                                    Annapolis. MD, Dec. 20, 1900
To HIs Excellency, Gov. John Walter Smith
                and the Board of Public Works of Maryland;
            By direction of the mayor, counselor and
Alderman, and the Permanent Improvement Commission of Annapolis,
I have the honor to transmit to you the following copy of an order
passes by the said bodies at a meeting held on Oct. 11, 1900.
    Ordered it is the sense of the joint bodies, that
the [__???], under direction of the street committee
should have all plans, specifications, and advertisement
for all street paving completed under the provisions
of the Permanent Improvement Ordinance ready by the First
day of February next, in order that all contracts from
said be awarded by the First day of March
next, work to begin on the First day of April next.

            Phil. E. Porter, Clerk