our arrival, from which escape was

possible. I now learned that the Insur-

gents had originally consisted of twenty two

desperadoes from other sections of the

Country, more than half of whom had al-

ready been killed, disabled or captured

by the armed Citizens of the place and

Va Military. [ 13 ] The duty of guarding

the Enclosure within which the rem-

nant of the Insurgents had been driven

and where they had strongly fortified

themselves was during the whole night

confided to my command, together with

a body of Va Military, and was

faithfully performed. The detachments

were regularly relieved every two hours

and I cannot too highly extol the

zeal and vigilance and alacrity

which were displayed by all the men.

The Insurgents are believed to have

meditated escape that night and to

have made efforts to that end, but

were effectually checked by the vig-

ilance of the men on guard. They

had posted themselves in a Brick Buil-

ding [ 14 ] and had constructed loopholes by

cutting out bricks in the walls, by

means of which they could rake with

their fire the street in which detach-

ments from my command were

placed on guard for a distance of

several hundred feet, and the guards

were repeatedly fired on during the

night, without however I am happy

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