Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 15
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Black & Jenkins Award,1877,
, Image No.: 15
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14 owner and master, was arrested for dredging in Maryland waters. The justice of the peace before whom the pro- ceeding was instituted condemned her, but on appeal to the County Court the judgment was reversed. The record does not show the grounds of the condemnation or the reasons of the reversal; but Tyler himself deposes from memory that he was finally cleared on the testimony of two old men, who swore to a State line running across Smith's Island, about three-quarters of a mile above Horse Hammock and over the bay to the mouth of the Anna- messex, which would throw the docks in quo of the offense within the jurisdiction of Virginia. If we assume that the issue, the evidence, and the legal reasons of the judgment are correctly reported by an unlearned man a quarter of a century after the trial, the inference is a fair one that the court of Somerset county believed the line to be where the witnesses said it was, and not at Home Hammock on one side of Tangier sound or at Watkins Point on the other. But are we now bound to accept that evidence as infallibly true? If it were delivered before us in the pending cause by the witnesses themselves we would take it at its worth. Its probative force is certainly not increased by being fished up from the oblivion of twenty five-years and pro- duced to us at second hand. We do not understand that anybody supposes the judgment itself to be binding as a determination of the subject-matter between the two States. The traditionary line of Tyler's grandfather and old Mr. Lawson must stand or fall by the natural strength of the facts which support and oppose it. Now, it is perfectly. ascertained that Virginia in 1851 did not pretend to have any claim on Smith's Island, above Horse Hammock, nor within -the limits of Somerset county on the bay shore above Watkins Point. This record of the Fashion case, considered as evidence of a line at Annamessex, is illegal, insufficient, and unsatisfactory, while the proofs which show that in truth the line was at Watkins Point are irresistible and overwhelming. If we are right thus far it follows that the original line