamar, and Gustavus Lamar. PG. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7764 MSA S512-10- 7764 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/07/01 7765: Richard J. Edelen and Thomas H. Edelen vs. Joseph N. Burch and Thomas N. Burch. PG. Defraud of creditors of Thomas N. Burch. Accession No.: 17,898-7765 MSA S512-10- 7765 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/02/09 7766: Mary A. Evans vs. Adam Crawford, Sr., Adam Crawford, Jr., James Crawford, Sophia Crawford, James Deakins, Ann Deakins, Jesse Fowler, and Caroline Fowler. PG. Estate of Alexander Evans.
Accession No.: 17,898-7766-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7766 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/01/11 7767: George Earnest, Westley Cowles, and Amos Bowdle vs. James Dixon, Charles Dixon, Benjamin Dixon, Caroline Dixon, N. Dixon, Henry R.W. Dixon, and Mary A. Dixon. DO. Estate of Noah Dixon.
Accession No.: 17,898-7767 MSA S512-10- 7767 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/09/09 7768: William F.M. Ennalls vs. Thomas Ennalls and Louisa Ennalls. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7768 MSA S512-10- 7768 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/03/07 7769: Charles T. Ellicott vs. Thomas Ellicott and William M. Ellicott. BA. Estate of James Ellicott. Accession No.: 17,898-7769-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7769 Location: 1/38/3/
1812/09/22 7770: Thomas L. Emory, Jr., John McKim, Jr., British Copper Co., William S. Wright & Co., Bull, Banks & Bryson, Walter Malteby & Co., Crauskay & Co., Clementson Barradaile & Co., Young Ross & Co., James Hunter & Co., H & W Fielder, Bury Miller & Co., Tay Weston & Co., and Bracken Williams & Co. vs. Hugh Thompson and John Bell. BA. Insolvent estate of Marcus Key. Accession No.: 17,898-7770-1/7 MSA S512-10- 7770 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/05/02 7771: Jesse Ellers vs. William Stinson, Ann E. Kent, William B. Kent, John Nicholson, Anna M. Nicholson, Emmerson Nicholson, and Mary Nicholson. QA. Petition to sell Ellers Enlargement.
Accession No.: 17,898-7771 MSA S512-10- 7771 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/05/05 7772: William B. Everitt vs. Araminta Frazier and Thomas Armstrong. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7772 MSA S512-10- 7772 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/07/31 7773: Benjamin Ellicott vs. Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co. BA. Injunction against interference with Red Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-7773 MSA S512-10- 7773 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/10/17 7774: William M. Ellicott and Samuel Poultney vs. Columbus O'Donnell, George H. Steuart, Evan Poultney, John Clark, John Glenn, Benjamin M. Hughes, Richard Stockton, Savings Bank of Baltimore, and General Insurance Co. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Baltimore City.
Accession No.: 17,898-7774 MSA S512-10- 7774 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/05/06 7775: Richard T. Earle vs. Simon Wicks, Elizabeth Wicks, William H. Emory, and John S. Blake. QA. Petition to sell Bennetts Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 611. Accession No.: 17,898-7775-1/10 MSA S512-10- 7775 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/07/12 7777: William Eckert and George Eckert vs. Basil Sewall. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Old North East Forge. Accession No.: 17,898-7777 MSA S512-10- 7776 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/07/11 7778: Samuel T. Emory and John G. Stevens vs. Thomas Denny. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-7778 MSA S512-10- 7777 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/12/14 7779: Thomas L. Emory, Sr. vs. Bank of the United States and Eliza Lindenberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Organ, Addition to Simkins Repose, Ashmans Delight, Islinglass Glade Enlarged, Wester Ogle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 749. Accession No.: 17,898-7779 MSA S512-10- 7778 Location: 1/38/3/
1816/06/12 7780: George Ensor, Sarah Ensor, John Ensor of George, Eleanor Ensor, Joshua Lee, and Mary Lee. BA. Petition to sell Prague. Recorded (Chancery Record) 101, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-7780 MSA S512-10- 7779 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/06/16 7781: Baruch Fowler, George W. Miller, and Harriet Miller vs. Dorsey Jacob, John H. Maccubbin, Hanson Minskey, Robert D. Minskey, Harriet R. Minskey, and John S. Minskey. AA. Petition to partition Eleventh Hour. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 258.
Accession No.: 17,898-7781-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7780 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/01/31 7782: John Fornshill, Anne Fornshill, Alexander M. Williams, Sarah Williams, Andrew Fulton, and William Fulton vs. William V. Murray and William Hubbard. DO. Estate of Henry Summerville. Accession No.: 17,898-7782 MSA S512-10- 7781 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/07/24 7783: Robert H. Fulton and Henry K. Fulton vs. George H. Keerl and Charles Bohn. BA. Estate of Amelia Henrietta Keerl Fulton. Accession No.: 17,898-7783 MSA S512-10- 7782 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/12/17 7784: Eliza Finley vs. Ann Geddis, John Geddis, Daniel Geddis, Edward Geddis, Mary Geddis, William Grindage, Eliza Grindage, and William S. Lassell. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7784 MSA S512-10- 7783 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/03/02 7785: James Forbes, Robert Beale, and Elizabeth Beale vs. George Forbes and William R. Barker. PG. Title to Rogues Neck Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-7785 MSA S512-10- 7784 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/01/23 7786: George Forbes and Thomas Marshall vs. John B. Thomas, Catherine N. Wall, Fenton Adams, Mary A. Adams, Henry Wall, Susan A. Wall, and Elizabeth Wall. PG. Petition to sell Timber Neck, Woods Joy, Anderson Chance, Ludfords Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-7786 MSA S512-10- 7785 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/11/17 7787: Edward L. Fant and Lewis Sutton vs. Alexander Harris. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-7787-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7786 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/09/20 7788: Thomas Franklin, Elizabeth Franklin, and Eliza J. Shaw vs. Mary Shaw, Dennis Claude, Jr., John Shaw, Thomas Shaw, and Sophia Shaw. AA. Estate of John Shaw - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7788-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7787 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/07/25 7789: George Fouke, Elizabeth Fouke, Lewis Fouke, and Henry Fouke vs. Henry Kemp. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Resurvey on Bachelors Delight, Feltys Fortune, Feltys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7789-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7788 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/03/28 7790: William J. Ford. QA. Petition to partition Hampstead. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7790 MSA S512-10- 7789 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/18 7791: Robert Franklin vs. Mary Elizabeth Franklin. AA. Estate of Robert Franklin. Accession No.: 17,898-7791 MSA S512-10- 7790 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/04/24 7792: William T. Foster, Frances C. Foster, and Charlotte M. Foster vs. William N. Thomas, Mary Thomas, and Thomas Foster. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7792-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7791 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/03/05 7793: Eliza Foxwell and Solomon Foxwell vs. Caleb Bell and Edward Bell. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7793 MSA S512-10- 7792 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/02/29 7794: Elizabeth Frey vs. Leonard Krauss, Jacob H. Shock, and Thomas H. Perdue. CE. Title to Dixons Exchange, Hillis Delight, Hillis Addition, Moores Forrest, Browns Inheritance. Plat of Moores Forrest, Browns Inheritance at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-7794-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7793 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/10/10 7795: John C. Farr vs. Elizabeth A. Langsdale and Henry James Langsdale. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 213. Accession No.: 17,898-7795-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7794 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/02/15 7796: James Farquharson vs. John O'Donnell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7796 MSA S512-10- 7795 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/06 7797: James Frazier vs. Elizabeth Frazier. DO. Appointment of trustee for Elizabeth Frazier. Accession No.: 17,898-7797 MSA S512-10- 7796 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/06/26 7798: Thomas Fletcher and Ebenezer Blackiston vs. Martha Numbers, Sarah A. Numbers, Margaret Numbers, Thomas Numbers, James Numbers, Charles R. Hackett, and Margaret Hackett. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 383. Accession No.: 17,898-7798-1\2 MSA S512-10- 7797 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/04/15 7799: John H. Falconar vs. John W. Clark and David Griffith. BA. Insolvent estate of Clark. Accession No.: 17,898-7799 MSA S512-10- 7798 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/02/17 7800: Eliza Foxwell, Solomon Foxwell, and Zebedee Foxwell. DO. Petition to sell Andrews Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 991. Accession No.: 17,898-7800 MSA S512-10- 7799 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/12/20 7801: James Fonerden, Lewis Fouck, and Susan Fouck vs. Martha Bonsal, Charles F. Mayer, John Glenn, Esther Fonerden, George Rogers, Egbert Van Buren, and Frances Van Buren. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 691.
Accession No.: 17,898-7801-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7800 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/11/22 7802: Francis M. Fowler, Samuel Poultney, David N. Brown, and Ann Poultney. vs. John Glenn and John P. Kennedy. BA. Dissolution of Poultney, Ellicott and Co. Accession No.: 17,898-7802-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7801 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/06/20 7803: Orlando Fairfax vs. Thomas Duckett and Albert Fairfax. AA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-7803-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7802 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/08/02 7804: Martin Fenwick vs. Virgil Maxey, Mary Maxey, Henry Turner, George W. Hughes, Ann Hughes, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Injunction against sale of wheat on Tulip Hill Farm, Levels. Accession No.: 17,898-7804 MSA S512-10- 7803 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/07/07 7805: Charles Frazier, Thomas Farland, Solomon Frazier, Thomas Worrell, Washington G. Tuck, and Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. James Heighe, Sr., James Heighe, Jr., Benjamin M. Heighe, Margaret Heighe, Jane Heighe, Dr. Thomas Blake, Elizabeth Blake, and Mary Blake. CV. Petition to sell Bakely, Roberts Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-7805 MSA S512-10- 7804 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/02/19 7806: William Fowler vs. Larkin Shipley of John, John Shipley, Peter Shipley, Margaret Shipley, Richard G. Stockett, Henry Wayman, James Shipley, Enos Shipley, William Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Sarah Shipley, Mary Shipley, and William B. Fowler. AA. Petition to sell Larkins Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-7806-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7805 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/06/23 7807: William H. Fresh vs. John D. Grove and Joseph Ward. WA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-7807-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7806 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/07/25 7808: Martin Freudenburg vs. Frederick Heinz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7808 MSA S512-10- 7807 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/08/28 7809: William M. Fraser vs. Thomas D. Wilson. BA. Contract to build bridge abutments for the B & O Railroad. Accession No.: 17,898-7809 MSA S512-10- 7808 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/07/09 7810: Charles Feinour vs. Edward Hagthrop. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 417. Accession No.: 17,898-7810 MSA S512-10- 7809 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/08/12 7811: Stanley H. Fleetwood vs. William Howell, Jr., Frances Howell, and John Glenn. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7811 MSA S512-10- 7810 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/11/13 7812: Nicholas Foxcroft and William Foxcroft vs. Charles H. Willingman and Catherine Willingman. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 630. Accession No.: 17,898-7812 MSA S512-10- 7811 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/03/17 7813: Martin Fenwick vs. Cornelia Sherbert and Mary J. Sherbert. AA. Petition to sell Hopewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7813 MSA S512-10- 7812 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/03/06 7814: Thomas Flint vs. John Jones, Sally Ann Jones, Mary Jones, and Margaret June Jones. DO. Estate of Benjamin Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-7814 MSA S512-10- 7813 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/06/14 7815: Robert Ferguson and John Ferguson vs. Walter Simpson, Jr. and Abner Neale. BA. Contract to start plaster and milling business. Accession No.: 17,898-7815-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7814 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/03/28 7816: John Fendall vs. Thomas M. Fendall, Mary Fendall, Anne E. Fendall, Emily L. Fendall, William L. Fendall, Lacora Fendall, Charles Fendall, Philip R. Fendall, Araminta W. Fendall, and Alice L. Fendall. CH. Petition to sell Russell Yates Meadows, Cedar Hill.
Accession No.: 17,898-7816 MSA S512-10- 7815 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/03/12 7817: Jacob Fisher, Mary A. Fisher, Joseph Rasin, and Joseph Rasin vs. Josias Ringgold. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 148. Accession No.: 17,898-7817 MSA S512-10- 7816 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/04/15 7818: John H. Falconar and John W. Clark vs. Alexander Turnbull. BA. Petition to set aside a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-7818 MSA S512-10- 7817 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/01/28 7819: Francis Forman, Israel Griffith, Thomas E. Gooding, Nathan Mansfield, James H. Leverton, and Freeborn Harrison vs. James F. Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Campbells Westmore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 510.
Accession No.: 17,898-7819 MSA S512-10- 7818 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/11/13 7820: Ebenezer Fish and Sarah Fish vs. Edward Waters and Honor Waters. AA. Estate of John Richardson Ray. Accession No.: 17,898-7820 MSA S512-10- 7819 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/12/13 7821: George W. Flowers and Mary E. Flowers vs. Jane E. McNamara, Frances A. McNamara, and Sally A. McNamara. DO. Petition to sell Fishers Chance, Bear Garden, Foxwells Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 543. Accession No.: 17,898-7821 MSA S512-10- 7820 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/03/28 7822: Stephen H. Ford vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Henry Childs, and Elizabeth Whittington. AA. Petition to sell Gowry Banks. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-7822 MSA S512-10- 7821 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/06/20 7823: Solomon Foxwell and Eliza Foxwell vs. Benjamin T. Street, Marcellus Todd, George Todd, Caleb Todd, Zachariah Todd, and Levin Todd. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-7823 MSA S512-10- 7822 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/01/13 7824: William H. Freeman, Mary Freeman, Charles F. Mayer, Peter Neff, William Gwynn, and Sheppard C. Leakin vs. John Glenn, Joseph J. Atkinson, James Harwood, John B. Howell, Walter Farnandis, U.S. Insurance Co., and Reverdy Johnson. BA. Petition to sell Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 407 and 160, p. 771.
Accession No.: 17,898-7824 MSA S512-10- 7823 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/10/06 7825: John Farver vs. William Goodwin. BA. Contract to purchase Tivis Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-7825 MSA S512-10- 7824 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/03/30 7826: George L. Foss, Thomas Owens, Elizabeth Owens, Christiana Sadler, Elizabeth Foss, William Foss, Charles Foss, Sarah Ann Foss, Mary Ann Foss, Joseph Foss, Rosanna Foss, Philip Foss, John Foss, Louisa Foss, Elizabeth Foss, Henry Foss, Mary Foss, Mary Foss, Ann Foss, Margaret Foss, Joseph Foss, and Catherine Foss. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-7826-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7825 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/09/11 7827: Thomas Flint vs. Martha Augusta Wilson, Louis P. Wilson, Robert K. Wilson, James Bryan, and Rebecca Bryan. QA. Petition to sell Marsh Land, Watsons Delight Corrected, Tilghmans Chance Corrected, Mooths Range, Watsons Delight Addition. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-7827-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7826 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/09/20 7828: Robert Franklin vs. Mary E. Franklin, Benjamin J. Franklin, William R. Franklin, and Virgil M. Franklin. AA. Petition to partition Lucky Mistake, Greenwood, Chesapeake Friendship, Addition to Friendship, Rural Felicity, Deep Creek Point, Ramsgotts Swamp. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Accession No.: 17,898-7828-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7827 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/01/07 7829: Jacob Fowble, Melchar Fowble, Joshua Fowble, Henry Algire, Mary Algire, George Algire, Catherine Algire, Elijah Benson, Margaret Benson, Joshua F. Cockey, Peter F. Cockey, Thomas D. Cockey, Elizabeth S. Cockey, Thomas G. Cockey, John Worthington, Penelope Worthington, Francis Merryman, and Elizabeth Merryman vs. Peter Fowble. BA, CR. Petition to partition Parishes Lott, Cullisons Neglect, Stoddards Delight, Sportsmans Hall, Tuckers Range, Frishes Delight, Osborns Struggle, Addition in BA. Also Merrymans Grotto, Addition to Merrymans Grotto, Murrays Chance, Murrays Ridge, By Itself, Stricker, Foibles Barren Hill, New Foundland, Spire Town, Colchester, Peters Addition, Petersburgh in CR. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-7829-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7828 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/10/05 7830: Ann Fisher vs. James H. McClellan and Mary McClellan. BA. Trust estate under will of William McClellan. Accession No.: 17,898-7830 MSA S512-10- 7829 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/12/15 7831: Martin Fenwick vs. Thomas Allein. AA. Estate of William Weems - slaves Maria, Lucy, Matilda, and Sarah. Accession No.: 17,898-7831 MSA S512-10- 7830 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/02/28 7832: Thomas Ferral, Robert Wright, and Richard J. Morsell vs. George H. Wilson, Hester Wilson, Erasmus Perry, John L. Clarke, Eleanor Clarke, and Elizabeth M. Williams. PG. Petition to sell Good Luck, Addition to Good Luck, Three Sisters, Packoletts Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 566.
Accession No.: 17,898-7832-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7831 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/08/02 7833: Martin Fenwick vs. John Mace and Thomas Mace. AA. Estate of Richard Deford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-7833 MSA S512-10- 7832 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/04/20 7834: Martin Fenwick and Francis Bird vs. William Loughlin, and Jonathan Hawkins AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Peakes Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-7834-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7833 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/08/26 7835: Mary Franklin vs. John A. Waters, Rachel S. Waters, Philip Plummer, and Ann M. Plummer. PG. Petition for patent on Arnolds Industry Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-7835 MSA S512-10- 7834 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/05/02 7836: Jacob Frey, George Morry, William Cooper, George Withers, Nathaniel Lightner, George M. Lightner, John Neff, Jacob Lusby, and Robert G. Lusby vs. John Frey. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Octarvia Forge, Dixons Exchange, Hillis Delight, Hills Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 102.
Accession No.: 17,898-7836 MSA S512-10- 7835 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/07/01 7837: Eliza Foxwell and Solomon Foxwell vs. Lemuel Willey, Samuel Willey, Wrightson Willey, Henry Insley, and Elizabeth Insley. DO. Petition to sell Timber Swamp, Slacums Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 619. Accession No.: 17,898-7837 MSA S512-10- 7836 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/07/30 7838: Samuel Freeman, Susanna Freeman, Henry Douglass, Mary Douglass, Samuel Jones, and Eliza Jones vs. Samuel Pinkney, Thomas Franklin, Elizabeth Franklin, Mary Shaw, Sophia Shaw, John Shaw, James Shaw, and Sophia Shaw, Jr. AA. Contract to purchase Pleasant Fields.
Accession No.: 17,898-7838 MSA S512-10- 7837 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/08/23 7839: John Feast, John Hack, Daniel Hoffman, Leopold Dousee, Charles Feinour, James L. Hinkle, Thomas Mitchell, William Robinson, Joseph Weaver, W.L. Loyd, Joseph Cassell, Samuel McClellan, Henry Hall, Henry Tiernan, Mary Taylor, Sophia McHenry, Ramsay McHenry, John Hogg, Frederick Mising, Catherine M. Raborg, and Maudlin Perrins vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Injunction against opening Chatsworth St. in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-7839 MSA S512-10- 7838 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/12/09 7840: Ebenezer L. Finley and Eliza W. Finley vs. Columbus O'Donnell, Sarah C. O'Donnell, Joseph S. Barrett, Mary Barrett, Dudley Poor, Deborah Poor, John O'Donnell, and Elliot O'Donnell. BA. Estate of John O'Donnell. Accession No.: 17,898-7840-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7839 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/08/03 7841: Mary Frances Fulford, Henry Fulford, Jr., Avarilla Fulford, Alexander L. Fulford, Sarah Q. Fulford, Nathaniel W.S. Hayes, Mary Mayes, George Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Sarah Ann Fulford, Charles F. Mayer, William F. Griffith, S. Theodore Griffith, Eleanor T. Griffith, Eliza G. Torrence, Mary Frances Torrence, Henry Fulford, and Archer Hayes vs. George Torrence and Eleanor Torrence. HA. Estate of Henry Fulford.
Accession No.: 17,898-7841 MSA S512-10- 7840 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/06/11 7842: Catherine Farrenger vs. Eliza Ramsay and William Ehrman. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7842-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7841 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/09/02 7843: William Frush vs. Nimrod Yingling, William Yingling, Samuel B. Yingling, and Catherine V. Yingling. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 700. Accession No.: 17,898-7843 MSA S512-10- 7842 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/11/25 7844: Henry F. Friese and Rachel Forsyth vs. John Glenn and David Stewart. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7844-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7843 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/09/21 7845: John Jacob Frisby vs. Jacob Cronise and William H.V. Cronise. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Monrovia Depot. Accession No.: 17,898-7845 MSA S512-10- 7844 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/29 7846: John R. Frost, Rachel Frost, Rezin Hammond, and Thomas Burgess, vs. Rebecca L. Martin, Charles H. Martin, Maria L. Martin, John S. Martin, George Martin, Lenox J. Martin, Luther Martin, Charles H. Hipsley, Rezin H. Hipsley, Joseph F. Hipsley, and Rebecca A. Hipsley. AA. Petition to sell Woodford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 312.
Accession No.: 17,898-7846 MSA S512-10- 7845 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/11/14 7847: William Freeny vs. Isaac D. Jones, Ann Eliza Morris, Isaac Denson, Wesley Denson, Sally Denson, and Lucretia Denson. SO. Petition to sell Dashiells Lot, Chance, Motherton. Plat of Dashiells Lot, Chance at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7847-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7846 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/09/30 7848: Francis M. Fowler vs. William Swan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 216. Accession No.: 17,898-7848 MSA S512-10- 7847 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/06/30 7850: Leonard Forrest and Hester Ann Forrest vs. John Leatherwood, Thomas Leatherwood, Julius Willard, Rebecca Willard, George Waters, Isabella Waters, and Hosen Reynolds. AA. Estate of John Leatherwood. Accession No.: 17,898-7850-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7848 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/01/05 7851: James M. Fooks vs. James Littleton, James P. Collins, Sally M. Collins, Robert M. Davis, Elizabeth Davis, William B. Littleton, Ara S. Littleton, Nancy Littleton, Molly Littleton, John Littleton, Hetty A. Littleton, James H. Littleton, Martha Littleton, and Jane Littleton. WO. Petition to sell James Lot, Lewis Turn. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 202.
Accession No.: 17,898-7851-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7849 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/19 7852: Thomas B. Fowler vs. John E. Gale and James F. Browne. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 412. Accession No.: 17,898-7852 MSA S512-10- 7850 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/06/21 7853: Peter Fenby vs. Charles E. Wilson. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Bachelors Neighbour, Matthews Chance, Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-7853-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7851 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/09/10 7854: William D. Ferguson and Francis A. Hollingsworth vs. William A. Bramble, Ellen Bramble, Bassett Ferguson, Susan Ferguson, James Legg, Elizabeth Legg, Lewis R. Finley, Adeline Finley, William Curry, and Francis R. Curry. KE. Petition to sell Mansion Farm, Tibbalds Marshy Point. Plat of Tibbalds Marshy Point at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 92.
Accession No.: 17,898-7854-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7852 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/04/23 7855: Conrad R. Fite vs. Kezia Littig, Thomas Littig, Caleb Littig, Thomas B. Harrison, and Catherine Harrison. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 464. Accession No.: 17,898-7855-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7853 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/02/05 7856: Edward Fendall vs. John Fendall and Ann E. Fendall. CH. Petition to sell Cedar Hill, Russell, Yates Meadows, Manchester. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 647. Accession No.: 17,898-7856-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7854 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/31 7857: Levin W. Fitzhugh and Levin Fitzhugh vs. Emily J. Parker and Sophia Parker. DO. Petition to sell Fitzhughs Industry, Huntsmans Delight, Delinah Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7857 MSA S512-10- 7855 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/11/07 7858: Benjamin S. Foulks and Charles T. Foulks vs. John F. Cazar, Miriam C. Cazar, Margaret Foulks, Elizabeth R. Foulks, Jospeh R. Foulks, and Laura V. Foulks. CE. Petition to sell Town Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 434. Accession No.: 17,898-7858 MSA S512-10- 7856 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/12/07 7859: Jacob Fisher vs. Cere Wilmer. KE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7859 MSA S512-10- 7857 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/27 7860: William F. Frick vs. Edward Kurtz. BA. Estate of Peter A. Karthaus. Accession No.: 17,898-7860-1/12 MSA S512-10- 7858 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/19 7861: James Farquaharson vs. James S. Ryan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7861 MSA S512-10- 7859 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/11/22 7862: William Freeny vs. Henry Morris and Thomas Morris. SO. Estate of Thomas Morris - Dormans Conclusion, Prior Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7862 MSA S512-10- 7860 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/11/02 7863: John Ferry and Dennis Ferry vs. James Howard Harrison. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on tavern in Laurel. Accession No.: 17,898-7863 MSA S512-10- 7861 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/22 7864: Columbus W. Ford, George Stanard, and Daniel Trowbridge vs. John R. Franklin, George R. Smith, James M. Holland, and Mary Crosdale. WO. Petition to sell Selbys Neglect, Transylvania. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-7864 MSA S512-10- 7862 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/02/05 7865: James Farquaharson vs. John Fitzpatrick of James. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1028. Accession No.: 17,898-7865 MSA S512-10- 7863 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/02/02 7866: James Frazier vs. Elizabeth Frazier and Levin Frazier. DO. Petition to sell Josephs Right. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-7866 MSA S512-10- 7864 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/02/15 7867: James Farquharson vs. John O'Donnell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, pp. 1066. Accession No.: 17,898-7867 MSA S512-10- 7865 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/11/01 7868: Henry Fite and Mary O. Fite vs. Noah Worthington, Anna M. Bernard, Rezin H. Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, John Worthington, Comfort Worthington, Elizabeth Walters, Ann Cockey, Henrietta Cockey, Thomas B. Cockey, and Josline Cockey. CR, Howard District. Petition to sell Shipleys Adventure, Thomas Addition in CR. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 173.
Accession No.: 17,898-7868-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7866 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/01/18 7869: Alex S.D. Evans and Mary A. Evans vs. Margaret Shehee, John Shehee, Milcah A. Shehee, Pricilla Shehee, and William Shehee. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-7869-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7867 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/05/20 7870: William F. Mason and Peter Mason. BA. Estate of William Foltz - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 186. Accession No.: 17,898-7870 MSA S512-10- 7868 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/07/14 7871: John Fisher, Charles Constable, Samuel Sterrett, and Mary Deneale vs. Randall H. Moale. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7871 MSA S512-10- 7869 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/20 7872: Francis Feelemyer vs. William McMackin and Agnes McMackin. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Prestiges Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 530. Accession No.: 17,898-7872 MSA S512-10- 7870 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/06/20 7873: Elizabeth Farver, Thomas Knock, Hannah Knock, Thomas Ingles, and Margaret Ingles vs. Polly Hays, Amos Hobbs, Sarah Hobbs, Elizabeth Farver, Samuel Farver, Rebecca Farver, Jacob Farver, Mary Farver, Benjamin Farver, William Coates, Rachel Coates, Robert T. Level, Barbara Level, John Farver, Margaret Farver, David Farver, Peter Farver, Reuben Farver, Gassaway Farver, William H. Farver, Mary J. Mercer, Henry R. Mercer, Sarah C. Mercer, John C.A. Mercer, and Frederick Prugh. AA, CR. Petition to sell Bakers Discovery, Marys Victory, Lawrences Pleasant Hills, Tivis Venture in CR. Also Manfields United Friendship in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 368.
Accession No.: 17,898-7873-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7871 Location: 1/38/3/
1791/04/23 7874: James Pattison vs. John Alexander Frazier. CV. Estate of Alexander Frazier - Sterlings Nest, Sterlings Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 32, p. 337 and 76, p. 85 and 107, p. 346 and 109, p. 522. Accession No.: 17,898-7874-1/11 MSA S512-10- 7872 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/03/10 7875: Thomas Flint vs. Peter Zell, John Zell, George Zell, Eliza A. Zell, William Zell, Jacob Zell, Andrew Zell, Charles Zell, Henry Zell, Alexander Forsyth, Hetty Forsyth, George Couts, and Mary Couts. BA. Petition to sell Rose Dale. Accession No.: 17,898-7875-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7873 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/04/29 7876: Frederick Focke, Regina R. Focke, Lewis Hurxthal, Caroline Hurxthal, William Stansbury, Fredrica Karthaus, George F. Thomas, Amelia Thomas, Ferdinand Hurxthal, Catherine D. Hurxthal, and Josiah W. Smith vs. Peter A. Karthaus, Jr. and J. Daniel Kurtz. BA. Trust estate of Peter A. Karthaus - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 156.
Accession No.: 17,898-7876-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7874 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/02/13 7877: Ezra Fell vs. McLane Brown and Mary Brown. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Misery. Accession No.: 17,898-7877 MSA S512-10- 7875 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/04/30 7878: Levin F. Fisher vs. Traverse Spicer, Jeremiah Spicer, Rebecca Spicer, Pricilla Spicer, Sally Spicer, May Spicer, and Elsie Spicer. DO. Petition to sell Robins Choice, Addition to Taylors Folly, Haywards Desire, Spicers Discovery, Hazzard, Hazzard and Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 336.
Accession No.: 17,898-7878-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7876 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/11/23 7879: Walter Farnandis vs. Richard C. Keene, Hannah Keene, Benjamin Jeffries, Henrietta Jeffries, Mr. Coleman, and Elizabeth Coleman. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-7879 MSA S512-10- 7877 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/06/30 7880: John Fisher vs. Nathaniel Lock. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7880 MSA S512-10- 7878 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/02/08 7881: George Fage vs. Jesse Jarrett and Abraham Jarrett. HA. Estate of David West. Accession No.: 17,898-7881-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7879 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/11/29 7882: Mary Fell vs. Jacob Shermer. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on New Valley Factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 722. Accession No.: 17,898-7882 MSA S512-10- 7880 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/05/29 7883: Charles Farquharson vs. James A. Labranthwaite. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Luck, Thomas Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7883 MSA S512-10- 7881 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/05/26 7884: John Fisher vs. Nathaniel Lock and Nathaniel O. Lock. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 42. Accession No.: 17,898-7884 MSA S512-10- 7882 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/12/11 7885: Jacob Fouble, Peter Fouble, and Joshua N. Fouble vs. John L. Price, Margaret Benson, Elijah Benson, Joshua Benson, Salina Benson, James Benson, Elizabeth Benson, Melchor Benson, Thomas Benson, Margaret A. Benson, and John W. Benson. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 285.
Accession No.: 17,898-7885 MSA S512-10- 7883 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/08/19 7886: Sophia Forman, Eliza Tabb, and Sarah Emory Stiles vs. Charles F. Mayer, Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, and George Patterson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 154. Accession No.: 17,898-7886 MSA S512-10- 7884 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/04 7887: John J. Frisby vs. Jacob Cronise and Catherine C. Cronise. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Monrovia Depot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 557. Accession No.: 17,898-7887-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7885 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/10 7888: Jacob Fisher vs. Ann Hatchison, Henrietta N. Hatchison, Caroline Hatchison, Mary Ann Blackiston, Joseph Brown, Ann M. Brown, Simon Wicks, Jr., and Micha Wicks. KE. Petition to sell Stanway, Providence, Green Branch, Perkins Adventure, Chance, Bounty. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 505.
Accession No.: 17,898-7888-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7886 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/19 7889: James Farquharson vs. James S. Ryan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7889 MSA S512-10- 7887 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/07/07 7890: Michael Farney, Jacob S. Farney, Elizabeth Farney, Susanna Farney, Richard Cromwell, and Margaret Cromwell vs. Sarah Winchester, Abrahram Shriver, Ann M. Shriver, and Daniel S. Forney. BA. Petition to sell lot in Reisterstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 204.
Accession No.: 17,898-7890 MSA S512-10- 7888 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/15 7891: Edward Fendall vs. Standish Barry. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7891 MSA S512-10- 7889 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/03/04 7892: Samuel Fowler vs. Samuel P. Lee. PG. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7892 MSA S512-10- 7890 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/12/01 7893: George C. Frailey and Elzina Frailey vs. William Trimble, William J. DeLaRoche, Thorndike Chase, S. Graffs Cockey, Elizabeth Cockey, Catherine McNulty, and Elizabeth McNulty. BA. Estate of Jane Jacob. Accession No.: 17,898-7893-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7891 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/04/24 7894: James Fullerton vs. Hugh Fullerton, William Fullerton, and Nathan Fullerton. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-7894 MSA S512-10- 7892 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/01/07 7895: Walter Farnandis vs. Lewis Sutton, John Stevens, James Biscoe, and Athenian Society. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Smithville. Accession No.: 17,898-7895 MSA S512-10- 7893 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/03/30 7896: Ann B. Foard vs. Benjamin McVey. CE. Petition to sell Tilly Broon, Good Neighbour. Accession No.: 17,898-7896 MSA S512-10- 7894 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/02/12 7897: Jeremiah C. Ford and Sophia Ford vs. Stephen Hyland, Mary J. Hyland, Benjamin F. Maudlin, William Beatty, Laurentia Beatty, John Maudlin, James Maudlin, Margaret S. Maudlin, William Maudlin, Ellen Maudlin, Laura J. Lort, Arminta Lort, Rebecca Lort, Joseph Lort, and John Lort. CE. Petition to sell lots in North East.
Accession No.: 17,898-7897 MSA S512-10- 7895 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/08/04 7898: Richard Flintham and George Reese vs. Samuel Thomas. CE. Injunction against sale of land. Accession No.: 17,898-7898 MSA S512-10- 7896 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/11/12 7899: Ann B. Foard vs. Jacob Biddle. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7899 MSA S512-10- 7897 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/10/25 7902: Jonathan Flowers and Attorney General vs. John Ebaugh, Nicholas Bull, George Palmer, Joseph Curtis, Sarah Hughes, Benjamin F. Barnhart, Polly Barnhart, Zachariah Tracey, Rebecca Tracey, Benedict Foster, Rachel Foster, James Woods, John Gardner, Jemina Gardner, and Christian Stabler. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Harts Hill, Rocky Ridge, Taylors Delight.
Accession No.: 17,898-7902-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7898 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/04/12 7903: John Fowble of Jacob vs. Jacob Youse. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7903 MSA S512-10- 7899 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/11/22 7904: William Fowler and Joseph Shore vs. Rebecca Cockrill, Thomas Cockrill, John Cockrill, James Cockrill, Edward Cockrill, and Sarah A. Cockrill. BA. Trust estate of William Fowler. Accession No.: 17,898-7904 MSA S512-10- 7900 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/05/23 7905: William Frush vs. Ephraim Berryman. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Reisterstown. Accession No.: 17,898-7905 MSA S512-10- 7901 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/05/23 7906: William Frush vs. Nicholas Herder. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Reisterstown. Accession No.: 17,898-7906 MSA S512-10- 7902 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/02/11 7907: Hannah Foos vs. Lewis Gross and Jacob White. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7907 MSA S512-10- 7903 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/10/09 7908: William Frick and John Glenn vs. Lydia Barbour, George Slye, Mary A. Slye, Walter H. Briscoe, and Emeline W. Briscoe. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7908 MSA S512-10- 7904 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/10/01 7909: Egbert Freeland and Philemon Chew vs. Charles Gwinn and William Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-7909 MSA S512-10- 7905 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/07/07 7910: Stephen Faris and Ebby Faris vs. Solomon Lowe. TA. Injunction against sale of slave Asbury. Accession No.: 17,898-7910 MSA S512-10- 7906 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/07 7911: Robert Feinour vs. Richard Hearn. Howard District. Petition to obtain custody of Ann Elizabeth Feinour and Charles Feinour. Accession No.: 17,898-7911 MSA S512-10- 7907 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/11/23 7912: D.W. Leonard Forman and Walter Pumphrey vs. Edward Gray and Nicholas Brewer, Sr. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-7912 MSA S512-10- 7908 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/11/29 7913: Franklin Bank of Baltimore vs. Henry S. Sanderson and Margaret Sanderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 179. Accession No.: 17,898-7913 MSA S512-10- 7909 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/01/17 7914: John Franklin, Harriet Franklin, Sabritt Trott, Nancy Trott, and Marmaduke W. Conner vs. Henry C. Drury, Elizabeth Drury, Frederick Mills, William Riley, Achsah Riley, Charlotte Johnson, John Lemar, and Charlotte Lemar. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Olivers Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-7914 MSA S512-10- 7910 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/01/21 7915: Robert H. Fleury vs. Lyne Shakelford. CH. Validity of deed for slaves Oscar, Henry, Elly, and Celia Ann. Accession No.: 17,898-7915 MSA S512-10- 7911 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/05/17 7916: Samuel Farrington vs. Chauncy Brooks and Joshua P. Hotchkiss. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-7916 MSA S512-10- 7912 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/03/10 7917: George Fowler vs. James Fowler, Maria Fowler, Benjamin Fowler, Daniel Fowler, Juliana Fowler, Francis King, Daniel King, and Isabella King. AA. Estate of Daniel Fowler - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 114.
Accession No.: 17,898-7917 MSA S512-10- 7913 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/05/09 7918: Thomas Fisher , William Wharton, and Deborah Wharton. CA, QA. Petition to sell Bee Tree Corrected in CA. Also Scriveners Hardship, Josephs Part of Hacketts Meadow, Rachels Desire in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-7918 MSA S512-10- 7914 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/04/10 7919: Richard Frisby, George Dashiel, and Collin McKenzie vs. William Vanlear, Simon Wilmer, and Dayton Lummis. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Oakland, Arcadia. Accession No.: 17,898-7919 MSA S512-10- 7915 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/06/30 7920: Henry Foxwell vs. Joshua Reese, Henry R. Judah, Mary Judah, Henrietta Atkinson, George Atkinson, Mary Atkinson, Eliza A. Atkinson, Isaac Atkinson, and William Atkinson. SO. Dissolution of George H. Gale & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-7920 MSA S512-10- 7916 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/08/03 7921: John Finlay vs. Firemans Insurance Co. and Wesley B. Tarr. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7921 MSA S512-10- 7917 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/03/29 7922: James Fooks, Margaret W. Fooks, and Ann Elizabeth Pattison vs. Jeremiah L. Pattison, John Stewart, Henrietta Stewart, James Bryan, Mary A. Bryan, James A. Stewart, and Sarah Pattison. DO. Estate of James Pattison - Elisian Fields. Accession No.: 17,898-7922 MSA S512-10- 7918 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/11/05 7923: George Forbes vs. Horatio C. McElderry, Eliza McElderry James F. Sothoron, Elizabeth Sothoron, John H. Sothoron, James Forbes, Elizabeth Forbes, and Thomas Marshall. CH. Estate of Elisabeth Forbes - Plains of Plenty, Chesleys Hills, Rogues Neck, Woolford Hill.
Accession No.: 17,898-7923-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7919 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/06/29 7924: Stephen Foulk vs. Edward Jenkins, Lewis Blackburn, Margaret Blackburn, Jesse Blackburn, Rebecca G. Blackburn, Samuel Blackburn, John Blackburn, Joseph A. Blackburn, Josiah W. Blackburn, Esther H. Blackburn, and Nathan Hammond. BA. Petition to sell house and lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-7924 MSA S512-10- 7920 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/06/14 7925: James Forbes vs. George Forbes, Thomas H. Marshall, Henry Marshall, Richard H. Marshall, James J. Sothoron, John H. Sothoron, Robert Beall, Elizabeth Beall, and William Plater. CH. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-7925-1/11 MSA S512-10- 7921 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/08/15 7927: Nicholas Forrester, Sr. vs. Nicholas Forrester, Jr. AA. Petition to record deed for Hollands Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-7927 MSA S512-10- 7922 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/10/10 7928: Susan Fryatt vs. Attorney General. AL. Petition to sell Military Lot 1052. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 16. Accession No.: 17,898-7928 MSA S512-10- 7923 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/01/06 7929: Farmers Bank of Maryland, Robert H. Goldsborough, and Alexander C. Magruder vs. Pricilla Hanson. AA. Petition to sell slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-7929-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7924 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/09/18 7930: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Catherine S.M. Ray, Isabella Ray, Mary Ray, Catherine Ray, and Isaac N. Steele. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sherwood Forrest, Providence. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7930-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7925 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/09/30 7931: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Eliza Whittington and Lewis Sutton. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gowry Banks. Accession No.: 17,898-7931-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7926 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/06/23 7932: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Richard Duvall, Grafton B. Duvall, Sarah Duvall, Mary Duvall, Margaret Duvall, Gabriel H. Duvall, Lucretia Duvall, Rosetta Duvall, James Duvall, and Maria Duvall. AA. Petition to sell Greenfield. Plat of Youngs Inn, Brushy Neck, Mayburys Span, Plains of Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 823.
Accession No.: 17,898-7932-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7927 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/11/26 7933: Franklin Bank of Baltimore vs. Christopher Chapman, Elizabeth Chapman, and Thomas Irvin, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 512. Accession No.: 17,898-7933 MSA S512-10- 7928 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/02/16 7934: Farmers and Planters Bank of Baltimore vs. David Keener and Mary Keener. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 528. Accession No.: 17,898-7934-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7929 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/02/08 7935: Franklin Beneficial Society vs. George Grape. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 653. Accession No.: 17,898-7935 MSA S512-10- 7930 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/03/02 7936: Female Orphan Asylum of Baltimore vs. Otho Eichelberger, John Glenn, and James M. Campbell. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 661. Accession No.: 17,898-7936 MSA S512-10- 7931 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/07/04 7937: William Fort, Charles Timanus, and Samuel P. Powell, Trustees of Primary School District 45 vs. William McLaughlin, Andrew McLaughlin, and James C. Barry. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Misery, lots in Ellicott Mills. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 1007. Accession No.: 17,898-7937 MSA S512-10- 7932 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/01/28 7938: Samuel R. Fisher vs. Thomas Gilpin. KE, QA. Mortgage foreclosure on London Bridge, Gilpin Town in KE. Also Common Halls Harbour, Lower Ford, Sand Town in QA. Plat of lot in Chester in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-7938-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7933 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/06/24 7941: Franklin Bank of Baltimore vs. William F. Giles, Andrew Hall, and Ann Hall. BA. Petition to sell lots in Fells Point. Accession No.: 17,898-7941-1/10 MSA S512-10- 7934 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/04/14 7942: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Jonas Green, Mary Green, William S. Green, and James Iglehart. AA. Petition to sell house and lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-7942-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7935 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/12/19 7943: John H. Friese, Herman D. Friese, Henry C. Friese, Philip R.J. Friese, Magdaline E. Heye, and Henry L. Friese vs. Frederick Schetter, William Sufts, Rebecca Sufts, George Reppert, and Jacob Reppert. BA. Estate of John F. Friese. Accession No.: 17,898-7943-1/8 MSA S512-10- 7936 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/27 7944: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Henry Wayman. Howard District. Petition to sell Range Declined. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 328. Accession No.: 17,898-7944 MSA S512-10- 7937 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/12/16 7945: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. John Wood, Thomas J. Heller, and George Browne. CV. Petition to sell Round Pond Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 408. Accession No.: 17,898-7945 MSA S512-10- 7938 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/09/27 7946: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Elizabeth Bourne, Joseph B. Bourne, Mary E. Bourne, Marie E. Bourne, Joseph L. Blake, Jr., and Joseph K. Roberts. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1031. Accession No.: 17,898-7946-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7939 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/02 7947: Lucy Gray, Lewis M. Hughes, Laura Hughes, William Owen, Mary Owen, William Owen, Charles Owen, Robert B. Hancock, and Mary Hancock vs. Edmund Lynch, Samuel McDonald, William Owen, Mary Owen, Benjamin Ferguson Gray, and Robert Thompson. BA. Estate of Benjamin Ferguson.
Accession No.: 17,898-7947-1/7 MSA S512-10- 7940 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/12/03 7948: Stewart Geoghegan vs. Thomas Traverse. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 321. Accession No.: 17,898-7948 MSA S512-10- 7941 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/03/03 7949: Perry Gaither, Mortimer Dorsey, and Caleb Dorsey vs. Isaac C. Anderson, Achea Ridgely, Henry Ridgely, John Hood, Louisa Hood, Catherine V. Hood, Charles W. Hood, Caroline Hood, Septimno Dorsey, Deborah Gaither, Frederick Gaither, Daniel N. Gaither, Sarah A. Gaither, Eliza Norris, Nelson Norris, and Hanson Dorsey. Howard District. Petition to sell Dependance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 634.
Accession No.: 17,898-7949-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7942 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/03/23 7950: Basil B. Gray vs. John F. Gray and Michael B. Carroll. SM. Petition to sell Susquehanna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 703 Accession No.: 17,898-7950-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7943 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/09/10 7951: John Grant, Elizabeth Grant, Aaron Disney, Snowden Disney, Jr. Alexander Disney, Nancy Disney, Rachel Disney, Providence Disney, Snowden Disney, Mary Disney, Caroline Disney, Richard J. Disney, James Morgan, and Charity Morgan vs. Joshua Disney. BA. Petition to sell Alexanders Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 373
Accession No.: 17,898-7951 MSA S512-10- 7944 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/05/15 7952: John Glenn vs. Charles Groves, Susanna Groves, Charles F. Mayer, Matthew McColm, and Jesse House. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-7952 MSA S512-10- 7945 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/07/19 7953: Frederick Gundrum vs. Joseph J. Speed, Lewis W.H. Giese, and James H. Giese. BA. Trust estate of Giese & Son. Accession No.: 17,898-7953 MSA S512-10- 7946 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/01/17 7954: William H. Goodwin vs. Caleb D. Goodwin, Frances C. Goodwin, and Charles E. Goodwin. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 315. Accession No.: 17,898-7954 MSA S512-10- 7947 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/04/06 7955: Dr. Stevens Gambrill, Jesse Hayne, Mary A. Hayne, Charles A. Gambrill, and Lancelot Gambrill vs. Moses Donaldson. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Worthingtons Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-7955 MSA S512-10- 7948 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/11 7956: Robert M. Gibbes, Charles Oliver, Thomas Oliver, and Allen Thomas vs. William A. Moale. BA. Estate of Robert Oliver - lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Accession No.: 17,898-7956-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7949 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/03/30 7957: Margaret Gwynn and James Curley vs. John R. Gwynn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 280. Accession No.: 17,898-7957-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7950 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/05/15 7958: John Griffith vs. Sophia C. Dunnock. DO. Petition to sell Meekins Hope, Stapleforts Recreation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-7958 MSA S512-10- 7951 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/14 7959: Henry H. Goldsborough vs. Charlotte M. Plater and James L. Martin. TA. Petition to partition Tilghmans Fortune. Accession No.: 17,898-7959 MSA S512-10- 7952 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/09/24 7960: Robert Gilmor, Tamerine Smith, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Nathan Warfield and George S. Boozer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Darley Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-7960 MSA S512-10- 7953 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/12/21 7961: John Glenn vs. Alexander Neill, William T. Somervill, Charles Tiernan, Gay R. Tiernan, and William H. Tiernan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7961 MSA S512-10- 7954 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/06/21 7962: Hugh Gelston vs. Samuel Farrington and Nably L. Farrington. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Woodmans Venture, Addition to Woodmans Venture, Marshs Victory Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-7962 MSA S512-10- 7955 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/03/29 7963: Israel Griffith vs. Samuel Norman and Dorcas Norman. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Greenwich Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 38. Accession No.: 17,898-7963 MSA S512-10- 7956 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/10/16 7964: Stephen George, John S. George, Lovelace G. Shipley, Edward May, John L. Reese, Lewis H. Williams, Frederick Baughman, and Thomas H. Bevan vs. Evan T. Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, Philip T. Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, Samuel Ellicott, Jr., and Henry Hazel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-7964 MSA S512-10- 7957 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/08/17 7965: Richard W. Gill, E.M.K. Duncan, and A.M.K. Duncan vs. John R. Dall, James A. Dall, William B. McAtee, Washington County Bank, and Hagerstown Bank. WA. Injunction against execution of judgment - lot in Conococheague Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-7965-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7958 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/23 7966: John Glenn and Nathaniel Williams vs. Henry Webb and Mary A. Honeywell. BA. Estate of Stephen Honeywell. Accession No.: 17,898-7966 MSA S512-10- 7959 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/10/10 7967: William Gibson, Thomas H. Gibson, Isabell Gibson, Charles B. Gibson, Ellen Gibson, John J. Reese, Sally A. Reese, James Cheston, Sally Cheston, Galloway Cheston, Margaret Cheston, Samuel Cheston, Dr. Casper Morris, Ann C. Morris, James H. Murray, and Fanny H. Murray vs. John B. Morris and Daniel Murray. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 881.
Accession No.: 17,898-7967 MSA S512-10- 7960 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/06/06 7968: Beale Gaither vs. William Gaither, Susan Gaither, Ellen Gaither, and Massey A. Gaither. AA. Estate of William Plummer - Addition to Weedy Glade, Plummers Pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-7968-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7961 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/10/05 7969: John S. Gittings vs. James Reside. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Georgia, Youngs Lot, Brunswick. Accession No.: 17,898-7969 MSA S512-10- 7962 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/12/16 7970: Sarah Grimes, Vincent Grimes, Joshua Grimes, and George Grimes vs. Noah Grimes and Margaret A. Grimes. AA. Petition to partition Range, Westels Resurvey, Smiths Desire. Plat at 1/38/1/26. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 788. Accession No.: 17,898-7970-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7963 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/11/29 7971: Sarah Gourdon vs. Phebe Brunner and Daniel B. Banks. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 38. Accession No.: 17,898-7971 MSA S512-10- 7964 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/11/17 7972: Charlotte Groves and Sarah Ann Groves vs. Benjamin T. Boyd, James M. Boyd, Dennis Boyd, Richard Chaney, and Matilda Chaney. PG. Estate of Benjamin Boyd. Accession No.: 17,898-7972 MSA S512-10- 7965 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/03/30 7973: Richard W. Gill vs. John Mercer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Samuel, James Boston, David, Nat, Daniel, Ben, Henry, Jack, Tom, Moses, Betsey, Beck, Simon, George, Harry, Sam Wallace, Finney, Deb, Amanda, William, Mary, Thomas, James Henry, Eliza, Becky, Sarah Anne, James Jackson, George Jackson, William Jackson, Billy Boston, Peggy Jackson, Amelia, Ellen, Martha, Lavinia, Mary, Ben, Ellen, Caroline, Margaret, Daniel, Sally, Clementina, Kitty, Lucy, Deb Butler, Judy.
Accession No.: 17,898-7973 MSA S512-10- 7966 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/06/25 7974: William Gwynn, Mary Eckel, and Charles F. Mayer vs. John Wilson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Young Mans Choice, Old Mans Choice, Merrymans Hills, Merrymans Dales. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-7974 MSA S512-10- 7967 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/11/30 7975: Samuel Gillespie and Leverna Gillespie vs. Thomas White and Tilloton Janney. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 840. Accession No.: 17,898-7975-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7968 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/11/01 7976: John Glenn and Charles Gilman vs. John H. Iglehart, Michael Warner, and John B. Wells. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-7976 MSA S512-10- 7969 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/11/10 7977: Richard W. Gill, John M. Duncan, Eliza Duncan, Samuel J.K. Handy, and Ann Handy vs. Israel Griffith and William Schley. BA. Estate of John McKim, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-7977-1/6 MSA S512-10- 7970 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/04/28 7978: George R. Gaither, Thomas Hager, James Smith, and John Potter, Jr. vs. Brooke Beall and Edward J.G. Willett. PG. Petition to sell Mill Dam Enlarged, Plymouth, His Lordships Kindness. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-7978-1/5 MSA S512-10- 7971 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/05/01 7979: John Glenn vs. Beale Randall, John T. Randall, Charlotte Randall, and Henrietta Randall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 920. Accession No.: 17,898-7979-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7972 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/09/12 7980: John Groome and Thomas J. Gillespie vs. Mary F. Moore, Ann Moore, and Jehoiakim Brickley. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-7980 MSA S512-10- 7973 Location: 1/38/3/
1789/05/26 7981: John Geohagen vs. Elam Bailey and Thomas S. Pache. BA. Estate of John Welsh. Accession No.: 17,898-7981 MSA S512-10- 7974 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/03/16 7982: John Gaither, Joshua Gaither, Elizabeth Gaither, Ruth Gaither, and Thomas Gaither. AA. Estate of Rezin Gaither. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158A, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-7982 MSA S512-10- 7975 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/11/30 7983: John Guyer vs. Samuel Maynard and William S. McPherson. AA. Estate of Lewis Nath, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-7983 MSA S512-10- 7976 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/12/09 7984: William Glenn vs. Thomas Kain, Thomas Ayres, Edward Kain, William Kain, and Catherine Smith. HA. Title to Monte Santa. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 543. Accession No.: 17,898-7984 MSA S512-10- 7977 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/06/19 7985: Jacob W. Giles and Ann Giles vs. James Bacon, Jr. and Ann Amelia Bacon. HA. Petition to sell Stony Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 666. Accession No.: 17,898-7985 MSA S512-10- 7978 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/12/24 7987: Benjamin Gaither vs. John Linthicum, Thomas O'Rourke, Michael O'Rourke, and Mary A. O'Rourke. AA. Defraud of creditors of James O'Rourke - Hammonds Second Connexion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 555. Accession No.: 17,898-7987 MSA S512-10- 7979 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/07/03 7988: Benjamin Gaither vs. John Dent and William Cecil. AA. Petition to sell Fowlers Range. Accession No.: 17,898-7988 MSA S512-10- 7980 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/04/22 7989: Sarah E. Ginn vs. Samuel E. Briscoe and Elizabeth Briscoe. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 88. Accession No.: 17,898-7989 MSA S512-10- 7981 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/12/26 7990: Carmethes Griffith and Sally W. Griffith vs. John Amos, Nathan Glenn, William Barton, Sr., Robert Galey, John Montgomery, Robert Fife, James Fife, Aaron Fife, Isaac Fife, and John Heaton. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wild Cat Den. Accession No.: 17,898-7990 MSA S512-10- 7982 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/07/05 7991: Joshua Green vs. Thomas Huggins, John Gregg, and Alexander Gregg. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Piney Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 535. Accession No.: 17,898-7991 MSA S512-10- 7983 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/06/19 7992: Absalom Galloway vs. William K. Galloway and George Tyson. HA. Defraud of creditors of William K. Galloway - Gwynns Contrivance. Accession No.: 17,898-7992 MSA S512-10- 7984 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/08/04 7993: George R. Gaither, Alexander Fisher, William D. Miller, and William E. Mayhew vs. Elizabeth Childs, Mary Childs, Emily Childs, John D. Bowling, Francis Neale, Ignatius Pike, Joseph Janney, Darcy A. French, William H. Sothoron, John Glenn, Mordecai Miller, and Henrietta Dixon. CH. Petition to sell Tanyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 302.
Accession No.: 17,898-7993-1/4 MSA S512-10- 7985 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/11/06 7994: Catherine Griffie, Robert Warfield, Jr., and Greenbury Warfield vs. Hammond Welsh, Nicholas Welsh, Nimrod Welsh, Otho Welsh, Upton Welsh, Matilda Welch, Joshua Warfield, Lydia Warfield, John Welsh, Charles Dorsey, and Catherine Dorsey. AA. Title to Samuels Contrivance, Johns Last Shift.
Accession No.: 17,898-7994 MSA S512-10- 7986 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/07/16 7995: Jesse Green vs. Daniel Cannon, Samuel Wright, Kennerly Wright, Endina Wright, Peter Wright, Allison Wright, Isabell Wright, and William Wright. DO. Petition to sell Ash Meadows, Gold and Silver Mine, West Rest, Luck By Chance, Amboy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 858. Accession No.: 17,898-7995-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7987 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/07/08 7996: George Grove vs. Peter Grove. CR. Petition to sell Bachelors Refuge. Accession No.: 17,898-7996 MSA S512-10- 7988 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/09/09 7997: Thomas Gassaway vs. Nicholas Harding. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-7997 MSA S512-10- 7989 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/14 7998: John S. Gerry and Margaret Gerry vs. John Harris, Martha Harris, Hannah Hindman, Robert Hindman, Samuel Nesbit, Jenny Nesbit, James McCorkle, and Mary McCorkle. CE. Estate of Samuel Hindman - Jamaica. Accession No.: 17,898-7998 MSA S512-10- 7990 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/05/31 8000: John Gore vs. Thomas Hayward. DO. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-8000 MSA S512-10- 7991 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/01/23 8001: Richardson Gambrill vs. William Rawleigh and Sarah Rawleigh. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 306. Accession No.: 17,898-8001 MSA S512-10- 7992 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/03/05 8002: Jane Gamble vs. Anne E. Linsted and Mary J. Linsted. AA. Petition to sell Proctors Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 303. Accession No.: 17,898-8002 MSA S512-10- 7993 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/01/15 8003: George Gelbach vs. Joseph Stansbury, Emanuel Stansbury, and Jane Stansbury. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8003-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7994 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/09/30 8004: Charles R. Gwynn and John R. Gwynn vs. Nathan H. Hallee. WA. Petition to sell lot in Sharpsburg. Accession No.: 17,898-8004-1/2 MSA S512-10- 7995 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/11 8005: Robert Ghiselen, Margaret Ghiselen, Thomas S. Alexander, and Prisilla Alexander vs. William Ghiselen and Reverdy Ghiselen. PG. Petition to partition Brookfield. Accession No.: 17,898-8005 MSA S512-10- 7996 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/09/27 8006: Joshua Gooding vs. John Wilhelm, Edward Lawson, and Rachel Bossom. BA. Estate of Daniel Bossom. Accession No.: 17,898-8006 MSA S512-10- 7997 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/05/05 8007: Robert Gorsuch, Jr. vs. Frederick Johnston and Thomas Osborn. PG. Injunction to stay court proceedings Accession No.: 17,898-8007-1/3 MSA S512-10- 7998 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/03/27 8008: Able Green and Morris C. Green vs. Uriah Blackburn, Jacob Kraus, Rebecca Kraus, Joseph Green, Jacob Green, William Woodward, Lydia Woodward, Ellis Reynolds, and Henry Kraus. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from West Addition, Maidens Mount, Brothers Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 503.
Accession No.: 17,898-8008 MSA S512-10- 7999 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/12/19 8009: Dixon Gough vs. Robert Crane and John A. Crane. SM. Estate of Mary Crane. Accession No.: 17,898-8009 MSA S512-10- 8000 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/04/21 8010: Elizabeth Gould vs. James Gould, Charlotte Gould, Mary T. Gould, and Henrietta Gould. QA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8010 MSA S512-10- 8001 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/05/23 8011: John Gray, Charlotte Gray, and Charles Boone vs. Nicholas Boone. AA. Petition to partition Second Addition to Rattle Snake Neck, Jacobs Fortune. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-8011 MSA S512-10- 8002 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/03/09 8012: Nicholas Goldsborough, Matthew T. Goldsborough, and James N. Goldsborough vs. William B. Smyth and Anna M.T. Smyth. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8012 MSA S512-10- 8003 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/04/17 8013: Allen M. Goldsborough vs. Griffin W. Goldsborough. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Old Town. Accession No.: 17,898-8013 MSA S512-10- 8004 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/03 8014: Richard H. Griffith vs. Maria Griffith, Jane R. Griffith, Ruth M. Griffith, Georgiana Griffith, Samuel H. Griffith, Henry C. Griffith, Alfred Griffith, and Isreal Griffith. MO. Petition to sell Charles and Benjamin. Accession No.: 17,898-8014 MSA S512-10- 8005 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/06/13 8015: Archibald George and John Reese vs. John McDonnall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bulford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 277. Accession No.: 17,898-8015 MSA S512-10- 8006 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/10/22 8016: Lyde Griffith vs. Frederick County Board, Charles D. Warfield, Joshua Stewart, Elijah P. Etchison, Peregrine Etchison, James M. Etchison, Frederick Etchison, Jason Etchison, Osborn Etchison, John Etchison, Ephraim Gaither of M., Mahlon Chandler, Joshua Pearce, and Hannah Pearce. AA, MO. Estate of Ephraim Etchison - Great Meadows.
Accession No.: 17,898-8016-1/6 MSA S512-10- 8007 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/03/20 8017: Stewart Geoghegan, John Applegarth, Ann Applegarth, Mary Ann Tubman, George Meekins, and Dorothy Meekins vs. John R. Geoghegan, William Tubman, and Catherine Tubman. DO. Petition to sell Tubmans Resolution, Good Intent. Recorded (Chancery Record 145, p. 211.
Accession No.: 17,898-8017 MSA S512-10- 8008 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/13 8018: Richard J. Gambrill vs. Richard Gambrill, Mary Gambrill, Nicholas Woodward, Sarah Woodward, Stevens Gambrill, Elizabeth Gambrill, William Gardiner, Rachel Gardiner, James H. Gambrill, Joseph J. Gambrill, Philip D. Gambrill, Horace D. Gambrill, Charles Gambrill, Elizabeth Gambrill, George Gambrill, Stephen Gambrill, and Mary Gambrill. Howard District. Petition to sell Hammonds Inheritance.
Accession No.: 17,898-8018-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8009 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/08/02 8019: Thomas Gilpin vs. John E. Stewart, Jr., Mary E. Stewart, William H. Stewart, Montgomery Stewart, George W. Stewart, and Martha A. Stewart. QA. Contract to purchase Halls Harbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-8019-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8010 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/04/04 8020: Hugh Gelston vs. Thomas Evans and Michael Keyser. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 378. Accession No.: 17,898-8020 MSA S512-10- 8011 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/07/20 8021: John S. Gittings and J. Mason Campbell vs. John S. Nicholas, Esther Nicholas, Elizabeth A. Stevenson, Tanis A. Craven, and Marie Craven. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 476. Accession No.: 17,898-8021 MSA S512-10- 8012 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/11/14 8022: Richard W. Gill vs. Edward Sparks, Sophia Sparks, Anna Pinkney, Mary Pinkney, Ellen Pinkney, and Jonathan Pinkney. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Deposit. Accession No.: 17,898-8022 MSA S512-10- 8013 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/11/20 8023: John S. Gittings vs. Martha Gittings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Green. Accession No.: 17,898-8023 MSA S512-10- 8014 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/10/09 8024: Edward Geddis, Daniel Geddis, and Mary Geddis vs. John Geddis and Eliza Grindage. KE. Petition to sell Partnership Point Resurveyed, Rippans, Peters Point. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-8024 MSA S512-10- 8015 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/05/09 8025: Thomas F. Griffith vs. John Gambrill. CA. Petition to sell Worlds End, Eatons Discovery, Frenches Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-8025 MSA S512-10- 8016 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/07/13 8026: William Graham vs. Hellen Craig. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8026 MSA S512-10- 8017 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/06/16 8027: Jesse Godley, William M. DeCoursey, and Augustus T. Chever vs. Susannah M. Waltham and Thomas H. Osborn. KE. Petition to sell Wortons Manor. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-8027-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8018 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/04/07 8028: George Gelbach vs. John H. Milburn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 774. Accession No.: 17,898-8028 MSA S512-10- 8019 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/06/13 8029: Martha Griffith, William Griffith, John L. Griffith, Thomas H. Griffith, and Samuel A. Griffith vs. Lewis Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Cyrus Griffith, Edwin L. Griffith, Virginia Griffith, Martha Griffith, Edward Jacob, and Prisilla Jacob. CV. Estate of Samuel Griffith.
Accession No.: 17,898-8029 MSA S512-10- 8020 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/09/24 8030: Thomas Garrett, William Chandler, George P. Whitaker, and Joseph Whitaker vs. David Stewart, Robert Purviance, Jr., George C. Morton, and Charles J.N. Eaton. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 383. Accession No.: 17,898-8030 MSA S512-10- 8021 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/03/03 8031: Wilford Garner vs. Charles A. Williamson. BA. Estate of Joseph M. Williamson. Accession No.: 17,898-8031 MSA S512-10- 8022 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/04/26 8032: William J.M. Gordon vs. Ellen Gordon, Richard Venables, Elizabeth Venables, Samuel J. Gordon, and Oliver F. Gordon. SO. Petition to sell Prickle Cotts Hot, New Castle, Old Castle. Accession No.: 17,898-8032 MSA S512-10- 8023 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/04/28 8033: John Glenn and Reverdy Johnson vs. Ann Sewell, Thomas T. Oliver, and Caroline Oliver. CE. Dissolution of a partnership - lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-8033 MSA S512-10- 8024 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/03/31 8034: Robert Gwynn, Margaret Gwynn, Isaac McCurley, and Elizabeth McCurley vs. Joseph H. McCurley, Emily McCurley, Ellen Gwynn, Jane Gwynn, and Catherine Gwynn. BA. Petition to partition Cromwells Park Amended, Small Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 537.
Accession No.: 17,898-8034 MSA S512-10- 8025 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/07/17 8035: James Gardiner vs. Benjamin Wood. CH. Contract to purchase Truemans Place. Accession No.: 17,898-8035 MSA S512-10- 8026 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/07/29 8036: John Gowen vs. Samuel Moale and George Winchester. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8036 MSA S512-10- 8027 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/11/13 8037: George Gelbach and Isaac W. Jewett vs. John Hampden Williams and Antionette Williams. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 722. Accession No.: 17,898-8037 MSA S512-10- 8028 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/05/14 8038: John Glenn vs. Citizens Bank of Baltimore and Francis J. Dallam. BA. Insolvent estate of George Belzhourer and William Gall. Accession No.: 17,898-8038 MSA S512-10- 8029 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/10/02 8039: John Glenn vs. Peter Webb, Solomon Dickenson, Samuel Dickenson, Benjamin Rawlins, and Nanny Rawlins. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/27. Accession No.: 17,898-8039-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8030 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/08/27 8040: John Glenn vs. William Baker and Benjamin Childs. BA. Defraud of creditors of Benjamin Childs. Accession No.: 17,898-8040 MSA S512-10- 8031 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/03/01 8041: John Gadsby, Joshua Dryden, John Gwathney, George R.C. Floyd, William H. Booth, Thomas Baltzell, and Philip Baltzell vs. John C. Lindenberger, Catherine MacEnheimer, Anna Eliza Lindenbeger, Henry Peck, Rachel Peck, William Baltzell, Eliza Baltzell, Susanna Bantz, Louisa Bantz, Eliza Bantz, Susan Legg, Juliana Legg, Joseph Legg, Thomas Spriggs, Sarah E. Forrester, Thomas Spriggs, Mary Spriggs, Samuel Reynolds, Eliza Reynolds, Douglas Farnham, Susanna Farnham, Edward Mason, Mary Mason, Silas Sprague, Barbara Sprague, Vernon Lindenberger, Davidje Lindenberger, Rebecca Lindenberger, George Henry Lindenberger, William Lindenberger, Richard Lindenberger, Eliza Lindenberger, Lucretia Lindenberger, Emory Lindenberger, Jacob Lindenberger, John Lindenberger, George Lindenberger, Elizabeth Lindenberger, John MacEnheimer, George L. MacEnheimer, Jacob MacEnheimer, Gabriel MacEnheimer, Rhoda Lindenberger, Christopher Lindenberger, Evelina Lindenberger, John Lindenberger, Charity Lindenberger, George Lindenberger, Ebenezer Lindenberger, and Dorcas Lindenberger. BA, MO. Petition to sell lot in BC. Also Long Looked For, Johns Delight in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 580.
Accession No.: 17,898-8041 MSA S512-10- 8032 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/12/08 8042: Lewis Gross, Jacob White, David Stewart, and Thomas P. Scott vs. Charity Fairbank, Hugh Boyle, Alexander Kirkland, and James Thompson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 996. Accession No.: 17,898-8042 MSA S512-10- 8033 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/10/18 8043: Samuel Griffin, Eliza Griffin, Caleb Griffin, and Eliza Griffin vs. James Griffin, Gridley Gurney, Mary Gurney, James Moore, Sarah Moore, Lavinia Griffin, George Breerwood, Joseph G. Summers, Sarah Summers, Margaret Summers, Thomas B. Summers, William W. Summers, Samuel Summers, Thomas Gurney, Sally Gurney, Nathan Gurney, and Mary Gurney. DO. Petition to sell Miles Security, Griffin Venture, Brambles Addition, Minus Inspection, Grove.
Accession No.: 17,898-8043 MSA S512-10- 8034 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/05/26 8044: Cornelius Garretson vs. Stephen Yates. AA. Petition to sell Talbots Last Shift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-8044 MSA S512-10- 8035 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/06/18 8045: Lyde Griffith vs. Jesse Leach. MO. Estate of Samuel Griffith - Thomas Delight, Resurvey on Griffiths Chance, Waters Discovery, Samuels Chance, Addition to Samuels Chance, Abells Levels, Addition to Abells, Levels, Resurvey on Shady Grove, Jacobs Mistake.
Accession No.: 17,898-8045-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8036 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/06/26 8046: Robert Gilmore vs. Henry Snowden. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Worton Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-8046 MSA S512-10- 8037 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/07/23 8047: John Gregg and Alexander Gregg vs. Samuel Hogg, Robert Hogg, James Hogg, Eliza Hogg, Jane Hogg, Mary Hogg, George Kidd, and Maria Kidd. CE. Petition to sell lot in Charlestown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-8047-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8038 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/11/08 8048: Joshua Gore vs. Joseph Brummel, Jr. BA. Title to Dyes Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 6. Accession No.: 17,898-8048 MSA S512-10- 8039 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/01/18 8049: Jhonsey Gardner vs. John Armitage, William Armitage, John Armitage, Jr., Joseph Armitage, Elizabeth Armitage, Ellen Armitage, Ann E. Armitage, Emily Armitage, Louisa Armitage, and Ann Armitage. BA. Contract to purchase Murrays Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-8049 MSA S512-10- 8040 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/02/25 8050: John Glenn vs. Hugh Boyle and Robert Coleman. BA. Defraud of creditors of Boyle. Accession No.: 17,898-8050 MSA S512-10- 8041 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/01/27 8053: John C. Gott, Richard Gott, Edward C. Gott, Benjamin C. Gott, Elizabeth A. Gott, Joseph C. White, Mary White, Benjamin White of Ben, and Susan White vs. William C. Gott, Thomas N. Gott, Sarah E. Gott, and Nathan W. Gott. AA. Petition to sell Swamp Farm, Rhode River Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 699.
Accession No.: 17,898-8053 MSA S512-10- 8042 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/02/11 8054: Beall Gaither and Elizabeth Forrest vs. Charles Snyder, Charles Snyder, Mary Snyder, Elizabeth Poulton, Mary Poulton, Emily Poulton, Sarah A. Poulton, John Poulton, and Charles Poulton. AA. Estate of Charles Poulton, Sr. - Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-8054 MSA S512-10- 8043 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/07/28 8055: Ellen Gardner, Francis McCauley, and Joseph McCauley vs. Mary Ann Clarke, Edward Jacob, and Elizabeth Jacob. AA. Petition to sell Chance, Abington. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8055 MSA S512-10- 8044 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/03/08 8056: Obed Green and John Stevenson vs. Mary Fulton and James N. Fulton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Poutanys Chance, Come by Chance, Ridgelys Whim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 582. Accession No.: 17,898-8056-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8045 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/10/20 8057: Henry Greve vs. Cassandra Gassaway, Rachel Randall, Frederick Grimes, Margaret Grimes, William Culverwell, George McKay, Martha McKay, John Lindenberger, Elizabeth Lindenberger, George Lindenberger, Henry Peck, Rachel Peck, and James Porter. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Little Worth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 139.
Accession No.: 17,898-8057-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8046 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/07/16 8058: James J. Gough and Robert Hammett vs. Francis Neale, Ignatius Pike, James Wagner, John W. Smith, and William G. Cook. BA. Contract to discount a note. Accession No.: 17,898-8058-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8047 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/12/10 8059: Susanna Graves, Margaret Norris, Benjamin Fales, Ann Fales, Christopher Brown, and Sarah Brown vs. Ann Eliza Langdon, Ebenezer Fales, James Fales, and William Rhodes. BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 185. Accession No.: 17,898-8059 MSA S512-10- 8048 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/10/07 8060: William N. Gatchell vs. William E. McClellan. BA. Defraud of creditors of Bernard Tell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 190 Accession No.: 17,898-8060 MSA S512-10- 8049 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/09/24 8061: Andrew Geigleir vs. Adam Oestreicher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8061 MSA S512-10- 8050 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/01/19 8062: Juliana Gordy vs. William Stevens, David Stevens, and Mary Stevens. WO. Estate of Levi Stevens. Accession No.: 17,898-8062 MSA S512-10- 8051 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/03/26 8063: James Gill vs. Philip Bierly and Ruth Bierly. BA. Petition to partition Thomas Choice Resurveyed, Hookers Hope, Castle Hannah, Greens Good Will. Plat of Thomas Choice Resurveyed, Hookers Hope, Castle Hannah. Accession No.: 17,898-8063-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8052 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/12/25 8064: David Garrett vs. Sarah Ann Garrett, Mary J. Garrett, Anna Garrett, Francina Garrett, Harriett Garrett, Eliza Garrett, Owen Garrett, and Rebecca Garrett. CE. Petition to sell Garretts Factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 707. Accession No.: 17,898-8064-1/7 MSA S512-10- 8053 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/02/22 8065: David S. Gittings vs. Edward Gittings. BA. Petition to partition Land of Promise, Risteaus Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 753. Accession No.: 17,898-8065 MSA S512-10- 8054 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/01/04 8066: Thomas P. Gantt vs. Levi L. Tayman. AA. Contract to act as surety. Accession No.: 17,898-8066 MSA S512-10- 8055 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/05/08 8068: Robert B. Griffin, William Lee, and Eliphalet H. Merrill vs. Milcah A. Usilton, George B. Usilton, Clay Usilton, John Usilton, and John N. Usilton. KE. Petition to sell lot in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-8068-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8056 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/13 8069: William C. Glenn vs. Harriett A. Barker, Francis A. Barker, John A. Barker, Joseph H. Barker, George Y. Barker, and Frank Barker. CR. Petition to sell Ivy Factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 398. Accession No.: 17,898-8069 MSA S512-10- 8057 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/09/07 8070: George A. Gibson, Elizabeth A. Gibson, Henry T. Gibson, Mary C. Gibson, and John M. Gibson vs. David Webster, Joseph Beauchamp, Caroline Beauchamp, Michael Webster, Hamilton S. Webster, Sabril S. Webster, and Leah Webster. SO. Petition to sell Northforeland.
Accession No.: 17,898-8070 MSA S512-10- 8058 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/07/14 8073: John Gillingham and Edward Jessop vs. John H.B. Latrobe and John S. Gittings. BA. Contract to lease lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 548. Accession No.: 17,898-8073 MSA S512-10- 8059 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/01/25 8074: John S. Gittings vs. Samuel H. Redgraves. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 760. Accession No.: 17,898-8074 MSA S512-10- 8060 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/06/05 8075: Mary Goldsborough vs. Elizabeth Green, John M. Green, Henry P. Green, Joshua Green, George Green, Thomas Green, Littleton Green, Erasmus Wells, Louisa Wells, Benjamin Green, Harriett Green, Elizabeth Green, Mary Barnes, William Williams, and Dr. William Sappington. HA. Petition to sell Point Concord Fishery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 164.
Accession No.: 17,898-8075-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8061 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/05 8076: Hugh Gelston vs. Lorenzo Norvell, Lucy Norvell, and Samuel Riggs. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Newington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 876. Accession No.: 17,898-8076 MSA S512-10- 8062 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/01/24 8077: Richard W. Gill and Henrietta M. Hall vs. William D. Clagett. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8077-1/6 MSA S512-10- 8063 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/05/10 8078: John Glenn vs. Margaret Wootten, Frances H. Wootten, Ann E. Wootten, Richard Wootten, William T. Wootten, and Benjamin A. Mullikin. PG. Petition to sell Essington, Ample Grange. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8078-1/7 MSA S512-10- 8064 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/07/09 8079: Mary Goldthwait and Mary A.P. Goldthwait vs. Isaac Phillips. BA. Validity of a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-8079-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8065 Location: 1/38/3/
1814/02/23 8080: Alexander Greer and Sally Greer vs. Edmond Key, John J. Briscoe, John Jordan, and Eliza Neale. CH. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8080 MSA S512-10- 8066 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/04/27 8081: Ann E. Gill and Jacob Franklin Deale vs. Richard W. Gill. AA. Trust estate of Ann E. Gill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-8081 MSA S512-10- 8067 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/20 8082: John Getz, Ellen Getz, and Lydia Davis vs. George Hoofnagle, Richard Hoofnagle, John Hoofnagle, Frederick W. White, and Mary White. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-8082 MSA S512-10- 8068 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/09/24 8083: John Guy vs. Juliana Sewell, James S. Morrell, and Jane S. Morrell. SM. Contract to purchase Hopkins Park, Pains Dwelling, Bonds Purchase, Thompsons Expense. Accession No.: 17,898-8083 MSA S512-10- 8069 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/06/28 8084: Berry Griffith, Sarah Griffith, David T. Hyde, Mary Tilly, and Lucretia Tilly vs. Dennis Claude. AA. Petition to sell slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-8084 MSA S512-10- 8070 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/02/02 8085: John Gardiner vs. Rezin H. Snowden, Arabella Snowden, and Marian S. Snowden. AA. Contract to purchase Trusty Friend. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-8085 MSA S512-10- 8071 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/05/11 8086: Leonard Gary vs. Fielder B. Smith. CV. Estate of Joseph Crosby. Accession No.: 17,898-8086 MSA S512-10- 8072 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/09/21 8087: Greenbury Gaither vs. Washington Scrivener, Sarah Scrivener, John Scrivener, Allan Scrivener, Worley Scrivener, Martha Scrivener, Joshua Scrivener, Elijah Scrivener, Caroline Scrivener, and William Scrivener. AA. Petition to sell Morehowsers Generosity, Grimes Venture, Left Out. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 841.
Accession No.: 17,898-8087 MSA S512-10- 8073 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/03/26 8088: Jesse Green vs. John McCurdy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-8088 MSA S512-10- 8074 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/23 8089: John Glenn and William H. Gatchell vs. Benjamin K. Hagger, John W. Hagger, Martin Fisher, and William C. Harris. BA. Defraud of creditors of Benjamin K. Hagger and John W. Hagger. Accession No.: 17,898-8089 MSA S512-10- 8075 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/03/26 8090: Frederick C. Graf vs. Jonathan Hudson. BA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-8090 MSA S512-10- 8076 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/09/14 8091: William H. Gatchell vs. Charles F. Mayer and Cornelius McLean, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of John M. Thompson - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8091-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8077 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/12/31 8092: Robert Gilmor vs. Dennis A. Smith, James W. McCulloh, Lemuel Taylor, Charles W. Harrison, and John S. Williams. BA. Title to Orange. Accession No.: 17,898-8092-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8078 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/12 8093: John Glenn and William G. Krebs vs. Thomasina Gist. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8093 MSA S512-10- 8079 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/01/03 8094: Sarah S. Gantt, William O. Spriggs, Eliza Spriggs, William Gibson, and Eleanor Gibson vs. Christopher L. Gantt, Benjamin L. Gantt, Charles L. Gantt, Benjamin Gantt, Levi Gantt, John Floyd, Jonathan Prout, Ann Prout, Thomas Tasker Gantt, John Bowie, Ann M. Bowie, Zachariah Berry, and Prisilla Berry. PG. Petition to sell Reparation, Graden, Addition to Graden, Brooke Grove, Northampton. Plat at 1/38/1/27.
Accession No.: 17,898-8094-1/5 MSA S512-10- 8080 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/04/13 8095: Joshua Gorsuch vs. Daniel Orrick, Rebecca Orrick, Elijah Orrick, John C. Orrick, and William M. Orrick. BA. Petition to sell Merrymans Inclosure Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 762. Accession No.: 17,898-8095-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8081 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/12/20 8096: Juliet Gambrill, Richard W. Hook, and Elizabeth Hook vs. Horace Knight, Catherine Knight, William Gambrill, Augustus Gambrill, Marrian Gambrill, John Gambrill, Eli Gambrill, Adaline Gambrill, Maria Gambrill, Louise Gambrill, and Benjamin F. Gambrill. BA. Petition to sell Roberts Park.
Accession No.: 17,898-8096-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8082 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/06/10 8097: William Grason vs. John Tate, Caroline M. Tate, Charles W. Hobbs, William A.G. Hobbs, Anna M. Hobbs, Washington H. Hobbs, Peregrine Emory, and Ann Emory. QA. Petition to sell Dolvine. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 646. Accession No.: 17,898-8097 MSA S512-10- 8083 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/30 8098: Frederick C. Graf vs. Lewis D. Von Schmeintz, Isaac Wampler, John Jordon, Charles H. Baker, Philip F. Mayer, Christine Mayer, Charles F. Mayer, Justus Hoppe, Charles W. Karthaus, Sarah Brown, John N. Brown, George Brown, Jacob H. Brown, Stuart Brown, Jr., George A. Brown, Sophia Brown, Sally H. Brown, and James M. Brown, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8098-1/6 MSA S512-10- 8084 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/07/08 8099: John Golder vs. William Cater, Aseneth Rigby, and John T. Mercer. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-8099 MSA S512-10- 8085 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/06/11 8100: Richard Gittings, Mary Gittings, Harriett Gittings, Sophia Sterrett, Henrietta M. Sterrett, William P. Matthews, John S. Matthews, Charles S. Matthews, Andrew S. Matthews, Alexander M. Matthews, Ann P. Matthews, and Henrietta S. Matthews vs. Mary Sterrett. BA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8100 MSA S512-10- 8086 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/06/09 8101: William Gwynn vs. Fielding Lucas and Jonathan Meredith. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8101 MSA S512-10- 8087 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/11/10 8102: Lynch Griffin, William Jones, Prudence Jones, Daniel Jackson, Providence Jackson, William Langdon, Ruth Langdon, William Mansfield, Ann Mansfield, James Hutchins, Ann M. Hutchins, Joseph Brannon, and William Brannon vs. Miranda Chowerman, Lloyd Ford, Ruth Ford, James Wilkinson, Sophia Brannan, Thomas Brannan, Mary J. Brannan, and Louisa Brannan. BA. Petition to sell Winleys Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 486.
Accession No.: 17,898-8102 MSA S512-10- 8088 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/11/27 8103: George Gale and Margaret Gale vs. Isabella Dooley. AA. Estate of James Dooley - Westberry. Accession No.: 17,898-8103 MSA S512-10- 8089 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/09/11 8104: William Garrett and William Mackey vs. Sarah Wallace. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8104 MSA S512-10- 8090 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/08/08 8105: H.B. & J. Griffith vs. Joseph Chaney, Richard Beard, and William Hopkins. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8105 MSA S512-10- 8091 Location: 1/38/3/
1828/05/06 8107: Susanna J. Gott, Nathan Childs, William Childs, Richard Brown, Julian Brown, Benjamin Carr, Mary E. Carr, Richard Beall, Ninian Willett, and Susan Willett vs. Cordelia Barnes, Azel Beall, Martha Beall, Joseph C. Beall, John E. Beall, and Ruth E. Beall. WA. Petition to sell Sopers Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 644.
Accession No.: 17,898-8107 MSA S512-10- 8092 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/09/01 8108: Griffith Griffiths vs. Charles Regan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8108 MSA S512-10- 8093 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/07/13 8109: Frederick C. Graf and Lucy C. Schultz vs. John Gooding, George Winchester, and Peter A. Karthaus. BA. Contract to insure schooner Baltimore. Accession No.: 17,898-8109 MSA S512-10- 8094 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/11/14 8110: Henry Greve and Ann Greve vs. Dennis Read, Charles Read, and Nicholas Wells. AA. Petition to partition Chews Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-8110 MSA S512-10- 8095 Location: 1/38/3/
1830/01/21 8111: John Gambrill and Mary Gambrill vs. Sarah Ann Sewell. AA. Estate of Benjamin Sewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-8111 MSA S512-10- 8096 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/02/21 8112: Richard Gardner, William Gardner, George W. Gardner, Thomas Bird, and Sarah Bird vs. Margaret Gardner. AA. Petition to partition Antilibamus, Lebanon. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 278. Accession No.: 17,898-8112-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8097 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/07/13 8113: Robert Gilmor vs. Owen Dorsey, Henrietta Dorsey, John F. Harris, Beale Spurrier, and Andrew Adgate. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Labyrinth, Pemblicoe, Toms Choice, Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-8113 MSA S512-10- 8098 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/07/05 8114: George Grundy vs. William E. Mayhew and Roderick Burt. BA. Insolvent estates of John Pierpont, Joseph L. Lord, and John Neal. Accession No.: 17,898-8114-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8099 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/05/09 8115: Henry G. Garner and Juliet Garner vs. Philip Turner. SM. Estate of John Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-8115 MSA S512-10- 8100 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/12/21 8116: Edward R. Gibson vs. James Fulton, Sr. and James Fulton, Jr. TA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8116-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8101 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/07/21 8117: John H. Gray vs. Francis J. Brummett and William P. Golder. CH. Validity of mortgage on Martins Freehold, Tattershalls Gift, St. Johns Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-8117 MSA S512-10- 8102 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/04/08 8118: John J. Griffiss vs. Robert K. Huntt. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-8118 MSA S512-10- 8103 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/05/06 8119: John S. Gittings vs. Israel Leister and Rebecca Leister. CR. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 471. Accession No.: 17,898-8119 MSA S512-10- 8104 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/11/20 8120: Edward Gray vs. William S. Harrison. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on West Illchester. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 525. Accession No.: 17,898-8120 MSA S512-10- 8105 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/05/27 8121: Stephen Gill vs. Mordecai G. Cockey, John R. Cockey, John Gartside, Elias C. Stockdale, John T. Stockdale, Solomon T. Stockdale, and William H. Stockdale. BA. Title to Meadows and Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 6. Accession No.: 17,898-8121 MSA S512-10- 8106 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/06/12 8122: George M. Green vs. Firemans Insurance Co. and Charles Knutt. BA. Validity of insurance payment to Knutt. Accession No.: 17,898-8122 MSA S512-10- 8107 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/09/23 8123: John Glenn and William H. Gatchell vs. Benjamin K. Haggar, John W. Haggar, and William G. Haggar. BA. Defraud of creditors of Benjamin K. Haggar and John W. Haggar. Accession No.: 17,898-8123 MSA S512-10- 8108 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/09/24 8124: John Gable vs. Richard B. Beall and Lloyd S. Foard. HA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8124 MSA S512-10- 8109 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/03/24 8125: George R. Gaither, William Swan, Richard W. Marriott, Thomas S. Harwood, Samuel Wyman, Daniel Cobb, Samuel G. Wyman, Alexander Baltzell, Alexander B. Davidson, Henry Griffith, and Israel Griffith vs. John L. Hammond, William L. Hammond, Bernard McCaffry, and James A. Galligher. BA. Defraud of creditors of McCaffry & Galligher.
Accession No.: 17,898-8125-1/6 MSA S512-10- 8110 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/11/13 8126: Anna Gambrill vs. Nicholas Brewer, Jr. AA. Contract to purchase Moores New Market Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-8126 MSA S512-10- 8111 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/12/15 8127: Michael Garry and John Hanan vs. David Hoffman, John Hoffman, and David Whiteford. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in New Town. Accession No.: 17,898-8127 MSA S512-10- 8112 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/07/03 8128: Samuel G. Griffith vs John W. Bronaugh. BA. Contract to purchase land in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-8128-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8113 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/10 8129: Rebecca Gibson vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Kennedy R. Owen, Edward Lloyd, Charlotte L. Edmondson, Horatio L. Edmondson, Fayette Gibson, and James Hopkins. TA. Estate of Jacob Gibson. Accession No.: 17,898-8129-1/4 MSA S512-10- 8114 Location: 1/38/3/
1819/02/16 8130: George Gillispie and James Evans vs. Elizabeth Creswell, Joseph Couden, Alexander McKim, Hannah Slater, Ann S. Slater, Lydia B. Slater, John Ray, Rebecca Ray, and Edward J. Mohan. CE. Estate of John Creswell - Lucky Mistake. Accession No.: 17,898-8130-1/9 MSA S512-10- 8115 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/09/12 8131: John Glenn vs. Walter Muschett and Stewart Brown. BA. Defraud of creditors of Muschett. Accession No.: 17,898-8131 MSA S512-10- 8116 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/15 8132: Thomas Gurley vs. George Trumbo, William Durbin, and Elizabeth Durbin. BA. Estate of Hannah Neff. Accession No.: 17,898-8132 MSA S512-10- 8117 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/12/09 8133: Samuel Gillis vs. Thomas Langsdale, Thomas C. Gillis, and Nepolean Gillis. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 738. Accession No.: 17,898-8133-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8118 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/04/27 8134: John Gillingham, William Gillingham, and George Gillingham vs. Charles Kidd and Ruth G. Kidd. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8134 MSA S512-10- 8119 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/08/20 8135: John Gregg and Alexander Gregg vs. John Wroth, William Henry, Hannah Knock, and John T. Veazey. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Frisbys Prime Choice, Level, Peddlars Lane. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-8135 MSA S512-10- 8120 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/12/21 8136: John Gibson and James Gibson. BA. Estate of William Gibson - Rose Hill Estate, lots in BC. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 38, MdHR 40,283-33, S65-115, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 774. Accession No.: 17,898-8136 MSA S512-10- 8121 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/07/07 8137: Robert Gardner, Henry Gardner, Ann Gardner, James Gardner, Joshua Gardner, Lucretia Gardner, and Homer Gardner. AA. Petition to sell Point Lookout Enlarged, Good Will to his Lordship, Musgroves Connection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 297.
Accession No.: 17,898-8137 MSA S512-10- 8122 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/10/29 8138: John G. Glenn and Thomas Parkin Scott vs. John Jones and Susanna Jones. BA. Insolvent estate of John Jones - Raven Rock Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-8138-1/4 MSA S512-10- 8123 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/09/26 8139: Daniel S. Griswold and Nathan Sawyer vs. Charles Crook. BA. Dissolution of brickmaking partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8139-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8124 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/04/06 8140: Samuel N. Gott, Thomas J. Gott, and Nicholas R. Merryman vs. John Merryman. BA. Petition to sell Darby Hills, Addition to James Park, Gotts Hope, Gunners Range, Outlet. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 235. Accession No.: 17,898-8140 MSA S512-10- 8125 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/09/05 8141: Sarah Gambrill, Horatio Gambrill, Stevens Gambrill, and Elizabeth Gambrill vs. Richard Gambrill and Rachel Gambrill. AA. Petition to sell Worthingtons Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-8141 MSA S512-10- 8126 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/12/06 8142: Samuel Griffin and Eliza Griffin vs. Thomas Hooper, Hannah Hooper, John B. Robinson, Amy Robinson, Susan M. Robinson, Sarah Robinson, William M. Robinson, Samuel B. Robinson, Joseph C. Robinson, and Andrew J. Robinson. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 909.
Accession No.: 17,898-8142 MSA S512-10- 8127 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/10/28 8143: Henry Griffith, Sr. vs. Thomas Griffith. AA. Contract to purchase Griffiths Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-8143 MSA S512-10- 8128 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/05/11 8144: Benjamin L. Gantt vs. Sarah S. Gantt and John Bower. PG. Petitin to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8144 MSA S512-10- 8129 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/05/03 8145: Mary Green, Nicholas J. Watkins, and John S. Selby vs. John M. Welch, Richard N. Welch, Ann E. Welch, Edward J. Welch, Robert A. Welch, George A. Welch, and John E. Welch. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 153.
Accession No.: 17,898-8145-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8130 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/04/26 8146: Henry Geoghegan, James Geoghegan, James Jones, and Susan Jones vs. Diana Geoghegan, Thomas Geoghegan, and May Geoghegan. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-8146 MSA S512-10- 8131 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/08/15 8147: Eleanor Grey vs. Elijah Grey. AA. Estate of Eleanor Grey - Proctors Park. Accession No.: 17,898-8147 MSA S512-10- 8132 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/06/27 8148: Samuel Gordon, Basil Gordon, John M. Gordon, Eaton R. Partridge, Baltimore Insurance Co., John B. Morris, Richard W. Gill, Bank of Maryland, and Maryland Insurance Co. vs. Samuel Poultney, William M. Ellicott, and Thomas Ellicott. BA. Title to stock.
Accession No.: 17,898-8148 MSA S512-10- 8133 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/02/19 8150: John Gardner, Ann H. Gardner, William Watson, Margaretta Watson, Charles R. Watson, Juliana Watson, Thomas Tayman, and Mary R. Tayman vs. John Beard, Jr. and Stephen Beard. AA. Petition to sell a mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1106.
Accession No.: 17,898-8150 MSA S512-10- 8134 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/11/01 8151: George W. Gorsuch vs. John Gorsuch. BA. Title to Grievance, Morgans Tent, Dundee. Plats of Grievance, Morgans Tent. Accession No.: 17,898-8151 MSA S512-10- 8135 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/10/07 8152: Robert Gilmor vs. Edward Hall, Hannah Meeteer, Mary A. Meeteer, Joanna M. Meeteer, Emma R. Meeteer, Anne Meeteer, Samuel Meeteer, Joseph Meeteer, William Meeteer, Pierce Meeteer, Margaretta Meeteer, Edward Meeteer, James E. Steuart, Sarah T. Steuart, Samuel E. Thompson, Anne M. Thompson, Rathmael Wilson, and Martha Wilson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8152 MSA S512-10- 8136 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/10/26 8153: Israel Griffith and Walter Farnandis vs. Isaac F. Williams. SO. Petition to sell house and lot in Princess Anne. Accession No.: 17,898-8153 MSA S512-10- 8137 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/06/18 8154: Martha Gittings vs. John R. Gittings, Mary C. Gittings, Richard Emory, and Anne Emory. HA. Petition to sell Hughes Bayside Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-8154 MSA S512-10- 8138 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/03/01 8155: Stevens Gambrill vs. Alverda M. Gambrill and Emily S. Gambrill. AA. Petition to sell lot in Brotherton. Accession No.: 17,898-8155 MSA S512-10- 8139 Location: 1/38/3/
1803/02/18 8156: Jacob Grove vs. Samuel Welsh. AA. Contract to purchase Hobbs Bargain, Get Through If You Can, Addition to Get Through If You Can, Peace by Itself. Accession No.: 17,898-8156 MSA S512-10- 8140 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/10/26 8157: Israel Griffith vs. Isaac F. Williams. DO. Petition to sell Chickone Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-8157 MSA S512-10- 8141 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/09/20 8158: Robert Gover vs. Elizabeth Murray. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Arabia Petria. Accession No.: 17,898-8158 MSA S512-10- 8142 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/06/22 8159: Horatio N. Gray, Jane Gray, Mary Smith, Edward Hall, and Eliza Hall vs. William Lovell, Ann Vance, George Smith, Jr., John Smith, and Amelia Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 148. Accession No.: 17,898-8159 MSA S512-10- 8143 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/10/09 8160: John Gambrill vs. Robert Oliver, John Worthington, William Winchester, and Christian Keller. BA. Validity of arbitration award. Accession No.: 17,898-8160 MSA S512-10- 8144 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/11/17 8161: Isaac Gale vs. Sarah H. Barroll, Richard Ringgold, and Catherine Ringgold. KE. Contract to lease Stepney. Accession No.: 17,898-8161 MSA S512-10- 8145 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/10/27 8162: Jacob Gross, William Haslett, James Haslett, Jr., George Gillingham, Jr., Sarah Gillingham, Jacob Gross, Rachel Gross, Adolphus Dunan, Emily Dunan, Thomas Wilson, and Mary Wilson vs. Dorthea Haslett, Andrew Meyer, Jr., and Eliza Meyer. SM. Petition to sell Drum Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 119.
Accession No.: 17,898-8162 MSA S512-10- 8146 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/12/18 8163: Ashsah Goldsborough, Ephraim Gaither, Sarah Gaither, Nicholas W. Goldsborough, Brice J. Goldsborough, John Darley, Elizabeth Darley, Thomas Owens, Matilda Owens, William Goldsborough, and Charles Goldsborough vs. Angelina Robinson, Goldsborough Robinson, Richard A. Robinson, Priscilla Robinson, Ashsah Robinson, Magill Robinson, William M. Robinson, John McH. Robinson, Catherine W. Robinson, and Maria C. Goldsborough. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 84.
Accession No.: 17,898-8163 MSA S512-10- 8147 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/06/06 8164: Jesse Green vs. John H. Dorsey and Ruth Norwood. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bulford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-8164-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8148 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/12/09 8165: John G. Glenn vs. Samuel H. Moale, Eleanor C. Moale, David Hoffman, and George Buchanan. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 188. Accession No.: 17,898-8165 MSA S512-10- 8149 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/11/30 8166: John Glenn vs. John C. Richards, James Carningham, Thomas Galloway, Alexander Fridge, Benjamin D. Higdon, and Joseph King, Jr. BA. Defraud of creditors of Carnigham - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-8166-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8150 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/07/17 8167: Anna Gambrill vs. Ramsay Waters. AA. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8167 MSA S512-10- 8151 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/08/31 8168: Robert Griffith vs. William Wood, Martha Wood, James Wood, George Wood, Samuel Whittington, Dorothy Whittington, Samuel Mitchell, Eleanor Mitchell, Thomas Owens, Sally Owens, William Trott, Gassaway Trott, Mordecai Trott, Richard Crosby, and Juliet Crosby. AA. Petition to sell Seeders Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 873.
Accession No.: 17,898-8168 MSA S512-10- 8152 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/10/20 8169: Alexander Gregg vs. Harriett Gregg, Robert A. Gregg, Andrew C. Gregg, Harriett M. Gregg, Eliza J. Gregg, Alexina C. Gregg, and Leurce Gregg. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8169 MSA S512-10- 8153 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/07/13 8170: George Gale and Martha Gale vs. Thomas Rasin, John Rasin, Sarah A. Rasin, Alex Rasin, and William J. Rasin. KE. Title to Cambles Farm. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-8170 MSA S512-10- 8154 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/11/12 8171: Marian Gilmor and Thomas Swann, Jr. vs. John J. Donaldson, William Cunningham, James Cunningham, Charles Cunningham, George Cunningham, Thomas B. Washington, and Rebecca Washington. FR. Petition to sell Addisons Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-8171-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8155 Location: 1/38/3/
1827/02/19 8172: Asbury Greenfield. BA. Trust estate under will of James Greenfield - Truemans Acquaintance. Accession No.: 17,898-8172 MSA S512-10- 8156 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/01/31 8173: Thomas C. Gantt, Tubman K. Long, Elizabeth Boyd, Washington Boyd, Benjamin Boyd, Ann Boyd, and Thomas N. Baden vs. Daniel Gantt, Charles Gantt, Richard Gantt, Thomas Gantt, Eliza Gantt, Sarah A. Gantt, William Gantt, Edward Gantt, Richard Gantt, Thomas Ward, Mary Mewburn, Robert Crane, Ann Crane, Laura L. Beall, Sarah E.P. Beall, John Beall, Priscilla Beall, and Ann Beall. CV. Contract to purchase Gods Grace Levels. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 176.
Accession No.: 17,898-8173 MSA S512-10- 8157 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/01/11 8174: James Gould, Solomon R. Start, and Elizabeth Start vs. Charles A. Gould, Mary T. Gould, and Hamilton Gould. QA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8174 MSA S512-10- 8158 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/03/01 8175: Samuel Gilmor vs. Anne E. Thomas, John W. Thomas, Mary F. Thomas, George A. Thomas, George Davidson, Sr., George Davidson, Jr., James Davidson, Elizabeth Davidson, Philip T. Davidson, Sarah Davidson, Frances Davidson, and William Davidson. CE. Petition to record deed for lot in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 30.
Accession No.: 17,898-8175 MSA S512-10- 8159 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/06/21 8176: Richard H. Griffith, Cordelia B.N. Magruder, Ellen B. Margruder, and Upton Beall vs. Washington Bowie, Henry Griffith of Lyde, Eliza Griffith, Thomas Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Thomas Bowie, Humphrey B. Bowie, John Bowie, Mary A. Bowie, Margaret R. Bowie, and Richard Bowie. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-8176-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8160 Location: 1/38/3/
1807/12/29 8177: Robert Gover vs. Elizabeth Murray. HA. Injunction against removal of timber from Arabia Petra, Joiners Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 87, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-8177-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8161 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/18 8178: Caroline Gale. SO. Petition to sell Cedar Grove, Workington. Accession No.: 17,898-8178 MSA S512-10- 8162 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/03/20 8179: John D. Gaither vs. Lot Harris, Elizabeth Harris, Richard D. Gaither, Margaret R. Gaither, Henry C. Gaither, William B. Gaither, and George Gaither. CR. Petition to partition Whats Left, Benjamins Lot, Gaithers Meadows, Gaithers Purchase, Resurvey on Littleworth, Beggers Purchase. Plat of Whats Left, Benjamins Lot, Gaithers Meadows, Gaithers Purchase at 1/38/1/27. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 354.
Accession No.: 17,898-8179-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8163 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/06/15 8180: John Gregg and Alexander Gregg vs. John Allen, James Allen, Thomas Stephens, John A. Stephens, and David Davis. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Upper Granery, lot in Fredericktown. Plat of lots in Fredericktown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 102. Accession No.: 17,898-8180-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8164 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/08/12 8181: John Griffin, Mary Griffin, and Sarah Griffin vs. Rebecca Griffin and Samuel Griffin. DO. Petition to sell lot in Church Creek. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-8181 MSA S512-10- 8165 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/02/01 8182: Elizabeth Grammer vs. Mary E. Grammer, John A. Grammer, Catherine A. Grammer, William T. Grammer, Ann H. Grammer, and Eliza Grammer. AA. Petition to sell Grammers Pleasant Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-8182-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8166 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/10/19 8183: Thomas Gibbs vs. Elizabeth Claggett, Mary Gibbs, and Cassandra Gibbs. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Gibbs Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-8183-1/6 MSA S512-10- 8167 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/07/25 8184: Henry B. Griffith vs. Charles Crook, Jr., Sarah A. Crook, Mary Crook, James B. Hamilton, William Street, and John Glenn. BA. Validity of mortgage on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8184 MSA S512-10- 8168 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/10/14 8185: Peter W. Gibbins vs. Henry Douglass, Cassandra Delosia, Hester Harden, Rachel Bawn, Elizabeth Douglass, and Sophia Spriggs. BA. Petition to sell Teals Search. Accession No.: 17,898-8185 MSA S512-10- 8169 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/09/22 8186: Ferdinand Gourdon vs. Juliana Rogers, Margaret Rogers, Henry J. Rogers, John H. Rogers, Michael Rogers, Juliana Rogers, Jr., Mary E. Rogers, and William George Baker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8186 MSA S512-10- 8170 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/10/05 8187: John Glenn vs. Union Bank of Maryland, Hugh Boyle, and David Winchester. BA. Defraud of creditors of Boyle. Accession No.: 17,898-8187 MSA S512-10- 8171 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/29 8188: Ann Grimes vs. William Bankard and Matthew Murray. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8188 MSA S512-10- 8172 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/07 8189: General Insurance Co. vs. Thomas N. Neilson. BA. Trust estate of Neilson. Accession No.: 17,898-8189 MSA S512-10- 8173 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/03/08 8190: Thomas Green vs. Nathan Dorsey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 610. Accession No.: 17,898-8190 MSA S512-10- 8174 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/05/05 8191: John Glenn vs. Charles Grover and Matthew McColm. BA. Defraud of creditors of Grover. Accession No.: 17,898-8191-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8175 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/11/23 8192: John Griffin vs. Solomon Kirwan, Edmund Graham, Elizabeth Graham, Edward Griffith, Benjamin Griffith, John R. Griffith, Sophia Griffith, Baisellers Slacum, and Alice Slacum. DO. Petition to sell Project, Taylors Stone Landing, Stafford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 814.
Accession No.: 17,898-8192-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8176 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/07/27 8193: Patrick Gibson vs. Joseph W. Finley, Henry Rieman, Alexander Rieman, Joseph H. Rieman, and George W. Butts. BA. Contract to process bills of exchange. Accession No.: 17,898-8193-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8177 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/09/24 8194: Robert M. Gibbes, Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, William Loney, and James Swan vs. Susquehannah Canal Co., George W. Dobbin, and Isaac Hazlehurst. CE. Contract to build the Susquehanna Canal. Accession No.: 17,898-8194 MSA S512-10- 8178 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/04/17 8195: Beale Gaither vs. Andrew Ellicott, Jr. and Thomas J. Talbott. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Wardy Glade. Accession No.: 17,898-8195 MSA S512-10- 8179 Location: 1/38/3/
1852/04/05 8196: Samuel Gattrell vs. Richard Dorsey, Rebecca Waters, George Waters, Mary Waters, Charles D. Warfield, and Wesley Linthicum. AA. Petition to sell Invasion, Poplar Spring Meadows, Poplar Spring Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-8196 MSA S512-10- 8180 Location: 1/38/3/
1825/02/17 8197: Jesse Green vs. John McCurdy and George Decker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8197 MSA S512-10- 8181 Location: 1/38/3/
1822/06/18 8198: Lewis Gross and Jacob White vs. Hannah Foos, James Stansbury, Sally Stansbury, George Foos, John Foos, Catherine Foos, Louisa Foos, Mary Foos, Henry Foos, Hannah A. Foos, Daniel Foos, and James Foos. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 320.
Accession No.: 17,898-8198 MSA S512-10- 8182 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/11/19 8199: Eleanor Gray, Thomas Karney, and Ann Karney vs. Samuel Meade and Benjamin Meade. AA. Estate of Adam Richardson - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 300. Accession No.: 17,898-8199-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8183 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/11/01 8200: Rebecca Goodwin and Caleb D. Goodwin vs. Samuel Brown, Jr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on New Years Gift, Hickens Chance, Dorseys Friendship, Slipe. Accession No.: 17,898-8200 MSA S512-10- 8184 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/11/09 8201: Harriett Gale vs. William H. Gilpin. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-8201 MSA S512-10- 8185 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/04/11 8202: John S. Gittings vs. Israel Leister. CR. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 950. Accession No.: 17,898-8202 MSA S512-10- 8186 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/10/15 8203: John Gambrill, Elizabeth Gambrill, Daniel Trice, and Sarah Trice vs. Thomas Cain Stack, Clement Hubbard, and Michael Hubbard. CA. Petition to sell Sullivans Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-8203 MSA S512-10- 8187 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/02/07 8204: John Ginn vs. William Rothwell. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Green Spring, Painters Rust. Accession No.: 17,898-8204 MSA S512-10- 8188 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/29 8205: States Gist vs. Amelia Gist, Newton H. Gist, James A. Gist, George E. Gist, and Lawrence Sangston. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8205 MSA S512-10- 8189 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/21 8206: John Glenn and B.M. Heighe vs. Thomas Dixon and Andrew Hook. BA. Defraud of creditors of Hook. Accession No.: 17,898-8206 MSA S512-10- 8190 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/12/24 8207: John Gambrill vs. Wells Cooper and Benjamin M. Heighe. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-8207 MSA S512-10- 8191 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/06/12 8208: Nimrod Garrettson vs. Bennett Garrettson, William Finley, Catherine Finley, Thomas Denny, Louisa Denny, John Hatcheson, Martha E. Hatcheson, James Garrettson, Louisa Garrettson, Garrett Garrettson, and Catherine Garrettson. KE. Petition to sell lot in Millington.
Accession No.: 17,898-8208 MSA S512-10- 8192 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/03/23 8209: John Glenn vs. William Malladieu. CR. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8209 MSA S512-10- 8193 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/06/22 8210: Edwin Gary vs. Thomas Frederick Gary, George W. Gary, Nannett M. Gary, Elizabeth Gary, William Gary, and Martha Gary. CA. Petition to sell Lloyds Regulation, Garys Saw Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-8210 MSA S512-10- 8194 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/04/23 8211: John Glenn and David Stewart vs. Rachel Forsyth. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 403. Accession No.: 17,898-8211 MSA S512-10- 8195 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/05/08 8212: Joshua Green vs. William Fowler and John Leighton. HA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8212 MSA S512-10- 8196 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/10/12 8213: Susan Gourley and William Cooper vs. Philip Smith and Ann Smith. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Labordee. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-8213 MSA S512-10- 8197 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/08/16 8214: Henrietta M. Galloway vs. Thomas M. Foreman. CE. Estate of Samuel L. Chew. Accession No.: 17,898-8214-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8198 Location: 1/38/3/
1814/04/24 8215: Richard Grahame and Samuel Miles vs. Martha Miles, Ann Miles, James King, Susan King, William Miles, Isaac Miles, Thomas Miles, and Martha Miles. CV. Estate of Thomas Miles. Accession No.: 17,898-8215 MSA S512-10- 8199 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/09/13 8216: Lewis Gross and Jacob White vs. Hannah Foos, James Stansbury, Sally Stansbury, John Foos, George Foos, Catherine Foos, Louisa Foos, Mary Foos, Henry Foos, Hannah A. Foos, Daniel Foos, and James Foos. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Orange. Accession No.: 17,898-8216-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8200 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/11/24 8217: William Griffith vs. Elizabeth Graham, Henry Bibby, Sarah Bibby, Elsie Graham, John E. Graham, George Graham, and Mary Graham. DO. Petition to sell Pritchetts Forrest, Edgars Beginning, Addition to Stave Landing, Anchor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 397.
Accession No.: 17,898-8217 MSA S512-10- 8201 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/07/16 8218: James Glasgow, Susanna P. Glasgow, and Deliverance Glasgow vs. James Pannell, Susan Pannell, and George R. Glasgow. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8218 MSA S512-10- 8202 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/02/08 8219: Eli Gaither and Dennis Gaither vs. Elizabeth Gaither, Rachel Gaither, Amelia M. Gaither, Singleton R. Gaither, Sarah L. Gaither, Charlotte L. Gaither, Elenor C. Gaither, William Anderson, Achsah Anderson, Andrew B. Cunningham, Elizabeth A. Cunningham, William Sansbury, Arena J. Sansbury, Samuel Ellicott, and John Ellicott. AA. Petition to sell Gaithers Fortune, Duvalls Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 333.
Accession No.: 17,898-8219 MSA S512-10- 8203 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/03/02 8220: Beale Gaither vs. Margaret Higgins, George W. Higgins, and Emily J.I. Higgins. MO. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-8220 MSA S512-10- 8204 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/06/02 8221: Joshua Gorsuch and Daniel Bosley vs. William Arnold, Nicholas Gorsuch, Joshua Collet, Catherine Collet, Rebecca Collet, John Collet, Charles Gorsuch, Elisha Gorsuch, Benjamin Gorsuch, Sarah Gorsuch, Anne Gorsuch, Nicholas Gorsuch, John Gorsuch, Luke Gorsuch, Joshua Gorsuch, Elizabeth Crayton, and Thomas Crayton. BA. Title to Benjamins First Discovery, Gorsuchs Hills and Dales.
Accession No.: 17,898-8221 MSA S512-10- 8205 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/27 8222: John Gleen and Reverdy Johnson vs. Nicholas E. Watkins, Mary W. Watkins, William M. Thomas, and James Iglehart. AA. Title to Hills Delight, Level. Accession No.: 17,898-8222 MSA S512-10- 8206 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/05/29 8223: Robert Goldsborouth, Pere Wilmer, and James M. Rasin vs. Robert W. Rasin, Mary R. Rasin, Martha R. Ringgold, and William Y. Bourke. QA. Petition to sell Smiths Mistake, Courseys Point. Plat at 1/38/1/27; also shows Point Farm, Newbolds Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1044. Accession No.: 17,898-8223-1/9 MSA S512-10- 8207 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/05/30 8224: Robert Ghiselin, Margaret A. Ghiselin, and Robert W. Bowie vs. Walter B.C. Worthington, Camilla Somerville, Thomas J. Somerville, James Somerville, Brook Beall, Asenith Beall, Louis Mackall, Sr., Louis Mackall, Jr., Susanna Mackall, Rebecca Mackall, James Mackall, Ann Mackall, Thomas Mackall, Thomas Horrell, Ann Horrell, John H. Marbury, and Elizabeth Marbury. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Brook Court. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-8224-1/6 MSA S512-10- 8208 Location: 1/38/3/
1801/03/29 8225: Richard Gittings and Lambert Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of Gittings and Smith - Stevensons Cow Pasture, Hugh MeSnug, Here is Life with Care and Love without Fear, With Little I am Content, My Sweet Girl My Friend and Pitcher, Unexpected Discovery.
Accession No.: 17,898-8225-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8209 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/06/14 8226: Anna Maria Gale vs. Harriot R. Gale, Samuel C. Gale, Levin Gale, and George Gale. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8226 MSA S512-10- 8210 Location: 1/38/3/
1826/07/17 8227: George W. Gorsuch vs. Lovless M. Gorsuch, Nathan J. Gorsuch, and John Readel. BA. Contract to purchase Morgans Tent, Good Luck, Pleasant Meadows, Grievance, Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-8227 MSA S512-10- 8211 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/06/17 8228: Francis Gibbon, Washington Gibbon, Caroline Gibbon, and John Gibbon. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 326. Accession No.: 17,898-8228 MSA S512-10- 8212 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/08 8229: John R. Gwynn and Charles R. Gwynn vs. Catherine Eloise Lee, James H. Carter, William F. Dalrymple, and Gerard Gover. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8229 MSA S512-10- 8213 Location: 1/38/3/
1824/05/20 8230: Charles Gwynn vs. James Chalmers, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-8230 MSA S512-10- 8214 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/07/10 8231: General Insurance Co. vs. Richard Caton, Mary Caton, Abagail Fenn, William Read, and Lydia M. Road. CE. Contract to purchase Rockford Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 671. Accession No.: 17,898-8231 MSA S512-10- 8215 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/02/06 8232: Bank of Gettysburgh vs. John McClellan, Samuel McClellan, William W. McClellan, John Glenn, Charles F. Mayer, Job Carson, and Edward Bosman. BA. Motrgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8232-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8216 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/04/28 8233: General Insurance Co. and Albert Constable vs. Alexander Geddess and John Glenn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-8233 MSA S512-10- 8217 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/11/29 8233A: John S. Gittings, George W.J.B. Stafford, and Elizabeth Stafford vs. Emily McTavish and John McTavish. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/58. Accession No.: 17,898-8233A-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8218 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/11/22 8234: William Grason, Ann Murray, Emily Murray, Mary Murray, and John Murray. DO. Estate of William Vans Murray - Blackford, Addition to Blackford. Accession No.: 17,898-8234 MSA S512-10- 8219 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/02/29 8235: John J. Grover and Raphael A. Jarboe vs. William F. Hardy, Teresa A. Hardy, Anthony L.C. Smith, Jane C.L. Smith, Raphael J. Smith, Charles B. Smith, Benjamin B.A. Smith, Elizabeth S.T. Smith, John F.D. Smith, Raphael Smith, Mary E. Smith, Raphael W. Smith, and Francis S.A.H. Smith. PG. Estate of Anthony Hardy.
Accession No.: 17,898-8235 MSA S512-10- 8220 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/09/12 8236: Richard Green vs. Charlotte C.D. Owings, Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, Philip A. Small, Charles Gilmor, and Christopher Geiger. BA. Injunction against mining iron ore on Johns and Thomas Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-8236-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8221 Location: 1/38/3/
1816/09/18 8237: Benjamin Gaither, John M. Gaither, Ann Gaither, Thomas Bicknell, Julia Bicknell, Osborn W. Mullikin, Elizabeth Mullikin, Thomas Owens, Agnes Owens, and Richard Mackubin vs. Evan Gaither, Ruth Gaither, and Richard Gaither. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pole Cat Hill, Gaithers Felicity. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 103, p. 436.
Accession No.: 17,898-8237-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8222 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/08/31 8238: Thomas Gibbs vs. Elizabeth Clagett and Richard H. Clagett. AA. Contract to purchase slaves Austin and Sally. Accession No.: 17,898-8238 MSA S512-10- 8223 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/05/08 8239: John Glenn, Nathaniel Williams, and Stephen Honeywell vs. Cumberland D. Williams, Robert H. Osgood, John W. Osgood, Andrew Hall, Thomas Tenant, George Williams, John Barney, and John McPherson. BA. Insolvent estates of Joseph Parker and Cumberland D. Williams.
Accession No.: 17,898-8239 MSA S512-10- 8224 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/08/18 8240: John Glenn vs. James M. Buchanan and James Libby. BA. Estate of Thomas Farrin. Accession No.: 17,898-8240 MSA S512-10- 8225 Location: 1/38/3/
1823/03/21 8241: Luke Griffith vs. Stephen J. Thompson. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8241 MSA S512-10- 8226 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/01/05 8242: Joseph Gurlee vs. George Webb. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8242 MSA S512-10- 8227 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/06/29 8243: John Gibson vs. Samuel Jarrett. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8243 MSA S512-10- 8228 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/06/23 8245: John Glenn vs. John Simpers, Jesse Boulden, and Rudolph Bennett. CE. Injunction against obstruction of a road from Concord to Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-8245 MSA S512-10- 8229 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/05/31 8247: James J. Gray vs. James Williams and Elizabeth J. Williams. CV. Contract to purchase Manning Point, Glebe Land, slaves Davy and Eliza. Accession No.: 17,898-8247 MSA S512-10- 8230 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/01/15 8248: John Gibson vs. Ann Crossdale. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8248 MSA S512-10- 8231 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/01 8249: Stephen Gray vs. William Clarke, Rebecca Clarke, Henry Jubb, Ann R. Jubb, George Gray, Eli H. Gray, and Wesley Gray. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-8249 MSA S512-10- 8232 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/10/08 8250: Robert Griffith vs. Richard Griffith, Charles Griffith, Basil Griffith, Charles Boone, Barnaby Boone, Henry Boone, Wesley Linthicum, Joshua Linthicum, Eliza Linthicum, John Holland, Amos Holland, Eleanor Warfield, Brittingham Clarage, Ashsah Clarage, Nicholas Ridgely, David Ridgely, Isaac Ludley, Sarah Ludley, Barrick Wheeler, Sally Wheeler, Annie Free, Moses Hicks, Anne Hicks, Joshua Gohegan, John Gohegan, Jesse Gohegan, Kitty Gohegan, John C. Barrow, Catherine Barrow, Thomas Marriott, Ann Marriott, William Todd, Caroline Todd, Jeremiah McNew, Elizabeth McNew, Mr. Wright, Matilda Wright, Samuel Swampstead, and Margaret Swampstead. AA. Petition to sell Partnership. Plat at 1/38/1/27. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 326.
Accession No.: 17,898-8250-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8233 Location: 1/38/3/
1812/12/30 8251: Beal Gaither, Ephraim Gaither, Benjamin Gaither, Daniel Gaither, Frederick Gaither, Ephraim Gaither of William, Gerard Gaither, Henry C. Gaither, George W. Gaither, William Gaither, Martha Gaither, Ann Gaither, Jesse Owings, Hannah Owings, Orlando G. Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, James Ray, Deborah Ray, Dennis Poole, Henrietta Poole, Samuel Ayton, Walter Prather, Deborah Prather, Gabriel V. Van Horn, Jane Van Horn, and Amelia Holland vs. Eleanor Ayton and Richard Ayton. MO. Petition to sell Easy Purchase, Hardings Choice, Friendship, Exchange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 89, p. 350.
Accession No.: 17,898-8251-1/4 MSA S512-10- 8234 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/09/20 8253: Israel Griffith, Benjamin McCeney, and Ann Searl vs. Anne S. Chaney, Gassaway Chaney, Joseph Chaney, Richard G. Chaney, Floyd Chaney, Selina Chaney, Elizabeth Chaney, Abraham Chaney, Eliza McCeney, and Richard Iglehart. AA. Petition to sell Greenwich Farm, Benjamins Choice.
Accession No.: 17,898-8253 MSA S512-10- 8235 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/12/12 8254: Thomas Griffith and Sarah D. Griffith vs. Thomas D. Griffith and Harriet S. Griffith. AA. Petition to sell Good Mothers Endeavor, Long Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-8254 MSA S512-10- 8236 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/06/14 8256: Charles Grover vs. Robert H. Galway and Nicholas R. Merryman. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8256 MSA S512-10- 8237 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/01/14 8257: Sarah B. Grupy vs. Francis Grupy and Henry D. Fernandis. BA. Petition to sell Honesty is the Best Policy. Accession No.: 17,898-8257 MSA S512-10- 8238 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/04/24 8258: William Grubb vs. Joseph Davenport, Benjamin Deford, George Bartlett, and Thomas Matthews. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8258 MSA S512-10- 8239 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/02/01 8259: James Glenn, Thomas J. Wollihan, May S. Wollihan, and Jacob G. Wollihan. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8259 MSA S512-10- 8240 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/01/24 8260: John Glenn vs. Thomas S. Alexander. BA. Petition to record a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-8260 MSA S512-10- 8241 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/05/12 8261: Jane Gibson, William A. Gibson, and Elizabeth M. Gibson vs. John A. Sangston, Marcellus Kerr, Mary S. Kerr, Giles Hicks, Charles Griffith, Ann S. Griffith, Sarah L. Richardson, Elizabeth G. Richardson, William P. Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Rufus K. Richardson, and Lucy B. Richardson. CA. Estate of Elizabeth Maxwell - Whiteleys Reputation, Staplefords Addition, Wilhams Delight, Chance, Robothams Range, Holborn.
Accession No.: 17,898-8261-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8242 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/06/24 8262: Eli Gaither vs. Elizabeth Gaither, Rachel Gaither, Amelia M. Gaither, Dennis Gaither, Singleton R. Gaither, Ariana J. Gaither, Sarah L. Gaither, Charlotte L. Gaither, Elenore C. Gaither, William Anderson, and Achsah Anderson. AA. Petition to sell Duvalls Delight, Gaithers Fortune. Plat of Gaithers Fortune at 1/38/1/27.
Accession No.: 17,898-8262-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8243 Location: 1/38/3/
1818/12/11 8264: Joshua Gore and Charles Gore vs. David Gore, John Gore, Michael Gore, Mary Gore, Jacob Remme, Susan Remme, Elijah Gorsuch, Sebbil Gorsuch, Philip Gore, Henry Gore, John Gore, Joshua Gore, Charles Markay, Elizabeth Markay, George Gore, Julianna Gore, James Gore, Elijah Gore, Johnzey Gore, Samuel Gore, Philip Gore, William Gore, Henry Gore, Isaac Gore, Mary Gore, Charlotte Gore, Jesse Gore, Jacob Yohn, Sally Yohn, Nicholas Harden, Rachel Harden, Jacob Gore, Samuel Gore, Hannah Gore, Rosetta Gore, Nicholas Gore, Benjamin F. Gore, Thomas Gore, Christiana Gore, Andrew Gore, Zadack Burriss, Elizabeth Burriss, Phantly Been, Anne Been, and Sibble Haines. BA. Petition to sell Nicholsons Manor, Addition to Elledges Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-8264-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8244 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/24 8265: Richard Grant and I.U. Coleman vs. John W. Grant and Isaiah Ashley. KE. Petition to sell Langfords Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 508. Accession No.: 17,898-8265 MSA S512-10- 8245 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/12/31 8266: William Gover and Elizabeth A. Gover vs. Ezekiel Hopkins and Maria Hopkins. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-8266 MSA S512-10- 8246 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/02/21 8267: Jane Gaither, John Griffith, Martha Griffith, Elisha R. Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Juliet Gaither, Deborah J. Gaither, Sarah A. Gaither, Beal Gaither, Greenbury Gaither, and Perry Gaither vs. Frederick Gaither and Daniel H. Gaither. AA, MO. Estate of Frederick Gaither - Hard to Get At, Dear Paid For, Wet Breeches, Snowdens Range, Point Look Enlarged, Good Will to His Lordship, Musgroves First Addition, Ridgelys Range, Gaithers Forrest in AA. Also Mount Calvary, Pleasant Retreat, Richard Level, Gaithers Forrest, Frederick Grove, Care Not, Tusculum, lot in Unity in MO.
Accession No.: 17,898-8267 MSA S512-10- 8247 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/07/06 8269: Richard M. Gill, John M. Duncan, Eliza Duncan, Samuel J.K. Handy, and Ann Handy vs. Henry Schley, David Schley, William Schley, Margaret Goldsborough, Edward Goldsborough, Edward Schley, John Schley, Frederick Schley, Frederick County Bank, Benjamin G. Horsey, and Outerbridge Horsey. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-8269 MSA S512-10- 8248 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/02/19 8270: William L. Gibson and Eleanor Gibson vs. Christopher L. Gantt, Benjamin L. Gantt, and Sarah S. Gantt. PG. Estate of Levi Gantt. Accession No.: 17,898-8270 MSA S512-10- 8249 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/11/10 8271: Ferdinand Green vs. Mary Vincent, Catherine Green, James Gorsuch, Mary A. Gorsuch, Hezekiah McCulloh, Sarah McCulloh, Henry Cook, Eliza J. Cook, William Hissey, Susanne Hissey, John Cook, Eleanor Cook, Richard Todd, and Isabella Todd. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8271 MSA S512-10- 8250 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/08/08 8272: Robert M. Gibbes, Thomas Oliver, and Charles Oliver vs. Richard Caton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Holkham. Accession No.: 17,898-8272 MSA S512-10- 8251 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/01/06 8273: John Glenn vs. Henry Bussard, David Bussard, Joshua Todd, and John Lafferty. FR. Title to Parrs Range. Accession No.: 17,898-8273 MSA S512-10- 8252 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/11/23 8274: Richard W. Gill, John Morris, Reverdy Johnson, John Glenn, John P. Kennedy, and Union Bank of Maryland vs. Francis M. Fowler, William M. Ellicott, and Samuel Poultney. BA. Defraud of creditors of Poultney, Ellicott & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-8274-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8253 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/11/24 8275: Edward Green vs. Hugh Riddle, Peter Gorman, and True Putney. BA. Trust estate of Putney and Riddle. Accession No.: 17,898-8275-1/9 MSA S512-10- 8254 Location: 1/38/3/
1807/07/19 8276: Frisby Freeland vs. Edward Thomas, John Gantt, Richard Deale, John Deale, Elizabeth Deale, and Elizabeth Childs. CV. Estates of Samuel Deale and Thomas Gantt - Island Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 712. Accession No.: 17,898-8276-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8255 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/11/26 8277: Elizabeth Griffith vs. John Coale and Mary Coale. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hickory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, pp. 1, 856. Accession No.: 17,898-8277 MSA S512-10- 8256 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/01/22 8278: Gray Manufacturing Co. vs. James McCulloh, Harriet Travers, and Edward Gray. AA, BA. Estate of William Riggin. Accession No.: 17,898-8278 MSA S512-10- 8257 Location: 1/38/3/
1829/08/10 8279: John Glenn vs. Randal H. Moale, Erasmus Uhler, Robert Lemmon, Richard Lemmon, Peter Levering, Richard H. Douglas, George W. Miller, Howard Miller, Robert Burry, Jacob Groff, John R. Howard, Stephen R. Jackson, Samuel McDonald, and William McDonald. BA. Defraud of creditors of Uhler.
Accession No.: 17,898-8279 MSA S512-10- 8258 Location: 1/38/3/
1840/07/01 8280: John Glenn vs. George A. Barber, Alexander Randall, and Caleb White. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 204 and 180, p. 673. Accession No.: 17,898-8280-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8259 Location: 1/38/3/
1839/03/25 8281: Charles Grimes and Henry Stevenson vs. Samuel Bickley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8281 MSA S512-10- 8260 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/04/30 8282: General Insurance Co. vs. William E. Coale, William H. Trott, and Susquehanna Bridge & Bank Co. BA. Injunction against disposition of brig Rattles. Accession No.: 17,898-8282 MSA S512-10- 8261 Location: 1/38/3/
1838/12/31 8283: Georges Creek Coal & Iron Co. vs. AL Board of County Commissioners. AL. Injunction against levy of taxes on Beatty Plains, Addition to Ayres Caution. Accession No.: 17,898-8283 MSA S512-10- 8262 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/05 8284: Georges Creek Coal & Iron Co. vs. Christian E. Ditmold. AL. Injunction against removal of timber from Commonwealth. Accession No.: 17,898-8284-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8263 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/06/27 8285: John Glick. AA. Petition to discharge John H. Glick from the Army. Accession No.: 17,898-8285 MSA S512-10- 8264 Location: 1/38/3/
1832/08/31 8286: John Gallagher, Edmund Gibson, Mary Gibson, Thomas Crossan, and Martha Crossan. BA. Estate of Alexander Gallagher - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 218. Accession No.: 17,898-8286-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8265 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/01/12 8287: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. James Ridgely. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 387. Accession No.: 17,898-8287 MSA S512-10- 8266 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/06/25 8288: Samuel Hasson vs. Alexander McMaster, John J. McMaster, Margaret McMaster, Martha McMaster, Robert McMaster, Andrew McVey, and Mary T. McVey. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 802. Accession No.: 17,898-8288 MSA S512-10- 8267 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/09/09 8289: John Hurst vs. Samuel Abbott. DO. Petition to sell Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-8289 MSA S512-10- 8268 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/07/21 8290: Mary Ann Hollingsworth vs. Charles A. Wickliffe, Robert Hollingsworth, Susan Hollingsworth, Sally Hollingsworth, John Hollingsworth, Mary Hollingsworth, Ann Hollingsworth, and Jessie Hollingsworth. CR. Estate of John Hollingsworth - land in KY. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 108.
Accession No.: 17,898-8290 MSA S512-10- 8269 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/04/13 8291: Jeremiah B. Haines vs. Elias Pennington, Jane Pennington, James Brooke, Isabella Brooke, Nancy K. Grubb, Thomas Grubb, Jane Grubb, and William A. Grubb. CE. Petition to sell Bald Friar Ferry Farm, Temperance, Barneys Battery, High Park, Grubbs Bar. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 552.
Accession No.: 17,898-8291-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8270 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/07/25 8292: Alexander P. Hill and Mary E. Hill vs. Richard O. Bowling and Elizabeth Bowling. PG. Estate of James Lamor - slave Hanson. Accession No.: 17,898-8292 MSA S512-10- 8271 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/03/28 8293: Maj. Guy Holland vs. James M. Holland, Peter Holland, Thomas Burroughs, and Elizabeth Burroughs. WO. Petition to sell Amsterdam, Selbys Neglect, Caragomestic. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 1232. Accession No.: 17,898-8293 MSA S512-10- 8272 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/08/06 8294: George Howard, Prudence Howard, Charles S.W. Dorsey, Mary P. Dorsey, Henry B. Chew, James Carroll, Achsah Carroll, Pricilla White, Harry D.G. Carroll, Sr., and Harry D.G. Carroll, Jr. vs. Charles R. Chew, Benjamin Chew, Samuel Chew, Henry Chew, Juliana E. Howard, Charles R. Howard, Margaretta Howard, and John E. Howard. BA. Petition to sell Satyr Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 51.
Accession No.: 17,898-8294 MSA S512-10- 8273 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/03/12 8295: George Hart vs. Harry Lake, Cordelia Lake, Elizabeth Lake, Charles Lake, and Mary Creighton. DO. Contact to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 285. Accession No.: 17,898-8295 MSA S512-10- 8274 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/03/10 8296: John William Haslup vs. Oliver White Haslup. AA. Petition to sell Food Plenty, Worthingtons Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-8296 MSA S512-10- 8275 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/06/24 8297: William Holmes vs. Walter Mitchell, John B. Piet, Mary Piet, Sarah Floyd, Oliver Floyd, and Robert S. Floyd. CH. Estate of Ignatius Semmes - Rose Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-8297-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8276 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/08 8298: Richard S. Hardesty vs. Henry Snyder and John Higham. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8298 MSA S512-10- 8277 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/13 8299: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. John Andrew Geiglein. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 513. Accession No.: 17,898-8299 MSA S512-10- 8278 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/06/15 8300: Garin McRobert Hutton vs. Jane Hutton, Margaret Hutton, Jane McClatchey, John McClatchey, Isabella Whitson, and William Whitson. BA. Petition to sell Bowleys Wharf and lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8300-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8279 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/03/12 8301: Henry Hubbard vs. Wesley Hubbard, Henry Hubbard, Mary F. Hubbard, Elisa A. Hubbard, and James Hubbard. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 497. Accession No.: 17,898-8301 MSA S512-10- 8280 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/04/03 8302: Henry W. Hicks vs. Thomas K. Smith, Sally Bradley, Mary Chance, William Murphy, and Bat Murphy. DO. Petition to sell Prestonville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 135. Accession No.: 17,898-8302-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8281 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/08/20 8303: George Hamilton vs. Sarah Wilmot, Aquilla Wilmot, Cornelius H. Owings, Clarissa Bailey, Urias Bailey, Elizabeth Lilly, and Adam Lilly. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on land and slaves Susan, John, Jacob, Abraham, and Hester. Accession No.: 17,898-8303 MSA S512-10- 8282 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/02/04 8304: Thomas Hopkins, Jr. and William Williams vs. John Beachamp and Mary E. Beachamp. CA. Contract to purchase Lookermans Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-8304 MSA S512-10- 8283 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/31 8305: Thomas H. Hurley vs. Charles A. Hurley, William C. Hurley, Mary C. Hurley, and Stephen L. Hurley. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 548. Accession No.: 17,898-8305 MSA S512-10- 8284 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/05/05 8306: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. George D. Volkmar and William Volkmar. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 343. Accession No.: 17,898-8306 MSA S512-10- 8285 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/12/03 8307: James R. Hopewell vs. Benjamin Robinson. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8307 MSA S512-10- 8286 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/08/30 8308: William Hertte and Mary A. Hertte vs. August J. Schwartz and Samuel McDonald. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8308-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8287 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/10/21 8309: John Brown Howell vs. William P. Lemmon, William H. Frazier, Henry Winder, and Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8309 MSA S512-10- 8288 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/06/22 8310: Thomas Harris Hodges vs. Kinsey Johns. BA. Trust estate under will of Thomas Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-8310 MSA S512-10- 8289 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/10/02 8311: Elisa S. Hooper vs. John P. Hooper, Joseph H. Hooper, and Williamina Hooper. DO. Petition to sell Indian Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 20. Accession No.: 17,898-8311 MSA S512-10- 8290 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/01/17 8312: John Hardesty and Matthew Hardesty vs. John F. Wilson. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Sandy Point, Gravelly Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-8312 MSA S512-10- 8291 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/08/02 8313: John Hanan, Charles F. Mayer, Brantz Mayer, Mary T. Heartte, and Catherine Hart vs. Nathaniel Hickman and John Glenn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 594. Accession No.: 17,898-8313 MSA S512-10- 8292 Location: 1/38/3/
1835/12/23 8314: James Hooper vs. Willam Hooper, Jane Hooper, Whiteley Block, Harriet Block, Joseph Hooper, William E. Hooper, James A. Hooper, Laura Hooper, Jane Hooper, Amanda Hooper, Melvina Hooper, John G. Hooper, George W. Hooper, and Mary O. Hooper. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 874.
Accession No.: 17,898-8314 MSA S512-10- 8293 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/03/14 8315: Jeanette H. Hunter and Solomon H. Hunter vs. Solomon Hillen Hunter. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8315 MSA S512-10- 8294 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/03/23 8316: Richard Hynson vs. Henry C. Sutton, Ann V. Sutton, William K. Sutton, Orlando F. Sutton, and James B. Ricaud. KE. Petition to sell lot in Georgetown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 904. Accession No.: 17,898-8316 MSA S512-10- 8295 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/09/19 8317: Anna C. Hammond, Nicholas Hammond, Charles H. Hammond, and Mary G. Hammond vs. Henry H. Goldsborough. TA. Estate of Nicholas Hammond. Accession No.: 17,898-8317-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8296 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/02/15 8318: Abraham Hare vs. Margaret Hare, Elias Hare, Abraham Hare, Isabella Hare, and Philip Hare. BA. Petition to sell Browns Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 487. Accession No.: 17,898-8318-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8297 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/08/01 8319: Gaun McRobert Hutton vs. Jane Hutton, William E. Whitson, Isabella Whitson, John McClatchey, and James McClatchey. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 463. Accession No.: 17,898-8319 MSA S512-10- 8298 Location: 1/38/3/
1831/01/23 8320: Levi T. Hughes vs. Marcellus Jones. SO. Estate of Josiah Hughes - slaves Patience, Isaac, and Nelly. Accession No.: 17,898-8320-1/7 MSA S512-10- 8299 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/16 8321: Harlan W. Heath vs. Nathaniel Williams, John Prentiss, Elizabeth Mosher, Theodore Mosher, Hugh Caperton, Eliza Caperton, John Taylor, Sr., and John Taylor, Jr. BA. Title to lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8321 MSA S512-10- 8300 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/12/05 8322: William Harness, Joseph Harness, and Hannah Harness vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co., Walter Gwynn, James Hunter, William B. Thompson, John Everett, James M. Coale, and Thomas Turner. AL. Injunction against excavation for the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 467.
Accession No.: 17,898-8322-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8301 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/08/24 8323: Peter G. Hunter and John Fitzpatrick vs. William B. Burns, Isaac Bull, Jacob Bull, John Burns, Mary Burns, Rachel Burns, Richard Burns, and John S. McCulloh. BA. Contract to sell Fair Play. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 231. Accession No.: 17,898-8323 MSA S512-10- 8302 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/02/08 8324: Mary Harrington and John S. McCulloh vs. Alexius J. Elder. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 26A and 98A, p. 146A. Accession No.: 17,898-8324 MSA S512-10- 8303 Location: 1/38/3/
1849 8325: William A. House vs. Nathaniel Williams. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-8325 MSA S512-10- 8304 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/09/10 8326: Beauchamp G. Hull vs. Susan Gale, John H. Gale, Levin J. Gale, Clariana Gale, and Thomas Mitchell. SO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-8326 MSA S512-10- 8305 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/04/08 8327: Robert S. Hollins vs. Charles F. Mayer, David Hoffman, and Benjamin C. Howard. BA. Estate of John Hollins - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8327 MSA S512-10- 8306 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/11/26 8328: Joseph G. Hatton, Nathaniel H. Hatton, and Eleanor Ann Hatton vs. Joseph Hatton and Matilda Hatton. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8328-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8307 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/04/20 8329: Peter Harrington and John E. Harrington vs. William Morris. DO. Appointment of trustee for Morris. Accession No.: 17,898-8329 MSA S512-10- 8308 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/11/13 8330: Nathan Hammond and Henrietta Hammond vs. Henry Hammond and Robert Welch of Ben. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis, Leonards Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 1116. Accession No.: 17,898-8330-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8309 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/12/30 8331: Thomas Harrison, George N. Eaton, and Joshua D. Baxley vs. William M. Hopkins, Joshua Hopkins, William Hopkins, Amos B. Shaw, and Hannah Hopkins. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Phillips Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-8331 MSA S512-10- 8310 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/07/16 8332: Pricilla Hardy vs. Edith P. Hardy, Mary E. Hardy, John Hardy, William Hardy, Thomas E. Hardy, Ann P. Hardy, George Hardy, and Charles N. Hardy. HA. Petition to sell Contrivance, Websters Water Mill, Nova Scotia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-8332-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8311 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/04/01 8333: Jacob Hurst vs. William B. Hurst, Elijah Hurst, John T. Hurst, Nathaniel Hurst, John Hurst, Thomas Hurst, Benedict Hurst, John Hoshall, Ellen Hoshall, John C. Dormer, Christiana Dormer, James Cooper, and Mary Cooper. BA. Title to Curfmans Folly, Struggle Hard, Crosses Deer Park.
Accession No.: 17,898-8333 MSA S512-10- 8312 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/06/02 8334: George Hart vs. Henry Bibby. DO. Petition to sell Cow Pasture, Timber Swamp, Wingates Contact, Deans Good Luck, Boar Brook, Bachelors Choice, Bachelors Ridge, Pritchetts Forrest, Black Swamp, Georges Pasture, Wingates Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-8334 MSA S512-10- 8313 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/05/04 8335: James H. Heald, Margaret J. Heald, William Heald, and Belinda E. Heald vs. John R. Heald, Eleanor V. Heald, Jacob Heald, and Samuel U. Heald. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 382. Accession No.: 17,898-8335-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8314 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/07/14 8337: Joseph Hiskey vs. William Tensfield, Thomas Flint, Peter Mason, Benjamin M. Heighe, and Philip Baltzall. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8337-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8315 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/07/03 8338: John H. Hodson vs. Thomas Ennalls and Louisa Ennalls. DO. Petition to sell Indian Purchase, Indian Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 365. Accession No.: 17,898-8338 MSA S512-10- 8316 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/12/07 8339: Charles G. Hill, Ann Wells, George W. Sherbut, Mary A. Sherbut, William Reynolds, Sally S. Reynolds, James Clarke, Ellen Clarke, Robert Wells, Jeremiah Wells, and Elizabeth Wells vs. James Wells. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 758.
Accession No.: 17,898-8339 MSA S512-10- 8317 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/04/01 8340: Orville Horwitz, Joshua Royston, William Lusby, William H. Harrison, John Gibson, Isaac Hartman, and James J. Gray vs. John Mercer, Mary S. Mercer, Thomas S. Mercer, Richard S. Mercer, William R. Mercer, James M. Mercer, George D. Mercer, William C. Mercer, Wilson C. Mercer, Sophia E. Mercer, Mary M. Mercer, Peter McCall, Jane B. McCall, and Richard W. Gill. AA. Injunction against collecting rents.
Accession No.: 17,898-8340 MSA S512-10- 8318 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/03/01 8341: Thomas Holland, Margaret Holland, John Kincaid, and Eliza Kincaid vs. Hannah Egnor, Caroline Egnor, John Egnor, Joseph Egnor, Jacob Egnor, and Hannah C. Egnor. CE. Petition to partition land. Plat of estate of John Egnor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-8341 MSA S512-10- 8319 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/08/30 8342: Thomas Hepbron, Sewell Hepbron, and Martha Hepbron vs. Ann E. Hepbron, Henrietta Hepbron, Joseph J. Hepbron, John F. Hepbron, and William Hepbron. KE. Petition to sell Redmons Supply Store in Still Pond. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 766. Accession No.: 17,898-8342 MSA S512-10- 8320 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/05/11 8343: William H. Hanson vs. William E. Hanson. BA. Injunction against sale of land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-8343 MSA S512-10- 8321 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/03/21 8344: John Hammond vs. Rezin Hammond, Washington Hammond, Thomas Hammond, Matilda Hammond, Charles Hammond, Mathias Hammond, Marianna Hammond, Philip Hammond, Harriott Hammond, Edward Hammond, Cecilia Hammond, Denton Hammond, Mathias Hammond, Elizabeth Hammond, John Dorsey, Mary A. Dorsey, Henry Pew, Harriot Pew, Song Denton, Thomas Herbert, Camilla Herbert, Richard Cromwell, Jr., Elizabeth Cromwell, Nathan Warfield, Caroline Warfield, and Song Mathias. AA. Title to Wilsons Grove.
Accession No.: 17,898-8344 MSA S512-10- 8322 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/11/27 8345: George W. Hobbes, Anne Hobbes, William McCauley, Marshall McCauley, John Y. Worthington, and James Stratton vs. Mary Alexina Rowles, Thomas McCauley, Susan Rowles, Elizabeth Rowles, and Larkin Shipley. Howard District. Estate of Thomas McCauley - lot in Elkridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 206
Accession No.: 17,898-8345-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8323 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/06/20 8346: Susan Henderson and Andrew F. Henderson vs. Frisby Henderson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Elkton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-8346 MSA S512-10- 8324 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/11/17 8347: Thomas Hillen vs. Henry Myers, George M. Gill, Elizabeth Jenkins, George H. Newman, Augustus Newman, J. Nevett Steele, General Insurance Co., Robert Dawson, Frederick Dawson, Philip T. Dawson, James Harwood, John B. Howell, Walter Farnandis, Jacob Wolfe, James Hance, John Jillard, Maurice M. Langhorne, John H. Iglehart, John W. Walker, Henry P. Williams, Henry Pendexter, Horatio B. Alden, Thomas W. Tolman, Moses Holmes, Alfred L. Moore, John G. Proud, Valentine Birely, Daniel Kolb, Joshua Dorsey, Justus Hoopee, Thomas A. Norris, William White, Howell Downing, George W. Krebs, John Boggs, Alexander L. Boggs, Maryland Savings Institution, and Abner Neal. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 650.
Accession No.: 17,898-8347-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8325 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/02/23 8348: Priscilla Hardy vs. John Donoho, Edith P. Hardy, John Hardy, John T. Hardy, George Hardy, William Hardy, Mary Hardy, Elizabeth Hardy, and Ann P. Hardy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-8348-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8326 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/03/20 8349: Willis Hurlock vs. Sarah Cohee, James Hurlock, Jonathan Hurlock, Jefferson Hurlock, Washington Hurlock, John Hurlock, Sophia Hurlock, Sally Hurlock, Sufkin Hurlock, James Hurlock of Morton, William Hurlock, Mary J. Hurlock, Delia Hurlock, John Hurlock, William Hurlock, Thomas Thomas, Eliza Thomas, Dianna Collins, Elisha Phillips, Rosa Phillips, Elsey Hill, Eliza Hill, and Nancy Foxwell. DO. Petition to sell Wrights Venture, Parkers Hire, Peach Blossom, Corkrans Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 127.
Accession No.: 17,898-8349 MSA S512-10- 8327 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/03/07 8350: Laura L.B. Hutchins vs. Martha B. Fowler and Hope H. Slatter. BA. Trust estate of Hutchins - slaves Anne Coale, Sarah Coale, Emily Coale, and Henrietta Coale. Accession No.: 17,898-8350 MSA S512-10- 8328 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/03/09 8351: John Hurlock, John Spear, Araminta Spear, James B. Greenwood, and Sarah A. Greenwood vs. Samuel Hurlock, William J. Hurlock, Wilhelmina Hurlock, Edna Hurlock, Alfred Hurlock, and David Hurlock. KE. Petition to sell Ling Barn Farm, Blackistons Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 182.
Accession No.: 17,898-8351 MSA S512-10- 8329 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/07/10 8352: Peter Hause vs. George F. Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Sarah Ann Flint. John Glenn, and Vestry of St. Timothys Church. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 727. Accession No.: 17,898-8352 MSA S512-10- 8330 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/01/31 8353: Benjamin W. Harris vs. John Cosden, Sally A. Cosden, William Donaldson, Rebecca Donaldson, Robert Donaldson, Mary J. Donaldson, and Richard Donaldson. CE. Estate of William Donaldson - lots in St. Augustine. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 983. Accession No.: 17,898-8353 MSA S512-10- 8331 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/23 8354: Susan Horsey vs. William Rencher, John R. Rencher, and John H. Wilson. CH. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8354 MSA S512-10- 8332 Location: 1/38/3/
1837/07/05 8355: Edward House vs. Nicholas Owens. AA. Contract to mortgage slave Maria. Accession No.: 17,898-8355 MSA S512-10- 8333 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/10/03 8356: Hester Handley vs. Francis Webb. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 120. Accession No.: 17,898-8356 MSA S512-10- 8334 Location: 1/38/3/
1834/07/08 8358: Samuel Hoffman, Samuel O. Hoffman, and William B. Bend. vs. Barney Clarken, Rhoda Clarken, Nicholas Kelly, and James Thomas. BA. Insolvent estate of Barney Clarken. Accession No.: 17,898-8358-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8335 Location: 1/38/3/
1821/01/04 8359: Benjamin Belt, Nancy Belt, Benjamin W. Allen, and Sally Allen. CV. Petition to sell Letchworths Chance. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 675. Accession No.: 17,898-8359-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8336 Location: 1/38/3/
1809/06/19 8360: Richard K. Heath vs. Elizabeth H. Hartley, Mary Hartley, and Juliana Hartley. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Heaths Range, Worrell Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 80, p. 151. Accession No.: 17,898-8360 MSA S512-10- 8337 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/01/15 8361: John S. Hall and George H. Perryman vs. Martha Coffield. CE Mortgage foreclosure on Perry Point. Accession No.: 17,898-8361-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8338 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/05/24 8362: Eliza Hoffman, Harriet E. Hoffman, Edward Hoffman, Samuel O. Hoffman, James Latimer, Sophia Latimer, and Lenox Birckhead vs. Jeremiah Hoffman, Samuel Hoffman, and David Hoffman. BA. Estate of John Hoffman - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 270.
