Maryland Tap's Logo
August 1997
Stylized horizontal rule incorporating the State of Maryland's Flag

Home Of Your Own: "HOYO"

Expanding Homeownership Opportunities for People with Disabilities

A Joint Initiative of the DD Council, MDA and DDA

This initiative is co-funded by the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, Mental Hygiene Administration and Developmental Disabilities Administration and is administered by the Council. The project was awarded to the Maryland Center for Community Development and is a collaboration between the DD Council, MHA, DDA and the other members of the MD Home of Your Own Coalition's Steering Committee. The project began April 1, 1997. The project will be monitored by the HOYO Coalition Steering Committee and the Council's Progress & Outcomes Committee.

This is a statewide initiative. The intent is to insure that housing professionals provide individual buyers with the services, support and accommodations they need to become homeowners, while also identifying and finding solutions to systems issues. Project goals include:

  1. Educate housing counselors, lenders, Realtors, nonprofit developers and other housing professionals so they work effectively with people with disabilities to become homeowners.
  2. Educate people with disabilities that homeownership can be a viable option for them. This includes outreach activities.
  3. Research best practices from across the country and evaluate their possible implementation in Maryland, focusing not only on increasing homeownership among the disabled community but also innovative techniques for financing long term maintenance in homeownership.
  4. Develop and implement recommendations in public policy, financial lending products and practices, housing counseling procedures and training curriculum to increase the ability of people with disabilities to become and remain homeowners.
  5. Build working relationships with other organizations to ensure ongoing success of this project, and institutionalization of the marketing and educational efforts begun under this project.

For More Information, contact:

Maryland Home of Your Own Coalition
300 West Lexington St., Box 10
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone & TTY: 410/333-3795

Steering Committee:






