Proceedings of the House of Delegates re: State House

DATE UNKNOWN - "The committee to whom was referred that part of the communication of the executive which relates to the repairs necessary to be made to the stadt-house, report, that they have duly attended to the subject matter submitted to them, and of opinion, from the best observation they have been able to make, aided by the most correct information they could obtain, that immediate steps ought to be taken towards the preservation of the said building by painting, and making certain repairs indispensable to that object; they therefore recommend the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to employ some person to paint and make repairs on the stadt-house, as they may think essential to the preactivation of the building, so far as the sum of --- --- --- dollars may suffice for that purpose, and that they draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury." (70)
DATE UNKNOWN - House agrees to fill in above blank for monies with 1000 dollars, and bill is sent to Senate. (117)
5 January - Senate endorses and assents to resolution for repairs to the stadt-house.  (119)

DATE UNKNOWN - "RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to employ some person to paint and make repairs on the stadt-house, as they may think essential to the preactivation of the building, so far as the sum of --- --- --- dollars may suffice for that purpose, and that they draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury."  (88)
24 December - Resolution to repair the stadt-house assented to and sent to the senate.  (103)

6 February 1819 - The Committee to whom was referred the representation of the commissioners appointed to superintend the building of the wall around the public circle and the improvement thereof report: That they have had the same under their consideration, and believing that the sum mentioned will be necessary to complete the said work, which if left in its present unfinished state, will soon fall into ruins.  The Treasurer of the western shore was authorized to draw an undisclosed sum of money to pay the contractors for completing the enclosure and improvement of the public circle in which the state house is situated.  (35)
18 February 1819 - The resolution relative to the improvement of the public circle was read.  New resolution read, requesting the committee appointed to superintend the improving of the public circle be "required to ascertain and report to the next general assembly, what sum of money would be necessary to cap the wall around the circle either with iron or stone, and to state in the report whether they think the wall capable of bearing such capping; and that the treasurer of the western shore pay to the order of the governor and council, any sum not exceeding       dollars, for the purpose of putting a temporary wooden capping to guard against the weather."  House approves resolution with 700 dollars inserted as the proper sum.  Bill sent to Senate.  (116-117)

18 Jan 1826 - Committee appointed to explore the several apartments, chambers and offices of the state house and report such proposals and repairs, as may appear necessary to them for the preservation of the building, and the convenience of the public bodies occupying it.  (70)
DATE UNKNOWN - Treasurer of Western Shore authorized to pay no more than 400 for repairs to stop pr prevent a leak, which it appears to this house now exists, either in the roof to dome of the state house.  (156)
DATE UNKNOWN - Above bill assented to and sent to senate.  (223)

DATE UNKNOWN - Committee ordered to inquire into expediency of making arrangements to heat the apartments in the state house in some manner more safe and comfortable than the mode use now.  (272)
DATE UNKNOWN - Report on roof conditions and need to replace the roof.  (440-1)
DATE UNKNOWN - Bill sent to Senate.  (459)
DATE UNKNOWN - Senate receives bill.  (459)

25 Jan 1828 - Report from Washington G. Tuck re: covering SH roof. (142)
DATE UNKNOWN - House votes to pay W. Tuck for covering the SH.  (214-5)
DATE UNKNOWN - Committee reports, 1,389.98 to be paid for covering SH.  (246)
8 Feb 1828 - Resolution re: Tuck sent to senate.  (248)
11 Feb 1828 - Senate endorses and assents to bill re. Tuck.  (264)

1 Feb 1830 - Committee on Ways and Means instructed to inquire into expediency of having a chimney constructed in the east end of the House Chamber for comfort and accomodation of the members.  (290)

4 March 1834 - Report from committee to examine public properties in Annapolis.  Building adjacent to SH is is a ruinous condition and needing immediate repair.  Wall around public circle is in such bad order, that suitable and prompt measures should be adopted.  Bill ordered to lie on the table.  (428)
7 March 1834 - Governor and Council authorized and requested to cause the out houses on the hill, and the wall around the public circle to to be repaired and some suitable covering placed thereon.  (494)
19 March - Resolution submitted re: repairs to buildings on State Circle, surrounding walls and grounds, and rendering the buildings fire-proof.  Ordered to lie on the table. (565)
21 March - Resolution amended and assented and sent to senate.  (608)
                - Resolution engrossed.  (617)

