SC 5149: Society of Colonial
Wars in the State of Maryland Collection, 1768. The Trial of Frederick
Calvert, Esq; Baron of Baltimore, in the kingdom of Ireland, for a Rape
on the body of Sarah Woodcock; and of Eliz. Griffen burg, and Ann Harvey,
otherwise Darby, as Accessories before the Fact, For procuring, aiding
and abetting him in committing the said Rape. At the Assizes held
at Kingston, for the county of Surry, on Saturday, the 26th of March 1768,
before the Honorable Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe, Knt, one of the Barons
of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. Edinburgh: Printed for John Balfour.
SC 5151: St. Anne's Cemetery
Collection, 1898-1993. Cemetery records, St. Anne's Cemetery in three volumes,
one from the Cedar Bluff section, 11 Jun. 1898- 27 Aug. 1946, and two from
the main portion of the cemetery, 5 Mar. 1946-4 Feb. 1967 and 27 Feb. 1967
- 9 Aug. 1993. Includes 7 typewritten pages covering 2 June 1924-20 Apr.
1937. Restricted.
SC 5153: Chamberlain Collection,
1960-1978. Record of marriages performed in the home of Rev. Robert S.
Chamberlain, minster of District Heights Presbyterian Church. Rev. Chamberlain
died in Florida in January 1984. The church closed in April 1998, combining
with another church in Camp Springs. Weddings performed at District Heights
Presbyterian Church were recorded in the church register. |