Maryland Tap's Logo
November 1999

Image Descriptions
Stylized horizontal rule incorporating the State of Maryland's Flag

index-ph1: A snow-covered country cottage with lit-up windows and a Christmas wreath by the front door surrounded by snow covered trees stands before an ice hardened patch with skaters bundled up. A heavy fog can be seen hovering just above the rooftop. Smoke appears to be coming from the house's two chimneys. A man sits aside the ice patch on a bench while men and women and a small child skate. A dog stands across the ice and looks at the skaters. An old fashioned lantern is lit and sits aside the ice and in front of the house.

events-ph1: A small boy and girl bundled up for the cold sit atop a sleigh. They appear to be going downhill. They both wear smiles and hats. Snow is falling around them.

events-ph2: A primarily blue background depicts a dark-skinned woman with a telephone handset to her ear, a man with a handset to his ear and two large images of CD Roms. A collage of technology looking images appear in the background.