Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 29
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Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 29
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line has been undisturbed by the subsequent acts of the parties; but where acquisitions have been made by one from the other of territory bounded by bays and rivers .such acquisitions extend constructively to the middle of the water. Maryland is by this award confined everywhere within the original limits of her charter. She ie allowed to go to it nowhere except on the short line running east from Watkins Point to the middle of the Pocomoke. At that ,place Virginia never crossed the charter to make a claim. What territory we adjudge to Virginia north of the char- ter line she has acquired either by compacts fairly made or else by a long and undisturbed possession. Her right to this territory, so acquired, is as good as if the original charter had never cut it off to Lord Baltimore. We have nowhere given to one of these States anything which fairly or legally belongs to the other; but in dividing the land :and the waters we have anxiously observed the Roman role, su:cm cuique tribuere. J. S. Bi.ecg, Pennsylvania. CHAS. J. JENKINS, Georgia. A. W. GRAHAM, Secretary.