stopped a short distance east of the Bridge

and the companies formed into Batallion.

No Adjutant being present I appointed

to that position Col Maulsby  [ 12 ] who had

volunteered as a private in Capt Ritchies

company, and the Batallion moved

to the entrance of the Bridge on the

Maryland Shore and was halted.

The Bridge was found to be unoccu-

pied by the Va troops, and having

become v[er]y dark, it was impossible

to obtain any information in regard

to its condition and whether it had

or not been retaken by the Insur-

gents. I felt the responsibility of

marching the Batallion through

the Bridge when it might have been

subject to a severe attack, but no resourse

remaining after it had halted about

one minute, it resumed its march,

and with fixed bayonets, and the

Field Officers in front pressed through

to the Va Shore without encounter-

ing friend or foe. I caused the

presence of my command and a tender

of its services to be communicated

to Col Baylor whom I found

in command of the Va. volunteers

and of the place, and in compliance

with his request immediately placed

detachments of each company on

guard at each point around the

Armory works into which the Insur-

gents had been driven by the Va

military and armed Citizens before

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