Subway system of London (United Kingdom)

[Version Française]

The network includes all Underground stations and lines, and some others.

No special processing according to the current hour (direct trains).
The time of day is ignored (thus peak-only services are not distinguished).

Source : Data supplied by Ian Phillipps and Clive Feather
To find a route, choose your starting and destination stations. You can use abbreviated names.

Departure station

Arrival station

You can consult the list of stations if you have forgotten a name. Alternatively, you can use the map to orient yourself.
You can also search a route in another city, get further information about the subway navigator and you can even send a message to the author.
Consult [City.Net] to get more information on London.

[5%]The Subway Navigator is proud to announce that it has been rated among the top 5% of all sites by Point Communications.