Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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106 OOMMDNIST CONSTITUTION AND PERSONNEL! ARTICLE XI Amending the Constitution Section !• This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote at any regular or special National Convention. ARTICLE XII By-Laws Section 1. By-Laws may be adopted, based on this Constitution, for the purpose of establishing uniform rules and procedure for the proper functioning of the party organizations* By-Laws may be adopted or changed by majority vote of the National Convention or, between conventions, by majority vote of the National Committee* Section 2r State By-Laws not in conflict with the National Constitution and ' By-Laws may be adopted or changed by majority vote of the State Convention or, between conventions, by majority vote of the State Committee* ARTICLE XIII Section 1. The National Committee shall issue charters to State or district organizations, defining the territory over which they have jurisdiction and authority. State or District Committees shall issue charters to the clubs* ARTICLE XIV Section 1* The Communist Party is not responsible for any political document, policy, book, article or any other expression of political opinion except such as are issued by authority of this and subsequent national conventions and its regularly constituted leadership. DUES SCHEDULE ADOPTED BY NATIONAL CONVENTION 1* Continue present dues rates and membership cards until Jan. 1, 1946* 2, On Jan* 1, 1946, institute the following new dues schedule: Month $25 per week......................... 35£ (c). Members earning from $25 to $60 per week ................. $1*00 (d) Members earning over $60 per week ........................ 2.00 (e) Unemployed .............I.*....*....* 10# 3* The income from dues shall be distributed to the various sub-divisions of the party as follows> (a) 20 percent to the club* (b) 50 percent to the National Office* (c) The remaining 30 percent shall be distributed among the respective city, county and State organizations, in accordance with decisions of the State Convention,