Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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164. INDEX OF ORGANIZATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS Laisve (Freedom), 7, 93 National Federation of Con- Lamp, The, 85 stitutional Liberties, 30, Lawyers* Guild Review, 30 125 League of Women Shoppers, 30 National Lawyers1 Guild, 30, 126 Legislative Service, 86 National Marine Engineers* Bene- Lithuanian Fine Arts League, 7 ficial Association, 142 Lithuanian Workers' Literacy National Maritime Union, 34, 44, Association; 7 145 Los Angeles Newspaper Guild, 58 National Negro Congress, 26, 127 Los Angeles Workers' School, 26 National Religion and Labor L R A P E R (The Armenian Herald), 91 foundation, 46 L'UDOVY DENNIi: (The People's Daily), National Republic, 19 9; 92 National Trade Union Committee, L'Unita Del Popolo (Unity of the 52 People), 10, 93 National Review Commission, 16 Nature Friends of America, Inc., Machinists, Seattle, 139 135 Magyar Javo (Hungarian Journal), Network, The, 10, 15 9, 93 Ne\v Africa, 86 Marine Cooks and Stewards New Currents, 86 Association, 34, 145 Nev; jei.sey Labor School, 19 Marine Firemen, Oilers', Water- New International, The, 90 tenders1 and Wipers Union, 34 New Leader, The, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, Marine and Shipbuilding Workers, 20, 27, 37, 90 37, 44 New Kassos, 19, 83 Militant, The, 90 News of S.C.M.W., 145 Mission Vannen, 98 New York Guildpaper, The, 88 Morning Freiheit. (Morning Freedom), New York Herald Tribune, IV 28, 95 New York State of Affairs, 87 Morning Freihoit Association, 133 Ncrv Yor^ Times, The_, 65, and passim New Yor!. World Telegram, C NAISTEN VIIRI (The Woman's Banner), 93 NOVA DOBA (New Era), 9, 92 NARODNA VCLYA (People1 s V.'ill), 9, 91 Narodni Glasnik (National Herald), Office of Price Administration, 9, 95 49 Nasz Swiat, 7 Office of War Information, 48, Nation, The, 15, 54 58 National Affairs, 84 Oil Workers' International National Association for the Advance- Union, 144 ment of Colored-People, 26 On atheistic Communism, 66 National Association of Manufacturers, Optical and Instrument VJorkers 3 Organizing Committee, 143 N.C.W.C., Department of Social Action, Overseas News Agency, 10, 45, 95 75, 76 P. M., 54, 55 National Conference of Christians and Pacific Advocate, 84 Jews, 46 Packinghouse Y'orker, The, 144 National Council of Americans of Painters, Cleveland, 139 Croatian Descent, 138 Painters locals, 139 National Council of American Soviet Paper Workers Organizing Friendship, 29, 59, 115 Committee, 142 National Council of Hungarian Partido Revolucionario Domini- American Trade Unionists, 9, 136 cano, 135