4 Jan - Proposal to appoint joint committee  to enquire re: cost and expediency of warming the Senate Chamber, hall of House of Delegates and offices attached to them, and all other apartments of the SH occupied and used for public purposes; heated air will reduce the annual cost to the State.  (55)
9 Jan - Committee on claims assigned to enquire into the expediency of causing lamps to be placed in front of SH and at each of the entries.  (79)
11 Jan - Committee appointed to examine the condition of SH and other public buildings and determine need for preservation, repairs or alterations.  (95)
21 Jan - Senate appoints its 3 members to the committee.  (160)
3 March - Report from committee.  (475-478)
20 March  - House assents resolutions from Committee and sends to senate..  (703-4)

2 Jan - Ordered that Special Committee on Public Buildings enquire into the expediency of causing one or more chandeliers to be provided for use of this house.
         - Ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings enquire into the expediency of causing a doorway to be cut from the committee room of this house leading to the outer hall.  (40)
11 Jan - Discussion re: previous repairs by W. Tuck and Richard W. Gill.  Lists work done, new work suggested, ask that a person be appointed to be in charge of the SH, its upkeep.  (76-7)
            -  Reports from committees are available in pamphlets H and I.  (81)  I need these pamphlets.
27 Feb - GA appropriates unnamed funds for repairing, painting and furnishing the Senate Chamber, the Executive Chamber, for repairing and white washing the State Library and the Centre Hall, for repairing and painting the exterior of the SH, for preparing a suitable place under the SH to store wood and coal for the use of the public offices, for grading, paving and improving the grounds within State Circle, and also lamps and and additional pump to be placed in the same.  Bill to lie on the table (304-5)
3 March - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to enquire into the present condition of the furnaces and kind of fuel used in warming the hall of the House of Delegates, Library and Committee Rooms.  (334)
10 March - Treasurer of W. Shore presents communication with work done over the last 12 years for furnishing public buildings and public circle.  (394)

16 Feb - Committee on Public Buildings ordered to contract for the paving of the front walk leading from the SH to the front gate.  (257)
26 Feb - Keeper of public circle asked not to lock East Gate around said circle.  (325)
7 March - Committee of 3 appointed to examine into the expediency if constructing fire-proof offices in the SH for security of judicial and other records.  (399)

20 Feb 1846 - Committee of 3 appointed to enquire into causes of ignition of the fuel or coal last night in the basement of the SH.
                      - Treasurer, Clerk of Court of Appeals and David S. Caldwell of Annapolis be empowered to have necessary repairs and improvements to SH for its preservation of decay and secure it against fire...thus purchase a fire engine.  (293)  Bill sent to senate 28 Feb.  (367)
21 Feb - Report from Committee re: deplorable conditions of interior and exterior of SH, need for repairs.  (306-308)
24 Feb - Proposal from James Johnson to render the SH fireproof.  Select Committee appointed.  (316)
25 Feb - Report from Committee of 3 appointed to enquire about fire on Feb 20, and repairs done in connection with this.  (332-333)

1 Jan 1847 - Committee appointed to ascertain what further repairs are needed and what appropriation of money may be required to preserve this building from the ravages of time... (27)
10 March - House approves Senate resolution in favor of proposals for painting SH.  (536)

9 March 1848 - Committee appointed, and has power to have erected a suitable building to the rear of SH, having a private entrance thereto, to contain an apartment for fuel and the State's Fire Engine.  Ordered to lie on the table.
                       - State Librarian authorized to contract with someone to repair the roof.  (476-7)  Approved and sent to senate on 10 March.  (489)  Passed by senate 10 March.  (503)

1 Feb 1853 - Letter from State Librarian H.E. Batemen to Elias Ware, Jr. Speaker of the House re: condition of the north chimney, containing flues from Executive and Senate Chambers, Comptroller's and Adjutant-General's Office, Senate committee room and library.  The wall of chimney heats up where in contact with woodwork in Adjutant-General's office and base of dome, thus is a fire hazard.
                    - Joint committee proposed to study the above problem.  (92)
4 Feb - Report from Committee appointed to study better method of warming the chamber.  Recommendations: erection of new and improved  furnace, cellar under Hall excavated walled and plastered.  (113-4)
15 Feb - Act providing for the payment of expenses in repairing the furnace in the House, and for materials furnished, and work done in the Chambers and committee rooms in the 2 houses and the state library.  (179)
19 Feb - House takes up above act and approves it and sends it to the senate.  (210-11)
11 March - Senate endorses said bill, and passes it.  (304)

18 Jan - Select Committee of 3 ordered to enquire into expediency of contracting for lighting the SH and GH and State Circle with gas.  (66)
11 Feb - Said committee reports that the State will save 2/3rds with the introduction of gas lighting.  Bill introduced.  (252-3)