Accession No.: 17,898-8362 MSA S512-10- 8339 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/05/25 8363: John H. Hodson vs. Robert R. Delahay, William Delahay, Sarah Delahay, Margaret Delahay, and Moses Delahay. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 566. Accession No.: 17,898-8363 MSA S512-10- 8340 Location: 1/38/3/
1820/12/08 8364: James Hood of John, Richard Dorsey of John, Gustavus Warfield, Jasper Peddicord, Francis Mercer, Henry Whalen, and George Shipley vs. Adam Barnes, Anne E. Barnes, Catherine M. Barnes, Marcella S. Barnes, Caroline Barnes, and Thomas H. Barnes. AA. Petition to sell Benjamins Addition, Brothers Partnership. Plat of Benjamins Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 479.
Accession No.: 17,898-8364-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8341 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/07/19 8365: Charles Van B. Hooper, William McK. Hooper, Susan Hooper, and George Mister. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8365 MSA S512-10- 8342 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/05 8366: George W. Humphreys, Anne Humphreys, Emily Miles, Matthias Miles, Susan P. Miles, Elizabeth Miles, Harriett Miles, Jesse W. Politt, Whitey Soper, Drusilla A. Soper, Harriett Ball, and Maria Turpin vs. John H. King, James C. Elzey, Maria H. Elzey, Elizabeth B. Elzey, Susan L. Elzey, and Williamanna Elzey. SO. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8366 MSA S512-10- 8343 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/24 8367: Richard S. Hardesty vs. John S. Tyson and Rachel Tyson. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Trouble Enough Indeed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 557. Accession No.: 17,898-8367 MSA S512-10- 8344 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/04/14 8368: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. Dennis A. Smith, Rebecca Smith, and James W. McCulloh. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norwoods Ferry. Accession No.: 17,898-8368 MSA S512-10- 8345 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/08/05 8369: Nicholas Hammond, Charles H. Hammond, and Mary G. Hammond vs. Margaret Goldsborough, Elizabeth G. Goldsborough, James K. Goldsborough, Henry H. Goldsborough, Eliza Goldsborough, John Goldsborough, Charles Goldsborough, Henrietta M. Goldsborough, Henry C. Goldsborough, Howes Goldsborough, Robert Goldsborough, Alvivards M. White, and Marian C. White. TA. Estate of John Goldsborough.
Accession No.: 17,898-8369 MSA S512-10- 8346 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/06/19 8370: Charles R. Howard and Juliana Howard vs. John E. Howard and Margaretta Howard. BA, HA. Petition to sell Nottingham Company lands in BA. Also Onions Addition to Hopewell in HA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 70. Accession No.: 17,898-8370 MSA S512-10- 8347 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/06/24 8371: Samuel Hassan vs. John Taggart and David Archibald. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-8371 MSA S512-10- 8348 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/01 8372: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. John Dietz and Catherine Dietz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-8372 MSA S512-10- 8349 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/07/10 8373: Harriet Henderson and Tabiath Janney vs. Elizabeth Henson, Rachel Henson, Ann Henson, Joseph Henson, Joseph Lee, Bethiah Lee, Jesse Parker, Elizabeth Parker, Nathan Barten, Absalam Barten, Mary Barten, Sarah Barten, Benjamin Barten, Charles Barten, Margaret Barten, Catherine Barten, Sarah A. Bailey, and Harriet Bailey. BA. Petition to sell Robbins Camp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 89.
Accession No.: 17,898-8373 MSA S512-10- 8350 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/01/17 8374: Jacob Horn vs. John W. Watkins, Nathaniel Warfield, and Charles Gilmor. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 654. Accession No.: 17,898-8374-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8351 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/01/17 8375: Nathaniel B. Hill vs. Thomas W. Overly, Martha S.J. Overly, and Horatio T. Bodder. BA, SO. Petition to sell slaves Charles Dary, Isaac, Robert, Frank, Harrison, Charlotte, Nancy, Sarah, and Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-8375 MSA S512-10- 8352 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/01/01 8376: Jesse Hammett vs. Eliza Hammett, Jesse Hammett, and James Hammett. BA. Petition to partition land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-8376 MSA S512-10- 8353 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/07/11 8377: James M. Humphreys vs. James Whitelock. SO. Petition to sell lots in Princess Anne. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-8377 MSA S512-10- 8354 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/02/23 8378: Thomas D. Hurtt, Martha E. Hurtt, Edward Hurtt, and Maria L. Hurtt vs. John Stull. KE. Contract to purchase Mothers Care. Plat at 1/38/1/27. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1115. Accession No.: 17,898-8378-1/4 MSA S512-10- 8355 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/02/01 8379: William J. Hyde vs. John Easter of John and Hamilton Easter. BA. Contract to form William J. Hyde & Easter. Accession No.: 17,898-8379-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8356 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/26 8380: Catherine Harrison vs. William McConkey and Neilson Poe. BA. Estate of Thomas P. Harrison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 156. Accession No.: 17,898-8380 MSA S512-10- 8357 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/05/01 8381: Charles Hammond and James Iglehart vs. James Sanford, Ellen Sanford, Malvina Merriken, and Sally Merriken. AA. Petition to sell Happy Choice, Roper Gray, Penns Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-8381 MSA S512-10- 8358 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/11/17 8382: Richard W. Hardesty and Pricilla Hardesty vs. George W. Hardesty, John A. Hardesty, and Actia E. Hardesty. AA. Petition to partition Hopewell. Accession No.: 17,898-8382 MSA S512-10- 8359 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/04/11 8383: Thomas Harrison, George W. Harrison, Freeborn Harrison, and Eliza Jane Harrison vs. Mary M. Ash and George T. Ash. TA. Petition to sell Timber Neck, Taylors Ridge, Mable Wisebeck, Up Holland. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 227. Accession No.: 17,898-8383 MSA S512-10- 8360 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/06/05 8384: Henry Hubbard, George Applegarth, and Mary Applegarth vs. John Marshall, Milly Marshall, James Seward, Eliza Seward, Elijah Hubbard, Henry Hubbard, Francis Hubbard, Eliza A. Hubbard, and James Hubbard. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 410.
Accession No.: 17,898-8384 MSA S512-10- 8361 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/07/30 8385: Thomas Higgins and Samuel Higgins vs. John D. Parker, Thomas Messick, and Margaret Messick. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 251. Accession No.: 17,898-8385 MSA S512-10- 8362 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/03/12 8386: James Hutchins vs. Nathan C. Brooks, William C. Butler, Charles W. Beech, and Sarah Beech. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 23. Accession No.: 17,898-8386 MSA S512-10- 8363 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/05/23 8387: Alexander Hill vs. Michael H. Haetlinger, Amelia J. Haetlinger, James H. Haetlinger, Catherine Haetlinger, and Daniel Haetlinger. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8387 MSA S512-10- 8364 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/05/15 8388: Henry C.T. Haubert vs. George U. Nutwell, Richard H. Battee, and William L. Lowe. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Burrages End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 164. Accession No.: 17,898-8388 MSA S512-10- 8365 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/06/28 8389: Robert Hooper vs. George A. Henisler, Mary W. Henisler, Joseph Henisler, John F. Cassell, and Henry Webster. BA. Defraud of creditors of George A. Henisler. Accession No.: 17,898-8389 MSA S512-10- 8366 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/03/07 8390: Lavinia Hanson vs. Margaret McLean and William McLean. KE. Petition to sell Georges Part of Morton, Ratcliff Cross, Kemps Beginning, Chigwell, Mill Farm, Tibbetts Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 534. Accession No.: 17,898-8390-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8367 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/11/21 8391: Washington Hyland vs. John W. Bouchell and Hezekiah Ford. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 99. Accession No.: 17,898-8391 MSA S512-10- 8368 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/07/19 8392: Samuel Hoffman vs. Jacob Houck, Daniel Hoffman, and David Whiteford. BA. Defraud of creditors of Houck. Accession No.: 17,898-8392 MSA S512-10- 8369 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/09/09 8393: Daniel Hart and Dennis Hart vs. Junius Slemaker. AA. Petition to sell Harness. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-8393 MSA S512-10- 8370 Location: 1/38/3/
1842/08/13 8394: John J. Hawkins, Joseph Hodges, Sarah Hodges, Aaron Hawkins, Nancy Hawkins, Rachel Mewshaw, Joseph Brag, and Mary Brag vs. Nathaniel Pumphrey, Thomas Pumphrey, William Pumphrey, Charles Pumphrey, and Mary Pumphrey. AA. Petition to sell Best Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 644.
Accession No.: 17,898-8394 MSA S512-10- 8371 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/10/02 8395: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. Justus Snyder. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-8395 MSA S512-10- 8372 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/07/21 8396: Thomas D. Hurtt, Martha E. Hurtt, George Vickers, Benjamin M. Hurtt, and John D. Welsh vs. Edward Hurtt, James Hurtt, Edgar D. Hurtt, and Richard M. Hurtt. KE. Petition to sell Phillips Choice, Hynsons Desire. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 964.
Accession No.: 17,898-8396 MSA S512-10- 8373 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/02/23 8397: Washington Hart, Benjamin Hart, George Wrotten, Polly Wrotten, Lewis Ross, Andrew Insley, Katherine Insley, Margaret Hart, William Hart, George Hart, Isaac Hart, and Arthur Hart vs. Edward Hart. DO. Petition to sell Harts Venture, Bettys Desire, Soldiers Beginning, Conclusion, Providence, Moores Conclusion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 382.
Accession No.: 17,898-8397 MSA S512-10- 8374 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/01/28 8399: Hooper C. Hicks and Harriet A. Hicks vs. Emily A. Hicks. DO. Petition to sell Hoopersborough, Marsh Range, Marsh Pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-8399 MSA S512-10- 8375 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/02/16 8400: Francis Hollins vs. Smith Thompson and Horace Capron. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Bacon Hall Enlarged, Snowden and Welsh in Defiance of William and Clark, Wintersals Range, Williams Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 681. Accession No.: 17,898-8400 MSA S512-10- 8376 Location: 1/38/3/
1833/05/24 8401: Samuel Hoffman vs. Jacob Houck, Thomas Baltzell, and Philip Baltzell. BA. Defraud of creditors of Houck. Accession No.: 17,898-8401 MSA S512-10- 8377 Location: 1/38/3/
1836/07/30 8403: John H. Hunter and Henry Hunter vs. Janette H. Hunter, Thomas Hunter, Mary M. Hunter, Rebecca A. Hunter, Robina A. Hunter, Solomon H. Hunter, and Charles Hunter. BA. Estate of John Hunter - Prospect Hill Resurveyed Winifreds Garden, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8403-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8378 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/12/08 8404: Edward B. Harris, William Harris, Francis Cann, and Louisa Cann vs. William Wickes and Mary C. Wickes. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 598. Accession No.: 17,898-8404 MSA S512-10- 8379 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/08/10 8405: Washington Harford vs. Eldridge G. Kilbourn, Samuel H. Tagart, and Coleman Yellott. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8405 MSA S512-10- 8380 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/04/27 8406: Nicholas Hammond and James Jones vs. John Basil, Jr. AA. Title to schooner John T. Barber. Accession No.: 17,898-8406-1/4 MSA S512-10- 8381 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/11/16 8407: John H. Hunter vs. Christopher Arnat and Mary Arnat. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Homer Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 263. Accession No.: 17,898-8407 MSA S512-10- 8382 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/07/17 8408: Richard Hance vs. James G. Alnutt. CV. Petition to sell slaves Tower, Meshack, John Hammond, John Horace Grahame, Frank, Phill, Jinny, Letty, Manah, Dick, Henny and Dinah. Accession No.: 17,898-8408 MSA S512-10- 8383 Location: 1/38/3/
1844/12/14 8409: Thomas Higgins and Katherine Higgins vs. Thomas Hicks, George Lockerman, Sophia Lockerman, and Francis Lockerman. DO. Petition to sell Maidens Lot, Double Purchase, Prevention. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8409-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8384 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/11/15 8410: Nathaniel T. Hynson vs. Ira F. Younger. KE. Petition to sell lot in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-8410 MSA S512-10- 8385 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/07/12 8411: Susanna Harrison and William H. Harrison. vs. James A. Ridgway and William R. Price. TA. Petition to sell Wasteland. Accession No.: 17,898-8411 MSA S512-10- 8386 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/05/23 8412: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. James White. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1113. Accession No.: 17,898-8412 MSA S512-10- 8387 Location: 1/38/3/
1850/11/30 8413: J. Smith Hollins vs. Mary Jane H. Wilson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 918. Accession No.: 17,898-8413 MSA S512-10- 8388 Location: 1/38/3/
1849/06/27 8414: James Hutchins vs. David Streett. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8414 MSA S512-10- 8389 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/01/03 8415: William Ward Henderson vs. Thomas F. Henderson and Susan Henderson. CE. Petition to sell Hermitage Farm. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p.1174. Accession No.: 17,898-8415-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8390 Location: 1/38/3/
1847/12/01 8416: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. Christopher Stingel and Barbara Stingel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 269. Accession No.: 17,898-8416-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8391 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/06/02 8417: Daniel Hart and Dennis Hart vs. Jacob Waters, Charles A. Waters, and Henry H. Brown. AA. Defraud of creditors of Jacob Waters. Accession No.: 17,898-8417 MSA S512-10- 8392 Location: 1/38/3/
1841/01/09 8418: Robert Hart, Jane Hart, and Elizabeth Hart vs. Stephen Hyland of Jacob and Nicholas George. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 285. Accession No.: 17,898-8418-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8393 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/12/05 8419: Elizabeth Hays vs. Charlotte Henry, James D. Hays, David Hays, Ann M. Hays, John Flint, and Mary A. Flint. BA. Estate of Simon Hay - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-8419-1/3 MSA S512-10- 8394 Location: 1/38/3/
1845/09/12 8420: John Haddaway and Sarah Apsley vs. George D. Apsley, William Bennett, William Knotts, Mary A. Knotts, Robert Bennett, George Bennett, Samuel Bennett, and Mary E. Bennett. KE. Petition to sell Stradfords Manor. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 744.
Accession No.: 17,898-8420 MSA S512-10- 8395 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/07/27 8421: Wells R. Hall, Rachel Hall, and John H. Turner vs. Jonathan Chapman. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/27. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-8421-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8396 Location: 1/38/3/
1851/02/14 8422: Thomas J. Hardesty vs. John S. Jones. AA. Contract to sell Tudor Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-8422 MSA S512-10- 8397 Location: 1/38/3/
1843/02/21 8423: Ann Frances Harrison vs. Joseph Richardson and Ann Richardson. CA. Petition to sell Richardson, Gilpins Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-8423 MSA S512-10- 8398 Location: 1/38/3/
1848/09/25 8424: Robert Hill, Alexander Randall, and J. Nevitt Steele vs. Passmore McCullough, Matilda McCullough, Mary Allen, Sarah Allen, James Murray, and Nicholas Brewer of John. AA. Petition to sell Halfway House. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-8424-1/2 MSA S512-10- 8399 Location: 1/38/3/
1846/08/26 8425: William G. Harrison vs. Ann Story and Samuel Robinson. QA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 604. Accession No.: 17,898-8425-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8400 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/05/29 8426: Henry Hopkins, James Simpson, Aley G. Simpson, Sarah A. Hopkins, John Hopkins, Eli Hopkins, Stephen Hopkins, Mary H. Hopkins, and Susan Hopkins vs. William Thompson. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 384. Accession No.: 17,898-8426 MSA S512-11- 8401 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/11/20 8427: George Hargis, Betsy Hargis, Obid Riggin, and Lovey Riggin vs. John Milbourne, Charles Milbourne, Loderwick J. Milbourne, Sally Milbourne, James Handy, Harriet Handy, John Cullin, and William Adams. SO. Petition to sell Pocomoke Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-8427-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8402 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/07/05 8428: John Hoye vs. Edward Johnston. AL. Title to Flavia, Fort Meigs. Plats at 1/38/1/27; also show Flavia Resurveyed, South Bar. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-8428-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8403 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/08/10 8429: Henry K. Hyde vs. Hezekiah O. Hyde, Albert W. Hyde, Eveline E. Hyde, and Thomas T. Hyde. BA. Estate of Nathaniel Hyde - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 218. Accession No.: 17,898-8429-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8404 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/09/15 8430: Robert Howard and John Haines vs. William Howard. AA. Estate of Brice Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-8430 MSA S512-11- 8405 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/09/16 8431: Carl Halwadt vs. Edward Wensohof. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8431 MSA S512-11- 8406 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/04/11 8432: Henry N. Hurtt vs. John Abbis, Sarah C. Abbis, James A. Hurtt, Robert M. Hurtt, Charles N. Hurtt, Richard H. Hurtt, Walter T. Hurtt, and Ann S. Hurtt. KE. Petition to sell Woodland Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 502. Accession No.: 17,898-8432 MSA S512-11- 8407 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/05/13 8433: Mary Harrington vs. Otis Harrington. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-8433 MSA S512-11- 8408 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/04/13 8434: Thomas H. Hodges and Sally Hodges vs. Anna Sparrow, Matilda Sparrow, John Sparrow, Lewis G. Sparrow, and Henry C. Sparrow. CV. Petition to sell Sankley, Poppingay. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 85. Accession No.: 17,898-8434 MSA S512-11- 8409 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/05/21 8435: Benjamin O. Hance vs. Michael Lyons, Elizabeth S. Lyons, and John H. Basford. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Margaret and Lee. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-8435 MSA S512-11- 8410 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/11/13 8436: John J. Hodges vs. Vachel Sevier and Mary Sevier. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Griffiths Land Resurveyed, lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 198. Accession No.: 17,898-8436 MSA S512-11- 8411 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/11/22 8437: Daniel Hubbard vs. Charles Harman, Tabitha Harman, James Hubbard, Chaney Hubbard, Peter Hubbard, Elizabeth Hubbard, Charles Hubbard, Mary Hubbard, Thomas Stevens, and Mariah Stevens. CA. Petition to sell Venture, Harris Privilege, Addition to Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 170.
Accession No.: 17,898-8437 MSA S512-11- 8412 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/05/21 8438: Thomas R. Hand and John Coates vs. William R. Maybury, Benjamin Upton, Samuel Frey, Samuel Stone, and John Stone. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8438 MSA S512-11- 8413 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/08/20 8439: Charles John Hart vs. David V. Thurston. BA. Injunction against mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8439 MSA S512-11- 8414 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/02/19 8440: William Hindman, Robert Wylie, and Robert Y. Wilson vs. Gilbert Cassard, Jr. BA. Estate to William Taitt. Accession No.: 17,898-8440 MSA S512-11- 8415 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/15 8441: Mackall Harris, Uriah Laville, and Thomas J. Hellen vs. James Kent, Ignatius Pike, Francis Neale, Ann Reynolds, and Edward Reynolds. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8441-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8416 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/06/17 8442: William Lusby and John H. Rhea vs. William M. Addison and Elizabeth Hays. BA. Estate of Simon Hays. Accession No.: 17,898-8442 MSA S512-11- 8417 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/01 8443: Walter W. Hannon vs. William G. Robey and Grace Robey. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8443 MSA S512-11- 8418 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/06/15 8444: Edward D. Handy and Alexander Smith vs. Thomas A. Spence. WO. Mortgage foreclosure on Canlarerock, Common Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-8444 MSA S512-11- 8419 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/03 8445: Mary W. Hodgkin vs. Samuel L.S. Hodgkin. CV. Estate of Theodore Hodgkin - Turners Pasture, Long Lane, Red Hall, Turners Place, Proprietors Gift, Archers Hays, Smiths Chance, Goughs Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-8445 MSA S512-11- 8420 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/22 8446: Asselina C. Hackeman, Margaret D. Hackeman, John Henry Hackeman, John R. Dobeling, Ann M. Dobeling, John F. Weymeyer, Catherine D. Weymeyer, John H. Witte, Maria E. Witte, Frederick H. Becker, Margaret H. Becker, John F. Diering, Henry L. Diering, Ann E. Diering, and Isla Diering vs. Justus Hoppe and John F. Friese. BA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8446-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8421 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/11/02 8447: Louisa Holmes vs. William Holmes. CH. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-8447 MSA S512-11- 8422 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/04/21 8448: Daniel T. Hyde vs. George Taylor and Lemuel G. Taylor. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-8448 MSA S512-11- 8423 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/12/09 8449: Nathan Harrison vs. Benjamin Rawlings. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8449 MSA S512-11- 8424 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/07/05 8450: Jonathan Hudson vs. Frederick C. Graf. BA. Contract to build a schooner. Accession No.: 17,898-8450 MSA S512-11- 8425 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/07/07 8451: George A. Hughes, Randall H. Moale, John T. Worthington, and William Shipley, Jr. vs. Joseph Saunders, James Shuter, Martin Fisher, Bernard H. Cook, Anthony L. Cook, Joshua Dryden, John E.P. Stanley, Miron N. Stanley, John Moore, Joseph Jamison, Adam Maps, William Adrian, Peter Hoffman, and Peter Combs. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8451 MSA S512-11- 8426 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/08/22 8452: Samuel Hopkins vs. Henry McElderry. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8452 MSA S512-11- 8427 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/29 8453: Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Horatio Hollingsworth, Jesse Hollingsworth, John Hollingsworth, Ann P. Hollingsworth, and Susanna C. Hollingsworth vs. Solomon Betts, David Winchester, and Alexander H. Boyd. BA. Estate of Edward Ireland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 563.
Accession No.: 17,898-8453-1/6 MSA S512-11- 8428 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/02/08 8454: Nathan Harrison vs. James Crook. BA. Injunction against court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-8454 MSA S512-11- 8429 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/06/01 8455: Emily Hart vs. James Carnigham and John Glenn. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8455 MSA S512-11- 8430 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/04/12 8456: Hooper C. Hicks, Frances Loockerman, and Sophia Loockerman vs. Mary LeCompte. DO. Guardianship of Frances Loockerman and Sophia Loockerman. Accession No.: 17,898-8456 MSA S512-11- 8431 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/03/23 8457: Sarah Hurlock vs. William Mobray. DO. Petition to sell Resolution. Accession No.: 17,898-8457 MSA S512-11- 8432 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/08/30 8458: Ann Hall, Sidney Hall, Margaret S. Hall, Lydia A. Hall, Horatio L. Whitridge, Elizabeth G. Whitridge, Samuel W. Smith, William F. Turner, Jane S. Turner, and Grace R. Smith vs. William C. Hall, Mary C. Whitridge, and William H. Turner. HA. Petition to sell Halls Park. Plat at 1/38/1/27. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 402.
Accession No.: 17,898-8458-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8433 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/07/23 8459: Elijah Hicks and Deborah Hicks vs. John Devinn and Rebecca Devinn. BA. Petition to partition Bryans Chance, Hales Hackle. Accession No.: 17,898-8459 MSA S512-11- 8434 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/06/22 8461: Robert Hicks, Magdalena Hicks, Christian Hager, Jonathan D. Hager, Upton L. Hager, and Catharine Hager vs. Elizabeth Lawrence, Jonathan H. Lawrence, Upton H. Lawrence, Patsy W. Lawrence, Matilda Lawrence, Elizabeth A. Lawrence, Barbara Lawrence, Henry Lewis, Daniel Heister, Samuel Heisler, David Reaver, Catharine Reaver, Ellen Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Rachel Landes, Abraham Landes, Rebecca Vandenlice, Joseph Vandenlice, Mary Heister, Leah Heister, John Heister, Henry Heister, Gabriel Heister, Jonathan D. Heister, Elizabeth Heister, Frederick Shultz, William Heister, Charles Heister, John Shultz, Mary Shultz, William Shultz, Isaac Heister, Catharine E. Heister, William Heister, Edward Cliner, Maria Cliner, Rebecca Eckert, Daniel J. Heister, John Heister, Julianna Miller, Jonathan Miller, John Heister, Thomas M. Heister, William Heister, Jacob Stahl, Hugh Kennedy, John Kennedy, Adam Leppard, James R. Reily, John A. Donaldson, David Statsman, John Morler, Matthew Murray, James Davis, John Wise, Sr., John Hom, Henry Keifer, John Briley, John Love, William Bender, Joshua Murray, John Figley, Daniel Bovey, Christian Fechtig, Samuel Neuman, William Moffit, John Ringer, Absolam Kelley, David Dasher, Dominic McFilmy, Francis McMullen, William McGomgal, John Toland, Job Ringer, Thomas Ringer, Henry Cole, Benjamin Reigal, Jacob Ringer, William Ringer, John Kennedy, Jonathan H. Lawrence, John Regnilds, Perry Fitzhugh, John Fitzhugh, Benjamin Fitzhugh, and William Fitzhugh. FR, WA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8461-1/6 MSA S512-11- 8435 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/02/18 8462: John Hoye vs. George G. Brewer. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8462 MSA S512-11- 8436 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/01/04 8463: John Hooper vs. Mary Ann Jenkins and Nicholas B. Jenkins. WO. Petition to sell Chingoteague, Friendship, Phaisalia. Accession No.: 17,898-8463 MSA S512-11- 8437 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/02/09 8464: Robert M. Huston vs. James Craig. CE. Injunction against removal of wood from Geofarsion Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-8464 MSA S512-11- 8438 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/12/14 8465: Mackall Harris vs. James A. Sangston, George E. Sangston, Lawrence Sangston, Rebecca Harris, Uriah Laveille, Mary Laveille, David Hutchins, Mary Hutchins, Joseph Hutchins, and Ann R. Hutchins. CV. Contract to purchase Islington, Small Reward, Brooks Partition.
Accession No.: 17,898-8465 MSA S512-11- 8439 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/06/29 8466: Anthony John Hill and David Rogers vs. Susan Ledue. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Castle Haven. Accession No.: 17,898-8466 MSA S512-11- 8440 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/06/10 8467: Henry D. Hatton vs. Henry L. Coombs, Mary M. Coombs, Charles Bowie, and Eliza Bowie. PG. Injunction against obstruction of right of way through Swan Harbor, Batchelor. Accession No.: 17,898-8467-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8441 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/03/28 8468: Robert Heath vs. Anna Maria Wilson. MO. Estate of Thomas Linsted. Accession No.: 17,898-8468 MSA S512-11- 8442 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/08/03 8469: Anna M. Hopkins vs. Moses Donaldson. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Duvals Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-8469 MSA S512-11- 8443 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/02/20 8470: Mary Hall and William Hall vs. Thomas Flemming and Benjamin Todd. AA. Petition to partition Pillage Land, Hampton Court, Trouble for Nothing, Dover, Anything Will Suit. Plat at 1/38/1/27. Accession No.: 17,898-8470-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8444 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/11/07 8471: Charles Hammond, Elizabeth Hammond, Sarah Dorsey, and Casper Schaeffer vs. John Miller. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-8471 MSA S512-11- 8445 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/06/04 8472: William Hopkins and Henrietta Hopkins vs. Pricilla Hopkins, George Hopkins, Stephen Hopkins, and Samuel Hopkins. SO. Petition to sell Cannon Shot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 493. Accession No.: 17,898-8472 MSA S512-11- 8446 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/11/08 8473: Hannah L. Hopkins vs. John Barber, Charles Barber, Kitty Barber, Edward Brewer, Anne L. Brewer, and Alexander Randall. AA. Petition to sell slaves Meah, Tom, Juliana, and John. Accession No.: 17,898-8473 MSA S512-11- 8447 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/07/14 8474: William C. Harris vs. Royal Makepeace. BA. Contract to purchase stock. Accession No.: 17,898-8474-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8448 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/06/30 8475: William Hanna vs. William C. Spindler, Bethiah Spindler, and James Phillips. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8475 MSA S512-11- 8449 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/10/05 8476: George W. Hurley and Shada Hurley vs. Nancy Beard, Cassandra Beard, Marcellus Beard, Horatio Hughes, and Leah Hughes. DO. Petition to sell Beards Privilege, Thompsons Addition, Beards Venture, Beards Beginning, Luck by Chance. Plat of Beards Privilege, Thompsons Addition, Beards Venture, Beards Beginning at 1/38/1/27. Accession No.: 17,898-8476-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8450 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/01/30 8477: John Hardy vs. Patrick Lyddane. MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Hermitage. Accession No.: 17,898-8477 MSA S512-11- 8451 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/05/08 8478: James Hurlock and Mary Hurlock vs. Willis Hurlock and Ann Hurlock. DO. Injunction against sale of Armskirk, Fishing Lot, Bally. Accession No.: 17,898-8478 MSA S512-11- 8452 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/09/09 8481: Thomas W. Harris vs. James G. Mackall, Daniel Kent, and Richard Graham. CV. Petition to sell Sewells Purchase, Cedar Branch, Exchange. Accession No.: 17,898-8481 MSA S512-11- 8453 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/02/03 8483: Henry T. Houck vs. Eleanora M. Houck. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-8483 MSA S512-11- 8454 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/06/14 8485: Amos Hinsley and Farmers Bank of Delaware vs. Matilda Hinsley, Elijah Pippin, Sarah A. Pippin, James H. Hinsley, Marian P. Hinsley, Ann L. Hinsley, Nathan P. Hinsley, and John A. Hinsley. CA. Petition to sell Beaver Dam Addition, Jadwins Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-8485 MSA S512-11- 8455 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/04/04 8486: Thomas W. Hopper, Philemon B. Hopper, and John Constable vs. Edwin H. Snow, James Snow, Bethia Snow, Daniel J. Snow, Josiah Snow, Hannah Snow, Benjamin Snow, and Sarah A. Snow. KE. Petition to sell Farlie Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-8486 MSA S512-11- 8456 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/04/13 8487: John Smith Hollins vs. Robert Hamilton. BA. Injunction against obstruction of Jones Falls and operation of Washington Factory. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8487 MSA S512-11- 8457 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/11/16 8488: Washington Hyland vs. Jacob C. Howard. CE. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-8488 MSA S512-11- 8458 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/20 8489: Zachariah Hays, Jeremiah Hays, Robert Dent, Asa Dent, Pricilla Owens, and Sarah Vermillion vs. William H. Hays and Juliana Hays. MO. Estate of George B. Hays. Accession No.: 17,898-8489 MSA S512-11- 8459 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/04/03 8490: Ann S. Hill vs. John Shaw and John Hill. PG. Injunction against sale of slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-8490-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8460 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/08/28 8491: John Hyson vs. Charles Warfield. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8491 MSA S512-11- 8461 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/09/21 8493: Matthew Hammond and Edward Hammond vs. Anne Hammond, Susan Hammond, Anne Hammond, George Hammond, Matilda Hammond, Harriet Hammond, John Hammond, Mary Hammond, and James Hammond. AA. Petition to partition Warfields Forrest, Owens Range, Hammonds Connection. Plats at 1/38/1/27.
Accession No.: 17,898-8493-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8462 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/03/14 8494: William Hukill, Guider Hukill, Elijah Eliason, Benjamin Massey, and George C. Sanders vs. William Lusby, Sadonia Lusby, Thomas Lusby, and Josiah Lusby. KE. Petition to sell mill and land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 540. Accession No.: 17,898-8494 MSA S512-11- 8463 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/11/01 8495: Rezin Hammond vs. Lewis Duvall. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8495 MSA S512-11- 8464 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/07/28 8496: George H. Hunter vs. Matilda Hatton, Joseph Hatton, and Thomas J. Marshall. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Rich Hill, Boarmans Content. Accession No.: 17,898-8496 MSA S512-11- 8465 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/06/01 8497: Theodore Hodgkin vs. Henry R. Scott, John C. Parker, John Parran, Lock L. Weems, George Ireland, James J. Wilson, Ellen Wilson, Benjamin Owens, and Alexander T. Dalrymple. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on lot and tavern in Prince Frederick. Accession No.: 17,898-8497 MSA S512-11- 8466 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/09/19 8498: Jacob Hoffman, Elizabeth Thacker Hooe, and Robert J. Taylor vs. William H. Lyles, Sarah Lyles, Mary M. Coombs, Robert Harper, Sarah Harper, Eliza Clagett, Thomas C. Lyles, Sarah M. Lyles, Henry D. Hatton, Emily Hatton, Richard H. Edelin, Sidney Edelin, Sarah Coombs, Henry Coombs, Enoch Coombs, Eliza Coombs, John Lowry, Eleanor Lowry, Jane E. Lee, Samuel P. Lee, John F. Lee, Arthur Lee, Frances Lee, and Francis Lightfoot Lee. PG. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8498 MSA S512-11- 8467 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/06/19 8499: Joseph G. Hatton, Nathaniel H. Hatton, Alexander S. Hatton, Mary G. Hatton, and Joseph Hatton vs. Joseph N. Burch, Jr. and William G. Hardey. PG. Trust estate of children of Nathaniel Hatton - slaves Sam, Randall, Ralph, Billy, Cinthen, Henry, Jane, Charles, Clem, Mahala, Sarah, Hanson, Samuel, Julia, Maria, Robert, and Louisa.
Accession No.: 17,898-8499 MSA S512-11- 8468 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/01/26 8500: Charles Hall and Edward Carvill. HA. Petition to sell Cooks Double Purchase, Hazard Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 464. Accession No.: 17,898-8500-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8469 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/03/27 8501: Mackall Harris vs. James A. Sangston, George E. Sangston, Lawrence Sangston, and Benjamin M. Heighe. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8501-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8470 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/05/02 8502: Nicholas Hyland, Stephen Hyland of Nicholas, David Burnett, and John Barnett vs. Stephen Hyland of Jacob, Stephen Hyland of Stephen, Amos T. Forwood, and Daniel McCauley. CE. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8502 MSA S512-11- 8471 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/04/07 8503: Richard Harwood of Thomas and Benjamin Harwood vs. Ellen Woodward, Henry W. Woodward, Reginal D. Woodward, Rachel A. Woodward, Eleanor Woodward, Martha R. Woodward, Mary C. Woodward, William Woodward, William H. Baldwin, and Jane Baldwin. AA. Petition to sell Woodwards Inclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-8503-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8472 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/04/21 8504: Joseph J. Hopkins vs. Eliza Hopkins and Joseph Hopkins. AA. Petition to sell Fowlers Range, Wagmans Marsh, Mill Seat, Owen Wood. Plat of Fowlers Range, Wagmans Marsh, Mill Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 123. Accession No.: 17,898-8504-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8473 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/01/29 8505: Thomas Hammond, Mary A. Hammond, Dennis Wesley, Lloyd Wesley, and Louisa Wesley vs. Elizabeth Hands, Elizabeth M. Brown and Elisha Brown. Howard District. Estate of William Wesley - Halls Folly, Savage Factory. Accession No.: 17,898-8505 MSA S512-11- 8474 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/05/31 8506: Johns Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, and Esdale P. Cohen vs. William Crauford, Jr. and Thomas J. Flack. BA. Injunction against disposal of securities. Accession No.: 17,898-8506 MSA S512-11- 8475 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/09/21 8507: William S. Hays and Sarah Hays vs. Henry Whitely. CE. Estate of John Macbeth. Accession No.: 17,898-8507 MSA S512-11- 8476 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/02/01 8508: George Holloway vs. Elizabeth M. Leech and John Mason. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-8508 MSA S512-11- 8477 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/10/04 8509: John Hakesly vs. Martha Supton, William Supton, Cyrus Supton, Elisha Supton, and Susannah Supton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8509 MSA S512-11- 8478 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/06/24 8511: Mathias Harris vs. Robert Armstrong and John B. Tally. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8511 MSA S512-11- 8479 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/11/01 8512: Peter Hitzelberger, Sr. vs. Peter Hitzelberger, Jr. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8512 MSA S512-11- 8480 Location: 1/38/4/
1830 8513: John M. Hepburn vs. State of Maryland. AA. Estate of Samuel Hepburn. Accession No.: 17,898-8513-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8481 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/08/03 8515: John Haney vs. Joseph Taney, Sr. CR, FR. Title to Resurvey on Mackeys Choice, Resurvey on Hobsons Choice in FR. Also Addition to Clarks Discovery, Earnest Choice in CR and FR. Accession No.: 17,898-8515 MSA S512-11- 8482 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/10/04 8520: Benjamin Hancock vs. Richard Linthicum, Hezekiah Linthicum, and Matilda Linthicum. AA. Estate of Vachel Philips. Accession No.: 17,898-8520 MSA S512-11- 8483 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/03/30 8521: William Hughlett vs. Annie E. Sullivan. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8521 MSA S512-11- 8484 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/10/06 8522: James Harwood, John B. Howell, Walter Farnandis, John Glenn, Reverdy Johnson, George E. Dobbin, and United States Insurance Co. vs. Commercial Bank of Millington. KE. Financial status of defendant. Accession No.: 17,898-8522 MSA S512-11- 8485 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/05/23 8523: John Herr and Elizabeth Herr vs. Samuel Bierbower. BA. Injunction against encroachment on of lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8523-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8486 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/06/23 8524: Nathan Haines vs. William Howard. AA. Estate of John Haines. Accession No.: 17,898-8524 MSA S512-11- 8487 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/04/16 8525: Frederick William Heydorn vs. Conradina Heydorn. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-8525 MSA S512-11- 8488 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/06/24 8526: Cornelius Howard vs. Alexander Walters of Samuel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norwoods Delight, Rowles Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-8526 MSA S512-11- 8489 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/06/04 8528: Augusta Hitch vs. Arminta Betts, William Hitch, Sarah Hitch, Jacob G. Davies, Mary Davies, Solomon B. Davies, and William G. Krebs. BA. Trust estate under will of Solomon Betts. Accession No.: 17,898-8528 MSA S512-11- 8490 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/12/28 8530: Francis Hollis and James H. Fulton vs. Thomas J. Hays and Amos Hollis. HA. Trust estate of Francis Hollis - Jerico. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-8530-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8491 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/10/16 8531: Robert H. Hall, Mary A. Hall, Joseph Hall, Henry W. Hall, Priscilla Ward, Elijah Ward, George W. Hall, and Levin H. Hall vs. Levin Conner and Sally J. Hall. SO. Petition to partition Intention. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 85. Accession No.: 17,898-8531-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8492 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/12/28 8532: James Hutchins vs. James Callan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8532 MSA S512-11- 8493 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/07/21 8533: Richard S. Hardesty vs. Alfred H. Reip. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-8533 MSA S512-11- 8494 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/09/21 8534: Joseph Hook and Daniel Conn vs. John Amick, Margaret Amick, and Joseph B. Elliott. BA. Defraud of creditors of John Amick - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 959. Accession No.: 17,898-8534-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8495 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/08/11 8535: Samuel Hall and Eliza Hall vs. John Tyson, Thomas Tyson, Benjamin F. Tyson, and Levi Riddle. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8535 MSA S512-11- 8496 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/10/19 8536: Ann E. Hooper vs. Daniel Riggs, Catherine Riggs, Sarah E. Wright, Mary B. Wright, John M. Wright, Sarah A. Wright, Tristram Wright, Harriet W. Wright, Mary A. Wright, Susan Wright, and Polish Miles. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 416.
Accession No.: 17,898-8536 MSA S512-11- 8497 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/01/25 8537: Thomas J. Hicks and George W. Hicks vs. Richard Stevens, Elizabeth A. Stevens, Allison F. Hicks, Sarah R. Hicks, Henry W. Hicks, and Joseph Hicks. DO. Petition to sell New Market, Littletons Last Shift, Ridge Land, Prestons Vale, Adventure, and Buck Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 568.
Accession No.: 17,898-8537 MSA S512-11- 8498 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/03/24 8538: John J. Heckart, Jonathan McVey, Fanny McVey, Theodore Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Taylor J. Lyon, Maria Lyon, Basil Haines, Lillian Haynes, Sarah Taylor, Eliza Taylor, and Louise Taylor vs. James Jones, Mary Jones, William Boyd, James Boyd, Jane Boyd, Sarah Boyd, Francis Boyd, Jane McDonald, Hugh Boyd, Esther Hart, Daniel McDonald, Joseph Scarborough, Hugh F. Scarborough, John F. Scarborough, Robert Scarborough, and Rebecca J. Scarborough. CE. Petition to partition Johns Beginning, Battle Swamp Tavern. Plats at 1/38/1/28.
Accession No.: 17,898-8538-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8499 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/11/06 8539: Richard Humphreys and Joseph Huntt vs. Mary Stanton. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8539 MSA S512-11- 8500 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/12/19 8540: William Hauck vs. John Lammott. CR. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in Hampstead. Accession No.: 17,898-8540 MSA S512-11- 8501 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/04/16 8541: Joseph Henry, Teresa Henry, Elizabeth Fink, and Joseph Fink vs. Samuel Fink, John Shoemaker, Samuel Shoemaker, and Elizabeth Shoemaker. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 149. Accession No.: 17,898-8541 MSA S512-11- 8502 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/06/08 8542: John Howes vs. Richard Crandell. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8542-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8503 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/09/09 8543: Richard Hopkins vs. John Howard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Friends Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-8543 MSA S512-11- 8504 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/10/08 8544: James Hird, Nancy Hird, Jacob Hartzell, Eliza J. Hartzell, Amelia Carter, Stephen G. Carling, Mary Carling, John Ousler, and Amanda Ousler vs. Henry Carter, John Carter, Thomas Carter, Mary Carter, David Hartzell, William H. Hartzell, and Mary L. Hartzell. BA. Petition to sell Fathers Gift, Forrest Level, Escape, Addition to Escape, Teves Chance, Hunters Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-8544-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8505 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/07/05 8545: Joshua Hutchins, Jacob Harman, and John Slade vs. Mary D. Hutchins, Henry Hutchins, Louisa Hutchins, John Hutchins, Harman Hutchins, Jarrett Hutchins, Walker Hutchins, Josephine Hutchins, Elizabeth Hutchins, and Susan Hutchins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in My Ladys Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-8545-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8506 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/11/15 8546: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. Edward T. Ellicott and Anne C. Ellicott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 500. Accession No.: 17,898-8546 MSA S512-11- 8507 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/11/19 8548: Robert Harper vs. Mary Emily Howard. DO. Petition to sell Shentons Outlett, Addition to Shentons Outlett, Harpers Delight, Johnsons Addition, Johnsons Contrivance, Keenes Security, Joshuas Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 61. Accession No.: 17,898-8548 MSA S512-11- 8508 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/09/06 8549: T. Gerrard Hopkins, William Hopkins, Frederick Waesche, Justus Hoppe, Henry G. Jacobsen, James Briscoe, Henry Schroder, and Edward J. Schley vs. Gustaravus Weems, George Weems, Mary F. Ewell, Margaret Ewell, Sidney Weems, and Jacob Steines. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Parkells Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-8549 MSA S512-11- 8509 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/04/22 8550: Alexander Hanna and Louisa C. Hanna vs. Henry F. Mayer, Henrietta E. Mayer, and Ernestine Mayer. AA. Petition to sell Scotland Enlarged, Gibsons Discovery, Rattle Snake Point. Accession No.: 17,898-8550-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8510 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/11/13 8551: James Huggins and Sarah Huggins vs. Otho Scott and Solomon Wadlow. BA. Defraud of creditors of Thomas Ayres. Accession No.: 17,898-8551 MSA S512-11- 8511 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/04/13 8552: Richard W. Hook vs. Nelson Gambrill, Abagail Gambrill, Juliet Gambrill, Horace Knight, Catherine Knight, Elizabeth Hook, William Gambrill, Augustine Gambrill, Marian Gambrill, John Gambrill, Eli Gambrill, Adeline Gambrill, Mira Gambrill, Louisa Gambrill, and Benjamin F. Gambrill. BA. Title to Petersburgh Colepit, Petersburgh Resurveyed, Gists Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 131.
Accession No.: 17,898-8552 MSA S512-11- 8512 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/06/20 8554: Richard Hutchins vs. Elizabeth Valentine, Ann Valentine, John Valentine, Margaret Valentine, and Mary Valentine. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-8554 MSA S512-11- 8513 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/06/20 8555: Samuel G. Hyde vs. John Scott, Alexander McKim, Joseph M. McKim, William A. McKim, Joseph McKim, James Guest, Mary Guest, John Fisher, and Margaret Fisher. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8555-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8514 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/01/28 8556: Frances Hoover vs. John Werdebaugh. BA. Estate of Richard Ratirn. Accession No.: 17,898-8556 MSA S512-11- 8515 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/11/10 8557: Charles W. Hanson vs. John H. Tillard, Rinaldo Pindell, Sarah Pindell, Samuel Drury, and Matilda Drury. AA. Petition to sell Bersheba Corrected, Birkheads Parcel, Simmonds Chance, Greens Purchase, Greenwick Park. Plats of Bersheba Corrected, Birkheads Parcel, Greens Purchase, Greenwick Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 238.
Accession No.: 17,898-8557-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8516 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/01/21 8558: John Hafner vs. George Charles Thompson and Mary Martha Thompson. BA. Estate of Thomas Thompson. Accession No.: 17,898-8558 MSA S512-11- 8517 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/08/25 8559: Samuel Hollingsworth, Ellen Hollingsworth, Samuel Moale, William H. Hoffman, Ellen N.M. Hoffman, William R. Travers, Mary Travers, and Samuel H. Moale vs. John Edmondson, Susanna Edmondson, and Archibald Golden. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-8559 MSA S512-11- 8518 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/03/07 8560: Eliza Hammond vs. Denton Hammond and Matthias Hammond. AA. Petition to sell Indian Landing. Accession No.: 17,898-8560 MSA S512-11- 8519 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/04/04 8561: Thomas H. Handy vs. Thomas J. Thompson, Edward Thompson, Mary Thompson, John W. Ward, Anne Ward, William Reed, and Eliza Reed. DO. Petition to sell Thompsons Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-8561 MSA S512-11- 8520 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/16 8562: Edward Hinkley vs. Philip R.J. Friese. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8562-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8521 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/05/02 8563: Thomas Hall vs. Ann Joice, Richard Joice, George Joice, John Joice, Abraham Joice, Ann Joice, William Joice, William Craig, Mary Craig, Benjamin Unshaw, Elizabeth Unshaw, John Butler, and Susan Butler. AA. Petition to sell Hopewell. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 213.
Accession No.: 17,898-8563-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8522 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/08/11 8564: Samuel Hasson vs. Elizabeth Egan, Mark R. Egan, William T.C. Egan, Hester J. Egan, Johnson E. Egan, Marid Egan, Sarah L. Egan, Elizabeth Egan, Margaret Egan, Rachel Egan, Agnes M. Egan, James McCullough, and Ruth McCullough. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on West Nottingham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 250.
Accession No.: 17,898-8564 MSA S512-11- 8523 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/06/14 8565: John Hughes, Edward Hughes, and Thomas Ward vs. Charles P. Rogers, George A. Frick, Watson J. Welding, and Major S. McCoy. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8565-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8524 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/06/04 8566: John Beale Howard vs. Benedict William Hall, Walter T. Hall, Robert Hall, Charlotte Hall, Maria Hall, William H. Hall, Edward C. Hall, Charles G. Hall, Henry Hale, Susan Hale, Philip Moore, and Delia Moore. BA, HA. Injunction against conveyance of Long Green, Hill Forrest, Bettys Choice, Rich Angle, Budds Neighbor, Cullins Lot, Truemans Acquaintance, Taskers Camp in BA. Also Harness Point in HA.
Accession No.: 17,898-8566-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8525 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/12/07 8567: Abraham Heaney and Thomas B. Woodward vs. William M. Jacobs, William K. Heaney, John K. Heaney, Ephraim Heaney, Samuel Heaney, Nathaniel Heaney, Enos Crossman, Sarah Crossman, John Headman, and Elizabeth Headman. KE. Petition to sell a mill. Accession No.: 17,898-8567-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8526 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/10/30 8568: Handel M. Hayden vs. John H. Young and Eleanor Young. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on land in Ellicott Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 52. Accession No.: 17,898-8568 MSA S512-11- 8527 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/03/23 8569: Elizabeth C. Haubert vs. James Knott, Mary Knott, Mary A. Rawlings, Elizabeth Rawlings, R. Butler Price, Elizabeth Butler, Horace S. Huntt, Anne Huntt, Virginia Huntt, Mary E. Huntt, Fanny Huntt, and George Huntt. CV. Petition to sell Upper Bennett. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 83.
Accession No.: 17,898-8569-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8528 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/06/06 8570: William Hollingsworth vs. Hannah H. Partridge, Elizabeth Hollingsworth, John Talley, and Ann H. Talley. CE. Petition to sell Henrys Lot, lots in Elkton. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 20, MdHR 40,283-73, S65-124, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 358 and 159, p. 329.
Accession No.: 17,898-8570 MSA S512-11- 8529 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/09/17 8571: William Hamilton, Jr. vs. Edward Clayton, Charles B. White, and Samuel Harman. BA. Insolvent estate of Claytor - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8571 MSA S512-11- 8530 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/12/30 8572: John Harper vs. Joseph Spencer, Matthew Spencer, Susan Harrison, Thomas Mummy, Manlove Hazel, Matilda Hazel, and Perry Spencer. TA. Trust estate under will of Richard Spencer Beverly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 367. Accession No.: 17,898-8572 MSA S512-11- 8531 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/02/16 8573: Orville Horwitz vs. James Kent. CV. Estate of Levin Ballard. Accession No.: 17,898-8573 MSA S512-11- 8532 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/10/14 8574: Alexander Hammond vs. Isaac C. Anderson and Thomas C. Worthington. Howard District. Injunction against disposal of Miranda. Accession No.: 17,898-8574 MSA S512-11- 8533 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/08/13 8576: Mary Hutson and William Hutson. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 158. Accession No.: 17,898-8576 MSA S512-11- 8534 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/02/24 8577: Thomas Hope vs. Thomas Hutchins. HA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-8577-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8535 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/11 8578: Sarah Hall vs. Henrietta Hall. AA. Estate of Richard Hall Maddoxes Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-8578 MSA S512-11- 8536 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/09/03 8579: Washington Hall vs. Greenbury Purnell. CE. Contract to purchase mill and farm. Accession No.: 17,898-8579-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8537 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/01/23 8584: John Hamilton vs. Annapolis & Elk Ridge Railroad Co. AA. Condemnation of land for a railroad. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 578. Accession No.: 17,898-8584 MSA S512-11- 8538 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/05/04 8585: William H. Hall, Jr. vs. William Tucker. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8585 MSA S512-11- 8539 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/14 8586: Richard Harwood of Thomas and Henry H. Harwood vs. Mary Eliza Harwood, Anne Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, Margaret Watkins, Sarah Harwood, Caroline Harwood, Frederick Harwood, Richard Harwood, John T. Harwood, Maria Harwood, John Sifton, Mary Sifton, Richard Stewart, and Louisa Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Hickory Hills.
Accession No.: 17,898-8586 MSA S512-11- 8540 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/14 8587: Richard G. Stockett, Joseph N. Stockett, Polly H. Alexander, Helen McGill, Roderick Warfield, Anne Warfield, Turner W. Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, William Green, Mary Green, Joseph Harwood, Benjamin Harwood, William Harwood, Osborn S. Harwood, Elizabeth Harwood, James Mills, Pricilla Mills, Lucretia M. Harwood, Rachel Harwood, Thomas Welch, Elizabeth Welch, Daniel M. Brogden, Margaret Brogden, Alfred Sellman, Richard Sellman, John Sellman, Richard J. Cowman, Thomas Cowman, Henrietta Hall, Ann Harwood, William Harwood, Matilda Harwood, Eliza Harwood, Mary A. Harwood, Rebecca Harwood, Thomas Lydes, Margaret Lydes, Walter Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Cardwell Breathett, Rebecca Breathett, John H. Harwood, Henry Harwood, Odel Talbott, Mary Ann Talbott, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Warfield, Ann Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, Margaret Watkins, John Sifton, Mary Sifton, Richard Harwood, Maria Harwood, Richard Stewart, Louisa Stewart, and John T. Harwood vs. Richard Harwood of Thomas, Thomas Harwood, Henrietta Harwood, Henry Harwood, Levin Duvall, Sarah Duvall, Elizabeth Harwood, Ann Harwood, Lucretia M. Harwood, Emily Harwood, Sarah Caroline Harwood, Susan Harwood, Margaret R. Stockett, Thomas N. Harding, Mary E. Harding, Mary C. Harding, Richard A. Harding, William H. Hayes, Keturah Hayes, Eliza A. Magruder, Matilda Magruder, Rufus K. Magruder, Margaret Richardson, and Ann E. Williams. AA. Petition to sell Harwood, Haslin, Linthicum Walks, Waterford, Hickory Hills, Velmead, lots in Annapolis, Marys Mount, Diligent Search, Rich Neck. Plat of lots in Annapolis, Marys Mount, Diligent Search, Rich Neck at 1/38/1/28. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 752.
Accession No.: 17,898-8587-1/9 MSA S512-11- 8541 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/08/05 8588: Henry Hobbs vs. Benjamin Gwinn, Elizabeth Gwinn, and Louisa Gwinn. QA. Petition to sell Courseys Range, Hemsleys Brittland Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-8588 MSA S512-11- 8542 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/02/18 8589: Jeremiah B. Howard, Harriet Howard, William T. Watkins, Julia A.H. Watkins, Manila E.S. Watkins, and Oliver Watkins vs. Thomas W. Watkins. AA. Estate of Nicholas Watkins, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-8589 MSA S512-11- 8543 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/02/24 8590: John Hillen vs. William Bosley, Elizabeth Bosley, John A. Bosley, William S. Bosley, Ellen Bosley, James Bosley, Walter Bosley, Clarissa Bosley, Charles Bosley, Emma Bosley, William Rowe, Eliza Rowe, and William S. Coath. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8590-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8544 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/02/22 8591: William C. Harris vs. Royale Makepeace. BA. Validity of sale of stock. Accession No.: 17,898-8591 MSA S512-11- 8545 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/08/22 8592: Peter Hoffman, Deborah Hoffman, Richard Cromwell, and Mary Cromwell vs. Ann Owings, George Winchester, John Patterson, James Cheston, Thomas Parker, John Cromwell, Urath Cromwell, Robert N. Moale, Frances Moale, Thomas Moale, Eleanor Moale, Jesse Willis, Ann Willis, and Samuel Winchester. BA. Estate of William Owings - Ulm, Baileys Lot. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 123.
Accession No.: 17,898-8592-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8546 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/03/13 8593: John Hanan vs. James Brundige and Thomas Scotchburn. BA. Defraud of creditors of Scotchburn. Accession No.: 17,898-8593-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8547 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/05/01 8594: William J. Hurlock and Jacob Raymond vs. Elizabeth R. Smith, George W. Smith, William S. Smith, John Spear, Sarah A. Spear, and William Stevens. KE. Petition to sell Chesterfield. Plat at 1/38/1/28. Accession No.: 17,898-8594-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8548 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/11/24 8595: Benjamin F. Hart, Mary Raven, James Raven, and Elisha Taylor vs. Sabritt Harryman and Ann Harryman. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 607. Accession No.: 17,898-8595 MSA S512-11- 8549 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/03/01 8596: Elizabeth Hall, Elizabeth W. Hall, and Isabella Hall vs. John B. Davidge and John A. Webster. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sophias Dairy, Dairy Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-8596 MSA S512-11- 8550 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/05/30 8597: Mary Hesselius vs. James Black. AL. Petition to sell lot in Oldtown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 464. Accession No.: 17,898-8597 MSA S512-11- 8551 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/07/16 8598: Bennet Hurst vs. John Wells, Abraham Bealmear, William Brewer, and Daniel T. Hyde. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-8598 MSA S512-11- 8552 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/11/17 8599: James P. Heath vs. Eliza Hyde Bowie. AA. Estate of Thomas H. Bowie. Accession No.: 17,898-8599 MSA S512-11- 8553 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/07 8600: John F. Harris and Beale Spurrier vs Henrietta Dorsey. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8600 MSA S512-11- 8554 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/05/04 8601: Anne Hawkins vs. Henry S. Hawkins. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Hawkins Smith Ford, Smoots Venture, Smoots Delight, Smoots Swamp, Lomaxs Addition, Brothers. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-8601 MSA S512-11- 8555 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/09/13 8602: Thomas Hillen vs. Isaac Dickson, Alice Harsnepe, Horatio Gibson, and Catherine Gibson. BA. Petition to sell Three Sisters, Come by Chance, Bells Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-8602-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8556 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/02/08 8603: Edward N. Hambleton vs. Benjamin Townsend, Thomas Townsend, Robert Townsend, Mary Townsend, Edward Harrision, and Elizabeth Harrison. TA. Petition to partition Beach, Davenport, Elliotts Folly, Elliotts Lot. Plat of Beach, Davenport, Elliotts Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 204.
Accession No.: 17,898-8603 MSA S512-11- 8557 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/05/30 8604: Mary Hesselius vs. Jacob Lantz, George Lantz, Sophia Lantz, Margaret Lantz, Eliza Lantz, Susan Lantz, Juliana Lantz, Jacob Taylor, Mary Taylor, George Catlett, and Clarissa Catlett. AL. Estate of John Hesselius - Seven Springs. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 681.
Accession No.: 17,898-8604-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8558 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/08/16 8605: Margaret Hewitt vs. William Finley, Regin D. Hewitt, Eli Hewitt, and Jacob Hewitt. BA. Estate of Eli Hewitt. Accession No.: 17,898-8605 MSA S512-11- 8559 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/09/19 8606: Colin F. Hall and Thomas Harris vs. Philip M. Reed, George C. Reed, Jane E. Reed, Alexander W. Ringgold, and William H. Barroll. KE. Petition to sell Arrundale Grove, Fancy Granger. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-8606-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8560 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/07/11 8607: Samuel E. Husbands, Julia Husbands, Hannah Husbands, Charlotte Husbands, and Thomas Husbands vs. Joseph Husbands and William Husbands. AA. Petition to sell Duvalls Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-8607 MSA S512-11- 8561 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/09/29 8609: Nicholas Holtz and George Schlosser vs. Jacob Layman, John Layman, George Layman, Frederick County Bank, and William Goldsborough. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Furlough. Accession No.: 17,898-8609-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8562 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/04/05 8610: Jarrett Hollingsworth, Chaney Hoskins, and Mary Hoskins vs. John D. Buck, Sarah Buck, Amanias D. Buck, James A. Buck, Benjamin A. Buck, Upton A. Buck, Sarah A. Buck, Cassandra O. Buck, Ruth Hollingsworth, George W. Nabb, Oliver Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Hollingsworth, and Maria Hollingsworth. BA, HA. Estate of Benjamin Buck - Onions Lower Mills in HA. Also Onions Inheritance in HA and BA.
Accession No.: 17,898-8610-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8563 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/06/07 8611: William H. Hall, Jr. vs. William Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Portland Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 418. Accession No.: 17,898-8611 MSA S512-11- 8564 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/06/16 8612: Margaret G. Hawkins, Henry H. Hawkins, Eliza Compton, Henry Compton, Ann Wilkinson, William Wilkinson, and Rebecca Wood vs. Peter Wood, Ellen Morton, and George Morton. CH. Petition to sell Doves Nest, Ridings Gravel Walk Addition to Ridings Gravel Walk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 327.
Accession No.: 17,898-8612 MSA S512-11- 8565 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/01/16 8613: Jesse H. Hunter and Jane Hunter vs. George S. Porter, William Porter, Nathan Porter, Jr., Washington Porter, David A. Porter, Mary A. Porter, and Martha Porter. AA. Petition to sell Howards Fair, Amicable Settlement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-8613-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8566 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/12 8614: William N. Handley and Hester Handley vs. Thomas Storr and Ellender Storr. DO. Petition to sell Bonwells Regulation on Hales Seat, Friends Assistance. Accession No.: 17,898-8614 MSA S512-11- 8567 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/01/10 8615: Job Haines vs. Benjamin Pearson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-8615 MSA S512-11- 8568 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/31 8616: John Hildt, Eliza Rohr, and John M. Ruderstein vs. Hamilton Trotter, Ann Trotter, and William Smith. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8616 MSA S512-11- 8569 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/06/22 8617: Rezin Hammond vs. John W. Dorsey. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8617 MSA S512-11- 8570 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/04/02 8618: William Houck vs. Amon Richards. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Richards Entire Conclusion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 196. Accession No.: 17,898-8618 MSA S512-11- 8571 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/07/01 8619: Handy Handley vs. William Wrightson, Sarah Wrightson, William W. Handley, James S.H. Handley, Dewit C. Handley, and Mary A. Handley. DO. Petition to sell Canterbury, Ennalls Wool Yard. Accession No.: 17,898-8619 MSA S512-11- 8572 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/05/03 8620: Thomas H. Hicks vs. James R. Norman. DO. Petition to sell tanyard. Accession No.: 17,898-8620 MSA S512-11- 8573 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/06/10 8621: Thomas H. Hicks and John H. Hall vs. Henry Wilcox, John K.M. Lewis, and levin Lewis. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Spite, Galloway. Accession No.: 17,898-8621 MSA S512-11- 8574 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/06/04 8622: Thomas P. Hall vs. William Lusby. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8622-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8575 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/11/16 8623: George Hogarth vs. William T. Graham and Matilda J. Graham. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-8623-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8576 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/04/04 8624: Frederick Horze vs. Adam Dorbacker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 176. Accession No.: 17,898-8624 MSA S512-11- 8577 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/02/25 8625: Thomas J. Hall and Thomas Tongue vs. Andrew Aldridge, Benjamin D. Higdon, Robert McPherson, and Thomas S. McPherson. AA. Title to mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-8625 MSA S512-11- 8578 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/03/20 8626: Charles Hill and Francis Hall vs. Nora Digges, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, and Daniel Brent. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Frankland, Franklin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 718. Accession No.: 17,898-8626-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8579 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/01/12 8627: Charles Hodges vs. Thomas Hodges, Benjamin Watkins, Henry Aisquith, and Ellen S. Aisquith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Duvalls Addition, Middle Plantation, Neglect, Morleys Lot, Arnold Gray. Accession No.: 17,898-8627 MSA S512-11- 8580 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/02/11 8628: Richard Holmes and Eleanor Holmes vs. Abraham Dawson, Mary Dawson, Benjamin S. Forrest, Elizabeth Read, Thomas Read, James Read, Elizabeth Belmear, Harry Dorsey, Rachel Dorsey, John W. Magruder, Rachel Magruder, Nathan Cook, Elizabeth Cook, Nathaniel Williams, Zadock Waters, William Waters, Zachariah Waters, Jonathan W. Magruder, William B. Magruder, Basil Barry, and Martha Barry. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Rockville.
Accession No.: 17,898-8628 MSA S512-11- 8581 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/26 8629: James Hood of John vs. Stephen Yates, John O'Donnell, and Columbus O'Donnell. AA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-8629 MSA S512-11- 8582 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/09/14 8630: Francis Hollingsworth, Charles Worthington, John B. Bayles, and Joshua Shipley vs. William Hayward, Kezia Hayward, Isaac Hayward, and John L. Hayward. AA. Petition to sell Chews Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-8630 MSA S512-11- 8583 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/10/12 8631: Samuel Hunter, Matilda Hunter, James M. Cooper, and John M. Test vs. William Walker, Margaret Walker, and Williams Walker. BA. Insolvent estate of William Walker - Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 298. Accession No.: 17,898-8631 MSA S512-11- 8584 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/11/06 8632: William Harrison, George Harrison, William Martin, Elizabeth Martin, John Pierce, and Anne Pierce vs. Eneas Shipley, William Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Sarah Shipley, and Mary Shipley, AA. Contract to purchase Weedy Glade. Accession No.: 17,898-8632 MSA S512-11- 8585 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/03/06 8633: Daniel Hart and George E. Franklin vs. James B. Smith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Ned, Jenny, and Caroline. Accession No.: 17,898-8633 MSA S512-11- 8586 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/09/21 8634: William S. Hays and Sarah Hays vs. John Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Alexander Macbeth, William H. Macbeth, Mary A. Macbeth, Elijah Hill, John Lutter, and J. Tobias McKensey. CE. Estate of John Macbeth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 868. Accession No.: 17,898-8634-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8587 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/07/16 8635: Eliza Helmkin, John G. Helmkin, and Sophia V. Helmkin. BA. Estate of John Garrison. Accession No.: 17,898-8635 MSA S512-11- 8588 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/07/19 8636: George Hogarth vs. Nicholas Brewer and George Maccubin. AA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-8636 MSA S512-11- 8589 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/05/23 8637: Elijah Hicks vs. Charles G. Hicks and Thomas A. Norris. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 422. Accession No.: 17,898-8637-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8590 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/05/26 8638: James Haslett, Charles Winchester, and William Street vs. James Pawley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 62. Accession No.: 17,898-8638-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8591 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/09/15 8639: Aaron Helmken and Mary Helmken vs. Thomas Bond, Joshua Bond, Bernard Bond, Thomas Christopher, Joseph Griffin, James Thomas, Alice Thomas, Daniel Reese and Elizabeth Reese. BA. Petition to partition Buck Range, Bonds Care, Winleys Rest. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 412.
Accession No.: 17,898-8639-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8592 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/01/23 8640: Stephen Honeywell vs. Philip R.J. Frieze and August Hammer. BA. Defraud of creditors of Frieze and Hammer - Indian Queen Tavern in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8640-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8593 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/09/29 8641: Joseph R. Hopkins and Anna M. Hopkins vs. Alexander Grim and Samuel Clagett. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on King Cole. Snowdens Friends. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 868 Accession No.: 17,898-8641-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8594 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/02/17 8642: Joseph Hawkins, Aaron Hawkins, William Day, Samuel Shaw, Nathan Shaw, Edward Hall, Ann Hall, John Story, and Mary Story vs. Aaron Hawkins of Joseph. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Best Success. Accession No.: 17,898-8642 MSA S512-11- 8595 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/12/18 8643: Philip Harman, John Harman, Ann Harman, Catherine Harman, Lawrence Harman, Samuel Litchfield, Elizabeth Litchfield, Osborn Lucas, and Sophia Lucas vs. George Harman. AA. Petition to sell Wilderness. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 789. Accession No.: 17,898-8643 MSA S512-11- 8596 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/02/14 8644: Richard Harwood of Thomas and Henry H. Harwood vs. Edward Campbell, Charles Campbell, John McHenry, James Cunningham, Catherine Cunningham, William C. Cunningham, James Cunningham, Jr. Rebecca Cunningham, Charles E. Cunninghanm, George Cunningham, and John Donaldson. BA, FR. Petition to sell Bagdad in BA and Richlands in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 504.
Accession No.: 17,898-8644-1/10 MSA S512-11- 8597 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/03/28 8645: Thomas Hillen vs. Samuel Tschudy, Nicholas Brice, and Nicholas C. Carroll. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Slays Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-8645 MSA S512-11- 8598 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/03/31 8646: Chaney Hawkins, Mary Hollingsworth, and Garrett Hollingsworth vs. Ruth Hollingsworth, George W. Nebb, Oliver Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Hollingsworth, and Maria Hollingsworth and Isaacs Hollingsworth. BA, HA. Petition to sell Onions Lower Mill, Onions Inheritance Resurveyed, Sicklemans Dock.
Accession No.: 17,898-8646-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8599 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/05 8647: William P. Hardesty vs. Alfred Weeks, Margaret Weeks, Mary E. Weeks, William H. Weeks, and John F. Weeks. AA. Petition to partition Portland Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-8647 MSA S512-11- 8600 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/02/29 8648: Eli Hewitt vs. Rezin D. Hewitt and Jacob Hewitt. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8648 MSA S512-11- 8601 Location: 1/38/4/
1817/03/18 8649: John W. Harris, Sarah Harris, and Attorney General vs. John Gassaway and Hanson Gassaway. AL. Title to Deer Park, Walnut Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-8649-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8602 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/05 8650: George W. Hobbs vs. Greenbury R. Warfield. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Exchange, Pillage Resurveyed, Brothers Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 618. Accession No.: 17,898-8650 MSA S512-11- 8603 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/07/16 8651: Thomas Hillen vs. Sarah Brown, Francis Eltrode, Sarah Eltrode, Nicholas Brown, and Samuel Hooker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harriots Retreat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 163. Accession No.: 17,898-8651-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8604 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/10/10 8652: Samuel Hogg and William Hogg vs. Samuel H. Aldridge, Marjery Aldridge, and Ann Aldridge. CE. Petition to sell Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 523 Accession No.: 17,898-8652-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8605 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/12/24 8653: Martha A. Hill vs. Marie Rudulph, John Hayes, Thomas Hayes, Elizabeth B. Hayes, Ann B.W. Hayes, Robert M. Hayes, and George Hayes. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8653 MSA S512-11- 8606 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/12/11 8654: Thomas H. Hicks vs. Thomas Newton, Emeline Newton, Alexander Donoho, Mary Donoho, John Ross, and Sally Ross. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8654 MSA S512-11- 8607 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/01/27 8655: Rezin Hammond of Andrew and Ann C. Hammond vs. Benjamin F. Thomas, John R. Thomas, James E. Thomas, and Caroline M. Thomas. AA. Petition to partition Thomas Inheritance, Thomas Chance, Hopkins Lot, Bell Grove, Walkers Resurvey, Alexandria, Wrights Dividend. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 20, MdHR 40,283-17, S65-43, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 178.
Accession No.: 17,898-8655 MSA S512-11- 8608 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/17 8656: John Houston vs. James Parker and Stewart Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 716. Accession No.: 17,898-8656 MSA S512-11- 8609 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/26 8657: William W. Handley vs. James S.H. Handley. DO. Appointment of trustee for James S.H. Handley. Accession No.: 17,898-8657 MSA S512-11- 8610 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/08/25 8658: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. John M. Fitzpatrick. BA. Injunction against obstruction of an alley in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8658 MSA S512-11- 8611 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/06 8659: Justus Hoppe and George Henry Wasche vs. William Frick, George F. Thomas, Henry Schroder, Frederick W. Bruce, Metta H. Mound, Thomas Mound, Margaret Wasche, Frederick R. Wasche, Elizabeth Wasche, and Amelia Wasche. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/28. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 33.
Accession No.: 17,898-8659-1/6 MSA S512-11- 8612 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/09/16 8660: George Hoffman and John Hoffman vs. Nicholas Brewer and Michael Jamart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 498. Accession No.: 17,898-8660 MSA S512-11- 8613 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/11/09 8661: Peggy Harper vs. Lemuel Willey. DO. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8661 MSA S512-11- 8614 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/07/12 8662: George Hoffman vs. Alexander J. Murray, William H. Murray, Dr. William Murray, and Harriet Murray. AA. Contract to purchase Anti Labanus. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 763. Accession No.: 17,898-8662 MSA S512-11- 8615 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/07/20 8663: Thomas H. Hicks vs. Elisa A. Lecompte, Thomas Lecompte, Solomon Lecompte, Stephen Lecompte, and Deborah Lecompte. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-8663 MSA S512-11- 8616 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/12/12 8664: Ezekiel Hopkins, Maria Hopkins, and Elizabeth Ann Hopkins vs. Gerard Hopkins of Joseph. AA, PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Berningham Manor, Resurvey on Martins Fancy, Isaacs Park, Piney Grove, Maple Swamp in PG. Also Reserve, Duvalls Delight in AA. Accession No.: 17,898-8664 MSA S512-11- 8617 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/07/09 8665: Peter D. Hatton vs. Alexander Mundell. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8665 MSA S512-11- 8618 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/09/13 8666: Andrew F. Henderson vs. Elkton Bank of Maryland, William Ricketts, John Glenn, and Nathaniel Williams. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8666 MSA S512-11- 8619 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/12/09 8667: Samuel Harrison vs. Alexander B. Harrison, John Perry, Sarah Perry, Eliza Merchant, Susan Merchant, and Joseph Merchant. TA. Petition to sell lots in St. Michaels, Fair Play. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 100. Accession No.: 17,898-8667-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8620 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/06/05 8668: John Hanna, Joseph Hanna, Samuel Hanna, William Hanna, Robert Hanna, Stephen H. Hanna, Susan P. Glasgow, Jane Jordan, Sarah Miller, Nancy Miller, Mary Johnson, James McClure, Robert McClure, William McClure, Elizabeth McClure, Estor Sample, Jonathan Betty, Margaret Betty, John McKenny, John Grafton, Elizabeth Grafton, Joseph Harkins, Hester Harkins, Williams Harkins, John Ward, Hannah Ward, William Walter, Jane Walter, Elizabeth Fulton, Samuel McGaw, Jane McGaw, James Moores, Samuel L. Moores, Elizabeth Moores, Aquilla P. Moores, Apphia Moores, James Bryarly, David Bryarly, James Gover, Elizabeth Gover, Richard D. Lee, Hannah Lee, Elizabeth D. Bryarly, and Washman Bryarly vs. James Glasgow, Deliverance Glasgow, George R. Glasgow, Mary E. Bryarly, Thomas Bryarly, James Bryarly, May A. Bryarly, Mary J. Rodgers, William Rodgers, Mary Rodgers, Delia Gordon, Philip Fulton, Sarah Fulton, Alexander Hanna, James Moores, Mr. Hall, Deliverance Hall, Mr. Ball, Elizabeth Ball, Thomas Turner, Sarah Turner, Mr. Foard, Apphia Foard, Edward Wiatt, Elizabeth Wiatt, John Clendenin, Elizabeth Clendenin, William Crooks, Elizabeth Crooks, James Hanna, Rebecca Hanna, John Swann, and Hannah Swann. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8668-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8621 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/01/03 8670: John Hubbard, James Hubbard, Sarah Hubbard, and Thomas S. Hubbard vs. Mary E. Hubbard. DO. Petition to sell Tobacco Stick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 821. Accession No.: 17,898-8670 MSA S512-11- 8622 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/12/20 8671: John Haslip vs. Dixon Brown and William Haslip. AA. Petition to sell slaves Sarah and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-8671 MSA S512-11- 8623 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/09/09 8672: James Harper vs. Dennis Boyd. BA. Petition to release mortgage on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-8672 MSA S512-11- 8624 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/12/23 8673: Rebecca Hewitt vs. Wingate Roten and Thomas H. Roten. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Pine Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-8673 MSA S512-11- 8625 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/12/14 8674: James Hill vs. John A. Ellicott, Nathaniel E. Ellicott, Jonathan Ellicott, and Andrew Ellicott, Jr. AA. Title to Hanover. Accession No.: 17,898-8674 MSA S512-11- 8626 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/11/23 8675: Thomas H. Hicks vs. Samuel Lecompte, John Lecompte, and Alfred Lecompte. DO. Petition to sell Willoughbys Purchase, Discovery, Hurricane, Strife, Baston, Daniels Choice, Lecomptes Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 794. Accession No.: 17,898-8675 MSA S512-11- 8627 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/03/01 8676: Jonathan Hudson vs. Nathaniel Pearce, Charles Wirgman, and Richard K. Heath. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Hamiltons Fortune, Clover Fields, Waltons Improvement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 16. Accession No.: 17,898-8676-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8628 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/02/19 8667: James Heighe and James M. Rasin vs. Martha A. Skaggs, Arminta Skaggs, William G. Skaggs, Ann E. Skaggs, Daniel Dillehunt, Sarah M. Dillehunt, Edward H. Salisbury, and George Vickers. KE. Petition to sell Philips Choice. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8677-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8629 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/01/10 8678: Julianna Hall vs. Washington P. Chew, James W. Chew, Nathaniel Chew, and William S. Chew. HA. Petition to sell lots in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-8678 MSA S512-11- 8630 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/07/14 8679: William Higgins, Susan Higgins, Elisa Ann Lucas, and James Shannahan vs. Samuel Lucas and Thomas Esgate. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 177. Accession No.: 17,898-8679 MSA S512-11- 8631 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/02/18 8680: Walter C. Hammond and Matilda Hammond vs. Nicholas Merriweather. AA. Estate of John Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-8680-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8632 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/10/21 8681: Francis Hancock vs. John Hancock, John Gardner, and Orlando Hancock. AA. Petition to sell Hickory Bottom, and Green Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 77. Accession No.: 17,898-8681 MSA S512-11- 8633 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/09/18 8682: John Gray vs. Benjamin Ferguson. BA. Accounts due from schooner Drummond, schooner Walton Gray, and sloop President. Accession No.: 17,898-8682-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8634 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/07/02 8683: Richard W. Hook vs. Thomasina H. Gist, Abagail Gambrill, Horace Knight, Catherine Knight, Nelson Gambrill, Juliet Gambrill, William Gambrill, Augustine Gambrill, John Gambrill, Eli Grambrill, Adeline Gambrill, Mira Gambrill, Louisa Gambrill, and Benjamin F. Gambrill. BA. Title to Timber Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 98
Accession No.: 17,898-8683 MSA S512-11- 8635 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/09/07 8684: William Howard, Augustus Howard, Peregrine Hobbs, Mary Hobbs, John Haines, Sarah Haines, George W. Hobbs, and Ellen Hobbs vs. Robert Howard, Margaret Howard, and Joseph Howard. AA. Petition to sell Worthingtons Range, White Wine and Claret. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 564 and 142, p. 701.
Accession No.: 17,898-8684 MSA S512-11- 8636 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/02/02 8685: Andrew F. Henderson vs. Rebecca Hart, Robert Hart, William Hart, Margaret Hart, Thomas Hart, Jacob Hart, Elizabeth Hart, and John Maulden. CE. Mortgage foreclosrue on Harts Haven, Lower Triumph. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 90. Accession No.: 17,898-8685 MSA S512-11- 8637 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/08/04 8686: William Hubbard vs. Edward Thompson, Mary Thompson, William Reed, and Elisa Reed. DO. Estate of Thomas J. Thompson - Thompsons Addition, Brotherly Kindness, Partnership, Harpers Regulation, Hope Improved. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 559. Accession No.: 17,898-8686 MSA S512-11- 8638 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/02/23 8687: William S. Hambleton vs. William S. Lassell. KE. Title to lot in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-8687 MSA S512-11- 8639 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/06/19 8688: Edward Hammond vs. William B. Magruder. MO. Contract to purchase Discovery, Addition to Brooks grove. Accession No.: 17,898-8688 MSA S512-11- 8640 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/01/16 8689: Benjamin M. Heighe vs. Benjamin Mackall and James J. Mackall. CV. Title to slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-8689 MSA S512-11- 8641 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/02/02 8690: John Hodges, Richard Hodges, Robert Hodges, William Hodges, Sarah Hodges, Augustus Mathiot, and Mary A. Mathiot vs. James Hodges, William R. Hodges, Mary Hodges, Frances H. Hodges, and Robert Hodges. KE. Estate of Mary Ann Hodges - lots in Chestertown.
Accession No.: 17,898-8690 MSA S512-11- 8642 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/10/05 8691: Joseph Hughes and Sarah T. Hughes vs. Elisha Perry. PG. Estate of Thomas Hughes. Accession No.: 17,898-8691 MSA S512-11- 8643 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/03/15 8692: Rezin Hammond, Charles Hammond, and Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Christopher L. Gantt. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Luggox. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 294. Accession No.: 17,898-8692 MSA S512-11- 8644 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/12 8693: William W. Handley and Hester Handley vs. Thomas Stoor, Ellinor Stoor, and Elizabeth Ann Phillips. DO. Petition to sell Bonwells Regulation on Holes Seat. Accession No.: 17,898-8693 MSA S512-11- 8645 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/11/22 8694: Nicholas Holtz and George Schlosser vs. Frederick County Bank, William Goldsborough, Jacob Layman, John Layman, and George Layman. FR. Contract to purchase Baltzells Content, Resurvey on Puzzle. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 329. Accession No.: 17,898-8694-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8646 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/05/22 8695: John H. Hunter, Thomas Hunter, and Charles S. Hunter vs. Solomon Hillen, Jr., Janette H. Hunter, Mary M. Hunter, Rebecca A. Hunter, and Solomon H. Hunter. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 610. Accession No.: 17,898-8695-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8647 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/09/29 8696: Andrew Hall and Ann G. Hall vs. Charlotte Hall and Maria Hall. BA. Contract to purchase Moores Park, Halls Apple Orchard, Cullins Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-8696-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8648 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/20 8697: Francis J. Henry vs. Columbus Meekins, Thomas V. Meekins, Elizabeth Meekins, George Meekins, and Thomas M. Meekins. DO. Petition to sell Buttens Park, Bull Point. Accession No.: 17,898-8697-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8649 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/06/26 8699: Rezin Hammond vs. Ann Jones, Eliza Jones, Charles Jones, Priscilla Jones, Elizabeth Jones, James Jones, James Mewburn, Eliza Mewburn, Denton Hammond, Matthew Hammond, and Caroline Hammond. AA. Petition to sell Finland. Accession No.: 17,898-8699-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8650 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/12/22 8700: Edward Hagthrop vs. James Neale. BA. Contract to purchase Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 147, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-8700 MSA S512-11- 8651 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/09/05 8701: John Holton vs. Peter D. Hatton and Ann Hatton. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Strife, Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-8701 MSA S512-11- 8652 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/02/11 8702: William P. Hardesty, Harriet Hardesty, Henry S. Holland, Susannah Holland, Henry Darnall, Priscilla Daley, James Midkiff, and Ann C. Midkiff vs. James Tongue. AA. Estate of Francis Darnall. Accession No.: 17,898-8702 MSA S512-11- 8653 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/10/18 8703: William Houck vs. William Heald, Isaac Henniman, Jesse Henniman, Gabriel Henniman, Hetty Henniman, Abraham Lefevre, Elizabeth Lefevre, Moses Hinds, Hannah Hinds, William Heald, and Hannah Heald. CR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Trills Inheritance, Wee Bit Enlarged, Punch Spring.
Accession No.: 17,898-8703 MSA S512-11- 8654 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/09/02 8706: James Harwood vs. Samuel Hevener. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8706 MSA S512-11- 8655 Location: 1/38/4/
1810/05/31 8708: Peter Hoffman Jr., Benjamin Mulliken, R.H. Mulliken, Jacob Brown, John Walter, Charles Walter, and Benjamin Berry vs. John McDonogh, Joseph McDonogh, Henry McDonogh, William McDonogh, Margaret McDonagh, Elizabeth Pogue, John Cole, Mary Cole, Jesse Hammet, Jane Hammet, Sarah P.R. McCain, and William McCain. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plats; also show Timber Neck, Ridgelys Whim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 83, p. 505.
Accession No.: 17,898-8708-1/8 MSA S512-11- 8656 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/03/30 8709: Samuel Harden, James Campbell, Nehemiah Carson, John Ritchie, and John J.C. Oldfield vs. George G. Presbury, Parker Morris, Susan Tolley, Joseph Davis, Jr., and Walter BC. Worthington. HA. Defraud of creditors of Presbury - Westwood, Margarets Mount.
Accession No.: 17,898-8709-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8657 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/01 8710: David Hoffman vs. Rachel F. Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-8710 MSA S512-11- 8658 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/27 8711: Thomas B. Hynson vs. John A. Robertson, Elizabeth Robertson, and John Hurtt. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Fair Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 35. Accession No.: 17,898-8711-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8659 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/10/02 8712: Elizabeth Hanson, John Marshall, William Latimer, Josias H. Hanson, Hugh McEldery, and George Forbes vs. Lastitia Hawkins. CH. Petition to dissolve injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8712 MSA S512-11- 8660 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/05/25 8713: Jacob Hershberger vs. Richard Mackall, Dr. William Weems, Peggy Weems, Nathaniel Weems, Rebecca Weems, John Horrell, Benjamin M. Horrell, Thomas Horrell, Leonard Mackall, Maximilian Horrell, Rebecca Covington, James S. Morsell, John Oliver, Jane H. Slacum, Henry Firey, and Martin Myers. WA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-8713 MSA S512-11- 8661 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/04/08 8714: Matilda C. Holbrook vs. Edward Holbrook, Sarah Holbrook, Anne Holbrook, Rebecca Holbrook, Juliana Jones, and William G.J. Jones. SO. Petition to sell Rectified Mistake, Mannings Resolution, Duckroys Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 907.
Accession No.: 17,898-8714 MSA S512-11- 8662 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/05/13 8715: William Hughlett vs. George Hearn. CA. Contract to purchase lot in Greensborough, Dentons Valley, Cumberland, Bakers Plains, Irish Discovery, Portland, Mills Security, River Bottom. Plat of Dentons Valley, Cumberland, Bakers Plains, Irish Discovery, Portland, Mills Security, River Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-8715-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8663 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/10/30 8717: Samuel S. Hopkins, Basil B. Hopkins, Henrietta A. Hopkins, Thomas S. Hopkins, John S. Hopkins, and Richard S. Hopkins vs. Samuel C. Snowden, Mary Snowden, Sarah Snowden, Martha Snowden, Joseph Snowden, and Rebecca Snowden. AA. Title to Simpsons Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 456.
Accession No.: 17,898-8717 MSA S512-11- 8664 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/07/06 8718: Thomas H. Hicks vs. Hannah Webb, Hooper C. Hicks, Hercilia Hicks, Hester Wilcox, and Henry Wilcox. DO. Petition to sell Bonwells Regulation on Hales Seat. Accession No.: 17,898-8718 MSA S512-11- 8665 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/07/27 8719: Henry H. Harwood vs. William Merryman, John Mays, John Merryman, Basil Burgess, Ann Burgess, Arabella Merryman, John Merryman of Caleb, Eleanor Merryman, Mary Merryman, William H. Chapman, and Rebecca Chapman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lows Rangh, Addition to Lows Range, Laurel Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 612.
Accession No.: 17,898-8719-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8666 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/10/04 8720: William J. Hyde vs. E.J. Lukens. BA. Injunction against disposal of washing machines. Accession No.: 17,898-8720 MSA S512-11- 8667 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/04/20 8721: John T. Miles, Catherine Miles, and George Bowlus vs. Edna Benson, Thomas Benson, James Beall, Margaret Beall, William Wilcoxen, Ruth Wilcoxen, and Marietta Elizabeth Hays. MO, PG. Petition to sell Prospect Hill, Level in MO. Also Convenievence in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 122.
Accession No.: 17,898-8721-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8668 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/03/24 8722: George W. Hyde, Mary Hyde, Philip W. Witwright, Mary Witwright, and Robert Carr vs. Susan Witwright. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-8722 MSA S512-11- 8669 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/09/13 8723: Thomas Hooper, Hannah Hooper, Samuel Griffin, Eliza Griffin, John B. Robinson, Rhoda Robinson, Amy Robinson, and Susan Robinson vs. Sally Robinson, Samuel Robinson, and Andrea J. Robinson. DO. Petition to sell Robinsons Forrest, Tobacco Stick, Watkins Lot, Watkins Range, Trapp.
Accession No.: 17,898-8723 MSA S512-11- 8670 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/06/20 8724: Charles Hill and Francis Hall vs. Richard Wallace, Bank of Washington, Daniel Carroll of Duddington, Daniel Brent, Catherine Digges, and Nora Digges. PG. Injunction against sale of Frankland. Accession No.: 17,898-8724 MSA S512-11- 8671 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/10/22 8725: Pricilla Hall vs. Joseph C. Cowman, Eleanor W. Cowman, Robert Kent, and John Glenn. AA. Trust estate under will of Henrietta Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-8725 MSA S512-11- 8672 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/28 8726: Joseph Hopkins vs. Ann Archer, Albert Constable, Josiah Lee, and Preston McComas. HA. Injunction against execution of Judgment on Newstead, Freeland Mount, Arabia Petra. Accession No.: 17,898-8726-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8673 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/12/01 8727: William S. Harper vs. Mary Wheatley, William Wheatley, Alfred Wheatley, Dennard Wheatley, Nathan Vickers, Mary Vickers, Thomas Hacket, Emeline Hacket, and John Douglas. DO. Petition to sell Smiths Ending, Adams Dear Purchase, Addition to Bartletts Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 443.
Accession No.: 17,898-8727 MSA S512-11- 8674 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/12/10 8728: Edward Harris vs. Turbutt Harris. QA. Appointment of trustee for Turbutt Harris. Accession No.: 17,898-8728 MSA S512-11- 8675 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/05/30 8729: Rezin D. Hewett vs. Eli Hewett. AA. Appointment of trustee for Eli Hewitt. Accession No.: 17,898-8729-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8676 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/08/20 8730: James Harwood, John B. Howell, Walter Farnandis, and United States Insurance Co. vs. George W. Presbury, Jr. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8730 MSA S512-11- 8677 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/05/24 8731: Samuel Hoffman vs. Jacob Houck, Jacob Baltzell, and Charles Baltzell. BA. Estate of Jacob Houck. Accession No.: 17,898-8731 MSA S512-11- 8678 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/11/18 8732: Margaret Harpole, William Cook, Henry Cook, John W. Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, James Pasterfield, Harriet Pasterfield, Thomas Jones, Anne Jones, Letitia Hubbard, Millie Hubbard, Sarah Hubbard, and Elizabeth Hubbard vs. Mary Hubbard. DO. Petition to sell Woolfords Purchase, Stevens Inclosure, Phillips Chance, Tobacco Stick. Plat of Woolfords Purchase, Tobacco Stick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 800
Accession No.: 17,898-8732 MSA S512-11- 8679 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/06/23 8733: Ranson Hinman vs. James McSoley. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8733 MSA S512-11- 8680 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/12/13 8734: Thomas Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, James Campbell, and John Ritchie vs. James Wilson, Mary S. Wilson, and George Handy. SO. Estate of George S. Wilson - lot in Princess Anne. Accession No.: 17,898-8734 MSA S512-11- 8681 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/04/26 8735: Basil D. Hall, Hannah L. Hopkins, George B. Hopkins, Catherine Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins, Philip Hopkins, and Anne Hopkins vs. Elizabeth Hopkins, Heather Hopkins, Rachel Hopkins, Sarah Hopkins, Ezekiel Hopkins, Richard Hopkins, John Barber of George, Jacob Janney, Lewis Janney, Henry Janney, and Mary Janney. AA. Petition to sell White Hall. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 437.
Accession No.: 17,898-8735-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8682 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/07/21 8736: Peter Hoffman, Urath Cromwell, Randle H. Moale, Richard Cromwell, Eleanor Moale, and Sheppard C. Leakin vs. William L. Owings, Deborah Owings, Charles R. Owings, James W. Owings, Hanna Ballard, Samuel O. Ballard, Robert Perry, and Mary Perry. BA. Petition to sell Green Spring Punch, Uraths Fancy, Owings Traverse, Lauderslagers Meadow, Rual Felicity.
Accession No.: 17,898-8736-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8683 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/03/04 8737: Elizabeth Husbands, Elizabeth Birkhead, Susannah Randell, Margaret Stevenson, and Clarissa Richards vs. Robert Lyon, Susannah Lyon, Henrietta M. Robertson, John Maxwell, Rebecca Maxwell, and Sophia Ann Maxwell. AA. Petition to partition Moorleys Choice, Bodys Adventure. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 279.
Accession No.: 17,898-8737 MSA S512-11- 8684 Location: 1/38/4/
1818/06/17 8738: Edward Hughes vs. James Whiffing. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Pleasant Plains of Damascus, Ephraims Portion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-8738 MSA S512-11- 8685 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/11/26 8739: Rezin Hammond and Anderson Warfield vs. John H. Brown. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norwoods Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-8739-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8686 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/12/21 8740: Thomas J. Hall vs. William Weems. AA. Contract to purchase Portland Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-8740-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8687 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/10/26 8741: Thomas Harrison, John Harrison, Washington Harrison, Alexander MacDonald, James C. Erskine, Otho W. Eichelberger, Edward Dubois, Thomas Franklin, Mary Duvall, Alfred Scaggs, and Charles D. Warfield vs. Thomas S. Alexander, Thomas Duckett, Thomas Snowden, Jr., James V. Wagner, Hugh Jenkins, Elizabeth Freeland, and Bernard H. Cooke. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-8741 MSA S512-11- 8688 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/06/07 8742: Robert S. Hollins and Cordelia M. Hollins vs. Isaac McKim, Cumberland Dugan Hollins, and Jane Hollins. BA. Trust estate under will of Cumberland Dugan. Accession No.: 17,898-8742 MSA S512-11- 8689 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/04/27 8743: Silas Hibberd, John Miller, Samuel S. Cowman, Joseph Cowman, John Cowman, and Sarah Cowman vs. John C. Biggs, Edward Cowman, and James Cowman. AA. Petition to sell Woodstock Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134. p. 450. Accession No.: 17,898-8743 MSA S512-11- 8690 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/01/23 8744: Sophia Hacke, Nicholas P. Hacke, Caroline Hacke, Rebecca Hacke, Juliana Hacke, John Groff, and Lucy S. Groff vs. John C. Becker. BA. Estate of Nicholas Hacke. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 247. Accession No.: 17,898-8744 MSA S512-11- 8691 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/11/26 8745: William Hall, Harry Hall, Joshua Hall, John Marriott, and Harriet Marriott vs. Sarah Woodfield. AA. Title to slaves Minty, Cassy, and Sale. Accession No.: 17,898-8745 MSA S512-11- 8692 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/06/21 8746: Catherine Hall, Susan J. Hall, Caroline S. Hall, and Edward E. Hall vs. Otho Wilson, Virginia Wilson, Samuel S. Stonestreet, Adelaide Stonestreet, Elisha J. Hall, William H.D. Hall, George W. Hall, Elizabeth S. Hall, and James W. Hall. BA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8746-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8693 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/06/15 8747: George Hogarth vs. George Mackubbin. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Ayres, Carter Bennett, Hunts Mount, Oblong. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 244. Accession No.: 17,898-8747 MSA S512-11- 8694 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/06/01 8748: Abraham Hyam vs. Casper Wise, Francis Shaniebrooks, Ellen Shaniebrooks, and Benjamin Eggleton. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, pp. 182, 196. Accession No.: 17,898-8748 MSA S512-11- 8695 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/05/21 8749: Charles Hendrix vs. John Kennard, Henry Kennard, Mary Kennard, Elizabeth Kennard, Matilda Anderson, Edward Anderson, and Edward A. Moore. QA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8749 MSA S512-11- 8696 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/09/26 8750: Charlotte Hall and Maria Hall vs. Hester Ann Chase, Jeremiah T. Chase, Richard M. Chase, William Chase, Thomas B. Chase, Sally Chase, Richard J. Craft, Catherine Craft, Francis T. Lookerman, Hester A. Matilda Chase, Frances C. Chase, and James Iglehart. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-8750 MSA S512-11- 8697 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/09/12 8751: James J. Hoopper and Sarah J. Hoopper vs. Ann Maria Nichols, Richard P. Nichols, Elijah M. Nichols, James Wilson, and Thomas Wilson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 239. Accession No.: 17,898-8751 MSA S512-11- 8698 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/11 8752: Richard Harwood and Henry H. Harwood vs. John Smith, Sr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 619. Accession No.: 17,898-8752 MSA S512-11- 8699 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/10/27 8753: Nathaniel Hatton vs. John B. Brooke and Alexander Mundell. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8753-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8700 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/10 8754: Thomas J. Hodson, Arminta E. Hodson, Levin Hodson, John H. Hodson, Matilda Hodson, and Sophia Hicks vs. John Stewart, William A. Stewart, John Thompson, Mary Thompson, Peter Hubbard, Hooper Hubbard, Thomas Hubbard, Francis Airey, Ann Airey, Samuel Smoot, Joseph Richardson, Henrietta Richardson, and Mistress Hall. DO. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8754 MSA S512-11- 8701 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/12/14 8755: Rezin Hammond of Andrew, Catherine Hammond, and Benjamin F. Thomas vs. John R. Thomas and Caroline M. Thomas. AA. Petition to sell Thomas Interest, Hopkins lot. Accession No.: 17,898-8755 MSA S512-11- 8702 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/11/15 8756: Matthias Hammond of Matthias, Margaret D. Hammond, and Rezin Hammond vs. Harriet Hammond, Thomas Hammond, Charles V. Hammond, and Mary Ann Hammond. AA. Petition to sell Mountville, Hammonds Greenfield Connection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 290.
Accession No.: 17,898-8756 MSA S512-11- 8703 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/10/14 8757: Henrietta M. Hall and Richard Cowman vs. John N. Watkins, John T. Hall, and Watkins Hall. AA. Estate of Thomas H. Hall - lots in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-8757-1/6 MSA S512-11- 8704 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/11/17 8758: Howard Benjamin vs. Henry Hurtt, Julietta Hurtt, Ann Bevins, Benjamin Price, Ann M. Price, Kitty A. Bevins, Maria R. Bevins, Thomas J. Bevins, Catherine G. Bevins, Milly M. Hurtt, Mary R. Hurtt, James H.J. Hurtt, William T. Hurtt, and Jullietta Hurtt. KE. Estate of Thomas Bevins.
Accession No.: 17,898-8758-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8705 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/12/15 8759: Benjamin Harwood, Peggy Harwood, Richard Sellman, Eleanor Sellman, Thomas B. Hall, Rachel S. Hall, and Mary D. Hall vs. Henrietta M. Hall, John T. Hall, Watkins Hall, Susan Hall, Elizabeth A. Hall, Sprigg Hall, William H. Hall, and Richard T. Hall. AA. Petition to sell Middle Plantation, Duvalls Pasture. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-8759-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8706 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/08/02 8760: William Howden and Solomon Howden vs. Washington Rider. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 402. Accession No.: 17,898-8760-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8707 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/06/04 8761: Lucy Harwood, Lucretia M. Harwood, and Rachel S. Harwood vs. Richard J. Cowman and Planters Bank of Prince George's County. PG. Injunction against transferring stock. Accession No.: 17,898-8761 MSA S512-11- 8708 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/21 8762: Juliana Hays vs. Archibald Owens, Priscilla Owens, Robert Dent, Mary Dent, Asa Dent, Martha Dent, Zachariah Hays, Jeremiah Hays, and William H. Hays. MO. Petition to sell Resurvey on Addition to Troublesome, Cool Spring Manor, Elysian Fields, Mount Zion, Thats It Resurveyed, lot in Barnesville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 554. Accession No.: 17,898-8762-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8709 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/02/28 8763: Edward A. Howard, Sybie Holland, and George W.W. Holland. vs. Charles W. Howard. BA. Trust estate of Sybie Holland and George W.W. Holland. Accession No.: 17,898-8763 MSA S512-11- 8710 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/05/30 8765: Elizabeth R. Howard, Richard J. Crabb, James C. Lackland, Matilda Lackland, Philemon Griffith, Sarah G. Griffith, Michael B. Griffith, and Lydia R. Griffith vs. Eliza Orme, Jeremiah Orme, Sarah Orme, James Orme, Charles H. Orme, and Anne Orme. MO. Petition to sell Ashley, Two Brothers, Valentines Garden Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 550.
Accession No.: 17,898-8765 MSA S512-11- 8711 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/11/20 8766: Stephen Hagerman vs. William Hagerman. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8766 MSA S512-11- 8712 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/06/08 8767: William A.G. Hobbs vs. Joseph M. Tate. QA. Estate of Elizabeth Jackson. Accession No.: 17,898-8767 MSA S512-11- 8713 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/09/21 8768: Robert Hickley and Thomas J. Clagett vs. Andrew Aldridge, Benjamin D. Higdon, and Francis W. Alricks. BA. Defraud of creditors of Clagett. Accession No.: 17,898-8768 MSA S512-11- 8714 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/09/23 8769: Gerard T. Hopkins, Benjamin P. Moore, and Samuel Childs vs. James Lamar. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Rileys Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 485. Accession No.: 17,898-8769 MSA S512-11- 8715 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/10/30 8770: Rachel Howard vs. Mary E. Howard and Sarah E. Howard. AA. Petition to sell Resurvey on Tracts. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 587. Accession No.: 17,898-8770 MSA S512-11- 8716 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/02/11 8771: Jesse H. Hunter and Jane Hunter vs. George S. Porter. AA. Estate of Nathan Porter. Accession No.: 17,898-8771 MSA S512-11- 8717 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/11/16 8773: Benjamin Harrison vs. Ruth Laramar, William Laramar, Rachel Maddell, Richard Grant, Sarah Grant, Joseph Lawrence, Anne Lawrence, Thomas S. Harrison, Nicholas Harrison, William Harrison, Josia Harrison, Johannah Harrison, Rosetta Harrison, Phidelia Harrison, Ruth Sherwood, and Margaret Cox. TA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8773 MSA S512-11- 8718 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/04/21 8774: Thomas J. Hall vs. Thomas T. McPherson. AA. Dissolution of Tongue & McPherson. Accession No.: 17,898-8774-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8719 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/12/16 8775: Joseph Holbrook, Charlotte Holbrook, Francis A. Crook, and James C. Sellman vs. Charles Crook, Sarah A. Crook, Mary A. Crook, Wilson B. Crook, Charles Crook, Jr., Sarah J. Crook, and George W.M. Crook. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 2, MdHR 40,283-55, S65-114, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-8775-1/7 MSA S512-11- 8720 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/03/30 8776: Henry Herring vs. George Coulson, John W. Stump, and William Bromwell. BA. Defraud of creditors of Coulson - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 393. Accession No.: 17,898-8776-1/5 MSA S512-11- 8721 Location: 1/38/4/
1818/09/14 8777: Anna G.M. Vanderlohr vs. John Franciscus and Philip B. Sadtler. BA. Estate of Carlten Newhouse. Accession No.: 17,898-8777-1/11 MSA S512-11- 8722 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/10/31 8778: John Hoffman and Peter Hoffman, Jr. vs. Gustavus Brown, Mary L. Walker, Thomas Walker, Anne Walker, Harriet Brown, Leopold Mudd, Mary A. Mudd, John Neal, Mary Neal, Eleanor Walker, Joseph Walker, and John Leigh. SM. Petition to sell Farthing Fortune, Addition to Farthing Fortune, Mill Seat, Edenborough, Newington, Fielding Berry, Landing Neck, Hopton Park, Thompsons Expense, America Felix Secundus, Charles Conclusion, Aim At, Clarks Rest, Greenbriar. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 622.
Accession No.: 17,898-8778-1/7 MSA S512-11- 8723 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/09/10 8779: Morgan Harris and Etheldia J. Harris vs. William Morris. CH. Contract to partition Morris Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 716. Accession No.: 17,898-8779-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8724 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/07/21 8780: Charles G. Hipsley vs. George Ogg Shipley. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cumberland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 22. Accession No.: 17,898-8780 MSA S512-11- 8725 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/10 8781: Robert S. Hollins, David Hoffman, Benjamin C. Howard, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Union Bank of Maryland, John Hollins, John S. Hollins, and Michael McBlair. BA. Contract to pay debts. Accession No.: 17,898-8781-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8726 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/10/15 8782: George W. Higgins, Anne Higgins, Richard W. Higgins, Joshua Higgins, Thomas H. Dorsey, and Thomas W. Hall vs. James Higgins. AA. Petition to sell Duvalls Range, slaves Daufney, Amey, Sarah, Eliza, David, Washington, Wesley, Henderson, Lloyd, William, Jacob, Rachel, Mary, Basil, Nick, Ann, Hannah, Charlotte, Edward, Rewanna, Amos, and Hiram. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 393.
Accession No.: 17,898-8782-/6 MSA S512-11- 8727 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/11/19 8783: Mary Hall vs. Elizabeth Hall, Richard Hall, John Hall, Harriet Hall, and Martha Hall. AA. Estate of John Hall - Bettys Inheritance, Round Hills, Mayos Patapsco Plains, Brandon, Smiths Forest, Halls Discovery, Locust Thickett, Jacobs Resurvey Contrived, Jacobs Improved Purchase, Eleventh Hour. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 45, MdHR 40,283-149, S65-46, B5/10/1. Accession No.: 17,898-8783 MSA S512-11- 8728 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/05/13 8784: Gotlieb Huster, John M. Rudenstein, and Adam Seltzer vs. Harmanus Boggs and Isaac Marrow. BA. Injunction against replevin of personal property. Accession No.: 17,898-8784 MSA S512-11- 8729 Location: 1/38/4/
1816/03/16 8785: Benjamin Harwood vs. Gassaway Knighton. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hickory Hills, Velmead. Accession No.: 17,898-8785 MSA S512-11- 8730 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/09/05 8786: John L. Hammond and George H. Newman vs. John McCurdy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 581. Accession No.: 17,898-8786 MSA S512-11- 8731 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/09/10 8787: Elizabeth Hall and Elijah Quinby vs. James Hall. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-8787 MSA S512-11- 8732 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/12/06 8788: William W. Hilton and John McDonald vs. James Williams, Jr. and Samuel Manning. BA. Injunction against infringement on a patent. Accession No.: 17,898-8788 MSA S512-11- 8733 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/11/30 8789: James Hood of John vs. Andrew Mercier. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Perplexity. Accession No.: 17,898-8789 MSA S512-11- 8734 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/06/07 8790: John Smith Hollins and Rebecca Hollins vs. Isaac McKim, William McKim, Margaret McKim, Isaac S. Sterrett, Jane Sterrett, Georgianna E. Hollins, William J. Hollins, Cordelia D. Hollins, Cumberland D. Hollins, and Rebecca Hollins. BA. Trust estate under will of Cumberland Dugan.
Accession No.: 17,898-8790 MSA S512-11- 8735 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/09/20 8791: Harriet Hammond, John Walker, and Ariana Walker vs. Martha Hammond, Philip Hammond, Vachel Hammond, Upton J. Hammond and Charles R. Hammond. AA, BA, FR. Petition to partition Resurvey on Gilboa in BA and FR. Also Chesnut Hill in AA. Also Sparks Delight, Hammonds Good Luck, Hammonds Chance, Pleasant Hill in FR. Also Calebs Delight Enlarged, Ranter Raving in BA. Plats of Resurvey on Gilboa, Chesnut Hill, Sparks Delight, Hammonds Good Luck, Hammonds Chance, Pleasant Hill at 1/38/1/28. Also show Valley of Strife, Hickory Plains, Rich Forest in BA and FR and Moberlys Chance in FR. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 297.
Accession No.: 17,898-8791-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8736 Location: 1/38/4/
1811/10/03 8792: Henry Hodges. AA. Estate of Joshua Powell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 653. Accession No.: 17,898-8792-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8737 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/07/19 8793: Samuel Hoffman vs. Jacob Houck, Sarah McClure, and John Hall. BA. Defraud of creditors of Houck. Accession No.: 17,898-8793 MSA S512-11- 8738 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/12/28 8794: Henry S. Hawkins vs. Elizabeth Hanson, Josias H. Hanson, John Marshall, Walter Latimer, Hugh McElderry, and George Forbes. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on Saturdays Work. Accession No.: 17,898-8794-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8739 Location: 1/38/4/
1814/07/01 8795: William P. Hardesty and John Ward vs. John Crandell and Richard Crandell. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8795 MSA S512-11- 8740 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/03/30 8796: George Harman vs. Nehemiah M. Rowles. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Last Shift, Scotts Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 377. Accession No.: 17,898-8796 MSA S512-11- 8741 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/03/09 8797: Andrew Hook vs. John B. Wilson. BA. Validity of sale of horse and gig. Accession No.: 17,898-8797 MSA S512-11- 8742 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/11/03 8798: David W. Hudson vs. George Reintzell. BA. Appointment of trustee for Reintzell. Accession No.: 17,898-8798 MSA S512-11- 8743 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/10/23 8799: Edward L. Nicholson and George F. Worthington vs. Ellen Harwood. AA. Appointment of trustee for Harwood. Accession No.: 17,898-8799 MSA S512-11- 8744 Location: 1/38/4/
1813/06/05 8800: Thomas H. Hall vs. Joseph Evans. AA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-8800 MSA S512-11- 8745 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/09/04 8801: John Hodges, Rickard Hodges, Robert Hodges, William Hodges, Sarah Hodges, Augustus Mathiot, and Mary A. Mathiot vs. Mary H. Hodges, James Hodges, William R. Hodges, Mary Hodges, Frances H. Hodges, and Robert Hodges. KE. Petition to sell Prevention of Inconvenience.
Accession No.: 17,898-8801 MSA S512-11- 8746 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/05/09 8802: Rezin Hammond of Rezin, John W. Wilmer, and Edward Palmer vs. William Hutton, Rebecca Hutton, Susan Pennington, and Matthias Pennington. AA. Petition to sell Mountville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-8802 MSA S512-11- 8747 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/06/04 8803: Lucy Harwood, Lucretia Harwood, and Rachel Harwood vs. Richard J. Cowman and South River Bridge Co. AA. Title to stock. Accession No.: 17,898-8803 MSA S512-11- 8748 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/27 8804: Frisby Henderson, vs. Mary Wallace, Sarah Wallace, Richard Wallace, Margaret Wallace, Jane Wallace, George W. Wallace, Rebecca E. Wallace, and William Taylor. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Blackestines Park, Sims Forrest, Picadillay. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 404.
Accession No.: 17,898-8804-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8749 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/01/01 8805: George A. Hughes, Randle H. Moale, John T.H. Worthington, and William Shipley, Jr. vs. William Adreon, George Adreon, Stephen Adreon, Washington Adreon, William L. Lacheur, Jacob Connie, William B. Carson, Alexander Yearly, Daniel Stansbury, Nicholas Peregoy, Daniel McIilton, Thomas N. Nilson, and Peter Hoffman. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8805 MSA S512-11- 8750 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/02/23 8806: Charles Hall vs. Archibald Canfield. AA. Defraud of creditors of Canfield. Accession No.: 17,898-8806 MSA S512-11- 8751 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/01/05 8807: Charles Hammond of Charles vs. Benjamin Shipley, Sr. and Benjamin Shipley, Jr. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from This or None. Accession No.: 17,898-8807 MSA S512-11- 8752 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/05/24 8808: John Hammontre and Darkey Hammontre vs. Jesse Wheat. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8808 MSA S512-11- 8753 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/08/06 8809: David Hartt vs. Joseph Moffett. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Chester Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-8809 MSA S512-11- 8754 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/03/29 8810: William Howard, Gustavus Howard, George W. Hobbs, Ellen Hobbs, Peregrine Hobbs, Mary Hobbs, John Haines, and Sarah Haines vs. Robert Howard, Brice Howard, Joseph Howard, and Margaret Howard. AA. Petition to sell Dorseys Second Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 701.
Accession No.: 17,898-8810 MSA S512-11- 8755 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/19 8811: Andrew Hook vs. Andrew Shorb, Elizabeth Hitselberger, John Hitselberger, Baltzer Hitselberger, Mary Hitselberger, Nicholas Hitselberger, Peter Hitselberger, Anthony Hitselberger, George Hitselberger, and Catherine O'Connell. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-8811 MSA S512-11- 8756 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/04/19 8812: Thomas Hurst vs. Basil Hurst. BA. Title to Hursts Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-8812 MSA S512-11- 8757 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/05/04 8813: Stephen Horsey vs. Aaron Sterling. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Watkins Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 457. Accession No.: 17,898-8813 MSA S512-11- 8758 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/11/30 8814: William P. Hardesty, Eleanor Hardesty, John Ward, Elizabeth Ward, Francis Whittington, William Stevens, Lavina Stevens, Arminta Wood, William Turner, Thomas Turner, Richard Turner, Elizabeth Turner, Rebecca Turner, Eleanor Turner, Mary Turner, Joseph Griffith, and Sarah Griffith vs. William Whittington. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Knightons Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-8814 MSA S512-11- 8759 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/10/01 8815: Robert Hickley vs. Farmers & Merchants Bank of Baltimore, Nicholas Brice, John Lovey, and Thomas J. Clagett. BA. Defraud of creditors of Clagett. Accession No.: 17,898-8815 MSA S512-11- 8760 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/11/30 8816: Stephen Honeywell vs. Philip R.J. Friese. BA. Defraud of creditors of Friese. Accession No.: 17,898-8816 MSA S512-11- 8761 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/01/22 8818: Eli Hewett vs. Rezin D. Hewett and Jacob Hewett. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 15 and 154, p. 885. Accession No.: 17,898-8818 MSA S512-11- 8762 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/19 8819: George Hoffman vs. James E. Brice. AA. Petition to sell Anti Lebanus. Accession No.: 17,898-8819 MSA S512-11- 8763 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/11/14 8820: Benjamin Hanson and Isaac Lamb vs. Thomas James. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 426. Accession No.: 17,898-8820-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8764 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/12/29 8821: Thomas Hastings, John Butler, and William McLaughlin vs. Samuel Blackwood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8821 MSA S512-11- 8765 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/04/04 8822: John M. Hepburn vs. Mary Sewall, Robert Sewall, and William Sewall. PG. Estate of Robert Sewall. Accession No.: 17,898-8822 MSA S512-11- 8766 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/12 8823: William Harris, William Folwell, Sr., and William Folwell, Jr. vs. Sarah Magnor. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 255. Accession No.: 17,898-8823 MSA S512-11- 8767 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/09/15 8824: John Haines and Sarah Haines vs. William Howard. AA. Estate of Brice Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-8824 MSA S512-11- 8768 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/01/13 8825: Thomas Hastings, William McLaughlin, and John Butler vs. Samuel Blackwood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8825-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8769 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/04/17 8826: Robert S. Hollins and Cordelia M. Hollins vs. John Smith Hollins, Rebecca Hollins, William McKim, Margaret McKim, Isaac S. Sterrett, Jane Sterrett, Georgiana Hollins, and William Hollins. BA. Estate of John Hollins - Washington Factory. Accession No.: 17,898-8826 MSA S512-11- 8770 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/06/09 8828: Samuel Harden vs. Abraham Sellers and Anna Lindenberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 495. Accession No.: 17,898-8828 MSA S512-11- 8771 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/12/14 8829: Morgan Hill vs. Daniel Bowie. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Grammers Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-8829 MSA S512-11- 8772 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/02/08 8830: William Holmes vs. Nelson Norris, Basil S. Elder, William W. Taylor, Frederick Hurxthall, and Thomas L. Emory, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Adventure, Green Spring Forrest, Gists Enlargement, Addition, Harrisons Meadows, Gists Den, Gists Hope, Lime Pitts, Lyons Den.
Accession No.: 17,898-8830 MSA S512-11- 8773 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/01/14 8831: William W. Hall and Josiah Stagg vs. John Walls and William Neal. BA. Petition to dissolve injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8831 MSA S512-11- 8774 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/06/11 8832: Ann Harris vs. Mary J. Harris, Hannah Harris, Ann Harris, Maria Harris, John Harris, Henrietta Harris, Eliza Harris, Louisa C. Harris, Matilda Biggott, Mary Biggott, Ann Biggott, Francis Biggott, Elizabeth Biggott, Juliana Biggott, and John Biggott. FR. Petition to sell Back Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-8832 MSA S512-11- 8775 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/10/07 8833: Martha Hewett vs. Eli Hewett. AA. Alimony Accession No.: 17,898-8833 MSA S512-11- 8776 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/12/26 8835: Richard Hopkins vs. Samuel Cooper. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 319. Accession No.: 17,898-8835 MSA S512-11- 8777 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/01/03 8836: William W. Handy vs. Alexander C. Bullit. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 591. Accession No.: 17,898-8836 MSA S512-11- 8778 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/12/18 8837: Joseph G. Hatton, Nathaniel H. Hatton, Alexander S. Hatton, Mary G. Hatton, and Joseph Hatton vs. Peter D. Hatton and Eleanor B. Hatton. CH. Petition to sell Friendship, Smallwoods Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 24. Accession No.: 17,898-8837 MSA S512-11- 8779 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/01/21 8838: William R. Howard, Robert Snyder, and Elizabeth A. Snyder vs. John Hart, Elizabeth Hart, Martha Urie, Maria L. Urie, and Arthur V. Orie. BA. Estate of John Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-8838-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8780 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/01/25 8840: Richard G. Hutton and Thomas Armiger vs. Mordecai F. Smith, James Kent, Daniel Kent, William Armiger, Richard Armiger, Benjamin Armiger, James Weedon, Notley Starr, and Thomas McCormick. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8840 MSA S512-11- 8781 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/06/19 8841: Benedict Hurst vs. James Davis, William Davis, and Dennis Davis. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Hursts Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-8841 MSA S512-11- 8782 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/09/22 8842: Joseph Husband and Skipwith H. Coale vs. George M. Gill. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8842 MSA S512-11- 8783 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/12/21 8843: Elizabeth Harman, Frederick Harman, Peter A. Harman, Louisa A. Harman, Amelia J. Harman, and Nancy Harman vs. Candace Rowles. AA. Petition to partition Last Shift, Scotts Folly, Addition to Timber Ridge. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8843 MSA S512-11- 8784 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/05/07 8844: William Hardey vs. Alfred Ray and Ann Jenkins. AA. Petition to sell Hammond and Guest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-8844-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8785 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/05/27 8845: Robert Hart vs. George Hart. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8845 MSA S512-11- 8786 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/05/31 8846: Amelia Harding, Walter E. Harding, Mary E. Harding, and Amelia A. Harding vs. Philip T. Harding and Sarah G. Harding. CE. Petition to sell St. Johns Manor, Good Intent. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8846 MSA S512-11- 8787 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/04/17 8847: Ephraim Hands vs. Eli Ousler. BA. Title to Bucks Range Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-8847 MSA S512-11- 8788 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/06/19 8848: Levi Hollingsworth vs. Thomas Love, Sr., Thomas Love, Jr., Mary A. Love, Christopher Love, Horace Love, Rufus K. Love, and Martha Love, BA. Injunction against sale of Cullens Last Affinity, Trumans Acquaintance, Ridgelys Five Mile End. Plats of Ridgelys Five Mile End; also show Avarillas Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-8848 MSA S512-11- 8789 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/01/05 8849: Thomas J. Hall vs. Attorney General and Sophia Moore. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Portland Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 736. Accession No.: 17,898-8849 MSA S512-11- 8790 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/07/24 8850: Jacob C. Howard vs. Mary A. Richardson and Harriet J. Richardson. CE. Contract to purchase lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-8850 MSA S512-11- 8791 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/08/29 8851: Oliver Holmes vs. Nicholas Norris, Keziah Norris, and John Phelan. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8851 MSA S512-11- 8792 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/06/26 8852: Francis Hollingsworth vs. Eliza Bowie, James Hyde Bowie, Augustus Bowie, Hamilton Bowie, Sarah Bowie, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Contract to purchase lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 703. Accession No.: 17,898-8852 MSA S512-11- 8793 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/06/02 8853: Walter H. Hilleary vs. Alfred Wells and Elizabeth Wells. PG. Petition to partition Landover, Three Sisters. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 288. Accession No.: 17,898-8853 MSA S512-11- 8794 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/05/28 8854: George Hoffman vs. Philip Rogers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Greenwood, Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 344. Accession No.: 17,898-8854 MSA S512-11- 8795 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/10/16 8855: Peter Hitzelberger vs. Baltzer Hitzelberger. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8855 MSA S512-11- 8796 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/08 8856: Rezin Hammond of Philip vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Nicholas Brewer, Charles Hammond, Elizabeth Hammond, John Miller, Peter Miller, John W. Duvall, Mary Duvall, Mary Miller, James Miller, Philip Miller, John Miller, and Leondia Miller. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Purchase Enlarged.
Accession No.: 17,898-8856-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8797 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/06/16 8857: Ephraim W. Hall vs. Richard J. Jones. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8857 MSA S512-11- 8798 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/05/17 8858: Elizabeth Hughes vs. Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad Co., George Winchester, William G. McNeill, and William Stall. BA. Injunction against destroying land and crops. Accession No.: 17,898-8858 MSA S512-11- 8799 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/10/09 8859: Cain Hurley, Job Hurley, and Noah Hurley vs. Richard Hurley, Ellen Hurley, Lilly Hurley, David Hurley, and Mitchell Hurley. DO. Petition to sell Low Swamp, Hurleys Attempt, Hurleys Request, Providence, Good Fortune. Accession No.: 17,898-8859 MSA S512-11- 8800 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/06/13 8860: William Hope and Rachel Hope vs. John Oursler, Stephen Oursler, John Mitten, Lydia Mitten, Helen Oursler, Orlando Oursler, Josephine Oursler, Amanda Oursler, and John Oursler. FR. Petition to sell Bucks Range. Accession No.: 17,898-8860 MSA S512-11- 8801 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/05/20 8861: Thomas J. Hall and Thomas Tongue vs. Joseph Lane. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-8861 MSA S512-11- 8802 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/07/31 8862: Rezin D. Hewett and Eli Hewett vs. Jacob Hewett. AA. Appointment of trustee for Hewett. Accession No.: 17,898-8862 MSA S512-11- 8803 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/01/02 8863: George Howard, Benjamin C. Howard, William Howard, James Howard, Charles Howard, and James M. McHenry vs. William G. Real and Sophia Real. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/59-61. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 164. Accession No.: 17,898-8863-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8804 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/22 8864: George W. Humphrey, Anne Humphrey, Martha Miles, Emily Miles, Susan P. Miles, Elizabeth Miles, and Harriet L. Miles. SO. Petition to sell Haymans Purchase, Geddes Outlet, Addition to Geddes Outlet, Fair Meadow, Pollitts Delay, Last Choice, Liberty, Pollitts Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 299.
Accession No.: 17,898-8864 MSA S512-11- 8805 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/10/27 8865: Isaac P. Ijams, Cacelia Ijams, and Lloyd Moxley vs. William M. Tenain, Luther Moxley, and Jeruna Moxley. AA. Petition to sell Neals Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 544. Accession No.: 17,898-8865 MSA S512-11- 8806 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/19 8866: John S. Inloes vs. William Roach. DO. Petition to sell Thomas Hope, Medfords Range. Accession No.: 17,898-8866 MSA S512-11- 8807 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/02/28 8867: Edward T. Iglehart vs. William Scrivener. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Left Out, Thomas Lot, Snag. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-8867 MSA S512-11- 8808 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/05/24 8868: Richard Iglehart vs. Peter Harman, James Harman, Marian Harman, William Harman, and Margaret Harman. AA. Contract to purchase September the Fourteenth I was born John Hammond son of John, Champion Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 166 Accession No.: 17,898-8868 MSA S512-11- 8809 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/09/30 8869: James Iglehart, Robert S. Bryan, and William McParlin vs. Benjamin Armiger, Richard G. Hutton, Richard D. Hill, Rezin Estep, John S. Selby, and Nicholas Watkins. AA. Estate of John Cross. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 334. Accession No.: 17,898-8869 MSA S512-11- 8810 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/03/28 8870: Thomas Iglehart vs. Perry Townsend, Ann M. Townsend, Caroline Duncan, and William J.B. Duncan. AA. Petition to sell Burgess Right, Puddingtons Gift, Puddingtons Harbour. Accession No.: 17,898-8870 MSA S512-11- 8811 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/05/18 8871: John H. Iglehart, John G. Proud, and Eliza S. Proud vs. William E. Coale, George B. Coale, Catherine A. Coale, Elizabeth C. Coale, Josephine R. Coale, Mary Ann Coale, John C. Brune, and Ann L. Brune. AA. Contract to purchase Cocksell, Jones Addition, Coales Choice, Wincopin Neck, Coales Choice Resurveyed.
Accession No.: 17,898-8871 MSA S512-11- 8812 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/10/02 8872: Richard Iglehart vs. Edward Lee and Charles F. Mayer. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-8872-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8813 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/08/20 8873: James Iglehart vs. Richard Stewart, Louisa Stewart, Joseph Stewart, and Maria Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Fire Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-8873 MSA S512-11- 8814 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/12/19 8874: James Iglehart vs. Jonathan Hutton and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 492. Accession No.: 17,898-8874 MSA S512-11- 8815 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/05/01 8875: Leonard Iglehart vs. Isaac H. Hopkins, Charles Watson, Joseph Evans, and James Iglehart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves John, Kittey, Bill, Charles, Fanny, Tom, Anne, Sophia, and Phil. Accession No.: 17,898-8875 MSA S512-11- 8816 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/11/01 8876: James S. Iglehart, Richard Iglehart, Jr., Rebecca Iglehart, William B. Robey, Margaret Robey, Ann Soper, Barton T. Soper, Joseph Soper, William B. Soper, Basil B. Soper, James P. Soper, Charles Soper, and Sarah Soper vs. Joseph Evans, Henry Evans, Elizabeth Evans, William Soper, James Soper, Edward Johnson, Mary A. Johnson, Sarah A. Soper, Edward Soper, Addia Soper, Elizabeth Soper, and Dennis Soper. AA. Estate of James Soper. Recorded (Chancery Record) 146, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-8876-1/6 MSA S512-11- 8817 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/02/17 8877: James Iglehart and John S. Selby vs. Richard Swann, James H. Iglehart, John N. Watkins, Farmers Bank of Maryland, Nicholas Watkins, and Benjamin T. Pindle. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot and Swann & Iglehart Hotel in Annapolis Accession No.: 17,898-8877-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8818 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/05/10 8878: James Iglehart vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland and David Ridgely. AA. Estate of Absalom Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-8878-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8819 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/11/03 8879: John H. Iglehart vs. Evan T. Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, and Elias Ellicott. AA. Petition to sell Champion Forest, September. Accession No.: 17,898-8879 MSA S512-11- 8820 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/05/27 8880: Richard Iglehart vs. Philip Harmon, John Harmon, and Peter Harman. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Wilderness, September the 14th 1739 I was born John Hammond son of John, Walkers Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-8880 MSA S512-11- 8821 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/10/09 8881: Mary Iglehart and Jonathan Hopkins vs. William Clarke, Union Bank of Maryland, Baltimore & Fredericktown Turnpike Road Co., and Michael Iglehart. AA. Title to stock. Accession No.: 17,898-8881 MSA S512-11- 8822 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/07 8882: Margaret Igoe and James Thomas vs. Elias Reister. BA. Estate of John Reister. Accession No.: 17,898-8882 MSA S512-11- 8823 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/08/22 8883: Ann Iglehart, Thomas S. Iglehart, James H. Watkins, and Martha A. Watkins vs. James Alexis Iglehart. AA. Petition to partition Hickory Hills, Franklins Enlargement, Indian Range. Plat at 1/38/1/28. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 212. Accession No.: 17,898-8883-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8824 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/06/01 8884: James Iglehart and Anne S. Kirby vs. Harriet Selby. AA. Petition to sell house and lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 459. Accession No.: 17,898-8884 MSA S512-11- 8825 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/12/07 8885: John Iglehart vs. Basil Hall, Julius Hall, and John Glenn. AA. Estate of Joseph Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-8885 MSA S512-11- 8826 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/04/28 8886: Richard Iglehart vs. Horatio White and Charles White. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8886 MSA S512-11- 8827 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/05/24 8887: William Inloes, Margaret Inloes, Isaac Atkinson, and Eleanor Atkinson vs. Theresa Bussey, Henrietta Bussey, Elizabeth Ashpaw, Jacob Ashpaw, and Margaret Ashpaw. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8887-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8828 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/10/15 8888: Margaret H.W. Ireland vs. Louisa P. Ireland, Emma H. Ireland, Alethea L. Ireland, John W.P. Ireland, Mary H. Travilla, Margaret Travilla, Hannah J. Wallis, Margaret Wallis, and Hugh Wallis. KE. Petition to sell Byman. Accession No.: 17,898-8888 MSA S512-11- 8829 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/10/20 8889: John Ireland vs. John B. Ireland, Mary A. Ireland, and Margaret Ireland. CV. Petition to sell Plum Point. Accession No.: 17,898-8889 MSA S512-11- 8830 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/10/12 8890: James Iglehart and John T. Snowden vs. Margaret J. Pritchard and Isabella Pritchard. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-8890-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8831 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/06/08 8891: Esan Insley vs. Meshack Traverse, James McReady, Ann McReady, Algernon Hurley, and Mary Hurley. DO. Petition to sell Addition to Fishers Landing, Weston, Fishers Landing, Saint Bartholomews. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 437. Accession No.: 17,898-8891 MSA S512-11- 8832 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/07/21 8892: James Irwin and Ann D. Irwin vs. Lucinda Scott, Richard Scott, and John M. Scott. CH. Title to Marshalls Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 563. Accession No.: 17,898-8892 MSA S512-11- 8833 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/06/28 8893: John F.R. Ireland and John Ireland vs. Benjamin Parran and John Parran. CV. Estate of Mary Ridgeway. Accession No.: 17,898-8893 MSA S512-11- 8834 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/03/26 8894: William Inloes vs. Jonathan Meredith and Henry Thompson. BA. Contract to build vessel The Corinthian. Accession No.: 17,898-8894-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8835 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/11/09 8895: Richard Isaac vs. Nicholas Worthington of Thomas, Charles G. Worthington, Brice J.G. Worthington, John G. Worthington, Ann Worthington, William Worthington, and Achsah Worthington. AA. Title to Griffiths Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-8895 MSA S512-11- 8836 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/11/11 8896: Joshua S. Inloes vs. John Walter, Randle H. Moale, Thomas L. Murphy, Eliza A. Foulds, James H. Foulds, Margaret A. Foulds, and Henrietta Foulds. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 379. Accession No.: 17,898-8896 MSA S512-11- 8837 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/02/01 8897: Dorsey Israel, Robert Israel, Elias Israel, Jacob Tilghman, Rebecca Tilghman, Jesse Gosnell, Manopah Gosnell, Rachel Gosnell, Robert Gosnell, Jesse Gosnell, Honor Gosnell, Israel Gosnell, Rachel Gosnell, Mary Gosnell, Sarah Gosnell, Deborah Gosnell, Moses Gosnell, Cordelia Gosnell, Richard Care, and Hannah Ward vs. Elizabeth Gosnell, Mary Gosnell, and Ellen Gosnell. BA. Petition to sell Gosnells Camp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 207
Accession No.: 17,898-8897 MSA S512-11- 8838 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/10/16 8898A: John H. Ing vs. Rev. Peter Chahart. BA. Estate of George Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-8898A MSA S512-11- 8839 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/02/27 8898B: Susanna Ireland, Alithea Ireland, Ann E. Ireland, Mary Ireland, and Martha A. Ireland vs. James Milward. KE. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-8898B MSA S512-11- 8840 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/06/04 8900: James Irwin, Ann Irwin, William H. Foote, R.M. Scott, and Z.E. Lloyd vs. Lucinda Scott and John M. Scott. CH. Estate of Richard M. Scott - Cherry Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 563. Accession No.: 17,898-8900 MSA S512-11- 8841 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/08/11 8901: James Iglehart and Sprigg Harwood vs. Margaret Mills and Edward Mills. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Norwoods Beale. Accession No.: 17,898-8901 MSA S512-11- 8842 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/04/16 8902: William Jones, Richard A. Shipley, Elizabeth Shipley, Andrew Hemphill, Ruth Hemphill, William Wall, Ezekiel Wall, Ephraim Wall, Jacob Wall, Mary Wall, Joseph Hook, Jr., Eliza Timanus, Susan Stuart, Samuel Jones, Hamilton Jones, John Reinicker, and Ann Reinicker vs. Charles Jones, Washington Jones, Eliza Jones, Anne Jones, William Jones, Margaret Jones, Joshua Jones, Thomas Jones, and William Payne. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 179.
Accession No.: 17,898-8902 MSA S512-11- 8843 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/05/29 8903: William Inloes vs. Joseph Ashpaw, John Ashpaw, Thomas Stallings, and Catherine Stallings. AA. Petition to sell Gosnells Chance, Mill Farm, Crouches Forrest. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 517. Accession No.: 17,898-8903 MSA S512-11- 8844 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/11/15 8904: Isaac W. Jewett vs. James F. Bayn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 509. Accession No.: 17,898-8904 MSA S512-11- 8845 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/09/06 8905: Mary Ann Jackson and Stephen Jackson vs. Frederick L. Jackson. BA. Trust estate under will of Rezin Wright - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 199. Accession No.: 17,898-8905 MSA S512-11- 8846 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/11/21 8906: Richard H. Jackson vs. Benjamin D. Dashiel and James L. Colston. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Accession No.: 17,898-8906 MSA S512-11- 8847 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/11/24 8907: Elizabeth Jolley, Isabella Cox, Sarah Gover, William J. Wallis, Martha Hawkins, Jacob A. Preston, Caroline E. Preston, George H. Perryman, Elizabeth A. Griffith, Charlotte O. Griffith, and Samuel S. Griffith vs. Mary A.J. Burch and John H. Burch. HA. Petition to partition Arabia Petrea, Wallis Addition, Wallis Beginning, Jolleys New Invention. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 332.
Accession No.: 17,898-8907 MSA S512-11- 8848 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/07/23 8908: Samuel J. Jarman vs. William Pennington and Richard Millington. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Andover Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-8908 MSA S512-11- 8849 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/03/26 8909: John Johns vs. Martico Merryman and Mary Merryman. CR. Petition to sell Petersburgh, Colepit, Petersburgh Resurveyed, Gists Meadows, Chesnut Hill, Timber Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 649. Accession No.: 17,898-8909 MSA S512-11- 8850 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/12/14 8910: Thomas Jones, May L. Sparks, and William W. Seymour vs. William K. Everitt, Sarah J. Everitt, and Margaret V. Everitt. KE. Petition to sell lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 478. Accession No.: 17,898-8910 MSA S512-11- 8851 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/06/08 8911: John W. Jones, John Byus, Thomas Jones, Roger Jones, Jerome Tall, Ann Tall, Levin Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Thomas Jones, and Isabella Jones vs. Thomas Byus, Isabella Byus, Thomas W. Byus, Benjamin F. Byus, and Elizabeth Byus. DO. Petition to sell slaves George, Isaac, Suroney, Fanny, and Nelson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 615
Accession No.: 17,898-8911 MSA S512-11- 8852 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/09/28 8912: Denwood Jones vs. John R. Martin, William Henry McNamara, Susan M. McNamara, George S. McNamara, Ann E. McNamara, Lake McNamara, Catherine McNamara, Margaret H. McNamara, John H. McNamara, and Henrietta McNamara. DO. Title to Gootes Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 26.
Accession No.: 17,898-8912 MSA S512-11- 8853 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/11/24 8913: Samuel Jones, Anna M. Chandler, and William J.C. Chandler. KE. Petition to sell lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 501. Accession No.: 17,898-8913 MSA S512-11- 8854 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/03/04 8914: Sarah Jones, Jacob H. Jones, David R. Jones, Mary E. Jones, Lloyd Jones, Catherine Jones, Daniel Jones, Theophilus Jones, House Jones, Samuel Jones, Sarah Jones, Michael G. Dorsey, Eliza Dorsey, Robertson Lowry, and Rachel A. Lowry vs. John W. Rhine. Howard District. Contract to purchase Dorseys Search.
Accession No.: 17,898-8914 MSA S512-11- 8855 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/10/24 8915: Amos Jarvis, Elizabeth Jarvis, John Ward, and Oliver W. Haslip. AA. Petition to sell Food Plenty, Worthingtons Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-8915 MSA S512-11- 8856 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/12/17 8916: Mary Anne Jenkins and Stephen B. Roach vs. Ann Jenkins and Peter Dickerson. WO. Estate of Sewell T. Jenkins - Hudson Farm, Corbin Farm, Turner Farm, lot in Snow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-8916 MSA S512-11- 8857 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/08/14 8917: Marcellus T. Jones, William H. Jones, and Sarah L. Jones vs. Eugene J. Jones, Alice J. Jones, and William H. Jones. SO. Petition to sell Duckerys Hill, Hungary Neck, White Haven, Eagles Nest, Bell Air, Meaches Hope, Rich Swamp, Corby. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 558. Accession No.: 17,898-8917 MSA S512-11- 8858 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/09/05 8918: Sarah A. Jones vs. John C. Jones, Dennis R. Jones, Somerfield Jones, Mary A. Jones, George W. Jones, Laura V. Jones, William J. Jones, and Sarah J. Jones. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 315. Accession No.: 17,898-8918 MSA S512-11- 8859 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/10/27 8919: Eliza Johnson vs. Joshua Johnson, William J. Ross, Thomas Hammond, William C. Hoffman, John McPherson, Fanny McPherson, Hugh W. Evans, Mary Evans, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. FR. Petition to sell Glass House Land. Accession No.: 17,898-8919-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8860 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/07/06 8920: Durance Jamison, Hennrietta Jamison, Henry A. Jamison, Francis A. Jamison, Thomas D. Jamison, Catherine Jamison, Cecila Jamison, Richard Jamison, Rosetta Jamison, Elizabeth Byrne, Jeremiah Jamison, Mary Jamison, Ellen F. Howard, John W. Howard, Henry W. Howard, James McCutts, and Eleanora McCutts vs. John B. Leonard, Susan Leonard, Robert Greenhouse, Rosetta Greenhouse, Dr. Rowan, and Mary A. Rowan. MO. Petition to sell Jonny and Mary, Resurvey on Dry Spring, Aixla Chappelle, Flints Grove, William and Mary and Daniels Inheritance. Plat of Aixia Chappelle, William and Mary and Daniels Inheritance at 1/38/1/28.
Accession No.: 17,898-8920-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8861 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/05/22 8921: Nicholas F. Johnson vs. Eliza Johnson, Maria Johnson, Katind Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Dellaplain R. Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Emily Johnson, and Caroline Johnson. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 666. Accession No.: 17,898-8921 MSA S512-11- 8862 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/03/23 8922: Isaac W. Jewett vs. George Stuart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8922 MSA S512-11- 8863 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/07/03 8923: John Jones vs. Benjamin E. Jones, Louisa B. Jones, John R. Hill, Sarah Hill, William M. Jones, Laura Jones, Rousbery M. Thomas, and Margaret E. Thomas. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-8923 MSA S512-11- 8864 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/04/10 8924: John Jewett, Jr. vs. William Peters. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-8924 MSA S512-11- 8865 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/07/09 8925: Abraham Jarrett, Jesse B. Jarrett, and Julia A. Jarrett vs. Deveraux Jarrett, Edward Jarrett, and Joseph Dance. BA, HA. Petition to partition Hill Camp. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 625. Accession No.: 17,898-8925 MSA S512-11- 8866 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/12/12 8926: Augustus Jenkins and Elizabeth Jenkins vs. James Lark, Stephen Lark, John Stallings, Matilda Stallings, and Thomas Heath. AA. Estate of Greenbury Lark. Accession No.: 17,898-8926 MSA S512-11- 8867 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/04/21 8927: George W. Jefferson vs. Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth Jefferson, Charles W. Jefferson, Mary E. Jefferson, Joshua S. Jefferson, and Delia Jefferson. DO. Petition to sell Hayland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 501. Accession No.: 17,898-8927 MSA S512-11- 8868 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/04/10 8928: Henry V.D. Johns vs. John H. Somervill, Sarah J. Somervill, and Eliza S. Scrivener. AA. Petition to sell Harrisons Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-8928 MSA S512-11- 8869 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/06/29 8929: David W. Joiner vs. Thomas Sappington, Anna M. Sappington, Thomas F. Joiner, James A. Joiner, Sarah M. Joiner, John D. Joiner, Benjamin F. Joiner, Charles H. Joiner, Thomas S. Dowlin, Hewett Smith, and William Smith. KE. Petition to sell Providence, Howells Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 497.
Accession No.: 17,898-8929 MSA S512-11- 8870 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/11/18 8930: William Johnston and Syrena Johnston vs. William J. Ward. BA. Estate of Mary L. Broadfoot. Accession No.: 17,898-8930 MSA S512-11- 8871 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/03/05 8931: Benjamin W. Jones vs. John Jones. CE. Petition to sell New Munster. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 290 and 177, p. 224. Accession No.: 17,898-8931 MSA S512-11- 8872 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/02/19 8932: James Jones vs. Henry Basil and Letitia Jarboe. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-8932 MSA S512-11- 8873 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/12/16 8933: Elvira Jackson vs. Sarah Jackson. AA. Petition to sell lot in Cooksville. Accession No.: 17,898-8933 MSA S512-11- 8874 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/10/02 8934: Isaac W. Jewett vs. Robert Brazier. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 248. Accession No.: 17,898-8934 MSA S512-11- 8875 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/11/13 8935: Isaac W. Jewett vs. Thomas S. Sewell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 506. Accession No.: 17,898-8935 MSA S512-11- 8876 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/06/20 8936: Jane Jackson vs. Evan T. Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, Elias Elliott, George Ellicott, Baltimore Chemical Mfg. Co., Covington Transportation Co., John Glenn, Richard Lemmon, Eliza Bond, John Q. Hewlett, George G. Jackson, and Henry Jackson. AA, BA. Petition to sell Upton Court, Stewarts Sylvania, Belle Hatch, Whetstone Point, Locust Point in BC. Also Furnace Rolling Mills, Patuxent Furnace in AA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 615.
Accession No.: 17,898-8936-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8877 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/10/27 8937: William Jackson vs. Greenbury F.H. Crockett, Robert H. Hagman, Harriet Hagman, James White, Kitty M. White, Mary Crockett, William H. Yates, Benton Crockett, and Louisa Crockett. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 97.
Accession No.: 17,898-8937-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8878 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/01/13 8938: John Johns vs. Joshua Stricklin and Catherine Stricklin. CR. Mortgage foreclosure on Cole Pit, Petersburg, Petersburg Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 64. Accession No.: 17,898-8938 MSA S512-11- 8879 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/09/26 8940: James Jervis vs. Amos Eaton, Sarah Eaton, Levi Janney, Margaret Janney, Abigail Wilson, Reuben Wilson, John T. Wilson, James A. Wilson, George H. Wilson, Sarah E. Wilson, James F. Jervis, Hughes B. Jervis, and Mary E. Jervis. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-8940-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8880 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/07/03 8941: John Jump of P. and Elijah Cade vs. James W. Saulsbury, Perdue Keets, James Hignutt, Alexander Saulsbury, and Elizabeth Saulsbury. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hacketts Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 575. Accession No.: 17,898-8941 MSA S512-11- 8881 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/05/26 8942: Joseph Jamison vs. Franklin Bank of Baltimore, John Bigham, Gordon Bigham, Robert Bigham, Hugh Bigham, William Bigham, Alexander Bigham, Margaret Bigham, Nancy Bigham, Margaretta Caldwell, Robert McGargan, Margaret McGargan, Jane McGargan, Nancy McGargan, Elizabeth McGargan, and Ann McGargan. BA. Contract to purchase Pay My Debts, lot in Baltimore Company lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 238.
Accession No.: 17,898-8942 MSA S512-11- 8882 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/04/28 8943: Ann Jenkins vs. George Holloway. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 387. Accession No.: 17,898-8943 MSA S512-11- 8883 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/07/22 8944: Benjamin W. Jones vs. John Jones. CE. Title to land. Plat at 1/38/1/28. Accession No.: 17,898-8944-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8884 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/05/16 8945: Catherine Jamison and Michael Wallace vs. Joseph Jamison and James L. Ridgely. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-8945-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8885 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/09/01 8946: Bolton Jackson vs. Edward J. Willson and Henrietta Willson. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Brothers Agreement, Resurvey on Brothers Agreement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 367. Accession No.: 17,898-8946 MSA S512-11- 8886 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/08/28 8947: Thomas D. Johnston and Josiah Lee vs. William W. McClellan, Maria McClellan, Christopher R. McClellan, Eloise McClellan, Catherine Raborg, Samuel J. Donaldson, and Sarah E. Donaldson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8947 MSA S512-11- 8887 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/05/29 8948: Benjamin Jones vs. Thomas A. Spence. WO. Petition to sell Orchomenus, Hardship, Dormans Choice, Turpins Grove, Johnsons Dispute, Ruarks Security, Creek Swamp, Edens Choice, Hog Quarter, Safe Guard, Addition to Defiance Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 443.
Accession No.: 17,898-8948 MSA S512-11- 8888 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/03/14 8949: Edward J. Jones, Thomas Jones, Robert Jones, William Thompson, Amelia Thompson, Catherine Tyson, Hugh Crosgrove, and Pricilla Crosgrove vs. James Donaho, Esther Donaho, Jacob Burford, Sarah Burford, Nathan Lackland, and Rebecca Lackland. CE. Petition to record a deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 246.
Accession No.: 17,898-8949 MSA S512-11- 8889 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/09/25 8950: Edward Jenkins, Thomas L. Emory, and John J. Donaldson vs. Mary Smith, Mary Norris, Samuel MacEnheimer, William MacEnheimer, Charlotte MacEnheimer, Frederick MacEnheimer, John MacEnheimer of N., George MacEnheimer of N., George MacEnheimer of J., Jacob MacEnheimer, Gabriel MacEnheimer, John MacEnheimer of Jonathan, Susannah MacEnheimer, Mary MacEnheimer, William Baltzell, Elizabeth Baltzell, Susan Bautz, Eliza Bautz, and Louisa Bautz. BA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-8950 MSA S512-11- 8890 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/05/12 8951: John Jones vs. John Gross, Mary A. Herter, and Catherine B. Herter. BA. Estate of Ignatius Herter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 962. Accession No.: 17,898-8951-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8891 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/07/11 8952: Martha Jones vs. Jesse S. Jones, WO. Mortgage foreclosure on Johnsons Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-8952 MSA S512-11- 8892 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/04/28 8953: Daniel Jenifer vs. John Horsey, Sarah Horsey, Richard M. Renshaw, Elizabeth Dunnington, Peregrine T. Wilson, and Sarah Wilson. CH. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 807. Accession No.: 17,898-8953 MSA S512-11- 8893 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/03/23 8954: Hugh Jenkins vs. Robert Ramsay. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot and tavern in Govanstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 229. Accession No.: 17,898-8954 MSA S512-11- 8894 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/07/09 8955: John Johns vs. Cecil Cole, Abraham G. Cole, Eleanor Cole, Lewis R. Cole, Sarah Cole, Cornelius H. Cole, Maria Cole, Isaac Cole, Caroline Cole, Elizabeth Scott, Samuel Howard, and Ariana Howard. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8955 MSA S512-11- 8895 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/06/04 8956: John Jewett, Jr. vs. George Stuart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 142 Accession No.: 17,898-8956 MSA S512-11- 8896 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/07/17 8957: Levin Jones, William Hirons, and Margaret Hirons vs. William Richard Hurst, Samuel James Hurst, and John J. Hurst. DO. Petition to sell Indian Lot, Ware Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-8957 MSA S512-11- 8897 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/02/15 8958: Henrietta V. Jorden and John M. Corden vs. Ann Abraham. BA. Estate of Lemon C. Abrahams. Accession No.: 17,898-8958 MSA S512-11- 8898 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/04/02 8959: Frederick Johnston vs. Adam Virtue, Adam Mungan, George G. Belt, and Attorney General. BA. Petition to sell Edward and Wills Valleys and Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 343. Accession No.: 17,898-8959-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8899 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/11/13 8960: John Jewett, Jr. vs. Wesley F. Walter. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 539. Accession No.: 17,898-8960 MSA S512-11- 8900 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/07/22 8961: John M. Jorden vs. Margaret A. Jorden. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-8961 MSA S512-11- 8901 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/06/13 8962: Mark W. Jenkins, Edward Jenkins, and William Kennedy vs. John Walsh, William J. Wight, Jasper M. Jackson, Anson G. Phelps, William E. Dodge, Daniel Janus, and Finance Insurance Co. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 341.
Accession No.: 17,898-8962 MSA S512-11- 8902 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/03/13 8963: Daniel T. Jones vs. Hezekiah Trundle, Horatio Trundle, David H. Trundle, Hezekiah W. Trundle, Perry L. Trundle, Richard Gott, Jr., Mary E. Gott, Peter A. Bowin, Sarah Bowin, John Spinks, Ann Spinks, Samuel Craven, Harriet Craven, Richard H. Jones, Hezekiah W. Trundle, Emily Trundle, John S.T. Jones, William H. Jones, Mary E. Jones, Alfred C. Belt, John L. Belt, James Belt, George Sinclair, Ruth A. Sinclair, Cephas Hempstone, Mary E. Hempstone, John Sellman, Ann E. Sellman, Benjamin Shreve, Mary Shreve, Daniel Trundle, Otho W. Trundle, William Trundle, Daniel Trundle, John W. Trundle, Elizabeth Trundle, David Trundle, Drusilla Trundle, Mary Trundle, Daniel Trundle, Aletha Aud, Ellis Aud, John M. Williams, and Samuel Young. FR. Title to Greenleaf.
Accession No.: 17,898-8963 MSA S512-11- 8903 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/03/30 8964: Benjamin E. Jones vs. William G. Mackell. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Bristol. Accession No.: 17,898-8964 MSA S512-11- 8904 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/11 8965: Richard J. Jones, Rispeh Gott, and William G. Deale vs. Samuel Norman. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Carrs Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 328. Accession No.: 17,898-8965 MSA S512-11- 8905 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/08/22 8966: Edward Johnson vs. George Fitch, Samuel Whittemore, and James Boggs. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Kindness, Rual Plains, Square, Mackubins Addition, Williams Addition, Sampsons Favor, Clears Gift, Angle, Maxwells Habitation, Jefferson, Who Would Have Thoughnt It, Cossells Hills, Fitchs Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-8966 MSA S512-11- 8906 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/09/23 8967: Lloyd Johnson, Delia Johnson, and William Jubb vs. Rhody Zachariah and William Pumphrey. AA. Petition to partition Cromwells Inheritance, Timber Neck, Bembys Park. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-8967 MSA S512-11- 8907 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/02/27 8968: Samuel K. Jenings and Hannah Jenings vs. Comfort All, Jr., Comfort All, Sr., and John All. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pooles Chance, Trusting Friends, Leesworth. Accession No.: 17,898-8968 MSA S512-11- 8908 Location: 1/38/4/
1788/01/19 8969: Thomas Iiams vs. Vachel Warfield. AA. Injunction against execution of Judgment on Duvalls Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-8969 MSA S512-11- 8909 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/09/06 8970: Sarah Jones vs. Edward Jones. AA. Petition to sell Lebanon, Westbury. Plat of Lebanon. Accession No.: 17,898-8970 MSA S512-11- 8910 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/10/21 8971: Isaac Jones, Mary Claytor, Farmers Bank of Maryland, Jacob McCeney, John R. Claytor, Alexander Randall, John Randall, Thomas J. Hall, and Thomas S. Alexander vs. George D. Claytor. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Browsley Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 859.
Accession No.: 17,898-8971 MSA S512-11- 8911 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/07/12 8972: Henry Jones, Jr. and William Q. White vs. Lloyd Brown, Sarah E. Brown, and Mary V. Brown. AA. Petition to sell Browsleys Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 270. Accession No.: 17,898-8972 MSA S512-11- 8912 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/08/06 8973: Jacob Jones vs. William Thomas and John Thomas. PG. Title to Bealls Pleasure, Gordons Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 117. Accession No.: 17,898-8973-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8913 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/02/01 8974: John Johnson vs. George Chauncey, Cordelia P. Christie, Pricilla Christie, Sarah Christie, Edward Christie, and Gabriel Christie. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Holly Hill, Hollis Chance, Hollis Refuse, Parkers Lot, Parkers Folly, Outlets Cove, Cabbin Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 159.
Accession No.: 17,898-8974 MSA S512-11- 8914 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/06/28 8975: Isaac W. Jewett vs. Godfrey Friedhoffer and Christiana Friedhoffer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Chance, Worthingtons Beginning, Addition to Ridgelys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 560. Accession No.: 17,898-8975 MSA S512-11- 8915 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/01/20 8976: William Jessop vs. Richard G. Stocket, Isaac Paul, and Samuel Brown, Jr. AA. Petition to sell Josephs Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1080. Accession No.: 17,898-8976-1/3 MSA S512-11- 8916 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/10/02 8977: John Jackson and Owen Disney vs. Adeline R. Pumphrey, Richard G. Pumphrey, and Marietta Pumphrey. AA. Petition to sell Hammonds Fourth Connextion, Pumphreys Mill. Plat of Hammonds Fourth Connextion at 1/38/1/28. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-8977-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8917 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/02/19 8978: Maria S. Johnston vs. Christopher Johnston, Isabella M. Johnston, Henry M. Johnston, and Maria Johnston. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-8978 MSA S512-11- 8918 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/02/20 8979: William Jenkins, Jacob Baltzell, and Charles Baltzell vs. Edward Jenkins, John MacEnheimer, George MacEnheimer, Jacob MacEnheimer, Gabriel MacEnheimer, William Baltzell, Eliza Baltzell, Susan Bantz, Louis Bantz, and Eliza Bantz. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorced (Chancery Record) 133, p. 27.
Accession No.: 17,898-8979-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8919 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/09/20 8980: John D. Jones, William J. Cole, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Evan T. Ellicott, Joseph Davenport, and John A. Hewlett. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-8980 MSA S512-11- 8920 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/10/07 8981: Samuel Jordan vs. George Trumbo. BA. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8981 MSA S512-11- 8921 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/10/28 8982: Abraham Jones, George Gaither, and Ephraim Gaither vs. Henry Culver. MO. Title to slaves Abraham, James, Nell, and Harry. Accession No.: 17,898-8982-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8922 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/05/22 8983: Charles H. Johnson and Catherine Johnson vs. Aaron Welch, Henry Welch, John Welch, Mary Welch, Benjamin Welch, Charles Welch, and Joseph Welch. AA. Petition to sell Greens Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 397. Accession No.: 17,898-8983 MSA S512-11- 8923 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/11/24 8984: Edward Jenkins vs. George Tharp and Peter Wikoff. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 536. Accession No.: 17,898-8984 MSA S512-11- 8924 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/08/19 8985: Richard J. Jackson vs. Emily E. Jackson. DO. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-8985-1/5 MSA S512-11- 8925 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/04/08 8986: Joshua Johnson vs. Ely Dorsey, Moses Lugenbeel, Charles J. Kilgour, John Spriggs, Moses Worman, and William Bennett. MO. Petition to sell Bealls Good Will, Mount Zion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 775. Accession No.: 17,898-8986 MSA S512-11- 8926 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/03/24 8987: Mary Jackson, Charles R. Jackson, John Jackson, and Joseph Jackson vs. Dr. John Ridgely. BA. Trust estate under will of Charles Robinson. Accession No.: 17,898-8987 MSA S512-11- 8927 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/07/06 8988: Planer Jones vs. Washington Elliott and Arriett Elliott. DO. Estate of Joseph Elliott - Fishing Point. Accession No.: 17,898-8988 MSA S512-11- 8928 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/03/31 8989: Arnold Jacob, Mary A. Jacob, John Davis, Sarah Davis, William Hodges, and Sally Hodges vs. Susannah M. Jacob, Caroline Jacob, Matilda J. Jacob, Elizabeth J. Jacob, Edward Jacob, and Benjamin Jacob. AA. Petition to sell Addition, Clarks Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 555.
Accession No.: 17,898-8989 MSA S512-11- 8929 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/02/25 8990: Samuel Jones vs. John Sanders, Thomas Randolph, Mary G. Randolph, and John Anderson. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-8990 MSA S512-11- 8930 Location: 1/38/4/
1814/02/26 8991: Abraham Jarrett vs. Cammillus Griffith. BA. Injunction against execution of Judgment on land in KY. Accession No.: 17,898-8991-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8931 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/14 8992: Hiram Jones and Elizabeth Jones vs. Edward Brown, Richard Spencer, Martha A. Jones, and Emeline Jones. KE. Contract to purchase Skinners Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-8992-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8932 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/01 8994: Christopher Jacoby, Mary Jacoby, John Roberts, Catherine Roberts, Samuel Hittner, Sarah Hittner, Christopher Fisher, and Margaret Fisher vs. John Frease and Henry W. Bool, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 339.
Accession No.: 17,898-8994 MSA S512-11- 8933 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/01/24 8995: Lloyd Johnson, Solomon Stuart, Leonard S. Robey, and James N. Johnson vs. James Morton and William Morton. CH. Injunction against execution of Judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-8995 MSA S512-11- 8934 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/11/13 8996: Edward Jenkins vs. Nicholas Gill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sheridines Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 268. Accession No.: 17,898-8996 MSA S512-11- 8935 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/01/04 8997: Stephen Jones vs. Benjamin Richardson, William Richardson, and Abraham Jarrett. HA. Contract to purchase Scotts Hopewll, Beals Camp. Accession No.: 17,898-8997 MSA S512-11- 8936 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/01/17 8998: Martha Jay vs. John V. Thompson. HA. Petition to revive an injunction. Accession No.: 17,898-8998 MSA S512-11- 8937 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/05/05 8999: Richard J. Jones vs. Arthur T. Jones. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Discovery, Tulleys Delight, Sparks Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-8999 MSA S512-11- 8938 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/10/05 9001: Michael Jamart, Anna C. Sequin, Rachel C. Sequin, and John F. Sequin vs. Charles LeBon. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 584. Accession No.: 17,898-9001 MSA S512-11- 8939 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/09/01 9003: John Johnson vs. Basil D. Mullikin and Eliza Mullikin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 55. Accession No.: 17,898-9003 MSA S512-11- 8940 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/06/18 9004: James Johnson and Rachel Johnson vs. Sarah Price, Mordecai Price, John K. Price, Sarah Price, Isaac Price, Margaret Price, Elijah Price, and Mary A. Price. BA. Title to Prices Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-9004 MSA S512-11- 8941 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/01/09 9005: Edward Jenkins vs. William Comegys. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-9005 MSA S512-11- 8942 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/06/04 9006: Sarah James, William James, Henry Duffy, Rachel Duffy, George Ellis, Sally Ellis, Jesse James, Hannah James, John James, Diana James, and George James vs. Stephen Lawson, Ann Lawson, Frederick B. Minchin, Lydia Minchin, and Rebecca S. Ray. BA. Estate of Samuel James - lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9006 MSA S512-11- 8943 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/05/05 9008: Henry Johnston and Edward Boyer vs. John Johnston, William Johnston, Margaret A. Johnston, Thomas Johnston, George W. Johnston, and Sarah A. Johnston. KE. Petition to sell lot in Georgetown. Accession No.: 17,898-9008-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8944 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/06/22 9009: William Johnson and John Watson vs. Elizabeth W. Snowden, Thomas J. Snowden, Louisa Snowden, Juliana Snowden, Adeline Snowden, Edward Snowden, Wilton Snowden, Henry Snowden, Eliza Snowden, Emily Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, Arthur Snowden, Francis Hall, and Elizabeth Hall. PG. Petition to record lease of cotton factory, grist mill, and saw mill.
Accession No.: 17,898-9009 MSA S512-11- 8945 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/10/26 9010: Josiah Johnson vs. Ignatius Wheeler and Henry McAttee. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9010-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8946 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/07/08 9011: John R. Jones vs. Richard S. Hardesty, Ann Jones, Milton A. Jones, William E. Jones, Elizabeth A. Jones, Mary P. Jones, and Virginia Jones. BA. Contract to purchase stock. Accession No.: 17,898-9011-1/5 MSA S512-11- 8947 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/07/03 9013: Bolton Jackson vs. Jacob Lindenberger, Frederick Lindenberger, Eliza Lindenberger, and George Hebb. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 502. Accession No.: 17,898-9013 MSA S512-11- 8948 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/12/30 9014: David Judah and Eleazer Block vs. William A. Moale. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9014-1/4 MSA S512-11- 8949 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/08/06 9015: Joseph Jubarre, Addison Ridout, John J. Gibson, Anne O. Gibson, John L. Tilghman, Maria E. Tilghman, and Horatio S. Gibson vs. Cape Sable Co., Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Richard Caton, Alexander McMechen, Mitchell McMechen, and William McMechen. AA. Injunction against disposal of profits of Cape Sable Co. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 408.
Accession No.: 17,898-9015-1/30 MSA S512-11- 8950 Location: 1/38/4/
1800/02/11 9016: Jesse Jarret and Luther Martin vs. Thomas Wilmot Ayres. HA. Validity of patent of Wests Neighbor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 106, p. 641. Accession No.: 17,898-9016-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8951 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/01/19 9017: Abraham Jarrett, Mary Pais, George Partell, Levin Gale, and Margaret Gale vs. Pamelia William, Elizabeth Dutton, George Dutton, John Dutton, and Benjamin Dutton. HA. Petition to sell Convenience. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-9017 MSA S512-11- 8952 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/08/07 9018: John R. Jones and Rebecca Jones vs. William Goll, George Beltzhoover, John Glenn, William B. Norris, James Moir, William J. Cole, Alexander Baltzell, and Catherine Baltzell. BA. Injunction against sale of Indian Queen Hotel in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9018-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8953 Location: 1/38/4/
1814/05/21 9019: Nicholas Slubey vs. Nicholas S. Jones, Mary Brown, Elias Glenn, Abraham Worthington, and James Sterrett. BA. Dissolution of N.S. & D. Jones. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 489. Accession No.: 17,898-9019-1/6 MSA S512-11- 8954 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/01/18 9020: Elizabeth Ann Jones vs. Thomas Magill, John F. Gittings, and Thomas N. Harding. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9020 MSA S512-11- 8955 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/03/21 9021: Isaac D. Jones vs. William S. Disharoon. SO. Injunction against removal of timber from Belgrade. Accession No.: 17,898-9021 MSA S512-11- 8956 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/10/19 9023: Mary Ann Jones vs. Susan Ann Leduce. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Castle Haven, St. Anthony. Accession No.: 17,898-9023 MSA S512-11- 8957 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/01/28 9024: Daniel Jenifer vs. Hugh McElderry. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9024 MSA S512-11- 8958 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/12/06 9025: William Jenkins vs. John Jenkins and George Jenkins. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9025 MSA S512-11- 8959 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/06/25 9026: Richard J. Jones and John H. Tillard vs. Agnes Brown, John H. Brown, Trueman Tyler, Eleanor Beanes, Eliza Beanes, Mary Beanes, and Elenna Beanes. PG. Estate of John Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-9026-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8960 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/11/24 9027: John Jarboe vs. James Beall. MO. Estate of John Benson. Accession No.: 17,898-9027 MSA S512-11- 8961 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/04/14 9028: Richard J. Jones vs. Thomas J. Lynch. QA. Contract to purchase Conners Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-9028 MSA S512-11- 8962 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/02/16 9029: William Jenkins vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, James W. Collins, John Young, Henry R. Curley, Thomas C. Morris, and David Taylor. BA. Validity of condemnation proceedings for opening Caroline St. in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9029-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8963 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/07/08 9030: Reverdy Johnson vs. William M. Ellicott, Samuel Poultney, Union Bank of Baltimore, Thomas E. Ellicott, Luke Tiernan, David M. Perine, J.Q. Hughlett, Thomas C. Jenkins, William Mayhew, John H.B. Latrobe, James Campbell, Jesse Tyson, Thomas A. Norris, and Henry Payson. BA. Injunction against election of directors of Union Bank of Maryland.
Accession No.: 17,898-9030 MSA S512-11- 8964 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/08/04 9031: Isaac Jones vs. Anne S. Chaney, Gassaway Chaney, Joseph Chaney, Floyd Chaney, Selina Chaney, and Eliza McCeney. AA. Petition to sell Mount Pleasant. Accession No.: 17,898-9031 MSA S512-11- 8965 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/02/24 9032: Rebecca Job vs. Joshua Reynolds, Morris Reynolds, Daniel Megredy, Enoch Megredy, Greenbury Purnell, Mary Purnell, Ebenezer McClannahan, Margaret McClannahan, Eli White, Sarah White, Joseph Trimble, James J. Trimble, Thomas Trimble, Reese Trimble, William Phillips, and Ann Phillips. CE. Title to land.
Accession No.: 17,898-9032 MSA S512-11- 8966 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/07/03 9033: Kendall M. Jacobs and Janette Jacobs vs. Robert C. Baynard, William Williams, and Mathew W. Hardcastle. CA. Petition to sell Coal Banks Enlarged, Castle Berry, Castle Town. Accession No.: 17,898-9033 MSA S512-11- 8967 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/07/19 9034: Marcellus Jones, Elinor Waters, Louisa Waters, and James Waters vs. Anne Moore, Charles Moore, and Thomas Moore. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Timber Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-9034 MSA S512-11- 8968 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/03/30 9035: Mary Jones and Thomas S. Jones vs. Sophia Campbell and James M. Campbell. BA. Estate of Philip Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-9035 MSA S512-11- 8969 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/03/26 9036: Joseph Jones and Jeremiah Hughes vs. Thomas Bicknell, Ann Bicknell, William Bicknell, Mary Bicknell, John Bicknell, and Julia Bicknell. AA. Petition to sell Gaithers Collection, Freemans Fancy. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 310. Accession No.: 17,898-9036 MSA S512-11- 8970 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/06/04 9037: Theodore Jenkins vs. Jonathan E. Tyson, Sarah E. Norris, Lloyd Norris, William Tyson, Frances E. Tyson, Samuel E. Tyson, Mary A. Tyson, Elizabeth Tyson, Lane S. Tyson, Edward N. Tyson, Charles S. Tyson, Martha A. Tyson, Letitia Tyson, and Nathaniel E. Tyson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Benjamins Hills and Valleys.
Accession No.: 17,898-9037 MSA S512-11- 8971 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/07/22 9038: Hiram Jones vs. Thomas Caulk. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 695. Accession No.: 17,898-9038-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8972 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/02/07 9039: Joseph Jones vs. Charles C. Jones, Clement Smith, and Francis Edelen. MO. Petition to sell Clean Drinking. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 60. Accession No.: 17,898-9039-1/9 MSA S512-11- 8973 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/05/21 9040: Samuel Joiner and James Duling vs. Jacob Jones, John Jones, and Sarah Jones. KE. Petition to sell Gambles Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-9040 MSA S512-11- 8974 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/06/25 9041: Richard J. Jones and John H. Tillard vs. Agnes Brown, John H. Brown, Eleann Beanes, Joseph N. Burch, and Trueman Tyler. PG. Estate of John Brown - Bealls Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-9041 MSA S512-11- 8975 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/21 9042: Daniel Jenifer vs. Philip Turner, Josiah Turner, and Thomas Thompson. CH. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-9042 MSA S512-11- 8976 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/02/28 9043: William Jones, Anna M. Jones, George W. Crouch, Mary A. Crouch, John Edwards, Benjamin Edwards, and Peregrine Edwards vs. John D. Welch, Ebenezer Welch, Ann Trenchard, and Arminta Jacobs. KE. Estate of Alice Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-9043 MSA S512-11- 8977 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/12/05 9044: William Johannes, Mary Johannes, Elizabeth Rutter, and Sarah Gray vs. William Patterson, Jane Patterson, Catherine Callander, and William Callander. CE. Petition to sell Two Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-9044 MSA S512-11- 8978 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/11/06 9045: Philip Johnson vs. James McCormick. PG. Estate of Richard Ponsonby. Accession No.: 17,898-9045 MSA S512-11- 8979 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/10/19 9046: James Johnson vs. John Ringer and Elias A. Goshen. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9046 MSA S512-11- 8980 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/11/14 9047: Messick A. Jewett, Mary Jewett, William Wood, Richard S. Hardesty, Elizabeth Hardesty, Robert Sinclair, Margaret Sinclair, David Moore, and Nathan T.H. Moore. BA. Estate of George W. Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-9047 MSA S512-11- 8981 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/06/24 9048: Kinsey Johns and Fielding Lucas, Jr. vs. Thomas Harland and John R. Gwinn. BA. Contract to purchase Merrymans Inclosure Rectified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 706. Accession No.: 17,898-9048-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8982 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/04/03 9049: Robert Jaffray, Edward Jaffray, James Jaffray, and Samuel N. Pike vs. Ann Watson and Hugh McNeal. BA. Defraud of creditors of Watson - store and lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9049 MSA S512-11- 8983 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/01/27 9050: Willy Janes vs. William Clements and Moses Lugenbeel. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Resurvey on Piney Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-9050 MSA S512-11- 8984 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/12/04 9051: Joseph Jones and Eliza Welding vs. Arthur Howell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 768. Accession No.: 17,898-9051 MSA S512-11- 8985 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/11/21 9052: Hugh Jenkins vs. James Harwood, John B. Howell, Walter Farnandis, Peter Neff, and U.S. Insurance Co. BA. Injunction against mortgage foreclosure on brig Amazon. Accession No.: 17,898-9052-1/2 MSA S512-11- 8986 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/06/12 9053: Jeffrey Jacques, John Dale, William Harland, and Thomas Hart vs. Lancelot Jacques. WA. Estate of Lancelot Jacques. Accession No.: 17,898-9053 MSA S512-11- 8987 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/08/02 9054: George James, Mary A. James, Eliza James, Sarah James, Rachel Duffy, Henry Duffy, George Ellis, Sarah Ellis, Hannah James, John James, Diana James, Sarah James, Stephen Lawson, Anne S. Lawson, Frederick B. Minchin, Lydia Minchin, Rebecca Ray, and Charles F. Mayer vs. George James, John James, Andrew McGowan, and Eliza A. McGowan. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 230.
Accession No.: 17,898-9054 MSA S512-11- 8988 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/01/19 9055: Philip Jones, James Reed, Rachel Reed, William Tabler, and Sarah Tabler. MO. Petition to sell Williams Resurvey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 384. Accession No.: 17,898-9055 MSA S512-11- 8989 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/03/06 9056: James Iaimes vs. James Thomas. DO. Title to ship Gibralter. Accession No.: 17,898-9056 MSA S512-11- 8990 Location: 1/38/4/
1812/03/25 9057: William Jessop vs. Michael Riddlemoser. BA. Injunction against sale of lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9057 MSA S512-11- 8991 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/03/17 9058: Samuel Johnson vs. William Merryman, James Renshaw, Thomas A. Jones, and George Palmer. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9058 MSA S512-11- 8992 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/03/29 9060: James Jones vs. Daniel Jones, Edward S. Wattson, Benjamin F. Wattson, Joseph G. Wattson, Mary F. Wattson, Joseph Griffith, and Rathnell Wilson. KE. Petition to sell Hartts Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-9060 MSA S512-11- 8993 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/09/09 9061: Hugh Jones vs. Jehu Blackburn and Hester Ann Sidwell. HA. Petition to sell West Addition, Maidens Mount, Brothers Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-9061 MSA S512-11- 8994 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/07/18 9062: John Johnson and Thomas S. Alexander vs. Richard J. Jones. AA. Trust estate of Jones - Seven Mountains, Duvalls Luck, Livingston, lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 300. Accession No.: 17,898-9062-1/11 MSA S512-11- 8995 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/04/17 9063: Daniel Karsner vs. Amanda Ash, George H. Ash, Cornelia C. Ash, Charles G. Ash, Laura V. Ash, and Emily Ash. CE. Petition to sell Sheep Fold, Kitty Villa, Huttons Grudge, Arianna, Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-9063 MSA S512-11- 8996 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/06/15 9064: James Kent vs. Richard H. Dowell, Almiah Stallings, Eliza R. Stallings, Susan C. Stallings, and James E. Stallings. CV. Petition to sell Swinsens Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 89. Accession No.: 17,898-9064 MSA S512-11- 8997 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/08/31 9065: Adam B. Kyle, Thomas C. Kennard, Benjamin Gorman, Elizabeth Maxwell, and Ann Pedan vs. Ann Bevins, Maria Briscoe, Henry Briscoe, James G. Brown, Ann E. Brown, Mary C. Bier, Sophia B. Bier, and Samuel R. Briscoe. KE. Estate of George G. Briscoe. Accession No.: 17,898-9065 MSA S512-11- 8998 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/07/26 9066: John Kurtz vs. Margaret Schroeder, James B. Schroeder, and John David Schroeder. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 753. Accession No.: 17,898-9066 MSA S512-11- 8999 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/07/05 9067: Albert Koster, Louisa C.E. Koster, Albert J. Koster, and Elizabeth Koster vs. Joseph B. Williams, William McCulloh, and Samuel Manning. BA. Petiton to mortgage lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 317. Accession No.: 17,898-9067 MSA S512-11- 9000 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/23 9068: George H. Keerl vs. Samuel Keerl. AL, BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Cumberland and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 314 and 176, p. 592. Accession No.: 17,898-9068 MSA S512-11- 9001 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/05/21 9069: Thomas Kinnersley, Elizabeth Kinnersley, James Bryden, Augustus Clemmons, and Henrietta Clemmons vs. Alexander Tate, Anne Tate, Francis Forsyth, and Stacey Forsyth. BA. Petition to partition Orange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-9069-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9002 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/12/19 9070: Nathaniel Knight vs. John Ewin. BA. Contract to purchase house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9070 MSA S512-11- 9003 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/10/24 9071: Gilbert Kemp vs. Isaac Shriver, Mary Shriver, Henry Leatherman, and David Shriver, Sr. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Mush Wanty. Accession No.: 17,898-9071 MSA S512-11- 9004 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/06/08 9072: Peter Kernan vs. Edward Medcalf, Daniel Chase, Alexander Kirkland, and Allen A. Chapman. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 358. Accession No.: 17,898-9072 MSA S512-11- 9005 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/06/05 9073: Samuel C. Kerr, John Done, Rachel A. Done, David Kerr, Jr., Mary E.G. Kerr, John L. Kerr, Elizabeth G. Kerr, Charles G. Kerr, Edward L. Kerr, Tench Tilghman, Henrietta M. Tilghman, Sophia K. Leigh, Charlotte Leigh, George H. Leigh, Arthur K. Leigh, and Henrietta M. Leigh vs. John Bozman Kerr, Tench Tilghman, John Stevens, and James E. Barroll. TA. Petition to sell Kerrs Prospect, Timber Neck Addition, Bee Tree Corrected, Jacks Purchase, Vaughns Kindness, Bellville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 378.
Accession No.: 17,898-9073-1/8 MSA S512-11- 9006 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/12/28 9074: Eleanor Kelly, Louisa E. Kelly, Sarah E. Kelly, John F. Kelly, William H. Kelly, and Statia W. Kelly vs. James F. Kelly. SO. Petition to sell Jones Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-9074 MSA S512-11- 9007 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/09/19 9075: Lewis Kemp, Daniel Buckey, Richard Marriott, Richard Hardesty, Charles Wille, George S. Dickey, and James Coburn vs. James M. Rasin. AA. Estate of John Durborow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 516. Accession No.: 17,898-9075 MSA S512-11- 9008 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/02/20 9076: Lewis Kemp and Oscar Trail vs. Daniel Buckey. BA. Dissolution of Trump, Buckey & Kemp. Accession No.: 17,898-9076 MSA S512-11- 9009 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/06/25 9077: Elizabeth Kelley vs. William H. Gootee, Martha A. Gootee, Sarahetta Kelly, William T. Kelly, Henrietta Kelly, and Francina Kelly. CA. Petition to sell Ferris Farm, Plain Dealing, Providence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 530. Accession No.: 17,898-9077 MSA S512-11- 9010 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/01/31 9078: Marie Joseph Karthaus vs. Edward Kutz. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9078 MSA S512-11- 9011 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/05/01 9079: James Kirby vs. Samuel Ready. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9079-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9012 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/08/12 9080: Catherine Kerr vs. Robert Condon, James F. Condon, John H. Condon, John Hill, Catherine A. Hill, and George W. Condon. CE. Petition to sell New Munster. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 445. Accession No.: 17,898-9080-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9013 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/11/29 9081: John King vs. George Gordon Belt, Richard Johns, and Jeremiah Ducker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9081-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9014 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/05/16 9082: Abner Key, Jr., Gabriel P. Key, Albert K. Lewis, Ann E. Clark, and Mary C. Leach vs. Saul L. Key, Jefferson D. Key, and Marshall P. Key. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 380. Accession No.: 17,898-9082 MSA S512-11- 9015 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/11/05 9083: Alexander W. King vs. Jeremiah C. Ford. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9083 MSA S512-11- 9016 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/08/05 9084: Eleanor P. Keerl, John C. Keerl, Samuel Keerl, Robert H. Falton, and Henry K. Falton vs. George H. Keerl. BA. Contract to purchase land in TN. Accession No.: 17,898-9084 MSA S512-11- 9017 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/05/09 9085: Samuel Kerr vs. Samuel Comegys, Araminta McCleary, Mary E. McCleary, Joshua McCleary, John W. McCleary, and Charles D. McCleary. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9085-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9018 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/03/08 9086: George Klinefelter and Daniel Stump vs. Barbara Stover, Elizabeth Cross, Anne Cross, Anna Baker, Henry Baker, Barbara Stump, Daniel Stump, Mary Stover, Jacob Stover, and William M. Addison. BA. Petition to sell Steltz Deer Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 711.
Accession No.: 17,898-9086 MSA S512-11- 9019 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/05/04 9087: Frederick Konig vs. Charles F. Mayer and Eliza Mayer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 228. Accession No.: 17,898-9087 MSA S512-11- 9020 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/07/23 9088: William G. Krebs and Thomasina H. Gist vs. William W. McClellan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 633. Accession No.: 17,898-9088 MSA S512-11- 9021 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/07/19 9089: William Kennedy vs. William Shelley, John Walsh, and Deiderick Klockgether. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 543. Accession No.: 17,898-9089 MSA S512-11- 9022 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/07/18 9090: William Kirby vs. Anne Waters, Thomas B. Lemmon, Margaret B. Lemmon, Mayonia Waters, Julia Waters, Thomas Waters, and Fanny Waters. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 294. Accession No.: 17,898-9090 MSA S512-11- 9023 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/01/10 9091: Caleb Kelly vs. Joshua Watts and Elizabeth Watts. AA. Petition to sell Hammonds Fourth Connection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 29. Accession No.: 17,898-9091 MSA S512-11- 9024 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/11/15 9092: Frederick Karthaus vs. Edward Kurtz and Maria Joseph Karthaus. BA. Petition to sell Huntington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 920. Accession No.: 17,898-9092 MSA S512-11- 9025 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/11/13 9093: Edward Kurtz and Frederick Brademeyer vs. Maria Joseph Karthaus. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 392. Accession No.: 17,898-9093 MSA S512-11- 9026 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/09/20 9094: Lewis Kemp vs. Eli Thomas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 213. Accession No.: 17,898-9094 MSA S512-11- 9027 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/07/05 9095: Isaiah Kroesen vs. Otis Spear. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9095 MSA S512-11- 9028 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/05/08 9096: William George Krebs vs. George Stahl. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 998. Accession No.: 17,898-9096 MSA S512-11- 9029 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/11/06 9097: Elizabeth Knotts vs. Thomas Knotts. CE. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9097 MSA S512-11- 9030 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/07/01 9098: Alexander Kirkland, Robert R. Kirkland, Daniel Chase, and Allan A. Chapman vs. Francis T. Montell and John K. Randall. BA. Contract to ship goods on bark Hermitage. Accession No.: 17,898-9098 MSA S512-11- 9031 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/05/02 9099: James Kent vs. John R. Ricardo and Brooke Meade. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9099-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9032 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/05/16 9100: Frederick Konig, Susan Williams, William Numsen, and Frederick B. Gray vs. Charles F. Mayer and Eliza C. Mayer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-9100 MSA S512-11- 9033 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/07/02 9101: Perry S. Kinneman vs. Edward Miller, Alexander Hill, Ann Headinger, Catherine S. Headinger, and Daniel C. Headinger. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9101-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9034 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/06/07 9102: Catherine Knight vs. William Knight. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Spryes Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-9102 MSA S512-11- 9035 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/11/02 9103: Eliza M. Kiddall vs. William Trimble. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9103 MSA S512-11- 9036 Location: 1/38/4/
1811/03/06 9104: William Knight vs. John Morton, Margaret Morton, and Francis Morton. CE. Contract to purchase tanyard and lot in Warwick Village. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 223. Accession No.: 17,898-9104-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9037 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/05/29 9105: Charles B. Keyworth vs. Tresa Griffith, Cassandra Griffith, Rebecca Griffith, Mary Griffith, and Charles Griffith. BA. Estate of Barbara Griffith Coles Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1189. Accession No.: 17,898-9105 MSA S512-11- 9038 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/02/03 9108: Daniel Kent, Fielder B. Smith, and D.C. Lyles vs. Samuel S. Hodgkin, Alfred Freeland, Mary Freeland, Levin W. Ballard, William C. Hodgkin, Richard Hodgkin, Theodore Hodgkin, Matilda Hodgkin, and Rachel Hodgkin. CV. Petition to sell Archer Hays, Turners Place, Griffiths and Govers Pasture, Proprietors Gift, Long Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 487.
Accession No.: 17,898-9108-1/4 MSA S512-11- 9039 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/08/06 9109: Adam B. Kyle vs. Simon Smith and Hannah Smith. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 285. Accession No.: 17,898-9109 MSA S512-11- 9040 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/07/31 9110: George Kaylor vs. William Hilberg. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9110 MSA S512-11- 9041 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/06/28 9111: Susannah Keener and John Brevitt vs. Asahel Hussey and Nathan Hussey. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-9111 MSA S512-11- 9042 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/09/08 9112: Amasa Kellogg vs. Caleb D. Owings and Eleanor Owings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9112 MSA S512-11- 9043 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/26 9113: John Leeds Kerry vs. Fayette Gibson, William F. Stichburgh, Elizabeth Stichburg, Theodore R. Blake, John R. Blake, Thomas H. Blake, Mary A. Blake, and Samuel Roberts. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rich Neck, Rich Neck Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-9113 MSA S512-11- 9044 Location: 1/38/4/
1828/04/28 9114: Daniel Kent, James Kent, George Simmons, John Stevens, Daniel Prout, Walter Wyvill, and Lewis Sutton vs. Cephias Simmons, Elizabeth Turner, John Turner, Mary Ann Turner, Ann Turner, and Richard Turner. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9114 MSA S512-11- 9045 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/02/07 9115: Christian Keener and David Keener vs. Reuben S. Stansbury and Joseph N. Toy. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9115 MSA S512-11- 9046 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/03/03 9116: Sarah Kennedy vs. Richard Sunderland. CV. Petition to sell Lingans Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-9116 MSA S512-11- 9047 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/06/18 9117: Michael Keyser, Charles Richardson, Juliana Richardson, William Smith, and George S. Dickey vs. Edmund Dickey and George S. Dickey, Jr. HA. Petition to sell Duncale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-9117 MSA S512-11- 9048 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/11/14 9118: Kenry Klinefelter vs. Samuel Nigh. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9118 MSA S512-11- 9049 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/05/15 9119: Christian Keener, David Keener, and Samuel Keener vs. William Gist and George Warner. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, pp. 66, 92. Accession No.: 17,898-9119 MSA S512-11- 9050 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/10/15 9120: Thomas White Key vs. Abell S. Greenwell, William Norris, Sr., William Norris, Jr., and Samuel Harden. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on Burdits Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1064. Accession No.: 17,898-9120-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9051 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/02/23 9121: Richard Kelly vs. Caroline Sappington. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9121 MSA S512-11- 9052 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/06/26 9122: Robert T. Keene vs. John Collison. CA. Contract to purchase Ennalls Entrance, Addition to Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-9122 MSA S512-11- 9053 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/14 9123: John Knox vs. Mortimor Dorsey, Caleb Dorsey, John Hood, Louisa Hood, John Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Achsah Dorsey, Hanson Dorsey, Henry Dorsey, Septemus Dorsey, Nelson Norris, Eliza Norris, Odel Wheeler, Caroline Wheeler, and Richard Dorsey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Trusty Friend. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 40.
Accession No.: 17,898-9123 MSA S512-11- 9054 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/09 9124: Karl Kenter vs. Robert Miller, John Lightner, William Jenkins, and John P. Strobel. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9124 MSA S512-11- 9055 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/06/07 9125: William Kilty, Mary Kilty, Ellin A. Kilty, Robert Wilson, Jr., and Elizabeth Wilson vs. J.K. Smith, D.A. Smith, A.H. Smith, Mary Hawkins, R.M. Kilty, George A. Kilty, and Henry A. Kilty. AL. Petition to sell Military Lots 2454-2457. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 336.
Accession No.: 17,898-9125 MSA S512-11- 9056 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/07/07 9127: Christian Keener vs. Elizabeth Jones, William Jones, Nancy Gawin, Hugh Gawin, Mary Hoff, and John Hoff. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 298a. Accession No.: 17,898-9127 MSA S512-11- 9057 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/01/16 9128: John R. Keene, Henrietta Keene, William R. Chaplain, and Bond Chaplain vs. Edward Chaplain, Charles Chaplain, Ann M. Chaplain, and Henry Chaplain. DO. Petition to sell Fairfield, Darby, Darby Addition Enlarged, Gun. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 592. Accession No.: 17,898-9128 MSA S512-11- 9058 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/02/17 9129: Ezekiel Keene, Leah Keene, and Thomas Bendell. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9129 MSA S512-11- 9059 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/06/07 9131: Benjamin Keene and Jane W. Keene vs. Thomas Newton, Emeline Newton, Alexander Donohoe, Mary Donohoe, Sally Atkins, John Atkins, Allen Vane, Elizabeth Vane, and Sally Ann Scott. DO. Title to Beckers Island. Accession No.: 17,898-9131 MSA S512-11- 9060 Location: 1/38/4/
1814/08/02 9132: Elisha Kirk, John Kirk, Jacob Kirk, Timothy Kirk, Lewis Kirk, Levi Kirk, Josiah Kirk, Jeremiah Brown, Nancy Brown, Slater Brown, and Mary Brown vs. Phebe Brown, William Brown, Rebecca Brown, Margaret Brown, John Brown, Thomas Brown, Nathan Brown, Isaac Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and Elizha Brown. CE. Petition to sell Carpenters Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 114.
Accession No.: 17,898-9132-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9061 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/10/03 9133: Catherine Kilty vs. Nicholas Brewer, Jr. AA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-9133 MSA S512-11- 9062 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/06/22 9134: Daniel Kent vs. Thomas H. Kent and John Y. Kent. CH. Petition to sell Yates Hope, New Horse Shoe. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 379. Accession No.: 17,898-9134 MSA S512-11- 9063 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/01/02 9135: George H. Keerl, John C. Keerl, John S. Keerl, Eleanor P. Keerl, Robert H. Fulton, and Henry K. Fulton vs. William Keerl and Charles F. Keerl. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/29. Accession No.: 17,898-9135-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9064 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/04/08 9136: Thomas H. Kellum and Elizabeth Kellum vs. Pricilla Hanson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Moores Morning Choice Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-9136 MSA S512-11- 9065 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/09/22 9137: William H. Keighler and John H. Duvall vs. George R. Vickers. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9137 MSA S512-11- 9066 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/08/17 9138: William Kirk vs. John C. Williams, Robert Williams, Robert McMullin, Deborah McMullin, Robert H. Williams, Mary Williams, Jane Kirk, Margery Williams, and Alexander Wilson. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9138 MSA S512-11- 9067 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/09/17 9139: Agnes Kerr and Rebecca Kerr vs. Richard J. Cross, Andrew B. Cross, Margaret Cross, Jane A. Cross, and Elizabeth Cross. CE. Estate of Samuel Kerr - Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9139 MSA S512-11- 9068 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/02/26 9141: John Kipp and Amos Brown vs. Alexander B. Hanna, Sarah Hanna, William Warner, Sarah Hanna, Mary Hanna, John Hanna, Robert Hanna, Andrew Hanna, Paul Jacquin, Andrew Hall, Thomas Tyson, and Frederick G.L. Buching. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 157.
Accession No.: 17,898-9141-1/6 MSA S512-11- 9069 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/03/09 9142: Peter A. Karthaus vs. James L. Hawkins. BA. Defraud of creditors of Hawkins. Accession No.: 17,898-9142 MSA S512-11- 9070 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/04/20 9143: John W. King vs. William Walea, Robert Smith, and John Smith. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9143 MSA S512-11- 9071 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/06/21 9144: Benedict Knott, Jane Knott, and Matilda Knott vs. Zachy Knott, John Knott, Eliza Knott, Anna Knott, Helen Knott, Elizabeth Knott, Francis Knott, and Ignatius C. Knott. FR, MO. Petition to sell Resolution, Henry and Elizabeth Enlarged in FR. Also Chance, Good Luck in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 900.
Accession No.: 17,898-9144-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9072 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/06/29 9145: Peter A. Karthaus vs. James Owings. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9145-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9073 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/02/28 9146: Adam B. Kyle vs. Upton D. Welsh and Mary Welsh. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Whats Left, Last Shift, Shipleys Search, Shipleys Contention, Addition to Whats Left, No More Left. Accession No.: 17,898-9146 MSA S512-11- 9074 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/02/27 9148: Robert W. Kent, Daniel Kent, Thomas Kent, Adeline Kent, and Mary Clare Kent vs. Benjamin Gaither, George Mackubin, John Dent. Thomas Bicknell, Ann Bicknell, William Bicknell, Mary Bicknell, John Bicknell, and Julia Bicknell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9148 MSA S512-11- 9075 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/11/30 9149: Samuel Kirby, Eleanor Kirby, William Bryan, and James H. Hunter vs. Mary Hunter, Margaret Hunter, Elivia Hunter, Sarah Hunter, Adam Hunter, Mary Hunter, Eliza M. Hunter, and John Hunter. BA. Petition to sell house and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9149 MSA S512-11- 9076 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/11/11 9150: Marcellus S. Keene vs. Benjamin Keene, Susan Keene, John Keene, William Keene, and Henry Keene. DO. Petition to sell Keenes Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 27. Accession No.: 17,898-9150 MSA S512-11- 9077 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/06/20 9151: Joseph Kent vs. Caleb Leach, Christian Leach, and William Hilleary. PG. Estate of Ninian T. Willett. Accession No.: 17,898-9151 MSA S512-11- 9078 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/10/25 9152: John Reeder Keech vs. Henry Hill. SM. Petition to sell Mill Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 472. Accession No.: 17,898-9152 MSA S512-11- 9079 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/04/20 9153: John King vs. William Walea, Robert Smith, and John Smith. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9153 MSA S512-11- 9080 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/03/02 9154: Thomas Kell vs. Henry S. Sanderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9154 MSA S512-11- 9081 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/03/06 9155: Jacob Kansler, Joseph Graff, Philip Binkley, Jacob Roher, Joseph Roher, Samuel Roher, Frederick Roher, Elizabeth Roher, Martin Roher, David Roher, Henry Funk, Maria Funk, John Barr, Elizabeth Barr, and Barbara Lawser vs. Barbara Roher, Ann Roher, Joseph Roher, Jacob Barr, John Barr, Martin Barr, Ann Barr, Matilda Barr, and Benjamin Barr. WA. Trust estate of John Roher. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 93.
Accession No.: 17,898-9155 MSA S512-11- 9082 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/06/26 9156: Henry G.S. Key and Barnard Hooe vs. John T.P. Sothoron, Zachariah P. Sothoron, James P. Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, and Susanna R. Sothoron. CH. Petition to sell Calverton. Accession No.: 17,898-9156 MSA S512-11- 9083 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/07/10 9157: Conrad Kerlinger vs. Henry Lyford and John Kerlinger, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Manchester. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-9157 MSA S512-11- 9084 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/09/22 9158: Louis F. Kalkman vs. Thomas S. Rutter, Mary Rutter, Philip J. Rutter, and John Rutter. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 820. Accession No.: 17,898-9158-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9085 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/06/17 9159: Benjamin Keene and Susan Keene vs. Ann McMullin, Richard McMullin, John McMullin, and Agnes McMullin. CA. Petition to sell lot in Hillsborough. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 537. Accession No.: 17,898-9159 MSA S512-11- 9086 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/05/22 9160: Richard Kirby, Temperance Kirby, Diana Brewer, Lewis Brewer, and Benjamin Horner vs. Abraham Horner, Richard Horner, Sarah Brewer, and George Brewer. AA. Petition to sell Smiths Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-9160 MSA S512-11- 9087 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/07/30 9161: Ann Key, Philip B. Key, Rebecca Key, Louisa Key, Emily Key, Ann A. Key, William Nevins, and Mary L. Nevins vs. Walter Dorsey, John R. Dorsey, Hopewell Dorsey, Edwin W. Dorsey, Emily Dorsey, Francis H. Davidge, and Anna M. Davidge. BA. Petition to sell Taylors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 530.
Accession No.: 17,898-9161 MSA S512-11- 9088 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/05/15 9162: Christian Keener, David Keener, and Samuel Keener vs. William Gist and John Kipp. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9162 MSA S512-11- 9089 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/03/17 9163: John Kraber, Daniel Kraber, Charles Betts, Mary Betts, and William Small vs. Frederick Mane, Elizabeth Mane, Charles Hildebrandt, Catherine Hildebrandt, Daniel Small, Sarah A. Kraber, Margaret R. Kraber, and Marie Kraber. BA. Petition to sell Good Will, William Resurveyed, Addition to William. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 471.
Accession No.: 17,898-9163 MSA S512-11- 9090 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/08/30 9164: Adam B. Kyle vs. John Foreman. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Crane Swamp, Plain Dealing. Accession No.: 17,898-9164 MSA S512-11- 9091 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/07/06 9165: Thomas Kelso and John Kelso vs. George Weems and Sarah Weems. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 607. Accession No.: 17,898-9165 MSA S512-11- 9092 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/09/04 9166: Samuel Keyser and Christian A. Schaefer vs. Upton Reid, Jacob Crawford, and David Kizer. BA. Petition to sell Bonds Water Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-9166-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9093 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/05/17 9167: John P. Kraft vs. Patapsco Insurance Co. BA. Contract to insure tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-9167 MSA S512-11- 9094 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/01/20 9168: Richard Kelly, John Golder, Henrietta Golder, Archibald Golder, Robert Golder, and George Golder. AA. Estate of Caleb Cockey - Slades Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-9168 MSA S512-11- 9095 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/05/01 9169: Michael Krout vs. Thomas Parkin Scott, James M. Buchanan, Susannah Krout, Joseph Krout, Jacob Krout, Elizabeth Krout, and William Krout. BA. Title to Vaughans Disappointment. Accession No.: 17,898-9169 MSA S512-11- 9096 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/21 9170: Daniel Kent vs. Mordecai Smith, Sarah Soper, William Soper, Rebecca Soper, Alvin Soper, James Soper, Matilda Soper, Joseph Soper, Alvin Armiger, and John Armiger. CV. Petition to sell Dunkirk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 952. Accession No.: 17,898-9170-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9097 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/12/31 9171: John Kirwin vs. Zipporah Pritchett, John E. Pritchett, Susan J. Pritchett, Olivia Pritchett, and Henry C. Pritchett. DO. Petition to sell Todds Venture, Todds Expense, Lewis Desire, Middle Swamp. Accession No.: 17,898-9171 MSA S512-11- 9098 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/11/29 9172: Robert Kerr vs. Samuel Kerr, Samuel Gay, Samuel Rowland, Thomas Patton, John Sterrett, Jr., and John V. Price. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9172 MSA S512-11- 9099 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/01/17 9173: Mary E. Kennedy, William H. Savage, and Thomas F. Kennedy vs. Benjamin Taylor and Rachel Kennedy. BA. Validity of sale of land. Accession No.: 17,898-9173 MSA S512-11- 9100 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/09/05 9174: Peter A. Karthaus vs. James L. Hawkins. BA. Dissolution of Hawkins & Clagett. Accession No.: 17,898-9174 MSA S512-11- 9101 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/10/02 9175: Archibald Kerr, Jr. and William A. Talbott vs. Thomas Symington, Washington Kerr, Georgianna W. Hunter, Henry D. Hunter, Isabella Stewart, William H. Stewart, and George W. Dobbin. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 20.
Accession No.: 17,898-9175 MSA S512-11- 9102 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/05/14 9176: Adam B. Kyle vs. Cane Birmingham, John Birmingham, Andrew Birmingham, Thomas Birmingham, Olivia Birmingham, Mary Birmingham, Jane Birmingham, William Birmingham, Edward Birmingham, and Samuel Birmingham. AA. Petition to sell lots in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-9176-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9103 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/11/29 9177: Eliza Kiddall vs. Thorndike Chase and David Stewart. BA. Estate of William Jacob - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9177 MSA S512-11- 9104 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/02/25 9178: Richard Kirby and James Tongue vs. Roger B. Taney, Octavius Taney, and Michael Taney, Jr. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9178-1/9 MSA S512-11- 9105 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/03/09 9179: Peter A. Karthaus and Charles W. Karthaus vs. David Delalour, Peter A. Karthaus, Washington Van Bibber, William Kilgore, Jemima Sempers, Rebecca Phillips, and Joseph Phillips. CE. Petition to sell New Hall, Concord, Little Anglesey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 111.
Accession No.: 17,898-9179-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9106 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/04/13 9180: Michael W. McKinnon, Rachel McKinnon, Mary McKinnon Brown, and Thomas Brown vs. Thomas McKinnon and George Amos, Jr. HA. Petition to sell Chevaux de Frise, Black Walnut. Accession No.: 17,898-9180 MSA S512-11- 9107 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/09/14 9181: Francis Kine, Mary J. Kine, Frederick Meyers, Margaret Meyers, and Sarah A. Newman Harrington vs. Joseph Pennington, Thomas Arrington, Adelaide Arrington, Elisha Pennington, Joshua Pennington, and Pere Pennington. QA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9181 MSA S512-11- 9108 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/11/29 9182: William G. Krebs vs. Thomasina H. Gist. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 153. Accession No.: 17,898-9182 MSA S512-11- 9109 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/12/31 9183: Matthew Kelly and James Frazier vs. Marion Eckford, Gabriel F. Irving, James E. Dekay, Charles P. Clinch, Francis R. Tillow, and James Beachim. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-9183 MSA S512-11- 9110 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/12/23 9184: Risdon Kirby vs. Jonathan Hurlock and Wheyland Millican. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Mitchells Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-9184 MSA S512-11- 9111 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/06/30 9185: Matthew Kelly and James Frazier vs. James Beacham, Rebecca Beacham, John S. Beacham, and William Councilman. BA. Petition to sell Athol, Murrays Addition, Maidens Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-9185 MSA S512-11- 9112 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/09 9186: Edward Kelly and Mary Kelly vs. Martha Wilson, Margaret Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, and Robert Wilson. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9186 MSA S512-11- 9113 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/07/14 9187: Henry Keene vs. Rigby Valient, Mary Valient, George Valient, and Edward Stevens. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9187 MSA S512-11- 9114 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/09/03 9188: Francis Knott vs. Kenelin G. Cheseldine, Maria Cheseldine, Ann Thomas, and Clarissa Thomas. SM. Title to Matapony. Accession No.: 17,898-9188 MSA S512-11- 9115 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/09/03 9189: Henry G.S. Key vs. Francis Knott and Mary Knott. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9189 MSA S512-11- 9116 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/09/27 9190: George Kidd vs. Jonathan McVey. CE. Contract to lease building and lot in Port Deposit. Accession No.: 17,898-9190 MSA S512-11- 9117 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/03/04 9191: Joseph Keiffer vs. Samuel Swope. CR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9191 MSA S512-11- 9118 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/28 9192: Elizabeth Keefer vs. John Friet. CR. Injunction against removal of timber from Keefers Range, Philips Range, Resurvey on Lookabout, Pleasant Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-9192 MSA S512-11- 9119 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/06/29 9193: Frederick Konig and Henry Pike vs. Stephen Broadbent, Peter Albinson, and Joseph J. Griffith. BA. Defraud of creditors of Albinson. Accession No.: 17,898-9193 MSA S512-11- 9120 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/02/11 9194: George H. Keerl and Henry K. Fulton vs. Robert Fulton. BA. Trust estate under will of Henry Keerl. Accession No.: 17,898-9194 MSA S512-11- 9121 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/04/21 9195: Philip R. King, Benjamin Mullikin, William Warfield, and Jesse Ray vs. Eliza H. Bowie and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Estate of Thomas H. Bowie. Accession No.: 17,898-9195 MSA S512-11- 9122 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/02/03 9196: John Leeds Kerr vs. Joseph P. Harris and Anne Harris. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hole in the Wall, Bozmans Addition, Chance, Sandy Hill, True Trust. Accession No.: 17,898-9196-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9123 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/03/09 9197: Peter A. Karthaus vs. Conrad Schultz, Joshua Medtart, Francis P. Hamilton, Frederick W. Henck, and Joseph B. Elliott. BA. Dissolution of Houck & Elliott. Accession No.: 17,898-9197-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9124 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/12/20 9198: John Kirby, Samuel Kirby, George W. Norris, and Charles A. Beatty vs. Ann D. Durding, Elizabeth Copper, William G. Krebs, William Ward, and Peregrine Burgess. KE. Petition to sell Hynsons Addition, Hynsons Division, Heinners Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-9198 MSA S512-11- 9125 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/02/22 9199: Richard Kelly vs. Nicholas Ellender and Margaret Ellender. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9199 MSA S512-11- 9126 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/09/22 9200: James Kent vs. Joseph Frazier, John A. Whittington, John T. Whittington, and William A.G. Whittington. CV. Validity of deed for Welch Pool, Cowpen. Accession No.: 17,898-9200 MSA S512-11- 9127 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/08/24 9201: Charles W. Karthaus, Peter A. Karthaus, Samuel McKim, Samuel G. Hyde, and James Hamilton, Jr. vs. Frederick W. Brune, Justus Hoppe, and Daniel Bosley. BA. Contract to ship goods on ship Chauncey. Accession No.: 17,898-9201 MSA S512-11- 9128 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/09/23 9202: William Kinkaid vs. Richard Mansfield, Josiah L. Foard, Andrew Crow, Jemima Crow, Andrew P. Reading, Lydia Reading, James King, Mary M. Foard, Mary Nowland, Ann B. Foard, and Samuel Thomas. CE. Title to Painters Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-9202 MSA S512-11- 9129 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/03/23 9203: Solomon Kirwin, Jr. vs. Levin Mobray, Rosa Ann Meredith, George Meredith, Pritchett Meredith, Samuel Meredith, Benjamin Keen, and Matilda Keen. DO. Petition to sell Fairfields, Darbys Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-9203 MSA S512-11- 9130 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/12/29 9204: Samuel Kennard and James Williamson vs. Luther J. Cox, William P. Matthews, John R. Conway, Andrew Armstrong, John Russell, and James R. Raisin. BA. Injunction against use of schooner. Accession No.: 17,898-9204 MSA S512-11- 9131 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/12/11 9205: George P. Kane vs. John R. Kane. BA. Appointment of trustee for John R. Kane. Accession No.: 17,898-9205 MSA S512-11- 9132 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/08/02 9206: John Leeds Kerr, William Perry Kerr, John L.N. Kerr, David Kerr, Sarah Maria Kerr, Joseph E. Muse, James A. Muse, William H. Muse, G. Edward Muse, and Sophia K. Muse vs. William Barroll, Lucretia Barroll, and James E. Barroll. CA, QA. Title to Tilghmans Discovery, Hills Outlett, Sylvester Addition, Holly Neck in QA. Also Smiths Discovery in CA. Accession No.: 17,898-9206 MSA S512-11- 9133 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/04/09 9207: James Kent vs. Michael C. Sparrow, William Bryan, William H. Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Jr., and Washington Harrison. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-9207 MSA S512-11- 9134 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/07/08 9208: George H. Keerl, William Keerl, Charles F. Keerl, Thomas H. Keerl, Ann M. Keerl, Eleanor P. Keerl, Margaret Keerl, Robert Fulton, and Amelia H. Fulton vs. John C. Keerl and John Samuel Keerl. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/63. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 296.
Accession No.: 17,898-9208-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9135 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/07/20 9209: James Lecompt, Gaston C. Lecompt, Joseph S. Hooper, Thomas J.H. Eccleston, Sarah E. Eccleston, William E. Hooper, John P. Hooper, and Mary E. Hooper vs. Sarah E. Hooper, Ann C. Hooper, Elisa Hooper, John H. Hooper, and James B. Hooper. DO. Petition to sell Carthagena. Plat at 1/38/1/29. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 581.
Accession No.: 17,898-9209-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9136 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/02/16 9210: Elizabeth Lamb vs. John Lamb. AA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9210 MSA S512-11- 9137 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/04/26 9212: Townsend Lamborn and Susannah Lamborn vs. Sarah R. Ramsay and Joel Reynolds. CE. Petition to sell Reynolds Purchase, Barnards Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 203. Accession No.: 17,898-9212 MSA S512-11- 9138 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/02/22 9213: Aldin Lathrop vs. Benjamin B. Nicholls. PG. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-9213 MSA S512-11- 9139 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/08/17 9214: Mary Love vs. Robert Love, Ephraim Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Thomas Fulton, Alexander Fulton, John Fulton, Thomas Love, Christopher Love, Robert Love, Horace Love, Rufus Love, Martha Love, Mary A. Broadnax, John Broadnax, Henry Wesley, Rebecca A. Wesley, John Troy, Esther Troy, John McCullough, Elizabeth McCullough, Samuel Gillespie, Mary Gillespie, Ann McVey, Thomas McVey, Rachel J. McVey, William Reed, and Amy Reed. CE. Estate of James Love. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 821.
Accession No.: 17,898-9214 MSA S512-11- 9140 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/10/09 9215: Benjamin Lutton vs. Charles S. Bandel and Sarah A. Bandel. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-9215-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9141 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/10/20 9216: James L. Lark, Stephen Lark, Augustus Jenkins, Elizabeth Jenkins, John Stallings, and Matilda Stallings vs. Sandy Linstead and Thomas Heath. AA. Petition to sell slave John. Accession No.: 17,898-9216-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9142 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/06/10 9218: Lebalon Layton, Sarah Layton, William A. Conner, Hester Conner, William Smith, Edwin Smith, and Catherine Smith vs. Eli Smith, Edney A. Smith, and Prithemina Smith. CA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 243. Accession No.: 17,898-9218 MSA S512-11- 9143 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/04/14 9219: F.A. Levering, J.C. Bridges, Thomas Mackall, Robert K. Roberts, and John Mitchell vs. Lloyd Brown, Sarah R. Brown, Mary V. Brown, Henry Jones, Jr., and William Q. White. AA. Petition to sell Browslys Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-9219-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9144 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/07/15 9220: Nathan Lackland vs. Henry C. Mackall, David W. Mackall, Robert Mackall, David E. Mackall, William Mackall, Samuel G. Mackall, James A. Mackall, Martha E. Mackall, and Mary L. Mackall. CE. Estate of William Mackey. Accession No.: 17,898-9220-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9145 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/02/01 9221: Martha Lum vs. John Baldner, Francina Baldner, Robert Cully, John Manley, Nicholas Manley, Eliza Brown, Mary C. Manley, Benjamin F. May, Rachel May, Robert Alexander, George Alexander, Milicent A. Mercer, Harriet A. Mercer, Martha J. Mercer, George T. Mercer, William L. Mercer, John E. Mercer, Amelia D. Mercer, and Frances R. Mercer. CE. Petition to sell hotel and lot in North East.
Accession No.: 17,898-9221-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9146 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/09/21 9222: James D. Lawson, Harriet Lawson, Jerome Liddart, and Nancy H. Liddart vs. James U. Lawson, John H. Lawson, Gabriel L. Lawson, William N. Lawson, Henry C. Lawson, Deliah Lawson, and Clara E. Lawson. FR. Petition to sell Range, Partnership, Resurvey on Solomons Flower. Accession No.: 17,898-9222 MSA S512-11- 9147 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/09/09 9223: James K. Lewis vs. Jesse A.D. Bradley, Mary Elizabeth Moore, Hester A. Moore, and Julia A. Moore. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 249. Accession No.: 17,898-9223 MSA S512-11- 9148 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/03/28 9224: William K. Lamdin vs. William Loveday, Susan Banning, and Emma Banning. TA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9224-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9149 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/02/06 9225: Phoebe A. Levely vs. Hamilton Bowie, Mary E. Bowie, George D.O. Gowen, James H. Watkins, and James Iglehart. AA. Validity of mortgage on lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 460. Accession No.: 17,898-9225 MSA S512-11- 9150 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/08/15 9226: John L. Lancaster, Rosetta Lancaster, and Samuel D. Jameson vs. Walter Jameson, Sally M. Jameson, Josephine Jameson, Walter F. Boarman, Ignatius Mudd, Mary Mudd, John H. Mudd, and Emily Mudd. CH. Injunction against sale of slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-9226 MSA S512-11- 9151 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/01/08 9227: Alonzo Lilly vs. Isaiah Kroesen. BA. Dissolution of Isaiah Kroesen & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-9227-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9152 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/09/22 9228: Madison Levering, Righter Levering, Jefferson Shultz, Ellislinda Shultz, Henry Bradel, and Ellen J. Bradel vs. Benjamin M. Heighe, George B. Stevenson, Nathan Levering, Anguela Levering, and Decanter Levering. BA. Estate of Nathan Levering. Accession No.: 17,898-9228-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9153 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/01/25 9229: A.J. Lownes vs. Alexander D. Kelly, Jr., John W. Ball, Lawrence P. Bayne, and Isabella J. Montgomery. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hereford Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-9229 MSA S512-11- 9154 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/05/01 9230: John Larmore vs. Mary J. Larmore and Hester A. Larmore. SO. Contract to purchase Bewdley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 349. Accession No.: 17,898-9230 MSA S512-11- 9155 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/08/11 9231: Thomas Lamb vs. John Stevens, William Stevens, Mary Stevens, Wesley Stevens, Charlotte Stevens, Susan Stevens, James Stevens, Samuel Stevens, Thomas Stevens, Charles H. Stevens, Henry C. Stevens, William Stevens, Thomas Lamb, and Mary A. Lamb. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Chesterfield Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 60.
Accession No.: 17,898-9231-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9156 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/07/27 9232: John H.B. Latrobe, Patrick Macauley, and Joseph Thornburg vs. Francis Beehler and Charlotte M. Beehler. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 663. Accession No.: 17,898-9232 MSA S512-11- 9157 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/10/27 9233: William Lourey and Randle H. Moale vs. George Clautice, Catherine Clautice, James Fitzgerald, Mary Fitzgerald, Victoria Fitzgerald, George Fitzgerald, James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, and David S. Wilson. BA. Petition to sell Davids Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-9233-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9158 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/01/30 9234: William F. Lynch vs. Virginia Lynch. FR. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9234 MSA S512-11- 9159 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/02/15 9235: William P. Lightner vs. Thomas M. Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1063. Accession No.: 17,898-9235-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9160 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/08/26 9236: Randolph B. Latimer and John F. Latimer vs. Thomas N. Burch, Nathaniel H. Hatton, Eleanor A. Hatton, James F. Latimer, and Ann S. Latimer. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-9236-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9161 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/02/16 9237: Thomas Lusby and Nathaniel Hynson vs. John Curry. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Sewall. Accession No.: 17,898-9237 MSA S512-11- 9162 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/07/18 9238: John H.B. Latrobe, Joseph McKim, John Fisher, Margaret Fisher, James Guest, Mary Guest, Charles F. Mayer, Joseph M.M. McKim, Alexander McKim, and Jane Hutchinson vs. Charles Tiernan, William H. Tiernan, Gay B. Tiernan, Alexander Neill, and W. Tiernan Somerville. BA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-9238 MSA S512-11- 9163 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/05/23 9239: William Lee vs. Eliza Horsey, John Lee, Mary S. Carroll, Charles Carroll, Thomas Lee, Mary D. Ringgold, Sarah B.L. Thomas, John M. Thomas, Anna M. Huntt, and Eliza Ringgold. MO. Petition to sell Clear Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 982.
Accession No.: 17,898-9239 MSA S512-11- 9164 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/06/10 9240: Hezekiah Linthicum vs. Wesley Linthicum. Howard District. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-9240 MSA S512-11- 9165 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/02/02 9241: Wesley Linthicum vs. Benjamin Scriviner. Howard District. Petition to sell Disappointment, Browns Enlargement. Plat at 1/38/1/29. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 288. Accession No.: 17,898-9241-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9166 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/07/21 9242: John Lambden vs. Mary Wight and Augustus Wight. BA. Estate of Rezin Wight - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-9242-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9167 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/30 9243: Robert W. Latham, Thomas B. Sergent, Timothy Kelly, John P. Dulaney, and Gerard H. Reese vs. Richard Norris, Prudence G. Winn, Achsah C. Winn, Eliza R. Winn, James C. Winn, and Mary Winn. KE. Petition to sell Winns Resurvey of Howells Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 68.
Accession No.: 17,898-9243-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9168 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/08/12 9244: Mary A. Levering, Eliza B. Levering, Margaretta Levering, Charles F.M. Levering, Alexander T. Levering, Howard A. Levering, Sarah R. Levering, John Glenn, and George W. Dobbin vs. J. Pierson Smith, Olivia H.P. Smith, and Robert Taylor. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9244 MSA S512-11- 9169 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/05/25 9246: Edward Long vs. William J. Stewart, Benjamin W. Stewart, Mary J. Stewart, Sally A.M. Stewart, Rebecca Z. Stewart, Robert A. Stewart, Nancy C. Stewart, George H.T. Stewart, Emma E. Stewart, Roberta K. Stewart, Thomas C. Dorsey, Eleanor E.W. Dorsey, Theodore S. Dashiell, and George Handy. SO. Petition to sell Recovery, Mount Ephraim, Wilsons Venture, Ephraims Hook, Long Hill, Anything, Stewarts Luck, Dashiells Folly. Plat at 1/38/1/29. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 353.
Accession No.: 17,898-9246-1/4 MSA S512-11- 9170 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/03/30 9248: William B. Lecompte vs. Nancy Parker, Anne White, John N. White, Henry S. White, and Henry Page. DO. Petition to sell Parkers Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 490. Accession No.: 17,898-9248 MSA S512-11- 9171 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/06/13 9250: George D. Lyles vs. Lewis Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Cyrus Griffith, Edwin L. Griffith, Virginia Griffith, Martha Griffith, Edward Jacob, and Prisilla Jacob. AA. Title to lot in Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-9250 MSA S512-11- 9172 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/05/23 9251: William Lorman vs. Samuel Tschudy, Elizabeth C. Tschudy, Charles Peregoy, and Sarah T. Peregoy. BA. Petition to sell Slys Venture Resurveyed. Plat at 1/38/1/29. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 209. Accession No.: 17,898-9251-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9173 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/10/08 9253: Frederick A. Levering, Eugene Levering, and John C. Bridges vs. William Rochester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-9253 MSA S512-11- 9174 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/04/19 9254: James Lecompte of S. vs. Thomas H. Hicks, Thomas P. Hicks, and Rebecca Hicks. DO. Title to Hodsons Seat. Accession No.: 17,898-9254 MSA S512-11- 9175 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/01/31 9255: John H.B. Latrobe, Philip E. Thomas, Patrick Macauley, and Margaret Thornburg vs. Philip T. George, Jonathan E. George, Robert George, Sarah George, Francis E. George, Mary A. George, William E. George, Eliza D. Early, John D. Early, Ann Fitzhugh, and Henry Fitzhugh. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 175.
Accession No.: 17,898-9255-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9176 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/09/19 9256: William Leonard and Elizabeth Leonard vs. James Steel, Alexander Steel, David Steel, Elizabeth Steel, Samuel Steel, John Moody, Jacob Paxton, Sarah Paxton, William Steel, Alexander Steel, Samuel Steel, Telitha Steel, Richard Hall, Jane Hall, Richard Hall, Ann Hall, Eliza Hall, Samuel Hall, Joseph Hall, and Isaac Hall. CE. Petition to sell Lurgan. Plat at 1/38/1/20; also shows Poplar Ridge, Hoggs Land, Jobs Hope, Onion Bed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 587.
Accession No.: 17,898-9256-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9177 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/02/27 9257: John H.B. Latrobe and William A. Talbott vs. Timothy Stevens, Givan Roberts, Hugh Hughes, Griffith Hughes of John, John Hughes, William Hughes, Hugh Hughes of Moses, David Roberts, Mary Roberts, William Williams, Jane Williams, William Pritchard, Jane Pritchard, Jane Williams, Enoch Roberts, Moses Roberts, Edward Williams, Jane Williams, Humphrey Roberts, Catherine Roberts, Cadwaller Hughes, Mary Hughes, Jennett Thomas, Owen Roberts, Eleanor Roberts, William Griffith, Jane Griffith, and Griffith Hughes of Hugh. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 347.
Accession No.: 17,898-9257 MSA S512-11- 9178 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/06/24 9258: John H.B. Latrobe vs. Francis Beehler and Charlotte M. Beehler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-9258 MSA S512-11- 9179 Location: 1/38/4/
1816/02/13 9259: Jacob Lindenberger vs. Robert McGill, Thomas McGill, and Richard B. Magruder. BA. Injunction against distribution of proceeds from sale of house and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9259 MSA S512-11- 9180 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/05/10 9260: John Lester, Elizabeth Lester, and Anthony Goverman vs. John J. Donaldson and Andrew Buchanan. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-9260-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9181 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/26 9261: James M. Lewis vs. John Dunnock and Isaac Dunnock. DO. Petition to sell Meekins Neck, Shambles, Fergusons Regulation, How Hill Security, Meekins Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-9261 MSA S512-11- 9182 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/12/26 9262: Betsey Langsdale and John N. Bowland vs. William Roach, Thomas Marshall, and Peter W. Langsdale. SO. Title to land., Accession No.: 17,898-9262 MSA S512-11- 9183 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/16 9263: Richard T. Lowndes, Benjamin Lowndes, and George Calvert vs. William B. Jackson. PG. Petition to sell lot in Bladensburg. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 160. Accession No.: 17,898-9263 MSA S512-11- 9184 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/05/24 9264: Margaret J. Linthicum vs. John S. Whittington. AA. Title to Haslin. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-9264 MSA S512-11- 9185 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/01/31 9265: Margaret Lyon vs. Agnes Lyon, Rebecca Lyon, Elizabeth Lyon, Taylor Lyon, John Lyon, James Lyon, Andrew Lyon, Benjamin Vandiver, and Margaret Vandiver. CE. Contract to support Margaret Lyon - Widows Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-9265 MSA S512-11- 9186 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/06/08 9266: James Labes vs. William Mouker and John C.S. Mouker. BA. Validity of deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9266 MSA S512-11- 9187 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/04/11 9267: William Lorman, Alexander Lorman, Christopher Deshon, and Alexander Thompson vs. John W. Stump, Philip Biays, John McFadon, and Samuel Harris. BA. Injunction against disposal of ship Balloon and cargo. Accession No.: 17,898-9267 MSA S512-11- 9188 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/07/11 9268: William Lawrence vs. Henry Evans and Samuel S. Moore. AA. Injunction against removal of cord wood. Accession No.: 17,898-9268 MSA S512-11- 9189 Location: 1/38/4/
1824/12/02 9269: Thomas Law vs. Frances A. Law, Thomas Law, Jr., and Edmund J. Law. PG. Petiton to sell Scotland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 410. Accession No.: 17,898-9269-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9190 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/05/05 9270: William Layton vs. Mary Hurley and Leah Moreighn. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-9270 MSA S512-11- 9191 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/26 9271: Samuel Lecompte and Harrison Winterbotham vs. Charlotte Brown and William Rea. DO. Petition to sell Lady Day, Privilege, Indian Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-9271 MSA S512-11- 9192 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/03/21 9272: John Laws and Mary Laws vs. Amelia A. Noble and William Miles. SO. Title to land and saw mill. Accession No.: 17,898-9272 MSA S512-11- 9193 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/07/20 9273: William Legg vs. William B. Hurst and John T. Hurst. AA. Petition to sell Mountville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-9273 MSA S512-11- 9194 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/02/10 9274: Alexander T. Levering, Charles F.M. Levering, Sarah R. Levering, Howard A. Levering, and Mary A. Levering vs. Sarah Levering. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9274-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9195 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/01/07 9275: John Lester vs. William C. Conine. BA. Injunction against mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9275 MSA S512-11- 9196 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/07/18 9276: Sheppard A. Leakin vs. Neilson Poe. BA. Trust estate of James E. Smith - Conradts Carpet Factory in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9276 MSA S512-11- 9197 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/05/28 9277: Nicholas Lyons vs. Michael Stillinger. BA. Estate of Michael Riddlemore. Accession No.: 17,898-9277 MSA S512-11- 9198 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/09/23 9278: Stephen Lawson, Ann S. Lawson, Lydia Ball Minchin, and Rebecca Roy vs. Rebecca Eliza Creswell and Joseph Conden. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9278 MSA S512-11- 9199 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/09/14 9279: Christopher Lindenberger vs. Harriet G. Stevenson, Thomas K. Carroll, and Juliana Carroll. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-9279 MSA S512-11- 9200 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/03/05 9280: Solomon J. Lowe and Elizabeth S. Lowe vs. Elizabeth Sherwood, Dr. Edward Spedden, Hugh S. Spedden, Robert R. Spedden, Mary V. Spedden, Edward T. Spedden, and Susan Spedden. TA. Petition to sell Huntington, Huntingtons Addition, Wheat Land. Accession No.: 17,898-9280 MSA S512-11- 9201 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/11/04 9281: John Lester vs. Hallet M. Anker. BA. Injunction against sale of jewelry. Accession No.: 17,898-9281 MSA S512-11- 9202 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/09/16 9282: James Lyon, William Lyon, George W. Lyon, and Mary Lyon vs. John Mallonee, Rachel Mallonee, Thomas Baltzell, Philip Baltzell, and William B. Trump. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9282 MSA S512-11- 9203 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/06/22 9283: William Legg vs. William B. Tyler, William C. Tyler, Harriet E.B. Tyler, and Dryden Tyler. AA. Contract to purchase White Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-9283 MSA S512-11- 9204 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/07/07 9284: Stephen Lee vs. David Ridgely, John W. Claggett, John W. Duvall, and William Warfield. AA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-9284 MSA S512-11- 9205 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/10/13 9285: Wesley Linthicum vs. William Prater. MO. Estate of Philemon D. Warfield. Accession No.: 17,898-9285-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9206 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/05/09 9286: Otho Linthicum and Nancy A. Linthicum vs. William Wheatley. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Wrights Lot, Addition to Wrights Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-9286 MSA S512-11- 9207 Location: 1/38/4/
1847/07/19 9287: Theodore Linthicum and John Linthicum, Jr. vs. Benjamin Owens and Elisha Hawes. CV. Contract to purchase Griffin and Govers Pasture, Johnsons Farm, Turners Point. Accession No.: 17,898-9287 MSA S512-11- 9208 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/05/09 9288: Thomas Linthicum, Fanny Linthicum, Benjamin Linthicum, Samuel Linthicum, and July Ann Linthicum vs. Henrietta Linthicum, James Linthicum, Thomas Linthicum, Rebecca Linthicum, and Edward Linthicum. DO. Petition to sell Jordans Part. Accession No.: 17,898-9288 MSA S512-11- 9209 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/05/14 9289: Samuel Lucas vs. William Gwynn, Charles F. Mayer, George Gordon, Oliver Holmes, and Charles G. Ridgely. BA. Injunction against sale of stock. Accession No.: 17,898-9289 MSA S512-11- 9210 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/09/24 9290: Isaac C. Lee vs. William Tiffany and George Tiffany. BA. Dissolution of William Tiffany & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-9290 MSA S512-11- 9211 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/07/03 9291: Cyrus Lord vs. James L. Colston and George N. Colston. DO. Contract to land in Indian Town. Accession No.: 17,898-9291 MSA S512-11- 9212 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/03/28 9292: James A. Labranthwaite vs. William Grooms and Thomas P. Alricks. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9292 MSA S512-11- 9213 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/04/13 9294: Louis C. Levin and Julia A.M. Levin vs. John H. Iglehart, Samuel J. Donaldson, and Hugh Day Evans. AA. Estate of Thomas H. Gist. Accession No.: 17,898-9294 MSA S512-11- 9214 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/11/24 9295: John Lester vs. Elizabeth Mitchell. BA. Contract to pay ground rent on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9295 MSA S512-11- 9215 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/10 9296: John Lester vs. William Parrish, George Riston, John Purdy, and John Caton. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9296 MSA S512-11- 9216 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/06/15 9297: James Lowry and Sally A. Lowry vs. Luke Tiernan and David Williamson. BA. Contract to purchase stock. Accession No.: 17,898-9297 MSA S512-11- 9217 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/09/18 9298: Cornelius Lansdale vs. Solomon Sparrow, Thomas Sparrow, John Sparrow, Isabella Nicholson, Joseph Harwood, and Matilda Harwood. PG. Contract to purchase lot in Queen Annes Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 109, p. 393. Accession No.: 17,898-9298-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9218 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/12/10 9299: Christopher Little and John Harlan vs. Isabella McVey, James McVey, Rachael McVey, Patience McVey, James Russell, and Charlotte Russell. CE. Petition to sell Kellys Addition, Noels Forrest, Creswells Occupation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 703.
Accession No.: 17,898-9299-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9219 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/09/11 9300: John Lugenbeel vs. Moses Lugenbeel, Peter Lugenbeel, Susan Worman, Joseph Hartsook, Elizabeth Hartsook, Daniel Justice, Margaret Justice, Samuel Every, Mary Every, William Lugenbeel, Andrew Lugenbeel, Bazil Lugenbeel, Sarah Lugenbeel, and Eliza Lugenbeel. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 932.
Accession No.: 17,898-9300 MSA S512-11- 9220 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/08/20 9301: Michael V. Leroy, David Hoffman, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Anthony T. Chirac, Mathew Chaput, Ann M. Chaput, Mathew Thevenon, Maria E. Thevenon, John B.E. Betard, and Maria E. Deporte. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 97.
Accession No.: 17,898-9301 MSA S512-11- 9221 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/01/31 9302: James B.C. Latimer vs. Walter Latimer. CH. Contract to purchase slave Henry. Accession No.: 17,898-9302 MSA S512-11- 9222 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/03/20 9303: Greenbury Lark vs. Gideon White, Michael Jamart, Elizabeth Jamart, Joseph Bray, and Louisa Bray. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Robinsons Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 127. Accession No.: 17,898-9303 MSA S512-11- 9223 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/04/30 9305: John W. Lecompte vs. Uriah Medford, Edwin E. Medford, Adeline Medford, and Ansye M. Medford. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 375. Accession No.: 17,898-9305 MSA S512-11- 9224 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/03/29 9306: John Lecompte vs. William B. Martin and Isaac F. Williams. DO. Contract to mortgage Garden of Eden, Raxall and Pickerdee. Accession No.: 17,898-9306 MSA S512-11- 9225 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/03/16 9307: Richard Lockwood vs. Richard Mansfield, Josiah L. Foard, Lydia C. Foard, Thomas K. Stephens, and James T. Stephens. CE. Title to Painters Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-9307 MSA S512-11- 9226 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/02/06 9308: James M. Lambden, Emily Lambden, and Samuel G. Banning vs. Hugh Sherwood, Margaret Sherwood, and Henry G. Banning. CA, TA. Petition to partition New Chance, Hambletons Neck, lot in Easton in TA. Also Fraziers Lot in CA. Plats; also show Range. Accession No.: 17,898-9308 MSA S512-11- 9227 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/07/17 9309: William D. Lynch and Eliza Lynch vs. William Willoughby, Thomas Willoughby, Mary Willoughby, John H. Willoughby, and Joseph Willoughby. DO. Petition to sell Sector Part, Lecomptes Ridge, Comberlake. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 516. Accession No.: 17,898-9309 MSA S512-11- 9228 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/11/11 9310: William Lefferman vs. Matthew Murray and William Gwynn. BA. Insolvent estate of Edward Brown - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9310 MSA S512-11- 9229 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/06/11 9311: George Long vs. James Seed and William Ferguson. BA. Validity of promissory note. Accession No.: 17,898-9311 MSA S512-11- 9230 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/08/06 9312: Moses Lake and Mary Lake vs. William Bishop and Charity Bishop. AA. Petition to remove gate and fence blocking an alley in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-9312-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9231 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/07/12 9313: John Logsdon, Ralph Logsdon, Edward Logsdon, Joseph Ellis, and Oner Ellis vs. Jeremiah Blubaugh, Mary Logue, James Logue, George Payne, Jacob Payne, Rachel Payne, Ralph Payne, Mary Porter, George Porter, Michael Porter, Samuel Porter, Thomas Porter, Rachel Arnold, Elias Arnold, Sarah Durbin, Samuel Durbin, Mary Logsdon, Margaret Sapp, George Sapp, Oner Logue, Daniel Logue, Ann Arnold, Johnsy Arnold, Sarah Carter, Richard Carter, John Logsdon of Prudence, Wilfret Payne, and Ralph Payne. FR. Title to Fannys Meadow. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 413.
Accession No.: 17,898-9313-1/4 MSA S512-11- 9232 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/12/06 9314: John Lee and Ebenezer Welch vs. Sarah E. Welch, Ebenezer Welch, and Elizabeth Welch. KE. Petition to sell Killingsworth, Partnership Point Resurveyed, Kellys Land, Deptford. Accession No.: 17,898-9314-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9233 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/12/03 9316: Larkin Lawrence, John Lawrence, Hammond D. Lawerence, David Waters, Rebecca Waters, Joshua Owings, and Caroline Owings vs. Sally Ann Lawrence. AA. Petition to sell Dorseys Grove, Poplar Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 599. Accession No.: 17,898-9316 MSA S512-11- 9234 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/02/18 9317: Anna Lezshire vs. Daniel Haslip, Robert Caple, Anne Caple, William Wells, and Catherine Wells. AA. Petition to sell Piney Woods, Cecils Tavern. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 136. Accession No.: 17,898-9317 MSA S512-11- 9235 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/08/13 9318: Martha Love and Robert Smith vs. Asaph Norris, John George, Rachel George, Robert Gott, Mary Gott, William Duff, Elizabeth Duff, John Harp, Margaret Harp, and Robert Taylor. BA. Estate of Abraham Norris - Sheppards Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1012.
Accession No.: 17,898-9318 MSA S512-11- 9236 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/09/01 9319: William Lewis vs. Eliza Lewis, Margaret Lewis, James Dyer, and Ann Dyer. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 630. Accession No.: 17,898-9319 MSA S512-11- 9237 Location: 1/38/4/
1834/10/27 9320: John Lecompte vs. Isaac Williams, Samuel Lecompte, William B. Martin, Sarah Martin, Isaac F. Williams, Mary P. Williams, Thomas Williams, Sarah Williams, James Williams, John W. Martin, and Thomas Martin. DO. Title to Garden of Eden. Accession No.: 17,898-9320-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9238 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/08/31 9321: Elizabth Love vs. John Smith. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Waxford Resurveyed, Great Brittain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 393. Accession No.: 17,898-9321 MSA S512-11- 9239 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/03/28 9322: Jacob Loose vs. John Stansbury, Daniel McKeevers, Ursula McKeevers, and William Thornton. BA. Title to Coles Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 588. Accession No.: 17,898-9322 MSA S512-11- 9240 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/01/14 9324: Joseph Lukens vs. Sally F. Waters, Benedict Waters, Harriet Waters, Samuel Rickets, Elizabeth Rickets, Stephen Waters, Edward Stabler, Abraham Brooke, Elizabeth Brooke, Benjamin Rickets, Juliana Rickets, Edward Brooke, Hannah Brooke, Mary Lukens, Susan Lukens, and Joseph Lukens. HA. Petition to sell Winter Run, Water Mill, Addition to Water Mill, Chilberry Hall.
Accession No.: 17,898-9324-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9241 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/06/21 9325: John Lecompte, Levin Stewart, and John Williams vs. James Colston. DO. Contract to purchase St. Anthony, Pickardee, Roxall, Chance, Bonys Chance, Lecomptes Pasture, Hog Pen Neck, Garden of Eden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 38. Accession No.: 17,898-9325 MSA S512-11- 9242 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/12/25 9326: Elizabeth Ann Lynch vs. Patrick Lynch. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9326 MSA S512-11- 9243 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/03/02 9327: CE Orphans Court and Albert Constable vs. John C. Murphy, Ann Murphy, Harrison T. Bullen, Mary Bullen, James Whitelock, Susan Whitelock, Isaac Slaughter, Teresa Slaughter, Rebecca Price, Martha Price, Alice Price, J.C. Murphy, and John R. Price. CE. Estate of Hyland Price - Frisby Meadows, Paynes Lot. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 564.
Accession No.: 17,898-9327-1/7 MSA S512-11- 9244 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/12/23 9328: Hiram Lankford vs. William Matthews. SO. Petition to sell Addition to Smiths Hope, Heaths Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-9328 MSA S512-11- 9245 Location: 1/38/4/
1843/03/21 9329: Amelia Lark, Catherine Robinson, William Robinson, David Robinson, Joshua Johnson, Archibald Johnson, Sophia Johnson, Charles Johnson, Amey Johnson, Elizabeth Hancock, William Smith, Sophia Smith, Caleb Goodwin, Richard Goodwin, Robert Lambden, Ellen Lambden, Susan Sands, Jane Sands, Samuel Sands, John Robinson, Christopher Johnson, Ezekiel Mills, Mary Mills, C. Kirby, and Sophia Kirby vs. Richard R. Goodwin. AA. Petition to sell Blands Quarter, Grays Inn, Catons Discovery, Robinsons Morning Walks, Philks Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 19.
Accession No.: 17,898-9329 MSA S512-11- 9246 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/03/20 9330: Randolph W. Latimer, William W. Latimer, Randolph B. Latimer, Benjamin G. Latimer, John B. Norris, Alice Norris, Francis Dunnington, and Catherine A. Dunnington vs. Lewis R. Latimer and Emily H. Latimer. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 189.
Accession No.: 17,898-9330 MSA S512-11- 9247 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/05/22 9331: Jeremiah T. Loockerman and Catherine Loockerman vs. Lyde G. McBlair, Matilda McBlair, William Harwood, Twonley C. Loockerman, Hester A. Chase, Matilda Chase, Frances Chase, Jeremiah Chase, Richard M. Chase, William Chase, Thomas Chase, Sally Chase, Arthur Jones, and Juliana Loockerman. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 871.
Accession No.: 17,898-9331-1/4 MSA S512-11- 9248 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/03/16 9332: John Leatherbury vs. Arnold E. Jones, Levin D. Jones, Hiram Jones, John H. Jones, Henry Jones, Charles Jones, Alfred Jones, Elihu Philips, and Eleanor Philips. SO. Estate of Charles Jones. Accession No.: 17,898-9332 MSA S512-11- 9249 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/05/18 9333: Abraham Looney, David Looney, Perry W. Porter, Andrew Hynes, Alexander A. Caseday, Abraham VonWyck, and Elizabeth VonWyck vs. Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Title to stock in the Union Bank of Tennessee. Accession No.: 17,898-9333 MSA S512-11- 9250 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/07/24 9334: Sheppard A. Leakin vs. Eugene Dulith, Formine Cusinery, Henry Dulith, Charles Dyer, Jr., George Mattingly, and Neilson Poe. BA. Trust estate of James W. Smith - Conradts Carpet Factory in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9334 MSA S512-11- 9251 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/07/06 9335: Cyrus Lord vs. John Muir and James Dawson. DO. Title to Indian Town. Accession No.: 17,898-9335 MSA S512-11- 9252 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/03/16 9336: Nathan Lufborough and Mary Lufborough vs. Isaac Webster, William Webster, Isaac Massey, and Margaret Massey. HA. Petition to record deed for Belgrade, Stoney Ridge, Come By Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 502. Accession No.: 17,898-9336 MSA S512-11- 9253 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/02/12 9337: Thomas Layton vs. William Collison. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on slave Israel Coleman. Accession No.: 17,898-9337 MSA S512-11- 9254 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/11/29 9338: Janet Lingan, George Lingan, William B. Randolph, Sarah Randolph, Elias B. Caldwell, and Anne Caldwell vs. David English, Jr., Lydia English, Richard Henderson, Sarah Henderson, and Janet L. Henderson. MO. Estate of John Henderson - Zoar. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 66.
Accession No.: 17,898-9338-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9255 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/05/05 9339: William W. Laird vs. John Spedden and William Breerwood. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 200. Accession No.: 17,898-9339-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9256 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/11/12 9340: Revel Langford vs. Rebecca Wheatley, Jacob Wilson, and Elizabeth Wilson. DO. Estate of Ezekiel Wheatley. Accession No.: 17,898-9340 MSA S512-11- 9257 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/22 9341: Stephen L. Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Thomas D. Lee, Rachel M. Lee, Robert Welch of Ben, Philip W. Hopkins, Somerville Pinkney, and Henry H. Harwood vs. Beale Gaither, Susanna Gaither, Eleanor Gaither, Massey A. Gaither, Margaret J. Linthicum, Elizabeth A. Lee, Joseph Cole, Louisa M. Cole, Thomas N. Pindle, and Emeline P. Pindle. AA. Petition to sell Addition to Weedy Glade, Plummers Pasture, Howards Patapsco Range. Plats of Weedy Glade, Howards Patapsco Range.
Accession No.: 17,898-9341-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9258 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/09/06 9342: John Lester and Elizabeth Lester vs. Hester Fringer. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9342 MSA S512-11- 9259 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/03/28 9343: Sheppard A. Leakin and Benjamin T. Chenowith vs. Sarah Chenowith, Richard B. Chenowith, George T. Chenowith, Benjamin T. Chenowith, Ann O. Chenowith, Charles Chenowith, Edwin Canole, and Juliana Canole. BA. Estate of Richard B. Chenowith. Accession No.: 17,898-9343 MSA S512-11- 9260 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/04/23 9344: Christopher Little vs. John Murphy. CE. Injunction against construction of a fence. Accession No.: 17,898-9344 MSA S512-11- 9261 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/08/29 9345: William B. Locke vs. James Reeder. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9345 MSA S512-11- 9262 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/11/06 9346: Richard Loockerman, Frances T. Loockerman, Hester A. Loockerman, Richard Loockerman, Matilda Loockerman, Jeremiah Loockerman, Francis Loockerman, and Catherine Loockerman vs. Richard M. Chase and Richard J. Crabb. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-9346 MSA S512-11- 9263 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/06/06 9347: Robert Grundy Lloyd vs. Henry M. Lloyd, Thomas E. Lloyd, Edward Martin, Stephen Reymer, Sarah M. Reymer, Rachel B. Reymer, Thomas O. Martin, Hannah M. Martin, Harriett Martin, James L. Martin, and Henrietta E. Martin. TA. Petition to sell Suttons Range, Whites Addition, Whites Lot, Jenkins Ramble, Reedly.
Accession No.: 17,898-9347 MSA S512-11- 9264 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/09/14 9348: Abner Linthicum vs. Caroline Johnson, Joshua Warfield, Horatio J. Warfield, Elizabeth Warfield, David A. Warfield, Evelina C. Warfield, and Joshua A. Warfield. AA. Title to Andover. Accession No.: 17,898-9348 MSA S512-11- 9265 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/08/13 9349: Hannah Leakin vs. Andrew T. Leakin. BA. Appointment of trustee for Andrew T. Leakin. Accession No.: 17,898-9349 MSA S512-11- 9266 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/10/23 9350: Louis C. Levin and Julia A.M. Levin vs. John H. Iglehart. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-9350 MSA S512-11- 9267 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/02/01 9351: Andrew Lysinger, Elisa A. Robert, Horace T. Roberts, and Sarah A. Roberts vs. Henry Miller, Catherine Miller, and James H. Pennington. QA. Petition to sell Jesters Correction, Stratford, Shiffuds Hook. Accession No.: 17,898-9351 MSA S512-11- 9268 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/03/14 9352: John Lowber and Margaret Lowber vs. William Spencer, Sr., William Spencer, Jr., and George Spencer. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9352 MSA S512-11- 9269 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/12/22 9353: Benjamin Lee vs. Walter D. Brooke, John Brooke, John D. Mullikin, and Alexander H. Boteler. PG. Insolvent estate of Walter D. Brooke. Accession No.: 17,898-9353 MSA S512-11- 9270 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/03/22 9354: Thomas Love vs. John Ridgely of Edward. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Five Mile End, Affinity, Mulberry Hill, Truemans Acquaintance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-9354-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9271 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/07/26 9355: John Lacy, Emily Lacy, Ramsey Thomas, Harriett Thomas, and John Lodge vs. MO Orphans Court. MO. Petition for court order to answer bill of complaint. Accession No.: 17,898-9355 MSA S512-11- 9272 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/03/29 9356: William W. Lecompte and Sarah A. Lecompte vs. Rigby Valiant, Pritchett Meredith, and Hooper Rawleigh. DO. Estate of Edward Stephens - La Brooke Requested, Good Luck, Sodom, Griffiths Chance, Hog Quarter, Exchange. Accession No.: 17,898-9356 MSA S512-11- 9273 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/02/13 9357: William D. Lewis vs. Lloyd Tilghman. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-9357 MSA S512-11- 9274 Location: 1/38/4/
1819/02/10 9358: John Lee vs. John Price. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-9358 MSA S512-11- 9275 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/04/06 9359: Benjamin Lee vs. Alexander H. Boteler and Edward W. Belt. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9359-1/4 MSA S512-11- 9276 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/07/29 9360: Henderson P. Low vs. James Owings, John Piet, Charles Hammell, Charles L. Bohme, Sebastian Hickly, Israel Price, Henry Fletcher, James McDonald, John Hays, Thomas Maybury, and John Walsh. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9360-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9277 Location: 1/38/4/
1833/03/14 9361: Philip G. Leckleitner, J.C. Obertenffer, and Rebecca A. Obertenffer vs. William H. Pennington and Mary A. Pennington. AA. Petition to sell lot and house in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-9361 MSA S512-11- 9278 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/03/05 9362: George Law, Frederick C. Graf, William Stewart, and William R. Adair vs. Matthew Bathurst. BA. Contract to purchase flour. Accession No.: 17,898-9362-1/4 MSA S512-11- 9279 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/03/15 9363: William H. Lyles vs. Henry D. Hatton, Robert W. Harper, John Lowry, and Eleanor W. Lowry. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Pisscattaway. Accession No.: 17,898-9363 MSA S512-11- 9280 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/07/06 9364: Benjamin Lee vs. Walter B. Brooke, Richard H. Brooke, and Otho B. Beale. PG. Contract to purchase Perrywood. Accession No.: 17,898-9364 MSA S512-11- 9281 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/12/31 9365: Henry Lammott vs. John Murray, Jr., Benjamin Vaughan, Christopher Vaughan, Elizabeth Vaughan, Milly Vaughan, Polly Vaughan, Patrick Kelly, Ediff Kelly, Charles Denning, Penelope Denning, Henry Green, George Grundy, and John Cox. BA. Petition to record lease for Hampsted.
Accession No.: 17,898-9365 MSA S512-11- 9282 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/06/27 9366: Luther Littig vs. John Merryman, Ann L. Merryman, Richard Emory, Ann Emory, Henry Gittings, Elizabeth R. Gittings, Eleanor A. Bosley, Ann G. Merryman, Nicholas M.B. Emory, Anna Emory, Thomas L. Emory, and Richard Emory. BA. Trust estate under will of Nicholas M. Bosley - Bellevue, Hayfields.
Accession No.: 17,898-9366 MSA S512-11- 9283 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/06/10 9367: Edward E. Lecompte vs. Nathaniel Applegarth. DO. Contract to purchase Partnership, Hubbards Venture, Caroline, Whores Harbour, Addition to Partnership, Little Choptank, Barron Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-9367 MSA S512-11- 9284 Location: 1/38/4/
1840/08/21 9368: John Lecompte vs. John Larramore, Mary E. Larramore, Eveline Mackey, and William Mackeys Estate. DO. Petition to release mortgage on lot in Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-9368 MSA S512-11- 9285 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/06/10 9369: Samuel Lecompte vs. Elisa C. Waggaman. DO. Petition to sell lot in New Market. Accession No.: 17,898-9369 MSA S512-11- 9286 Location: 1/38/4/
1826/07/17 9370: James Lyon vs. Charles Reeder. BA. Dissolution of Pratt Street Foundery in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9370 MSA S512-11- 9287 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/06/27 9371: William E. Lewis, Myron S. Goodman, Salem T. Russell, and Calvin P. Sanger vs. Michael McCabe and Mr. Wilson. BA. Defraud of creditors of McCabe. Accession No.: 17,898-9371 MSA S512-11- 9288 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/01/08 9372: James Long, James H. Spurr, and George Landenslager vs. Marcia Elliott and Thomas Phenix. AA. Trust estate of Dennis G. Orme - Summerhill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 536. Accession No.: 17,898-9372-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9289 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/01/05 9373: Edward H.C. Long vs. Henry K. Long. SO. Trust estate under will of Zadock Long - slaves Sally, Julius, James, Enos, Ariana, and Robert. Accession No.: 17,898-9373 MSA S512-11- 9290 Location: 1/38/4/
1845/07/28 9374: Samuel M. Lawder vs. James Fields. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9374 MSA S512-11- 9291 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/07/24 9375: William M. Lively and Jacob Gilliard vs. William Watkins, trustee of African Church. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9375 MSA S512-11- 9292 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/10/21 9376: Thomas H. Lafetra and Augusta C. Lafetra vs. Robert G. Ware and Elias H. Comegys. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9376 MSA S512-11- 9293 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/08/09 9377: William Leach vs. Allen Burgess. BA. Contract to build houses on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9377 MSA S512-11- 9294 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/12/01 9378: Eugene N. Larpenteur vs. Maracus R. Hook. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9378 MSA S512-11- 9295 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/08/04 9379: Appelona Lammott and Levi Lammott vs. Jacob Lammott. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-9379 MSA S512-11- 9296 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/04/12 9380: Thomas Lee and Eleanor Lee vs. William Lee, John Lee, Outerbridge Horsey, Eliza Horsey, Richard Henry Lee, Mary Digges Lee, Thomas Lee, Eleanor Cromwell Lee, John Carroll Lee, Harry Gough Lee, William Lee, Eliza Sophia Lee, Charles Arthur Lee, Archibald Lee, Mary Digges Galloway Ringgold, Eliza Lee Ringgold, Anna Maria Ringgold, Sarah Brooke Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, Molly Digges Lee, Thomas Sim Lee Horsey, Mary Ellen Horsey, and Thomas Sim Lee. FR, HA, PG. Estate of Thomas S. Lee - Aquasco in PG, Black Walnut in HA, Lots in Georgetown, DC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9380 MSA S512-11- 9297 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/10/21 9381: Henry Leach vs. William Leach, George Leach, James Leach, John Chambers, Elizabeth Chambers, William Amick and Maria Amick. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9381 MSA S512-11- 9298 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/06/15 9382: Henderson P. Low vs. Catharine Ringgold. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9382 MSA S512-11- 9299 Location: 1/38/4/
1817/03/03 9384: Henderson P. Low vs. William Hollins and Eliza Hollins. BA. Contract to lease Chatsworth. Accession No.: 17,898-9384 MSA S512-11- 9300 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/03/30 9385: Nicholas Lusby, Rebecca Lusby, and Elizabeth Etherington vs. William Etherington. CE. Accession No.: 17,898-9385 MSA S512-11- 9301 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/05/19 9386: Archibald Lee, Tench Ringgold, Mary Digges Galloway Ringgold, Eliza Lee Ringgold, Anne Maria Ringgold, Sarah Brooke Lee Ringgold, and Benjamin Ringgold vs. William Lee, Mary Digges Lee, Molly Digges Lee, Thomas Sim Lee, Outerbridge Horsey, Eliza Horsey, Thomas Sim Lee Horsey, Thomas Lee, Eleanor Lee, Richard Henry Lee, John C. Lee, Harry Gough Lee, Sophia Eliza Lee, Charles Arthur Lee, Mary Ellen Horsey, John Lee, Mary Digges Lee, Thomas Lee, Eleanor Lee, and William Lee. PG. Trust estate under will of Ignatius Digges.
Accession No.: 17,898-9386 MSA S512-11- 9302 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/01/16 9387: John Lorman vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Contract to maintain drawbridge in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9387 MSA S512-11- 9303 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/07/31 9388: Thomas Love and Robert Horace Love vs. John H.B. Latrobe, Patrick Macaulay, Edward Webster, Elizabeth Webster, and Henry Webster. BA. Injunction against sale of Mount Repose Property. Accession No.: 17,898-9388 MSA S512-11- 9304 Location: 1/38/4/
1850/01/09 9389: Robert Lemmon, Jr. and John Glenn, Jr. vs. Owen Cecil. AA. Contract to supply wood to Patuxent Furnace. Accession No.: 17,898-9389 MSA S512-11- 9305 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/02/09 9390: James B. Latimer and James Cunningham vs. Henry R. Warfield and Charles W. Hanson. AA. Estate of Charles Wallace. Accession No.: 17,898-9390 MSA S512-11- 9306 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/04/08 9391: Anna Lindenberger vs. Luke Tiernan. BA. Estate of Jacob Lindenberger. Accession No.: 17,898-9391 MSA S512-11- 9307 Location: 1/38/4/
1844/03/09 9392: George W. Lawrence and Enoch Sheckell vs. Richard W. Gill, William Drury of Henry, Nicholas Brewer of John, Nicholas Owens, and Robert R. Roberts. AA. Injunction against sale of slaves Millta and Susan. Accession No.: 17,898-9392 MSA S512-11- 9308 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/06/22 9393: John Lane, Thomas S. Bond, and Corbin Preston vs. Susquehanna Bridge Co. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9393 MSA S512-11- 9309 Location: 1/38/4/
1835/09/17 9394: Samuel Lecompte and James Washington King Frazier vs. John J. Stewart, John H. Stewart, and Joseph K. Traverse. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Josephs Right. Accession No.: 17,898-9394 MSA S512-11- 9310 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/06/13 9395: Daniel Lamborn vs. Covington Manufacturing Co., Andrew Ellicott, and Ezekiel Bell. AA. Injunction against depositing iron ore spoils in Deep Run. Accession No.: 17,898-9395 MSA S512-11- 9311 Location: 1/38/4/
1836/07/18 9396: Louis C. Levin and Julia A. Levin vs. Thomasina Gist. BA. Estate of Thomas H. Gist. Accession No.: 17,898-9396 MSA S512-11- 9312 Location: 1/38/4/
1842/12/06 9397: Julianna Paca Loockerman vs. Townley Chase Loockerman. AA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9397 MSA S512-11- 9313 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/02/24 9398: William P. Leaverton and Mary E. Leaverton vs. George W.C. Leonard. TA. Estate of George W. Leonard. Accession No.: 17,898-9398 MSA S512-11- 9314 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/10/13 9399: George Law vs. William Forsyth, Joseph Karrick and Richard H. Douglass. BA. Petition to discover payment of debenture. Accession No.: 17,898-9399 MSA S512-11- 9315 Location: 1/38/4/
1808/07/08 9400: John Lathrim, John Bowers, and George Medford vs. Thomas Hepbron, Margaret Hepbron, George Dwyer, Rebecca Dwyer, and John Dwyer. KE. Estate of William Dwyer. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-9400 MSA S512-11- 9316 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/04/04 9401: Mary Linsted vs. Anna Maria Linsted, Elizabeth Linsted, John Linsted, and Georgiana Linsted. AA. Petition to sell Georges Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-9401 MSA S512-11- 9317 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/01/06 9402: Philemon B. Hopper, Deborah Ann Legg, Benjamin Legg, and William Legg vs. Jonathan Evans, Deborah Evans, and Mrs. Henry Meed. CA. Injunction against removal of timber from Codhead Manor, Addition to Fishers Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-9402 MSA S512-11- 9318 Location: 1/38/4/
1838/12/11 9403: Richard Leverton and Elizabeth Leverton vs. Samuel Freeman, Nancy Freeman, Edward Leverton, James Leverton, Isaac Leverton, Charles Leverton, Betsy Leverton, Ann Leverton, Richard Leverton of Moses, John Leverton, James Leverton, Gary Leverton, William Spencer Leverton, Mary Ellen Leverton, and Sarah Jane Leverton. CA. Estate of Richard Leverton - Vaughans Kindness.
Accession No.: 17,898-9403 MSA S512-11- 9319 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/04/19 9404: Richard Loockerman vs. Thomas Saulsbury. CA. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-9404 MSA S512-11- 9320 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/07/31 9405: Richard Lemmon and William W. Glenn vs. Samuel Baum, John L. Graff, and Robert Welch of Ben. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9405 MSA S512-11- 9321 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/06/23 9406: Lydia Linthicum vs. John Linthicum. AA. Estate of Asabel Linthicum - Linthicum Walks. Accession No.: 17,898-9406 MSA S512-11- 9322 Location: 1/38/4/
1829/04/15 9407: William Lyon and Stephen C. Keech vs. James Keech, Walter Farnandis, Ormond C. Tiffany, and William C. Shaw. BA, SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9407 MSA S512-11- 9323 Location: 1/38/4/
1837/12/05 9408: Jacob Lammott vs. Henry Lammott, Moses Lammott, Levi Lammott, Joshua Lammott, John Lammott, Uriel Phillips, Catherine Phillips, Jacob Shinnick, Barbara Shinnick, John Walker, and Mary Walker. CR. Contract to purchase Rome, Mennsconci, Altogether Too Late, Little Rock, Lammotts Middle of the World, Lammotts Delight, Fox Range, Stoney Hills, Plymouth, White Oak Bottom.
Accession No.: 17,898-9408-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9324 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/06/27 9409: Thomas H. Luckett vs. Otho H.W. Luckett, Valentine P. Luckett, Samuel Clapham, and Daniel Trundle. MO. Estate of Thoams H. Luckett - Conjurers Disappointment, Georgia, Gleanings, Resurvey upon Discord. Accession No.: 17,898-9409-1/5 MSA S512-11- 9325 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/04/29 9410: Moses Lugenbel, John Sprigg, and Thomas N. Davis vs. Charles J. Kilgour and Ely Dorsey. MO. Title to Bealls Good Will. Accession No.: 17,898-9410 MSA S512-11- 9326 Location: 1/38/4/
1832/09/05 9411: Richard Loockerman vs. Jacob Hurst and William Brian. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9411 MSA S512-11- 9327 Location: 1/38/4/
1827/11/01 9412: William Lee vs. Daniel C. Sim and Daniel Carroll of Duddington. PG. Estate of Mary Digges. Accession No.: 17,898-9412 MSA S512-11- 9328 Location: 1/38/4/
1820/06/22 9413: Jacob Lease vs. Martin Miller, Susana Miller, Elizabeth Serer, John Motter, Christiana Motter, George Adam Ebbert, Ann Ebbert, John Henry Font, Elizabeth Font, and Grafton Duvall. FR. Petition to sell Duvalls Forrest, Rocky Spring. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 421.
Accession No.: 17,898-9413 MSA S512-11- 9329 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/08/22 9414: John H.B. Latrobe vs. Patrick Macaulay. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9414 MSA S512-11- 9330 Location: 1/38/4/
1846/10/20 9415: Benjamin Lamson, William Lamson, Nathaniel Lamson, John Lamson, Olivia LeBosquet, Hannah Marsh, Elizabeth Marsh, and Sarah Atherton vs. Margaret S. Mercer, Anna Mercer, George E. Walker, and Franklin Betts. CE. Guardianship of David Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-9415 MSA S512-11- 9331 Location: 1/38/4/
1848/12/04 9416: William D. Lyles, Thomas H. Lyles, and Margaret Welch vs. Barbara D. Lyles. AA. Petition to partition John and Marys Chance, Harrisons Security, Mount Washington. Plats of John and Marys Chance, Harrisons Security at 1/38/1/30. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 38. Accession No.: 17,898-9416-1/3 MSA S512-11- 9332 Location: 1/38/4/
1796/02/25 9417: Anne Chew Lloyd and John Ward Lloyd vs. Ely Elder. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9417 MSA S512-11- 9333 Location: 1/38/4/
1841/12/04 9418: Samuel Lucas, William Gwyn, Charles G. Ridgely, Oliver Holmes, George G. Belt, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Michael McBlair, George Cooke, Samuel Scriber, Henry M. Bash, William Pyfer, and I.G. Gregory. BA. Injunction against sale of lottery tickets. Accession No.: 17,898-9418 MSA S512-11- 9334 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/07/13 9419: Thomas C. Lyles vs. William D. Digges. PG. Contract to lease Frankland. Accession No.: 17,898-9419 MSA S512-11- 9335 Location: 1/38/4/
1830/09/29 9420: Henry Marck, Michael Marck, George Marck, John Marck, Michael Kraft, and George Kraft vs. Louis Wicky. BA. Estate of Michael Marck - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 84. Accession No.: 17,898-9420-1/2 MSA S512-11- 9336 Location: 1/38/4/
1825/06/20 9421: Patrick McKew vs. John McArdel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 526. Accession No.: 17,898-9421 MSA S512-11- 9337 Location: 1/38/4/
1823/03/29 9422: Edward Morgan and Henry Lee Williams vs. John Wheeler, George Wheeler, Richard Wheeler, Austin Wheeler, and Bennett Wheeler. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wheelers and Clarks Contrivance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 581. Accession No.: 17,898-9422 MSA S512-11- 9338 Location: 1/38/4/
1831/02/14 9424: James Morton and William Morton vs. James Somervell, Thomas Somervell, Alexander Somervell, Camella Somervell, John H. Marbury, Elizabeth Marbury, Thomas Horrell, Ann Horrell, Walter C.B. Worthington, Susannah Mackall, Brooke Beall, Asenith Beall, Louis Mackall, Sally Mackall, Ann Mackall, Thomas Mackall, James Mackall, and Rebecca Ann Mackall. PG. Estate of John Somervell - Brooke Court Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-9424 MSA S512-11- 9339 Location: 1/38/4/
1849/11/05 9425: William Morton vs. John Wood, Ann Wood, and Nathaniel Duke. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Dividing Branch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-9425 MSA S512-11- 9340 Location: 1/38/4/
1851/02/27 9426: James S. Morsell, Jr. vs. Maria Eloisa Morsell, Josiah Lee, Catherine Eloisa Lee, Alexander Somerville, Cornelia Olivia Somerville, James M. Sewell, and Septimus D. Sewell. HA. Petition to sell Antioch. Accession No.: 17,898-9426 MSA S512-11- 9341 Location: 1/38/4/
1822/01/02 9427: Christopher Miller vs. Francis Zock and Randle H. Moale. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9427 MSA S512-11- 9342 Location: 1/38/4/
1839/09/09 9428: Elizabeth Maxwell vs. Hugh Jones and Hester Ann Sidwell. HA. Estate of John Blackburn - West Addition, Maidens Mount, Brothers Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-9428 MSA S512-11- 9343 Location: 1/38/4/
1821/06/27 9429: Samuel Matthews vs. Thomas Sweeting, John Cook, and Roger B. Taney. BA. Dissolution of partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9429 MSA S512-12- 9344 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/02/13 9430: Margaret Elizabeth Magruder vs. William W. Hill and John B. Magruder. AA. Estate of Isaac G. Magruder. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 669. Accession No.: 17,898-9430 MSA S512-12- 9345 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/02/19 9431: Robert Mickle vs. Elias Shaw, Amos B. Shaw, Samuel Duer, and Samuel Canby. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on West Ilchester. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-9431 MSA S512-12- 9346 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/10/04 9432: Thomas H. Marshall vs. Harriett R. Marshall. PG. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9432 MSA S512-12- 9347 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/12/16 9433: Thomas McCleary vs. James McCleary. BA. Estate of David Reed - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-9433 MSA S512-12- 9348 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/04/24 9434: William Mears vs. Peter Barton, Henry Cook, Lydia Cook, William Ross, Noah Ross, Ann Stevens, William Penton, Hester Penton, Daniel F. Ewell, and Mary Ewell. CA. Estate of Archibald Ross. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 176. Accession No.: 17,898-9434-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9349 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/07/30 9435: James Moore, Keziah Moore, Brazilla Moore, Sally Moore, William Insley, and Maria Insley vs. Caroline Keene and Wesley Keene. DO. Estate of Samuel B. Keene - Invasion, Content, Deans Discovery, Addition to Deans Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 481.
Accession No.: 17,898-9435 MSA S512-12- 9350 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/07/24 9436: Richard S. Mercer vs. James M. Mercer, William R. Mercer, George D. Mercer, Mary S. Mercer, Richard W. Gill, Thomas S. Mercer, Wilson C. Mercer, Sophia E. Mercer, Mary M. Mercer, Peter McCall, and Jane B. McCall. AA. Estate of Margaret Mercer - Watkins Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-9436-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9351 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/03/20 9437: Elijah A. Manship, Louisa Manship, Elijah Towers, and Sarah Ann Towers vs. William Seth Evitts, Maria L. Evitts, and Jonathan Evitts. TA. Petition to sell lot in Easton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-9437 MSA S512-12- 9352 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/10/29 9438: William H. Marriott, Robert Welch of Ben, and George Mackubin vs. Anne Waters, Nathaniel Ramsey Waters, and Somerville Pinkney. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 305. Accession No.: 17,898-9438 MSA S512-12- 9353 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/05/24 9439: Benjamin R. Morgan vs. Richard Ringgold, Sophia Ringgold, Hamilton Ringgold, and William Ringgold. KE. Estate of William Slubey. Accession No.: 17,898-9439 MSA S512-12- 9354 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/04/19 9440: Eleanor Cookall Moale, George Buchanan, and David Hoffman vs. John Glenn. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9440 MSA S512-12- 9355 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/06/19 9441: Richard G. Mackall vs. George Chambers and Sarah Leach. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9441 MSA S512-12- 9356 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/01/16 9442: Susanna Matthews vs. John Walsh, Jacob Grafflin, and Bank of Baltimore. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9442 MSA S512-12- 9357 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/12/06 9443: Henry S. Mitchell vs. Ann Maria Mitchell and Nelson Spurrier. BA, CH, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wolfs Harbour, Gouldsmiths Neck, Arthurs Delay in HA. Also lots in BC and Cornwellis Neck in CH. Accession No.: 17,898-9443 MSA S512-12- 9358 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/09/05 9444: William McKim and Hazlitt McKim vs. William Mason and White Hall Co. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Hall Factory. Accession No.: 17,898-9444-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9359 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/02/22 9445: James Mitchell and Ann Mitchell vs. Edward Catlin, Mary Catlin, and John Mezick. SO. Estate of James Meziak - Bewoley, Mount Hope. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9445-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9360 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/10/04 9446: Thomas Marshall vs. George R. Marshall. PG. Petition to sell Marshalls Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 829. Accession No.: 17,898-9446 MSA S512-12- 9361 Location: 1/38/5/
1836 9447: William S. McPherson, Harriet McPherson, John S. Sellman, and Sally Sellman vs. Edward Maynard and Samuel Maynard. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-9447 MSA S512-12- 9362 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/08/01 9448: Howard Meeks vs. Rebecca Richardson Ball. KE. Petition to sell Nancys Choice, Warners Adventure, Warners Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 11. Accession No.: 17,898-9448 MSA S512-12- 9363 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/10/04 9449: American Life Insurance & Trust Co., Anthony Barclay, Patrick Macauley, and George F. Talman vs. Philip T. Tyson and Rebecca Tyson. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on My Lords Gift, Ledgely, Deavers Lookout, Best Endeavour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 99.
Accession No.: 17,898-9449 MSA S512-12- 9364 Location: 1/38/5/
1829 9450: Theodore Mudd vs. Eliza H. Newman and Edward J. Hambleton. CH. Accession No.: 17,898-9450 MSA S512-12- 9365 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/12/13 9451: John McKim Jr. vs. John Bunting. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-9451 MSA S512-12- 9366 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/10/30 9452: Joseph Murphy vs. Thomas C. Worthington, Elizabeth Ann Worthington, Charles G. Worthington, Brice Worthington, and Amos D. Worthington. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-9452 MSA S512-12- 9367 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/08/10 9453: George Moore, Ezekiel Moore, Henry Moore, Joseph Christopher, Rose Ann Christopher, Matthias Willey, Polly Willey, John Willey, Robert Willey, Susan Willey, Margaret Willey, Emily Willey, Eliza Willey, Edward Willey, Mary Willey, and William Rea vs. Jacob Willey. DO. Petition to sell Regulation, Good Luck Upon Hardship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 223.
Accession No.: 17,898-9453-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9368 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/11/02 9454: Catharine Murray vs. Frederick Dugan, John Smith Hollins, Rebecca Hollins, Robert Smith Hollins, Cordelia Hollins, Margaret Dugan, William McKim, and George M. Gill. BA. Estate of Hammond Dugan. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-9454-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9369 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/11/01 9455: Nicholas Merriweather and John O'Donnell vs. Nicholas G. Ridgely, Sally Ridgely, Robert Nielson, Deborah Nielson, Elizabeth D. Ridgely, Michael Baer, Matilda Baer, Horatio Hollingsworth, Emily Hollingsworth, Daniel Ridgely, Elizabeth Ridgely, Edward Ridgely, Ann Ridgely, Matilda Ridgely, Hester Ridgely, Samuel C. Ridgely, Richard Batter, Sophia Batter, Alfred Dashiell, Ann Dashiell, Thomas Sappington, Richard Dorsey, Matilda Dorsey, Abner Unkifer, Lydia Unkifer, Richard Ridgely, Greenbury Ridgely, Mr. Graham, Jane Graham, William S. Ridgely, Lucy R. Ridgely, William G. Ridgely, Elizabeth Griffith, Peregrine Warfield, Harriett Warfield, James McSherry, and Ann McSherry. AA. Title to Browns Chance, Dorseys Friendship, Altogether. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 232.
Accession No.: 17,898-9455-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9370 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/07/03 9456: Alexander McMaster, Margaret McMaster, Andrew McVey, and Mary T. McVey vs. William Nickle, Mary Nickle, Edward T. Taring, John James McMaster, Martha McMaster, and Robert McMaster. CE. Petition to sell Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 71.
Accession No.: 17,898-9456 MSA S512-12- 9371 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/10/12 9457: Thomas H. Meekins and Elizabeth Meekins vs. Samuel Mobray, Susan Mobray, Philip Graham, Margaret Graham, Emily Graham, Dorothy Graham, Robert Graham, and Silas Graham. DO. Petition to sell Worlds End, Nunns Discovery. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 305.
Accession No.: 17,898-9457 MSA S512-12- 9372 Location: 1/38/5/
1836/02/19 9458: Walter H. Mitchell vs. John Barnes. CH. Estate of Mary B. Barnes - slave William. Accession No.: 17,898-9458 MSA S512-12- 9373 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/08/20 9459: Samuel McConnell, Alexander McConnell, Amelia Gomley, and Mary McConnell vs. George Gillespie and Nicholas H. Gillespie. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9459 MSA S512-12- 9374 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/01/29 9460: Patrick Macaulay and John H.B. Latrobe vs. John S. Williams. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chews Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 514. Accession No.: 17,898-9460 MSA S512-12- 9375 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/10/07 9461: John S. McCulloh vs. Nathaniel Williams, George Williams, Amos A. Williams, George H. Williams, Eleanor Williams, Joseph B. Williams, Joshua B. Williams, Rebecca D. Williams, Victoria B. Williams, Virginia Williams, Sidney Williams, Martha Williams, Benjamin H. Williams, Susan May Williams, John S. Williams, William P. Williams, Edward P. Williams, Benjamin Williams, Georgiana Williams, William Williams, Sarah Williams, John David Moses Williams, Maria D. Williams, Dalrymple Williams, Nancy W. Burnap, George W. Burnap, William Greenway, Mary Greenway, Isabell Gray, Charles Douglas Gray, Caroline Remmington, and William Remmington. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 604.
Accession No.: 17,898-9461-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9376 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/01/06 9462: Randle H. Moale vs. Philip Wagner. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Georges Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-9462 MSA S512-12- 9377 Location: 1/38/5/
1851/03/04 9463: Leonard Mackall, Frances Anne Mackall, Elizabeth Bennett, John W. Bennett, and R. Covington Mackall vs. William N. Mulliken, James Lloyd Chamberlaine, Thomas Chambers, Samuel W. Spencer, Henrietta Spencer, Henrietta Hayward, Anna M. Earle, Henrietta Foreman, William H. Turbutt, Thomas S. Hayward, Mary Anne Hayward, Elizabeth Hayward, William Hayward, Hale Hayward, Sarah S. Trippe, Joseph R. Price, Alfred C. Price, William H. Price, Joseph E.M. Chamberlaine, and Elizabeth Chamberlain. TA. Contract to purchase Peach Blossom.
Accession No.: 17,898-9463-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9378 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/02/10 9464: James Massey vs. Charles C. Murray. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Friendship, Hazard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 190. Accession No.: 17,898-9464 MSA S512-12- 9379 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/01/03 9465: William B. Massey vs. James Francis Love, Thomas Henry Love, and Martha Ann Love. CA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 255. Accession No.: 17,898-9465-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9380 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/02/06 9466: Baptiste Mezick vs. Elizabeth Merriken and Franklin Merriken. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Homewoods Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-9466 MSA S512-12- 9381 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/01/21 9467: Sarah B.F. Mayo, Sophia B. Mayo, Isaac Mayo, Alexander Randall, and William Johns Mayo vs. William G. Bland, Isaac Mayo, Farmers Bank of Maryland, and Bank of Baltimore. AA. Trust estate under will of Sophia Bland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 137.
Accession No.: 17,898-9467-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9382 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/08/26 9468: Randle H. Moale vs. Genevieve Gineava Fairfield, Gertrude Lincoln Fairfield, Evelyn Beasley Fairfield, Summer L. Fairfield, and William H. Freeman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 140. Accession No.: 17,898-9468-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9383 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/09/22 9469: Turbutt C. Meginnis, Araminta Meginnis, and Richard T. Boyer vs. William Cacy, Elizabeth Cacy, Maria Boyer, Stephen Boyer, William Boyer, and Edward H. Boyer. KE. Petition to sell Adventure, Angels Lot, Angels Rest Resurveyed, Adventure Lying in the Forest, Woodland in the Forest, Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 726.
Accession No.: 17,898-9469 MSA S512-12- 9384 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/03/12 9470: Joshua H. Miles and Henrietta Miles vs. Hessiah Croswell. SO. Estate of Hance Croswell - Cedar Landing. Accession No.: 17,898-9470-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9385 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/08/10 9471: Mark Mellor, John B. Shock, Nicholas Shock, and Jacob Shock vs. Lydia Parsons, Lydia Shock, Joseph Shock, George Shock, Martin Mette, and Mary Mette. BA, HA. Estate of Jacob Shock - Stanburys Prospect. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9471-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9386 Location: 1/38/5/
1851/01/28 9472: Robert Moore and Charles Moore vs. Jacob Heiman and Abraham Heiman. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9472 MSA S512-12- 9387 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/11/02 9473: Robert H. McKnitt vs. Hetty S. Masten, Garrett Masten, and Clement Masten. CA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 313. Accession No.: 17,898-9473-1/5 MSA S512-12- 9388 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/01/14 9474: Allen Marriott vs. Nicholas Knighton, Harriet C. Knighton, Thomas H. Knighton, Charles E. Bevan, Rebecca Bevan, Eliza Clagett, William H. Bird, Caroline Jane Bird, Margaret Anne Knighton, Sarah Elizabeth Knighton, Martha Anne Knighton, Joseph H. Nicholson, and Alexander Randall. AA. Contract to purchase Summer Hill. Plat at 1/38/1/30. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 507.
Accession No.: 17,898-9474-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9389 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/02/17 9475: Mary Moody, Mary Miller, William Elliott, and Caroline Elliott vs. Emily Elliott, Harriett Elliott, John Elliott, Joseph Elliott, Harriett Elliott, Conrad Elliott, Thomas Elliott, David Landes, Elizabeth Landes, Stephen Bayn, Elizabeth Bayn, and Daniel Weaver. BA. Petition to see lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 643.
Accession No.: 17,898-9475-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9390 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/10/06 9476: Bushrod W. Marriott vs. Joseph Chaney, James McCoy, Margaret McCoy, Thomas Hardesty, Nancy Hardesty, Jesse Chaney, Flavilla Chaney, Louis Chaney, Mariann Chaney, Samuel Chaney, William D. Chaney, Joseph A. Chaney, Sarah J. Chaney, Mary Ann Chaney, Mary Donolofer, Abraham Lowe, Sarah Lowe, Isaac Chaney, and Mariam Chaney. AA. Petition to sell Chaneys Purchase, Littleton, Nancys Part.
Accession No.: 17,898-9476 MSA S512-12- 9391 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/11/29 9477: Cornelius Mercer vs. Joshua Burgess, Elizabeth Burgess, Maria Mercer, Eliza Mercer, Henry Mercer, Sidney Ann Mercer, Ayrns Mercer, Cornelius Mercer, Elisha Mercer, Luther Mercer, and Rachel Mercer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Frog Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 197.
Accession No.: 17,898-9477 MSA S512-12- 9392 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/09/20 9478: Patrick MacCauley, John H.B. Latrobe, and Joseph Thornburgh vs. Edward Webster, Martha C. Webster, Elizabeth Webster, Martha Love, and Henry Webster. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Elfred, St. Thomas Adventure, Hills and Dales. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 660.
Accession No.: 17,898-9478 MSA S512-12- 9393 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/11/12 9479: William McKim and Haslett McKim vs. Horatio N. Gambrill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Whitehall Factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 474. Accession No.: 17,898-9479 MSA S512-12- 9394 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/10/03 9480: James N. Muir, Elizabeth Ann Muir, Samuel Long, Mary Long, and Christiana Bean vs. David Greves, Rebecca Greves, Rebecca Greves, Jr., James Smith, Maria Smith, and Thomas Humphreys. BA. Estate of David Greves - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 948.
Accession No.: 17,898-9480-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9395 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/02/06 9481: David B. Majors, Elizabeth Majors, Elijah Ward, and Drusilla Ward vs. John Ward. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 722. Accession No.: 17,898-9481 MSA S512-12- 9396 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/10/27 9482: Samuel Mactier vs. Thomas Parkins Scott, Joseph E. Elder, Elizabeth Rebecca K. Elder, Thomas Hunter, Susannah G.K. Hunter, William George Robertson, Victoria K. Robertson, Eliza M. Scott, Robert M.K. Scott, and Cecelia Scott. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Peace and Plenty, Quince Orchard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 690.
Accession No.: 17,898-9482-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9397 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/07/24 9483: Randle H. Moale vs. Sidney Hall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 606. Accession No.: 17,898-9483 MSA S512-12- 9398 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/07/02 9484: Robert Mickle vs. Elias Shaw, Eliza Shaw, Amos B. Shaw, Samuel Canby, Samuel Duer, Matilda Duer, and Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 470. Accession No.: 17,898-9484-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9399 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/06/18 9485: John Martin vs. Robert A. Ross. TA. Petition to sell Powicks Ridge, Double Ridge. Plat of Powicks Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-9485 MSA S512-12- 9400 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/03/10 9486: John McKim, Jr. vs. John Ellicott, Elias T. Ellicott, and Andrew Ellicott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Baltimore Chemical Manufacturing Co. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 272. Accession No.: 17,898-9486 MSA S512-12- 9401 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/04/11 9487: Samuel Mackey vs. Harrison Mackey, Elias Hopkins, and James B. Steele. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Oak Swamp, Swineyard, Middle Spring, Willsons Lot, Lovedays March, Lovedays Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 257. Accession No.: 17,898-9487-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9402 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/07/20 9488: John A. McSherry and Joseph Fink vs. Benjamin H. Hall, Cassandra H. McCarlin, Thomas A. McCarlin, William H. McCarlin, and William H. Hoburg. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 791. Accession No.: 17,898-9488-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9403 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/10/22 9489: Sophia Miller vs. Samuel Severson, John Severson, John Wroth, James W. Wroth, Ann E. Wroth, Hyland B. Pennington, Stephen J. Magruder, John Markley, Rebecca Markley, Rachel Cox, Thomas Cox, Elizabeth Cox, and James C. Cox. CE. Estate of John Cox - Sasafrass Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 317.
Accession No.: 17,898-9489-1/8 MSA S512-12- 9404 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/08/25 9490: Merchants Bank of Baltimore vs. Samuel Hoffman, Samuel Owings Hoffman, John Glenn, James Mason Campbell, John Gibson, George Gibson, William M. Gibson, Richard Bell, Andrew Aldridge, Francis W. Alricks, Robert P. Brown, George Peabody, Samuel Riggs, Thomas Harrison, Charles J.M. Eaton, and Joseph Todhunter. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 630.
Accession No.: 17,898-9490-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9405 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/03/10 9491: James Murray vs. Gabriel H. Duvall and Sarah Duvall. AA. Title to Plains of Annapolis, Youngs Inn, Mayburys Spaw, Green Field. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 11. Accession No.: 17,898-9491-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9406 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/08/04 9492: John MacTavish and Emily MacTavish vs. William Carroll. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Canal and Railroad, Villiars, Webster, Water Lot, Take All. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 450. Accession No.: 17,898-9492-1/10 MSA S512-12- 9407 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/01/20 9493: Mary Mathias vs. John Mathias, Margaret A. Mathias, John A. Kelly, and Lydia Kelly. CR. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Westminster. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 599. Accession No.: 17,898-9493 MSA S512-12- 9408 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/02/25 9494: George Mearing and Elizabeth Marshall Mearing vs. John Gist, William Gwynn, Henry Hoffman, Jacob Hoffman, Susannah Hoffman, and Rachel Hoffman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Manys Delight, Gists Second Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 474.
Accession No.: 17,898-9494-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9409 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/09/25 9495: Thomas Myer, Ann Myer, James Myer, James H. Causten, Eliza Causten, Luke Keirsted, and Catherine Sophia Keirsted vs. John H. Shriver. BA. Estate of Jacob Myer - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9495 MSA S512-12- 9410 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/04/10 9496: Hugh McElderry vs. James Shipley, Thomas Lister, Isaac C. Anderson, and William Henry Worthington. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Ellicott Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 656. Accession No.: 17,898-9496-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9411 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/01/08 9497: William Morris vs. Duff Green, George Morris, George W. Norris, and William A. Patterson. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Military Lots 3393, 3395, 3397-3398, 4000. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170. p. 23. Accession No.: 17,898-9497-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9412 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/07/08 9498: James Moore vs. Sarah E. Moore, James H. Moore, John W. Moore, Charles F. Moore, and Daniel W. Moore. DO. Petition to sell Mister Taylors Neglect, Fulham, Addition to Fulham, Nancys Purchase, Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-9498 MSA S512-12- 9413 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/10/07 9499: Emily MacTavish, John MacTavish, Mary Ann Marchioness Wellsley, Elizabeth Jerningham Baroness of Stafford, George W. Jerningham Baron of Stafford, Louisa Catherine Osborn Duchess of Leeds, Francis G. D'Arcy Osborn Duke of Leeds, and George H. Rogers vs. Josias Pennington and Samuel Hoffman. BA. Estate of Mary Caton.
Accession No.: 17,898-9499 MSA S512-12- 9414 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/02/07 9500: James Mitchell and Thomas Mitchell vs. John Haddock, Hannah Haddock, Samuel Haddock, Sarah Ann Haddock, John G. Haddock, Susan H. Haddock, Henry Haddock, James L. Haddock, Robert Haddock, Elizabeth F. Haddock, Eleanor Haddock, Caleb Kirk, Ann L. Kirk, and Joseph Gillingham. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Andalusia, Hughes Endeavours, Blue Ball Tavern. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 345.
Accession No.: 17,898-9500-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9415 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/03/23 9501: Mary McAdow and Margaret Harl vs. Michael Huff. HA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-9501 MSA S512-12- 9416 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/02/13 9502: James Moon vs. Joseph Gillingham, James M. Conrad, and Laura W. Conrad. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 53. Accession No.: 17,898-9502 MSA S512-12- 9417 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/07/01 9503: Shadrack Mitchell vs. Margaret Woolford, Mary Owens, James Woolford, John Woolford, William Woolford, George Woolford, Mary Woolford, and Sarah Woolford. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 481. Accession No.: 17,898-9503-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9418 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/03/17 9504: William Mallalien vs. George Campbell. BA. Dissolution of Partnership - Ivy Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-9504 MSA S512-12- 9419 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/06/12 9506: John Murdock and Joseph Venables vs. Andrew Hook and Thomas Dixon. BA. Defraud of creditors of Hook and Dixon. Accession No.: 17,898-9506-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9420 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/11/23 9507: Edward Morris vs. Martin Luther Smith, Joseph E. Smith, and Charles J. Smith. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-9507-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9421 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/01/31 9508: Harriet B. Minskey, John S. Minskey, Hanson Minskey, Robert Minskey, and William Myers vs. Baruch Fowler and John Henry Maccubbin. AA. Estate of Anne Merrker Maccubbin Minskey. Accession No.: 17,898-9508-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9422 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/11/20 9509: Alexander Marr vs. Phillip Littig and Christian Keener. BA. Injunction against distribution of money from sale of house and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9509 MSA S512-12- 9423 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/04/29 9510: John H. Maccubbin, Hanson Minskey, and Harriet Minskey vs. Robert D. Minskey and John S. Minskey. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9510-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9424 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/12/24 9511: William H. Marriott, John W. Duvall, and Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. John H. Brown. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Patty, Mary, Airey, Cosar, Margaret, Matilda, and Daniel. Accession No.: 17,898-9511-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9425 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/08/09 9512: James McCauley vs. Elizabeth McCauley, Daniel J. McCauley, Mary J. McCauley, John H. McCauley, Martha McCauley, Robert M. Walmsley, Harriet Walmsley, Elizabeth McCauley, Joseph S. Fennell, and Lydia Fennell. CE. Contract to purchase Frisbys Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 115.
Accession No.: 17,898-9512 MSA S512-12- 9426 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/10/11 9514: Josiah Massey vs. Indianna Massey, John Massey, Harrison Massey, and Sarah Martha Ruelina Massey. KE. Petition to sell Free Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 956. Accession No.: 17,898-9514 MSA S512-12- 9427 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/11/14 9515: Elizabeth Meekins, Emily Graham, Robert Graham, Alexander Slacum, Dorothy Ann Slacum, and Margaret Mace vs. Silas Graham and Sarah Ann Mobray. DO. Petition to sell Buttons Rake. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 122. Accession No.: 17,898-9515-1/6 MSA S512-12- 9428 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/11/26 9516: James Mosher, Nathaniel Williams, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Edward Jenner Smith, Mary F. Smith, Flora Caldwell, and Ann C. Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Logsdons Addition, Bedford Resurveyed, Quebeck, Cooksons Content, Cromwells Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 92.
Accession No.: 17,898-9516-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9429 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/12/11 9517: Pritchett Meredith vs. Thomas Griffith, Alumbi Griffith, William Griffith, John Corkran, Rebecca Corkran, Mary E. Griffith, and Josiah Carroll. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on lot and house at Airey Meeting House. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1077.
Accession No.: 17,898-9517-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9430 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/11/14 9518: James W. Morgan, Charles Morgan, James Heverin, Sarah Jane Heverin, William Hackett, Martha Ann Hackett, Joseph Veach, and Emily Veach vs. Millaminta Morgan, Laura Ellen Morgan, Gertrude Augusta Morgan, and Arrabella Morgan. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 933.
Accession No.: 17,898-9518-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9431 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/07/02 9519: Henry W. Maccubbin and Mary Ann Maccubbin vs. Ann D. Durding, James C. Durding, John T. Durding, Edward P. Durding, Leander A. Durding, Laura C. Durding, John Kirby, Samuel Kirby, George W. Norris, Charles A. Beatty, Benjamin R. Durding, Peregrine Burgers, and Hetty Burgers. KE. Petition to sell Skinners Neck, Smyths Desert, Hynsons Division, Hynsons Addition.
Accession No.: 17,898-9519-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9432 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/01/19 9520: David Mansfield vs. Smith K. Bunting. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9520 MSA S512-12- 9433 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/01/03 9521: Bushrod W. Marriott, Thomas J. Hall, and Alexander Randall vs. Richard Butler, Rebecca Butler, James Wright, Rebecca Wright, Anne Butler, Margaret Butler, Elizabeth Lenora Singleton Butler, and Frances Mercer Butler. AA. Estate of Richard M. Foggett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 240.
Accession No.: 17,898-9521-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9434 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/05/02 9522: John Miller, Adam Miller, Mary L. Pinkney, Ann F. Pinkney, and Mary L. Pinkney vs. James Iglehart. AA. Petition to sell Harwoods Venture. Plat at 1/38/1/30. Accession No.: 17,898-9522-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9435 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/03/12 9523: John McKim, Jr. vs. Baltimore Chemical Manufacturing Co. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 270. Accession No.: 17,898-9523 MSA S512-12- 9436 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/03/15 9524: Thomas W. McDaniel and Sarah McDaniel vs. Laertis O. Millep and Mary A. Millep. AA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1088. Accession No.: 17,898-9524-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9437 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/12/06 9525: Patrick Macaulay and John H.B. Latrobe vs. Francis C. Durchhausen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-9525 MSA S512-12- 9438 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/06/23 9526: Arthur M. Merritt vs. John Steward, Margaret Steward, Rebecca Steward, James Steward, and Charles B. Tilden. KE. Petition to sell Thomas Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 582. Accession No.: 17,898-9526-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9439 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/04/20 9527: Richard G. Mackall, William G. Mackall, and James Harrison vs. J.W. Weems, Martha P. Weems, James Kent, Mary Kent, James B. Robinson, Eleanor Robinson, Henry C. Haubert, Caroline Haubert, Joseph K. Roberts, Amelia O. Roberts, Samuel L. Brooke, and Eliza V.D. Brooke. CV. Petition to sell Lordships Favour, St. Edmunds, Neglect, Rich Bit. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 375.
Accession No.: 17,898-9527 MSA S512-12- 9440 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/08/23 9529: Robert N. McKnett vs. Thomas Valliant, Edward Valliant, and Mary Ellen Valliant. CA. Petition to sell Valliants Delight. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 662. Accession No.: 17,898-9529 MSA S512-12- 9441 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/11/03 9530: Randle H. Moale vs. Philip S. Chappell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 684. Accession No.: 17,898-9530 MSA S512-12- 9442 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/05/17 9531: George McCullough and Margaret Callicott vs. Thomas P. Sutton, Elizabeth Sutton, and John Booth. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Fair Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 245. Accession No.: 17,898-9531 MSA S512-12- 9443 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/06/12 9532: James H. McNeal vs. James Benny, Mary Benny, Martha Arringdale, and John W. Arringdale. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 390. Accession No.: 17,898-9532 MSA S512-12- 9444 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/08/11 9533: Stephen Mills and Mary Elizabeth Mills vs. Pricilla Ann Donoho, and Rosina Donoho. WO. Petition to sell Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-9533 MSA S512-12- 9445 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/05/28 9534: William McMechen vs. Samuel Moale. BA. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-9534-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9446 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/09/21 9535: David Stewart vs. James W. McCulloh and Abby S. McCulloh. AL. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 550 and 177, p. 422. Accession No.: 17,898-9535 MSA S512-12- 9447 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/03/23 9536: Andrew McAdow vs. Sarah J. McAdow and William McAdow. HA. Petition to sell Christophers Camp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-9536 MSA S512-12- 9448 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/06/21 9537: Patrick Maccauley, John H. Latrobe, and Union Bank of Maryland vs. Hugh W. Evans, Joseph Todhunter, and Reverdy Johnson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Royal, lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-9537-1/5 MSA S512-12- 9449 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/07/17 9538: Sarah E. Murray and Mary Steele vs. Mary Sewall, Robert D. Sewall, William B. Sewall, Francis J. Mitchell, Henry S. Mitchell, Mary Sewall, Eliza Sewall, Ann Sewall, Susan Sewall, Mary Sewall, and Richard Sewall. PG. Estate of William Fishwick. Accession No.: 17,898-9538-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9450 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/03/21 9539: John Mitchell and Moses Sheppard vs. Oliver Coles. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Franklin St. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 204. Accession No.: 17,898-9539 MSA S512-12- 9451 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/06/10 9540: Margaret Moore, Nathan T.H. Moore, and William M. Wood vs. Merrick A. Jewett, Mary Jewett, Robert Sinclair, Jr., Margaret Sinclair, Richard S. Hardesty, Elizabeth Hardesty, George W. Moore, and David Moore. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9540 MSA S512-12- 9452 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/03/06 9541: Francis T. Montell vs. Charles R. Barney, Samuel Stone, and John Stone. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on White Hall, Green Spring Punch, Severn, Credentia, Lystra. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-9541-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9453 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/02/22 9542: Margaret Moore, George W. Moore, David Moore, Richard S. Hardesty, Elizabeth H. Hardesty, Robert Sinclair, Jr., Margaret H.M. Sinclair, Merrick A. Jewett, and Mary Jewett vs. Elizabeth M. Wood and Hannah M. Wood. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 628.
Accession No.: 17,898-9542-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9454 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/12/29 9543: John Miller vs. Samuel McConnell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 432. Accession No.: 17,898-9543 MSA S512-12- 9455 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/09/26 9544: George Mackubin, James Iglehart, William Ghiselin, Mary Ghiselin, Elizabeth Harwood, Edward G. Tilton, Josephine Tilton, Francis J. Key, and Betty Key vs. Osborn Sprigg Harwood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cherry Hill. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 111.
Accession No.: 17,898-9544-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9456 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/12/04 9545: Samuel J. Meekins vs. George H. Meekins and John D. Meekins. AA. Petition to sell Turkey Point, Haslips Beginning, Margarets Field. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 52. Accession No.: 17,898-9545 MSA S512-12- 9457 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/04/28 9546: John C. Murphy vs. William P. Francis, Ann E. Francis, Emeline A. Francis, and Jane L. Francis. KE. Petition to sell Goose Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 424. Accession No.: 17,898-9546 MSA S512-12- 9458 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/06/25 9547: Andrew McCready, Samuel McCready, and William Dayton vs. John Langrell, James Washington McCready, and Elisa Ellie McCready. DO. Petition to sell McCreadys Cost, Fishing Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 509. Accession No.: 17,898-9547 MSA S512-12- 9459 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/05/01 9548: Gustavus McElhiney vs. James Plummer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Plummers Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 457. Accession No.: 17,898-9548 MSA S512-12- 9460 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/12/29 9549: Henry L. McNamara, Harriet McNamara, Rhoda Cowart, John Hooper, Susan Hooper, Arthur Pritchett, Sarah Pritchett, and John Staplefort vs. William McNamara, Eliza McNamara, Job Slocum, Ann Slocum, John Hooper, Lipporah Hooper, and Harriet Ann Barnes. DO. Petition to sell Myrtle Swamp, Todds Expense, Walls Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-9549 MSA S512-12- 9461 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/02/08 9550: William H. Murray vs. Alexander J. Murray. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Woodstock. Accession No.: 17,898-9550 MSA S512-12- 9462 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/09/01 9551: John McKim, Jr. vs. Jane Johnson, Lucenda Sewall, David H. Johnson, Alfonso C. Johnson, and Caleb M. Johnson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 283. Accession No.: 17,898-9551 MSA S512-12- 9463 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/01/29 9552: James G. Mackall vs. John Parran, Richard Mackall, William Graham, and Susan Mackall. CV. Estate of Thomas Mackall. Accession No.: 17,898-9552-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9464 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/01/30 9553: Zachariah Meade vs. John Parran. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9553 MSA S512-12- 9465 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/12/04 9554: Benjamin McCeney, Joseph Owens, and William G. Saunders vs. Walter Dorsey, Anne Carr, Susanna Carr, Philip D. Carr, and Elizabeth Carr. AA. Petition to sell Marys Mount, Right Angle Triangle, Larkins Hills, Taylors Triangle. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 849.
Accession No.: 17,898-9554-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9466 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/06/17 9555: John McTavish and Emily McTavish vs. John C. Weems. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lock Eden, Padgett, Dinahs Beaver Dam, Halloways Increase. Accession No.: 17,898-9555-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9467 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/09/21 9556: Randle H. Moale and Charles F. Mayer vs. Matilda Graham, William Myers, William H. Hanson, Elizabeth Hanson, Jacob Walsh, Elizabeth Ann Walsh, Thomas Yates Walsh, Charles Walsh, Edward Jacob Walsh, Mary Yates Walsh, William Henry Walsh, and Mary Yates. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 730.
Accession No.: 17,898-9556 MSA S512-12- 9468 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/02/12 9557: George McCullough vs. Jethro Johnson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9557 MSA S512-12- 9469 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/07/21 9558: Randle H. Moale vs. Barbara Hitzelberger, Francis Hitzelberger, Mary Ann Hitzelberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 412. Accession No.: 17,898-9558 MSA S512-12- 9470 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/04/02 9559: Mary McPhail and William McPhail vs. Edward Jenkins. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9559-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9471 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/08/02 9560: George W. Matthews, Francis Matthews, Charles H. Matthews, Thomas Matthews, and William Matthews vs. William D. Merrick. CH. Trust estate of Rose Matthews - slaves Fredrick, Daniel, and Rose. Accession No.: 17,898-9560-1/10 MSA S512-12- 9472 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/02/10 9561: Oliver Mitchell vs. Henry C. Mackall. CE. Contract to lease Hispaniola. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 724. Accession No.: 17,898-9561 MSA S512-12- 9473 Location: 1/38/5/
1823/06/17 9563: Frances Moxley vs. Ara Polton. AA. Contract to purchase Winkerpin Neck. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9563 MSA S512-12- 9474 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/06/10 9564: Mathew McLaughlin and Thomas Wilson vs. Nathaniel Childs. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Nicholsons Manor, Walnut Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 216. Accession No.: 17,898-9564-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9475 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/04/21 9565: James McCreery vs. Benjamin McCreery and Clement Butler. HA. Contract to purchase McCreerys Hard Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-9565 MSA S512-12- 9476 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/06/28 9566: Aaron Mackenzie vs. Thomas Davis. AA. Injunction against removal of produce from Long Bottom, Orchard. Accession No.: 17,898-9566 MSA S512-12- 9477 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/10/25 9567: James Macgill vs. Samuel H. Hamilton. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Duvalls Mill Seat, Isaacs Discovery, Richards Forrest, Richards Part of Isaacs Discovery Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-9567 MSA S512-12- 9478 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/05/05 9568: John Mathias vs. Eleanor Gallagher, Thomas Gallagher, Jr., Eleanor Gallagher, and Peter G. Hunter. BA. Petition to sell Bonds Forrest, Elizabeths Fancy, Bucks Range. Accession No.: 17,898-9568-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9479 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/03/11 9569: Thomas G. McCulloh, Robert Lemmon, James Cox, Alexander McDonald, John S. Gittings, John Ridgely, Nicholas G. Ridgely, and Eliza E. Ridgely vs. Thomas N. Nielson and Charles F. Mayer. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 224.
