Maryland Tap's Logo
February, 2001
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Internet Corner


Product Links

Merrill Lynch Specials Needs Program
The Families of Children With Special Needs Program addresses the financial planning needs of nearly 15 million American families who have a child/loved one with a severe disability. Our primary focus is educating your family about the best way to maintain the quality of life you desire for your child/loved one, both now and in the future.

One stop superstore for seniors, disabled and professionals.
Thousands of brands, products and supplies on wholesale prices. Lowest price guaranteed!


D & J Development Workshop, Inc.
Offering The Traveler exercise equipment system designed for wheelchairs including three wheel racing wheelchairs that when disassembled and folded up is 19" tall, 15" wide and 8 1/2" deep. Also available: CompuTrainer Exerciser and Exercise Equipment for adult and pediatric wheelchair users.


Access Northern California/San Francisco
Access Northern California is a one-stop accessible travel information and consultation service for travelers with disabilities and the hospitality industry.


Listen to IVAN


In the latest development in the voice-activated web arena, a character called IVAN - Intelligent Voice Animated Navigator - could help blind people navigate the Internet without a keyboard.

Users of IVAN describe aloud the topic they are interested in and the navigator - a cartoon icon that looks like a little globe with arms and legs - will find relevant websites, verbally list them and guide the searcher through them. If IVAN doesn't understand what you're looking for, it will ask for clarification.

Users need to download a piece of free software over the web and buy a compatible headset with microphone. You may already own a headset - the 'FAQ' section of the 'myIVAN' web site has details of compatibility. Once you're plugged in, IVAN will run a short training session to help him understand the nuances of your voice.

Its developer, US-based OneVoice Technologies, says IVAN works on mobile telephones and other wireless appliances as well as PCs. See:


IMMERSION wins US patent


The Immersion Corporation, developer of the 'TouchSense' tactile computer mouse, has been granted a US patent for its system of enabling tactile 'force feedback' for web pages.

Immersion's software tools allow web developers to embed touch elements in a page that are converted by the TouchSense mouse into different kinds of vibration or pressure on the user's fingertips. They can be used on computer desktops and in gaming software as well as on the Internet, enabling users to physically experience interactions with menus, icons, windows and other web page elements.

Tactile cues range from simple pressure to highlight when a cursor moves over an animated button, to the addition of different 'textures' to products that are offered for sale online.

TouchSense-enabled computer mice - also known as 'haptic' mice - include the
iFeel Mouse from Logitech ( ) which uses different kinds of vibrations. Other TouchSense technologies work by making the cursor an extension of the hand.

Immersion has developed a suite of software tools that enables web developers to add tactile feedback to web pages. They are available free at:

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