4 Feb - Correspondence between House and Senate re: appointing joint committee re: constructing a fire proof building to preserve the records of the State; to increase the dimensions of the House Chamber, and adding two committee rooms for the accommodation of each branch of the Legislature lighting the whole building with gas and warming the same with furnaces.  (247-8)
11 Feb - Librarian directed to have American Flag displayed from dome of the SH each day as soon as the House of Delegates shall be in session, and not lowered until both Hoses shall have adjourned.  (330)
15 Feb - Joint Committee on Public Buildings requested to examine and ascertain whether the SH is safe from the accident of fire by the mode now used to heat House Chamber and the Library.  (381)
25 Feb - Senate endorses House bill from 2/4/58.  (603)
26 Feb - Senate passes said bill.  (623)

26 Feb - Committee on Public Buildings reports favorably on a bill entitled "An Act providing for repairs of the State House."  (576)  Passed on 7 March and sent to Senate. (781)
4 March - Bill entitled "An Act appropriating a sum of money for the protection of the State House and Public Property from fire" is referred to the Ways and Means Committee.  (758)  Passed and sent to Senate on 10 March.  (958-9)

19 March - Committee on Ways and Means introduces a bill entitled "An Act to appropriate a sum on money to pay for paving the public property in the city of Annapolis called the State House circle.  (1018-1019)

31 Jan - Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair and paint the State House and improve the grounds surrounding it ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.  (210-11)
5 Feb - Passed by Senate  (274).
14 Feb - Signed by Governor Thomas Swann.  (403)

26 Jan - Committee on Public Buildings submit report relative to constructing a door from Rotunda to room occupied by Committee on Claims.  The Committee deem it inexpedient to have the door opened from the Rotunda to the room occupied by the Committee on Claims.  (146)
15 March - Committee on Ways and Means reports negatively on a bill to appropriate a sum of money for repairing  the sidewalk and paving the bed of the street, on the public circle surrounding the grounds of the State House.  (773)

20 March - Committee on Claims introduces bill to pay a balance due on sewerage for the State House and Governor's Mansion.  (985)
21 March - Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to heat and ventilate the State House" was read favorably.  (1023)  Bill sent to Senate 30 March.  (1342-3)
30 March - Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for necessary repairs of the State House, and paving the carriage way to the Governor's Mansion" was passed and sent to the Senate.  (1326-7)

4 March - Bill entitled an "Act to improve the ground in front of the State House in Annapolis" was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (615)
11 March - Amendment proposed: to insert $500 for payment for act dated 4 March.  (719)  Vote postponed on 24 March.  (1010-1011)
18 March - Act to appropriate a sum of money to heat and ventilate the State House is engrossed for a third reading.  (871)  Passed and sent to Senate on 31 March.  (1204)
18 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to remove water-closets from their present locality, and place them in the cellar of the State-House, and to make two Committee Rooms for the use of the Senate, out of the space now occupied by said water-closets" is referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (888)  (Bill doesn't pass the House vote on 2 April., 1305-6)
27 March - Bill entitled an "Act to authorize the payment of balance due for sewerage and furnishing water-pipes for the State House and Governor's Mansion," passed and sent to Senate.  (1140)

24 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the repair and improvement of the State House" passed and sent to Senate.  (1147-50)
29 March - Bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay for paving the bed of the street bounding on the State House Circle, and for repairing and improving the pavement around the same" passed and sent to Senate.  (1362-3)
31 March - Secretary of Senate delivers unfavorable report of above bill which is adopted by the House.  (1459)

8 January - Architect in charge of the State House improvements instructed to procure at once what are commonly known as window-board ventilators, costing not more than six dollars per window.  Also, Architect in charge of the improvements of this building be directed to provide at once wardrobe accomodation for the overcoats and hats of members and officers of this House.  (28)
9 January - The engineer in charge of the heating arrangements be directed to regulate and keep down the fire in the furnaces, so as to preserve the health of the Members of the House.  (38)
9 January - Committee appointed to examine into the improvements on the State House, furniture, &c., with the power to send for persona and papers.  (47)
22 January  - Ordered that the national flag be hoisted from the dome of the Capitol each day during the sitting of the Legislature.  (134)
30 January - Ordered that the carpenter of this House be directed to make such alterations in the post office of this House as may be necessary for the convenience of the postmaster.  (232)
5 February - Ordered that the Speaker of this House be authorized to employ some suitable person to reeve the halyards on the State House, in order that the National flag may be hoisted during the daily Sessions of the Legislature.  (293)
19 February - Ordered that the Speaker of this House be, and hereby authorized to have the National flag displayed from the State House at all times when this House is in session, and on Washington's birthday.  (495)
21 February - Ordered that the Chairman of the Committee on Claims pay to the order of the Speaker, twenty-five dollars, for reeving the halyards on the dome.  (515)  Also, Order adopted to ask Mr. Marshall, Architect, for a detailed statement of State House repairs.  (516)  Speaker ordered to purchase a U.S. flag to be hoisted over the State House during Sessions for less than fifty dollars.  (518-19)

