Office Of The Governor

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Governor Ehrlich Appoints Pugh to House of Delegates

Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., today selected Catherine E. Pugh for appointment to the Maryland House of Delegates, representing the Legisl ative District 40 in Baltimore City. Pugh fills the vacancy created by the passing of Delegate Tony E. Fulton.

"Catherine Pugh has represented the citizens of Baltimore City as a Council member for years," said Governor Ehrlich. "I am con fident that she will equally represent the citizens of the City in her new capacity as Delegate and look forward to working with h er in the upcoming session of the Maryland General Assembly."

Pugh has been the president and CEO of C.E. Pugh & Company since 1988. She is responsible for managing and facilitating marke ting and communications contracts, as well as conducting employment skills and management training for companies and programs. She wa s elected to serve as a Baltimore City Council member from 1999 to 2004, where she introduced over 70 pieces of legislation to impr ove the community. She is an active member in her church and has received numerous awards and honors including the United States Small Busi ness Administration Minority Business Advocate of the Year Award and the Notable Black Women in Maryland Award. Pugh received her BS and Mast er's Degree from Morgan State University.

In case of a vacancy in the office of Delegate, the Governor appoints a replacement whose name is submitted to him wit hin thirty days by the Central Committee for the legislative district and the party which the former incumbent was affiliated.

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