that the best policy in matters of religion was to keep their criticisms
of another's faith to themselves. The Act did not prohibit
preaching and efforts to persuade others to a particular religious point
of view (as long as it was a Christian point of view), but it did provide
severe strictures and fines for those who would openly criticize or slander
any belief, Christian or non-Christian. The language of the law is explicit:
...whatsoever person or
persons shall from henceforth upon any occasion of offence otherwise in
a reproachfull manner or way declare care call or denominate any person
or persons whatsoever inhabiting, residing, traficking, trading or comercing
within this province or within any ports, harbours, creeks or havens to
the same belonging, an Heretick, Schismatick, Idolator, Puritan, Independent
Presbyterian, Antenomian, Barrowist, Roundhead, Seperatist, Popish Priest,
Jesuit, Jesuited Papist, Lutheran, Calvenist, Anabaptist, Brownist or any
other name or term in a reproachful manner relating to matters of Religion
shall for every such offence forfeit and lose the sum of ten shillings
Sterling or the value there of to be levied on the goods and chattels of
every such offender and offenders
and if they could not pay,
they were to be "publickly whipt and imprisoned without bail" until "he,
she, or they shall satisfy the party so offended or grieved by such reproachful
language, ... ."
If only the people in and
surrounding Kosovo, the people of Ireland, of India, of countless other
troubled places on this earth, had the vision to adopt the best elements
of such a law and had the stamina, self discipline, and drive to abide
by its provisions of not criticizing others for their religious views,
perhaps the unconscionable bloodshed that we read about every morning and
see every evening on the news could be avoided.
The Maryland Act Concerning
Religion also attempted to separate church and state, a constitutional
principle that would have to wait another 150 years before it became accepted |