Warner T. McGuinn:


photograph of McGuinn

McGuinn was "Baltimore's most brilliant lawyer" and a respected politician as well

Warner T. McGuinn served two terms as a Republican on the Baltimore City Council: 1919-1923 and 1927-1931. [1] "I shall do my best in the City Council to fulfill every pledge that has been made during the campaign, especially as regards the health and school conditions of the race." [2] It appears that McGuinn achieved more than merely keeping campaign promises. The Sun in 1927 had this to say about his service (reprinted in his obituary): "No member has been more efficient or more earnest in endeavoring to promote public welfare than Warner T. McGuinn. . . He set an example of nonpartisanship in consideration of measures before the Council, and when he spoke upon them showed that he had taken pains to inform himself. His record deserves commendation." [3]

Personal Life

Professional Career



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