and Lieutenant Green [ 33 ] entered followed by their men

and although the Insurgents fought desperately to the

last, in a very short time, all were killed, badly

wounded or made prisoners. Dr. Wm Tyler Jr. [ 34 ] surgeon

of Capt Ritchie’s Company Surgeons Delashmutt [ 35 ] of the Rifles and

Surgeon Goldsborough [ 36 ] of the Guards were constantly at hand

to render any service which might be required. Dr. Tyler

obtained a position inside of the yard, followed the Marines

to the charge and was the first to receive and attend to the

Marine who was mortally wounded. Detachments of the

Guards, Defenders, and Rifles were marched into the

enclosure and kept on duty for a short time, when

the Batallion was discharged from further service

and returned to Frederick in the afternoon of Tuesday. [ 37 ]

In concluding my report to my commanding

officer, I ask leave to add my approval of the soldierly

bearing, discipline, and readiness to discharge

every duty assigned, displayed by each officer

and private of the companies which formed the

Batallion under my command.

    I am General,

      With respect

         Your obedient servt

           Edward Shriver

           Col Commanding 16th Regt.

           M[aryland] M[ilitia]

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