Maryland Indexes
Marriage References
MSA S 1527

- [-?-], m. by 4 Aug 1729,
Mary, extx. of Joseph Husk of DO co. (MDAD 9:454).
- Martin, m. by 15 Oct 1742,
Mary, mother of William Watson (BALR TB#C:55).
- Robert, m. by 1747 Martha
Lawson, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (PGLR BB:661; PGWB 1:413)
- Thomas, m. by 1761, Eleanor,
dau. of John Brightwell (PG Liber T#1:70).
Badley, John, m. by 1 March 1745, [-?-], dau. of Charles
Dean of SO Co. (MDAD 22:184).
Bagby, John, of CV Co., m. by 30 Aug 1719, Mary, dau. of John Ford (BALR
Baggerley, James, m. 20 Oct 1798 in MO Co., by Rev. Slinsky Linthecum, Ella
Smith (Md. Hist. Soc., p. 205).
- Ralph, m. by 10 Nov 1722,
Elizabeth, widow and extx. of Benjamin Reader of SM co. (MDAD 5:111).
- Samuel, m. by 5 March 1745,
Drayden Bond, sister of Thomas Bond of SM Co. (TA#1:164).
- John, m. by 2 March 1708,
Hannah, dau. of William Parrott (DOLR, Old 6:131).
- John, m. by 27 Feb 1755,
Eliza, widow of Abner Roe, of QA Co. (BFD 1:123).
- Nathan, m. by 18 July 1751,
Elizabeth, admx of William Andrew of QA Co. (MDAD 30:218).
- Thomas, m. by (date not
given), Sarah, dau. of Richard Harrington of QA Co. (MDAD 46:100).
- [-?-], m. by 22 Sep 1718,
Anne, widow of Henry Lawrence of SM Co. (MDAD 2:327, 437).
- [-?-], m. by 15 Dec 1742,
Rachel, dau. of Catherine Brown of QA Co. (MDAD 19:291).
- [-?-], m. by 25 May 1752,
Ann Morgan, dau. of William (TA#1:292).
- [-?-], m. by 5 Dec 1752,
Rachel, dau. of John White of QA Co (MDAA 33:240).
- Charles, m. by 23 March
1765, Sarah, dau. of John Cotterall (BALR B#O)
- Elias, m. by 22 July 1751,
Elizabeth, extx. of George Tull of SO Co. (MDTP 35:55; MDAA 30:148).
- Enoch, m. by 12 June 1772,
Kerrenhappuck, dau. of Joseph Murray (BAWB 3:216).
- George, m. by 26 Oct 1741
Rachel, extx. of John Moale; she d. by 14 June 1750 and Thomas John
Hammond, her eldest bro., signed her inventory (BALR TB#A:30; MINV 42:236;
MWB 22:249; MDAD 20:85).
- George, d. by 27 Aug 1763,
having m. Sarah, dau. of Hector McLane (BALR B#L:468).
- Henry, m. by 1 July 1720,
Elizabeth, relict and admx of Lambert Clements of TA Co. (MDAD 3:124).
- James, m. by 1747, [-?-],
dau. of Nathaniel Cleave (Debt Book:160).
- John, m. by 28 Aug 1680,
Magdalen, widow and admx of James Pean (INAC 7A:215).
- John, m. by 1 Sep 1739 Helen
Newsom or Nusome (BALR HWS#1- A:271).
- John, m. by 18 June 1761,
Sarah, widow of John Collins of QA Co., and extx of Richard Collings (MDAD
46:362, 48:261).
- John, m. by 29 Sep 1764,
Mary, extx. of John Awle of CE Co. (MWB 31:641; MDAD 51:322).
- Thomas, d. by 22 Sep 1772,
leaving a widow Hannah (MDAD 67:283).
- William, m. by 29 Sep 1764,
Mary, extx. of John Awle of CE Co.(MWB 31:641; MDAD 51:322).
Baily, John, m. by 15 Sep 1765, Sarah, widow of Richard
Collins of QA Co. (MDAD 50:199).
Bain, William, m. by c.1761/2, Lydia, admx of Amos Johnson of BA Co. (MDAD
Baines, Christopher, m. by 1671, Ann sister of Charles Brooke of CV Co. (MPL
Baisey, Michael, m. by 28 Jan 1652/3, [-?-], widow of Anthony Rawlings (the
father of John Rawlings) ARMD 10:213).
- [-?-], m. by 30 Aug 1744,
Ann, dau. of Leonard Brooke of PG Co. (MDAD 20:451).
- [-?-], m. by 1758, Sarah,
dau. of Joseph Johnson of CV Co. ([MWB?] 30:495).
- [-?-], m. by 21 Nov 1762,
Eleanor, dau. of Dorcas Coates (MWB 31:845).
- [-?-], m. by 26 Sep 1787,
Elizabeth, dau. of John Lane (BALR WG#AA:549).
- Abraham, m. by 1682, [Mary],
extx. of John Neck (ARMD 70:214).
- Charles, m. by (date not
given), Eliza Luder (HA WSF#1: 5).
- Charles, m. by 3 July 1751,
Eliza, mother?, of John Cockey, Jr., of BA Co. (MDAD 30:112).
- Charles, Jr., m. by 19 Jan
1770, Elizabeth, daughter of Leonard Wheeler (BALR AL#A:669).
- Isaac, m. (date not given),
Ann Stewart (HA WSF#1: 5).
- James, m., by 13 June 1719
Priscilla, widow and admx of William Hebb of SM Co. (MPL PL#4:41; MINV
3:221; MDAD 4:155).
- Jno., m. (date not given),
Delia Presbury (HA NSF#1 & 2).
- John, m. by 1713 Ann [-?-]
(SM Liber HH: 237).
- John, m. by 4 Nov 1734, Ann,
admx of David Watson of SM Co. (MDAD 11:518).
- Morris, m. (date not given),
Jane Haithhorn (HA WSF# 1:7).
- Nathaniel, m. (date not
given), Sarah Saniels (HA WSF#1: 6).
- Perry, m. by 23 July 1761, [-?-],
dau. of Leonard Johnson of WO Co. (MDAD 46:247).
- Solomon, m. by 5 May 1756,
Rachel, admx. of George Evans of WO Co. (MDAA 40:21).
- Thomas, m. (date not given),
Ann, widow of Henry Jacobs of QA Co. (MDAD 41:215, 427; MWB 28:512).
- Thomas, m. by 15 Aug 1695,
Elizabeth [-?-]; late of CH Co., but now of Richmond Co., VA (Prov. Court
WRC # 1: folio not given).
- Thomas, m. by 5 Oct 1757,
Ann, extx. of Henry Jacobs of QA Co. (MDAD 41:215?, 429).
- Walter, m. 28 Feb 1798,
Ursula Richardson, b. 7 Feb 1781 (Bible of Ignatius Davis, in Hayes'
Maryland Genealogical Bulletin, 8:17ff.).
- William, m. by 1709, Mary
Merrill, dau. of Wm. and Eliza (MWB 13:137).
- William, m. by 11 April
1735, Rebecca, dau. and coheir of William Denton (QALR RTA:377).
Baldin [Baldwin?], James, m. by 27 Aug 1744, Eliza, dau. of
Samuel Pottinger of PG Co. (MDAD 20:324).
Balding, [-?-], m. by 11 Aug 1684, Elizabeth, formerly Dorrell (AALR IH#1,
- [-?-], m. after 12 Aug 1684,
Hester, age 55 c.1684, widow of Nicholas Nicholson and dau. of John Larkin
(AALR IT#5, 29).
- Henry, m. by 23 July 1743, [-?-],
dau. of Samuel Pottinger of PG Co. (MDAD 19:436).
