Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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134 SELECTED FRONT ORGANIZATIONS Miscellaneous Front Organizations: Mainly Foreign-Language ASIA American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations. Executive C.ommittee* Frederick V. Field; Edward 0. Carter. Ofc&er names: T.A. Bisson; Mrs. Edward C, farter; Israel Epatein; Lawrence E. Salisbury; and Mrs. Edgar Snow,, It is to be noted that Field is one of the chief agents of the Qomnunist Party in Pacific matters. Also of interest is the fact that pro-Communist Owen Lattimore is advising Pauley on reparations in Tokyo. For a complete lift of names, see the Chinese and Japanese fronts below. ARMENIA Armenian Progressive League of America, 40 Bast IHth St», N*Y.C. Pres-: Krikor Bohjelian; Treasi A. Goreghian; Sect 0. Sarian. AUSTRIA Austro-American Association* 200 W. 72nd St.., N»Y.C, Pres: Dr. Henry Spitz; V.P: I41y Spitzer; Sec.-Treas: Mrs. Porrit Sissler Austro-American Trade Union Committee, 236 W. 55th *>t.t N.Y.C,, Pres: Frank Well, Austro-American Tribune, 236 W. 72nd St,* N.Y.C. Presl Jacob Auslander; Tins: Vera Ponger; ^ec; William Green; Ed: Dr. William Green BULGARIA Bulgarian-Macedonian gongress of America, 515 Park Ave,, N.Y.B. Chairmanj Peter Peff; SeCi pr. V. Sharenkoff; T»si Dr. G. Popoff; Vice-Chairmen* Dr» C.M. Stoycoff; Prof. Ivan Dosseff; Dr. David Hah off; Andro Christoff; Dr. D. Dosseff. CABPATHO-RUS3IA Carpatho-Russian Itoeric&n Mutual Aid Society (IWO), 80 Fifth Ave,, N^Y.C Sec: Michael Logoyda. Carpat no-Russian National Committee of the Lemko Assoo. of the U>S, and Canada, 556 Yonkers Ave»» Yonkers, N.Y.^ Pres: John iiolovach; Treasj William Worcholak; Sec: Stephen Kitshura; Mgr: Anthony Chialok; Organizers: Demetrius Vis lot sky; Michael Logojtda CHINA The Committee, for a Democratic Policy Towards China» 58 Park Ave*-, N.Y»C. Sponsors: Dr, Phyllis Ackerman; T.A. Bisson; Israel Epstein; Frederick V. Field; Talitha Gerlech; Rev. Jack McMichael; Arthur Upham Pope; Ilena Half Sues; Lawrence E. Salisbury; Michael Sayera; Vincent Sheean; Mrs. Edgar Snow; Maxwell E. Stewart; Leland Stowe; Rose Turlim; Richard Watts, Jr* and Dr, Mai Yergan. China Daily News, 105 Mott &t*, IT.Y.C%t T J. Quong, Ed,