Maryland Flag
October, 2002

Tapping Technology

Image Descriptions

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Cover Image

In the top left corner of the screen is the Maryland Technology Assistance Program logo. In the bottom left is the Maryland State Seal. Between the two images in the left margin are the words "Tapping Technology" in embossed lettering. Across the top of the page, five embossed squares enclose five symbols; a stylized wheelchair, hands signing, an "A" with the words "Audio Description" below, a question mark in a circle, and six dots - two across and three down - with the word "Braille" below.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 4, Pic 1

A man with blonde hair sits in a wheelchair. A young girl in a green shirt stands beside him reading from a sheet of paper. They both face a group of people. There are a few people standing behind them as well.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 4, Pic 2

A man in a green shirt stands at a table. He is holding up a cushioned seat for a wheelchair. There are a few teenagers sitting in front of him. On the left side of the picture is a young man wearing a blue shirt and sitting in a wheelchair.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 4, Pic 3

A woman wearing a blue top and pants stands in front of a table with various tech gadgets on it. In front of her sits a group of teenagers.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 5, Pic 1

A brown-carpeted ramp runs up the middle of a classroom. There are brown desks on both sides of the ramp.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 5, Pic 2

Two black lockers sit side-by-side. The locker on the right has a traditional turn-knob lock on it. The locker on the left has a cubby area where someone would place their hand to access the lock and latch to open the locker.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 5, Pic 3

Pictured is a library reference desk. The left side of the desk is raised high, for someone to stand at. However, on the right, is the lower and prominent half of the reference desk, which allows people of all heights and those who are seated in wheelchairs, to more comfortably check out books and speak with the librarians.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 5, Pic 4

A gray and brown desk in the library (which is extra-wide to allow individuals in wheelchairs to easily access it) is next to numerous shelves of books. The desk is split in half with a partition that holds lights at the top of it. The switches for the lights are at the end of each desk, directly below the tabletop. A young man is reading at the desk.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Art 5, Pic 5

A man with gray hair and in a black wheelchair sits at a computer table. In front of him is a computer and keyboard. The height of the computer desk is accessible to an individual in a wheelchair.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Book 1, pic 1

A line-drawn house is on a blue cover of a book. The house is drawn in pink, blue, orange, yellow, and green. Above the house, it reads "Nonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home. A Parent's Guide." Below the house, in white lettering, it reads "Pamela B. Tanguay. Foreward by Bryon P. Rourke, FRSC." Below that is a small image of a deer walking through snow.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

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