by Pat Melville
In 1898 the General Assembly directed the Maryland
Geological Survey to investigate road construction in the
state and to report its findings. Agency staff conducted
research and traveled throughout the state to examine road
conditions. The resulting
Report on the Highways of Maryland (MdHR 789518,
E14948) contained over 500 pages of text, maps, and
photographs. The publication included eight
Part I, "Introduction, Including an Account of the
Organization of Highway Investigations," by William
Bullock Clark;
Part II, "The Relations of Maryland Topography,
Climate and Geology to Highway Construction," by William
Bullock Clark;
Part III, "Highway Legislation in Maryland, and
Its Influence on the Economic Development of the State,"
by St. George Leakin Sioussat;
Part IV, "The Present Condition of Maryland
Highways." by Arthur Newhall Johnson;
Part V, "Construction and Repair of Roads," by
Arthur Newhall Johnson;
Part VI, "Qualities of Good Road-Metals, and the
Methods of Testing Them," by Harry Fielding Reid;
Part VII, "The Administration of Roads, Including
the Method and Expense of Road Improvements," by Harry
Fielding Reid; and
Part VIII, "The Advantages of Good Roads," by
Harry Fielding Reid.
Part III represents an attempt to look at the history of
roads in Maryland through an analysis of legislation
enacted over time, along with an examination of some
county records to ascertain