Accession No.: 17,898-9569 MSA S512-12- 9480 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/03/18 9570: Thomas J. McDonald, William McDonald, and George McDonald vs. William Davis, Mary Davis, Jacob Townsend, and Catherine Townsend. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9570 MSA S512-12- 9481 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/06/18 9571: Richard G. Mackall vs. Peter Gibson. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Spittle, Addition to Spittle. Accession No.: 17,898-9571 MSA S512-12- 9482 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/10/20 9573: Moses Merrill vs. John Cross. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9573 MSA S512-12- 9483 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/12/18 9574: Isaac G. Magruder and Elizabeth Magruder vs. Francis R. Darnell. PG. Trust estate of Richard Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-9574-1/10 MSA S512-12- 9484 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/03/08 9575: William H. Murray vs. Archibald McRoberts. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9575 MSA S512-12- 9485 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/03/07 9576: Thomas Miller vs. William Vanlier, Ann Eliza Vanlier, Maria Evelina Miller, Joseph T. Mitchell, Robert Rigby, and Sarah Hester Rigby. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9576 MSA S512-12- 9486 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/07/01 9577: Mayor and City Council of Baltimore vs. Baltimore & Port Deposit Railroad Co. and Canton Co. BA. Injunction against building railroads in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9577 MSA S512-12- 9487 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/12/15 9578: John Mason vs. Elizabeth Maria Leech. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-9578 MSA S512-12- 9488 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/05/16 9579: Jesse Morris, Benjamin Morris, Mary Morris, Elizabeth Morris, Ann Morris, William Cornelius, and Catherine Cornelius vs. Charles Morris, John Morris, and William Morris. KE. Petition to sell Wheatfield, Bath. Accession No.: 17,898-9579-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9489 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/01/02 9580: Francis Marshall vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Solomon Etting, Benjamin D. Higdon, Samuel Moore, John Dushane, and John Gillingham. BA. Injunction against sale of lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9580-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9490 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/11/21 9581: Benjamin McCeney vs. Benjamin Owens, Eliza Owens, and Sarah Owens. AA. Defraud of creditors of Benjamin Owens - Pindalls Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 89. Accession No.: 17,898-9581-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9491 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/05/06 9582: Rezin Mersen vs. George Ellicott, Sr. and George Ellicot, Jr. AA. Injunction against obstruction of a road. Plat of Frederick Turnpike. Accession No.: 17,898-9582 MSA S512-12- 9492 Location: 1/38/5/
1824/11/15 9583: John McCurdy vs. Benjamin Ferguson. BA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-9583 MSA S512-12- 9493 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/08/29 9584: Charles S. Matthews vs. William Hincks, Jeremiah Elder, and William Crawford. AA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9584-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9494 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/11/06 9585: John Magee and Arabella Magee vs. Richard P. Snowden, Rezin H. Snowden, John S. Tyson, Rachel Tyson, Joseph Hopkins, and Anne Hopkins. AA. Estate of Gerard H. Snowden. Accession No.: 17,898-9585-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9495 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/09/17 9586: James Murray vs. Henry K. Long, Susan Long, John C. Wilson, Jr., and Arnold E. Jones. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Haywards Purchase, Addition. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9586-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9496 Location: 1/38/5/
1819/12/08 9587: John Murray Jr. vs. Samuel Greigh. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on James Forrest Resurveyed, Springfield Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 358. Accession No.: 17,898-9587 MSA S512-12- 9497 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/06/20 9588: Robert McCoy and Andrew McCoy vs. Thomas West. BA. Estate of Cassandra West. Accession No.: 17,898-9588 MSA S512-12- 9498 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/12/09 9589: Mechanics Bank of Baltimore vs. Walter Hall, William Hall, Richard M. Hall, Michael Jenkins, and Edward Jenkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Kingston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 884. Accession No.: 17,898-9589-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9499 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/05/06 9590: John Moxly vs. Ara Polton, Thomas Polton, Zachariah Polton, John Polton, Susan Polton, Margaret Polton, Hiram Polton, Isaac Polton, Comfort Polton, Rosetta Polton, Alexander Polton, Provy Polton, Charles Polton, Joseph Wesly, and Polly Wesly. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Winkerpin Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 567.
Accession No.: 17,898-9590 MSA S512-12- 9500 Location: 1/38/5/
1819/11/26 9591: William C. Miller and Deborah Miller vs. Thomas Miller, John M. Miller, Samuel Miller, Thomas Williams, Agnes Williams, Tristram W. Freeman, Nancy H. Freeman, William Killen, Jane Killen, Margaret Clendenning, Thomas Clendenning, Mary Clendenning, John Clendenning, and Samuel Clendenning. CE. Petition to partition Consent, Steelmans Delight, Mill Privilege. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 629.
Accession No.: 17,898-9591-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9501 Location: 1/38/5/
1819/07/15 9592: Samuel Moale vs. William McMechen and Walter Dorsey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9592 MSA S512-12- 9502 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/02/25 9593: Francis McAvoy and Thomas Burgess vs. Samuel Dorsey. Howard District. Title to Taylors Park. Accession No.: 17,898-9593 MSA S512-12- 9503 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/01/07 9594: Stephen Moore vs. William Powell, Lewis W. Neal, Ansel W. Neal, Welerd H. Neal, Elinder Neal, Joseph E.H. Neal, and William H. Neal. DO. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 775. Accession No.: 17,898-9594 MSA S512-12- 9504 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/10/26 9595: Joshua Mott and Benedict J. Sanders vs. John Waters, Ann Waters, and William Carson. BA. Insolvent estate of John Waters - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9595 MSA S512-12- 9505 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/01/01 9596: Daniel Murray, James Murray, Richard Rush, Catherine Rush, Sally L. Lloyd, John Mason, and Ann Mason vs. Richard Caton and Mary Caton. BA. Trust estate of Mary Caton - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9596 MSA S512-12- 9506 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/10/19 9597: John Mitchell and James Cummings vs. Philip Pindell, Elizabeth Pindell, Charles Hodges, Priscilla Ann Hodges, and Henry C. Drury of William. AA. Estate of Zebedu Wood - Grammars Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-9597 MSA S512-12- 9507 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/10/11 9598: Theodore M. Moore vs. George W. Smith, Ann C. Smith, John B. Bispham, Martha C. Bispham, Charles Barrington, Leonora Barrington, and Horatio B. Penneck. CE. Petition to record a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-9598 MSA S512-12- 9508 Location: 1/38/5/
1819/06/29 9599: Benjamin McCeney and Thomas Elliott vs. Cane W. Edelen. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on slave Harry. Accession No.: 17,898-9599-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9509 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/08/26 9600: Adam Miller and John Miller vs. Charles Ridgely, Jeremiah L. Boyd, William T. Boyd, Henrietta L. Boyd, Isaac L. Boyd, Mary E. Boyd, Dennis Boyd, and Celestin M. Boyd. AA. Defraud of creditors of Jeremiah L. Boyd. Accession No.: 17,898-9600-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9510 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/10/28 9601: Zachariah Maccubin, George Washington Maccubin, John Maccubin, Richard Whelan, David Whelan, John Carroll Whelan, Ann Maccubin, and Susan Maccubin vs. John Cromwell and Philip Laurenson. BA. Estate of Zachariah Maccubin. Accession No.: 17,898-9601-1/5 MSA S512-12- 9511 Location: 1/38/5/
1836/06/06 9602: Samuel Maynard, Lewis Neth, John H. Alexander, Philip T. Tyson, and Charles Oliver vs. John Eager Howard, George Howard, Benjamin C. Howard, James Howard, Charles Howard, William Howard, Philip Barton Howard, William George Read, Sophia Read, and James Howard McHenry. AL. Petition to partition Beattys Plains. Plat at 1/38/1/30.
Accession No.: 17,898-9602-1/5 MSA S512-12- 9512 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/06/23 9603: John MacTavish and Emily MacTavish vs. Virgil Maxey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9603 MSA S512-12- 9513 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/03/06 9604: Richard H. Marshall, Ann Marshall, Louisa Summers, Maria Summers, Elizabeth Summers, Henry Warren Summers, Jr., Henrietta Summers, Samuel Cecil, and Mary Cecil vs. James C. Summers, Thomas Summers, Henry W. Summers, and Deborah Berry. AA, PG. Estate of Nathan Summers - Champion Forest, Support, Trusty Friend, First Addition, Second Addition, Third Addition, Pinkestones Delight in AA. Also Summers Resurvey in PG. Plat of Summers Resurvey at 1/38/1/30. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 290.
Accession No.: 17,898-9604-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9514 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/04/02 9605: Margarett Moore vs. George Washington Moore. BA. Appointment of trustee for George Washington Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-9605-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9515 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/10/27 9606: Robert T. Mercer vs. Robert S. Mercer and Margaret Mercer. AA. Estate of Richard Mercer, Jr. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-9606-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9516 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/12/14 9607: Elizabeth McCaffie vs. Nicholas Brewer and Dennis Claude. AA. Estate of Barney Curran. Accession No.: 17,898-9607 MSA S512-12- 9517 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/08/07 9608: Samuel Mead vs. Zachariah Mead. CV. Estate of Samuel Mead - Coxs Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-9608 MSA S512-12- 9518 Location: 1/38/5/
1836/03/14 9609: Sarah Murray, William Chenowith, Ketura Chenowith, Samuel Kerlinger, Eliza Kerlinger, John B. Chenowith, Sarah Chenowith, Thomas B. Murray, James Benson, Susanna Benson, Christian Aney, Diana Aney, Elizabeth Ann Murray, Rebecca Murray, Harriott Murray, Isabella Jane Murray, John Wesely Murray, and Joshua Somerfield Murray vs. Solomon McHanny and John Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 456.
Accession No.: 17,898-9609-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9519 Location: 1/38/5/
1836/02/27 9610: James McCormick and Ann Elisa McCormick vs. John E. Berry and Allen Bowie. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Charles Hills, Bealls Chance, Grooms Lot, Maidens Dowry, Forbes Delight, Green Spring, Independence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-9610-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9520 Location: 1/38/5/
1824/01/22 9611: John McKim, Jr. vs. Richard W. Gill, Joseph Watts, Peter A. Watts, William J. Watts, Joseph Watts, Frances Watts, Martha Ann Watts, Robert T. Spence, and Henry C. Dunbar. AA. Estate of Joseph Watts - Woodlands, Bare Neck, Grays Adventure. Plat of Woodlands at 1/38/1/30. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 448.
Accession No.: 17,898-9611-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9521 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/04/10 9612: Samuel Moore vs. Thomas Williams. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9612 MSA S512-12- 9522 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/04/10 9613: Peter Malcolm vs. John Dearie. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9613 MSA S512-12- 9523 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/06/22 9614: Robert Marshall vs. Abraham White, Daniel Brand, and John J. Gross. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9614-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9524 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/02/25 9615: Charles F. Mayer and Samuel M. Charters vs. Brantz Mayer and Abner Coker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 501. Accession No.: 17,898-9615 MSA S512-12- 9525 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/10/03 9616: George Mackubin and Margaret Hall vs. John S. Matthews, Sophia Ann Matthews, John Henry Hall, Ephraim Worthington Hall, and Benjamin Howard Hall. AA. Petition to sell Governors Bridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 118. Accession No.: 17,898-9616-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9526 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/04/11 9617: Hezekiah Claggett Magruder and Richard B. Magruder vs. Thomas Clagett, Alfred G. Clagett, and John J. Donaldson. BA. Appointment of trustee for Hezekiah Claggett. Accession No.: 17,898-9617-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9527 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/12/14 9618: John McKim, Jr. vs. William S. Moore. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 972 and 137, p. 22. Accession No.: 17,898-9618 MSA S512-12- 9528 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/07/13 9619: William McParlin vs. James Kent, Daniel Kent, Jr., Mordecai F. Smith, Benjamin Armiger, and James Williamson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Selbys Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-9619 MSA S512-12- 9529 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/06/12 9620: William D. Macgill, Mary Macgill, Sarah Parran, and Ann Parran vs. Richard Parran and Nathaniel D. Parran. CV. Petition to sell Charles Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-9620-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9530 Location: 1/38/5/
1818/12/15 9621: Aquila Mitchell vs. Abraham Jarrett. HA. Estate of James Mitchell - Rupulta, Taylors Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-9621 MSA S512-12- 9531 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/10/14 9622: Wilfred Manning, Dorothy Manning, Thomas Taney, Elizabeth Taney, Thomas H. Miles, and Richard Fenwick. PG, SM. Petition to partition Canoe Neck in SM. Also Hills Resurvey in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 762. Accession No.: 17,898-9622-1/6 MSA S512-12- 9532 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/12/15 9623: Ruth Mercer vs. John Mercer, Andrew Mercer, Eliza Mercer, Mary Mercer, John Mercer of Joshua, Azel Mercer, Ruth Barnes, Rufus W. Barnes, and Richard Mercer. AA, BA. Estate of Andrew Mercer - Mercers Ramble, Detatcht, Roberts Advantage, Hobsons Choice, Mercers Lot, Blowing Plains in AA. Also Heirsy Hills, Pleasant Springs, Pear Tree in BA.
Accession No.: 17,898-9623 MSA S512-12- 9533 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/07/20 9624: Edward C. Mills vs. Jacob Waters, Charles A. Waters, and Henry H. Brown. AA. Defraud of creditors of Jacob Waters - Mount Grove, Good Mothers Endeavor. Accession No.: 17,898-9624 MSA S512-12- 9534 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/11/02 9625: Emily McTavish vs. George Neilson, Richard Caton, and William Carroll. BA. Petition to transfer mortgage. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-9625 MSA S512-12- 9535 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/03/27 9626: Thomas Munroe, William F. Munroe, James Munroe, Mary Munroe, Jonathan Pinkney, Elizabeth Pinkney, Benjamin Childs, and Elizabeth Childs vs. Jonathan Munroe, Grafton Munroe, Thomas Munroe, Rebecca Ann Munroe, Charles Munroe, and John M. Nelson. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 72.
Accession No.: 17,898-9626 MSA S512-12- 9536 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/06/16 9627: Lloyd Moxley and Joshua Marriott vs. Charles White and Frederick F. White. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wincopin Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 520. Accession No.: 17,898-9627 MSA S512-12- 9537 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/03/05 9628: Louis Marchand vs. Pierre Louis Auguste Marchand, A.M. Alphonse Marchand, and Charles F. Mayer. HA. Estate of Francis Delaporte. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 81. Accession No.: 17,898-9628 MSA S512-12- 9538 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/03/02 9630: John Murray, Jr. vs. Samuel Henestofiel, Margaret Henestofiel, and James Richards. BA. Petition to sell Merrymans Meadow, Sportsmans Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-9630 MSA S512-12- 9539 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/09/24 9631: Catherine Medcalf and William Caton vs. Francis N. Daley and Richard J. Jones. AA. Estate of James Medcalf. Accession No.: 17,898-9631 MSA S512-12- 9540 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/11/23 9632: Solomon H. Mitchell vs. Sarah Saunders. DO. Petition to sell Partridges Regulation, Hog Lane, Sassafras Ridge, Sanfords Range, Bear Garden, Chance Outlet, Foxalls Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-9632 MSA S512-12- 9541 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/07/14 9633: William H. Marriott vs. William H. Freeman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Samuel, Charles, Jacob, and Lewis. Accession No.: 17,898-9633 MSA S512-12- 9542 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/03/04 9634: Oscar Mix and Leonard Mackall vs. Jacob S. Gobin, Emily Gobin, Alpheus D. Brown, and Adeline Brown. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9634 MSA S512-12- 9543 Location: 1/38/5/
1823/07/18 9635: Thomas Mundell, Elizabeth Blacklock, Jane Blacklock, Frederick Blacklock, and Elizabeth C. Blacklock vs. Hendley W. Lanham. CH. Petition to sell Friendship, Smallwoods Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 494. Accession No.: 17,898-9635 MSA S512-12- 9544 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/12/29 9636: Jane Magruder vs. Eleanor Mary White Eversfield Ayton. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9636 MSA S512-12- 9545 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/06/08 9637: George F. Mason vs. George F. Mason, William W. Mason, Thomas Mason, Richard Mason, Louisa Baggs, Charlotte West, and William Parrotts. CA, QA. Petition to partition Tilghmans Gift, Outlet in CA. Also Statton in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-9637-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9546 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/06/01 9638: William Moore vs. Thomas Griffith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Griffiths Purchase. Plat; also shows Sappingtons Swap Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 664. Accession No.: 17,898-9638 MSA S512-12- 9547 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/10/07 9639: Charles F. Mayer vs. Frederick B. Graf and George Brown. BA. Estate of Frederick B. Graf. Accession No.: 17,898-9639 MSA S512-12- 9548 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/08/15 9640: John F. Mann, Alfred H. Mann, and Samuel Waltman vs. Joseph J. Speed, Lewis W. Giese, and James H. Giese. BA. Defraud of creditors of Geise & Son. Accession No.: 17,898-9640 MSA S512-12- 9549 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/06/04 9641: Randle H. Moale vs. Nicholas Gilliard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-9641-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9550 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/06/09 9642: Ann Jane Mincher and William Braden vs. John Mincher. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-9642 MSA S512-12- 9551 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/12/02 9643: Jacob Madeira, Mary Y. Madeira, June A. Dashiell, Romania Dashiell, and Alfred J. Dashiell vs. George Dashiell, Richard Frisby, Colin McKenzie, and Morgan Brown. KE. Estate of Anna Maria Rowles - Oakland, Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 979.
Accession No.: 17,898-9643-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9552 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/11/09 9644: George Mackubin vs. Edward Lloyd Nicholson. AA. Defraud of creditors of Nicholson - Hilden. Accession No.: 17,898-9644 MSA S512-12- 9553 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/02/19 9645: Philip Moore and Franklin Bank of Baltimore vs. David Burke, George W. Burke, Richard H. Jones, Joseph Jamieson, James Forbes, William Price, David Steward, and John Spear Nicholas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC, Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 1138, p. 375.
Accession No.: 17,898-9645-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9554 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/08/31 9646: Benjamin H. Mackall vs. John Freeland, and Ann Freeland. CV. Trust estate under will of Francis Hamer. Accession No.: 17,898-9646 MSA S512-12- 9555 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/03/05 9647: John Westeney and James Pattison vs. Walter Harrison. AA. Estate of James Pattison - Hunts Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 740. Accession No.: 17,898-9647-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9556 Location: 1/38/5/
1823/02/18 9648: Andrew L. Moore, Thomas Moore, Lucy Moore, Willilam P. Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, and Thomas Mundell vs. William Smith. CH. Estate of George R. Leeper - Comree. Accession No.: 17,898-9648 MSA S512-12- 9557 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/02/19 9649: Samuel Moale vs. George Ensor, Henry Cover, John McMurray, Samuel McMurray, and John Little. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Marys Promise, Darlington, Porters Pleasant Levels, Lawrences Pleasant Valley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 174. Accession No.: 17,898-9649-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9558 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/06/14 9650: Mary Ann Mallory vs. William Bankard and Elizabeth Bankard. BA. Estate of John Mallory. Accession No.: 17,898-9650 MSA S512-12- 9559 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/06/20 9651: Jesse J. Morris and James West vs. John C. Thomas, Mary Russell, and Ann Russell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Geofarison, Geofarison Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 53. Accession No.: 17,898-9651 MSA S512-12- 9560 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/09/07 9652: Jeremiah McNew vs. Thomas Snowden, Jr., Richard N. Snowden, John Contee, Ann L. Contee, Albert Fairfax, Caroline Fairfax, Timothy P. Andrews, and Emily R. Andrews. AA. Estate of Richard Snowden - Wet Breeches. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 90.
Accession No.: 17,898-9652 MSA S512-12- 9561 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/03/19 9653: William McMechen vs. Mary Lamott, James Piper, Jane Piper, and Sarah Smith. BA. Insolvent estate of David McMechen - Springfield. Accession No.: 17,898-9653 MSA S512-12- 9562 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/09/21 9654: Patrick Macgill vs. Mary Macgill, Thomas Macgill, William D. Macgill, James Macgill, Nicholas C. Macgill, and Charles Macgill. AA. Petition to sell Athol Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 612. Accession No.: 17,898-9654 MSA S512-12- 9563 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/03/10 9655: Ede Marriott vs. Nathan J. Waters, Godfrey Friedhoffer, and Thomas B. Warfield. AA. Estate of William Marriott - Ridgelys Chance, Worthingtons Beginning, Addition to Ridgelys Addition. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 42, MdHR 40,283-95, S65-55, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-9655-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9564 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/04/23 9656: William McParlin vs. Rebecca Taylor, James Taylor, William Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, John H. Elliott, and Sarah Elliott. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 137. Accession No.: 17,898-9656-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9565 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/02/02 9657: James H. Marriott vs. Rezin H. Snowden, Anabella Snowden, and Marian S. Snowden. AA. Contract to purchase Heffords Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 597. Accession No.: 17,898-9657-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9566 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/06/27 9658: Daniel McCauley, Jr. vs. James McCauley, Daniel J. McCauley, Harriet McCauley, Elizabeth McCauley, Lydia A. McCauley, Mary Jane McCauley, John H. McCauley, and Martha McCauley. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9658-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9567 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/07/18 9659: James Merrick vs. James Harris, William Harris, Anna Margaret Harris, Edward Anderson Harris, John H. Kennard, Mary Maria Kennard, and Ezekiel F. Chambers. QA. Title to Long Marsh Ridge, Hog Hole. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 501.
Accession No.: 17,898-9659-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9568 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/02/09 9660: Thomas Marshall, George R.H. Marshall, and Harriett R. Marshall vs. Eleanor A. Marshall. CH. Estate of Thomas H. Marshall - Marshalls Adventure, Herrick, Hansington in CH. Also Hickory Hill, Hog Pen, Poplar Hill, Little Frog Resurveyed in PG. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 29, MdHR 40,283-82, S65-132, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 829.
Accession No.: 17,898-9660 MSA S512-12- 9569 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/11/01 9661: Francis Macfadon vs. Ephraim Etchinson. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Margarets Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-9661 MSA S512-12- 9570 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/05/27 9662: Henry S. Mitchell vs. Robert D. Sewall, Henry Dangerfield, Susan Dangerfield, and Ellen Dangerfield. AA. Title to Hayfield. Accession No.: 17,898-9662-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9571 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/05/17 9663: Charles F. Mayer vs. Thomas N. Neilson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 61. Accession No.: 17,898-9663 MSA S512-12- 9572 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/01/25 9664: Gay Moore vs. William S. McKean, Camilla McKean, Rebecca Moore, Sarah Moore, George F. Thomas, Benjamin Hurxthal, and Hammond Dugan. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-9664 MSA S512-12- 9573 Location: 1/38/5/
1823/09/19 9665: Charles F. Mayer and Gottlieb Huster vs. Ann Campbell. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 251. Accession No.: 17,898-9665-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9574 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/01/19 9666: Alexander Marr vs. Josiah Young, Henry Young, Thomas H. Wilkinson, Alexander Young, James G. Wood, Martha Wood, Richard Skinner, Eliza Skinner, Michael Taney, and Walter Greenfield. PG. Contract to purchase lot in Nottingham. Accession No.: 17,898-9666-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9575 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/08/03 9667: James Musgrove vs. Alexander Jackson, Mahala Jackson, Margaret Ann Walker, Isaac F. Walker, Martha Louisa Parsley, David Parsley, John T. Walker, and Elizabeth A. Walker. Howard District. Contract to purchase Pillage Resurveyed. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9667-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9576 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/12/05 9668: Daniel Moxley vs. Richard H. Stuart, Catherine Eleanor Stuart, John P. Stuart, Mary Eleanor Stuart, William G. Stuart, Maria Stuart, Mary D. Stuart, Cecilia M. Stuart, Eleanor J. Stuart, Joseph N. Stuart, Charles B. Stuart, Stuart G. Thornton, and Mary Adeline Thornton. PG. Contract to purchase Gilberts Point.
Accession No.: 17,898-9668 MSA S512-12- 9577 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/05/10 9670: Charles F. Mayer and Randle H. Moale vs. Hugh Dowling. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 143. Accession No.: 17,898-9670 MSA S512-12- 9578 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/06/21 9671: Sarah Mitchell vs. Elizabeth Mitchell. BA. Trust estate under will of Frances J. Mitchell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 413. Accession No.: 17,898-9671-1/5 MSA S512-12- 9579 Location: 1/38/5/
1824/03/01 9672: Thomas Mundell, Eliza J. Blacklock, Jane A.T. Blacklock, Nicholas F. Blacklock, and Elizabeth Blacklock vs. Eliza McElderry, Hugh McElderry, and George Forbes. CH. Estate of Nicholas Blacklock - Strife, Barton Enlarged, Thompsons Hoop Thickett, Friendship, Smallwoods Meadows.
Accession No.: 17,898-9672-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9580 Location: 1/38/5/
1823/06/26 9673: John Murray, Jr. vs. Henry Henestofiel, Thomas Cox, and John Cox. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Switzerland, Gerry Peat, Sportsmans Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 659. Accession No.: 17,898-9673 MSA S512-12- 9581 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/07/17 9674: John MacTavish and Richard S. Steuart vs. Mary Caton, George Jerningham Baron Stafford, Mary Wellesley, Elizabeth Stafford, Francis Sydney Godolphen Duke of Leeds, Emily Godolphen, and Emily MacTavish. BA. Trust estate under will of John Carroll of Carrollton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 58.
Accession No.: 17,898-9674-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9582 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/11/29 9675: James Malcolm vs. Washington Hall, Jr. BA. Insolvent estate of Henry Keene. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 354 Accession No.: 17,898-9675 MSA S512-12- 9583 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/09/19 9676: Joseph Moffett vs. Colin R. Ferguson, Araminta M. Ferguson, Sarah C.R. Ferguson, and Elijah Eliason. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 856. Accession No.: 17,898-9676 MSA S512-12- 9584 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/04/17 9677: William Sebastian Munday, Edward Munday, Hannah Priscilla Munday, William S. Munday, and Jane Hammer vs. August Hammer. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 155. Accession No.: 17,898-9677 MSA S512-12- 9585 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/12/09 9678: Catherine Mitchell vs. John Roberson. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Fork Neck, Addition to Fork Neck, Maidens Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-9678-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9586 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/04/06 9679: Samuel Maynard vs. George Fitzhugh, Jr., Mary Fitzhugh, Daniel D. Fitzhugh, and Bank of Maryland. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 756 and 158, p. 638. Accession No.: 17,898-9679-1/6 MSA S512-12- 9587 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/12/08 9681: William D. McClellan and Maria McClellan vs. Richard B. Mitchell, Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, John P. Kennedy, and John Glenn. BA. Title to Longworth, Back River Neck, slaves Ben, Darkey, Dolly, Dick, and Mary Elizabeth. Accession No.: 17,898-9681-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9588 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/07/01 9682: Charles B. Mobray and Rose Ann Mobray vs. Barzilla Slacum, Solomon Kirwan, Jr., Mary Kirwin, and Rose Ann Kirwin. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Hermitage, Puzzles, Hog Yard, Boobys Neglect, Pear Tree. Accession No.: 17,898-9682-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9589 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/06/02 9683: Jonathan Manro, Nathan A. Manro, and Duncan Turnbull vs. James McLanaham, Wilhelmes Bogart, and Thomas Tenant. BA. Title to Land of Goshen. Accession No.: 17,898-9683-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9590 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/09/09 9684: James McCormick, Jr. vs. William Dudley Digges, Daniel Brent, and Daniel Carroll of Duddington. PG. Insolvent estate of Digges - Yarrow Head. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 113. Accession No.: 17,898-9684-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9591 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/03/20 9685: Levin Moore vs. Barzellai Bramble, Cassandra Bramble, Henry Elliott, Rebecca Elliott, Henry Moore, Caleb Moore, Horace Moore, Sally Marie Moore, Andrew Jackson of Hurley, Julia Anderson, and Rebecca Anderson. DO. Estate of Samuel S. Moore. Accession No.: 17,898-9685 MSA S512-12- 9592 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/01/24 9686: Bernard Maginn and Emma Maginn vs. Joshua Brown, Zachariah Brown, and Lloyd Brown. AA. Petition to sell Champion Forrest, Support, Trusty Friend, First Addition, Second Addition, Third Addition, Pinkstones Delight. Plats at 1/38/1/30. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 261. Accession No.: 17,898-9686-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9593 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/04/24 9687: David G. McCoy, William McCoy, Rachel McCoy, Joseph McCoy, William Cavender, Mary Cavender, Isaac Barnes, Lydia Barnes, Isaac Thomas, and Martha Thomas vs. Mary Frisby McCoy, Mary McCoy, Henry McCoy, Andrew McCoy, Robert Handy McCoy, and Cassandra McCoy. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9687-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9594 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/09/19 9688: Aquilla N.H. Meeks vs. Sarah Ann Meeks, William Meeks, and James F. Browne. KE. Estate of Hynson Meeks - Partnership Resurveyed. Plat at 1/38/1/30. Accession No.: 17,898-9688-1/5 MSA S512-12- 9595 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/07/03 9690: Alexander MacTier, Samuel MacTier, Samuel Winchester, Frances Winchester, Dorthea Johnson, Daniel Warfield, Nancy Warfield, James H. McCulloch, Eliza McCulloch, Jane MacTier, Samuel Winchester, and Grace Winchester vs. William Lawrence MacTier, Frances MacTier, and Henrietta MacTier. BA. Estate of Alexander MacTier - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 427.
Accession No.: 17,898-9690 MSA S512-12- 9596 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/05/08 9691: Elizabeth Matthews, Charles Shorter, and John Smith vs. John Gowan. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-9691-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9597 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/09/20 9692: Zedekiah Moore vs. Samuel K. Jennings, Hannah Jennings, Thomas Owings, John H. Owings, Comfort All, Sr., and Comfort All, Jr. AA. Estate of John All - Pooles Chance, Lessworth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-9692-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9598 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/09/21 9693: Alexander McCain and Frances McCain vs. Frances Ann Griffith and John Leopold Griffith. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Swansbury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-9693 MSA S512-12- 9599 Location: 1/38/5/
1826/11/22 9694: William Marshall vs. Ezekiel McDaniel and Elsworth Bayne. PG. Contract to purchase lot in Pisscattaway. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 503. Accession No.: 17,898-9694 MSA S512-12- 9600 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/02/08 9696: Jerome Mudd and Notley Young vs. Asa Anderson. PG. Contract to purchase lot in Queen Anne. Accession No.: 17,898-9696-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9601 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/12/17 9697: John McKim, Jr. vs. William Linsberger and Joseph N. Craddock. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 667. Accession No.: 17,898-9697 MSA S512-12- 9602 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/08/26 9698: Cornelius McLean vs. Israel Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9698 MSA S512-12- 9603 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/04/19 9699: William Moore, Frances Moore, Isaac D. Iiams, Cecelia Iiams, and Loyd Moxley vs. Luther Moxley, Jerusa Moxley, and William Moore Tenain. AA. Petition to sell Winkcopin Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 80. Accession No.: 17,898-9699 MSA S512-12- 9604 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/12/24 9700: Thomas Macgill vs. Charles Macgill. AA. Petition to sell Williams Inheritance, Weavers Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-9700-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9605 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/03/04 9701: William W. McClellan vs. John McClellan and Samuel McClellan. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9701-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9606 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/02/05 9702: Matthew Murray vs. Richard B. Beall. BA, HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Youngs Escape. Accession No.: 17,898-9702 MSA S512-12- 9607 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/08/19 9703: Randle H. Moale vs. Owen Richards. BA. Contract to purchase lot, house, and slaughterhouse in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9703 MSA S512-12- 9608 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/05/08 9704: Charles Munroe and Ellen Munroe vs. Henry Aisquith, Charles D. Hodges, and Ellen Aisquith. AA. Contract to purchase Brices Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 60 Accession No.: 17,898-9704 MSA S512-12- 9609 Location: 1/38/5/
1784/10/11 9705: Richard Moale and Frances H. Moale vs. John Stevenson. BA. Trust estate under will of Richard Chase. Accession No.: 17,898-9705 MSA S512-12- 9610 Location: 1/38/5/
1808/03/29 9706: Thomas D. Marriott vs. Joseph Marriott, Jr. and Rezin Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-9706 MSA S512-12- 9611 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/07/06 9707: Roderick McGregor vs. Lucy S. Brooke and Robert C. Brooke. PG. Defraud of creditors of Lucy S. Brooke. Accession No.: 17,898-9707-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9612 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/03/14 9708: William Moore vs. Charles Moxley, Lloyd Moxley, Luther Moxley, Grusa Moxley, Eveline Moxley, and Cecilia Moxley. AA. Petition to sell Winkopen Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 95. Accession No.: 17,898-9708 MSA S512-12- 9613 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/03/01 9709: Henry C. Mackall vs. William B. Heart, David L. Lyon, and Margaret Buthe Lyon. CE. Contract to purchase Wilna Farm and Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-9709 MSA S512-12- 9614 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/01/01 9710: Charles F. Mayer, Lewis Reitz, Thomas Reitz, Christian F. Behvens, Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, Charles Reeder, John H. Alexander, Frederick Eberhardt, and J.F. Strotmeyer vs. Philip J. Freise. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9710-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9615 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/06/23 9711: Philip Moore vs. Andrew Clopper. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-9711-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9616 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/12/03 9712: Isaac Mayo vs. Sarah Bland. AA. Estate of Theodorick Bland. Accession No.: 17,898-9712-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9617 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/05/21 9713: William W. McClellan and Maria McClellan vs. Richard Bennett Mitchell. BA. Fraudulent sale of lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9713-1/6 MSA S512-12- 9618 Location: 1/38/5/
1851/01/08 9714: Sophia Mosberg vs. Isaac Mosberg. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9714 MSA S512-12- 9619 Location: 1/38/5/
1851/01/08 9715: Barbara Ann Murray, William Murray, Margaret Ann Murray, and Alice Murray vs. Thomas Feinour. BA. Trust estate under will of Charles Feinour. Accession No.: 17,898-9715 MSA S512-12- 9620 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/10/27 9716: Alexander Milbourn, Adeline Milbourn, Jacob Baumiller, and Catherine Baumiller vs. Benjamin N. Payne, Joseph K. Yost, Jacob Wisner, Elizabeth Schunk, Josiah Marsh, David Evans, Maria Evans, Samuel J. Donaldson, and John H. Birch. BA. Petition to sell Gunners Range, James Meadow.
Accession No.: 17,898-9716-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9621 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/11/29 9717: Ann Maria Mitchell vs. Corbin Amos, Beale Spurrier, and Walter Price. BA. Title to lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9717 MSA S512-12- 9622 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/01/12 9718: Elizabeth Montgomery vs. Ignatius H. Hagan. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on slave Lucy. Accession No.: 17,898-9718 MSA S512-12- 9623 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/01/11 9719: Richard Maccubbin vs. William H. Hays. MO. Estate of William Hilton. Accession No.: 17,898-9719 MSA S512-12- 9624 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/09/11 9720: James Mansfield and George Vickers vs. Samuel P. Carroll. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9720 MSA S512-12- 9625 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/09/26 9721: William Matthews vs. Philip Kroh, Joseph Klatfelter, and William Patterson. BA. Trust estate of Kroh - Vaughns Disappointment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 315. Accession No.: 17,898-9721-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9626 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/07/07 9722: John V. McMahon and John Glenn vs. John S. Gittings and George H. Williams. BA. Trust estate under will of Rebecca N. Gittings. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-9722 MSA S512-12- 9627 Location: 1/38/5/
1843/10/30 9723: James B. Matthews vs. Elizabeth Hobbs, Rezin Thomas Hobbs, Henry Mackin Hobbs, Remus Riggs Hobbs, Samuel Adams Hobbs, and Sarah Jane Hobbs. Howard District. Estate of Caleb Hobbs - Ridgelys Great Park, Winsor. Accession No.: 17,898-9723 MSA S512-12- 9628 Location: 1/38/5/
1836/03/01 9724: Thomas M. Moore, Ann Delia Moore, Benjamin G. Harris, and Martha E. Harris vs. Mary A. Harris, Kitty A. Harris, John F. Harris, Thomas F. Harris, and Eliza V. Harris. BA. Petition to sell Springs Folly Resurveyed, lots in BC. Plat of lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 43.
Accession No.: 17,898-9724-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9629 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/10/28 9725: Thomas Massey and Lucinda D. Massey vs. Henry Greve and Anna Greve. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9725 MSA S512-12- 9630 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/12/01 9726: John S. Matthews and Mary E. Matthews vs. John L. Bowers, Ann E. Bowers. Ebenezer B. Holding, and Henrietta E. Holding. KE. Estate of Richard Holding. Accession No.: 17,898-9726 MSA S512-12- 9631 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/02/10 9727: Hannah Meeteer vs. Robert Carter. CE. Injunction against obstruction of Foultons Dam and Little Elk River. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 584. Accession No.: 17,898-9727-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9632 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/11/22 9728: William McQuinn vs. William Harrison. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Royal. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 543. Accession No.: 17,898-9728 MSA S512-12- 9633 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/06/04 9729: Anne Meeteer, Samuel Meeteer, Joseph Meeteer, William Meeteer, Pierce Meeteer, Margaretta Meeteer, Edward Meeteer, Hannah Meeteer, Mary Ann Meeteer, Joanna M. Meeteer, Emma R. Meeteer, Samuel E. Thompson, Anne Maria Thompson, Rathmeal Wilson, Martha Wilson, James E. Steuart, Sarah S. Steuart, Joseph Chamberlain, and Thomas G. Hill. CE. Petition to partition Providence, Reynolds Lands, Providence Paper Mills.
Accession No.: 17,898-9729 MSA S512-12- 9634 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/04/01 9730: William Stonestreet, Monica, Cecily, Nancy, Mary, Rosanna, Cely, Madison, and Monica Ann vs. Walter Mitchell, Robert Semmes, Edward Worthington, and Richard Worthington. CH. Estate of Ignatius Semmes - Rose Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-9730-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9635 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/10/03 9734: Stephen Marsh vs. James Sterrett and Charles S. Ridgely. AA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-9734 MSA S512-12- 9636 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/01/29 9735: Patrick Maccauley and John H. Latrobe vs. Henry Cochrane Irvine. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 63. Accession No.: 17,898-9735 MSA S512-12- 9637 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/09/29 9737: Matilda C. McBlair and William Harwood. BA. Trust estate of Francis T. Loockerman. Accession No.: 17,898-9737 MSA S512-12- 9638 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/07/01 9738: John S. McNamara and Lucy Anne McNamara vs. John R. Hurley, Elisa Hurley, Levin McNamara, and Caleb McNamara. DO. Petition to sell Fair Dealing. Accession No.: 17,898-9738 MSA S512-12- 9639 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/10/10 9739: Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of Annapolis vs. Daniel Caulk. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-9739 MSA S512-12- 9640 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/12/24 9740: Randle H. Moale vs. Garretson Thomas and Ann Maria Thomas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9740 MSA S512-12- 9641 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/03/14 9741: Horatio McPherson, John McPherson, Jacob Ritter, and Abraham Ritter vs. Esther McPherson, David Hoffman, William Gillingham, Jane Gillingham, Jonathan Janny, Elizabeth Janny, Nathaniel B. Whitaker, Ann Whitaker, Mary McPherson, William McPherson, Martha McPherson, Hannah McPherson, Lydia McPherson, Sarah McPherson, and Isaac McPherson. BA, FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Jedburgh Forrest in FR and petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 69.
Accession No.: 17,898-9741-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9642 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/03/08 9742: Richard Mitchell vs. John Budd, Milcah Budd, and Elizabeth Budd. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hollands Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 399. Accession No.: 17,898-9742-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9643 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/09/24 9743: William Myers, Jacob Myers, Jr., Margaret Kent, Richard Lewis, Eliza Lewis, James Ward, Prudence Ward, Margaret Konicke, Maria Konicke, Elizabeth Konicke, Nicholas Konicke, Jacob Konicke, Samuel Moale, Charles C. Harper, Emily Harper, and Robert G. Harper vs. Randle H. Moale, Charles F. Mayer, Jacob Walsh, William H. Hanson, Elizabeth Hanson, Matilda Graham, and Mary Yates. BA. Estate of William Myers - Mountenay Neck, Hampstead Hills.
Accession No.: 17,898-9743-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9644 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/04/22 9744: Henry Middleton vs. James Rouse, Catherine Rouse, Allison Gardner, Elizabeth Gardner, Henry Meads, Susan Meads, Francis Rouse, Mary Rouse, James Rouse, Thomas Rouse, Henry Muller, Albert Constable, and William F. Giles. BA. Estate of Mary Middleton - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 115.
Accession No.: 17,898-9744 MSA S512-12- 9645 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/09/25 9745: Charles McCann and Elizabeth McCann vs. James Barnes. HA. Estate of John Eratt - Lost in Dublin. Accession No.: 17,898-9745 MSA S512-12- 9646 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/06/17 9746: Elizabeth Murphy vs. Francis D. Murphy, Harriet Murphy, and Ardillia Murphy. DO. Petition to sell lot in Nanticoke Indian Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 528. Accession No.: 17,898-9746 MSA S512-12- 9647 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/04/24 9747: Sarah Moody vs. Thomas J. Mann and Millementy Mann. KE. Petition to sell Manns Fancy. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 148. Accession No.: 17,898-9747-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9648 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/05/28 9748: Henry McElderry vs. David G. McCoy and William McCoy. BA. Estate of Andrew McCoy. Accession No.: 17,898-9748-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9649 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/12/02 9749: Catherine Mines, heirs of Andrew Mills, Richard Rose, Elizabeth Rose, Mary Ann Gibberty, Ann Lankford, John Sap, George Sap, Matilda Lowry, and Francis Lowry vs. Richard W. Smith and Rachel Smith. BA. Petition to sell Orange, Wilmots Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-9749 MSA S512-12- 9650 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/08/18 9750: Benjamin R. Morgan vs. Alexander C. Cosden, Catherine Parker, William Thomas of John, and Mary Thomas. KE. Estate of William Slubey. Accession No.: 17,898-9750-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9651 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/09/23 9751: Jonathan Manro vs. Julia Ann Rogers, Henry J. Rogers, Michael W. Rogers, John H. Rogers, Julia Ann Rogers, Mary Rogers, Peter Rizer, Margaret Rizer, Benjamin Beall, Caroline Beall, George Warner, Anthony Miltenberger, Dorothy Miltenberger, Augusta L. Warner, Edward W. Warner, Amos Clever, Maria Clever, and Randle H. Moale. BA. Petition to sell Upton Court, lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9751-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9652 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/04/14 9752: Pritchett Meredith vs. Obadiah Dawson, and Anthony C. Thompson. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Pilgrimage. Accession No.: 17,898-9752-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9653 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/07/10 9753: Maria McClellan and Richard B. Mitchell vs. William W. McClellan. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-9753 MSA S512-12- 9654 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/06/10 9755: Philip Marshall, John B. Hanson, and Elizabeth Hanson vs. Josias H. Hanson. CH. Injunction against sale of Battons Clifts, Three Brothers, slave Washington. Accession No.: 17,898-9755 MSA S512-12- 9655 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/10/22 9756: Sophia Miller vs. George Beasten, James Morgan, Jr., Samuel Severson, and Stephen I. Magraw. CE. Estate of Benjamin Cox. Accession No.: 17,898-9756 MSA S512-12- 9656 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/09/13 9757: John H. Moran vs. Henry Canter. CH. Estate of Henry Gill. Accession No.: 17,898-9757-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9657 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/11/06 9758: Margueretta Louise J.R. deChateaudun Marye, John Porsper Marye, John F. Petri, and Rosa Margueretta Petri vs. Constance Marye, Victor Marye, Chateaudun Marye, Angelica Marye, Edward Vincent Marye, Octavi Charle Marye, and Armand Marye. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9758-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9658 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/11/06 9759: Harriet Marple, Henry Burnes, and Hannah Burnes vs. Harriet Ramsay, Hannah M. Ramsay William T. Ramsay, Amy A. Ramsay, John B. Ramsay, Joseph T. Reed, Benjamin M. Reed, Emily E. Reed, Martha J. Reed, and William Reed. CE. Petition to sell Jacobs Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-9759 MSA S512-12- 9659 Location: 1/38/5/
1823/06/23 9760: George Mackubin vs. Walter Fairall. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gaithers Felicity. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 489. Accession No.: 17,898-9760 MSA S512-12- 9660 Location: 1/38/5/
1830/09/17 9761: Philip Moore vs. John Slee, Elizabeth Slee, John Slee, Joseph Slee, Israel Slee, Asael Slee, Jane Slee, Mary Slee, Sarah Slee, Elizabeth Slee, and Martha Slee. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bakers Pleasure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 636. Accession No.: 17,898-9761-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9661 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/08/31 9762: Charles Munroe vs. Horatio Ridout. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Homewoods Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 958. Accession No.: 17,898-9762 MSA S512-12- 9662 Location: 1/38/5/
1846/04/21 9763: Sarah E. Mitchell vs. Harry S. Mitchell. CH. Estate of James D. Mitchell - Myrtle Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-9763-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9663 Location: 1/38/5/
1829/11/20 9764: Benjamin R. Morgan vs. Isaac Spencer. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9764 MSA S512-12- 9664 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/04/23 9765: Thomas Maund, Mitta Henrietta Maund, Repold Carter Maund, Frederick Norris Maund, and George Carter Outlands Maund vs. Amelia D. Walshe and Frederick R. Walshe. BA. Petition to lease Welches Adventure, Chatsworth. Accession No.: 17,898-9765-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9665 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/01/31 9766: Bushrod W. Marriott vs. Thomas C. Donelson. AA. Estate of Jesse Chaney. Accession No.: 17,898-9766 MSA S512-12- 9666 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/02/11 9767: Thomas Macgill, Patrick Macgill, William D. Macgill, James Macgill, Nicholas C. Macgill, and Charles C. Macgill vs. Francis Belmear. AA. Title to Bear Bottom, Linthicums Revenge. Accession No.: 17,898-9767-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9667 Location: 1/38/5/
1838/10/25 9768: Randle H. Moale, Charles F. Mayer, and John E. Ridgen vs. Charles A. Mettee. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/30. Accession No.: 17,898-9768-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9668 Location: 1/38/5/
1853/07/18 9769: Susan Myer, John J. Myer, James A. Myer, M. Rebecca Myer, George W. Myer, Daniel W. Myer, Mary Elizabeth Myer, Charles M. Myer, Susanna M.B. Johnston, Nicholas D. Hauer, and Ann C. Hauer vs. State of Maryland. BC. Petition to correct deed for lot in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/30.
Accession No.: 17,898-9769-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9669 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/12/01 9770: William Medford vs. Lewis Ross, Sarah Medford, Edwin Medford, Ansel Medford, and Uriah Medford. DO. Petition to sell Medfords Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 751. Accession No.: 17,898-9770 MSA S512-12- 9670 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/03/30 9771: Ann M. Mitchell vs. Thomas Miller, Ann Eliza Vanlier, Samuel Coleman, Sarah Hester Coleman, and Maria Evalina Miller. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hinchonham. Accession No.: 17,898-9771 MSA S512-12- 9671 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/10/13 9772: Thomas Mundell vs. Mary Eversfield, Thomas Eversfield, and Edward Eversfield. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9772 MSA S512-12- 9672 Location: 1/38/5/
1832/04/30 9773: Samuel Mobray vs. John R. Griffith and Sophia Griffith. DO. Petition to sell Venture, Todds Horse Pasture, Westmoreland, Stanway Forest, Scotland, Hog Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 169. Accession No.: 17,898-9773-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9673 Location: 1/38/5/
1835/10/29 9775: John McCron vs. John Bracken, Mr. Shortle, and Catherine Shortle. AA. Petition to sell lot in Elk Ridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 93. Accession No.: 17,898-9775 MSA S512-12- 9674 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/09/16 9776: Elizabeth Morrow, Robert Morrow, Mary Ann Morrow, William Morrow, Margaret Morrow, Pricilla Chamberlain, and David Chamberlain vs. William McMechen, Samuel Walker, Marcus Denison, John Derberow, Sarah Derberow, Elizabeth H. Woods, Ann B. Woods, and Susan Woods. BA. Estate of John Morrow - Stones Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 561.
Accession No.: 17,898-9776-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9675 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/01/04 9777: John Moore vs. William Woodrow. CE. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-9777 MSA S512-12- 9676 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/08/03 9778: John P. McCormick, William Levy McCormick, and James McCormick vs. Elizabeth McCormick, Caroline McCormick, Sophia R. Hammond, James Roland, Ann E. Roland, George W. McLean, and Rebecca J. McLean. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9778 MSA S512-12- 9677 Location: 1/38/5/
1822/08/28 9779: William P. Matthews, John S. Matthews, and Charles S. Matthews vs. Anna Matthews, Henrietta Matthews, Andrew Matthews, and Alexander Matthews. BA. Petition to sell Stockdales Content, Teals Chance, Reserve. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 679.
Accession No.: 17,898-9779-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9678 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/06/27 9780: Hugh McElderry vs. James Dooley. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Westbury. Accession No.: 17,898-9780 MSA S512-12- 9679 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/12/12 9781: John Mason vs. George Holloway. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9781 MSA S512-12- 9680 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/01/22 9782: James W. Morgan, Charles H. Morgan, James Heverin, Sarah Jane Heverin, William Hacket, Martha Ann Hacket, Joseph Veach, and Emily Veach vs. Amelia A. Morgan, Laura E. Morgan, Augusta Morgan, and Arrebella Morgan. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9782 MSA S512-12- 9681 Location: 1/38/5/
1828/12/31 9783: George Mackubin and Nicholas Brewer vs. James Medford. AA. Contract to lease lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1118. Accession No.: 17,898-9783-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9682 Location: 1/38/5/
1836/06/17 9784: Elizabeth McHafferty, Ann McHafferty, Sarah McHafferty, and William McHafferty vs. William Watts, Catherine Watts, Mary McHafferty, John McHafferty, Benjamin McHafferty, Catherine Ann McHafferty, Sarah Elizabeth McHafferty, Charles McHafferty, Arthur McHafferty, David McHafferty, Thomas McHafferty, and William McHafferty. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/30. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 550.
Accession No.: 17,898-9784-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9683 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/11/12 9785: Joseph McKim vs. Joseph M. McKim, Alexander McKim, William S. Fleet, John A. Fleet, Andrew Fleet, Jane Hutchinson, John Fisher, Margaret Fisher, James Guest, Mary Guest, William A. McKim, Laura M. Fisher, Margaret J. Fisher, Charles M. Fisher, Janette Fisher, and Elizabeth Fisher. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/30.
Accession No.: 17,898-9785-1/11 MSA S512-12- 9684 Location: 1/38/5/
1820/10/28 9786: John McFaddon vs. Patrick Carroll and John McGuyre. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9786-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9685 Location: 1/38/5/
1844/06/22 9787: William Morton vs. George W. Dowel, Maria Dowel, John T. Councilman, and Christiana Councilman. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9787 MSA S512-12- 9686 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/01/28 9788: Randle H. Moale vs. David Wallace. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9788 MSA S512-12- 9687 Location: 1/38/5/
1837/02/04 9790: George Mathias, Jr., Mary Ann Mathias, Samuel Mathias, Lewis Mathias, Pricilla Mathias, and Catherine Mathias vs. John Born, Catherine Born, and Henry Wairhime. BA. Estate of Adam Born - Wells Cave Enlarged, Halls Addition, Forneys Desire, Everything Needful Corrected.
Accession No.: 17,898-9790-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9688 Location: 1/38/5/
1840/10/02 9791: Robert McCoull, Margaret McCoull, Jesse McCoull, Andrew Henderson, Eliza Henderson, Robert McCoull, Jr., Elijah Hughes, Rebecca G. Hughes, Mary Ann McCoull, and John A.B. McCoull vs. George C. McCoull and William Morris. BA. Title to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 666.
Accession No.: 17,898-9791-1/9 MSA S512-12- 9689 Location: 1/38/5/
1847/01/28 9792: James Malcolm vs. Andrew J. Lownes, Alexander D. Kelly, John W. Ball, John R. Ricauds, Laurence P. Bayne, Robert W. Latham, and John Withers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hereford. Accession No.: 17,898-9792-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9690 Location: 1/38/5/
1848/01/17 9793: Rachel Mousley and Joseph Miller vs. Mary Amelia Simpers, Sarah Elizabeth Simpers, John W. Simpers, William Mahan, and John A. Johnson. CE. Estate of Richard L. Simpers. Accession No.: 17,898-9793 MSA S512-12- 9691 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/08/07 9794: Sarah McClure and John Hall vs. Deborah H. Poor, John H. Poor, and Columbus O'Donnell. BA. Contract to purchase groceries. Accession No.: 17,898-9794 MSA S512-12- 9692 Location: 1/38/5/
1833/02/22 9795: John McCrow vs. John W. Baker, George Pocock, and John Stringer. AA. Contract to purchase Fosters Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 336. Accession No.: 17,898-9795 MSA S512-12- 9693 Location: 1/38/5/
1839/05/13 9796: Gerrard Matthews vs. Joseph Hamshare. BA. Contract to lease Matthews Choice, Addition to Ragged Remnant. Accession No.: 17,898-9796 MSA S512-12- 9694 Location: 1/38/5/
1821/12/19 9797: Christopher Michael and Peter Schlosser vs. Jacob Stayley, John Stayley, and Joseph Stayley. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Second Choice, Lost Sheep, Jacobs Plains, Brotherly Kindness, Resurvey on Stoney Hill, Butter Punch, Hedges Range, Pleasant Hills, Resurvey on Nutt Spring, Shin Tales Gut, Troutmans Delight, Johnsons Lane Enlarged, Johnsons Thickett, Addition to Stoney Hill, Worth My Trouble, Littleworth, Good Timber, Mount Pleasant, Rabbits Valley, Narrow Hollow. Plats of Brotherly Kindness, Resurvey on Stoney Hill, Butter Punch, Hedges Range, Resurvey on Nutt Spring, Johnsons Thickett, Addition to Stoney Hill, Worth My Trouble, Littleworth, Good Timber, Mount Pleasant, Rabbits Valley, Narrow Hollow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 657.
Accession No.: 17,898-9797-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9695 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/02/17 9798: Judson W. KcKnew, Trueman Belt, and Charles W. Boteler vs. William KcNew, Zadock W. McKnew, Thomas Snowden, Richard N. Snowden, Ann L. Contee, Ann B. Contee, William G. Saunders, Caroline Saunders, T.P. Andrews, and Emily R. Andrews. PG. Contract to purchase Snowdens New Birmingham Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 397.
Accession No.: 17,898-9798 MSA S512-12- 9696 Location: 1/38/5/
1827/06/25 9799: William H. Marriott and David Ridgely vs. Rebecca S. Hammond and Julia A. Warfield. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 178. Accession No.: 17,898-9799 MSA S512-12- 9697 Location: 1/38/5/
1834/01/08 9800: George Martin, Ann Matthews, Sarah M. Matthews, and Ann Jane Matthews vs. Henry Aisquith. BA. Estate of Robert C. Aisquith - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 530. Accession No.: 17,898-9800 MSA S512-12- 9698 Location: 1/38/5/
1850/10/18 9801: Cornelius McLean vs. Catherine Stackhouse, John D. Stackhouse, William H. Stackhouse, and Henry Wayman. Howard District. Contract to purchase Additional Defense, Range Decline. Accession No.: 17,898-9801 MSA S512-12- 9699 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/06/18 9803: Robert McGonigal, Julia Ann McGonigal, David Clement, Susan Clement, Emeline Slaughter, Catherine Slaughter, and Ammanda Slaughter. CA, KE. Petition to partition Mill Farm, Old Town, Samuels Claims, Broadway Lands, Broadway Range in CA. Accession No.: 17,898-9803 MSA S512-12- 9700 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/02/14 9804: James Morton and William Morton vs. Zacheus D. Brashears. CH. Estate of Abraham Davis - Covington Manor, New Bedford. Accession No.: 17,898-9804 MSA S512-12- 9701 Location: 1/38/5/
1831/06/08 9805: Samuel Moale, Reverdy Johnson, Robert Lemmon, Richard Lemmon, and George C. Morton vs. Esther Smith Buchanan, Robert Smith Buchanan, Samuel Smith Buchanan, William Boyd Buchanan, Ellen Boucher Buchanan, Edmund Didier, and Henry Green. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9805-1/4 MSA S512-12- 9702 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/06/20 9806: Charles F. Mayer vs. Townsend Scott and John W. Smith. BA. Title to stock of Citizens Bank of Baltimore. Accession No.: 17,898-9806 MSA S512-12- 9703 Location: 1/38/5/
1849/03/15 9807: Anna Louisa Moulton vs. Elisha P. Moulton. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9807 MSA S512-12- 9704 Location: 1/38/5/
1842/05/21 9808: Levi Macauley, Matthias Macauley, George Macauley, and Bethany Macauley vs. Nicholas J. Macauley, Isaac Macauley, and Thomas C. Miller. Howard District. Petition to sell Whites Contrivance, Second Supply. Plat of Whites Contrivance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 531.
Accession No.: 17,898-9808-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9705 Location: 1/38/5/
1825/09/16 9809: Samuel Moale vs. William McMechen, Philip Moore, and Upton S. Heath. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Spencer, Kate, Jack, Zack, Caesar, Lyd, Michael, James, Patience, and Jane. Accession No.: 17,898-9809-1/2 MSA S512-12- 9706 Location: 1/38/5/
1845/05/03 9810: John McClellan and Union Bank of Maryland vs. Samuel McClellan, David W. McClellan, John Glenn, and Charles F. Mayer. BA. Defraud of creditors of Samuel McClellan. Accession No.: 17,898-9810-1/3 MSA S512-12- 9707 Location: 1/38/5/
1824/01/19 9811: James McCormick vs. Fayette Gibson, Thomas P. Bennett, Harriet Bennett, Nancy Gibson, Rebecca Gibson, Ribgy Hopkins, John William Blake, Col. Edward Lloyd, Joseph W. Reynolds, Ann Reynolds, Edward R. Gibson, James Tilton, Frances Tilton, Clara Tilton, Nehemiah Tilton, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. TA. Estate of Jacob Gibson - Marengo, Sharps Island, Bachelors Branch, Peach Blossom, Triangle, Halls Range, Bennetts Kind Caution, School House Lot, Garys Beginning, Tanyard Farm, lot in Easton, Bachelors Branch Addition, Thief Keep Out, Bennetts Neglect Resurveyed. Plat of Peach Blossom.
Continued in 1/39/2
Accession No.: 17,898-9811-1/15 MSA S512-12- 9708 Location: 1/38/5/
1841/12/15 9812: William W. McClellan and Maria McClellan vs. John P. Kennedy, John Glenn, John V. McMahon, Rebecca Hillen, Elizabeth A. Jenkins, Henrietta A. Bedford, and Richard B. Mitchell. BA. Validity of sale of lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9812-1/12 MSA S512-13- 9709 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/07/30 9813: Thomas Mundell vs. Elizabeth A. Bowie, Leonard A. Magruder, William Marshall, and John F. Latimer. PG. Estate of Dr. John Fraser Bowie - lot in Pisscataway. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 382. Accession No.: 17,898-9813-1/23 MSA S512-13- 9710 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/05/31 9814: Charles F. Mayer vs. Ann L. Gray and William B. Morris. BA. Petition to release mortgage on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9814 MSA S512-13- 9711 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/02/04 9815: Albin Mellier, Jr., Jeanne Francoise Mellier, Amedee Mellier, Adelaide Mellier, and Louise Mellier vs. Adolphus Mellier. BA. Trust estate of Albin Mellier. Accession No.: 17,898-9815 MSA S512-13- 9712 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/10/05 9816: Ann M. Medtart, Jacob C. Medtart, Jesse Medtart, Frances Medtart, Charles D. Hinks, and Josephine Hinks vs. Luther Medtart, Henry C. Medtart, and Emma Medtart. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9816 MSA S512-13- 9713 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/07/13 9817: William E. McConniken and Marcullus Keene vs. Kimmel Godwin, Alexander Seth, Ann Marie Seth, Mary Ellen Seth, and Agnes Seth. CA. Estate of James G. Seth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-9817-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9714 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/01/22 9818: William W. McClellan vs. William Crook. BA. Validity of mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9818-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9715 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/10/14 9819: James Moores and Charles W. Lee vs. Herman Stump, Cassandra Stump, Henry Stump, William B. Stephenson, and Henry W. Archer. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Stafford Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-9819 MSA S512-13- 9716 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/10/24 9820: William W. McClellan and Maria McClellan vs. Richard Bennett Mitchell and Elizabeth A. Mitchell. BA. Defraud of creditors of Richard Bennett Mitchell - lots in BC. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-9820 MSA S512-13- 9717 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/04/08 9821: Elizabeth Murdock vs. Richard J. Crabb. AA. Injunction against removal of fence between Bushey Neck, Harris Mount. Plat; also shows Good Mothers Care, Addition, Proctors Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-9821 MSA S512-13- 9718 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/11/27 9822: Hugh McNeal vs. Richard W. Marriott, Richard Hardesty, and Nicholas Tracey. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9822 MSA S512-13- 9719 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/09/05 9823: Philip Moore, Hezekiah Price, George Warner, and Robert Watson vs. Warren Manufacturing Co. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Pleasant, Brittons Disappointment, Blythena Cambria, Benjamins Hills and Vallies, Jessop Slip. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-9823-1/7 MSA S512-13- 9720 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/11/17 9824: John Murphy vs. Abraham Jarrett, Elizabeth Jarrett, Henrietta M. Dallam, Richard B. Dallam, Josias M. Dallam, James B. Dallum, John Paca, Sarah Paca, Aquilla Lockwood, Cassandra Lockwood, William M. Dallum, Francis J. Dallum, Thomas J. Dallum, Thomas Blandy, Frances Blandy, and Philip R. Dallam. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fannys Inheritance, Palmers Forrest, Little Scotland, Anns Purchase, Culvers Entrance. Plats of Fannys Inheritance, Palmers Forrest at 1/38/1/31. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 174.
Accession No.: 17,898-9824-1/13 MSA S512-13- 9721 Location: 1/39/2/
1817/07/25 9825: William McDonald and Samuel McDonald vs. Nicholas Strike and John Rogers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-9825-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9722 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/02/16 9826: Hugh McNeal vs. Samuel N. Pike, Henry Pike, and William Patterson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9826 MSA S512-13- 9723 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/05/22 9828: Robert McLeod vs. Peter Ritner, and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.. AL. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9828 MSA S512-13- 9724 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/10/05 9829: William McJimsey and Robert Travers vs. James Hendricks and Samuel Beatty. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9829 MSA S512-13- 9725 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/07/01 9830: Solomon McHanny and Julia McHanny vs. John Keller and George Beckley. BA. Estate of Jacob Keller. Accession No.: 17,898-9830-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9726 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/07/22 9831: Elijah Mitchell vs. Upton S. Heath. BA. Petition to transfer funds. Accession No.: 17,898-9831 MSA S512-13- 9727 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/02/28 9832: Noah Meason vs. Lewis Allen. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-9832 MSA S512-13- 9728 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/06/30 9833: Charles Mewshaw, Achsah Mewshaw, David Mewshaw, James Mewshaw, Joseph Mewshaw, Hazel Mewshaw, Sarah Mewshaw, Henry Baker, Leah Baker, Acquilla Forrest, Joshua Forrest, Beale Gaither, Mercy Gaither, Achsah Thornton, David Lawrence, William Lawrence, Francis Lawrence, James Phelps, Elizabeth Phelps, Achsah Holstead, Margaret Wood, Lawrence Dicas, Ebenezer Phelps, Margaret Phelps, Samuel Yeildhall, Mary Yeildhall, John Vansant, and Ellen Vansant vs. William Mewshaw, Caleb Mewshaw, Partha Mewshaw, Joseph Mewshaw, Mary Mewshaw, Hezekiah Mewshaw, Dennis Mewshaw, William Baldwin, Elizabeth Baldwin, and Rachel Forrest. AA. Injunction against removal of timber.
Accession No.: 17,898-9833 MSA S512-13- 9729 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/09/15 9834: John D. Merriken vs. Dorsey Jacob, John Dorsey Jacob, and Sarah Richarda Jacob. AA. Contract to purchase Low Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-9834 MSA S512-13- 9730 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/05/14 9835: Elijah McCauley, Benjamin McCauley, John McCauley, Jemmia McCauley, and William McCauley vs. William Hammond, Solomon McCauley, Edward McCauley, and Zachariah McCauley. AA. Petition to sell Deep Creek Point. Accession No.: 17,898-9835 MSA S512-13- 9731 Location: 1/39/2/
1819/03/02 9836: George W. Moore and James Mosher vs. Henry Moore. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/31. Accession No.: 17,898-9836-1/15 MSA S512-13- 9732 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/11/17 9837: Jacob Michael vs. Frances Ann Armstrong, Neoma Michael, William Michael, and Matilda Michael. HA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9837 MSA S512-13- 9733 Location: 1/39/2/
1817/11/15 9838: Joseph Morton vs. James Tongue. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Town Land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 104, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-9838-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9734 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/09/24 9839: Dennis Magruder, Jr. vs. Dennis Magruder. AA. Estate of Gassaway Rawlings - slaves Harriet, George, and Flora. Accession No.: 17,898-9839 MSA S512-13- 9735 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/11/14 9840: Mechanics Bank of Philadelphia vs. Elkton Bank of Maryland and William Garrett. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on New Munster, Elko Mills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-9840-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9736 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/07/10 9841: Maryland Savings Institution vs. Philip Littig. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9841 MSA S512-13- 9737 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/10/26 9842: Merchants Fire Insurance Co. of Baltimore vs. Henry Powles, George W. Hyde, William J. Wallis, James A. Sangston, Edwin Sangston, Lawrence Sangston, Elisha N. Brown, Edward T. Owings, Joseph Dilley, Barney Dilley, and Benjamin R. Edwards. AL. Dissolution of a partnership.
Accession No.: 17,898-9842 MSA S512-13- 9738 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/08/12 9843: James Mackubin vs. Thomas Mundell. PG. Contract to purchase Edelens Hog Pen Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-9843 MSA S512-13- 9739 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/12/17 9844: George Mattingly and James Chaney vs. Annapolis & Elkridge Railroad Co., Nathaniel Bernard, and William Cruett. BA. Contract to grade for a railroad. Accession No.: 17,898-9844 MSA S512-13- 9740 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/07/13 9845: Dolly Mullen vs. Benjamin H. Clarke and William C. Hall. PG. Estate of Henry Lowe Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-9845 MSA S512-13- 9741 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/12/07 9846: Lloyd Magruder vs. George Bryon Magruder. MO. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9846 MSA S512-13- 9742 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/09 9847: John McFadon and Samuel Harris vs. John Gooding, George Winchester, Peter A. Karthaus, Joseph Karrick, and George Law. BA. Insurance claims resulting from seizure of schooner Baltimore during War of 1812. Accession No.: 17,898-9847-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9743 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/06/23 9848: William S. Moore and John McKim, Jr. vs. George Law, William F. Anderson, John Oden, and William G. Harrison. BA. Contract to ship goods to South America on schooner Beauty of Baltimore. Accession No.: 17,898-9848-1/13 MSA S512-13- 9744 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/06/28 9849: Alexander Macdonald and Nicholas G. Ridgely vs. Samuel Chase, Thomas Chase, Richard M. Chase, Jeremiah T. Chase, and Thomas Lytle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC, Elizabeths Diligence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-9849-1/12 MSA S512-13- 9745 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/04/11 9850: Hugh McNeal vs. Thomas Campor and Joseph Diajal. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9850 MSA S512-13- 9746 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/01/18 9851: Joseph Henry Mitchell, Mary Henrietta Mitchell, and Henry S. Mitchell vs. Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, Richard Bennett Mitchell, and Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell. BA, KE. Estate of James D. Mitchell - Myrtle Grove, Huntingfield in KE. Also lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9851-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9747 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/09/04 9852: Alpheus Marriott vs. Thomas Hammond and Philip Hammond. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Gibbon, Raulius Raining. Accession No.: 17,898-9852 MSA S512-13- 9748 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/03/29 9853: John Mousley, Rachel Mousley, Mary Amelia Simpers, Sarah Elizabeth Simpers, and John W. Simpers vs. Edward Wilson, George H. Joyce, George W. Moore, and Benjamin Sergeant. CE. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-9853-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9749 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/09 9854: Ann Mackall, Sarah S. Mackall, Brooke Beale, and Aseneth Beale vs. Susan Mackall, Thomas Mackall, James Mackall, Ann Rebecca Mackall, and Susan D. Mackall. CV. Trust estate of John G. Mackall. Accession No.: 17,898-9854-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9750 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/10/08 9855: Thomas W. Morris and Rosalie Eugenia Morris vs. George H. Calvert, Charles B. Calvert, Charles H. Carter, Rosalie Eugenia Carter, Richard H. Stewart, Julia Stewart, Anne Maria Morris, George Calvert Morris, and Julia Mita Morris. BA, PG. Mortgage foreclosure on His Lordships Kindness, Rossbury, Riverdale in PG. Also National Hotel in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 309.
Accession No.: 17,898-9855-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9751 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/10/08 9856: Harriet M. McPherson and Maynard McPherson vs. William S. McPherson, William F. Worthington, and Ann Hicks. AA. Estate of Lewis Neth. Accession No.: 17,898-9856-1/8 MSA S512-13- 9752 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/06/02 9857: Isaiah Mercer vs. Elizabeth Brown, Sarah Brown, Ann Brown, and Achsah Short. AA. Petition to sell Affinity. Accession No.: 17,898-9857 MSA S512-13- 9753 Location: 1/39/2/
1852/03/13 9858: Edward Moore and Francis Hoover vs. Samuel Tschudy. BA. Title to Mount Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-9858 MSA S512-13- 9754 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/09/13 9859: William F. Murdock and Alexander Murdock vs. John Stewart and Ellen Stewart. BA. Estate of James Stewart - assets of James Stewart & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-9859 MSA S512-13- 9755 Location: 1/39/2/
1799/05/14 9860: William McComas. HA. Insolvent estate of McComas. Accession No.: 17,898-9860-1/4 MSA S512-13- 9756 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/09/04 9861: Margaret Moore vs. David Moore. BA. Trust estate under will of David Moore - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9861 MSA S512-13- 9757 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/03/16 9862: Robert M. Magraw vs. George Kidd, John L. Groome, and Thomas J. Gillespie. CE. Estate of Stephen J. Magraw - Kidds Purchase, Indian Queen. Accession No.: 17,898-9862 MSA S512-13- 9758 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/25 9863: Randle H. Moale vs. Nicholas Stuby Jones. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9863 MSA S512-13- 9759 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/06/17 9864: Jane McFerran vs. Mr. Brice. BA. Title to lot in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9864 MSA S512-13- 9760 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/11/20 9865: Benjamin R. Morgan vs. Mary Carvill, Edwin R. Carvill, James R. Carvill, Mary Ann Carvill, Harriet Carvill, and Orlando Carvill. KE. Estate of Thomas Carvill. Accession No.: 17,898-9865 MSA S512-13- 9761 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/08/16 9866: John Merrick and Ann C. Merrick vs. Aaron Cook. DO. Estate of Samuel Cook. Accession No.: 17,898-9866 MSA S512-13- 9762 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/07/21 9867: William A. Moale and Richard H. Moale vs. Henry Richmond, Osmond C. Tiffany, William C. Shaw, John H. Duvall, Comfort Tiffany, William H. Kieghter, and Henry Tiffany. HA. Contract to process cotton at Smithville Factory. Accession No.: 17,898-9867-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9763 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/07 9868: Levin Moore vs. Willilam Reagan. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on schooner Lark. Accession No.: 17,898-9868 MSA S512-13- 9764 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/06/15 9869: John S. McCulloh vs. Wesley Stevenson, Cloud Carter, and Mary Carter. BA. Estate of Mary Coles. Accession No.: 17,898-9869 MSA S512-13- 9765 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/03/10 9870: Gervase B. Manly vs. Peter Ritner, William Sullivan, and Thomas Beirs. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9870 MSA S512-13- 9766 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/09/09 9871: John C. Moale and Richard H. Moale vs. Dennis H. Smith. BA. Petition to discover unpaid notes. Accession No.: 17,898-9871 MSA S512-13- 9767 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/03/29 9872: Sarah Manning and Marian H. Duvall vs. Abraham Manning. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-9872 MSA S512-13- 9768 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/02/25 9873: Hugh McNeal vs. Robert Jaffray, John R. Jaffray, Edward Jaffray, and Nicholas Tracey. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on house and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9873 MSA S512-13- 9769 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/10/23 9874: Henry S. Mitchell vs. Ann Maria Mitchell, William P. Mitchell, Francis J. Mitchell, Clara Mitchell, James Henry Mitchell, Walter Price, Beal Summer, and Richard Bennett Mitchell. BA, CH, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Also Cornwalls Neck in CH.
Accession No.: 17,898-9874-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9770 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/03/24 9875: Samuel S. Myers, James Williams, and Joshua S. Inloes vs. Charles H. Myers, Mary Williams, Louisa Webb, Alamon Webb, Sarah Inloes, John Pearce, Sophia Pearce, Dr. Isaac Cole, Juliana Cole, Rebecca Miller, James Robertson, Emily A. Robertson, and William R. Myers. BA. Estate of Jacob Myers - lots in BC, land in IL.
Accession No.: 17,898-9875-1/4 MSA S512-13- 9771 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/06/08 9876: Thomas Mullitt vs. Boulden Biddle, Albert Constable, David McCrea, Ellen J. McCrea, Mary A. McCrea, James McCrea, and Charles McCrea. CE. Defraud of creditors of William Kinkaid - lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-9876 MSA S512-13- 9772 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/01/13 9877: William C. Meeds vs. Samuel C. Brannock and Arthur J. Willis. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Flehartys Desire Regulated. Accession No.: 17,898-9877 MSA S512-13- 9773 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/10/23 9878: Jacob H. Munnickhuysen and Charlott Munnickhuysen vs. Charles W. Howard. BA. Estate of John Beale Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-9878 MSA S512-13- 9774 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/09/07 9879: John McKean and Mary A. Pawley vs. Canton Co., Sarah Shutt, John Walter, and Robert Cary Long. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9879 MSA S512-13- 9775 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/09/05 9880: Patrick McGill, Jr., Mary Davis McGill, James Hook, Daniel Hook, William Wilson, Mary Wilson, Samuel Bonafield, Catherine Bonafield, John Reed, Elizabeth Reed, Ruth Burgess, Harriett Burgess, John Allen Vermelion, Elizabeth Vermelion, Nimian Clagett, Margaret Clagett, Mary Sheckles, Ann Burgess of Edward, and Thomas Burgess of Edward vs. Mary Elizabeth Hook, Thomas Burgess, Sarah Burgess, Ann Burgess of John, Susana Burgess, and Edward Burgess of John. MO. Petition to sell Snowdens Second Additon to His Manor, Henry and Elizabeth.
Accession No.: 17,898-9880 MSA S512-13- 9776 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/03/05 9881: Randle H. Moale vs. Carsten Newhouse. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9881 MSA S512-13- 9777 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/08/02 9882: Margaret S. Mercer vs. Annie Mercer. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9882 MSA S512-13- 9778 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/06/19 9883: Adam Miller and John Miller vs. Richard J. Crabb, Richard M. Chase, Richard Loockerman, and Frances J. Loockerman. AA. Trust estate of Frances T. Loockerman. Accession No.: 17,898-9883-1/11 MSA S512-13- 9779 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/11/24 9884: Neild Moore, John Moore, and Thomas Moore vs. Elizabeth Moore, John Moore, Hiram Moore, and Arthur George Moore. DO. Petition to sell Buttons Desire, Turkey Point, Wolverton. Accession No.: 17,898-9884 MSA S512-13- 9780 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/11/11 9885: Millicent Magruder vs. Thomas Somerville. PG. Title to Brooks Court. Accession No.: 17,898-9885 MSA S512-13- 9781 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/04/18 9886: Jacob H. Munnickhuysen vs. James A. Gover and Henry Lee. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9886 MSA S512-13- 9782 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/04/20 9887: John McTavish and Richard S. Stewart vs. John Glenn, Charles F. Mayer, Robert M. Gibbes, Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, Richard Caton, and Mary Caton. BA. Injunction against sale of land. Accession No.: 17,898-9887 MSA S512-13- 9783 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/11/21 9888: George Mattingly vs. John S. Gittings and Chesapeake Bank of Baltimore. BA. Injunction against sale of Washington & Fredericksburg Steamboat Co. stock. Accession No.: 17,898-9888 MSA S512-13- 9784 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/04/28 9889: Trustees of Methodist Protestant Church vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Injunction against levy of taxes to widen Little Aisquith St. in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9889 MSA S512-13- 9785 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/04/22 9890: Randle H. Moale vs. Frederick Warner, Henry Shirk, and Salem Thompson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9890-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9786 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/05/05 9891: Thomas T. McPherson, Andrew Aldridge, and Benjamin D. Higdon vs. John Wood, Gassaway Simmons, Martha Simmons, Susanna Simmons, and Drucilla Simmons. AA. Petition to sell Simmons Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 296. Accession No.: 17,898-9891-1/4 MSA S512-13- 9787 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/10/11 9892: Jacob Michael, William Osborn, Benjamin Osborn, Mary Susanna Osborn, and Martha Rebecca Osborn vs. William Paca. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Matthews Enlargement. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 742. Accession No.: 17,898-9892 MSA S512-13- 9788 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/02/11 9894: Charles F. Mayer vs. Michael Marck. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9894 MSA S512-13- 9789 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/09/02 9896: William Mitchell vs. Robert W. Kent, James Kent, James G. Mackall, Elizabeth M. Mackall, Richard H. Hall, Harriet Hall, Mary Mackall, Ann Smith, and Elizabeth Blake. CV. Estate of Levin W. Ballard - Stokely, Taneys Ease, Success, Copartnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9896-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9790 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/08/08 9897: Sarah Mackey vs. John S. Moffit. CE. Petition to sell land. Plat of estate of James Mackey. Accession No.: 17,898-9897-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9791 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/12/02 9898: John B. Morton vs. Jacob Stephens. CE. Petition to partition land. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9898-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9792 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/04/04 9899: John McCullough vs. Hugh B. Mackey and John Ross. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Ark Haven. Accession No.: 17,898-9899 MSA S512-13- 9793 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/11/16 9900: Joseph Miles, Jr. vs. Isaac Brown. CE. Contract to operate saw mill and grist mill. Accession No.: 17,898-9900 MSA S512-13- 9794 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/12/29 9901: David Mackey, Sr. vs. Jane Sherer and Martha Sherer. CE. Estate of David Mackey - Society, Confution, Little Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-9901 MSA S512-13- 9795 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/09/12 9903: Charles Mitchell vs. Nathan S. Bemis and Susan Bemis. HA. Title to Williams Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-9903 MSA S512-13- 9796 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/01/10 9904: William McDonald, Samuel McDonald, Andrew F. Henderson, Edward Trippe, Thomas Taylor, Ann Craig, John Ferguson, Elizabeth Briscoe, and Hannah Owens vs. James Campbell, Edmund Lynch, Samuel McDonald, and Walton Gray. BA. Contract to merge Philadelphia and Baltimore ends of the Union Line of Steamboats.
Accession No.: 17,898-9904-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9797 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/08/31 9905: William Mewshaw vs. David Mewshaw, Charles Mewshaw, and James Mewshaw. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Saw Mill Supply, Addition to Saw Mill Suppply. Accession No.: 17,898-9905 MSA S512-13- 9798 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/07/22 9906: Roderick McGregor vs. Louis Fongeres. PG. Contract to lease house and lot in Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-9906 MSA S512-13- 9799 Location: 1/39/2/
1802/09/02 9907: William Marbury vs. Walter Mackall and William Bayly. PG. Contract to purchase Blue Plains, Addisons Good Will. Accession No.: 17,898-9907 MSA S512-13- 9800 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/03/06 9908: Sarah Martin vs. Thomas Harwood and James Harwood. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9908-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9801 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/06/19 9909: Charles F. Mayer vs. John Glenn, and Job Allberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9909 MSA S512-13- 9802 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/01/17 9910: Anthony Manning vs. Nancy Troth, Henry Troth, Samuel Troth, Robert Troth, and Sylvester Troth. DO. Petition to sell lot in East New Market. Accession No.: 17,898-9910 MSA S512-13- 9803 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/02/05 9911: Henry Matthews vs. Sarah Ward, Smith Boston, Elizabeth Boston, Stephen Queen, Sophia Queen, Martha Ward, and Henry Price. AA. Injunction against execution to judgment on Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 437. Accession No.: 17,898-9911-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9804 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/11/24 9912: Solomon McHanney vs. John Lammott, William Houck, and William Ball. BA. Title to Spring Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-9912-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9805 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/04/13 9913: Adam Miller, John Miller, and Mary Hunter vs. William Parsons, Mary Parsons, Sarah Parsons, Martha Parsons, and Margaret Parsons. AA. Petition to sell land. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9913 MSA S512-13- 9806 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/02/14 9914: James Morton, William Morton, and Gustavus Weems vs. Joseph W. Reynolds, William Henry Long, and Williamina Long. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Stokely, Taneys Ease, Success, Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1089. Accession No.: 17,898-9914 MSA S512-13- 9807 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/11/21 9915: Jesse Mercer, Johns Hopkins, Mahlon Hopkins, and Joseph Bailey vs. Vincent Baily, Joseph Clemson, and George Baily. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Troy, Troy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 307. Accession No.: 17,898-9915 MSA S512-13- 9808 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/07/12 9916: James Morton and William Morton vs. Thomas B. Craycroft and George Morton. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Perries Purchase, Leedfords Hope. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-9916 MSA S512-13- 9809 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/04/15 9917: James L. Miles and Thomas J. Gillespie vs. Adam Whaun, William Ricketts, Mary Ricketts, Ann Maria Ricketts, Sarah J. Ricketts, Henry H. Gilpin, and Margaret Gilpin. CE. Contract to purchase houses and lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-9917 MSA S512-13- 9810 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/11/13 9918: Samuel Maynard vs. Marmaduke W. Wyville, Ellen M. Wyville, William F. Adams, Eliza Adams, Maria Sears, Peregrine Ringgold, Mary Clare Ringgold, and Alexander Benson Coe. AA. Estate of William Coe. Accession No.: 17,898-9918 MSA S512-13- 9811 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/01/03 9919: Thomas Mattingly vs. Josiah Turner and Philip Turner. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9919 MSA S512-13- 9812 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/03/08 9920: John S. E. Nutwell vs. John H. Fisher. AA. Injunction against removal of timber and fences from Anne Arundel Manor, Burrages End. Accession No.: 17,898-9920 MSA S512-13- 9813 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/10/26 9921: Elizabeth Brewer vs. Louisa C. Brewer. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9921 MSA S512-13- 9814 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/13 9922: Eleanor B. Marsh vs. Temperance Marsh and Rebecca Marsh. BA. Petition to sell Jehosephat. Accession No.: 17,898-9922-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9815 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/12/27 9923: George McWilliams vs. Philip Turner. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9923 MSA S512-13- 9816 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/09/12 9924: George Mackubin vs. George Hogarth, William T. Graham, and Matilda J. Graham. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Friendship, Ayres, Carter Bennett, Hunts Mount, Oblong. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-9924-1/7 MSA S512-13- 9817 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/12/27 9925: John McKim, Jr. vs. William S. Moore and Mary Griffith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9925 MSA S512-13- 9818 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/04/05 9926: Hannah Mitchell and Harriet Mitchell vs. John Gable. BA. Petition to sell Williams Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 74. Accession No.: 17,898-9926 MSA S512-13- 9819 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/09/20 9927: Charles Moss vs. Mary M. Cristal and Matthew Hamblin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9927 MSA S512-13- 9820 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/02/24 9929: John Muckleroy vs. John Patterson, Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, George Patterson, Henry Patterson, Elizabeth Patterson, William Patterson of William, Jerome N. Patterson, Jr., William Patterson of Joseph, Charlotte N. Patterson, Caroline Patterson, Margaret Patterson, Laura Patterson, Edward Patterson, Jr., Samuel Patterson, Sidney Patterson, Jr., Robert Patterson, and Elizabeth Patterson, Jr. BA. Contract to lease lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-9929-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9821 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/29 9930: William McCeney, Eliza McCeney, George McCeney, Henry C. McCeney, and Benjamin Carr vs. Benjamin McCeney. AA. Estate of Jacob McCeney - Golden Rod Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-9930 MSA S512-13- 9822 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/02/03 9931: Matthew K. Mister vs. William Dean of George, Mary Dean, Cassandra Dean, William Dean, Sophia Dean, Susan Dean, Virginia Dean, Slater Dean, Leonard Booze, and Elisa Booze. DO. Estate of William Dean. Accession No.: 17,898-9931 MSA S512-13- 9823 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/05/16 9932: Neptune Insurance Co. vs. Rebecca Dorsey. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Crowleys Contrivance, Parkers Palace, Scutts Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 222. Accession No.: 17,898-9932 MSA S512-13- 9824 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/07/23 9933: Henry Miller vs. Isaiah Mercer. AA. Contract to purchase Addition to McLeans Hills, McLeans Folly, McLeans Industry, Pleasant Fields. Accession No.: 17,898-9933-1/6 MSA S512-13- 9825 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/06/01 9934: Joseph Morton vs. James J. Pattison, William Pattison, Ann Pattison, Sarah Pattison, Thomas Pattison, Richard Pattison, Simon Willard, Sarah Willard, Horace Hillen, John A. Whittington, Sarah Whittington, Hillary Duvall, Nicar Duvall, Levin Duvall, Priscilla Duvall, Lewis Griffith, Mary Griffith, Joseph Ward, Elizabeth Ward, Able Horner, Kisia Horner, David Jones, Ann Jones, William Dalrymple, Mary P. Wilson, Samuel Parran, Elizabeth Parran, and Benjamin Pattison. AA. Estate of John Westeneys - Town Land, Evans Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 156.
Accession No.: 17,898-9934 MSA S512-13- 9826 Location: 1/39/2/
1803/07/01 9935: Benjamin R. Morgan vs. William Ringgold, James R. Ringgold, and William Jones. KE. Estate of Benjamin Morgan. Accession No.: 17,898-9935-1/13 MSA S512-13- 9827 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/08/15 9936: Andrew Michael, Otho Thomas, Daniel Duval, William R. King, Notley Thomas, Edward Cunningham, Stephen Ranneberger, George Snouffer, Joseph A. Johnson, and Nicholas W. Chaffe vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. and Alfred Cruger. FR. Injunction against building a canal across a public road.
Accession No.: 17,898-9936 MSA S512-13- 9828 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/12/27 9937: Jonathan Meredith, George R. Richardson, and John W. Walker vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and John J. Graves. BA. Petition to discover value of lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9937-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9829 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/03/03 9938: John L. Millard vs. Henrietta S. Ford, Jessica T. Ford, Joseph Ford, Henry A. Ford, and Lewis J. Ford. SM. Estate of Lewis Ford. Accession No.: 17,898-9938-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9830 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/06/26 9939: Richard C. Mackubin, George W. Davis, and Maria Davis vs. George Fitzhugh Worthington and Elizabeth Worthington. AA. Petition to sell Worthingtons Resurvey. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 27, MdHR 40,283-131, S65-57, B5/10/1. Accession No.: 17,898-9939-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9831 Location: 1/39/2/
1811/04/09 9940: John McAllister and James Mathews vs. James Boyd. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Grove Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-9940 MSA S512-13- 9832 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/12/10 9941: John S. McCullough vs. Alexander Randall, Marcia O'Hara, William O'Hara, Dennis G. Orme, Eliza Jane Orme, and Thomas Phenix Orme. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Summer Hill, Bessenden, Halls Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-9941 MSA S512-13- 9833 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/21 9942: John MacTavish and Emily MacTavish vs. Richard Caton. BA. Estate of Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Accession No.: 17,898-9942-1/5 MSA S512-13- 9834 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/10/04 9943: Isaiah Mercer, Sr. vs. Robert B. Waters, Joshua F. Cockey, Charles Haslip, and Comfort Worthington. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9943 MSA S512-13- 9835 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/04/06 9944: Richard C. Mason vs. Russell Post. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on New England Coffee House. Accession No.: 17,898-9944 MSA S512-13- 9836 Location: 1/39/2/
1815/06/22 9945: Irvine McLaughlin vs. James P. Heath. AL. Petition to sell Military Lots 233, 2504, 1790, 149, 1610, 210, 86, 1639, 101, 1202, 104, 1054, 1398, 1030, 878, 2010. Recorded (Chancery Record) 94, p. 325 and 98, p. 24. Accession No.: 17,898-9945 MSA S512-13- 9837 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/01/05 9946: Francis Clark Meigs and Frances Clark vs. Sarah Harrington. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-9946 MSA S512-13- 9838 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/12/13 9947: John W. Dorsey vs. Rezin Hammond, Denton Hammond, Matthias Hammond, and Caroline B. Hammond. AA. Estate of Dr. Matthias Hammond - Hammonds Enclosure, Hammonds Plains, Finland. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 4, No. 58, MdHR 40,283-204, S65-39 and 4, No. 59, MdHR 40,283-205, S65-11, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 264.
Accession No.: 17,898-9947-1/5 MSA S512-13- 9839 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/10/23 9948: John Morris vs. Hannah K. Chase, Dr. Ashton Alexander, Hiate P. Hepburn, and Albert Hart. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rupulta, Govers Rupulta. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 424. Accession No.: 17,898-9948 MSA S512-13- 9840 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/12/10 9949: Lewis Mayer and Isaac Lohman vs. Richard H. Douglass, Christian Keller, Isaac Tyson, Jr., Nathan Tyson, Benjamin P. Moore, John Glenn, and Thomas Tyson. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas Tyson. Accession No.: 17,898-9949 MSA S512-13- 9841 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/09/17 9950: Robert Mickle vs. Elias Shaw, Samuel Canby, and Samuel Duer. BA. Contract to purchase Patapsco Mill, Chesapeake Mill, Plaishe Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-9950 MSA S512-13- 9842 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/09/12 9951: William McLaughlin and John Butler vs. Simon Veeder. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-9951 MSA S512-13- 9843 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/05/02 9952: William Mallalien vs. George Campbell. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-9952-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9844 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/10/29 9953: William E. Mayhew and Burt Roderick vs. William F. Wells, Jane M. Wells, Trueman Cross, Margaret Hooper, Robert Hooper, John K. Randall, Ruth Randall, Edward T. Wright, Margaret Wright, Henrietta Hooper, and Hannah Hooper. BA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-9953 MSA S512-13- 9845 Location: 1/39/2/
1811/08/08 9954: Nathaniel W. Maddox vs. Mary Moreland. PG. Contract to purchase a slave. Accession No.: 17,898-9954 MSA S512-13- 9846 Location: 1/39/2/
1789/01/31 9955: William McLaughlin and Mary McLaughlin vs. Anne Plowman. CV. Estate of David Arnold - Archers Meadow, Andersons Manor, lot in Lower Marlboro, Nunnery, Chews Manor, Abington, Dodsdale, Hardistys Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 16, p. 662 and 17, p. 126 and 73, p. 286.
Accession No.: 17,898-9955-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9847 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/06 9956: Lenox Martin vs. Luther Martin, Thomas Martin, Mary Martin, Lenox Martin, Hannah Martin, Luther W. McCormick, Thomas McCormick, Letitia McCormick, Isaac Miller, and Ellen Windsor. BA. Estate of Maria Keene - lots in DC. Accession No.: 17,898-9956-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9848 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/09/20 9957: James Morgan vs. Rebecca Roberts, John Roberts, Isaac Roberts, Lewis Roberts, Elizabeth Roberts, James Roberts, Mary Roberts, and Sarah Roberts. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Mesopotamia. Accession No.: 17,898-9957 MSA S512-13- 9849 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/09/24 9958: William W. McClellan, Catherine McClellan, Henry C. McClellan, and Eliza A. McClellan vs. David W. McClellan and Christopher R. McClellan. BA. Estate of Samuel McClellan - lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/64. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-9958-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9850 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/07/24 9959: Alice McVittie vs. Margaret Moore, Merrick A. Jewett, Mary Jewett, William M. Wood, Elizabeth M. Wood, Hannah M. Wood, Robert Sinclair, Margaret Sinclair, Richard S. Hardesty, Elizabeth Hardesty, George W. David, Nathan Moore, Kirkpatrick Ewing, and Maloina Ewing. BA. Estate of Henry Moore - lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/65.
Accession No.: 17,898-9959-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9851 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/03/20 9960: William A. Moale and Mary Moale vs. James Winchester, George Winchester, Thomas Cromwell Winchester, Elizabeth Trisia Winchester, Talbot Jones Winchester, William Winchester, James B. Latimer, and Fielder Israel. BA. Petition to sell Ulm.
Accession No.: 17,898-9960-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9852 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/09/03 9961: Hugh McNeal vs. Henry Wilkins, James Wonn, and Nicholas Tracy. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-9961 MSA S512-13- 9853 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/04/08 9962: William McKim, Isaac McKim, Jr., Haslett McKim, Susan McKim, Robert McKim, and Margaret McKim vs. Susan McKim. BA. Estate of William D. McKim - lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/66-67. Accession No.: 17,898-9962-1/4 MSA S512-13- 9854 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/05/29 9963: Margaret Moore, David Moore, Robert Sinclair, Jr., Margaret M. Sinclair, Richard S. Hardesty, Elizabeth H. Hardesty, William M. Wood, Merrick A. Jewett, and Mary M. Jewett vs. Nathan T.H. Moore, George W. Moore, Elizabeth M. Wood, and Hannah M. Wood. BA. Estates of George Washington Moore and Henry Moore - lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/68. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-9963-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9855 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/03/02 9964: Hezekiah Niles vs. Charles W. Karthans and Elias Glenn. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9964 MSA S512-13- 9856 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/04/02 9965: Joseph Nicholson, James Nicholson, and Nicholas Nicholson vs. Joseph Gwynn and Emanuel Dodds. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Andersons Distant Walks. Accession No.: 17,898-9965 MSA S512-13- 9857 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/11/08 9966: Henry W. Nabb vs. Ellen T. Nabb, Esther N. Nabb, Victoria E. Nabb, George W. Nabb, and Elizabeth D. Nabb. BA. Estate of Henry Wilkins - Prices Neglect, Elmwood, Tonis Choice, Pemlico, Randells Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 833. Accession No.: 17,898-9966 MSA S512-13- 9858 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/19 9967: Jesse Newton, William Newton, John Newton, John Stock, Abraham Henry, Gabriel Moran, and Daniel Weaver vs. Jesse Newton, Andrew Newton, Edmond Newton, Frances Newton, and Marion Newton. BA. Petition to sell Risteaus Enlargement, Soldiers Delight. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 330.
Accession No.: 17,898-9967 MSA S512-13- 9859 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/05/10 9968: Charles Nicols vs. Thomas Culbreth, Marcellus Keene, William C. Neavitt, and Joseph A. Neavitt. QA, TA. Petition to sell Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 321. Accession No.: 17,898-9968 MSA S512-13- 9860 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/11/07 9969: Benjamin B. Nicholson vs. Zachariah Duvall, Isaac Duvall, Stephen Boone, and Anne Boone. AA. Estate of Enos Duvall. Accession No.: 17,898-9969 MSA S512-13- 9861 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/01/01 9970: Jeremiah Nichols, Elizabeth Nichols, Ann Hackett, Walter C. Clayton, and Sally Clayton vs. Anna Maria Hackett. QA. Petition to sell Rich Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-9970-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9862 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/12/17 9971: Michael S. Norman and William B. Norman vs. Samuel Jones and Andrew D. Jones. BA. Estate of Talbot Jones. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 462. Accession No.: 17,898-9971-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9863 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/03/03 9972: William B. Norris vs. Benjamin Watkins, William Mallonee, Benjamin J. Richardson, Martin Lewis, and Lewis J. Watkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Burgers Choice, Middle Plantation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 439. Accession No.: 17,898-9972 MSA S512-13- 9864 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/10/30 9973: George W. Norris and Cornelius E. Beatty vs. Rejnal D. Woodward, Juliet S. Woodward, William Woodward, and James Thomas Woodward. AA. Estate of Henry N. Woodward. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 405. Accession No.: 17,898-9973 MSA S512-13- 9865 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/09/16 9974: George Nicholas and Mary Nicholas vs. John M. Hood, Andrew J. Hood, William G. Hood, and Edward N. Hood. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 390. Accession No.: 17,898-9974 MSA S512-13- 9866 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/05/20 9975: John A. Nicholson vs. Jacob C. Nicholson, George W. Nicholson, Henry Q. Nicholson, Luraney B. Nicholson, and Jacob E. Nicholson. BA. Estates of Jacob Cannon, Isaac Cannon, and Luraney Boling - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9975-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9867 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/07/19 9976: Henry Nisley, Ann Maria Nisley, and William T. Cooley vs. Benjamin A. Cooley, Mary A. Cooley, and James E. Cooley. AA. Estate of William Cooley - Miles Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-9976 MSA S512-13- 9868 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/06/29 9977: Thomas N. Neilson vs. George F. Talman and Richard Wilson. BA. Trust estate of American Life Insurance & Trust Co. Accession No.: 17,898-9977-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9869 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/01/20 9978: Nicholas Nicholson, James Nicholson, and Joseph Nicholson vs. Susanna Nicholson, Mary A. Nicholson, John F. Nicholson, James B. Nicholson, Nicholas Nicholson, and John Beard. AA. Estate of John Nicholson - Hickory Hills, Indian Range. Accession No.: 17,898-9978 MSA S512-13- 9870 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/02/20 9979: Alfred C. Nowland vs. James W. Wroth and William Rothwell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Homely, Chase, Lima, Silesia, Poplar Neck, Seversons Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 500. Accession No.: 17,898-9979 MSA S512-13- 9871 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/07/15 9980: William Newton vs. Daniel Weaver and Catherine Weaver. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Risteaus Enlargement, Soldiers Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-9980 MSA S512-13- 9872 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/04/25 9981: John Newman vs. James N. Wright, Sylvester H. Wright, Emily A. Wright, Margaret E. Wright, and John W. Wright. DO. Estate of William W. Wright. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-9981 MSA S512-13- 9873 Location: 1/39/2/
1798/01/23 9982: Edward Norwood vs. Caleb Owings. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Browns Adventure, Discovery, Friendship, Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-9982 MSA S512-13- 9874 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/09/21 9983: Rebecca Newman vs. Lavinia Piner, Louisa H. Piner, James M. Beaston, and Ann R. Beaston. KE. Estate of Edward Pine - Mothers Care, Plains, Kent Mann. Accession No.: 17,898-9983 MSA S512-13- 9875 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/04/22 9984: Edmond R. Nelson, John Davis, and Lucinda Davis vs. Neaman Turner. SO. Title to Newberry. Accession No.: 17,898-9984-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9876 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/21 9985: Elizabeth Hall Norwood vs. Julius Hall and John Glenn. AA. Estate of Thomas W. Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-9985 MSA S512-13- 9877 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/12/15 9986: Alexander Demuth and Margaret Dunn. HA. Petition to sell Normandy, Cowley Hall, Joshuas Forrest, Shoulder Bone, Meyrs Favor, Williams Beginning, Ames Outlet, Ames Range, Lot Holladay, Orange Betsy. Accession No.: 17,898-9986-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9878 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/04/01 9987: Hannah Neff, Jr. vs. Jonathan Y. Barnhart, Jesse Walker, Catherine Walker, Abraham H. Price, Elizabeth Price, Jacob Barnhart, Babary Barnhart, and Ann Barnhart. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Upper Marlboro. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1033 Accession No.: 17,898-9987-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9879 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/01/28 9988: Parthina Nichols vs. Henry Nichols, Louisa Nichols, Polly Nichols, and Thomas Nichols. AA. Trust estate of Thomas Nichols - Snowdens Second Addition to the Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 122. Accession No.: 17,898-9988 MSA S512-13- 9880 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/07/08 9989: Ruth Norwood vs. Thomas Johnson, William Merryman, John H. Dorsey, and Jessie Green. BA. Title to Butford. Accession No.: 17,898-9989-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9881 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/05/22 9990: Sophia Neal vs. Ward Jones, Ann Jones, John Lusby, Emeline Lusby, Nicholas Vandyke, Selina Vandyke, Richard Biddle, Thomas Neal, Levi Neal, George Neal, Eleanor Neal, and Harriet Neal. KE. Petition to sell lots in Chestertown, Quaker Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-9990 MSA S512-13- 9882 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/12/13 9991: Lewis Neth and William S. McPherson vs. John S. Sellman, Sally Sellman, William S. McPherson, Harriet McPherson, Edward Maynard, Samuel Maynard, John H. Alexander, and Philip T. Tyson. AL. Estate of Lewis Neth - Bettys Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 243.
Accession No.: 17,898-9991-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9883 Location: 1/39/2/
1817/01/14 9992: Joseph Nicholson vs. Henry Gwinn and Edward Hall of Edward. MO. Contract to purchase Johns Cabbin Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-9992 MSA S512-13- 9884 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/06/29 9993: Edward Nicholas vs. John Cator. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 240. Accession No.: 17,898-9993 MSA S512-13- 9885 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/02/01 9994: Andrew S. Naudain vs. Maria L. Naudain, James B. Naudain, Anna Naudain, Lydia Naudain, Alice Naudain, and Mary Naudain. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9994 MSA S512-13- 9886 Location: 1/39/2/
1812/02/29 9995: Robert Lloyd Nicols, Ennalls Martin, and Peregrine Benson vs. Philemon C. Blake, Thomas Wright, and Samuel Wright. QA. Defraud of creditors of Richard T. Earle. Accession No.: 17,898-9995-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9887 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/03/01 9996: John Norwood vs. Thomas W. Hall, Edward Norwood, Harriet Norwood, Elizabeth Norwood, Dr. Thomas Wright, and Mary Wright. BA. Estate of Edward Norwood - Turkey Thicket, Partnership, Norwoods Mill Seat, Cooms Adventure, Norwoods Tan Yard. Accession No.: 17,898-9996-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9888 Location: 1/39/2/
1815/07/18 9997: Arthur Nelson, John Nelson, Catherine Murdoch Nelson, and Joseph Sim Nelson vs. Frederick Nelson, Madison Nelson, Emily C.T. Nelson, Sarah Nelson, and Eleanor Harrison Nelson. FR. Petition to sell lot in Frederick, Puzzles Hawkins Merry Peep-a-day, Bunkers Hill, Resurvey on part of Hobsons Choice, Carrollton, Sand Stone Ridge.
Accession No.: 17,898-9997 MSA S512-13- 9889 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/12/23 9998: Richard Norris, Lemuel Ludder, John W. Keirle, Matthew Keirle, Anthony Groverman, and Henry Groverman vs. George Phelps and Benjamin Poole. MO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-9998 MSA S512-13- 9890 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/01/11 9999: John A. Nicholson, George W. Nicholson, Henry Q. Nicholson, Laurency B. Nicholson, and Jacob E. Nicholson vs. Jacob C. Nicholson. BA. Estate of Lurancy Boling - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-9999-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9891 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/07/17 10000: Joseph Nagle vs. Michael Hook. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10000 MSA S512-13- 9892 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/06/24 10001: Charles Nuthall, John Bean, and Margaret Bean vs. Eleanor Diment, James Diment, Elizabeth Diment, Thomas Diment, Harriet Diment, Henry Diment, Elijah Diment, and Anne Diment. SM. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10001 MSA S512-13- 9893 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/06/08 10002: Henrietta Norwood and Samuel Norwood vs. Lucretia S. Norwood, Camille E. Norwood, and Henrietta H. Norwood. AA. Petition to sell Hollands Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-10002 MSA S512-13- 9894 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/01/22 10003: Rebecca Nelson vs. Joshua Hitch. SO. Validity of sale of slaves Peter, Mary, Grace, William, Henry, Ephraim, Samuel, Caroline, Leah, Benjamin, Azariah, Ephraim, Anne Maria, and Dinah. Accession No.: 17,898-10003-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9895 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/07/02 10004: John S. Nutwell and George W. Nutwell vs. George W. Starling, Sarah Starling, Thomas G. Hardesty, Mary Hardesty, Gassaway Winterson, Susan Winterson, and Jamerson Nutwell. AA. Petition to partition Burrage, Burrages Blossom, Burrages End, Hopewell, Crouchleys Choice. Plat at 1/38/1/31.
Accession No.: 17,898-10004-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9896 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/31 10005: Sylvester Nugent vs. Joseph George. CE. Injunction against removal of timber from Owens Trouble, Nugents Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-10005 MSA S512-13- 9897 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/02/18 10006: William Neef and George Weckert vs. William Tuft and Ruth N. Tuft. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on New Munster. Accession No.: 17,898-10006 MSA S512-13- 9898 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/11/22 10007: William Norris vs. Willilam Morgan and Andrew Orr. CE. Contract to lease lot in Port Deposit. Accession No.: 17,898-10007 MSA S512-13- 9899 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/06/24 10008: Alfred C. Nowland vs. William Crawford, Jr., John Glenn, J. Mason Campbell, and James Malcolm. CE. Injunction against sale of land. Accession No.: 17,898-10008-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9900 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/09/17 10009: Ruth Nelson vs. Caleb Davis. AA. Contract to manage Good Fellowship. Accession No.: 17,898-10009 MSA S512-13- 9901 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/05/08 10010: Henrietta Norwood vs. Samuel Norwood, Robert Norwood, Lucretia L. Norwood, Camella E. Norwood and Henrietta H. Norwood. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10010 MSA S512-13- 9902 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/01/19 10011: John Nelson vs. Catherine Evans, Charles Evans, George Evans, Arthur Evans, and Wingate Evans. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Town. Accession No.: 17,898-10011 MSA S512-13- 9903 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/05/07 10012: Nicholas Nicholson vs. Joseph Nicholson, John Francis Nicholson, Benjamin S. Nicholson, James S. Nicholson, Roger Tydings, Mary Anne Tydings, Thomas S. Iglehart, Joseph J. Nicholson, Somerville Nicholson, James Nicholson of Joseph, Thomas Nicholson, Benjamin Nicholson, Nicholas Nicholson of Joseph, Sarah Anne A. Nicholson, James Brown, Marritta Brown, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. AA. Petition to sell Indian Range, Hickory Hills. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 446.
Accession No.: 17,898-10012-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9904 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/04/02 10013: Francis Naghel vs. David Adams. BA. Title lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10013 MSA S512-13- 9905 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/28 10014: Henry Nelson and Nathan Nelson vs. William G. Penn and Walter Darby. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Rays Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 842. Accession No.: 17,898-10014 MSA S512-13- 9906 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/06/25 10015: Joseph Nicholson vs. Marth B. Harvey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10015 MSA S512-13- 9907 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/03/22 10016: George W. Norris vs. Wesley B. Coursey. BA. Injunction against operation of a quarry. Accession No.: 17,898-10016-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9908 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/05/27 10017: Walter W. Norman vs. Thomas Norman and Robert Franklin. AA. Estate of Nicholas Norman. Accession No.: 17,898-10017 MSA S512-13- 9909 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/01/22 10018: William R. Nimmo vs. James Pawley. BA. Title to Rogers Inspection. Accession No.: 17,898-10018 MSA S512-13- 9910 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/10/05 10019: Margaretta Nichols vs. Richard N. Snowden, John H. Snowden, Sarah R. Snowden, Caroline E. Snowden, Ella Snowden, John R. Bartlett, Malcolm Seaton, and Charles A. Snowden. BA, PG. Petition to establish a trust. Accession No.: 17,898-10019 MSA S512-13- 9911 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/06/03 10020: John Spear Nicholas vs. Peter Boyd, William Bryden, Lewis Wild, Thomas Curtean, John Lorman, Richard H. Jones, and Isaac Pancake. BA. Defraud of creditors of Boyd - Mount Hays, soap and candle factory and lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10020-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9912 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/06/07 10021: Joseph Nagle vs. Chilton Ashmead. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10021 MSA S512-13- 9913 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/04/09 10022: Silas Nicols vs. John G. Adams, James L. Adams, Sarah A. Adams, Thomas W. Adams, Horatio M.W. Adams, Lucinda C. Adams, and Caleb W. Adams. DO. Estate of Thomas Adams. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 607. Accession No.: 17,898-10022-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9914 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/07/16 10023: Henry Nicols vs. John B. Davidge, John Adams Webster, Isabella Hall, Elizabeth Hall, and Eliza W. Hall. HA. Contract to purchase Sophias Dairy, Dairy Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-10023 MSA S512-13- 9915 Location: 1/39/2/
1795/03/19 10024: Edward Norwood and Samuel Norwood vs. William Partridge. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Thomas Range. Accession No.: 17,898-10024 MSA S512-13- 9916 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/03/18 10025: Joseph Neell vs. Philemon D. Warfield and Lot Linthicum. MO. Estate of Lloyd Warfield. Accession No.: 17,898-10025-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9917 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/09/01 10026: John Norman, Mary Norman, and Solomon Kirby vs. Charlotte Kirby. AA. Estate of William Kirby - Pratts Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 29. Accession No.: 17,898-10026 MSA S512-13- 9918 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/11/30 10027: Abner Neal and George Earnest vs. James Ives, Peter Wilson, James C. Doddrell, and Abraham H. Cohen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 539. Accession No.: 17,898-10027 MSA S512-13- 9919 Location: 1/39/2/
1849 10028: George Neilson vs. John McTavish, Emily McTavish, Josias Pennington, William Woodville, George William Jerningham, Elizabeth Jerningham, Mary Ann Wellesly, Francis G. Darcey Osborn, and Louise Catharine Osborn. AL. Estate of Richard Caton - Frisbys Plains, Potomac Flats, Mount Carbon Resurveyed, Woodstock, Anthracite Range, Potisi Mines, Claraden, Johnnys Luck, Lumber, Lymes Purchase, Thomas Camp, Uddletor, Vista, Plump, Longaler, Granite Resurveyed, High Germany, Groves Mistake, Anything, Orleans, Anthrax, Prospect Hill, Cold Frosty Morning, Resurvey on Cold Frosty Morning, Stafford, Sidereous.
Chancery case 10028 involves people living in Baltimore County and in England and land and mineral speculation in Western Maryland and what is now northern West Virginia. In 1849 George Neilson filed his bill of complaint against the heirs and representatives of Richard Caton who had died intestate in 1845. Incidently Caton was a son-in-law of Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Neilson had tried to collect a debt owed by Caton by having his land in Allegany County sold. But this attempt was blocked by claims that the land was held in trust for Caton's daughters and thus not subject to seizure for the father's debts. Neilson claimed this was a fraudulent maneuver to prevent creditors from getting their money. The personal property of Caton's estate was insufficient to cover all debts. Thus, Neilson wanted the court to order a sale of real estate.
Richard Caton had four daughters, three of whom married titled Englishman and lived in Great Britain. They and the other defendants presented basically the same answers to the bill of complaint. They all said that the three daughters living in England periodically sent money to their father for investment purposes. Caton used the funds to purchase land in the coal and iron regions of Western Maryland and Virginia. Some land was deeded to William Woodville, Caton's nephew, as trustee for the daughters. In some instances Caton would invest his own money and become part owner of some of the parcels.
The more interesting parts of this case concern the exhibits filed by both sides. There are transcripts of civil cases in the Allegany and Baltimore county courts. The original papers of these cases mayor may not be found among the extant records of those two courts. One daughter submitted extracts of her father's letters. The defendants also filed several original letters written by Richard Caton to his daughters. The letters and extracts showed Caton acknowledging receipt of money and describing the investments he made. Caton also described in detail the land and stocks being purchased, gave progress reports, and speculated about future prospects. Besides proving the defendants' points, these exhibits give information about mining, canals, and railroads in Western Maryland and northern Virginia in the mid-nineteenth century.
In 1847 Richard Caton attempted to established a coal and iron company in order to realize a return on his family's lands in Allegany Co. A copy of the prospectus summary, and exhibit in the case, appears at the end of this newsletter. The attempt to sell the lands and form a corporation did not succeed, in part because Caton died in early 1845.
James H. Stimpson testified in 1852 about the lands in Allegany Co. The case file offers no clue about Stimpson's role in any of the points introduced into court. But he did list each parcel of land and give the tract names, acreage, and owners' names. He described the land as vacant and unimproved and worth between $.25 and $2.00 per acre.
Another unusual feature of this chancery case is the existence of the Chancellor's notes, made presumably when he was considering his decision in 1852. The Chancellor felt that the evidence supported the defendants' contentions and yet revealed that Richard Caton had owned some land in his own right and some in common with his daughters. So he decreed that the lands owned outright Caton should be sold to satisfy the debt.
The case papers do not reveal whether the sale actually took place. In 1853 the Chancery Court eased to exist and all pending proceedings were sent to the appropriate circuit court. In the Neilson case this could have meant either Allegany Co. where the land was located or Baltimore Co. where some of the litigants lived. Or, maybe the case was settled out of court.
Accession No.: 17,898-10028-1/5 MSA S512-13- 9920 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/05/06 10029: William Norris, Jr. and William Norris, Sr. vs. Dennis B. Hoblitzell and Jacob Hoblitzell. AL. Defraud of creditors of Dennis B. Hoblitzell. Accession No.: 17,898-10029 MSA S512-13- 9921 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/08/04 10030: Susanna M. Nice, James R. Nice, and William Bromwell. TA. Petition to sell Grubby Neck, Rich Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 733. Accession No.: 17,898-10030 MSA S512-13- 9922 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/20 10031: Sophia Neal and William S. Hambleton. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10031 MSA S512-13- 9923 Location: 1/39/2/
1807/05/26 10032: Edward Norwood vs. Thomas Jones. BA. Title to Browns Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-10032 MSA S512-13- 9924 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/07/10 10033: Samuel Norman and Dorcas Norman vs. Joseph Hill and Morgan Hill. AA. Contract to purchase Greenwich Park, Greenwich Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 26. Accession No.: 17,898-10033 MSA S512-13- 9925 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/11/15 10034: Charles Nuthall, John Bean, and Margaret Bean vs. Elizabeth Dement, Thomas Dement, Harriet Dement, Henry Dement, Ann Dement, and Elijah Dement. SM. Petition to sell Abells Pen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1024. Accession No.: 17,898-10034 MSA S512-13- 9926 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/01/25 10035: Neptune Insurance Co., Frederick Dawson, and William Dawson vs. Edward Kurtz. BA. Trust estate of Charles W. Karthaus. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-10035 MSA S512-13- 9927 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/04/05 10036: Susan Newman and Sidney Calhoun Newman vs. William Henry Newman, Mary Louisa Newman, Caroline Augusta Newman, and George W. Dobbins. BA. Petition to sell Bryans Chance, Ridgelys Whim. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 153. Accession No.: 17,898-10036-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9928 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/12/12 10037: John Owens, Sarah Owens, Mary E. Owens, and James Hasson vs. John T. Huggins, Sarah Huggins, and John T. Cooling. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Charlestown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-10037 MSA S512-13- 9929 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/01/08 10038: Joseph Owens vs. Benjamin Franklin. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10038 MSA S512-13- 9930 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/02/26 10039: Nicholas Owens, James T. Henderson, and Nicholas R. Warfield vs. Ellen B. Warfield, Reuben Warfield, Frances C. Warfield, Susanna Warfield, and Magruder Warfield. Howard District. Petition to sell Warfields Forrest, Dunghill Ground Thickett. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-10039-1/10 MSA S512-13- 9931 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/05/21 10040: Colgate Dye Owings vs. Charlotte C. D. Owings. BA. Estate of Colgate Dye Owings - John and Thomas Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 277. Accession No.: 17,898-10040-1/6 MSA S512-13- 9932 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/02/21 10041: Hazlet Owens vs. Benjamin Ferguson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Helena. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-10041 MSA S512-13- 9933 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/06/14 10042: Hazelt Owens vs. Thomas Thackery, William Crasson, and Jacob Gibson. CE. Contract to lease tavern in Perryville. Accession No.: 17,898-10042 MSA S512-13- 9934 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/05/18 10043: John Owens and Mary E. Owens vs. Benjamin B. Sweet, John Griffin, Josiah Gaskill, North East Mfg. Co., and James B. Humphrey. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10043 MSA S512-13- 9935 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/08/21 10044: Nicholas Owens, James Owens, Sr., Benjamin E. Jones, and William G. Jones vs. James C. Sellman, Francis A. Crook, and Isaac Owens of James. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10044 MSA S512-13- 9936 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/04/29 10045: William Owens and Benjamin McCeney vs. Joseph Owens, Isaac Owens, Sr., Joseph Owens, Isaac Owens, Sarah Owens, Eliza Owens, Mary Welch, and Caroline McCeney. AA. Petition to sell Bear Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-10045 MSA S512-13- 9937 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/04/04 10047: Benjamin Owens vs. Robert Welch of Ben and James C. Sellman. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10047 MSA S512-13- 9938 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/09/26 10048: William Owens, Mary Owens, Walter Gray, and Ann Gray vs. James Campbell, Edmund Lynch, and Samuel McDonald. BA. Trust estate under will of Benjamin Ferguson - Union Line of Steamboats. Accession No.: 17,898-10048-1/9 MSA S512-13- 9939 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/11/19 10049: Agnes Owens, Luke Tiernan, and Alexander Neill vs. James Abercombie, Jr., Mary Frazer Abercombie, Rebecca Owen, Mary Owen, Ann Owen, Sally Owen, Agnes Owen, and Kennedy Owen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 517.
Accession No.: 17,898-10049-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9940 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/03/08 10050: Beale Owings vs. John B. Emory, Cyrus Gault, Charles Wood, Joseph Yager, and Cornelius H. Owings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fox Rock. Accession No.: 17,898-10050 MSA S512-13- 9941 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/11/19 10051: William Owings vs. Peter Hoffman, Henry Brice, John Cromwell, Thomas Moale, David Winchester, and David Williamson. BA. Petition to discover account books. Accession No.: 17,898-10051 MSA S512-13- 9942 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/01/26 10052: John Owings vs. Thomas Stinchcomb and Mary Stinchcomb. BA. Injunction against damage of land. Accession No.: 17,898-10052 MSA S512-13- 9943 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/06/14 10053: Joseph Owens, Richard Turner, and Margaret A. Turner vs. Benjamin Owens, James Owens, Richard Owens, Samuel Owens, Thomas Mockabee, Tabitha Mockabee, William Cissell, and Ann Cissell. AA, PG. Petition to partition Welches Discovery in PG. Also Mobberlys Purchase, Neals Delight in AA.
Accession No.: 17,898-10053 MSA S512-13- 9944 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/06/14 10055: Charlotte C. D. Owings vs. Charles Gilmore, Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, Samuel Small, Philip Small, and Christopher Geiger. BA. Injunction against removal of iron ore from John and Thomas Forest. Accession No.: 17,898-10055 MSA S512-13- 9945 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/04/12 10056: Henry H. Owings vs. Nicholas Harding. AA. Contract to lease land. Accession No.: 17,898-10056 MSA S512-13- 9946 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/10/20 10057: James Owings vs. William R. Johnson. CV. Contract to purchase Majors Choice, Silver Stone. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 106. Accession No.: 17,898-10057 MSA S512-13- 9947 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/03 10058: Cordelia Owings and Cordelia E. Owings vs. Larkin Buckingham. CR. Contract to purchase Peters Garden, Bite Him Softly. Accession No.: 17,898-10058 MSA S512-13- 9948 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/03/20 10059: George Dorsey Owings and Samuel T. Owings vs. William Henry Dorsey. Howard District. Petition to partition Brothers Partnership. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 1163, p. 819. Accession No.: 17,898-10059-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9949 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/07/23 10060: Thomas Beale Owings and Cordelia Owings vs. James Owings, Nathan Owings, Harriott Jiams, John Jiams, Henry Stevenson, and Mary Stevenson. BA. Petition to sell warehouse and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10060 MSA S512-13- 9950 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/07/09 10061: Anna M. Ogle, Susan F. Williams, Samuel J. Donaldson, Elizabeth C. Donaldson, Josias Pennington, Sophia C. Pennington, Mary Murray, Ann C. Clapham, Henrietta R. Clapham, Richard C. Tilghman, Frances Tilghman, William Cooke, Elizabeth Cooke, Francis Cooke of William, Mary Cooke, Ellen A. Cooke, James D. Cooke, William Cooke of George, Catherine C. Cooke, Anna M. Cooke, Meliora O. Cooke, Julia Cooke, Emily L. Cooke, George A. Cooke, Edward Ridgely, Dr. William H. Worthington, Ellen D. Worthington, Benjamin Williams, Georgiana Williams, and Elizabeth C. Powell vs. William Woodville and George Cooke, Jr. AL. Petition to sell Stoney Ridge, Much Ado About Nothing, Deer Park.
Accession No.: 17,898-10061 MSA S512-13- 9951 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/03/02 10062: Henry Orr, Thomas Orr, Reubin Orr, Eliza Orr, Rebecca Orr, Joseph Orr, Andrew Jackson Orr, and Jane Orr vs. Joseph Alexander, and James Orr. CE. Estate of Robert Orr - New Munster, Reads Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-10062 MSA S512-13- 9952 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/09/17 10063: Catherine Oldfield vs. Hannah K. Chase and William A. Talbott. BA. Contract to support Oldfield. Accession No.: 17,898-10063 MSA S512-13- 9953 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/02/19 10064: Sarah O'Donnell, John Vise O'Donnell, Sarah Maria O'Donnell, Henrietta O'Donnell, Henry O'Donnell, Elizabeth O'Donnell, Eleanora O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, and Robert E. O'Donnell vs. Columbus O'Donnell. BA. Estate of Elliott O'Donnell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 1163, p. 832.
Accession No.: 17,898-10064 MSA S512-13- 9954 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/12/01 10065: William McKenney Osborn and Samuel McKenney vs. Joseph Wright and Eliza Wright. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership, lots in Millington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 206. Accession No.: 17,898-10065 MSA S512-13- 9955 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/01/25 10066: Zadok Offutt, William H. Offutt, John Braddock, and Samuel M. Beall vs. Richard Butt. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10066 MSA S512-13- 9956 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/11/06 10067: William O'Neal vs. John Lodge. MO. Estate of William Lodge. Accession No.: 17,898-10067 MSA S512-13- 9957 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/01/15 10068: William O'Hara vs. Jesse J. Dalrymple, Alexander P. Dalrymple, Virgil B. Dalrymple, Wallace Dalrymple, Delia Dalrymple, Frances A. Dalrymple, Laura Dalrymple, Rebecca Dalrymple, and Mary Ann Wilson. CV. Estate of James A.D. Dalrymple - Punch.
Accession No.: 17,898-10068-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9958 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/07/24 10069: William O'Hara vs. William H. Brewer, Thomas Brewer, John W. Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson, Elizabeth Merriken, Elizabeth Duvall, Richard H. Duvall, Grafton Duvall, Charles Duvall, and Thomas I. Brice. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 335.
Accession No.: 17,898-10069-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9959 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/07/12 10070: Colmore Offutt vs. Absalom Thrift. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10070 MSA S512-13- 9960 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/08/29 10071: Charles Oliver, Thomas Oliver, and Robert M. Gibbes vs. Mary Caton, John McTavish, Emily McTavish, Samuel Hoffman, Josias Pennington, Mary Marchioness of Wellesly, Sydney Godolphin Duke of Leeds, Louisa Godolphin, George Jearningham, Baron Stafford, and Elizabeth Stafford. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pavement. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 32.
Accession No.: 17,898-10071-1/4 MSA S512-13- 9961 Location: 1/39/2/
1801/06/23 10072: William Oerthers and George Oerthers vs. James Demmitt and John Compton. AL. Contract to purchase Military Lots 3582, 3583, 3699, 3700, Demmitts Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 7. Accession No.: 17,898-10072-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9962 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/06/10 10073: Thomas Oliver vs. Lloyd Jones. AA. Contract to lease blacksmith shop and land. Accession No.: 17,898-10073 MSA S512-13- 9963 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/01/14 10074: Samuel R. Oldson and Mary Sparks. Estate of Elias Meconekin. QA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 354. Accession No.: 17,898-10074 MSA S512-13- 9964 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/04/10 10075: Elizabeth O'Brien vs. James O'Brien. AA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10075 MSA S512-13- 9965 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/06/09 10076: Richard Odd, Sarah A. Odd, and Margaret M. Ford vs. Elizabeth Ford, William T. Ford, Sophia E. Ford, and Charles W. Ford. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10076 MSA S512-13- 9966 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/10/07 10077: Martha Jane Osborne vs. Mary Virginia Osborne. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1198. Accession No.: 17,898-10077 MSA S512-13- 9967 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/11/05 10078: Charles L. Ondersleys vs. Ellen McComas and Alexander C. Robinson. BA. Trust estate of McComas. Accession No.: 17,898-10078 MSA S512-13- 9968 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/05/21 10079: John Orem vs. Isaac Hearn, Artemus Hearn, Richard Hearn, Rebecca Hearn, Alfred Hearn, Benjamin Hearn, Tilghman Iglehart, and Nancy Iglehart. Howard District. Defraud of creditors of Isaac Hearn. Accession No.: 17,898-10079 MSA S512-13- 9969 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/09/23 10080: Robert Y. Overly vs. Samuel Jones, Jr. and Michael S. Norman. BA. Defraud of creditors of Norman. Accession No.: 17,898-10080 MSA S512-13- 9970 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/01/22 10081: Robert Oliver and John Oliver vs. William McMechen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Stones Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-10081 MSA S512-13- 9971 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/11/17 10083: William O'Hara vs. Harriet Anne Saunders, Sara Davis Saunders, and Mary Elizabeth Saunders. AA. Petition to sell Pleasant Prospect. Accession No.: 17,898-10083 MSA S512-13- 9972 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/12/27 10085: Robert Oliver vs. Gabriel Wood, Edward Harris, Nicholas Brewer, Randle H. Moale, and Charles F. Mayer. BA. Insolvent estates of Thomas Yates and Archibald Campbell - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10085-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9973 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/08/30 10086: Alphonso E. Osborne vs. George C. Davis and Baltimore Fire Insurance Co. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10086 MSA S512-13- 9974 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/01/12 10087: John Osborne, James Osborne, and Drusilla Osborne vs. Jeremiah Perry and Joshua Osborne. AA. Estate of Francis Osborne - slaves Jack, Polly, Frank, George, Rachel, Harry, Charles, Ben, Daniel, Anna, Julia, Charlotte, Moses, William, Harriet, Ned, and Savale. Accession No.: 17,898-10087 MSA S512-13- 9975 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/09/08 10088: James Owings vs. Charles H.D. Paul, Mary Paul, Elizabeth Tschiffily, Mr. Tschiffily, and Isaac Paul. Howard District. Contract to purchase Winicopken Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-10088 MSA S512-13- 9976 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/10/13 10089: John Owens vs. Jonathan Leslie, Thomas White, James Canby, and Wilmington & Susquehanna Railroad Co. CE. Contract to lay railroad tracks through Helena. Accession No.: 17,898-10089 MSA S512-13- 9977 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/05/17 10090: Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, Allen Thomas, Emily Gibbes, Margaret Colt, Robert Morgan Gibbes, and James V. Wagner vs. James Hepburn, Jacob M. Halderman, John McLane, David T. McKim, William H. Marriott, James Cheston, William Bore, Simon Cameron, George W. Aspinwall, John C. Boyd, Joseph Todhunter, William G. Harrison, Hugh Boyle, Attorney General, and Tidewater Canal Co. HA. Defraud of creditors of Tidewater Canal Co.
Accession No.: 17,898-10090-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9978 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/09/23 10091: William Osborn, Benjamin Osborn, and Martha Rebecca Osborn vs. Jacob Michael. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Matthews Enlargement, Quarter Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-10091-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9979 Location: 1/39/2/
1818/06/07 10092: John W. Ogden and Nancy Ogden vs. Amos Ogden, William Bosley, Daniel Bosley, and Sarah Burket. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Taylors Discovery, Taylors Purchase, Clemonard, Green River. Accession No.: 17,898-10092-1/4 MSA S512-13- 9980 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/09/14 10093: Columbus O'Donnell and John O'Donnell vs. Ephraim Smith and John Hanson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10093-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9981 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/06/20 10094: Samuel Owings vs. Joseph Kelly. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Charles Luck, Pilgram, Barbadoss. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 335. Accession No.: 17,898-10094-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9982 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/06/01 10097: Samuel Owings vs. Thomas Blackley and John Ellis. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Matthews Addition, Matthews Farm, Bite Upon the Biter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 905. Accession No.: 17,898-10097-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9983 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/08/30 10099: Charles Oldham vs. Harriet Oldham. CE. Appointment of trustee for Harriet Oldham. Accession No.: 17,898-10099 MSA S512-13- 9984 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/04/24 10100: Elizabeth Osborn vs. Sarah Barron, Courtenay Hanson, Elizabeth Hanson, Lucretia Hanson, and Melissa Jane Hanson. HA. Estate of John Hanson - Drews Enlargement, Rumseys Marsh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 140. Accession No.: 17,898-10100-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9985 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/05/07 10101: Eliza Owens and Sarah Owens vs. Nicholas Darnall and Henry Darnall. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10101 MSA S512-13- 9986 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/12/25 10103: Frederick Oetling, Johannes Roesing, and John Martin Wolde vs. Justus Hoppe. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10103 MSA S512-13- 9987 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/09/18 10104: Nicholas Owens vs. Levi Sheckells, Francis Sheckells, Caleb Sheckells, Enoch Sheckells, Ezra Sheckells, Richard Sheckells, Thomas Elliott, Susan Elliott, Wilhelimia Ann Armager, Samuel Sunderland, Susan Sunderland, John F. Nicholson, Rachel Armager, John Armager, Joseph Hutton, Enoch Hutton, William Fletcher Hutton, George Lawrence, and Sarah A. Lawrence. AA. Estate of Francis Sheckells - Hard Bargain, Sorry Bargain.
Accession No.: 17,898-10104-1/3 MSA S512-13- 9988 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/12/30 10105: Thomas Oliver, Charles Oliver, Robert M. Gibbes, and Emily Gibbes vs. Roswell L. Colt and Margaret Colt. BA. Trust estate under will of Robert Oliver. Accession No.: 17,898-10105 MSA S512-13- 9989 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/04/14 10106: John Crook and Rachel Crook. BA. Estate of John Owings - Seuts Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 548. Accession No.: 17,898-10106-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9990 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/10/16 10107: Thomas Orr vs. William Andrew Hall. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-10107 MSA S512-13- 9991 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/11/27 10108: Henry Otten vs. Henry Weaver, Catherine Weaver, John Hoof, William Hoof, Thomas Hoof, and Anne Hoof. Howard District. Estate of Christian Salzman. Accession No.: 17,898-10108 MSA S512-13- 9992 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/05/15 10109: Elizabeth Owens vs. Joseph Owens, Isaac Owens, Sarah Owens, Eliza Owens, Issac Owens of Isaac, Joseph Owens, James Owens, Nicholas Owens, William Owens, Elizabeth Owens, Pricilla Owens, Thomas F. Owens, John Welch, Mary Welch, Pricilla Welch, Pricilla Woodward, Mary Shubert, Benjamin Sunderland, Ann Sunderland, Susan Childs, Benjamin McCeney, Caroline McCeney, and John Walker. AA. Estate of Thomas Owens - Portland Manor, Coal Kiln, Stewarts Farm, Childs Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 625.
Accession No.: 17,898-10109-1/5 MSA S512-13- 9993 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/08/14 10110: John O'Donnell and Nicholas Merriweather vs. Elizabeth Pitts, Thomas C. Shipley, Anne Shipley, John Henry Hall, Nicholas Hall, Elizabeth Jane Hall, and Martha Ann Hall. AA. Title to Worthingtons Range, Alltogether. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 33.
Accession No.: 17,898-10110 MSA S512-13- 9994 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/12/08 10111: James Orr and Jane Orr vs. Robert Logan. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Independance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 392. Accession No.: 17,898-10111 MSA S512-13- 9995 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/07/24 10112: William Oglesby vs. Margaret Janney, Tillitson Janney, Helen Marinda Janney, Armentina Sophia Janney, Harriet Eliza Janney, Thomas Addison Janney, and Caroline Augusta Janney. CE. Estate of James Janney. Accession No.: 17,898-10112-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9996 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/12/22 10113: John O'Donnell vs. Columbus O'Donnell and Elliot O'Donnel. BA. Trust estate of Elliot O'Donnell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-10113 MSA S512-13- 9997 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/12/11 10114: Robert Oliver vs. Charles Sterett Ridgely, Elizabeth Ruth Ridgely, John S. Ridgely, Charles Sterett Ridgely, Jr., Randolph Ridgely, Sally Ridgely, James Sterett Ridgely, Andrew Sterett Ridgely, Joseph Sterett Ridgely, Mary Ann Ridgely, and Jacob Hollingsworth. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dorseys Adventure, Dorseys Inheritance, Good for Little, Resurvey on Good for Little, Chews Vineyard, Adam the First. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 586.
Accession No.: 17,898-10114 MSA S512-13- 9998 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/03/02 10115: Robert Oliver vs. Mary C. Pascault, Louis Charles Pascault, Francis Pascault, Columbus O'Donnell, Eleana O'Donnell, James Gallatin, Josephine Gallatin, and Richard B. Magruder. AA, BA. Estate of Lewis Pascault - Whips Hills, Whips Mill Seat, Addition to Mill Seat, Progress in AA. Also Additional Progress in BA, Improved Centre in AA and BA, lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 469.
Accession No.: 17,898-10115-1/2 MSA S512-13- 9999 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/09/09 10116: Felix O'Neal vs. Humphrey Pierce and Mary Kennedy. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-10116 MSA S512-13-10000 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/11/09 10117: Thomas Owens and Elizabeth A. Owens vs. Pricilla Owens and Thomas Franklin Owens. AA. Estate of Nicholas Owens of Isaac - Portland Manor, Steuarts Farm, Childs Addition, Anne Arundel Manor, Billingsham, Isaacs Purchase. Plat of Portland Manor, Steuarts Farm, Isaacs Purchase at 1/38/1/31. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 2.
Accession No.: 17,898-10117-1/2 MSA S512-13-10001 Location: 1/39/2/
1810/05/01 10118: Thomas O'Drane vs. Samuel J. Coolidge, Mary Coolidge, Sarah Hepburn, John Hepburn, and Patricus Hepburn. MO. Title to Resurvey on Hanover Turnip Patch. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-10118 MSA S512-13-10002 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/09/20 10119: Granville S. Oldfield and James P. Oldfield vs. Aquilla B. Murray, Henry Payson, and Alexander Brown, BA. Debt due from A.B. Murray & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-10119 MSA S512-13-10003 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/08/29 10120: William Owens, Isaac Owens, and Joseph Owens vs. Benjamin Owens. AA. Estate of Thomas Owens. Accession No.: 17,898-10120 MSA S512-13-10004 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/07/24 10121: L.F.X. O'Brien, Mary Anne O'Brien, Sarah Lucretia Linthicum, Matthias H. Linthicum, and Rachel Adeline Linthicum vs. William Amoss Linthicum, Elizabeth Linthicum, and Charles G. Linthicum. AA. Petition to sell Andover, Hunting Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 532.
Accession No.: 17,898-10121 MSA S512-13-10005 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/02/09 10122: Thomas Beale Owings and Cordelia Owings vs. James Owings and Samuel Owings. AA. Estates of Richard Owings and Beale Owings. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 487. Accession No.: 17,898-10122-1/2 MSA S512-13-10006 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/05/09 10123: Thomas Owens and William Owens vs. John Collinson. AA. Estate of Edward Collinson. Accession No.: 17,898-10123-1/3 MSA S512-13-10007 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/02/06 10124: Ann Owings vs. James Cheston, Thomas Parker, George Winchester, Samuel Owings, and John Patterson. BA. Estate of William Owings - Ulm, Soldiers Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 405. Accession No.: 17,898-10124 MSA S512-13-10008 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/11/24 10126: Samuel Owings and James Owings vs. Basil Warfield. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition, Snowdens Second Addition, slaves Rachel, Lucy, Lloyd, Eliza, Elizabeth, and Matilda. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 842. Accession No.: 17,898-10126-1/2 MSA S512-13-10009 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/09/09 10127: George W. Oldham vs. Richard Caton, Mary Caton, Catherine Harper, Charles Carroll, Aaron B. Tucker, Elizabeth C. Tucker, Richard H. Bayard, Mary Sophia Bayard, John Lee, Harriet Lee, Isaac R. Jackson, Louisa Catherine Jackson, Charles C. Harper, Emily Harper, Elizabeth Caton, Richard Colley Wellesley, Mary Ann Wellesley, John MacTavish, and Emily MacTavish. CE. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-10127 MSA S512-13-10010 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/05/23 10128: James Owings vs. Daniel Kent, Thomas H. Kent, Yates Kent, John Y. Barber, Mary Barber, James Taylor, and Sally Taylor. CV. Title to Silver Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-10128 MSA S512-13-10011 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/10/19 10129: Columbus O'Donnell vs. Cumberland Dugan. BA. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-10129-1/2 MSA S512-13-10012 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/11/21 10130: Henrietta M. Osborn, Samuel G. Osborn, William McKenny Osborn, Thomas H. Osborn, and Anna M. Osborn vs. Mary Ann Osborn, Edward Osborn, John M. Osborn, and Charles T. Osborn. KE, QA. Petition to partition lots in Millington in KE. Also Gilpin Farm, Harris Farm, Shepherds Forrest, Harris Addition, Chance, Skidmore, Mothers Care in QA. Plats at 1/38/1/31.
Accession No.: 17,898-10130-1/2 MSA S512-13-10013 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/06/21 10132: Henry Ogburn, Charlotte Ogburn, Edward Mitchell, Ann Mitchell, and Harriott Chiquiere vs. Robert C. Long, Ann Long, Robert Brown, Harriet Brown, Patrick Hamilton, George Hamilton, and John Hamilton. KE. Estate of William Haley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 836.
Accession No.: 17,898-10132-1/2 MSA S512-13-10014 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/08/20 10134: Elizabeth Onion, John W. Onion, Ann Onion, Beale Onion, Lloyd D. Onion, Thomas Gorsuch, Hannah Gorsuch, John Waters, and Rebecca Waters vs. Edward Day. BA. Title to Onions Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-10134 MSA S512-13-10015 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/09/20 10135: Eliza Owens and Sarah Owens vs. Benjamin McCeney. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Pindells Enlargement, Runnymeade, Stephens Purchase, Bear Ridge, Gassaways Lot, Biggs Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 62. Accession No.: 17,898-10135-1/2 MSA S512-13-10016 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/05/19 10137: Sarah O'Donnell, John T. O'Donnell, Elliott O'Donnell, Eleanora O'Donnell, Henry O'Donnell, Henrietta O'Donnell, Mary O'Donnell, Robert E. O'Donnell, and Sarah C. O'Donnell vs. Columbus O'Donnell. BA. Estate of Elliott O'Donnell. Accession No.: 17,898-10137 MSA S512-13-10017 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/11/04 10138: Charles Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Robert M. Gibbes, and Richard Caton vs. John MacTavish and Emily MacTavish, BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10138 MSA S512-13-10018 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/02/11 10140: Richard Peacock, Alice A. Peacock, and Mary Peacock vs. Henry Peacock, James N. Peacock, Jeremiah Peacock, Edward Peacock, Charles Peacock, Martha J. Peacock, and David Peacock. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10140 MSA S512-13-10019 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/06/27 10141: Henry Powles, George W. Hyde, William J. Wallis, James A. Langston, Edwin Langston, Lawrence Langston, Elisha Brown, and Edward T. Owings vs. Merchants Fire Insurance Co., Barney Dilley, and Benjamin R. Edwards. AL. Defraud of creditors of Edwards & Dilley.
Accession No.: 17,898-10141-1/5 MSA S512-13-10020 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/11/24 10142: Labdiel W. Potter and William Thomas Ritter Turpin vs. Sarah T. Potter and Caroline T. Potter. CA. Petition to sell Doncaster, Potters Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 134. Accession No.: 17,898-10142 MSA S512-13-10021 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/02/16 10143: Isaac Pratt vs. Savage Manufacturing Co., Benjamin Williams, George Williams, Nehemiah D. Williams, and William S. Gittings. Howard District. Contract to purchase stock in Savage Manufacturing Co. Accession No.: 17,898-10143-1/2 MSA S512-13-10022 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/01/12 10144: Nehemiah Pollitt, James Huffington, and Eliza Huffington vs. Drucilla M. Pollitt, George R. Pollitt, and Alex U. Pollitt. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 80. Accession No.: 17,898-10144 MSA S512-13-10023 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/07/04 10145: George Piercy and George Traverse vs. George Piercy. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-10145 MSA S512-13-10024 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/02/14 10146: William Pattison vs. Jeremiah Pattison. DO. Petition to sell Ninicock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 583. Accession No.: 17,898-10146 MSA S512-13-10025 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/07/19 10147: Henry Page vs. Elizabeth A. Davis, Thomas Davis, June Davis, William J. Davis, George Davis, Traverse Davis, Joseph Davis, and Susan Caroline Davis. DO. Petition to sell Locust Neck, Risdons Beginning, Harrisons Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 658.
Accession No.: 17,898-10147 MSA S512-13-10026 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/06/16 10148: Henry A. Portor, Anna Maria Portor, and John M. Ashley vs. Mary Jane Ashley, Millicent Ashley, George T. Ashley, and Joseph M. Ashley. KE. Petition to sell Tripoli. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 228. Accession No.: 17,898-10148 MSA S512-13-10027 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/06/27 10149: Henry Patterson and Fielder Israel vs. Anthony Sprigg. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 519 and 164, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-10149 MSA S512-13-10028 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/02/20 10150: Isaac Perkins, Levi Wroth, John W. Walker, and Francis Cann vs. Leonard F. Paul and Sarah F. Paul. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Little Brittain, Perkins Meadow, Perkins Policy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-10150 MSA S512-13-10029 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/07/08 10151: William Primrose vs. Martha Cox. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sheperds Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-10151-1/3 MSA S512-13-10030 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/03/01 10152: John Patterson and James Sims vs. Richard Charlesworth, Richard Charlesworth, and James Charlesworth. CE. Estate of John Porter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 630. Accession No.: 17,898-10152-1/2 MSA S512-13-10031 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/04/21 10153: Philip P. Pendleton and Addison B. Riely vs. Sarsfield J. Foley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10153 MSA S512-13-10032 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/09/19 10154: James F. Purvis vs. John Hampden, and Antoinette Williams. BA. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-10154 MSA S512-13-10033 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/09/11 10155: William Price vs. Elizabeth Price. CE. Estate of Samuel Price - Askmore, Dividend. Plat at 1/38/1/31. Accession No.: 17,898-10155-1/3 MSA S512-13-10034 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/01/04 10156: Susan Powell vs. George Washington Powell. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10156 MSA S512-13-10035 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/10/13 10157: John Parran vs. Matilda Spencer, Samuel Spencer, Mary E. Spencer, Eupheronia Spencer, and Margaret Spencer. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Borders Enlarged, Reserve. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 496. Accession No.: 17,898-10157-1/4 MSA S512-13-10036 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/11/29 10158: Richard R. Pue vs. Henry H. Pue, Sr., Matilda R.H. Pue, and Henry H. Pue, Jr. AA. Petition to sell Hammonds Purchase Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 829. Accession No.: 17,898-10158-1/4 MSA S512-13-10037 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/06/16 10159: Joseph Porter vs. Millicent Ashley, John M. Ashley, Mary Jane Ashley, George T. Ashley, Joseph M. Ashley, Henry Porter, Anna Maria Porter, Millicent Ashley. KE. Petition to sell Forrest of Dean, Warners Levels. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 224.
Accession No.: 17,898-10159 MSA S512-13-10038 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/09/13 10160: Nehemiah Pollitt vs. James Huffington, Eliza Huffington, Drucilla M. Pollitt, George R. Pollitt, and Alexander W. Pollitt. SO. Petition to sell Smithfield, Haphazard, Heaths Chance, Addition to Hog Quarter, Dentry. Accession No.: 17,898-10160-1/2 MSA S512-13-10039 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/06/13 10161: William B. Perine vs. Rachel Ensor, John B. Ensor, John Ensor, Miranda Ensor, Delia Ensor, and Evan Davis. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Black Hart Field. Plat of Cole Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-10161-1/2 MSA S512-13-10040 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/03/01 10162: Henry Pendexter and Horatio B. Alden vs. Catherine Low, Joshua H. Hynes, and Daniel Feelemeyer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 762. Accession No.: 17,898-10162 MSA S512-13-10041 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/11/19 10163: Jeremiah L. Pattison, Ann Pattison, James Fookes, Margaret Fookes, John T. Stewart, Henrietta Stewart, William N. Berkley, Emily Berkley, James Bryan, and Mary A. Bryan vs. Caroline Pattison. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Also lot in Alexandria, VA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 24.
Accession No.: 17,898-10163 MSA S512-13-10042 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/01/24 10164: Elizabeth Frances Porter, Mary G. Porter, Susan Frances Porter, and Robert Benjamin Porter vs. John Mercer Porter. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 183. Accession No.: 17,898-10164 MSA S512-13-10043 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/06/20 10165: William Primrose vs. William Hackett of William, George Miller, John Miller, William Godman, Jr., and Mary Godman. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Partnership. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 281. Accession No.: 17,898-10165-1/2 MSA S512-13-10044 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/02/03 10166: Henry Pendexter and Horatio B. Alden vs. Elizabeth Hance, Samuel B. Hance, Elizabeth Hance, Maria Louisa Hance, Rebecca Hance, Henry Clay Hance, Joseph Hance, and Samuel Y. Harris. CV. Estate of William Hance - Buzzy Orchard, Meadows Preserved, Hogs Haunt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 682.