- James, m. by 23 July 1743,
Eliza, dau. of Samuel Pottinger of PG Co. (MDAD 19:436).
- John, m. by 15 May 1747,
Mary, amdx of "Donner [Dominick?] Carroll of CE Co. (MDAD 24:143).
- Thomas, m. by 11 May 1758,
Sophia, admx of thomas Butt of PG Co. (MDAA 41:427).
- Anthony, m. by 11 July 1744,
Ann, dau. of William Plummer of Glouc. Co., VA; she m. 2nd Michael Taylor
(BALR TB#C:576).
- Benjamin, of CV Co., m. by
1671, [-?-], relict of [-?-] Freeland (Liber Somerset and Dor. Cos., No.
2, p. 360).
Balem, William; 28 Dec 1771; Martha Ducker ("Marriage
Register of Rev. David Love," discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the
Public Record Office, London (PRO: AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
- Benjamin, m. by (c.1696),
Martha, relict and extx. of Robert Freeland of CV Co. (INAC 13B:95).
- Edward, m. by 9 Oct 1696,
Priscilla, relict and edmx of William Lyle and of Henry Dikes (or Dukes),
both of CV Co. (INAC 14:85, 86; 19:166, which gives Henry's name as
- Hilary, m. by 2 Feb 1705,.
Ann, sister of James Wheeler (PGLR C, 156). She was a widow of John
Wheeler (PGLR c:175).
- James, m. 11 Nov 1779 in MO
Co., by Rev. Clement Brooks, Cassandra Ellis (Md. Hist. Soc., p. 203).
- John, m. by 21 May 1743,
Jane, widow of James Kellee, late of TA Co., and of Edward Turner (MDAD
- Peter, m. by 10 Nov 1753,
Mary, widow of John Stephens of KE Co. (MDAD 36:57).
- Richard, m. by 1 March 1661,
Mary, wid. of Thomas Humphreys (ARMD 67:134; BALR RM#HS:19).
- Samuel, m. by 24 July 1761, [-?-],
sister of William White of WO Co. (MDAD 47:118).
- Thomas, m. by 8 Jan 1742/3, [-?-],
dau. of Daniel long of SO Co. (MDAD 19:332).
- William, m. by 1677, Mary,
widow of Thomas Humphreys (ARMD 67:134).
- Charles of SO Co., m. by 29
Jan 1666, Sarah, relict of John Elzey (ARMD 54:656).
- Charles, m. by 11 March
1734/5, Margaret, dau. of Robert Jones of SO Co. (MDAD 13:94).
- Charles, m. by 14 July
1772, [-?-], dau. of John Flewellin of SO Co. (MDAD 67:338).
- Henry, m. by 16 Oct 1726,
Margaret, widow of Richard Magraugh of SO Co. (MDAD 8:44).
- Levin, m. after 1722,
Eliza, heir of Roger Wheeler of CV Co. (J[udg.?] 61:469(?), 62:315).
- William, m. by 9 July 1760,
Sarah, widow of John Rigsby of SO Co. (MDAD 45:40).
Balleric (Ballery), Francis, m. by 22 April 1696, Elinor,
admx of Edward Frawner of CV Co. (INAC 13B:7).
Balley, Thomas, m. by 30 June 1730, Mary, widow of John Little of SM Co.
(MDAD 10:411; MDTP 29:14).
Banbury, Thomas, m. by 30 Jan 1726, Hester, widow of Richard Cotton of QA
Co. (MDAD 8:140, 489).
Bancks, William, m. by 22 Oct 1748, Deborah, dau. of John Hawkins of QA Co.
(MDAD 25:194; MINV 306).
Banett, [-?-], in Ireland, m. by 28 Jan 1756. Mary, dau. of Anne Hale of CE
Co. (MDAD 39:124).
- George, m. by 1707,
Catherine, admx of Daniel Huntsman of SM Co. (Liber HH: 146).
- Lieut. Richard, m. by 10
April 1653, Margaret, widow of Richard Hatton, dec., who was bro. of
Secretary Thomas Hatton (ARMD 10:259; MWB 1:65).
- Richard, m. by 1723,
Margaret, widow of Nathaniel Ashcom of CV Co. (Judg. 20:404).
Bankson, Joseph, m. by 4 Sep 1757, Eliza, wwidow of James
Slemaker of BA Co. (MDAD 41:244; MWB 27:212).
Bannen, Thomas, m. by 25 Nov 1721, Hannah, dau. of William Jones (QALR
Banning, Benoni, m. by 1 Aug 1769, Ann, dau. of Abraham Clark of DO Co.
(DOLR 23 Old:319).
Bantram, [-?-], m. by 17 Oct 1759, Margaret, dau. of Anthony Gay Williams of
TA Co. (MDAD 43:343).
Barackdol, Peter, m. by 10 Aug 1799, Mary Mysleman (WA Co. Marr. Lic.).
- Edward, joiner, of London,
m. by 1683, Rebecca, dau. of Ralph Williams of AA Co., dec. (AALR
- Luke, m. 21 April
1799, Susan Rowles (Diary of William Faris, MHM 28:231).
Bardall, [-?-], m. by 24 March 1755, Jane, admx of Luke Axel
of AA Co. (MDAD 37;119).
Barkdul, Jacob, m. c12 April 1800, Susannah Mysleman (WA Co. Marr. Lic.).
- [-?-], m. by 5 Sep 1698,
Mary, admx of Francis Watkins of BA Co. (INAC 16:209).
- [-?-], m. by 1717, Martha
Brett (MWB 14:509).
- Arthur, m. by 1 Jan 1724/5,
Margaret, admx. of Zachariah Browne of KE Co. (MDAD 6:293)
- Arthur, m. by 3 Nov 1733,
Rachel, extx. of Thomas Piner of KE Co. (MWB 19:479; MDAD 11:611).
- John, m. by 25 Nov 1695,
Mary, dau. and extx. of Henry Woolchurch of TA Co. (INAC 10:424, 426).
- John, m. by 1706, Martha,
dau. of Geo. and Eliza Brett (Accts.? [INAC?] 22:31; [MWB?} 14:509; MDAD
- John, m. by 25 April 1719,
Frances, widow of Matthew Ferrill of CH Co. (MDAD 2:64).
- Richard, m. by 1708,
Dorothy, widow of Thomas Hinton of CV Co. (Judg. 11:707).
- William, m. by 1685, Mary,
dau. of Henry Woolchurch of TA Co. (MWB 7:120; Judgt. 45:229, 242).
- William, m. by 9 May 1744,
Barbara, extx. of Henry Barnes of CH Co. (MWB 29:90; MDAD 20:169).
- Hannah, dau. of William and
Susannah, m. by 13 March 1769, Nathan Knotts MDAD 61:88).
- James, m. by 1 April 1721,
Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Seth, dec. (QALR I(J)KB:56).
- James, m. by 1769, Mary,
dau. of William Barkhurst of QA Co. (MDAD 61:85).
- James, m. by 14 June 1769,
Isabella, dau. of William Finniecum of QA Co. (BFD 5:206).
- John, m. by 1769, Susannah
Walker, dau. of Thomas and Thomasin Walker of QA Co. (MDAD 57:225).
Barkley, Jno., late of Edinburgh, m. by 1732, Grace Hay
(Liber 20:484). Barkley, John, of AA Co., m. by 28 Nov 1732, Grace Hay (MWB
Barkus, Eliza, dau. of Geo. and Eliza Barkus, m. by 1726, Daniel Boulton
(MWB 19:160).
- [-?-], m. Sarah, widow of
Nicholas Carre of CV Co. (MDTP 9:263).
- [-?-], m. by 18 Feb 1722/3,
Constant, dau. of Robert West (BALR IS#G:94).
- Abraham, m. by 11 July
1744, Elizabeth, dau. of John Rousby of CV Co. (Liber 23:576; MDAD
- Charles, m. by 10 Aug 1725,
Mary, widow and admx of Rice Williams of DO co. (MDAD 7:79, 200).
- Francis, m. by 8 Sep 1724,
Jane, extx. of Philip Conner of QA Co. (MDAD 6:112, 357).
- George, m. by 13 July 1723,
Mary, extx. of Charles Baker of KE Co. (MDAD 5:227)
- Henry, m. by 21 March
1725/6, Eliza, extx. of Edward Jones, dec., of PG Co.; execs. of Philip
Lewin of PG Co. (MDAD 5:173, 7:302, 303).
- Isaiah, m. by 24 July 1742,
Mary, dau. and heir of Edward Smith of Annapolis (AALR RB#1:168).
- Jacob, m. by 1799, Sarah,
dau. of Jacob Winchester of QA Co. (Md. Chancery Paper 1635).
- James, m. by 18 April 1723,
Ketura, dau. of Adam Shipley (BALR TR#A:242).
- James, m. by 23 Dec 1742, [-?-],
dau. of William Loney (BAAD 3:274).
- James, by 6 June 1765
Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Culver (BALR B#O:282, 242).
- John, m. by 1672, [-?-]
Watterling of SM Co. (MWB 1:502).
- Josiah, m. 1 Aug 1780,
Elizabeth Trammell (MO Co., by Rev. Clement Brooke: MHS, p. 203).
- Matthew, m. by 23 July
1716, Sarah, admx of Henry Guilford of CH Co. (INAC 37a, 131).
- Richard, m. by 1757, Mary
Batt, dau. of Humphrey (PGWB 1:490; PGAD DD#6:280).
- Samuel, m. by 1757, Sarah
Batt, dau. of Humphrey (PGWB 1:490; PGAD DD#6:280).
- Thomas, m. by 25 Nov 1762,
Sarah, extx of Morris Shirley of QA Co. (MDAD 48:333).
- Thomas, m. by 6 Feb 1773,
Martha, widow of Thomas Newcomb, Jr., of KE Co. (MDAD 67:416).
Barnet, Thomas, m. by 24 June 1747, Phebe, widow of Richard
Giles of TA Co. (MDAD 24:30).
Barnett, Lewis, m. by 15 Nov 1752, Mary, widow and extx. of Terence Connolly
of TA Co. (MDAA 37:218).
- [-?-], m. by 16 Jan 1717,
Elizabeth, dau. of Mary Stevenson (BALR TB#E:517).
- [-?-], m. by 1778, Rebecca
Shelmerdine, dau. of John and Sarah of BA Co. (MCHP # 644).
- Absalom, m. by 6 Dec 1752,
Mary, dau. of Thomas Ford of BA Co. (MDAD 33:223).
- Ann, dau. of Rachel Barney
of KE Co., by 1732, [-?-] Kennard (MWB 20:773).
- Joshua, m. by 1790, Harriet
Coale, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Coale of AA Co. (MCHP # 2731).
- Lewis, m. by 15 Nov 1752,
Mary Connaly, extx. of Terence Connaly of TA Co. (MDAD 33:218).
- Martha, m. by 1752, Richard
Hooker, dau. of William and Martha Barney (MDAD 25:57, 33:161).
- Mary, dau. of Frances
Barney, m. by 1747, James Corse (MWB 25:188, 189; MCHR 14:183, 196,
- Rachel, dau. of Rachel
Barney of KE Co., m. by 1732, [-?-] Moore (MWB 20:773).
- Ruth, dau. of William and
Mary Barney, m. by 1752, Mordecai Ford (MDAD 33:161).
- William, m. by 1752, Frances
Holland Watts (Pro Court DD#4:247).
- William, m. by 1793, Mary [-?-]
(MCHP # 551).
- William B., m. 1783, Mary,
sister of Samuel and Thomas Chase, and dau. of Samuel and Hannah K.
Chase of BA Co. (MCHP # 1219, 1458, 3547).
- William B., m. Rebecca
Ridgely, dau. of Charles Ridgely of John of BA Co. (MCHP # 2669, 4435).
- Richard, m. by 1763, Jane
Milburn, dau. of John and Mary Milburn of SM Co. (SMWB TA#1:623).
- Timothy, m. by 29 Sep
1760, Elizabeth, widow of John Clark of SM co. (MDAD 46:13).
Barnisger, Christian, m. by 1763, Mary, dau. of John Myer of
BA Co. (MCHP # 3530, 3547).
Barns. See Barnes.
Barnterant, Peter, m. c26 Dec 1800, Barbara Metz (WAML).
Barnwell, James, m. by 8 March 1716, Elizabeth, sister of Lemmon John Catrup
(TALR 12:273).
Baron, Henry, m. by 1736, Dorothy Perry ([MPL?] PL#8:421).
Barone, James, m. by 1763, Rody Crapper (MWB 31:468).
Barratt, Darby, m. by 3 July 1718, Katherine, dau. of Daniel Vinton (TALR
Barret, Joseph, m. by 1737, Durant Conner (AA Judgt. IB#2:290).
- Alex, m. c19 Jan 1799,
Eleanor Cecil (MO Co., by Rev. James Hunt: MHS, p. 204).
- Jno., m. 16 Dec 1781, Mary
Price (MO Co., by Rev. James Hunt: MHS, p. 204).
Barritt, [-?-], m. by 1775, Ann, dau. of Richard Ball of PG
Co. (PG T#1:15).
Barrock, John, m. by 1 March 1738, Sarah, widow of Thomas Hewett of TA Co.
(MDAD 11:674).
Barron, James, m., by 14 July 1730, [-?-], dau. of Samuel Brocust of TA Co.
(MDAD 10:406).
Barronett, Thomas, Jr., m. by 30 Feb 1742, Rachel widow of Wm. Connolly of
TA Co. (MDAD 19:138).
- [-?-], m. by 4 Aug 1718,
Susanna, relict of Andrew Kinnimont (TALR 12:334).
- Thomas, m. by 1710,
Elizabeth, widow of Stephen Cheshire of SM Co. (Liber HH: 206).
Barry, Cornelius, m. by 1751, Eleanor, widow of John Whittle
(Judgt. ISB#2:112).
Bartholomew, Philip, m. (date not given), Margaret Tongue, dau. of John, of
SM Co. (MCW 1:42; Warrants CB#3:248).
- John, m. by 2 Nov 1720,
Eliza'th, admnx of Edward Webb of TA Co. (MDAD 3:344).
- Vin(sen?), m. by 2 July
1747, Margaret, admx of Wm. harper of DO Co. (MDAD 24:112).
- William, m. by 2 July 1747,
Margaret, widow of Wm. Harper (MDAD 24:112).
- John, m. by 2 Nov 1720,
Elizabeth, admx of Roger Webb of TA Co. (MDAD 3:344).
- Nicholas, of KE Co., d. by
19 June 1725, when his est. was admin. by Richard Cole of QA Co., admin.
(MDAD 6:365)
- Pascoe, m. by 1723 [-?-],
dau. of William Keen of SO Co. (SORR:15).
- Samuel, m. by 21 May 1748,
Rachel, dau. of Edward Turner (MDAD 19:390).
- [-?-], m. by 1703, Thomas
Smoot (PGWB 1:26, 29).
- Jacob, m. by 30 May 1761,
Henrietta, admx of John Beatty of FR Co. (MDAD 46:390).
- James, m. by 1734,
Temperance Roll[o], dau. of Archibald (Liber TD: 319).
