Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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COMMONIST CONTROL IN L&BOR United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America, C.I.O,, 11 Bast 51st St-r Heir York 22; membership; 500,000; 18 votes. Publ; U.E. News; Presj A.J. Fitzgerald **; Seo-Treas: Julius Emspak*; Direct, of Organ: James J. Mat lea*; Gen.V.P.fs: Harry Block; Paul Seymour; Leo Jandreau*; James McLeish; C,J. • Jaokson; Michael Pit zpat rick; Victor Decavitch; Wm. Sentner*; John Go jack; Ernest Be Maio*, United Farm Equipment and Metal Workers of America, 188 West Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111; membership: 60fOOP; 6 votes. Piibl: Farm Equipment News; Pres: Grant W. Oakes*; 7. P. John Shaffer*; Sec-4?reas: Gerald FieIde*; Dir. Organ: Joseph R. Weber*; Distr. Pres: Charles Lawson; John Catkins; Bruce Brown; Richard Marhanka; Charles W. Hobbie; Neal laastman. At Large: Pope Huff. Raids by the UAW are sapping the strength of this group. United Federal Workers of America, 930 F. St., 1T.E. Wash. 4, D.C., membership: 50,000; 6 votes; Publ; The Federal Record; Pres: Eleanor Nelson*; Sec-Treas: Arthur Stein; Ex. V.?. L. E. Tempest; Thomas Richardson; Gen. VJVs: Dorothy Bailey; Ernest G. Benjamin; A.L. Colloms; James E, Harris; Darius KLinej E*. Bd. 16 members. United Furniture Workers o f •"•mer tea, 261 Fifth Ave., New York; membership: 40,000; 5 voteTIPubl; Furniture Workers Press; Pres: Morris Muster**} Sec- Treas: Max Per low*; Dir. Organ: Ernest Marsh*; Ex. Bd. 22 members, including: Gus 0 Brown*; George Bucher (Buchner?)*; Michael De Cicco*; Jack Hochstadt*; Alex Sirota*; Morris Pizer*; Abraham Zide*. United Officer and Professional Workers of America, 1860 Broadway, N.Y.C. 23; membership: 45,000; 5 votes.Publ; The United Office & Professional News; Prest Lewis Merrill*; V.P. Leon Berney; Joe Levy*; Sec-Treas: John J. Stanley; Richard Lewis (acting)*; ex. Bd.f 27 members. TOTAL LEFT WING: Membership: 1,205,000; Votes- 99 RECAPITULATION N.B. It must be understood that membership lists simply mean members of unions whose officers show certain political leanings. It does not imply that any appreciable perctagege of members understand or approve of these actions. Furthermore, it applies only to political issues and similar situations where confusion and covering up of Communist policies are possible. At the same time, it must be noted that these issues are often of the highest importance. Group Right-wing membership—Votes Left-wing membership-Votes Class A: Right-wing 1, 430,000 74 Class B. Prob. R.W. 68,000 12 Class C. Disputed 107,000 14 27,000 7 Class D. Problem Unions 125,000 14 1,300,000 41 Class E. Prob. L.W. 245,000 28 Class F. Left-wing _________ _ 1,205,000 j?9 TOTAL 1, 720,000 114 3s,777,000 175 From this it can be-.seen how strategic was the switch of Hillman and Thomas, since if their votes are placed in the other column the result is 155 right; and 134 left. These men hold the balance of power in the C.I.O.