Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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101 COMMUNIST CONSTITUTION AND PE3SONNELL Section 3. Party members disagreeing with any decision of a club, tounty or State committee have the right to appeal such decision to the next higher body until they reach the National Committee and the National Convention. Decisions of the National Convention are final. While the appeal is pending, members shall adhere to the decision already rendered* All appeals must be heard by the respective committee within 30 days. Section 4. In pre-oonvention discussions, members have the unrestricted right and duty to discuss any and all party policies and tactics, the right to criticize the work and composition of all leading committees, the right of full expression in the party press or other organs provided for such discussion* Section 5. In accord with the principles of democratic centralism, and in accord with Art* 711, Sec. 6, Communist Party members shall be involved in the formulation of major policies and shall have the right and duty t« examine the execution of policies. Section. 6. Communist Party members in good standing have the right to vote on the adoption of pplicies and in the election'of officers, committees or delegates. Section 7« Ccmmunist Party members, in accord with the provisions set forth in this Constitution, have the right to be nominated and elected to all offices or committees. Section 9» A Party member shall have the right to prefer charges against any other member of the organization. Any member who has been subject to dis- ciplinary action has the right to appeal to the next higher body up to the National Convention, including the right to testify and bring witnesses. Section 10, Every member is obligated to fight with all his strength against' any and every effort, whether it comes from abroad or from within our country, to destroy the rights of labor and the people, or any section thereof, or t* impose upon the United States the arbitrary will of any group or party or clique or conspiracy, thereby violating the unqualified right of the majority of the people to direct the destinies of our country. Section 11. Every Party member in a mass organization shall work to promote and strengthen the given organization and protect the interests of its members* Section 12. All members shall strive to acquire an understanding of the fundamentals of Marxism and at all times aim to apply Communist conscious- ness, understanding, responsibility and initiative in their 'work and activity. Section 13. It shall be the obligation of all* Party members to struggle against all forms of national oppression, discrimination and segregation, against all ideological influences and practices of 'racial' theories, such as while chauvinism and anti-Semitism. It shall be the duty pf all Party members t^ fight for the full social, political and economic equality of the Negro people; and promote the unity of the Negro and while people as essential for the advancement of their common interests.