Annapolis October 19.1905
The State House Building Commission met
in the Government House at noon.  There were
present The Governor, Hon Saul D. Schmucker,
Hon Spencer C. Jones, Hon Peter J. Campbell
and T.J.C. Williams.  The Architect Mr. Josias
Pennington reported the progress of the work.
At the time of the last meeting, May 31, the
balance of available funds on hand was
$42,818.96 as estimated by the Comptroller.
Since then the last sale of bonds having
been made without premium the balance
is reduced by $5,672.30, leaving as the
actual balance $37,146.66.  At that
meeting and since, work on the State House
including change of the Old Senate Chamber
was ordered, costing $20,930.00 leaving
the present available balance $16,216.66
This report was accepted.
Mr. Pennington reported that this balance
is sufficient to complete and furnish
the State House Annex ready for the Legislation.
The Architect was instructed to procure
the necessary furnishings.
It was ordered that the three doorways opening
into the rotunda be changed to conform to the
one opening into the Senate Chamber which
has been already altered.  The old rotunda
and the interior of the dome were directed to
be frescoed in plain color.
Upon motion the Governor was requested
to sit for his portrait to be paid for by the
Commission and to be hung in the new
Senate Chamber.
Mr. Pennington reported that he had arranged
with Mr. Ephraum Keyser, the Maryland
sculpter to carve the coat of arms of
the state in the pediment over the new
portico.  This was approved butnthe be-
ginning of the work was ordered to be
deferred until the close of the next
session of the General Assembly.
The Governor reported that he had obtained
from the U.S. Naval Academy the old marble
mantlepiece which was in the old co-
lonial Governmet House.  The mantel was
set in the Offices of the Governor.  The Governor
presented it to the State.  On motion adjourned.
T.J.C. Williams Sec.