16 January - Ordered that National flag be hoisted every day while the Legislature is in session.  Also, Committee on Public Buildings is authorized and directed to inquire and report plans for removing the heating apparatus from the basement of the State House to that of the Record Office.  Also ordered that said committee report what, if any, apparatus is needed for the protection of the State House and other public buildings from the danger of fire.  (84)
13 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to provide for the removal of the boilers of the heating apparatus from the State House to the Records Office building is referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.  (884)
29 March - House considers Senate bill and proposes two amendments to the bill.  Enacted: The Board of Public Works is authorized to contract for the construction of a proper ventilating apparatus for the two halls of the General Assembly, in the State House, for less than $2,500 and that no furnace or steam-boiler shall be placed in any portion of the State House.  The Comptroller is authorized to issue said sum for the contract.  Bill passes and is sent to Senate.  (1414-1415)

4 February - Bill to pay George A. Frederick commissions as architect of State House improvements, referred to Committee on Ways and Means.  (162)
25 February - Message sent from House to Senate re: Joint Committee meeting to inquire into the expediency of removing the water-closets to the cellar of the State House.  (347-348)
3 March - Joint Committee on Public Buildings recommends that the removal of the water-closets to the cellar should be done without delay.  (426)
16 March - House bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlargement of the Maryland State House, and making an appropriation therefor (sic)," is amended and adopted.  Bill includes provisions to spend $50,000 to cover the cost of loans and specifications for, and construction of the enlargement or annex, including plumbing, shelving, painting, and thorough equipment for use, except heating apparatus and furniture.  (689-690)  Bill passed and sent to Senate on  23 March.  (847)
3 April - Senate passes House bill with new amendment re: appointment of a qualified architect.  (1354-1355)

12 January - Correspondence between the House and Senate re: proposed appointment of a Joint Committee to make necessary arrangements with the Contractor for the building of the annex to the Library, for the furnishing and occupancy of the Committee rooms, in said annex for the use of the Legislature. Committee appointed.  (43-45)
18 January - Report of Joint Committee appointed with reference to furnishing and occupancy of Committee rooms on the annex. (74-75)
24 January  - Committee reports that there are certain appliances in connection with the ventilation of the House, which may be made efficient, by proper attention.  Committee assured by House Engineer that temperature will be more uniform in the future, and a sufficient amount of fresh air furnished to members of the House. (129)
6 March - Joint Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of the Land Office to use and occupy the west room on the second floor of the annex to the State House as a museum passed and sent to the Senate.  (683)

21 January - Committee on Ways and Means orders Superintendent of Public Buildings to have erected in the room occupied by the Committee on Claims, cases or wardrobes for hanging the coats and hats of the members of the House.  Also, Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to place screens around the ventilator to protect the members of the House from the draft caused thereby.  (86-87)
21 February  - Chairman of the Committee on Claims directed to pay George Evans and Augustus Sewell 50 dollars each for services rendered at the heating apparatus in the Annex for the month of January, 1890.  (422)
27 February  - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of grading the public grounds around the State Library Annex, and constructing the pavements thereon," is reported favorably by the Committee on Ways and Means.  (511)
17 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of grading and sodding the public grounds around the State Annex and constructing the necessary pavements thereon" is passed and returned to the Senate.  (814)
19 March - Committee on Ways and Means reports unfavorably to Senate bill entitled "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of finishing and carpeting the State Library Annex."  Also, Committee reports favorably on Senate bill entitled "Act to approriate a sum of money for introducing steam radiators into the old Library of the State House and for repairing said Library."  Which was adopted by the Hosue.  (878)
29 March - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of finishing and carpeting the State Library Annex" is passed and returned to the Senate.  (1268)

21 March - House bill to provide for the improvements of the State House grounds passed and sent to the Senate.  (959)
23 March - Senate bill to provide for the removal of the water closets from the State House, and for the erection of the same in building elsewhere, and for ventilation of the State House, the cleaning of the basement, and the renovation of the foundation of the Executive Mansion, and to appropriate a sum of money therefore passed and returned to the Senate.  (1091-1092)

18 March - Letter from Governor Frank Brown to the House re: safety of the boilers conencted with the heating apparatus in the annex of the State House.  Governor recommends an examination of the boilers, and the correspondence is referred to the Committee on Public Buiildings.  (594-595)

