Historical County Maps from The Maryland State Archives
Atlas of Historical Maps of Maryland 1608-1908

An exhibit for the Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. Senate Building
Janaury 2004

The maps of the counties of Maryland and Baltimore City encompassed in this exhibit are drawn from the newly published Maryland State Archives Atlas of Historical Maps of Maryland. The maps on display include:

      Anne Arundel: Martenet 1860

Baltimore County & City: Taylor 1857 
    Calvert: Martenet 1865
    Caroline: Isler 1875 
    Carroll: Martenet 1862
    Cecil: Martenet 1858
Charles: Martenet 1865
    Dorchester: Martenet 1865
    Frederick: Bond 1858
    Allegany, Garrett & Washington: Martenet Map of Maryland 1885
(upper left quadrant)
Harford: Jennings & Herrick 1858
Howard: Martenet 1860
Kent: Martenet 1860
    Montgomery: Martenet 1865
    Prince George's: Martenet 1861
    Queen Anne's: Strong 1866
    St. Mary's: Martenet 1865
    Somerset: Martenet 1865
    Talbot: Martenet 1865
    Washington: Martenet 1865
    Worcester: Martenet 1865

The Map That Shaped Baltimore: Poppleton Map of 18??