Letter to Council of Public build
The Council have appropriated
an additional sum of one thousand dollars for the
grounds and enclosures around the State House-
I am directed (in the absence of Mr. Puilling) to
state to you the wish of the Council that the money
should be expended-in the first place, to complete
the wall; in the next place, to make the gutter
and fix the stones to conduct off the water
being the object which appear most necessary.  The Other object embraced in the
Resolution of the House will require much of the
money remaining of the appropriation, and the Council do not feel at liberty
at present to go farther than what is absolutely necessary
to secure the present work-It is with much
pleasure that I am at the same time directed to
convey to you our acknowledgments for the
attention and personal superintendance you have given-
& helping you will continue to enjoy much pleasure from so handsome
an improvement to your City.
I am [signed] LC (?) ~