Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 31
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Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 31
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30 yards; thence south 10° 30' west four thousand seven hundred and forty yards, by a line dividing the waters of Tangier sound, to a point where it intersects the straight line from Smith's Point so Watkins Point, said point of intersection being in latitude 37° 54' 21", longitude 75° 56' S5", bearing from Jane's Island light south 29° west, and from Horse Hammock south 34° 30' east. This point of intersection is marked °°.B" on the accompanying map. Thence north 85° 15' east six thousand seven hundred and twenty yards along the line abovementioned, which rune from Smith's Point to Watkins Point until it reaches the latter spot, namely, Watkins Point, which is in latitude 3fi° 54' 38", longitude 75° 52' 44". From Watkins Point the boundary line runs due east seven thousand eight hun- dred and eighty yards, to a point where it meets a line running through the middle of Pocomoke sound, which is marked 1° C" on the accompanying map, and is in lati- tude 37° 54' 38", longitude 75° 47' 50"; thence, by a line dividing the waters of Pocomoke sound, north 47° 80' east five thousand. two hundred and twenty yards, to a point in said sound marked I'D" on the accompanying map, in latitude 37° 56' 25", longitude 75° 45' 26"; thence following the middle of the Pocomoke river by a line of irregular curves, as laid down on the accompanying map, until it intersects the westward protraction of the boundary line marked by Scarborough and Calvert May 28;-16$8, at a point in the middle of the Pocomoke river and in lati. trade 37° 59' 37", longitude 75° 37' 04" ; thence, by the Scarborough and Calvert line, which runs 5° 15' north of east, to the Atlantic ocean. The latitudes, longitude, courses, and distance here given have been measured upon the Coast Chart No. 89of the United States Coast Survey, (sheet No. 8, Cheapeake Bay,) which is herewith filed a part of this I award and explanatory thereof. The original charter line is marked upon the said reap and shaded in blue. The present line of boundary, as ascertained and determined,' is also marl and. shaded in reel; while the yellow indicates the .line re-