Hall of Records Commission
for a Meeting
at the Maryland State Archives
Electronic Classroom
12 Noon
November 22, 2004
Call to Order by the Chairman
Attendees and Introduction
of Special Guests
Christopher N. Allan
The Honorable Dale R. Cathell and William G. Kerbin, Jr.
Special Announcements
moment to Remember Jim Hefelfinger;
moment to Remember Judge Harry Cole and the 50th
Anniversary of his election to the Maryland Senate;
Formation of Friends of the Archives (Chris Allan, President and
Resident Agent).
Reports and Minutes of Previous Meetings
Proposed Action: motion of approval of minutes
(as amended, if amended), and recognition of the special meetings of the
Commission as defined by standing resolution.
Records Retention and Disposal
Proposed Action: motion of approval of Records
Retention and Disposal Schedules as presented.
Old Business
Archivist's Report and Staff Activities
(see the Maryland State Archives' Bulldog
for additional details)
May 6: Dr. Papenfuse addressed the Women's Club of Roland Park;
May 10: Celebration in the search room for Kim Moreno, Sasha Lourie,
and Ryan Polk receiving their MA degrees in May; Salvador Barragan getting
married; Thriveni Palanivelu becoming an American citizen; and saying goodbye
to the spring interns and to Underground Railroad researcher Ellen Loll;
May 11: Mr. Baker and Ms. Moreno spoke briefly re: mdlandrec.net
at Maryland Land Title Association Annual Meeting, Columbia Hilton;
May 13: Mr. Swanson attended the Land Record Improvement Oversight
Committee meeting at Sentinel Title;
May 18: Dr. Papenfuse attended Governor's Consulting Committee Meeting
on Historic Sites;
May 21: Chip DiPaula, Secretary of Budget and Management, visited
and toured the Archives;
May 22: Dr. Papenfuse addressed the Society of Colonial Wars General
Delegates in the 1st floor conference room, West, of the Miller Building;
May 25: Dr. Papenfuse addressed the Ft. Garrison Chapter of the Colonial
Dames of the 17th Century at the home of Mary Parks in Homeland in Baltimore
May 25: Dr. Terry was a guest on the Marc Steiner Show panel discussion
on Harriet Tubman;
May 26: Dr. Papenfuse and Ms. Calver met with Delegate Petzold and
Dorey Stacks re: Women's Hall of Fame display;
June 2: Ms. Squires attended Celebration of the Maryland Women's
Heritage Center at Government House;
July 14: Mr. McCormick met with Maurice Possley, reporter from the
Chicago Tribune;
July 21: Mr. McCormick represented Dr. Papenfuse at the Maryland
Historical Society Library Committee meeting;
July 22: Messrs. Baker and McCormick hosted Taiwanese Minister of
Research, Evaluation and Development with three other officials of the
Taiwanese National Archives including a tour of the Archives;
July 28, August 30, September 29 and November 3: Ms. Melville attended
the Circuit Courts Retention Schedule Committee meeting in the Judicial
Training Center;
September: Article by Elaine Bachmann, Circa
1961: The Kennedy White House Interiors published in the
White House History Journal;
September 2: Discovery of cornerstone in the Bloomsbury demolition
September 10: Mr. Schoeberlein attended Crownsville Cemetary dedication;
September 13: Ren Serey and LeeAnne Chandler with the DNR Critical
Areas Commission and Doldon Morre, State Wetlands Administrator with the
BPW, met with Dr. Papenfuse and Mr. Richardson re: better understanding
of the land patents process and patents for submerged lands;
September 14: Dr. Papenfuse and Mr. Baker attended the Clerk's Association
meeting at the Judicial Training Center;
September 16: Dr. Papenfuse and Mr. Baker attended meeting with Judge
Bell, Scott MacGlashan, David Durfee, Mike Neale and Sally Rankin at the
Courts of Appeal Building re: PIA requests for purchase of land record
September 23: Jim Reilly, Clerk, Harford County Circuit Court, Mary
Bickford (Chief Deputy Clerk), Susan Lochary (Supervisor of Civil Dept.)
and Diane Burke (Supervisor of Criminal Dept.) met with Dr. Papenfuse,
Mr. Baker and Ms. Moreno and toured the Archives;
September 30-October 2: Dr. Papenfuse attended, on behalf of Judge
Bell, the seventh annual meeting of the State and Federal Court Historical
Society Administrators and Trustees in conjunction with the AASLH annual
meeting in St. Louis MO;
October 8-9: Dr. Papenfuse attended fall meeting of the Historic
St. Mary's City Commission;
October 13: Dr. Papenfuse attended Library of Congress National Digital
Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program at the Jurys Washington
Hotel in Washington D.C.;
October 20: Dr. Papenfuse attended MLA Advisory Board meeting;
November 13: Dr. Papenfuse addressesd the Broadmead retirees;
November 15: Dr. Papenfuse and Ms. MacAdam met with Maureen Kavanagh,
Mary Louise DeSaaran, and Orlando Ridout V to discuss how the MD
Historical Trust Sites Survey project should be continued and maintained;
November 15-16: Messrs. Baker and Yang attended Partnerships in
Innovation conference hosted by the University of Maryland at the National
Archives and Records Administration in College Park MD;
November 17: Dr. Papenfuse, Ms. Calver, and Mr. Lourie met with Tom
Darden and Ed Blakely re: photo web publishing project for the Governor's
November 18: Dr. Papenfuse addressed Preservation Maryland at its
annual meeting.
Administrative and Fiscal Matters
Budget Issues, Past, Present and Future:
July 12: Audit exit meeting for Information Systems Discussion Notes;
July 13: Audit Exit Meeting - Legislative
Audit Discussion Notes;
October 21: William Honablew (Archives' new legislative budget analyst)
and Dave Ryker (Archives budget analyst) met with Dr. Papenfuse and Mr.