18 January - Ordered that William H. Feldmeyer be paid $4.05 for carpenter work in the State House.  Also that M.A. Mendels be paid 102 dollars for chairs furnished the House of Delegates.  (55)
15 February  - Ordered that Thomas A. Smith be paid $4.10 for screen furnished as per order by the House of Delegates.  Also, ordered that B.E. McCusker be paid 10 dollars for repairing two electric motors for ventilating the House.  Orders referred to the Committee on Claims.  (276)  Orders adopted 16 February.
16 February  - Senate bill No. 161, entitled an "Act to authorize the State Treasurer to take necessary steps for the protection of State House and other public buildings in Annapolis against fire, and to appropriate a sum of money therefor," is referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (288)

16 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to purchase 50 cane seat chairs and 25 revolving cane chairs for use of the General Assembly.  Superintendent also ordered to place a screen behind the Cecil County delegation to protect them from the draft.  Ordered that all screens have windows put in them for the convenience of the public.  (50-51)
1 February - Report from the Committee on Hygiene re: ventilation.  Committee suggests that ventilators be placed in the windows of the Hall of the House of Delegates, and that at least 3 thermometers be placed against the walls so as to maintain a uniformity of temperature.  (190-191)
2 April - Senate bill entitled an "Act to appropriate $1,000 to be expended for the repairing, refitting and furnishing of the Court of Appeals room and offices," read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1883)

26 March - House adopts order that no smoking be allowed on the floor of the House while in session. (164)

1 January - Committee of 3 appointed to arrange for proper ventilation of the Chamber of the House of Delegates.  (15)
21 January - Order to pay the Superintendent of the State House $150 for new furniture for the House of Delegates referred to the Committee on Claims.  (88)  Also, Leave granted to the Committee on Ways and Means to introduce a bill entitled an "Act to provide for the enlarging and remodeling of the State House, and if necessary, the removal of that portion known as the 'Library Building,' and to appropriate a sum of money therefor."  (91)
4 February - Superintendent of the State House ordered to put spring faucets for hot water in the lavatory, not to exceed a cost of $50.  (188)
6 February - Order that ventilators like those in the House chamber be purchased for the various committee rooms of the House of Delegates, is referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.  (242)
17 March - Senate Bill 53 entitled an "Act to provide for the issue of $600,000, Maryland State Bonds, for the purpose of erecting an addition to the State House, in the State Library building, and the annexes thereto..." read for a second time.  (1048)
21 March - Report from the Committee on Public Buildings.  Committee recommends that lights and wires be removed from the Cupola to the Dome of the Capitol, and that $25.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated for the use of the Superintendent of Public Buildings to the end that the work of removal may be done.  (1283)
29 March - Senate Bill 262 entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to repair and refurnish State building within the City of Annapolis," passed and returned to the Senate.  (1770)  Also, Senate bill 80 entitled an "Act to provide for the construction and erection of an addition to the State House in the City of Annapolis, in which shall be located in the State Senate Chamber and the Hall of the House of Delegates..., and to remove and demolish the State Library building and annexes and to appropriate a sum of money for said purpose," passed and returned to the Senate.  (1776-1777)
31 March - Report from the Committee on Claims.  Ordered that Charles W. Haslup, Superintendent of Public Buildings, be paid $150.00 for cleaning and repairing the State House.  (1914-1915)

14 March - House bill 360 entitled an "Act to provide for the furnishing of the Land office in the new building at Annapolis..." passed, amended to concur with Senate amendments, and passed.  (859-861)
27 March - Order to pay several workers $100 each for extra night and day work in the hall of the House of Delegates and in the toilet room and cloak room in the same, is referred to the Committee on Claims.  (1300)
30 March - House passes order to pay Arthur Burbage for repairing chairs and locks in the House of Delegates.  House also passes order to pay James Gantt for hauling the refuge from cuspidors and old paper from the House of Delegates and Committee rooms during the session of 1906.  (1559-1560)  Also, Senate bill 388, entitled an "Act authorizing and directing the Building Commission for the building of the annex to the State House to pay out of any money or to become due Henry Smith and Sons, contractors, for building the annex to the State House to the firm of C.W. Martin and Company, the sum of $331.59 for material furnished in the said construction of said State House annex," read a second time. (1607)
31 March - Ordered that all laborers employed in cleaning the State House and receiving $1.50 per day, will now be paid $2.00.  (1681-1862)

