94 SOURCES OF B13OP3&TIQN ABOUT COMMUNISM regularly found on the same side of questions affecting Lithuania as the Communist Party of the United States. It has been a staunch supporter of Russian policy in the Baltic states. Roy Mizara is ifes editor and Mary Sinpus its business manager. Anthony Bimba is associate editor. Subscription rate is $6.50 per year. * VIINIS - (Surge) Published daily at 3116 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois, this Lithuanian language paper has a circulation of around 35,000. Sditor-in- chief is Vincent Andrulis; Associate Editors are Fred Ambeck, Leo Pruseika, and J. Jonikas. Business Manager is John L£azeika. Every Thursday an English section is included and the subscription rate is $6.00 per year» Polish GLOS nJDOKY - (People's Voice) This Polish language paper is published weekly at 5856 Chene Street, Detroit, Michigan, It is pro-Soviet and fully supports all phases of the Communist movement intthe United States. Editorial staff includes Thomas Dombrowski, \ alter Kucharski, and Adam Kujtkowski. The subscription rate is $3.00 per year. NASZ SVJIAT - (Our ;;orld) A weekly published at 5001 Grandy Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, and rather consistent in presenting a pro-Soviet viewpoint. Edited by Waclaw Soyda and Walter V. Golanski who are also co-owners* The subscription rate is $6.00 per year. Roumanian ROMANUL &.Z3ICAN - (American Roumanian) Official organ of the Roumanian section of the Communist controlled International Vorker's Order, published weekly at 4726 St, Aubin Street, Detroit, Michigan. Consistently presents a pro-Communist, pro-Soviet point of view, Harry Fainaru ES editor and LOaria Mila is business manager. The subscription rate is $3*00 per year. Russian RUSSKY GOLOS - (Russian Voice) Published daily at 130 East 16th Street', New York, New York, in the Russian language, it boasts a circulation of over 30,000. It serves as an for the pro-Soviet and Communist slanted propaganda of the Russian section of the International Worker's Order. Editor is Dr. Davis Z. Krinken. The subscription rate is $9.50 per year for daily and $12.00 per year for daily and Sunday. Ukrainian •UKRAINSKI SHCODENNI VI3TI - (Ukrainian Daily News) |