- John, m. on 1 June 1703 Hester Holmes (Records of Christ
Church, CV Co. She was probably a widow of William Holmes whose will dated
19 Jan 1702 and proved 18 Feb
1702 named a wife Hester, and a dau. Rachel. John Barton, in his will
proved 24 Aug 1711, named a dau.-in-law Rachel Holmes (MWB 11:314, 13:299).
- John, m. by 5 Dec 1744,
Ann, dau. of William Hitchcock (BALR TB#C:664).
- John, m. 28 April 1800
Barbara Stoker (Washington Co. Marr. Lic.).
- Richard, m. by 7 May 1725,
Elizabeth, admx of Henry Leake of AA Co. (MDAD 6:319).
- Samuel, m. by 30 Oct 1730,
Martha, widow of [-?-] Pope, and mother of Wm. Pope (J. 34:598).
- Samuel, m. by 7 Feb 1739,
Martha, widow of Francis Lewis of KE Co. (MDAD 17:373, 18:1).
- William, m. by 1703, Sarah
Waring, widow (Will, 1703).
- William, m. by 1720. Sarah
Gibbons, dau. of Thomas (PG 1:26, 27).
- William, m. by 26 Oct 1798,
Ann, dau. of Jesse Biddle, dec. (BALR WG#58:247).
- Maj. Wm., m. by 1707 Sarah [-?-]
who m. 2nd, Simon Nicholls (PG Liber C:155 1/2, pt. 2).
- Maj. William, m. Sarah
Marshall of PG Co. who m. 2nd, by 1701 James Haddock (Warrants 12: fol. ?;
Chancery 2:740).
Barwick, John, m. by 4 Oct 1764, Jane, widow of James
Townsend (MDAD 51:377; BFD 4:59).
Basford, Stephen; 7 Dec 1775; Susannah Stewart ("Marriage Register of
Rev. David Love," discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record
Office, London (PRO: AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
Basil, John, m. by 1753, Elizabeth Perry, dau. of John. (PG No. ref. given).
Bastian, William,. m. by 17 June 1772, Eliza, dau. of Mathew Graves (or
Grover) of Ch Co. (MDAD 67:120).
- [-?-], m. by 29 June 1725,
Mary, dau. of Mary Boyd of PG Co. (MDAD 7:28).
- Henry, Jr., m. by 17 Aug
1752, Ann, extx. of Snowden Taylor of AA Co. (MDAD 32:282).
- Ishmael, m. by 1704, Mary
Boyd, dau. of John (PG, Liber No. 1: 24).
- John, of London, d. by 24
Nov 1664; marriage settlement dated 14 Aug 1649, Mary, dau. of Margaret
Perry of the City of Westminster, Mddx (ARMD 49:291; 57:50).
- John, m. by 9 Jan 1755,
Sarah, dau. of Thomas Davis of AA Co. (MDAA 37:8, 9).
- Thomas, m. by 1722, Mary
Boyd, dau. of John and Mary (PGWB 1:114, 128, 172).
- Thomas, in 1782 had
sisters: Rachel Marritt, Ruth Warfield, [-?-] m. John Davis, and [-?-] m. [-?-]
Bowen (PG T#1:158).
Bathurshell, Henry, m. by 29 Oct 1711, [-?-], legatee of
George Smith of KE Co. (INAC 33A:10)
Batie, John, m. by 14 Oct 1697, [-?-], extx of Roger Bishop (INAC 15:180).
- Humphrey, m. by 10 June
1748, Eliza, widow of Thomas Jennings of PG Co. (MDAD 25:95).
- Humphrey, m. by 1753, Mary
Massey, dau. of Henry (PGWB 1:490; PGAD DD#6:16, 290).
- Moses; 8 April 1769;
Margaret Waugh ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love,"
discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London
(PRO: AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
- Nicholas, m. by 1741, Mary
Metcalf (PGLR Y:379).
- [-?-], m. by 11 Aug 1729,
Elizabeth, dau. of John Wooden (AALR TI#1:4).
- [-?-], m. by 10 Sep 1747,
Eliza, heir of John Wooden of AA Co. (MDAD 24:250).
Batten, Capt. William (d. by 1662), m. Margery, widow of [-?-]
Ashcom; she m. 3rd, by 1666 John Bowles (ARMD 53:269, 57:1151; MPL
Baugher, [-?-], m. by 1707, Ann, relict of Charles Egerton (SMRR:1).
Baulding, [-?-], m. by 1684, Elizabeth [-?-], formerly Dorrell (AALR
Baver, [-?-], m. by 21 May 1736, Rhoda (Rodyah), dau. of William Fossett,
Sr., of SO Co. (MDAD 15:17).
Bavington, William, m. by 21 May 1759, Esther,m admx of James Nowland of CE
Co. (MDAD 43:162).
- [-?-], m. Susan, dau. of
Mark Benton of QA Co. (MCHP # 3668).
- [-?-], m. by 1793, Susanna,
widow of William King of BA Co. (MCHP # 3076).
- Edmond, m. by 8 May 1767,
Susannah, widow of William King (BALR B#P:567).
- Elizabeth, dau. of Edmond
Baxter, Sr., of BA Co. (MWB 40:141).
- George, m. by 1749, Jane,
dau. of Anthony Simms/Simmes of CH Co. (TA#1:237; MWB 27:190).
- Greenbury, of OH, m. by
1789, Hannah Butler, dau. of Absalom and Susannah Butler of BA Co. (MCHP #
5143, 5419, 5583).
- Hannah, widow of Thomas
Baxter, m. by 1694, Thomas Furby of KE Co. (MDTP 13:116; MWB 4:181, 5:14).
- James Sword, m. by 1763,
Barbara, dau. of WIlliam Boog of Falkirk (Prov. Court DD#3:60).
- Richard, m. by 1711,
Elinor, widow and admx of John Biscoe of SM Co. (SMWB HH:190;
(1718) MDAD 1:200-1).
- Sarah, dau. of Susan Benton
Baxter of QA Co., m. [-?-] Sneed (MCHP # 3668, 3694).
- Susan, dau. of Susan Benton
Baxter of QA Co., m. [-?-] Hopkins (MCHP # 3668, 3694).
- Thomas, of KE Co., d. by
1684; his widow m. Thomas Furby (MDTP 13:116; MWB 4:181, 5:14).
- William, m. by 13 Dec 1740,
Anne, widow of William Lamden (MDAD 18:119).
- Andrew, of Albany, NY,
formerly of BA Co., m. by 3 Nov 1771, Sarah [-?-], by whom they were the
parents of Elihu Hall Bay (BALR AL#D:44).
- Ann, sister of Hugh Bay of
HA Co., m. by 1773, James Kenneday (MCHP # 4795).
- Elizabeth, sister of Hugh
Bay of HA Co., m. by 1773, William Cooley (MCHP # 4795).
- Mary, sister of Hugh Bay of
HA Co., m. by 1773, James Homes (MCHP # 4795).
- Sarah, sister of Hugh Bay
of HA Co., m. by 1773, Artchibald Heape (MCHP # 4795).
- Nathan, m . by 1783, Jane,
dau. of James Holmes of HA Co. (MCHP # 2210).
- Thomas, m. by 7 Oct 1772,
Frances Ann, dau. of Eric Erickson (BALR AL#D:38).
Bayard, William, m. by Jan 1771, Eleanor, admx of Alexander
McFarlane of SM Co. (MDTP 44:23).
Bayley, John, m. by (c.1680), Magdalen, widow and admx of James Pean (INAC
Bayly, Luke, m. by 27 March 1738, Easter, admx of John Wattson of SM Co.
(MDAd 16:85).
- John, m. about 33 years
before 23 Aug 1710, Elizabeth Blackwell (QALR ETA:62).
- John, m. by 18 Jan 1733,
Eliza, admx of Richard Fisher of QA Co. (MDAD 11:652, 12:166, 15:142).