Accession No.: 17,898-10166-1/8 MSA S512-13-10045 Location: 1/39/2/
1818/08/04 10167: George Clarke, Bennet Clarke, James Clarke, James Preston, Sarah Preston, Ruth Billingslea, John Clarke, Nathaniel Clarke, John Tardy, and Ann Tardy vs. William Clark. HA. Estate of William Clarke - Rockey Mount. Accession No.: 17,898-10167-1/2 MSA S512-13-10046 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/01/17 10168: William S. Peterkin vs. Peregrine Fitzhugh, Sarah Margaret Fitzhugh, Benjamin G. Fitzhugh, and Sophia Fitzhugh. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Catoctin Furnace, Auburn. Accession No.: 17,898-10168 MSA S512-13-10047 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/07/02 10169: John B. Peyton vs. Robert H. Ayres, Alethea Ayres, and Daniel B. Banks. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Chesley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 914. Accession No.: 17,898-10169-1/2 MSA S512-13-10048 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/01/30 10171: Rebecca Ann Perry vs. Francis Perry, John R. Perry, James H. Perry, Anna M. Perry, and Williamina Perry. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-10171 MSA S512-13-10049 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/12/30 10172: Davidson D. Pearce and John D. Turner vs. Mary A. Neville, Margaret L. Neville, and Walter E. Turner. CE. Petiton to sell Knowlwood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1187. Accession No.: 17,898-10172 MSA S512-13-10050 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/11/17 10173: Gerard Peddicord, Caroline Peddicord, and Harriet Rowles vs. Nehemiah M. Rowles, Jr., Francis Rowles, Thomas Rowles, Edmund Rowles, Anne Rowles, William Rowles, Mary Ellen Rowles, George Dyson, Mary Dyson, John L. Merchant, and Algelina Merchant. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Timber Neck, Last Shift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 140.
Accession No.: 17,898-10173 MSA S512-13-10051 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/02/26 10174: John B. Pearce vs. Terrence McManus, Elizabeth McManus, Daniel Lesourd, Sally Lesourd, Rachel Pearce, Jr., and Belinda Pearce. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bulls Folly, Romantic Hills, Wild Cherry Tree Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 83.
Accession No.: 17,898-10174 MSA S512-13-10052 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/06/25 10175: James Alfred Pearce and Jacob T. Freeman vs. Mary E.A. Freeman and Martha E.H. Freeman. KE. Petition to sell lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-10175 MSA S512-13-10053 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/11/12 10176: Henry Patterson and Fielder Israel vs. John T. Hanzsche. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10176 MSA S512-13-10054 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/10/14 10177: Peter D. Philips and Mary Enis Philips vs. Elijah Spurry, Hester Anne Spurry, Jacob Alberger, Hester Ann Alberger, Joshua A. Spurry, Nathan Spurry, and Matilda Spurry. CA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 752. Accession No.: 17,898-10177 MSA S512-13-10055 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/06/30 10178: Elisha L. Purnell vs. Peter Smith, Amelia Covington, William H. Covington, Franklin Covington, John R. Covington, Sydney Covington, George W. Covington, and Ellen L. Covington. WO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Tar Hill Ridge, Good Success. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 609.
Accession No.: 17,898-10178 MSA S512-13-10056 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/01/25 10179: Henry Page vs. Josiah Webb. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 466. Accession No.: 17,898-10179 MSA S512-13-10057 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/06/28 10180: Joseph J. Speed vs. Joshua S. Peregoy, William Rose, and Rachel A. Rose. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 626. Accession No.: 17,898-10180 MSA S512-13-10058 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/05/06 10181: Charlotte A.H. Page, Anne Page, Elizabeth D. Page, Charles Dyer, Frances C. Dyer, Alexander Wilson, and Mary Ann Wilson vs. Henry Sadler White, Arthur Crisfield, and Henry Page. DO. Petition to sell St. Anthonys. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 189.
Accession No.: 17,898-10181 MSA S512-13-10059 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/10/11 10183: Robert B. Porter vs. Sarah B. Orrick, Julian Porter, Mary George Porter, Susan Frances Porter, Robert B. Porter, Jr., and John M. Porter. BA. Petition to sell John Mercer Porters Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 231. Accession No.: 17,898-10183 MSA S512-13-10060 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/11/14 10184: William S. Pumphrey vs. John E.J. Pumphrey, Dorsey Stewart, and Mary Stewart. AA. Estate of William Pumphrey - Jacobs Resurvey Contrived, Galbys Range, Friendship, Piney Grove, Jacobs Improved Purchase, Hickory Bottom, Rich Neck, Gambrills Purchase, Good Will, Timber Neck. Plat at 1/38/1/31. Accession No.: 17,898-10184-1/2 MSA S512-13-10061 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/05/20 10185: James Power vs. James R.A. Williams, Mary E. Williams, and George Power. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-10185 MSA S512-13-10062 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/11/05 10186: William P. Pouder and Mary M. Pouder vs. Fielder Israel and Henry Patterson. BA. Trust estate under will of Henry Peters - Mount Royal. Accession No.: 17,898-10186-1/2 MSA S512-13-10063 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/04/13 10187: George C. Palmer vs. Ann Catherine Newman, Juliana Harper Newman, and Almira Newman. QA. Estate of Richard Newman. Contract to purchase lot in Centreville. Accession No.: 17,898-10187 MSA S512-13-10064 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/12/04 10188: William Partridge vs. Nathaniel H. Ellicott, Benjamin H. Ellicott, Johnathan H. Ellicott, Thomas R. Fisher, Letitia E. Fisher, Elizabeth E. Tyson, Jonathan E. Tyson, Mary A. Tyson, William Tyson, Jr., Samuel E. Tyson, Edward N. Tyson, Charles S. Tyson, Jane S. Tyson, Frances E. Tyson, Martha A. Tyson, Nathaniel E. Tyson, Letitia E. Tyson, Lloyd Norris, Sarah E. Norris, John D. Early, Eliza Early, Henry M. Fitzhugh, Ann Fitzhugh, Philip T. George, Jonathan E. George, Robert George, Mary A. George, J. Harvey George, William E. George, and Frances George. BA. Contract to purchase lot in Ellicott Mills.
Accession No.: 17,898-10188 MSA S512-13-10065 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/04/07 10189: William P. Patterson and Elizabeth B. Williams vs. John S. Gittings and George H. Williams. BA. Injunction against sale of stock. Accession No.: 17,898-10189-1/2 MSA S512-13-10066 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/12/13 10190: Richard Potts, Eleanor Potts, and William Bradley Tyler vs. John McP. Brien, John McPherson, Jr., John R. Dall, Griffin Taylor, Catherine McPherson, John McPherson, and Matilda McPherson. FR, WA. Estate of John McPherson - Arcadia, lot in Frederick City, Linganore Mills, McPhersons Range in FR. Also Antietam Works, Keep Trist, Prospect, Resurvey on Addition to Piles Delight, Piles Delight in WA. Plats of Antietam Works, Keep Trist, Prospect, Resurvey on Addition to Piles Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 682.
Accession No.: 17,898-10190-1/9 MSA S512-13-10067 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/04/09 10191: Foster Pritchett vs. Nancy Pritchett, Peter Bayard Pritchett, James Wesley Pritchett, Edward Pritchett, Araina Pritchett, Sarah Ann Pritchett, William Henry Pritchett, Thomas Buckenall Pritchett, and Collison Pritchett. CA. Estate of Collison Pritchett - Staffords Outlet, Robinhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 40.
Accession No.: 17,898-10191 MSA S512-13-10068 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/11/02 10192: John Parran vs. Gideon G. Tongue, James S. Tongue, Thomas R. Tongue, Cephas Simmons, and Richard Estep. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Eltonhead Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 507. Accession No.: 17,898-10192 MSA S512-13-10069 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/07/01 10194: Thomas Pierson, Pere W. Stewart, and Sarah Elizabeth Barnett vs. Emily L. Barnett, James E. Barnett, Selina V. Barnett, and Susan E. Barnett. TA. Petition to sell Bowies Adventure, Barnetts Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 456. Accession No.: 17,898-10194 MSA S512-13-10070 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/10/06 10195: Henry Page vs. Charles N. Tilden, Mary P. Tilden, Thomas Henry Williams, and Sarah Elizabeth Williams. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 261. Accession No.: 17,898-10195 MSA S512-13-10071 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/01/16 10196: Eliphalet Parsons vs. Matilda Earp, James Earp, Benjamin Earp, Sarah Ann Earp, Asher Earp, Louis Earp, John Worthey Earp, and Francis Asbury Earp. Howard District. Estate of Asher Earp - Hockley, Rockburn. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 301. Accession No.: 17,898-10196 MSA S512-13-10072 Location: 1/39/2/
1811/02/02 10197: Charles Carroll of Carrollton vs. William Greetham and John Devereux. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 92 and 78, p. 238. Accession No.: 17,898-10197-1/3 MSA S512-13-10073 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/02/26 10198: Rachel Pearce, Jr. and Belinda Pearce vs. Daniel Lesourd, Sally Lesourd, Terrance McManus, and Elizabeth McManus. BA. Estate of Joseph Pearce - Romantic Hills, Bulls Folly, Wild Cherry Tree Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-10198 MSA S512-13-10074 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/07/22 10199: Joseph Parkinson and William Parkinson vs. Abraham Parkinson, John Parkinson, Ann Maria Parkinson, Richard Parkinson, Thomas Parkinson, Margaret Parkinson, Eliza Parkinson, John Johnson, and Thomas S. Alexander. AA. Estate of William Parkinson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 175.
Accession No.: 17,898-10199 MSA S512-13-10075 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/10/30 10200: Ann Page vs. Elizabeth O. Page, Frances C. Page, and Arthur Crisfield. DO. Petition to sell Elesian Fields, Jenkins Creek Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 520. Accession No.: 17,898-10200-1/3 MSA S512-13-10076 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/09/06 10201: Jonathan Paul and Margaret Paul vs. Benjamin Keene. DO. Title to lot in Buck Town. Accession No.: 17,898-10201-1/2 MSA S512-13-10077 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/01/27 10202: Dudley Poor, Deborah H. Poor, Elias Ellicott, Sarah E. Ellicott, Eliot O'Donnell Poor, Elizabeth H. Poor, Mary Poor, and Maria L. Poor vs. Edward W. Carrere. BA. Estate of John O'Donnell - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-10202 MSA S512-13-10078 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/07/25 10203: John H. Parrish vs. Eleanor Parrott, Mary Elizabeth Parrott, and John Thomas Parrott. AA. Title to lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10203 MSA S512-13-10079 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/08/26 10204: George W. Peter vs. Duff Green, and Union Co. AL. Contract to purchase Mark Amended. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 617. Accession No.: 17,898-10204-1/3 MSA S512-13-10080 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/07/20 10205: Mary Palmer vs. George S. Bryan. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 282. Accession No.: 17,898-10205 MSA S512-13-10081 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/04/28 10206: Henry Pike vs. John White, Michael Stillinger, Edward V. Ward, and James Kernan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on house and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 360. Accession No.: 17,898-10206 MSA S512-13-10082 Location: 1/39/2/
1801/12/12 10207: Samuel Payson and John Paul vs. Rumford Dawes and Abijah Dawes. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10207 MSA S512-13-10083 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/05/24 10208: Arthur Pue vs. Pricilla Buchanan. BA. Estate of Edward Buchanan. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-10208-1/2 MSA S512-13-10084 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/02/01 10209: James P. Pindell vs. Gotlieb Thater. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10209 MSA S512-13-10085 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/10/09 10211: William Plater vs. Edward Jones, Sarah Jones, Philemon Watson, Elizabeth Watson, Charles Darnell, Stephen Gough, Elizabeth Gough, William G. Ridgely, Sophia Ridgely, John R. Forbes, John Plater, Charlotte Matilda Plater, Ann Elizabeth Plater, Edward Plater, and Charles Darnall. CV. Petition to sell Great Elktonhead Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 583.
Accession No.: 17,898-10211-1/6 MSA S512-13-10086 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/10/22 10212: Frederick E.B. Hintze vs. Charles William Pfeltz, Peter Pfeltz, Gustavus Pfeltz, and George Pfeltz. BA. Petition to discover stock certificates. Accession No.: 17,898-10212-1/2 MSA S512-13-10087 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/05/01 10213: John Hawkins Pennington. CE. Petition to sell Daleys Desire. Accession No.: 17,898-10213 MSA S512-13-10088 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/10/12 10214: Goldsborough Price, Sarah Price, Samuel Coursey, Rebecca Coursey, William W. Mason, Thomas Mason, Richard Mason, John McFarlan, Philemon B. Hoppe, Ann Hoppe, Arthur Emory, Louisa Emory, C. West, and John West vs. Robert Hardcastle, Sarah Hardcastle, and George F. Mason. CA, QA. Estate of Thomas Mason.
Accession No.: 17,898-10214 MSA S512-13-10089 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/06/30 10215: John Perkins and Caleb Clarke vs. Walter S. Clarke. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Burgess Delight, Hickory Thickett, Clarks Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 342. Accession No.: 17,898-10215 MSA S512-13-10090 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/04/20 10216: William Potter vs. Joseph Alford. CA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10216 MSA S512-13-10091 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/11/19 10217: John P. Paca vs. Henry Beamer. BA. Injunction against trespass on Lunns Lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10217 MSA S512-13-10092 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/12/13 10218: Solomon H. Philips vs. John Sewall, James Sewall, and Samuel House. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10218 MSA S512-13-10093 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/19 10219: Josias Pennington vs. Henry G. Jacobsen, Maria E. Jacobsen, Frederick G. Graf, and Justus Hoppe. BA. Insolvent estate of Henry G. Jacobsen. Accession No.: 17,898-10219-1/2 MSA S512-13-10094 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/20 10220: Joseph Parker, John Parker, and Robert H. Parker vs. Thomas Walker, Nathaniel Covington, and Andrew Lysinger. KE. Estate of James Parker - lot in Millington. Accession No.: 17,898-10220-1/3 MSA S512-13-10095 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/07/07 10221: Benny Penn vs. William G. Penn. MO. Injunction against sale of land. Accession No.: 17,898-10221 MSA S512-13-10096 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/07/12 10222: Paul Philips, John Philips, William Philips, Mary Philips, Piney Marsh, Matthias Adams, and Mary Anne Adams vs. James Wilson, Mary Wilson, William Philips, Thomas Wheeler Betsy Wheeler, John Mitchell, and Milly Mitchell. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10222 MSA S512-13-10097 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/01/05 10223: Leonard Pouder, Jr. vs. Archibald George and Jacob Smith. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10223-1/2 MSA S512-13-10098 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/12/20 10224: Henry H. Pue and Harriet Pue vs. Frederick Richter and Nathaniel Wheat. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-10224-1/2 MSA S512-13-10099 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/02/11 10225: Robert G. Pindall and Harriett R. Pindall vs. Basil Simmons, Margaret Simmons, Ellen Simmons, Susan Simmons, Thomas Finny, Fanny Finny, James Simmons, William W. Connor, Samuel Franklin, Eleanor Franklin, Sabret Trott, Mary Ann Trott, Eveline Trott, William Trott, Henry Trott, John Trott, Walter Wyvill, and Marmaduke W. Conner. DO. Petition to sell lot in Indian Land, Indian Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-10225-1/6 MSA S512-13-10100 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/11/08 10227: Levin Phillips and Henry Phillips vs. Richard Phillips and Reuben Phillips. DO. Petition to sell Chance, Ropers Range. Accession No.: 17,898-10227 MSA S512-13-10101 Location: 1/39/2/
1809/10/19 10228: Joseph Perrigoy vs. Jacob Haines, George Haines, Daniel Haines, Henry Haines, John Haines, Mary Haines, Catey Haines, Motilena Haines, and Betsy Haines. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Calebs Delight Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 564.
Accession No.: 17,898-10228-1/2 MSA S512-13-10102 Location: 1/39/2/
1802/07/10 10229: Francis Deakins and Benjamin Stoddert vs. Charles Penn, Jr., William Penn, Betsy Penn, William G. Penn, Sarah Penn, Caleb Penn, Nathan Waters, and Evan Gaither. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Moores Delight, Addition to Rays Adventure, Owens Resurvey. Plat at 1/38/1/32; also shows Penns Inheritance, Gore, All I Can Get, Addition to All I Can Get, Moores Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 86, p. 313.
Accession No.: 17,898-10229-1/18 MSA S512-13-10103 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/12/13 10230: John Peach and Nathan Waters vs. Samuel Peach. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10230-1/2 MSA S512-13-10104 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/05/15 10231: Nicholas Popplein, Andrew Popplein, Henry Lindhorn, Charles Fischer, Henry Rodewald, Charles G. Bochin, Joseph Hisky, Frederick Konig, John Finlay, Hugh Finlay, John T. Barr, Abraham J. White, Daniel Brand, and Joseph A. Strischka vs. Anton Von Lotten, Charles W. Karthaus, Peter A. Karthaus, William Read, Samuel G. Hyde, Samuel McKim, Frederick W. Brune, Lucas J. Brune, Justus Hoppe, Daniel Bosley, Conrad H. Dannerman, Bernard J. Vonkapff, Nicholas Bonnefin, Archibald Kerr, August Hammer, William Mitchell, Charles C. Egerton, James Hamilton, Jr., and David Connor. BA. Contract to ship goods to South America.
Accession No.: 17,898-10231-1/2 MSA S512-13-10105 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/07/22 10232: Jonathan Porter vs. Matthew Hardcastle, James Wright, Sylvester H. Wright, Emily A. Wright, Margaret E. Wright, and John W. Wright. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-10232-1/3 MSA S512-13-10106 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/05/02 10233: Henry Payson, Henry P. Summer, and Hugh Birckhead vs. Christopher Chapman, John Essender, John Glass, Margaret Warner, Cecil Doste, James Wood, and Dorcas Wood. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10233 MSA S512-13-10107 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/03/21 10234: James Piper vs. Hezekiah Price, William Price, Rachel Watson, Garret G. Worthington, James L. Hawkins, Benjamin Bond, Henry Freyer, Jacob Miller, Samuel House, Zachariah Woollen, William Stansbury, and William H. Richardson. BA. Insolvent estate of Hezekiah Price - Selsed, Addition to Poor Jamaica Mans Plague.
Accession No.: 17,898-10234-1/3 MSA S512-13-10108 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/05/20 10235: Rabens Peale vs. Charles DeSelding. BA. Contract to operate Baltimore Museum. Accession No.: 17,898-10235 MSA S512-13-10109 Location: 1/39/2/
1816/03/01 10236: Henry R. Pratt vs. Solomon Scott. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Stratton, Hawkins Pharsalia, Scotts Hardship. Accession No.: 17,898-10236 MSA S512-13-10110 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/05/27 10237: Benjamin T. Pindle, Eleanor E. Pindle, Elizabeth Pindle, and Thomas Pindle vs. Adolphus Pindle and Mary Jane Pindle. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-10237 MSA S512-13-10111 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/01/04 10238: Isaac Perkins and Henry Perkins vs. Henrietta Perkins, Sally Maria Perkins, Ann Perkins, and John Perkins. KE. Petition to sell Ridgely, Britannia, Perkins Policy, Perkins Meadows, Condemned Land, Mill Pond. Plats of Britannia, Perkins Policy, Perkins Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 801. Accession No.: 17,898-10238 MSA S512-13-10112 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/09/11 10239: George G. Presbury vs. Susanna Jarrett, Emeline Jarrett, Julianna Jarrett, Jesse Jarrett, Edward Jarrett, Mary Jarrett, Abraham Jarrett, and Devereux Jarrett. BA, HA. Petition to sell Busseys Purchase, Hills Camp in BA. Also Bill in HA. Accession No.: 17,898-10239 MSA S512-13-10113 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/07/01 10240: Henry Pike vs. William C.V. Dashield, Margaret Hitchens, and Alexander Hitchens. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 391. Accession No.: 17,898-10240 MSA S512-13-10114 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/07/01 10241: Alexander Wilson and Mary Ann Wilson vs. Sarah Parker, DO. Petition to partition St. Anthony. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-10241 MSA S512-13-10115 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/03/08 10242: Brice Plummer and Ann Plummer vs. Barney Burgess, Jr., Mary Ann Beach, James W. Paca, Alexander Hancock, and Thornton F. Robinson. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10242 MSA S512-13-10116 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/08/21 10244: Josias Pennington vs. Charles Crook, Jr., Henry G. Jacobsen, Frederick C. Graf, Justus Hoppe, John McKim, Jr., John S. McKim, and Henry Thompson. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10244 MSA S512-13-10117 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/18 10245: Robert Purviance, Jr. vs. Randle H. Moale. BA. Validity of mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10245 MSA S512-13-10118 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/05/10 10246: Myers Pierce and Maria Pierce vs. Samuel Graham and Henrietta Graham. AA. Petition to sell Montrose. Accession No.: 17,898-10246 MSA S512-13-10119 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/12/29 10247: Thomas Pierce vs. Joseph Bookhultz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10247 MSA S512-13-10120 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/07/16 10248: Jeremiah Perry vs. Alexander Marr. BA. Defraud of creditors of Marr. Accession No.: 17,898-10248 MSA S512-13-10121 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/03/09 10250: Joshua Parlet, Sarah Parlet, Elizabeth A. Bowen, Emily R. Bowen, William Bowen, James P. Bowen, Temperance Ann Bowen, and Joseph S. Bowen vs. John Bowen and Loretta Bowen. BA. Estate of Solomon Bowen - Gotts Hope, Powdermill Lott, James Meadows, Halles Fellowship. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 35.
Accession No.: 17,898-10250 MSA S512-13-10122 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/11/02 10251: John Parren vs. Thomas H. Wilkinson. PG. Estate of Thomas Bourne - Darnalls Lodge, His Lordships Kindness, Colidges Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-10251-1/2 MSA S512-13-10123 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/09/20 10252: John Price vs. Benjamin Ferguson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on sloop Experiment. Accession No.: 17,898-10252 MSA S512-13-10124 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/15 10253: John M. Pritchett vs. Bargellai Slocum, George Slocum, Robert Hart, George Hart, Henry Lake, William W. Lake, Robert Lake, Samuel B. Creighton, Mary Creighton, Priscillia Davis, Nabeth Parks, Mary Parks, Ann Parks, Edward Parks, Rhoda Ann Mister, Mary Mister, and George Mister. DO. Estate of Robert Hart - Gosters Defiance, Gosters Chance, Nabeths Pasture, Bay Side Pasture, Bettys Desire, Foxwells Venture, Rogers Chance, Strife, Hog Range, Cow Range, Soldiers Priviledge, Beaver Dam Range, Slocums Conclusion, Hogyard Quarter, Widow Purchase, Slocums Lot, Bull Point, Cold Comfort, Bachelors Folly, Gosters Lot, Blind Trader, Additon to Liberty, Brambles Liberty, Rent, Gardens Labyrinth, Addition to Doe Park, Outlet, Good Luck upon Hardship and Regulation, Pariss, Mulberry Island, Black Swamp, Boar Brook. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 624.
Accession No.: 17,898-10253-1/4 MSA S512-13-10125 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/01/27 10254: John Pumphrey vs. Rezin Hammond, Ann Catharine Hammond, Benjamin Franklin Thomas, John Richardson Thomas, James Ellis Thomas, and Caroline Matilda Thomas. AA. Estate of Ann Catharine Thomas - Brooks Adventure, Thomas Chance, Bodys Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-10254 MSA S512-13-10126 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/02/03 10255: Frederick Prugh vs. Samuel Moale, John McMurray, Samuel McMurray, and John Little. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Marys Promise, Darlington, Pleasant Levels. Accession No.: 17,898-10255 MSA S512-13-10127 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/02/25 10256: Henry A. Pierson and Eleanor Pierson vs. John T. Berry, Deborah Waring, William Edmonds, Rebecca Edmonds, John E. Berry, and Otho B. Beall. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Luck. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 16. Accession No.: 17,898-10256-1/4 MSA S512-13-10128 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/11 10257: Mary Eliza Peirce, Eleanor McC. Peirce, Charlotte Harmen Peirce, Frances Rouselle Peirce, Mary P. Winter, Richard M. Carter, and Emily Andrew Carter vs. Israel Peirce, Humphrey Peirce, Ann M. Peirce, John Ticknor, Eliza Ticknor, Sarah English, Levi Peirce, Richard Brenan, Isabella Brenan, James R. Sterrett, Louisa Rouselle Sterrett, Hilery B. Cenas, and Margaret Octavia Cenas. BA. Estate of Humphrey Peirce - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 273.
Accession No.: 17,898-10257-1/5 MSA S512-13-10129 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/04/14 10258: William Patterson vs. Mary Jordan, Mary Ann Jordan, Frederica Jordan, Elizabeth Jordan, and John Jordan. BA. Estate of John Jordan - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 626. Accession No.: 17,898-10258 MSA S512-13-10130 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/12/21 10259: William Peters vs. Jeremiah T. Speights. BA. Contract to ship goods to California. Accession No.: 17,898-10259-1/11 MSA S512-13-10131 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/03/07 10261: John Patterson vs. Thomas Lawson and George Gordan Gammie. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Harrisons Wood Lot, Goodwins Lane Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-10261 MSA S512-13-10132 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/13 10263: Thomas N. Pindle and Emeline Prisilla Pindle vs. Thomas Ray, Margaret Ray, Elizabeth Ann Lee, Joseph Cole, William Plummer Cole, Thomas Marcus Cole, Thomas W. Cole, and Rachel Maria Cole. AA. Plummers Pasture, First Addition to Plummers Pasture, Second Addition to Plummer Pasture, Nancys Lot. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-10263-1/2 MSA S512-13-10133 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/08 10264: James Piper, Jane Piper, William E. Piper, James L. Piper, Charles H. Piper, and Eugene B. Piper vs. Richard F. Piper, Robert N. Piper, Andrew J. Piper, George W. Piper, Adeline Piper, Sarah Smith, Gustavus P. Smith, William Herman Stump, and Mary S. Stump. BA. Petition to mortgage lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-10264 MSA S512-13-10134 Location: 1/39/2/
1815/01/18 10265: William Prior vs. Elizabeth Price and Elizabeth Price. QA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10265 MSA S512-13-10135 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/06/26 10267: Ferris Pell vs. William Reynolds. BA. Validity of mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10267 MSA S512-13-10136 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/23 10268: John Parran vs. Samuel Gover and Zachariah Taneyhill. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Simmons Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-10268 MSA S512-13-10137 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/04/22 10269: Sarah Peter, George Peter, and Leonard H. Johns vs. George B. Magruder, James B. Beverly, Jane Beverly, Elizabeth Peter, William H. Peter, George H. Peter, and James Peter. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Hay Park, Carderock, Douds Discovery, Ferry Landing, James Park.
Accession No.: 17,898-10269 MSA S512-13-10138 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/07/01 10270: Josiah L. Pattison vs. Henry S. Geoghegan and John S. Bell. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Lockermans Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-10270 MSA S512-13-10139 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/09/06 10271: William B. Paca vs. Francis Dallam and Sarah Dallam. HA. Validiy of conveyance bond for Chelsea. Accession No.: 17,898-10271-1/3 MSA S512-13-10140 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/06/26 10272: Ferris Pell vs. Hugh Gelston. BA. Injunction to stay court proceedings. Accession No.: 17,898-10272 MSA S512-13-10141 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/12/12 10273: George G. Presbury vs. Thomas G. Howard, Daniel Parish, Ann Parish, Edward Stansbury, Cordelia Stansbury, Daniel Chambers, and Susan Chambers. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10273 MSA S512-13-10142 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/05/07 10274: Elizabeth Pearce and Sarah Ann Pearce vs. Joseph Wallace, Elizabeth A. Groome, Anna A. Groome, John C. Groome, and Samuel W. Groome. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Chance, By Chance, and Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-10274 MSA S512-13-10143 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/05/22 10275: Peregrine Price, Mary Price, and Ezekiel F. Chambers vs. James B. Price, George W. Price, Phebe Price, Joseph Stavely, and Rachel Stavely. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 86. Accession No.: 17,898-10275 MSA S512-13-10144 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/06/23 10276: Isaac Perkins and John McKenny vs. Leonard F. Paul and Sarah F. Paul. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Perkins Policy, Ridgely, Little Brittain. Accession No.: 17,898-10276 MSA S512-13-10145 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/06/19 10277: Samuel Phillips, Ellen Amelia Phillips, Anne Janetta Philips, Romena Cordelia Phillips, and Virginia Phillips vs. Nicholas Knighton. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Isaacs Park, Isaacs Addition, Bealls Park Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-10277 MSA S512-13-10146 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/12/23 10278: Walter Poole vs. Elizabeth R. Swann, George Absey, Mary Absey, and Thomas Swann. MO. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10278 MSA S512-13-10147 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/10/05 10279: William G. Penn vs. Benjamin Willett. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10279 MSA S512-13-10148 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/04/06 10280: Mary Ann Porter vs. George S. Porter. AA. Estate of Nathan Porter. Accession No.: 17,898-10280 MSA S512-13-10149 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/08/13 10281: Ransom Pritchett and Marie E. Pritchett vs. George Hart, Gilbert Wingate, Mary Wingate, and John Henry Pritchett. DO. Petition to sell Wingates Chance, Head of Furham. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 648. Accession No.: 17,898-10281 MSA S512-13-10150 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/05/05 10282: Ransom Pritchett vs. Jacob Willey, William Jones, Elemuel Jones, Ezekiel Jones, Thomas Jones, Timothy Jones, John Jones, Solomon Wheatley, Mary Wheatley, George Moore, and Margaret Moore. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10282 MSA S512-13-10151 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/11/11 10283: Levin Philips vs. John Philips. DO. Estate of Levin Philips - Tar Bay. Accession No.: 17,898-10283 MSA S512-13-10152 Location: 1/39/2/
1800/05/07 10284: Isaac Polock vs. Marcia Burnes. PG. Contract to purchase lots in Washington, DC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 49, p. 285 and 50, p. 62. Accession No.: 17,898-10284-1/2 MSA S512-13-10153 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/11/08 10285: Peter Peters vs. Henry Monk. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10285 MSA S512-13-10154 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/06/26 10286: Hyland B. Pennington vs. David H. Price, George Turner, and John W. Comegys. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Rattle Snake Neck, Kings Delight, Marys Jointure, Knavery Out Done By Justice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 926. Accession No.: 17,898-10286 MSA S512-13-10155 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/03/22 10287: Ignatius Pike and Alexander Penn vs. Robert B. Chew. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Maidstone, Turner, and slaves Thomas, George, Charles, Cephas, Solomon, Benjamin, Edward, Franklin, Alfred, Milburn, Hanson, Priscilla, Sarah, Ethan, Troy, Nancy, Amanda, Watson, Alunda, Askew, Sarah, Nancy, Rachel Ann, Eliza, and Ann Maria.
Accession No.: 17,898-10287 MSA S512-13-10156 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/25 10288: Elizabeth H. Price vs. Fredus P. Owens, Araminta Owens, Elizabeth Thomas, Tolins Robinson, Sarah Robinson, Robert Robinson, James Robinson, Emily Robinson, Mary Robinson, Sarah Ann Robinson, Edward Robinson, Thomas Stephens, and Mary Stephens. CE. Estate of Elizabeth Hendrickson - Marys Pack.
Accession No.: 17,898-10288 MSA S512-13-10157 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/03/11 10289: James R. Partridge, Francis E. Partridge, Susan S. Partridge, and Margaret Partridge vs. Thomas Symington, William H. Stewart, and John B. Morris. CE. Estate of John Partridge. Accession No.: 17,898-10289-1/12 MSA S512-13-10158 Location: 1/39/2/
1812/02/27 10290: Humphrey Pierce vs. Nathan Browning, Jesse Browning, and Meshick Browning. MO. Estate of Jonathan Browning - lot in Clarksburg. Accession No.: 17,898-10290 MSA S512-13-10159 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/03/11 10291: John Pawley, Sr. vs. Standish Barry, William H. Fruman, James Haslit, Nixon Wilson, John Mountain, and James Pawley. BA. Injunction against distribution of sale proceeds. Accession No.: 17,898-10291 MSA S512-13-10160 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/03/23 10292: Edward Painter vs. William Wood, Ann Wood, and Samuel R. Curry. BA. Petition to sell Long Point, Wilmots Neglect, Sheredine Bottom Enlarged, Kingsbury Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-10292 MSA S512-13-10161 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/22 10293: Philip Pettibone vs. John Small and Edward McCoy. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10293 MSA S512-13-10162 Location: 1/39/2/
1819/07/23 10294: Greenbury Purnell vs. John Kean and John Gottier. CE. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10294-1/18 MSA S512-13-10163 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/10/18 10295: Maria H. Parks vs. Thomas R. Parks, William W. Parks, James D. Parks, Alexander R. Parks, and George W. Parks. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10295 MSA S512-13-10164 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/09/09 10296: John Piper vs. John Tensfield, William Tensfield, and Thomas Carroll. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10296 MSA S512-13-10165 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/05/06 10297: Ann Poultney, James Large, William H. Davis, Lydia Davis, Rachel Poultney, Mary Ann Poultney, Lucy Poultney, Benjamin Poultney, Philip Poultney, William M. Ellicott, Sarah Ellicott, John B. Large, James Large, Thomas P. Large, Ann P. Large, Mary Large, and Sally Large vs. Thomas Ellicott, Luke Tiernan, Samuel Poultney, William M. Ellicott, Francis M. Fowler, John P. Kennedy, John Glenn, Samuel Moale, John M. Ellicott, Ellen M. Poultney, Samuel Hoffman, Thomas B. Dorsey, Stevenson Archer, Reverdy Johnson, and Avalon Company. BA. Estate of Thomas Poultney - lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-10297-1/18 MSA S512-13-10166 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/08/20 10298: Percival Potts vs. Josiah W. Pomeroy. BA. Injunction against collection of debts. Accession No.: 17,898-10298 MSA S512-13-10167 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/12 10299: Joel Post, Allison Post, Waldron B. Post, and Henry A. Middleton vs. Benjamin B. Mackall, Louis Mackall, Rebecca Mackall, Christiana Mackall, Caroline Mackall, Edmund Key, and Margaret Key. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Mattaponie. Plats at 1/38/1/32; also show Brook Court, Addition to Brookfield, Brookfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 298.
Accession No.: 17,898-10299-1/20 MSA S512-13-10168 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/08/06 10300: John H. Price vs. Mary Williams, Nancy Williams, Mary Armstrong, James D. Armstrong, Charles M. Keyser, Mary A. Keyser, Craig Keyser, Sarah Jane Keyser, Margaret Elizabeth Armstrong, Robert R. Armstrong, and John A. Armstrong. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Combeys Chance, Whitakers Englargment.
Accession No.: 17,898-10300 MSA S512-13-10169 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/01/23 10301: William Parker vs. William B. Morgan. CE. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10301 MSA S512-13-10170 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/03/17 10302: Edward Priestly vs. John Brown. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10302 MSA S512-13-10171 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/03/08 10303: Isaac Phillips, Jr., Richard A. Shipley, and William Shipley, Jr. vs. Edme Ducatel, John Carere, and Peter Chatard. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10303-1/2 MSA S512-13-10172 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/06/13 10304: William T. Parks vs. James R. Webster. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Ash Meadow, Slawsons Regulation, Minas Lot, Wilsons Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-10304 MSA S512-13-10173 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/12/15 10305: Robert Oliver vs. Mary Pascault, Lewis C. Pascault, John Reubel, Hetty Reubel, Columbus O'Donnell, Eleanor O'Donnell, James Gallatin, and Josephine Gallatin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 461. Accession No.: 17,898-10305-1/2 MSA S512-13-10174 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/08/14 10306: James John Pattison, Ann B. Pattison, Mary G. Pattison, Sarah Pattison, Ann Pattison, Nathaniel Pattison, Nicea Pattison, Keziah Pattison, Sarah Pattison, Ann Pattison, Benjamin Pattison, Horace Fuller, Nicey B. Fuller, Joseph Wilson, Mary Wilson, William Dalrymple, James Dalrymple, John B. Bourne, and Elizabeth Bourne vs. Jacob Pattison, William Pattison, Sarah Pattison, and James D. Pattison. AA. Estate of James Pattison - Swintons Rest, Stanton Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 254.
Accession No.: 17,898-10306 MSA S512-13-10175 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/03/26 10307: William S. Price vs. William Thomas Skinner. QA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10307-1/2 MSA S512-13-10176 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/09/09 10308: Gourney Pattison vs. Richard Pattison and Anne Keane. DO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10308 MSA S512-13-10177 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/04/22 10309: Virginia Polk and Virginia Williams vs. William Williams. SO. Guardianship of Virginia Williams.
In 1837 a woman filed a bill of complaint against her ex-father- in-law. She and her husband had separated in 1827 and obtained a divorce in 1835. After the separation the wife lived in Baltimore and Washington, DC with her family. The husband retained custody of their daughter who has been born in 1824. After the husbands's death in 1835 the wife tried to meet with her daughter. After these attempts failed to produce satisfactory results, the mother decided to sue the grandfather, who was legal guardian of the child, in order to obtain custody.
Rare indeed is a child custody suit in the 19th century, especially one involving a parent. The names of litigants and witnesses are not being used in this article because of the personal nature of the information revealed in the documents.
Amidst the claims of abuse and abandonment it is difficult to determine from the chancery papers a clear picture of what caused the breakup of the marriage. Of course, this was not the matter under consideration. The issue concerned the custody of a child. The mother claimed that the grandfather was too old to be an effective guardian and that he had no wife or daughter to help him. She ignored the fact that his other son and his family lived in the same house. The mother also claimed that her daughter was not receiving an education. In his answer the grandfather denied all these allegations, said his granddaughter did not wish to live with her mother, and accused the mother's uncle of scheming to kidnap the daughter in 1836.
The rest of the case file contains testimony and exhibits from both sides. The plaintiff's witness included two aunts who operated a boarding house in Washington, DC, an uncle who worked as clerk for the U.S. Treasury, a U.S. Supreme Court justice, a former SO register of wills, and a former SO orphans court judge. The defendant's witnesses were locally prominent planters, businessman, and politicians. Most of the testimony centered around the competency of one person to be the guardian and the incompetency of the other.
From these same documents one can glean much genealogical and biographical information about both sides of this troubled family. For example, the grandfather had been a SO orphans court judge and a successful businessman. Specifics about the education of his two sons were presented. One son, the plaintiffs' husband, had not been financially successful and was supported by his father. The other son became a medical doctor and practiced in SO. The plaintiffs' uncle had been a member of the House of Delegates from SO. Then he worked as a land surveyor in Indiana and later as an agent for the American Colonization Society in the western territories.
Other matters for which opposing versions were presented concerned two visits between the mother and daughter in 1836 and plots to kidnap the daughter. As a result of a court order from a WO Court judge, two visits between the mother and daughter were arranged. Everyone agreed that the daughter did not want to see her mother and that both meetings were unpleasant. The second visit ended violently. The mother claimed she was trying to hug the child when three men pulled her away. The men claimed that they rescued the child from being abducted by the mother. Afterwards the quarrel erupted into print. The mother's uncle prepared two pamphlets for local distribution and the three men printed one. Two of the pamphlets appear as exhibits in the case file. Each side gave its version of the visits and the kidnapping plots.
After reading this chancery case one could easily react by feeling very sorry for the daughter for imposing on her a variety of adult disputes. In the end her guardianship was resolved very sadly. The case file shows nothing happening after February 1838. Marriages and Deaths of the Lower Delmarva by F. Edward Wright contains on entry about the daughter's death at the home of her grandfather in June 1838.
Accession No.: 17,898-10309-1/4 MSA S512-13-10178 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/08/20 10310: William G. Proctor and John J. Proctor vs. John W. Stump and Henry Barnes. HA. Contract to purchase lots in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-10310 MSA S512-13-10179 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/04/20 10311: Joseph B. Preston vs. Mary A.E. Moore, Henry W. Moore, John O. Moore, Ann Jemima Moore, William R. Moore, and Mary Alice Moore. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10311 MSA S512-13-10180 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/09/03 10312: John Palmer and Catherine Palmer vs. Joseph Roman, Jr., John Archer, Samuel Pease, Elijah Reynolds, William Edmondson, Augustus A. Bradford, and Thomas L. Sabin. CE. Contract to purchase saw mill and Urbanna. Accession No.: 17,898-10312 MSA S512-13-10181 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/07/16 10313: Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, Charles S. Gilmor, Philip A. Small, Christopher Giger, and Samuel Small vs. Richard Greene and Samuel Wilderson. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10313-1/2 MSA S512-13-10182 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/11/27 10314: City Bank of Baltimore and James E. Brice vs. Charles Gwinn, Samuel Harden, Washington Hall, William Harden, and Martin F. Maher. BA. Defraud of creditors of Maher. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-10314-1/4 MSA S512-13-10183 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/09 10315: Joseph Chapline Hays, Elizabeth Hays, Jacob Crove, William Price, Joseph C. Hays, Theodotia Hays, Sarah Chapline, and Jane Chapline vs. John McPherson and John Brien. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Georgia. Accession No.: 17,898-10315-1/2 MSA S512-13-10184 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/01/23 10316: William Philpott vs. Irwin Elliott. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/32. Accession No.: 17,898-10316-1/4 MSA S512-13-10185 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/08/11 10317: William B. Perine vs. William Trimble. BA. Insolvent estate of Trimble. Accession No.: 17,898-10317 MSA S512-13-10186 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/08/10 10318: Letitia Peirce, Eliza W. Peirce, Jane Peirce, Sarah Peirce, Harriet Peirce, Israel Peirce, John A. Peirce, George H. Peirce, Humphrey Peirce, Albert Peirce, Conrad Scharf, Levi R. Reese, Julianna Reese, and Joseph Pauer vs. William H. Peirce. BA. Contract to purchase Barrets Rest.
Accession No.: 17,898-10318 MSA S512-13-10187 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/06/29 10319: Mordecai Parrish vs. John H. Merryman, Nicholas H. Merryman, Rebecca Merryman, Joshua M. Bosley, Cassandra Merryman, and Joshua F. Cockey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10319 MSA S512-13-10188 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/11/27 10320: Catherine Pearce vs. William A. Isaac, John Spencer, Elizabeth A. Spencer, Jarvis Spencer, James M. Spencer, Bedingfield H. Spencer, Catherine Spencer, and Charlotte Spencer. CE. Estate of William Spencer - Scotchmans Creek, Worth Tract, Terry Tract.
Accession No.: 17,898-10320-1/12 MSA S512-13-10189 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/05/20 10321: Susanna Prince, Sarah Jane Wisner, Susanna Wisner, Aria Wisner, Isaac Bossom, and Rachel Bossom vs. Abraham Wisner and Anne Wisner. BA. Estate of Susanna Wisner - Not So Much, Small Hope, Peggys Delight, Whiskey Bottle, Georges Beginning, Fayettes Camp, Carthagena, Georges Prospect, Benjamin Rogers Reserve, Bosleys Range.
Accession No.: 17,898-10321-1/2 MSA S512-13-10190 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/11/23 10322: Barrott Patton and Emeline Patton vs. Matthias Meakins, Mahala Meakins, Robert Bell, and Thomas H. Bell. DO. Petition to sell Tubmans Industry, Pig Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 371. Accession No.: 17,898-10322 MSA S512-13-10191 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/04/07 10323: Thomas Pindle, Eleanor Pindle, and Elizabeth Pindle vs. Benjamin S. Pindle, Adolphus Pindle, and Mary Jane Pindle. AA. Petition to sell Chaneys Rest, Covels Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-10323-1/3 MSA S512-13-10192 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/07/17 10324: William Patterson, John Donnell, John S. Smith, and Samuel Moale vs. Isaiah Mankin and William Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-10324 MSA S512-13-10193 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/11/07 10325: William Pearce vs. John Neilson. BA. Title to Gillis Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 526. Accession No.: 17,898-10325 MSA S512-13-10194 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/09/14 10326: Jesse Pumphrey, John Pumphrey, Isiah Pumphrey, Thomas Babbs, and Rachel Babbs vs. Charles Ridgely, Catharine Ridgely, Greenbury P. Sapington, Mary Anne Sapington, Harriet Sapington, and Mary Pumphrey. FR. Petition to sell lot in Frederick Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 262.
Accession No.: 17,898-10326 MSA S512-13-10195 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/06/28 10327: John Parran and Daniel Kent vs. Theodore Hodgkin, Thomas Holland, Thomas J. Hall, Edward Reynolds, William F. Giles, William McCann, and Farmers Bank of Maryland. CV. Estate of Samuel S. Hodgkin. Accession No.: 17,898-10327 MSA S512-13-10196 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/04/27 10328: Susan S. Partridge, James Partridge, Frances Partridge, Susan Partridge, and Margaret Partridge vs. Daniel Kone. BA. Contract to farm land. Accession No.: 17,898-10328 MSA S512-13-10197 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/08/26 10329: John Prentiss vs. Micajah Rogers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10329 MSA S512-13-10198 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/12/27 10330: Henry Pue and Harriett Pue vs. Frederick Richter and Samuel Ellicott, Jr. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-10330 MSA S512-13-10199 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/06/04 10331: Henry Page vs. Edward Thomas, Wesley Philips, Samuel Philips, and Elizabeth Philips. DO. Estate of Paul Phillips - Shermans Point. Accession No.: 17,898-10331 MSA S512-13-10200 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/10/21 10332: Josias Pennington vs. Robert J. Henry. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1024. Accession No.: 17,898-10332 MSA S512-13-10201 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/01/25 10333: Gassaway Pindell and Rezin Estep vs. Pricilla Errickson, Eleanor Errickson, Elizabeth Errickson, and Matthew Errickson. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 86. Accession No.: 17,898-10333 MSA S512-13-10202 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/01/15 10334: William G. Penn vs. Osborn S. Wilson and Ethan Baldwin. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10334 MSA S512-13-10203 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/02/28 10335: Hyland Price vs. Jacob Price and Robert Cameron. CE. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-10335 MSA S512-13-10204 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/08/08 10336: John Partridge and Henry Partridge vs. Mary Partridge and Jane Partridge. CE. Petition to sell Mathias Hill, Gilpins Addition, Coxes Park, Stoney Chase, Gilpins Rock. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 688. Accession No.: 17,898-10336 MSA S512-13-10205 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/02/06 10337: Rinaldo Pindell vs. Alexander Duvall. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Billy, Lemmon, Dolly, Harriett, Oscar, Robert, and William. Accession No.: 17,898-10337 MSA S512-13-10206 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/02/08 10338: William Price vs. Mary Tyson, Isaac Tyson, and Moses Sheppard. BA. Petition to discover payment of note. Accession No.: 17,898-10338 MSA S512-13-10207 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/04/26 10339: Authur Pue vs. Henry H. Pue. Howard District. Injunction against closing a road. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 4. Accession No.: 17,898-10339 MSA S512-13-10208 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/12/27 10340: Isaac Phillips, Jr. and William Shipley, Jr. vs. Richard A. Shipley and Francis A. Thornton. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-10340 MSA S512-13-10209 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/11/03 10341: Elizabeth Purdy vs. Francis Wheeler and Elizabeth Wheeler. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10341 MSA S512-13-10210 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/09/17 10343: William Pinkney and Jane B. Pinkney vs. Jonathan Pinkney, Edward D. Kemp, James Kemp Harwood, Edward Noel Cox Harwood, Elizabeth Pinkney, Ann Pinkney, and Isabella Pinkney. BA. Petition to mortgage land. Accession No.: 17,898-10343 MSA S512-13-10211 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/12/12 10344: Isaac Phillips, Jr., William Shipley, Jr., Charles F. Mayer, Gotlieb Huster, and Ashton Alexander vs. Isaac Knight and Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 885.
Accession No.: 17,898-10344-1/2 MSA S512-13-10212 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/12/02 10345: William Patterson, John Donnell, and John Spear Smith vs. Samuel Smith, James A. Buchanan, Randle H. Moale, Willilam B. Buchanan, Jonathan Meredeth, James Calhoun Buchanan, and Thomas Ellicott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 850.
Accession No.: 17,898-10345-1/3 MSA S512-13-10213 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/02/16 10346: Benjamin T. Pindle, Thomas Pindle, Adolphus Pindle, and Mary Jane Pindle vs. John H. Wells, Thomas Watkins of Nicholas, Ann Watkins, and James Williamson. AA. Estate of Joseph Wells. Accession No.: 17,898-10346-1/3 MSA S512-13-10214 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/01/03 10347: William Parrott vs. Marry Ann Traverse, Samuel Sewell, Pricilla Traverse, and Mary Augusta Traverse. DO. Petition to sell Crooked Billett, Exchange, New Indian Purchase, lots in Hicksborough. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 644. Accession No.: 17,898-10347-1/4 MSA S512-13-10215 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/10/24 10348: Henry Pagan vs. Elijah Tall. DO. Estate of Seth Hayward. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 160. Accession No.: 17,898-10348 MSA S512-13-10216 Location: 1/39/2/
1821 10349: Fredus Price, Benjamin Price, Rebecca Price, and Sarah Price vs. Elizabeth H. Price, Peregrine Ward, Nicholas Brice, and George Smith. CE. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-10349-1/3 MSA S512-13-10217 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/08/10 10350: James Partridge, Francis Partridge, Susan Partridge, Margaret Partridge, John A. Simmonds, and Susan Simmonds vs. William Steuart. BA. Trust estate under will of John Partridge. Accession No.: 17,898-10350 MSA S512-13-10218 Location: 1/39/2/
1803/12/23 10351: John Paul vs. Leonard Wheeler, Benedict Hurst, Lemuel Howard, Samuel Woodcock, Manlon Paxson, Joseph Paxson, Israel Paxson, Isaac Paxson, Catherine Wireman, and Joseph Pryer. HA. Title to Wheelers Security. Accession No.: 17,898-10351 MSA S512-13-10219 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/01/10 10352: Benjamin T. Pindle vs. Rinaldo Pindle. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10352 MSA S512-13-10220 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/06/22 10353: Levin Philips vs. Amy Graham, Benjamin Graham, William Graham, Levin Graham, and Peter Graham. SO. Petition to sell Williams Discovery, Three Brothers, Grahams Lot, Weatherbys Conveniency. Accession No.: 17,898-10353 MSA S512-13-10221 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/10/29 10354: John W.B. Parsons vs. Leah W. Hubbell, Josiah Hubbell, Joseph Nicols, Thomas D. Jones, and Samuel G. Holbrook. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10354 MSA S512-13-10222 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/05/30 10355: Dennis Pool vs. William Frizzell, John Buckingham, Stephen Frizzell, and George Ogg. BA. Petition to sell Duncans Lot, Georges Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-10355-1/3 MSA S512-13-10223 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/06/19 10356: Levi Pennington vs. Rezin Hammond and Samuel Redgrave. AA. Contract to purchase Bodys Adventure, Knightons Fancy. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-10356 MSA S512-13-10224 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/10/17 10357: George W. Peter vs. Thomas Dawson of Robert and Joseph N. Dawson. MO. Petition to sell Chiswells Lot, Slipe, Conclusion, Sprigs, Cider and Ginger, Refusal. Accession No.: 17,898-10357 MSA S512-13-10225 Location: 1/39/2/
1807/07/04 10358: James Plummer vs. William Plummer, Daniel Plummer, and Roderick Dorsey. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Woody Glade. Accession No.: 17,898-10358-1/2 MSA S512-13-10226 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/10/17 10360: Tarlton W. Pleasants vs. Nathan Porter. MO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10360 MSA S512-13-10227 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/04/09 10361: Robert G. Pindell vs. Morgan Hill. AA. Contract to sell Addition to St. Jeromes, Purnalls Angle. Accession No.: 17,898-10361-1/2 MSA S512-13-10228 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/02/28 10362: Harrison Penn, Cephas M. Benson, Cephas R. Benson, Amelia J. Benson, Elizabeth C. Benson, Lucinda H. Benson, Margaret E. Benson, Martha R. Benson, Ann Sophia Benson, and Susan R. Benson vs. Bushrod M. Marriott, Rachel Franklin, Harriet Franklin, Maria Franklin, and Ann Franklin. PG. Contract to sell Arnolds Industry, Addition to Arnolds Industry, Peaches Search, Peaches Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 53.
Accession No.: 17,898-10362 MSA S512-13-10229 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/05/20 10363: John Phillips vs. Margaret Janney, Tillotson Janney, Helen Marie Janney, Clementina Sophia Janney, Harriet Eliza Janney, Francis Addison Janney, Caroline Augusta Janney, and Thomas Janney. CE. Petition to sell Reynolds Mill Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 553.
Accession No.: 17,898-10363 MSA S512-13-10230 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/06/10 10364: George Philips vs. James L. Colston, and George M. Colston. DO. Petition to release mortgage on lot in Nanticoke Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-10364 MSA S512-13-10231 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/03/13 10365: Russell Post vs. Richard C. Mason. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10365 MSA S512-13-10232 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/04/05 10366: Benjamin T. Pindle vs. Adolphus Pindle and Thomas Welch. AA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-10366 MSA S512-13-10233 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/07/21 10367: Isaac Phillips vs. Frederick P. Bellford, Elizabeth Bellford, John H. Lusby, Mary Chew Lusby, William B. Donaldson, Juliana Donaldson, and Elizabeth Price. CE. Petition to sell Haxton, Greenfield, Middle Neck, Micum, Moneys Worth, Kings Aim, Hendricksons Oversight, Frisbys Neglect, Becks Meadows, Collington, Heaths Range, Daileys Desire, Jeros Addition.
Accession No.: 17,898-10367-1/3 MSA S512-13-10234 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/06/20 10369: Eli Peirce vs. Thomas S. Thomas, Mary Russell, and Ann Russell. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Maffitts Escheat, Arundell, Geofarison, Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 67. Accession No.: 17,898-10369 MSA S512-13-10235 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/10/15 10370: William Powell vs. Thomas J. Russell, Elizabeth Russell, Nancy W. Fletcher, William Fletcher, Paris Fletcher, Lea M. Fletcher, and James Fletcher. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 434. Accession No.: 17,898-10370 MSA S512-13-10236 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/09/19 10371: John Power and James Power vs. Rezin B. Simpson and John H. Latrobe. AA, BA. Petition to sell Burgess Look Out in AA and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-10371-1/2 MSA S512-13-10237 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/12/08 10372: James Partridge vs. Samuel Briscoe. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10372-1/5 MSA S512-13-10238 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/02/09 10373: James L. Plater and George W. Fletchall vs. John A. Howard and Dennis Lackland. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10373 MSA S512-13-10239 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/08/09 10374: John J. Palmer and James K. Hamilton vs. Robert M. Gibbs, Charles Oliver, Charles Oliver, and Thomas Oliver. BA. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-10374-1/3 MSA S512-13-10240 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/09/27 10375: Mary Ann Patterson vs. Maryland & Baltimore Insurance Co., John Patterson, Joseph W. Patterson, Edward Patterson, George Patterson, Henry Patterson, William Patterson, Bank of the United States, and Elizabeth Patterson. BA, FR. Estate of Robert Patterson - Carrollton Manor in FR.
Accession No.: 17,898-10375-1/4 MSA S512-13-10241 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/07/23 10376: George S. Porter vs. Elizabeth Brown, Sarah Brown, and Ann Brown. AA. Petition to sell Browns Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1056. Accession No.: 17,898-10376 MSA S512-13-10242 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/10/19 10378: Dudley Poor and Deborah H. Poor vs. Columbus O'Donnell and John O'Donnell. BA. Trust estate of Deborah H. Poor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 658. Accession No.: 17,898-10378 MSA S512-13-10243 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/06/26 10379: Hyland B. Pennington vs. Alpheus James Price, David Asbury Price, Mary Ann Price, David H. Price, and Benedict Jones. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Prosperity, Lauremons Neck, Augustines Defiance, Bucklers Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 916.
Accession No.: 17,898-10379 MSA S512-13-10244 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/07/13 10380: William Patten vs. Mary Springer, James Sewall Springer, Samuel Sheridan Springer, Nicholas White, Ann White, George W. Lightner, Eliza R. Lightner, James Nathaniel Lightner, Caroline Lightner, and David C. Springer. CE. Estate of James Springer - Griffin, Flint Hill, Hollingsworth, Smallwoods Survey, Pleasant Morning, Addition to New Hall.
Accession No.: 17,898-10380 MSA S512-13-10245 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/05/16 10381: Henry J. Pepper and Isaac Warren vs. Samuel Warren and Benjamin Brady. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on house and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 33. Accession No.: 17,898-10381 MSA S512-13-10246 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/12/03 10382: John Power and James Power vs. Robert C. Armstrong. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-10382 MSA S512-13-10247 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/02/22 10383: John Pogue, Margaret Pogue, John F. Wells, Jane Wells, Ann Colquhom, Sarah Long, William Gwynn, David Stewart, and Robert Carey Long vs. Robert Carey Long, Harriet Long, Eleanor Long, and Sophia Long. BA. Estate of Robert Carey Long. Accession No.: 17,898-10383 MSA S512-13-10248 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/01/23 10385: William Pumphrey vs. Dorsey Stewart, Mary Stewart, Delilah Pumphrey, Osborn Pumphrey, Charles R. Stewart, Thomas Robinson, Elias Brewer, and Charles Brewer. AA. Estate of Thomas Pumphrey - Timber Neck, Hickory Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 558.
Accession No.: 17,898-10385 MSA S512-13-10249 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/07/08 10386: Rembrandt Peale vs. Gas Light Co., William Lorman, William Gwynn, Robert Cary Long, and James Mosher. BA. Contract to supply to form Gas Light Co. Accession No.: 17,898-10386-1/4 MSA S512-13-10250 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/09/02 10387: Ann Patterson vs. James C. Gittings. BA. Estate of James Gittings, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-10387 MSA S512-13-10251 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/04/29 10388: Robert D. Perry, Mary Perry, Samuel Owings Ballard, Henry Stevenson, and Deborah Stevenson vs. William L. Owings, Charles B. Owings, James W. Owings, David Carlisle, Urath Carlisle, and Hannah Ballard. BA. Petition to sell Charles Luck, Pilgrim, Barbadoes.
Accession No.: 17,898-10388 MSA S512-13-10252 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/03/23 10389: Henry Page vs. Solomon Robertson, Major Robertson, Willey Robertson, Susan Ann Robertson, Elizabeth Catherine Robertson, and William Handy Robertson. DO. Petition to sell Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-10389 MSA S512-13-10253 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/02/26 10390: Jeremiah Perry vs. Otho B. Beall and John E. Berry. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Goldsmiths Neck, Wolfs Harbour, Arthurs Delay. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 342. Accession No.: 17,898-10390 MSA S512-13-10254 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/03/17 10391: John W. Palmer vs. Elizabeth P. Wheatley, Mary Ann Wheatley, Arthur B. Wheatley, Sally Ann Wheatley, James Wheatley, Daniel N. Wheatley, and Ebenezer T. Massey. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-10391-1/2 MSA S512-13-10255 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/03/25 10392: Francis Phelps vs. Minos Conway, Jr. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Hopewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-10392 MSA S512-13-10256 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/06/10 10393: John Palmer, Charles D. Robinson, and John L. Frazer. PG. Estate of George Lanham. Accession No.: 17,898-10393-1/2 MSA S512-13-10257 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/02/10 10394: Robert Purviance, Jr. vs. Daniel James and Thomas H. Cooper. BA. Insolvent estate of James. Accession No.: 17,898-10394-1/3 MSA S512-13-10258 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/06/29 10395: Rebecca Pennington, William Pennington, Mary Pennington, and Henry Hammond vs. Samuel Armiger. AA. Petition to ratify sale of land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 280. Accession No.: 17,898-10395 MSA S512-13-10259 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/02/25 10396: Adam Poland vs. Edward Hagthrop. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-10396 MSA S512-13-10260 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/06/17 10397: James Piper, Jane Piper, William E. Piper, James L. Piper, and Charles H. Piper vs. Eugene B. Piper, Richard F. Piper, Robert H. Piper, Andrew J. Piper, George W. Piper, Adeline Piper, Sarah Smith, Gustavus Vasa Smith, William Herman Stump, Mary Jane Stump, Mary Lammott, and Louis W. Jenkins. BA. Petition to lease lot in BC. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-10397-1/3 MSA S512-13-10261 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/02/23 10398: Elizabeth Philpot vs. David Stewart. BA. Petition to discover the accounts of Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-10398-1/5 MSA S512-13-10262 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/11/11 10399: Robert D. Perry vs. Mary Perry and Samuel O. Ballard. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 98. Accession No.: 17,898-10399 MSA S512-13-10263 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/02/11 10400: Titus Pearce and Priscilla Pearce vs. Philip Thomas and Major Clellan. BA. Contract to lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 59. Accession No.: 17,898-10400 MSA S512-13-10264 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/02/01 10402: Rinaldo Pindell, Alexander Duvall, and Emeline T. Duvall vs. Philip P. Weems. AA. Petition to partition Biggs Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-10402 MSA S512-13-10265 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/08/04 10403: William Powell and Henry B. Fiddeman vs. Elizabeth V. Davis, John M.A. Davis, Mary E.V. Davis, and Sally C. Davis. CA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 378. Accession No.: 17,898-10403-1/3 MSA S512-13-10266 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/01/29 10404: Benjamin Palmer, Samuel Ellicott, Nathaniel H. Ellicott, William Ellicott, Jonathan Ellicott, and Benjamin Ellicott vs. Mary Hinks, Charles D. Hinks, Martha Ann Hinks, Caroline Hinks, Mary Hinks, Samuel Hinks, and Edwin Hinks. AA. Petition to sell West Illchester. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 748.
Accession No.: 17,898-10404-1/5 MSA S512-13-10267 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/03/05 10405: Humphrey Peirce vs. Luke Tiernan, Archibald Stewart, William Duncan, and Eleanor Dall. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10405-1/5 MSA S512-13-10268 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/06/24 10406: Brice Plummer, James Plummer, Ann Plummer, Airy Plummer, William Plummer, Notly Plummer, William Cole, Mary Cole, Ellen Hatton, Yate Plummer, Robert Plummer, and Susan Kitten vs. William Rowles, James Rowles, Louisa Rowles, Charles Rowles, John Harman, Richardi Harman, Philip Harman, Catherine Harman, Mary Harman, Caroline Harman, John M. Harman, John Disney, Juliana Disney, Elizabeth Lee, Stephen Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Margaret Linthicum, Joseph Cole, Louisa Cole, Thomas Pindle, Emmeline Pindle, Thomas Lee, and Rachel Lee. AA. Petition to sell Plummers Pasture. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-10406-1/3 MSA S512-13-10269 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/03/08 10407: James Pearce vs. Editha Peacock, Samuel Peacock, and Emily Peacock. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hanbury, Goosehaven, Bolston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-10407-1/2 MSA S512-13-10270 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/03/06 10408: William Patterson vs. William Patterson, Jr., John Patterson, Ann Patterson, and Elizabeth Patterson. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-10408-1/2 MSA S512-13-10271 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/06/06 10409: John Parrin and Jane Parrin vs. William Read, Mary Read, Willilam D. Flint, Joseph A. Flint, and Thomas M. Flint. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10409 MSA S512-13-10272 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/04/01 10410: John Pierpoint, Henry Grieves, and Anne Grieves vs. Dennis Read and Nicholas Wells. AA. Petition to sell Chews Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-10410-1/4 MSA S512-13-10273 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/14 10411: Eaton R. Partridge vs. Susan McKim, William McKim, Isaac McKim, Jr., Haslett McKim, John A. McKim, Robert McKim, and Maragaret McKim. BA. Contract to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10411-1/2 MSA S512-13-10274 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/03/12 10412: William Patterson vs. James Grieves and Catherine Grieves. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-10412 MSA S512-13-10275 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/25 10413: Robert Perry vs. Robert Welch of Ben, Eleanor Hollidayoke, William H. Wilson, Mary Ann Clare Wilson, Ellen Parrot Holidayoke, Daniel Parrot Hollidayoke, William Parrot Hollidayoke, and Emmeline Priscilla Hollidayoke. AA. Contract to sell Waysons Folly.
Accession No.: 17,898-10413 MSA S512-13-10276 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/02/01 10415: Mary Powell vs. Henry Jenkins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Upper Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-10415 MSA S512-13-10277 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/07/19 10417: James Pearce vs. John Lusby, Elie Lusby, Thomas Lusby, Abraham Vandyke, Mary Vandyke, and Thomas Lusby of Josiah. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hazel Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 615. Accession No.: 17,898-10417 MSA S512-13-10278 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/05/22 10418: John Patterson and Mary B. Patterson vs. Joseph M. Patterson, Charlotte Patterson, Edward Patterson, Sidney Patterson, Henry Patterson, Elizabeth Patterson, George Patterson, William Patterson, and Mary Ann Patterson. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 524.
Accession No.: 17,898-10418 MSA S512-13-10279 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/12/12 10419: Elizabeth Pitcher, Olivia Pitcher, Martha Ann Pitcher, Thomas Pitcher, William Pitcher, and James Pitcher. AA. Petition to sell Rich Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 62. Accession No.: 17,898-10419-1/2 MSA S512-13-10280 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/03/20 10420: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Benjamin Mulliken, Mortimer H. Mulliken, Oscar Mulliken, Thomas Harwood of Benjamin, and Walter W. Harwood. PG. Petition to sell Bason Throp Hall, Bealls Reserve, Tewksbury, Majors Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 16.
Accession No.: 17,898-10420-1/12 MSA S512-13-10281 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/09/20 10421: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. William Gist, Elizabeth Gist, and George Clopp. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Little Bristol, Banbury Hundred. Accession No.: 17,898-10421-1/2 MSA S512-13-10282 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/07 10422: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Robert Mickle, Union Bank of Maryland, Farmers and Planters Bank of Baltimore, and Merchant Bank of Baltimore. AA. Petition to discover accounts of Mickle. Accession No.: 17,898-10422 MSA S512-13-10283 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/02/11 10423: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Hester A. Chase, Matilda Chase, and Frances C. Chase. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10423 MSA S512-13-10284 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/03/03 10424: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Theodore M. Williams and Elizabeth Williams. AA. Petition to sell White Hall, Linthicums Walk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 348. Accession No.: 17,898-10424-1/6 MSA S512-13-10285 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/03/26 10425: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. John Mercer, Margaret Mercer, James J. Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Gabriel Shaw, Melville Wilson, and Fletcher Wilson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on West River Farm, Cedar Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 543. Accession No.: 17,898-10425-1/4 MSA S512-13-10286 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/11/27 10426: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. John Chew Thomas and Union Bank of Maryland. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Golden Fleece. Accession No.: 17,898-10426 MSA S512-13-10287 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/03/29 10427: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Samuel Chew, Thomas Reynolds, Joseph W. Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, Richard Reynolds, William Reynolds, Edward G. Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, and Francis Hawkins. CV. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 352.
Accession No.: 17,898-10427-1/3 MSA S512-13-10288 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/02/07 10428: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Daniel Murray, Sarah E. Murray, James Murray, Sarah S. Lloyd, Keturah Rackliffe, Henry Steele, Charles S. Steele, Catherine Ray, James Steele, John Steele, J. Nevett Steele, John C. Henry, Mary Henry, Daniel Lloyd, Virginia Lloyd, Richard Rush, Catherine Rush, John Mason, Anna Maria Mason, Severn Boadoin, Laura Boadoin, and Emily Upshur. AA. Estate of Sarah E. Murray - Lots in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-10428-1/5 MSA S512-13-10289 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/03/29 10429: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Joseph E. Cowman and John Glenn. BA. Estate of Henrietta Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-10429 MSA S512-13-10290 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/06/29 10430: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Francis Baldwin and William H. Baldwin. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10430 MSA S512-13-10291 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/12/11 10431: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Michael Tiernan. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Cornucopia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 643. Accession No.: 17,898-10431 MSA S512-13-10292 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/06/22 10433: Union Bank of Maryland vs. William Winchester, George Winchester, Elizabeth Winchester, and Lydia Winchester. FR. Estate of William Winchester - Whites Levell, Westminster, Leigh Castle. Accession No.: 17,898-10433-1/3 MSA S512-13-10293 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/05/03 10434: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Richard Moale Chase, Hester Ann Chase, Matilda Chase, and Frances Catharine Chase. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10434 MSA S512-13-10294 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/02/22 10435: Union Bank of Maryland vs. William Baker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10435 MSA S512-13-10295 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/02/28 10436: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Charles R. Barney. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10436 MSA S512-13-10296 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/08/30 10437: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Thomas Lee and Eleanor Lee. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 198. Accession No.: 17,898-10437-1/2 MSA S512-13-10297 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/08/30 10438: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Enoch Betts. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 148. Accession No.: 17,898-10438 MSA S512-13-10298 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/03/27 10439: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Joshua H. Hynes. BA. Injunction against the removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-10439 MSA S512-13-10299 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/04/09 10440: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Edward Hall and Washington Hall. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Co - Heirs Lot Revised. Accession No.: 17,898-10440 MSA S512-13-10300 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/03/12 10441: Bank of Baltimore, Eleanor Potts, George Howard, Henry Beatty, and George Taylor vs. Samuel Hughes, Isabella Hughes, Letitia Hughes, Rebecca Hughes, Esther Hughes, Susanna Hughes, Courtney Hughes, Horatio Tenn, Henrietta Tenn, William Hughes, and William Hughes. BA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-10441-1/2 MSA S512-13-10301 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/12/08 10442: Susquehanna Bridge & Co. vs. George Davidson, Elkton Bank of Maryland, and John W. Thomas. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Yorkshire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 564. Accession No.: 17,898-10442 MSA S512-13-10302 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/03/01 10443: Bank of the United States vs. William G. Steuart, Charles B. Steuart, Richard H. Steuart, John P. Steuart, Joseph N. Steuart, Edward E. Steuart, George W. Steuart, Steuart Thornton, and Mary Francis Adeline Thornton. PG. Estate of Phillip Steuart - McDaniels Resurvey, White Haven, Whiteford and Acinsack, Laurel Branch.
Accession No.: 17,898-10443 MSA S512-13-10303 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/03/31 10444: Elkton Bank of Maryland, Rachel Walmsley, Isaac Hines, and Thomas S. Gale vs. Sarah H. Rasin, Rasin Gale, Mary Ann Gale, Isaac Hines, Martha Hines, James H. Gale, and Levi Gale. KE. Estate of William Gale - Grange, Forresters Delight, Douches Folly, Redmonds Supply. Plat of Grange, Redmonds Supply. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 452.
Accession No.: 17,898-10444-1/4 MSA S512-13-10304 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/11/27 10445: Bank of Baltimore, Eleanor Potts, George Howard, and George Taylor vs. Samuel Hughes, Jr., Daniel Hughes, Jr., Robert Hughes, William Hughes, Ann Hughes, William of John H., Joseph J. Merrick, Mary Ann Merrick, Susan Hughes, Esther Hughes, Rebecca Hughes, William Fitzhugh, and Ann Fitzhugh. WA. Estate of Daniel Hughes - Brothers Lot.
Accession No.: 17,898-10445 MSA S512-13-10305 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/04/05 10446: Patapsco Insurance Co. vs. David Burke, James Forbes, David Stewart, John S. Nicholas, and Christian Mayer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 246. Accession No.: 17,898-10446 MSA S512-13-10306 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/02/14 10447: Bank of Maryland vs. James Sterrett, Bank of Baltimore, Washington Hall, Charles Gwynn, Martin F. Maker, Henry Davis, Mary Ann Davis, and Samuel Harden. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rope Walk. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 665. Accession No.: 17,898-10447 MSA S512-13-10307 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/10/14 10448: Merchants Bank of New York City vs. Jacob J. Cohen, Jr., Isaac Coe, John G. Bright, Benjamin J. Cohen, David J. Cohen, and Philip J. Cohen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10448 MSA S512-13-10308 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/07/13 10449: City Bank of Baltimore and Jacob Schley vs. William H. Winder, Martha Weld, Aaron D. Weld, George Williams, Cumberland D. Williams, Nathaniel Williams, Amos A. Williams, and Susanna May Williams. BA. Title to lot in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 161.
Accession No.: 17,898-10449 MSA S512-13-10309 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/09/09 10450: Bank of Maryland vs. Cumberland Dugan, Paul Bentalon, Daniel Kauffman, Eleanor Kauffman, Richard Allen, Elizabeth Clarke, Edward Patterson, Joseph W. Patterson, and William Comegys. BA. Estate of James Clarke. Accession No.: 17,898-10450-1/2 MSA S512-13-10310 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/02/05 10451: Planters Bank of Prince Georges County vs. John R. Magruder. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Mussell Shell, Yarmouth, Dear Bought Enlarged, Govers Discovery, slaves Alick, Tom, John, Jim, Daniel, Charles, Rafe, Phil, Bill, Kate, Happy, Anna, Matilda, Tom, Phil, Kissy, Susan, John, Ned, Tuck, George, Lewisa, William, Polly, Henry, Sarah, Rose, Mary, Hannah, Rachel. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 424.
Accession No.: 17,898-10451 MSA S512-13-10311 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/04/28 10452: Franklin Bank of Baltimore vs. Daniel Brunner. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 188. Accession No.: 17,898-10452 MSA S512-13-10312 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/08/19 10453: Havre de Grace Bank vs. Lewis W. Giese, Tobias E. Stansbury, and Dorothea Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 795. Accession No.: 17,898-10453-1/3 MSA S512-13-10313 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/12/09 10454: City Bank of Baltimore and James A. Buchanan vs. Standish Barry, Jr. and Standish Barry, Sr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10454 MSA S512-13-10314 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/03/08 10455: Baltimore Water Co. vs. William Jenkins. BA. Injunction against dumping waste from a tanyard into Jones Falls. Accession No.: 17,898-10455 MSA S512-13-10315 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/02/11 10456: Aetna Co. vs. Frederick Johnson. BA. Estate of Robert Bigham - Pay My Debts. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 105. Accession No.: 17,898-10456 MSA S512-13-10316 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/06/29 10457: Dennis A. Smith vs. Martin F. Mahler, James Sterrett, Samuel Harden, Charles Gwynn, Samual Hollingsworth, and Henry Thompson. BA. Contract to purchase Athol, Murrays Addition, Maidens Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-10457-1/4 MSA S512-13-10317 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/06/02 10458: Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Andrew Clopper. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-10458-1/2 MSA S512-13-10318 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/07/05 10459: Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Elizabeth Young and John S.W. Young. BA. Contract to lease lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 568. Accession No.: 17,898-10459-1/2 MSA S512-13-10319 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/06/17 10460: Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Edward Harris. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10460 MSA S512-13-10320 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/04/20 10461: Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Ann Clopper, Nicholas Clopper, John McKim, Jr., Elizabeth Clopper, Cornelius Clopper, Charles T.J. Clopper, Benjamin M. Clopper, Rachel Clopper, Ann Clopper, Andrew Clopper, George W.J. Clopper, Amelia Clopper, William L. Clopper, and Samuel J. Donaldson. BA, FR, MO. Estate of Andrew J. Clopper - Baltimore Company lots, Parishes Range, Constitution Hill in BA. Also Merediths Hunting Quarter, New Harbour in FR and MO and Willetts Delay in MO. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 158.
Accession No.: 17,898-10461-1/6 MSA S512-13-10321 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/03/29 10462: Commercial and Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Sarah Fahnestock, Elizabeth Fahnestock, Jesse Fahnestock, Matilda Fahnestock, Alfred Fahnestock, Christian Fahnestock, Sarah Fahnestock, Jr., and Franklin Fahnestock. BA. Estate of Derick Fahnestock - lots in BC, Worthingtons Range, Second Discovery, Howards Resolution, Thomas Lot, Grogs, Dorseys Second Addition, Left Out, Neglect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 711.
Accession No.: 17,898-10462-1/2 MSA S512-13-10322 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/02/23 10463: City Bank of Baltimore vs. Charles S. Matthews. AA. Contract to purchase Long Reach, Dorseys Search, Resurvey on Dorseys Search. Accession No.: 17,898-10463 MSA S512-13-10323 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/02/23 10464: City Bank of Baltimore vs. Benjamin Bateman. BA, HA. Defraud of creditors of Bateman. Accession No.: 17,898-10464-1/2 MSA S512-13-10324 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/05/17 10465: City Bank of Baltimore and James Sterrett vs. James Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 481. Accession No.: 17,898-10465-1/6 MSA S512-13-10325 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/06/11 10467: City Bank of Baltimore vs. James Sterrett. AA. Contract to purchase Elk Ridge Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 511. Accession No.: 17,898-10467-1/2 MSA S512-13-10326 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/09/20 10468A: Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Elizabeth Duvall, Elizabeth Duvall, Jr., Richard Duvall, Grafton Duvall, and Charles Duvall. AA. Estate of Grafton B. Duvall - Maidenstone. Accession No.: 17,898-10468A-1/3 MSA S512-13-10327 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/09/10 10468: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Ralph Higgenbotham and Robert Purviance. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10468 MSA S512-13-10328 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/01/02 10469: Isaac Phillips vs. Union Bank of Maryland and Henry Payson. BA. Estate of John Donaldson - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10469-1/3 MSA S512-13-10329 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/11/04 10470: Ann Poultney and John M. Ellicott vs. Avalon Co., Union Bank of Maryland, Francis M. Fowler, William M. Ellicott, Thomas Ellicott, Samuel Poultney, and Luke Tiernan. AA, BA. Claims against Poultney, Ellicott & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-10470-1/3 MSA S512-13-10330 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/09/28 10471: Hermon H. Perry, James Bosley, Roswell L. Cott, James J. Fisher, Silas Morean, Mary Mallory, Bernard U. Campbell, Robert Lemmon, William Riggin, William F. Giles, James Campbell, and Donald McIlvain vs. Maryland Manufacturing Co. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on a cotton mill.
Accession No.: 17,898-10471 MSA S512-13-10331 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/12/17 10472: Christian G. Peters vs. Maryland Savings Institution. BA. Injunction against paying certificates of special deposits. Accession No.: 17,898-10472 MSA S512-13-10332 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/05/28 10473: Allen Quynn vs. Walter Gray, Samuel McDonald, and Edmund Lynch. BA. Estate of Ann Gray. Accession No.: 17,898-10473-1/2 MSA S512-13-10333 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/06/10 10474: William Queen vs. Samuel Jameson, Marsham Bowling, Samuel Jameson, Walter Jameson, Charles Jameson, Benedict Jameson, and Jane Mudd. CH. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10474-1/3 MSA S512-13-10334 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/06/02 10475: Sarah Quay and David Stewart vs. William Quay, John Quay, Horatio Ridout, and James Mackubin. AA. Estate of John Mackubin - Homewoods Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-10475 MSA S512-13-10335 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/05/19 10476: John C. Queensbury vs. Joseph E. Cowman. PG. Dissolution of Harrison & Cowman. Accession No.: 17,898-10476 MSA S512-13-10336 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/10/26 10477: Thomas Richards vs. Ephraim Moore and Elizabeth Moore. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 89. Accession No.: 17,898-10477 MSA S512-13-10337 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/07/21 10478: Maria Rogers vs. Jason Rogers, Isabella Rogers, Caroline Rogers, James Rogers, and Willilam Rogers. TA. Estate of Jonathan Rogers - Nobles Meadows. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-10478 MSA S512-13-10338 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/06 10479: Dennis R. Ridgely, Milo Ridgely, Cynthia Ridgely, Milton Ridgely, John Stone, Lucy Stone, Samuel Ridgely, Robert Nelson, and Frances Nelson vs. Henry Welling. AA. Trust estate of plaintiffs - Silence, Defiance, Resurvey on Disappointment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-10479 MSA S512-13-10339 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/11/08 10480: Alexander Randall, William Kirby, and Baltimore Infirmary vs. Wesley A. Stockett and Mary R. Stockett. AA. Estate of Richard L. Stockett - Bessington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-10480 MSA S512-13-10340 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/05/20 10481: George Reppert vs. William Read and Lydia M. Read. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-10481 MSA S512-13-10341 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/07/22 10482: Charles Richardson, Juliana Richardson, and William Q. Smith vs. George S. Dickey, Charles E. Dickey, and Michael F. Keyser. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10482 MSA S512-13-10342 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/01/10 10483: William Raine vs. John Kirk. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Friendship, Littleworth, Addition to Littleworth, Nova Scotia, Friendships Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-10483 MSA S512-13-10343 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/02/16 10484: Thomas J. Russell vs. Thomas Jefferson Stanton, Saley Stanton, and Tamar Messick. DO. Petition to sell Utopia, Galestown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1052. Accession No.: 17,898-10484 MSA S512-13-10344 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/01/24 10485: Henry Robinson, Kate Robinson, Hannah Robinson, Ann Robinson, Nancy Robinson, Diana, and Washington Decanter vs. William Rea. DO. Trust estate under will of William S. Harper. Accession No.: 17,898-10485 MSA S512-13-10345 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/01/18 10486: Isaac Rogers and Joseph M. Rogers vs. Henry Scharf, Thomas Hope, Philip A. Small, Samuel Small, and Christopher Geiger. HA. Injunction against digging for iron ore. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-10486-1/2 MSA S512-13-10346 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/01/30 10487: William H. Ross and William L. Hearn vs. Kendall Fooks, John Fooks, Charles Fooks and Ann Maria Fooks. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Yarmouth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 556. Accession No.: 17,898-10487-1/2 MSA S512-13-10347 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/03/12 10488: John W. Roberson vs. Samuel T. Roberson and Thomas F. Roberson. DO. Petition to sell Lookermans Lot, Indian Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-10488 MSA S512-13-10348 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/03/28 10489: Susan R. Rotch vs. Joanna Rotch. CE. Petition to sell Plum Point Farm, Brereton, Stocktons Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 189. Accession No.: 17,898-10489 MSA S512-13-10349 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/03/24 10490: David J. Ruddach vs. Thomas Butler and Marian Butler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 64. Accession No.: 17,898-10490-1/2 MSA S512-13-10350 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/07/09 10491: George M. Robertson vs. James Victor Crawford, Francis Duchemin Crawford, Margaret Augusta Crawford, and Mary Virginia Crawford. BA. Estate of Margaret M. Duchemin - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 373. Accession No.: 17,898-10491-1/2 MSA S512-13-10351 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/07/11 10492: John Ridout vs. Mary Ann Wilson, George W. Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Spedden Wilson, James Wilson, William Wilson, Alfred Holland, and Eliza Holland. AA. Estate of Sarah A. Terry - Lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10492 MSA S512-13-10352 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/02/23 10493: Eliza Roberts, Edward V. Ward, Harriet Ward, Robert W. Allen, Catherine Allen, Benjamin Ferguson, William Ferguson, John Edward Ferguson, Noble Pennington, and Henrietta Pennington vs. Mary Ferguson. CE. Estate of John Ferguson - Clemenson. Accession No.: 17,898-10493 MSA S512-13-10353 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/13 10494: William Rea vs. Alexander Wilson, Mary Ann Wilson, and Peter Wheeler. DO. Estate of Nancy Parker. Accession No.: 17,898-10494 MSA S512-13-10354 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/07/13 10495: Owen Rice, Lewis D. Von Schweintz, Charles F. Mayer, Christian Mayer, Justis Hoppe, George Brown, and Frederick B. Graf vs. John E. Rigdon. BA. Estate of Frederick C. Graf. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 221. Accession No.: 17,898-10495 MSA S512-13-10355 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/11/04 10496: Joel Reynolds vs. Sarah R. Ramsay. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10496 MSA S512-13-10356 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/06/12 10497: Washington Rider vs. Addison B. Riely, Samuel Hess, and Outerbridge Horsey. BA. Insolvent estate of Hess. Accession No.: 17,898-10497-1/2 MSA S512-13-10357 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/03/03 10498: Samuel Rowland and John S. Everist vs. Frisby H. Thomas, Lewis C. Thomas, David M. Thomas, George Jenkins, and Susan J. Jenkins. CE. Estate of Lewis Thomas. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 962. Accession No.: 17,898-10498-1/2 MSA S512-13-10358 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/11/01 10499: Thomas Rogers vs. William Tyson, William Tyson, Laney Tyson, Thomas W. Tyson, Isaac Tyson, Benjamin Tyson, and Maria Tyson. CE. Estate of Levi Tyson, Jr. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-10499-1/3 MSA S512-13-10359 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/02/29 10500: William Reed vs. Henry Nail. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Gravelly Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 718. Accession No.: 17,898-10500 MSA S512-13-10360 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/01/12 10501: James Robertson, Richard H. Bayard, James S. Newbold, Herman Cope, Thomas S. Taylor, and Bank of the United States vs. Margaret Mercer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on West River Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 550. Accession No.: 17,898-10501 MSA S512-13-10361 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/02/15 10502: Edward Rider vs. Nelson Bonen and Angelica Bonen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10502 MSA S512-13-10362 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/03/12 10503: Charlotte Ramsay, Sophia McHenry, Henry Hall, and Charlotte Hall vs. Ellen Ramsay, Sarah Ramsay, Charlotte Ramsay, Mary Ramsay, William Ramsay, and Henry D. Miller. CE. Estate of Col. Nathaniel Ramsay - Green Bank Fishery, Poplar Point Farm, Seneca.
Accession No.: 17,898-10503-1/19 MSA S512-13-10363 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/11/13 10504: Samuel Rowland vs. David Churchman, Rebecca Churchman, John Snyder, Barbary Snyder, Jacob Newcomer, Mary Newcomer, Jacob Newcomer, Christian Newcomer, John Newcomer, Michael Kauffman, Elizabeth Kauffman, David Hawbaker, Barbery Hawbaker, Christian Musser, and Catherine Musser. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Johnsons Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-10504-1/3 MSA S512-13-10364 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/12/04 10505: Charles Rogers vs. Daniel B. Banks and John C. Blasdel. BA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-10505 MSA S512-13-10365 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/11/04 10506: William Rea vs. William D. Barrow. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Three Brothers. Accession No.: 17,898-10506 MSA S512-13-10366 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/12/14 10507: Henry Rousette vs. Mary Elizabeth Cubbage, Susan Ann Cubbage, and Sarah Jane Cubbage. CA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 67. Accession No.: 17,898-10507 MSA S512-13-10367 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/01/16 10508: William H. Rich and Mary F. Rich vs. Thomas A. Turner. CA. Estate of William Turner. Accession No.: 17,898-10508 MSA S512-13-10368 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/04/30 10509: William Rothwell and Hyland B. Pennington vs. John Bouchell, Hyland Bouchell, Mary Ann Bouchell, Peter Bouchell, James Bouchell, Joshua Craig, Isaac Bouchell, Thomas J. Bayard, Thomas S. Bouchell, and Susan Bayard. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Providence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 17.
Accession No.: 17,898-10509 MSA S512-13-10369 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/08/11 10510: Samuel Rutter, Ralph Rutter, Stephen L. Davis, and Lora Rebecca Davis vs. Ann Rutter, William H. Rutter, Willis Rutter, Nicholas Lotman, Amelia Ann Lotman, Jacob L. Lotman, George W. Lotman, Sarah Lotman, and William W. Lotman. CE. Petition to sell Manleys Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-10510 MSA S512-13-10370 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/03/19 10511: Henry Rousette vs. Jesse Montacue, David Montacue, Rachel Sylvester, Mahala Stand, John Jones, Martha Jones, Maria Jones, Thomas Jones, William Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Emily Ross, Elizabeth Montacue, and Seth Montacue. CA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-10511-1/2 MSA S512-13-10371 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/05/12 10512: George Riall vs. Robert Walter, Mary J. Larmore, and Hester Ann Larmore. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on Beadley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-10512-1/3 MSA S512-13-10372 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/03/15 10513: John A. Robb vs. Maria Robb, Anne M. Robb, Alexander Robb, Catherine Robb, Martha Robb, and John Robb. BA. Estate of Elrakim T. Robb. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1207. Accession No.: 17,898-10513-1/2 MSA S512-13-10373 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/01/08 10514: Francis Rutter vs. William S. Lassell, William C. Lassell, William S. Hambleton, James M. Davis, Walter Farnandis, William Crawford, Jr., Johnson Baird, Findley Baird, Wood Baird, Oliver Baird, Ferrell Baird, Bernard Baird, Alexander Baird, Sterling Baird & Co., Peter Wright, Trevor Sperring, Mixsell McClintock, Rheile McClintock, Baines McClintock, Holmes Robert, and Landford Robert. KE. Estate of John Rutter - Killingsworthmore, Partnership Point Resurveyed, Kellys Land, Deptford. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 781.
Accession No.: 17,898-10514-1/4 MSA S512-13-10374 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/08/01 10515: William Reynolds, Joseph Y. Tompkins, and Isaac Coale vs. Susquehanna Bank. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 499. Accession No.: 17,898-10515 MSA S512-13-10375 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/09/09 10516: Matthias Roberts and Cornelia Roberts vs. John Robert Israel and Joseph Frye. BA. Estate of Joseph Fyre. Accession No.: 17,898-10516 MSA S512-13-10376 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/09/02 10517: Martin Robertson, Robert Emory, and John Emory vs. Susan Frances Emory, Catherine Ann Emory, Samuel William Emory, and Ann Emory. CA. Estate of Rev. John Emory - Wheatleys Fields, Jones Plackett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 527. Accession No.: 17,898-10517 MSA S512-13-10377 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/10/27 10518: John M. Robinson. O.M. Dorman, Samuel G. Cornell, and Duff Green vs. Union Co. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Leatherwoods Bottom, Resurvey on Leatherwoods Bottom, Sheppards Park, Pretty Prospect, Polands Sugar Camp, Log Yard, Mill Seat, Limestone, Boat Yard, Rays Discovery, Military Lots 1-4, 49, 313, 919.
Accession No.: 17,898-10518 MSA S512-13-10378 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/11/15 10519: Nathan Rogers vs. Joseph J. Speed and John B. Fitzgerald. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10519 MSA S512-13-10379 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/04/19 10520: William Rea, James L. Lecompte, Gaston C. Lecompte, Joseph Hooper, Thomas J.H. Eccleston, Sarah E. Eccleston, John P. Hooper, Mary E. Hooper, Sarah E. Hooper, Ann C. Hooper, Eliza Hooper, John H. Hooper, and James Hooper vs. James T. Smith. DO. Contract to purchase Tarkiln Neck, Carthagena, Tarkiln Field, Walker Farm. Plat of Carthagena.
Accession No.: 17,898-10520 MSA S512-13-10380 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/01/21 10521: Stephen D. Ruark vs. Kitturah Murphy. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Salisbury Plains, Middletons Timber Yard, Smithfield, Easons Vale. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-10521 MSA S512-13-10381 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/01/20 10522: Ann Catherine Rea and John Lockhard vs. James Adams, John C. Rea, Mary A. Rea, George A. Rea, Joseph B. Rea, Catherine A. Rea, Eliza J. Rea, Emily G. Rea, and Irene Rea. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10522 MSA S512-13-10382 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/01/22 10523: Philip George Reed, Clarissa E. Reed, James W. Reed, Martha Reed, Henry Reed, and Mary Reed vs. John W. Hanson and James H. Hanson. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10523 MSA S512-13-10383 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/03/20 10524: Mary Russell, Charles Wheatly, Jesse Wheatly, Silas Wheatly, Elizabeth Wheatly, and Mary Ann Wheatly vs. Arthur Wheatly, Sarah Henry Wheatly, Jesse Wheatly, James Wheatly, and Rebecca Wheatly. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10524 MSA S512-13-10384 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/04/07 10525: Rebecca Robinson vs. John Jackson. BA. Estate of Charles Robinson - lots in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-10525 MSA S512-13-10385 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/09/05 10526: Samuel Rowland and Cornelius Smith vs. George Davidson, James Davidson, Philip T. Davidson, Elizabeth M. Davidson, George Davidson, Jr., William R. Davidson, Charles H.W. Davidson, and John M. Davidson. CE. Estate of Ann Elizabeth Thomas - Mount Aarat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 113.
Accession No.: 17,898-10526 MSA S512-13-10386 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/01/05 10527: Pere Rhodes, Abraham Young, Elizabeth Young, Caroline Anderson, Sylva Rhodes, Catherine Rhodes, and Jacob Rhodes vs. William Rhodes. KE. Estate of Pere Rhodes. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 352. Accession No.: 17,898-10527 MSA S512-13-10387 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/11/19 10528: Edward Rider vs. Elisha Parks, Mary Ann Parks, John P.W. Parks, Elisha V.B. Parks, Joseph B. Parks, William H.H. Parks, James C. Parks, Josiah M. Parks, and Charles Parks. BA. Estate of William Parks - Chestnut Ridge, Cockeys Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-10528 MSA S512-13-10388 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/01/28 10529: James Rowles and Ann R. Rowles vs. William Hammond. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 268. Accession No.: 17,898-10529 MSA S512-13-10389 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/07/22 10531: John W. Richardson vs. William Taylor, Lydia A. Taylor, William Bryan, and Daniel Hart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Annapolis, Plains of Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-10531 MSA S512-13-10390 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/09/30 10532: George Reinecher, Edward Reinecher, and Henry Reinecher. BA. Estate of George Reinecher. Accession No.: 17,898-10532 MSA S512-13-10391 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/10/13 10533: Samuel Rowland and John Carson vs. Jonathan McVey and Samuel Gay. CE. Contract to purchase house and lot in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-10533 MSA S512-13-10392 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/09/23 10534: Jeremiah H.C. Rawleigh vs. Stephen Rawleigh and Robert W. Rawleigh. DO. Petition to sell Peach Blossom, Ennalls Wood Yard Regulated, Linkwood, Taylors Inlet, Retaliation, Brick House Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 587 and 175, p. 617.
Accession No.: 17,898-10534 MSA S512-13-10393 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/03/11 10535: Celestia M. Ringgold vs. William H. Ringgold. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10535 MSA S512-13-10394 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/04/03 10536: George M. Robertson, Mary Margaret Robertson, James Victor Crawford, Francis Duchemin Crawford, Margaret Crawford, and Mary Virginia Crawford vs. Michael S. Baer. BA. Estate of Margaret Duchemin. Accession No.: 17,898-10536 MSA S512-13-10395 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/03/16 10537: James Rowles and Anne Rebecca Rowles vs. William Hammond. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-10537 MSA S512-13-10396 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/03/06 10538: John Rumbold vs. Jane Corkran, Salisbury Corkran, Elizabeth Corkran, Thomas Corkran, Mary Frampton, Henry J. Dean, and Nancy Dean. DO. Estate of Obadiah C. Snow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 356. Accession No.: 17,898-10538 MSA S512-13-10397 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/07/11 10539: Thomas P. Ryan, Elizabeth S. Ryan, Theodore Ryan, and Nelson Ryan vs. Ann Elizabeth Grimes, Charles T. Ryan, R.W. Ryan, and Margaret P. Ryan. PG. Petition to partition land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 18. Accession No.: 17,898-10539 MSA S512-13-10398 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/08/05 10540: William Rea vs. James Wallace and Anne Cook. DO. Contract to sell slaves. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 111. Accession No.: 17,898-10540 MSA S512-13-10399 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/06/11 10541: Edward Reynolds, Ann G. Reynolds, and Leonard Mackall vs. Margaretta Howard and Emily Howard. BA. Contract to purchase Sherwood. Accession No.: 17,898-10541 MSA S512-13-10400 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/09/19 10542: Elizabeth Redman vs. William Rose. TA. Estate of John Redman. Accession No.: 17,898-10542 MSA S512-13-10401 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/09/25 10543: John Roser and Elizabeth Ann Roser vs. Abraham of John Slade, Benjamin Slade, John Slade, Asbury Slade, William Slade, Christopher Slade, Abraham Slade of Christopher, Ann Slade, John Thomas Slade, Ariel Slade, Walter Walker, Mary Pearce, Joshua Pearce, William Purdue, Elizabeth Almony, and Benjamin Almony. BA. Petition to partition Bakers Meadows, Morentson, Talbotts Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-10543 MSA S512-13-10402 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/03/21 10546: John Ridout vs. Henry Medford. AA. Estate of James Medford - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 31. Accession No.: 17,898-10546 MSA S512-13-10403 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/07/30 10547: Rhoda L. Robinson vs. Mary Ann Robinson. DO. Estate of John B. Robinson - Golden Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-10547 MSA S512-13-10404 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/01/27 10548: John Ridout and Samuel Ridout vs. Rinaldo Brogden, Henrietta Brogden, Margaret Hanson, Lucenda Hanson, Susannah Hanson, and Alice Hanson. AA. Estate of Samuel Hanson. Accession No.: 17,898-10548 MSA S512-13-10405 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/01/22 10549: Beal H. Richardson vs. Thomas S. Hubbard and Henry Baker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10549 MSA S512-13-10406 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/11/14 10550: Eliza F. Ringgold, Benjamin Sugar, and Julianna Sugar vs. James Ringgold, Richard Ringgold, Pere Ringgold, Mary Ringgold, Ellen N. Ringgold, Edwin P. Ringgold, William Hobbs, Anna E. Hobbs, and Augusta C. Pratt. QA. Estate of Samuel W. Ringgold - Parsons Point.
Accession No.: 17,898-10550-1/3 MSA S512-13-10407 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/11/07 10551: John W. Richardson vs. Sarah E. Atwell, Richard Nelson Atwell, Elleanor Oneira Atwell, and Dr. Edward McCeney. AA. Contract to purchase Greenwich Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-10551 MSA S512-13-10408 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/09/19 10552: Martha Ramsey, William Reed, Samuel Armour, and Ann Armour vs. William Ramsey, Abigail Mahoney, William N. Mahoney, Stephen A. Mahoney, John H. Mahoney, Maria Mahoney, Edward M. Mahoney, Margaret E. Mahoney, Lydia A. Mahoney, Hugh Armour, Otho Nowland, and Thomas Logan. CE. Estate of John Mahoney.
Accession No.: 17,898-10552-1/2 MSA S512-13-10409 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/07/23 10553: James Ruth and Ebenezer T. Massey vs. James W. Jacobs, Ebenezer Jacobs, Mary Rebecca Jacobs, Thomas A. Jacobs, Araminta Jacobs, Edwin J. Jacobs, and John McKenney. QA. Estate of Arnold Jacobs - Ripley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 60. Accession No.: 17,898-10553-1/3 MSA S512-13-10410 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/03/05 10554: Beale H. Richardson and Allen Quynn vs. Edward Lynch, Ann Gray, and Samuel McDonald. BA. Estate of Benjamin Ferguson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 641. Accession No.: 17,898-10554 MSA S512-13-10411 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/04/09 10555: Eliza H. Roberson vs. Thomas F.H. Roberson. DO. Appointment of trustee for Thomas F.H. Roberson. Accession No.: 17,898-10555 MSA S512-13-10412 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/12/25 10556: William Rotch, Jr. vs. Francis Finch. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Plum Point, Brereton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 665. Accession No.: 17,898-10556 MSA S512-13-10413 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/05/15 10557: Eliza Rawleigh vs. William Henry Harrison Rawleigh. DO. Petition to sell Clover Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 52. Accession No.: 17,898-10557 MSA S512-13-10414 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/08/11 10558: Thomas Robertson vs. Isaac Parks, John Parks, William Parks, Mary Parks, Hugh Ford, and Nancy Ford. SO. Estate of Edward Parks. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 995. Accession No.: 17,898-10558-1/2 MSA S512-13-10415 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/06/03 10559: Ellen M. Reynolds vs. Rebecca F. Reynolds, Benjamin Briscoe, Mary E. Briscoe, Thadeus Banks, Dalia J. Banks, George H. Galbraith, Maria M. Galbraith, and Andrew Nickle. CE. Title to Family Bee. Accession No.: 17,898-10559 MSA S512-13-10416 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/01/10 10560: Beale H. Richardson vs. John Henson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 98. Accession No.: 17,898-10560 MSA S512-13-10417 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/06/05 10561: Edward Records vs. William McDowell. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hangmans End, Folly, Dougans Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 344. Accession No.: 17,898-10561 MSA S512-13-10418 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/06/05 10562: Eleanor Rock vs. James Rock, Mary Rock, and Martha E. Rock. WO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 160. Accession No.: 17,898-10562 MSA S512-13-10419 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/07/05 10563: Sarah Rawleigh vs. Richard Gambrill. DO. Estate of Edward Rawleigh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 300. Accession No.: 17,898-10563 MSA S512-13-10420 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/01/08 10564: William Rogers vs. David Baird, Phoebe Baird, Nevin Orr, Isabella Orr, Susanna Galbraith, Samuel Galbraith, John Galey, Sr., John Galey, Jr., Joseph Galey, Robert Galey, Mary Galey, Andrew J. Galbraith, Jane Galbraith, Susanna Rogers, James Galbraith, James Galbraith, Andrew Galbraith, and Ann McDonald. CE. Estate of Samuel Galbraith - Golden Key, Hazard. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 741.
Accession No.: 17,898-10564-1/2 MSA S512-13-10421 Location: 1/39/2/
1843/11/27 10566: Aaron B. Rainier, Hester P. Rainier, Joshua C. Ball, and George Edward Fountain vs. John Rathal, Jane Rathal, Solomon R. Cohal, Ann Cohal, George C. Herrin, Mary Herrin, Alexander Fountain, Mary Fountain, and Jesse Turner. CA. Estate of William S. Turner. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 198.
Accession No.: 17,898-10566 MSA S512-13-10422 Location: 1/39/2/
1848/12/27 10567: John Beale Rumsey vs. Edward Gittings and David S. Gittings. BA. Estate of Richard Gittings - Land of Promise, Risteaus Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1125. Accession No.: 17,898-10567-1/2 MSA S512-13-10423 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/06/29 10568: Benjamin Robinson vs. Richard Linthicum, Temperance Kirby, and Susan Kirby. AA. Estate of Richard Linthicum - Lowes Neck, Mayos Last Shift, Boat Harbour, United Friendship, Point Look Out, Hawkins Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 134.
Accession No.: 17,898-10568 MSA S512-13-10424 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/05/20 10569: Marcellus Keene vs. Samuel Snow, William Snow, Wesley Snow, Rebecca Snow, Thomas Snow, Henry Snow, John Underwood, Jane Underwood, John Knotts, John Snow, and Anne Snow. QA. Petition to sell Partnership. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 45.
Accession No.: 17,898-10569-1/3 MSA S512-13-10425 Location: 1/39/2/
1851/06/04 10571: William T. Ramsey, Nicholas Milburn, and Emma A. Milburn vs. William Ramsey, John B. Ramsey, William W. Tipton, Harriet Tipton, Stephen Atkinson, and Hannah M. Atkinson. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10571 MSA S512-13-10426 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/12/21 10572: William Ridgeway and Harriet Ridgeway vs. Stephen Toran. BA. Injunction against sale of Auburn. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-10572-1/8 MSA S512-13-10427 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/07/10 10574: Samuel Ringgold, Tench Ringgold, Mary Ringgold, James Ringgold, Thomas Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, and Elizabeth Ringgold vs. Philip Reed. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Huntingtonfield. Accession No.: 17,898-10574 MSA S512-13-10428 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/02/16 10575: James Ramsay and David Leche vs. John Farrahar, Judith Farrahar, Thomas Faherty, Mary Faherty, Juliana Farrahar, and Catherine Farrahar. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10575-1/3 MSA S512-13-10429 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/08/26 10577: Joseph W. Reynolds vs. Thomas Mackall. CV. Estate of Anne Mackall. Accession No.: 17,898-10577 MSA S512-13-10430 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/12/05 10578: Cassandra Royston and Jacob Armacost vs. Moses Royston. CR. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10578 MSA S512-13-10431 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/08/22 10579: Michael Reely vs. Thomas Thackary. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Elkton. Accession No.: 17,898-10579 MSA S512-13-10432 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/07/13 10580: Thomas B. Reily and Rebecca Reily vs. Charles C. Egerton, Jr., Josiah Turner, Philip Turner, and Henry G. Key. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10580 MSA S512-13-10433 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/08/26 10581: James T. Rayen, James Milward, and Sarah Jane Milward vs. Benjamin Briscoe, Mary Biscoe, Mary Maria Briscoe, George A. Briscoe, John G. Briscoe, Arminta Briscoe, Henrietta Briscoe, George G. Briscoe, Alexander Briscoe, John Dwyer, Julia Dwyer, Thomas S. Welch, Mary Rosetta Welch, William Rochester, William T. Rayen, Francis W. Baljoiner, Mary J. Baljoiner, Dixon S. Miers, Sarah A. Miers, George L. Stephens, and Martha M. Stephens. KE. Petition to sell Ringgold Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-10581 MSA S512-13-10434 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/06/20 10582: Robert Robinson, Henrietta Robinson, Eliza Robinson, Susanna Robinson, William Robinson, and Deborah Robinson vs. James Harker. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 530. Accession No.: 17,898-10582 MSA S512-13-10435 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/03/26 10583: Jacob Reese vs. Seth Clements, Susan Clements, and John C. Wootters. QA. Contract to purchase Wilston, Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-10583 MSA S512-13-10436 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/06/24 10584: Robert W. Rasin vs. John Bordley. KE. Injunction against removal of timber from Bordley Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-10584 MSA S512-13-10437 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/08/25 10585: Samuel Ready vs. James Kirby and John Whittington. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10585 MSA S512-13-10438 Location: 1/39/2/
1812/10/27 10586: John Thomas Richardson and William Richardson vs. Thomas Ennalls, Elizabeth Ennalls, Daniel Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Washington Eccleston, Sophia Eccleston, and Joseph Richardson. DO. Estate of Joseph Richardson - His Lordships Justice, Force Put For Prevention.
Accession No.: 17,898-10586 MSA S512-13-10439 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/10/21 10587: James Redditt vs. Harriet Redditt. DO. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10587 MSA S512-13-10440 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/08/28 10588: William Richardson vs. Thomas A. Hays. HA. Title to Joshuas Meadows Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-10588-1/2 MSA S512-13-10441 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/06/14 10589: William Reeder and J.J. Speed vs. Thomas F.W. Vinson, James Kilgour, and John M. Kilgour. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Oakland Mills, Constant Friendship, Walkers First Survey. Accession No.: 17,898-10589-1/12 MSA S512-13-10442 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/11/22 10590: John Randall vs. George C. Stuart, Charles Stuart, Edward H. Stuart, Benedict Stuart, and Robert Welch of Ben. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10590-1/2 MSA S512-13-10443 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/11/01 10592: Nicholas O. Ridgely vs. Elizabeth Chenoweth, Michael Chenoweth, Enoch Chenoweth, Michael Wall, and Ruth Wall. FR. Estate of Thomas Chenoweth. Accession No.: 17,898-10592 MSA S512-13-10444 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/11/30 10593: Robert Ridgely vs. Michael Iglehart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dorseys Addition to Thomas Lot, Fosters Make Shift, Grimes Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-10593-1/2 MSA S512-13-10445 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/09/21 10594: Rebecca Richards vs. John Murray, Jr. BA. Estate of Nicholas Richards - Landaff, Addition to Landaff. Accession No.: 17,898-10594-1/2 MSA S512-13-10446 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/09/06 10595: Mary Jane Rigden vs. John Lester. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10595 MSA S512-13-10447 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/02/19 10596: John K. Randall vs. Margaret B. Richardson, Charles S. Oudesleys, James A. Richardson, Samuel McDonald Richardson, Mary Catherine Richardson, Emily Richardson, Florence Richardson, George H. Richardson, John B. Richardson, and Rosalie Richardson. BA. Estate of George W. Richardson.
Accession No.: 17,898-10596 MSA S512-13-10448 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/05/05 10597: Israel Reynolds vs. James Smith. CE. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-10597 MSA S512-13-10449 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/12/14 10598: Mary Ann Reynolds, Lucretia C. Reynolds, James J. Reynolds, Harriet S. Reynolds, William Benedict Reynolds, Angeline Reynolds, Emeline Reynolds, and Susan L. Reynolds vs. Benedict Reynolds. AA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-10598 MSA S512-13-10450 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/03/06 10599: John Randall, Jr. vs. Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co., Robert M. Lewis, Isaac C. Jones, Henry D. Gilpin, Joseph Parker Norris, Nicholas Biddle, Horace Binney, John Read, Joseph Hemphill, William Levin Brown, John Wilson. Samuel H. Hodson, and Levi Bouldin. CE. Contract to construct part of a canal.
Accession No.: 17,898-10599-1/12 MSA S512-13-10451 Location: 1/39/2/
1821 10600: Robert R. Richardson. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10600 MSA S512-13-10452 Location: 1/39/2/
1849/05/25 10601: John Ridout and Marmaduke W. Conner vs. Amelia M. Tucker, William Tucker, and John M. Davis. AA. Estate of James Tucker. Accession No.: 17,898-10601 MSA S512-13-10453 Location: 1/39/2/
1846/11/16 10602: Joseph Roman vs. Thomas Garrett, Jr., Mary S. Garrett, Francis A. Whitaker, Leah Whitaker, Edward C. Hewes, Sarah Hewes, Aaron Hewes, and William P.C. Whitaker. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on New Munster. Accession No.: 17,898-10602 MSA S512-13-10454 Location: 1/39/2/
1842/03/24 10603: Herman Remort vs. Frederick Ande. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10603 MSA S512-13-10455 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/02/27 10604: Juliana Rogers vs. Eliza Hutton, Jonathan Hutton, George Plane, and Henry Stevenson. AA. Estate of Catherine Plane - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10604 MSA S512-13-10456 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/21 10606: William Rogers, Rebecca Woollen, and John Sloan vs. James Dunn. BA. Dissolution of Dunn & Sloan. Accession No.: 17,898-10606 MSA S512-13-10457 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/03/16 10607: Mary Ringgold, Elizabeth Ringgold, James G. Ringgold, Thomas G. Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, and Samuel Ringgold vs. Samuel Ringoold and Isaac S. Swearingen. WA. Estate of Thomas Ringgold. Accession No.: 17,898-10607 MSA S512-13-10458 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/10/16 10608: Joseph Redue and James Lorain Dunn vs. Ebenezer Perkins, Sarah Perkins, Daniel Perkins, Ann Perkins, Eliza Perkins, and Caroline Perkins. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bristoe, Browns Purchase, Scotts Lot, Mulberry Plains, High Park, Four Brothers, Hillston. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 38.
Accession No.: 17,898-10608 MSA S512-13-10459 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/07/13 10609: David Ruddack vs. John W. Keirle, Matthew Keirle, Jacob Graff, Thomas Wilson, Michael Spousler, Richard H. Douglass, James J. Fisher, and Robert Barry. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10609 MSA S512-13-10460 Location: 1/39/2/
1831 10610: Elizabeth M. Rodewald vs. Frederick W. Brune and Henry Rodewald. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-10610 MSA S512-13-10461 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/01/16 10611: William Rich vs. Thomas A. Turner. CA. Estate of James E.D. Turner. Accession No.: 17,898-10611 MSA S512-13-10462 Location: 1/39/2/
1816/12/08 10612: James B. Ricaud and Sarah R. Ricaud vs. Joseph T. Mitchell, Hamilton Lufborough, Louisa Lufborough, Lawrence Ricaud, and Emily Ricaud. BA, KE. Petition to partition Orange, Broads Improvement, Bowleys Wharf, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 98, p. 46 and 101, p. 519.
Accession No.: 17,898-10612 MSA S512-13-10463 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/07/30 10613: Patrick Reed and Sophia Reed vs. John O'Reilly, Patrick H. O'Reilly, Catherine O'Reilly, Samuel Gott, and Amelia Gott. AA. Estate of Johnson M. O'Reilly - William and Marys Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-10613 MSA S512-13-10464 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/02/02 10614: Benjamin Reynolds vs. Elizabeth Scott, Ann Scott, Margaret Scott, Thomas Scott, Eliza Scott, Hannah Scott, Samuel Scott, Mary Scott, Moses Scott, Anna M. Scott, Mary Ann Reynolds, Henry Reynolds, Catherine Reynolds, Ophy Reynolds, Benjamin Reynolds, Jr., Jesse Kersey Reynolds, Rebecca Reynolds, and Elizabeth Reynolds. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Prices Patent.
Accession No.: 17,898-10614 MSA S512-13-10465 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/05/10 10615: Thomas Rowles vs. Enoch Randall, Hannah Randall, Asbury Peddicord, Eliza Peddicord, Isaac Rowles, Nathan Davis, Asbury Norwood, Achsah Norwood, George Dorsey, and Allice Dorsey. AA. Estate of Eli Rowles - Silver Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-10615 MSA S512-13-10466 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/11/03 10616: Richard Ragan, John Robertson, Daniel Sprigg, Samuel Miller, Jacob Barr, and Jacob Rohrer, Jr. vs. Joseph Graff. WA. Estate of Jacob Rohrer - Bears Hole, Darlins Sale, Resurvey on Nancys Contentment, Resurvey on Downeys Lot, Addition to Mill, Defiance, Nancys Contentment, Addition to Defiance, Clover, Resurvey on Stoney Corner, Rohrers Addition, Rohrers Fancy, Stoney Corner, Rohrers Lot, Jacobs Welfare.
Accession No.: 17,898-10616 MSA S512-13-10467 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/03/02 10617: John H. Riggs and Rebecca Riggs vs. Sarah Howard, Alexander Howard, Rebecca Howard, William H. Howard, Juliet Howard, Margaret Howard, Jeremiah Howard, John B. Howard, Albert Ober, Alcinda Ober, John G. England, Emily England, Thomas Cross, Harriet Cross, Caleb Dorsey, Ann Dorsey, John Mackbee, Ann Mackbee, James Harrison, and Susan Ann Harrison. MO. Petition to sell Pheasant Ridge, Henry and Peter.
Accession No.: 17,898-10617 MSA S512-13-10468 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/12/30 10618: Robert Riddell and Agnes Boyle vs. Hugh Boyle. BA. Estate of Alexander Riddell. Accession No.: 17,898-10618 MSA S512-13-10469 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/07/18 10620: Mary Robinson, Abraham Jarrett, and Susan Jarrett vs. Benjamin S. Amos, Joshua Amos, and Martha Amos. HA. Estate of Robert Amos - Better Hope, Carlisles Park. Accession No.: 17,898-10620 MSA S512-13-10470 Location: 1/39/2/
1819/09/16 10621: Charles H. Rumsey, Mary Rumsey, and Amelia J. Rumsey vs. John Rumsey, Mary Rumsey, Archibald Gittings, Martha Gittings, and Naomi Matthews. HA. Estate of Benjamin Rumsey. Accession No.: 17,898-10621 MSA S512-13-10471 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/01/13 10622: Mary Ringgold, James G. Ringgold, Thomas Ringgold, Samuel Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, and Elizabeth Ringgold vs. Tench Ringgold and Frisby Tilghman. DC. Estate of Benjamin Ringgold. Accession No.: 17,898-10622 MSA S512-13-10472 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/07/09 10623: John Rudolph vs. John Montgomery. HA. Petition to discover accounts of Montgomery. Accession No.: 17,898-10623 MSA S512-13-10473 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/04/01 10624: John Reynolds, Elias Baker, Jr., Henry Wade, and Washington County Bank vs. Robert Gilmor and John McP. Brien. WA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10624 MSA S512-13-10474 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/02/08 10625: Caleb Reynolds, Mary Reynolds, and Ebenezer Simpson vs. Daniel McCauley, Elizabeth McCauley, James McCauley, Daniel J. McCauley, Harriett McCauley, Elizabeth McCauley, Jr., Lydia Ann McCauley, John McCauley, Mary McCauley, and Martha McCauley. CE. Mortgage foreclsoure on Goree, Moffitts Defiance.
Accession No.: 17,898-10625 MSA S512-13-10475 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/06/29 10626: John Russell vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Jesse Hunt Register, and James R. Williams. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10626 MSA S512-13-10476 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/02/25 10627: Allen R. Rhea vs. John Waring and Jonas G. Mangum. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on schooner Elizabeth Jane. Accession No.: 17,898-10627 MSA S512-13-10477 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/08/11 10628: Lewis Reitz, Thomas Reitz, and Frederick Eberhardt vs. Philip R. Friese. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 449. Accession No.: 17,898-10628 MSA S512-13-10478 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/05/07 10630: Susannah Reeder vs. James Reeder and William B. Locke. SM. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-10630 MSA S512-13-10479 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/05/27 10631: John A. Robertson and Elizabeth Robertson vs. Matthew Hawkins, John Hawkins, George Williams, Elizabeth B. Williams, and William P. Patterson. HA. Estate of Matthew Hawkins - Rangers Lodge, Greens Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-10631-1/4 MSA S512-13-10480 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/06/20 10632: John Rickey vs. Parker Forwood, John Forwood, William Forwood, Jacob Forwood, Samuel Forwood, Amos Forwood, William Smithson, and Julian Smithson. HA. Estate of John Forwood - Sugar Island, Houghs Contention, Fair View, Goose Island, Bennington Towers, McKinons Neglect, Cowpayns Neglect, Rockey Hall, Barnes Delight, Barnes Neglect, Barnes Neighborhood, Plough, Maidens Mount, Fords Island, Fishermans Neglect, Green Round, Hows Island, Isle of May, St. Johns Island, Brestland Island, Cedar Island, Johns Pipe, Hogs Narrows, Indian Fool, Union Fishery, Disks Choice, Troublesome Hills, Mount Atlas, Mill Seat, Brothers Discovery, New Paradise, Partnership, Union Battery, Point Look Out, Good Hope, Sluse Plain, Arabia Petra, Saw Mill Place.
Accession No.: 17,898-10632-1/2 MSA S512-13-10481 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/11/03 10633: William Robinson vs. Mary Robinson, John Henry Robinson, and Eliza Ann Robinson. AA. Estate of Charles Robinson. Accession No.: 17,898-10633 MSA S512-13-10482 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/06/25 10634: John A. Robertson and Elizabeth Hatcheson Robertson vs. Ezekiel F. Chambers. KE. Estate of James Houston. Accession No.: 17,898-10634 MSA S512-13-10483 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/03/26 10635: George Riston vs. Ebenezer L. Finley, Eliza W. Finley, Shepherd C. Leakins, and Ephraim Barker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 519. Accession No.: 17,898-10635 MSA S512-13-10484 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/07/03 10636: Solomon Robinson vs. James Lawrence Colston and George M. Colston. DO. Estate of Jeremiah Colston. Accession No.: 17,898-10636 MSA S512-13-10485 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/09/01 10637: Joseph Richardson and Elizabeth G. Richardson vs. Ann Webb Richardson, William E. Harrison, and Maria A. Harrison. BA, CA. Petition to sell Gilpins Point in CA and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10637 MSA S512-13-10486 Location: 1/39/2/
1829 10638: Samuel Rowland and John Carson vs. Martha Porter, George Porter, Nancy Porter, Ellen Porter, John Porter, and Henry Lenox. CE. Estate of James B. Porter - Teagues Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 438. Accession No.: 17,898-10638 MSA S512-13-10487 Location: 1/39/2/
1816/06/04 10639: Robert Bigham vs. Penelope D. Price and Alexander Nisbet. BA. Insolvent estate of Frederick Price. Accession No.: 17,898-10639-1/4 MSA S512-13-10488 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/01/22 10640: Robert Ross, John Ross, Samuel Hayward, and Rebecca Hayward vs. Levin Ross. DO. Estate of William Ross - Stafford. Accession No.: 17,898-10640 MSA S512-13-10489 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/11/27 10641: Silas Reed and David Reed vs. Julias A. Bingham, Charlotte Bingham, and Jesse Leach. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Exchange, New Exchange Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 575. Accession No.: 17,898-10641 MSA S512-13-10490 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/06/18 10642: Beale Randall vs. Philander Stephens and William Hartley. BA. Contract to sell lumber. Accession No.: 17,898-10642 MSA S512-13-10491 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/06/25 10643: John A. Robertson and Elizabeth Robertson vs. John Wallis, Jr. HA. Estate of Mathew Hawkins. Accession No.: 17,898-10643 MSA S512-13-10492 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/01/27 10644: William Rusk vs. Henry J. Rigby. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10644 MSA S512-13-10493 Location: 1/39/2/
1841/12/04 10645: Benjamin M. Ruley and Sarah E. Ruley vs. Noble Pennington. CE. Title to slave Joe. Accession No.: 17,898-10645 MSA S512-13-10494 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/04/17 10646: George R. Richardson vs. Gassaway Knighton. AA. Injunction against sale of a tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-10646 MSA S512-13-10495 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/03/30 10647: Nicholas O. Ridgely, Thomas Chenoweth, Michael Wall, and Samuel Moale vs. Middleton Smith. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Groves Purchase, Resurvey on Josephs Friendship, Addition to First Brother. Accession No.: 17,898-10647 MSA S512-13-10496 Location: 1/39/2/
1844/10/30 10648: Howard Rutter, Samuel Rutter, Willis Rutter, Ralph Rutter, and Laura Rebecca Rutter vs. Nicholas Lotman, Pamelia Ann Lotman, Jacob Lotman, George Lotman, Willis Lotman, and Sarah Rebecca Lotman. CE. Estate of Thomas Lotman - Clay Bank, Clay Bank Enlarged, Rutters Purchase, Scotland.
Accession No.: 17,898-10648 MSA S512-13-10497 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/06/13 10649: John Rose vs. Susanna Wilson, Margaretta Wilson, William Chalmers, William W. Chalmers, Laura M. Chalmers, James W. Chalmers, Cordelia Chalmers, and Isabella Chalmers. BA. Contract to convey lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 600.
Accession No.: 17,898-10649 MSA S512-13-10498 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/08 10650: John Read, James Read, Susan R. Read, Edward Read, Anna C. Read, John Mearnes, Mary Adams, Martha Read, Allen McLane, Anna McLane, and Anna Pearce vs. Thomas Moffitt. CE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10650-1/2 MSA S512-13-10499 Location: 1/39/2/
1845/02/13 10651: Lewis Ross, John Merrick, John W. Fleharty, Linsey Fleharty, George Fleharty, William Fleharty, Levin Beachamp, Rebecca Beachamp, Martin Price, Mary Price, Peter Cook, Matilda Cook, Enna Keeder, Rachel Keeder, and Margaret Peter vs. Aaron G. Cook and Edward Cook. DO. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-10651 MSA S512-13-10500 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/02/25 10652: Allen R.P. Rhea vs. Hix Roakes and Jonas G. Mangum. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on schooner Peruvian. Accession No.: 17,898-10652 MSA S512-13-10501 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/12/23 10653: Robert Ramsay vs. Matthew Murray. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10653 MSA S512-13-10502 Location: 1/39/2/
1840/07/28 10654: Goddard Raborg and Anna R. Raborg vs. Carvil Hynson Redding, William Alexander Redding, Octavia Lavinia Redding, Cornelia Victoria Berry, James R. Cann, Eliza Jane Cann, and John Carvil Hynson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10654 MSA S512-13-10503 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/08/20 10655: Robert R. Richardson vs. William A. Ridgely and Elizabeth G. Ridgely. AA. Contract to purchase Partridge Forrest, Selsed, Selsed Forks Fancy, Hails Mill Land, Mastinton, Gotts Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-10655-1/3 MSA S512-13-10504 Location: 1/39/2/
1808/04/16 10656: John Randall vs. Jonathan Beard, Elizabeth Beard, and John Stocket. AA. Defraud of creditors of Jonathan Beard. Accession No.: 17,898-10656 MSA S512-13-10505 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/01/06 10657: Henry Robinson vs. Rubens Peale, James Mooker, John McKim, Jr. and Alexander Fridge. BA. Petition to sell holdings of Peale Museum. Accession No.: 17,898-10657 MSA S512-13-10506 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/02/07 10658: Samuel Ridout and Tench Ringgold vs. Henry A. Callis, George Lemmes, Joseph Kent, and Anthony Addison. PG. Estate of Henry Addison - Barnabys Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-10658-1/6 MSA S512-13-10507 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/10/03 10659: Henry R. Reynolds vs. Robert Johnston, John M. Johnston, William Ricketts, Taylor Reynolds, Levi Todd, Mary Ann Todd, Rebecca Reynolds, John Thompson, Catherine Thompson, Josiah Reynolds, Orphy Reynolds, Jesse Kersey Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, and Benjamin Reynolds. CE. Petition to partition Mount Joy Enlarged.
Accession No.: 17,898-10659 MSA S512-13-10508 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/03/21 10660: William Robinson vs. Keziah Robinson, William Broharons, Mary Amelia Broharons, and Susan A. Broharons. DO. Estate of Amelia Robinson - Aarons Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-10660 MSA S512-13-10509 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/09/07 10661: Joshua Rawlings vs. Sarah Lucas, William P. Lucas, and Elizabeth Lucas. AA. Estate of Ruth Lucas - Hollands Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-10661 MSA S512-13-10510 Location: 1/39/2/
1850/05/06 10662: Henry Robinson, Kate Robinson, Hannah Robinson, Mary Robinson, Ann Robinson, and Nancy Robinson, Ezekiel R. Hooper vs. Washington Decator Robinson, Diana Robinson, and John Decater Farqueharson. DO. Partition to sell Home Farm, Quarter Farm, Indian Town Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 468.
Accession No.: 17,898-10662 MSA S512-13-10511 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/11/23 10663: Mary Ruth, James Ruth, Samuel Ruth, Elizabeth Ruth, Temperance Ruth, Mary Ruth, Rebecca Ruth, John Ruth, Nathaniel Hutchinson, and Ann Hutchinson vs. John G. Black, Alphonsa Black, Susan W. Cummins, Susan Cummins, George W. Cummins, John Cummins, Daniel Cummins, William Cummins, Mary Cummins, Ann W. Cummins, Robert Cummins, Alexander Cummins, Martha Cummins, and David J. Cummins. KE, QA. Petition to sell Adjoins Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-10663 MSA S512-13-10512 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/09/12 10664: David Ridgely, Alexander Fridge, William Morris, John W. Duvall, and George Barber vs. Mary Warfield, Eleanor Warfield, and Thomas Warfield. AA. Estate of Thomas Warfield - Lugg Ox. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 328. Accession No.: 17,898-10664 MSA S512-13-10513 Location: 1/39/2/
1831/02/05 10665: John Rowe, Margaret Summers, Margaret Rowe, Jane Cloudsley, Thomas Cloudsley, John Cloudsley, Horatio Williams, and Sarah Williams vs. James Cloudsley and William Cloudsley. BA. Estate of Thomas Cooper - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 34.
Accession No.: 17,898-10665 MSA S512-13-10514 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/03/12 10666: George Reppert vs. Philip R. Friese. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Athol, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10666-1/3 MSA S512-13-10515 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/03/06 10667: Henry Robinson vs. James Mosher, Ruben Peale, John McKim, Jr., Robert Carey Long, Alexander Fridge, and Rembrandt Peale. BA. Claims against Baltimore Museum. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-10667-1/3 MSA S512-13-10516 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/04/08 10668: John H. Rhodes vs. Samuel J. Dorsey. CV. Estate of Isaac Rhodes - Tawneys Right, Blind Tom. Accession No.: 17,898-10668 MSA S512-13-10517 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/11/30 10669: Robert R. Richardson vs. Edward Rider and William A. Ridgely. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Benjamins Beginning, Fords Choice, Partridges Forest. Plat at 1/38/1/32; also shows Fords Fancy Resurveyed, Selsed, Addition to Gotts Hope, Martington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 170. Accession No.: 17,898-10669 MSA S512-13-10518 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/09/21 10670: Peter Rescaniere vs. John Hanna, Charles Malloy, Richard Williams, John Craig, and Luke Tiernan. BA. Contract to purchase brig Swallow. Accession No.: 17,898-10670-1/4 MSA S512-13-10519 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/12/19 10671: Mary Ringgold, Thomas G. Ringgold, James G. Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, Samuel Ringgold, James Gittings, Sr., and Elizabeth Ann Ringgold vs. Ann Maria Blake. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10671 MSA S512-13-10520 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/08/04 10672: William Rea vs. Thomas J. Thompson. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 584. Accession No.: 17,898-10672 MSA S512-13-10521 Location: 1/39/2/
1825/09/26 10673: Peter Robinson, Catherine Robinson, John McNulty, and Elizabeth McNulty vs. Mary McNulty, Ellen McNulty, Ann McNulty, Jane McNulty, Thomas McNulty, Maria McNullty, and Rebecca McNulty. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 602.
Accession No.: 17,898-10673 MSA S512-13-10522 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/05/09 10674: William Rea vs. Alexander Applegarth, Mary Ann Applegarth, Margaret Applegarth, Elizabeth Applegarth, Priscilla Applegarth, and Caroline Applegarth. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition to Ecclestons Neck, Italy. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 254.
Accession No.: 17,898-10674-1/5 MSA S512-13-10523 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/01/06 10675: Rebecca Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, George H. Rogers, Grafton Rogers, James Lloyd Rogers, and Henry Rogers vs. Richard Caton and Mary Caton. BA. Trust estate of Henry Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-10675 MSA S512-13-10524 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/03/06 10676: Joseph Rundle and Elizabeth Rundle vs. Joseph Bookhultz, Lewis Bookhultz, Mary Bookhultz, and George Bookhultz. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 471. Accession No.: 17,898-10676 MSA S512-13-10525 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/06/01 10677: John W. Ringrose vs. William Ramsower and Margaret Ramsower. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Sporting Ground, Welcome Here Again, Windsors Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-10677 MSA S512-13-10526 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/11/15 10678: John Randall, Sr., John Randall, Jr., William S. Pinkney, and Jeremiah L. Boyd vs. Samuel Sprigg, Maria Daphen, Richard Chew, and Sarah Shorter. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 70. Accession No.: 17,898-10678 MSA S512-13-10527 Location: 1/39/2/
1838/08/01 10680: William J. Ross vs. William Johnston. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Laurel Factory. Accession No.: 17,898-10680 MSA S512-13-10528 Location: 1/39/2/
1817/08/01 10681: Ann Rothwell vs. John Bouchell and Edward Foard. CE. Petition to sell Providence. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 91. Accession No.: 17,898-10681-1/3 MSA S512-13-10529 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/07/03 10682: Richard Ridgely vs. John Randall, Jr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure in lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10682 MSA S512-13-10530 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/10/25 10683: John Rumsey and Farmers Bank of Delaware vs. William R. Boyer, Edward Boyer, Harriet Boyer, Susan Boyer, Mary Boyer, and Anna M. Boyer. KE. Petition to sell Endeavour, Chester Grove. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 454. Accession No.: 17,898-10683 MSA S512-13-10531 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/10/28 10684: William Root vs. Elizabeth Corwines. BA. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-10684 MSA S512-13-10532 Location: 1/39/2/
1832/04/28 10685: John Ridgely vs. Richard R. Gaither. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 230. Accession No.: 17,898-10685 MSA S512-13-10533 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/02/14 10686: Francis Rolof vs. Charles G. Boehm. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10686 MSA S512-13-10534 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/10/09 10687: Richard Rider vs. Israel D. Maulsby, James Wallace, William Richardson, and Benjamin Gibson. HA. Petition to partition Beals Camp, Scotts Hopewell. Accession No.: 17,898-10687 MSA S512-13-10535 Location: 1/39/2/
1847/04/10 10688: William Robinson and Catherine Robinson vs. George W. Poe, Jr., James Davidson Poe, Maria Poe, and Ann Poe. BA. Estate of Anna Pates. Accession No.: 17,898-10688 MSA S512-13-10536 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/07/10 10689: George Riston vs. John M. Wyse, William A. Wyse, Eliza Wyse, Margaretta Wyse, Edward Wyse, Matilda Wyse, Nicholas Wyse, and Octavus Wyse. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 279. Accession No.: 17,898-10689-1/2 MSA S512-13-10537 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/08/27 10690: Stephen Rawleigh vs. Sarah Robinson, Ezekiel Mitchell, Samuel Neal, Kattrina Neal, James R. Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, Ann Mitchell, and George Mitchell. CA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10690-1/3 MSA S512-13-10538 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/09/01 10691: James J. Ross vs. Elizabeth Ross, Peter Maurer, Adam George Herold, Jeremiah D. Herold, Peter Jonas Herold, Sophia Elizabeth Herold, and Margaret Cecilia Herold. BA. Estate of George Christopher Dietrick Herold - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10691-1/6 MSA S512-13-10539 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/06/03 10692: Jervis Ringgold vs. Tobias Burke and William J. Betts. QA. Injunction against removal of timber from Providence, Chesterfield, Fishingham, Addition to Fishingham, Salisbury. Accession No.: 17,898-10692 MSA S512-13-10540 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/10/20 10693: John A. Robertson and Elizabeth Robertson vs. Thomas B. Hynson. KE. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10693 MSA S512-13-10541 Location: 1/39/2/
1830/03/05 10695: William Rhoads vs. Robert Wilson and Alanson Webb. BA. Contract to purchase fish. Accession No.: 17,898-10695 MSA S512-13-10542 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/11/17 10696: John T. Robertson vs. George Renicker. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10696 MSA S512-13-10543 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/07/14 10697: James Redman vs. Henrietta Paca, Ann N. Paca, John P. Paca, and Juliana C. Paca. TA. Partition to sell Hindmans Estate Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 494. Accession No.: 17,898-10697-1/2 MSA S512-13-10544 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/06/12 10698: Jacob Reppert vs. George Reppert, Louis Reppert, Henry Reppert, Jacob Reppert, Elizabeth Reppert, Hannah Louisa Reppert, George Reppert, Regina Reppert, Sophia Margaret Horn, and George Horn. BA. Petition to partition lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 330. Accession No.: 17,898-10698-1/2 MSA S512-13-10545 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/08/30 10699: Richard Redmiles and Mary Redmiles vs. John Redmiles, Henrietta Redmiles, and Maria Redmiles. AA. Petition to sell Hookers Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-10699 MSA S512-13-10546 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/25 10700: Richard Ringgold and Catherine Ringgold vs. Isaac Gale and Sarah H. Barroll. KE. Petition to sell Stepney. Accession No.: 17,898-10700-1/2 MSA S512-13-10547 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/03/01 10701: John Rafferty and A.L. Magruder vs. Joseph Howard. AA. Estate of William Rafferty. Accession No.: 17,898-10701-1/3 MSA S512-13-10548 Location: 1/39/2/
1833/08/27 10702: Daniel Raymond and James A. Hillhouse vs. Augustus L. Hillhouse, James Raymond, Sarah Billany, Joseph Billany, Harriet Buck, David Buck, Mary Ann Williams, Oliver H. Prince, Sarah Lloyd Hillhouse, Mary Lucas Hillhouse, David P. Hillhouse, and Mary Shepherd. BA. Petition to sell Paradise and Hazard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 751. Accession No.: 17,898-10702 MSA S512-13-10549 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/12/09 10703: John Richardson vs. Catherine Belt and Thomas C. Brent. WA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 652. Accession No.: 17,898-10703 MSA S512-13-10550 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/02/14 10704: Enoch Randall, Hannah Randall, Thomas Rowles, Asbury Norwood, Achsah Norwood, George Dorsey, Alice Dorsey, Asbury Peddicord, and Eliza Peddicord vs. Isaac C. Rowles and Sarah Rowles. AA. Petition to sell Gwinns Purchase, Brier Bottom Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 26.
Accession No.: 17,898-10704 MSA S512-13-10551 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/08/26 10705: Horace Roby and Mary Roby vs. Peter Griffin. CH. Petition to sell slaves Eleanor, Warren, and Spencer. Accession No.: 17,898-10705 MSA S512-13-10552 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/12/27 10706: Matilda Redden vs. Littleton J. Redden. SO. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-10706 MSA S512-13-10553 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/12/03 10707: Robert Read vs. William Darne, Dennis Lackland, George L. Lackland, Eli Lackland, James C. Lackland, Ignatius Davis, Catherine Davis, Craven P. Berding, Rosetta L. Berding, Richard T. Hall, and Ann Maria Hall. MO. Estate of James Lackland. Accession No.: 17,898-10707 MSA S512-13-10554 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/06/12 10708: Philip Rogers vs. Sarah Haggerty. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 525. Accession No.: 17,898-10708-1/2 MSA S512-13-10555 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/06/05 10709: John A. Robertson and Elizabeth Robertson vs. Rebecca Ricaud. KE. Estate of Richard Ricaud - Addition, Deans Adventure, Springfield Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-10709 MSA S512-13-10556 Location: 1/39/2/
1813/08/29 10710: William Raborg vs. James Carroll, Sophia Carroll, James Carroll, Jr., Harry Dorsey Gough Carroll, John Ridgely, Prudence Ridgely, Charles R. Carroll and John Carroll. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10710 MSA S512-13-10557 Location: 1/39/2/
1824/11/19 10711: Frederick Rodewald vs. Sophia Hacke, Nicholas P. Hacke, Lucy Sophia Graff, John Graff, Caroline Hacke, Rebecca Hacke, and Juliana Hacke. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 40. Accession No.: 17,898-10711-12 MSA S512-13-10558 Location: 1/39/2/
1828/07/08 10712: Mary Ringgold, James G. Ringgold, Eleanor Smith, Mary Ann Smith, and Caroline Smith vs. Elizabeth Smith and Lambert S. Norwood. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10712 MSA S512-13-10559 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/07/06 10713: Solomon Robinson vs. John Muir and James Dawson. DO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10713 MSA S512-13-10560 Location: 1/39/2/
1821/05/14 10714: Joshua Rutledge, John Rutledge, and Ignatius Rutledge vs. John Kean, Peter Vernay, Carvil Chocke, Carvil Davis, Martin Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Elizabeth Davis, and Mary Davis. HA. Contract to purchase Ogg King of Basham, Weatheralls Last Addition, Better Luck, Roberts Enlargement.
Accession No.: 17,898-10714-1/2 MSA S512-13-10561 Location: 1/39/2/
1827/02/26 10715: Samuel Ringgold vs. William J. Betts, Tobias Burke, Margaret Ringgold, Charlotte Ringgold, Catherine Ringgold, and Elizabeth Ringgold. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chesterfield, Providence, Fishing Haven, Addition to Fishing Haven, Salisbury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 465.
Accession No.: 17,898-10715 MSA S512-13-10562 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/03/04 10716: Tench Ringgold, Elizabeth Lee Ringgold, Sarah Brooke Ringgold, and Ann Maria Ringgold vs. Thomas Lee, Outerbridge Horsey, Eliza Horsey, William Lee, John Lee, Mary Diggs, Galloway Ringgold, Benjamin Ringgold, and Archibald Lee. PG. Petition to sell Melwood Park, Chillum Castle, Free School Farm, Charles Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 433.
Accession No.: 17,898-10716-1/3 MSA S512-13-10563 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/12/14 10717: James Riggs. AA. Estate of Vachel D. Howard - Little Worth, Costly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, pp. 431, 550. Accession No.: 17,898-10717 MSA S512-13-10564 Location: 1/39/2/
1820/06/08 10718: Robert Robinson, Henrietta Robinson, Eliza Robinson, Susanna Robinson, and William Robinson vs. William Gittings. BA. Petition to sell Hansons Wood Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 508. Accession No.: 17,898-10718 MSA S512-13-10565 Location: 1/39/2/
1823 10719: Horatio Ridout vs. Eleanor Woodward, Jr., Eleanor Woodward, William H. Baldwin, Maria Baldwin, William Woodward, Henry Woodward, Rignol Woodward, Rachel Ann Woodward, Martha Woodward, and Mary Woodward. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Howards and Porters Fancy, Harriford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 630.
Accession No.: 17,898-10719 MSA S512-13-10566 Location: 1/39/2/
1823/01/04 10720: James Ramsay vs. Jacob Shinnick, George Benner, John D. Shinnick, Jacob A.H. Shinnick, James M. Shinnick, Harriott H. Shinnick, and William M. Shinnick. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 87. Accession No.: 17,898-10720-1/2 MSA S512-13-10567 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/05/05 10721: Lewis P. Ross and Margaret Ross vs. George H. Dawson, and Emily Dawson. DO. Mortgage forecloure on lots in Aireys Meeting House. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 45. Accession No.: 17,898-10721 MSA S512-13-10568 Location: 1/39/2/
1837/04/25 10722: John E. Rigden vs. Charles Walcott and James Gould. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10722 MSA S512-13-10569 Location: 1/39/2/
1822/02/11 10723: William Rogers vs. Joseph Duncan, Robert W. Young, Ennior Hussey. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10723 MSA S512-13-10570 Location: 1/39/2/
1836/08/04 10724: Stephen D. Ruark vs. William Windsor and Washington Elliott. DO. Mortgage forecloure. Accession No.: 17,898-10724 MSA S512-13-10571 Location: 1/39/2/
1826/07/08 10725: Charles Ridgely of H. vs. William McMechen and Upton S. Heath. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-10725 MSA S512-13-10572 Location: 1/39/2/
1829/07/13 10727: Isaac Reynolds, William McDonald, Samuel McDonald, John R. Howard, and Stephen M. Jackson vs. Erasmus Ehler, Philip Moore, Daniel Brunner, Randle H. Moale, Franklin Bank of Baltimore, Richard H. Jones, Robert Lemmon, Richard Lemmon, Richard H. Douglass, George W. Miller, Howard Miller, Robert Barry, and Jacob Graff. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-10727-1/8 MSA S512-13-10573 Location: 1/39/2/
1835/04/24 10728: Andrew Ruff, Jacob Rogers, William Rogers, Charles Gwinn, George W. Andrews, Elijah Taylor, John Hall, John S. Gittings, James Jenkins, William B. Jannier, William Sappington, William Campbell, Thomas Williams, James Martin, George Presstman, Morris & Egerton, William Finlay, J.H. Thomas, Robert Hancock, Jeremiah Nicols, Henry Townsend, Charles McCann, Thomas C. Risteau, and Caleb D. Goodwin vs. Bank of Maryland, Thomas Ellicott, John B. Morris, and Richard W. Gill. BA. Trust estate of Bank of Maryland.
Accession No.: 17,898-10728-1/8 MSA S512-13-10574 Location: 1/39/2/
1834/12/20 10729: John Joseph Reckers vs. Ransom Hinman. BA. Contract to operate a distillery. Accession No.: 17,898-10729 MSA S512-13-10575 Location: 1/39/2/
1839/02/25 10730: William Roach and Henry Ward vs. Norah Dougherty, Mary Travis Dougherty, Elijah Dougherty, John Dougherty, Emily B. Dougherty, Elizabeth Dougherty, Susan E. Dougherty, Anthony Dougherty, Robert Gilbert Dougherty, Emeline Dougherty, Sally Dougherty, Joshua Reese Dougherty, Thomas Cox, and Sally Cox. SO. Petition to sell Chesnut Ridge, White Oak Swamp, Cork. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 572.
Accession No.: 17,898-10730-1/3 MSA S512-14-10576 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/01/28 10731: Elias Reister vs. Andrew Reister. BA. Trust estate of Andrew Reister. Accession No.: 17,898-10731-1/3 MSA S512-14-10577 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/03/07 10732: John T. Starling and Frances M. Starling vs. George D. Lyles and Dennis Lyles. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 146. Accession No.: 17,898-10732 MSA S512-14-10578 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/06/15 10733: Elizabeth Sensey and Jacob Krise vs. Jacob Sensey and Peter Sensey. CR. Alimony - Resurvey on Amended, Oval, Mountain. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 692. Accession No.: 17,898-10733-1/3 MSA S512-14-10579 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/07/09 10734: William F. Smyth vs. John Myers, William Frisby Myers, William Emerson, Alexander Emerson, Mary R. Emerson, Martha J. Emerson, Luke Myers, Sarah E. Fields, and William H. Fields. KE. Petition to sell Bordleys Resurvey. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 689.
Accession No.: 17,898-10734-1/2 MSA S512-14-10580 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/01/16 10735: John C. Sedwick vs. Henry B. Freeman and Jane E. Sedwick. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on Rattle Snake Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-10735-1/2 MSA S512-14-10581 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/09/14 10736: Albert Schumacher vs. William H. Warfield, David Hays, and James Girvin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/32. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 461. Accession No.: 17,898-10736-1/4 MSA S512-14-10582 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/02/19 10737: William H. Scofield vs. Henry Howard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10737 MSA S512-14-10583 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/22 10738: Richard Stanforth vs. William D. Lyles, Barbara D. Lyles, Anne Roberta Welch, Eugenia Barbara Welch, and Robertina Welch. CV. Title to Taylors Disposal, Taylors Disposal Resurveyed, Back Pasture. Accession No.: 17,898-10738 MSA S512-14-10584 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/01/11 10739: Edward Sands, Robert Wylie, and Robert Y. Wilson vs. Henry Basil and Ralph Basil. AA. Defraud of creditors of Henry Basil - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10739-1/2 MSA S512-14-10585 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/05/21 10740: Thomas Stephens vs. William Hayne. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Redmons Supply, lot in Still Pond. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 486. Accession No.: 17,898-10740 MSA S512-14-10586 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/05/31 10741: James A. Stewart, Joseph Stewart, Levin W. Stewart, John T. Stewart, William H. Stewart, John Smith, and Mary Anne Smith vs. Thomas R. Stewart, Sarah Jane Stewart, Francis A. Stewart, Rachel Ann Stewart, and Nicolina Stewart. DO. Petition to sell Jones Draft, Thompsons Range, Jones Point Neck, Skimers Conclusion, Southam, Last Vacancy, Hurleys Desire, Holly Swamp, Addition to Holly Swamp, Security, Hog Range, Cow Quarter, Weston, Henrys Addition to Weston, Robertsons Prospect, Buttons Neck, Fookes Regulation, Colstons Good Will, Addition to Dismal Swamp, Hurleys Neck, Murrays Addition, Daniels Choice, Keenes Inclosure, Stewarts Chance, Hayland, Blackford, Moses Chance, Collingtons Goodwill, Addition to Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-10741-1/2 MSA S512-14-10587 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/03/23 10742: Joseph J. Speed vs. Richard T. Ferguson and Richard C. Cross. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-10742 MSA S512-14-10588 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/01/13 10743: John K. Sappington vs. John J. Heckart. HA. Estate of William Sappington. Accession No.: 17,898-10743 MSA S512-14-10589 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/12 10744: Joseph J. Speed vs. James Ridgely. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 377. Accession No.: 17,898-10744 MSA S512-14-10590 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/11/24 10745: William Stewart vs. Aaron Stewart. BA. Appointment of trustee for Aaron Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-10745 MSA S512-14-10591 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/10/13 10746: Mary Swan, Eliza J. Swan, William Swan, and Martha Swan vs. Samuel K. Carson. BA. Trust estate of plaintiffs - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 201. Accession No.: 17,898-10746 MSA S512-14-10592 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/09/06 10747: William F. Smyth vs. Emily Ann Harrington, Araminta Harrington, Sarah Ann Harrington, Mary Eliza Harrington, Susan Jane Harrington, John Harrington, and John Harlock. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10747-1/3 MSA S512-14-10593 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/05/03 10748: David Stuart vs. Susan McKim Gordon, William McKim Gordon, and Alexander Gordon. BA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 571. Accession No.: 17,898-10748 MSA S512-14-10594 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/01/23 10749: Sylvester Sulivane and John Gray vs. William Grayson Insley. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-10749 MSA S512-14-10595 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/03 10750: Robert Smith, Randle H. Moale, and Charles F. Mayer vs. Thomas N. Neilson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10750 MSA S512-14-10596 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/10 10751: James W. Smith vs. James H. Smyth and Susan A. Smyth. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170. p. 361. Accession No.: 17,898-10751 MSA S512-14-10597 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/28 10752: Joseph J. Speed vs. Mortimore Cunningham. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 540. Accession No.: 17,898-10752 MSA S512-14-10598 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/13 10753: William Sharswood, Jr. vs. Reuben M. Dorsey, John Glenn, and Joshua H. Hynes. BA. Injunction against sale of Dorseys Terra Firma. Accession No.: 17,898-10753-1/2 MSA S512-14-10599 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/02/23 10754: Thomas Smith, Reubin Smith, Rachel Wilson, Hetty Wilson, Elizabeth Holloway, Mary Bageley, and Martha Duncan. HA. Petition to sell Philips Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 569. Accession No.: 17,898-10754 MSA S512-14-10600 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/07/02 10755: James A. Stewart vs. John Seward, Mary Eugene Seward, and William T. Manning. DO. Petition to sell Fork Neck, Beaver Dam Range, Back Range, Littleworth, Griffiths Fortune. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 12. Accession No.: 17,898-10755-1/4 MSA S512-14-10601 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/01/23 10756: Michael Stillinger vs. John D. Riddelmoser. BA. Petition to sell lot in Randelstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-10756-1/2 MSA S512-14-10602 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/02 10757: Ann T. Seekamp vs. Joseph Newman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Millford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 57. Accession No.: 17,898-10757-1/2 MSA S512-14-10603 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/05/16 10758: John Spence vs. Lydia Spence. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10758 MSA S512-14-10604 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/02/19 10759: Charles William Spilcker vs. Nathaniel F. Downing, Richard Younger, and William Arnold. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 290. Accession No.: 17,898-10759 MSA S512-14-10605 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/04/08 10760: Thomas Summers vs. Joseph G. Summers, James A. Stewart, Sarah E. Summers, George H. Dawson, Sally A. Dawson, Joseph G. Summers, William Summers, Samuel Summers, John Small, and Margaret Small. TA. Petition to sell Cliff. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 558.
