Chancery Court Abstract

Washington County, Maryland


McCOY - To Appoint a Trustee for Daniel McCOY, a Lunatic - Washington County - 1801

John McCOY & Joseph McCOY claim Daniel McCOY is their brother 
who is upwards of 50 years of age, owns a tract of land containing 
100+ acres and is unstable in mind and unable to make contracts.  
They ask for a writ of lunacy and to appoint a trustee to handle
his affairs.  Appearing on 8 April 1801, was John McCOY, Joseph McCOY, 
Jacob NINOD?, Martha Maria McCOY and Tomis McCOY and made oath to the 
petition.  The jurors however found Daniel McCOY not to be an idiot 
or lunatic.  (not recorded)
[MSA S512-3535; Loc 1-36-4-54-3427, filed 12 May 1801]

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