1 January - List of expenditures for 1906.  J.L. McAboy paid $2.50 for photographs of the State House. (36)  T.McGuckian & Son paid $590.00 to pay balance on contracts for grading State House Hill, and George A. Black paid $100.00 for planting trees etc. on State House Hill.  (52)
17 March - Senate bill 153 entitled an "Act to provide for the construction and erection of an elevator or elevators in the State annex buildings, Annapolis, Maryland," read a second time.  (1129)
25 March - Order that Charles W. Haslup, Superintendent of Public Buildings, be paid $150.00 for cleaning House of Delegates and Committee Rooms and taking up carpets and moving furniture in some after the adjournment of the Legislature, is read and referred to the Committee on Claims.  (1525)
28 March - Ordered that James Gantt be paid $25.00 for hauling old paper and refuse from cuspidors of the State House.  (1864-1865)  Also, Senate bill 152 passed and returned to the Senate.  (1956-1957)
30 March - House bill 400, entitled an "Act to appropriate $750.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of making repairs to the Old Treasury Building at Annapolis," passed and returned to the Senate.  (2155-2156)

3 February - Ordered that the Superintendent of the State House be directed to furnish the room assigned to the minority floor leader at a cost not to exceed $50.00.  (188)
4 April - Senate bill 537 entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to construct and install an elevator in the State House at Annapolis, Maryland," passed and returned to the Senate.  (2147)

12 February - Ordered by the House that the Speaker appoint a coal-passer for the State House furnace, to serve from date to the end of the Legislative Session.  Bill passed and sent to the Senate.  (347-348)
14 March - Senate bill 17 entitled an "Act to appropriate a sum of money to defray the cost of carpeting the Senate and House of Delegates," passed and returned to the Senate.  (1101-1102)
15 March - Unfavorable report adopted re: House order to pay $45.00 to each laborer employed in the House of Delegates during the 1912 Session.  (1130-1131)

28 January - Superintendent of Public Buildings ordered to furnish and set in place a suitable screen before the main entrance to the House Chamber for the protection of the health and comfort of the members of the House.  (194)
9 February - Superintendent of Buildings ordered to furnish ventilators for the three windows in the retiring room of the House where the general stenographers of the House are at the present working.  (427)

11 March - House Joint Resolution to prohibit the use of the Old Senate Chamber for the purpose of any meeting or other business whatsoever, is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (479)

11 December - Joint Resolution requesting the State Geological and Economic Survey Advisory Commission to remove its exhibit from the Old House Chamber and place it elsewhere, is passed and sent to the Senate.  (450-451)

5 February - Ordered by the House that the Speaker be requested to take whatever steps may be necessary to see that sound or amplifying equipment is placed in the House Chamber, so that all the members may be enabled to hear the proceedings.  Order read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (248)

19 January - Ordered that the Superintendent of Public Buildings be requested to install in the corridors of the State House, electric bells to be used for informing the members of the legislature that the General Assembly is about to convene.  (97)
24 January - Resolved that the Chief Engineer of the State House be authorized to install a loud-speaker system in the House Chamber; one microphone on the Speaker's stand and one microphone on the Reading Clerk's desk.  Cost not to exceed $500.  (125)
6 February - Resolution relative to the installation of a sound amplifying system in the House Chamber, read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (244-245)
23 February - Speaker authorized and directed to purchase the Loud Speaker System equipment now in use in the House of Delegates Chamber, the cost thereof not to exceed $500.00.  (442)
23 March - House resolution requesting the Governor to include in the Supplemental Budget funds for decorating, painting and improving the Old Senate and House of Delegates Chambers and the State House generally, is sent to the Governor.  (1312-1313)
29 March - House resolution 30 requesting the Governor to provide in his budget for certain lounge rooms in the State House, passed and sent to the Senate.  (1634-1635)
3 April - House bill 794 authorizing a committee of 3 to contract for and cause to be installed in the House Chamber, an electrical voting or roll call system of the latest design and construction, at a cost not exceeding $36,000.000, passed and sent to the Senate.  (2246-2247)  Also, motion to reconsider the vote of House bill 794 is rejected.  (2258)  Also, Senate returns House Joint Resolution 30.  (2422)

21 March - House adopts unfavorable report regarding Senate Joint Resolution 5 entitled, "A Joint Resolution relating to the cleaners of the State House."  (1454)
26 March - Resolution requesting the Legislative Council to investigate the cost of air conditioning the House and Senate Chambers is adopted.  (1768)
27 March - House Resolution 7 entitled, "Joint Resolution providing for flood lighting the dome of the State House," passed and sent to the Senate.  (1916)
31 March - Senate passes and returns House Joint Resolution 7.  (2639)

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12 January - House Resolution commending the Governor, the State Engineer, Legislative Council, and the Council's Committee on State House Improvements for the manner in which the improvements to the State House were accomplished.  (120-121).