- John, m. by 19 Jan 1744,
Eliza, widow of Joshua Clark (MDAD 21:88, 303).
- [-?-], m. by 1794, [-?-],
sister of John Jordan of CH Co. (MCHP # 2141).
- Anne, dau. of John Bayne of
"Locust Thicket" of CH Co., m. by 1716, John Dent (Warrants
- Dr. Christopher, m. by
1697, Elizabeth Higham (PGLR A:186).
- Edith, m. on 27 Oct 1665
Jonathan Marler of CH Co. (ARMD 57:433).
- Eleanor, age 16, dau. of
Walter and Eleanor Bayne of CH Co., m. 1st, c1683, John Stone, and 2nd,
Matthew Hill (Judgements 6:792, 21:514-516).
- George, m. 1 May 1779 by
Rev. James Hunt, Anne Jones in MO Co. (MHS, p. 204).
- Capt. Jno., m. by 1688, Ann
Smallwood, relict of Thomas Gerard of SM Co. (MDTP 14:67).
- Capt. John, of SM Co., m.
c1686-88, Anne [-?-] (Judgments 15:232; MDTP 14:109).
- John, m. by 1688, Ann,
widow of Thomas Gerard (Judgments 6:307-317, 7:188, 15:232; MDTP 14:109;
CHLR R#1:256).
- John, m. by 1750, Mary
Noble, dau. of Joseph and Mary Noble of PG Co. (MWB 27:141, 34:193; MDAD
- John, m. by 1777, Mary Edelen,
sister if Catherine Edelen Noble of PG Co. (PGWB T#1:109).
- Jno., m. 16 July 178-, by
Rev. Clement Brooke, Mary Berer, MO Co. (MHS, p. 203).
- Patterson, m. Rebecca
Luckie, dau. of Wm. and Jane Luckie of HA co. (MCHP # 5749).
- Samuel H., m. by 1770,
Elizabeth Dorsett, dau. of thomas and Ssuannah Dorsett of PG Co. (PGWB
1:629; PG Admin. Accts. ST#1:154).
- Smallwood, m. by 1709,
Charity Courts, dau. of Col. John Courts of CH CO. (MWB 12:208).
- Wansly, m. by 13 June 1756,
Eliza bean of FR Co. (MDAD 54:155).
- [-?-], m. by 9 March 1750/1,
Mary, dau. of Joseph Noble of PG Co. (MDAD 29:222).
- Dr. Christopher, m. by 1697,
Elizabeth Higham (PGLR A:186).
- Mary Fell, dau. of John
Bayne of PG Co., m. by 1786, Philip Stewart (MCHP # 3291).
- Matilda, dau. of John Bayne
of PG Co., m. by 1786, Geo. Washington Dent (MCHP # 3291).
Bazel, [-?-], m. by 15 Nov 1771, Ann, dau. of Wm.
Hollingsworth (MDAD 67:14).
- Elias, m. by 1659, Sarah,
dau. of William and Sarah Coale (INAC 6:282).
- John, of KE Co., d. by 7
Nov 1724 when his est. was adm. by extx. Christian, now wife of Henry
Culley (MDAD 6:206).
Beachboard, Levin, m. by 15 May 1772, Sarah, extx. of
Solomon Milburn of WO Co. (MDAD 67:351).
BEAL John, m. by 9 Oct 1724, Elizabeth, sister of Andrew Norwood (BALR
- John, m. by 22 April 1736,
Virlinda, , dau. of Sarah Magruder, widow, of PG Co. (MDAD 13:31).
- John, m. by 8 Dec 1701,
Elinor, extx. of Hugh Teares of CH Co. (MDTP 19a, 75, 78).
- John, m. by 12 May 1718, [-?-],
extx. of Francis Crompton of CH Co. (MINV 1:488).
- Richard, m. by 12 May 1719,
Martha, dau. of John Bowling (MDAA 1:422).
- Capt. Richard, m. by 1684,
Audrey, sister of William Godwin (ARMD 5:421).
- Thomas, m. by 28 April 1746,
Mary, widow of Richard Griffen of SM Co. (MDAd 22:248).
- [-?-], m. by 10 Nov 1735,
Mary, dau. of Capt. Archibald and Jane Edmonston of PG Co. (MDAD 14:23).
- [-?-], m. by 10 Nov 1755,
Mary, dau. of Capt. Archibald Edmonston of PG Co. (MDAA 14:26).
- [-?-], m. by 1765,
Priscilla Clark (MWB 34:187).
- Andrew, m. Margaret [-?-]
and in 1781 had issue (PGWB T#1: 141): Richard, Eliza, Andrew, Nancy,
Eliza m. [-?-] Brown, and [-?-], m. [-?-] Offutt.
- Basil, m. 24 Oct 1780, by
Rev. Clement Brooke, Arianna Beall MO Co. (MHS, p. 244).
- Benj., m. by 12 Nov 1763,
Ann, dau. of Richard Dorsey of AA Co. (MDAD 50: 44, 45, 51:133).
- George, m. 22 Dec 1779, by
Rev. Clement Brooke, Eliza Beall, MO. Co. (MHS p. 203).
- George, m. by 1796, Anne
Trueman Greenfield, dau. of Gerard S. (PGWB T#1:390).
- James, Jr., m. by 27 Jan
1717, Mary, dau. of Archibald Edmondston (PGLR E:550, F:25).
- James, m. by 1730, Sarah
Cooms; she m. 2nd, John Haswell (PGLR Q:109).
- John, m. by 1719, Eleanor,
dau. of Walter Bayne of CH Cio. (ARMD 38:257).
- John, PG Co., m. by 11
April 1728, Elizabeth, dau. of John Fendall of CH Co. (PGLR M, 322).
- John, of Alex., m. by 1731,
Verlinda Magruder (PGWB 1:235, 240).
- John, m. by 16 Oct 1736, [-?-],
dau. of Madam Eliza Fendall of CH Co. (MDAD 15:249).
- John Fendall, m. by 1771
Mary Wilkinson (PG T#1:117)
- Josiah, m. by 1787, Mary, and
issue (PG T#1:249): John, Walter, and Mary.
- Levin, m. 14 July 1779, by
Rev. Clement Brooke, Esther Campbell, of MO Co. (MHS, 244).
- Peter, m. by 21 Aug 1755,
Elizabeth, admx of Charles Barnes (BFD 1:48).
- Richard, m. by Jan 1771,
Sarah, relative and devisee of Col. Jeremiah Belt of PG (MDTP 44:32).
- Thomas, m., 14 Jan 1779, by
Rev. James Hunt, Catherine Brown (MHS, p. 204).
- William, m. by Feb 1753,
Sarah, dau. of Ninian Magruder of PG Co. (MDAA 33:333).
Beam, George, m. by 21 Oct 1784, Sarah McAllister, dau. of
George (BAWB 3:560).
- Edward, m. by 20 March 1749,
Rachel, extx. of John Griffith of QA Co. (MDAD 26:15).
- John, m. 7 Aug 1799, Nancy
McCormick (WAML, 1797-1800)
- Joshua, m. by 1761, Eliza,
dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Payne of SM Co. (MDTP 38:116).
- Richard, m. by 11 Dec 1758,
Lucy, heir of Nathan Masters (FRAD 1:159).
Beanes, Christopher, m. by 1723, Frances, admx of Edward
Nutter of PG Co. (MDAD 6:87).
- James, m. by 8 Nov 1743,
Ann, dau. of William and Susannah (Floyd) Kitely (AALR RB#1, 498).
- John; 14 Jan 1768; Mary
Jones ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love," discovered by
Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London (PRO: AO
13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
- Stephen; 26 Jan 1773;
Elizabeth Mayo ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love,"
discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London
(PRO: AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
- Valentine, m. 19 June 1799
Caty Dingler (WAML, 1797-1800).
