Annapolis May 15.1902
The Commission met in the Executive
Office at 10:30 a.m. the Governor pre-
siding.  There were present the Governor,
the Comptroller, the Treasurer, Judge
McSherry, Judge Schumacker, Senator
Elijah Williams, General F.C. Latrobe and
T.J.C. Williams.  Mr. Josias Pennington
the Architect was present and explained
the plans which had already been ap-
proved by the Executive Committee.
The adoption of these plans were rec-
commended by the chairman of the Ex-
ecutive Committee.  Gen. Vandiver and
upon motion of Gen Latrobe they were
adopted by the commission.
Upon motion of Comptroller Hering it
was ordered that the present buildings
which are to be removed shall go to
the contractor for the new addition a
proper allowance for the material to
be made in the contract.
Upon motion of Judge McSherry the Chair-
man of the Executive Committee was
authorized to draw upon the Comptroller
for funds to be paid out of the appropri-
ation and the Comptroller was authorized
to pay his drafts.
Upon motion of Judge McSherry it was
ordered that a clause be inserted in the
contract for the new addition to the State
House requiring the building to be
under roof by January 1.1903 and
completed by July 1.1903 and that there
be a penalty of $100 for each day that
the contractor shall be in defaut.
Upon motion of Judge McSherry it
was ordered that the advertisements
for bids for constructing the building
shall specify that the contract shall
be awarded to the lowest responsible
and available bidder and that the
Commission reserve the right to
reject all bids.
Upon motion adjourned
                    T.J.C. Williams