Accession No.: 17,898-10760-1/3 MSA S512-14-10606 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/12 10761: Joseph J. Speed and Charlotte C. Harper vs. Frances Wild. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 375. Accession No.: 17,898-10761 MSA S512-14-10607 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/04 10762: Charles J. Steuart and William H. Steuart vs. Philemon S. Wales, Edward H. Steuart, James Steuart, David Steuart, Eleanor Steuart, Charles C. Steuart, Mary C. Steuart, Calvert Steuart, Isaac Hopkins, and Eliza Ann Hopkins. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10762-1/2 MSA S512-14-10608 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/03/04 10763: Charlotte Spencer vs. Sarah R. Marriott. BA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-10763 MSA S512-14-10609 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/07/16 10764: Joseph J. Speed vs. Daniel Wittenbecker. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10764 MSA S512-14-10610 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/15 10765: Ebenezer Stewart vs. John T. Pumphrey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Walkers Resurvey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 723. Accession No.: 17,898-10765 MSA S512-14-10611 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/12/20 10766: Joseph J. Speed and Henry Webster vs. George F. Tallman, Richard Wilson, American Life Insurance & Trust Co., and Georges Creek Coal & Iron Co. BA. Injunction against transfer of stock. Accession No.: 17,898-10766 MSA S512-14-10612 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/09/20 10767: Richard P. Sherwood and Mary W. Sherwood vs. Elizabeth Landen. SO. Petition to sell Acquintico, Newtown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 92. Accession No.: 17,898-10767 MSA S512-14-10613 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/11/11 10768: James C. Sellman and Francis A. Crook vs. Jacob Timanns, William McLaughlin, John Butler, Charles Timanns, Jr., and Charles A. McLaughlin. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Kingston, Bowdens Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-10768 MSA S512-14-10614 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/03/29 10769: Elizabeth Stoner vs. John Stoner. CR. Appointment of trustee for John Stoner. Accession No.: 17,898-10769-1/7 MSA S512-14-10615 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/11/05 10770: William Savier, Joseph B. Savier, Thomas A. Savier, Laura Virginia Thompson, Charles F. Mayer vs. Henry M. Fitzhugh, Elizabeth K. Fitzhugh, Mary Ann Fitzhugh, and Margaret M. Fitzhugh. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 517.
Accession No.: 17,898-10770 MSA S512-14-10616 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/11/15 10771: Emily Sanders vs. Joshua C. Bell and Mary Ann Bell. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Mill Point, Mount Pleasant, Drayton. Accession No.: 17,898-10771 MSA S512-14-10617 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/06/06 10772: John T. Sotddert, Robert Bowie, Jr., and Elizabeth Bowie vs. William H. Tuck, Robert Bowie, Catheine Bowie, John J. Bowie, Osborn Sprigg, Caroline L. Sprigg, Richard Ogle, and Priscilla M. Ogle. PG. Estate of Robert W. Bowie - Notthingham Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-10772-1/5 MSA S512-14-10618 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/08 10773: John E. Pumphrey, Dorsey Stewart, and Mary Stewart vs. Osborn S. Pumphrey, Thomas Solley, Sarah Ann Solley, and Elias Brewer. AA. Petition to partition, Stones, Gadsby Range, Rezins Supply, Gambrills Purchase, Piney Grove, Edwards Fancy, Gosnells Chance, Timber Neck, Hickory Bottom, Addition to Gosnells Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-10773 MSA S512-14-10619 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/02/13 10774: Thomas Street and Samuel H. Aldridge vs. Mary A. Hickman and Henry Japhet Hickman. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on John and Marys Highland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 631. Accession No.: 17,898-10774 MSA S512-14-10620 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/27 10775: Edward A. Slicer, Martha Hall, Rebecca Hall, Nancy T. Bradford, Mary E. Hall, Cornelia Hall, Delia Hall, Fanny Hall, and Carolina A. Hall vs. Maria Hall, Susan Hall, Edward C. Hall, John Sidney Hall, Henry Hall, Mary Ann Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, Delia M. Penniman, Thomas Penniman, Frances M. Fuller, Joshua Fuller, Mary J. Wilson, George W. Wilson, William H. Hall, Benedict E. Hall, Edward A. Hall, Robert J. Hall, William L. Hall, and Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 430.
Accession No.: 17,898-10775 MSA S512-14-10621 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/28 10776: Job Smith vs. John Sommer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 608. Accession No.: 17,898-10776 MSA S512-14-10622 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/07/18 10777: William Shaffer, Frances Shaffer, Wesley Color, Sarah Color, Robert Glenn, and Martha Glenn vs. Thomas Cantwell. DO. Petition to sell White Flyers, Killmans Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-10777 MSA S512-14-10623 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/03/12 10778: Robert Stephenson, Agnes Martha Stephenson, and Rebecca Tagert Kerr vs. Robert Kerr, Elizabeth Rollins, Elizabeth Leuellen, Daniel Leuellen, Leusenna Elizabeth Kerr, Mary Stephenson Kerr, Caroline I. Kerr, and Rebecca Mary Kerr. CE. Petition to sell Kerrs Island, Widows Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 682. Accession No.: 17,898-10778 MSA S512-14-10624 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/06/31 10779: Harriet Anne Sanders vs. George M. Duvall and John Duvall. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on South River Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-10779-1/5 MSA S512-14-10625 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/07/04 10780: Charles S. Sewall vs. Benjamin Richardson, Morgan Richardson, Elizabeth Richardson, Henry Richardson, Mary Bond, Cynthia Rutledge, and John A. Amos. HA. Title to Antioch, Gresham College, Lyttleton, Claggetts Forrest, Mount Vesuvius. Accession No.: 17,898-10780-1/2 MSA S512-14-10626 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/04/09 10781: Joseph J. Speed and Emily L. Harper vs. George McCahan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-10781 MSA S512-14-10627 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/11/29 10782: Ann M. Sewall vs. James Morrow and John Graham. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 315. Accession No.: 17,898-10782 MSA S512-14-10628 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/05/29 10783: Michael Stillinger vs. William Richardson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 165. Accession No.: 17,898-10783 MSA S512-14-10629 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/08/29 10784: Joseph J. Speed and Dathum Country vs. Patrick Byrne. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 226. Accession No.: 17,898-10784 MSA S512-14-10630 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/02/10 10785: James Smith vs. Benjamin C. Howard, John S. Donnell, Ann Donnell, John C. White, and Mary S. White. BA. Petition to lease lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 394. Accession No.: 17,898-10785 MSA S512-14-10631 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/02/16 10786: James Spear and Moses Holmes vs. John W. Palmer. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Margarets Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-10786 MSA S512-14-10632 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/11/19 10787: Hannah Snyder, Catherine Snyder, Rachel A. Snyder, and Ann Amelung vs. Julia Snyder, William Snyder, and James Snyder. BA. Petition to sell lot in Reistertown. Accession No.: 17,898-10787-1/2 MSA S512-14-10633 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/20 10788: James C. Sellman and Francis A. Crook vs. Robert Baker, William McLaughlin, and John Butler. Howard District. Petition to sell slaves Maria and Washington. Accession No.: 17,898-10788 MSA S512-14-10634 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/09/12 10789: Henry S. Stiles vs. Andrew Ramsey. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 241. Accession No.: 17,898-10789 MSA S512-14-10635 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/12/05 10790: William W. Spence and John F. Spence vs. John Slater. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 265. Accession No.: 17,898-10790 MSA S512-14-10636 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/05 10791: William Sullivan vs. Peter Ritner, Thomas Been, and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. AL. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10791 MSA S512-14-10637 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/03/25 10792: Walter Smith vs. David B. Denham, William H. Cassidy, and Henry Wilson. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Springfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 170. Accession No.: 17,898-10792 MSA S512-14-10638 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/02/26 10793: John A. Stephens, Edward Cockrill, Israel Griffith, and James M. Spencer vs. James F. Woodland and Margaret W. Wilson. KE. Estate of William George Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-10793 MSA S512-14-10639 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/01/13 10794: Hooper B. Stevens vs. Archibald Kelley, Ann E. Kelley, and Sarah C. Kelley. CA. Petition to sell Burtwoods Neglect, Mischance, Billiters Landing, Alcocks Chance, Lloyds Kindness. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 462. Accession No.: 17,898-10794 MSA S512-14-10640 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/09 10795: Edward Scanlan vs. Nancy Thompson, Charles Thompson, Edward B. Thompson, Joseph S. Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Josiah Foard, Harriet E. Foard, James S. White, Ann White, Edward Baker, and Laura V. Baker. CE. Petition to sell Old Town Property.
Accession No.: 17,898-10795-1/2 MSA S512-14-10641 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/06/26 10796: Benjamin Shreve, Jr. and Mary Shreve vs. Hezekiah Trundle. MO. Trust estate of Mary Shreve. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 565. Accession No.: 17,898-10796 MSA S512-14-10642 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/04 10797: James M. Sewell and Septimus D. Sewell vs. James S. Morsell, Maria Elouisa Morsell, Alexander Somerville, and Cornelia Olivia Somerville. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 811. Accession No.: 17,898-10797-1/2 MSA S512-14-10643 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/01/27 10798: Joseph Smoot vs. Thomas Smoot. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10798 MSA S512-14-10644 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/10/04 10799: Johnson Simpers and John Simpers, Jr. vs. Stephen Hyland and Mary Laws Hyland. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 526. Accession No.: 17,898-10799 MSA S512-14-10645 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/05/05 10800: John P. Schunck, Elizabeth Schunck, Julius Peter Pfeltz, and Catherine Pfeltz vs. Jacob Henry Schunck, Elizabeth Ann Schunck, and Margaret Schunck. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 448. Accession No.: 17,898-10800 MSA S512-14-10646 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/08/07 10801: Frank H. Stockett vs. Lemuel G. Taylor, Gustavus R. Barber, Robert Welch of Ben, John W. Whittington, Farmers Bank of Maryland, and George E. Franklin. AA. Petition to release a mortgage. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-10801-1/3 MSA S512-14-10647 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/05/23 10802: Richard Sidwell vs. Benjamin Trimble, Sarah Trimble, James W. Trimble, Thomas Trimble, Lydia Trimble, Anna Trimble, and Stephen T. Trimble. CE. Estate of Elisha Trimble. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1157. Accession No.: 17,898-10802-1/2 MSA S512-14-10648 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/07/02 10803: John S. Stiles and William P. Maulsby vs. John N. Brown, Sarah Brown, and George Brown. BA, QA. Estate of Stewart Brown - lot in BC and Marshes Chester Farm in QA. Accession No.: 17,898-10803-1/4 MSA S512-14-10649 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/10/02 10804: Joseph J. Speed vs. George W. Brashears. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 235. Accession No.: 17,898-10804 MSA S512-14-10650 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/16 10805: James C. Sedwick vs. Henry B. Freeman and Jane E. Sedwick. CV. Estate of Joshua Sedwick - slaves Jim, Tom, Nick, Joe, George, Robert, Mary, Elisha, Ann, Silvinia, Ellinda, Henry Thomas, William, Jinny, Elizabeth, John, Harriet, Harriet, Tom, Betty, Martha, Treasy.
Accession No.: 17,898-10805-1/3 MSA S512-14-10651 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/10/03 10806: Michael Stillinger vs. Ephraim Riddlemoser, Samuel D. Riddlemoser, and Margaret Riffle. BA. Estate of Mary Riddlemoser. Accession No.: 17,898-10806 MSA S512-14-10652 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/03/27 10807: John K. Savage vs. Juliet S. Woodward, William Woodward, and James Thomas Woodward. AA. Contract to purchase Warfields Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 748. Accession No.: 17,898-10807 MSA S512-14-10653 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/07/27 10808: Joseph J. Speed vs. Robert Ramsay. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 196. Accession No.: 17,898-10808 MSA S512-14-10654 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/04/02 10809: Benedict J. Saunders, Edward J. Saunders, Robert Howard, James Hayes, James Kernan, Michael Stillinger, John Boggs, and Alexander Boggs vs. Dudley Poor, Deborah H. Poor, Edward W. Carrere, Sarah Chew O'Donnell, Mary O'Donnell, Edward O'Donnell, John B. O'Donnell, Joseph J. O'Donnell, Mary Ann O'Donnell, Juliette O'Donnell, Patrick McKenna, and Elliott O'Donnell Poor. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 311.
Accession No.: 17,898-10809-1/2 MSA S512-14-10655 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/05/04 10810: John Smith vs. David Hape and Susan Hape. CR. Petition to sell Good Intent. Accession No.: 17,898-10810 MSA S512-14-10656 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/11/27 10811: William Sappington vs. John J. Heckart and Albert Constable. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Oceola, Yorkshire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 171. Accession No.: 17,898-10811 MSA S512-14-10657 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/15 10812: John Sumwalt vs. David France. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10812 MSA S512-14-10658 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/26 10813: Ann Joshua Shaw and William Galloway vs. Thomas Shaw, Joshua Shaw, William Shaw, Ann Shaw, Elizabeth Connally Ellen Mintz, James Pennington, and Ann Pennington. BA. Estate of Thomas Shaw - Industry, Johnsons Adventure, Shaws Discovery, British Encampment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 97.
Accession No.: 17,898-10813 MSA S512-14-10659 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/12 10814: Joseph J. Speed and Charlotte C. Harper vs. Edward Boyle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-10814 MSA S512-14-10660 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/01/22 10815: Ann T. Seekamp vs. Frederick L.E. Amelung. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Amelung. Accession No.: 17,898-10815 MSA S512-14-10661 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/07/21 10816: Joseph J. Speed vs. William Bandel. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 324. Accession No.: 17,898-10816 MSA S512-14-10662 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/07/03 10817: Conrad Schultz vs. Anne Mary Medtart, Jacob C. Medtart, Jesse L. Medtart, Frances E. Medtart, Mary Anne Medtart, Luther M. Medtart, Emma J. Medtart, Henry C. Medtart, Charles D. Hinks, Josephine L. Hinks, David E. Thomas, Robert S. Wood, and Elizabeth Wood. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 553.
Accession No.: 17,898-10817-1/2 MSA S512-14-10663 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/02/01 10818: Joseph J. Speed and Emily L. Harper vs. Samuel Ayres and Kitturah Ayres. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10818 MSA S512-14-10664 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/06/16 10819: William F. Smyth and John E. Cacy vs. Milliminta Redgraves, Lancelot W. Redgraves, and Lancelot Moffett. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 588. Accession No.: 17,898-10819 MSA S512-14-10665 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/08/19 10820: Joseph J. Speed vs. William Grooms. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10820 MSA S512-14-10666 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/03/23 10821: Joseph J. Speed vs. George Peters, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10821 MSA S512-14-10667 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/02/13 10822: Margaret Sterling, John T. Cox, and Sally Cox vs. Clement R. Sterling, Leonard Sterling, Nancy Emily Sterling, and George W. Sterling. SO. Petition to sell Emessix. Accession No.: 17,898-10822 MSA S512-14-10668 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/01/31 10823: Joseph J. Speed vs. James McAdow. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 981. Accession No.: 17,898-10823 MSA S512-14-10669 Location: 1/39/3/
1795/07/08 10824: Henry Smoot vs. Edward Smoot, John S. Crapper, Catherine Crapper, John Smoot, Robert Smoot, Joseph Smoot, and John Henry Smoot. DO. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-10824 MSA S512-14-10670 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/02/06 10825: Southern Life Insurance & Trust Co. and Lot Clark vs. Union Co. and Duff Green. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Coal and Iron Banks, Factories, General D. Greens Iron Ore Land, Hoyes Coal, Iron and Lime Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-10825 MSA S512-14-10671 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/07/16 10826: Savings Bank of Baltimore vs. John Franciscus, Mary Franciscus, and Louis P. Franciscus. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 442. Accession No.: 17,898-10826 MSA S512-14-10672 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/03/06 10827: Savage Manufacturing Co. vs. Baltimore Silk Co., David Barnum, Andrew McLaughlin, John Patterson, and William P. Birch. BA. Claims against Baltimore Silk Co. Accession No.: 17,898-10827 MSA S512-14-10673 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/02/21 10829: Johnson Simpers and John Simpers vs. Jesse Irwin, Deborah L. Irwin, and David Sheppard. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Stoney Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-10829 MSA S512-14-10674 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/02/10 10830: Richard G. Stockett vs. James Shipley, Enos Shipley, William Shipley, Larkin Shipley, Sarah Shipley, Mary Shipley, John Shipley, Larkin Shipley of John, Peter Shipley, Margaret Shipley, Rezin Shipley, Henry Wayman, Moses Galloway, Sally Galloway, Eli Selby, and Ruth Selby. AA. Estate of Larkin Shipley - Talbotts Resolution Manor, Brothers Partnership, Partnership Amended, Adam The First, Johns Addition, Just in Time. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 191.
Accession No.: 17,898-10830-1/2 MSA S512-14-10675 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/05/23 10831: Joseph J. Speed vs. William H. Tuck, Catherine Bowie, James J. Bowie, Robert Bowie, Jr., Robert Bowie, Osborn Spriggs, Caroline Spriggs, Catherine Spriggs, Violetta Spriggs, Mary Spriggs, Richard L. Ogle, Prisilla Ogle, William N. Dorsett, and Mary Leonard. PG. Estate of Robert W. Bowie.
Accession No.: 17,898-10831 MSA S512-14-10676 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/09/09 10832: Albert Schumacher vs. William Allen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 461 and 171, p. 20-1/2. Accession No.: 17,898-10832 MSA S512-14-10677 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/02/04 10833: Thomas K. Smith vs. Margaret Hughlett, William R. Hughlett, Tamsy Ann Hughlett, Mary E. Hughlett, Sarah D. Hughlett, Thomas Hughlett, Joseph E. Muse, and Martha W. Hughlett. CA. Estate of Richard Hughlett - Forrest Range, Irish Discovery, Dublin, Hughletts Discovery, Cumberland, Tidermans Hills, Piney Neck Regulated, Maidens Forrest, Glascow, Whitesborough Dividend, Last Vacancy, Deer Skin Ridge, Byrns Plains, Hardship, Come by Chance, Reeds Neglect, Dixons Trouble, Golden Grove, Hughletts Prosperity, Portland, Whitelys Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 834.
Accession No.: 17,898-10833-1/5 MSA S512-14-10678 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/15 10834: Thomas Emory Sudler vs. Willilam Tazwell, Sarah Ann Tazwell, William Powell, and Henry B. Fiddeman. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Suffolk. Accession No.: 17,898-10834 MSA S512-14-10679 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/04/22 10835: Emery Sudler vs. Samuel W. Spenser, Charlotte M. Spenser, and John C. Spenser. KE. Estate of Anne Sudler - Ratcliff Cross. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-10835 MSA S512-14-10680 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/06/30 10836: George Scott and Nancy Scott vs. Stephen Mills, Elizabeth Mills, Priscilla Ann Donaho, Rosina Donaho, Thomas H. Dryden, and Eliza Dryden. WO. Estate of Teague Donaho - Puncheon Landing, Coventry Enlarged, Truitts Addition, Old Head, Lanes Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 325.
Accession No.: 17,898-10836-1/2 MSA S512-14-10681 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/02/03 10837: Zachariah Saunders vs. Joseph Saunders. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-10837 MSA S512-14-10682 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/06/09 10838: James B. George vs. James A.G. Walters, Sarah Rebecca Marriott, and Charlotte Spencer. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10838-1/2 MSA S512-14-10683 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/03/23 10839: Joseph J. Speed vs. James McAdou. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 129. Accession No.: 17,898-10839 MSA S512-14-10684 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/06/24 10840: John Simpers vs. John T. Stewart, Elizabeth Ann Stewart, and Elisha Mahoney. CE. Estate of Robert Donaldson - Donaldsons Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 643. Accession No.: 17,898-10840 MSA S512-14-10685 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/10/27 10841: Jeremiah Stull vs. John Stull and Julianna Stull. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Dunstable, Exchange, Bennetts Regulation, Standaway. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 635. Accession No.: 17,898-10841 MSA S512-14-10686 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/11/05 10842: Frederick Shaffer vs. Sarah Emory Stiles, John S. Stiles, William L. Stiles, Hester Stiles, Jane Stiles, Sophia Jackson Stiles, Emory Foreman Stiles, Elisha Tabb, Jane Lea Tabb, Sarah Emily Tabb, William H. Gatchell, Lucy H. Tabb, and Sophia Forman. BA. Estate of Jane Forman - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 84.
Accession No.: 17,898-10842 MSA S512-14-10687 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/01/25 10843: Israel Smith vs. Stephen R. King and Josiah Pennington. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-10843 MSA S512-14-10688 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/26 10844: Deliha Sparklin vs. William Tilghman Chance. CA. Petition to sell Hab Nab at a Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-10844 MSA S512-14-10689 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/03 10845: Joseph J. Speed vs. Sarah Anderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 359. Accession No.: 17,898-10845 MSA S512-14-10690 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/05/21 10846: William F. Smyth vs. James B. Greenwood, William Greenwood, Wilhelmina Greenwood, Warner C. Greenwood, Mary Ann Greenwood, and George Anna Greenwood. KE. Estate of James Greenwood - Canada. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 420. Accession No.: 17,898-10846-1/2 MSA S512-14-10691 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/12/24 10847: Peter Sauerwein vs. Charles Martin and John Hanan. AL. Insolvent estate of Martin - Collins Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 581. Accession No.: 17,898-10847 MSA S512-14-10692 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/04/14 10848: Benjamin Seegar and Sarah Seegar vs. Mathias George, John George, Martha George, Benjamin Elliott, and John S. Elliott. QA. Estate of Benjamin S. Elliott. Accession No.: 17,898-10848-1/3 MSA S512-14-10693 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/28 10849: Joseph J. Speed vs. Patrick O'Meara. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 591. Accession No.: 17,898-10849 MSA S512-14-10694 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/04/11 10850: Levin Stanforth vs. Benjamin Sears and Frances Ann Sears. CV. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-10850 MSA S512-14-10695 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/02/27 10851: George A. Spedden vs. William L. Spedden, Edward Spedden, and Emily A. Spedden. DO. Petition to sell house and lot in Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-10851 MSA S512-14-10696 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/10/11 10852: Timothy Spedden, Impey Spedden, Levi D. Travers, and Prudence Travers vs. John Spedden, Thomas Spedden, Mary E. Spedden, Robert B. Spedden, William H. Spedden, Sarah M. Spedden, Joseph H. Spedden, Prudence Spedden, Vincent Spedden, Mary S. Cook, Julia Ann Breenwood, Levin Spedden, and John B. Spedden. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 429.
Accession No.: 17,898-10852 MSA S512-14-10697 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/05/05 10853: Joseph J. Speed vs. Thomas Smith and Edward Boyle. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 327. Accession No.: 17,898-10853-1/3 MSA S512-14-10698 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/05/03 10854: James C. Stevens vs. Edney Corkran, Mary Corkran, Nathan Corkran, and Josiah Corkran. CA, DO. Petition to sell Church Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 411. Accession No.: 17,898-10854 MSA S512-14-10699 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/04/26 10855: Ara Spence and John P. Robins vs. Thomas A. Spence. SO, WO. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1067. Accession No.: 17,898-10855 MSA S512-14-10700 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/12 10856: Joseph J. Speed vs. Joseph Hiskey. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 839. Accession No.: 17,898-10856 MSA S512-14-10701 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/09/03 10857: William Staplefort and Margaret E. Staplefort vs. James L. Geoghegan, Sarah Emeline Geoghegan, and Julia Anne Geoghegan. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 818. Accession No.: 17,898-10857 MSA S512-14-10702 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/29 10858: Hannah Scott vs. William Crawford, Jr. CE. Estate of Alexander Scott - New Munster, Worth Little, Booths Mill, Lots in Elkton. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 567. Accession No.: 17,898-10858-1/3 MSA S512-14-10703 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/10/22 10859: Joseph J. Speed, Charlotte C. Harper, and John White. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10859 MSA S512-14-10704 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/06/14 10860: John H. Smith vs. Harriett Smith, William Smith, Isabella Smith, Josephine Smith, Lucy Smith, Emily Smith, Henrietta Smith, and Mary Smith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10860-1/2 MSA S512-14-10705 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/07/12 10861: John Smith vs. John W. Fisher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 748. Accession No.: 17,898-10861 MSA S512-14-10706 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/06/05 10862: Samuel Stone vs. Catherine M. Raborg and William W. McClellan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 467. Accession No.: 17,898-10862 MSA S512-14-10707 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/23 10863: Moses Scott and Anna Maria Scott vs. Thomas Scott, Eliza Scott, Samuel Scott, Mary Scott, Hannah Scott, Levi Evans, Jane Evans, Anna Maria Evans, Adeline Evans, and Margaret Evans. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10863 MSA S512-14-10708 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/06/23 10864: James G. Solloway and Adeline Solloway vs. Nathan Newman, Lorenzo Newman, Sewall Newman, Daniel Sparklin, and Anna Sparklin. QA. Petition to sell Harris Ramble, William Lot, lot in Sudlersville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 925. Accession No.: 17,898-10864 MSA S512-14-10709 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/11/14 10865: Jacob Sutton vs. Elizabeth Merridith. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Home Farm, Fords Farm, Providence, Chance, Bloomfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 231. Accession No.: 17,898-10865 MSA S512-14-10710 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/07/23 10866: Lewis Seltzer and Adam Seltzer vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Charles Reeder, John F. Hoss, Francis M. Baughman, and Jesse Hay. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10866 MSA S512-14-10711 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/12 10867: Joseph J. Speed and Charlotte C. Harper vs. James A. Gordon and Robert P. Cummins. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 366. Accession No.: 17,898-10867 MSA S512-14-10712 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/05/20 10868: Joseph J. Speed vs. Sarah Boyer, Anne Maria Boyer, Albert J. Boyer, Charles H. Boyer, and John W. Boyer. BA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-10868 MSA S512-14-10713 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/03/08 10869: Lawrence Simmons vs. James Cayot. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bohemia Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-10869 MSA S512-14-10714 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/28 10870: Joseph J. Speed vs. William W. Keyser. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 69. Accession No.: 17,898-10870 MSA S512-14-10715 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/02/11 10871: Joseph J. Speed vs. Silas Ward. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Barnesville, Hurgess Camp, Rochester. Accession No.: 17,898-10871 MSA S512-14-10716 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/02/11 10872: John Southgate, Georgina Pinkney, Alexina McCausland, William Tucker, and Mary Rosina Tucker vs Mary Francis Duvall and Gabrielle A. Duvall. BA. Petition to sell lots and McCausland Brewery in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-10872-1/2 MSA S512-14-10717 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/06/24 10873: Thomas Summers vs. Henrietta L. Higgins. TA. Petition to sell Dicks Marsh, Discovery, Nomine. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 90. Accession No.: 17,898-10873 MSA S512-14-10718 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/28 10874: Mary Ellen Shipley vs. Thomas C. Worthington and Isaac C. Anderson. Howard District. Title to slaves Kitty and Nancy. Accession No.: 17,898-10874-1/3 MSA S512-14-10719 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/10/08 10875: William H. Stone, George W. Stone, Henrietta Stone, John Beckley, James Cannon, Louisa Cannon, John Van Andrew, Mary Ann Van Andrew, Thomas C. Floyd, and Frances Floyd vs. Mary Ann Stone, Minerva Stone, and Yelveston Stone. BA. Petition to sell White Oak Bottom, Griffiths Mount. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, pp. 542, 565.
Accession No.: 17,898-10875-1/2 MSA S512-14-10720 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/07 10876: Lewis Shipley vs. William Jameson. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Goshen Resurveyed, Spring Garden. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 194. Accession No.: 17,898-10876-1/3 MSA S512-14-10721 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/10/20 10877: Thomas Parkin Scott vs. Richard B. Carmichael, William Carmichael, Catherine Carmichael, Henry Hollyday, and Ann Hollyday. KE. Petition to sell Rousbys Recovery, Thomas Purchase Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-10877-1/2 MSA S512-14-10722 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/06 10878: Rebecca Saffel and Hezekia Wells vs. William Wells of George, Ignatius S. Lynch, Lloyd Wells, and William L. Anderson. PG. Petition to sell Luckolds Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-10878-1/3 MSA S512-14-10723 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/29 10879: William F. Smyth vs. George Briscoe, Benjamin Greenwood, George W. Crossley, Ann Elizabeth Crossley, Daniel Crossley, and Elijah Crossley. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 510. Accession No.: 17,898-10879-1/2 MSA S512-14-10724 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/11/10 10880: Kitty Sparrow and Michael C. Sparrow vs. John Brookes and Planters Bank of Prince George's County. PG. Estate of Simon Cantrell. Accession No.: 17,898-10880 MSA S512-14-10725 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/11/07 10881: Joseph J. Speed vs. Alexander Barker. CV. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10881 MSA S512-14-10726 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/24 10882: Joseph J. Speed vs. Daniel Caldwell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-10882 MSA S512-14-10727 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/08/02 10883: Joseph J. Speed vs. Thomas Borrowich. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 215. Accession No.: 17,898-10883 MSA S512-14-10728 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/12/05 10884: Charles R. Simpson vs. Rachel Johnson, Hinson Johnson, Lot Johnson, Larkin Johnson, Hamilton Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Branson Johnson, Ellen Johnson, Maria Johnson, Eveline Johnson, William Castle, Rachel Castle, Tilghman Johnson, Harriett Johnson, George Cook, and Matilda Cook. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Dorseys Search Enlarged, Dougheron Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 375.
Accession No.: 17,898-10884 MSA S512-14-10729 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/15 10885: Arundel Smith and Margaret Smith vs. Mary Adelaide Wootten, Elizabeth Cornelia Wootten, William Turner Wootten, Singleton Wootten, Martha Allison Wootten, Flave Scott Wootten, Ann Smith Wootten, John Wootten, Elizabeth Lynn Wootten, and Richard Wootten. MO. Petition to sell lot in Rockville, Collington.
Accession No.: 17,898-10885 MSA S512-14-10730 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/08/10 10886: William Stewart and Amanda Stewart vs. Margaret Brewington and Mary Brewington. SO. Petition to sell lot in Upper Trappe. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 768. Accession No.: 17,898-10886 MSA S512-14-10731 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/03/07 10887: Peter Swartzwelder vs. Margaret Wise. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Hagerstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 179, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-10887-1/2 MSA S512-14-10732 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/12/29 10888: Ann T. Seekamp vs. Archibald K. Lee. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10888 MSA S512-14-10733 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/10/10 10889: Francis Segar vs. Isaac Benjamin. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Perryville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 245. Accession No.: 17,898-10889-1/2 MSA S512-14-10734 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/28 10890: Joseph J. Speed and Emily L. Harper vs. Daniel Weaver. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 587. Accession No.: 17,898-10890 MSA S512-14-10735 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/01/22 10891: Joseph J. Speed vs. James Cane. CR. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-10891 MSA S512-14-10736 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/05/16 10892: Ezra Sheckells vs. Thomas S. Alexander, Alexander Randall, Gustavus R. Barker, and William Reaney. AA. Estate of John T. Barker - President. Accession No.: 17,898-10892 MSA S512-14-10737 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/08/14 10893: Samuel M. Semmes vs. Maryland & New York Iron & Coal Co. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on the Mount Savage Railroad. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 744. Accession No.: 17,898-10893-1/2 MSA S512-14-10738 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/11/23 10894: Samuel Sewell vs. Thomas Roach, Richard C. Keene, Hannah Keene, Benjamin Jeffries, Henrietta Jeffries, Mr. Coleman, Elizabeth Coleman, Mary June Pinkfield, and Frances Ann Pinkfield. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Preston Vale, lot in East New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 467.
Accession No.: 17,898-10894 MSA S512-14-10739 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/10/21 10895: Joseph J. Speed vs. Charlotte C. Harper. BA. Estate of Charles C. Harper. Accession No.: 17,898-10895 MSA S512-14-10740 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/11/19 10896: John T. Stewart, Henrietta Stewart, William N. Berkley, Emily W. Berkley, James Bryan, and Mary Ann Bryan vs. Caroline Pattison. DO. Estate of Martha Pattison - lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, pp. 17, 33. Accession No.: 17,898-10896 MSA S512-14-10741 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/10/19 10897: Joshua H. Shipley and Mary Ann Shipley vs. Elizabeth Robosson, Francis Robosson, Samuel Robosson, Frances Robosson, John Robosson, Nancy Robosson, Patsy Robosson, Thomas G. Robosson, Mary Ann Robosson, Hannalae Ware, Elizah T. Robosson, Samuel U. Robosson, Benjamin S. Robosson, Napoleon Shipley, Rachel A.M. Shipley, Samuel Carr, Martha Carr, Benjamin R. Carr, and William H. Carr. AL. Estate of Oneal Robosson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 180.
Accession No.: 17,898-10897 MSA S512-14-10742 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/11/01 10898: Joshua H. Shipley vs. Benjamin Robinson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Combination Defeated. Accession No.: 17,898-10898 MSA S512-14-10743 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/10/09 10899: James A. Stewart vs. James Dryden, Martha Jane Dryden, Samuel Dryden, Mary E. Dryden, and Eliza Dryden. SO. Estate of Isaac Dryden - Benjamins Advise, Longs Chance, Addition to Tick Ridge, Porters Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 849.
Accession No.: 17,898-10899-1/2 MSA S512-14-10744 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/10/13 10900: Joseph J. Speed and Charlotte C. Harper vs. Henry Stevenson and Mary Stevenson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 574. Accession No.: 17,898-10900 MSA S512-14-10745 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/15 10901: Mary Setley, Ann M. Hall, John C. Hum, and William Almira Hum vs. Mary Anna Spencer, Emma Spencer, William Spencer, and Sarah M.L. Stant. QA, TA. Estate of John R. Downes - Grantham, Lloyds Costin, Lloyds Costin Enlarged in TA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 544.
Accession No.: 17,898-10901-1/3 MSA S512-14-10746 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/02/18 10902: Frank H. Stockett vs. Richard A. Harwood, William B. Harwood, David McC. Brogdon, Matilda Brogdon, William Brogdon, and Mary Brogdon. AA. Estate of David McC. Brogdon - Whites Plains, Roedown. Accession No.: 17,898-10902 MSA S512-14-10747 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/22 10903: William Staunton, Joseph Glotfelty, Samuel Engle, and John Ferrell. AL. Estate of William Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-10903 MSA S512-14-10748 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/10/23 10904: Joseph J Speed vs. Benjamin Grove. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10904 MSA S512-14-10749 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/08/29 10905: Joseph J. Speed vs. Sarah Anderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 219. Accession No.: 17,898-10905 MSA S512-14-10750 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/02/11 10906: William T. Spey vs. John Stull. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pock Hickory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 2. Accession No.: 17,898-10906 MSA S512-14-10751 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/05/27 10907: Mary E. Schley vs. Anna B. Schley. BA. Appointment of trustee for Anna B. Schley. Accession No.: 17,898-10907 MSA S512-14-10752 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/26 10908: Thomas K. Stephens and Juliana V. Stephens vs. John H. Cummins, James Heighe, Susan E. Heighe, Mary Henry Wilson, Maria Deborah Wilson, and John W. Pierson. KE. Estate of George W. Wilson - Verina, Broad Oak. Recored (Chancery Record) 176, p. 99.
Accession No.: 17,898-10908 MSA S512-14-10753 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/11/30 10909: Cladius Standiford and Cordelia Standiford vs. William Standiford, Jacob Standiford, William Price, Elijah Spurrier, Mary Spurrier, James Covender, Elizabeth Galloway, Bathia Galloway, Mary Ann Gambel, Elijah Gambel, Elizabeth Gambel, Thomas J. Matthews, Lydia Matthews, Ann Morris Standiford, Lydia Standiford, Abraham Williams, and Casander Williams. BA. Estate of Vincent Standiford - lot in My Ladys Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 255.
Accession No.: 17,898-10909 MSA S512-14-10754 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/05 10910: Joseph J. Speed vs. Joseph Newman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10910 MSA S512-14-10755 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/12/03 10911: John L. Scott, Eliza Hooper, George Winthrop, Matilda Winthrop, Allen Vane, Mary Elizabeth Vane, Robert Seward, Anthony Manning, William Manning, John Vincent, Elizabeth Vincent, Francis Vincent, Lasmia Vincent, William Lecompte, and William A.H. Lecompte vs. Anthony Rich, Charles Pitt, William Pitt, Mary Pitt, Eliza Pitt, John Henry Seward, and John S. Lecompte. DO. Estate of Elizabeth Rich - lots in Cambridge, Buckfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 10.
Accession No.: 17,898-10911 MSA S512-14-10756 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/05/07 10912: Walter Smith vs. Joseph B. Smith, Clementina Smith, Matilda Smith, Susan L. Smith, Clement Smith, Walter Smith, Margaret Smith, William B. Thompson, and Mary Clare Thompson. SM. Estate of Clement Smith - Bask Land, Spaldings Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 260.
Accession No.: 17,898-10912 MSA S512-14-10757 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/09/24 10913: Anne Stewart vs. Hester A. Lecompte. SO. Petition to sell Barren Creek Springs. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 357. Accession No.: 17,898-10913 MSA S512-14-10758 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/07/11 10914: Hooper B. Stevens, John Stack, and Samuel C. Brannock vs. Thomas Frederick Garey, George W. Garey, William H. Garey, Matthew Garey, and Elizabeth Garey. CA. Estate of Edwin M. Garey - Drivers Saw Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 217. Accession No.: 17,898-10914 MSA S512-14-10759 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/01/31 10915: Joseph J. Speed and Emily L. Harper vs. Adam Oestricher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10915 MSA S512-14-10760 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/04/02 10916: William Shipley, Mary Linthicum, Eli Yeates Reese, Mary Jane Reese, James Solon Linthicum, and Abner Thales Linthicum vs. Joseph M. Brian and Hannah Maria Brian. AA. Estate of Abner Linthicum - Hollands Forrest, Leafs Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 277.
Accession No.: 17,898-10916-1/3 MSA S512-14-10761 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/11/21 10917: Basil Spalding and John D. Brandt vs. William B. Scott, Ann Scott, and Henry A. Weeden. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Clover Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 547. Accession No.: 17,898-10917 MSA S512-14-10762 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/02/06 10918: William Stanely vs. Aquilla Maguire. KE. Contract to purchase Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-10918 MSA S512-14-10763 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/02/01 10919: Sarah C. Scott vs. Thomas H.W. Miller, Ann Elizabeth Miller, and Solomon P.W. Miller. KE. Petition to sell Swamp. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 39. Accession No.: 17,898-10919 MSA S512-14-10764 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/10/07 10920: David Stuart and George H. Wetter vs. Albert J. Boyer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pemblicoe, Labyrinth. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-10920 MSA S512-14-10765 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/30 10921: Joseph J. Speed and Charlotte C. Harper vs. James B. Smith and Emaline Smith. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-10921 MSA S512-14-10766 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/04/10 10922: Joseph J. Speed vs. David Parr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 187. Accession No.: 17,898-10922 MSA S512-14-10767 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/10/09 10923: Joseph Shepherd vs. Mary Bevin, Ann Eliza Bevin, John William Bevin, Charles Bevin, Elizabeth Shepherd, Susan Shepherd, William Shepherd, Samuel Shepherd, Mary Plummer, and Thomas Plummer. AA. Estate of Mary Shepherd. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 1024.
Accession No.: 17,898-10923-1/2 MSA S512-14-10768 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/08/29 10924: Joseph J. Speed vs. Thomas Hunter, Charles S. Hunter, and Rebecca Hunter. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-10924 MSA S512-14-10769 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/11/27 10925: William Sappington vs. John J. Heckart, Albert Constable, and Andrew M. Patten. CE. Dissolution of a partnership - assets of a saw mill. Accession No.: 17,898-10925 MSA S512-14-10770 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/28 10926: Joseph J. Speed and Emily L. Harper vs. Herman Schuelenberg. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 631. Accession No.: 17,898-10926 MSA S512-14-10771 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/07/06 10927: George H. Steuart vs. Sarah E. Wier, Philip D. Carr, Elizabeth Carr, Isabella Wier, Benjamin S. Wier, Richard F. Wier, and Joseph N. Wier. AA. Estate of Joseph Wier - Westbary. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 473. Accession No.: 17,898-10927 MSA S512-14-10772 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/06/12 10930: Elizabeth Singleton vs. Charles Cooley, Daniel M. Cooley, Carville Cooley, Corbin Cooley, Thomas Jeffery, Sarah Jeffery, John J. Hart, Ann J. Hart, Phebe Bell, William B. Stephenson, Agnes Roy, Lawson Cooley, Rebecca Roy, and George Roy. CE. Estate of Corbin Cooley. Accession No.: 17,898-10930-1/3 MSA S512-14-10773 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/05/05 10931: William Steuart vs. John L. Chew. CV. Estate of Thomas Bowinda - Eltonhead Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-10931 MSA S512-14-10774 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/02/05 10932: Solomon Stackers vs. Henry Harden, John W. Prout, Bristol Brown, and Stephen B. Hebrews. BA. Estate of Frances Harden. Accession No.: 17,898-10932 MSA S512-14-10775 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/06/13 10933: Denton Shipley vs. Upton D. Welch. AA. Estate of A.S. Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-10933 MSA S512-14-10776 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/02/24 10934: Frederick Stier and Elizabeth Stier vs. Adelia Hammond and Charles Suethen Hammond. FR. Estate of Charles Hammond - Hammonds Request, Addisons Choice, Radage, Whites Addition, Nightsmiths Folly, Hawkins Range, Hawkins Choice, Hawkins Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-10934-1/2 MSA S512-14-10777 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/02/12 10935: George Semmes vs. John H. Thomas. PG. Contract to purchase Joseph and Mary, Brook Court Manor, Blackwell, Thomas and Anthonys Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-10935 MSA S512-14-10778 Location: 1/39/3/
1818/05/12 10936: Lauraine Stockett vs. Nicholas Watkins of Thomas. AA. Estate of John Stockett - Bridge Hills, Doden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 182. Accession No.: 17,898-10936-1/3 MSA S512-14-10779 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/10/07 10937: Thomas Scott and Robert Morthland vs. Mark Grafton, Elizabeth Ann Hall, Eldridge Hall, Henry W. Hall, William H. Hall, Elizabeth Hall, and Eldridge Gerry Kilbourn. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-10937-1/9 MSA S512-14-10780 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/06/13 10938: Solomon R. Start vs. Charlotte Ann Gould, Mary T. Gould, and Henrietta Gould. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Spanairds Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-10938 MSA S512-14-10781 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/03/04 10939: Philemon Skinner vs. Hester Lee, Sarah Lee, Maria Lee, and Amily Lee. DO. Estate of Thomas Lee - Cooks Point Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 131. Accession No.: 17,898-10939 MSA S512-14-10782 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/09/12 10940: Peter Sauerwein and George Sauerwein vs. Brice B. Brewer, Eleanor Ann Brewer, Edward M. Brewer, Ann Maria Brewer, Brice B. Brewer, Jr., Richard H. Brewer, Jackson Brewer, and Augustine Brewer. AA. Defraud of creditors of Brice B. Brewer - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 507.
Accession No.: 17,898-10940 MSA S512-14-10783 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/02/08 10941: Henry Stevenson, Mary Stevenson, Thomas Beal Owings, Cordelia Owings, and Nathan Owings vs. James Owings. BA. Estate of Beal Owings. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 150. Accession No.: 17,898-10941 MSA S512-14-10784 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/06/19 10942: John E. Stansbury, Abraham Stansbury, Micajag Stansbury, Samuel Stansbury, Belinda Stansbury, Frances Stansbury, John E. Stansbury, Josiah Brown, Sarah Brown, Nicholas H. Brown, Ruth Brown, Elizabeth Stevenson, Ann Sproul, Charity Sproul, and James Sproul vs. William C. Alderson, Charity Alderson, and Samuel Murray. BA, FR. Petition to sell Browns Vexation in FR. Also Orange, Stones Range, Mount Pleasant, lots in BC in BA. Plats of Browns Vexation, Orange, Stones Range, Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 223.
Accession No.: 17,898-10942-1/6 MSA S512-14-10785 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/07/16 10943: William Savier, Joseph B. Savier, and Thomas A. Savier vs. George M. Thompson and Laura V. Thompson. BA. Petition to sell Ely O'Carroll, Litter Louna. Accession No.: 17,898-10943-1/3 MSA S512-14-10786 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/04/12 10944: Edward Street vs. Amanda Street. DO. Petition to sell Providence, Norwick, Addition to Taylors Kindness, Middle Pond. Accession No.: 17,898-10944 MSA S512-14-10787 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/12/30 10945: James C. Summers and Mary Summers vs. Anne Hardey and Thomas Talburtt. PG. Contract to partition White Marsh and Wedge. Accession No.: 17,898-10945-1/2 MSA S512-14-10788 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/12/01 10946: Samuel H. Stephens vs. George Biddle, George E. Walker, Harriett Walker, John M. Walker, Thomas L. Walker, George Walker, and Edward Walker. CE. Title to Sassafras Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-10946 MSA S512-14-10789 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/06/29 10947: John S. Stiles vs. Stewart Brown, Jr., George A. Brown, Jr., Jacob Harman Brown, John N. Brown, Sally H. Brown, Sarah Brown, Sophia Brown, James M. Brown, George Brown, John D. Vowell, and Margaretta Vowell. BA. Estate of John S. Stiles - lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-10947 MSA S512-14-10790 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/06/09 10948: Edward Steuart, George Steuart, George Steuart, William C. Spindler, and Ferdinand Gourdon vs. Abraham G. Cole, David Whitson, Isaac Brookes, and Alcous B. Wolfe. BA. Insolvent estate of Whitson. Accession No.: 17,898-10948-1/13 MSA S512-14-10791 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/05/03 10949: William Tell Steiger, Augusta Anna Steiger, Augustus Steiger, Fabius Steiger, Lavinia Steiger, Jacob Zimmerman, and Benjamin Franklin Zimmerman vs. Jonathan Wehrly. BA. Estate of Jacob Steiger - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10949-1/3 MSA S512-14-10792 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/04/23 10950: James Shipley vs. Levi Chaney and Providence Chaney. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Adam The First. Accession No.: 17,898-10950 MSA S512-14-10793 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/06/16 10951: Joshua Stewart and George C. Washington vs. John Etchison, Elijah P. Etchison, Peregrine G. Etchison, Madison Etchison, Frederick Etchison, Jason Etchison, Paul Etchison, Osborn Etchison, Ruth Ann Etchison, and Richard Holmes. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Silence Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 120.
Accession No.: 17,898-10951-1/2 MSA S512-14-10794 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/04/22 10952: David Stewart and John Spear Nicholas vs. David Burke, James Forbes, Temascoaltepec Mining Co., Union Insurance Co., Marine Insurance Co., and Atna Co. BA. Estate of David Burke. Accession No.: 17,898-10952-1/4 MSA S512-14-10795 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/02/01 10953: Michael Stillinger and Michael Riddlemarch vs. Elizabeth Hayden and John Walch. BA. Estate of James Hayden. Accession No.: 17,898-10953 MSA S512-14-10796 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/07/02 10954: Solomon R. Start and Elizabeth Start vs. James Gould, Charlotte Ann Gould, Mary T. Gould, and Henrietta Gould. QA. Petition to partition Shepherds Fortune, Whittingtons Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 421. Accession No.: 17,898-10954 MSA S512-14-10797 Location: 1/39/3/
1788/05/02 10955: Charles Somerset Smith vs. John Perrie. CH. Estate of Charles Somerset Smith, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-10955 MSA S512-14-10798 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/21 10956: Margaret Ann Steiger vs. Thomas Hillen. BA. Estate of Mary Steiger - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10956-1/2 MSA S512-14-10799 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/01/05 10957: John E. Smith vs. Howell Price. BA. Estate of Elizabeth Cole - Grindon. Accession No.: 17,898-10957 MSA S512-14-10800 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/11/13 10958: Elizabeth Sadler vs. Charles S. Sewall, Matthew Murray, Nelson R. Hall, and Emily A. Hall. BA. Estate of Frances Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-10958 MSA S512-14-10801 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/09/15 10959: Moses Sprigg vs. Alexander Todd. AA. Contract to purchase ship carpenters yard and landing place in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-10959 MSA S512-14-10802 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/10/29 10960: Thomas Parkin Scott vs. William McCann, Mary Miskelly, and Catherine Dougherty. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dugans Wharf in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10960-1/2 MSA S512-14-10803 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/11/26 10961: William H. Smith vs. Margaret Ann Smith, Gassaway Smith, James Smith, Philip Smith, Thomas Smith, Charles Smith, John Smith, and Simon Smith. AA. Estate of Philip P. Smith - Moores Morning Choice Englarged. Accession No.: 17,898-10961-1/2 MSA S512-14-10804 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/01/01 10962: George A. Stamp vs. Teresa Wheeler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 259. Accession No.: 17,898-10962-1/2 MSA S512-14-10805 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/08/19 10963: William Sappington vs. Mary Russell, Ann Russell, and Thomas S. Thomas. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Geofarisson Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-10963 MSA S512-14-10806 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/01/17 10964: Nicholas Shaffer, Magdelina Shaffer, George Grove, Mary Grove, Peter Engle, Barbara Engle, Jacob Mentzer, Jacob Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Philip J. Routzong, Catherine Routzong, Levy Routzong, and Sarah Routzong vs. Susanna Mentzer, Samuel Mentzer, and John Mentzer. AA, FR. Estate of Samuel Mentzer - Favour and Ease in FR and St. James Park in AA. Plats.
Accession No.: 17,898-10964 MSA S512-14-10807 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/11/30 10965: Joseph Stewart vs. John Bayard Francis Asbury Evans. DO. Estate of John Evans. Accession No.: 17,898-10965 MSA S512-14-10808 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/07/21 10966: Catherine Spangler vs. John Stauter. BA. Estate of Isaac Spangler - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10966 MSA S512-14-10809 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/02/01 10967: Nicholas Stonestreet vs. Elizabeth Wilson and George Robertson. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-10967 MSA S512-14-10810 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/08/21 10968: Ephraim Stoner vs. Joseph D. Price. FR. Injunction against transfer of promissory notes. Accession No.: 17,898-10968 MSA S512-14-10811 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/07/02 10969: Joseph J. Speed vs. James Robinson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-10969 MSA S512-14-10812 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/01/10 10970: Enoch Sheckell vs. Samuel Thomas, William C. Hopkins, Richard Estep, and Henry A. Hall. AA. Petition to release mortgage on Patuxent Fishery and slave John. Accession No.: 17,898-10970-1/2 MSA S512-14-10813 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/06/13 10971: John Spedden of Robert vs. Thomas Spedden, Robert Spedden, Mary Elizabeth Spedden, William Henry Spedden, Margaret Spedden, Joseph Spedden, Prudence Spedden, John Spedden, and Levin Spedden. DO. Estate of Robert Spedden of Robert - Margarets Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 657.
Accession No.: 17,898-10971 MSA S512-14-10814 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/11/30 10972: Sarah Stansbury and Edmund B. Stansbury vs. Victor Holms, Elizabeth Holms, Thomas T. Stansbury, Sophia M. Stansbury, Arabella Stansbury, and Samson L. Stansbury. BA. Estate of Dixon Stansbury - lot in My Ladys Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 261.
Accession No.: 17,898-10972-1/2 MSA S512-14-10815 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/02/06 10973: Elizabeth Stewart vs. Joseph Stewart. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-10973 MSA S512-14-10816 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/02/18 10974: John Sullivan, Frank Sullivan, and P. H. Sullivan vs. William H. Tuck. PG. Estate of Robert W. Bowie. Accession No.: 17,898-10974 MSA S512-14-10817 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/04/08 10975: Charles Smallwood, Henrietta Smallwood, Joseph Smallwood, and Matilda Smallwood vs. Levi Chaney and Providence Chaney. AA. Injunction against transfer of slaves Peggy, Sarah, Charles, Nace, Adeline, Mary, Moses. Accession No.: 17,898-10975-1/4 MSA S512-14-10818 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/06/26 10976: Thomas Shorter and Sarah Shorter vs. Richard Isaac and Joseph Isaac. PG. Title to Peaches Balance, Peaches Meadows, Peaches Triangle, Strife. Accession No.: 17,898-10976-1/2 MSA S512-14-10819 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/12/23 10977: John D. Stephens vs. Mary E. Jones. DO. Petition to sell Friends Assistant, Jones Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 460. Accession No.: 17,898-10977-1/2 MSA S512-14-10820 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/02/01 10978: William Smith, John Smith, George S. Dickey, Michael F. Keyser, Julianna Richardson, and Charles Richardson vs. Edmund Dickey, George S. Dickey, Jr., and Ann Smith. HA. Petition to sell Duncale. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-10978-1/2 MSA S512-14-10821 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/09/23 10979: James Smith vs. Mary Hook, Marcus R. Hook, Winfield Decker Hook, Adeline Susan Hook, and James Madison Hook. BA. Petition to sell Logdons Addition, Isinglars Glade Enlarged, Rosland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 406. Accession No.: 17,898-10979 MSA S512-14-10822 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/09/20 10980: William E. Sewall, Thomas R. Sewall, and Basil Sewall vs. Thomas S. Thomas, Ann Thomas, Frances D. Sewall, Martha S. Sewall, Maria R. Sewall, Daniel Wurtz, Alfred P. Wurtz, Solomon Caldwell, William Eckert, George Eckert, Michael Reed, Willoughby H. Reed, Henry H. Reed, and Charles J. Thomas. CE. Petition to sell Geoffarison, Vulcans Delight, Copsons Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 198.
Accession No.: 17,898-10980 MSA S512-14-10823 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/11/12 10981: Philip Smallwood, Hamilton Moore, and Eveline Moore vs. John Downs, Nancy Downs, Rebecca Cole, Nathan L. Wilson, Richard Downs, Tabitha Downs, William Brown, Ellen B. Brown, Jesse B. Wilson, and Catherine Smallwood. AA. Petition to sell Planters Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 191.
Accession No.: 17,898-10981 MSA S512-14-10824 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/07/14 10982: George W. Stansbury, Isabella Stansbury, and Henry Watson vs. George W. Watson and Sarah Anne Watson. AA. Petition to partition Curtis Neck, Slades Addition Rectified, Dear Bought, Friendship, Prospect of Baltimore. Plat of Curtis Neck, Slades Addition Rectified, Dear Bought, Friendship filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 34A, MdHR 40,283-29, S65-48, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 369.
Accession No.: 17,898-10982 MSA S512-14-10825 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/04/22 10983: Caleb Shipley vs. Harriett Hobbs, Cornelius Jackson Hobbs, Samuel Chew Hobbs, Elias Hobbs, Lawrence Washington Hobbs, Mary Winchester Hobbs, and Joseph Henry Hobbs. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Poverty Discovered. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 652.
Accession No.: 17,898-10983-1/3 MSA S512-14-10826 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/28 10984: John F. Sequin vs. Michael Jamart. AA. Estate of Charles LeBon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-10984 MSA S512-14-10827 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/19 10985: Robert Smith, Randle H. Moale, and Charles F. Mayer vs. William O. Eichelberger and Atkyn S. Ogle. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 591. Accession No.: 17,898-10985 MSA S512-14-10828 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/03/29 10986: Charles Shenton vs. Mary Shenton, Ann Shenton, and William Shenton. DO. Petition to sell Websters Lot, Roberts Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-10986 MSA S512-14-10829 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/08/30 10987: Richard L. Smallwood vs. Peter D. Hatton. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on Friendship. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-10987-1/3 MSA S512-14-10830 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/11/11 10988: Edward Stephens vs. Rigby Valiant, Nancy Valiant, and George Valiant. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 214. Accession No.: 17,898-10988 MSA S512-14-10831 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/05/18 10989: John S. Selby vs. John Wilson Williams, Edith Williams, Joseph Selby Williams, and Mary Ann Wesley Williams. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-10989-1/5 MSA S512-14-10832 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/04/17 10990: William Shearman, Sr. vs. Uriah Medford, Jane Medford, Edwin E. Medford, Adaline Medford, and Ansyl M. Medford. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-10990 MSA S512-14-10833 Location: 1/39/3/
1847 10991: John Smith vs. Solomon R. Cahal, Edgar Plummer, and Marcy Fountain. CA. Accession No.: 17,898-10991 MSA S512-14-10834 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/11/09 10992: Richard Simmons vs. John Franklin, John F. Wilson, Henry C. Drury of Charles, and Elizabeth Drury. AA. Contract to purchase Gift, Roberts Luck. Plats of Gift. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 185. Accession No.: 17,898-10992-1/3 MSA S512-14-10835 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/03/30 10993: Thomas Snowden, Leonard Iglehart, and Ann Watkins vs. Rachel H. Watkins, Benjamin Watkins, Isaac H. Hopkins, Richard Duckett, and Nixon Wilson. AA. Contract to purchase Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 220. Accession No.: 17,898-10993-1/2 MSA S512-14-10836 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/10/19 10994: Eli Sheetz vs. Jacob Sheetz, Abraham Sheetz, William Koontz, Elizabeth Koontz, George Steitle, and Sarah Steitle. FR. Estate of Jacob Sheetz - Rich Bottom. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 779. Accession No.: 17,898-10994 MSA S512-14-10837 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/02/11 10995: Mary Steever, Walter Steever, Mary Jane Steever, Elvira Steever, Ann Steever, Jackson Steever, Lafayette Steever, and Hamlet Steever vs. George Steever, Jr. BA. Estate of George Steever - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-10995-1/2 MSA S512-14-10838 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/04/25 10996: John Sellman vs. Ellen Conner. AA. Estate of Joseph G. Conner - Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 80. Accession No.: 17,898-10996 MSA S512-14-10839 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/04/26 10997: John Stump, Jr., Joseph Couden, and Nancy Couden vs. George Kidd, Maria Kidd, Samuel Hogg, Jr., William Hogg, Jane Hogg, Robert E. Hogg, Caroline Hogg, James Hogg, Eliza Jane Hogg, Mary Hogg, and William Rochester. CE. Estate of Samuel Hogg - Copsons Pasture, Addition to Copsons Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 722.
Accession No.: 17,898-10997 MSA S512-14-10840 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/12/01 10998: George Stinchcomb and Mary Stinchcomb vs. Elizabeth Ratcliff, Aria Stinchcomb, George Fox, Nancy Fox, and William Cannon. AA. Estate of William Cannon - Hatherlys Contrivance, Half Pone, Mistake, Howards Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-10998 MSA S512-14-10841 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/07/19 10999: John Scott. AA. Contract to purchase Prestidges Folly. Accession No.: 17,898-10999 MSA S512-14-10842 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/05/15 11000: Philip B. Sadtler vs. Albert Koster and Elizabeth Koster. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11000 MSA S512-14-10843 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/09/08 11001: William Sasscer vs. Thomas J. Marshall. CH. Estate of William Dixon. Accession No.: 17,898-11001-1/3 MSA S512-14-10844 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/07/05 11002: Elizabeth Goodwin Scott vs. James Blair, Elizabeth Blair, William Gibson, and Charles Klassen. BA. Contract to purchase Powells Green Springs. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 708. Accession No.: 17,898-11002 MSA S512-14-10845 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/07/20 11003: State of Maryland vs. Oliver P. Hooper, Edwin Hooper, and Henry Page. DO. Estate of Roger Hooper - Stepney View. Accession No.: 17,898-11003 MSA S512-14-10846 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/12/04 11004: David Stewart and John Spear Nicholas vs. Union Insurance Co. BA. Insolvent estate of David Burke. Accession No.: 17,898-11004 MSA S512-14-10847 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/10/03 11005: William R. Sewell and Robert Freeland vs. James J. Sewell, Isaac Wilson Sewell, Joseph Sewell, and Mary Ann Sewell. CV. Estate of James Sewell - Maidens Delight, Chance, Cap Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 67. Accession No.: 17,898-11005-1/3 MSA S512-14-10848 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/11/11 11006: John Stewart, Rebecca Stewart, William U. Eccleston, Sophia Eccleston, Elizabeth Ennalls, and William Sulivane vs. Elizabeth Sulivane and Mary Sulivane. DO. Estate of Col. Joseph Richardson - lot in New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 412.
Accession No.: 17,898-11006 MSA S512-14-10849 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/09/14 11007: Moses Sheppard vs. Martha Carey, William E. Coale, Hannah Coale, Galloway Cheston, Margaret Cheston, Richard H. Thomas, Martha Thomas, Samuel Carey, John E. Carey, and George E. Carey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mill Lot, Number Five. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 35.
Accession No.: 17,898-11007-1/2 MSA S512-14-10850 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/03/22 11008: James Sangston, John R.J. Saulsbury, and Nehemiah Saulsbury vs. Henrietta Emmerson, William Emmerson, Robert Emmerson, Alexander Emmerson, Samuel Emmerson, Elizabeth Ann Emmerson, Thomas W. Emmerson, George M. Emmerson, Joseph Y. Tomkins, and Dorothy Tomkins. CA. Estate of William Emmerson - Mount Andrew, Lloyds Regulation, Shadwell.
Accession No.: 17,898-11008-1/5 MSA S512-14-10851 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/11/19 11009: Henry Sothoron and John T. Hawkins vs. Henderson S. Boteler, Susannah Boteler, Susannah Washington, Olivia Washington, William Washington, Amelia Washington, Daniel Washington, Patsy Washington, Nathaniel Washington, and John S. Washington. SM. Estate of Margaret F. Debath - Trent Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 607.
Accession No.: 17,898-11009-1/4 MSA S512-14-10852 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/12/02 11010: Eve Marie Schwartzaur, Daniel Schwartzaur, Elizabeth Abrams, William A. Thompson, and Mary Thompson vs. George Peters, Philip Abrams, Ann Elizabeth Abrams, Lewis Abrams, William Henry Abrams, Alexander Abrams, and Jacob Abrams. BA. Estate of Philip Schwartzaur - Brick Tavern.
Accession No.: 17,898-11010-1/3 MSA S512-14-10853 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/08/12 11011: William Stewart vs. Thomas H. Wilkinson. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-11011 MSA S512-14-10854 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/01/05 11012: William Scharf vs. Charles S. Davis, Charles Diffenderffer, William P. Mills, Elijah Stansbury, John P. Fowler, and James Heden. BA. Insolvent estate of Davis - Hines Purchase, Hazard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 759. Accession No.: 17,898-11012-1/2 MSA S512-14-10855 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/01/03 11013: Charles Seward vs. James Dawson, Robert Muir, James Muir, Hugh Muir, and Catherine Muir. DO. Estates of James Muir and Charles Seward - Willow Grove, Woolfords Discovery, Whenfields. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 860. Accession No.: 17,898-11013 MSA S512-14-10856 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/10/26 11014: John A. Scott vs. Henry Page, Edward Stephens, Jr., and Alexander Stephens. DO. Estate of Edward Stephens - Poplar Farm, Bucktown, Lay Brook, Diamond. Accession No.: 17,898-11014-1/2 MSA S512-14-10857 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/09/10 11015: John Scott and Eliza Maynasira Scott vs. Henry Greenfield Sothoron Key, Sarah Anna E. Key, Mary Sophia Key, John Key, Richard Smith, Anna Smith, William Compton, Mary Compton Dr. John H. Briscoe, Mary H. Briscoe, Henry Ashton, Celia Ashton, Charles H. Wharton, Rebecca Wharton, Thomas Riley, and Rebecca Riley. SM. Estate of Philip Key - Gravelly Hills, Bonds Rest, Widows Purchase, Labyrinth.
Accession No.: 17,898-11015-1/6 MSA S512-14-10858 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/10/21 11016: Hannah Slater, Rebecca Roy, Lydia Ball Minchin, Ann Sharp Lawson, and Stephen Lawson vs. Alexander McKim. BA. Estate of John Creswell. Accession No.: 17,898-11016 MSA S512-14-10859 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/05/10 11017: Sarah Smith, John Smith, Joseph Smith, Lewis Smith, William Samuel Smith, Artridge Smith, Levi Wayson, Mary Wayson, Abraham Wayson, and Elizabeth Wayson. AA. Petition to record deed for Shipleys Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 173 and 136, p. 243.
Accession No.: 17,898-11017 MSA S512-14-10860 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/12/09 11018: Joshua Scholefield, John Taylor, and George Bailey vs. Eliza Lindenberger, Rebecca Lindenberger, Anna Eliza Lindenberger, Pricilla Lindenberger, Davidge Lindenberger, Vernon Lindenberger, Rebecca Lindenberger, Jr., Anna Lindenberger, George Henry Lindenberger, William Lindenberger, Richard Lindenberger, Eliza Lindenberger, Emory Lindenberger, Lucretia Lindenberger, and Jacob Lindenberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 157.
Accession No.: 17,898-11018 MSA S512-14-10861 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/08/18 11019: James Smith vs. Catherine R. Bishop. KE. Estate of Risdon M. Bishop - Chance, New Town Resurvey, Cowleys Calf Pasture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 729. Accession No.: 17,898-11019 MSA S512-14-10862 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/04/14 11020: George H. Staplefort vs. George Lake, Susan Lake, Levin Lake, Mary Lake, William Andrews, and Margaret Andrews. DO. Estate of Washington Lake - Stafford, Todds Path, McNamaras Ditch. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-11020-1/2 MSA S512-14-10863 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/04/08 11021: William Simmons, Richard Simmons, James Cowens, John Sullivan, Henry Dangerfield, William Foule, and Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Robert Garner, Robert McPherson, and James Tongue. AA. Title to lot in Traceys Landing. Accession No.: 17,898-11021 MSA S512-14-10864 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/08 11022: Lot Sappington. AA. Petition to sell Marys Allottment. Accession No.: 17,898-11022 MSA S512-14-10865 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/10/03 11023: Joseph J. Speed vs. William W. Latimer, Alice Latimer, Anna Latimer, Randolph B. Latimer, Benjamin G. Latimer, Emily Latimer, and Louis R. Latimer. BA. Estate of Thomas W. Griffith - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 232. Accession No.: 17,898-11023 MSA S512-14-10866 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/11/30 11024: Peter Sauerweing, Jr., vs. Patrick J. Torney and Juliana Daugherty. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11024 MSA S512-14-10867 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/02/23 11025: Handford Sillick, Benjamin Sillick, and Nathaniel Sillick vs. John R. Hall. HA. Estate of Benjamin Sillick - Co-heirs Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 269. Accession No.: 17,898-11025 MSA S512-14-10868 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/11/11 11026: Levin C. Smith and Mary A. Smith vs. Richardson D. Smith, James T. Smith, Rebecca Smith, and Henry C. Smith. DO. Estate of Henry C. Smith. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 368. Accession No.: 17,898-11026 MSA S512-14-10869 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/01/16 11027: Samuel Slogenhaupt, Mary Ann Slogenhaupt, Augustus Sergler, Sarah Sergler, Michael Ritter, Jesse Dayhoff, Peter L. Ritter, John F. Ritter, George M. Ritter, Miranda Ritter, and Amelia Ritter vs. Margaret Dayhoff, Augustus Benlaugh, and Caroline Benlaugh. BA. Estate of Peter Dayhoff. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1101.
Accession No.: 17,898-11027 MSA S512-14-10870 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/06/22 11028: Herman Stump vs. Pricilla Stump. HA. Appointment of trustee for Pricilla Stump. Accession No.: 17,898-11028 MSA S512-14-10871 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/09/17 11029: John W. Smith vs. Isaac Perryman. HA. Dissolution of George Griffith & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-11029 MSA S512-14-10872 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/11/07 11030: Charles R. Stewart vs. Joseph Evans, Catherine Stewart, and Negro Nick. AA. Estate of James P. Soper - Smiths Desire Enlarged, Westels Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-11030 MSA S512-14-10873 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/09/20 11031: Delaha Sparkling, Rebecca Sparkling, and John W. Conway vs. Owen Boon. CA. Estate of Isaac Messick - Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11031 MSA S512-14-10874 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/01/28 11032: Catherine Sawble, Amos Broadcreek, and Joshua F. Kopp vs. Jacob Shower, Peter Sawble, Elizabeth Sawble, Frederick Berwager, Julia Ann Berwager, Mary Sawble, George Sawble, Joseph Sawble, and Amos Sawble. CR. Estate of Peter Sawble - lot in Manchester.
Accession No.: 17,898-11032 MSA S512-14-10875 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/01/25 11033: William Shipley, Jr., and Isaac Shipley, Jr. vs. Richard A. Shipley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11033-1/2 MSA S512-14-10876 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/06/10 11034: Elizabeth Snowden, Thomas J. Snowden, Anne E. Hall, Horace Capron, and Louisa Capron vs. John P. Herbert, Mary Herbert, Julia Snowden, Adeline Snowden, Edward Snowden, Denilton Snowden, Henry Snowden, Eliza Snowden, Emily Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, and Arthur Snowden. AA, MO. Estate of Nicholas Snowden - Montpelier, Brothers Friendship in AA and Warfield and Snowden in AA and MO. Also New Birmingham Manor, Addition to Samuels Forest Enlarged, Farmers Chance, Ralpho, Moores Prosperity, Bacon Hall Enlarged, lot in Vansville, Rutlands Purchases Enlarged in PG. Plats filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 4, No. 56, MdHR 40,283-202, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1011.
Accession No.: 17,898-11034 MSA S512-14-10877 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/11/23 11035: William Slater vs. Edward H. Dorsey and Julia Ann Dorsey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Crowleys Contrivance, Morning Choice, Parkers Palace. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 43. Accession No.: 17,898-11035 MSA S512-14-10878 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/07/02 11036: William Silver and Winston D. Smith vs. Sarah Ann Campbell and William Jolley Wallis. HA. Estate of William Jolley - Jollys First Attempt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 758. Accession No.: 17,898-11036-1/2 MSA S512-14-10879 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/11/03 11037: Mary Smith vs. Benjamin C. Neff. AA. Estate of William Smith - Birkheads Chance, Patuxent Fishery. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 144. Accession No.: 17,898-11037 MSA S512-14-10880 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/12/19 11038: Mary A. Sadler vs. Jacob A. Munnikhuysen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot on in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11038 MSA S512-14-10881 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/05/01 11039: Clement Smith vs. Edmund Key, Thomas Somerville, and John Johnson. SM. Contract to purchase Back Land, Spaldings Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-11039-1/2 MSA S512-14-10882 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/12/09 11040: James Steward and Harriett Steward vs. Tammisina Glenn and Mary R. Glenn. KE. Estate of John Glenn - Hansons Choice of Langfords Neck, Smyths Range, Smyths Desert. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 532. Accession No.: 17,898-11040-1/2 MSA S512-14-10883 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/08/03 11041: Vachel R. Shipley vs. William Shipley. AA. Estate of Robert Shipley - Willow Spring. Accession No.: 17,898-11041 MSA S512-14-10884 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/06/20 11042: William Steuart, Steuart Brown, and John Cross vs. William Warren, William Gwynn, William Grayson, Fielding Lucas, Jr., Jonathan Meredith, George H. Steuart, William Blood, Richard Peters, and L. Mifflin. BA. Contract to purchase Holliday Street Theater.
Accession No.: 17,898-11042-1/15 MSA S512-14-10885 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/04/21 11043: Clement Smith and Henry Waring vs. William Lee. CE. Contract to purchase Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 698. Accession No.: 17,898-11043-1/6 MSA S512-14-10886 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/12/09 11044: Joseph B. Savier, Thomas A. Savier, William Savier, Charles F. Mayer, George M. Thompson, and Laura Virginia Thompson vs. Mary Ann Carroll. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Ely O'Carroll, Litter Louna. Accession No.: 17,898-11044 MSA S512-14-10887 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/06/27 11045: John E. Stansbury and William Stansbury vs. Elijah Stansbury and Elizabeth Stansbury. BA. Estate of Jacob Stansbury. Accession No.: 17,898-11045 MSA S512-14-10888 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/21 11046: Margaret A. Steiger vs. John McAllister. BA. Estate of Andrew Steiger - Steigers Addition to Baltimore Town. Accession No.: 17,898-11046 MSA S512-14-10889 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/09/15 11047: Charles Simon vs. James Campbell, Robert Riddle, James Abercombie, and Mary F. Abercombie. BA. Estate of Alexander Riddle. Accession No.: 17,898-11047-1/2 MSA S512-14-10890 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/10/29 11048: Jacob H. Slemaker vs. Nicholas Brewer, Jr. AA. Injunction against the sale of Henriettas Allotment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 529. Accession No.: 17,898-11048 MSA S512-14-10891 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/06/19 11049: John T. Smith and Francis Lamb vs. Elizabeth Hyland, Kesiah Hyland, and Ann Maria Hyland. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Piney Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-11049 MSA S512-14-10892 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/01/23 11050: Margaret Savin, Mary Savin, George Ford, and Ann Ford vs. Lambert Beard and Peregrine Biddle. CE. Estate of Joshua Savin. Accession No.: 17,898-11050 MSA S512-14-10893 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/10/27 11051: Washington Slacum vs. Solomon Foxwell, Eliza Foxwell, Gabriel Slacum, Alexander Slacum, Jackson Slacum, and Mary Slacum. DO. Petition to sell Saturdays Work, Slacums Cow Pasture, Todds Point, Keens Discovery Middletons Range, Adventure, Slacums Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 406.
Accession No.: 17,898-11051 MSA S512-14-10894 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/07/21 11052: John Contee, Ann Louisa Contee, and Thomas Snowden, Jr. vs. Caroline E. Snowden, Emily R. Snowden, and Richard N. Snowden. AA. Petition to sell Ridgelys Great Park, Dependance, Justifiable, Henry and Peter, Winsor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 524.
Accession No.: 17,898-11052-1/2 MSA S512-14-10895 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/11/14 11053: George P. Shannon and Abraham P. Shannon vs. Henrietta Wilmer, Susanna Wilmer, and Edwin Wilmer. QA. Estate of Edward P. Wilmer - Lamberton, Shepherds Hook. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 551. Accession No.: 17,898-11053-1/3 MSA S512-14-10896 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/02/21 11054: Frederick Sentzner vs. John L. Zeigler. BA. Petition to discover accounts. Accession No.: 17,898-11054-1/3 MSA S512-14-10897 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/07/01 11055: Barzillai Slacum vs. Elizabeth Mobray, William R. Tall, and Samuel Mobray. DO. Estate of Jacob J. Mobray - Holly Ridge. Accession No.: 17,898-11055-1/3 MSA S512-14-10898 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/10/09 11056: Asa Smith vs. Benedict Pierpoint. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11056 MSA S512-14-10899 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/09/24 11057: Anthony Stephensky vs. Christopher Van Hollen. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11057-1/2 MSA S512-14-10900 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/08/02 11058: Nicholas Snowden vs. Thomas Griffith. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Snowdens Intent. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 900. Accession No.: 17,898-11058 MSA S512-14-10901 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/08/04 11059: Robert Seward and John Vincent vs. Jacob Baltzel, Charles Baltzel, John Milbourne, Mary Anne Milbourne, Virginia Seward, Elizabeth Seward, and Ann Seward. DO. Petition to sell lot and store in Vienna. Accession No.: 17,898-11059 MSA S512-14-10902 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/07/17 11060: Albert Seekamp vs. Frederick L.E. Amelung. BA. Injunction against obstruction of right of way to Milford, Jones Farm. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-11060-1/3 MSA S512-14-10903 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/05/02 11061: Vachel Severe vs. John Randall, Jr. AA. Dissolution of a partnership - blacksmith shop in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11061 MSA S512-14-10904 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/02/28 11062: Thomas Snowden, Jr., John Contee, Ann Louisa Contee, Albert Fairfax, Caroline E. Fairfax, Timothy P. Andrews, and Emily R. Andrews vs. Richard N. Snowden. AA. Petition to sell Montpellier, Davis Purchase, Clarks Direction. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 506.
Accession No.: 17,898-11062-1/2 MSA S512-14-10905 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/06/27 11063: James Stephenson vs. Francis Gordon. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Port Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 204. Accession No.: 17,898-11063 MSA S512-14-10906 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/11/11 11064: John Stewart, Rebecca Stewart, William M. Eccleston, and Sophia Eccleston vs. William Sullivan, Elizabeth Sullivan, and Mary Sullivan. DO. Estate of John Richardson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-11064 MSA S512-14-10907 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/11/21 11065: David Semans vs. Henrietta Hudson, Araminta Hudson, John Hudson, George Hudson, James Hudson, Mary Ann Hudson, Thomas A. Hudson, Charles T. Ireland, Sarah E. Ireland, James M. Lucas, and Henrietta Lucas. KE. Estate of John Hudson. Accession No.: 17,898-11065 MSA S512-14-10908 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/11/10 11066: John Henry Sellman and Lucinda Sellman vs. Ann Caroline Harwood, Henrietta E. Harwood, Benjamin Harwood, and Mary D. Harwood. AA. Petition to sell Haslings, Hedge Park Resurveyed, Hedge Park, Linthicums Walks, Harwood. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-11066-1/3 MSA S512-14-10909 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/01 11067: William Swan vs. Timothy Coleman, Mary Ann Coleman, and Rachel Ann H. Rowles. BA. Defraud of creditors of Mary Ann Coleman - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 314. Accession No.: 17,898-11067 MSA S512-14-10910 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/07/14 11068: Charles Salmon vs. Elizabeth Clagett, Edmund Clagett, Richard H. Clagett, Samuel A. Clagett, John U.C. Clagett, and Thomas C. Clagett. AA. Estate of William Clagett - Fitzsimmons Gift, Knightons Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 640. Accession No.: 17,898-11068-1/14 MSA S512-14-10911 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/01/11 11069: Paca Smith vs. Larken Hammond and William Dentry. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Timber Neck, Pole Cat Glade, Dorseys Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-11069 MSA S512-14-10912 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/09/14 11070: William Smith vs. George Hoblitzell. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Cumberland. Accession No.: 17,898-11070 MSA S512-14-10913 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/06/26 11071: James Stone, Jr. vs. William P. Hardesty. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Trent, lot in Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 819. Accession No.: 17,898-11071 MSA S512-14-10914 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/10/12 11072: John Severson vs. George Beasten. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11072 MSA S512-14-10915 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/09/24 11073: Elizabeth L. Stevenson vs. Urath Stevenson, Henry Stevenson, Job Smith, and Rachel Smith. BA. Estate of Josias Stevenson - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 141. Accession No.: 17,898-11073-1/4 MSA S512-14-10916 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/02/23 11074: Henry Smith, Mary Ann Smith, William Smith, and Charlotte Smith vs. Christopher Little. CE. Estate of Jeremiah Baker - Clay Fall, Princippio. Accession No.: 17,898-11074 MSA S512-14-10917 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/06/24 11075: Samuel Spicer and Rosanna Spicer vs. John Spicer and Richard Walsh. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11075 MSA S512-14-10918 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/11/17 11076: David Smith, John Smith, and Samuel H. Smith vs. Edward Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, William T. Smith, and James A. Smith. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11076 MSA S512-14-10919 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/06/03 11077: Thomas Snowden vs. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Snowdens Grove Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-11077 MSA S512-14-10920 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/06/19 11078: Lavinia Staplefort, George E. Staplefort, Anne V. Staplefort, and Daniel Martin vs. William T. Staplefort. DO. Petition to sell Bartholomews Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-11078 MSA S512-14-10921 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/01/10 11079: Leonard Scott vs. Lane Dennis. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on livestock. Accession No.: 17,898-11079 MSA S512-14-10922 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/11/01 11080: Arundel Smith and Henry G.S. Key vs. Samuel Fitzhugh, Richard Smith, William G. Saunders, and Caroline Saunders. PG. Injunction against removal of timber from Friendship Enlarged. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 505. Accession No.: 17,898-11080-1/5 MSA S512-14-10923 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/10/19 11081: Richard Smith, Azariah Smith, William Smith, Enoch Sheckells, and Sarah Sheckells vs. Althea Brown, Richard Brown, Henry C. Brown, Wilson Brown, Eliza Ann Brown, and Robert Brown. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11081 MSA S512-14-10924 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/06/24 11082: John S. Selby, Elizabeth Pindle, John Watkins, and Eleanor Watkins vs. Philip H. Hopkins, Thomas N. Pindle, and Mary Jane Pindle. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chaneys Rest, Covels Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 495. Accession No.: 17,898-11082 MSA S512-14-10925 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/12/06 11083: Thomas Parkin Scott vs. Benjamin Buckingham and William H. Ogg. FR. Insolvent estate of Ogg. Accession No.: 17,898-11083-1/2 MSA S512-14-10926 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/12/23 11084: Michael Stillinger vs. Felix McCaffrey. BA. Estate of Michael Riddlemosher. Accession No.: 17,898-11084 MSA S512-14-10927 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/06/08 11085: Samuel Stump and Henry D. Farnandis. HA. Estate of Henry Stump - Rock Island, Lynes Tent. Accession No.: 17,898-11085 MSA S512-14-10928 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/02/28 11086: George Stephenson vs. Priscilla Stephenson, William B. Stephenson, Robert Stephenson, James Stephenson, Eliza Stephenson, Ann Stephenson, Susanna Stephenson, Margaret Stephenson, Hannah Stephenson, and Rachel Stephenson. HA. Estate of James Stephenson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 31.
Accession No.: 17,898-11086-1/5 MSA S512-14-10929 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/09/04 11087: William Spear vs. Elizabeth Tall, George Tall, and Washington Tall. DO. Contract to purchase Littletons Neglect. Accession No.: 17,898-11087 MSA S512-14-10930 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/03/04 11088: Mary C. Spence, Anna Josepha Spence, Stephen D. Spence, Nicholas C. Spence, Robert Traill Spence, Charles Stewart Spence, Mary C. Spence, and Roberta Traill Spence vs. Peter A. Watts, William W. Watts, Joseph Watts, Martha Ann Watts, and Robert W. Gill. BA. Estate of Joseph Watts - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 131.
Accession No.: 17,898-11088 MSA S512-14-10931 Location: 1/39/3/
1819/07/12 11089: Edmund H. Stocksdale vs. William Griffie, Edward Griffie, John Baughman, Nancy Baughman, Henry Whalen, Naomi Whalen, John Baseman, and Rebecca Baseman. BA. Estate of Richard Griffie - Griffies Mill, Jones Contrivance, Stevensons Deer Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 584.
Accession No.: 17,898-11089-1/2 MSA S512-14-10932 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/12/08 11090: William Short, John Short, and Rezin Hammond vs. Elizabeth Hammond, George W. Hammond, Charles Hammond, John T. Hammond, Philip Hammond, Harriett Hammond, John Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Elizabeth Hammond, Matthias Hammond, Matilda Hammond, Caroline Hammond, Denton Hammond, Matthias Hammond, Camilla Hammond, and Philip Mewburn. AA. Estate of Philip Hammond - Hammonds Fourth Connection, Hammonds Fifth Connection, Pictures Spring Branch. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 163.
Accession No.: 17,898-11090 MSA S512-14-10933 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/09/09 11091: Thomas Parkin Scott vs. Absolom Frizzell, Sr., Absolom Frizzell, Jr., and John Frizzell. BA. Insolvent estate of Absolom Frizzel, Sr. - Caledonia, Peach Brandy Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-11091-1/2 MSA S512-14-10934 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/05/14 11092: Otho Scott vs. William Read, Lydia Read, Joseph Taylor, Basil S. Elder, and John J. Heckert. CE. Petition to sell Rock Ford Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-11092 MSA S512-14-10935 Location: 1/39/3/
1818/12/05 11093: Edward Wilson and George Foard vs. George Beaston, Ann Savin, Margaret Savin, Samuel Savin, Mary Lowry, Robert Smith, and William Smith. CE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 500. Accession No.: 17,898-11093-1/4 MSA S512-14-10936 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/11/10 11094: Henry Snowden vs. Lewis Henry Brown, Prudence Ann Brown, Stephen Thomas Brown, Susanna Brown, Elias Brown, William Brown, and John B. Snowden. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Watsons Trust, Escape, Snowdens Chance, Spring Road, Tevis Luck, That or None. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 138.
Accession No.: 17,898-11094 MSA S512-14-10937 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/11/22 11095: Thomas L. Savin and Herman Stump vs. William Morgan and Andrew Orr. CE. Contract to purchase lot in Port Deposit. Accession No.: 17,898-11095 MSA S512-14-10938 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/06/29 11096: John Scott, Thomas Parkin Scott, Edward J. Wilson, and Henrietta Wilson vs. John Thompson Brooke, Richard Brooke, William R. Brooke, Lydia Ann Brooke, Jacob Barnhart, John Clabaugh, and John Stewart. FR. Petition to sell Branksom Hall, lot in Bruceville, lot in Middleburg. Plat of Branksom Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 471.
Accession No.: 17,898-11096-1/4 MSA S512-14-10939 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/04/06 11097: Joshua Stapleton vs. Randle H. Moale. BA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-11097 MSA S512-14-10940 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/05/04 11098: Joseph N. Stockett, John S. Stockett, Richard G. Stockett, and Polly H. Alexander vs. Margaret Stockett, Roderick Warfield, Ann Warfield, Turenne W. Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, Helen Macgill, William H. Beatty, and Mary Beatty. AA. Petition to partition Obligation, Taylors Choice, Nobles Addition. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 186.
Accession No.: 17,898-11098-1/2 MSA S512-14-10941 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/12/23 11099: Sabritt Smith vs. Henry Bornman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Davids Fancy. Accession No.: 17,898-11099 MSA S512-14-10942 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/03/07 11100: Susan Simon vs. Elizabeth Stone, Edward Stone, Pricilla Stone, and William Stone. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 187. Accession No.: 17,898-11100 MSA S512-14-10943 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/10/07 11101: John Sprigg vs. Charles J. Kilgour and Ely Dorsey. MO. Injunction against sale of Bealls Good Will. Accession No.: 17,898-11101 MSA S512-14-10944 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/04/09 11102: William Stewart vs. Edward Parry, Edward Lewis Parry, and George Campbell. BA. Insolvent estate of Edward Parry. Accession No.: 17,898-11102 MSA S512-14-10945 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/11/08 11103: Jacob Shamberger and John Wisner vs. Bennett Hurst, Amos McComas, Sarah McComas, and William Hurst. BA. Petition to sell Jennings Patch, Wood Lot, Hursts Ill Will. Accession No.: 17,898-11103-1/2 MSA S512-14-10946 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/06/23 11104: Francis B. Sappington and Richard Dorsey vs. Elizabeth Dorsey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Mary, Hariett, Charles, Andrew, Dennis, and Richard. Accession No.: 17,898-11104 MSA S512-14-10947 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/11/25 11105: Joseph F. Shaw, Rebecca Shaw, Joshua T. Estep, and John Estep vs. Chandler F. Shaw and Margaret P. Shaw. PG, SM. Estate of Joshua Estep. Accession No.: 17,898-11105 MSA S512-14-10948 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/02/03 11106: John Simkins vs. Maria North Simkins, John R. Caldwell, George S. Baker, James Scott, John P. Usher, John Samuel Jenifer, Joshua Tevis, James Smith, and Joseph Smith. AL. Contract to purchase Hotel. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 6. Accession No.: 17,898-11106-1/2 MSA S512-14-10949 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/07/17 11107: Ebenezer Stewart, Joseph B. Stewart, Benson Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, Susan Stewart, and Margaret Ann Stewart vs. Elizabeth Stewart, Richard Stewart, Abraham Stewart, Mareen Stewart, Rachel Stewart, Margery Stewart, Nancy Stewart, Thomas S. Stewart, and Mordecai Stewart. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 386.
Accession No.: 17,898-11107 MSA S512-14-10950 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/12/24 11108: William R. Sewell vs. Priscilla G. Freeland, James J. Sewell, and Egbert Freeland. CV. Estate of James R. Sewell - Good Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-11108 MSA S512-14-10951 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/19 11109: Alfred Sellman, Richard Sellman, John H. Sellman, Thomas Welch, Elizabeth Welch, David M. Brogden, and Margaret Brogden vs. Joseph N. Stockett and Francis H. Stockett. AA. Petition to partition Shaws Folly, Addition, Sellmans Connection, Bessington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 231.
Accession No.: 17,898-11109 MSA S512-14-10952 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/11/27 11110: Thomas Snowden, Gideon White, and Thomas Bicknell vs. Salbrit Journey. AA. Contract to purchase a slave. Accession No.: 17,898-11110-1/2 MSA S512-14-10953 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/12/11 11111: Jonathan Monroe, Richard Dorsey, William Holmes, and Roger Brooke vs. Isaac Knight, Julianna Knight, Nicholas Snowden, and Eliza Snowden. AA, MO. Estate of Samuel Thomas - Wet Breeches in AA and Resurvey on Whats Left in MO. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 84.
Accession No.: 17,898-11111-1/6 MSA S512-14-10954 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/12/22 11112: John Sumwalt and Leonard Sink vs. Alexander J. Duvall. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11112 MSA S512-14-10955 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/03/10 11113: Edward Scott vs. Mary Foard, Josiah Foard, Andrew Crow, Jemima Ann Crow, Andrew Peterson Reading, Lydia Reading, Thomas R. Stevens, Wilhemina Foard, and Kitty Foard. CE. Estate of James Foard - Pullens Refuge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 239.
Accession No.: 17,898-11113-1/2 MSA S512-14-10956 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/09/20 11114: William Shipley, Jr. vs. Richard A. Shipley. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11114 MSA S512-14-10957 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/03/23 11115: Gerrard H. Snowden vs. William Caton. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11115 MSA S512-14-10958 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/04/11 11116: Joseph Stubbs vs. Eliza M. Gwinn, Sarah M. Gwinn, Emily A. Gwinn, Charles J.M. Gwinn, and Charles Worthington. BA. Estate of Charles Gwinn - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11116 MSA S512-14-10959 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/21 11117: Margaret Ann Steiger vs. John Eliason, Ebenezer Eliason, and Benevolent Society of Baltimore. BA. Estate of Mary Steiger. Accession No.: 17,898-11117 MSA S512-14-10960 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/11/06 11118: Elizabeth Shipley vs. Ann Shipley. AA. Estate of Adam Shipley - Adam The First. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 526. Accession No.: 17,898-11118 MSA S512-14-10961 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/12/13 11119: Henry Stevenson vs. Nathan H. Owings, Orrellana A. Owings, Thomas Beal Owings, Cecilina W. Owings, Cordelia E.H. Owings, Thornton Pool, and Rachel R. Pool. FR. Estate of Thomas B. Owings. Accession No.: 17,898-11119 MSA S512-14-10962 Location: 1/39/3/
1808/07/07 11120: Elizabeth Sadler, Mary Munickhuysen, Francis Howard, James W. Tolley, Susannah Tolley, and Sarah Bussey vs. Martha Howard, Cordilia Howard, Thomas Gassaway Howard, Eliza Howard, Ann Marie Howard, James Tolly Howard, and Susannah Howard. BA. Estate of Thomas Gassaway Howard.
Accession No.: 17,898-11120 MSA S512-14-10963 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/04/01 11121: Gerrard H. Snowden, John Ellicott, and Samuel Ellicott vs. Philip Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Emily Snowden, Richard Nicholas Snowden, Thomas Snowden, Jr., Samuel Snowden, Mary Snowden, Sarah Snowden, Martha Snowden, Joseph Snowden, Rebecca Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, John Contee, Ann Louisa Contee, John C. Herbert, and Mary Herbert. AA. Estate of John Snowden - Duvalls Delight, Moretons Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 144.
Accession No.: 17,898-11121 MSA S512-14-10964 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/06/15 11122: James Shanahan vs. Samuel Lucas and Thomas Esgate. DO. Estate of Michael Lucas. Accession No.: 17,898-11122 MSA S512-14-10965 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/12/03 11123: Elizabeth R. Snyder vs. John W. Berry and Elizabeth Berry. BA. Estate of Benjamin Berry. Accession No.: 17,898-11123 MSA S512-14-10966 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/04/19 11124: Samuel Sterett, George Law, William G. Harrison, and Talbot Jones vs. William R. Adair. BA. Contract to goods on the ship Dumfries to Belfast, Ireland. Accession No.: 17,898-11124 MSA S512-14-10967 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/04/26 11125: Molly Sterrett vs. David H. Sterrett, Josephine Sterrett, Essex Sterrett, James W. Sterrett, Mary H. Sterrett, Joseph Sterrett, Maria R. Sterrett, and Louisa S. Sterrett. BA. Estate of David Harris - Mount Deposit. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 420.
Accession No.: 17,898-11125-1/4 MSA S512-14-10968 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/06/14 11126: Eleanor Spencer vs. Ann Rutter, Ann Rutter, Howard Rutter, Samuel Rutter, Willis Rutter, Ralph Rutter, Rebecca Rutter, Mary Spencer, Elizabeth Spencer, and Eliana Spencer. Estate of Thomas Rutter - Clay Bank, Rutters Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133 p. 221.
Accession No.: 17,898-11126 MSA S512-14-10969 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/07 11127: David Stewart vs. Union Bank of Maryland. BA. Insolvent estates of John L. Hammond and William L. Hammond. Accession No.: 17,898-11127-1/2 MSA S512-14-10970 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/12/06 11128: Henry S. Sanderson vs. Joseph Harding, Helena Harding, James Munro, Squire Munro, Thomas Munro, David Munro, Helena Chambers, and Mary Chambers. Estate of Nathan Munro. Accession No.: 17,898-11128-1/2 MSA S512-14-10971 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/03/03 11133: Adam Schnebly vs. Elizabeth Ecard. WA. Appointment of trustee for Ecard. Accession No.: 17,898-11133-1/2 MSA S512-14-10972 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/07/12 11134: Isabella Scott, Elias B. Caldwell, and George French vs. Elizabeth Weems, Dr. John Weems, George French, Robert French, Thomas French, Catherine French, Charles French, Marianne C. French, and Virginia French. AL, CH. Estate of George French - Walnut Bottom, Castle Hill, Durham in AL. Also Chance, Choice Property, Tit for Tat in CH.
Accession No.: 17,898-11134 MSA S512-14-10973 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/11/29 11135: John Stewart vs. David Stewart. AA. Estate of Robert Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-11135 MSA S512-14-10974 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/12/17 11136: Elizabeth Sellman vs. Richard Bowen. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11136-1/3 MSA S512-14-10975 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/12/24 11137: John Schroeder vs. Maryland Savings Institution. BA. Petition to discover deposits. Accession No.: 17,898-11137-1/4 MSA S512-14-10976 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/09/26 11138: John Scott and John Glenn vs. Edward J. Willson, Robert Brown, Martha Brown, George W. Williamson, Joseph M. Williamson, Adolphus Williamson, Julianna Williamson, George V.H. DeWitt, and Julianna DeWitt. BA. Insolvent estate of Edward J. Willson.
Accession No.: 17,898-11138 MSA S512-14-10977 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/01/24 11139: David Stewart vs. Jacob White, Samuel Stone, and Barbara Stone. BA. Insolvent estate of Samuel Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-11139 MSA S512-14-10978 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/07/25 11141: Nicholas Snowden and Elizabeth Snowden vs. Isaac Knight and Julianna Knight. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Flour Mill License, Rocks Buy Mill. Drawing. 11141: Nicholas Snowden and Elizabeth Snowden vs. Isaac Knight and Julianna Knight. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mill. Drawing.
The history of mills in Maryland is a subject that interests many people. Chancery case 11141 provides information relevant to this topic. The case concerns land on which was situated Roxbury Mill, which was located near the town of Roxbury in what is now western Howard County.
According to the bill of complaint filed in 1822 Samuel Thomas and his wife Anna owned the land and the mill in 1818 when they sold it to their daughter and son-in-law, Julianna and Isaac Knight. The Knights had agreed to pay to the Thomas an annuity of $300 per year and $150 per year to the survivor. This agreement was secured by a mortgage. Anna Thomas died in May 1820 and Samuel Thomas in September 1820, leaving Julianna Knight and Elizabeth Snowden as their heirs. The latter and her husband Nicholas Snowden, the administrator of Samuel Thomas' estate, were the plaintiffs, claiming that the annuities were never paid and requesting the court to grant a mortgage foreclosure.
Legal activity ceased until 1824 when an amended bill of complaint was filed. During that time Isaac Knight had become insolvent. In 1824 Isaac and Julianna Knight filed their answer. According to their version of events, the Knights purchased the land and mill for $18,000, $5,000 of which Samuel Thomas had promised to release as a gift to his daughter. The rest of the money was paid to Thomas prior to his death.
Knight also claimed the annuities were paid, partially by settling a civil suit filed against Thomas. Roxbury Mill had been using machinery upon which Oliver Evans had obtained a patent. Thomas, however, has never paid Evans for his patent rights; as a consequence Evans sued Thomas for $800. Knight settled the dispute and paid Evans $400, which amount Thomas agreed would be deducted from the annuity payments. As proof of the settlement Knight filed the license granted by Evans which allowed the construction and use of "my Patented Machine and Patented Improvements in the art of manufacturing flour or meal, as follow, viz. For elvating [sic] grain and meal and conveying the same from one part of the mill to another, and for cooling the meal and attending the bolting - hoppers; for the use of his (Isaac Knight) Mill consisting of one waterwheel, driving not more than one pain of millstones at the same time, situate on Cattail Branch, called Rocks Bury Mill..."
The back of the license contained a diagram of the mill machinery, reproduced at the end of this newsletter.
For unstated reasons Elizabeth Snowden in 1836 asked the court to strike the case off the docket. According to Old Homes and Families of Howard County, Maryland by Celia M. Holland Roxbury Mill, the last functioning grain mill in the county, ceased operations in 1958.
Accession No.: 17,898-11141-1/2 MSA S512-14-10979 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/11/04 11142: Susanna Sellman and Thomas Tongue vs. William Ennis. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hopewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 438. Accession No.: 17,898-11142 MSA S512-14-10980 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/04/04 11143: James Stephenson, Robert Kerr, and Attorney General vs. Benjamin Silver, David Silver, and Philip Silver. HA. Injunction against obstruction of Susquehanna River. Accession No.: 17,898-11143 MSA S512-14-10981 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/10/22 11144: Charles Salmon vs. Richard Peach, Thomas Clagett, and Henry Landis. BA. Insolvent estate of Clagett. Accession No.: 17,898-11144 MSA S512-14-10982 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/03/13 11146: Philip Sindall, Ann Sindall, John Sindall, Samuel Sindall, and Eleanor Sindall vs. Eleanor Carlisle. BA. Estate of Phillip Sindall. Accession No.: 17,898-11146 MSA S512-14-10983 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/12/18 11147: Samuel H. Stephens and Ann Semans Stephens vs. William H. Briscoe, John T. Briscoe, Samuel E. Briscoe, James R. Biscoe, Jemima Briscoe, Mary Jane Wise, John Wise, Rachel Wise, and William H. Wise. CE, KE. Petition to sell Painters Rest in CE and Ringgolds Adventure Resurveyed in KE. Plat of Ringgolds Adventure Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 216.
Accession No.: 17,898-11147-1/2 MSA S512-14-10984 Location: 1/39/3/
1809/06/26 11148: Peter Shellhouse vs. John Myers. FR. Injunction against execution of judgment on Brookes Discovery on the Rich Lands, Addition to Brookes Discovery on the Rich Lands. Accession No.: 17,898-11148 MSA S512-14-10985 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/03/12 11149: Thomas Sewell and James P. Baylers vs. Henrietta Dillehunt, Henry A. Dillehunt, William Dillehunt, John Peters, Ann Peters, George Peters, Henrietta Peters, Mary Coskery, Anastasia Coskery, Joseph Kolk, and Eliza C. Kolk. BA. Estate of John Dillehunt - lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-11149 MSA S512-14-10986 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/08/18 11150: Eliza Ann Stewart and William Stewart vs. Joseph Noble Stockett. AA. Estate of Margaret Stockett. Accession No.: 17,898-11150-1/2 MSA S512-14-10987 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/24 11151: Thomas Snowden vs. Nicholas Dorsey of Lloyd. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Huntingdon, Chandlers Slaughter, Rich Neck, Riggs Hill, Harris Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 542. Accession No.: 17,898-11151 MSA S512-14-10988 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/06/11 11152: Thomas Parkin Scott vs. Mary Josephine Harris, Hannah Harris, Ann Harris, Maria Harris, John Harris, Henrietta Harris, Eliza Harris, and Louisa C. Harris. FR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Boxes Search, Boston. Accession No.: 17,898-11152 MSA S512-14-10989 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/08/04 11153: David Stewart vs. Jacob Brookhart and Richard Mayger. BA. Insolvent estate of Brookhart - Indian Queen Tavern in BC, Sheridans Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-11153 MSA S512-14-10990 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/29 11154: Lemuel Skagg vs. Eliza Skagg. KE. Petition to sell Exchange, Adventure Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-11154 MSA S512-14-10991 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/08/15 11155: John N. Schultze vs. William Gist, Robert McLean, and Thomas Dimmet. BA. Injunction against removal of minerals. Accession No.: 17,898-11155 MSA S512-14-10992 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/07/21 11156: Elizabeth Schunck, Sophia Schunck, and Joseph Schunck vs. Margaret Schunck. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 161. Accession No.: 17,898-11156-1/2 MSA S512-14-10993 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/06/18 11157: Lewis Sutton vs. Elizabeth Whittington, Frances Whittington, and Wesley Starr. AA. Estate of John Whittington. Accession No.: 17,898-11157 MSA S512-14-10994 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/09/13 11158: James Spear vs. Benjamin Hazel and James Hazel. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11158 MSA S512-14-10995 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/09/08 11159: James C. Sellman and Francis R. Crook vs. William R. Rich, James Rich, Thomas Whitely, and Jacob Griffith. CA. Injunction against collection of debts. Accession No.: 17,898-11159 MSA S512-14-10996 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/01/11 11160: Presley Spruance and Enoch Spruance vs. Edward Nicholson, Nicholas R. Riley, Elizabeth W. Riley, Araminta B. Riley, Daniel Stevenson, and Rachel B. Stevenson. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Rileys Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-11160-1/4 MSA S512-14-10997 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/07/31 11161: Barzillia Slacum vs. Amnon Meredith. DO. Estates of Solomon Kirwin, Jr. and John Meredith. Accession No.: 17,898-11161 MSA S512-14-10998 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/02/13 11162: Edward Simond, Maria Simond, George Staylor, Mary Ellen Staylor, and Philip Staylor vs. William Ridgeway and Mary Neale. BA. Trust estate under will of James Neale. Accession No.: 17,898-11162 MSA S512-14-10999 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/09/24 11163: Anthony Stepensky vs. Christopher Van Hollen. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11163 MSA S512-14-11000 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/10/19 11164: Abraham Sellers and John Patterson vs. Thomas L. Emory, Jr., Richard Batturs, William G. Appleton, and John H. Poor. BA. Contract to purchase cloth. Accession No.: 17,898-11164 MSA S512-14-11001 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/03/16 11165: Samuel W. Staples and Louisa H. Staples. CE. Estate of Mary Nowlands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 498. Accession No.: 17,898-11165 MSA S512-14-11002 Location: 1/39/3/
1806/01/13 11166: James Sterling vs. John McFadon, William McFadon, John McFadon, Jr., James McFadon, and Samuel P. Herd. BA. Title to Coles Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-11166-1/2 MSA S512-14-11003 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/10/19 11168: Richard Smith, Azariah Smith, William Smith, Enoch Sheckells, and Sarah Sheckells. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wrighton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 46. Accession No.: 17,898-11168 MSA S512-14-11004 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/11 11169: Richard Sewell, George Hagar, and George F. Smith vs. John H. Kennard and Alexander Kennard. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11169 MSA S512-14-11005 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/01/16 11170: Moses Sheppard vs. Hetta McConky, Margaret McConky, Charles D.W. Johnson, Eliza Johnson, Caroline McConky, and James McConky. BA, HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Sicklemores Dock, Onions Inheritance in BA and HA. Also lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 727.
Accession No.: 17,898-11170-1/3 MSA S512-14-11006 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/05/22 11171: Richard Snowden vs. Henry R. Warfield. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Hobsons Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-11171 MSA S512-14-11007 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/05/01 11172: Mary Shaaff vs. Roger B. Taney, William Marbury, Margaretta J. Shaaff, Arthur Shaaff, Ann Shaaff, Mary Shaaff, and Charles S. Shaaff. FR. Estate of Dr. John T. Shaaff - Arcadia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 131, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-11172 MSA S512-14-11008 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/06/21 11173: Henry F. Sutton, Abraham Sutton, Jane Sutton, Leonard Sutton, Samuel M. Sutton, Thomas Sutton, James Smith, and Elizabeth Smith vs. John Sutton, Edwin Carvill, James Carvill, Mary Ann Carvill, John L. Carvill, Hariett Carvill, Theodore Freeman, Orlando Carvill, and William Freeman. KE. Estate of Samuel Sutton - Timber Level, Addition to Timber Level, Peters Forrest, By Chance, Chance, Suttons Forrest.
Accession No.: 17,898-11173-1/11 MSA S512-14-11009 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/12/30 11174: Joseph Stone and William B. Stone vs. Edward R. Wheeler, Robert S. Reeder, Robert Gray, Walter A. Haslip, John B. Ferguson, Joseph Watson, George Dennington, Thomas A. Burgess, John G. Chapman, Robert Brawner, Thomas Lloyd, H. C. Matthews, John H. Burrows, Joseph Price, William Simmons, Henry Hammet, and Ignatius Milstead. CH. Defraud of creditors of Wheeler.
Accession No.: 17,898-11174 MSA S512-14-11010 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/06/29 11175: James Scott vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltilmore, Jesse Hunt, and James A. Williams. BA. Injunction against destruction of buildings in BC for opening of Madison St. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11175 MSA S512-14-11011 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/04/17 11176: George Slater vs. James Hogg, James A. Labranthwaite, George Winchester, James W. Collins, John S. Tyson, and William George Krebs. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11176 MSA S512-14-11012 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/06/12 11177: George Semmes and Francis Darcey vs. Colmore Beanes and John R. Magruder. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11177 MSA S512-14-11013 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/03/17 11178: William Sellman vs. Isaac Breathed, Francis Breathed, and George Peter. MO. Title to Lost Breeches, Gankirk. Accession No.: 17,898-11178 MSA S512-14-11014 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/07/12 11179: Isabella Stuart and St. George W. Teackle vs. Thomas Symington, George W. Dobbin, and William H. Stuart. BA. Estate of Archibald Kerr. Accession No.: 17,898-11179 MSA S512-14-11015 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/03/25 11180: Edward Seymour vs. Thomas Armstrong and Robinson W. Caton. BC. Trust estate of Edward Seymour and Ann Seymour. Accession No.: 17,898-11180 MSA S512-14-11016 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/01/27 11181: Frances Ann Scoven and Mary Scoven vs. Samuel Forsyth, Hester Forsyth, Rebecca Clark, Bryson Clark, Sarah Gardner, Thomas Gardner, Sydney Chilcot, John Chilcot, Edward C. Scoven, and Samuel Scoven. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11181 MSA S512-14-11017 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/02/06 11182: Robert Smith vs. Edward Harris. BA. Trust estate of Yates & Campbell. Accession No.: 17,898-11182 MSA S512-14-11018 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/07/13 11183: John Smith and William Henry vs. Robert S. Moore. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Moore & Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-11183 MSA S512-14-11019 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/05/19 11184: Henry C. Schnebly and Henry Lewis vs. Thomas B. Hall, John Buchanan, and Samuel Ringgold. WA. Petition to sell Long Meadows Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-11184 MSA S512-14-11020 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/08 11185: George H. Stewart vs. Harriet Ann Beard, Benjamin Beard, Richard G. Beard, John S. Beard, Rebecca Beard, and Mary Ann Beard. AA. Estate of John Beard - Beards Habitation. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Accession No.: 17,898-11185-1/4 MSA S512-14-11021 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/11/20 11186: David Stewart vs. Samuel Stone, Barbara Stone, and Jacob White. BA. Insolvent estate of Samuel Stone. Accession No.: 17,898-11186 MSA S512-14-11022 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/06/15 11187: Robert T. Spence and Groeme Keith Spence vs. Jesse D. Elliott. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11187 MSA S512-14-11023 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/10/07 11188: John Snyder vs. Thomas Coward. BA. Estate of Levin Dashiell. Accession No.: 17,898-11188 MSA S512-14-11024 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/07/18 11189: James B. Steele vs. Thomas Byrn and George Philips. DO. Injunction against removal of timber from Low Park. Accession No.: 17,898-11189 MSA S512-14-11025 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/02/05 11190: Casper Snavely vs. John Brien and John McPherson. WA. Injunction against removal of timber from Resurvey on Hills and Dales and the Vineyard. Accession No.: 17,898-11190 MSA S512-14-11026 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/11/17 11191: Joseph W. Smith, Trueman Viet, Elizabeth Viet, and Elizabeth McCracken vs. William Mackey, Samuel Jordan, Thomas Jordan, Joseph McCracken, Margaret McCracken, John McCracken, Adam Wheeler, Margaret Wheeler, Elizabeth McCracken, and Nancy McCracken. CE. Estate of Martha Polk.
Accession No.: 17,898-11191 MSA S512-14-11027 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/01/12 11192: Richard Simmons vs. Nicholas Watkins of Thomas and William Byrnes. AA. Contract to farm Waterloo. Accession No.: 17,898-11192 MSA S512-14-11028 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/10/26 11193: Abraham Saum, Jacob Saum, Peter Saum, Barbara Saum, and Magadalena Saum vs. Isaac Cronice, Mary Cronice, Joseph Cronice, Andrew Worman, and Sophia Worman. CR, FR. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11193-1/3 MSA S512-14-11029 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/06/03 11195: Ann M. Sewall and James W. Sewall vs. George Hayes and Robert Hayes. CE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-11195 MSA S512-14-11030 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/02/11 11196: Mary C. Spence. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-11196 MSA S512-14-11031 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/09/22 11197: William F. Savin vs. John J. Heekort, Thomas Bond, James Stephenson, and Farmers and Mechanics Bank. CE. Petition to sell Yorkshire, lots in Port Deposit. Accession No.: 17,898-11197 MSA S512-14-11032 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/09/13 11198: John Stump vs. James Canby, Mathew Newkirk, David Wilson, and Delaware & Maryland Railroad Co. CE. Petition to remove wharf from Perry Point. Accession No.: 17,898-11198 MSA S512-14-11033 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/12/01 11199: Charles R. Stewart vs. Catherine Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Smiths Desire Enlarged. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 878. Accession No.: 17,898-11199 MSA S512-14-11034 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/11/06 11200: Laurence Simmons and Emily E. Simmons vs. Andrew Crow. CE. Estate of Nancy Crow. Accession No.: 17,898-11200 MSA S512-14-11035 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/03/28 11201: Ephraim B. Summervil vs. Jeremiah R. Haines, Robert M. McCullough, and John C. Waters. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11201 MSA S512-14-11036 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/04/13 11202: Nicholas Snowden vs. Thomas Snowden, Jr., John Contee, Ann Louisa Contee, Albert Fairfax, Caroline Fairfax, Timothy P. Andrews, Emily Andrews, and Richard N. Snowden. PG. Contract to purchase Brothers Partnership, Snowdens New Birmingham Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 119.
Accession No.: 17,898-11202 MSA S512-14-11037 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/10/17 11203: Larkin Shipley vs. Caleb Pancoast. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11203 MSA S512-14-11038 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/04/30 11204: Richard G. Stockett, Joseph N. Stockett, Helen Macgill, Roderick Warfield, Anne Warfield, Turenne W. Watkins, Eleanor Watkins, Thomas S. Alexander, Mary Alexander, Anne E. Alexander, Richard Harwood of Thomas, and Henry H. Harwood vs. Anne Stockett, William Alexander, Jane Alexander, and John Henry Alexander. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 593.
Accession No.: 17,898-11204-1/2 MSA S512-14-11039 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/02/21 11205: Nathan Shipley vs. Sary Fisher. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Worthless. Accession No.: 17,898-11205 MSA S512-14-11040 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/12/12 11206: Joseph N. Stockett vs. Elizabeth Collinson. AA. Injunction against obstruction of right of way to Townhill. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11206 MSA S512-14-11041 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/03/01 11207: Samuel C. Stump vs. Henry C. Stump and Duckett Stump. HA. Estate of William Stump - Rigbies Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-11207-1/2 MSA S512-14-11042 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/12/01 11208: Anthony Smith, Lucy M. Smith, and William H.S. Boswell vs. John Chaney. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on Halls Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-11208 MSA S512-14-11043 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/08/20 11209: William Smith and Charlotte Smith vs. John Maulden, Mary Ann Maulden, Nancy Maulden, Maria Maulden, Rebecca Maulden, and William Benjamin Maulden. CE. Petition to sell Colleston. Accession No.: 17,898-11209 MSA S512-14-11044 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/05/27 11210: Clement Smith vs. John Duvall, Benjamin Oden, Philemon Chew, and Robert W. Bowie. PG. Petition to sell Brookfield. Accession No.: 17,898-11210 MSA S512-14-11045 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/12 11211: Thomas Snowden, Jr. vs. Richard B. Magruder. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on New Lisbon, Roberts Tavern. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 863. Accession No.: 17,898-11211 MSA S512-14-11046 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/12/26 11212: Matthias Shaffner, John Shaffner, Samuel Ringgold, and Daniel Schnebly vs. George French, Eleanor Kennedy, and Michael Houser. WA. Contract to purchase Nelsons Folly. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-11212-1/2 MSA S512-14-11047 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/25 11213: Richard H. Stuart vs. John Fergusson, Alexander Mundell, and Thomas Mundell. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Davy, Gary, Margaret, Letty, Aaron, Dennis, Poll, Columbus, Judson, Jack, Kitty, Sarah, Philip, Letty Junior, Jacob, Bob, Cloe, Frank, Marion, Toni, Peg, Jupiter, Wat, Wallace, Bruce, Betsy, Luck, Edwin, Mortimer, Seraphina, Moses, and Sall.
Accession No.: 17,898-11213 MSA S512-14-11048 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/02/25 11214: Achsah Stevens vs. John Denny, Thomas Kemp, and Mary Kemp. QA. Estate of John Stevens - Stevens Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-11214 MSA S512-14-11049 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/11/20 11215: Joshua Smithson vs. Deborah Cochran, William Scott Cochran, Thomas L. Emory, William G. McClure, Samuel Comegys, Edward F. Comegys, Nathaniel Comegys, Millimenta Comegys, and Washington Comegys. KE. Contract to purchase merchandise. Accession No.: 17,898-11215 MSA S512-14-11050 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/07/07 11216: Reuben Sewall and Ann Sewall vs. William Kirk. BA. Trust estate of Ann Sewall - Leg Weary. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 508. Accession No.: 17,898-11216-1/2 MSA S512-14-11051 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/10 11217: Samuel Stevens, John Allen, Sophia Severson, Sarah E. Severson, and Isaac Davis vs. Thomas Stevens and Richard H. Stevens. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bellhaven. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 208. Accession No.: 17,898-11217 MSA S512-14-11052 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/03/14 11218: Anthony W. Smith vs. Nathan G. Bryson, Lucy Bryson, and Benedict J. Saunders. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11218 MSA S512-14-11053 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/05/21 11219: Samuel Sappington vs. Fanny Green, William Ratcliff, Ann Ratcliff, Milicent Green, Susan Green, James Wilson, Jr., and Lavinia Wilson. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 152, p. 78. Accession No.: 17,898-11219 MSA S512-14-11054 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/12/15 11220: Samuel C. Stump vs. Tidewater Canal Co., James Hepburn, Jacob J. Halderman, William G. Harrison, Hugh Boyle, and Joseph Todhunter. HA. Trust estate of Tidewater Canal Co. Accession No.: 17,898-11220 MSA S512-14-11055 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/04/19 11221: Mary Steele vs. Charles H. Steele. DO. Petition to sell Spring Hill in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 153. Accession No.: 17,898-11221 MSA S512-14-11056 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/10/09 11222: Joshua Stewart and Aden Darby vs. Evan Thompson, Darius Darby, and Otho Magruder. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11222 MSA S512-14-11057 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/02/09 11223: Arabella O. Snowden vs. John Ellicott, Samuel Ellicott, and Manin S. Snowden. AA. Estate of Gerard H. Snowden - Duvalls Delight, Merretons Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 109. Accession No.: 17,898-11223-1/2 MSA S512-14-11058 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/09/18 11224: Rezin H. Snowden and Arabella Snowden vs. Trueman Belt and Samuel Sprigg. PG. Estate of Gerard H. Snowden. Accession No.: 17,898-11224 MSA S512-14-11059 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/11/15 11225: Abraham Sellers vs. John Degruchy, Philip E. Thomas, and Felix Jenkins. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11225 MSA S512-14-11060 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/07/05 11226: Moses Sheppard and Sarah Foltz vs. Justus Hoppe, Christian Mayer, William Foltz, Frederick Foltz, William Alexander Foltz, and Jacob Ottoborne Foltz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 556. Accession No.: 17,898-11226-1/3 MSA S512-14-11061 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/29 11227: Thomas T. Somerville and Ann Boteler vs. John Johnson. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Canady, Hatchett, Diggs Lodge, Kennedys Branch, Brooks Court. Accession No.: 17,898-11227-1/2 MSA S512-14-11062 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/12/08 11228: George W. Stallings, Sarah Stallings, Gassaway Winterson, and Susannah Winterson vs. George W. Nutwell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Burrage, Burrages Blossom, Burrages End. Accession No.: 17,898-11228-1/3 MSA S512-14-11063 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/06/03 11229: Sarah Smith vs. Daniel Hart and Harriet Hart. AA. Estate of John Smith - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11229-1/2 MSA S512-14-11064 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/07/29 11230: John Shorb vs. Mary S. Gist, Joshua T. Gist, States L. Gist, Mordecai Gist, Independent Gist, George W. Gist, Richard Gist, and Joshua C. Gist. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Whetstone Point. Accession No.: 17,898-11230-1/2 MSA S512-14-11065 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/03/20 11231: Paca Smith vs. Larken Hammond. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Timber Neck, Pole Cat Glade, Dorseys Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-11231 MSA S512-14-11066 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/06/25 11232: Samuel Smith, James A. Buchanan, and John Oessar vs. John M. Wyse, William A. Wyse, Eliza Wyse, Margaret Wyse, Edward Wyse, Nicholas H. Wyse, Matilda Wyse, Francis Octavius Wyse, Joseph Allender, and George Riston. BA. Petition to sell Deer Park, lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 531.
Accession No.: 17,898-11232-1/3 MSA S512-14-11067 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/03/15 11233: John Stevens Sellman vs. Thomas Furlong. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hickory Hills, Meeks Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 357. Accession No.: 17,898-11233 MSA S512-14-11068 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/02/04 11234: William Tillard Simmons vs. Henry Childs Drury, Charles Drury, Samuel Drury, and Joseph Drury. AA. Estate of Charles Drury. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 59. Accession No.: 17,898-11234 MSA S512-14-11069 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/21 11235: Margaret Ann Steiger vs. Robert Gorsuch. BA. Title to Steigers Addition to Baltimore Town. Accession No.: 17,898-11235 MSA S512-14-11070 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/11/12 11236: Robert T. Spence vs. Isaac Asher. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Tibbs United Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 771. Accession No.: 17,898-11236 MSA S512-14-11071 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/09/22 11237: Christian Spayd vs. Rebecca Freeman, John Clemson, Jr., Sophia Clemson, and Thomas Price. BA. Estate of William Price. Accession No.: 17,898-11237-1/3 MSA S512-14-11072 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/03/12 11238: Peter Slusser, Bean S. Pigman, Jacob Staley, and Elizabeth Craft vs. Jacob Delanter, Henry Delanter, David Delanter, Daniel Delanter, Peter Delanter, Elias Delanter, Elizabeth Delanter, Mary Kuhn, George Kuhn, Susanna Meuser, Jacob Meuser, Catherine Slusser, Barbara Gladhill, John McNeil, and George Gladhill. FR. Petition to sell Delanters Luck, Isaacs Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 447.
Accession No.: 17,898-11238-1/4 MSA S512-14-11073 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/12/29 11239: Thomas Sutton and George Earle vs. Thomas Wright, III, and William H. Emory. QA. Dissolution of Earle & Sutton. Accession No.: 17,898-11239-1/2 MSA S512-14-11074 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/03/09 11240: Thomas B. Sherman and Elias R. Rickards vs. State of Maryland. DO. Contract to purchase Indian Lands. Accession No.: 17,898-11240 MSA S512-14-11075 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/08/22 11241: Charles D. Slingluff, George W. Slingluff, Isaac Slingluff, Joseph Slingluff, Jesse Slingluff, Joseph Pool, and Esther Pool vs. Thomas E. Hambleton, Sarah A. Hambleton, and Upton Slingluff. CR. Petition to sell Stevensons Garden, Park Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-11241-1/2 MSA S512-14-11076 Location: 1/39/3/
1800/07/10 11242: William B. Smyth and Mary Hindman Smyth vs. Anne Earle, Robert Walters, George Finley, and Maria Perry. QA. Contract to purchase Queen Annes Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-11242 MSA S512-14-11077 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/05/28 11243: John S. Sellman, Richard D. Sellman, and Mary A.J. Sellman vs. Essex R. Dorsey, Anne Dorsey, Thomas H. Dorsey, and Anne Dorsey. AA. Petition to partition Hockley in the Hole Enlarged. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11243 MSA S512-14-11078 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/11/05 11244: Alexander Somervill vs. Thomas R. Wilson. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11244 MSA S512-14-11079 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/05 11245: John St. Clair vs. John T. Heckart and Cornelius Stidham. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11245 MSA S512-14-11080 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/07/02 11246: Savings Bank of Baltimore, Samuel J. Donaldson, and William S. Cole vs. Eliza M. Scott, Cecelia Scott, Joseph E. Elder, Elizabeth Elder, Thomas Hunter, Susanne Hunter, Victorine Robinson, Robert Morris Scott, Thomas Parkin Scott, and Samuel Mactier. MO. Petition to sell Peace and Plenty, Quinces Orchard.
Accession No.: 17,898-11246 MSA S512-14-11081 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/06/05 11247: Savage Manufacturing Co. vs. Zachariah Brown. AA. Injunction against removal of a slaughter house. Accession No.: 17,898-11247 MSA S512-14-11082 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/09/25 11248: Joseph Sands and Ramsay Wates vs. Benjamin Mullikin. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11248 MSA S512-14-11083 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/12/29 11250: Daniel Stiver, Sr. and Daniel Stiver, Jr. vs. George Stiver. BA. Dissolution of partnership - lots and carriage shop in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11250 MSA S512-14-11084 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/09/06 11252: Levin Shipley vs. John C. Herbert, Elizabeth W. Snowden, Thomas J. Snowden, Louisa Snowden, Juliana Snowden, Adeline Snowden, Edward Snowden, Milton Snowden, Henry Snowden, Eliza Snowden, Emily Snowden, Nicholas Snowden, Arthur Snowden, and Ann E. Hall. AA, MO. Estate of Nicholas Snowden--Warfield and Snowden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 229.
Accession No.: 17,898-11252 MSA S512-14-11085 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/04/26 11253: Mary Sutton vs. Benjamin Sutton and Thomas J. Ayers. BA. Estate of Thomas Sutton - Suttons Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-11253-1/2 MSA S512-14-11086 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/07/07 11254: Sam vs. James McGlaughlin. FR. Injunction against enslavement of Sam. Accession No.: 17,898-11254 MSA S512-14-11087 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/09/11 11255: Samuel Shaw vs. Philip Moore, Andrew Snyder, and Charles Snyder. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 115, p. 212. Accession No.: 17,898-11255 MSA S512-14-11088 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/11/05 11256: Hugh E. Spencer vs. John Way and Mary Way. HA. Estate of Benjamin Amos - Branters Ridge, Amos Outlet Enlarged, Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-11256 MSA S512-14-11089 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/01/03 11257: Elias Shaw vs. Thomas Cromwell, Nancy Cromwell, and Jacob Albert. AL. Trust estate of Nancy Cromwell - Charity Hall Resurveyed, Addition to Pleasant Hill, Addition, Second Addition, Sallies Fancy, I Don't Know, Martins Luck, Raccoon Bottom, Resurvey on Raccoon Bottom, Good Will, Good Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-11257 MSA S512-14-11090 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/08/01 11258: Henry S. Shaffner, Jacob S. Shaffner, Peter R. Shaffner, and Catherine M.S. Powell vs. George Shaffner and Mary Shaffner. WA. Estate of John Shaffner - lot in Hagerstown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 826. Accession No.: 17,898-11258 MSA S512-14-11091 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/12/05 11259: William Steuart, James Partridge, Francis Partridge, Margaret R. Partridge, and Susan S. Partridge vs. Margaret Alexander, Susan S. Partridge, and John B. Morris. BA. Estate of John Partridge. Accession No.: 17,898-11259-1/3 MSA S512-14-11092 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/02/17 11260: James C. Sellman, Francis A. Crook, and Alexander B. Davidson vs. Andrew McLaughlin, William McLaughlin, James Barry, and John Butler. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 393. Accession No.: 17,898-11260-1/2 MSA S512-14-11093 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/03/01 11261: Lemuel Shaw, Reuben Summers, and John A. Carter vs. Francis Kidwell, Lemuel Clements, and John Brewer. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11261 MSA S512-14-11094 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/01/15 11262: Nathan Sawyer vs. Charles Feinour, Jr., David S. Hollister, and H.D. Chapman. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11262-1/2 MSA S512-14-11095 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/08/21 11263: John S. Selby vs. George W. Butts, John F. Pickrell, Adolphus Pickrell, and Evan Pickrell. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11263 MSA S512-14-11096 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/09/01 11264: Thomas Stearns vs. George Witman. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11264-1/2 MSA S512-14-11097 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/08/09 11265: Thomas L. Savin vs. Underhill Dann. CE. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11265-1/8 MSA S512-14-11098 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/23 11266: James L. Sutton vs. Henry Johnson. AA. Contract to purchase Waters Resurvey, Twelfth Discovery, Waterford. Accession No.: 17,898-11266 MSA S512-14-11099 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/07/13 11267: George Semmes vs. Samuel Philip Lee. PG. Estate of George M. Harbin. Accession No.: 17,898-11267 MSA S512-14-11100 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/12/03 11268: Elizabeth C. Sears, Julia M. Sears, Mary A. Sears, Charles C. Sears, and James S. Sears vs. Charity Sears, Elisha C. Taylor, John T. Grandison Watkins, Samuel Maynard, and Samuel Stewart. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Plains.
Accession No.: 17,898-11268 MSA S512-14-11101 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/01/19 11269: Leonard Scott vs. Lane Dennis and Adene Bowie. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11269 MSA S512-14-11102 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/21 11270: Cornelius Shipley vs. Christian Devries and Hellen Devries. CR. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11270 MSA S512-14-11103 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/15 11271: George F. Solomon and Benjamin Scott, Jr. vs. John Rosenthal and William W. Mozer. BA. Defraud of creditors of Rosenthal & Mozer. Accession No.: 17,898-11271 MSA S512-14-11104 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/03/09 11272: Lucinda Scott, Richard M. Scott, and John M. Scott vs. James Irwin and Ann D. Irwin. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on Cherry Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-11272 MSA S512-14-11105 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/12/27 11273: Otho Scott vs. Morris Malsby and David Lee Malsby. HA. Insolvent estate of Morris Malsby - lots in Abingdon, Pacas Park. Accession No.: 17,898-11273-1/2 MSA S512-14-11106 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/06/05 11274: Joseph J. Speed vs. Lewis H. Robinson, George W. Robinson, and Joseph J. Robinson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Barneys Inheritance. Accession No.: 17,898-11274 MSA S512-14-11107 Location: 1/39/3/
1803/05/13 11276: John E. Smith and Child, Price & Co. vs. Elizabeth Cole and Attorney General. BA. Estate of Thomas B. Cole - Grindon. Accession No.: 17,898-11276 MSA S512-14-11108 Location: 1/39/3/
1819/08/20 11277: Septimus D. Sewell vs. James Baxter, Emily A. Baxter, James Parlett, Hannah Parlett, John Moore, and William Buckingham. BA. Estate of Joshua Swann - Coles Harbor, Youngs Escape. Accession No.: 17,898-11277-1/3 MSA S512-14-11109 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/08/10 11279: Samuel Stevens, Edwin J. Stevens, Henrietta Louisa Stevens, Rebecca M. Stevens, John James, and Sarah Elizabeth James vs. Robert M. Hays, Elizabeth B. Hays, Thomas M. Hays, Maria Randolph, and John Hays. CE. Petition to sell Elk Force Iron Works.
Accession No.: 17,898-11279 MSA S512-14-11110 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/09/13 11280: Beal C. Stinchcomb vs. Thomas Hood, Charles Hipsley, and Rebecca Hipsley. AA. Contract to purchase Hammonds Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-11280 MSA S512-14-11111 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/08 11281: William Sherbert and Mary W. Sherbert vs. Mary Ann Wayson, John Wayson, James Wayson, George W. Wayson, Wesley Wood, and Sarah Jane Wood. AA. Estate of Levi Wayson. Accession No.: 17,898-11281 MSA S512-14-11112 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/05 11282: William Slater vs. Joseph Cowden, Elizabeth Jarrett Richards, John Curtis Richards, Eleanor L. Thomas, Hannah S. Thomas, Oliver H. Thomas, Herman S. Thomas, William J. Thomas, and Herman S. Thomas. HA. Estate of Abraham Jarrett Thomas - Brothers Lot, lots in Havre de Grace.
Accession No.: 17,898-11282-1/4 MSA S512-14-11113 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/05/08 11283: David C. Springer vs. William A. Patterson. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Benjamins Choice, James Park, Palmers Forrest, Cranberry Meadow. Accession No.: 17,898-11283 MSA S512-14-11114 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/10/14 11284: George Suter, Jacob Suter, Henry Suter, Peter Eisenbrey, Catherine Eisenbrey, Walter Ford, Mary Ford, Jacob Ergood, Ann Ergood, and Susan Cook vs. Gabriel Suter, Nicholas Suter, Thomas Suter, Jacob Suter, James Suter, Leonard O. Cook, Elizabeth Cook, Alexander K. Myers, Rebecca Myers, Cornelius Jacobs, Ann Charlotte Jacobs, Edocia C. Suter, Arthur Yeaton, Sarah E. Yeaton, William Popler, Henrietta Popler, and John Webb. HA. Estate of Nicholas Suter - lots in Havre de Grace.
Accession No.: 17,898-11284 MSA S512-14-11115 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/08/13 11285: William B. Stokes vs. Samuel Blackwell and Margaret A. Blackwell. HA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11285 MSA S512-14-11116 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/14 11286: Samuel Small, Philip Small, and Chrystopher Geiger vs. Charlotte C.D. Owings. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11286-1/2 MSA S512-14-11117 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/05/08 11287: Henry Stevenson vs. Philip Reigart and Elizabeth L. Stevenson. BA. Estate of Josias Stevenson. Accession No.: 17,898-11287-1/7 MSA S512-14-11118 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/12/14 11288: Richard A. Stevens, Perry G. Stevens, Hooper B. Stevens, and John Evitts vs. Zabdiel W. Potter, Robert J. Keens, Maria Stanton, Elizabeth Ann Stanton, Michael Hall Stanton, and James Henry Stanton. CA. Estate of James M. Stanton. Accession No.: 17,898-11288 MSA S512-14-11119 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/05/26 11289: John W. Stump vs. James W. Williams, Hannah C. Williams, James Williams, and Mary Williams. HA. Estate of John Stump, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-11289-1/7 MSA S512-14-11120 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/07/14 11290: George R.H. Leffler vs. James L. Foxwell and Charles T. Cloud. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11290 MSA S512-14-11121 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/08 11291: John W. Smith vs. Charles L. Boehme and John J. Snyder. BA. Petition to discover payment of a note. Accession No.: 17,898-11291 MSA S512-14-11122 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/03/21 11293: Benjamin Shaw vs. Thomas Hammond. AL. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-11293 MSA S512-14-11123 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/09/09 11294: Charles D. Slingluff and Isaac Slingluff vs. Isabella Crawfrod and Evan L. Crawford. CR. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11294 MSA S512-14-11124 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/11/26 11295: Margaret Somerwell, James Somerwell, Thomas T. Somerwell, John H. Somerwell, Sally Somerwell, Mary Louisa Somerwell, James Somerwell, Josias H. Dorsett, Thomas S. Dorsett, Ann S. Dorsett, William N. Dorsett, Jr., Margaret Dorsett, Martha Dorsett, James Dorsett, and William N. Dorsett vs. John H. Sothoron, Elizabeth M. Sothoron, Richard W. Bowie, Margaret W. Bowie, Benjamin R. Gray, Grace C.H. Gray, and Susan Ann Somerwell. PG. Petition to partition Greenwood, Thomas and Anthonys Choice, Brook Court Manor. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 3, No. 40, MdHR 40,283-144, S65-174, B5/10/1. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 617.
Accession No.: 17,898-11295 MSA S512-14-11125 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/07/08 11296: Christian Salzman vs. John Hoof, Anne Hoof, William Hoof, and Thomas Hoof. AA. Contract to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11296 MSA S512-14-11126 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/05/20 11297: John Smith, William Smith, Michael Keyser, Charles Richardson, and Juliana Richardson. BA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-11297 MSA S512-14-11127 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/03/06 11298: Ann W. Wood vs. William Strickland and Thomas Bruce. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11298 MSA S512-14-11128 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/03/07 11299: Edward Scott and Horatio C. Scott vs. Francis Darcey and Benjamin Berry. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment on Maidens Dowry, Gray Eagle Enlarged, Chance, Addition to Chance, Brock Hall, Sopers Rest Enlarged, Lanhorns Delight. Accession No.: 17,898-11299 MSA S512-14-11129 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/07/15 11300: William Simmons, Richard Simmons, John Selliman, and James Owens vs. Thomas J. Hall, Benjamin Tongue, Elizabeth Tongue, Sarah Tongue, Thomas Tongue, John N. Watkins, and William Ennis. AA. Estate of Thomas Tongue - Traceys Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 558. Accession No.: 17,898-11300-1/22 MSA S512-14-11130 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/07/27 11301: Henry Stevenson and Mary Stevenson vs. James Owings and Samuel Owings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11301-1/3 MSA S512-14-11131 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/27 11302: Hugh Ely vs. Charles D. Warfield. Howard District. Injunction against removal of limestone and timber from Elys Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-11302-1/2 MSA S512-14-11132 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/10/12 11303: Philip Snider vs. Hannah Myers, John Myers, Jacob Myers, Henry Myers, Elisha Myers, Samuel Myers, and Philip Myers. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Peters Neglect, Petty Coats Loose, Heidlebrugh, Timers Expense. Accession No.: 17,898-11303 MSA S512-14-11133 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/09/22 11304: James F. Sothoron and Henry Sothoron vs. John Barnes. PG. Estate of Samuel Bond. Accession No.: 17,898-11304 MSA S512-14-11134 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/06/02 11305: George Jerningham Baron Stafford and Elizabeth Jerningham Lady Stafford vs. John McTavish. BA. Petition to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11305 MSA S512-14-11135 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/09/06 11306: John S. Stiles and John Patterson vs. Francis Smith, Elizabeth Steele, Archibald Kerr, Henrietta Maria Kerr, and Richard Conway. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11306-1/5 MSA S512-14-11136 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/03/10 11307: Elias Shipley, William Shipley, Thomas Shipley, Denton Shipley, William Sellman, Ruth Sellman, Thomas G. Warfield, and Sarah Warfield vs. Upton D. Welch, Mary Welch, Gustavus Shipley, Susanna Shipley, Ellen Virginia Shipley, Susanna Goldsborough, Robert Goldsborough, Henry Goldsborough, Denton Geoghegan, and Elizabeth Geoghegan. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 443.
Accession No.: 17,898-11307-1/7 MSA S512-14-11137 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/02/13 11309: Rezin H. Snowden vs. Gerard R. Hopkins. AA. Mortgage foreclsoure on Arnold Gray, Capes Hills, Ropers Range, Bright Seat. Plats at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1095. Accession No.: 17,898-11309-1/3 MSA S512-14-11138 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/09/17 11310: Philip A. Small, Samuel Small, Christopher Geiger, Joseph Patterson, Edward Patterson, and Charles Gilmore vs. Charlotte C.D. Owings and Richard Green. BA. Contract to purchase land. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-11310-1/4 MSA S512-14-11139 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/09/19 11311: Joseph Shepherd, Elizabeth Shepherd, and Susan Shepherd vs. William Shepherd, Mary Ann Shepherd, Samuel Shepherd, Elizabeth Shepherd, Mary Plummer, Thomas Plummer, Mary Ann Bevans, John W. Bevans, Charles Bevans, and Eliza Bevans. AA. Estate of Mary Shepherd - Allans Purchase, Portland Landing, Gardners Purchase. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 1024.
Accession No.: 17,898-11311-1/4 MSA S512-14-11140 Location: 1/39/3/
1815/11/06 11312: Elizabeth Slade vs. Dixon Slade, Josiah Slade, John Talbott, Mary Talbott, William Slade, Hosea Johns, Penelope Johns, Robert Moores, Belinda Moores, George C. Muller, and Elizabeth Ann Muller. BA, HA. Estate of William Slade - Slades Chance, Russells Chance in HA. Also lot in My Ladys Manor in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 107, p. 401.
Accession No.: 17,898-11312-1/3 MSA S512-14-11141 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/10/25 11314: Benjamin Swann, Samuel Swann, Allison Roberts, and Theophilus Swann vs. Zachariah Dent, George S. Richards, and Prisilla M. Richards. CH. Defraud of creditors of Dent - lot in Bryan Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 288. Accession No.: 17,898-11314-1/11 MSA S512-14-11142 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/10/05 11315: William Stewart, George C. Stewart, Benedict Stewart, Charles Stewart, and Edward H. Stewart vs. Pricilla Daley, Francis Nicholas Darnall Dailey, Elizabeth Dailey, and Harriet Ann Dailey. AA. Contract to purchase Donaldsons House in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 214.
Accession No.: 17,898-11315-1/2 MSA S512-14-11143 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/03/06 11316: Otho Scott vs. Lewis Hart and Charles F. Mayer. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rupulta. Accession No.: 17,898-11316 MSA S512-14-11144 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/01/20 11317: Thomas Parkin Scott and Ebenezer S. Thomas vs. Lewis Foulk. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas - lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 216. Accession No.: 17,898-11317-1/3 MSA S512-14-11145 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/08/18 11319: Harriet M. Sasscer vs. Thomas Sasscer. PG. Contract to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11319 MSA S512-14-11146 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/12/26 11320: Leonard Scott vs. James C. Ward, Sarah Ann Ward, Elizabeth Ward, Sophia Ward, and Martha Ward. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 855. Accession No.: 17,898-11320 MSA S512-14-11147 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/01/31 11321: Henry V. Somerville vs. Hopewell Dorsey, John R. Dorsey, Elizabeth Dorsey, Edwin W. Dorsey, Hopewell Dorsey, Jr., Emily Dorsey, Francis H. Davidge, and Anna Maria Davidge. BA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-11321 MSA S512-14-11148 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/01/12 11322: Joseph J. Speed vs. Urath Stevenson and Henry Stevenson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 370 and 174, p. 582. Accession No.: 17,898-11322-1/2 MSA S512-14-11149 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/08/31 11323: John Steyer vs. John Hoye, Henry M. Pettit, and James H. Smith. AL. Title to Plains of Moab. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11323-1/4 MSA S512-14-11150 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/04 11324: Thomas Smoot vs. William Rea, Edward Harper, Polly Wheatley, Peter Short, William Short, Willy Killin, Julian Thornburg, Rebecca Wheatly, and Sally Wheatly. DO. Estate of William S. Harper - Harpers Folly, Washington, Crotchetts Ferry. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 290.
Accession No.: 17,898-11324 MSA S512-14-11151 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/05/30 11326: Benjamin Simmons, Hanna Simmons, Susan Simmons, Thomas Simmons, and Josias Simmons vs. Richard Phillips, Edward Wheeler, and Ellen Wheeler. DO. Estate of John Phillips - lot and Flintys Tavern in Cambridge. Accession No.: 17,898-11326 MSA S512-14-11152 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/11/12 11327: William A. Slacum vs. Elizabeth Johnson, Joseph Norris, and Ann Travers Norris. DO. Estate of Richard Philips. Accession No.: 17,898-11327 MSA S512-14-11153 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/09/14 11328: Benjamin Shipley, Jr., Kitty Shipley, John A. Marriott, Nathan Hobbs, Elizabeth Hobbs, Samuel Vansant, Mary Ann Vansant, Thomas W. Turner, Charlotte Turner, and Sarah Marriott vs. Eli Marriott. AA. Estate of William Hammond - Marys Allottment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 588.
Accession No.: 17,898-11328-1/2 MSA S512-14-11154 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/04/28 11329: John Stewart vs. John G. Kemper. BA. Insolvent estate of Herman Kemps. Accession No.: 17,898-11329 MSA S512-14-11155 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/11/29 11330: George William Jerningham Baron Stafford and Elizabeth Stafford vs. John McTavish and Emily McTavish. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/69. Accession No.: 17,898-11330-1/2 MSA S512-14-11156 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/09/04 11331: John J. Somerville, James Kent Somerville, Sarah Somerville, Susan Somerville, and Ann Somerville vs. Thomas J. Somerville. PG. Estate of John Somerville. Accession No.: 17,898-11331 MSA S512-14-11157 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/10/14 11332: Richard G. Stockett and Henry Wayman vs. Benjamin Scott. AA. Estate of Larkin Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-11332 MSA S512-14-11158 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/12/13 11333: Samuel Sewell vs. Sarah Ann Jackson Thompson. DO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11333 MSA S512-14-11159 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/01/14 11334: George Schissler and Charles F. Mayer vs. Francis Blackwell Mayer. BA. Contract to purchase Logsdons Addition, Bonds Garrison. Accession No.: 17,898-11334 MSA S512-14-11160 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/04/22 11336: David Stewart and John Spears Nicholas vs. David Burke, James Forbes, Temascaltepec Mining Co., Union Insurance Co., Marine Insurance Co., and Aetna Co. BA. Insolvent estate of Burke. Accession No.: 17,898-11336 MSA S512-14-11161 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/11/26 11337: John Sprigg vs. Lewis Knott. MO. Contract to purchase land. Mount Zion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-11337-1/2 MSA S512-14-11162 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/03/29 11338: Ann Jane Swann and Thomas Swann vs. Sarah H. Williamson, Isaac Mayo, John Williamson, Elizabeth Williamson, Nancy Williamson, Elizabeth Henning, James Henning, Frances Henning, Edward D. Hobbs, and Susan Hobbs. AA. Estates of Thomas Swann and James Williamson - Williamsons Hotel in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-11338-1/27 MSA S512-14-11163 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/12/10 11339: James Temples and Ann Maria Temples vs. Mary Starr, Rebecca Starr, Philemon P. Starr, Samuel Starr, and Ann Eliza Starr. QA. Estate of Aquilla Starr - Soot Hill, Bee Tree Corrected. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 446. Accession No.: 17,898-11339 MSA S512-14-11164 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/06/25 11340: Henry Taylor and Samuel Sharpe vs. Benjamin Richardson, Ellen Smith, and Tilghman Sullivane. CA. Estate of James Richardson - Richardsons Discovery, Peters Escheat Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 786. Accession No.: 17,898-11340 MSA S512-14-11165 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/08/11 11341: Edward A. Talbott, Sarah Talbott, Mary A.F. Talbott, Sarah A. Talbott, and Drusilla J. Talbott vs. Stephen F. Talbott, Richard Hardin, and Henrietta Hardin. Howard District. Estate of Richard Talbott - Pleasant Fields. Plat; also shows Timber Neck, Cowicks Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 617.
Accession No.: 17,898-11341 MSA S512-14-11166 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/06/30 11342: Andrew Towers vs. William H. Stevens. CA. Estate of James C. Stevens. Accession No.: 17,898-11342-1/2 MSA S512-14-11167 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/01/04 11343: William H. Thumbert, Mary Jane Thumbert, Henry A. Porter, Ann M.R. Porter, Milicent R. Ashley, and John Ashley vs. George T. Ashley and Joseph M. Ashley. KE. Estate of John Ashley. Accession No.: 17,898-11343 MSA S512-14-11168 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/29 11344: John H. Thomas vs. Henry W. Thomas. SM. Estate of Maria T. Courts. Accession No.: 17,898-11344 MSA S512-14-11169 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/02 11345: William F. Turner vs. George A.V. Spreckelson, John Donahoe, Henry D. Farnandis, and James Kean. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11345 MSA S512-14-11170 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/03/15 11346: Rebecca Turner, Sr., Charles F. Yardley, Elizabeth T. Yardley, John C. Turner, Hannah R. Turner, Richard T. Turner, Elizabeth B. Turner, John M. Bartlett, Sally Ann Bartlett, Rebecca Turner, Jr., and Cassandra Turner. BA. Estate of Joseph Turner, Jr.
Accession No.: 17,898-11346 MSA S512-14-11171 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/08 11347: Evelina Turnbull, Elizabeth Owings, and Evelina M. Turner vs. George Washinton Manro, Alverda A. Manro, William Manro, Richard Willard Manro, Hannah M. Manro, Philip Turner, Jr., Duncan Turner, Philip G. Love, and Josephine Love. CR. Estate of Jonathan Manro - Buck Park, Sewells Park, Williams Neglect, Beasmans Discovery Corrected, Windsors Forrest, Stepney Causway Perseverance. Plats at 1/38/1/33.