1950, Special Session
27 July - House Resolution requesting the Department of Public Improvements to install at least two additional drinking fountains on the second floor of the State House is read and adopted.  (15)

13 February - House Resolution 28 requesting the Superintendent of Buildings to make a provision for a coatroom for use by visitors to the State House, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (336)
24 March - Department of Budget and Procurement requested to order a complete Stromberg-Carlson Sound System to be installed in the House of Delegates Chamber.  (1267)
26 March - Department of Public Improvements ordered to purchase and install a Stromberg-Carlson Sound System in the House of Delegates Chamber at a cost not to exceed $7,200.  (1305)
28 March - Department of Public Improvements ordered to purchase and install in time for the 1952 Session a complete Thompson-International Electrical Roll-Call System in the House of Delegates.  (1482-1483)

27 January - House Joint Resolution 4 requesting the Governor to appoint a commission to investigate and study development of eastern half of State House Circle for parking facilities for members of the General Assembly and its employees, is passed and sent to the Senate.  (146)
5 February - Committee on Ways and Means reports favorably on House Resolution 12, requesting the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate to study the possobilities of establishing a first-aid room in the State House in order to adequately care for those persons who may be injured or suddenly ill while in the State House.  (217)
9 February - Committee of 3 appointed to study the possibility of establishing a first aid room in the State House.  (238)
17 February - Senate passes and returns House Joint Resolution 4.  (352)
24 March - House Resolution 66 requesting the Legislative Council and the Department of Public Improvements to study the present rest room facilities for women in the State House and to take the necessary steps to remedy the lack of said facilities that presently exist, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1105)
1 April - Committee on Ways and Means reports favorably on House Resolution 66 to take immediate steps to see that the present inadequate facilities are expanded.  Report and resolution adopted.  (1625-1626)  Also, House Bill 869 directing the Governor to make an appropriation in the next budget of $5,000 for preservation of art treasurer belonging to the State of Maryland and housed at the State House, is passed and sent to the Senate.  (1648)
4 April - Senate Joint Resolution 19 requesting the Department of Public Improvements, the Board of Public Works and the Budget Bureau Engineers to study the present heating system in the Court of Appeals Building and the State House in Annapolis and take remedial steps so that the excessive heat which now prevails may be corrected, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1969)  House passed resolution and returns it to the Senate.  (1983)

19 February - House Joint Resolution 6 requesting the Superintendent of Buildings to set apart and make available a room in the State House with facilities for prayer and meditation and for the use of members of the General Assembly, is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (277)
25 February - House Joint Resolution 6 is passed and sent to the Senate.  (414)
1 March - Senate passed and returns House Joint Resolution 6.  (524)

16 February - House Resolution 40 requesting the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds to provide for air conditioning the State House, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (382)
22 March - House Resolution 95 requesting the Board of Public Works, as opportunities occur, to acquire properties around State Circle in Annapolis, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1139)
23 March - Committee on Ways and Means reports favorably on House Resolution 95 in order to beautify the surroundings of the State House, to provide off-street parking facilities for General Assembly members and the general public.  Resolution adopted and sent to the Board of Public Works.  (1241-1242)
24 March - House Resolution 103 requesting the Department of Public Improvements to proceed with the insdtallation of a system of electric voting in the Senate Chamber, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1313)

13 February - House Joint Resolution 15 directing the Board of Public Works and the State Roads Commission to provide adequate parking facilities for members of the General Assembly and certain State House employees attached to the Legislature, is read and referred to the Committee on Rules.  (195)
17 February - House Joint Resolution 15 read, amended and printed for a thrid reading.  (311)
21 February - House Joint Resolution 15 passed and sent to the Senate.  (366)
27 February - Senate passes and returns House Joint Resolution 15.  (571)
28 February - House Resolution 57 recommending the Thompson International Electrical Roll-Call System because it has been in successful operation for five sessions, and has modernized the llegislative process, is read and adopted.  (604)

