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SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT CCKMDNISM 82- This "Information Bulletin" is issued three times weekly by the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Washington 8, D.C. It contains official Soviet statements and declarations, as well as informative material regarding the Soviet Socialist Republics. It is distributed free of charge. 4 "Polpress News? 'Tolpress News" is the official news release of the Polish Press Agency, 50 Rockefeller Placa, Room 523, New York 20, New York. It is a mimeographed sheet released approximately twice weekly, and copies of the releases are filed regularly with the Foreign Agents Registration Section of the Department of Justice. Tolpress News" is a branch of the Polish Press News Agency of Moscow, U.S.S.R., and its principal is the Polish Committee of National Liberation, Lublin, Poland. This agency regularly receives substantial subsidies from Mowcow "The American Review on the Soviet Union" "The American Review On The Soviet Union" is a quarterly publication ftf the American-Russian Institute, 58 Park Avenue, New York 16, New York* Its subscrip- tion price is $2.50 per year or »65 per copy. The Managing Editor is Julia Older. It is printed and bound by the Comet Press, Inc., New York City. "The Review" contains articles regarding Soviet arts and sciences, education, sociology, economics and political affairs* "Soviet Russia Today" "Soviet Russia Today" is published monthly by the S.R.T. Publication, Inc., 114 East 32nd Street, New York 16, New York. The subscription rate is $1»50 per year; $1.00 £or eight months and »15 per copy. The Editor is Jessica Smith (Mrs. John Abt). The Manager is Theodore Bayer. "Soviet Russia Today" is a slick paper publication, similar to the "American Review on the Soviet Union" in its subject matter. However, it is published monthly and contains a larger number of photographic illustrations. "Soviet Russia Today" uses photo- graphic material from Sovfoto, the official photographic agency of the Soviet Union in the United States. REQUIRED HEADING FOR AMERICAN COMMUNISTS "Political Affairs - A Marxist L&gazine "Political Affairs" is published monthly by New Century Publishers, Inc., 832 Broadway, New York 3, New York^ Its subscription rate is $2,00 a year; $1.00 for six months; single copy ,'20, This is- the official organ of the Communist Political Association until August, 1945, Earl Browder was Editor; Bugene Dennis, Associate Editor and V,J« Jerome was Managing Editor. This magazine contains the official views of the Communist Party of the United States. TDaily V-orker" - "The Worker" The "Daily V."orker" is published daily except Sunday by the Freedom of the Press Company, Inc., 50 East 13th Street, New York 3, New York. On Sundays "The V:orker" is published. The President of the newspaper is Louis Budenz; Vice President, Benjamin J. Davis, Jr.; Secretary-Treasurer, Howard C. Boldt. The subscription rates are |4tOO for three months; $7.50 for six months; $14.00 for one year for combined subscription to both the "Daily Worker" and "The Vorker". Single copies sell for *05. Saily circulation is 22,000 and weekly is about 30^.000. As yet, no official successor to Budenz has been named. |