Fifth Regiment, Infantry,
Maryland National Guard U.S. Volunteer, 1867-1899,

Baltimore, Maryland, Press A. Hoen & Co., 1899.
MSA SC 5390-1-1

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Fifth Regiment, Infantry,
Maryland National Guard U.S. Volunteer, 1867-1899,

Baltimore, Maryland, Press A. Hoen & Co., 1899.
MSA SC 5390-1-1

MSA SC 5390-1-1, Image No: 199   Enlarge and print image (67K)
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CHAPTER XXXIV. A VISIT TO THE SOUTH. THE REGIMENT SENT TO THE INTER-STATE FAIR AT ATLANTA.— SUMMARY OF THE WORK IN 1895. At the Cotton States' International Exposition which was held in Atlanta, Ga., during the fall of 1895, Saturday, December 7, was designated as Maryland Day. Anxious that the day should be marked with a red-letter in the calendar of the fair, and animated by a proper State pride, the merchants and other business men of Baltimore determined to raise the necessary funds to send the Fourth and Fifth Regiments to Atlanta to celebrate the occasion for the honor of Maryland. The enterprise proved successful, and on December 4 the two regiments embarked-the Fifth on the steamer Columbia, and the Fourth and Naval Reserves on the Jane Moseley for Portsmouth, Va., where they took the cars for Atlanta. Of the Fourth Regiment there were 400, and of the Naval Reserves 150 men. The Fifth, under command of Colonel Markoe, went 600 strong. At Atlanta also to celebrate Maryland Day were the Governor of Maryland and his staff, with Adjutant-General Douglas, State Treasurer Spencer C. Jones, the Mayor of Baltimore and probably a thousand Maryland citizens besides the militia. At Atlanta the Marylanders were received with a generous hospitality. The proceedings began, however, by a reversal of this. LIEUT. B. ABBOTT HOLMES, COMPANY H, 1899.