Archives of Maryland
Historical List
General Assembly
Session of December 7, 1818 - February 19, 1819
Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., Archives of Maryland, Historical List, new series, Vol. 1. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1990.
a - appointed; d - died; dcl - declined; dns - did not serve; ds - dismissed; e - elected; ev - election voided;
pres - president of the Senate; pres p. t. - president pro tem of the Senate; psa - post-session appointment; psd - post-session death;
psr - post-session resignation; r - resigned; s - suspended; spkr - speaker of the House; spkr p.t. - speaker pro tem of the House;
(D) - Democrat; (R) - Republican.

William Spencer, President of the Senate
James Brown, Speaker of the House

Western Shore
Eastern Shore
Edward H. Calvert, r
Joseph Cresap
Clement Dorsey, dns, r [1]
Peter Emerson
Robert P. Magruder
Virgil Maxcy
George D. Parnham, e
Roger Brooke Taney
Richard W. West, e, dns
George Winchester, r
William H. Winder
William Carmichael
Levin Gale
Henry Hollyday
William Hughlett
George W. Jackson
William Spencer, pres

House of Delegates
Allegany County 
Joseph Tomlinson
William Shaw
Samuel Thomas
James Tidball
Dennis Claude
John Stephen
Anne Arundel County
William H. Marriott
Rezin Estep
Thomas H. Dorsey
Charles Stewart
Baltimore City
Thomas Kell
Henry M. Breckenridge
Baltimore County
Adam Showers
John B. Snowden
Ebenezer S. Thomas
Edward Orrick
Calvert County
John Beckett
Daniel Kent
John Date
James A.D. Dalrymple
Caroline County
Frederick Holbrook
Thomas Saulsbury
Peter Willis
Nathan Whitby
Cecil County
John Wroth
David Mackey
John Moffitt
David Patten
Charles County
Clement Dorsey [1]
Daniel Jenifer
Henry Brawner
Robert Garner
Dorchester County
William W. Eccleston
Benjamin W. Lacompte
Solomon Frazier
Levin Lake
Frederick County
Joshua Cockey
Thomas C. Worthington
John H.M. Smith
Thomas Hawkins
Harford County
Israel D. Maulsby
Alexander Norris
James Steel
George Henderson
Kent County
Henry Tilghman
William Knight
William Pryor
Thomas B. Hynson
Montgomery County
George C. Washington
Ephraim Gaither
Ezekiah Linthicum
Benjamin S. Forrest
Prince George's County
George Semmes
William D. Digges
James Somerville
Samuel Claggett
Queen Anne's County
James Roberts
Kinsey Harrison
James Brown, spkr
William R. Stuart
St. Mary's County
Thomas Blackistone
Benedict J. Heard
Philip B. Greenwall
John R. Plater, Jr.
Somerset County
Henry K. Long
James Murray
Levin R. King
Matthias Dashiell
Talbot County
Nicholas Goldsborough
Thomas Frazier
William Hayward
William H. Tilghman
Washington County
William Yates
Thomas Keller
Thomas Kennedy
Jacob Schnebly
Worcester County
William Quinton
Ephraim K. Wilson
George Hayward
Thomas N. Williams

1. Dorsey resigned from the Senate on December 9, 1818, because he had been elected to a seat in the House.

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