- William, m. by 3 Dec 1760,
Susannah, extx. of Robert Downey (MDAD 46:187; FRAD 1:212).
Beasey, Wm., m. by 4 June 1739, Eliza, dau. of Benj Aydelott
of SO Co. (MDAD 18:30).
Beason, Nicholas, m. by 12 Dec 1722, Diana, admnx. of William Hutchings and
of Matthew Hale or Hall (MDAD 5:83; BALR RM#HS, 73).
- [-?-], m. by 4 Dec 1727,
Mary, dau. of Mary Fountain (MDAD 9:140).
- John, m. by 3 July 1745,
Mary, widow of Charles Curtis of SO Co. (MDAD 19:361).
- Thomas, m. by 8 Aug 1762,
Ssarah, widow of Samuel Long of SO Co. (MDAD 48:183).
- Charles, m. by 1698, Mary,
sister of Richard Marsham (MWB 6:285).
- John, m. by 3 Nov 1692,
Sarah, widow of Benjamin Bennett (BALR RM#HS:361).
- [-?-], m. by 21 May 1736,
dau. of William Fossett of SO Co. (MDAD 15:17).
- [-?-], m. by 1761, Sarah,
dau. of Robert Hawkins (MDWB 31:417).
- William, Jr., m. by 10 Oct
1741, Blanch,. dau. of William Duley (BAAD 5:110).
- Edward, Jr., m. by 4 April
1710, Mary, widow and extx. of William Price of KE Co. (INAC 31:55)
- J. Henry, m. Elizabet Ernst
on 9 March 1773 ("Beck Family Bible," in Hayes' Maryland
Historical and Genealogical Bulletin, 19:56).
- John, m. by 10 July 1738,
Sophia, dau. of John King, late of Wye River, dec. (QALR RTB:149; MPL
PL#6:623; IL#A:741).
- Matthew, m. by 13 Nov 1741,
Ann, dau. of Nicholas Horner (MDAD 18:403, 21:158; BAAD 4:112)
- Richard, m. by 16 Aug 1687,
Mary, sole heiress of Robert Page (TALR 5:115).
- Vivian, laborer, of KE Co.,
m. betw. 13 Feb 1713 and 1717m Eliza, widow of [-?-] Barber (Judg.
- William, m. by 3 Dec 1735, [-?-],
admx of Benja. Gardner of CH Co. (MDAD 14:96).
- William, m. by 18 March
1765, Sarah, widow of Samuel Jones of CH Co. (MDAD 53:44).
Becket, John, m. by 15 Feb 1755, [-?-], dau. of Benson Bond
of CV Co. MDAD 37:215).
- John, Jr., m. by 20 Oct
1727, Priscilla, widow of of Richard Johns of CV Co. (MWB 25:495, MDAD
23:29 says she was dau. and extx. of Richard Johns)
- John, m. by 21 April 1735,
Priscilla, extx. of Richard Johns (MDTP 30:30).
- Rev. William, m. by 11
April 1735, Sibella, extx. of Rev. Christopher Wilkinson of QA Co. (MWB
19:756; MDAD 14:111; MDTP 30:27).
Beckley, John, m. c.20 May 1800 Nancy Norris (WAML,
- [-?-], m. by (c1677),
Elisabeth, relict and admx of Thomas Skinner of DO Co. (INAC 5:150).
- [-?-], m. by 1717, Ann,
dau. of Christian Barbara Cooper of SM Co. (MDWB 14:651). Charles, m. by
1697, Eliza Hill Keen, widow of Richard Keen, and dau. of Francis Hill of
SM Co. (MDWB 2:325, 7:295); MDTP 16:91; 17:319, 321; 19a:161).
- George, of CV Co., m. by 8
Feb 1658, Frances, dau. of Nicholas Harvey, dec. (ARMD 10:259; 65:679).
- George, m. by 1692, Frances
Harvey, dau. of Nicholas and Jane, of CV Co. (MWB 6:1; INAC 9:476; MCHR
- Henry; m. by 16 Nov 1732,
Mary, dau. of William Warner (DOLR Old 6:2, Old 9:7).
- John, m. by 14 Feb 1734,
Priscilla, extx. of Richard Johns of CV Co. (MDTP 30:9).
- John, m. by 1772,
Elizabeth, dau. of Benson and Mary (Holdsmith) Bond of CV Co. (MDWB
27:419, 34:86, 39:203).
- William, m. by 15 Dec 1746,
Eliza, widow of Peter Butler (MDAD 23:93).
- William, m. by 1765, Lucy,
dau. of Lucy Watson (FRWB 1:406).
Beckworth, [-?-], m. by 8 May 1732, Ann, widow of John
Miller of PG Co. (MDAD 11:392, 393).
Bedstead, John, Jr., m. by 14 Jan 1743, Mary, extx. of David Mills of TA Co.
(MDAD 20:54; another reading of the doscument says he m. Eliz., dau. of David
and Mary Mills).
Beech, Elias, m. by 9 Aug 1679, Sarah, sister and admx of Richard Cole (MDTP
8:338; INAC 6:282).
Beecher, John, m. by 21 Feb 1693, [-?-], widow of Christopher Gist (BALR
RM#HS, 417).
Beecke, Elias, d. by 21 Feb 1675, having m. Elizabeth Loquer, sister of
Thos. Loquer (MDTP 7:306).
- Henry, m. by 12 Nov 1673,
Sophia, extx. of Richard Wells of AA Co (ARMD 51:427; 65:145).
- William, m. by 26 Nov 1755,
Sarah, sister of John Morgan of CE Co. (MDAD 38:304).
Beetenson, Edmund, m. by 31 July 1680, Lydia, relict and
extx. of Thomas Watkins of AA Co. (INAC 7A:172).
Beggs, Nathan, m. by 18 July 1751, Elizabeth, admx of William Andrew of QA
Co. (MDAD 30:218).
Belaine, John, m. by 12 April 1669, [-?-], widow of Francis Posey (CHLR H#1:248;
MDTP 11:100, 172).
Belcher, John, m. by 1 July 1709, Mary, admx of Richard Perkins (BAAD 2:88).
- [-?-], m. by 16 May 1772,
Anne, dau. of James Smith of CH Co. (MDAD 67:66).
- Isaac, m. by 8 July 1740,
Anne, admx of Nathaniel Duet of SO Co. (MDAD 18:34).
- Isaac, m. by 1 Aug 1760,
Ann, admx. of Nathaniel Duet of SO and WO Cos. (MDAD 44:337).
- James, m. by 28 July 1726,
Hannah, admx of Thomas Banning of QA Co. (MDAD 8:7).
- John, m. by 16 March
1700/1, Sarah, dau. of Sarah Peerce, and granddau. of Thomas Sprigg (PGLR
- John, m. by 29 July 1746,
Susannah, dau. of John Tye (BALR TB#E:119).
- Moses, m. by 30 Oct 1731,
Elizabeth, admx of Francis Butcher of CH Co. (MDAD 11:249).
- Peter, m. by 21 May 1752,
Elizabeth, amdx of Charles Barnes of DO Co. (MDAD 33:272).
Bellin, Thomas, m. by 21 Nov 1719, Katherine, admx. of
Samuel Collins of SO Co. (MDAD 2:389).
- Benjamin, Jr., m. by 24 May
1750, Ruth, dau. of Mrs. Rachel Harris (MDAD 44:219; FRAD 1:192).
- Jeremiah, m. by 1725, Mary
Wight, dau. of John and Ann (PG 1:147, 633).
- Col. Jeremiah, m. 2nd, by
Jan 1771, Mary Brooke of PG Co. (MDTP 44:32).
