Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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99 APPENDIX II« COMMUNIST CONSTITUTION AND *3RSQNNELL CONSTITUTION OF COMMUNIST EARTY OF THE UNITED STATES (Adopted July 28, 1945) •PREAMBLE The Communist Party of the United States is the political part of the American working class, basing itself upon the principles of scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism* It champions the immediate and fundamental interests of the workers, farmers and all who Jabor by hand and brain against capitalist exploitation and oppression. As the advanced party of the work- ing class, it stands in the forefront of this struggle* "The Communist Party upholds the achievements of American democracy and de- fends the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights against its reactionary enemies who would destroy democracy and popular liberties* It uncompromisingly fights against imperialism and colonial oppression, against racial, national and religious discrimination, against Jim Crowism, "anti- Semitism and all forms of chauvinism, "The Communist Party struggles for the complete destruction of fascism and for a durable peace. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of the people and the nation, recognizing that the working class, through its trade unions and by its independent political action, is the most consistent fighter for democracy, national freedom and social progress* "The Soumunist Party holds as a basic principle that there is an identity of interest which serves as a common 'bond uniting the workers of all lands* It recognizes further that the true national interests of our country and the cause of peace and progress require the solidarity of all freedom-loving peoples and the continued and ever closer cooperation of the United Nations. "The Communist Party recognizes that the final abolition of exploitation and oppression, of economic crises and unemployment, of reaction and war, will be achieved only by the socialist reorganization of society - by the common ownership and operation of the national economy under a government of the people led by the working class* "The Cframunist Party, therefore, educates the working class, in the course of its day-today struggles, for its historic mission, the establishment of Socialism. Socialism, the highest form of democracy, will guarantee the full realization of the right t* 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,* and will turn toe achievements of labor, science and culture to the use and enjoyment of all men and women* "In the struggle for democracy, peace and social progress, the Communist Party carries forward the democratic traditions of Jefferson, Paine, Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, and the great working class traditions of Sylvis, Debs and Ruthenberg* It fights side by side with all who join in this cause. "For the advancement of these principles, the Communist Party of the United States establishes the basic laws of its organization in the following Constitution: