Maryland Flag
October, 2002

Tapping Technology


Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Assistive Technology & Accessible Media in Higher Education

5th Annual Accessing Higher Ground Conference

With EASI and NCAM Mini Institutes

November 6-8, 2002
University of Colorado at Boulder

For more information, visit the website
Contact Disability Services at 303-492-8671 (v/tty) or
email at

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Assistive Technology Industry Association's 2003 Conference

Orlando, FL
January 15-18, 2003

Explore AT at the ATIS 2003 conference with emphasis areas in:

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Blindness/Low Vision
  • Computer Access
  • Curriculum Adaptations
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Electronic Aids to Daily Living
  • Games and Recreation
  • Learning Disabilities/Study Aids/ Literacy
  • Mechanical Accessories and Mounting Devices
For more information, visit or call 1-877-687-2842

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

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