Baltimore Sept 24. 1902
The Executive Committee of the State Building
Commission met at 11 o'clock.  There were
        Hon. F.C. Latrobe Chairman, Hon James
McSherry, Hon Murray Vandiver, Hon J.W.
Hering and T.J.C. Williams
On motion of Judge McSherry the architect
was directed to engage Henry Smith and Sons
to supervise the construction of the building
and smoke stack to the State Heating Plant.
The cost of the building and stack not to
exceed $11,640 and Henry Smith & Sons
to receive 5 percent commission.
On motion of Dr. Hering the contract for the
boilers & c and the construction of the heating
apparatus was awarded to Crook, Horner,
& Co. according to their bid.
Upon motion of Dr. Hering the matter of
contracting to or purchasing steel cases
for the Court of Appeals building was
referred to the Chairman of the Executive
Committee and the architects.  On motion ajourned.
                        T.J.C. Williams    Secretary