Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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96 SOURCES QF INFORMATION ABODT COMMUNISM He started his career as a newspaper correspondent in Europe* In February, 1917, he founded the first Jewish telegraph agency in the Hague, Holland. Following the First World War, he attended the Peace Conference as a ' correspojadent of "De Telegraaf" of Amsterdam, Holland. He was also a member of the Committee of Jewish Delegations in Paris. He founded the "Wanderbund Blau-Weiss" in Austria and later edited the monthly journal, "Blau Weiss". ' In 1920 he founded the "News Agency" in London, England, and later organized and managed the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in London with branches in Berlia, Jerusalem, Warsaw, Paris and New York. ; • In 1921 he came to the United States and started the Jewish Correspondents Bureau at 480 Lexington Avenue, New York City. On i'krch 7, 1921, he in- corporated a concern known as the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Incorporated* This corporation was dissolved May 4, 1936, but in the meantime had been re* placed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Incorporated, chartered under the laws of the State of Delaware on December 17, 1935. Landau founded the Jewish Daily Bulletin in 1924 in New York City, the only Jewish daily publication printed in the English language. In 1928 he was listed as a director of the Palestine Bulletin, the only English daily in-Palestine. The Overseas News Agency reportedly serves 650 foreign .language news*- papers and 300 foreign language radio stations in the United States. Its Board of Directors consists of George Backer, Jacob Blaustein, Reverend Father Robert I. Cannon, John Francis Neylan, William J. Schiefelin, Dr. James f. Shotwell, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, Herbert Bayard Swope and Jacob Landau, Heindrik Willem Van Loon and VJilliam Alien White, both deceased, are tarried on the letterhead of the Overseas News Agency as members of the Board of Directors as well. On this agency, the following data was received from an informant known to the General Secretary of the N.C.V.C. The Agency was founded several years ago first as a press agency for the placement of news on European matters in the American Press and of articles, interviews, etc., dealing vrith subjects from Europe. Tvhen I was with the Office of War Information three years ago, I remember distinctly that Mr. Landau, the founder of it, enjoyed quite a reputation there as an authority in European matters, he was seemingly very popular;'with Mr, Joseph Barnes and Ur. James" \7arburg, although he never, at that time, was on the staff of O.V'.I. Froia a friend who is with the United Nations Information Center in New York I have heard since, that the OVERSEAS NB.'S AGENCY was founded by -Landau and in its first years supported by the Czechoslovak Government. It was then rather small and struggling. In 1941 they started the Foreign Press Digest and the 0. V,T. I. took a large subscription to it, I Eemember-that I received then 4 copies for each Foreign Language Group and that must have cost the 0. V. I. quite some money. The service is also kept' by many of the Embassies hero and their consulates in New York and elsewhere, so that it must fcave quite a circulation, besides the U. S. Government Agencies. Mr. Dohrn who knows pretty well 'the various refugee groups in New York told me once, that Landau is in these circles npw thought to receive a sub- stantial subsidy from the Soviets. He does not travel much, but he has an assistant who regularly goes to Mexico City. The staff is almost exclusively •composed of refugees belonging to the Jewish religion and of leftist