First Session: April 26, 1715 - June 3, 1715Source:
Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., Archives of Maryland, Historical List, new series, Vol. 1. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1990.
Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789, Vols. 1&2. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State
Archives, 1985.a - appointed; c - Council (Upper House); d - died; dcl - declined; dns - did not serve; ds - dismissed; e - elected; ev - election voided;
pres - president of the Senate; pres p. t. - president pro tem of the Senate; psa - post-session appointment; psd - post-session death;
psr - post-session resignation; r - resigned; s - suspended; spkr - speaker of the House; spkr p.t. - speaker pro tem of the House;
(D) - Democrat; (R) - Republican.
Upper House | |
Edward Lloyd
William Holland Thomas Ennalls William Coursey Samuel Young Thomas Greenfield |
John Hall
William Whittington Thomas Addison Richard Tilghman Philemon Lloyd |
Lower House | |||
Amos Garrett Benjamin Tasker |
Anne Arundel County
Daniel Mariatee Joseph Hill Alexander Warfield Thomas Bordley |
Baltimore County
James Maxwell James Philips Richard Colegate Francis Dollahyde |
Calvert County
John Mackall John Rousby Alexander Parran Thomas Holdsworth |
Cecil County
John Ward Matthias Vanderheyden Ephraim Augustus Herman Francis Mauldin |
Charles County
John Fendall Thomas Dent Thomas Stone Joseph Harrison |
Dorchester County
Roger Woolford Henry Trippe Pater Taylor John Hudson |
Kent County
James Harris William Blay St. Ledger Codd Andrew Hamilton |
Prince George's County
Robert Tyler Thomas Sprigg Josiah Wilson John Bradford |
Queen Anne's County
John Whittington Charles Wright Solomon Clayton Edward Brown |
St. Mary's County
Thomas Trueman Greenfield John Baker Samuel Williamson Matthew Mason |
Somerset County
John Purnell Thomas Dashiell Charles Ballard Samuel Hopkins |
Talbot County
Robert Ungle, spkr Matthew Tilghman Ward Thomas Robins Foster Turbutt |
to Maryland Government, Historical List
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