Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)

Captain William Smith (b. circa ? - d. circa ?)
MSA SC 5496-050804
War of 1812 Claimant, St. Mary's County, Maryland

Slaves in 1821:


  1. John, age three
  2. Eliza, age four
  3. Bell, age five
  4. Michael, age five
  5. Richard, age sixteen
  6. Walter, age eighteen
  7. Ignatius, age fifty-seven
  1. Sarah, under one year
  2. Saunida, age three
  3. Levinah, age three
  4. Bilba, age seven
  5. Kitty, age nine
  6. Mary, age ten
  7. Patty, age fourteen
  8. Gin, age eighteen
  9. Aness, age eighteen
  10. Henny, age eighteen
  11. Levinah, age twenty-one
  12. Luce, age twenty-two
  13. Alse, age twenty-four
  14. Rose, age forty-four
  15. Nell, age forty-eight
  16. Mary, age fifty-six

Source -

ST. MARY'S COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE TAX, (Assessment Record, Slaves), [MSA C1544-62]. William Smith, April 27, 1821.

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