permit his prisoners [to] retire. As I believed

his terms could not be acceded to, and

it was useless to risk the lives of innocent

unoffending gentlemen. He replied

that they were gentlemen and he should be

sorry to hurt a hair of their heads, but that

he had secured them as hostages for his

own safty and the safety of his men and

he should use them accordingly. After

thoroughly ascertaining that they would

surrender on no terms, and that the

prisoners held by them would be released

on no other than the terms mentioned by

Capt Brown we retired and on a

conference being had with all the

Field Officers then present

it was resolved and announced by

Col Baylor the commanding Officer

that at daylight the position of the

Insurgents should be assaulted and

taken with the Bayonet, in order to

secure as far as possible the safety

of the prisoners. This communication

was made to the Officers and men

of the Frederick Military and re-

ceived with evidences of satisfaction.

The aforegoing resolution it is pro-

per to say contemplated the assault

to be made by the Frederick and Va

military—then on the ground. About

2 Oclock on Tuesday morning Col

Lee [ 18 ] of the U.S.A. arrived, in com-

mand of a company of Marines,

and took command of all the mil-

itary present and of the operations.

© Maryland State Archives, 2000, an Archives of Maryland publication