Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 693   Enlarge and print image (46K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 693   Enlarge and print image (46K)

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WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON. 665 these few and uncertain years, shall we push off this present trouble upon our children, who IMM to stay here a little longer? There is nothing that can so sweeten the bitter cup of mortality when we shall be called to drink it, nothing that Can so cheer us in the prospect of parting from all we love, nothing that can send such a blessed light on before us into the dark valley which we must enter, as the consciousness of fidelity to man and to God. And now in these times of great trouble which have come upon us, we have a peculiar and special opportunity of testifying our fidelity, and of enjoying a full experience of its power to support us. We may gather from this trouble, a sweetness that shall take away from all suffering its bitterness. We may kindle that light in our bosoms, which shall make death come to us as a radiant angel." Four months after the above was uttered, on the 28th of April, 1861, after the attack on Fort Sumter, and the whole North had burst into a flame, people of all denominations flocked to Dr. Furness's church, as to that church which had shown that it was founded on a rock, and none can ever forgot the long-drawn breath with which the sermon began: " The long agony is over!" It was the '' Te Deum" of a life-time. Dr. Furness's words and counsels were not wanting throughout the war, and his sermons were constantly printed in the daiiy press aiid in separate pamphlet form. And since its close he has continued his absorbing study of the historical accounts of Jesus. Dr. Furness was born in Boston, in April, 1802, and was graduated at Harvard, in 1820, and five years later became the minister of the First Congregational Unitarian Christians, in this city, and is consequently the senior clergyman, here, on the score of length of pastorate. Happy is the man, and enviable the gospel minister, who, looking back upon his course in the great anti-slavery contest, can recall as the chief charge brought against him, that of being over-zealous! That he spoke too often and said too much in favor of the slave! There are but few men, and still fewer ministers, who have a right to take comfort from such recollections ! and yet it is to this small class that the cauae is most indebted under God, for its triumph, and the country for its deliverance from Slavery. WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON. The character and career of the leader of the movement for immediate emancipation in this country, are too well known to be dwelt on here; nor, in the space at our command, is it possible to give in full those facto of his life which have already appeared in print. His earliest biographer was Mary Howitt; and another even more famous authoress, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, in " Men of Our Times," has stood in the same relation to him, while his