Maryland Flag
August, 2001

Maryland Tap's Logo

Image Descriptions

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

Cover graphic:

A cartoon styled image flanks and is repeated along the left side of the screen. The cartoon shows a teacher seated at a desk surrounded by small children. The teacher has shoulder length curly brown hair, glasses, a red dress. On the desk is a computer. A small boy wearing glasses, blue clothing and holding a red apple stands just behind her on the right. A small boy and girl stand on the left, in front of her desk. The girl wears a pink dress, has blond ponytails and looks curiously at the teacher. The boy's hair is parted in the middle and flips upward at the temples. The boy wears a wide striped shirt is smiling.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 1 pic 1:

A left facing wheelchair consisting of blue patterned fabric on the back and seat, small rear and smaller front wheels, and two small pedals protruding from the front off of a single rod from under the chair.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 1 pic 2:

Same chair, side view. Motion showing how chair collapses and folds down flat.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 4 pic 1:

Head shot of a women with brown, shoulder length hair. She is smiling.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 5 pic 1:

View of audience taken from right rear of room looking toward the left. Room is brightly lit and there are several rows of chairs. There is a long row of tables in the front of the room with people sitting facing the audience.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 5 pic 2:

Another view of the audience from the rear, left side of room looking toward the right. A group of people are gathered in front of the long tables set up in the front of the room.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 5 pic 3:

A man with blond hair and a mustache, wearing light clothing is seated in a wheelchair. He sits next to a display table. A display board is set up containing pictures. Numerous assistive technology devices are displayed on the table. A styrofoam wig head sports a set of headphones.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

art 5 pic 4:

A close up of a white display board showing photographs of gas stations.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 3 pic 1:

Shows three black and white wheelchairs, the third one folded flat. There is a solid blue rectangle above the third chair that has yellow text which says "Order me today!"

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 5 pic 1:

Two red scooters. One has a black seat and basket, the other is shown folded flat.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 5 pic 2:

A woman in a dark skirt and jacket wearing sunglasses holds one end of the red scooter which is folded flat. An open trunk of a car is nearby.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 5 pic 3:

The red scooter folded flat is shown inside the open trunk.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 8 banner:

A round circle on the left runs into a long striped bar in colors of green, blue, yellow and white. The round circle says Amigo, the bar says Amigo Mobility International, Inc.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 8 pic 1:

A man wearing a mustache, blue shirt, patterned tie with short brown hair smiles at the camera. He sits in front of green foliage.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

prod 8 pic 2:

A black and white scooter.

Horizontal rule incorporating the Maryland State Flag

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