Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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104 COMMUNIST CONSTITUTION AND PERSONNEL!, Section 5,- Prior to conventions, at least 60 days shall be allowed for discussion in all Party Clubs of the main resolutions and problems coming before the convention.- During this discussion all Party organizations have- the right to adopt resolutions and propose amendments to the draft resolu- tions and the Constitution for consideration by the convention. Section 4. 'The National Convention shall elect a National Committee by a majority vote. To be eligible for election to the National Committee, one must have been a member of the Party in continuous good standing for at least four years* Section 5.- ' The number of members of the National Committee shall be deter- mined by a majority vote of each National Convention. Section 6. The National Committee is the highest authority of the Party be- tween National Conventions and is responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution and the execution of the general policies adopted by the National Convention, The National Committee represents the Party as a whole and has the right to make decisions with full authority on any problem or development facing the Party between conventions. The National Committee organizes and supervises its various departments and committees; guides and directs all the political and organizational work of the Party; :elects or removes editors of its press, who work under its leadership and guidance; organizes and directs all undertakings of importance to the entire Party; administers the national treasury. The National Committee shall submit a certified, audited financial report to each National Convention. Section 7. The National Committee shall elect a Chairman and such other officers as it decides upon.- The Rational Committee shall elect a National Board.' To be eligible for election to the National Board, one must have been a member of the Party in continuous good standing for five years.. The National Board shall be charged with the responsibility of carrying out the decisions and work of the National Committee between its sessions. The number of members of the National Board shall be determined by the National Committee by majority vote* The officers and the National Board are respon- sible for all their decisions and actions to the National Committee. The officers and members of the National Board may be removed by a majority vote of the National Committee. Section 8ยป The National Committee shall meet at least three times each year (subject during war time to ODT regulations). ARTICLE Till National Review Commission Section H In order to strengthen,- as well as review the integrity and resoluteness of our cadres, to guard against violations of Party principles, to maintain and strengthen discipline, to supervise the audits of the financial books and records of the National Committee of the Party, the National Convention shall elect a National Reviev; Commission. This Commission shall consist of tested members with exemplary records. The sixe of this Commission shall be determined by the National Convention.