- Jeremiah, m. by 1785, and
had issue (PG T#1:202): Thomas Sprigg, Fielding, Tobias, John Sprigg, Mary
and Margery.
- John, m. by 1707, Hester
Beall, dau. of Ninian and Ruth (PG Liber C:186).
- John, m. by April 1720,
Lucy, heir of Benjamin Lawrence (ARMD 38:269).
- Joseph, of PG Co., m. by 10
March 1706, Hester, dau.of Ninian and Ruth Beall of PG Co. (PGLR C:186).
- Col. Joseph, m. by 30 June
1737, Margery, widow and admx. of Thomas Sprigg og PG Co. (MDAD 15:341).
- Joseph, m. by 1739, [-?-]
Smith, dau. of William and Lucy (PG 1:429).
- Joseph, in 1750 had issue
(Only ref. is P. 539): Rachel m. Osborn Sprigg, Mary m. Thomas Pindell,
Margery m. [-?-] Lyles, and Joseph m. Ann [-?-].
- Joseph, m. by 1760,
Elizabeth [-?-] (No ref. given other than p. 531).
- Osborn, m. by 1767,
Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Cross (PGWB T#__:325).
- Thomas, m. by 1779,
Elizabeth Lawosn Bowie, dau. of Thomas (PGLR CC:658).
- Capt. Tobias, m. by 24 May
1755, Mary, granddau. and only rep. of George Forbes of SM Co. (MDAD
- Capt. Tobias, m. by 1764,
Mary Gordon, dau. of George and Christian (Liber 34:319, 356; PGWB 1:586).
- Tobias, m. by 1785, Mary [-?-]
and had issue (PG T#1:218): Lloyd, Tobias, Levin.
- Belt, William, m. Elizabeth
Smith Waters (Belt-Waters Bible, in Md DAR Gen. Rec. Committee 33:68).
Beltzhoover, George, m. c.10 Dec 1799, Catherine Golb
Bencil, Balcer, m. by 26 Oct 1778, Sophia, admnx. of Jacob Creeder (BALR
- [-?-], d. by 31 March 1744,
having m. Deborah, mother of Jane Johnson (who m. Daniel Scott), and of
Elizabeth Shaw (BALR TB#C:471).
- Robert, m. by 29 Feb 1677,
Katherine, admnx. of John Shadwell (BAAD 2:41; INAC 4:631, 632; 7A:9).
- James, m. by 19 Sep 1759,
Sarah, admx of Thomas Covington of DO Co. (MDAD 44:151).
- James, m. by 1 Jan 1761,
Sarah, granddau. of John Kirk of DO Co., dec. (DOLR 17 Old:296).
- Edward, m. by 8 June 1745, [-?-],
dau. of Stephen Tulley, Sr., of SO co. (MDAD 21:412).
- George, m. by 13 Nov 1750,
Mary, dau. of Richard and Helen Wills of KE Co. (MDAD 29:45, 47).
- John, of AA Co., m. by 15
9ber 1691, Sarah, widow of John Homewood (TALR 5:342).
- John, m. by 8 June 1689,
Sarah, widow of John Homewood (AALR IH#1:298).
- John, m. by 27 May 1755,
Sarah, admx of George Noding of SM Co. (MDAD 9:378).
- John, m by 1764, Mary
Philpot of Mddx., Eng. (MWB 38:489).
- John; 24 Dec 1770 ; Anne
Fowler ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love," discovered by
Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London (PRO: AO
13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
- Joseph, m. by 1794, Susanna
Williams, dau. of Ann Williams of SM Co. (SMWB JJ#2:115-117).
- Joseph, m. by 1809, Mary
O'Donnell, dau. of John and Sarah (Chew) O'Donnell (MCHP # 660, 1525)..
- Mary, dau. of Edward and
Dorothy Bennett of SO Co., m. by 1706, John Tully (MWB 12:113).
- Matilda Ann, dau. of
William and Henrietta, of FR and MO Cos., m. Thomas Hodges (MCHP # 6136).
- Nathan, m. by 1791,
Deborah, dau. of Nehemiah Holland of MO Co. (MCHP # 2257A).
- Richard, Jr., m. by 1665,
Henrietta Maria Neale, dau. of Capt. James Neale (MWB 1:278; Pro Court
FF:511; List of Civil Officers, 1749-1891:6).
- Richard, of QA Co., m. by
1694/1744, Elizabeth, d. 1740, dau. of John and Barbara (Morgan) Rousby,
sister of John Rousby of CV Co., niece of Frances Sayer (MWB 6:66; 23:576;
MDTP 18B:29, 34:370; TA-QA Co. Rent Roll # 1:15; List of Civil Officers,
- Richard, m. by 1750, Mary
Wills (MDAD 29:47).
- Richard, m. by 1762,
Henrietta Maria Lloyd, dau. of Philemon Lloyd, of QA Co. (Pro. Court
- Robert, m. Elizabeth [-?-],
aged c40, of FR Co. (MCHP # 5056).
- Samuel, m. Ann, dau. of
John, of BA Co. (MCHP # 5848).
- Sarah, mother of Richard
Bennett of Poplar Hill, SM Co., m. by 1651, John Taylor (Warrants 1:184).
- Sarah, dau. of Polly
(Warfield) Bennett who was a sister of Charles Warfield of BA Co.
(MCHR 173:1048).
- Susanna Maria, dau. of
Richard Bennett, Jr., m. 1st, John Darnall, and 2nd, Maj. Henry Lowe (INAC
41:117; Pro. Court MM:129; MPL NS#B:596; MDTP 20:43, 34:278).
Bennison, Richard, m. by 1705, [-?-], mother of Mary Ball
(AALR WT#2:336).
- John, m. by 1696,
Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Smith of CV Co. (MWB 5:148).
- Perry, m. by 22 Sep 1719,
Rebecca, extx. of William Russell of TA Co. (MDAD 2:246; MDAD 4:26).
- Richard Andrew; 29 Nov
1772; Elizabeth Cheney ("Marriage Register of Rev. David Love,"
discovered by Peter Wilson Coldham in the Public Record Office, London (PRO:
AO 13/61(II)/ 420ff.).
Benston, William, m. by 25 Aug 1761, [-?-], dau. of Francis
Langake of SO Co. (MDAD 47:142).
Bentalou, Paul, m. by 8 Dec 1800, Catherine, dau. of Jacob Keeports (BALR
Bentley, Stephen, m. by Nov 1693, Ann, relict of Phillip Pissions(?), and
formerly wife of William Pearle (BCCP F#1, 300, 307).
- [-?-], m. by 20 Nov 1751,
Sarah, dau. of John Legg, Sr., of QA Co. (MDAD 31:238).
- Edmond, m. by 24 Nov 1731,
Katherine, extx. of Richard Hudson of QA Co. (MDAD 11:305).
- John, m. by 17 Aug 1766,
Eliza, widow of John Cambell of QA Co. (MDAD 54:243, 58:25).
- Vincent, m. by 18 Dec 1739,
Sarah, dau. of John Harris (QALR RTB:269).
- Benj., m. (date not given) [-?-],
dau. of Ann Evans (Calvert Co. Rent Roll 1:45; or Rent Roll 45:1).
- Tobias, m. by (date not
given) [-?-] Evans, dau. of widow Ann Evans of CV Co. (Rent Roll 45:1).
- [-?-], m. by 18 march 1755,
Rebecca, dau. of John Dickenson of TA Co. (MDAD 37:103).
- Daniel, m. by 16 March
1740, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Connon (or Conner) (MDAD 18:144).
- James, m. by 1686, Anne,
relict of John Wynne of SM Co. (INAC 9:132).