Budget Submission;
report to joint
IT Progress.
Facilities Update:
Gift from the Dorothy and Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. Foundation, Inc., for
the publication of a booklet on the construction of the Wye Oak desk ($20,000)
Education and Outreach
Courses taught and lectures given by State Archivist (see prior resolution
on 4/19/2000):
May 13: Boys' Latin School field trip to Annapolis;
May 20: Dr. Papenfuse conducted a short presentation with Professor
Power on inter-disciplinary teaching efforts (Barron v. Baltimore);
June 15: Ms. Melville served as judge at National History Day, UMCP;
June 17: Tom Stucky with the Associated Press met with Dr. Papenfuse
re: Charter Day, June 20;
July 1: Dr. Papenfuse and Ms. Bramucci conducted workshops at UMBC
as part of the Teaching American History program to Baltimore City public
school teachers relating to online primary sources available to teachers
for incorporation in the classroom.;
July 14: Ms. Bramucci conducted a workshop at UMBC to Baltimore County
public school teachers as part of the Teaching American History Grant;
July 15: Dr. Papenfuse and Ms. Bramucci conducted workshops at UMBC
as part of the Teaching American History in Maryland program to Baltimore
County public school teachers relating to online primary sources available
to teachers for incorporation in the classroom;
August 11: Mr. Lourie gave a lecture to a group from the Smithsonian
Associates, program entitled: In Pursuit of Really Fine Furniture: Discovering
the World of Beautiful Antiques;
August 23: Mr. Haley loaned books/materials and attended Diversity
Fair at the Judicial Training Center;
September 1: Dr. Papenfuse addressed teachers from Salisbury University
Wicomico County;
September 22: Dr. Papenfuse taught a Judicial Institute course on
Legal History at the Judicial Training Center;
September 22: Ms. Bachmann attended Presenting the White House:
A Decorative Arts Symposium, Decatur House, Washington DC and moderated
a panel discussion on the Kennedy White House Restoration;
September 23: Marty Sullivan, Brownwyn McCarthy and Rod Cofield met
with Dr. Papenfuse re: Nutheads;
October 9: Mr. Lourie presented paper at Museum of Early Southern Decorative
Arts (MESDA) on Men...of some influence in the city: William and Washington
Tuck and Annapolis Cabinetmaking, 1795-1838, Winston Salem, NC;
October 9: Ms. Bramucci and Messrs. Barnes and Mason talked at Keuthe
Library for the Anne Arundel County Historical Society on archival resources
for medical institutions in Baltimore;
November 9: Rob Schoeberlein presented at Londontown Historic
Site on the subject of poor relief and almshouses in Maryland.
Recent Gifts, Deposits and Acquisitions
Government Records
June 24: Francis Zumbrun, DNR, Green Ridge State Forest met with
Richard Richardson and Rob Schoeberlein re: delivery of first transfer
of GRSF records to Archives
Archives Endowment Fund
Proposed Action by the Commission: Resolution
of Appreciation for the recent gifts.
Archives of Maryland On Line
Finding Aids, Reference Services, and Publications:
2004 Internship Program
June 11: Seminar: Finding Records at the MSA - Finding Aides,
Indices, Search Engines by Pat Melville;
June 14: Seminar: Records Handling, Care, and Preservation
by Vicki Lee and Jennifer Cruickshank;
June 16: Meet the State Archivist of Maryland, Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse;
July 7: Presentation by Ryan Polk on A Case Study in Baltimore Connissiourship;
July 12: Seminar: Rob Schoeberlein to discuss the photographic
collection in the Oblate Sisters' archival holdings;
July 12: Presentation by Sister Mary Reginald re: Black Nuns in
a Slave Society: First Sisterhood of African Americans
sponsored by the Maryland Humanities Council;
July 23: Presentation by Leonard Blackshear and Judy Cabral of the
Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation;
July 28: Seminar: Bill Sleeman, Government Documents Librarian,
Thurgood Marshall Library, University of Maryland Law School;
August 2: Field trip to Roedown Farm;
August 4: Presentation by Sasha Lourie, Have honestly and fairly
laboured for money: William and Washington Tuck and Annapolis Cabinetmaking,
August 9: Ms. Bachmann and Mr. Lourie conducted walking tour of State
House and Government House;
August 16: Farewell reception.
Forthcoming special meetings of the Commission and events
of interest
January 10: Dr. Papenfuse to meet with Jean Barry-Molz at Blakehurst
Retirement Community re: map of Canton;
March 18: Dr. Papenfuse to teach Maryland Legal History course on
Depression, War, 1867-1945, at the Judicial Training Center;
March 24: Dr. Papenfuse to participate in Maryland Day ceremonies
for the Maryland Colonial Society essay contest;
March 25: Dr. Papenfuse to give Maryland Day address in St. Mary's
City, MD;
March 31-April 1: Dr. Papenfuse to attend the 2005 OAH Annual Meeting,
and their Publics, in San Francisco CA;
April 6: Dr. Papenfuse to address the Wednesday Club at the Maryland
June (date to be announced): Dr. Papenfuse to serve as lecturer for
both sessions of the Landmarks of American History workshop for teachers
sponsored by St. Mary's College of Maryland and Historic St. Mary's City;
June 20: Dr. Papenfuse to address the Carroll County Genealogical
Society at Deer Park United Methodist Church in Smallwood MD;
October 18: Visit by Questers to see the preserved Kent County books
and Dr. Papenfuse to give presentation and tour of the Archives.
Next meeting
At the call of the Chair for some time in spring.
State Archivist
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
(410) 260-6403.
Email: edp@mdarchives.state.md.us
© Copyright Maryland State Archives