Accession No.: 17,898-11347-1/3 MSA S512-14-11172 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/11 11348: Richard S. Thomas vs. Henry Mifflin Thomas, Richard S. Thomas, John Evan Thomas, and Lawrence A. Thomas. KE. Estate of John Thomas - Forrest Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 264. Accession No.: 17,898-11348 MSA S512-14-11173 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/04/20 11349: John Thomas vs. Henry A. White, William Hitchens, George William Hitchens, James Horner, Elizabeth Horner, Benjamin Horner, and Moses Horner. SO. Estate of Benjamin Horner - Hap Hazard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 495. Accession No.: 17,898-11349-1/2 MSA S512-14-11174 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/03 11350: James Thompson vs. Joanna Howard, Leah Howard, Levin Hodson, Mary Jane Hodson, Thomas J. Saxton, and Harriet Saxton. DO. Estate of Jacob Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-11350 MSA S512-14-11175 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/04/11 11351: Harriett Tilghman and William Banks Wakeman vs. William Bower Crane and Thomas Richard Crane. KE. Petition to sell Hynsons Chance Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 114. Accession No.: 17,898-11351 MSA S512-14-11176 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/06/09 11352: James Turner, Thomas B. Slaughter, Samuel Mackey, and William C. Mackey vs. George Dudley, Elizabeth Adams, Jesse Scott, Harrison Mackey, John P. Jester, Mary E. Jester, Alvina Jester, and James B. Jester. TA. Estate of William Slaughter - Frances Delight, Hampton, Rich Range, Dudleys Choice, Strawbridge. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 616.
Accession No.: 17,898-11352 MSA S512-14-11177 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/09/07 11353: Alexander H. Tyson, Rebecca H. Tyson, Henry Johnson Tyson, Alexander H. Tyson, Jr., Anna Plater Key Tyson, and Mary N.L. Tyson vs. George S. Gibson, Maria Gibson, Thomas Irwin, Ellen Irwin, Nathan P. Tyson, and Alexander Tyson. BA. Petition to sell Pot Spring Farm.
Accession No.: 17,898-11353 MSA S512-14-11178 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/03/07 11354: Margaret Tulley vs. Barnard Tulley. CE. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11354 MSA S512-14-11179 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/09/12 11355: Oliver W. Treadwell vs. Stephen G. Webster. BA. Injunction against use of land. Accession No.: 17,898-11355 MSA S512-14-11180 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/11/19 11356: John S. Tyson and Rachel Tyson vs. Anna Maria Hopkins and Rezin H. Snowden. AA. Estate of Gerard H. Snowden - Snowdens New Birmingham Manor. Plat at 1/38/1/33; also shows Mount Vernon, Plantation, Denby, Birminghams Loss, Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 80. Accession No.: 17,898-11356-1/2 MSA S512-14-11181 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/10/03 11357: Levi L. Tayman vs. John Mitchell, Lucy Mitchell, William N. Burch, William H. Turton, and R.G.W. Baden. AA. Contract to purchase slaves Isaac, Priscilla, and Sally. Accession No.: 17,898-11357-1/2 MSA S512-14-11182 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/30 11358: Isaac Tyson, Jr. vs. Thomas B. Watts. BA. Contract to mine copper on Bare Hills. Diagram of mine. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-11358-1/2 MSA S512-14-11183 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/01/29 11359: George Trumbo, Augustus Grove, Louis Grove, John Winebrenner, and Hannah Winebrenner vs. Peter Neff, John Neff, John Neff of Jacob, Thomas Wright, Elizabeth Wright, William Wright, Susannah Wright, Sarah Coombs, Margaret Coombs, Elizabeth Coombs, John Coombs, Susannah Coombs, Sarah Koontz, Salem Humberson, Catherine Humberson, Isaiah Frost, Sarah Frost, Sarah Ann Neff, Mary Neff, Burgess Magruder, Margaret Magruder, Emanuel Easter, Sarah Easter, Ann N. Robertson, William Durbin, Elizabeth Durbin, John Reese, David Reese, Andrew R. Durbin, Susannah Durbin, Mary Durbin, Thomas Stevenson, Mary Stevenson, Isaac C. Nicodemus, Margaret Nicodemus, John Nicodemus of Henry, Sarah Ann Nicodemus, David Nicodemus, Susannah Nicodemus, Eliza Nicodemus, Jesse Nicodemus, Hanson Nicodemus, Catherine Nicodemus, Andrew Nicodemus, John Nicodemus, Levi Devilbliss, Sarah Devilbliss, Frederick Cronise, and Anna Cronise. CR. Petition to sell Friendship Completed, Rochester. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 364.
Accession No.: 17,898-11359-1/3 MSA S512-14-11184 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/10/31 11360: Alfred W. Thompson and Jonathan Waters vs. Margaret A. Dorsey, Joshua W. Dorsey, and Christiana W. Dorsey. Howard District. Estate of Rinaldo W. Dorsey - Worthingtons Addition, Bensons Request. Accession No.: 17,898-11360 MSA S512-14-11185 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/12/03 11361: Harriet Tilghman vs. William McClean, Mary Ann McClean, and Alexander McClean. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, pp. 518, 552. Accession No.: 17,898-11361 MSA S512-14-11186 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/08/01 11362: John W. Traverse vs. Levi D. Traverse, Martha Jane Traverse, Julia Ann Traverse, Sophia S. Traverse, Eliza E. Traverse, Francis A. Traverse, William McK. Traverse, Sophia Delilah Traverse, Mary Ann A. Traverse, and Adeline Elizabeth Traverse. DO. Estate of Levin D. Traverse - Worlds End Bridge.
Accession No.: 17,898-11362 MSA S512-14-11187 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/07/09 11363: Richard Tydings vs. Theresa Rebecca Sifton. AA. Estate of John Sifton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 136. Accession No.: 17,898-11363 MSA S512-14-11188 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/16 11364: Anthony C. Thompson, John K. Thompson, Charles J. Thompson, Mary A. Thompson, Eliza J. Thompson, Charles J. Thompson, Alexander Seth, Martha Seth, Caroline Haddaway, William P. Kemp, Eliza Kemp, Thomas J. Sherwood, and Mary J. Sherwood vs. Joseph Caulk, Mary E. Caulk, Anthony C. Thompson, Jr., Edward D. Thompson, Sarah C. Thompson, Thomas J. Thompson, Samuel Haddaway, John Q.A. Haddaway, Thomas S. Haddaway, and Charles Haddaway. TA. Estate of Eliza L. Thompson - Cromwell, Marys Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 671.
Accession No.: 17,898-11364 MSA S512-14-11189 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/08/15 11365: John C. Turner, Hannah B. Turner, and Edward J. Turner vs. Dutee Barger, Margaret D. Barger, Edward F. Rasin, Edward Rasin, and James Rasin. KE, QA. Estate of Samuel R. Turner--Andover Mills, Discovery, Difficulty, Grove Corrected, Ellis Industry, Bordleys Gift, Chesterton, Vansants Meadows, Johns Triangle, Addition, Gilpins Discovery in KE and QA. Also Bennetts Hazard in QA.
Accession No.: 17,898-11365 MSA S512-14-11190 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/01/31 11366: Nathan P. Tyson vs. Thomas Irwin, Ellen Irwin, George S. Gibson, Maria Gibson, Alexander H. Tyson, Rebecca A. Tyson, Alexander H. Tyson, Jr., Henry J. Tyson, Mary L.N. Tyson, and Anna P.K. Tyson. BA. Estate of Mary Tyson - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 23.
Accession No.: 17,898-11366-1/2 MSA S512-14-11191 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/29 11367: John M. Thompson and Lucinda Thompson vs. Walter H.J. Mitchell and William B. Stone. CH. Estate of Alexander Greer - Williams Addition, Debar Me Not, Partnership, Filberts Addition, Longlivity. Accession No.: 17,898-11367 MSA S512-14-11192 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/03/05 11368: Edwin S. Tarr and William H. Blass vs. J. Hampden Williams, Antionette Williams, and Eliza Wilson. BA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-11368-1/2 MSA S512-14-11193 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/07/02 11369: John Tilghman, Frisby Tilghman, Jr., Henrietta Tilghman, and John Tilghman vs. Absolom Thompson. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Choptank Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 274 Accession No.: 17,898-11369 MSA S512-14-11194 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/05/10 11370: George W. Trice, Elisha Trice, and Emily Trice vs. Alexander Trice, Samuel Trice, Thomas Trice, and Mary Elizabeth Callender. DO. Petition to sell North Division and Trices Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-11370 MSA S512-14-11195 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/04/13 11371: Michael Taylor vs. Michael Newbold and William A. Newbold. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bishops Cove, Oakwood, Bramptons Addition, Conquest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-11371-1/2 MSA S512-14-11196 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/07/25 11372: Purnell Toadvine vs. Jehn Parsons, Benjamin Parsons, Samuel Dashiell, Joshua W. Phillips, Maria Phillips, Esther Dashiell, Charlotte Dashiell, and Elizabeth Dashiell. SO. Estate of Benjamin J. Dashiell - Spring Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 934.
Accession No.: 17,898-11372-1/3 MSA S512-14-11197 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/01/09 11373: Francis Thomas vs. Charles Broadwater of William, Henry Broadwater, Rachel Broadwater, David McCulloh Brogden, Priscilla Brogden, Mary Brogden, Sellman Brogden, David McCulloh Brogden, Jr., James Dick Brogden, Helen Brogden, Elizabeth Brogden, Joseph N. Stockett, and Frank H. Stockett. AL. Estate of Maj. Jonathan Sellman - Military lots 3893 - 3895, 2525.
Accession No.: 17,898-11373-1/3 MSA S512-14-11198 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/05/08 11374: Ann Tonge vs. William Allen, Cecilia Allen, Thomas Jenkins, John Day, and Charles A. McLaughlin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Reserve. Accession No.: 17,898-11374-1/2 MSA S512-14-11199 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/06/20 11375: William F. Turner, Jane S. Turner, Horatio L. Whitridge, Elizabeth B. Whitridge, Samuel W. Smith, and Mary C. Hall vs. Ann Hall, Sidney Hall, Margaret L. Hall, Lydia A. Hall, Anna Hall, and William Carville Hall. HA. Petition to sell Specutia Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 502.
Accession No.: 17,898-11375 MSA S512-14-11200 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/12 11376: William A. Tatem vs. Matilda Williams and Harriet Williams. CA. Estate of Elizabeth Ann Swiggerts - Danby. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 400. Accession No.: 17,898-11376 MSA S512-14-11201 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/07/03 11377: Caleb N. Taylor vs. Michael Newbold and Willilam A. Newbold. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Crompton. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-11377 MSA S512-14-11202 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/09/19 11378: Parmelia Tarr vs. William Edward Tarr. WO. Petition to sell Sandy Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-11378 MSA S512-14-11203 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/08/16 11379: George M. Tyson and Sarah E. Tyson vs. Andrew Hack, Andrew C. Hack, and Henry Reiman. BA. Estate of William Pennington - Pleasant Meadows, Soldiers Delight, Timber Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-11379-1/2 MSA S512-14-11204 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/07/15 11380: Nancy Timmons vs. John R. Franklin, William H. Covington, Franklin Covington, John R. Covington, Sidney Covington, George W. Covington, and Ellen L. Covington. WO. Estate of Isaac Covington - Hardship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-11380 MSA S512-14-11205 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/02/15 11381: George F. Tallman and Richard Wilson vs. Joseph J. Speed and Henry Webster. BA. Estate of Patrick McCauley. Accession No.: 17,898-11381 MSA S512-14-11206 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/09/08 11382: Samuel Twilley and Nancy Twilley vs. William Russell, Asbury Mezick, Prisilla Mezick, Covington Mezick, Rebecca Mezick, Risdon Kirby, and Elizabeth Kirby. DO. Estate of Joseph Wheatley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 652. Accession No.: 17,898-11382 MSA S512-14-11207 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/05/08 11383: William H. Tuck, Lucius Mannoring, and Mary Mannoring vs. Stephen L. Lee, Sarah J. Lee, Stephen L. Lee, Jr., and Rachel E. Lee. AA. Estate of Thomas D. Lee - Linthicums Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-11383-1/4 MSA S512-14-11208 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/03/01 11384: John S. Tyson and Caleb J. Hall vs. Justus Hoppe. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 749. Accession No.: 17,898-11384 MSA S512-14-11209 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/12/02 11385: William W. Twilley vs. Whitington Dean, James Dean, William Dean, Mary Dean, Cassandra Dean, William Dean, Thomas Dean, Sophia Dean, Edward Willing, Susan Willing, Leonard Booze, Eliza Booze, Ephraim Marvel, Elizabeth Marvel, James D. Twilley, William D. Twilley, John D. Twilley, Leah D. Twilley, Levin Twilley, Slater Twilley, Julia Anne Twilley, Mary Twilley, Sally Twilley, Louisa Twilley, and Thomas Twilley. DO. Estate of Charles Dean - Gootees Neck.
Accession No.: 17,898-11385 MSA S512-14-11210 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/07/18 11386: William Taylor of James vs. Eleanor Parrott, Mary Elizabeth Parrott, and John Thomas Parrott. AA. Estate of Samuel Parrott - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11386 MSA S512-14-11211 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/07/24 11387: John Traverse, Matthew Traverse, Sarah Flowers, John Parker, Polly Parker, Samuel Creighton, Letitia Creighton, Arthur Pritchett, and Rebecca Pritchett vs. Henry Traverse, Thomas Creighton, Nancy Creighton, Mary Creighton, Thomas Creighton of Henry, Elizabeth Creighton, Susan Traverse, Margaret Traverse, and William Hicky Traverse. DO. Estate of Matthew Traverse - Okersurn Island. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 61.
Accession No.: 17,898-11387 MSA S512-14-11212 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/04/03 11388: Alfred Tucker, Emily Ann Tucker, Thomas Barnett Dawson, and Ann Merrick Dawson vs. Richard L. Dawson, James Dawson, John Francis Dawson, Mary Elizabeth Larrimore, Martha Larrimore, Robert Larrimore, and John Larrimore. DO. Estate of Thomas Dawson - Trippes Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 496.
Accession No.: 17,898-11388 MSA S512-14-11213 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/27 11389: William Tensfield vs. Patrick Hamilton and Nancy Hamilton. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Troy, Addition to Troy, Isle of Ely. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 238. Accession No.: 17,898-11389-1/2 MSA S512-14-11214 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/04/22 11390: Mary Eleanor Thomas vs. Samuel Thomas. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wrighton. Accession No.: 17,898-11390 MSA S512-14-11215 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/12/18 11391: Francis B.C. Turpin vs. Jacob Wilson. DO. Estate of Thomas Smoot - Rehoboth, Smoots Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 326. Accession No.: 17,898-11391 MSA S512-14-11216 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/06 11392: George H. Thomas vs. Kinsey Thomas. KE. Petition to sell Stradford Manor, New York. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 184. Accession No.: 17,898-11392 MSA S512-14-11217 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/04/18 11393: Alexander H. Tyson, Rebecca Tyson, Henry Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Philip Rogers Hoffman, Emily Hoffman, William T. Thompson, Anna Thompson, Philip Key, John A. Smith, Roger Brooke Taney, and Anne P. Taney vs. William Maynadier, Anna Nevins, Louisa Nevins, and William Nevins. AA. Estate of Elizabeth Scott - Resurvey on Wingfields Delight.
Accession No.: 17,898-11393 MSA S512-14-11218 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/04/07 11394: John W. Traverse and Thomas B. Traverse vs. Sophia Delilah Traverse, Mary Ann Augusta Traverse, and Adeline Elizabeth Traverse. DO. Petition to sell Prospect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-11394 MSA S512-14-11219 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/05/10 11395: Aaron Thornton, Flora L. Thornton, William Kelly, Catherine Kelly, and Mary Smith vs. Benjamin F. Smith, Sarah Smith, Urith Smith, Emma Smith, and Mary Smith. AA. Estate of Daniel Smith. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 732. Accession No.: 17,898-11395 MSA S512-14-11220 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/06 11396: William J. Timanus vs. Thomas Lishear and John K. Swain. BA. Insolvent estate of Swain. Accession No.: 17,898-11396 MSA S512-14-11221 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/02/06 11397: Alexander Thomas vs. Jesse Hubbard and James Dixon. DO. Injunction against operation of a vessel. Accession No.: 17,898-11397 MSA S512-14-11222 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/09/21 11398: Thomas J. Talbott vs. Ann Sappington, Rebecca Sappington, John Young, and Caroline Young. AA. Contract to purchase Troy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 103. Accession No.: 17,898-11398 MSA S512-14-11223 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/05/17 11399: William A. Tatem vs. Matilda Williams and Harriett Williams. CA. Estate of Susan Swiggert Williams - Henrys Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 208. Accession No.: 17,898-11399 MSA S512-14-11224 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/05/17 11400: Baynard Turpin, Margaret Ann Turpin, Zenos Dawson, Maria Dawson, Arthur W. Leveston, Margaret Ann Leveston, William Griffith, Ann E. Griffith, William F. Newton, Mary Newton, Mary Hughes Turpin, and James A. Stewart vs. Jaspar Dawson. CA. Petition to sell Richardsons Choice, Perrys Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 439.
Accession No.: 17,898-11400 MSA S512-14-11225 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/12/23 11401: John B. Tilden vs. John N. Denning. KE. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-11401 MSA S512-14-11226 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/03/25 11402: Thomas Tyson, Elizabeth Tyson, Roger Brooke, Joshua Pierce, and Nathan Tyson vs. Robert Mickle, Jonathan H. Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott, Evan T. Ellicott, Union Bank of Maryland, and Elizabeth Tyson. AA, BA. Petition to sell West Ilchester.
Accession No.: 17,898-11402-1/2 MSA S512-14-11227 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/05/04 11403: William Taylor vs. Julia Mumma, David Mumma, Sarah Hall, Frederick Hall, Jemima Cross, Philemon Cross, Rachel Hargest, William E. Hargest, Catherine Taylor, and Sarah Taylor. BA. Estate of Samuel Taylor - Taylors Range. Accession No.: 17,898-11403 MSA S512-14-11228 Location: 1/39/3/
1819/10/14 11404: Sabrat Trott and Nancy Trott vs. Henry C. Drury. AA. Estate of William Conner - Holloway. Accession No.: 17,898-11404 MSA S512-14-11229 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/08/27 11405: Lenette A. Tucker and John J. Griffiss vs. John Martiacq, William Stuckett, Eliza Piper, Frederick Piper, Anzila Piper, Emma Piper, Harriett Piper, William H.H. Piper, Charles Piper, John Piper, Minerva Piper, William Piper, Caroline Piper, Charles Piper, Jeremiah Martiacq, Lewis Ellison, Susan M. Ellison, John Lee, and Caroline Lee. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC, Green Valley Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 97.
Accession No.: 17,898-11405-1/4 MSA S512-14-11230 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/05/01 11406: Samuel J. Twilley vs. Alpheus Twilley and Robert Twilley. SO. Estate of George Twilley - Danger Field, Addition to Flower Field. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 107. Accession No.: 17,898-11406-1/3 MSA S512-14-11231 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/07 11407: William Turner vs. Maria Stanton, Robert T. Keene, James M. Stanton, Elizabeth Ann Stanton, Michael Hall Stanton, William Thomas Stanton, and James Henry Stanton. CA. Estate of James M. Stanton - Brotherhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 190.
Accession No.: 17,898-11407-1/4 MSA S512-14-11232 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/08/28 11408: William A. Talbott vs. Jeremiah Hughes. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11408-1/2 MSA S512-14-11233 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/05/18 11409: Adeline Emma Townsend vs. Daniel S. Griswold, Caroline Dunham, and Peter S. Townsend. BA. Estate of David Dunham. Accession No.: 17,898-11409-1/6 MSA S512-14-11234 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/04/02 11410: Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore, Isaac P. Cook, and George Rogers vs. John Eager Howard, William K. Howard, Richard Norris, Jr., Sophia Norris, Benjamin C. Howard, Jane Howard, Alexander H. Tyson, Rebecca Tyson, William Key Howard, James H. McHenry, James Howard, Catherine Howard, Jonas Pennington, James M. Campbell, Sophia C. Read, Charles R. Howard, Elizabeth P. Howard, George Howard, William Howard, Cornelius Howard, Eugene Post, and Elizabeth Post. BA. Estate of John Eager Howard - lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-11410-1/2 MSA S512-14-11235 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/09/29 11411: Elijah Taylor vs. Elisha Joice, Elizabeth Joice, Stephen Severson, and Sarah Severson. BA. Injunction against mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 202. Accession No.: 17,898-11411-1/9 MSA S512-14-11236 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/07/16 11412: Luke Tiernan vs. Margaret Craig, John Craig, Robert Craig, and Margaret Staples. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 12. Accession No.: 17,898-11412-1/2 MSA S512-14-11237 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/03/06 11413: Gideon G. Tongue vs. Ann Norris, Mary Anne Norris, Ellen Norris, Thomas Norris, Sarah Jane Norris, Matilda Norris, William Henry Norris, John C. Norris, William Dean, and Margaret Dean. AA. Estate of Thomas Norris - Pierpoints Success, Talbotts Addition, Chews Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 283.
Accession No.: 17,898-11413-1/8 MSA S512-14-11238 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/05/17 11414: John Thomas and George W. Thomas vs. John Ferguson. KE. Estate of Richard S. Thomas - Hopewell. Accession No.: 17,898-11414 MSA S512-14-11239 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/08/01 11415: Joseph Towson vs. Rebecca Coale, Rebecca Coale, Merryman Coale, Rebekah Coale, and Nicholas Merryman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Airy, Fair Play. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 195. Accession No.: 17,898-11415 MSA S512-14-11240 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/09/16 11416: Allen Thomas vs. Isaac Sams, Nathaniel Ellicott, and George Ellicott. AA. Injunction against obstruction of right of way to Valley of Owen. Accession No.: 17,898-11416-1/2 MSA S512-14-11241 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/07/13 11417: William W. Taylor vs. William S. Moore, Otho H. Belt, Phoebe Brunner, Daniel Brunner, John Brunner, Andrew Brunner, Jr., Harriett Brunner, Jacob Brunner, Isaac Brunner, Richard B. Magruder, Catherine Harris, Valentine Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Charles D. Gorsuch, Elizabeth Gorsuch, John Showacre, and Archibald W. Waters. BA. Estate of Andrew Brunner - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 589.
Accession No.: 17,898-11417-1/3 MSA S512-14-11242 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/10/18 11418A: Joseph Townsend, Frederick Sumwalt, Charles W. Karthaus, Deiter Bargar, Howell Downing, Martha Norbury, James Lovegrove, Charles F. Mayer, James Bay, Joshua Turner, Mr. Williams, Ellen Williams, Rachel J. Hewes, Michael Warner, Michael Warner, Jr., Thomas Kenny, and Joseph Jamison vs. Baltimore Society. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 773 and 180. p. 815.
Accession No.: 17,898-11418A-1/4 MSA S512-14-11243 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/04/25 11418B: Joseph Townsend, Frederick Sumwalt, Charles W. Karthaus, Deiter Bargar, Howell Downing, Martha Norbury, James Lovegrove, Charles F. Mayer, James Bay, Joshua Turner, Mr. Williams, Ellen Williams, Rachel J. Hewes, Michael Warner, Michael Warner,Jr., Thomas Kenny, and Joseph Jamison vs. Patrick Gallagher. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 773 and 180, p. 815.
Accession No.: 17,898-11418B-1/4 MSA S512-14-11244 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/06/17 11418C: Joseph Townsend, Frederick Sumwalt, Charles W. Karthaus, Dieter Bargar, Howell Downing, Martha Norbury, James Lovegrove, Charles F. Mayer, James Bay, Joshua Turner, Mr. Williams, Ellen Williams, Rachel J. Hewes, Michael Warner, Michael Warner, Jr., Thomas Kenny, Joseph Jamison, and Baltimore Society for the Encouragement of Industry vs. Patrick Byrnes and John Zimmerman. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 773 and 180, p. 815.
Accession No.: 17,898-11418C-1/4 MSA S512-14-11245 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/10/26 11418D: William Ready vs. Baltimore Society. BA. Contract to improve lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 773 and 180, p. 815. Accession No.: 17,898-11418D-1/4 MSA S512-14-11246 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/11/27 11419: George A. Diggs vs. Thomas S. Alexander and John Johnson. PG. Contract to purchase Chillum Castle Manor, Frankland, Warburton Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-11419 MSA S512-14-11247 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/12/04 11420: Thomas T. Tabb and Eliza C. Tabb vs. John S. Stiles, Sarah Emory Stiles, and Sophia Forman. QA. Contract to purchase Clouds Choice, Long Delay, Louthers Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-11420 MSA S512-14-11248 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/06/15 11421: James Sanders. AA. Estate of Robert Sanders - Sanders Chance, Velmead, Waterford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 126. Accession No.: 17,898-11421-1/4 MSA S512-14-11249 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/03/24 11422: John Travers, Harriet Travers, Harriet Emily Travers, and Robert Travers vs. Dr. James H. McCulloh. BA. Estate of William Riggin - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 64. Accession No.: 17,898-11422-1/2 MSA S512-14-11250 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/09/09 11423: Amelia M. Tayman vs. Levi L. Tayman. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-11423-1/2 MSA S512-14-11251 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/05/17 11424: George W. Thomas vs. James Winchester, Susanna Winchester, John Kelly, Henry Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, Ann Kelly, Michael Pinkin, Elizabeth Pinkin, Emeline Crew, William Holdson, Martha Holdson, Thomas Hebron, Elizabeth Hebron, Mary Wilson, William Wilson, James Buchanan, Susan Buchanan, Rebecca Taylor, Sarah Taylor, and John Taylor. KE. Estate of James Kelly - Grange, Raison Farm, Adams Hope, Howells Adventure.
Accession No.: 17,898-11424-1/2 MSA S512-14-11252 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/05/22 11425: Edward B. Tilden vs. Joseph Ireland, Jr., William P. Ireland, Charles Ireland, Daniel Jones, Catherine Jones, John T. Hurtt, Mary T. Hurtt, and Hugh Wallis. KE. Estate of John Ireland - Picketts Lot, Bishford, Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 457.
Accession No.: 17,898-11425-1/2 MSA S512-14-11253 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/07/30 11426: John Trull vs. Thomas Lytle, Samuel Chase, Charles Henry Giles, and Elias Glenn. BA. Insolvent estate of Samuel Chase - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 825. Accession No.: 17,898-11426 MSA S512-14-11254 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/01/16 11427: Thomas A. Turner vs. William Weeks, Sarah Ann Weeks, James Fisher, and Sarah Fisher. CA. Estate of William L. Langrell - Jacksons Hardship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 587. Accession No.: 17,898-11427-1/4 MSA S512-14-11255 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/03/22 11428: Elijah Taylor, William Scharf, Elisha Joyce, Elizabeth Joyce, William G. Shaw, and Sarah Shaw vs. Elizabeth Battell, John Battell, Ann Asher, William Asher, and Pricilla Asher. BA. Estate of William Asher - Galloways Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 239.
Accession No.: 17,898-11428 MSA S512-14-11256 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/06/25 11429: Isaac Tyson, Jr. vs. Addison Belt and Doctor Massey. MO. Contract to mine minerals. Accession No.: 17,898-11429 MSA S512-14-11257 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/04/26 11430: Ebenezer T. Massey vs. Sarah Elizabeth Jackson, Lewis Bush Jackson, George Jackson, and William McKenny Osborn. QA. Title to Sand Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 104. Accession No.: 17,898-11430 MSA S512-14-11258 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/10/03 11431: Philip E. Thomas vs. Elizabeth Webster, Isaac Webster, John Lee Webster, Robert M. Webster, Edward Webster, William Webster, Henry Webster, Elizabeth Webster, Thomas Webster, George Webster, Margaret Webster, Sarah Webster, Rebecca N. Tyson, Philip T. Tyson, and John J.B. Latrobe. BA. Estate of John S. Webster - Mount Repose.
Accession No.: 17,898-11431-1/2 MSA S512-14-11259 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/05/10 11432: Levi D. Traverse vs. Marcellus Keene, Benjamin Keene, Susan Keene, John Keene, and William Keene. DO. Estate of Samuel Keene, Jr. - Todds Defeat, Gadds Chance, Keenes Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-11432 MSA S512-14-11260 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/05/20 11433: William Taylor and Mary Hickman vs. Benjamin Hickman. WA. Appointment of trustee for Benjamin Hickman. Accession No.: 17,898-11433 MSA S512-14-11261 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/03/21 11434: Washington G. Tuck, Rachel Tuck, Clement Whittington, John Whittington, Mary Whittington, Araminta Wood, John Hollingshed, Elizabeth Hollingshed, John Winfield, Eleanor Winfield, Elizabeth Ward, Elizabeth Turner, William Stevens, Lavina Stevens, Richard Turner, William Turner, Joseph Griffith, Sarah Griffith, Clement Chaney, Wilhelmina Chaney, James Forsyth, Elizabeth Forsyth, Walter Crosby, Rebecca Crosby, James Cox, Peggy Cox, Eleanor Gibson, Mary Dew, Sally Howard, Matilda Howard, Willy Ann Howard, Eleanor Gibson, John Dalrymple, William Dalrymple, John James Hardesty, William Thomas Hardesty, Joseph H. Hardesty, Mary A.E. Hardesty, Susan Rebecca Hardesty, Richard Turner, John Turner, Mary Ann Turner, Thomas Turner, Ann Turner, Mahala Howard, and Sophia Howard vs. Francis Whittington, Charles Whittington, Samuel Whittington, Ann Whittington, Eleanor Whittington, and William Whittington. CV. Estate of Samuel Whittington - Broughton Ashley, Knightons Purchase, Govers Term. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 594.
Accession No.: 17,898-11434-1/4 MSA S512-14-11262 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/04/28 11435: Stephen J. Thompson and William D. Thompson vs. Martha Jay. HA. Estate of James Thompson. Accession No.: 17,898-11435-1/4 MSA S512-14-11263 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/03/13 11436: John Tolson, Eleanor Tolson, Mary E. Tolson, John F. Tolson, Overton A. Tolson, Watkins Tolson, Malvina Tolson, Thomas A. Tolson, Chlo A.C. Tolson, and Thomas W. Pratt vs. Henry Tolson, Edward Tolson, William Tolson, Alfred Tolson, Thomas K. Tolson, Alexander H. Tolson, and George S. Tolson. PG. Estate of Francis Tolson.
Accession No.: 17,898-11436-1/5 MSA S512-14-11264 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/11/15 11437: Isaac Tyson, Jr. vs. Robert Wescott, Charles B. Young, John Waddington, Robert Wescott, Robert Hurst, Alfred Hurst, Charles R. Hurst, Edmund Hurst, George W. Hockley, John Hockley, Mary Bebsey Hockley, William Hockley, and Francis Peek Hockley. FR. Estate of Isaac Tyson - Resurvey on Bare Hills, Spring Garden, Resurvey on Winfields Delight.
Accession No.: 17,898-11437-1/2 MSA S512-14-11265 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/10/16 11438: John Todd vs. Mary Todd, Lewis T. Todd, Robert Love, Agnes Ann Love, Robert Montgomery, Adeline Montgomery, Levi Todd, and John Swisher. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Valley Factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-11438 MSA S512-14-11266 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/11/30 11439: James Turner vs. Thomas H. Stack, Elizabeth Stack, Levi Stack, James Stack, Mitchell Covey, Eliza Covey, Thomas Nicols, Edward Nicols, Mary Nicols, Eliza Turner, William L. Turner, Francis Turner, Anna Maria Turner, Eleanor Turner, Isaac L. Turner, Malicia Turner, and Mary C. Turner. CA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 32.
Accession No.: 17,898-11439-1/3 MSA S512-14-11267 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/11/27 11440: Ann E. Thomas vs. John W. Thomas, George Davidson, Elkton Bank of Maryland, Susquehanna Bridge & Bank Co., and Havre de Grace Bank. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Ararat. Accession No.: 17,898-11440-1/2 MSA S512-14-11268 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/10/11 11441: Samuel R. Turner vs. Sarah A. Turner, John C. Turner, Jannette R. Turner, Edward J. Turner, Sarah Elizabeth Turner, and Jesse Knock. KE. Estate of John Turner - Discovery, Difficulty, Grove Corrected, Bordleys Gift, Ellis Industry, Deer Park, Gilpins Discovery, Johns Triangle, Addition, Kent Lot, Andover, Vansants Meadows, lot in Millington.
Accession No.: 17,898-11441 MSA S512-14-11269 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/02/10 11442: Samuel Thomas, James M. Lucas, Hester Lucas, Rezin Hammond of Andrew, Ann Hammond, and Benjamin Franklin Thomas vs. Caroline Matilda Thomas, John Richardson Thomas, and Mary Thomas. AA. Petition to sell Bachelors Hope Resurveyed, Bodys Adventure.
Accession No.: 17,898-11442 MSA S512-14-11270 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/12/04 11443: William Trego vs. Sarah Trego, Francenia Trego, Hannah Trego, Albert Trego, Sarah Trego, and Catherine Amoss. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Grooms Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-11443 MSA S512-14-11271 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/06/11 11444: Edward Tillard vs. Francis Hall, Richard M. Hall, and Charles Hill. PG. Trust estate under will of Francis M. Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-11444 MSA S512-14-11272 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/02/08 11445: John R. Thomas and Ann C. Thomas vs. John Pumphrey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Belgrove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 275. Accession No.: 17,898-11445 MSA S512-14-11273 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/10/31 11446: Sarah Ann Terry vs. Grafton Jarvis. AA. Title to lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11446-1/2 MSA S512-14-11274 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/05/16 11447: Henry Thompson and Ann Thompson vs. Charles S. Frailey, Caroline Frailey, Franklin Conway, Greenbury B. Wilson, and Ann S. Miller. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 896. Accession No.: 17,898-11447 MSA S512-14-11275 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/06/11 11448: Thomas Tongue, Jr. vs. Tolly Moore. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Portland Manor, School House. Accession No.: 17,898-11448 MSA S512-14-11276 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/07/06 11449: Benjamin Todd and John Hood vs. Isaiah Hood. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Warfield and Snowden, Neals Choice, Resurvey on Hobbs Levels. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 657. Accession No.: 17,898-11449 MSA S512-14-11277 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/09/26 11450: Louis Tinges, Susan Anne Tinges, and John Stillians Fischer vs. William Fischer. AA. Petition to partition Barrages End. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-11450 MSA S512-14-11278 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/03/21 11451: Sarah Tootell, Henry Pattison, William Fardwell, Lilly Fardwell, and Thomas Hayward vs. Robert Wallace, Mary Lockerman, Elizabeth L. Lockerman, Charlotte H. Lockerman, James Lockerman, Thomas B. Lockerman, and Henrietta Lockerman. DO. Estate of Thomas Lockerman - Partnership, Jacketts Luck, Fishers Chance, Stephens Regulation, lots in Cambridge, Eccles Indian Purchase, Ennalls Reserve, Belvoir, Addition to Belvoir, Ennalls Indian Purchase, Indian Lot, Wezz Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 537.
Accession No.: 17,898-11451 MSA S512-14-11279 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/07/10 11452: Henry Thompson, Talbot Jones, William Gwynn, Joseph Tagart, Bank of the United States, Bank of Baltimore, and Commercial & Farmers Bank of Baltimore vs. Patapsco Manufacturing Co. AA. Petition to sell Teals Search, Valley of Owen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 347.
Accession No.: 17,898-11452 MSA S512-14-11280 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/10/29 11453: Henry Thompson and Bank of the United States vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Injunction against paving Chatsworth St. in BC. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-11453-1/2 MSA S512-14-11281 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/01/13 11454: John Tilghman and Anne Tilghman vs. John Hambleton. TA. Contract to sell Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 96. Accession No.: 17,898-11454 MSA S512-14-11282 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/08/04 11455: George Trumbo vs. John Shockney, Elizabeth Brothers, Francis Brothers, Benjamin Brothers, Elias Brothers, Solomon Barns, Catherine Barns, William Caples, Susannah Caples, Ann Houck, Joshua Houck, Elias Ogg, and Catherine Ogg. CR. Estate of Joshua Brothers - Glendoick, Hammonds Meadows.
Accession No.: 17,898-11455-1/2 MSA S512-14-11283 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/07/16 11456: James Tongue vs. Johannes J. Hoogerwerff. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11456 MSA S512-14-11284 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/01/16 11457: Washington G. Tuck vs. John Wells, Hannah Wells, John Mayo, Nichlas Brewer, Ann Battee, Sarah Battee, Thomas Cowman, and Matilda Cowman. AA. Contract to sell Selbys Marsh. Accession No.: 17,898-11457 MSA S512-14-11285 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/08/10 11458: Henry Trapnell vs. William Murray. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Transvalania. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 743. Accession No.: 17,898-11458 MSA S512-14-11286 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/06/15 11459: Henrietta M. Tilghman vs. James Grace, Margaret Ann Grace, Sarahetta Grace, and Elizabeth Caroline Grace. TA. Estate of Robert L. Tilghman - Carters Sconce, Perkins Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-11459 MSA S512-14-11287 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/12/10 11460: Allen Thomas vs. James J. Dorsey and Richard Iglehart. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11460 MSA S512-14-11288 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/07/12 11461: Henrietta Maria Tilghman vs. Ebenezer S. Thomas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 269. Accession No.: 17,898-11461-1/2 MSA S512-14-11289 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/25 11462: Luke Tiernan vs. Gabriel Winter. BA. Claims against Winter. Accession No.: 17,898-11462 MSA S512-14-11290 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/07 11463: Mary Taylor vs. Edward Wilson, George Taylor, and Elizabeth J. Taylor. CE. Estate of Isaac Taylor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 247. Accession No.: 17,898-11463 MSA S512-14-11291 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/03/05 11464: Samuel Tibbitts vs. Araminta Herne. BA. Estate of Benjamin Ferguson. Accession No.: 17,898-11464 MSA S512-14-11292 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/10/20 11465: John Trimble of William vs. William Trimble and John Sheppard. BA. Title to lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 164. Accession No.: 17,898-11465-1/2 MSA S512-14-11293 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/01/26 11466: Philip E. Thomas vs. Patrick Macauley, Sarah Macauley, Margaret Thornburg, Elizabeth Webster, and Mary Bullitt. BA. Estate of Joseph Thornburg. Accession No.: 17,898-11466 MSA S512-14-11294 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/01/18 11467: Ann Traverse vs. Joseph K. Traverse and Melvin Traverse. DO. Petition to sell Hicks Adventure, Traverses Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-11467 MSA S512-14-11295 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/08/16 11468: Peter H. Terme vs. V. Anne Claire Lefaloniere. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 396. Accession No.: 17,898-11468 MSA S512-14-11296 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/02/07 11469: Martin Tschudy, Samuel Tschudy, and Samuel Chase vs. Gresham W. Lambert, Charles Johns, James Moore, and Anthony Miers. QA. Injunction against the execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11469 MSA S512-14-11297 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/01/29 11470: Andrew Toulson vs. Mary Jane Kennard. KE. Estate of Richard P. Kennard. Accession No.: 17,898-11470 MSA S512-14-11298 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/07/07 11471: Charles Travers vs. William S. Meekins. AA. Estate of John P. Meekins - Turkey Point, Haslings Beginning, Margarets Field. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 653. Accession No.: 17,898-11471-1/2 MSA S512-14-11299 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/08/15 11472: James C. Thompson, Lewis Taylor, William Taylor, Titus Bennett, Joseph Walton, William B. Bend, and Henry Pike vs. Valentine Wareham, Elizabeth Wareham, Ann Rochester, William Devorix, Mary Devorix, James Devorix, Robert Carson, and John Hackett. QA. Estate of James G. Rochester - lot in Church Hill. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 475.
Accession No.: 17,898-11472-1/2 MSA S512-14-11300 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/07/08 11473: Jonathan Tyson vs. John Disney and George C. Addison. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11473 MSA S512-14-11301 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/01/27 11474: William Thompson vs. Jonathan Weedon. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slave Eliza. Accession No.: 17,898-11474-1/2 MSA S512-14-11302 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/10/22 11475: Henry T. Tull vs. Julia Ann Tull, Mary F. Tull, Samuel L. Tull, Nathaniel T. Bell, Caroline E. Wood, and William T. Wood. SO. Estate of Samuel Tull - Come By Chance, Longs Delight, Quindoskaway. Accession No.: 17,898-11475 MSA S512-14-11303 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/08/06 11476: Stephen J. Thompson vs. Joseph Young, William B. Barney, and John S. Horn. BA. Estate of Rebecca Ridgely. Accession No.: 17,898-11476 MSA S512-14-11304 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/06/29 11477: Susanna Thompson vs. Alexander Wise and Richard Mills. SM. Contract to sell slaves Sarah, William, Benedict, Gerard, and Caroline. Accession No.: 17,898-11477-1/2 MSA S512-14-11305 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/01/27 11478: William W.D. Tibbetts, Sarah A. Tibbetts, Daniel A.G. Tibbetts, and Armestead Green vs. Thomas Bevan, Pricilla Bevan, William Bateman, Sr., William Bateman, James Dallas, Cloe C. Oram, and William Bedderson. BA. Petition to sell Hopewell.
Accession No.: 17,898-11478-1/2 MSA S512-14-11306 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/07/26 11479: Robert Thompson vs. Frederick Lindenberger. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 187. Accession No.: 17,898-11479 MSA S512-14-11307 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/08/26 11480: John Chew Thomas vs. George Calvert. PG. Title to stock shares of Washington & Baltimore Turnpike Road Co. Accession No.: 17,898-11480 MSA S512-14-11308 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/06/22 11481: Thomas S. Thomas, Shaw, Tiffany & Co, George Bartlett & Co., Hale, Gibson & Co., Jacob Albert & Co., Keyser & Schaefer, L. W. Bond, Von Spreckelson & Davidson, Nathaniel Willey, Hugh Brown, Robert Thompson, Christian McClure, John Barnett, Nicholas George, John Maudlin, Thomas C. Casen, Edward Pearce, Andrew Pearce, Howard Roach, Thomas Roach, and Washington Husbands vs. William Sappington, James Mercer, and James Sewall. CE. Estate of Thomas S. Thomas - Red Point.
Accession No.: 17,898-11481-1/5 MSA S512-14-11309 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/06/16 11482: James J.M. Taylor vs. Gustavus Weems, Abraham Laveille, and Francis Stevens. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11482 MSA S512-14-11310 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/07/03 11483: Luke Tiernan vs. Elizabeth Fisher, John Fisher, Elizabeth Shafer, Jacob Fisher, Rachel Fisher, Sarah Fisher, James Fisher, William Fisher, Ann Frizzel, Ellen Reese, Julian Fisher, Mary Fisher, Philip Fisher, Sarah Fisher, Henry Fisher, and Susannah Fisher. BA. Petition to record deed for lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139. p. 525.
Accession No.: 17,898-11483 MSA S512-14-11311 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/09/22 11484: Benjamin Taylor vs. Caspar Weaver and George Steerer. BA. Defraud of creditors of Weaver - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11484 MSA S512-14-11312 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/05/15 11485: Joshua Trimble vs. Eliza Reynolds, Kitty Reynolds, Caroline Reynolds, Grafton Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, Mary Ann Reynolds, Nelson Reynolds, and Francis Reynolds. BA. Estate of Lewis Reynolds - Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 147.
Accession No.: 17,898-11485 MSA S512-14-11313 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/12/02 11486: Jane Thompson vs. Thomas Lytle and Samuel Chase. BA. Estate of William Thompson - lot in BC, Rich Neck, Howards Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 250. Accession No.: 17,898-11486 MSA S512-14-11314 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/07/12 11487: Peter H. Terme vs. Mathew Pascal and Virginia Pascal. BA. Title to lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 493. Accession No.: 17,898-11487 MSA S512-14-11315 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/07/03 11488: Allen Thomas vs. William Gwynn. AA. Contract to purchase Valley of Owen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-11488-1/2 MSA S512-14-11316 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/11/19 11489: John Traverse of Matthew vs. Sarah Flowers, Matthew Traverse, John W. Parker, Polly Parker, Samuel Creighton, Letitia Creighton, Henry Traverse, Thomas Creighton, Elizabeth Creighton, Thomas Creighton of Isaac, Nancy Creighton, Rebecca Traverse, Margaret Traverse, Thomas Traverse, and William H. Traverse. DO. Estate of Levin Traverse. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 597.
Accession No.: 17,898-11489 MSA S512-14-11317 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/02/22 11490: Jeremiah Tittle vs. Susanna Cornelius and John Cornelius. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155A, p. 260. Accession No.: 17,898-11490 MSA S512-14-11318 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/07/21 11491: Nathan Turner, Elizabeth Turner, Jonathan Fitch, Henry Klinefelter, Eliza Klinefelter, Ruth Leah Fitch, John Fitch, William Fitch, David Parlett, Elizabeth Parlett, Nancy Fitch, Dorcas Fitch, Sarah Fitch, Robert Fitch, George Counsel, Sarah Counsel, James Wolf, Massy Wolf, Joseph Hook, Nancy Hook, Charles Canoles, Elizabeth Canoles, William Grace, Mary Grace, Jacob Jacques, Massy Jacques, William Montague, Lewis Montague, James Montague, Jonathan Fitch, William Stallings, and Joseph Stallings vs. Gideon Fitch. BA. Petition to sell Fitches Chance, Sophias Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 121.
Accession No.: 17,898-11491 MSA S512-14-11319 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/08/01 11492: George W. Thompson, Mahala Thompson, Richard Thompson, Anna Thompson, Benjamin Blowers, and Sarah Blowers vs. Johnathan Blowers and Lucretia A. Blowers. AA, MO. Petition to sell Wrights Chance, Neighbours Good Will, Victory in AA. Accession No.: 17,898-11492 MSA S512-14-11320 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/03/30 11493: Eliza Eleanor Taneyhill, Mary Elizabeth Taneyhill, and Henry Dowell vs. John Ireland, Pricilla Taneyhill, Elizabeth Taneyhill, and Thomas Taneyhill. CV. Estate of Zachariah Taneyhill - Callender, Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-11493 MSA S512-14-11321 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/04/08 11494: Eliza S. Thomas vs. Jacob Baltzell and Charles Baltzell. FR. Estate of John Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-11494 MSA S512-14-11322 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/01/04 11495: Rachel Tyler, Mary Tyler, Nancy Tyler, Zebidee Tyler, and Woolford Tyler vs. John Roberts and Sophia Roberts. DO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11495 MSA S512-14-11323 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/10/12 11496: John Thomas and James Cheston vs. George McNeir. AA. Contract to purchase slaves Bill and Margaret. Accession No.: 17,898-11496 MSA S512-14-11324 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/05/03 11497: William A. Talbott vs. Hannah Meeteer, James E. Stewart, Sarah T. Stewart, Mary Anne Meeteer, Joanna M. Meeteer, Emma R. Meeteer, Ann Meeteer, Samuel Meeteer, Joseph Meeteer, William Meeteer, Pierce Meeteer, Margaretta Meeteer, Edward Meeteer, Samuel E. Thompson, Anne Maroa Thompson, Rathmael Wilson, Martha Wilson, Union Bank of Maryland, and William Ogden Niles. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Rockville Paper Mills.
Accession No.: 17,898-11497-1/2 MSA S512-14-11325 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/10/25 11498: James Thomas, Austin Choate, and David Lowe vs. Washington Van Bibber. BA. Contract to build Reistertown Academy. Accession No.: 17,898-11498 MSA S512-14-11326 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/04/08 11499: Devereux Traverse vs. Ann Bayard, Richard H. Bayard, James A. Bayard, Joseph Reed, and George Gillaspy. DO. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11499 MSA S512-14-11327 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/08/17 11500: Edward Tilghman and Matthew Tilghman Goldsborough vs. Sheppard C. Leakin and Margaret Leakin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11500 MSA S512-14-11328 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/09/09 11501: Zachariah Tucker, Joseph Tucker, Seely Tucker, James Tucker, Samuel Tucker, Enoch Tucker, Nancy Duvall, Daniel Careless, Nancy Careless, Patsy McCoy, and Horace Cadle vs. Lloyd Tucker, Gassaway Tucker, and Kitty Hodges. AA. Petition to sell Snowdens Reputation Supported. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 115.
Accession No.: 17,898-11501 MSA S512-14-11329 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/06/29 11502: Devereux Traverse vs. James E. Stewart, Charlotte Stewart, Mary Chandler, Henrietta Loockerman, Thomas Loockerman, William Loockerman, and James Loockerman. DO. Title to land. Accession No.: 17,898-11502 MSA S512-14-11330 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/05/14 11503: John Tydings vs. William J. Stockett and James Iglehart. AA. Contract to purchase land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-11503 MSA S512-14-11331 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/11/05 11504: Sally Tyler vs. Susan Tyler, Zebidee Tyler, Rachel Tyler, Solomon Jackson Tyler, and John Tyler. DO. Petition to sell Tylers Deception. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 290. Accession No.: 17,898-11504 MSA S512-14-11332 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/04/14 11505: Thomas W. Tayman, Mary R. Tayman, John Gardner, Anne H. Gardner, Benjamin P. Elliott, Margaretta Elliott, Thomas C. Watson, Samuel Day, Rachel Day, and William Watson vs. Thomas H. Stinchcomb, Elizabeth Stinchcomb, Emily Watson, Maria Louisa Watson, and Julianna Watson. AA. Petition to sell Two Sisters.
Accession No.: 17,898-11505-1/2 MSA S512-14-11333 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/10/18 11506: George A. Thomas vs. Moses Lancaster. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Yorkshire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 860 and 180, p. 125. Accession No.: 17,898-11506 MSA S512-14-11334 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/10/04 11507: Anna Tongue vs. Thomas J. Hall. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11507 MSA S512-14-11335 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/03/08 11508: Thomas Todd vs. Maria Stanton, James H. Stanton, Elizabeth Ann Stanton, Michael Hall Stanton, William Thomas Stanton, James Henry Stanton, and George Martin Stanton. CA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11508 MSA S512-14-11336 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/06/13 11509: Philip E. Thomas and Evan Thomas vs. Sidney Buchanan and Peggy Buchanan. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 46. Accession No.: 17,898-11509-1/2 MSA S512-14-11337 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/09/07 11510: Thomas Tenant vs. John N. D'Arcy, Henry Didier, and Domingo Arbel. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11510 MSA S512-14-11338 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/01/01 11511: Philip W. Thomas vs. Charles Ellicott. AA. Petition to partition Hills Delight Resurveyed. Accession No.: 17,898-11511 MSA S512-14-11339 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/08/13 11512: Alexander Turnbull and Edmond Winchester vs. John Stewart and Ellen Stewart. BA. Estate of James Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-11512 MSA S512-14-11340 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/12/15 11513: Michael Taney, Roger B. Taney, Dorothy Taney, Sophia J. Taney, Mary Taney, and Joseph Taney vs. George W. Weems and Cornelia Weems. CV. Petition to sell lot in Lower Marlboro. Accession No.: 17,898-11513 MSA S512-14-11341 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/07/29 11514: Louis Tinges, Susan Ann Tinges, and William Fisher vs. John Hilleay Tisher and John S.E. Nutwell. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11514 MSA S512-14-11342 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/07/28 11515: Reuben Tall vs. James S. Lucas. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hamstead. Accession No.: 17,898-11515 MSA S512-14-11343 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/04/08 11516: Christopher Todd vs. David Sindall. BA. Injunction against removal of timber from Taylors Addition. Accession No.: 17,898-11516 MSA S512-14-11344 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/09/01 11517: Isaac Tyson vs. Henry Cliffe and Thomas Blandy. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11517 MSA S512-14-11345 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/08/20 11518: William Thomas vs. Nathan Waters. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Reserve, Waters Lot. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 874. Accession No.: 17,898-11518-1/2 MSA S512-14-11346 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/07/19 11519: Harriet Tilghman, John S. Blake, Peregrine Wilmer, and John Davis vs. Valentine Warner and Thomas Meredith. QA. Estate of James Broadaway. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149. p. 10. Accession No.: 17,898-11519-1/2 MSA S512-14-11347 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/09/15 11520: Philip Turner vs. James Walker. SM. Contract to sell Farthings Fortune, Edenborough, Addition to Edenborough, Mill Seat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 347. Accession No.: 17,898-11520-1/4 MSA S512-14-11348 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/08/26 11521: James Thomas vs. Henry Howard of John. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Head Quarters, Hampton Court. Accession No.: 17,898-11521-1/2 MSA S512-14-11349 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/09/15 11522: John Travers, Harriet Travers, and Lavinia Ann Riggin vs. Leah Elizabeth Riggin. SO. Petition to sell Waggamans Purchase, Sweetwood, Golden Lyon, Long Meadows, Riggins Amendment. Accession No.: 17,898-11522-1/2 MSA S512-14-11350 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/02/21 11523: Luke Tiernan vs. Dudley Poor and Deborah Poor. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 137 and 140, p. 547. Accession No.: 17,898-11523 MSA S512-14-11351 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/01/26 11524: George A. Thomas and John W. Thomas vs. James Sewall and John Glenn. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11524 MSA S512-14-11352 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/09/24 11525: Joseph Tucker, John Pogne, James Pogne, and Gideon White vs. George W. Higgins, Ann Higgins, Richard W. Higgins, Joshua Higgins, and James Higgins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11525 MSA S512-14-11353 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/01/29 11526: Henry A. Thompson and Samuel T. Thompson vs. Ruth A. Cobb, Anna A. Cobb, William A. Cobb, Elizabeth Cobb, and Edward D. Cobb. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Clifton. Accession No.: 17,898-11526-1/2 MSA S512-14-11354 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/08/17 11527: Perry Townsend and Anne Maria Townsend vs. William J.B. Duncan, Caroline Duncan, Joseph Robinson, and Thomas Iglehart. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Burgers Right, Puddingtons Gift, Puddingtons Harbour. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-11527-1/2 MSA S512-14-11355 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/08/10 11528: Elijah Taylor vs. Stephen Severson and Sarah Severson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 797. Accession No.: 17,898-11528-1/2 MSA S512-14-11356 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/02/10 11529: John Tomlinson, Sr. vs. John Tomlinson, Jr. AL. Appointment of trustee for John Tomlinson, Jr. Accession No.: 17,898-11529 MSA S512-14-11357 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/08/31 11530: Luke Tiernan and Henry V. Somerville vs. Luke Tiernan Brien. FR. Petition to sell Catoctin Furnace. Accession No.: 17,898-11530 MSA S512-14-11358 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/02/05 11531: William A. Talbott vs. Nathaniel K. Hynson, John Hanan, Harmah Dickehut, John D. Busch, Archibald Hart, Joshua Todd, Richard Todd, William C. Conine, Mr. Stenson, Thomas Harrison, George N. Eaton, Hooper C. Eaton, and Joshua D. Bosley. BA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-11531-1/2 MSA S512-14-11359 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/10/13 11532: James Tongue vs. Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Franklin, and Robert Franklin. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Pascalls Purchase, Padgett. Accession No.: 17,898-11532 MSA S512-14-11360 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/03/29 11533: Henry Thompson vs. Abraham J. Lewis. BA. Injunction against obstruction of right of way through Baltimore Company lands. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Accession No.: 17,898-11533-1/2 MSA S512-14-11361 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/01/06 11535: George Tyler vs. Sarah P.H. Tyler. PG. Title to Brough, Tylers Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 119, p. 357. Accession No.: 17,898-11535 MSA S512-14-11362 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/06/21 11536: Elizabeth Thomas and James Tenant vs. Casparus M. Riley, Samuel Riley, John C. Riley, Hannah Ferguson Riley, and Nathaniel Meginnis. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 284. Accession No.: 17,898-11536 MSA S512-14-11363 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/10/13 11537: Richard Thomas, Margaret Thomas, John Clarke, Maria Clarke, James Adreon, and Eliza Ann Adreon vs. Mary Adeline Bryan. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 752. Accession No.: 17,898-11537 MSA S512-14-11364 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/05/22 11538: Edward B. Tilden vs. Louise Tilden, Isabelle Tilden, and Charles Tilden. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 390. Accession No.: 17,898-11538 MSA S512-14-11365 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/02/06 11539: John Tucker, Jr. vs. Harriet Thornton and Isabella Thornton. SM. Title to St. Richards Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-11539 MSA S512-14-11366 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/04/11 11540: Lemuel G. Taylor vs. Farmers Bank of Maryland, Joseph Lloyd Chamberlain, Anne Maria Chamberlain, Robert W. Goldsborough, Rebecca Holliday Goldsborough, Nicholas Hammond, Charles Howes Hammond, Mary Goldsborough Hammond, Anne Caroline Hammond, and John Goldsborough. QA. Contract to purchase Bennetts Regulation.
Accession No.: 17,898-11540-1/2 MSA S512-14-11367 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/04/22 11541: Trustees for the Poor of Baltimore City and County vs. Franklin Turnpike Road Co. and William H. Freeman. BA. Injunction against building a road through Calverton Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-11541 MSA S512-14-11368 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/06/29 11542: Trustees for the Poor of Baltimore City and County vs. George Winchester. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-11542-1/6 MSA S512-14-11369 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/06/12 11542A: George Gordon Belt vs. George Winchester. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-11542A MSA S512-14-11370 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/03 11543: John A. Thompson vs. Daniel B. Banks. BA. Insolvent estate of George S. Davis - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11543-1/4 MSA S512-14-11371 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/08/08 11544: Luke Tiernan, James Dall, Robert Oliver, and Hugh A. Evans vs. Humphrey Pierce, Trueman Cross, and William Duncan. BA. Estate of Archibald Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-11544 MSA S512-14-11372 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/12/11 11545: Laurence Thomson, Henry P. Jacobsen, Joseph C. Wilson, James F. Kelly, Peter C. Bowler, Greenbury B. Wilson, Joseph J. Keys, Richard B. Keys, William J. Walters, Charles Harvey, Edmund Mitchell, William H. MacLean, and Thomas V. Brundiger vs. Augustus Diffenderfer, James J. Diffenderfer, Octaviro Diffenderfer, and John F. Diffenderfer. BA. Defraud of creditors of Diffenderfer & Bros.
Accession No.: 17,898-11545-1/3 MSA S512-14-11373 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/02/07 11546: Kinsey Tydings vs. Margaret W. Tydings. AA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11546 MSA S512-14-11374 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/08/31 11547: James Tongue vs. Bennett Sollers, Nathaniel Baker, Elizabth W. Sommerville, William Sommerville, Richard Sommerville, Alexander Sommerville, Sarah Sommerville, Elizabeth Sommerville, Rebecca Sommerville, and George Bourne. CV. Contract to purchase Devils Wood Yard.
Accession No.: 17,898-11547 MSA S512-14-11375 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/06/14 11548: Thomas Tongue, Jr. and Elizabeth Allen vs. George Gardner. AA. Contract to purchase Owens Purchase, Hopkins Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-11548 MSA S512-14-11376 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/06/15 11549: John C. Thomas vs. Dixon Brown. AA. Petition to sell Pingstons Thickett. Accession No.: 17,898-11549 MSA S512-14-11377 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/03/06 11550: Ann Taylor vs. William Hutton, Andrew Hammond, Henry Hodges, and Allen Spurrier. AA. Estate of John Sherbert. Accession No.: 17,898-11550 MSA S512-14-11378 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/01/19 11551: Charles Turner vs. Cookson & Fawcett, Brandram & Co., John Cookson, L. Lambert, James Wellington & Co., Thomas Cookson & Sons, Nicholas Brewer, and Philip H. Hopkins. AA. Petition to resurvey Bealls Plantation. Accession No.: 17,898-11551 MSA S512-14-11379 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/08/21 11552: Joshua Todd vs. William Ensey. BA, FR. Contract to purchase Parrs Range. Accession No.: 17,898-11552 MSA S512-14-11380 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/06/30 11553: John R. Thomas and Ann Catherine Thomas vs. Henry Wesley, Mary Ann Gable, and Samuel Ward. AA. Petition to release mortgage on slaves Patty, Adam, and Damon. Accession No.: 17,898-11553 MSA S512-14-11381 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/12/29 11554: John S. Tyson vs. Thomas T.H. Doogan and Eliza Doogan. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas T.H. Doogan. Accession No.: 17,898-11554 MSA S512-14-11382 Location: 1/39/3/
1815/02/20 11555: Thomas Tenant vs. Peter A. Karthaus and Molley Sterett. BA. Contract to sell brig Oriental. Accession No.: 17,898-11555-1/7 MSA S512-14-11383 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/09/15 11556: Edward Taylor vs. James Rose. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11556 MSA S512-14-11384 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/03/21 11557: Samuel Thomas vs. Stephen Saunders, Abraham Saunders, Abel Saunders, Nathan Buchanan, Mary Buchanan, and William Nabb. KE. Estate of Margarett Nabb - Rich Level. Accession No.: 17,898-11557 MSA S512-14-11385 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/26 11558: Frances T.D. Taylor vs. Jacob Bull. BA. Contract to farm land. Accession No.: 17,898-11558 MSA S512-14-11386 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/07/03 11559: Martha Turner vs. John M. Latimer, Susanna E. Latimer, John R. Turner, Thomas Phillip Turner, Franklin P. Turner, James Thomas Turner, Edward Turner, and Aquila Turner. CH. Estate of Thomas Turner - Musuch Chance, East Marling, Wilton, Keys Addition, St. Thomas, Partnership, Chunns Addition.
Accession No.: 17,898-11559 MSA S512-14-11387 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/05/12 11560: Absalom Thompson vs. Anthony C. Thompson, Ann D. Haddaway, John K. Thompson, Charles J. Thompson, Mary Ann Thompson, Eliza Jane Thompson, Anthony Thompson, Edward Thompson, Sarah Catherine Thompson, Thomas Thompson, Thomas J. Sherwood, and Mary J. Sherwood. TA. Estate of Eliza L. Hersey - Cromwell, Marys Delight.
Accession No.: 17,898-11560 MSA S512-14-11388 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/06/26 11561: Julia A. Taylor vs. John T. Taylor. AA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11561 MSA S512-14-11389 Location: 1/39/3/
1810/09/20 11562: William Taylor vs. Gabriel Wood, William Owings, Job Smith, and James Gunn. BA. Estate of William Robb. Accession No.: 17,898-11562-1/4 MSA S512-14-11390 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/11/03 11563: Samuel Tscshudy and Eliza Tschudy vs. William T.D. Clemm, John Clemm, Joseph Clemm, William Brown, Catherine Brown, Maria Clemm, William Clemm, Nicholas Cromwell, Catherine Cromwell, David Schley, Georgiana M. Schley, Harriett Clemm, Henry Clemm, Neilson Poe, Josephine E. Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, Virginia Poe, Maria Clemm, Elizabeth Clemm, Daniel B. Ridgely, Johanna Ridgely, Joseph E. Clemm, and William Gwynn. BA. Estate of William Clemm - lot in BC. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-11563-1/7 MSA S512-14-11391 Location: 1/39/3/
1810/06/20 11564: John Turner vs. John Carnan, John Bouchel, Peter Bouchel, and Edward Foard. CE. Estates of Sleighter Bouchelle and John Van Sant - Difficulty, Grove Corrected, Bohemia Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 114, p. 73. Accession No.: 17,898-11564-1/3 MSA S512-14-11392 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/12/31 11565: James Turner vs. John G. Willis, Elizabeth Willis, and Thomas F. Garey. CA. Estate of John Stack. Accession No.: 17,898-11565 MSA S512-14-11393 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/16 11567: Samuel Thompson, Samuel Comly, Richard Charles, and Nathan F. Comly vs. Alexander Neill, William T. Somerville, Charles Tiernan, James McGilly Cuddy, and Calvin Tate. BA. Estate of Luke Tiernan. Accession No.: 17,898-11567 MSA S512-14-11394 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/03/05 11568: Eliza C. Tabb, Sophia Forman, Sarah E. Stiles, William L. Stiles, and William B. Clarke vs. Samuel Moale. BA. Contract to purchase land in VA. Accession No.: 17,898-11568 MSA S512-14-11395 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/07/20 11569: James Tongue vs. Thomas Gautt and Tubman K. Long. CV. Contract to cut timber. Accession No.: 17,898-11569 MSA S512-14-11396 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/06/03 11570: George Terrell vs. John Terrell, Olivia Ashton, Alexander Terrell, William Terrell, Gilpin Terrell, Isaac Terrell, John Elliott, and Marinda Elliott. CE. Estate of George Terrell, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-11570 MSA S512-14-11397 Location: 1/39/3/
1817/12/13 11571: James Tongue vs. Zachariah Sunderland and John Sunderland. AA. Title to Starlings Nest. Accession No.: 17,898-11571 MSA S512-14-11398 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/11/28 11572: William Tufts and Rebecca Tufts vs. Philip R.J. Friese and Frederick Schetter. BA. Estate of Timothy Tufts. Accession No.: 17,898-11572-1/2 MSA S512-14-11399 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/02/05 11573: William Turner and Daniel C. Hoppin Emory vs. John A. Sangston, Giles Hicks, Alexander P. Snowden, George P. White, William Cannon, William Bailey, William Malster, William A. Gibson, Elizabeth M. Gibson, Samuel Dunning, William Williams, Charles Griffith, Ann S. Griffith, Sarah L. Richardson, Elizabeth G. Richardson, William P. Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Rufus R. Richardson, Lucy B. Richardson, and William Potter. CA. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-11573-1/2 MSA S512-14-11400 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/07/08 11574: Henry Trump and Abraham H. Cohen vs. Mary Owings, John G. Rogers, Sophia Rogers, John Ridout, Prudence Gough Ridout, and Samuel B. Owings. BA. Estate of Samuel Owings - Pemblicoe, Labyrinth, lot in BC. Plats at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, pp. 464, 482. Accession No.: 17,898-11574-1/13 MSA S512-14-11401 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/06/06 11575: John Tucker vs. Zachariah Sothoron. CH. Dissolution of Sothoron & Tucker. Accession No.: 17,898-11575 MSA S512-14-11402 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/03/27 11576: Martha Turner vs. Thomas Turner. CH. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11576-1/2 MSA S512-14-11403 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/03/26 11578: Devereux Traverse vs. Hooper Rawleigh. DO. Title to Pilgrimage. Accession No.: 17,898-11578 MSA S512-14-11404 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/07/13 11579: Richard S. Thomas, William Thomas, Mifflin Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, and John Thomas vs. Samuel Thomas, David Jones, Maria Jones, and Gustavus Wright. KE. Estate of Richard S. Thomas - Sassafras, Kedgerton, Chigwell, Dallington, Hopewell. Accession No.: 17,898-11579-1/9 MSA S512-14-11405 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/07/21 11580: James B. Tolson and Sarah Elizabeth Tolson vs. Sarah Elizabeth Tolson, Michael Smith, James M. Smith, William Darius Smith, and Samuel G. Smith. KE, QA. Petition to sell Chance, Umbersons Lot, Chester Grove in KE. Also Chapley Farm, Hollingsworth Farm in QA.
Accession No.: 17,898-11580 MSA S512-14-11406 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/02/27 11581: Matthew Tilghman vs. Joseph Broadaway, Nathaniel Wright, Valentine Warum, John S. Blake, and Mary Blake. QA. Estate of James Broadaway. Accession No.: 17,898-11581 MSA S512-14-11407 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/01/20 11582: Henry Tydings, Zachariah Tydings, Horatio Tydings, and Richard Tydings vs. Elijah Tydings, Richard Tydings, Rachel Tydings, Thomas Tydings, John Lewis Tydings, James Stallings, and Ann Stallings. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-11582 MSA S512-14-11408 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/10/23 11583: Perry Townsend and Ann Maria Townsend vs. Joseph Robinson, Edward Lee, William Owens, Caroline Duncan, and William J.B. Duncan. AA. Trust estate of Ann Maria Townsend - Burgess Right, Puddingtons Harbor, Puddingtons Gift. Accession No.: 17,898-11583 MSA S512-14-11409 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/11/05 11584: Octavius Taney and Cornelia Taney vs. Thomas Bruce, Robert Strickland, and William Strickland. PG. Estate of Walter Bruce. Accession No.: 17,898-11584 MSA S512-14-11410 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/01/16 11585: David Williamson Thompson and David Williamson, Jr. vs. George W. Williamson, Juliana Williamson, and Adolphus Williamson. BA. Estate of David Williamson. Accession No.: 17,898-11585 MSA S512-14-11411 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/10/19 11586: James Tongue vs. Charles F. Mayer and Susquehanna Bridge & Bank Co. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11586 MSA S512-14-11412 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/03/03 11588: Matthew Turnbull vs. John R. Griffith, Sophia Griffith, and George Graham. DO. Estate of George Griffith. Accession No.: 17,898-11588 MSA S512-14-11413 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/09/19 11589: Samuel Tschudy and Eliza Tschudy vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Henry Snyder, John Eschbach, and William S. Browning. BA. Estate of William Clemm, Sr. Accession No.: 17,898-11589 MSA S512-14-11414 Location: 1/39/3/
1812/12/14 11590: William Taylor vs. Robert Barry. BA. Contract to export corks. Accession No.: 17,898-11590 MSA S512-14-11415 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/28 11591: James Turner and Charles Corkran vs. James Truston and Hester Truston. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Henrys Hazard, Blades Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-11591 MSA S512-14-11416 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/02/15 11592: James Turner and Ann M. Turner vs. James Metcalf, William D. Metcalf, and Julia A. Metcalf. CA. Petition to sell Mulraine. Accession No.: 17,898-11592 MSA S512-14-11417 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/12/17 11595: Oscar Trail, Lewis Kemp, James L.H. Duvall, Alexander Turnbull, Austin Dall, George Baughman, Isaac Baugher, and John B. Young vs. Henry Tucker, James Ridgely, David Ridgely, Lot Ridgely, George Ridgely, James L. Muir, Stephen L. Bird, and Henry L. Harrington. BA. Defraud of creditors of Tucker.
Accession No.: 17,898-11595-1/2 MSA S512-14-11418 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/02/03 11596: Rebecca Tufts vs. George Reppert, Frederick Schetter, Philip R.J. Friese, John Henry Friese, Herman Daniel Friese, Henry Louis Friese, Henry Christoph Friese, Nicholas Hupperman, Anna Eleanor Schetter, and Magdalen Elizabeth Heye. BA. Estate of John Frederick Friese.
Accession No.: 17,898-11596-1/3 MSA S512-14-11419 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/13 11597: John T. Vinson and Harriet Elizabeth Vinson vs. Louisa Maria Vinson, William B. Vinson, Isaac Young, Nelson Young, Verlinda Young, Wesley Chilton, Joshua Chilton, Nelson Chilton, James Chilton, Henry Chilton, Jane Chilton, Emily Chilton, Armshad T. Hagan, and George Rhodes. MO. Estate of Joshua Chilton.
Accession No.: 17,898-11597 MSA S512-14-11420 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/05/13 11598: Henry P. Van Bibber. AL. Condemnation of Lapwing, Mill Seat, Long Boat, Addition to Mill Seat, Bear Creek Iron Works, Batteau, Military Lot 4119 for an iron furnace. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11598 MSA S512-14-11421 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/22 11599: James Tongue vs. William F. Leitch, Thomas Leitch, and Thomas J. Hall. AA. Contract to sell Town Point. Accession No.: 17,898-11599 MSA S512-14-11422 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/11/10 11600: John Talbott vs. Robert Jamison. PG. Contract to sell slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-11600-1/2 MSA S512-14-11423 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/01/08 11601: Stephen Thompson, Rebecca Thompson, Joshua Barney, and Charles Barney vs. William B. Barney, Mary Barney, and Horatio H. Waters. BA. Estate of Elizabeth Lawson - lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11601-1/3 MSA S512-14-11424 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/07/01 11602: John Tagart and John Wright vs. John Stump. CE. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11602 MSA S512-14-11425 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/02/05 11603: Samuel Thomas vs. Samuel Ellicott, Jr. and Philip S. Ellicott. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11603 MSA S512-14-11426 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/01/18 11604: Robert Taylor and Otho Scott vs. John D. Buck and Ananias D. Buck. BA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-11604 MSA S512-14-11427 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/07/31 11605: Thistle Manufacturing Co. vs. George Ellicott, Jr. Howard District. Injunction against construction of a stone bank in Patapsco River. Diagram. Accession No.: 17,898-11605 MSA S512-14-11428 Location: 1/39/3/
1833/10/23 11606: Horatio Trundle vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. MO. Estate of George W. Fletchall. Accession No.: 17,898-11606-1/2 MSA S512-14-11429 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/04/22 11607: Robert Taylor, James McNeal, James Thompson, Henry Thompson, Charles W. Karthaus, Edward Kurtz, Benjamin Hurxthal, John S. Gittings, William Lorman, Alex Lorman, and Hugh Boyle vs. Commercial & Farmers Bank, Stephen H. Ford, and John Franciscus. BA, CE. Insolvent estate of Ford. Recorded (Chancery Record) 146, p. 78.
Accession No.: 17,898-11607-1/16 MSA S512-14-11430 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/06 11608: U.S. Insurance Co. of Baltimore, James Harwood, John B. Howell, and Walter Farnandis vs. Charles R. Barney. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11608 MSA S512-14-11431 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/08/25 11609: Dr. Allen Thomas vs. Samuel Godfrey, Nathaniel Ellicott, Joseph Hardesty, John Scott, Cassandra Gassaway, Isaac Sams, Thomas Emmett, John Fay, Charles Baldwin, Isaac Thomas, George Evans, James Martin, Alfred Bill, Matilda Williams, William Crawford, Polly Parks, John Allen, John Talbott, Edward Gray, Thomas Gibbons, Ellicott Co., and Joseph Abrison. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Valley of Owen.
Accession No.: 17,898-11609 MSA S512-14-11432 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/06 11610: Richard D. Tilghman, Kennedy R. Owen, Anna M. Owen, Elizabeth D. Tilghman, and Louise Tilghman vs. Anna M. Tilghman and Catherine M. Tilghman. TA. Estate of William Tilghman. Accession No.: 17,898-11610 MSA S512-14-11433 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/10/15 11611: Luke Tiernan, Charles Tiernan, and David Williamson vs. Thomas Billingsly and Arthur Harris. CV. Estate of Thomas W. Harris - Henry Chew, Seamors. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 702. Accession No.: 17,898-11611-1/23 MSA S512-14-11434 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/07/16 11612: Sarah Turner vs. Mary Rebecca Whittam, Sarah Ann Whittam, Rachel Whittam, Wilhelmina Whittam, Benjamin W. Harris, George Hynson Turner, Mary Ann Turner, Sarah Adeline Turner, Rebecca W. Turner, Caroline Eliza Turner, and Clarissa Julianna Turner. CE. Estate of George C. Turner - Francinia. Accession No.: 17,898-11612-1/2 MSA S512-14-11435 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/03/05 11613: Josiah Turner, Philip Turner, Henry Turner, and Edward Turner vs. Samuel Chapman. SM. Contract to purchase tobacco. Accession No.: 17,898-11613-1/2 MSA S512-14-11436 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/07/18 11614: Charles Trelcase and Josiah Stagg vs. John Walls and William Neal. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11614 MSA S512-14-11437 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/03/22 11615: James Turner and Thomas H. Slaughter vs. Thomas H. Slaughter, Elizabeth Adams, William S. Adams, Elizabeth D. Ann Adams, Matilda Adams, Julia Ann Adams, and John T. Adams. TA. Estate of Levin Adams. Accession No.: 17,898-11615 MSA S512-14-11438 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/02/23 11616: Thomas Tuchstone vs. Henry C. Mackall, William Tyson, Laney Tyson, Thomas W. Tyson, Isaac Tyson, Benjamin Tyson, and Maria Tyson. CE. Estate of Levi Tyson. Accession No.: 17,898-11616 MSA S512-14-11439 Location: 1/39/3/
1818/03/31 11617: James Tongue vs. Bennett Sollers. AA. Contract to purchase a slave. Accession No.: 17,898-11617 MSA S512-14-11440 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/09/19 11618: John Tucker vs. Henry G.S. Key. SM. Contract to purchase Burditts Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-11618 MSA S512-14-11441 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/11/09 11619: William Taggart vs. John D. Daniels and John C. King. BA. Estate of Henry Taggart. Accession No.: 17,898-11619-1/9 MSA S512-14-11442 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/02/07 11620: John Tydings vs. John Young and James P. Soper. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Venter Enlarged, Little Piney Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 101. Accession No.: 17,898-11620 MSA S512-14-11443 Location: 1/39/3/
1824/04/03 11621: William Townshend vs. Philip Steuart and Thomas Mundell. PG. Estate of James Hawkins Baynes - Neck Him in the Deer Range, Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-11621 MSA S512-14-11444 Location: 1/39/3/
1799/04/23 11622: John Trux vs. William Trux. FR. Contract to purchase Williams Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-11622 MSA S512-14-11445 Location: 1/39/3/
1829/04/11 11623: Philip Turner, Henry G. Garner, William Reeder, and Josias Briscoe vs. James Walker. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11623 MSA S512-14-11446 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/06/25 11624: Isaac Tyson, Jr. vs. Joshua Dorsey and Lloyd Dorsey. MO. Contract to mine chromate of iron. Accession No.: 17,898-11624 MSA S512-14-11447 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/11 11625: Ally Thomas, Samuel Thomas, James Thomas, George Thomas, John Thomas, Thomas Thomas, Rachel Tunis, Polly Wheeler, and Fanny Mitchell vs. William Thomas, Alexander Thomas, and Nelly Thomas. DO. Estate of Joseph Thomas - Busbys Dale, Addition to Busbys Dale.
Accession No.: 17,898-11625 MSA S512-14-11448 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/02/18 11626: George Treakle, Martha Treakle, Mary Treakle, and Mary Treakle vs. Mary Treakle. BA. Estate of Greenbury Treakle. Accession No.: 17,898-11626 MSA S512-14-11449 Location: 1/39/3/
1837/06/29 11627: Devereux Traverse vs. Sarah F. Martin, William Martin, Isaac F. Williams, Mary Williams, Thomas Williams, Ann Maria Williams, Sarah Williams, and Thomas Martin. DO. Title to lot in Choptank Indian lands. Accession No.: 17,898-11627 MSA S512-14-11450 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/01/20 11628: Ephraim Baker Tradewell and George Smith. CV. Estate of Ephraim Baker Tradewell. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 63. Accession No.: 17,898-11628-1/2 MSA S512-14-11451 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/06/26 11629: Thomas Tredway vs. Thomas H. Fulton. BA. Injunction against obstruction of an alley in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11629 MSA S512-14-11452 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/06 11630: U.S.Insurance Co. of Baltimore, John B. Howell, Walter Farnandis, and James Harwood vs. Thomas W. Brotherton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11630 MSA S512-14-11453 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/04/01 11631: Elizabeth Usher and Daniel Brunner vs. William Farmer, Elizabeth Farmer, William R. Sinclair, Alfred Bell, Georgianna Bell, John W. Bell, and Thomas L. Usher. BA. Title to lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11631-1/2 MSA S512-14-11454 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/04/08 11632: Levin Usilton vs. John F. Usilton, Alexander Taylor, Susan A. Usilton Taylor, Ann R. Usilton, Mary E. Usilton, Joseph L. Usilton, George R. Reed, and Philena Reed. KE. Petition to sell Alfreds Property, Darby, Last, Marie Jones Land, Ashley Property, Wrights Swamp, Rhue Adam, Kennards Lot. Plats of Darby, Wrights Swamp, Rhue Adam, Kennards Lot.
Accession No.: 17,898-11632-1/2 MSA S512-14-11455 Location: 1/39/3/
1821/03/12 11633: Union Bank of Maryland vs. John Matthews. BA. Insolvent estate of Matthews - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 272. Accession No.: 17,898-11633 MSA S512-14-11456 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/04/20 11634: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Elisha Tyson, Isaac Tyson, and Nathan Tyson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 599. Accession No.: 17,898-11634 MSA S512-14-11457 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/05/18 11635: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Thomas Ellicott, William M. Ellicott, Samuel Poultney, Ellen Moab Poultney, Samuel Hoffman, Luke Tiernan, Thomas B. Dorsey, Avalon Co., Stevenson Archer, and Reverdy Johnson. BA. Dissolution of Poultney, Ellicott & Co.
Accession No.: 17,898-11635-1/2 MSA S512-14-11458 Location: 1/39/3/
1820/08/30 11636: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Isaac Phillips. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 116, p. 574. Accession No.: 17,898-11636 MSA S512-14-11459 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/07/25 11637: Union Bank of Maryland vs. Andrew Ellicott, John Ellicott, and Mary S. Ellicott. AA, BA, Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Second Addition to Plummers Pasture Enlarged, Millers Hilly Meadows, Scotts Folly, Plummers Pasture, Walkers Inheritance, Hammond Retreat, Huntingtons Quarter, Hams Beginning, lots in Elk Ridge Landing, Hanover, Caleb and Edwards Friendship, Timber Neck, Pole Cat Glade in AA. Also Addition to Timber Neck in AA and Howard District. Also Elk Ridge Furnace in AA and BA. Also John and Andrews Friendship in Howard District and lots in Baltimore Company lands in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 511.
Accession No.: 17,898-11637 MSA S512-14-11460 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/11/04 11638: Union Bank of Maryland vs. John McCollum and William Worley. CR. Mortgage foreclosure on Timber Ridge, Whites Level. Accession No.: 17,898-11638 MSA S512-14-11461 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/21 11639: Elizabeth S. Usher vs. Charles Farquharson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11639 MSA S512-14-11462 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/08 11640: John Myers and the United States of America vs. George H. Neuman, Augustus Neuman, Susan Neuman, George W. Dobbin, William Wennerholm, Oliver H. Gordon, and George A. Talbot. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 9.
Accession No.: 17,898-11640 MSA S512-14-11463 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/08 11641: United States of America vs. George H. Neuman, Augustus Neuman, Hugh Boyle, Evan T. Ellicott, Johns Hopkins, Philip Hopkins, James C. Sellman, Francis A. Crook, John Hanan, Charles T. Williams, William E. Mayhew, Graham Brooks, Alexander Fisher, William D. Miller, and Chesapeake Bank. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 33.
Accession No.: 17,898-11641 MSA S512-14-11464 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/08 11642: Henry Sigourney and United States of America vs. George H. Neuman and Augustus Neuman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 9. Accession No.: 17,898-11642 MSA S512-14-11465 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/08 11643: Henry Sigourney and United States of America vs. William G. Harrison, George Neuman, and Augustus Neuman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 48. Accession No.: 17,898-11643 MSA S512-14-11466 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/03/08 11644: Henry Sigourney and United States of America vs. George H. Neuman, Augustus Neuman, Hugh Boyle, Evan T. Ellicott, Johns Hopkins, Philip Hopkins, James C. Sellman, Francis A. Crook, John Hanan, Charles T. Williams, William E. Mayhew, Jorham Brooks, Alexander Fisher, William D. Miller, and Chesapeake Bank. BA. Mortgage foreclosure lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 59.
Accession No.: 17,898-11644 MSA S512-14-11467 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/06 11645: U.S. Insurance Co. of Baltimore, Walter Farnandis, James Harwood, and John B. Howell vs. Thomas Pindell. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11645 MSA S512-14-11468 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/06 11646: U.S. Insurance Co. of Baltimore, Walter Farnandis, James Harwood, and John B. Howell vs. Thomas H. Fulton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11646 MSA S512-14-11469 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/03/22 11647: Universal Insurance Co. vs. Anthony Canne, John Spear Nicholas, and David Stewart. BA. Insolvent estate of David Burke - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11647 MSA S512-14-11470 Location: 1/39/3/
1832/07/04 11648: John P. Usher, David Stewart, Govert Haskins, Richard Frisby, and William L. Young vs. City Bank of Baltimore, James Sterett, James Smith, and Jacob G. Davis. BA. Contract to purchase lottery tickets. Accession No.: 17,898-11648 MSA S512-14-11471 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/12/18 11649: Union Bank of Maryland vs. William Stansbury. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Maidens Out, Stones Range, Hansons Wood Lot, lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 555. Accession No.: 17,898-11649-1/4 MSA S512-14-11472 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/07/18 11650: Sarah Ulrich and Peter Ulrich vs. Solomon McHanney. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11650 MSA S512-14-11473 Location: 1/39/3/
1826/12/13 11651: Union Bank of Maryland vs. George W. Weems. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Huntingdon, Ridge, Georges Desire, Additional Angles, Irelands Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 68. Accession No.: 17,898-11651 MSA S512-14-11474 Location: 1/39/3/
1827/07/03 11652: Anne Urie, James Urie, Jeremiah Urie, and William Urie vs. Louisa Peale, George Peale, and Elizabeth Alexander. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11652 MSA S512-14-11475 Location: 1/39/3/
1802/07/01 11653: Joseph Usher. AL. Insolvent estate of Usher - Locust Tree Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-11653 MSA S512-14-11476 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/10/27 11654: Union Bank of Georgetown, John C. Rives, and Edward Lloyd vs. Mary Taylor Key, Virginia Key, Francis S. Key, Philip Barton Key, Charles Howard, Elizabeth Phoebe Howard, Daniel Turner, Anna Turner, Henry Steele, Maria Steele, Ellen Key, Alice Key, Charles Henry Key, Clarence Key, John R. Key, and John A. Smith. CR. Petition to sell Resurvey on Terra Rubra, Addition to Heads Industry, Now or Never. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 153.
Accession No.: 17,898-11654 MSA S512-14-11477 Location: 1/39/3/
1822/12/18 11655: Union Bank of Maryland vs. John Carrere and Henry Messonier. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 585. Accession No.: 17,898-11655 MSA S512-14-11478 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/06/22 11656: Union Bank of Maryland and Solomon Etting vs. William Winchester, Elizabeth Winchester, and Lydia Winchester. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Whites Level. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 337. Accession No.: 17,898-11656 MSA S512-14-11479 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/12/18 11657: Mary Vickers vs. William Vickers. TA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11657 MSA S512-14-11480 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/01/19 11658: Joseph Vandergift vs. William Cruett, Charles Scholley, and Moses G. Leonard. BA. Insolvent estate of Cruett. Accession No.: 17,898-11658 MSA S512-14-11481 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/01/19 11659: George Vickers vs. Lavinia Piner, Louisa H. Piner, James M. Beaston, Ann Rebecca Beaston, and James B. Ricaud. KE. Estate of Bartus Piner - Mothers Care, Plains, Kent Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-11659 MSA S512-14-11482 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/31 11660: U.S. Insurance Co. of Baltimore, Walter Farnandis, James Harwood, and John B. Howell vs. William Simpson and Joseph J. Speed. BA. Insolvent estate of Simpson. Accession No.: 17,898-11660 MSA S512-14-11483 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/11/28 11661: George Vickers, Henry W. McCubbin, Mary Ann McCubbin, and James L. Durding vs. Henry M. Hyland, Mary M. Hyland, Benjamin R. Durding, Edward P. Durding, Hetty Elizabeth Burgess, John T. Durding, Leander A. Durding, and Laura C. Durding. KE. Estates of William R. Durding and Rebecca Durding - Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 119.
Accession No.: 17,898-11661-1/2 MSA S512-14-11484 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/02/20 11662: William T. Vickers and Isaac H. Wright vs. Hooper C. Hicks, Fanny Loockerman, and Sophia Loockerman. DO. Estate of George W. Loockerman. Accession No.: 17,898-11662 MSA S512-14-11485 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/09/02 11663: Allen Vane and Mary E. Vane vs. John H. Seward, Eliza Rawleigh, and Hooper Rawleigh. DO. Petition to sell Taylors Delight, lot in Bucktown. Accession No.: 17,898-11663 MSA S512-14-11486 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/24 11664: Peter Vickers vs. Isaac Wright, Joseph Vickers, Nathan Vickers, Phoebe Vickers, and Peter Vickers. DO. Estate of Peter Vickers - Vickers Mill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 652 and 165, p. 395. Accession No.: 17,898-11664 MSA S512-14-11487 Location: 1/39/3/
1825/03/07 11665: John T. Veazey vs. Andrew Patterson Reading, Catherine Anne Reading, William H. Ward, and Maria Ward. CE. Estate of Andrew J. Patterson. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 330. Accession No.: 17,898-11665-1/3 MSA S512-14-11488 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/01/07 11666: John Vincent vs. Charles Johnson. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Luck Upon Hardship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-11666 MSA S512-14-11489 Location: 1/39/3/
1835/03/06 11667: U S. Insurance Co. of Baltimore, James Harwood, John B. Howell, and Walter Farnandis vs. Stephen J. Thompson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11667 MSA S512-14-11490 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/03/20 11668: James Valiant vs. Jeremiah Marshall, Susan Marshall, Edward Brannock, and Betsy Brannock. DO. Estate of William Marshall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 211. Accession No.: 17,898-11668 MSA S512-14-11491 Location: 1/39/3/
1835 11669: Herman Stump vs. U.S. Insurance Co. of Baltimore. BA. Accession No.: 17,898-11669 MSA S512-14-11492 Location: 1/39/3/
1831/09/09 11670: Joel Vickers and James C. Sellman vs. Bernard Zell and William E. McClellan. BA. Defraud of creditors of zell - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11670 MSA S512-14-11493 Location: 1/39/3/
1851/05/19 11671: George A. Von Speckelson vs. Louis Helleary. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11671 MSA S512-14-11494 Location: 1/39/3/
1830/08/17 11672: Nancy Vanlill vs. Leah Kelly, John Harman, Susan Harman, Nehemiah Rowles, Sally Rowles, Robert Kelly, Leah Anne Kelly, Sarah Anne Kelly, and Susan Anne Kelly. AA. Estate of Stephen Price - Walkers Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 55.
Accession No.: 17,898-11672-1/2 MSA S512-14-11495 Location: 1/39/3/
1823/09/22 11673: Joel Vickers vs. Christopher Chapman, Margaret Warner, Dorcas Daste, Teresa All, Henry Payson, Hugh Birckhead, and Henry P. Summer. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11673 MSA S512-14-11496 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/02/16 11674: Francis Valdenear vs. Aaron Dyer and Benjamin Dyer. MO. Estate of Elizabeth Dyer - Berrys Meadows. Accession No.: 17,898-11674 MSA S512-14-11497 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/07/30 11675: Samuel Vane vs. William Kirkley. DO. Estate of Robert Kirkley - lot in East New Market. Accession No.: 17,898-11675 MSA S512-14-11498 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/05/24 11676: George Vickers vs. Charles E. Tilden and Ann Eliza Tilden. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Millington, Partnership, Henberry, Goose Haven. Accession No.: 17,898-11676 MSA S512-14-11499 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/13 11677: Ann Ward Vesey vs. Joseph S.E. Rochester. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Pearl. Accession No.: 17,898-11677 MSA S512-14-11500 Location: 1/39/3/
1834/03/17 11678: Samuel C. Viers vs. Lewis B. Martin, Honore Martin, Ann Martin, Richard C. Martin, John H. Martin, Eliza Strode, Horatio Clagett, Mary Clagett, Thomas J. Clagett, and Sophia Clagett. AL. Estate of Honore Martin - Glory, Mt. Etna, Resurvey on Hamsteads Park, Gun Bottom, Locust Hill, Workmans Discovery, Military Lots 187, 475, 499, 999, 1361, 1557, 1591, 1687, 2008, 2080, 2567. Recorded (Chancery Record) 182, p. 483.
Accession No.: 17,898-11678-1/2 MSA S512-14-11501 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/05/14 11679: Washington Van Bibber vs. Eliza H. Emory, Eliza L. Emory, Isabel R. Emory, Daniel G. Emory, Thomas L. Emory, Robert M. Gibbs, Charles Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Lenox Martin, and Mary Cresap. BA. Estate of Thomas L. Emory - Baltimore Iron Work lots, Pemlico Meadows, lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-11679 MSA S512-14-11502 Location: 1/39/3/
1839/06/10 11680: John Vincent vs. John Edwin Hooper. DO. Petition to sell Hicksborough. Accession No.: 17,898-11680 MSA S512-14-11503 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/11/09 11681: Cecile Andre Garlie Benze vs. Ferdinand Chatard. BA. Estate of Julien de Venaucourt. Accession No.: 17,898-11681 MSA S512-14-11504 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/03/06 11682: John Vincent vs. Algeron Hurley, Stephen Hurley, Mary Hurley, and Noah Hurley. DO. Estate of Kirby Hurley - Hurleys Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-11682 MSA S512-14-11505 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/05/09 11683: Nathan Vickers, Jacob Tull, Margaret Tull, and John Tull vs. Martin Tull and Pricilla Tull. DO. Petition to sell Brileys Beginning. Accession No.: 17,898-11683 MSA S512-14-11506 Location: 1/39/3/
1828/08/08 11684: William Sidney Winder and Araminta Winder vs. John Diffenderffer, Amelia Diffenderffer, Michael Diffenderffer, and Charles Diffenderffer. BA. Estate of Charles Rogers - Gallow Barron, Rogers Inspection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 775. Accession No.: 17,898-11684-1/7 MSA S512-14-11507 Location: 1/39/3/
1806/11/22 11684A: Sarah Rogers, Alexander Martin, Ann Martin, George Lee, Mary Lee, and Catharine Rogers vs. John Merryman and William R. Smith. BA. Estate of Charles Rogers. Accession No.: 17,898-11684A-1/2 MSA S512-14-11508 Location: 1/39/3/
1838/03/06 11684B: John C. Herbert and Mary Herbert vs. Thomas S. Herbert and Horace Capron. PG. Estate of Thomas Snowden. Accession No.: 17,898-11684B-1/4 MSA S512-14-11509 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/04/23 11685: Henry White vs. Campbell P. White and John White. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Whites Distillery and lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 893. Accession No.: 17,898-11685 MSA S512-14-11510 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/11/22 11686: Eleanor B. Watkins vs. William W. Watkins, Elizabeth L. Watkins, George R. Kenly, Pricilla A. Kenly, Albert G. Warfield, Margaret G. Warfield, William Clark, and Albina C. Clark. Howard District. Estate of Gassaway Watkins - Quarter Place. Accession No.: 17,898-11686 MSA S512-14-11511 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/10/27 11687: Samuel G. Wyman, William S. Appleton, Joseph Smith, Jr., George B. Hoffman, William H. Hoffman, William Woodward, and William H. Baldwin vs. William A. Williar, John H. Ehlen, John F. Ehlen, and Margaret Ann Ehlen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11687 MSA S512-14-11512 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/10/15 11688: Thomas Henry Webb vs. John R. Martin, William Henry McNamara, Susan M. McNamara, L.S. McNamara, Anne Eliza McNamara, Luke McNamara, Catherine McNamara, Margaret H. McNamara, John H. McNamara, and Henrietta McNamara. DO. Estate of Henry L. McNamara. Accession No.: 17,898-11688 MSA S512-14-11513 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/05/19 11689: Robert Wylie and Robert Y. Wilson vs. Henry W. Moore. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Hartleys Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-11689 MSA S512-14-11514 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/10/07 11690: John Hampden Williams vs. John T. Bishop. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 244. Accession No.: 17,898-11690 MSA S512-14-11515 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/07 11691: Lambert A. Whitely vs. Robert N. Whitely. HA. Estate of Anthony Whitely - Rangers Range, Morgans Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 96, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-11691 MSA S512-14-11516 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/04/11 11692: John Whitridge vs. Louisa R. Durkee and Edward Delonghany. BA. Contract to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11692-1/2 MSA S512-14-11517 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/07/11 11693: John A.M. Woodland vs. Mary Ann Todd, Maria E. Todd, Levin N. Todd, Solomon E. Todd, and Mary B. Todd. DO. Estate of John G. Todd. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 538. Accession No.: 17,898-11693 MSA S512-14-11518 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/12/30 11694: Samuel White and George Riall vs. John Kirwan, Elizabeth Foreman, Isaac Foreman, Martha Foreman, Harriet E. Foreman, William T. Foreman, and Patty Richardson. SO. Estate of Reuben Foreman - Prickle Cotts Not. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 310.
Accession No.: 17,898-11694 MSA S512-14-11519 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/03/02 11695: Robert Wright, Sarah Wright, Sarah Ellen Wright, and Thomas Quay vs. James Quay. BA. Estate of Thomas Quay - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 486. Accession No.: 17,898-11695 MSA S512-14-11520 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/07/24 11696: Samuel Wilderson vs. Thomas D. Cockey of Thomas. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 715. Accession No.: 17,898-11696 MSA S512-14-11521 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/10/23 11697: Mary S. Winder vs. John W. Ward. BA. Estate of Araminta Winder. Accession No.: 17,898-11697-1/2 MSA S512-14-11522 Location: 1/39/3/
1842/09/16 11698: Robert Wright vs. Thomas G. Pratt, Dewitt Kent, Juliana M. Kent, Juliana B. Kent, and Joseph W. Kent. PG. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11698-1/3 MSA S512-14-11523 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/06/20 11699: George B. Westcott, Thomas R. Brown, and Richard Hynson vs. Joseph T. Mitchell. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11699 MSA S512-14-11524 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/10/10 11700: Brice J.B. Worthington vs. Richard J. Tayman. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Worthingtons Resurvey. Accession No.: 17,898-11700 MSA S512-14-11525 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/12/27 11701: Richard Wootten and Thomas Wootten vs. William Quynn, Jane Wootten, Araminta Wootten, and Willey Maria Wootten. PG. Estate of William G. Jackson. Accession No.: 17,898-11701 MSA S512-14-11526 Location: 1/39/3/
1844/06/04 11702: John W. Walker vs. Alexander Barrett. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 623. Accession No.: 17,898-11702 MSA S512-14-11527 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/03/08 11703: Lancelot Warfield, Charles Waters, and Farmers Bank of Maryland vs. Elias Ellicott. AA. Contract to purchase Connexion, Woodwards Inclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 353 and 157, p. 279. Accession No.: 17,898-11703 MSA S512-14-11528 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/03/31 11704: John Worthington vs. Elizabeth Frances Worthington, Mary Ann Cockey Worthington, Noah Cockey Worthington, and Josephine F. Cockey Worthington. CR. Estate of Penelope C.D.G. Worthington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 156, p. 504. Accession No.: 17,898-11704 MSA S512-14-11529 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/03/01 11705: Thomas Walker vs. Edwin Crouch. KE. Estate of John W. Walker - Keating Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-11705 MSA S512-14-11530 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/10/02 11706: Thomas Walker vs. Edward B. Harris. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Locust Grove. Accession No.: 17,898-11706 MSA S512-14-11531 Location: 1/39/3/
1845/06/13 11707: Charles Worthington vs. Joshua Algire. CR. Contract to purchase Froggs Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-11707 MSA S512-14-11532 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/28 11708: Henry Webster vs. John F. Cassel, Mary W. Henisler, Joseph Henisler, and George A. Henisler. BA. Insolvent estate of George A. Henisler. Accession No.: 17,898-11708-1/2 MSA S512-14-11533 Location: 1/39/3/
1846/01/10 11709: Thomas Walker vs. Daniel Hanes and Henry J. Strandberg. KE. Contract to sell lot in Chestertown. Accession No.: 17,898-11709 MSA S512-14-11534 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/05/13 11710: Allen Warfield, James Poulton, and Caleb Kelley vs. Elizabeth Warfield, Rufus Warfield, and William Pumphrey. AA. Estate of Thomas B. Warfield - Hollands Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 117. Accession No.: 17,898-11710-1/3 MSA S512-14-11535 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/10/16 11711: Joseph Westerman vs. George Hederick, Esther Hederick, William Meachen, and Jane Meachen. BA. Estate of Joshua Westerman. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 436. Accession No.: 17,898-11711 MSA S512-14-11536 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/03/08 11712: Alexander Wilson vs. Robert Evans and Mary Evans. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11712 MSA S512-14-11537 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/01/24 11713: Brice T.B. Worthington vs. Brice J. Worthington. AA. Insolvent estate of Brice J. Worthington - Griffiths Land Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 291. Accession No.: 17,898-11713-1/5 MSA S512-14-11538 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/08/29 11714: Jacob Willey, Robert Willey, John Willey, Susan Willey, Margaret Willey, Emily Willey, Eliza Willey, Matthias Willey, and Polly Willey vs. Edward Willey and Mary Willey. DO. Estate of Jacob Willey - Strife, Willeys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 611.
Accession No.: 17,898-11714 MSA S512-14-11539 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/06/08 11715: Richard J. Worthington vs. William Klessner. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 482. Accession No.: 17,898-11715 MSA S512-14-11540 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/03/09 11716: Rachel Warfield, Fielder Warfield, Amelia Warfield, Kitty Warfield, and Eleanor Warfield vs. Eliza Ann Warfield, Catherine Warfield, Michael Keiffer, and Catherine H. Keiffer. Howard District. Estate of Charles Warfield. Accession No.: 17,898-11716 MSA S512-14-11541 Location: 1/39/3/
1850/12/19 11717: John Hampden Williams vs. Daniel Gleeson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 719. Accession No.: 17,898-11717 MSA S512-14-11542 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/11/02 11718: Mary Louisa Webb vs. Jared W. Bance and Edward Palmer Bance. BA. Petition to partition land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 99. Accession No.: 17,898-11718 MSA S512-14-11543 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/01/27 11719: Jacob Willson, Rebecca Willson, Joseph Wheatley, and Henry P. Willson vs. Algernon Wheatley. DO. Estate of Ezekiel Wheatley - Levertons Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 475. Accession No.: 17,898-11719 MSA S512-14-11544 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/04/24 11720: Joseph Wright, Sally Priscilla Wright, Levi T. Hughes, Alcey Hughes, Henry A. White, Anne Harris, and Isaac Harris vs. John T. Darby, William J. Harris, Benjamin Darby, Martha Darby, and James M. Stone. SO. Estate of William Harris. Accession No.: 17,898-11720 MSA S512-14-11545 Location: 1/39/3/
1841/04/20 11721: Abraham Worthington, Elizabeth Wilson, Henry Wilson, Thomas Wilson, John Wilson, George W. Wilson, Sarah E. Wilson, Hester Ann Wilson, William Gorsuch, Caroline Gorsuch, William W. Amos, James Amos, John Plackett, Catherine Plackett, Eliza C. Goodwin, Achsah Goodwin, Pleasance Goodwin, Daniel Raymond, Jr., Francis M. Raymond, John J. Myers, and Margaret Myers vs. Elvira Wilson, Cordelia H. Wilson, and Benjamin Edwards Wilson. BA. Estates of William Worthington and John Plackett - Venture Not, Resurvey on Fellowship, Gays Inspection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 231.
Accession No.: 17,898-11721-1/3 MSA S512-14-11546 Location: 1/39/3/
1848/08/01 11722: Charles Wilson vs. Samuel Wilderson and Mary A. Wilderson. BA, CR. Contract to purchase Elmo, Bells Venture, White Oak Bottom. Accession No.: 17,898-11722 MSA S512-14-11547 Location: 1/39/3/
1840/07/24 11723: George F. Wilkinson, George H. Wilkinson, and Henly C. Waters vs. George H. Adams, Richard Adams, and James Adams. CH. Mortgage foreclosure on Tryal, Nottingham, Mount Olivet, Pryors Cleave Resurvey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 552. Accession No.: 17,898-11723-1/2 MSA S512-14-11548 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/01/25 11724: Levin H. Wall vs. Richard Pattison. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Addition, Charles Discovery, Browns Folly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 470. Accession No.: 17,898-11724 MSA S512-14-11549 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/10/31 11725: Sarah Watson vs. Thomas Henry Watson, Sarah Watson, and John May Watson. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11725-1/2 MSA S512-14-11550 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/09/17 11726: Samuel Worthington vs. Charles Worthington. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Mechanics Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 779. Accession No.: 17,898-11726 MSA S512-14-11551 Location: 1/39/3/
1849/01/11 11727: Robert Wylie and Robert Y. Wilson vs. William Basil, Sarah A. Basil, William Brewer, and Alice Brewer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11727-1/2 MSA S512-14-11552 Location: 1/39/3/
1836/07/15 11728: Samuel B. Watkins and Joseph S. Watkins vs. William Harwood, Harriet Harwood, Benjamin Harwood, Richard Harwood, Elaine Harwood, Marcia Harwood, George F. Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Francis Taylor, Sally C. Taylor, Edward Nicholson, and Margaret Nicholson. MO. Mortgage foreclosure on Solomons Contrivance, Partnership. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-11728 MSA S512-14-11553 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/04/15 11729: Henry Wayman, Richard G. Stockett, and Larkin Shipley vs. Samuel F. Simmons, Sarah P. Simmons, and Sarah E. Simmons. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Trouble for Nothing. Accession No.: 17,898-11729 MSA S512-14-11554 Location: 1/39/3/
1843/02/17 11730: Levin Woollen and Elizabeth Woollen vs. Jeremiah Lewis, Aaron Lewis, Jesse Lewis, Kinnerly Wright, Celey Wright, Jesse Lewis, Wright Lewis, James E. Lewis, Abraham Lewis, Eliza J. Lewis, and Harriet Ricauds. DO. Petition to sell lot in New Market. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 574A.
Accession No.: 17,898-11730 MSA S512-14-11555 Location: 1/39/3/
1847/12/21 11731: Peter Wright, William Wharton, and Deborah Wharton vs. Samuel Fisher Corlies. CA, QA. Petition to sell Watsons Delight, Scrivens Hardship, Security, Hacketts Meadows Enlarged, Rachels Desire, Mooths Range, Friendship in QA. Also Bee Tree Corrected in CA. Plats of Rachels Desire, Mooths Range, Friendship, Bee Tree Corrected. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 569.
Accession No.: 17,898-11731-1/2 MSA S512-15-11556 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/08/01 11732: William Pinkney Williams, Victoria B. Dalrymple, Nehemiah D. Williams, William H. Williams, Sarah Williams, Martha W. Williams, Joseph Williams, Susan May Williams, John Savage Williams, Rebecca D. Williams, Maria D. Williams, William W.T. Greenway, Mary Greenway, William Remington, Charles Douglass Gray, Isabella A. Gray, Victoria B. Williams, Dalrymple Williams, and Caroline Remington vs. Moses Williams, Amos Williams, George Williams, and Nathaniel Williams. BA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-11732-1/2 MSA S512-15-11557 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/06/01 11733: Philip Wesley Whitwright and Eleanor Whitwright vs. Mary Elizabeth Parrott and John Thomas Parrott. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-11733-1/2 MSA S512-15-11558 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/04/19 11734: Joseph H. Wilson vs. Bank of the Metropolis and Richard Smith. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11734-1/2 MSA S512-15-11559 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/06/13 11735: John T. Worthington, Mary G. Worthington, and Sarah C. Hood vs. Samuel Bentz and Basil E. Dorsey. CR. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-11735 MSA S512-15-11560 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/07/12 11736: Edward Hardcastle vs. Robert C. Baynard. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Coal Banks Enlarged, Castleberry, Castle Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 52. Accession No.: 17,898-11736 MSA S512-15-11561 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/05/23 11737: John Wentz vs. Miles Kahoe and Richard L. Thomas. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on New Connough Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 387. Accession No.: 17,898-11737 MSA S512-15-11562 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/08/12 11738: Robert M. Wallace vs. Arthur C. Wallace, Elizabeth Wallace, Joseph A. Wallace, William G. Wallace, John H. Wallace, and Thomas H. Wallace. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 13. Accession No.: 17,898-11738 MSA S512-15-11563 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/10/13 11739: Henry Wilkins, Henry Wonn, Johns Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, Andrew D. Jones, William Woodward, Miles White, Thomas P. Williams, William Knox, Hugh McElderry, John A. Craig, James J. Fisher, and Esdale P. Cohen vs. Savage Manufacturing Co., George Williams, Nathaniel Williams, Hugh N. Birckhead, and William Schley. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Whites Contrivance, Henrys Lot, Pinkstones Thicket, Warfields Range, Venisons Park, Brothers Partnership, Williams Discovery.
Accession No.: 17,898-11739-1/2 MSA S512-15-11564 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/01/05 11740: Solomon Wright vs. Richard Fossett and Charles Haile. BA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11740 MSA S512-15-11565 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/07/20 11741: John Wade, Jr. vs. John R.D. Thomas, Eleanor Thomas, and John H.B. Latrobe. BA. Trust estate of Eleanor Thomas. Accession No.: 17,898-11741-1/2 MSA S512-15-11566 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/10/16 11742: Henry White of Joseph vs. Maria Sirman. SO. Estate of George Sirman - Isaacs Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 83. Accession No.: 17,898-11742 MSA S512-15-11567 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/04/07 11743: Thomas J. Walsh, Mary Walsh, James Kerr Walsh, Eliza Walsh, Christopher Shiel, Margaret Shiel, Augustine Emory, Thomas Henry Emory, and Ambrose Mareschal Emory vs. John Walsh. BA. Estate of Jane G. Walsh. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 185 Accession No.: 17,898-11743 MSA S512-15-11568 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/05/09 11744: Henry Wright and Elizabeth Wright vs. John Hicks North and Hester North. DO. Estate of Hicks North. Accession No.: 17,898-11744 MSA S512-15-11569 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/09/09 11745: Francis Webb, Jane Webb, William Meekins, Anne Meekins, Kester Handley, James Webster, Rhoda Webster, Thomas Starr, Ellinor Starr, Thomas Wrightson, Mary Wrightson, Elias Reiston, Elizabeth Reiston, John Philips, Henry Page, Elizabeth Ann Philips, Samuel Smith, Richard Smith, Edward Smith, and James Smith vs. George Phillips and James R. Phillips. SO. Estate of John Phillips. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 137.
Accession No.: 17,898-11745 MSA S512-15-11570 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/11/04 11746: John Nick Watkins vs. Abram V. Zane. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11746 MSA S512-15-11571 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/06/13 11747: Isaiah Watkins, Emily Watkins, George S. Smith, Sarah Ann Smith, and Elizabeth Trego vs. William Trego and Nield Clark. DO. Estate of Job Trego. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-11747 MSA S512-15-11572 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/01/07 11748: Fernando Wood vs. John Patterson and Nashville Insurance Co. BA. Contract to loan money and assign insurance policy on brig Col. Howard. Accession No.: 17,898-11748-1/2 MSA S512-15-11573 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/04/08 11749: Peregrine Wroth and Hiram Browne, Jr. vs. Margaret Gregory and Eliza Bird. KE. Estate of James Gregory - New York. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 6. Accession No.: 17,898-11749-1/2 MSA S512-15-11574 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/04/26 11750: Nicholas Worthington, John Dorsey, and Charles W. Dorsey vs. Presley W. Dorsey and Mary H. Dorsey. CR. Mortgage foreclosure on Mansills Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 86. Accession No.: 17,898-11750 MSA S512-15-11575 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/02/02 11752: Henry D. Wright, Mary Stevens, Henry D.W. Stevens, Mary Elizabeth Stevens, and William Hacket Stevens vs. Samuel M. Traverse, Emily Traverse, William K. Traverse, William Traverse, Robert Traverse, John Traverse, Sarah Ann Traverse, Henry Traverse, Prisella Traverse, Mary Traverse, Susan Traverse, Letitia Traverse, Rebecca Traverse, Henrietta Traverse, Thomas Carter, Mary A. Carter, William Corvart, Letitia Corvart, Samuel J. Meekins, and Eliza Meekins. DO. Estate of Matthias Traverse - Bonwells Snow Ball, Coles Regulation, Thompsons Folly, Heathers Lot, Luck By Chance, Coles Gift, Heathers Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 571.
Accession No.: 17,898-11752 MSA S512-15-11576 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/10/30 11753: John F. Wilson and Jonathan Pinkney vs. Judith Ann Dorsey, William Hayeth Dorsey, Rebecca S. Dorsey, Robert F. Neely, and Anna M. Neely. AA. Estate of William H. Dorsey - Greenwich Park. Accession No.: 17,898-11753-1/3 MSA S512-15-11577 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/09/09 11754: Lewin Wethered vs. Martha Palmer, John Palmer, Benjamin Palmer, George C. Palmer, Mary H. Palmer, Martha Ann Palmer, Michael Keating, Elizabeth Jane Keating, William F. Parrott, Rachel M. Parrott, and William A. Spencer. QA. Estate of George Palmer. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 842.
Accession No.: 17,898-11754-1/2 MSA S512-15-11578 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/02/27 11755: Jeremiah C. Wright and Louisa Byrne vs. John E. Harris, Margaret H. Harris, and William T. Vickers. DO. Estate of Elizabeth Fritchet - Lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 76. Accession No.: 17,898-11755 MSA S512-15-11579 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/08/31 11756: William Winn and James Ross vs. John Clarke and Henry Mankin. BA. Contract to purchase goods. Accession No.: 17,898-11756 MSA S512-15-11580 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/01/03 11757: Dorothy C. Wigart, George W. Ferralls, Catherine Ferralls, Jacob Counselman, Mary Ann Counselman, John Frost, Louisa Frost, Caroline Wigart, Julia Ann Wigart, Martha Ann Wigart, Louis Daniel Wigart, William Wallace, and Elizabeth Wallace vs. Henry Bascom Wigart and Catherine Wigart. BA. Estate of Henry Wigart. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 192.
Accession No.: 17,898-11757-1/2 MSA S512-15-11581 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/02/14 11758: John B. Welhelm of John vs. Elijah Yealdhall. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hollands Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-11758-1/2 MSA S512-15-11582 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/07/07 11759: Henry Westfall vs. Emeline Westfall. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11759-1/2 MSA S512-15-11583 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/03/02 11760: Gassaway Winterson vs. Walter Carr and Dinah Carr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Smiths Delight. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 699. Accession No.: 17,898-11760 MSA S512-15-11584 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/04/13 11761: James Wallace vs. James Hurlock, John Hurlock, Jefferson Hurlock, Washington Hurlock, Martin Hurlock, Sophia Hurlock, Sarah Hurlock, and Eliza Thomas. DO. Estate of Jonathan Hurlock - Hurlocks Regulation. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 32. Accession No.: 17,898-11761-1/4 MSA S512-15-11585 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/03/23 11762: George R. Webb and Mary E.H. Webb vs. Clement Weedon, Ara Anderson, Christiana M. Worthington, Nicholas J. Worthington, Brice T.B. Worthington, Mary W. Worthington, and Elizabeth R. Worthington. AA. Estate of Ann R. Plummer. Accession No.: 17,898-11762 MSA S512-15-11586 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/12/10 11763: Sarah Ann Wallace vs. William Wallace. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-11763 MSA S512-15-11587 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/05/16 11764: Erasmus D. Wolfe vs. William Jackson, Isabella Leary, Thomas J.R. Yates, Ann Yates, William Leary, Amanda Leary, and Mortimer Leary. DO. Estate of Charles Leary - March Pasture, Scotts Purchase, Opossum Ridge, lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 304.
Accession No.: 17,898-11764-1/5 MSA S512-15-11588 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/10/31 11765: Lancaster Ould, Isabella Ould, Mary Pauline Ould, Charles M. Keyser, Mary E. Keyser, Alexander D. Kelly, Jr., Fayette Wilson, Hannah Louisa Wilson, Lewis Wilson, Mary Wilson, Anne C. Wilson, Joseph L. Sanford, Jane R. Sanford, William Wilson Sanford, Mary W. Sanford, Thomas Sanford, Anne C. Sanford, Sally McKenzie Sanford, and Joseph L. Sanford vs. William K. Wilson, Ann Eliza Wilson, Samuel K. Wilson, Catherine Virginia Wilson, James Wilson, David S. Wilson, James H. Wilson, and Remus R. Ould. BA. Estate of William Wilson.
Accession No.: 17,898-11765-1/2 MSA S512-15-11589 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/01/06 11766: John Wood vs. William H. Wood, Richard Lane, and Lewis Griffith. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11766 MSA S512-15-11590 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/05/26 11767: John Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, and Elizabeth Vickers vs. Elizabeth Harris. DO. Petition to sell Timber Yard, Martins Purchase, Arthurs Contrivance. Accession No.: 17,898-11767 MSA S512-15-11591 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/05 11768: Ambrose Wager and Elizabeth Wager vs. Lucy M. Wager and Harriet L. Wager. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11768 MSA S512-15-11592 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/07/20 11769: George T. Warfield, Amos Clarke, Joseph M. Clarke, Ara E. Clarke, Richard J. Clarke, William P. Clarke, and John H. Clarke vs. John H. Marriott. AA. Trust estate under will of Joseph Marriott - Providence. Accession No.: 17,898-11769 MSA S512-15-11593 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/01/10 11770: John B. Welhelm of John vs. Stephen L. Lee, Vachel A. Ellicott, Elizabeth A. Ellicott, Elijah Yealdhall, and Jacob W. Bird. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11770-1/2 MSA S512-15-11594 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/10/07 11771: John Hampden Williams vs. Jacob Hull and Anna Mary Hull. FR. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Bakers Conclusion. Accession No.: 17,898-11771 MSA S512-15-11595 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/01/29 11772: Thomas Willson, Mary Ann Willson, William Hemsley, Anna Hemsley, James B. Ricaud, and John M. Biddle vs. John C. Willson, Ann Elizabeth Willson, George H. Willson, Henrietta E. Willson, Francis Biddle, Stephen A. Biddle, Mary Biddle, Emeline Biddle, Martha Biddle, Clarissa Biddle, Julia Ann Biddle, John Lusby, Jr., and Wilhilmina Lusby. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 646.
Accession No.: 17,898-11772 MSA S512-15-11596 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/05/20 11773: Nathan Williams vs. Isaac W. Lowe, Enoch Lowe, and Mary Lowe. DO. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11773 MSA S512-15-11597 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/07/02 11774: John F. Wilson vs. Matthew Hardesty. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Gravelly Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-11774 MSA S512-15-11598 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/06/29 11775: Thomas Walker, John W. Walker, and George B. Wescott vs. John S. Thomas, Mary Dunn Thomas, Kennard Copper, George W. Copper, John Copper, William Henry Copper, Hannah Elizabeth Edwards, Mary Jane Edwards, John Edwards, Sarah Amanda Edwards, Ann Eliza Edwards, George Vickers, and Nathaniel Copper. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Beckworth, Becks Addition, Savory Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 470.
Accession No.: 17,898-11775 MSA S512-15-11599 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/04/23 11776: George H. Williams vs. Moses Starr, Elizabeth Starr, Joseph Davenport, Abraham G. Mott, Thomas Matthews, Mary G. Matthews, Elijah Price, Sarah E. Price, Eldridge G. Kilbourn, Chesapeake Bank, and Gulielma Mott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 65.
Accession No.: 17,898-11776-1/3 MSA S512-15-11600 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/07/01 11777: Charles Worthington, Sr., James Hammond, Matilda A. Hammond, Jacob Hollingsworth, Nancy Hollingsworth, Mary H. Worthington, Charles Worthington, Jr., Francis H. Worthington, Hannah P. Worthington, George Y. Worthington, Anne Worthington, George D. Fitzhugh, Elizabeth Fitzhugh, John Y. Worthington, Hattersly P. Worthington, Ellia Worthington, and Sarah Worthington vs. John A. Ellicott, Andrew Ellicott of Nathaniel, George Poe, and Allen Talbott. Howard District. Injunction against removal of ore from Oak Hill.
Accession No.: 17,898-11777 MSA S512-15-11601 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/07/08 11778: John Campbell White vs. Joseph White and Campbell P. White. BA. Validity of deed for lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11778-1/2 MSA S512-15-11602 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/03/26 11779: Noah Walker vs. Charles R. Stewart, William Williams, and John E.J. Pumphrey. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11779 MSA S512-15-11603 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/13 11780: Samuel Wethered vs. Emeline L. Davis, John M. Comegys, Ann Elizabeth Wethered, Levin Wethered, and Charles Wethered. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Slates Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 381. Accession No.: 17,898-11780 MSA S512-15-11604 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/01/16 11781: George A. Williams and Jane Allison Williams vs. Samuel C. Donaldson and James Winchester. BA. Trust estate of Jane A. Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-11781 MSA S512-15-11605 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/07/04 11782: John W. Weems and Martha Weems vs. Mary Williams, Henry Haubert, Caroline Haubert, James Robertson, Eleanor Robertson, Samuel L. Brook, Eliza Brook, Joseph Roberts, Amelia Roberts, James Kent, and Mary Kent. CV. Estate of William S. Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-11782 MSA S512-15-11606 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/06/28 11783: William Ward vs. John Thomas Morris, William H. Morris, and Isabella J. Morris. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11783-1/2 MSA S512-15-11607 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/04/08 11784: George Wells vs. J.C.S. Wells. Howard District. Petition to sell Warfields Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-11784 MSA S512-15-11608 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/07/09 11785: James Wallace vs. William B. Dail, Margaret F. Cook, William B. Cook, Hetty C. Cook, and Aaron M. Cook. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on White Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1001. Accession No.: 17,898-11785-1/2 MSA S512-15-11609 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/05/16 11786: John Hampden Williams vs. Theodore Gorsuch. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11786 MSA S512-15-11610 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/09/17 11787: John Walsh vs. Mary Ann Neilson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11787 MSA S512-15-11611 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/10/13 11788: George H. Williams vs. William W. Williams. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 99. Accession No.: 17,898-11788 MSA S512-15-11612 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/03/12 11789: Albert Webster vs. Jonas Crew. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 214. Accession No.: 17,898-11789 MSA S512-15-11613 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/01/31 11790: John Hampden Williams vs. Mary H. Houghton. BC. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 977. Accession No.: 17,898-11790 MSA S512-15-11614 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/10/28 11791: Henry Welling and Charles G. Ridgely. AA. Estate of William Ridgely - White Wine and Claret. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 276. Accession No.: 17,898-11791 MSA S512-15-11615 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/07/24 11792: Edward Wilkins and Francis O. Wilkins vs. Julianna Merritt, Henry Browne, Margaret Ann Browne, May E. Merritt, Juliana K. Merritt, Samuel Merritt, Sarah Louisa Merritt, and James A. Merritt. KE. Estate of Samuel Merritt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 238.
Accession No.: 17,898-11792 MSA S512-15-11616 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/02/19 11793: Harrison H. Webb, Thomas Watkins, Jarrett Eddix, Charles Perry, Thomas Hilliard, Elisha Badger, Rebecca Badger, Horace Bowers, Chloe Ann Bowers, Charles Toogood, Ellen Toogood, Anthony Chubbs, Mary Ann Chubbs, Peter Hawkins, Sophia Hawkins, Joseph P. Wilson, William Rogers, Abraham Simms, William Ebb, Ann Maria Ebb, David P. Jones, Samuel J. Bradley, Edward Travis, Gabriel Parker, David Gray, Isaac Phillips, David Thomas, Deborah Thomas, Richard J. Moore, Perry Greenwood, Patrick Hamilton, Ann Hamilton, Charity Chambers, Hannah Henson, Ann Travis, Louisa Chase, Edward Fisher, Caroline Fisher, Mary Ann Bowie, Sarah Todd, Hannah Johnson, Milby Purnell, Henry Tartes, Hagar Tartes, Nathan Williams, Biwer Williams, Henry Folks, Jane Folks, Maria Anderson, Sarah Bright, Ann Douglass, Priscilla Snowden, Charity White, Ann Maria Clark, Matilda Davis, Henry Brightman, Richard Johnson, Catharine Johnson, Samuel Watts, Mary Watts, Emanuel Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Littleton Crittow, John Peach, Gabriel Bowly, William K. White, Louisa White, Moses Meredith, Saphrasier Meredith, Joseph Carter, John Fortie, Stephen Scott, Kevin McGlocklin, Jacob Gruber, Rachel Gruber, William Adams, Charles Gross, George Murray, Israel Prout, Moses Small, Mary Small, Abraham Atkinson, Nathaniel Cambel, John Dickerson, Lydia Bowser, Thomas Cooke, Rosetta Cooke, Sarah Ann Cooke, Rosetta Pye, Jarret Badger, Rebecca Badger, Hester Hughes, Edward Johnson, Harriet Johnson, Nelson Wells, Mary Wells, Barbara Rupele, Alfred Bias, Sarah Bias, Sarah McGill, Charles Bowen, Jane Bowen, Perry Thomas, Elizabeth Thomas, Richard Ford, Hannah Ford, George Coulson, Margaret Coulson, Juliann Beckwith, Patrick McKouky, Elizabeth McKouky, William Loyate, Sophia Loyate, Hester Gordden, Jane Coale, Benjamin Fleetwood, Dolly Fleetwood, Ann Kiat, Ann Maria Blake, Sarah Jenkins, William Gilbert, Jane Gilbert, Rachel Cooke, Eliza White, and Nancy Douglas vs. Mary Ridgely and Savings Bank of Baltimore. BA. Petition to transfer accounts of the Baltimore Association for the Education of Colored Children. Accession No.: 17,898-11793 MSA S512-15-11617 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/05/03 11794: Noah Walker, John H. Caughey, Samuel H. Caughey, Samuel Keyser, and Thomas F. Foxell vs. John W. Othick, Charles T. Cloud, and William D. Othick. BA. Insolvent estate of William D. Othick. Accession No.: 17,898-11794 MSA S512-15-11618 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/04/01 11795: William Henry Warfield vs. George W. Warfield and Rebecca Warfield. CR. Contract to purchase Progress, Additional Progress, Dorseys Dilemma. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 607. Accession No.: 17,898-11795 MSA S512-15-11619 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/01/31 11796: William S. Walker and Anna J. Walker vs. Joseph O. Dugan, Mary C. Dugan, Henry W. Archer, Mary E. Archer, William Dugan, Anna M. Dugan, Edward Mansfield, Mary J. Mansfield, and Elizabeth Walker. KE. Estate of Marian Dugan - lots in Chestertown Accession No.: 17,898-11796 MSA S512-15-11620 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/02/01 11797: Catherine A. Walker, Sater T. Walker, Sater T. Walker, Jr., Horace Gillingham, Catherine Gillingham, Benjamin J. Clarke, Mary Jane Clarke, Dorcas Angeline Roach, Josephine S. Walker, William T. Bishop, and Caroline Catherine Bishop vs. Edward Rider, John Mason, Sater T. Walker, William Gibbons, Hamilton H. Salmon, Maria C. Miller, and Daniel H. Thompson. BA. Title to lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-11797 MSA S512-15-11621 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/07/12 11798: James B. Wrightson vs. James K. Wrightson, Jeremiah Wrightson, Hugh S. Wrightson, and John E. Wrightson. TA. Estate of William Wrightson - Lurkey. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 455. Accession No.: 17,898-11798 MSA S512-15-11622 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/02/09 11799: Eleanor Woodfield vs. Edmund Clagett and John W. Clagett. AA. Estate of William H. Woodfield - Snowdens Reputation Supported. Accession No.: 17,898-11799 MSA S512-15-11623 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/06/20 11800: Martin L. Wright vs. Nathaniel Walker, Robert F. Walker, Aleaynt A. Walker, and Levin Walker. DO. Estate of Robert Walker. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 433. Accession No.: 17,898-11800 MSA S512-15-11624 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/04/21 11801: George Woolford, Margaret Woolford, and Ann Arnett vs. Joseph H. Arnett, James W. Arnett, Levin Arnett, and Jane Arnett. DO. Petition to sell Pokety. Accession No.: 17,898-11801 MSA S512-15-11625 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/04/29 11802: James Williamson and John Williamson vs. George W. Smith, Samuel Hodgkin, Caroline Hodgkin, Robert W. Smith, Cornelia Smith, Thomas Smith, John Smith, Thomas Reynolds, Joseph W. Reynolds, Richard Grahame, Elizabeth Smith, George Taylor, and John H. Chew. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Brentford, Halls Croft, Thatcham, Chew Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-11802 MSA S512-15-11626 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/06/24 11803: Charles Wood vs. Cyrus Gault and John B. Emery. BA. Petition to discover accounts of Emery & Gault. Accession No.: 17,898-11803 MSA S512-15-11627 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/12/01 11804: John T. Worthington vs. William Baer, James Driver, Lucy Driver, and Frederick A. Schley. CR. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 593. Accession No.: 17,898-11804 MSA S512-15-11628 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/07/20 11805: Thomas J. Walsh, Mary Walsh, Augustine Emory, Gideon Emory, Joseph Condon, Christopher Shiel, Margaret Shiel, Eliza Walsh, Elizabeth Walsh, and James Kerr Walsh vs. John Walsh. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 162, p. 761.
Accession No.: 17,898-11805 MSA S512-15-11629 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/11/20 11806: John T. Worthington vs. William Shipley, Henry Shipley, George Shipley, John Shipley, and William Landsdale. AA. Contract to purchase Blooming Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-11806 MSA S512-15-11630 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/01/17 11807: Edward Wilkins and Francis O. Wilkins vs. Ann Rebecca Merritt and Mary Ann Merritt. KE. Estate of Joseph T. Merritt. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 1059. Accession No.: 17,898-11807 MSA S512-15-11631 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/12/08 11808: Benjamin Watkins vs. Thomas Watkins. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 604. Accession No.: 17,898-11808 MSA S512-15-11632 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/11/13 11809: Sarah Welling vs. William Welling, Levi Young, Elizabeth Young, Mary Iglehart, James Morris, and Rebecca Morris. Howard District. Petition to sell White Wine and Claret. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 276. Accession No.: 17,898-11809-1/2 MSA S512-15-11633 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/09/30 11810: Freeborn G. Waters, John A. Stewart, and Columbus J. Stewart vs. Rebecca Waters, Charles A. Waters, Rebecca A. White, Charles R. White, Elizabeth A. Howard, and Charles R. Howard. BA. Petition to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11810 MSA S512-15-11634 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/10/30 11811: Joseph H. Wilson, Robert Wright, and Christopher C. Hyatt vs. Josias Suit. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11811-1/3 MSA S512-15-11635 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/11/12 11812: Isaac Wright vs. Samuel LeCompte, David M. Todd, Ann Maria Todd, Harrison Winterbottom, Samuel Winterbottom, and Henry Winterbottom, DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 142. Accession No.: 17,898-11812 MSA S512-15-11636 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/05/19 11813: James P. Wilkes and Richard Coleman vs. Mary Ann Coleman, Thomas M. Coleman, William H. Coleman, Elizabeth Coleman, Charles W. Coleman, Mary Ann Coleman, Samuel Coleman, Sarah Ann Coleman, John Coleman, Margaret Coleman, Jane Coleman, and Richard Coleman. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bannings Resurvey on Smiths Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, pp. 477, 522.
Accession No.: 17,898-11813-1/3 MSA S512-15-11637 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/09/11 11814: Sarah M. Williamson vs. Sarah L. Williamson, William J. Williamson, Mary E. Williamson, Washington F. Williamson, and David Williamson. CE. Petition to sell Daniels Den, Freemans Park, Williamsons Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 175, p. 802. Accession No.: 17,898-11814 MSA S512-15-11638 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/08/04 11815: George B. Westcott, William Wareham, and Joseph Usilton vs. Henrietta L. Everett, William B. Everett, and Matthew Tilghman Everett. KE. Petition to sell Arcadia, Payes Farm Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157. p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-11815-1/6 MSA S512-15-11639 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/07/26 11816: Charles D. Warfield vs. Allen Dorsey. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Poplar Springs, Additional Defense, Addition, Broken Hatchet, Ridgelys Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-11816 MSA S512-15-11640 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/07/22 11817: Thomas James Wyatt vs. Jacob Albert, Samuel J. Donaldson, Caroline Fischer, Henry Albers, Ann Eliza Albers, Caroline Fischer, Charles Fischer, William Fischer, and Lewis C. Fischer. BA. Estate of Charles Fischer. Accession No.: 17,898-11817 MSA S512-15-11641 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/06/26 11818: Charles A. Warner vs. Thomas H. Fulton, Nicholas W. Goldsborough, James A. Sangston, Charles A. Williamson, Joshua S. Inloes, Borins F. Gardner, William J. Ward, George E. Sangston, and James A. Parkinson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11818 MSA S512-15-11642 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/06/22 11819: Priscilla Wilkinson, John Thomas Wilkinson, and George C.T. Wilkinson vs. Frederick Morrell and Ann C. Morrell. CV. Estate of George Wilkinson. Accession No.: 17,898-11819 MSA S512-15-11643 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/07/10 11820: John Campbell White vs. Joseph White and Campell P. White. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11820 MSA S512-15-11644 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/04/23 11821: Campbell P. White, John C. White, Ann White, Mary White, Cornelia White, John Steward, and Catherine Steward vs. John White, Henry White, John C. White of Stevenson, and Charles R. White. BA. Estate of John C. White - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11821 MSA S512-15-11645 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/01/29 11822: George B. Westcott vs. James Hartt. KE. Estate of William B. Everitt - Arcadia. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 605. Accession No.: 17,898-11822 MSA S512-15-11646 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/02/24 11823: John Tolly Worthington and Richard Johns vs. Upton S. Heath. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hammonds Deer Park, Trouting Stream. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 59. Accession No.: 17,898-11823 MSA S512-15-11647 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/08/18 11824: Henry Woodland, Mariah Woodland, and Susan W. Woodland vs. William H. Dunnock, Sophia C. Dunnock, Mary Margaret Dunnock, Sarah Dunnock, Samual R. Dunnock, Eliza R. Dunnock, Susan Elizabeth Dunnock, John R. Dunnock, John Thomas Dunnock, and Benjamin J.B. Keene. DO. Estate of Benjamin S. Keene.
Accession No.: 17,898-11824 MSA S512-15-11648 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/02/17 11825: Thomas Walker vs. Edwin Crouch, Anna Ophelia Crouch, Edwin Crouch, Jr., John Edward Crouch, and Thomas B. Keatting. KE. Petition to sell Adams Choice, Mount Pleasant, Keatting Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-11825-1/2 MSA S512-15-11649 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/12/02 11826: James H. Watkins, Nicholas J. Watkins, and Basil Shepherd vs. John S. Selby. AA. Estate of Edward Williams Hammond Security. Accession No.: 17,898-11826-1/3 MSA S512-15-11650 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/04/05 11827: Thomas Walker vs. Joseph A. Harper, Mary Matilda Harper, Araminta Josephine Harper, Daniel Collins, Elizabeth Walker, Mary Elizabeth Walker, William S. Walker, and Anna J. Walker. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Fish Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 760. Accession No.: 17,898-11827 MSA S512-15-11651 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/12/05 11828: Robert Welch of Ben and Moses Lake vs. Nathaniel R. Waters and Somerville Pinkney. AA. Estate of Ramsay Waters - Shaving Costs. Accession No.: 17,898-11828 MSA S512-15-11652 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/11/06 11829: John W. Weems vs. Lewis Tinges. CV. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 299. Accession No.: 17,898-11829 MSA S512-15-11653 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/03/07 11830: George H. Willson vs. Ellen Gilleland, Agnes Gilleland, and Margaret Gilleland. KE. Petition to sell Piney Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 107. Accession No.: 17,898-11830 MSA S512-15-11654 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/11/30 11831: Henry C. Woodland vs. Maria E. Woodland and Susan S. Woodland. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 176. Accession No.: 17,898-11831 MSA S512-15-11655 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/01/09 11832: William T. Woolford vs. Roger L. Woolford and Levin Woolford. DO. Petition to sell Grindstone Point, Wading Place, Cedar Cove, Tobacco Stick. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 401. Accession No.: 17,898-11832 MSA S512-15-11656 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/02/26 11833: Nathan J. Waters vs. William C. Anderson and Mable Anderson. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Jerrico, Cherry Walk, Waters Cole. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 340. Accession No.: 17,898-11833 MSA S512-15-11657 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/05/16 11834: Robert Wylie, Robert G. Wilson, Thomas Camper, Edris Berkley, John W. Bruff, Joseph Baugher, Daniel Buskey, Samuel Orendorf, Clinton Levering, Charles H. Clark, Conrad R. Fite, Charles A. Grinnell, Frederick Fickey, Sr., Frederick Fickey, Jr., Andrew J. Fickey, Lewis Laner, William Loney, and William Hill McLean vs. William McMaskin and Agnes McMaskin. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Ellicotts Mills.
Accession No.: 17,898-11834-1/7 MSA S512-15-11658 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/11/04 11835: Edward J. Wainright and Olivia Wainright vs. Alfred B. Riggin and Rebecca Frances Riggin. SO. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in Salisbury. Accession No.: 17,898-11835 MSA S512-15-11659 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/06/11 11836: George Wall vs. Richard L. Thomas, William Gamble, Charles Gamble, Sarah Gamble, Jesse Irwin, Deborah Irwin, Margaret H. Pritchard, Sidney A. Pritchard, Rachel Pritchard, Mary Elizabeth Pritchard, Sally Ann Tyson, and Mary Elizabeth Tyson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on and North East Factory. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 689.
Accession No.: 17,898-11836-1/2 MSA S512-15-11660 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/04/23 11837: James Wilson vs. William Owen. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 180. Accession No.: 17,898-11837 MSA S512-15-11661 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/08/28 11838: Thomas Walker vs. Thomas B. Keatting. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Adams Choice, Mount Pleasant. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 138. Accession No.: 17,898-11838 MSA S512-15-11662 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/04/11 11839: Willilam Pinkney Whyte vs. Andrew Saulsbury and William Hamilton. BA. Insolvent estate of Saulsbury - grocery store in BC, schooners Bride and Alut. Accession No.: 17,898-11839 MSA S512-15-11663 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/26 11840: John M. Wahl vs. Benjamin C. Barroll and Nicholas Carroll Spence. BA. Contract to lease lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11840-1/2 MSA S512-15-11664 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/11/28 11841: Benjamin Watkins and William B. Norris vs. John T. Hodges and Richard C. MacKubin. AA. Petition to compel payment of debt. Accession No.: 17,898-11841 MSA S512-15-11665 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/09/20 11842: Brice J. Worthington vs. George F. Worthington, Nicholas B. Worthington, Charles F. Worthington, Richard C. MacKubin, William S. Holliday, and Caroline Holliday. AA. Trust estate under will of Brice J. Worthington. Accession No.: 17,898-11842-1/2 MSA S512-15-11666 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/09/06 11843: Lorenzo G. Warfield, William Coale, and Sarah Ann Coale vs. Catherine Ann Warfield. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 186. Accession No.: 17,898-11843 MSA S512-15-11667 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/01/17 11844: Thomas Walker, John W. Walker, Daniel Jones, Benjamin Price, and Isaac L. Price vs. Thomas Washington Elbern, Edward Elbern, Mary Ann Elbern, William Elbern, Sarah Elbern, Louisa Elbern, and John B. Eccleston. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Thomas Purchase.
Accession No.: 17,898-11844 MSA S512-15-11668 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/01/14 11845: Peter J. Wamaling vs. John W. Wamaling. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 286. Accession No.: 17,898-11845 MSA S512-15-11669 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/04/16 11846: Mary Wilson vs. Peter Fenby. BA. Estate of Charles E. Wilson - lot in Nottingham Co. lands. Accession No.: 17,898-11846 MSA S512-15-11670 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/11/19 11847: Noble Warren, Mary Warren, Slater D. Twilley, and Margaret Twilley vs. Ann June Warren and George W. Warren. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on North Yarmouth, Bartholomews Range, Addition to Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-11847 MSA S512-15-11671 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/02/22 11848: Campbell P. White vs. John White and Henry White. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11848 MSA S512-15-11672 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/12/20 11849: Nicholas J. Watkins vs. John S. Selby. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-11849 MSA S512-15-11673 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/01/15 11850: Henry H. Williams vs. George A. Von Sprechelsen, William Longcape, and Albert Schumaker. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11850 MSA S512-15-11674 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/09/06 11851: Hezekiah Willham vs. John T. Pumphrey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Rockholds Search, Todds Risk, Wrights Dividend, Walkers Resurvey, Hunting Quarter, Best Success, Point Look Out. Recorded (Chancery Record) 158, p. 20. Accession No.: 17,898-11851 MSA S512-15-11675 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/07/24 11852: Eleanor Wilkinson, Susanna Perry, George F. Wilkinson, and Mary Wilkinson vs. George H. Adams, Richard Adams, James Adams, John Adams, Elizabeth Adams, and Ann Adams. CH. Estate of William Adams. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 147. Accession No.: 17,898-11852 MSA S512-15-11676 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/20 11853: Lewis Weis vs. Margaret Boyd, John Boyd, Frederick Boyd, James Boyd, Frederick Saumening, and Sarah Saumening. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 304. Accession No.: 17,898-11853 MSA S512-15-11677 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/03/12 11854: Albert Webster vs. John Sutton. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 37. Accession No.: 17,898-11854 MSA S512-15-11678 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/29 11855: Pere Wilmer, Edward Hardcastle, and James Turner vs. Jesse Hubbard. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Out Range, Harrys Settlement Enlarged, Harrys Hazzard, Waddells Venture. Recorded (Chancery Record) 174, p. 270. Accession No.: 17,898-11855 MSA S512-15-11679 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/03/13 11856: Henry Wayman vs. Nathaniel Porter. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure on Bloomings Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 172, p. 295. Accession No.: 17,898-11856-1/2 MSA S512-15-11680 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/02/07 11857: Joseph Wickes vs. Leonora Comegys, Samuel William Comegys, John Edward Comegys, Henry F. Comegys, and Washington Comegys. KE. Petition to sell Ecclestons Farm, Parkes Farm. Accession No.: 17,898-11857 MSA S512-15-11681 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/07/14 11858: Jesse S. Warfield, Thomas J. Worthington, Henrietta Worthington, Joshua Warfield, Andrew Nicodemus, Honor Nicodemus, Francis A. Davis, Cecelia Davis, Mary C. Warfield, Sarah Pearre, Eliza Preston, Caroline Johnson, Thomas H.W. Monroe, Sarah Ann Monroe, William A. Talbott, Arthur L. Johnson, and David R. Warfield vs. Charles A. Warfield, Asbury O. Warfield, Jesse Bennett, Wesley Bennett, Thomas Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Charles W. Bennett, Perry Bennett, Mr. Taylor, Sarah Ann Taylor, Charles D.W. Johnson, Arthur L. Johnson, John R. Jones, Wesley Jones, Joshua Jones, Benjamin C. Flowers, Mary Ann Flowers, and Samuel M. Richardson. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 1048.
Accession No.: 17,898-11858-1/5 MSA S512-15-11682 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/11/06 11859: John L. Williams, Stephen T. Brown, and Charlotte L. Brown vs. Stephen T. Brown, Charlotte L. Brown, Ignatius Waters, Mary G. Waters, Mercer Brown, James L. Brown, Lucretia V. Brown, and Sarah Catherine Brown. Howard District. Estate of Mercer Brown - Exchange, Good Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 26.
Accession No.: 17,898-11859 MSA S512-15-11683 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/04/03 11860: Jesse Wheatley, Benton H. Hobbbs, and Kitty Hobbs vs. James Wheatley and Rebecca Wheatley. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 388. Accession No.: 17,898-11860 MSA S512-15-11684 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/11/05 11861: Robert W. Williams vs. William Edward Tarr. WO. Petition to sell lot in Sandy Hill. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 1138. Accession No.: 17,898-11861 MSA S512-15-11685 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/10/05 11862: Richard Watts vs. Frederick Rickter and Freeborn G. Waters. AA. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-11862 MSA S512-15-11686 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/07/06 11863: Mary Ann Walls and Sarah Jane Walls vs. Sarah Walls, Thomas Walls, Daniel Walls, John Walls, William Walls, and Cornelius Walls. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11863 MSA S512-15-11687 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/08/15 11864: Thomas Walker vs. Benjamin F. Calder. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 602. Accession No.: 17,898-11864 MSA S512-15-11688 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/10/24 11865: Mary E. Woodward vs. Samuel D. Legrand and Sarah Legrand. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11865 MSA S512-15-11689 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/01/27 11866: Samuel Wilson, John Wilson, Asahel G. Wilson, Jane Briscoe, Rebecca Jane Wilson, William G. Wilson, John Wilson, Jr., Mary Briscoe, Thomas E. Satterfield, Margaret Satterfield, Samuel French, and Elizabeth French vs. Robert Edwards, Hannah Edwards, Rachel Wilson, J. Webster Wilson, Susan Wilson, John Haile, Charles Haile, Samuel Billingsley, Elizabeth Billingsley, Cassandra Haile, Elizabeth Slee, Joseph Clarkson, Caroline Clarkson, James Wilson, Mr. Gilbert, Louisa Gilbert, Laura Chalmers, James W. Chalmers, Isabella Chalmers, and Susan Tipton. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 833.
Accession No.: 17,898-11866-1/2 MSA S512-15-11690 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/04/22 11867: James P. Wickes, Charlotte A. Wickes, Robert Banning, Jr., and Emma Banning vs. Maria L. Spencer, Samuel M. Spencer, Richard P. Spencer, Lydia Spencer, Anna Spencer, Lambert Spencer, Peregrine Spencer, George Spencer, George C. Sherwood, and Martha M. Sherwood. KE. Petition to sell Spencers Lot. Recorded (Chancery Record) 159, p. 665.
Accession No.: 17,898-11867 MSA S512-15-11691 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/06/20 11868: Pere Wilmer vs. Foster Green, Mary Green, John Green, Henrietta Green, William Green, and James Green. CA. Petition to sell Betts Range. Accession No.: 17,898-11868 MSA S512-15-11692 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/08/19 11869: David Whitson vs. David Whitson, Jr. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 790. Accession No.: 17,898-11869 MSA S512-15-11693 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/07/24 11870: Thomas Wildey vs. John M. Slaney, Sr., John M. Slaney, Jr., and Charles Collier. BA. Petition to retrieve funds of Hester Wildey. Accession No.: 17,898-11870 MSA S512-15-11694 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/05/11 11871: George Waters and Mary Waters vs. Richard Waters. AA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-11871 MSA S512-15-11695 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/08/21 11872: Brice T.B. Worthington vs. Tobias H. Duvall and Rebecca C. Duvall. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Enfield. Recorded (Chancery Record) 170, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-11872 MSA S512-15-11696 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/08/03 11873: Philip Z. Ward and Margaret A.J. Sunderland Ward vs. Richard Sunderland, Margaret M. Sunderland, Henry S. Harrison, Benjamin F. Harrison, Susan Rebecca Harrison, James Naylor, Benjamin M. Naylor, and Mary P. Naylor. CV. Estates of Benjamin S. Watson and Mary A. Watson - Watsons Resurvey, Mortons Lot.
Accession No.: 17,898-11873 MSA S512-15-11697 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/06/12 11874: Alfred P. Wurts, Edward Wurts, and Solomon Caldwell vs. Richard J. Jones. QA. Mortgage foreclosure on Kennersly. Accession No.: 17,898-11874 MSA S512-15-11698 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/04/01 11875: William Williams vs. William Hughes and George Ellicott. AA. Estate of Reese Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-11875 MSA S512-15-11699 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/01/13 11876: Nancy Williams and Cassandra Stump vs. Mary Williams. HA. Petition to sell Come By Chance, Whitakers Enlargement. Accession No.: 17,898-11876 MSA S512-15-11700 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/03/05 11877: William Williams of William vs. Sally Ann Disharoon, Mary Caroline Disharoon, Henry Columbus Disharoon, Virginia Disharoon, and Louisiana Disharoon. SO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 506. Accession No.: 17,898-11877 MSA S512-15-11701 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/29 11878: John W. Weems vs. Michael Hams, David Hutchings, Joseph Hutchings, Mary Hutchings, and Rebecca Hutchings. CV. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 629. Accession No.: 17,898-11878 MSA S512-15-11702 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/09/22 11879: George Wilkinson, Ann C. Hungerford, and Ann Mary Hungerford vs. James S. Morsell, Mordecai Smith, Joshua Morsell, Elizabeth Morsell, Benjamin Morsell, Quincy Morsell, Henry Henly, Elizabeth Fowler, Catherine Fowler, James Fowler, Ann Fowler, Emily Fowler, Virginia Fowler, and James Randolph Fowler. CV. Petition to sell Purchase, Burgess Garden. Recorded (Chancery Record) 161, p. 128.