- James, m. by 10 Aug 1686,
Ann, reltc and extx. of Thomas Baker of CH Co. (INAC 9:131).
- James, m. by 17 June 1690,
Sarah, dau. of Henry Woolchurch (TALR 5: 258).
- James, m. by 4 Aug 1761,
Elizabeth, admx of Daniel Powell of TA Co. (MDAD 46:427).
- Jeremiah, m. by 28 June
1754, Mary, dau. of Richard Clagett of PG Co. (MDAD 36:281).
- Jeremiah, m. by 20 Nov
1755, Mary, dau. of Richard Clagett of PG Co. (MDAD 38:242).
- William, m. by 3 March
1762, Naomi Johnson (DOLR 18 Old:151).
Berson (?), Edmond, m. by 4 March 1735/6, [-?-], dau. of
Francis Clarvo (MDAA 14:170).
- Nicholas, m. by 6 May 1747,
Margaret, widow of John Young of AA Co. (MDAD 23:207).
- Capt. Thomas, m. by 27
March 1679, Hester, widow of Henry Caplin of AA Co. (ARMD 51:262).
Best, Samuel, m. by 19 May 1732, Jane, widow and extx. of
William Brown of KE Co. (MWB 19:880; MDAD 11:599).
Beston, George, m. by 9 April 1699, Jane, relict and admx of James Taylor of
CE Co. (INAC 18:224).
- Jonathan, m. by 23 Nov
1763, Mary Harvey (DOLR 19 Old:71).
- Levin, m. by 1770, Dolly,
dau. of Daniel Jones (MWB 38Z:85).
- William, m. by 5 July 1735,
Tabitha, admx of Henry Parrish of DO Co. (MDAD 13:283).
Betfield, Meshacvk, m. by 23 June 1749, Sarah, widow of
Richard Greason of TA Co. (MDAD 26:118).
Bett (Belt?), Higginson, m. by 22 Aug 1748, Dorothy, widow of John Rogers,
Jr., of PG Co. (MDAD 19:450).
Betts, Humphrey, m. by 21 Jan 1742, Eliza, widow of Thomas Jennings of PG
Co. (MDAD 19:307).
Beuley, Rev. John, m. by 17 Aug 1771, Rachel, dau. of Nicholas Goldsborough,
Gent. (MDAD 66:195).
Bevan, Thomas, m. by 12 Oct 1691, Pretitia, extx. of William Ramsey of AA
Co. (TALR 5:331; AALR IH#3:91, says she was the widow of Ramsey).
Beven, Jesse, m. by 8 July 1775, Martha, admx of Esrom Hendrickson (BAAD
Bevin, George, m. 22 July 1804, Mary Ogle (Diary of William Faris, MHM
Beyas, Peter, m. by lic. dated 20 Dec 1799 Mary Bowers (WAML)
Beymen, Ebenezer, m. by 11 Oct 1766, [-?-], heir of Susanna Perkins of KE
Co. (MDAD 54:326).
Biays, Joseph, m. by 17 Feb 1800, Elizabeth, heir of Cornelius Clopper (BALR
WG#61, 380).
Bickum, [-?-], m. by 10 Nov 1751, Philadelphia, dau. of Jacob Gray of WO Co.
(MDAD 31:213).
- James, m. by 10 Aug 1686,
Margaret, extx. of James Nuthall (INAC 9:98; 10:184).
- John, m. by 1713, Ann,
widow of William Head of CV Co. (MWB 14:14).
Biggins, William, m. by 6 July 1734, Mary, dau. of Mary
Evans of SO Co. (MDAD 12:371).
Biggs, Henry, m. by 11 May 1754, Mary, dau. of Benjamin Posey of CH Co.
(MDAD 36:493).
Billings, James, d. by 12 Sep 1749, m. by 25 Jan 1733, Ann, dau. of John
Ryder, sister of Charles Rider (DOLR 6 Old:29, 9 Old: 145, 14:375, 17 Old:371).
- Bowles, m. by 2 June 1736,
Rachel, widow of Richard Lyon of SM Co. (MDAd 15:81).
- Francis, m. by 1670, Martha
Merritt of CV Co. (Pro. Court J or JJ: 185).
- Francis, m. by 1713,
Susannah Gover, of CV Co. (Rent Roll 1:2).
- Walter, m. by 4 Sep 1742,
Sarah, wid. of Robert Love (BALR TB#C:5).
Binks, John, m. by 24 Sep 1733, Mary, widow of Bartholomew
Dorsey of SM Co. (MDAD 12:135, 25:63).
Binley, John, m. by 1686; Blanche, relict of Wm. Stanton (Liber 9:124).
Binney, Benjamin, m. by 7 Aug 1766, Mary, widow of James Sterling of KE Co.
(MDAD 54:218).
Birch, John, m. by Feb 1723/4, Mary, legatee of Mary Rose of SM Co. (MDAD
Birchfield, Thomas, m. by 3 July 1722, Johanna, extx. of Edward Cantwell of
BA Co. (MDAD 4:213).
- Abraham, m. by 16 Oct 1724,
Rebecca, dau. of Francis Billingsley (DOLR 5 Old:60).
- Nehemiah, of AA Co., m. by
18 July 1746, Eliza Richardson (MDAD 22:206).
- John, m. by Nov 1680,
Eliza, extx. of Henry Lewis (ARMD 69:270, 366; INAC 7B:8).
- John, m. by Nov 1684, [-?-],
wid. of James Armstrong (BACP D:212).
- Thomas, m. by 22 Jan
1739/40, Sarah, dau. of William Elgate of SO Co. (MDAD 17:379).
- [-?-], m. by 1743, Jane,
dau. of William Carter of CH Co. (Liber 23:625;, MCHR 8 No. 1:325).
- Samuel, m. by 15 April 1768,
Elizabeth, dau. of thomas Howell of DO Co. (MDAD 58:172).
Birmingham, John, m. by 28 Feb 1727, Veronica, dau. of Isaac
Ven Bebber of CE Co. (MDAD 9:3).
- [-?-], of SM Co., d. by 2
May 1732; m. Ann, dau. of Thomas Jackson of SM Co.; she m. 2nd Owen
Smithson of SM Co. (BALR IS#L:256).
- George, m. by 1776,
Araminta, dau. of Henry Carroll of SM Co. (MWB 40:456).
- James, m. by 9 July 1686,
Sarah, admx of Charles Priest of SM Co. (INAC 9:45).
- John, of SM Co., m. by
1752, Elizabeth Mackey (MDAD 33:208).
- Benoni, m. by 22 Oct 1677,
Sarah, relict and extx. of Benjamin Hancock of TA Co. (INAC 4:452).
- Daniel, m. by 13 Jan 1764,
Mary Ann, dau. of Peter Cornelius of QA Co. (MDAD 50:276).
- Richard, m. by 2 May 1768,
Mary, widow of Joseph Broadaway and dau. of James Devorix of QA Co. (MDAD
- Risdon, m. by 21 Nov 1763,
Mary, admx of Philip Brooks of KE Co. (MDAD 50:99, 297).
- Robert, m. by 22 May 1744,
Elizabeth, widow of Nicholas Day, and dau. and heir of Christopher Cox
(BALR TB#E:63; MDAD 21:167).
- Robert, m. by 22 Dec 1744, [-?-],
dau. of Joseph Porter (MDAD 21:68, 71).
- Thomas, m. by 23 Aug 1757,
Margaret, widow of Hugh Morgan of BA Co. (MDAD 30:224).
Bissup, William, m. by 20 Nov 1728, Sabarah, extx. of Thomas
Outten of SO Co. (MWB 19:51; MDAD 9:305).
Bitter, Thomas, m. by 21 May 1736, [-?-], dau. of William Fossett of SO Co.
(MDAD 15:17).
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