Hall of Records Commission

for a Meeting 
at the Maryland State Archives
Electronic Classroom
12 Noon
June 4, 2002

Call to Order by the Chairman
Chairman Bell called the meeting to order at 12:18 p.m.
Attendees & Introduction of Special Guests
Chairman Bell welcomed the newest member of the Hall of Records Commission, Treasurer Nancy Kopp who was sworn in on February 14, 2002. Treasurer Kopp said she had mixed feelings when she realized what the date was going to be, but now thinks it was a lovely day.  She said that the job of Treasurer is multifaceted and diverse.  However, she has always loved the Archives and thought very highly of Dr. Papenfuse's work, so to be part of it is truly an honor.  Chairman Bell said he looks forward to the Treasurer's help.

Reports and Minutes of Previous Meetings

Records Retention and Disposal Schedules

Old Business

Archivist's Report & Staff Activities 
     (see the Maryland State Archives Bulldog for additional details)

Special Announcements

Dr. Papenfuse announced the resignation of Chris Allan as Deputy State Archivist and, at the same time, welcomed the Archives' new Deputy State Archivist, Tim Baker.  Dr. Papenfuse said that Chris's leaving is very difficult for him, and that this building would not be here if it were not for Chris Allan.  Chris had been working on the staff as an assistant to Lois Carr and Dr. Papenfuse soon discovered that Chris was interested in research, understood the history of the state, and cared about his work assignments. When it came to designing and building the new Hall of Records, a project that was strongly supported by the Commission, Dr. Papenfuse needed someone who understood construction to make sure things went smoothly.  Chris was a natural choice as he came from a construction background. He attended every progress meeting on the building, and the fact that there were very few change orders and the building was brought in at almost $3 million under contract are thanks to Chris' dedication and hard work.

Chris also realized that the future of the Archives lay in dealing with the electronic record effectively.  He was the first person to think about networking and he was able to build an inexpensive networking system.  Chris has built an IT operation at the Archives that has no peer in the state.

Chairman Bell presented Chris Allan with a Governor's Proclamation and thanked him on behalf of the Commission for the many years and contributions he has made, as well as best wishes as he goes on to a new challenge.  The Governor's Proclamation reads:

Governor of the State of Maryland to Christopher N. Allan
Be it known that on behalf of the citizens of this state, in recognition of the dedication and professionalism you have demonstrated during the long and distinguished career as a State employee, in honor of your significant contributions to the great State of Maryland during your association with the Maryland State Archives, and as an expression of our admiration, great respect and gratitude of 26 years of exemplary service to the citizens of Maryland, we are please to confer upon you this Governor's Citation given under my hand and the great seal of the State of Maryland this 4th day of June 2002.
Parris N. Glendening, Governor
John T. Willis, Secretary of State
Senator Miller presented Chris with a Senate Resolution congratulating him on 25 years of dedicated service.  He said that not only had Chris been diligent in protecting the State's property and history, but he always had a smile on his face.  He said that he is proud of what Chris has done for Maryland, and the Archives' facility is much better for Chris's having been here.

As Delegate Conroy could not attend today's meeting, Dr. Papenfuse presented Chris with a House Resolution on her behalf which read:

In appreciation of your 25 years of dedicated service to the public and your tireless efforts to preserve and protect Maryland's historical records.
Lastly, Dr. Papenfuse read the following personal note and presented Chris with a gift certificate from Home Depot:
Dear Chris:
On behalf of myself, the staff, and the Hall of Records Commission, enclosed is a small token of our appreciation for your years of dedicated service to the Archives.  The people of Maryland and all our patrons around the world owe you a great debt.  You've helped make MSA a viable, lasting collective memory.  We could not have done it without you.  It goes without saying that we will sorely miss your daily counsel and advice.  As you leave here, you can take great pride in what you personally have accomplished.  I look forward to working with you on a newly Friends of the Archives organization.
With all best wishes,
Chris said how wonderful a group the Commission has been over the years.  The support they have offered the Archives is unknown to both the public and often the Archives' staff.  The Commission's interest and concern for the welfare of the Archives is commendable and above and beyond the call of duty.  He said he is sad to be leaving but, after 25 years, it is time to do something new.  He noted that the people who work at the Archives are as dedicated to the work of the agency as in any institution in the country and it has been a great privilege to work with such qualified and exceptional people.  He gave special thanks to Lois Carr, historian for the St. Mary's City Commission, for allowing him the opportunity to come to Annapolis and work at the Archives. He also thanked Dr. Papenfuse, without whose assistance and encouragement the Archives could not have accomplished all that is has.

Next, Chris introduced his successor, Tim Baker who he has known since 1995 when Tim was director of support services in the Schaefer administration. Tim then worked with the transition there and became part of the Glendening administration for about a year. Thereafter, he took a job at the Department of Planning where he rose to become its CIO. According to Chris, Tim has many of the skills required to work at the Archives, including understanding IT and government.  Chris is very pleased to recommend Tim for the position of Deputy State Archivist.  Dr. Papenfuse added that an exception was made in order to hire Tim.

  • Grant to the Archives for the publication of the Maryland State Archives Atlas of Historical Maps of Maryland
  • About 20 years ago, Dr. Papenfuse published a book called The Historical Maps of Maryland.  With the assistance of his coauthor, Joe Coale, Dr. Papenfuse was able to obtain a $100,000 grant  from the Henry Rosenberg Foundation to do a 20th anniversary edition of the Atlas.  It will be twice as large as the original atlas and will contain every county wall map ever published and a total of 234 color illustrations.  The Atlas will be available for distribution next Maryland Day (March 25, 2003) and all of the images will be available for reproduction.  Dr. Papenfuse is very grateful to the Rosenberg Foundation for its support.
    Dr. Nelson offered a resolution of thanks to the Rosenberg Foundation and, in particular, Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. for his support of the new edition of the "Maryland State Archives Atlas of Historical Maps of Maryland," seconded by Dr. Phillips and unanimously approved, the Chairman concurring.

    Recent Gifts and Acquisitions

    Finding Aids, Reference Services, and Publications

    Education and Outreach

  • Courses taught and lectures given by Dr. Papenfuse (see prior resolution on 4/19/2000):
  • Forthcoming special meetings of the Commission & events of interest

    Administrative & Fiscal Matters

    Next meeting

    At the call of the Chair for sometime in late fall


    There being no further business to discuss, Dr. Nelson offered a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 p.m., which was seconded by Dr. Ridgway and unanimously approved, the Chairman concurring.

    Approved by the Hall of Records Commission, November 13, 2002

                                            The Honorable Robert M. Bell, Chairman

                                            Edward C. Papenfuse, Jr., Secretary

    Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse
    State Archivist

    Maryland State Archives

    350 Rowe Boulevard
    Annapolis, Maryland 21401
    (410) 260-6403.

    Email: edp@mdarchives.state.md.us

    © Copyright Maryland State Archives