Accession No.: 17,898-11879 MSA S512-15-11703 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/02/15 11880: George E. Wooley vs. Nicholas Lum and John W. Mercer. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11880 MSA S512-15-11704 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/12/02 11881: Mary Ann Williams vs. Mary Anne Williams, Sarah E. Williams, Joseph Everingam, and Louisa E. Williams. CA. Petition to partition Anthonys Purchase, Milland Enlarged, Andrews Venture, Hoyes Intention, Joy Bridge, Companys Lot Enlarged, Griffiths Purchase, Sullivans Folly, Worlds End, Wrights Exchange. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 257.
Accession No.: 17,898-11881-1/2 MSA S512-15-11705 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/05/29 11882: Ludwig Wampler vs. James Porter of Joshua, William Gwynn, Upton S. Heath, George Winchester, John Wampler, Basil N. Hobbs, Polly Hobbs, Nimrod Dorsey, Matilda Dorsey, Elias Dorsey, Leavin L. Dorsey, Benjamin L. Dorsey, Noland N. Lucketts, John B. Hundley, Urith Hundley, Jacob Tener, Catherine Tener, Samuel Porter, George Porter, Catherine Porter, Naomi Porter, Jacob Porter, Margaret Porter, Elias Porter, Rezin Porter, Thomas Porter, Julian Porter, Eliza Porter, Rosannah Porter, Peter Porter, Jacob Porter, George Porter, Mary Porter, and James Porter. BA. Estate of Edward Dorsey of Vachel - Dorseys Industry, Johns Industry, Marys Victory, Lawrences Pleasant Valley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-11882-1/3 MSA S512-15-11706 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/01/08 11883: Joseph Wickes vs. Ann Mansfield, Samuel Mansfield, James Henry Mansfield, Anna Maria Mansfield, Edward Mansfield, and Martha A. Mansfield. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Cannells Estate, Whaland Mill. Accession No.: 17,898-11883 MSA S512-15-11707 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/11/11 11884: Joseph Wier, Elizabeth Wier, Benjamin Carr, Jacob W. Bird, and Ellen Carr vs. Artridge Carr and Richard F. Carr. AA. Petition to sell Fox Hall, Hopkins Venture, Owens Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 510. Accession No.: 17,898-11884 MSA S512-15-11708 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/07/20 11885: Rebecca Whittington vs. Richard G. Mackall, James S. Donovan, and Edwin W. Duvall. CV. Title to slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-11885-1/2 MSA S512-15-11709 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/30 11886: Lewis Weston vs. Charles R. Stewart AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Jays Treaty, Turkey Hills. Accession No.: 17,898-11886 MSA S512-15-11710 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/11/11 11887: Henry Webster, Jesse C. Davis, and Mary Davis vs. Thomas Webster, George W. Webster, Algenon Webster, and James Webster. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Indian Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 470. Accession No.: 17,898-11887 MSA S512-15-11711 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/12/26 11888: Lancelot Warfield vs. Lydia Gambrill. AA. Petition to partition Friendship, What You Please. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p.148. Accession No.: 17,898-11888 MSA S512-15-11712 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/04/20 11889: William T. Wootton and Mary Hall vs. John Mercer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11889 MSA S512-15-11713 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/02/25 11890: Samuel Augustus Watkins, Charles Watkins, and Ann Watkins vs. Ann Watkins, Jane Watkins, and Eliza Watkins. AA. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-11890 MSA S512-15-11714 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/10/22 11891: Mary Ann Marchioness of Wellesly Patterson, Elizabeth Baroness of Stafford Caton, Lady Louisa Dutchess of Leeds Hervey, Emily McTavish, John McTavish, Mary Caton, Richard S. Stewart, Catherine C. Harper, and Emily L. Harper vs. Catherine Harper, Charles Carroll, John Lee, Harriet Lee, Harriet Carroll, Richard H. Bayard, and Mary Bayard. AA, BA, HA. Petition to sell Burgess Camp in HA and Elk Ridge Landing in AA. Also Fletchers Land, Rochester in BA.
Accession No.: 17,898-11891 MSA S512-15-11715 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/05/13 11892: Amos A. Williams vs. Charles F. Mayer and George W. Burnap. BA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 166, p. 407. Accession No.: 17,898-11892-1/2 MSA S512-15-11716 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/11/13 11893: William Winn vs. William S. Edwards, Sophia Edwards, and Henry F. Friese. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 157, p. 338. Accession No.: 17,898-11893 MSA S512-15-11717 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/12/20 11894: Richard Wootten and Thomas Wootten vs. William N. Burch, Jane Wootten, Araminta Wootten, and Willey M. Wootten. PG. Petition to partition land. Accession No.: 17,898-11894-1/3 MSA S512-15-11718 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/07/19 11895: Edmond A. Winchester and William Winchester vs. Thomas R. Matthews. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11895 MSA S512-15-11719 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/11/25 11896: Nelson Wade and Susan Wade vs. Roswell L. Colt, Ebenezer A. Finley, Alexander H. Boyd, John McHenry, Abner Neale, Robert Oliver, John Oliver, William Patterson, and Sarah C. O'Donnell. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Timoniun. Accession No.: 17,898-11896 MSA S512-15-11720 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/09/22 11897: James Way vs. Thomas L. Savin, Herman Stump, Henry Stump, John Archer, Henry Archer, and Robert H. Archer. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-11897 MSA S512-15-11721 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/03/06 11898: Robert Welch of Ben vs. Richard Tydings. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Hopkins Forebearance. Accession No.: 17,898-11898 MSA S512-15-11722 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/03/21 11899: David Whiteford, Elizabeth Whiteford, Michael K. Wartman, Dorothy Wartman, Charles Hoffman, Abraham Hoffman, John Hoffman, Seth F. Jones, Julia Ann Jones, Nicholas W. Chaffee, Adeline Chaffee, George H. Jones, Louisa C. Jones, Edward Lusby, Emily Lusby, Eliza Hoffman, David W. Hoffman, Charles Lusby, Laura Lusby, Robert Lusby, and Mary Margaret Lusby vs. Daniel Hoffman, Henry Hoffman, Louisa Hoffman, William Hoffman, George Washington Hoffman, and Adeline Hoffman. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 177, p. 816 and 155A, p. 216.
Accession No.: 17,898-11899-1/4 MSA S512-15-11723 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/02/04 11900: Henry Wayman vs. James Hood of John. AA. Contract to purchase Blooming Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 173. Accession No.: 17,898-11900-1/2 MSA S512-15-11724 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/01/29 11901: Samuel Watkins, Augustus Watkins, Charles Watkins, Ann Watkins, James Watkins, Benjamin Watkins, and Eliza Watkins vs. Thomas J. Dorsett. AA. Injunction against sale of slaves Beck, Sarah, and Mary. Accession No.: 17,898-11901 MSA S512-15-11725 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/04/09 11902: Ann Wilmot vs. Abraham Hurst and Mary A. Hurst. AA. Contract to purchase Snowdens Reputation Supported, Harness Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 427. Accession No.: 17,898-11902-1/4 MSA S512-15-11726 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/10/23 11903: Benjamin Willett, Jr. vs. John Penn and Lucy Penn. MO. Contract to purchase Addition to Rays Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-11903-1/3 MSA S512-15-11727 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/02/11 11904: John Wood vs. Samuel W. Thomas, Matilda B. Harrison, Thomas L. Simmons, Susan Simmons, and Kinny Johns. AA, CV. Estate of Joseph G. Harrison - Silverstone, Majors Choice in CV. Also Hunts Mount, Carter Bennett, Oblong in AA. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 171, p. 851.
Accession No.: 17,898-11904-1/5 MSA S512-15-11728 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/04/25 11905: Anne Wade vs. Hugh Dowling, Robert Proviance, Jr., and Thomas Yates Walsh. BA. Contract to purchase Friends Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-11905 MSA S512-15-11729 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/05/05 11906: Mary Watson, Elizabeth Stone, Sarah Mackall, and Alexander Harris vs. Thomas H. Wilkinson, George Wilkinson, Robert B. Wilkinson, Mary Wilkinson, Margaret Dare, Elizabeth Gray, James John Stone, George Stone, Mary Stone, Barbara Ann Wilkinson, Eliza Wilkinson, James Wilkinson, Catharine Wilkinson, Margaret Wilkinson, Joseph Wilkinson, and James T. Wilkinson. CV. Estate of James Mackrall - Brammell, Lowerys Reserve. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 36.
Accession No.: 17,898-11906 MSA S512-15-11730 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/02/18 11907: Wilson Waters and Ramsay Waters vs. Thomas Gibbs and Andrew Coyle. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Dick, Bill, Frederick, and Caroline. Accession No.: 17,898-11907 MSA S512-15-11731 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/05/26 11908: Richard Warfield, Elizabeth Warfield, Elisha Barry, Rachel Barry, Thomas B. Warfield, Isabella Warfield, Sarah Lucas, Osborn M. Lucas, John Bell Lucas, James M. Lucas, and Mary Penn vs. Dorothy Lucas, Basil Lucas, and Miranda Pierce. AA. Petition to sell Pinkstons Fancy, Barbers Addition, Trusty Friend. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 375.
Accession No.: 17,898-11908 MSA S512-15-11732 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/08/26 11909: Jesse Wheat vs. Rezin Hammond, James Mewburn, Eliza Mewburn, Denton Hammond, Matthias Hammond, and Caroline Hammond. AA. Contract to purchase Finland. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 51. Accession No.: 17,898-11909 MSA S512-15-11733 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/06/30 11910: Nathaniel Wiley vs. John Williamson. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-11910 MSA S512-15-11734 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/01/15 11911: Thomas Walker vs. William Stant, James Stant, Mary Ann Stant, Sarah M.L. Stant, John M. Stant, Ebenezer Stant, Marcellus Stant, Sylvester Purnell, and Cornelia Purnel. QA. Estate of James Stant - Bridgewater. Recorded (Chancery Record) 176, p. 557.
Accession No.: 17,898-11911-1/5 MSA S512-15-11735 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/12/03 11912: Jesse Walter vs. Greenbury Holt. SO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11912-1/7 MSA S512-15-11736 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/05/13 11913: William T. Wooten, Mary Wootten, Elizabeth Wootten, Singleton E. Wootten, Ann S. Wootten, Flavil S.M. Wootten, John R. Wootten, Singleton Wootten, J. Mortimer Kilgour, and Martha W. Kilgour vs. John Brewer, Mary Adelaide Wootten, Arundel Smith, and Margaret Smith. MO. Estate of Dr. John Wootten.
Accession No.: 17,898-11913-1/7 MSA S512-15-11737 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/07/19 11914: Thomas Walker, Thomas Walker, Nathaniel Covington, James Ellet, Amelia Moss, and Thomas Jones vs. Gunning Bedford Hackett, John Anthony, Elizabeth Anthony, William Hendrix, Emily Hendrix, Elizabeth Anthony, Joseph Anthony, and William F. Tolson. QA. Estate of Henry B. Anthony - Tilghmans Discovery, Barren Neck, Wilsons Delight, Standish Woods, Anthonys Choice, Smiths Mistake, Teats Desire, Sandy Hurst. Recorded (Chancery Record) 164, p. 578.
Accession No.: 17,898-11914-1/8 MSA S512-15-11738 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/10/30 11915: Cumberland D. Williams, Nathaniel Williams, and Henry Payson vs. Amos A. Williams, Bank of the United States, George Williams, George Winchester, John White, and Daniel Warwick. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 664.
Accession No.: 17,898-11915-1/2 MSA S512-15-11739 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/09/03 11916: Jacob C. Wilson vs. Michael Lucas, Branson Kelly, Ann Kelly, Nathaniel Patchett, Maria Patchett, Russell Andrews, Dorcus Andrews, John Nicols, James Nicols, Daniel Nicols, Andrew Nicols, Salisbury Nicols, Sarah Nicols, William Nicols, Risdon Nicols, Thomas Nicols, and Robert Nicols. CA. Estate of Jeremiah Nicols - Grays Lot, Church Grove. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 215.
Accession No.: 17,898-11916-1/2 MSA S512-15-11740 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/08/08 11917: Richard Waters, Thomas Waters, Mary Waters, James H. Marriott, Rachel Marriott, Daniel Jenings, and Thomas Jenings vs. Thomas Griffith, Philemon Griffith, Samuel Griffith, Henry Griffith, James Worthington, Elizabeth Worthington, Charles Duvall, Joshua Marriott, and Ann Marriott. AA. Estate of Henry Griffith - Woodstock Enlarged, Simpsons Stone.
Accession No.: 17,898-11917 MSA S512-15-11741 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/11/08 11918: Charles Waters vs. Edward J. Wilson, Nancy Sewell, and Rezin Hammond of Rezin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 93. Accession No.: 17,898-11918 MSA S512-15-11742 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/10/14 11919: Peregrine Wethered and Colin Ferguson vs. Ann Maria Hackett and William H.P. Worrell. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Blays Addition, Blays Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 716. Accession No.: 17,898-11919 MSA S512-15-11743 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/06/15 11920: Elizabeth Ann White, Anne P. White, John Campbell White, Isabel White, William Pinkney White, Cornelia E. White, and Campbell P. White vs. Joseph White and John C. White. BA. Contract to purchase stock in Manhatten Co. Accession No.: 17,898-11920-1/3 MSA S512-15-11744 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/11/24 11921: Elijah Williams and Rachel Williams vs. John Henry Crane, William Crane, Ruth Crane, Samuel Crane, Nelly Crane, and Rachel Ann Crane. AA. Petition to partition Mountain of Wales, Barron Hills, Halls Parcel. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 165.
Accession No.: 17,898-11921 MSA S512-15-11745 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/11/26 11922: William H.P. Worrell and Catherine Worrell vs. Anna Maria Tilden, Mary E. Tilden, and Anna Maria Hackett. KE. Estate of Charles Tilden - Mansion Farm, Wethered Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 170. Accession No.: 17,898-11922 MSA S512-15-11746 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/05/19 11923: Rebecca Wharton vs. Ambrose Wharton, Francis Wharton, and John Scott. MO. Estate of Rebecca Wharton - Peace and Plenty, Quince Orchard, lot in Rockville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 693. Accession No.: 17,898-11923 MSA S512-15-11747 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/07/13 11924: John White and Ambrose A. White vs. Basil D. Mullikin, Eliza Mullikin, William D. Bowie, and Robert Wright. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11924 MSA S512-15-11748 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/09/12 11925: Jacob H. Webb, John Curlott, and Frances Curlott vs. William Webb, Mary Webb, Samuel Webb, Elizabeth Webb, Solomon Hollett, and Pricilla Hollett. KE. Estate of William Webb - Boardleys Gift, New Town Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 124.
Accession No.: 17,898-11925-1/2 MSA S512-15-11749 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/10/19 11926: Martin L. Wright vs. William Pattison, Elizabeth Pattison, Sarah Ann Pattison, Louisa Pattison, Samuel Pattison, Jeremiah Pattison, and Thomas J. Pattison. DO. Estate of William Pattison. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 365. Accession No.: 17,898-11926-1/3 MSA S512-15-11750 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/05/02 11927: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Isaac H. Hopkins and Rachel J. Hopkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Vineyard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 132, p. 1 Accession No.: 17,898-11927 MSA S512-15-11751 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/03/30 11928: John T. Worthington and Richard Johns vs. Benjamin Hood and Joshua Hood. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Mount Pleasant Enlarged, Whipes Purchase, Johns Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 606. Accession No.: 17,898-11928 MSA S512-15-11752 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/04/29 11929: Nathan Warfield and Caroline Warfield vs. William H. Baldwin. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Warfields Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-11929 MSA S512-15-11753 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/06/07 11930: Matthias Willey vs. Sovereigh Jones, Samuel Paul, Henry Paul, Henry Thorner Paul, Grace Ann Paul, and Margaret Ann Paul. DO. Estate of Henry Paul - Georges Delight, Stand Off, Closure, Harts Desire, Joseph Lane. Accession No.: 17,898-11930 MSA S512-15-11754 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/02/05 11931: Charles Worthington vs. Hezekiah Price, Garrett G. Worthington, Julia Worthington, Martha Worthington, and John T. Worthington. BA. Petition to sell Worthingtons Bottom, Welches Cradle, Batsons Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 296. Accession No.: 17,898-11931 MSA S512-15-11755 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/12/26 11932: George W. Williamson vs. William Inloes. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 341. Accession No.: 17,898-11932-1/2 MSA S512-15-11756 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/02/28 11933: Warner W. Warfield vs. Warner Welch. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Good Will to His Lordship, Fredericksburg, slaves. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 534. Accession No.: 17,898-11933 MSA S512-15-11757 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/01/28 11934: Marcellus Jones, Louisa Waters, and James Waters. SO. Petition to sell lot in White Haven. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 1024. Accession No.: 17,898-11934 MSA S512-15-11758 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/05/14 11935: Samuel Winchester, Frances Winchester, Dorthea Johnson, Alexander Mactier, Jane Mactier, Daniel Warfield, Nancy Warfield, James H. McCulloch, Eliza McCulloch, Samuel Winchester, Jr., Grace Winchester, Samuel Mactier, and Alexander Mactier vs. William Lawrence Mactier, Francis Mactier, and Henrietta Mactier. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-11935 MSA S512-15-11759 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/03/21 11936: Margaret Waesche, George F.R. Waesche, Elizabeth W. Waesche, Emelia Waesche, and Frederick R. Waesche. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 227. Accession No.: 17,898-11936-1/4 MSA S512-15-11760 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/10/31 11937: Charles Waters vs. George Watson. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Samuel and Daniel. Accession No.: 17,898-11937 MSA S512-15-11761 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/08/06 11938: Rachel Williams vs. Bryan Williams, Hester A.R. Williams, Henry A. Williams and Francis W. Williams. AA. Petition to sell Phillips Increase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 385. Accession No.: 17,898-11938 MSA S512-15-11762 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/01/09 11939: Nathaniel Williams vs. Mary Neale and William Ridgaway. BA. Estate of Anthony Hook - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11939-1/2 MSA S512-15-11763 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/09/14 11940: Peter Wilson and William Lusby vs. William H. Freeman, William Wilson, Nixon Wilson, and William Ferguson. BA. Contract to purchase lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11940-1/3 MSA S512-15-11764 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/10/12 11941: John Winn vs. Joseph Weaver, James Weaver, Daniel Weaver, Casper Weaver, Ruth Weaver, William Weaver, Mary Ann Weaver, John Weaver, William Weaver, Henry Hook, Sarah Hook, George Stever, Mary Stever, Margaret Benson, Catherine Young, and Nicholas Strike. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 59.
Accession No.: 17,898-11941-1/2 MSA S512-15-11765 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/12/06 11942: Rachael Watson vs. Thomas Price. CE. Petition to sell Locust Thicket, Maidenhead. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 484. Accession No.: 17,898-11942 MSA S512-15-11766 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/03/29 11943: John Walsh and Richard Brenton vs. Mary Malloy, Charles A. Malloy, Ann Malloy, John Malloy, and James Malloy. BA. Estate of Charles Malloy - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 168. Accession No.: 17,898-11943 MSA S512-15-11767 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/07/01 11944: Henry L. Williams and Edward G. Williams vs. Susan F. Williams, William Williams, Otho H. Williams, Elizabeth C. Williams, and Mary Williams. FR. Petition to sell Woods Mill Lands. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-11944 MSA S512-15-11768 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/06/30 11945: Nathaniel Wiley vs. Mary Redman, John Redman, James Redman, Stuart Redman, William Stewart, and Margaret R. Emory. CE. Petition to correct deed for Doe Hill, Bear Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-11945 MSA S512-15-11769 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/02/14 11946: Samuel Worthington vs. Lovering Ricketts. BA. Contract to purchase Dorseys Quarter. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 206. Accession No.: 17,898-11946-1/2 MSA S512-15-11770 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/12/23 11947: Sarah Catharine Waggaman vs. John C. Waggaman, Virginia Waggaman, and Henry P. Waggaman. DO. Petition to sell Addition to Conclusion. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 308. Accession No.: 17,898-11947 MSA S512-15-11771 Location: 1/39/4/
1814/05/16 11948: Margaret Woolery and Jacob Woolery vs. David Woolery, Catherine Woolery, Noah Woolery, Nancy Woolery, Elijah Woolery, Ellen Woolery, Solomon Woolery, Rachel Woolery, Henry Myers, and Rachel Myers. BA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 95, p. 401.
Accession No.: 17,898-11948-1/3 MSA S512-15-11772 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/01/21 11949: Joshua Warfield vs. Warner Welsh, Rachel Welsh, Decastus Welsh, John Welsh, Nicholas Welsh, Rachel Welsh, and Howard Welsh. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Terra Excutabilus, Pork Plenty. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 563. Accession No.: 17,898-11949 MSA S512-15-11773 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/12/11 11950: Thomas Watkins and Alexander Duvall vs. Benjamin H. Dorsey, Mary J. Dorsey, Rinaldo W. Dorsey, Joshua A. Dorsey, Ralph J. Dorsey, and Maria M. Dorsey. AA. Petition to sell Browns Purchase. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 86. Accession No.: 17,898-11950 MSA S512-15-11774 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/06/03 11951: James N. Weems vs. Benjamin Rawlings and Ann Rawlings. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11951-1/2 MSA S512-15-11775 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/07/17 11952: Charles Waters vs. Mary Jackson, Charles R. Jackson, John A. Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Elizabeth Jackson, John Jackson, James Fields, and Rebecca Robinson. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 275.
Accession No.: 17,898-11952-1/2 MSA S512-15-11776 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/05/10 11953: Samuel Williams, Jacob Mosier, Elizabeth Mosier, Susan Bosley, Joshua Bosley, Elizabeth Bosley, Arael Bosley, Philip Bosley, Horner Bosley, Susan Bosley, Washington Bosley, William Bosley, Amanda Bosley, David Baker, Sarah Baker, Charles C. Royston, Mary Royston, William Bosley, Thomas Bosley, Horner Bosley, Ann Bosley, Joshua Gorsuch, Thomas Gorsuch, Charles Gorsuch, Charles Gorsuch, Hannah Gorsuch, John Riddle, Sarah Riddle, Elizabeth Gorsuch, Samuel Meredith, Belinda Meredith, Stephen Gorsuch, Rachel Gorsuch, Solomon Tipton, Rebecca Tipton, Charles G. Hignut, Charles Thomas Gorsuch, Eleanor Gorsuch, Charles Baker, Westly Baker, Nathan Baker, Rebecca Baker, John Owens, Mary Owens, Caleb Price, Keziah Price, John Armagost, and Mary Armagost vs. Daniel Bosley, Elizabeth Bosley, Philip Bosley, Benjamin Wheeler, Ellen Wheeler, James Baker, Levi Baker, Elizabeth Baker, and Ann Baker. BA. Petition to sell lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-11953 MSA S512-15-11777 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/06/20 11954: David Winchester, Granville S. Oldfield, and William E. Mayhew vs. Aquilla B. Murry, Henry Payson, John Adair, and William R. Adair. BA. Dissolution of A.B. Murry & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-11954-1/2 MSA S512-15-11778 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/07/16 11955: John Weaver, James Weaver, William Weaver, Daniel Weaver, Casper Weaver, Henry Hook, Sarah Hook, William Weaver, Margaret Weaver, and Catherine Young vs. George Steever and Polly Steever. BA. Petition to release a mortgage. Accession No.: 17,898-11955 MSA S512-15-11779 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/05/02 11956: Samuel W. Woodland and Samuel G. Osborn vs. James Little Lawrence Pike Pryor, Nicholas Ludlow Burrows Pryor, William Henry Pryor, Martha Jane Pryor, and Napoleon Bonaparte Pryor. KE. Petition to sell Home Farm, Pearce Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 561.
Accession No.: 17,898-11956-1/5 MSA S512-15-11780 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/04/30 11957: Mary E. Wright vs. Cain Insley, Priscilla Insley, William Graham, and Mary Graham. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 214. Accession No.: 17,898-11957 MSA S512-15-11781 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/12/23 11958: Elisa C. Waggaman vs. John C. Waggaman. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 36. Accession No.: 17,898-11958 MSA S512-15-11782 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/06/08 11959: Philip Waters, William Waters, Edward Williams, and Mary Williams vs. Nicholas Waters and Thomas Waters. AA. Petition to sell Scotts Folly, Walkers Inheritance, lot in Elkridge Landing. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 598. Accession No.: 17,898-11959 MSA S512-15-11783 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/11/22 11960: Abraham White, Jr., John White, and Polly Brand vs. Savings Bank of Baltimore, Jacob White, Lewis Gross, and Kitty Gross. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11960 MSA S512-15-11784 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/08/14 11961: Michael Warner, Jr. vs. Lewis Birely and William B. Foltz. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 515. Accession No.: 17,898-11961 MSA S512-15-11785 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/07/01 11962: Noah Worthington vs. Thomas Rowles, Isaac L. Rowles, Enoch Randell, Hannah Randell, Asbury Peddicord, Eliza Peddicord, Nathan Davis, Asbury Norwood, Achsah Norwood, George Dorsey, and Alice Dorsey. AA. Estate of Eli Rowles. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 334.
Accession No.: 17,898-11962 MSA S512-15-11786 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/11/15 11963: Benjamin Welch vs. Mary Welch, Mary Elizabeth Welch, George Washington Welch, Franklin Welch, Caroline Welch, and Rachel Eleanor Welch. AA. Estate of John Welch - Barretts Purchase, Cowmans Purchase, Welches Folly, Sarahs Purchase. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 197.
Accession No.: 17,898-11963-1/3 MSA S512-15-11787 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/07/25 11964: Jacob Walter vs. Philip Moreheiser, Alfred Crump, and Margaret Crump. BA. Estate of Margaret Walter. Accession No.: 17,898-11964 MSA S512-15-11788 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/07/03 11965: Nicholas Worthington of John vs. George Howard, Robert Neilson, and Richard Battee. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cords Place, Dispute Ended. Accession No.: 17,898-11965 MSA S512-15-11789 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/03/28 11966: John Walsh, Mary Walsh, and Catherine Gillispy vs. Thomas P. Alricks and Thomas Glass. BA. Estate of Mary Reilly. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 157. Accession No.: 17,898-11966 MSA S512-15-11790 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/10/19 11967: Robert Welch of Ben vs. Martin Fenwick, Alexander J. Murray, Farmers Bank of Maryland, Lewis Neth, Robert Franklin, Elizabeth Ann Ball, John Leids Kerr, Eliza Kerr, Benjamin C. Howard, Samuel Hoffman, Philip Laurenson, Thomas T. Cross, Stewart Brown, Samuel Reed, James M. Brown, Virgil Maxey, and George Carson. AA. Insolvent estate of Maxey.
Accession No.: 17,898-11967-1/4 MSA S512-15-11791 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/06/04 11968: Charles G. Worthington, Brice J.G. Worthington, and John G. Worthington vs. Nicholas Worthington of Thomas, Ann Worthington, William Henry Worthington, and Achsah Ann Worthington. AA. Estate of Thomas Worthington of Nicholas - Worthingtons Addition, Bear Hills, Bensons Request, Roberts Lot, Stringers Adventure, Winkespin, Patricks Ramble. Plat at 1/38/1/33. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 591.
Accession No.: 17,898-11968-1/3 MSA S512-15-11792 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/12/14 11969: Nicholas Watkins and William Moxley, Jr. vs. William Moore, Frances Moore, Charles Moxley, Lloyd Moxley, Eveline Moxley, Cecilia Moxley, Luther Moxley, and Jerusa Ann Moxley. MO. Estate of John Moxley - Pembroke. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 136, p. 185.
Accession No.: 17,898-11969 MSA S512-15-11793 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/11/27 11970: John W. Walker vs. Henry A. Forman, William F. Forman, George W. Forman, Jonathan K. Forman, Eliza Anthony, Joseph D. Anthony, Philip J. Anthony, Noah Coleman, and Elizabeth Coleman. QA. Estate of William Forman - Standish Woods. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-11970 MSA S512-15-11794 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/04/21 11971: Joseph Whitaker, Francis A. Whitaker, and Francis Garnett vs. Sarah Evans, Eliza Evans, and James Evans. CE. Estate of John Evans. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 471. Accession No.: 17,898-11971 MSA S512-15-11795 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/11/18 11972: John Warfield of Joshua vs. James Owings and Samuel Owings. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Jones Fancy, Wincopin Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-11972 MSA S512-15-11796 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/06/19 11973: Thomas W. Watkins vs. LaFayette Watkins. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-11973 MSA S512-15-11797 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/11/15 11974: George Wells vs. James P. Wood. CV. Mortgage foreclosure on Broad Nashley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 550. Accession No.: 17,898-11974 MSA S512-15-11798 Location: 1/39/4/
1819/11/08 11975: Warren Welch vs. John Welch. AA. Petition to partition Johns Last Shift, Johns Hurry, Bite the Skinner. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 452. Accession No.: 17,898-11975 MSA S512-15-11799 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/02/26 11976: Sarah Wells vs. George Tyler. PG. Estate of George C. Wells - Bruff. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 495. Accession No.: 17,898-11976 MSA S512-15-11800 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/12/18 11977: John W. Walker vs. Maria Gleaves. KE. Estate of Thomas Morgan - lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 217. Accession No.: 17,898-11977 MSA S512-15-11801 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/09/25 11978: Hickson Wingate and Henry L. McNamara vs. Marcellus Robinson, Rachel Robinson, Eleanor Robinson, William Robinson, and Hudson Robinson. DO. Estate of Hudson Robinson - Robinsons Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 149, p. 726. Accession No.: 17,898-11978-1/2 MSA S512-15-11802 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/01/18 11979: John Wells and Absolom Bealmear vs. William Wells and George A. Wells. AA. Petition to sell lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 28. Accession No.: 17,898-11979-1/2 MSA S512-15-11803 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/05/05 11980: Charles A. Waters vs. John S. Cambden. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fradsum, Anglius Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-11980 MSA S512-15-11804 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/04/02 11981: John T. Worthington vs. Walter Worthington and John T.H. Worthington. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Shawan Hunting Grounds. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 674. Accession No.: 17,898-11981 MSA S512-15-11805 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/10/06 11982: William Whipps vs. James Miller. AA. Contract to purchase lot in Ellicotts Mills. Accession No.: 17,898-11982 MSA S512-15-11806 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/11 11983: Charles C. Waters vs. Elizabeth M. Tall, Louisa Tall, Elizabeth Tall, George Tall, and Washington Tall. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna, Marsh Pasture, Addition to Batchelors Hall, Scotts Pasture, Grimes Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 271. Accession No.: 17,898-11983 MSA S512-15-11807 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/08/20 11985: Edmund Weatherly vs. Mary Ann Goslee, Sarah Elizabeth Weatherly, and Joseph Weatherly. SO. Petition to sell Acworths Folly, Prevention, Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-11985 MSA S512-15-11808 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/06/30 11986: Francis L. Wallis. KE. Petition to record a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-11986 MSA S512-15-11809 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/09/28 11987: Henry Williams vs. Juda Wallace, Louisa Wallace, Harriet Wallace, and Julia Ann Wallace. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Poplar Ridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 428. Accession No.: 17,898-11987 MSA S512-15-11810 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/08/12 11988: Reuben Warfield and Lot Linthicum vs. Allen Warfield and Lloyd D. Warfield. AA. Petition to sell Mothers Care, Brothers Love, Small Land, Intervence, Morehouses Generosity, Any Thing, Every Thing, Thomas Lot, Dorseys Addition to Thomas lot. Accession No.: 17,898-11988 MSA S512-15-11811 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/03/27 11989: Mary Ward and Elizabeth H. Price vs. Benjamin Walmsley. CE. Petition to discover the accounts of Walmsley. Accession No.: 17,898-11989-1/2 MSA S512-15-11812 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/11/13 11990: Solomon Wadlow and John Barrett vs. Otho Scott. HA. Petition to discover payment of notes. Accession No.: 17,898-11990 MSA S512-15-11813 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/01/04 11991: Hannah J. Wallis vs. Margaret A.W. Ireland, Louisa P. Ireland, Emma H. Ireland, Alethea L. Ireland, John W.P. Ireland, Mary H. Travilla, Margaret Travilla, and Margaret A. Wallis. KE. Petition to sell Byman. Accession No.: 17,898-11991 MSA S512-15-11814 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/12/21 11992: Benjamin Watkins, Ann Watkins, Jane Watkins, and Eliza Watkins vs. Isaac Nicholls. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 121. Accession No.: 17,898-11992 MSA S512-15-11815 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/26 11993: Gassaway Watkins and Otho Belt vs. Archibald G. Ridgely, Horatio White, and Sarah Ann White. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-11993-1/2 MSA S512-15-11816 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/12/29 11994: William Williams and John W. Stump vs. Thomas Byrum Grundy, Augusta Grundy, Mark Pringle Grundy, Adelaide Pringle, Robert N. Johnson, and Maria Johnson. HA. Petition to sell lots in Havre de Grace. Accession No.: 17,898-11994 MSA S512-15-11817 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/06/17 11995: George W. Williamson, Joseph M. Williamson, Adolphus Williamson, Juliana Williamson, George V.H. DeWitt, and Juliana DeWitt vs. Edward T. Wilson, John Scott, John Glenn, Robert Browne, and Martha T. Browne. QA. Petition to sell Warrington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 802.
Accession No.: 17,898-11995-1/2 MSA S512-15-11818 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/07/09 11996: Nicholas J. Watkins, Adam Miller, and John Miller vs. Elizabeth Worthington, Christian Magruder Worthington, Nicholas Worthington, Brice John Worthington, Mary Warfield Worthington, and Betty Worthington. AA. Petition to sell Walnut Neck, Providence, Waldridge, Turkey Quarter, Mill Land. Plat.
Accession No.: 17,898-11996-1/5 MSA S512-15-11819 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/05/30 11997: Philip Wallis vs. Joseph T. Mitchell and John W. Comegys. CE. Defraud of creditors of Wilner & Palmer - Hornes, Spencers Delight, Meekins Adventure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 1029. Accession No.: 17,898-11997 MSA S512-15-11820 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/11/06 11998: Jacob Wolf vs. Philip R.J. Friese. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Baltimore Glass Works and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-11998 MSA S512-15-11821 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/07/19 11999: Ambrose A. White vs. James Magee and Bernard McDonough. BA. Insolvent estate of Magee. Accession No.: 17,898-11999-1/2 MSA S512-15-11822 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/10/25 12000: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Thomas Iglehart, Mary Sanders, Robert Sanders, Eleanor Sanders, Elizabeth Sanders, Henry Sanders, Ann Sanders, Sarah Elizetta Sanders, and Julia Marie Sanders. AA. Estate of James Sanders - Sanders Chance, Hickory Hills, Clarks Inheritance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 409.
Accession No.: 17,898-12000 MSA S512-15-11823 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/01/23 12001: Elizabeth Watts, Benjamin Bailey, Maria Bailey, and Elizabeth Armstrong vs. Charlotte Aisquith, George R. Aisquith, Charlotte Aisquith, and John Aisquith. SM. Estate of Grandison Aisquith - Flowers of the Forrest, Charles Parke, Old Great Mills, Indian Bridge.
Accession No.: 17,898-12001 MSA S512-15-11824 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/02/08 12002: Adam Welsh and Thomas Welsh vs. Luther Ratcliffe and James B. Latimer. FR. Title to Resurvey on Peters Run. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 549. Accession No.: 17,898-12002 MSA S512-15-11825 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/02/28 12003: Warner W. Warfield vs. Franklin Cassady. BA. Contract to purchase Good Will to His Lordship, Fredericksburg. Accession No.: 17,898-12003 MSA S512-15-11826 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/06/18 12005: Lewis Weis vs. Sarah Boyd, James Boyd, Frederick Boyd, John Boyd, and Margaret Boyd. BA. Petition to mortgage lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12005 MSA S512-15-11827 Location: 1/39/4/
1819/12/04 12006: Philip Wallis vs. Thomas Worrell, Jesse Corse, Simon Wilmer, Daniel Lamb, John A. Woodland, and Unit Angier. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Hynsons Division. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 404. Accession No.: 17,898-12006 MSA S512-15-11828 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/04/26 12007: Hugh Wallis vs. Margaret Ann W. Ireland, Louisa P. Ireland, Emma H.P. Ireland, Alethia L.W. Ireland, John W.P. Ireland, and Hannah W. Ireland. KE. Petition to sell Margarets Delight, Margarets End, Chance, Partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-12007 MSA S512-15-11829 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/02/25 12008: Charles Worthington vs. Joseph Osborn, John Osborn, Joshua Osborn, Louisa Osborn, Susan Osborn, John Osborn, Eliza Osborn, James Osborn, Drusilla Osborn, James Stallings, Sarah Stallings, William Botiler, and Elizabeth Botiler. AA. Contract to purchase Piney Woods. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 96.
Accession No.: 17,898-12008 MSA S512-15-11830 Location: 1/39/4/
1802/02/27 12009: Thomas Worthington and Nicholas Worthington vs. William James Turner. FR. Injunction against removal of timber from Resurvey on Daniels Small Tract. Accession No.: 17,898-12009 MSA S512-15-11831 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/09/15 12010: Abraham Wotring vs. Nancy McCandless, Andrew Moore, William Randolph, Catherine Randolph, Margaretta Moore, James H.W. Moore, John M. Moore, Richard C. Moore, David A.M. Davidson, William F. Davidson, Emma M. Davidson, and Ann Eliza Davidson. AL. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Good Hope. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 41.
Accession No.: 17,898-12010 MSA S512-15-11832 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/02/01 12011: Robert Welch of Ben vs. William Harrison, John Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Rachel Harrison, Ann Harrison, Jane Harrison, Eliza Harrison, Margaret Brogden, and William O'Hara. AA. Petition to sell Hammond Lot in London Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 170.
Accession No.: 17,898-12011-1/4 MSA S512-15-11833 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/10/14 12012: Joseph Ward, Elizabeth Ward, Lewis Griffith, Mary Griffith, and Pricilla Dowell vs. John A. Whittington, Sarah Whittington, Hilliary Dowell, and Jowell Dowell. CV. Estate of Jacob Pattison - Stationers Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-12012 MSA S512-15-11834 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/05/04 12013: George F. Worthington, Nicholas B. Worthington, Hester Anne Worthington, Brice John Worthington, Caroline Worthington, Charles T. Worthington, and Brice J. Worthington vs. William Gantt, Catherine Gantt, John Hodges, and Elizabeth Hodges. BA. Petition to sell Windsor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 265.
Accession No.: 17,898-12013 MSA S512-15-11835 Location: 1/39/4/
1819/04/20 12014: Warner W. Warfield and Catherine D. Warfield vs. William R. Warfield and George Warfield. AA. Estate of Beale Warfield - Resurvey on Disappointment, Warfields Addition, Saplins Ridge, Middle Spring. Accession No.: 17,898-12014 MSA S512-15-11836 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/01/30 12015: Surratt D. Warfield and William Price vs. Thomas Griffith. FR. Estate of Ephraim Gaither - Resurvey on Spring Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-12015-1/4 MSA S512-15-11837 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/04/20 12016: John Welsh of Charles vs. Warren Welsh. AA. Estate of Charles Welsh - Johns Beginning, Johns Beginning Enlarged, Johns Last Shift, Bite the Skinner, Crocked Tract. Accession No.: 17,898-12016-1/2 MSA S512-15-11838 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/05/20 12017: Margaret Waesche vs. Thomas Maund, Mitta H. Maund, George Waesche, Frederick Waesche, Elizabeth Waesche, Amelia Waesche, and George F. Thomas. BA. Estate of Metta Repold - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12017 MSA S512-15-11839 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/06/27 12018: John D. Watson vs. Mary Jane Watson, Elizabeth Watson, Martha E. Watson, Harriet Watson, and Fanny Watson. AA. Estate of John Watson - lots in Lisbon. Accession No.: 17,898-12018-1/2 MSA S512-15-11840 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/06/30 12019: Susan Wilks vs. Charlotte Frost and Henrietta Frost. AA. Estate of Robert Frost - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 254. Accession No.: 17,898-12019 MSA S512-15-11841 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/05/22 12020: James Woodall vs. Martha A. Hynson, Benedict S. Brevitt, Elisa Brevitt, Harriet Matilda Hynson, Laura Hynson, and John C. Hynson. KE. Estate of John C. Hynson. Accession No.: 17,898-12020 MSA S512-15-11842 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/09/20 12021: John Waring vs. Henrietta Waring, Catherine H. Waring, Susan Waring, Grace Waring, Sally C. Waring, Eleanor Waring, Eliza Waring, and Richard M. Waring. AA, PG. Estate of Henry Waring - Sheckells Chance in AA and Wedge in PG. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 398.
Accession No.: 17,898-12021-1/2 MSA S512-15-11843 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/04/05 12022: Eliza Watts vs. Richard Tydings and Frances Rebecca Tydings. AA. Estate of Philip H. Watts - Hopkins Forebearance. Accession No.: 17,898-12022-1/2 MSA S512-15-11844 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/08/15 12023: Elizabeth Williamson, Nancy Williamson, Edward D. Hobbs, Susan Hobbs, James Henning, Francis Henning, and John Williamson vs. Isaac Mayo, Sarah H. Williamson, Rebecca Lane, Margaret B. Waters, Edward W. Belt, and Sarah Ann Belt. AA. Estate of James Williamson. Accession No.: 17,898-12023 MSA S512-15-11845 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/12/27 12024: John Watkins vs. John Slee, Elizabeth Slee, John W. Slee, Joseph Slee, Israel Slee, Asail Slee, Jane Slee, Martha Slee, Mary Slee, Elizabeth Slee, and Sarah Slee. BA. Estate of Joseph Slee - Hills Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-12024-1/2 MSA S512-15-11846 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/05/08 12025: Anthony Woodfield, Joseph Chaney, John Birckhead, and Mary Birckhead vs. Benjamin Chaney, Abraham Chaney, Gassaway Chaney, Samuel Chaney, and Elizabeth Chaney. AA. Estate of Abraham Chaney - Greenwich, Benjamins Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 210.
Accession No.: 17,898-12025 MSA S512-15-11847 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/02/20 12027: Nathan Warfield vs. Joshua Hood, Mary Hood, John Short, John Randolph Short, George Franklin Short, and William Short. AA. Estate of William Short - Hammonds Fourth Connection, Hammonds Fifth Connection. Accession No.: 17,898-12027-1/3 MSA S512-15-11848 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/02/23 12028: Thomas Watkins vs. Willson Magruder, Greenbury Magruder, and Robert White Magruder. MO. Estate of Joseph Magruder - Finish of Trouble Enough, Bedford Shecanor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 145. Accession No.: 17,898-12028-1/5 MSA S512-15-11849 Location: 1/39/4/
1819/10/19 12029: Cephas Ward vs. John Ward and Henry Ward. AA. Estate of Benjamin Ward - Wards Prospect. Recorded (Chancery Record) 117, p. 1. Accession No.: 17,898-12029 MSA S512-15-11850 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/07/20 12030: Joseph Wickes IV vs. Sarah P. Wickes, Simon A. Wickes, Charles Tilden, Mary Tilden, Oliver P. Tilden, and Eliza Tilden. KE. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 110. Accession No.: 17,898-12030 MSA S512-15-11851 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/07/16 12031: Thomas G. Waters vs. Joseph T. Burch, Samuel Burch, Jonathan T. Burch, Sarah Ann Burch, and Leonard S. Robey. CH. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-12031 MSA S512-15-11852 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/08/31 12032: John Wilhelm, Edward Lawson, and Rachel Bossom vs. Joshua Gooding, Moses Gooding, George Gooding, Jacob Gooding, Jesse Gooding, Amon Gooding, Isaac Gooding, Betsy Gooding, Benjamin Gooding, Henry Gooding, and Sally Gooding. BA. Petition to sell Bosleys Forecast, Bosleys Inclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-12032-1/2 MSA S512-15-11853 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/07/17 12033: Catherine Warfield vs. Charles D. Warfield, Eliza Anne Warfield, Catherine Anne Warfield, Fielder Warfield, Rachel Warfield, Amelia Warfield, Kitty Warfield, Elenor Warfield, and Tilghman Warfield. FR. Estate of Charles H. Warfield - lot in New Town. Recorded (Chancery Record) 139, p. 81.
Accession No.: 17,898-12033 MSA S512-15-11854 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/10/11 12034: John W. Wilmer vs. Beckington Scott and Juliana Frances Scott. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Swan Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 100. Accession No.: 17,898-12034 MSA S512-15-11855 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/02/14 12035: Henry C. Welch, Mary Ann Welch, Alexander Owens, Gassaway Owens, Dennis Owens, Fielder Owens, and Susan Owens vs. Horace Owens and Enoch Owens. AA. Petition to partition Hopkins Fancy, Portland Manor, Owens Fancy, Darnells Purchase. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-12035 MSA S512-15-11856 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/09/20 12036: Samuel D. Walker vs. Ebenezer Hubball, Sarah Hubball, Thomas Winwood, Benjamin Taylor, and David U. Brown. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12036 MSA S512-15-11857 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/10/19 12037: John T. Wilson, Richard Drury, Susan Drury, Mary Drury, Eliza Drury, and Ann Maria Drury vs. James N. Trott, Francis Trott, Richard Trott, Eliza A. Trott, Samuel Trott, Mary E. Trott, and David Trott. CV. Petition to sell Birkheads Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-12037 MSA S512-15-11858 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/12/23 12038: Clement C. Waters vs. Theresa Todd, Josiah Todd, John Todd, Thomas J. Todd, William H. Todd, Uriah Todd, Levin W. Tall, and Samuel Craig. DO. Estate of Jacob Todd. Accession No.: 17,898-12038-1/2 MSA S512-15-11859 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/12/30 12039: Walter B.C. Worthington vs. Fielder Bowie, William Carcaud, David Carcaud, Thomas Carcaud, Gilbert Carcaud, Mary Letitia Carcaud, George D. Lyles, Dennis Lyles, Maria Lyles, and William C. Lyles. PG. Contract to purchase Leith, Discovery. Accession No.: 17,898-12039 MSA S512-15-11860 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/26 12040: Gassaway Watkins and Otho Belt vs. Daniel Bender, Emily Bender, Horatio White, and Sarah Ann White. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12040 MSA S512-15-11861 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/06/18 12041: John Walsh vs. Caleb Dorsey of Richard and John McFadon. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 582. Accession No.: 17,898-12041 MSA S512-15-11862 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/12/21 12042: Nicholas Brewer, John Williams, William J. Williams, Madison Williams, Mary Ann Williams, Thomas S. Williams, Mary Elizabeth Williams, Eleanor M. Williams, Julia Ann Francis Williams, Amanda Williams, and Olivia Williams vs. Richard Williams, Thomas Williams, Rose Williams, Mary Williams, Elizabeth Disney, John Williams, Jr., Thomas Jefferson, Rebecca Jefferson, Richard Slater, Ann Slater, Edward W. Disney, and Eleanor Williams. AA. Estate of Joseph Williams - lot in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 511.
Accession No.: 17,898-12042-1/2 MSA S512-15-11863 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/04/23 12043: John Wonn and Mary Wonn vs. John Newcomer, Henry Newcomer, Margaret Newcomer, Henry Clark, and Sarah Clark. BA. Estate of John Newcomer. BA. Petition to sell Conoras Delight, Lawrence By His Craft. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 638. Accession No.: 17,898-12043 MSA S512-15-11864 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/04/01 12044: Jacob White vs. Lewis Gross, John Gross, John White, James Thompson, Hugh Boyle, and Alexander Kirkland. BA. Dissolution of Gross & White. Accession No.: 17,898-12044-1/3 MSA S512-15-11865 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/12/09 12045: Jesse Walter vs. James Brittingham, Beauchamp Adams, Mary Adams, John Adams, Jonathan Huffington, Hette Huffington, James Simms, Sarah Simms, Ebenezer Owings, and Martha Owings. SO. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-12045 MSA S512-15-11866 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/01/30 12046: Peregrine Warfield and Charles D. Warfield vs. Thomas H. Maher and Henry Lilly. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Chestnut Spring Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-12046 MSA S512-15-11867 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/12/29 12047: Sarah P. Wilson, Benjamin V. Sanders, Joshua Pennell, Elizabeth Pennell, and William Lamb vs. Isaac Glick, Mary Glick, Celey Carroll, Thomas M. Carroll, Mary Sanders, Jesse Sanders, William Sanders, Benjamin Sanders, Louisa Sanders, and Catherine Sanders. KE. Estate of Benjamin Vickers - Worton, Coney Warren, Lot in Chestertown. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 277.
Accession No.: 17,898-12047 MSA S512-15-11868 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/12/27 12048: Charles Watson and Isaac H. Hopkins vs. Roger B. Taney, Mary Shaaff, and William Marbury. AA. Estate of Mary Watson. Accession No.: 17,898-12048 MSA S512-15-11869 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/11/14 12049: John Wells and Absalom Bellmear vs. John Wells, Jr. and Daniel Wells, Jr. AA. Petition to record deed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-12049 MSA S512-15-11870 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/03/28 12050: Gassaway Watkins vs. Jacob Grafflin, Benjamin Eccleston, Mr. Reisinger, Richard Little, and Thomas Donnelly. BA. Title to Welches Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-12050 MSA S512-15-11871 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/07/13 12051: William Welch, Ebenezer Welch, and Anna Minta Smith vs. Edward Smith, Jonathan T. Welch, Margaret Edwards, Julian Edwards, Margaretta Edwards, and Mary Ann Edwards. KE. Estate of Oliver Smith - Tanfield More, Reserve, Smiths Discovery, Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 711.
Accession No.: 17,898-12051 MSA S512-15-11872 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/02/07 12052: Mary Warfield vs. Mary Elizabeth Warfield, Margaret Wilson Warfield, John Alexander Warfield, Thomas Harwood Warfield, George Washington Warfield, Caroline Warfield, and Abraham Warfield. MO. Estate of Alexander Warfield - Warfields Vineyard, Mitchell Range, Gravelly Hill, Gap, Mount Airy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 133, p. 76.
Accession No.: 17,898-12052 MSA S512-15-11873 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/11/1 12053: Richard Wootton vs. Dr. John Wootton and Singleton Wootton. MO. Estate of Richard Wootton. Accession No.: 17,898-12053 MSA S512-15-11874 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/04/05 12054: Charles Worthington, John Armstrong, and Ann Armstrong vs. Thomas Griffin. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 125, p. 503. Accession No.: 17,898-12054 MSA S512-15-11875 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/11/26 12055: Plummer Waters vs. Greenbury P. Sappington, Mary Ann Sappington, Harriet Sappington, Jesse Wheat, Nathaniel Wheat, Sarah Wheat, Thomas Rowles, Ede Rowles, Joshua Hood, Mary Hood, Allen Griffith, Elizabeth Griffith, Edward Wheat, Ann Louisa Wheat, Francis Wheat, Jonathan Wheat, Edmund Sappington, William Brookes, George Brookes, Joseph Brookes, William Brookes, Jr., Philip Callenburgh, Sarah Callenburgh, Stephen Bryan, Mary Bryan, Charity Fairbanks, Thomas Jenings, Daniel Jenings, Candice Rowles, Jonathan Walton, Keziah Walton, Elizabeth Rees, Abraham Moor, David J. Evans, Mary Evans, Jacob Myers, Sarah Myers, Henry Martin, Abraham Martin, Samuel Martin, John Martin, Nancy Martin, Betsey Martin, Daniel Swift, Mary Swift, Seney Everett, Jacob Maccommons, and Casey Maccommons. MO. Estate of Edmund Jenings.
Accession No.: 17,898-12055 MSA S512-15-11876 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/11/23 12056: Philemon Warfield vs. Francis Gartrell. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Great Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 159. Accession No.: 17,898-12056 MSA S512-15-11877 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/01/04 12057: Robert Ward vs. Henry Small. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Carolina Felix. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 293. Accession No.: 17,898-12057-1/2 MSA S512-15-11878 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/11/19 12058: Benton R. Wheeler vs. Stephen Wheeler. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Huntington. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 65. Accession No.: 17,898-12058 MSA S512-15-11879 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/08/23 12059: Casper W. Weaver vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co. FR. Injunction against digging through Maryland Tract. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 71. Accession No.: 17,898-12059 MSA S512-15-11880 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/10/15 12060: William Warren and William Vance vs. John Vance, Henry Hudson, Abner Neal, Fielding Lucas, Jr., and John J. Donaldson. BA. Estate of John T. Vance - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12060-1/3 MSA S512-15-11881 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/10/22 12061: Thomas H. Wright and Mary F. Wright vs. Joseph E. Cowman. AA. Estate of Henrietta Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-12061 MSA S512-15-11882 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/11/01 12062: Mable Waters vs. William Anderson. PG. Contract to purchase land. Accession No.: 17,898-12062 MSA S512-15-11883 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/03/11 12063: Charles Wood vs. John B. Emery and Cyrus Gault. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-12063 MSA S512-15-11884 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/12/01 12064: Sarah Watts vs. John Arnold and Elijah Rockhold. AA. Estate of Philip H. Watts. Accession No.: 17,898-12064 MSA S512-15-11885 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/05/30 12065: William Wells vs. Charles Wallace. AA. Petition to record deeds for lots in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-12065 MSA S512-15-11886 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/03/07 12066: John Wilson, Jane Wilson, Rebecca Jane Wilson, Ruth Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, Margaret Wilson, William Wilson, John Wilson, Samuel Wilson, and Mary Briscoe vs. Asahel Wilson. BA. Petition to sell Wilsons Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, pp. 334, 427. Accession No.: 17,898-12066 MSA S512-15-11887 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/09/17 12067: Alfred Warfield vs. Samuel Banks. AA. Petition to sell Bunkers Hill Fortified. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 919. Accession No.: 17,898-12067-1/2 MSA S512-15-11888 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/12/21 12068: Jonah White vs. Theobald Fransz and Jacob Deems. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 473. Accession No.: 17,898-12068 MSA S512-15-11889 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/03/10 12069: John T. Wirt vs. Benjamin F. Sluyter, Rebecca T. Sluyter, Ann T. Sluyter, Hannah Foard, Henry J. Sluyter, Mary J. Sluyter, and Stephen Bayard. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 310. Accession No.: 17,898-12069-1/4 MSA S512-15-11890 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/07/06 12070: Azel Waters and Eleanor Waters vs. Amey Howard. AA. Estate of Thomas W. Howard - White Wine and Claret. Accession No.: 17,898-12070 MSA S512-15-11891 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/01/21 12071: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Richard Simmons. AA. Contract to lease Waterloo. Accession No.: 17,898-12071 MSA S512-15-11892 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/06/18 12072: Henry Welling vs. William Simpson, Charles Simpson, John Simpson, Henry Simpson, Kitty Simpson, and Mary Simpson. AA. Title to Addition to the Grove, Snowdens Second Addition to His Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 425. Accession No.: 17,898-12072 MSA S512-15-11893 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/11/18 12073: Robert Walsh, James W. Walsh, Charles Walsh, John Carrere, Mary Carrere, and John J. Donaldson vs. Samuel Chase and Elias Glenn. BA. Title to lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 144, p. 555. Accession No.: 17,898-12073 MSA S512-15-11894 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/09/16 12074: Samuel Worthington, Emily Worthington, Thomas Worthington, Grace J. Worthington, Fanny Hopkins, and Susan Hopkins vs. William Jenkins. BA. Estate of Gerald Hopkins. Accession No.: 17,898-12074 MSA S512-15-11895 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/02/23 12075: Henry Woodward and Eleanor Woodward vs. Elizabeth D. Beall, Otho W. Beall, Rachel D. Beall, Rebecca W. Beall, Ann Elizabeth Beall, Elizabeth D. Beall, John Beall, Thomas W. Beall, Richard D. Beall, William J. Beall, Richard Morsell, and Eleanor Morsell. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Williams Range, Three Sisters, Good Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 445.
Accession No.: 17,898-12075 MSA S512-15-11896 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/01/18 12076: Benjamin Webb vs. Thomas W. Renshaw and Susan M. Waltham. KE. Petition to sell Skedmore. Accession No.: 17,898-12076 MSA S512-15-11897 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/02/29 12077: Arthur Woolford vs. Thomas Byers, James Jones, Susan Jones, Henry Geoghegan, James Geoghegan, Thomas Geoghegan, Diana Geoghegan, Mary Geoghegan, and Thomas Woolford. DO. Title to Woolfords Foresight, Woolfords Venture. Accession No.: 17,898-12077 MSA S512-15-11898 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/12/12 12078: Rezin Wight vs. James McCullough. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Adams Garden. Accession No.: 17,898-12078 MSA S512-15-11899 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/12/27 12079: William Williams vs. Havre de Grace Ferry Co. HA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12079 MSA S512-15-11900 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/06/17 12080: Josiah Webb and Mary Ann Webb vs. Catherine Harper Mace. DO. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 535. Accession No.: 17,898-12080 MSA S512-15-11901 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/06/30 12081: Jacob Willson vs. Joseph Langford, John R. Jones, Elizabeth Jones, John Langford, Euphenia Langford, Harriet Langford, Anne Langford, and Ellen Langford. DO. Mortgage foreclosure on Dixons Discovery, Hog Yard. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 354.
Accession No.: 17,898-12081-1/2 MSA S512-15-11902 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/08/13 12082: Jeremiah C. Wright vs. William Jackson, Jane Colston, James Lawrence Colston, and George Miner Colston. DO. Petition to sell Marians Regulation, lot in Nanticoke Indian lands, Town Hill, St. Andrews, Scotts Purchase, Opossum Ridge, lots in Nanticoke Manor.
Accession No.: 17,898-12082-1/6 MSA S512-15-11903 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/04/23 12083: Henry Williams vs. Bryan Williams, Hester Ann Williams, Henry Alfred Williams, and Francis Wesley Williams. AA. Petition to sell Stevens Connection. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-12083 MSA S512-15-11904 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/02/28 12084: Elijah Walton vs. William Martin, John McFadden, Thomas A. Hays, and Nathaniel W.S. Hays. HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Aquillas Inheritance, Culvers Entrance, Good Neighborhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 572. Accession No.: 17,898-12084 MSA S512-15-11905 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/08/08 12085: John Walsh vs. William C. Harris. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12085 MSA S512-15-11906 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/11/01 12086: Alexander Warfield vs. Frederick Duvall and Charles Warfield. MO. Contract to purchase Pleasant Retreat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 380. Accession No.: 17,898-12086-1/3 MSA S512-15-11907 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/11/17 12088: Marcella Worthington vs. Joshua Lee. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Long Reach, Last Choice. Accession No.: 17,898-12088-1/2 MSA S512-15-11908 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/10/26 12090: Michael Wheeler vs. John Hunter, Josias Jenkins, Clement Green, Mary Green, Clara Green, Mary Green, Jannett Green, William Green, Helen Green, Ellen Green, and Benjamin Green. HA. Estate of Benjamin Green - Farmers Delight, Good Neighborhood. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 689.
Accession No.: 17,898-12090 MSA S512-15-11909 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/12/21 12091: James Wilson and Thomas Wilson vs. Benjamin M. Hodges. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Scotts Lot, Upper Getting. Accession No.: 17,898-12091 MSA S512-15-11910 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/04/12 12092: Lewis Weis vs. Margaret Boyd, Sarah Boyd, Frederick Boyd, James Boyd, and John Boyd. BA. Estate of Frederick Eiselen. Recorded (Chancery Record) 141, p. 518. Accession No.: 17,898-12092 MSA S512-15-11911 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/11/18 12093: Levin Wingate, Harriet N. Wingate, and Whitely Beckwith vs. Job W. Beckwith. DO. Petition to sell lot in Cambridge. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 464. Accession No.: 17,898-12093 MSA S512-15-11912 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/04/21 12094: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. Benjamin Gaither. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fowlers Range. Accession No.: 17,898-12094 MSA S512-15-11913 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/02/22 12095: Samuel Worthington vs. Margaret Gover, Caroline Gover, Hannah Gover, and Susan Gover. HA. Petition to partition Eightrop, Land of Promise. Accession No.: 17,898-12095 MSA S512-15-11914 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/10/31 12096: Charles Waters vs. Ephraim Marriott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Lancasters Plains, Brooklyn Point, Hammonds Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 266. Accession No.: 17,898-12096 MSA S512-15-11915 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/07/30 12097: William Woodall vs. Thomas Woodall, John Woodall, and Josiah Massey. KE. Estate of Edward Woodall - Vienna. Accession No.: 17,898-12097 MSA S512-15-11916 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/03/25 12099: William J. Weir and Harriet B. Weir vs. Robert Bladen Mitchell, Carter Mitchell, Richard Tasker Mitchell, John Bailey, July Landon Bailey, Louisa Carter Forbes, and Robert Mitchell Forbes. BA. Estate of Pricella Mitchell - lots in BC, Browns Adventure, Owings Adventure, Pierces Encouragement.
Accession No.: 17,898-12099 MSA S512-15-11917 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/04/20 12100: Nixon Wilson vs. James Pawley, John Pawley, Sr., Mary A. Pawley, John McKean, Philip Moore, Randle H. Moale, George Witman, William H. Freeman, and James Haslett. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 231.
Accession No.: 17,898-12100-1/5 MSA S512-15-11918 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/07/17 12101: Robert Welch of Ben vs. Nicholas Darnall. AA. Petition to sell Portland Manor, Birkheads Parcell, Portland Landing, lot in Pigg Point. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 308. Accession No.: 17,898-12101 MSA S512-15-11919 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/02/07 12102: James Whiffing vs. James Adams. FR. Contract to purchase Groves Tavern. Accession No.: 17,898-12102 MSA S512-15-11920 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/11/23 12103: Philemon Warfield, Warner Warfield, Kitty Warfield, George W. Warfield, and William R. Warfield vs. Susan Scott, William Scott, Thomas Scott, Susan Scott, Richard Scott, George Scott, Joseph Scott, Henry Shipley, and Sally Shipley. AA. Estate of Beale Warfield - Resurvey on Disappointment.
Accession No.: 17,898-12103 MSA S512-15-11921 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/10/04 12104: William Warfield, David Ridgely, Joseph Evans, James Iglehart, and James P. Soper vs. John Young. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 443. Accession No.: 17,898-12104-1/3 MSA S512-15-11922 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/12/09 12105: Thomas Watkins vs. John H. Wells, George McNier, and James Williamson. AA. Contract to sell slave Charles. Accession No.: 17,898-12105 MSA S512-15-11923 Location: 1/39/4/
1811/05/23 12106: Sarah Wilson, Worrel Carson, Elizabeth Carson, William A. Leonard, and Mary Leonard vs. Baynard Wilson and Stephen T. Johnson. TA. Estate of George Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-12106-1/2 MSA S512-15-11924 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/06/23 12107: Thomas Worrell vs. John Hill. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12107-1/2 MSA S512-15-11925 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/05/20 2108: Sarah Warfield and John Goddard vs. Charles Warfield. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-12108 MSA S512-15-11926 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/07/02 12110: John Wells, Hannah Wells, John Mayo, Stewart Williamson, Maria Williamson, Sarah H. Williamson, Isaac Mayo, Joseph Mayo, and Margaret Lee vs. Joseph Norris, Ellen Norris, and Mary Norris. AA. Estate of John Mayo - Crutchleys Choice, Herring Creek Swamp.
Accession No.: 17,898-12110-1/2 MSA S512-15-11927 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/04/26 12111: Thomas Woolford vs. Sarah Woolford, John Jackson, Eliza Jackson, Thomas Jackson, and Catherine Jackson. DO. Estate of James Woolford - Teverton, Timber Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 408. Accession No.: 17,898-12111-1/4 MSA S512-15-11928 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/05/22 12112: Nixon Willson vs. Thomas Willson, James Haslett, and James Pawley. BA. Insolvent estate of Thomas Willson. Accession No.: 17,898-12112 MSA S512-15-11929 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/10/26 12113: George Warner, Jr., Caroline Warner, Andrew Ellicott, and Emily Ellicott vs. John McFadon, Pricilla McFadon, John Edward Johnson, John W. McFadon, Rezin Snowden, Margaret Snowden, Thomas Ellicott, Jr., Louisa Ellicott, Elizabeth McFadon, Antoinette McFadon, and John McFadon, Jr. BA. Estate of William McFadon.
Accession No.: 17,898-12113-1/2 MSA S512-15-11930 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/03/29 12114: William Wiley vs. Mary Sidwell, Mary Sidwell, Jr., Rachel Sidwell, Cole Thompkins, and Eliza Thompkins. CE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bethlehem. Accession No.: 17,898-12114 MSA S512-15-11931 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/06/27 12115: William H. Winstandley and Thomas Macilroy vs. William Gwynn of John, James Campbell, John Ritchie, Luke Tiernan, and Alexander Mactier. BA. Insolvent estate of William Woodland. Accession No.: 17,898-12115-1/5 MSA S512-15-11932 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/01/09 12117: Ann Watkins vs. Isaac Nicolls. AA. Petition to void deed for Waterford, Huckleberry Bush. Recorded (Chancery Record) 135, p. 116. Accession No.: 17,898-12117 MSA S512-15-11933 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/06/21 12118: Nicholas J. Watkins and Samuel Harrison vs. Nicholas Brewer, Jr., John Linthicum, Elizabeth Linthicum Sarving, Thomas Linthicum, William Johnson, Anne Johnson, John D. Meekins, Anne Meekins, Rachel Meekins, John Meekins, and William Meekins. AA. Title to Hedges Park. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 570.
Accession No.: 17,898-12118-1/2 MSA S512-15-11934 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/09/16 12119: Lucretia Watkins vs. Rebecca Watkins and Benjamin Welch. AA. Estate of Richard G. Watkins - Gassaways Lot, Nathans Purchase, Parishes Purchase, Conners Purchase, Carrs Hills. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 537. Accession No.: 17,898-12119-1/2 MSA S512-15-11935 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/11/27 12120: Prudence Wilson vs. Robert Wilson. AA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-12120 MSA S512-15-11936 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/03/06 12121: Nicholas Worthington and Samuel Banks vs. Ruth H. Dorsey and John Dorsey. AA. Petition to sell Dependance, Ridgely Great Park. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 191. Accession No.: 17,898-12121-1/2 MSA S512-15-11937 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/26 12122: Gassaway Watkins and Otho Belt vs. Wiseman C. Ridgely, Horatio White, and Sarah Ann White. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12122 MSA S512-15-11938 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/04/08 12123: John Watkins, Sr. vs. Pricilla Guyton, Underwood Guyton, Alice Guyton, and Abraham Guyton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Youngs Escape. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 122. Accession No.: 17,898-12123-1/2 MSA S512-15-11939 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/03/25 12124: George Winchester vs. Richard B. Magruder. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment on Washington. Accession No.: 17,898-12124 MSA S512-15-11940 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/04/18 12125: Susan V. Williams, Mary S. Williams, Elizabeth C. Williams, William S. Williams, and Otho H. Williams. FR. Petition to sell Ceresville. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 148. Accession No.: 17,898-12125 MSA S512-15-11941 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/03/17 12126: Richard Ward vs. Eli Stocksdale and Jacob Algier. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Wells Inheritance, Lowdermans Choice, Hookers Meadow Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 60, p. 364. Accession No.: 17,898-12126 MSA S512-15-11942 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/04/10 12127: Elijah Williams, Henry Williams, Nicholas Lewis, and Rachel Lewis vs. Bryan Williams, Hester Ann Rachel Williams, Henry Alfred Williams, and Francis Wesley Williams. BA. Petition to sell lot and house in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12127 MSA S512-15-11943 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/10/15 12128: George B. Watson and Henrietta Watson vs. Elizabeth E.A. Stanford, Clement Stanford, Arianna Stanford, William H. Chaille, and Mary P. Chaille. DO. Petition to sell lot in Vienna. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 571. Accession No.: 17,898-12128 MSA S512-15-11944 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/03/18 12129: Gustavus Warfield vs. Thomas Snowden, Jr., Richard N. Snowden, Elizabeth Snowden, John Contee, Anne L. Contee, Isaac Knight, Julianna Knight, Richard B. Magruder, Peregrine Warfield, Charles A. Warfield, Timothy P. Andrews, Emily Andrews, Albert Fairfax, and Caroline E. Fairfax. AA, BA. Title to I Can Do It Well, Addition to I Can Do It Well.
Accession No.: 17,898-12129 MSA S512-15-11945 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/04/15 12130: Adam Welsh, Thomas Welsh, and Luther Ratcliffe vs. Joseph Hussey, John W. Keirle, David Hoffman, John Scott, and Samuel Moale. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 645. Accession No.: 17,898-12130-1/3 MSA S512-15-11946 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/03/27 12131: Noah Worthington vs. Caleb D. Owings, Beale Owings, Cornelius H. Owings, Charles Woods, Joseph Yager, and Edward Green. BA. Injunction against construction of a railway. Accession No.: 17,898-12131-1/2 MSA S512-15-11947 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/08/20 12132: Rachel H. Watkins, Thomas Watkins, and Benjamin Watkins vs. John Nicholas Watkin and Nicholas Edwin Watkins. AA. Petition to sell Waterloo. Accession No.: 17,898-12132 MSA S512-15-11948 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/02/19 12133: Nathan Jones Waters vs. Philip Snowden. PG. Title to Friendship. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 133. Accession No.: 17,898-12133 MSA S512-15-11949 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/12/01 12134: Thomas Warburton vs. Richard Spenser, Stewart Redman, Mary Redman, John Redman, James Redman, William Emory, Stewart Emory, and Rebecca Emory. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment. Recorded (Chancery Record) 163, p. 374. Accession No.: 17,898-12134-1/2 MSA S512-15-11950 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/03/07 12135: Charles Waters vs. Samuel Ellicott, Jr., Elias Ellicott, and Frederick Richter. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-12135-1/4 MSA S512-15-11951 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/03/20 12136: John C. White and Mary Smith White vs. John S. Donnell, Ann Donnell, and Benjamin C. Howard. BA, HA, WA. Petition to partition Springfield Farm, lots in Williamsport, Leeds, Garden of Eden, Number 7 in WA. Also Middle Island Farm and Fishery in HA and lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/72. Accession No.: 17,898-12136-1/2 MSA S512-15-11952 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/09/17 12137: Mercilla Worthington vs. Daniel Elliott. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 193. Accession No.: 17,898-12137 MSA S512-15-11953 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/05/28 12138: Levi Sheriff vs. James A. Wilson and Joseph H. Wilson. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Baltimore, Gittings Park. Accession No.: 17,898-12138 MSA S512-15-11954 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/08/02 12139: Robert Welch of Ben, Lewis Duvall, James MacKubin, and John J. Donaldson vs. Caleb Stewart, John Stewart, Henry H. Stewart, Hammond Stewart, Catherine Stewart, Margaret Stewart, Martha Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, Ann Stewart, David Stewart, John Clayton, John Randall, Jr., Joseph N. Stockett, Stephen Beard, Richard Elliott, Thomas Elliott, Benjamin Hodges, and William M. Lansdale. AA. Estate of David Stewart - Sanders Chance, Waterford, Velmeade, Friends Choice. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 355.
Accession No.: 17,898-12139-1/2 MSA S512-15-11955 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/04/11 12140: Charles Worthington, Brice J. Worthington, Achsah Goldsborough, Sarah Goldsborough, Baker Johnson, William Johnson, Nicholas W. Johnson, Charles Johnson, William Ross, Catherine Ross, John Johns, Juliana Johns, Matilda McPherson, Caroline Graham, William Eichelberger, and Henrietta Eichelberger vs. Nicholas Worthington of Thomas, Charles G. Worthingotn, John G. Worthington, Ann Worthington, William H. Worthington, Achsah A. Worthington, Mary Worthington, Mary Luke, Nicholas W. Luke, and Henrietta Luke. AA. Petition to sell Youngs Success, Worthingtons Grove, Meadows, Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 178.
Accession No.: 17,898-12140-1/2 MSA S512-15-11956 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/03/01 12141: Adam Whann, Samuel M. Whann, Anna M. Ricketts, Sarah J. Ricketts, Henry H. Gilpin, Margaret Gilpin, William W. Mackall, Sarah Mackall, Henry C. Mackall, Covington Mackall, Margaret McVean, James McVean, Jane McVean, Jane W. Jacobs, and Samuel W. Ricketts vs. Hannah J. Richardson. CE. Estate of Sarah Whann.
Accession No.: 17,898-12141-1/2 MSA S512-15-11957 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/01/21 12142: Jesse Walter vs. Peggy Cooper, Thomas Cooper, Joshua Cooper, Eleanor Cooper, John Cooper, Robert Cooper, Margaret Cooper, and Biddy Ann Cooper. SO. Estate of Thomas Cooper - Bedford, Confusion, McDaniels Luck. Accession No.: 17,898-12142-1/2 MSA S512-15-11958 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/01/16 12143: Charles Worthington vs. Peter H. Henderson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 171. Accession No.: 17,898-12143 MSA S512-15-11959 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/06/26 12144: Nicholas J. Watkins vs. Richard Loockerman. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slave Juliet. Accession No.: 17,898-12144 MSA S512-15-11960 Location: 1/39/4/
1815/12/19 12145: William Whittington vs. Martha Hughes, Polly Hughes, Aseneth Hughes, Daniel Hughes, and Susannah Hughes. AA. Petition to sell Hunts Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 435. Accession No.: 17,898-12145 MSA S512-15-11961 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/09/18 12146: John Wilson vs. Ephraim Hands and Ann Hands. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bucks Range, Bucks Range Resurveyed. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 207. Accession No.: 17,898-12146 MSA S512-15-11962 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/08/03 12147: Zachariah Woollen, Joseph Rowe, Gloria A. Rowe, William Dawson, Catherine Dawson, William Sumwalt, Catherine Buckley, Drinian Buckley, Joseph Buckley, Edmund C. Gardner, Joseph Rowe, Maria Sumwalt, and Henry A. Sumwalt vs. Bank of Baltimore, Baltimore Equitable Society, and William Krebs. BA. Estate of Joseph Sumwalt - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 130.
Accession No.: 17,898-12147-1/2 MSA S512-15-11963 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/07/13 12148: Charles Webb vs. William C. Tyler, Harriet E.B. Tyler, and Dryden Tyler. AA. Petition to sell Snowdens Reputation Supported, Harris Range. Accession No.: 17,898-12148 MSA S512-15-11964 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/05/17 12149: James Woodall and Catherine Woodall vs. Lemuel Vansant, Henry Vansant, Fredus Vansant, Julia Ann Vansant, Rosetta Vansant, Emeline Vansant, Ira Vansant, Matilda Vansant, Joshua Vansant, Lawrence S. Vansant, George R. Vansant, Millicent Vansant, Edward Vansant, Fredus Meakins, Mary Meakins, John Hurlock, Elizabeth Hurlock, Julitta Clark, James Clark, Ira Clark, Benjamin Cox, Frances Cox, James W. Price, and Sarah Price. KE. Petition to sell Free Gift.
Accession No.: 17,898-12149 MSA S512-15-11965 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/07/25 12150: Wesley W. Wallace vs. Thomas Davis and Thomas White. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12150 MSA S512-15-11966 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/05/16 12151: Anne W. Wood vs. Benjamin Oden and Edmund Key. PG. Contract to purchase Brookfield, Addition to Brookfield. Accession No.: 17,898-12151 MSA S512-15-11967 Location: 1/39/4/
1821 12152: John Carnan vs. Ann Bayard and Richard A. Bayard. CE. Estate of Richard Bassett - Three Bohemia Sisters. Accession No.: 17,898-12152-1/2 MSA S512-15-11968 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/10/03 12153: Nathan Warfield and Caroline Warfield vs. Rezin Hammond, Denton Hammond, and Matthias Hammond. AA. Estate of Matthias Hammond. Recorded (Chancery Record) 153, p. 333. Accession No.: 17,898-12153 MSA S512-15-11969 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/08/09 12155: Gilbert Wingate and Mary Wingate vs. George Hart, Emily Dean, and John H. Pritchett. DO. Petition to sell Wingates Content, Head of Furhum. Accession No.: 17,898-12155 MSA S512-15-11970 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/09/20 12156: Elijah Weems vs. Gabriel Brown. AA. Debt owed by Brown. Accession No.: 17,898-12156 MSA S512-15-11971 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/01/06 12157: Mary Ward vs. Elizabeth H. Price and John H. Lusby. CE. Estate of Peregrine Ward. Accession No.: 17,898-12157 MSA S512-15-11972 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/01/03 12158: Mary Wrightson vs. Kasier Thomas. DO. Petition to sell Thomas Chance. Recorded (Chancery Record) 155, p. 854. Accession No.: 17,898-12158 MSA S512-15-11973 Location: 1/39/4/
1825 12159: Eliza Wood and Maria Wood vs. Ann Bayard, Elizabeth Bassett, and Richard Bayard. CE. Accession No.: 17,898-12159 MSA S512-15-11974 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/07/12 12160: Jacob Willson, Eliza Willson, and Rebecca Wheatley vs. William S. Harper and Nathan Vickers. DO. Petition to void deed for Leneratons Chance. Accession No.: 17,898-12160 MSA S512-15-11975 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/07/15 12161: John Wroth vs. Robert P. Davis, Catherine P. Davis, and Thomas M. Davis. CE. Estate of Joseph Davis. Accession No.: 17,898-12161 MSA S512-15-11976 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/01/06 12162: Benjamin Watson and Mary Watson vs. George Stone, Elizabeth Stone, Sarah Mackall, Thomas H. Wilkinson, George Wilkinson, Robert B. Wilkinson, Mary Wilkinson, John Dare, Margaret Dare, John Gray, Elizabeth Gray, Barbara Ann Wilkinson, Eliza Wilkinson, James Wilkinson, Catherine Wilkinson, Margaret Wilkinson, and Joseph Wilkinson. CV. Estate of James Mackall - Bromwell, Lowreys Reserve.
Accession No.: 17,898-12162 MSA S512-15-11977 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/01/26 12163: Washington College vs. Ezekiel F. Chambers, John B. Eccleston, Richard Graves, Elizabeth G. Worrell, Sarah Chambers, Eliza J. Clarkson, William Graves, Cornelia Worrell, John G. Groves, Mary Groves, Caroline Hawkins, Cornelia Clarkson, and Ann Hawkins. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Buck Neck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 142, p. 489.
Accession No.: 17,898-12163-1/2 MSA S512-15-11978 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/04/26 12164: George Winchester, Maria Winchester, Lyde Goodwin, Augusta Goodwin, Sophia Campbell, and William Hindman Campbell vs. Robert Lemmon. BA. Estate of James Hindman. Accession No.: 17,898-12164 MSA S512-15-11979 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/09/19 12165: Juliana Williamson, George W. Williamson, and Adolphus Williamson vs. Joseph M. Williamson and Juliana Kilgour. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Plats at 1/39/5/73. Recorded (Chancery Record) 148, p. 610. Accession No.: 17,898-12165-1/3 MSA S512-15-11980 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/02/14 12166: Joseph Ward vs. Matilda Drury, Mary Ellen Tillard, Janetta H. Tillard, Richard Estep, and Henry A. Hall. AA. Title to Barretts. Accession No.: 17,898-12166 MSA S512-15-11981 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/07/31 12167: Jacob Williams, Elijah Williams, and John B. Gray vs. Richard Gray, Louisa Gray, Stephen Cook, and Sarah Cook. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Phelps Increase, Phelps Rest, Eglestons Range. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 397. Accession No.: 17,898-12167-1/2 MSA S512-15-11982 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/05/06 12168: Thomas John Worthington, Walter Hammond, Matilda Hammond, John W. Dorsey, Ely Dorsey, Thomas W. Dorsey, Henry Gaither, Ignatius Waters, Eliza Waters, Otho Spriggs, Ann Spriggs, Richard Johnson, Juliana Johnson, Sally Howard, Ely D. Howard, Lydia M. Howard, Deborah Howard, Elizabeth Howard, Joshua Howard, Thomas Sellers, Sally Sellers, Mary Sellers, Arianna Sellers, Susan Sellers, Samuel Howard, Sabret Sellers, Margaret Sellers, and Ignatius Waters vs. Richard Yates. AA. Petition to partition Bachelors Refuge, Browns Purchase, Cheneys Third Beginning, Neighbors Spite, Trusty Friend, Yates Good Will, Food Plenty. Plats. Recorded (Chancery Record) 124, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-12168 MSA S512-15-11983 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/10/31 12169: Anderson Warfield vs. William Warfield, Lydia Warfield, Ellender Warfield, Mary Warfield, and Beale M. Worthington. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Tom Hawk, Jem, Isaac, and Lidda. Accession No.: 17,898-12169-1/2 MSA S512-15-11984 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/03/19 12171: William C. Wells vs. Jane M. Wells, Truman Cross, Savings Bank of Baltimore, Joseph Cushing, Margaret Hooper, Robert Hooper, Harriett Hooper, Hannah Hooper, Ruth Randall, and John K. Randall. BA. Estate of John F. Wells - lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12171-1/4 MSA S512-15-11985 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/07/08 12172: John W. Walker vs. John Bordley. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Worton Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-12172-1/2 MSA S512-15-11986 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/11/02 12173: Charles A. Waters and Rebecca Waters vs. Charles Howard, Elizabeth A. Howard, Charles White, Rebecca A. White, Prudence Rebecca Howard, Stevenson White, and Freeborn G. Waters. BA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 173, p. 419. Accession No.: 17,898-12173-1/4 MSA S512-15-11987 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/01/31 12174: Eleanor P. Woodward, Rezin Estep, Richard Estep, Thomas J. Dorsett, and Harriett Dorsett. AA. Petition to sell Rowdown, Rowdowns Security, Kilkenny. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 217. Accession No.: 17,898-12174 MSA S512-15-11988 Location: 1/39/4/
1816/08/12 12175: Thomas Contee Worthington vs. Ninian Clagett, Margaret Clagett, Ann Burgess, Susan Burgess, Edward Burgess, Daniel Hook, Sally Hook, Edward Burgess, Jr., Elizabeth Briggs, Anne Briggs, Jane Briggs, Elizabeth Burgess, John Sheckles, and Mary Sheckles. MO. Estate of Edward Burgess - Resurvey on Silent Valley and Baynes Good Luck, Waters Luck, Third Addition to Snowdens Manor, Ebony Marsh, Mill Grove, Second Addition to Snowdens Manor. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 276.
Accession No.: 17,898-12175-1/3 MSA S512-15-11989 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/02/25 12176: Nathaniel Wiley vs. Thomas H. Whaland, Eliza G. Whaland, Samuel Merritt, Sarah Ann Merritt, John W. Walker, and Robert W. Whaland. KE, QA. Estate of John Whaland. Accession No.: 17,898-12176-1/3 MSA S512-15-11990 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/03/18 12177: Mary Ann Warner vs. Jonathan Creery. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12177 MSA S512-15-11991 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/04/06 12178: Daniel Warfield and Thomas B.D. Mereweather vs. Nicholas Mereweather. AA. Estate of John Mereweather. Accession No.: 17,898-12178 MSA S512-15-11992 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/10/27 12179: Frederick Wells vs. William Stewart. AA. Petition to record deed for Lot, Lewis Green, and Wells Water in Annapolis. Recorded (Chancery Record) 128, p. 234. Accession No.: 17,898-12179 MSA S512-15-11993 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/07/21 12180: William Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, William Lorman, and Joseph Townsend vs. Samuel Vincent, Thomas Murphy, Nicholas H. Ridgely, Jane Ridgely, William Ogden Miles, and Sophia Miles. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 497.
Accession No.: 17,898-12180 MSA S512-15-11994 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/05/28 12181: Edward H. Wyville, Jane R. Stallings, and John P. Stallings vs. Richard Stallings. CV. Estate of Susanna Stallings. Accession No.: 17,898-12181 MSA S512-15-11995 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/08/05 12182: John Wilson vs. Charles Wilson and Robert Wilson. BA. Estate of John Wilson. Accession No.: 17,898-12182 MSA S512-15-11996 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/03/24 12183: George Warner vs. John Kipp, Christian Keener, David Keener, Samuel Keener, and William Gist. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgelys Delight, Whetstone Point. Accession No.: 17,898-12183 MSA S512-15-11997 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/03/12 12184: Thomas Whittington vs. Caroline Eliza Kennard, Philip Kennard, William Kennard, Martha L. Kennard, Mary L. Kennard, and Sarah A. Kennard. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Spring Garden, Towns Relief. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 192. Accession No.: 17,898-12184 MSA S512-15-11998 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/03/30 12185: David Williamson and Charles A. Williamson vs. John B. Wilson and John N. Woodard. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12185 MSA S512-15-11999 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/02/22 12186: John W. Walker vs. Rebecca Taylor, Thomas Wheat, Mary Louisa Wheat, James Sullivan, Elizabeth Sullivan, John E. Taylor, Catherine Rosetta Taylor, William Taylor, Henry E. Taylor, James S. Taylor, Willamina Caroline Taylor, Susan Ann Rebecca Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, and Josephine Amanda Taylor. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Beckworth.
Accession No.: 17,898-12186 MSA S512-15-12000 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/06/29 12187: William Winchester and Henrietta Winchester vs. Ann Irwin, Mary Irwin, Henry Irwin, and Ellen Irwin. BA. Estate of Elizabeth Irwin. Accession No.: 17,898-12187 MSA S512-15-12001 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/03/11 12188: Benjamin Watkins vs. Benjamin Ogle, Sr., and Richard B. Mulliken. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12188-1/3 MSA S512-15-12002 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/11/25 12189: Plummer Waters, Samuel D. Waters, and Richard Mercer vs. Henry Welch, Warren Welch, Grafton Holland, Charles Holland, Lemuel Holland, Philip Holland, Sarah Holland, Ann Holland, Mary Ann Holland, Edward C. Dorsey, James Welch, Philip Welch, Walter Welch, and Rezin Welch. BA. Contract to purchase Warfields Forrest.
Accession No.: 17,898-12189 MSA S512-15-12003 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/04/18 12190: Elijah Williams vs. Thomas Gambrill. AA. Estate of Nathan Williams - Nathans Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 118, p. 256. Accession No.: 17,898-12190-1/2 MSA S512-15-12004 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/01/10 12191: John N. Woodard, David Dunham, and Hugh Anchincloss vs. William A. Speck and John Gould. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 355. Accession No.: 17,898-12191-1/3 MSA S512-15-12005 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/08/12 12192: Robert Welch of Ben, James Sellman, Henry Darnall, and Nicholas Darnall vs. Benjamin Owens, Sarah Owens, and Eliza Owens. AA. Petition to void a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-12192 MSA S512-15-12006 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/07/01 12193: John W. Wilmer vs. Julianna Frances Scott, John Scott, Mary Frances Scott, William Simms, and William S. Lassell. KE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12193 MSA S512-15-12007 Location: 1/39/4/
1818/11/03 12194: Walter H. Hilleary vs. John Wells. PG. Trust estate of Hilleary. Accession No.: 17,898-12194-1/5 MSA S512-15-12008 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/10/18 12195: Susannah Wright, Elijah Jarvis, Sarah Ann Jarvis, Samuel Hollingsworth, Nancy Hollingsworth, Dorsey Stewart, Sarah Stewart, Mary Gray, William Grimes, Sarah Grimes, Arthur Wheat, and Caroline Wheat vs. Henry Beunch Wood, Mahala Wood, George Willson, Mary Willson, Osborn J. Pumphrey, William Stewart, Achsah Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, and Catherine Stewart. AA. Petition to sell Pumphreys Venture, Piney Grove, Stewarts Discovery. Plat of Piney Grove, Stewarts Discovery.
Accession No.: 17,898-12195-1/2 MSA S512-15-12009 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/04/27 12196: George White, Robert McKenzie Ling, and John Jillard vs. Ann Bliss and Catherine Bliss. BA. Petition to sell lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12196 MSA S512-15-12010 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/01/27 12197: John F. Wells, Jane Wells, Ann Colquhoun, John Pogue, and Margaret Pogue vs. Robert C. Long, Jr. BA. Estate of Robert C. Long. Accession No.: 17,898-12197 MSA S512-15-12011 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/01/03 12198: Freeborn G. Waters, Wesley Stevenson, William Toy, John W. Lansdale, Samuel Stetinus, and George W. Stevenson vs. Jesse Duvall. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Resurvey on Bachellors Hope. Accession No.: 17,898-12198 MSA S512-15-12012 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/11/30 12199: Adam Waltermeyer vs. John M. Larogue. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12199 MSA S512-15-12013 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/04/25 12200: Charles D. Warfield vs. Gustavus Warfield. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Dependance, Ridgelys Range. Accession No.: 17,898-12200 MSA S512-15-12014 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/07/14 12201: Casper W. Wever, Erasmus Garrott, John Cost, Tobias Belt, and Daniel Willyard vs. Henry Ecard, John Coblentz, Elizabeth Coblentz, Jacob Coblentz, Peter Coblentz, Catherine Coblentz, Solomon Renner, Barbara Renner, and Catherine Elizabeth McCrea. FR. Estate of John Ecard - Maryland Tract. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 907.
Accession No.: 17,898-12201 MSA S512-15-12015 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/06/18 12202: John Wootton vs. Lewis G. Davidson. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment on Doulls Park. Accession No.: 17,898-12202-1/6 MSA S512-15-12016 Location: 1/39/4/
1816/01/26 12203: Charles Waters vs. George Watts, Philip Key Watts, Rebecca Key Watts, Eliza Watts, and Sarah Watts. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Great Piney Neck, Waters Security. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, pp. 14, 492 and 100, p. 84. Accession No.: 17,898-12203 MSA S512-15-12017 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/04/13 12204: Washington Williams, Susannah Williams, George Fisher, and Rachel Fisher vs. Henry Hoffman, Levi Lammott, Rachel Lammott, John Lammott, and Moses Lammott. BA. Petition to partition Laurel Hill, Stiltzers Deer Park. Plats. Accession No.: 17,898-12204-1/3 MSA S512-15-12018 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/04/10 12205: Nathan Waters, Sr. vs. William Marriott of Thomas. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Ridgeleys Chance, Worthingtons Beginning, Addition to Ridgelys Addition. Recorded (Chancery Record) 123, p. 642. Accession No.: 17,898-12205 MSA S512-15-12019 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/12/01 12206: Sarah Watts vs. Charles Waters. AA. Estate of Philip H. Watts - Great Piney Neck, Piney Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-12206-1/3 MSA S512-15-12020 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/10/25 12207: Horace Willson vs. John Braddock, John Adamson, William Willson, and Matthew Murray. MO. Injunction against sale of slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-12207 MSA S512-15-12021 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/02/20 12208: Gustavus Weems, George Weems, and Sidney Weems vs. David Ewell, Mary Frances Ewell, and Margaret Ewell. AA. Petition to sell land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 122, p. 58. Accession No.: 17,898-12208 MSA S512-15-12022 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/09/13 12209: Charles Wyeth and Edward S. Norris vs. John Stewart and Ellen Stewart. BA. Estate of James Stewart. Accession No.: 17,898-12209 MSA S512-15-12023 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/09/16 12210: Thomas C. Worthington vs. James Naylor of George. PG. Mortgage foreclosure on Thatham, Brightwells Range, Watsons Luck, Goodwill, Runaway, slaves Cato, Luck, Jenny, Joseph, Alley, John, Harriet, and Sandy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 137, p. 207.
Accession No.: 17,898-12210-1/3 MSA S512-15-12024 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/09/04 12212: Washington College vs. Simon Wickes. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Tulip Forrest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 132. Accession No.: 17,898-12212 MSA S512-15-12025 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/09/04 12213: Washington College vs. Mary P. Corse, Alexander Corse, and Susan Corse. KE. Mortgage foreclosure on Bathelors Resolution, Providence, Jones Neglect, Ridgely. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 140, p. 8. Accession No.: 17,898-12213-1/4 MSA S512-15-12026 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/11/29 12214: Washington College vs. Theodore Britton, Mary Ann Britton, Matthew Wilson, Ann Wilson, John Elliott and Jesse Knock. KE, QA. Estate of Nicholas Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-12214-1/3 MSA S512-15-12027 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/01/26 12215: Warren Manufacturing Co. vs. George Torrance, William Lorman, Alexander Lorman, Henry Fulford, and Frederick Dawson. BA. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-12215 MSA S512-15-12028 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/09/13 12217: John F. Willis vs. Mary Hardcastle and John F. Willis. CA. Mortgage foreclosure on Littletons Friendship. Accession No.: 17,898-12217 MSA S512-15-12029 Location: 1/39/4/
1816/03/16 12218: George Watts vs. Philip K. Watts, Frances Rebecca Watts, and Eliza Watts. AA. Title to land. Recorded (Chancery Record) 97, pp. 34, 492. Accession No.: 17,898-12218 MSA S512-15-12030 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/12/01 12219: Sarah Watts vs. Richard Tydings, Eliza Watts, and Frances R. Tydings. AA. Estate of Phillip H. Watts - Great Piney Neck, Little Piney Neck. Accession No.: 17,898-12219-1/5 MSA S512-15-12031 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/09/21 12220: Joseph White vs. Campbell P. White, Robert White, John Campbell White, John White, and Henry White. BA. Dissolution of partnerships. Recorded (Chancery Record) 180, p. 721. Accession No.: 17,898-12220-1/12 MSA S512-15-12032 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/10/25 12221: Nicholas Watkins of Thomas vs. William Hall, Jr. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on What You Will, White Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 121, p. 619. Accession No.: 17,898-12221-1/2 MSA S512-15-12033 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/04/23 12222: George Witman vs. John S. Sumner and James A. Williams. BA. Trust estate of Witman - brick kiln in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12222-1/2 MSA S512-15-12034 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/03/29 12223: George Winchester and Ann Owings vs. John Cromwell, Urath Cromwell, Thomas Moale, Eleanor Moale, Robert N. Moale, Frances Moale, Peter Hoffman, Deborah Hoffman, Richard Cromwell, Mary Cromwell, Samuel Winchester, and Ann Winchester. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-12223 MSA S512-15-12035 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/09/24 12224: Whitefield Woolford and Steven B.B. Woolford vs. Theodore T.C. Woolford, James Skinner, and Cassandra Skinner. DO. Petition to sell Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-12224 MSA S512-15-12036 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/12/01 12225: Charles Waters and Louis Gassaway vs. Elisha Marriott, Ephraim Marriott, Rebecca Marriott, John Marriott, Allen Marriott, Evan Marriott, Charlotte Marriott, Mary Marriott, Sarah Marriott, Charles Griffith, and Rachel Griffith. AA. Contract to sell Lancasters Plains, Brooksbys Point, Hammonds Plains. Recorded (Chancery Record) 129, p. 611.
Accession No.: 17,898-12225 MSA S512-15-12037 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/03/14 12226: William P. Watkins vs. Thomas Magill, Mary Magill, Patrick Magill, William Daniel Magill, Carroll Magill, Charles Magill, James Magill, and John Hathaway. AA. Contract to lease Athol. Accession No.: 17,898-12226 MSA S512-15-12038 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/02/11 12227: Mercilla Worthington vs. Henrietta Shipley, Talbot G. Shipley, Samuel T. Shipley, Alethia Shipley, Andrew Mercer, Eliza Mercer, and Elizabeth Shipley. AA. Estate of Ephraim O. Shipley. Accession No.: 17,898-12227 MSA S512-15-12039 Location: 1/39/4/
1817/02/10 12228: William Whittington vs. Peter Emmerson and Richard Graham. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12228 MSA S512-15-12040 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/08/22 12229: Allen Warfield vs. Greenbury Warfield, Mercer Brown, Mary Brown, Vacy Waters, Sarah Waters, Vachel W. Linthicum, and Lloyd Linthicum. AA. Petition to sell Intervine, Morehouses Generosity, Anything, Everything, Dorseys Addition to Thomas Lot, Thomas Lot, Good Road, Luvell Land, Brothers Love.
Accession No.: 17,898-12229 MSA S512-15-12041 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/12/04 12230: Thomas W. Watkins vs. Jeremiah B. Howard and Harriott Howard. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Richard Augustus and Sophia. Accession No.: 17,898-12230-1/3 MSA S512-15-12042 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/12/08 12231: John Wolfe vs. Jane Wolfe. AL. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-12231 MSA S512-15-12043 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/02/22 12233: John Ward vs. Samuel Ward, Cephas Ward, Richard Franklin, Samuel Franklin, John Franklin, and Elizabeth Franklin. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12233 MSA S512-15-12044 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/07/04 12234: Nathan Warfield vs. John Sewall. AA. Contract to purchase Hammonds Enclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12234 MSA S512-15-12045 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/10/13 12235: Henry Wayman vs. Amon Bowman and Evan Bowman. AA. Contract to purchase Range Declined, Additional Defence, Split. Accession No.: 17,898-12235 MSA S512-15-12046 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/01/31 12237: John Anderson Waters, William Landers, Barney Landers, and Sarah Waters vs. William Sanders and Barney Sanders. AA. Petition to sell Hendersons Meadow, Youngs Locust Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-12237 MSA S512-15-12047 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/07/06 12238: Charles T. Wortham and Gabriel Wortham vs. John W. Ross, James George, Peter Zell, W. John W. Ross, James George, Joseph Judick George, William Garrett, Edward Williams, William Gray, Henry W. Drakeley, William Winn, William Ratliff, Peter Zell, James J. Waters, Joseph Gammill, Neilson Poe, and A. Fenton. BA. Defraud of creditors of John Jacob Bower and Barbara Bower - lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-12238 MSA S512-15-12048 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/11/05 12239: Wilson Waters, William Sadler, Thomas Cowman, Joseph Evans, and James Iglehart vs. John Griffith, William Meekins, Samuel Meekins, George Meekins, Mary Meekins, and John D. Meekins. AA. Estate of John Linthicum - Turkey Point, Haslings, Margarets Fields.
Accession No.: 17,898-12239-1/2 MSA S512-15-12049 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/02/21 12240: Gustavus Warfield vs. Charles Welsh. AA. Injunction against removal of timber from Warfields Forrest. Accession No.: 17,898-12240 MSA S512-15-12050 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/06/20 12241: James E. Williams and Elizabeth Williams vs. Richard Hall, John Hall, Harriet Hall, and Martha Hall. AA. Estate of John Hall. Recorded (Chancery Record) 178, p. 363. Accession No.: 17,898-12241 MSA S512-15-12051 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/12/24 12242: George P. Whitaker and Joseph Whitaker vs. Humphrey Riddle. CE. Contract to purchase wood. Accession No.: 17,898-12242 MSA S512-15-12052 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/13 12243: Nathan J. Waters vs. Charles Duvall. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12243 MSA S512-15-12053 Location: 1/39/4/
1819/05/14 12244: William Wilson and Nicholas Britton vs. Levi Hollingsworth. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Cub Hills Resurveyed, Johns Beginning. Recorded (Chancery Record) 113, p. 309. Accession No.: 17,898-12244 MSA S512-15-12054 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/08/27 12245: Samuel Ward vs. Rinaldo Pindell, Gassaway Pindell, Sarah Thomas, Anne Thomas, Philip J. Thomas, Sarah Thomas, John Thomas, and Benjamin Owens. AA. Estate of Philip Pindell - Biggs Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-12245 MSA S512-15-12055 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/04/20 12246: Warner Welch vs. Jacob Waters and Richard Norris. AA. Estate of Samuel Welch. Accession No.: 17,898-12246 MSA S512-15-12056 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/04/03 12247: John D. Ward, Amelia Ward, Thomas H. Ward, John D. Ward, Jr., Julia Ann Ward, Richard A.B. Ward, Amelia Ward, James Kent, and Benjamin Ward vs. Barbara Wailes, Mr. Eversfield, Maria Eversfield, Sally A.P. Wailes, Mary Susan Wailes, John P. Wailes, Joseph B. Wailes, Elizabeth B. Wailes, and Barbara Ann Wailes. CV. Title to Halls Craft.
Accession No.: 17,898-12247 MSA S512-15-12057 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/02/20 12248: Charles Waters vs. Henry H. Brown, Mary Anne Brown, Robert Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart, Samuel Parrott, Eleanor Parrott, William Carter, Caroline Carter, John Baldwin, Martha Baldwin, and Maria Cross. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12248 MSA S512-15-12058 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/04/22 12249: Robert Welch of Ben vs. John Parran and Jonathan Pinkney. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment on Eltonhead Manor. Accession No.: 17,898-12249 MSA S512-15-12059 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/01/09 12250: Basil Warfield and John Bennett vs. Surrat D. Warfield, Elizabeth Riehard, Margaret Anne Burgess, and West Burgess. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12250 MSA S512-15-12060 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/10/31 12251: Charles Waters and Jacob Waters vs. Ephraim Marriott. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Richmond, Susan, and Kate. Accession No.: 17,898-12251 MSA S512-15-12061 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/03/20 12252: Bazel Warfield and John Bennett vs. Surrat D. Warfield. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12252 MSA S512-15-12062 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/11/30 12253: Charles Wirgman, William Gwynn, George Winchester, Peter Hoffman, and Samuel J. Donaldson vs. Samuel Winchester, Benjamin H. Robinson, Samuel Farnandis, and Walter Farnandis. BA. Contract to manage Masonic Hall Lottery. Accession No.: 17,898-12253 MSA S512-15-12063 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/07/02 12254: Nathan Warfield vs. Benjamin Warfield. AA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12254 MSA S512-15-12064 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/11/07 12255: Margaret Ann Warfield vs. Lloyd D. Warfield. Howard District. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-12255 MSA S512-15-12065 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/06/27 12256: Joshua Whitaker vs. Isaac Whitaker, Samuel Whitaker, and Otho N. Renshaw. HA. Injunction against enclosure of Whitakers Imitation. Accession No.: 17,898-12256 MSA S512-15-12066 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/11/12 12257: William Wheatley, Sarah Wheatley, Polly Wheatley, Thomas Briley, Elizabeth Briley, William Harper, Jacob Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, Revel Langford, and Amelia Langford vs. Rebecca Wheatley. DO. Petition to sell Adams Venture, Harpers Third Purchase, Harpers Seat, Royal Luck, Increase, Small Tract, Conclusion, Harpers Partnership, Harpers Folly, Cumberland, Ross Lot, Waters Last Choice, Harpers Luck. Plat of Harpers Third Purchase, Harpers Seat, Royal Luck, Increase, Harpers Folly, Cumberland, Ross Lot, Waters Last Choice, Harpers Luck. Recorded (Chancery Record) 150, p. 379.
Accession No.: 17,898-12257 MSA S512-15-12067 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/05/01 12258: Henry Wayman vs. Nathan Clary. Howard District. Injunction against removal of stone and timber from Trouble for Nothing. Accession No.: 17,898-12258 MSA S512-15-12068 Location: 1/39/4/
183311/04 12259: Adam Waltemeyer vs. Walter Pierpoint. BA. Contract to purchase Cannons Lot. Accession No.: 17,898-12259 MSA S512-15-12069 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/03/08 12260: Benjamin Wilson and Sarah W. Wilson vs. William Allender. HA. Injunction against removal of timber and fences. Accession No.: 17,898-12260 MSA S512-15-12070 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/01/22 12261: John W. Walker vs. Alexander Barrett, Christiana Barrett, Thomas Barrett, and William H. Barroll. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-12261 MSA S512-15-12071 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/07/16 12262: Nicholas J. Watkins and Margaret Watkins vs. Henry Hall of Elisha. AA. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-12262 MSA S512-15-12072 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/08/31 12263: George H. Wilson and Hester White Wilson vs. John L. Clarke, Eleanor Clarke, Elizabeth Williams, and George W. Williams. PG. Estate of George H. Wilson - Good Luck, Addition to Good Luck, Pacolists Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-12263 MSA S512-15-12073 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/03/26 12264: John S. Williams vs. Allen Thomas. Howard District. Injunction against obstruction of right of way. Accession No.: 17,898-12264 MSA S512-15-12074 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/08/31 12265: Benjamin Williams vs. Isaac Pratt. Howard District. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12265 MSA S512-15-12075 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/05/03 12266: Charles D. Warfield vs. Hammond Welch and Nimrod Welch. AA. Title to Johns Last Shift, Additional Defense Increased, Samuels Contrivance, Peace, Range Declined, Johns Hurry. Accession No.: 17,898-12266 MSA S512-15-12076 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/02/07 12267: Margaret Waesche, Justus Hoppe, George Henry Waesche, George F.R. Waesche, Elizabeth Waesche, Frederick R. Waesche, Amelia Waesche, William Frick, George F. Thomas, Mitta H. Maund, and Charles F. Mayer vs. David W.B. McClellan, Catherine M. Raborg, Josiah Lee, and Thomas D. Johnston. BA. Mortgage foreclosure.
Accession No.: 17,898-12267 MSA S512-15-12077 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/08/29 12268: Elizabeth Walker vs. William Walker. BA. Divorce. Accession No.: 17,898-12268 MSA S512-15-12078 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/05/21 12269: John Whittridge, John L. Yeates, Jennings & Owings, Lemuel S. Prince, and Margaret Thomas vs. George Thomas and Kinsey Thomas. KE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-12269 MSA S512-15-12079 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/01/30 12270: William H. Wilmer vs. Mary Cook, Martha Cook, Joseph Cook, Mary Cook, James Cook, and Richard Frisby. KE. Estate of James Cook. Accession No.: 17,898-12270 MSA S512-15-12080 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/04/24 12271: Ludwick Wampler vs. Samuel Moale, Richard B. Magruder, and Robert Dorsey. BA. Estate of Joshua Porter. Accession No.: 17,898-12271 MSA S512-15-12081 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/03/13 12272: George Witman and Francis Burns vs. Ennison Hussey, George F. Janny, Evan T. Ellicott, James Symington, Thomas Symington, Robert W. Young, John Kirby, James H. Clarke, Robert Stewart, John Kipp, and Israel Price. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-12272 MSA S512-15-12082 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/11/23 12273: Christian H. Wiegel vs. August Hammer and William S. Munday. BA. Defraud of creditors of Hammer. Accession No.: 17,898-12273 MSA S512-15-12083 Location: 1/39/4/
1827 12274: Anderson Warfield vs. John D. Duvall. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-12274 MSA S512-15-12084 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/04/27 12275: George P. Whitaker vs. Lincoln Drake, Caroline Drake, Andrew Leach, Martin Leach, Lebanon Leach, Benoni Pratt, Ann Pratt, Elijah Bird, Jerusha Bird, Phebe Leach, Elizabeth W. Leach, Barzillia Fuller, Patience Fuller, Timothy Drake, Polly Drake, Allen M. Porter, Almira Lothrob, Horatio Leach, Joseph G. Terry, Martin Terry, Mary B. Terry, Nancy Bird, Donelly Williams, and Betsey Porter. BA. Title to Brunswick.
Accession No.: 17,898-12275 MSA S512-15-12085 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/06/06 12276: Juliana Williamson, George W. Williamson, and Adolphus Williamson. BA. Petition to partition lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12276 MSA S512-15-12086 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/11/07 12277: John W. Weems vs. Mackall Harris, David Hutchings, Joseph Hutchings, Mary Hutchings, and Rebecca Hutchings. CV. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12277 MSA S512-15-12087 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/02/28 12278: George Winchester, James A. Buchanan, William B. Buchanan, and John Gooding vs. Hugh Beard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12278 MSA S512-15-12088 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/10/19 12279: Robert Welch of Ben and Thomas Snowden, Jr. vs. Horace Capron and Thomas S. Herbert. AA. Estate of Thomas Snowden, Sr. - Pleasant Hills, Ridgelys Great Park, slaves Henny and Rosa. Accession No.: 17,898-12279 MSA S512-15-12089 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/06/19 12282: James Whiffing vs. Joshua Todd, George Warfield, and Henry Green. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12282 MSA S512-15-12090 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/08/04 12283: John W. Ward vs. Henry Brawner. CH. Estate of Josiah Robey. Accession No.: 17,898-12283 MSA S512-15-12091 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/03/06 12285: James H. Warfield vs. James France. BA. Defraud of creditors of J.W. Hagger. Accession No.: 17,898-12285 MSA S512-15-12092 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/06/12 12286: Nixon Willson vs. Aaron Polk and John Stevenson. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12286-1/2 MSA S512-15-12093 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/05/23 12287: Lewin Wethered, Charles E. Wethered, John Wethered, and Samuel Wethered vs. Samuel Tschudy. BA. Injunction against raising a dam on Gwinns Falls. Diagram at 1/38/1/34. Accession No.: 17,898-12287-1/3 MSA S512-15-12094 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/09/12 12288: Laura Welsh, Maria Welsh, Thomas Welsh, Frank Welsh, and William Welsh vs. William O. Welsh, Eliza Ratcliffe, Charles Baltzell, Columbus Baltzell, Jacob B. Welsh, Mary Kennedy, John W. Kennedy, Thomas Clagett, Elizabeth Clagett, Edwin Welsh, William Welsh, Robert J. Mercer, and Julia Mercer. BA. Estate of Thomas Welsh. Accession No.: 17,898-12288 MSA S512-15-12095 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/05/25 12289: Henry D. Wright and Wright Stevens vs. Samuel Traverse, William K. Traverse, Thomas K. Traverse, Samuel M. Traverse, Emily Traverse, William Traverse, Robert Traverse, John Traverse, Mary Traverse, William Traverse, Pricilla Traverse, Letitia Traverse, Rebecca Traverse, Henrietta Traverse, Henry Traverse, Sarah Ann Traverse, Thomas Cator, Mary A. Cator, William Coward, Letitia Coward, Samuel J. Meekins, and Eliza C. Meekins. DO. Title to Coles Regulation, Bonweller Snow Ball, Thompsons Folly, Heathers Lot, Luck by Chance, Coles Gift, Heathers Chance.
Accession No.: 17,898-12289 MSA S512-15-12096 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/12/13 12290: Mable Waters vs. Thomas J. Hall and William Anderson. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12290 MSA S512-15-12097 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/12/29 12291: Thomas Woolford and Thomas White vs. Ann Hamilton and Henry Page. DO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12291 MSA S512-15-12098 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/03/31 12292: John G.W. Waters vs. Dr. Clement Stanford. DO. Estate of Robert Dennis. Accession No.: 17,898-12292 MSA S512-15-12099 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/05/19 12293: Robert Wright and Harriet J. Wright vs. Matthew St. Clair Clarke, William B. Randolph, J.L. Bartlett, Ann Bartlett, Ann Maria Caldwell, Mr. Smith, Mary Castis Smith, Elias B. Caldwell, John Edward Caldwell, Hannah Ogden Caldwell, and Susan Ledgard Caldwell. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment.
Accession No.: 17,898-12293-1/2 MSA S512-15-12100 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/09/12 12294: Benton R. Wheeler vs. Anthony Stimple, John Adams, and Johns H. Hunt. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Bonds Pleasant Hills, lots in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12294 MSA S512-15-12101 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/02/17 12295: Simon Wickes, Elizabeth Wickes, Henry Emory, and William Emory vs. John Saywer Blake. CA, QA. Title to Bennetts Regulation. Accession No.: 17,898-12295 MSA S512-15-12102 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/06/12 12296: Gustavus Warfield vs. Hugh Ely. AA, BA. Injunction against quarry of limestone from I Can Do It Well. Accession No.: 17,898-12296 MSA S512-15-12103 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/04/21 12297: Nathan Waters vs. Mareen Duvall, John Carroll, Mary Carroll, William J. Duvall, Benjamin Duvall, Walter Duvall, Sarah Duvall, Richard Yarrington, Areanna Yarrington, Mr. Coulter, and Eleanor Coulter. PG. Contract to purchase Goes Purchase. Accession No.: 17,898-12297 MSA S512-15-12104 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/12/22 12298: John W. Weems vs. Wheeler Clark. AA. Contract to lease LeGrange. Accession No.: 17,898-12298 MSA S512-15-12105 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/02/10 12299: Robert Wallace, Jesse Leach, and John J. Harding vs. Susanna Henrietta Peter, Mary Ann O'Neale, John Eliza O'Neale, Jell Cutts, Eleanor Cutts, Robert Greenough, and Mary Rosetta Greenough. AL. Estate of John O'Neal - Irons Mistake, Irons Mistake Amended, Rich Bottom, Sugar Bottom, Yankee Hall, Yankee Run, Big Spring, Prospect, Potomac Bottom, Great Sugar Camp, Maryland Right, White Oak Plains, Fertile Meadows, Little Expected, Timber Ridge, Gleanings, Other Yankees.
Accession No.: 17,898-12299 MSA S512-15-12106 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/10 12300: Susan Williams and John Bradford vs. William P. Patterson, Elizabeth B. Williams, George H. Williams, and John S. Gittings. BA. Insolvent estate of George H. Williams. Accession No.: 17,898-12300 MSA S512-15-12107 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/02/01 12301: Thomas White and Thomas White Anderson vs. William T. Manning, Elizabeth Seward, John Seward, and Mary Eugenia Seward. DO. Estate of Robert S.H. Seward. Accession No.: 17,898-12301 MSA S512-15-12108 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/02/17 12302: Alexander Willson, Mary Anne Willson, Nancy Parker, and Henry Page vs. Nicholas Sedler White and Henry Sedler White. DO. Petition to partition St. Anthony. Accession No.: 17,898-12302 MSA S512-15-12109 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/12/05 12303: John Wilt vs. Jacob Bouge, Mary Bouge, Casse Bouge, Henry Bouge, Alfred Bouge, and Daniel Bouge. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Fitzseymonds Gift, Mascalls Rest. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, p. 250. Accession No.: 17,898-12303-1/2 MSA S512-15-12110 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/03/29 12304: Robert Wright and DeWitt Kent vs. Thomas Baldwin. PG. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12304 MSA S512-15-12111 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/06/07 12306: Isaac Whipper vs. Abraham Hilton and Mark Grafton. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12306 MSA S512-15-12112 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/06/21 12307: Susan Wonn and Martin Barr vs. William W. Wonn. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-12307 MSA S512-15-12113 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/06/14 12308: Matilda Woods and Charles F. Mayer vs. John Woods. BA. Alimony. Accession No.: 17,898-12308 MSA S512-15-12114 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/10/24 12310: Austin Woolfolk vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. BA. Injunction against street improvements in BC. Plat. Accession No.: 17,898-12310 MSA S512-15-12115 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/05/28 12311: Washington Lawrence vs. William P. Stewart. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-12311-1/5 MSA S512-15-12116 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/02/20 12312: Washington University of Baltimore vs. William T. Leonard and Amasa Leonard. BA. Contract to lease building and lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12312 MSA S512-15-12117 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/08/31 12313: Jacob Willson vs. Francis Waters, Robert R. Ballard, Sarah Ballard, Mr. Garrison, Elizabeth Garrison, John W. Dennis, Elizabeth W. Dennis, Elizabeth Dennis, and George R. Dennis. DO. Title to Herring Run. Accession No.: 17,898-12313 MSA S512-15-12118 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/06/26 12314: Mary Willoughby vs. Thomas G. Willoughby. TA. Mortgage foreclosure on Beaver Neck, Advantage, Powells Meadow. Recorded (Chancery Record) 168, p. 44. Accession No.: 17,898-12314 MSA S512-15-12119 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/01/30 12315: William Welch vs. Thomas Greenwood, Teracy Carroll, Sarah Greenwood, John Greenwood, and Ann Greenwood. KE. Estate of John Greenwood. Accession No.: 17,898-12315 MSA S512-15-12120 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/05/21 12316: James Winchester, George Winchester, James B. Latimer, Thomas Cromwell Winchester, Elizabeth Irvin Winchester, Talbot Jones Winchester, William Winchester, Sr., and William Winchester vs. William A. Moale and Mary Moale. BA. Estate of John Cromwell - Ulm.
Accession No.: 17,898-12316 MSA S512-15-12121 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/07/10 12317: John W. Walker vs. George W. Weems and James Kent. BA. Estate of John W. Keirle. Accession No.: 17,898-12317 MSA S512-15-12122 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/01/07 12318: Lewis M. Warner, Charles A. Warner, Edward M. Warner, and Charles Fienour, Jr. vs. Ellen McComas, William McComas, and Alexander C. Robinson. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12318 MSA S512-15-12123 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/11/15 12319: Sophia White vs. Catherine Benner. BA. Estate of George Benner. Accession No.: 17,898-12319 MSA S512-15-12124 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/12/01 12320: Nixon Wilson vs. James Pawley, James Haslett, William H. Freeman, and John Pawley, Sr. BA. Petition to void a deed. Accession No.: 17,898-12320 MSA S512-15-12125 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/12/28 12321: John W. Wirt and Margaret S. Wirt vs. Annie Mercer. CE. Petition to sell land. Accession No.: 17,898-12321 MSA S512-15-12126 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/01/18 12322: Thomas Williams vs. Abraham Williams, William Hanes, and George W. Moore. CE. Injunction against execution of judgment on Pleasant Plains. Accession No.: 17,898-12322 MSA S512-15-12127 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/07/18 12323: William Henry Warfield vs. John Hipsley. CR. Mortgage foreclosure on Additional Progress, Dorseys Dilemma. Accession No.: 17,898-12323 MSA S512-15-12128 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/01/12 12324: Peregrine T. Wilson, Samuel Wilson, Nathan Harris, Mary Harris, Richard Paine, Eleanor Paine, John Howard, Catherine Howard, Elizabeth Lee, John C. Maddox, Samuel Maddox, Edward Maddox, Notley Maddox, and Alexander Maddox vs. George Maddox, Samuel Maddox, Susan Maddox, William Maddox, Edmond Maddox, Samuel Maddox, and Eleanor Turner. SM. Estate of Samuel Maddox - Green Springs.
Accession No.: 17,898-12324 MSA S512-15-12129 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/11/13 12325: Robert Welch of Ben vs. Mary S. Collinson, Edward Lee, Juliana Lee, John Collinson, Edward Collinson, Sally Collinson, Ann Eliza Collinson, Thomas W. Collinson, Joseph Collinson, and William H. Tuck. AA. Estate of William Collinson. Accession No.: 17,898-12325 MSA S512-15-12130 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/10/17 12326: George Warfield vs. Henry Howard of John. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment of Resurvey on Split Tract. Accession No.: 17,898-12326-1/2 MSA S512-15-12131 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/01/27 12327: John Wootton vs. Solomon Holland, Anna M. Wilson, Otho H. Williams, and Eli Beatty. MO. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12327 MSA S512-15-12132 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/05/10 12328: William Pinkney Whyte and George Sutor vs. Bank of Westminster and John Fisher. CR. Insolvent estate of Sutor. Accession No.: 17,898-12328-1/2 MSA S512-15-12133 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/12/08 12329: William J. Wight, John Gable, Thomas McElroy, John Lester, Elias Brewer, Matthew M. Keirle, William C. Conine, Justus Hoppe, John Fossitt, Lewis Wininger, George Hoover, William Rusk, Samuel B. Hugo, John Green, Joshua Dorsey, Emanuel T.J. Woodward, Charles Gover, James Elmore, John Patterson, Louis C. Muller, Joseph Osterman, J.F. Buhre, Michael Lamb, and Charles Gilman vs. William Miller and William Ward, Sr. BA. Contract to purchase lot in BC.
Accession No.: 17,898-12329 MSA S512-15-12134 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/11/05 12330: James Williams vs. Ann Wood, Samuel Childs, Richard W. Hodgkins, and William Boggs. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12330 MSA S512-15-12135 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/01/18 12331: Mary Weems, Robert Bowie, and Walter Bowie vs. John Booth. WA. Mortgage foreclosure on Delamore. Accession No.: 17,898-12331 MSA S512-15-12136 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/01/11 12332: Rachel Welch vs. John W. Ringrose. AA. Estate of Nicholas Welch - Good Hope, Terra Excutabelus. Accession No.: 17,898-12332 MSA S512-15-12137 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/11/12 12333: Zachariah H. Worthington vs. Amos A. Williams, George W. Burnap, and Charles F. Mayer. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Thomas and Elizabeth. Accession No.: 17,898-12333 MSA S512-15-12138 Location: 1/39/4/
1850/05/29 12334: Charles A. Williamson and Lewis Sutton vs. Lewis Griffith, William F. Leitch, Elizabeth Ward, Jacob Ward, Joseph Ward, James Wesley Ward, Sarah Ward, Mary P. Ward, J.L. Griffith, Eliza Griffith, Mr. Marcelleus, Elizabeth Marcelleus, John C. Ward, and Richard Ward. AA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-12334 MSA S512-15-12139 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/02/28 12335: William G. Whealton vs. David Henderson and Ara Henderson. WO. Petition to sell Addition to Newton. Accession No.: 17,898-12335 MSA S512-15-12140 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/04/21 12336: John B. Wilson and John N. Woodard vs. Charles A. Williamson, Jr. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-12336-1/2 MSA S512-15-12141 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/11/01 12337: James Walker vs. Peter Hoffman, Jr., John Hoffman, Wilfred Peake, Philip Turner, and Josiah Turner. SM. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12337 MSA S512-15-12142 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/05/10 12338: Benjamin Franklin Wells, John C. Wells, William Tucker, Rachel Tucker, William Norris, and Sarah Norris vs. Richard Wells. AA. Estate of Benjamin Wells. Accession No.: 17,898-12338 MSA S512-15-12143 Location: 1/39/4/
1839/11/13 12339: Jonathan Wheat vs. William Gray, Anne Gray, Nathaniel Wheat, Francis Wheat, and Edward Wheat. AA. Estate of Jesse Wheat - Finland. Accession No.: 17,898-12339 MSA S512-15-12144 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/04/13 12340: James Whitaker, Joseph Whitaker, George P. Whitaker, and Thomas Garrett vs. Delaware & Maryland Railroad Co. CE. Contract to lease Old North East Forge. Accession No.: 17,898-12340 MSA S512-15-12145 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/04/19 12341: George P. Whitaker, Joseph Whitaker, and William Chandler vs. John Cunningham and James Cunningham. CE. Title to Long Tract, Non Conformity, Widows Purchase, Conformity. Plats of Non Conformity, Widows Purchase, Conformity. Accession No.: 17,898-12341-1/2 MSA S512-15-12146 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/05/24 12342: Christian Walterhofer vs. Jacob Ledley. BA. Injunction against mortgage foreclosure on Land of Goshen. Accession No.: 17,898-12342 MSA S512-15-12147 Location: 1/39/4/
1830/12/29 12343: William Wonn, Nathaniel F. Downing, Eliza Downing, Richard Younger, and Cecilia Younger vs. Rachel Stansbury, James Stansbury, Richard Stansbury, Elizabeth Stansbury, Rachel Stansbury, John Stansbury, Elias Stansbury, Jacob Stansbury, Harriet Stansbury, Samuel Stansbury, James Stansbury, Mary Stansbury, Elizabeth Ann Stansbury, William M. Risteau, Bethia Wonn, James Wonn, Joshua Wonn, Lavina Wonn, and Rebecca Stansbury. BA. Petition to sell land.
Accession No.: 17,898-12343 MSA S512-15-12148 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/10/21 12344: Clement Weedon, Mary T. Weedon, and Asa Anderson vs. Edward Tillard. PG. Estate of Jeremiah Magruder. Accession No.: 17,898-12344 MSA S512-15-12149 Location: 1/39/4/
1845/10/31 12345: James S. Wall, Basil B. Gray, and Thomas J. Hillen vs. Robert Smith, John Smith, John Herr, and A.H. Herr. BA. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12345 MSA S512-15-12150 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/09/01 12346: Joseph S. Willson vs. Aaron Patridge. SM. Mortgage foreclosure on slaves Jess and Rose. Accession No.: 17,898-12346 MSA S512-15-12151 Location: 1/39/4/
1829/08/19 12347: Nathan Waters vs. Samuel Radcliffe and Nathan J. Waters. PG. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12347 MSA S512-15-12152 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/11/26 12348: William Woodrow vs. John Moore. CE. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-12348 MSA S512-15-12153 Location: 1/39/4/
1823/03/12 12349: Elizabeth Ward vs. James Price, John Price, Mary Price, and Peregrine Price. CE. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12349 MSA S512-15-12154 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/01/24 12350: Mary Ward and Peregrine W. Ruley vs. Elizabeth H. Price, John H. Lusby, Mary Lusby, William H. Donaldson, and Julian Donaldson. CE. Estate of Peregrine Ward III. Accession No.: 17,898-12350 MSA S512-15-12155 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/08/08 12351: Elizabeth Wingate vs. William Wingate, Joseph S. Wingate, Edward Wingate, Francis B. Gottier, Rebecca Gottier, Henry L. Gaw, Millicent Gaw, Augustus Miller, and Johnson Limpery. CE. Petition to sell Hanes Point, Wingates Addition to Hanes Point, Hanes Purchase, Calzier Escheat.
Accession No.: 17,898-12351 MSA S512-15-12156 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/09/02 12352: Ann W. Wood vs. William Strickland and Thomas Bruce. CH. Injunction against execution of judgment on slave Clarisa. Accession No.: 17,898-12352 MSA S512-15-12157 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/02/11 12353: Charles D. Warfield vs. Benjamin G. Sides. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on lots in Lisbon. Recorded (Chancery Record) 120, pp. 133, 239. Accession No.: 17,898-12353 MSA S512-15-12158 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/09/02 12354: William Wallace and Samuel H. Wittington vs. William H. Dorsey. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Greenwich Park. Accession No.: 17,898-12354 MSA S512-15-12159 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/11/03 12355: Richard Williams and George Calvert vs. Benjamin S. Forrest. MO. Estate of Thomas Cramphin. Accession No.: 17,898-12355-1/2 MSA S512-15-12160 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/09/03 12356: Isaac Walker vs. John McFadon, Samuel Harris, Ann Montgomery, and Mary S. Montgomery. HA. Estate of James Montgomery - land in AK. Accession No.: 17,898-12356 MSA S512-15-12161 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/06/03 12357: Thomas Contee Worthington vs. Edward Burgess and Thomas Burgess. FR, MO. Injunction against removal of timber from Addition to Snowdens Manor, Snowdens Third Addition to his Manor, Resurvey on Silent Valley, Bogues Good Luck in MO. Also Waters Luck, Mill Grove, Ebony Marsh in FR.
Accession No.: 17,898-12357 MSA S512-15-12162 Location: 1/39/4/
1822/06/19 12358: Abraham White and Daniel Brand vs. Zacheus O. Bond. HA. Mortgage foreclosure on Roberts Chance, Maidens Meadow, Forewoods Purchase, Georges Family, Forewoods Troubles, Colgates Addition, Colgates Contrivance, Part of Webbs Discovery, Webbs Discovery Resurveyed, Samuels Hope.
Accession No.: 17,898-12358 MSA S512-15-12163 Location: 1/39/4/
1842/06/01 12359: Robert Wright, DeWitt Kent, and John Anderson vs. Henry Clarke, Anne Clarke, Martha Clarke, Henrietta Clarke, John Clarke, and Alexander Clarke. MO. Estate of Henry Clarke - Hard Struggle, Hills and Dales, Charles and Willia, Fenwick. Accession No.: 17,898-12359 MSA S512-15-12164 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/06/03 12360: Ludwig Wampler and John Wampler vs. William Winchester and George Winchester. FR. Contract to purchase Williams Adventure. Accession No.: 17,898-12360 MSA S512-15-12165 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/06/14 12362: Susan A. Wood, Emory Wood, Robert Plummer, and Mary Jane Plummer vs. Sarah E. Wood, James Allen, and Ellen Lois Allen. AA. Estate of John Wood - Harrisons Security, Birkheads Lot, John and Marys Chance, Bersheba. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 14, MdHR 40,283-10, S65-53, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-12362 MSA S512-15-12166 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/01/10 12363: Joseph Whitaker and George P. Whitaker vs. James McIntyre, Mary Ann McIntyre, Hannah J. Richardson, Eliza Richards, Emeline Porter, Ann Stockton, John Stockton, Catherine Stockton, Emma Cox, William Stockton, Philip Stockton, Julia Pharish, and William Pharish. CE. Petition to sell of Perry Point.
Accession No.: 17,898-12363 MSA S512-15-12167 Location: 1/39/4/
1814/01/18 12364: Peregrine Warfield, Gustavus Warfield, Samuel Thomas, Anna Thomas, Richard Snowden, Eliza Snowden, and Charles A. Warfield vs. Henry R. Warfield and Louisa Warfield. AA, BA. Estate of Dr. Charles Alexander Warfield - Ridgelys Great Park, Dependance, Justifiable, Paternal Gift, Snowdens Range, Second Addition to Snowdens Manor, Warfield and Snowden, Dorseys Grove, Vanity Mount, Duvalls Range in AA. Also Addition to I Can Do It Well in AA and BA. Plats at 1/38/1/34. Recorded (Chancery Record) 108, p. 581.
Accession No.: 17,898-12364-1/8 MSA S512-15-12168 Location: 1/39/4/
1834/08/29 12365: Attorney General, John Wareham, William Sappington, William B. Paca, and Jacob Hoke vs. John Donoho and Robert Gale. HA. Injunction against obstruction of navigation in the Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River. Accession No.: 17,898-12365 MSA S512-15-12169 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/06/16 12366: Joseph Williard, Judith Williard, and Benjamin Williard vs. Christian Lantz, Adam Lantz, John Byers, and Elizabeth Byers. WA. Estate of Jacob Ritter. Accession No.: 17,898-12366 MSA S512-15-12170 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/02/19 12367: Matilda Weaver vs. William Espey and Patrick McKean. BA. Estate of Lewis Weaver. Accession No.: 17,898-12367 MSA S512-15-12171 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/07/20 12368: Mary Adeline Wootton, William T. Wootton, Elizabeth L. Wootten, Edmund Singleton Wootten, Martha W. Wootten, Hanel S. Wootten, Ann A. Wootten, and Elizabeth C. Wootten. PG. Petition to sell Enfields Chase, Concord, Tylers Discovery, Ryleys Lot, lot in Bladensburg. Plats of Enfields Chase, Concord, Tylers Discovery, Tyleys Lot. Also show Brough, Collington. Accession No.: 17,898-12368-1/7 MSA S512-15-12172 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/08/04 12369: Washington University of Baltimore, Charles F. Mayer, William H. Conkling, and James Frazier vs. Edward Green. BA. Title to lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12369-1/2 MSA S512-15-12173 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/12/31 12370: William L. Weems and Mary Weems vs. Henry D. Hatton. PG. Estate of Henry D. Hatton. Accession No.: 17,898-12370-1/8 MSA S512-15-12174 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/12/15 12371: James Neale vs. Edward Hagthrop, Barbara Hagthrop, William McMechan, John Cator, John S. King, John Weaver, Samuel Moore, George A. Hughes, John Fitzgerald, Catherine Rawlings, Benjamin Rawlings, Matthew Bennett, and Nathaniel Chittenden. BA. Title to Davids Fancy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 147, p. 1.
Accession No.: 17,898-12371-1/16 MSA S512-15-12175 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/08/15 12372: Elizabeth Williamson, Nancy Williamson, Susan Hobbs, James Henning, James Williamson, John Williamson, Francis Henning, and Edward Hobbs vs. Isaac Mayo, Sarah H. Williamson, Rebecca Lane, Edward W. Belt, and Margaret Waters. AA. Estate of James Williamson - hotel in Annapolis.
Accession No.: 17,898-12372-1/9 MSA S512-15-12176 Location: 1/39/4/
1825 12373: James Williams and Lewis Neth. AL, AA. Estate of James Williams - lot in Annapolis. Accession No.: 17,898-12373-1/12 MSA S512-15-12177 Location: 1/39/4/
1836/09/21 12374: James W. Williams and Hannah C. Williams vs. Ann Archer, Priscilla Stump, James Williams, Mary Williams, Herman Stump, Cassandra Stump, and John W. Stump. BA, HA. Injunction against execution of judgment on lots in BC and Oakington in HA. Accession No.: 17,898-12374-1/11 MSA S512-15-12178 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/09/05 12375: Samuel Whittington and Richard Allsup vs. Samuel Mitchell, Eleanor Mitchell, John Wood, William Wood, Samuel Wittington, Dorothy Wittington, James Wood, George Henry Wood, Ann Wood, Thomas Owings, and Sarah Owings. AA, CV. Estate of Henry Wood - Harrisons Resurvey.
Accession No.: 17,898-12375-1/6 MSA S512-15-12179 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/11/14 12376: Joseph Independent Walters. BA. Petition to sell Murrays Desire. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 163. Accession No.: 17,898-12376 MSA S512-15-12180 Location: 1/39/4/
1826/04/03 12377: Charles A. Williamson vs. John B. Wilson and John N. Woodard. BA. Dissolution of Wilson, Williamson & Co. Accession No.: 17,898-12377-1/9 MSA S512-15-12181 Location: 1/39/4/
1817/08/13 12378: Wesley Wood and Mary A. Wood vs. James Hood, Benjamin Hood, Thomas Hood, William Hood, Mary Hood, Joshua Hood, Charles W. Hood, Benjamin Hood, Jr., John Hood of Benjamin, John Hood of Thomas, Rachel H. Hood, Anne Elizabeth Hood, Henry W. Hood, and Catherine D. Hood. AA. Petition to partition Break Neck Hill, Johns Chance, First Addition to Littleworth, Addition to Store House Hill, Store House Hill, Barnes Friendship, Invasion, Red Oak Spring, Discord, Conclusion, Littleworth, Hoods Friendship, Accord in AA. Also Hoods Fine Soil Forrest, Buck Forrest in BA and Concord in AA and BA. Plat at 1/38/1/34.
Accession No.: 17,898-12378-1/3 MSA S512-15-12182 Location: 1/39/4/
1820/08/24 12379: Seth Warfield, Jr. vs. George Howard and John Stevenson. BA. Contract to purchase Wilkes and Liberty. Accession No.: 17,898-12379 MSA S512-15-12183 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/09/05 12380: John B. Welhelm vs. Wallace Welhelm, Nelson Wesley Welhelm, Elizabeth Welhelm, William Welhelm, Charlotte Welhelm, Elmena Welhelm, James Thomas Welhelm, George Wilson Welhelm, Rachel Mona Welhelm, and Rachel Welhelm. AA. Estate of John Welhelm - Addition to Timber Ridge. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 1, No. 36A, MdHR 40,283-31, S65-54, B5/10/1.
Accession No.: 17,898-12380-1/2 MSA S512-15-12184 Location: 1/39/4/
1847/02/22 12381: Amos A. Williams vs. Savage Manufacturing Co. Howard Distict. Petition to discover the accounts of Savage Manufacturing Co. Accession No.: 17,898-12381-1/18 MSA S512-15-12185 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/02/06 12382: Nathan Warfield vs. Mary Short, Randolph Short, George W. Short, and William Short. AA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12382 MSA S512-15-12186 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/10/08 12384: William Webb vs. Jeremiah Tittle. BA. Contract to lease lot in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12384 MSA S512-15-12187 Location: 1/39/4/
1825/05/24 12385: George Winchester and John Glenn vs. James Biays, Jr. BA. Injunction against obstruction of Fleet St. in BC. Accession No.: 17,898-12385 MSA S512-15-12188 Location: 1/39/4/
1848/06/13 12386: Henry Wayman vs. Zachariah Brown and Upton H. Brown. Howard District. Injunction against farming on Yellow Hill. Accession No.: 17,898-12386 MSA S512-15-12189 Location: 1/39/4/
1835 12387: John C. Weems vs. John McTavish and Emily McTavish. AA. Accession No.: 17,898-12387 MSA S512-15-12190 Location: 1/39/4/
1833/10/30 12388: Charles Peter Steven Wante vs. John Carrere, Edme Ducatel, Peter Chatard, Francis Messonier, Daniel Messonier of Daniel, Joseph Messonier, Lewis Messonier, Charlotte Depierre, Daniel Messonier of John James, and John Gorges Messonier. BA. Title to land in LA. Recorded (Chancery Record) 151, p. 480.
Accession No.: 17,898-12388 MSA S512-15-12191 Location: 1/39/4/
1796/07/09 12389: John Wastemays vs. Jacob Pattison. AA. Contract to purchase Hunts Mount. Accession No.: 17,898-12389 MSA S512-15-12192 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/07/24 12390: Susan Matilda Wingate vs. Barzilla Bramble and Matthew Bramble. DO. Petition to sell Waxwell Part, Stephens Bummerwell, Haverwell Part, Brambles Rest. Accession No.: 17,898-12390 MSA S512-15-12193 Location: 1/39/4/
1817/08/01 12391: John Ward vs. Samuel R. Ward, John Ward, Henry Ward, Cephas Ward, Samuel Ward, Elizabeth Franklin, John Franklin, Mary Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins, Edward Hopkins, Eleanor Hopkins, Benjamin Hopkins, and Philip Hopkins. AA. Title to Broughton Ashley. Recorded (Chancery Record) 112, p. 234.
Accession No.: 17,898-12391 MSA S512-15-12194 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/04/02 12392: John Young vs. Thomas Hobbs. AA. Mortgage foreclosure on Poverty Discovered. Accession No.: 17,898-12392 MSA S512-15-12195 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/10/22 12393: Henry Nichols Young and George Washington Young vs. Edward Hurt, Mary Hurt, and Eugenia Young. PG. Petition to sell land and slaves. Accession No.: 17,898-12393 MSA S512-15-12196 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/04/20 12394: Alexander Yearley vs. Thomas Burgess and Lloyd D. Warfield. Howard District. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12394 MSA S512-15-12197 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/10/11 12395: Alexander Young and Ann T. Young vs. Paul Grein and Elizabeth Grein. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Turners Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-12395 MSA S512-15-12198 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/05/08 12396: Edward S.L. Young vs. Francis Sheilds, John Eaton, Elizabeth Skinner, Richard Skinner, Mary Eaton, Henry Eaton, and Thomas Eaton. CA. Petition to sell Green Close. Accession No.: 17,898-12396 MSA S512-15-12199 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/06/06 12397: Ann T. Young, Grace Reiley, Daniel Evans, Eleanor Evans, Nimrod Cromwell, Elizabeth Cromwell, Edward Trippe, Ann Trippe, Thomas Towson, Ann Rebecca Anderson, George W. Anderson, Camilla Anderson, and Mary Jane Anderson vs. William W. Sinclair. BA. Estate of Joshua Anderson - James Forecast.
Accession No.: 17,898-12397 MSA S512-15-12200 Location: 1/39/4/
1849/06/09 12398: Martha Young vs. George H. Smith, Eloise Smith, John B. Brooke, Jr., and Richard B. Hill. PG. Estate of Notley Young. Accession No.: 17,898-12398 MSA S512-15-12201 Location: 1/39/4/
1844/11/01 12399: Alexander Yearley vs. William Krebs. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 167, p. 515. Accession No.: 17,898-12399-1/2 MSA S512-15-12202 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/01/26 12400: Rebecca Ridgley Yellott vs. Mary Yellott, Elizabeth Yellott, Jeremiah Yellott, John Yellott, George Yellott, Coleman Yellott, and Washington Yellott. BA. Estate of John Yellott - Fertility, Epping, Hickory Hill, Galloways Old Place. Recorded (Chancery Record) 143, p. 690.
Accession No.: 17,898-12400 MSA S512-15-12203 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/06/05 12401: Alexander Young and Ann T. Young vs. Isaac Zimmerman. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Milford Enlarged, Bonds Garrison, Turners Hall. Accession No.: 17,898-12401 MSA S512-15-12204 Location: 1/39/4/
1843/02/10 12402: William H. Yates vs. Henry Pritchett, Henry Pritchett, George Pritchett, William Pritchett, Hudson Cannon, and Jane Cannon. DO. Estate of John W. Pritchett. Recorded (Chancery Record) 165, p. 567. Accession No.: 17,898-12402 MSA S512-15-12205 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/02/18 12403: Albert Younker and Sophia Younker vs. Abner P. McDonald, Henrietta McDonald, Elizabeth Younker, Elijah Daily, Octavia Daily, William Maxwell, Frances Eliza Maxwell, Marcellena V. Younker, Philip H. Younker, and Augustus Mathias. BA. Estate of Francis Younker - lots in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 169, p. 130.
Accession No.: 17,898-12403 MSA S512-15-12206 Location: 1/39/4/
1841/07/05 12404: John R. Yates, Alexander Falls, and Samuel Ellicott vs. James C. Sedwick, Sarah C. Sedwick, and Joshua Sedwick. CV. Injunction against execution of judgment. Accession No.: 17,898-12404-1/2 MSA S512-15-12207 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/02/08 12405: George W. Young vs. Jesse Soper. PG. Contract to purchase Brothers Joint Interest Enlarged. Accession No.: 17,898-12405-1/2 MSA S512-15-12208 Location: 1/39/4/
1821/02/27 12406: Robert W. Young, Rebecca Young, Thomas Atkinson, and Hannah Atkinson vs. Joseph Hussey, William Hussey, Rachel Hussey, Enion Hussey, William C. Hussey, George Hussey, John Kipp, and Israel Price. BA. Estate of George Hussey. Accession No.: 17,898-12406 MSA S512-15-12209 Location: 1/39/4/
1794/06/02 12407: George Young vs. Gabriel Friend, Benjamin Shipley, Mary Shipley, Charles Friend, and Jacob Friend. WA. Contract to purchase Resurvey on Green Castle, Resurvey on Mountain of Wales. Accession No.: 17,898-12407 MSA S512-15-12210 Location: 1/39/4/
1827/02/01 12408: Rebecca C. Young vs. William Hurst, Sidney Hurst, Engle Starr, James Starr, Joseph Starr, Sally Ann Starr, George Starr, and Sally Starr. BA. Estate of Aquilla Starr - Sewells Fancy, Nanjemoy. Recorded (Chancery Record) 134, p. 17. Accession No.: 17,898-12408 MSA S512-15-12211 Location: 1/39/4/
1838/06/28 12409: John Yates vs. James Moore and James Tracy. BA. Mortgage foreclosure. Accession No.: 17,898-12409 MSA S512-15-12212 Location: 1/39/4/
1824/09/08 12410: John Young vs. John Dorsey, George Hammond, Airy Hammond, Samuel Dorsey, Polly Dorsey, William Dorsey, Clagett Dorsey, and Basil Dorsey. AA. Petition to sell Gosnells Chance, Cummings Farm. Recorded (Chancery Record) 130, p. 329. Accession No.: 17,898-12410 MSA S512-15-12213 Location: 1/39/4/
1832/02/07 12411: Ignatius Young, Barbara Young, and Notley Young. PG. Estate of Clement Smith. Accession No.: 17,898-12411 MSA S512-15-12214 Location: 1/39/4/
1837/05/01 12412: Larkin Young vs. John W. Hagner, Henrietta Hagner, Frederick Hagner, Isabella Hagner, Mary Hagner, Elizabeth Hagner, Florina Hagner, Adam Hagner, and Margaret Hagner. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on Discovery. Recorded (Chancery Record) 36, p. 106.
Accession No.: 17,898-12412 MSA S512-15-12215 Location: 1/39/4/
1851/06/03 12413: Alexander Young vs. Sarah Maitland, William Maitland, Thomas Maitland, and Margaret Maitland. CE. Petition to sell Labordee. Plat filed in Maryland Survey Papers (Division Plats) 2, No. 12, MdHR 40,283-65, S65-125, B5/10/1. Accession No.: 17,898-12413-1/2 MSA S512-15-12216 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/06/13 12414: Charles William Yoner, John S. Yoner, Mary Yoner, and Henrietta Yoner vs. Jacob Hoffman, Penelope Brunner, Daniel Brunner, Andrew Brunner, John Brunner, Harriet Brunner, Isaac Brunner, Jacob Brunner, Moors Hoffman, Valentine Hoffman, Catherine Harris, and Elizabeth Gorsuch. BA. Estate of Susanna Weiter.
Accession No.: 17,898-12414 MSA S512-15-12217 Location: 1/39/4/
1828/07/22 12415: John J. Yellott, George W. Yellott, Charles Worthington, Alexander Yellott, and Sophia Yellott vs. Rebecca Ridgely Yellott, Mary Yellott, Henry G. Maynadier, Elizabeth Maynadier, Caleb Dorsey Goodwin, Daniel D. Fitzhugh, William Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Jeremiah Yellott, John Yellott, George Yellott, Coleman Yellott, and Washington Yellott. BA. Estate of John Yellott, Jr. - Sewell. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 138, p. 125.
Accession No.: 17,898-12415-1/5 MSA S512-15-12218 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/11/18 12416: Richard Young of William, Rebecca Young, Ann Ayton, Azel Waters, and Eleanor Waters vs. Thomas W. Watkins. AA. Petition to sell Resurvey of Tracts. Recorded (Chancery Record) 145, p. 408. Accession No.: 17,898-12416 MSA S512-15-12219 Location: 1/39/4/
1846/09/29 12417: Peter J. Young and Susan Young vs. William Shipley and Mary Linthicum. AA. Estate of Vachel Kirby. Accession No.: 17,898-12417 MSA S512-15-12220 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/10/02 12418: John Lenhart Ziegler vs. Brantz Mayer, Frederick Michael Ziegler, Fest Ziegler, John Ziegler, Charles Ziegler, Frederika Ziegler, Martin Ziegler, John Berk, Catherine Berk, Christian Hoffman, Susanna Hoffman, Lenhart Westfeldt, Christiana Westfeldt, Michael Beyrain, Catherine Beyrain, George Eichinger, Rossina Eichinger, Frederick Rupresht, and Sophia Rupresht. BA. Estate of John W. Ziegler - lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 160, p. 197.
Accession No.: 17,898-12418 MSA S512-15-12221 Location: 1/39/4/
1840/09/21 12419: Ann C. Zimmerman vs. Henry Zimmerman. CR. Injunction against removal of timber. Accession No.: 17,898-12419 MSA S512-15-12222 Location: 1/39/4/
1831/01/21 12420: Bernard Zell vs. James Doyle. BA. Dissolution of a partnership. Accession No.: 17,898-12420-1/3 MSA S512-15-12223 Location: 1/39/4/
1835/04/27 12421: John Lenhart Zeigler vs. Jacob Bankard. BA. Mortgage foreclosure on lot in BC. Recorded (Chancery Record) 154, p. 21. Accession No.: 17,898-12421 MSA S512-15-12224 Location: 1/39/4/
1814/04/7 William Darnall vs. Philip Darnall. AA. Petition to partition Portland Landing. Plat. Recorded (Chancery Record) 100, p. 153. Accession No.: MSA S512--12225 Location: 1/39/4/