An Act of Assembly passed an Insolvent Act in Nov 1792 called "Relief of Fundry" George ADAMS was indebted to Frederick Lodowick HENOP and filed for insolvency. Land - "Rattle Snake Spring", 255 acres; - "Monocacy Manor" (part) At the hearing, he was asked if he had removed any property to Kentucky, namely a wagon, horses, Negroes and phaeton*. He was also asked if, in the Fall of 1792, he sent to Kentucky, by his brothers, several Negroes consisting of 200 men, SAMUEL, BENJAMIN, a yellow woman and two girls. He responded he hadn't; it was his brother Andrew and they had belonged to his father. He owed two bonds of $300 each to Gen WILLIAMS. *(Dictionary describes phaeton as "a light four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle)
website by Dorinda Davis Shepley