Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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• . N 27. A3£EPJC£N -COMMINISM Nashville Convention in 1942, attended b^ this writer, the vocal Communist minority appeared to be snowed under in all strictly Party Line issues. On the other hand, some Party Line phrases,now appear occasionally in The Southern Patriot, published by the Conference. The Permanent Committee for Equal Justice for Mrs. Recy Taylor "plans to syntonize all its work in Mrs. Taylor*s behalf with the Southern Conference for Human V'elfare and with other progressive Southern bodies." (Baily Y'orfcer. Dec. 24, 1944: underscoring added to emphasize revealing phrase. In Communist "doubletalk" progressive means Communist or Communist-infiltrated;) these indications are by themselves rather minorJ ,but they should warn friends of the Conference about Communist intentions. The principal Communist paper for Negroes is the Peopled Voice. described in Appendix I, This paper was captured by them when Marshall field withdrew his subsidy, and substantial financial aid was afforded by the Party surreptitiously. Recently its editor, Adam Clayton Powell, clashed with the political commissars for the paper, M»T Yergan, Benjamin Davis, Jr., and Doxey V.ilkerson. It is doubtful whether he will succeed in ousting them, especially since he is politically indebted to the AIP- Marcantonio machine* According to Communist sources, the leading anti- Communist Negro paper is the Pittsburgh Courier, especially the column of George S. Schuyler. (Cf. column by Alphaeus Hunton, Daily Worker, Marcfr 8, 1945) • Frank Crosswaith has also v?ritten several articles exposing Communist machinations among Negroes. At this writing. Communist efforts have won them 10,000 current Negro members, Communism Among Jews, The study of Communism among Jews is difficult for two reasons. The first is that Jews are sensitive to any discussion of them as Jews, at least when subjects unfavorable to them are involved. The second is that wild exaggerations on the subject have'made them particu- larly touchy on this point. In regard to the first point, there is definite evidence of Communist appeals to them as Jews. The Jewish Peoples' Fraternal Order is the Jewish Branch of the I.VJ.O. Any fair study of the problem must take note of this fact, just as in the preceding chapter the Communist attempts to infiltrate foreign language groups were noted. On the second point, while it is a fact that a large percentage of Communists are Jews, yet less than one per cent of Jews are Communist. Furthermore, the most effective opposition to American Communists comes from David Dubinsky, The American Jewish Committee, the Jewish labor Committee '(which withdrew from the American Jewish Conference when it admitted the Jewish I.T^.O.), the predominantly Jewish Liberal Party of New York, and the Social Democratic group of New York. The anti-Communist Jewish Labor Committee represents 500,000 Jewish trade unionists, in contrast to the "tens of thousands" claimed by the newly organized pro-Communist Trade Union Committee for Jewish Unity. Again, the Bulgarian Jewish Communists on Jan. 8, 1945, withdrew from the World Jewish organizations, characterising Zionism as "chauvinist and bourgeois," and banning Hebrew studies in Bulgaria (New Leader. Feb. 10, 1945.) All these facts indicate that Communism is recogniz- ed as a real problem among Jews. Rather than adopt an ostrich-like attitude on the problem, it would seem that the best service to Jews would be to recognize and co-operate with Anti-Communist Jewish organizations and their publication Forward•