1 March - House Resolution 43 requesting the Governor to appoint a Maryland State Capital Planning Commission for the development of a comprehensive and coordinated plan for the State Capital and its environs, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.    (648)
6 March - Committee on Ways and Means reports favorably on House Resolution 43, citing an urgent need for coordinated future planning and development of the general environs of the State House and other state government buildings in the old colonial part of Annapolis.  (735)
29 March - House amends House Bill 156 to authorize the creation of a state debt to be used for certain necessary building construction.  Amendment 4 approves improvements to the heating systems in the State House and the Court of Appeals.  (1759-1760)  Also, Joint Report of Chairmen of House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee on House Bill 156: The General Construction Loan Act of 1957.  Money appropriated for improvements to the heating plant of the Court of Appeals and the State House.  Money also appropriated for improvements to the State House grounds to improve safety conditions.  (1767-1773)  Also, House passes House Bill 156 and send to the Senate.  (1881)
30 March - Senate amends and returns House Bill 156.  (1934)
1 April - Conference Committee Report on House Bill 156.  House passes bill and sends to the Senate.  (1973-1974)  Also, Senate passes and returns bill.  (1979)

18 March - Ordered that the sum of $1,200 be expended on the order of the Speaker for the maintenance, repair and purchase of sound equipment for the House Chamber.  (927)

18 February - Ordered that the chairs in the House Chamber for members be replaced prior to the regular session of 1961, and that the present chairs be given to several members each with a suitable plaque attached.  (171)

23 March - Senate Joint Resolution 24 requesting appointment by the Governor of a Committee to consider the construction of a combination atomic radiation shelter and underground parking facility under State House Circle, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  Also, Senate Joint Resolution 26 proposing that a Prayer Room be constructed and maintained in the State House, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1349)

21 January - Ordered that the a large Sound System Board be provided for the House Chamber.  (142)
24 January - House Resolution 13 commending Mr. Richard C. Thomas on his excellent achievement in constructing a model of the State House.  (202-203)
4 February - House Bill 304 amended to include a subtitle requiring the renovation and restoration of the Old House of Delegates Chamber.  (307)
21 March - House Resoluiton 107 expressing appreciation for the first-aid room located in room 202 of the State House, is read and adopted.  (1423-1424)
22 March - House Resolution 108 expressing appreciation for the work done daily in keeping the State House and its surrounding grounds clean.  (1549)

10 March - House Bill 1191 entitled an "Act to authorize the creation of a State debt in the aggregate of $300,000.00 for the purpose of constructing and equipping an addition to the State House in Annapolis to provide additional office facilities and committee rooms for the General Assembly of Maryland," is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (998)

15 February - House Bill 639 is altered to place State Circle property of the State of Maryland, and providing for the care and maintenance by the State Roads Commission, read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (290)
26 February - House Bull 957 is altered to provide that State Circle is restricted from public parking during the General Assembly Session, except for members of the Assembly, read and referred to the Judiciary Committee.  (462)
16 March - Senate Joint Resolution 62 requesting the Governor to appoint a Commission to study and report on the advisability of possible practical architectural changes to preserve the Georgian authenticity of the original State House and to bring the new section in harmony with it, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1163)

15 March - Senate Bill 399, an act to create the office of Architect of the State House and relating to the appointment, tenure, compensation and duties of this office, is read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.  (1337)
24 March - Senate Bill 399, "Governor--Executive and Administrative Departments," is subtitled "the State House Trust."  Read and ordered prepared for a third reading.  (1869)
25 March - Senate Bill 399 passed and returned to the Senate.  (1913)  Also, House Resolution 149 expressing appreciation to the staff of the State House Canteen for their helpfulness during the 1969 Session.  (1954-1955)

10 April - House Resolution 193 commending the Speaker of the House of Delegates for his commemdable efforts to beautify the environs of the historic Maryland State House is read and referred to the Press Room Committee.  (2542)

7 April - House Resolution 218 commending the staff in the State House Snack Bar for a fine operation, is read and adopted.  (2915)

2 April - House Resolution 217 expressing appreciation to the entire staff of the Print Room for their assistance during the 1974 General Assembly Session, is read and adopted.  (3933-3934)
3 April - Committee on Constitutionality and Administrative Law reports favorably on House Resolution 23 concerning cease-fire in Vietnam.  Resolution is a commemoration of the first anniversary of the cease-fire in Vietnam, 27 January 1973, and remembering, with sympathy, the prisoners or war or listed as missing in action, paying tribute to these men through the Maryland Freedom Tree on the State House Grounds as a living memorial and by an annual resolution.  (4065-4066)
4 April - Senate Bill 903 authorizing the creation of a State debt of $500,000 to be used for the purpose of protecting th present character of School Street and State Circle by the purchase and resale with appropriate restrictions of real property located on School Street and State Circle, or by aquisition of architectural easements for real property on School Street and State Circle, is read and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.  (4160-4161)
5 April - Senate Bill 903 is amended, read and prepared for a third reading.  (4289-4290)
6 April - Senate Bill 903 passed and returned to the Senate.  (4525-4526)